Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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Al tn i ASHIJGTON SATURDAY JANUARY i 5 1856 i I i i 1 1 ib i i st i i i 1 VOB11 KO! 14493 4 SALES i ih 81LES THIS DAY SALES AT AUCTION THE" JUDGE THE COURT (Union) or tre lb De an ld I of the nd fice med just vr Knight) Pictorial Aluseum nth 1' PJH JI dec 18 0o2tn PROPOSALS OR UPPLILS OR MARINE 3 Conrt i 7VMI'UUa I jl non coin missioned epaulets red worsted sashea I i Terms JI if 800(1 yard 6 4'Uu kersey i i 1000 marine gray blankets to weigh 5 pound each) 4000 woollen socks pair 1 300 yard scsfrlot cloth i 'i ii i ill 4 Postage i erk Proposals will also he received up to the same tim for the an feature of 1 i i iLJis uniform eoat i i iil jan 6 2awAd I A HUNKLIN Sea months for notes bearing 4 Blekmlth 33 1 Penn avenue between Vthiand 10th strees I I I 1 1 jan 6 Ajietitjneer lfe yeatfljfc 3 leers mt of hey cf i bf plied paid 5500 400 400 and Bon two ns to hed :1 co ewt def im i der A GREEN Auq i Oliver irk is? lisa ual 500 rally paid ed id 24 ained qfeara istikt eoart at the to lay in hat if hinge I seek ppear this pb as ifcar 3 renum ST 1 4 8000 2500 StOO 200 Mrs ranklin Secretary Mrs Henderson Mrs Hodge Mrs Sherman Mrs McPherson Mrs Johnston Mrs Merrick thl tee the later a the and I' ini for lieu first de Will lerfca I Stat raving i Mew ing Ki thirl nder th in eounterstrap brass waist plates i brass breast plates I i Class No 2 stocks (patent leather) nd re I 1 ENDORsem*nT THE NATIONAL RECORDER real that ithatbl to ul the lat he who oney lavid JAS jMca'UIRM A'CO i Auctioneers 1000 1000 100 1000 enrtridgeiboxee lUUU nercussion cao 1 luuu 250 in said I ed se lid nd at rd aoh ts 1 of ion fUITY NOTICE? their" it Jaw termbcesdsttb 1 jan 5 etrkdsi rpRUXTj 'li ed erb Gigone pour I860 15 cents I VW A unuuiuvnuj JUU4 4OJ9 As CCUWa I Imported from Paris by RANCK TAYLOR iM GRJEAT PAINTING Village on free exhihi ion st I TAYLOR 4 I 314 Penn near 9th street rdhsA swith county xt fcr tat et mhJ lereall to reread) bored to the ss i rUnioal II ii Anotioneors I i 5 jlP i i The ahoyc ilale I unavoidably postponed until nn rl or 1 hr ls a ri ba ma It nwr 1 i 1 i Hi (ZEPHANIAH JONES TrurtoeW I JAS Ci McGUIRE A CO L' i Hi Illi a Ji ai ri'i i'isiTiiisaii i 275 Rev Mr Sunderland 4 st Presbyterian Church 112 60 18 60 I '57 70 si 9 vu3j(i tv 'ti i hi jpwcMtucvie Jpj0 fThejabuV aAlels: tioutponeij i until ilTiiesday lernoon January same hour and rilseej ir 1 I WM! If WftPll 'TAftl ft I ir I I I MStlUilRKia CO aU 14 (I I i jfllnion) i I 1 1 i Chaplain Service Rev rr Pinckney rec tor lot the Church of the Ascension will preach at the Capitol on Sabbath mip nirg at 11 Ki5r Tbe Kv Profesenr Johnson of Dickinson Col lege may bo dxpcc'ed to preach in Wesley Chapel (M Church) to morrow morningmt 11 The Members of Excelsior Lodge No 17 are nobbed to meet at Old Hall 7th street on Sunday (to morrow) afternoon at one precisely to attend the funeral of their late brother Jons Barce Members of sifter lodges are fraterna ly invit'd to attend jan 15 WM COOPER Secretary Rev Dr Suddards of Philadelphia will by Divine permission trench in Trinity Church to morrow (Sun day) morning 'at 11 and at night al half past 7 Jl 1 1 1 Hmithsonfan Oil Monday levelling Rer Comimqs of Ohio willllecturd on Rome with bistort reminiscences of the kingly republican and imperial periods The lecture a ill commence at o'clock jan (Star States i 'or I 'il llni lT jww Voting Bible Saturday evening at Bpo'clock at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian AtaomatioBi Pennsylvania avenue opposite Browns Hotel eondoeted hy Rev Ur Ravsow The young men of the city atsd wronger are particularly invited There will be! young prayer meetiug at the same pinch irom 7 to 8 drclock i ir dec 2t The jLadies ot the Union Benevolent Society earnestly entreat thunc who feel interested in the condition of the poor to send their donations to Mr Ballantyne's Religi ouB Bookstore to enable them at once to purchase wood They have not a single stick and the weather is very severe and coniinuedrdernffnds ore made by the suffering poor 0bDr Stomach Bitters increases in popularity wild) all who test its qualities as a Tonic or remedy for Dyspepsia and the affections arising from a disordered stomach Jt fcS prepared with groat care and its component parts are entntly vegetable it is free from the objections so often urged against preparations! of the ktnd The Bitters may be uned with confidence and beneficial effects by all suf fentig from cnanplaiftttf of the stomach As a medical agent it bs no equah nhilo its pleasing flavor and hoalthfaj effects have made it general favorite I Ii is free from all proper ties calculated to iiripiir the aytem and its operation is at once mild southing and efficient All who have used thei Bitters attest iffis virtues and commend it to use or sale by and dealers generally every where and by i HOSTETTER A SMITH I i Manufacturers and Proprietors 1 jan 1 eolw No 54 Water and 58 ront sts ill I All 1 LlUftl Williva Gregory Robert emiewn I ThomA Keith I Willibui owl John II Brent 4 JohniR Damgerfioli ii ir ANTHONY GOVER Pretident Ill Edward HOngn James Smith ri I Robert Violettj i ThomM McCormick Smith Hj1 diii WATTLES Secretary I Hauxox Agent i i No 520 Seventh street opposite the Intelligenrer Office i Hue inkl nursery by Mr Silsbee Price 75 cent I I TAVTni SEALED PROPOSALS til Monday the 7lh of for furnishing the following supplies (Class 1 2 the ue may be) for th year 1859 vise i i'V I' i bx Ass 1 800 uniform caps complete I 2 BOO pompons I 1 ZOV 50 I 850 1500 I I 1500 ban uuuoiu B'llil 1 ECT maturing payei An rnn of Dee i' 4c for A7'" Ut Pcial attention will kepmj theroHte of Claims Depositions Acknowledgment ofDeeds tc i IL i in and handaomelyV urnlsliei! Hous at Irate Hale The subseri reuthtxiwd to s4U the ernilurejmd Effects of a em 1 ff pniffhnd liolnfa nn Rtrwt sl Umpe house which rents for $350 haying a front of sixty feet on I street by mav be by the purchase of the urni t1 su foot alley i I IIOOVEK (late United State Marshal for tho District of Columbia) has associated himself with Walts Davids Esq counsellor at lawfi Bn iness before the United States Supreme and Circuit Courts the Court of Claims and tbs Executive Departments promptly attended to (Address Davidse 4 Hoover Washington I jan 13 6t LOST on Sunday evening i on street between th corner ot and ifteenth i streets a GOLD BAND which the finder will please leave at this office A reward given if required' i jan St A llASi iidGUIRE 4 CO i Auctioneer I I teat Chairs an A Rocker a ventre oiue ana vara tallies Wardrobes Washstands and Rack Marble top Pier Tables and Wa htan I nov I13m 1Ll lip VV1I1IAM 1 DOVE fc CO' 'Ill I i tlth lyttuet a few doors north ofJPenn avenue BEG Iocvi to announnq to tho citiiens of Washing! that they are now prepared to exeente any drders which they may be ared with in the I 1 i and Steam illing business' The respective branebes will be under tho super vision of (killfnl workmen from the North where practical experience has familiar with all the modern im provements In fact they have spared neither trouble nor expense 4 procure the vary best workmen i I Invite attention to our stock of CHANDELIERS end other Gas ixtures i in I Jffrirt attention in the execution of or ders andlTair prices induce ns to hope for ia share of public patronagtb I i d0 I i IN tiQ lh NO 13181 1 Circuit Court of ithe District of VoInmbU I Jolin Boone vs William Boone And other i THE JEruktee in tho kbove cause haring reported under oatbjthat on tho 17 th day of December 1858 after due notii A Of the time plnee anil terms of stile he sold theoutb half of Lot No 12 1 in square No 46 tn the city of Washington to Riehanl Jila for the sum of $5950 and that said purchaser hath sine complied with tbetcfmsof laid sale Notie hereby givety that a motion for tho final ratifi cation ofiitli said tale Will be made during the succeeding term of tA said Circuit Court I 1 ClabkiJ A Smith Solicitor for complainant 1 1 i jan 5 3aw3w Test JNO A SMITH Clerk i 'I Muueiaar rea jacaeis ir( I'ilir orms of offer can Le procured on application to this office and two responsible sureties must be furnished whose suffi ciency must be certified by a United tales judge district at torney or navy agent No proposal will bo considered that does not Strictly1 com ply with the form issued from this office iL I Proposals will be eudorscdl Proposals for furnishing sup plies for the Marine and addressed to I ill: Hti SUTHERLAND Qdairterqsastar Th and Wasiingtonj th Argus Portland Maine Concord Portsmohtb Hi Bridgeport Bridgeport Conn )New London New (London Cohn and Boston Mass New Bed ford Now Bedford Mass and Albany NY "Journal of New York 'Penn jnd Philadelphia Pfaila delphia Penn Alexandria Va Pensacola la New Orleans and i Mobile Ala will publish (he above three times a week until 7th of ebruary next and send bill with copy Of thib adver tisem*nt to this offic for payment They wilLalso send the paper containing th first advertisem*nt to thia office for ex amination I jan 10 3taw1t7b I 1 (i i ill I fOHPM If Hiili lL I 1 L'l 4J'(I Quawermastkr's OrncE Corps iipi i IoftAmytonj January 5 lb59! ii Will be received at this omee un nf ebruary next at 3 o'clock PM i 4 '5 as To the Ediiort of the Natioeuil Inlelligenter Gketlemek i Permit me through the medium of your valuable paper to say a few words in praiee of a merito rious efficient and able offioer I refer to the Hon Wniriv Pnnif i Court Within the last month the Hon George Bibb and A many other members of the Washington Bar desiring manifest the high estimation in which they hold th Judge for the integrity impartiality and signal ability with which he has discharged the duties of hie office cheerfully and generoualy''subsoribed a sufficient eum of money to purchase a beautiful set of silver ware which was yesterday presented to the Judge as a memorial Upon the presentation I thereof Judge Purcell respond ed substantially as follow That ho knew the gentle men of the Bar above referred to to be gentlemen of strict integrity of high toned honor and of a high order of talents and that he thanked them kindly for their friend ship and good opinion of him but that he must respect fully decline accepting "their kind offer It being unu sualfor a Judge in the District of Colombia to receive any present during his continuance in office I The Judge was appointed by rresiaens rent ana con firmed by the Senate of the United States on the 22d day of December 1838 Immediately after his appointment he turned his special attention to that part of our law known aa the testamentary system of which he soon ac quired a profound and thorough knowledge which en abled him to dispose of oar causes and business coming knfnwa nrt enandtlw mn1 wftkmit Aulaw onrl In illA Gktlffi faction of public The1 Judge is considered by the members of the Washington Bat and all who know him as the ablest Judge of our Orphans Court we have bad irom ua organization to tue present lime uis juriauto tion Is summary and extensive embracing a vast amount and variety of business which since his appointment has greatly increased and is constantly increasing thus making his court the moat important one in the District of Columbia Judge Purcell has had before him causes of vast moment such as had never been before the court since its creation cause involving hundreds of thou Banda of dollars and questions of law of the utmost portanco And in those esses in which appeals were taken to the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia and to the Supreme Court of the lUuiled States his deci aioua wilhout a solitary instance were affirmed by those Courts In short the Judge has by industry and re search earned for himself a name and fame of which any Judge may well be proud AN OLD CITIZEN An ntial Jtnnrf nf ihiEixinl rtf Witnmun nf fit Wadiinqtdn City Protestant Orphan Asylum fur 1858' 1 i i I The Board of Managers of the Washington City Protes tant Orphan Asylum again present to their patrons the yearly report of that time honored ingtilulion which even to our older citizens! is a remembrance of their childhood More than forty years have rolled by since the first orphan was taken under its fostering care Who can tell the amount of evil and suffering from which its helpless inmates have been saved or calculate the physi cal find moral benefits ensured to these destitutechiMren The good that has been done in constantly repeated bo that' we come to our friends with thankful hearts for the assistance they have rendered us during the past year in providing for the necessities of seventy seven children We first acknowledge the ever watchful care of onr Heavenly ather who has not only prompted these kind deeds that have enabled us to continue our mission to his helpless little ones but has shielded them from severe illness or suffering He has seen fit to take from us by consumption two young children whose last hours were soothed by all that kindness and care could devise and who we believe have been removed to that better laud where weary are at I Bince the last report nine girls and eleven boys have been placed under our protection among them one child who hud been deserted by his relatives and several who had been deprived of a watchful care all brought from various situations of poverty and suffering to find within our walls that comfort and happiness to which they had been nlmost strangers 1 Of twenty who have left us during the year twelve were returned to their friends who had become able to provide for them and eight have been' placed in homes where we have every (reason to believe they will be use ful and happy These partings rarely take place with 1 out regret as the children become much attached to their foster home showing that kindness and Jove have been around them We therefore take great pains to assure our selves that the change will be' tor their present and fu lure welfare before giving them into other hands Nearly 1 all of onr childrent ure at present too young to leave na We have therefore bBen obliged to disappoint many per 1 sons who have applied for such as could be useful in a family il (J The domestia arrangements and discipline of our largo family were most satisfactorily carried out by an excel lent matron who for eight itponths was untiring in her kJ zeal ana activity in lumuing tne manifold and aimcult duties of the position Sickness compelled her to leave us amid the regrets of theBoard and the sincere grief of the children But we have every reason to believe that the vacancy has been well filled by the efficient matron who has now taken this responsible situation Through the Industry and energy (of the assistant much has been ac compliohed for the comfort of tlie children for which she deserves our warmest thanks 'Too much praise canuotibe given to oiur teacher for the steady and rapid advance of tho children in their studies The older ones have made good progress in history geography and arithmetic and several have learned lo write a good hand in less than ayenr JThe afternoon of each day is devoted to their Bible lessens1 the monthly repors show that they are under good discipline and their general behavior gives satisfaction: to those who have the care of them ''J '4 1 They have been to enjoy several festivals diir ing the year through the thoughtful benevolence of those who amidst the abundance of their own blessings remembered the orphans (: i fl The absence of Mrs name from our list of managers will be regretted by all who know how long and faithfully she has labored for the good of this insti tution but we only can fully appreciate tho loss of her i long tried experience (and judgment of which her con tinued ill health has deprived us w' We feel deeply the depariura if Rev Mr Eckard from our city whose weekly visit to the children had endear eu unu tv xueui mm wnoae religious instructions we oe lievo have been so Impressive that they will never be for gotten: The Mr Butler Of the Lutheran Church has kindly taken hie place but we again earnestly invite all the clergy of our city jtoi consider these orphans as a part of their charge and to feel assured that they will always be welcome Mrs Eckard's loss is sincerely felt as our Second Di' rectress and an active and interested member of our Board 'J 1 We offer our thanks to Dr: palmer for his prompt and kind attendance when called upon and to Drs Nairn 4 and Palmer for medicines i IV are very grateful for all the donations both large 1 and email that I we have received believing that our friends have given us as God has prospered them We thankfully acknowledge the following sums of money that have been received from various churches in our midst trusting that we may again look to them and othercongrcgations for Assistance during the coming year i rom the Rev Dr Cummins! Trinity Church Rev Mr Butler St Lutheran Church Rev Dr Pyne St Church Rev Mr inkel German Lutheran Church Rev Mr Pinckney Ascension Church Rev Dr Gurley st Presbyterian Church Rev Mr Rodger Ryland Chapel1' Rev Mri Namson st Baulist Church I Although our receipt a for the past year have been about os large as usual and we have endeavored to resiict our expenditures! to what was really necessary we still find: that we have: exceeded our means to th amount of $35503 beside leaving our debt of last year uncancelled We therefore earnestly call upon our fel low citizens to come forward and relieve us of our and enable us toi begin Lhe uew year with a light heart aud well filled treasury We deplore the necessity that compels us year after year to assume the unpleasant at titude of beggars but the apparent forgetfulness or in difference of so many in our midst to this (charity which ought to appeal to every heart must be the excuse for our seeming importunity1 i Amount of money received during the year $397S Amount expended 3973 Debt remaining unpaid 551 Due the Asylum January 1 1859 19ft Debts remaining from last year 672 The following ladies constitute theBoard of Managers Mrs 8 Coxa irst Directress AIim a omitn Mrs Washington Mrs Gillies Mrs 8 Lee Mrs Dr Brown Mrs Bhubrick Mrs Canfield Mies Tavloe By order of the Board I I' Ik Ji'1 REMOVAL l' HOAR Dentist ha removed his office from 2C2 1 if Pen neylvan 1 avenue to the rooma over Kidwell 4 drag atare 3 doors eaat of 14th street jan 13 d8t 1 1 PINEAPPLE DRESSES A HANDKERCHIES CHIN ESH GOODS Chinese rench aad American ans 1 1 American Beni and Bark Work 4c at ll Ii: a I VAN I jan 3t 5 i I 42 Louisians aveuue ill i' 3 xi i' HKKr The undersigned ppeetiuUir tho attention of his and the citizens in general at his stall No 24 Centre Market on Saturdays the 15th of tho month to choose for themselves a roast or steak of the finest animals that have been exhibited in this metropolis for a number of years They are pro nounced by epicures and connoisseurs to be par excellent jan wJtS "(I I I GEO MILLER a II AJmanarh de HUnivers pour 1858 15 cents I Almanack Comiqus pour 1859 15 cents I Almanack Propbetique pour 1859 15 cents II Almanack Astrolcgiqa pour 1859 15 cents Almanaoh pour Eire pour 1859 15 cents i Aliminarffl Mfl ii Almanach Poliehinelle pour 1859 15 cents jan 4 PUHdlSIlKD BY GALES SR AVON TERMS arPAk I By A GREEN Auctioneer 1 i Payable in advance is Al EO AN EXTENSIVE Asort 1 ynent of ancy Dry Good Ribbon lace Acc 1 I ANS'ftlN II DUS I Tuesday tho 18tli uieiant I shall sell by virtue of a deed I 1' (ormerly the Ebbit Hous) of trust duly recorded at the fancy and trimming store cf corner of 'ond 1 41A xtrerU Washington I George Cassidy A Co on Pennsylvania avenue between I A KNIGHT PaorsuaTRRss I 19th and 11th streets at 10 A and continued2 itonsd has been magnificently furnished and I from day to day until all are sold a large assortment of ptl above Ieidy rive Transient aud Goods Ribands Trimmings 4c i( 1 mqroveo doo 8 tf Also a largo assortment of superior fashionable Bonnets Crasu Loar I Hosiery Gloves of every description Handkerchief Aco'l AND1 VOIICT1ON OICES I Terms: All sums undr $30 eash over SO a credit of nftrta Biasxr DAVIS B1RNIE 0 and 90 days for note satisfactorily endorsed tearing in 11 Ron th Third street Philsulelphia' I taresk RICHARD LASKEY Trustee I i a a Biaatr oavta A GREEN I nniNHY 4 DAVIS 18 American Ex Jan Star Auctioneer 1 lime Bonk Buildings New York I By A GREEN Auctioneer xiIlEGTmturiBglPTandraTnded debt through mBUSTEE'b SALE VA1UABIE REAE Es i out the Unitfi btatea Jd Canada and traniact legal I3y virtue of a deed of trust bearing date lusiness'i Philadelphia ew fT June 1857 and recorded among the land records of the Dis A member of each firm Commissioner of Doods4c for lncl pf Colunibi ub A No 135 fuiosSis $14 Mention will be riven to the 1 Ti 41 a Will pen Ml puujic auciiOD OD AUUrSuay 41Q of January 1859 at 4 in front of the Dre unpeg all that certain lot cr parcel of land situpto in the city of Washington and marked and deignate in the general plan of oxid city as lot number five (5) in mpiare fivp hundred and nixtaen (516 said lot ie situated on tha north side of letreet north between 4th and th streets west a uepiu vi 1 4piuv to I iciiu oi BtiQ vuo on rm casn ana oaiance in JAS MeGUIRE 4 CO I mint with interest at six twelve and eighteen months the I Auedoa and Commission Merchant I noes lor the deferred payment to be secured by deed of trust I (Stir sod Ui ivnl I upuu the propsrty Terme of ealo to complied with ia Jvo I I aw trnfttaftk reiw ihftribi 1' aX the risk end cost of the purchaser Alt aonveyancing at the ANDtiK iv LXB trustee A GKEENpAuetiouMr 1 50011' brogans pairs I 1590 knapsacks (gutta perena) in i 2000 fatigue caps navy blue cloth indigo dye 11 I 'L I (Il il I i Class No 31 (i 3500 yards 8 4 navy blue cloth indigo dye La'Di ls Heeled I Double sole Glove Kid Boot 350 I 4 best EnglishlLasting Gaiters $125 un 'best Double sole Mnroccn Boots $J25 i iHeinen's tewed fine Calftkin pnot 876 mu 1 Ch joU and Shoes of every tescripUou all of our own make ti I ROSENTHAL I No 22 Penn avenue fMarket Snaeel second i door above btnjKreec jan eojids' UtionJStar I AttctiorjeetB' 'ly Mi'S til 4k CL A uctldneft 114 Ot AMsUA lllslu tK WadneSdav afternoon Januerv 12tlL at 4 on the ptwnitej bjt virtue of a deed in trust tn ths subscriber tlated ebruary 19th 1853 and duly record ed in LiberpJiA 8 Na 16 Itolins 8 9 and lOone of the land record for Warrington cepnty in the District of Cq lutnhia 1 shall sell the west part of Lot numbered five (5) in Square ifo1 37S fronting! 23 (feet 31 inches bn north street between 9th afi4 0ti streets west running back 187 feet 10) incdies to SOdTcct alley together with the Improve ments eonsifttiog of a substantial brink ibuilding suitable for tho epaeh raking buritiessi i Terms: Doe ihird gash I the residue in six "twelve! and eighteen months with interest secured by a deed in trust oni I i mi iWDUivriir rnwvq VMM VlMftClO I 8 I doc Monday Hth instant) same hour I ii i 1 i I I I I I I I yen ipl i Jl 0 MeGUIRE 4 CO Auots I I By JL MehUIRE ii CO Auctioneer SAIE VAIUABI Ei Improved rogerty pt tit? corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Mneeenth iTuesday afternoon ebruary 8tb 1859 4t 4 plcck" on the yremirjes by virtue ot a dead of trust dated November ipndi recorded inc Liber A No 89 folio 375j et req' on the land rceprds for Washington county the subscriber will sell at public auction to the highest bidder tho following described property1 vi beginning i the intytsection Of Pennsylvania' avonue aqd 19th street aad running theno westwardly along the line of said avenup to the centre of the wall Which divides the 'east ernmost house of the rw known as the 8even Buildings from the secondffiouso the said row commencing from the east end thereeff itliebcoAnarthwardly along th centre of sad dividing well tho yard wall ana along the west line of tho stable on said lotto pbwi alley thence eastwardly along the line nid elleyl ito "raid 19tb street thenoe southwardly along the lne of street to the place of beginning with the improvement consisting of an excellent th see story brick dwel in'gi htuse'with brick stabler 4c (Term mm) known at rale I wWM A MIX Trustees I'i jan A3 Cj MeGUIRE A CO Aneta i BY aIhesTc MeGUIRE co Auctioneer i hAle of blijidingPiots on tbe Itafvirtue off a deediin trnst duly execut ed and recorded th hqbscriberwil! sell on Tuesday the 18(h day of Jattuary 1859 at pnblie sale (at the euefion store of McGuire 4 Co' earner ofilOth Street and Pennsylvania avenue at)4 part of lit No 17 in square No 539 feet in south street by 122 feet 3 inches deep and parts of lqt'24 and 25 in square No fronting 15 ieet on south st'ert by 66 feetiBlinehes deep I i Terms tff tale: One half cagh and i balance Jn 6 and 9 months fey niotes bearing interest secured upon the premises I THUS 18HKB Trustee! I JAS Ci MeGUIRE 4 CO 11IE WESTERN LANCET founded by Prof 1 Lawson ((Medical College of Ohio 1842) Tn Citrctit KATt Medical OBSKRvrK founded by Drs Mendenhall Murphv and Stevens combined as 77 LAX Ct: AA'D OllSER VEH January 1858 New volume begins January' 1859 i Edited by Stevens MD and John A Murphy MD Represents the interests and con tributions of the medical profession in the Ohio and Missis sippi Valleys 64 pages monthly with occasional Medical Portraits and other Illustrations! $3 per annum to single subscribers $2 to le'ubs of two or more remitting together inadvance I Address STEVENS 1 jan eo4b Publisher Cincinnati Ohio OllCE'TO GAS MYERS bavin tr purchased of us th sol right of GATES' GAS ECONOMIZER for the District of Columbia we would re commend to all who with to save their gas and at the same time iucreasq thoiri: light to call and examine the Econo mizer GREGORY 4 GATES jl i ''l ks Tn the Grat place we claim that tho Economiser will pro duce twice the light with tho same expense as the ordinary burner i i I i i that the: Economiser produce much if net more light with from 33 to 50 per cent loss gas i 1 that the Economizer saves and burns the gas wasted by all the other burners now in nse and with it there cannot be by any possibility any waste of gas 1 i Rhe Keonomizcrican be seen al the Plumbing Gas Ind Steam itting Kitabluhinent of II MYERS A CO i i i i No 59 9th st bet st and ij jao 6 dlwtflo1w Penn avenue MR Ei BE IUUT respectfully announces to the ladies that he lias just received a large assortment of Hair Braids Curls Plaits 4c all of which he effere nt very reasonable prims Mr takes this opportunity of offering his services to Ah ladies as Hair Dresser lining qualified to execute all orders in that lino with skill and promptitude AH the latest styles received from Paris every season 1 1 218 Penn avenue between 12th and 13th streets I 1 RANKLIN PHICP I i Ip'f Bookseller 332 Penn av 'I lSa j' I btWMto9th 4 10th street Term': 5Q and uhdbr taish 'over ithat sum accredit of 60nd 99 days ifor ntiiiatisfaetoriiy in terest MeGUIRE A C0 jan 1 UnionjtStar I Auctioneers ft? I I'WA JJ! I i By A GREEN Auctioneer 1 Household furniture caudie Ac at lAuctlun On Saturday morning ths 15ih )ntat I shall ell in front of my Auction Room at 10 o'clock a iarge lot of urniture such i i vi Mahogany Sofas Sideboard and Bureaus I tin II li Do Tables Washstands and Lounges I marble top contre and ride Tables i Bedstead eano and wood seat Chairs i Wardrobe Bookcases Letter Press i i eather Beds Bolster and Pillow Hair cotton and shuck Mattresses i Carpets Oilcloth and Matting 1 China Glass and Crockery Ware i ii A large lot of Ritchea Requisite ii i ii i 10 boxes handles Terms cash Ltt'T or stolen on pr about lte Sth of December 111858 coining from 1 Nw York to Washington'ty Bounty Lanld Warrant No 51128 for one hundred and sji uirneid undea act of March 3 1855 in th name Butterfield ll f' Tbjs ij to giv notice that I have filed my eaveat in the uineia) Land Office to arr st the issuis of a patent and have sbo applied to the Comuaisriotier of Pensions for a duplicate tapwarrantJand hays appointed John Bates as my stterney to attend to mk' interests ip th ro isiua of saidwxmpt fl i wCtrr ALEX BUTTERIELD? Washington January 12 1859 The following was' adopted at a meeting of clergymen of this city on January 12 1859 and signed first by the chairman and secretary of the meeting and afterward by nil the ministers present We the undersigned pastors of churches in the city of Washington having seen the prospectus and first num ber of a monthly periodical called The National Re corder of Literary nnd Religious publish ed by Dr Da Johnson in this city and so far as we understand Aha spirit and objects of the enterprise cordially approving and endorsing them and believing also that if it should be carried out hereafter in a man ner to realize the hopes cf its present promise great good may be accomplished at the same time considering that so far as hpe responsibility or conducting the paper is concerned itpests solely on the proprietor and editor and not on theiiphstors or churches do hereby recom mend it 'to our respective congregations and the pnblie generally andexpress the hope that it may speedily ac quire a generous patronage nut only here but through out (he country i Rev Isaac Coi Chairman i the loth street Baptist Church Rev MoaCA Secretary Pastor of Wesley Chapel Rev Pastor of the street Pres byterian Chureh Rev Byron Sunderland Dr irst Presbyterian Church Rev Joshua Morsell Rector of Christ ChurclG Rev Mason Noble Sixth street Presby terian Church llevf Butler English Lutheran Church Rev George Samson street 'Baptist Church Bev( Nadal oundry Chapel Rev John GraMbery Ch'areh South Rv Swentzel MiSP Church Rev Bitteager 7th st Presbyterian Church i 1 MARRIAGES At New Caalle Delaware on tbe 1 1th instant by the Rev Brprswdoii Dr LEWIS A EDWARDS 8 Army to bliss ELIZABETH daughter of the late Dr Jams CourcB On the 13th instant near Poolesville Maryland by the Rev Mr Cobnslius DAVID C1S8EL Esq of thia city to MassSABAH daughter of the late Samuel lot 'ng of tnq tormer place DEATHS On the morning of the 14th instant after a long paibful illnesi John1 Thompson Polkinuorn eldest Olivin and Hannah Polkinuorn aged rears and sixilroonths The friendd cf the family are respectfully invited to attend the fusteral from the residence of his grandfather John Thom phon 'on Saturday evening the 15th instant at three 1 On the 14tlj instant of scarlet fever Ann Cathsbinr only daughter of Jmls aud Josephine Stone aged six years and fou months i i Her funeral will take place from the residence of her parents No ifth street on Sunday morning Jan uary 16 at Terms: $30 sandundori cash ever that amount a credit of thirty and exiynday 'for note satisfactorily endorsed bearing interest I JAS MeGUIRE i janl4 il j(StaT) iji? Auction 'By JAMc mJguJRI3 As 'CO AucUont'A rs1 I AJLEei sBy virtue of a deed of trust from (James Crdtchett dp'tffi October 1 4j 1857 and of a reser vation in a salq under a pfeions dyed will offer atauction on Thursday daj of January Instant nt 4 on the jj etniwis Lot and i lihe Baltimore and Ohiq Railroad bubdlvuiun of iLoti foutt (t)in Square bv hundred land seven ty feur (54) fronting each twenty five feej )x apd a qitar itches on Indians avtnue The property ii valuable a buildjng Sil aud likely to ineluded in thd extanaloA of th Oapttol ground 1 Truis of sa'6 One third bf the purchase money tube paid in cssb and two approvshl and teoqred bow for the residue at three And sik months' in equal ppymenta with interest to be given on the pod Ehould: th purchaser fail to comply with th Iftrmi'of th Trust may remit on th spot at th and epst of the tirSt purchaser! nr ati hi discretion may unidr the property ld to tih next highest bidder I I1 I WAWMl Bi VUAI9 I "I I JAS Mi A I jan 2awAds Union Auctioneer By Jas McG GIB A co Auctloiiwrs' bAIidOl' yAYUAIILICi HEAL I Kfctatn Hv virtua at a deed of trust baaritur date uu day of Ai 1 1) 1856 and duly recorded pn liber A 8 Itji feiioB 211 Ac 4 ope of tho febd ro" eorda for Wallington eGrtpty D'iC will ellat public auction on Atuirsuay uanuaryi icxn igav at muitpaat tour in front of the premise a part of Int num bered two and three in numbered I five hu rid rod and fifeenin tho tety of Washington the sad part ofaid lota having a front of 42 feet on north street aud a Uepth of 96 ft and 11 'Jfleh i'l! i ll I I Tho above property 1 vqry desirable belngiin an improv ing part of the being sufficiently large for two good bui ding lota 1 1 I 1 1 1 Terms of sale One thifd in cqsh fifty dollar of which trust bo paid down ptlthe time of sale pnd the remainder in three equal piiypienta' ia sixl twelve and eighteen months after tho day pl With interest and secured by deed ot trust to the satisfaction uf the trustee Term ot sale to complied with iq tiv dy otherwise thia trusts reserve the i right to reselliat' theirisK apd cost of th first! purchaser All I conveyancing at fihq out ot ithe pUtchMer' Il i I i i wm xi ivAiiu Trustee i JAS MeGUIRE A COi (Vriiiti I I ii Auet5onecr a Swa afternoon Jspuary IStE name hour aad place I '1 I III I WM ir Ward Triistern i kU sli Ir Am ri Mun rut nw re rai BRILLIANT THE EXCELSIOR 1 ainting Depot I HAVING been permitted by Divine Providence to pas safely fbronrb another year I am Viry thankful to be ahi to repeat tbe announcement to my friends and fellow citizens that i i I I 1 I STIL 1 And being in tho enjoyment of vefy 11 altering prospect for tho future I am enabled to offer them my best thnk for their very hheral patronage during the past yey and to be speak it continuance under the confident belit that I am now better than even before prepared to them ac ceptably i i i'l PK I House Sign and Decorative Pmnting Depot Il 1 53 Luuisiana avenue bet end 7th st 1 jan eolsn States LMANACtL Du Monde lllustiie pour 1859 A 15 censiu si riTKK' i 1U1 St EKS AT AUCTION Ll a 1 4 I i i By McGUIllE A Cli1 Auctioneer PERK31P ORA HALE OBINKETS'CARJ petlii' ready made Clothing' handsome Jewel O' Ate to load On Tuesday morning Janury I8tb at 10 alstor Seventh street bel tween and Ptroot we shall eelfi all (be (Stock in trade tj close business i i I so pair Blanket SL yard Carpel 11 II I I l0 silk and velvet VMt variety of Shawls Lot of Harjiware and Looking Glass s' I I Castors Wiiterisilvngplated Wat i 1' 1 1 i i Gloves Guttlet Back NecE Tlw I I Lot of Jewelry erfujnory PortetnonnaiosJ Ae I vards sesfrlot cloth red flannel shirts yards scarlet rattinett yards white rattinett Class No pair linen overalls linen shirt fatigue frocks canton flannel drawers: I ''I No buff bayonet belts I 'l buff wai bolt I Jl'i buff cartridge box belH 1 'f '(Mil ponchei 'id bayonet Scabbards i Ii 'in sword bolts i rii i Class No 6 1 I Baas drums complete Tenor drums sword hi Musician swofds (for men and boys) Box wood fife Drum sticks per pair 1 Tenor drum heads and snare) Ear drum heads i i Drum snare sets i LUk' vu 'I ''il iy All the above mentioned articles innst conform in all re spect to tbe samples in the office oil the Assistant Quarter master 1220 Spruce street Philadelphia and nt this office They will be rigidly Inspected and compared with tbosesam ples by tbe Assistant Quartermaster or such porson as may be appointed Such as may be unequal thereto in any par ticular will bo rejected in whichicase the contractor will be bound to furnish other of the required kind or quality with in fifteen day or if that bo not done they will be purchased at bi expense Payments will be made on each delivery pongrMs havomaJe an appropriation to mebt them ora soon thereafter tu an appropriation shall bo made i fur that purpose The quantity mar be increased or diminished option of the Quartermaster on making tbe contract as tho exigencies of tho servaeo may demand if: nJ: I manufacture of Ji' i Ij 11 'iLrLfiTEvJlil ill i Woollen pant I 1 i ib 1 atigue woolle jackets ') Watch coat an i I 1 "i i i 1 red iacket 1 1 By AS CjMcCIIIHE A cb' Auctioneer IMPORTANT SALE RT tL ASS Original au orauitigsT RANKLlN PHILP has tbe pleasure of aninoameing pu the: Invers of art that he has received from ai IVeil know collqcior a consignihent of first clas Pamlind aad wtr eolor Drawttgs whieh it i bis intention th public auctori without reserve on Tuesday th 18th uf January iosk 7 PJM at his ine Arp Gallery 332 Pennsylvania avenue between 9th and 10t jl I Tho wurki eomprisoj Spo imen by Pyne Brigg Rt AEarle Ifowness iLwjs iT Danby A 11 Wil lis Muller tJjWiliaomTl: edt Branwhite Maguire Pother Poule Ar RiAoAnd Kenneth McCleay I i I I i lk''tonqfi Ethool Ii ii '11 Chavet Tjounteiulnri Paget Broebsirt Colgnard Achille Zo Devedefix Lei Dtouhyn Tesson Pille and(Lanfant de Met I life Ii I Ll Is I I With two fine rapre senting the Biegea oflOstend i i I I 1 7A ro4t Zrrrjey i I i llagh JatiumjJl Torner George rippS Philp Richardson i tavui ioti Bentley Role iPearsonH Wil lis crd Rowbothamfi Jenkins sand Burhidge i I A guarantee of it reutheqti ity will be given on demand with every work svldrcand the attention of eonpoisseur is partiefllarljt requestedt 1 I I The painting and drawing will be on view Gallery of tee undesigned bn And ftn Monday next the iOtb ins stant wherp inav ho' obtained and will for warded fieq by mail on application i I i 4'i 'ii' ii i Tf i tTtrr fit tirtTiii i ii'' i BY A GREEN Auctioneer rrm: UNDERSIGNED TRUSTEES UN HER A I tleeteo of th Circuit Court of the Dtatrict of Columbia pTr ed on the 7th day of December 1853 in a cause between John Hooper ind others as eomplaioanM md WilluiA Bird heirs and others defendant fNo 1202 in equity on Tuesday tbe 1st of ebruary 1859 at 4 in tM after noon on the premise sell at public auction to the fih'ghost bidder the following property (or so much land parts thereof as may bo neceary fer the aid William Bird) in Washington city in lot No 14 in square Noi388 fronting on south between 9th and 10th street west with the improvement thereon lot and 8 in square No 356 lots A and in rd sub division of square No 463 fronting on Cth treat weft south street and Maryland avonue and part of origiraUot No in aid square 463 with tbe improvements lotatNo 13 and 14 la square No 636 on routh Capitol near (South street Terms of ale One third of tho purehare moneys In cnsh end the residue in three eqnal payments of six twelve and eighteen months from the dey of saloj the deferred payments to bear interest from the day of eale and the payment of the same to be secured by tbe bond with scanty to he approved hy the trustees and a lien retained onlhe pro mise rold Jf the terms of sale are not complied wits withm five days the premises will after one judIs3 BtfMfe be rtold at the risk and cost of the purchaser The safer will commence with lots 14 in squkre 388 AJ1 conveying to be at th expenre WM WOODWARD Trustees A HRrJEN Auctioneer I BAIaIj A metrical description of Balt giveu( tt Washington April 94858 dedi to Mr? Senator! Gwin 1 wire quarto printed on Vwtftapw Pric 50 or sale at jS I RANKLIN Bookrtore 332 Pen avenue bet 9th and 10th ts sJPhem court i the 'united states Ao 104 December Term IHSiS i til I i APrtal from the Circuit Cnurt I of the United State lor the Woirhcru District of Alabama Sidney Collin appellant I i I 1 1 William Cleveland and James Campbell A I SEWARD of counsel tor the appellant hav Wggetad to the Court that James Campbell appellee had died pending thi appeal now here od Court for atfi erdar that unless the proper repre the said James Campbell deceased shall become 1 ttu within tlie firs ten days of the next term of this appellant shall be entitled to pen the record hearingto hat the decree of the Court below re er i1 erronedu On consideration whereof it is hore ordered by the Court that unless the proper repre enUtives of the said James Campbell deceased shall be within the first ten day of the next term of Court that then the appellant shall be entitled to opqp I Uid ion a hearing to have the decree ot the Court feUT jif jt be erroneous: Provided a copy ofrnuerder shall ba printed in some newspaper at the seat of Which the laws of tho United State shall be authority for three auccessivo week at least sixty the beginning of the next term of thi Court J7i 1 a eoI I WM THOS CARROfiL w3w I Clerk Supreme Court 8 BY WALL fc BARNARD Auctioneers SALE CLOAKS RAGLANS CIRCULARS Talmaa Shawl Ate On Saturday moruingJanu ary 1 Sth at 19 We shall sell at Store NolXU9 Penn ytania arenue louth side between 9th and 10th street a large assortment cf I I i I i Cloak(Ta'ms Caph '1 'i Raglans Circular Shawl 4c 'I With many other articles unnecessary to enumerate all 'of drhich will be sold without reserve I 1 I Trmi tub A BARNARD (dates) i Auctioneer' Removal of the school op design of the Metropolitan Mechanic Institute lt i With pleasure that the i Committee on an non ano to tbe publiclhsd owing to the large nnmbsr ef ap plication for admition tothe School they havq been eom pel'ed to remove to more commodious accommodations il They have secured the large and convenient room on 7th street between aad second house above tbe States office snd opposite the office ef the National In I I i Thn Committeo venture to express tho hope that this aqi ditional proof of a desire on the part of the Institute to Extend the benefit of the School will meet with the sympathy and pecuniary encouragement of the eitizonsof Washington and that the collector who will soon i call iupon them fop their contributions to this important and publie' spirited enterprito will find members toady and willing to co operate with the Board of Management in it permanent establishment and enlargement 1 1 I I i 0 Day of Tuition: Tuesday and day evenings from Ito 10 PM i i (i I ii i jan 'V MARKED DOWN ROBEM SHAWl DRESS Goods Merltioi'B Mik and all Winter iDoods throughout our entire Stock i ii The whole offered at Ma ked down rather Ilian pack em away in the spring this being the last season that We expect to occupy our present store room for tbe sale of winter good I lit One price only marked in plain figures hence no pat ch ashr is deceived I' I fl i We are not opening any new account 1 AU bills presented monthly for payment in cash An examination of stock solicited it: incurs no obligation to purchase 2 EHRY 4 BROTHER i I i Central west building ip ii doc 30 lOtif I opposite Centre Market TTjlSITOUS TO WASHIliGTON will find at Book and Stationery Store all the elements of a first class establishment The stoeki replete with novelty in cludes a choice selection of standard and other works! Ame lia and English Stationery (tbe latter of extra fine qnali ties not usually kept) abd every articlq connected with thei trade In addition there is a fine Art Gallery at the rear of the store containing a varied collection of Oil Paintings water color Drawings Photograph Chromo Lifhegrapns and Engravings the inspection of whih is respectfully in vited i i Visiting Card engraved and printed expeditiously I Daily paresis received from tho Northorn cities' Weekly parcels from Europe i' Al the new rench Novels Medical and Scientific Books received on publication RANKLIN PHILP dee 11 332 Penn jivenne between Vth and H)tli st A RCHITECTS AND BUILDERS The UndeL A signed have removed to their new shop on Thirteenth street between I arid streets where they are prepared to furnish designs and drawing and to oontrset for buddings ot every description such country villas chureh edifices city: mansions plain city dwellings Ao I Drawings design specification Ac free of charge Those who anticipate building will please call and seen I i hi iL: if WEST 4 HARDING 'f July fe Architect and BuilJersh I AW and LAND AGENCY Waahliigton ipity I Jfl ii 1 ii Office No 4 HO Pennrtflvania arena! il I SYONng a NiLESfer' mt RICHARD TOUNGrorarOommisionr of thsGene px Land Office and bAMUEDV NILES (late of tho irginia Scrip Revolutionary and War of 1812 Bourty Land Bureau) in the same Department hsvihg entered int(i a co partnership will hereafter give their joint attention to such business as may be confided to their management under the above firm They will devote their attention chiefly to the prosocutioa of Claim before Congress the Supreme Court pf the United! States tbe Cnurtof Claims an! all: the Executive Lteparluienls ot the Government i No 49 Pennsylvania avenue' RKPRXNT THE BRITISH REVIEWS ANJ BLACK WOOD MAGAZINE SCOTT 4 CO New York continue to publish the fol a low leading British Periodical vir 1 The ndoh Quart rly (Conservative) 2 The Edinburgh Riview (Whig) 3 The North British Review (ree Church) 4 The Wost dinrtrr Review (Liberal) i 5 Edinburgh Maeasise (Tory) i Thexoi Periodicals ably represent the three great jertiea cf Great Britain Whi Tory and Radical but poli tic forms only out feature of their character A etgans of i ffi moil profound writers on Science Literature' Morality tad Religion th stand as they have ever stood unrivalled I in tbe werld of letter beirig conidered indir peuasble to the SeUtar jimd the proferrional man while to tbe intelligent leader off ever) cUta they furnish a more correct and tatisfitc tory record ct the current' literature of the day through nt'j wtH than dan bo possibly obtained from any other rtnrce I Early Copie I i The receipt of adsaitce ekevt from (he British publishers I tives additional value to i these reprints inasmuch a they I eta now1 be piaeed in the hand of subscribers about as sqon I the original edition I'H 1 i i I 'ii' Terms I i felH I any ore of the four Reviews $3 I atyr two of tbe four Reviews 5 00 I fcr tryjhree of the ur Reviews 7 00 I fort'lflrur of the Review 4 8 00 I for Magazine 3 90 or Elftck wold aid one Review! 5 Mint wtrrirt4 ni twn 7 00 ij hr BIwkwool and three iReviewl 9 00 fa ArBliekwood and the four Review! IO 00 I Jwij4 current 'tn the State where ferued teill be receivedU i Ji Clubbing A ditaccnt cf twenty five per eentafrom the above price rill Allowed toj Class ordering four or more crp'es of any we or'more of the above work Thus four copies of Black I riaxl Wot one Review will be tent to one address for fat espies of the four Reviews snd Blackwood for 30j and onJ 1 Jj Mi' Postage' I the principal ci tit* aod towns these works will be ifthwftii fne When sent by mail the stge to ranj jrittJ the United States will be but twenty four cret Mack wood and but fourteen rente a year for tach J' I i price in Great Britain of the fire Periodicals i Per erinn i i 9 Kenittatces should always be addressed post paid to the publishers LEONARD pCOTT 4 COi na i I ij j0 54 qo street New York TrtTliSH' ilALL NATCH KZ MtSsUSSI PL itRlS beautihil Malt ty tno introauctwu ui aa avwnuau octi ot toe purenaser ha now received th only addition I 14 uts (Star! wry a ft 1 HiroltA mali A II HUB Ui LUC Ultlbl LfiCffiMkUk ULMLUV 1 butJdinirs the South lor Concerts Lecture and I HANDSOME HHICK WtUSES and Lota of toVnall proper which is in th upper story JL Auctlon On Thurdy th i3Uth instant lahall A tar taw urt fm ta eta floor sixty by fiflefeet withfoovlighte in front Two wwt corner of lot No 7 running thence north 26 feet fn ih retried oUtMtaKtog room open1 on the pisiform in be street thence east 94 feet 4 inches to a ten eel alley thence rJ Jauitor nndpolicemsn provided and no other 1 sooth along atd alloy 26 feet thence west 94 feet 4 Riches 1 dec 1 1 2m I to tho place of beginmrg with ibe improvements which I 1 1 1 I uf Patss Jaaanr tarn ut ft iwev 1 1 All ustu An Afan tts'lnin fp LLtNtt HELLIWG SELLING I f()nr gOOlite rooms built in tho best! manner with OOT SHOES AND RUBBERS of every description Stable and Wood house attached Si (for Ladies Misses Youths and Children at the Ladier I jke Bttention of persons wishing to make a good itiveat toe Store 1 1 I moot is called to the above sale as the property is jut fin XS 16 Penneylennia avenue between St A and 9tk etreete I j9hed and must be sold I nt lnr nnr own cood the City POS Warn Ana! aiV IrBlriA 1 flnt UlwiUi luring the unequalled advantage of securing them at first 1 be deferred pavment to be secured by a deed of trust on ithe 1 ta eke ni inn I 1 1 oitetafttasa ar st tavm vus a usftw aasv acwre vv JU WUrtU) VIVV1V itciuve I 1 ftnr tor in point of fit beauty aod utility htve an ae I jan (Star) A QUEEN Auctfoater nciwUdffeJ aurer onty orer bai muws uu wur uuuuhfmhu naA I nr A A u2 taua 1 nmAeajmn ft til WQ DUllVU UBIKirfi OV 104 W11ICVI I tevtivv a 1 only tofboexamineii to secure a purchaser Also mRUHTEEM SALE EXCELlENT HOUP fn Aare Boctalfor Ladiaa and Misao All selling off at I 1 hold and KI tcheu By virtue of Stdeod otaoauisc i I ot trqst from Robert Cochran jr to the subscriber duly no 33 tf ij I'' CLARK I recorded in Liber A No 78 folios No 341 4o and T7 UVi I bearing date the 15th day of March 1854 I shall proceed to IJoR MALL OK RENT an ecgantiy furnished Real I 8ej at public auction on Tuesday the 25th of January at idencecorneT of end 2lst streets lately occupied by I Oelock A Mt at the residence of the said Cochranton Russian Minis! ar I street south between 13th and 13 streets west rfll tho or Rent an egantly furnished Reridence near Presi Hou ehold and Kitehea urniture named in said died of pquaroi I i I bust consisting ot bon sale Hous and extensive grounds surrounding cor I Mahoeanv fofas Porihe VI WVD 0 Eor xme a number of desirable Building Lots The above property will bo sold low Apply to I rey 27 i dtf jl 1 CHUBB BKOTHKKH Po Dreing CbBmbr Bureau iloR The Moure of Mr Ellst No 288 Gilt framo Mirror Mantel Ornaments street between 17th and 18th streetr will be rented Brussels nnd Ingrain Carpet Oilcloth'taer furnished or unfurnished a the tenant may with I Hair Cotton and Shuck Mattresses ftu is very comfortable and commodious Dwelling and in I Superior eather Beds Bolsters and Pillows ol order It has the uual out buildings of a first class I Hearth Rugs Andiron Shovel and Tong joa I Apply tothe owner on th Heights of Georgetown Curtains and Crraico Window Sb es rby letter through the City Post Office ep eotf Basis and Pitcher Straw Matting 4c I Sideboard Dining and Hull Tables TTALUABIK SSCIUARE OR The Title Cane and wood seat Chair Candle Stands I to the Lot in Square No 515 known as the Green I Comforts Quilts Counterpanes and Blankets tease having been perfected by the Trustee the Sheets Pi low ard Bolster Care tot embraced in the west of said square will now bo I China Gies and Crockery Ware 11 at private al on reasonable term I Coffee Urns Cutlery I Apply to WILLIAM PHILIP I Waitersand Britannia Ware i dee eote No 40 Louisiana as enu pptb general sortment of Kitchen Requisites foo na I3OH KENT Dwalliag bouMi Noi 40 Missouri avenue mt reus to mention take wvTn fs' A very cOtofertable bouse in a desirabte locality at a Terms cash JW LIE Tnytee noderalaranu given immediately Apply to I I QRKEN Aactioneor A WAriransvovJCapitolj HiU or WwH Wa attorney nJ a (GREEN Auctioneer tllw TTALUABLE TRACTof Laud lu Prince KERTi A HOUSE AND URNITURE I County Maryland containing about I6J Ai res at Jj within ten minute: walk of tbe Capitol situate on I Ou Monday the 17th instant I shall m11 'on the nreet between 3d and 4 street comfortably tarnished I promisee at one aa MooUenl Tree oi Land I A Cere I Vlnw ilCn' nalv dwmft (r milao feu Wtalkic ten near the rod io Marlborough from the Navy Yard bridge and bou three mile from Good Hope This tract is known and designated as Stony Ridgty being part of the tract irbirti belonged to William Brown deceas ed1 containing 16 acres more or less' 'Term One third cash balance in 6 12 and 18 months the purchaser to give note for the deferred payment bear ing interest and atisfactorily secured should the pqrhhashrfil to comply with tbe terms in five dsys after the tale the property will be resold by srertis ing tbe same three rimes in the National Intelligencer at the ri' and ret of the delinquent A Auctioneer i Bvl A GREEN Aartioueer BY VIRTUE THREE DEKliS TpUJT from a Crutch tttorue all dated the 20th day qJtfne 1857 and recorded in Liber A 8 No 136 fol ins 2 if Ae 2o Ao and 223 Ac of the land records of Washington county and at the request of the holder of five notes of said Crutchett two qf which notes are secured on tjie pro perty first ereinafter mentioned two secured on tbe property secondly hereinafter mentioned snd one secured on the pro pertv thirdly hereinafter mentioned I shall on MONDAY the 31t day of January next (1859) at 4 on the premise sell at public auction to the highest bidder the following property situate in Washington city forth payment of the said respective debts secured t) croon to wit: fe 1 Lots Nos 24 and 25 of subdivision part of square No 630 said lot fronting 45 feet on mirth street beginning for th sama at th northeast corner of original lot in said square on said street nerth a4 run ning from tbenee west by and with said itreetJC5 feet thence south 125 fee thence east 45 feet and tbenco nortb' 125 feet to the place of beginning :2 All that part of Lot No 4 in said square No 6301begin ning at a point ia the south lino of street north at the dis tance of 150 feet east from the northwest corner (if said souare and running from said point southwardly iii a line parallel with New Jersey avenue 43 feet 6 inches add to a 1 point distant 150 feet from said avenue thence with the line of Ryne's lot and with the protractiori of the1 same 53 feet to the east original line of said lot No 4 (thence with said line north 28 feet 6 inches to said line ef Eiit'eet andribenco west with said street 69 feet to the beginning containing 2I2S'quare feet fe i 3 One other part of laid Lot No 4 in said squtre No 630 beginning on the east line of New Jersey avenrie 140 feet from tbe northwest corner of said square routh wardly with said avenue 20 feet to a point distant '3 6 feet north from the south line of said original lot No 4 (thence eastwardly from slid point at right angles with said granue 115 feet thence east 5 feet to tbe east line of said original lot No 4 theneb with said east line north 39 feet inch thence westwardly in a line drawn st light angles with raid avenue J88 feet 1 inch to said avenue and placeofb gin hing containing 4299 square feet JsS Term of sale i One third of the purohtse money iri cash i snd the residue in two equal pay meats at six and (twelve mopth with interest from the day of sale for which th no' will be given secured by a deed of trust on the premises 3 If he terms of sale are not complied with within five days from the da? of rale tho premise Will be resold at the risk and cost after on publie ir All conveyancing at the expense fj WM WOODWARD Triste dee 2aw4ds fer A GREEN Auctioneer 1' By ALL A BARNARD Auctlonerri CLOSINGS ALE by Catalogue oXq Ladles' i and and Genuine ur and Elegant Robes at Auction On Tuesday morning January 18th i at 10 (ve will sell without reserve ht our auction ioou corns of Pennsylvania avenue and 9tb street an assortment of and urs Such a tan eldom bq procured will comprise the choic est qualities vf dludsou Bay and Mink Sabi Royal Ermine Grecian Stone Marten Russian' itch 4 In Capes Rag lans) Circu'aft Victorines fluffs aad Cuffs and will bo war arranted trmvto nm I 1 I Tficse goods ar consigned to us by a first class New house and ar manufactured In the best and latest Stylb In dieting this sale 'we would state that these goods are entirely ijritsli and free from moth and further! give every purehaicr the privilege to return within three days after the salaj Sny should it not prove to be so The attention of the publio is particularly invited to this a ehanoo seidopi 'offered I fl W'l Also a tfrSdaome assortiiiont of such as Coasts Ciipeldllovns Mntfior Boots Ac i i i i Also a lartfe invoice of magnificent Carriage! and Sleigh Rokes Tigeri Bear Wolf Jenet ox Coon Buffalo Ac superior quality rt: i i I Terms eae WALL A BARNARD I jin 11 (Star States Union) I By BARNARD 4 llfi EY Georgetown SALE URNITURE AND HOL'SEHDIn EflectS fit Auction Wednesday morning 12thinaant at Kd'elock at the house of Mrs Lubei1 on Marketstreet Georgetown between Prospect and 1st strotts we will 1 sell the enirh urniture i Mahoghjrdiair Rockers 1 'i i Sula Lounges I i Doj Centre and Side Tablas i Parlor lllall aud Cbuiql er Carpets Iftnisg room urniture i ii rotichisud Cottage Bedsteads I I Jl Beds MjMtreasee Pillow Bedding I Wardrobe Washstand Bureaus Look iufriglasses Toilet Sets i lift ql Stored! Kitchen Utensils I With ailoof Wood and lo il I Term 4 14 and under fsh over that amount 6(1! and 90 days withiiaten itt and good endorse i i i i sj vk jan 11 BARNARD A BUCKET Auctioneer The above sale Is unavoidably postponed until Monday instant sama hour I'l 1 jan BARNARD A BUCKET Auctioneers i By WALL BARNARD Auctioneers fl BUST MALE HOUSE AND LOT AT Sale On Thursday afternoon 20th instant st fivjs front of tho premise' we willfselt parts of Lot N) Twentyin square numbered six hundred and twenty six fronting (waive feet six inches ou Massachusetts aveuue between afidG streets north andranning bsclcaboutsixty Cvp fet ahd improved with a two atory rame Dwelling This al offor an investment or the means of seCunag a dwelling for moderate sum '1 i Tcnns third cash the residue ini six an twelve months Interest and secured by a deed of trust on the 12' I i nune rwtikTNT AllVftJ AfiTLcLWw jl WALL A BARNARD Jan Star Auctioneers i BY Vv aLI A IIARNARD Auctloiirer TRUSTEE'S SALE RAME HOUSE AND It nt Auction On Wednesday of ebruary tisjxt at Gvn in front of the preni'aoa wo will sell part of LotiNn 16 in Square No 561 fronting twelve feeton south strfiei between 4 and 6 th street wett aud running bqck eiglityrBoir feet and eleven inches improved with a two stpry rame Dwelling andbaek building Ijji 111 I iTerins 0ne lhird cah the residue ini six and twelve mouths wish interest and secured by a deed of trustion the ptopertyq A DONN Trustee 'fl 1 WALL BARNARD Jan 10ta2law4d 1 Star Auctioneers I fBYlHii MeGUIRE A CO 'AuctioneersjIlANGERY SAIE By virtueiofla decree of the Circufi Court of the District of Columbia for the coun ty tif Washington made in the cause of Wheatley anil Walker et al Collios'a heir and administrator I Will oflor at public aueflon on riday the 2Slh day of January instant at 4 on th premises Lot No sixteen (16) id iqaare twenty eight (23) wi'h tho improvements consisting et an o'd frame dwellirg 1 iTermsof tale: Ouo third of the purchase money to be paid in cash and th residue in two equal payment at six and twelve jncn hs respectively to be secured by approved notes The terms of sale must be complied with within one w'eek aftep sale otherwise the property tpay be resold et the risk and tiott oi tbe first purchaser after netio i ii i I WALTER ifi COX Trustee I i lljl JAS MeGUIRE A CO ijan iftwAdi I (Uniun Auctioneers i Jlirwy 'A GREEN 'Auettouccril KALE ot rame llunoe and Lot ou 1 Netv York avenue between 21st and 142d otreetw a) Auctimi On Monday tho 17th day uf January 1859 lishali selljh' front of the premises at' 4 Pi iM by vjr of a need of trust to the subscriber bearing date tbe 7th day of September 1855 and recorded in Liber A 8 No 105feios 261 262s Ac one of the land roeord of Washington county in the District of Columbia the fell iw ing named property lying and being in the city of Washing tpn DUtrirt aforesaid th eastern half part bf Lot numbered five in Squire numbered eighty four with be improve ifienti whjjfh are a ram( House Ac 1 'I 1 iuii Tv ring cash If the purchaser should fail to comply with tbe terui in Three days alter tho trustee reserves the r)ght to resell lhe property by advertising such resale three time in tbo National latnlligrncer AH conveyance at the crost I tbe 'delinquent JOHN BEPBURN Trustee i dee Igsu IliwAd A EEN Auetioneri i i'llRE INSURANCE fe il of Alexandria Virginia I lacoRrouATKD 1814 I iij Capital and surplus 1140000 up rrtHIS iatablished Company continue to insure against il losk or damage by fire all description of property ip town andfinuntry on favorable terms as other respond cible toupfft i I jl I 1 'Aoard of Directort I isii1 1 i I i'r WALL STEPHENS cl ''ll i i Wholesale Dealer nnd Jobber in Clothing I No I(i 1 Duane street a few dpors west of Broadway dm Naw Yobk 'embers lawyers and glthe? can have popying fiithfully and qaickly ex ecuted fa" English rench or Spanish by application to t'BcribeMfirough the eity post office I dec dim f3t 1TCERS THU We Lave thia i I dayrceived lhe neWi Army Hat according to General Order Njij3 I 1 1 jan Star States OWEN A1 SON hTJUfCALO ROBES HU faluItubea The! subscribers have reach ed from St Louis a large lot of superior Buffalo Rubes which they are selling very cheap 4 i I 1 jan StarUnipn JAS MeGUIRE A CO TO WANT GOODSAU AG ES A RT 0 i 1 Lrtiv has the largest assortment of Meat Cutters in town forxausage and pie meat ell tiro for families anduteher frpm all finely polUhed inside so that no grit cun got in th moat 1 i Sausag Staffer Cleaver Mincing Knives i i Hominy Milts for $50 to grind and clean th Hominy Slaw Gutters Crout Cutters I i' 'i i BariretS and Wcoilware i Hayarid Straw Cutters from $350 to $35 1 i Nw sfyl Whlbarrowrifrom $275 to $7 lj I CoalAhovelsCoal fficve 'I 1 1 Chur from 62 cant to $10 i 1 i Btabfo Brooms 4c i'i nil i Agricultural Warehouse I il Seed Btre and Guano Depot I ii? 558 7th street south of Penn avennd i JimL opposite and east of Centre Market 1 declfi I 1 BARTHOLOW KSKaNNY KEMBLE'S I Volume on'2fiollar i ii i i'l hectares' and Addresses by the Rev Robertson 1volume: one dollar i i I 1 1 i Nursery Songs of Scotland 1 volume 75 icents lit" 1 1 i i SketcbdS1 hy Boz being Ticknor 4 Co's edition of Dick ers Wcrte $150 i Auni of Geierstein Tioknpr edition! of thoiWaverleyNovels ii 4 3 1 til Pot talc by RANKLIN PHILP iBy JAiL LV CH AurUoneen i GOV Illi SMTlt bALE SUPERIOR WORK I Hor esjMtileG Oxeli aid Oa Thursday Jauoary 20ib at 12iMiU the Auction Rooms corner of lOih and streets shall by order of pt Me)gl st superior iirKunrse Il i 4 excelV at Mule i 1 jokeOxen lu cart I I Tarms ia fncci i jan d8 1 i Bv AMES AleUUlRB COJ AurtfvuuerM KEATS 4 1 ItY JCATALOQUE A LARGE aud Valuable! Invlce(f Loiduu Books Thursday nrril iridny Wvcnuigs January 27 (h abd ffith the aucuon om leomniencing we shataseli: without refterv a vafoab'ta invoice of European Books received direct Trflm Willi 4 Sothoron Ltjqdon' comprising about 300ffioluffies call i li jqnd In the most sub stantial and clegantftylc we ixi part amongst the: illustrated I Jj I il Ii I il i Loud niSnitbeiSlXiii Century Microcosm! 1 of LondorifJ I Ir fe i'1 i 1 Cambridge University Gallsrieidb Iucien Banapartf i Battle of WaterIon apd Llgny I i to i Modern' Traveller I I I iti ip I i Knight Pictorial Museum I i'i i Corp of HoyaJ Etrgiaeera a complete set with several fe hundred Rowravlnga "I i' "ijl 21 8tUd from Md Engtl th Mansion I Loddigira Botanical Cabinet Bmlfeh Drama i i Meyers'jBritish Btrohi Gallerie dd Vienne I i London: ItaetgatJ Nows Costumes of the Cans of Ecqtland I II i' 'H I of tfio'W(r Jn the East it Draafatloj Wiirks Boydell's sumptuous edition ti I i I I I I I i Together with Doan Work" Annual Register (jnarterly Ktoiew Joirnal of Science Universal Magazine: Art Journal 4c(l ii il i I The whol forming te largeij and i trioat yaluab' icollecr ticn if book ver offered a auction i this city i i Terms $40iand nn'Ur cash iO creeit of thirty and sixty dyspfor endorsed notes bearing in terest I i I tl I I I I 8 I S' I 8 Catalogues tun be nbtar icd fid the books examined I upon application at tha auction rooms1 I i il i i i 5 1 JAS MeGUIRE A' CO I I I I i I Ijl Auctioneers jan 13 hd A7thJUM)thJan and Union) I i TOK KE3T A HIlCSE ASID URNITURI Jj within ten walk of tbe Capitol situate on Terms moderate Inquire of Mr issaa McGuire A I 14 1 dee N' EW AND BEAUTIUL BOOKS Pushed during Christmas Week i The following elegantly printed work of have been gotten up with express reference to the olyday anny Poems A new and Enlarged edition In one bandsofne volume 16mo A large number of the poems in thi bauliful Tofcme ro new and the other are entirely out of print thform in which they originally appeared tv i thtan Enrlahd) bee A lALQ a XwVfiJW UUU a i turen and Addresses onLiterwy and Social Topics Jn one volaujo 12mo $1 1 This most tuterenting collection of Mr Robertson rnblie A 1 11 evi aa I If Im mviI Pvaaass afi tfl Wlfih I JA 1110 08a ftftuftU9 A pU4M4UG4 SU UHIU tUi ftw IIL Willie Winkle's Nuisery Sqds of Scotland edited by Mrs Silsbee price 7S cents I or sale at I I I TAYLOR A i Bookstore 334 Jrcnn avenue Jan 7 TawAds I I I 't 1 I I Ii 1 1 1 5 I If i i 'I 11 i ft 4 'Hi 1 i 1 fl 1 i I K' 1 TSTTji I I ii XiOW wi Jrh a fe fei 1 i hi a I 1 I 1 I te1 1 I 1 11 ftA Aft toft A 'I fl 1 I I JIPaUWNWMXOTaLi IUOUWBIWCjU 1 1 I I i 7 51 i II "'ftMK1 I' Iff I Tp I II I 1 XiTtj' I I i 4 i i fe il i 1 1 I JQj I I 'I it 'I JX i I fi1 1 1 fr I 1 ''fe I I i 5 I I I I I ftfo I I 1 1 I 4 ft I i ft 1 1 fefe 'ibj fe i I i i itoU li fe i til ifl I I4 J' I fil 1 1 1 ll I 1 HI I I i ''i I IB I i i ij flB 4 I 'i ii I ii A 4 1 UB I Hi I 1 1 I uaL I I 1 1 1.

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About Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express Archive

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


Why is DC called the District of Columbia? ›

The new federal territory was named District of Columbia to honour explorer Christopher Columbus, and the new federal city was named for George Washington.

What is the difference between Washington and Washington DC? ›

Washington is a state in the Pacific Northwest. Washington, DC is a city in the District of Colombia, and is the nation's capital. Typically, most Americans I know say “Washington State” when referring to the state, and “Washington” or “Washington, DC” when referring to the seat of government.

Is Washington, D.C. owned by Columbia? ›

Congress passed the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1801, which officially organized the district and placed the entire territory under the exclusive control of the federal government.

Is Washington, D.C. modeled after Paris? ›

In a letter to then Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, L'Enfant stated that his models for the new city included such “grand” cities as London, Madrid, Paris, Amsterdam, Naples, Venice, Genoa, and Florence.

Why isn't DC a state? ›

Washington, DC, isn't a state; it's a district. DC stands for District of Columbia. Its creation comes directly from the US Constitution, which provides that the district, "not exceeding 10 Miles square," would "become the Seat of the Government of the United States."

Why did DC give land back to Virginia? ›

In 1847, the portion of the city that had originally belonged to Virginia was retroceded, after the voters of Alexandria elected to leave DC, feeling that they had been left out of development on the other side of the river.

Is Washington, D.C. in 3 states? ›

Washington, D.C. is a territory and not a state, nor is it part of any U.S. state.

How old is the state of Washington? ›

Washington became the forty-second state of the United States of America on November 11, 1889.

Why does Washington State and Washington, D.C. have the same name? ›

Congress agreed to grant the settlers independence from Oregon, but named their new state Washington to honor the first president. Contemporary statesmen would have argued that Washington, D.C., was a city, not a territory or state, so the duplication of the name wouldn't be such a big deal.

What is the 51st state in the USA? ›

Puerto Rico is designated in its constitution as the "Commonwealth of Puerto Rico". The Constitution of Puerto Rico, which became effective in 1952, adopted the name of Estado Libre Asociado (literally translated as "Free Associated State"), officially translated into English as Commonwealth, for its body politic.

Who owns most of Washington DC? ›

Answer and Explanation: The federal government own Washington DC. Under Article I Section 8 Clause 17, the seat of the national government is under the purview of the Congress. Today, the majority of the city is owned by the federal government with foreign governments owning their embassies and consulates.

What city is not part of any state? ›

What is the only city in the United States that is not in a state? The City of Washington is located in the District of Columbia, which isn't a state. The Caribbean territory of Puerto Rico has 78 municipalities, the largest of which is the capital, San Juan. Puerto Rico isn't a state.

What was Washington DC called before it was called Washington DC? ›

In September 1791, using the toponym Columbia and the name of the president, the three commissioners agreed to name the federal district as the Territory of Columbia, and the federal city as the City of Washington.

What did DC look like before it was a city? ›

Before Washington, DC became the capital city of the United States, it was a sprawling, 100-square-mile plot of plantations, forests, and hills.

What shape was DC originally? ›

But the district spanned the Potomac, which was (and is) the border between two states, Maryland and Virginia. Both gifted a chunk of land to be the new District of Columbia. And so it would be a perfect square with a river running through the middle.

What state is the White House in? ›

The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States. The Washington Monument, the Capitol Building, the Jefferson Memorial, the Pentagon, and the Lincoln Memorial are also in the Washington, D.C. area.

What state is Washington, D.C.. located in? ›

Washington, D.C. is a territory and not a state, nor is it part of any U.S. state. It is surrounded by the state of Maryland on the northwest, northeast, and southeast and bordered by the state of Virginia, across the Potomac River, on the west and southwest.

How did Washington state get its name? ›

WASHINGTON: May be said to have a truly American name - named for George Washington, "The Father of our Country." When the bill creating the Territory of Columbia was introduced in the 32nd Congress, the name was changed to Washington because of the existence of the District of Columbia.

Is DC considered the south? ›

Historically speaking, any state below the Mason-Didion line and west of Mississippi would be considered The South, which Maryland and Washington, D.C. are.

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.