(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, … · 2014-11-18 · Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (2024)

(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (1)


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Appendix A

Sample List

Appendix A

(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (7)

Appendix A

Sample Number Hole ID Depth Northing Easting Geochemical Analysis Petrographical75501H Har010 84.72 6028129 477404 none PTSX75503H Har010 88.32 6028129 477404 none PTSX75502H Har010 89.68 6028129 477404 none NoTSX75607H Har010 97.86 6028129 477404 ICP +Whole Rock NoTSXG35254 Har010 101.1 6028129 477404 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSX75504H Har010 104.36 6028129 477404 none PTSX75505H Har010 106.33 6028129 477404 none PTSX75506H Har010 109.1 6028129 477404 none PTSX75507H Har010 119.7 6028129 477404 none PTSX75508H Har010 123.65 6028129 477404 none PTSX75509H Har010 129.28 6028129 477404 none NoTSXG35255 Har010 129.9 6028129 477404 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSX75510H Har010 133.5 6028129 477404 none PTSX75511 H Har010 142.9 6028129 477404 none NoTSX75512H Har010 146.44 6028129 477404 none NoTSX75513H Har010 154.77 6028129 477404 none PTSX75514H Har010 157.16 6028129 477404 none PTSX75515H Har010 160.11 6028129 477404 none PTSXG35257 Har010 161.1 6028129 477404 ICP +Whole Rock NoTSXG35258 Har010 190.95 6028129 477404 ICP + Whole Rock PTSXG35271 Har018 85.6 6028163 472272 ICP + Whole Rock PTSX75608H Har018 89.2 6028163 472272 none NoTSXG35272 Har018 116.1 6028163 472272 ICP + Whole Rock PTSXG35273 Har018 146.1 6028163 472272 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXG35274 Har018 175.8 6028163 472272 ICP + Whole Rock PTSX75516H Har018 188.83 6028163 472272 none NoTSX75518H Har018 194 6028163 472272 none NoTSX75517H Har018 196.47 6028163 472272 none NoTSXG35275 Har018 206.1 6028163 472272 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSX75519H Har018 208.42 6028163 472272 none NoTSX75520H Har018 215.81 6028163 472272 none NoTSX75521H Har018 221.8 6028163 472272 none PTSX75612H Har018 233.1 6028163 472272 none NoTSXG35276 Har018 236 6028163 472272 ICP +Whole Rock PTSXG35277 Har018 254.4 6028163 472272 ICP +Whole Rock NoTSX75524H Har020 106.84 6028104 477168 none NoTSX75522H Har020 301.83 6028104 477168 none NoTSX75523H Har020 312.75 6028104 477168 none NoTSXF70401 Har021 103.1 6028104 477093 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSX75613H Har021 128.2 6028104 477093 none NoTSXF70402 Har021 137.5 6028104 477093 ICP + Whole Rock PTSXF70403 Har021 174.8 6028104 477093 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXF70404 Har021 196.5 6028104 477093 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXF70405 Har021 215.4 6028104 477093 ICP + Whole Rock PTSXF70406 Har021 250.9 6028104 477093 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXF70408 Har021 307.5 6028104 477093 ICP +Whole Rock PTSX75525H Har021 310.88 6028104 477093 none PTSX75526H Har021 319.85 6028104 477093 none PTSX75610H Har021 321.7 6028104 477093 none NoTSX75611H Har021 324.6 6028104 477093 none NoTSX75527H Har021 348.82 6028104 477093 none PTSX75528H Har021 353.49 6028104 477093 none PTSX75602H Har021 358.89 6028104 477093 none PTSX75529H Har021 374.17 6028104 477093 none NoTSXF70409 Har021 391.1 6028104 477093 none PTSXH25850 Har043 90.7 6028143 477047 ICP +Whole Rock PTSX


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Appendix A

Sample Number Hole ID Depth Northing Easting Geochemical Analysis PetrographicalH25851 Har043 103.2 6028143 477047 ICP + Whole Rock PTSXH25852 Har043 118.3 6028143 477047 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25853 Har043 132.6 6028143 477047 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25854 Har043 172.6 6028143 477047 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25855 Har043 189 6028143 477047 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25856 Har043 190.5 6028143 477047 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25857 Har043 207.6 6028143 477047 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25858 Har043 227.2 6028143 477047 ICP + Whole Rock PTSXH25859 Har043 249.4 6028143 477047 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25860 Har043 265.4 6028143 477047 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25861 Har043 288.7 6028143 477047 ICP +Whole Rock NoTSXH25862 Har043 319.8 6028143 477047 ICP + Whole Rock PTSXH25863 Har043 330.4 6028143 477047 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25864 Har043 355.4 6028143 477047 ICP + Whole Rock PTSX

I75530H Har043 375.97 6028143 477047 none NoTSX75531H Har043 389.95 6028143 477047 none PTSXH25865 Har043 390.7 6028143 477047 ICP + Whole Rock PTSXH25866 Har043 396.5 6028143 477047 ICP + Whole Rock PTSX75532H Har043 401.4 6028143 477047 none PTSXH25867 Har043 414.6 6028143 477047 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSX75533H Har043 416.11 6028143 477047 none PTSXH25868 Har043 431.9 6028143 477047 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25869 Har043 448.6 6028143 477047 ICP + Whole Rock PTSXH25870 Har043 467.5 6028143 477047 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSX75666H Har044 48.2 6029216 480164 none NoTSXH25873 Har044 69.5 6028191 477003 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25874 Har044 81.4 6028191 477003 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25875 Har044 92.8 6028191 477003 ICP + Whole Rock PTSXH25876 Har044 118.3 6028191 477003 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25877 Har044 134.6 6028191 477003 ICP + Whole Rock PTSXH25878 Har044 147.4 6028191 477003 ICP + Whole Rock PTSXH25879 Har044 159.4 6028191 477003 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25880 Har044 187.4 6028191 477003 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25881 Har044 194.8 6028191 477003 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25882 Har044 199.4 6028191 477003 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25883 Har044 228.9 6028191 477003 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25885 Har044 300.5 6028191 477003 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25886 Har044 307.9 6028191 477003 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25887 Har044 357.9 6028191 477003 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25888 Har044 392.53 6028191 477003 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSXH25889 Har044 418.33 6028191 477003 ICP + Whole Rock PTSXH25890 Har044 450.3 6028191 477003 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSX75534H Har044 465.34 6028191 477003 none PTSX75614H Har044 474.5 6028191 477003 none NoTSX75615H Har044 475 6028191 477003 none NoTSXH25891 Har044 480.9 6028191 477003 ICP + Whole Rock PTSX75535H Har044 481.64 6028191 477003 none PTSX75536H Har044 487.03 6028191 477003 none PTSX75537H Har044 510.56 6028191 477003 none NoTSX75538H Har044 531.53 6028191 477003 none NoTSXH25893 Har044 541.4 6028191 477003 ICP + Whole Rock NoTSX


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Appendix B

Microprobe Analyses of Monazites


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (10)

Appendix B

Sample 75501 H

Label Pb ppm Th ppm U ppm age Ma 1Big age Weighted mean sigma error75501monA 1 5064 48544 4005 1730 41 1764 575501monA 3 4979 46954 4237 1722 4175501monA 4 5395 53459 3284 1776 4075501monA 5 5355 54971 4196 1651 3875501monA 6 5993 62557 1933 1850 3875501monA 7 3149 37424 820 1685 6175501monB 1 7094 69946 5777 1686 3075501 monB_2 6351 59264 5254 1746 3475501monB 3 7058 65682 5248 1790 3275501monB 4 6171 61395 3014 1832 3775501monB 5 5660 53071 3691 1827 4075501monB 6 7368 72287 4948 1758 3175501monB 7 6821 60840 5580 1806 3375501 monB 10 7587 72624 5740 1748 3075501 monB 11 6120 60272 5679 1639 3275501 monB 12 5457 52332 4407 1722 3875501monC 1 5779 51855 4451 1823 3875501monC 2 6974 68159 4888 1749 3275501monC 3 6720 62278 4811 1810 3475501monC 4 5680 56184 3735 1754 3875501monC 5 5617 54148 4353 1731 3875501monC 6 6170 62652 3973 1726 3575501monC 8 6819 55599 6404 1851 3475501monC 9 5224 55945 3669 1633 3775501 monD 1 4763 26670 8938 1733 4175501monD 2 5665 56530 3550 1758 3875501monD 3 6472 59874 4235 1844 3675501monD 4 5722 39015 8259 1779 3775501monD 5 7113 70505 4423 1769 3275501monD 6 5797 44895 6091 1850 3875501monD 7 6441 62071 4618 1759 3475501monD 8 4200 . 30501 5664 1767 4775501monE 1 6133 62891 2736 1811 3775501monE 2 5242 55030 2436 1768 4175501monE 3 6050 63974 2283 1801 3775501monE 4 4973 57592 1133 1739 4275501monE 5 4871 54805 2392 1660 4075501monE 6 4844 51984 2202 1741 4375501monE 7 4903 51264 2053 1797 4475501monE 8 6199 67125 2611 1745 3575501monE 9 6750 71700 2727 1781 3475501 monE 10 6324 63588 2766 1844 3775501monF 1 6658 63659 4692 1775 3475501monF 2 6972 64531 4917 1817 3375501monF 3 6093 58518 4473 1755 3675501monF 5 4892 52722 1109 1853 4675501monF 6 5072 60256 1884 1636 3975501monF 7 7614 62381 7964 1790 3075501monF 8 5702 57550 3136 1780 38

Appendix B·1 Analytical microprobe results for 6 monazites from sample 75501 . Each entry representsone probe analysis.Total of 49 probe spots.


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (11)

Appendix B

Sample H25858

Label Pb ppm Th ppm U ppm age Ma 18ig age Weighted mean sigma errorH25B58monA 1 5993 56041 4551 1776 36 1742 6H2585BmonA 3 4646 49927 1875 1764 45H25858monA 4 6104 64800 2957 1742 36H25858monA 5 6469 57417 5317 1810 35H25858monA 6 5510 54214 4534 1685 37H25858monAJ 5706 87459 3320 1259 27H25858monA 8 3279 35974 1354 1730 60H25858monB 1 5296 53049 3940 1698 39H25858monB 2 4862 45776 3270 1811 44H25858monB 3 5871 51425 5990 1729 35H25B5BmonB 4 3305 34799 1881 1713 58H25858monB 5 6136 59517 3347 1838 37H25858monB 6 5375 55360 2958 1752 40H25858monB 7 4650 50544 1662 1771 45H25858monB 8 5727 55457 3872 1773 38H25858monB 9 5452 57357 3161 1718 38H25858monB 10 6697 66343 4483 1746 33H25858monB 11 6633 65794 4127 1768 33H25858monB 12 6467 65835 4284 1715 33H25858monB 13 5624 55302 2840 1840 40H25858monC 1 3570 39255 1517 1721 55H25858monC 2 6110 68129 2606 1701 35H25858monC 3 7621 83930 2739 1750 30H25858monC 4 6591 64785 2084 1950 38H25858monC 5 6798 72596 2263 1810 34H25858monD 1 5336 56400 2580 1749 40H25858monD_2 4994 52625 1777 1818 44H25858monD_3 5013 52991 1931 1798 43H25858monD3 4938 53195 1060 1860 45H25858monD 5 5138 58414 1956 1694 40H25858monD 6 4808 52824 1708 1756 43H25858monE 1 5773 55030 4266 1762 37H25858monE_2 5828 55438 4320 1764 37H25858monE 3 5633 54790 3471 1797 39H25858monE 4 5441 52996 3541 1778 39H25858monE 5 5929 58156 4289 1734 36H25858monE 6 5934 57465 4286 1750 36H25858monF 1 4434 49137 1563 1744 47H25858monF 2 2640 24207 1182 1977 82H25858monF 3 3294 36426 876 1791 61H25858monF 4 4938 37605 5166 1871 44H25858monF 5 4717 40307 4655 1772 44H25858monF 6 3968 48306 979 1655 49H25858monF 7 4059 47301 1500 1664 48H25858monF 8 4588 41922 4216 1728 44H25858monF 9 5211 35568 7477 1782 39H25858monF 10 4521 48434 2115 1737 45

Appendix B-2 Analytical microprobe results for 6 monazites from sample H25858. Each entry representsone probe analysis. Total of 47 probe spots.


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (12)

Appendix B

Sample 75501 H

1500 1600 1700


1800 1900 2000

Sample H25858

Outlier sample resultlikely a result of inheritance

/1100 1300 1500 1700


1900 2100 2300

Appendix B-3 Probability plots for age determination by microprobe analysis of monazites from samples75501 Hand H25858.


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (13)

Appendix C

Geochemical Trace Element and WholerockAnalytical Procedures and Methods

Appendix C

(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (14)

Appendix C

Preparation of rock samples for analysis by ICP and XRF

1. Approx. 15-25cm sample marked, recorded and placed in plastic sample bag.

2. Hudson Say Exploration and Development Company Limited Standards and duplicates

are inserted into sample series.

3. Samples then transported to XRAL Labs in Toronto, Canada.

4. Sample is catalogued and internal standards are inserted by XRAL Labs.

5. Sample is then dried, crushed to -2mm, riffled to a maximum split of 250g and milled in

chrome steel equipment to 751J (200#). Use of silica sand cleaners between samples to

minimize the risk of contamination from mineralized samples.

6. Sample is analysed using one or more of the following methods.

Analytical Methods




o 0.25 grams of prepared sample is digested using Nitric aqua regia digestion 3HCI:HN03

o Sample is then analysed for 31 elements using ICP-AES on an ARL 3560 and OPTIMA


o Synthetic standards are used to calibrate the instrument


o This method is not recommended for highly mineralized samples

o In house standards are run to monitor digestion procedures

o Partial digestion for major and minor elements

o Total digestion for base metals ie Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Co, and Mo, up to 1%

o Will not digest moderately insoluble elements such as: Sa, Cr, Sn, Ta, W, V, and Zr.

o provides qualitative data




o 0.2 grams of prepared sample is digested using Nitric-Perchloric-Hydrofluoric­

Hydrochloric acid digestion: HFI HCI041 HN03/HCI

o Total digestion, (completely destroys silica matrices)


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (15)

Appendix C

• Sample is then analysed for 31 elements using ICP-AES on an ARL 3560 and OPTIMA



• method suitable for samples high in sulfide minerals

• some volatile elements such as As, Sb may be lost

• some resistant elements or refractory minerals may remain incompletely attacked (ie.

Ba, Cr, Sb, Sn, Ta, W, Pb, V, Zr)

• both qualitative and quantitative analysis




• 5 grams (2 gm used for majors and 3 gm used for trace) of prepared sample is put into

a fused disc and pressed powder pellet

• Sample is then analysed for 11 major element oxides, LOI and 6 trace elements using X­

ray fluorescence spectrometry on a Siemens SRS3000 sequential wavelength dispersive

XRF spectrometer and/or Philips PW1400 sequential wavelength dispersive xray



• XRF1 03 - major elements determined by fused disk & trace elements by pressed pellet

• none of these methods are suitable for samples high in sulfide minerals not good for

samples high in carbide.


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (16)

Appendix D

Quality Control PlotsFor Duplicate Geochemical Analyses

andGeochemical Standards

Appendix 0

(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (17)

Quality Control PlotsFor Duplicate Geochemical Analyses

Appendix D


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (18)

Appendix 0

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicates Ag{ppm) by lep





'0 ;:>

10 001000100'0.- i


o.o,JL-----------------.. ;

Duplicate 1

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate AI(%} by lep




'0. :::

o. 1 '0 100 1000 10 00


Duplicate 1

Precision controlscatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Ba(ppm) by lep




, 00



o. ,

a.s 1

;..10 , 00 1000

Duplicate 1


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (19)

Appendix 0

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Be(ppm) by ICP



.. -;

0, 1







Duplicate 1

100 1000 10 00

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Ca(%) by ICP



0, 1




Duplicat~ 1

100 1000 10 00

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Co(ppm) by ICP




0, 1



.. ;: .



10 '00 1000 10 00


Duplicate 1


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (20)

Appendix D

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Cr(ppm) by lep

,-----------Hl-e-o --




O. 1 0.1 10 100 1000 10 00


Duplicate 1

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Cu(ppm) by lepr----------.O--,----------------------"",... "



10 ....

O. 1 0.1 10 100 1000 10 00


Duplicate 1


Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Fe{%) by lep



..... .'


10 001000100

.. -:.. '




0.1O. 1


Duplicate 1


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (21)

Appendix D

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Ke'/o) by ICP





01 I

a.a I




o. 1

Duplicate 1

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate La(ppm) by ICP


.;:::: "





.-., ...... ,::

O. 1 0.1 10 100 1000 10 00


-;:. 0.1

... ;.'

Duplicate 1

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Mg(%) by ICP

,----------+01);><)--,------------------=.;::::::.::' .




O. 1 0.1


10 100 1000 10 00

.<~-::. ...... 0.1

0·<>·:-:·- ..,.··!-1-'---- ----- --'

Duplicate 1


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (22)

Appendix 0

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Mn(ppm) by ICP





O~? 1 0.1



Duplicate 1

100 1000 10 00

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Mo(ppm) by lep





O. 1 0.1 , 0 100 1000 10 00

.~~.~ 0.1 j. -:> ~. :::::.'

"."::,,._________ L _~ .

Duplicate 1

Precision control scatterplot set at 10°/0.for duplicate Na(%) by Ie?








o~ 1

o. , -: ..-.....:::>





Duplicate 1

100 1000 10 00


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (23)

Appendix 0

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Ni(ppm} by ICP




o. 1 0.1

.,.::::::..... .





10 100 1000 10 00

Duplicate 1

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate P(%} by ICP


. :::-


o. 1 0.1



- ,.-

.. ,-

10 100 1000 10 00


=----------0. L- --'

Dup!icllte 1

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Pb(ppm} by ICP


O. 1 0.1

1000T1000 1




'!'- •.;. .. -


10 100

-:::......-: -.




10 00

1&·:-··----------El-:-&-1 I

Duplicate 1


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (24)

Appendix D

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Sb(ppm) by ICP





O. 1 0.1

::>..... 0.1

10 100 1000 10 00

=-------IHr1--'------------------------.JDuplicate 1

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Sc{ppm) by lep

1000 ;.,"



10 00100010010..... :::


OJ=---------<(>,0-1 "----------------------'

D. 1

Duplicate 1

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Sr(ppm) by lep

,----------H.oe>o·--,---------------- ----------c>>o


100 ;.,-.:::.,

1 0


10 00100010010




TDuplicate 1


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (25)

Appendix 0

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Ti(%) by ICP

,----------+-e-,-------------------.----,-;x7.-:.:.:.:: ... : .. '




.........' :>

Duplicate 1

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate V{ppm) by ICP

,------------+010%0,---------------- -----...,.",






-+=--<.::'-'- ..J----I

O. 1



Duplicate 1

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Y(ppm) by ICP


100 .'....


.~.>~., .


-.. :..,

O. 1 0.1 10 100 1000 10 00

::;:: .'0.1

.-::: .'

Duplicate 1


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (26)

Appendix 0

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Zn(ppm) by ICP

,--------------t{}<>a<>_-,-----------------------"'>"'.:.. ,



... ;.'

O. 1




;.';:: 0.1

:> .



.-:;'... '


100 1000 10 00

..;::::".,,::=-,._. 1 ---------------------- ~

Duplicate 1

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Zr(ppm} by ICP



O. 1 0.1




.' .'


;. ........-::

;. .....

1000 10 00

0'1-------E,Hr., -------------------

Duplicate 1

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate AI203{wt%) by XRF

,---------H>E><>€"'"-------------------__=';:-:"'':--1.. '




.. ;..-

O. 1 0.1


10 100 1000 10 00

"'-:,,"-"'-,·--------'H)+-~---------------------Duplicate 1


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (27)

Appendix 0

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Ba(ppm) by XRF


.' ...



.... .;.'. ;..


o. 1 0.1 10 100 1000 10 00


Duplicate 1

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate CaO(wt%) by XRF







.. ;. .

. ,-:: .:;..l-...L '_O '_0_0 '_0_0~1"°1 000.1


O. 1

Duplicate 1

10 00100010010



.' ..

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%,1' '00"·'" """..., .. '"'


O. 1

... -;;.

-: .

Duplicate 1


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (28)

Appendix D

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Fe203(wt%) by XRF





O. 1 0.1 10 100 1000 1 0 00



0'''::-: ,""'..j_"-----------------------------..JDuplicate 1

Precision control scalterplot set at 10%for duplicate K20(wt%) by XAF


10 001000100

.....: ~ :




.. '




O. 1

Duplicate 1

10 001000


.. ::::.:::.;.'..•.


.;. .





Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate LOI(wt%) by XRF





O. 1 0.1


~s"·'_·~ --<s,,.""·j_"-----------------------------..JDuplicate 1


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (29)

Appendix 0

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate MgO(wt%) by XRF






0.1-, o~.-,-----'+.°xf=---·-:-··-;.-··,~o-;.-· -----,-oro------,-o'o-o------,-l


=-.._.::--_::::.._.--~J,-------------Ouplicate 1

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate MnO(wt%) by XRF




o. , 0.'


'0 '00 1000 10 00

."cc"'--::_:--------(}-,O+--"----------------------Duplicate 1

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%

--------~-_H ",',0,-,-'ccdccu-"pcclicccccacc'e,-,--N:..:a:..:2:..c.0(w'o/.c.0:..)CCb:..Y-'XCCR...:c.F :7-IIn 100'Ov

o. ,

.. ;.






. ::>


Duplicate 1


'00 1000 10 00


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (30)

Appendix 0

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Nb(ppm) by XRF

r----------+oe.o,---'-"---===~===='-c:=-- .....-::>

1000.. "



o. , •• :' .....0' .,. 00 '00 0000 "1".::::;" j I

"",----",,;.---0, -------

Ouplicate 1

Precision control scatterplot set al10%for duplicate P205(wt%) by XRF1GOOT

1000 j ....






'. :::

10 00100010010



. .;:~::.

",,~"'_"_~L-- J0, 1

Duplicate 1

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Rb(ppm} by XRF





o 1 0,1.;:........ 10 100 1000 10 00


=.'-:'--"",-''''''-'''------<oo~l----------~ouPlic ate 1


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (31)

Appendix D

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%forduplicale 5102(%) by XRF



1 00

10 100 1000 t'I



.. ;;:<;;. 0.1 j

.-:::".;..:'" -----<_L-------O. 1 0.1



Duplicate 1

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Sr(ppm) by XRF




O. 1 0.1 10 100 1000 10 00

Duplicate 1

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%,------------t--O-O-e-9 for duplicate Ti02(wt%) by XRF





10 ;::>: ;..,


O. 1 0.1 10 100 1000 10 00

:. 0.1

Duplicate 1


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (32)

Appendix D

Precision control scaUerplot set at 10%for duplicate Y(ppm) by XRF


1 000



Duplicate 1

Precision control scatterplot set at 10%for duplicate Zr(ppm} by XRF




0, 1 0,1







. .;: .'




1000 10 00

. .;::- .. :>.

""''C.''_'''_' I.,...,-LI ---'Duplicate 1


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (33)

Geochemical Standards

Appendix 0


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (34)




ELEMENT/OXIDE Ag AI As Ba Be Bi Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Fe K La Mg


SAMPLE DRILL UNITS ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % % ppm %

NUMBER HOLE DETECTION LIMIT 0.2 0.01 3 1 0.5 5 0.01 1 1 1 0.5 0.01 0.01 0.5 0.01

G35285 HAR019 HBED granite standard 0.3 0.68 -3 94 -0.5 -5 0.41 -1 4 203 6 1.33 0.35 24.7 0.4

F70407 HAR021 HBED granite standard 0.3 0.57 -3 59 -0.5 -5 0.28 -1 2 172 5.2 1.08 0.21 19.3 0.33

F70417 HAR023 HBED granite standard -0.2 10.67 -3 100 -0.5 -5 0.34 -1 4 179 4.9 1.22 0.39 21.4 0.4

F70434 HAR025 HBED granite standard 0.4 7.92 -3 1050 1.8 -5 1.39 -1 3 57 6.8 1.58 2.51 27 0.5

F70456 HAR026 HBED granite standard -0.2 8.23 -3 1070 1.8 -5 1.47 -1 4 45 11.8 1.6 2.5 23.2 0.48

G43362 HAR030 HBED granite standard -0.2 7.55 -3 975 1.7 -5 1.22 -1 3 70 6.3 1,:'l6 2.86 2~.~ O.~q

G43389 HAR031 HBED granite standard 0.2 7.67 -3 1030 1.8 -5 1.43 -1 2 76 4.7 1.5 2.65 27.2 0.44

H25820 Har041 HBED granite standard 0.5 6.75 -3 699 1.5 7 1.19 -1 4 47 4.9 1.29 2.28 20.3 0.37

H25872 HAR044 HBED granite standard10.8 7.~1 -~ 873 1.7 -5 1.21 -1 5 33 7.1 1.4 2.63 lR.q 0.34

H25900 HAR045 HBED granite standard 0.5 6.45 -3 875 1.4 -5 1 -1 2 35 8.9 1.14 2.61 22.7 0.33

G35252 HarOl0 HBED granite standard -0.2 0.61 -3 96 -0.5 -5 0.32 -1 3 132 6.3 0.98 0.37 24.1 0.4

Minimum -0.2 0.57 -3 59 -0.5 -5 0.28 -1 2 33 4.7 0.98 0.21 18.9 0.33

Maximum 0.6 8.23 -3 1070 1.8 7 1.47 -1 5 203 11.8 1.6 2.86 27.2 0.5

Mean 0.18 4.95 -3 629.2 0.88 -3.9 0.933 -1 3.3 95.4 6.627 1.316 1.76 22.92 0.398

Standard error 0.1 1.04 0 133.2 0.33 1.1 0.148 0 0.3 19.2 0.636 0.0605 0.345 0.843 0.0172

Variance 0.1 11.9 0 2E+05 1.22 13 0.24 a 1 4069 4.45 0.0403 1.306 7.824 0.0032

Standard deviation 0.32 3.46 0 441.8 1.1 3.6 0.49 0 1 63.8 2.11 0.2007 1.143 2.797 0.0569



(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (35)





ELEMENT/OXIDE Mn Mo Na Ni P Pb Sb Sc Sn Sr Ti V W y Zn


SAMPLE DRILL UNITS ppm ppm % ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm

NUMBER HOLE DETECTION LIMIT 2 1 0.01 1 0.01 2 5 0.5 10 0.5 0.01 2 10 0.5 0.5

G35285 HAR019 HBED granite standard 190 4 0.09 7 0.04 -2 -5 1.2 -10 58.2 0.07 17 -10 6.1 51.7

F70407 HAR021 HBED granite standard 142 1 0.09 7 0.03 -2 -5 0.8 -10 56 0.02 12 -10 5.9 39

F70417 HAR023 HBED granite standard 189 5 0.1 8 0.04 2 -5 1.1 -10 52 0.07 17 -10 5.9 48.4

F70434 HAR025 HBED granite standard 236 -1 3.16 8 0.04 4 -5 2 -10 699 0.13 25 -10 7.8 59.1

F70456 HAR026 HBED granite standard 238 -1 3.27 6 0.04 -2 -5 2.1 -10 741 0.13 24 -10 7.5 62.4

G43362 HAR030 HBED granite standard 206 1 3.26 7 0.03 4 -5 2 -10 655 0.12 21 -10 7.2 46.2

G43389 HAR031 HBED granite standard 236 -1 3.19 7 0.04 3 -5 2.1 -10 728 0.14 26 -10 7.8 52.9

H25820 Har041 HBED granite standard 192 2 2.91 6 0.04 -2 -5 1.8 -10 643 0.11 22 -10 7.4 47.3

H25872 HAR044 HBED granite standard 220 2 3.09 6 0.03 4 5 2 10 664 0.11 22 84 7.8 46.5

H25900 HAR045 HBED granite standard 156 -1 2.79 6 0.03 -2 -5 1.7 -10 579 0.1 20 -10 6.9 43.2

G35252 Har010 HBED granite standard 176 -1 0.08 6 0.04 2 -5 0.8 -10 49.1 0.06 14 -10 6 46.9

Minimum 142 -1 0.08 6 0.03 -2 -5 0.8 -10 49.1 0.02 12 -10 5.9 39

Maximum 238 5 3.27 8 0.04 4 5 2.1 10 741 0.14 26 84 7.8 62.4

Mean 198 0.91 2.003 6.7 0.036 0.82 -4.1 1.6 -8.2 447.7 0.0964 20 -1.5 6.94 49.4

Standard error 9.82 0.65 0.459 0.24 0.0015 0.84 0.91 0.16 1.8 95.04 0.0111 1.36 8.55 0.24 2.04

Variance 1060 4.7 2.32 0.62 2.5E-05 7.8 9.1 0.27 36 99350 0.0014 20.4 803 0.66 45.8

Standard deviation 32.6 2.2 1.523 0.79 0.005 2.8 3 0.52 6 315.2 0.037 4.52 28.3 0.81 6.76 t"

(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (36)




ELEMENT/OXIDE Zr AI203 Ba CaO Cr203 Fe203 K:10 LOI MgO MnO Na20 Nb P205 Rb Si02


SAMPLE DRILL UNITS ppm % ppm % % % % % % % % ppm % ppm %

NUMBER HOLE DETECTION LIMIT 0.5 0.01 20 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 2 0.01 2 0.01

G35285 HAR019 HBED granite standard 20.4 15 1130 2.06 0.04 2.13 3.33 0.5 0.71 0.03 4.73 8 0.08 58 69.8

F70407 HAR021 HBED granite standard 15.7 14.9 1110 1.65 0.04 1.93 3.75 0.95 0.64 0.03 4.6 10 0.07 61 69.6

F70417 HAR023 HBED granite standard 21.2 15.1 1140 2.18 0.04 2.29 3.25 0.4 0.74 0.03 4.81 8 0.09 63 68.9

F70434 HAR025 HBED granite standard 102 14.9 1080 2.13 0.03 2.21 3.16 0.75 0.8 0.03 4.54 8 0.09 47 68.5

F70456 HAR026 HBED granite standard 107 15.2 1120 2.2 0.02 2.24 3.03 0.65 0.77 0.03 4.63 7 0.09 49 69.6

G43362 HAR030 HBED granite standard 111 15.1 966 2.03 0.04 2.13 2.95 0.6 0.65 0.03 4.37 8 0.09 51 71.9

G43389 HAR031 HBED granite standard 118 15.1 1090 2.31 0.04 2.3 2.92 0.85 0.71 0.03 4.52 7 0.11 50 69.9

H25820 Har041 HBED granite standard 103 15 1000 1.98 0.03 2.11 2.76 1.35 0.84 0.03 4.72 7 0.08 55 70.9

H25872 HAR044 HBED granite standard 111 15.1 1070 1.89 0.03 2.05 3.2 0.9 0.67 0.03 4.78 8 0.07 50 71.5

H25900 HAR045 HBED granite standard 99.3 15.4 1160 1.71 0.02 1.95 3.52 1.1 0.72 0.03 4.6 7 0.08 55 71

G35252 Har010 HBED granite standard 21.4 15.4 904 2.2 0.03 2.23 2.9 0.6 0.79 0.03 4.8 7 0.1 53 70.5

Minimum 15.7 14.9 904 1.65 0.02 1.93 2.76 0.4 0.64 0.03 4.37 7 0.07 47 68.5

Maximum 118 15.4 1160 2.31 0.04 2.3 3.75 1.35 0.84 0.03 4.81 10 0.11 63 71.9

Mean 75.5 15.11 1070 2.031 0.033 2.143 3.161 0.7864 0.731 0.03 4.645 7.7 0.0864 53.8 70.19

Standard error 13.4 0.0513 24.2 0.0631 0.0024 0.0382 0.0886 0.0842 0.0194 0 0.0414 0.27 0.00364 1.55 0.321

Variance 1983 0.0289 6447 0.0439 6.2E-05 0.016 0.0863 0.0781 0.0041 0 0.0189 0.82 0.00015 26.4 1.135

Standard deviation 44.5 0.17 80.3 0.2094 0.0079 0.1267 0.2937 0.2794 0.0643 0 0.1374 0.9 0.0121 5.13 1.065--


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (37)

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(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (38)

Appendix E

Scatter Plot of Si02

versus Cr and Si02

versus Cr20


Appendix E

(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (39)

Appendix E





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• Biot-cpx-plag schist • Metasediments

• Amph-plag schist ... Qtz-biot-sill schist~ Amphibolite • Qtz-musc-sill schist


A. Scatter diagrams for Si02versus Cr analysed by ICP method.

B. Scatter diagrams for Si02 versus Crp3 analysed by ;<R~ method.


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (40)

Appendix F

Geochemical Analyses

Appendix F

(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (41)



FENTON CREEK ROCK Element Aa AI As Ba Be BI Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Fe K La Mg Mn Mo Na Ni PGEOCHEMISTRY PROJ# 345 Analysis ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 0.2 0.01 3 1 0.5 5 0.01 1 1 1 0.5 0.01 0.01 0.5 0.01 2 1 0.01 1 0.01SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % % ppm % ppm ppm % ppm %F70401 HAR021 103.00 0.3 0.54 ·3 93 -0.5 -5 0.14 -1 2 197 4 0.93 0.35 45 0.22 85 1 0.06 5 -0.01F70402 HAR021 137.40 0.3 2.28 -3 59 0.6 -5 0.64 -1 2 218 2.9 1.29 0.59 22.7 0.96 152 5 0.15 7 -0.01F70403 HAR021 174.70 -0.2 4.69 -3 34 0.9 -5 2.44 -1 2 207 3.6 1.88 0.78 17.7 1.35 243 -1 0.3 5 -0.01F70404 HAR021 196.40 -0.2 3.38 -3 34 -0.5 -5 0.72 -1 1 210 10.8 2.83 1.4 9.9 1.35 348 4 0.18 6 -0.01F70405 HAR021 215.30 0.2 2.3 -3 95 -0.5 -5 0.19 -1 57 439 115 4.39 1.95 4.4 2.17 417 4 0.11 117 0.06F70406 HAR021 250.80 0.2 2.02 -3 177 -0.5 -5 0.08 -1 3 219 2.6 1.96 0.98 23.9 1.41 177 7 0.1 7 -0.01F70407 ranite standard 2 0.3 0.57 -3 59 -0.5 -5 0.28 -1 2 172 5.2 1.08 0.21 19.3 0.33 142 1 0.09 7 0.03F70408 HAR021 307.40 0.8 2.06 -3 13 -0.5 -5 1.73 -1 14 105 172 1.44 0.03 2.1 0.81 139 1 0.4 77 0.04F70409 HAR021 391.00 0.4 0.78 -3 -1 -0.5 -5 1.54 -1 30 97 61.1 3.48 0.02 3.5 0.66 205 1 0.12 86 0.09F70410 HAR023 136.50 -0.2 1.43 -3 236 -0.5 -5 0.14 -1 2 168 2.3 1.07 1.05 23.6 1.39 154 3 0.09 5 -0.01F70411 HAR023 171.00 -0.2 0.65 -3 10 -0.5 -5 0.02 -1 4 252 15.6 0.85 0.17 19.5 0.15 43 6 0.02 9 -0.01F70412 HAR023 197.80 0.4 4.45 -3 52 0.6 -5 2.44 -1 2 196 3.3 1.5 1.05 21.4 1.6 268 2 0.1 6 0.01F70413 HAR023 210.80 -0.2 1.67 -3 23 0.7 -5 0.45 -1 2 188 17.4 1.23 0.73 14.2 0.85 81 6 0.11 6 -0.01F70414 HAR023 275.30 0.2 1.42 -3 165 -0.5 -5 0.1 -1 3 204 2.5 1.58 1 20.1 0.98 199 2 0.09 6 -0.01F70415 HAR023 305.10 1.5 2.75 -3 105 -0.5 -5 1.22 -1 34 302 105 3.93 1.07 5.6 1.8 686 5 0.36 97 0.06F70416 HAR023 312.10 1.5 6.66 -3 29 -0.5 -5 6.18 -1 35 99 313 2.4 0.34 6.4 1.05 136 2 0.56 99 0.15F70417 Iaranite standard 2 -0.2 0.67 -3 100 -0.5 -5 0.34 -1 4 179 4.9 1.22 0.39 21.4 0.4 189 5 0.1 8 0.04F70418 HAR023 349.00 2.5 2.75 28 33 -0.5 -5 1.89 -1 38 144 71.8 2.16 0.67 6.8 1.09 99 8 0.1 110 0.24F70419 HAR023 356.30 5.5 7.2 -3 50 -0.5 -5 4.84 -1 46 277 240 5.32 0.96 7.3 1.62 166 9 0.29 132 0.05F70420 HAR023 374.80 0.7 0.34 -3 28 -0.5 -5 0.03 -1 1 215 18.9 1.6 0.22 10.3 0.33 27 4 0.08 10 -0.01F70421 HAR023 401.30 1.2 1.97 -3 164 -0.5 -5 0.64 -1 5 158 59.6 2.71 1.07 13.9 2.41 155 14 0.17 29 0.02F70422 HAR024 105.40 6.2 5.33 -3 204 -0.5 -5 0.9 -1 61 572 594 5.89 2.4 7.2 4.91 455 1 0.2 186 0.08F70423 HAR024 130.30 -0.2 0.98 -3 131 -0.5 -5 0.07 -1 2 193 3.1 1.69 0.63 72.2 0.35 150 5 0.09 6 -0.01F70424 HAR024 158.50 0.4 1.08 -3 137 -0.5 -5 0.1 -1 3 202 10.2 1.66 0.76 57 0.65 159 4 0.08 7 -0.01F70425 HAR024 176.30 4 1.78 -3 125 -0.5 -5 0.64 5 15 210 276 3.9 0.88 7.6 1.71 174 18 0.22 60 0.04F70426 HAR024 206.40 0.3 0.49 -3 68 -0.5 -5 0.17 -1 1 234 9.6 0.85 0.36 20.1 0.6 39 5 0.09 9 0.02F70427 HAR025 69.60 -0.2 8.19 -3 425 1.3 -5 1.8 -1 19 216 14 4.24 2.69 25.2 1.72 522 -1 1.52 60 0.07F70428 HAR025 96.50 0.2 8.33 -3 499 1.2 -5 2.35 -1 16 202 14 3.85 2.09 13.6 1.85 490 -1 2.05 57 0.05F70429 HAR025 112.10 0.2 6.57 -3 244 1.2 -5 1.41 -1 7 355 54.5 2.28 1.34 22.1 1.36 164 3 2.15 18 0.06F7OO0 HAR025 146.80 0.3 7.71 -3 292 2.3 -5 2.14 -1 1 49 11.2 0.95 1.26 30.5 1.24 117 3 2.67 4 -0.01F7OO1 HAR025 159.80 0.6 5.92 -3 33 7.3 -5 7.75 -1 6 106 49.4 3.09 0.16 7.6 1.65 428 28 0.72 29 0.04F7OO2 HAR025 182.10 -0.2 8.18 -3 373 0.9 -5 5.96 -1 13 96 38.4 1.41 1.4 18.3 0.91 215 2 1.43 24 0.06F70433 HAR025 188.10 -0.2 7.21 -3 982 1.3 6 0.44 -1 -1 51 4 0.82 4.64 29.9 0.19 52 2 2.1 4 0.01F70434 laranite standard 1 0.4 7.92 -3 1050 1.8 -5 1.39 -1 3 57 6.8 1.58 2.51 27 0.5 236 -1 3.16 8 0.04F7OO5 HAR025 214.90 -0.2 7.17 -3 437 1.8 -5 1.94 -1 2 66 10.1 0.86 0.97 31.5 1.08 81 2 2.4 6 -0.01F7OO6 HAR025 240.70 -0.2 5.88 -3 300 1.7 -5 0.79 -1 3 50 2.1 1.28 1.41 29.8 1.42 54 1 1.11 3 -0.01F7OO7 HAR025 279.00 0.2 7.37 -3 1710 1.2 -5 0.78 -1 2 64 2.8 1.59 3.74 59.3 0.26 175 2 2.36 4 0.02F7OO8 HAR025 300.30 0.2 10.6 -3 320 1.5 -5 3.23 -1 62 205 117 4.32 2.55 8.4 2.68 383 3 3.22 127 0.08F7OO9 HAR025 310.50 -0.2 5.57 -3 183 0.7 -5 0.49 -1 -1 106 9.8 2.64 1.29 29.7 1.53 214 5 0.61 7 ·0.01F70440 HAR025 350.40 0.2 6.89 -3 147 2.1 -5 0.8 -1 3 105 3.1 2.42 0.62 28.8 1.89 329 1 1.1 7 0.01F70441 HAR025 372.90 0.3 5.61 -3 545 0.6 -5 1.47 -1 -1 123 3.7 0.74 3.74 24.2 0.81 87 3 0.73 6 0.01F70442 HAR025 385.60 -0.2 6.7 -3 271 1.5 -5 2.34 -1 2 78 7.7 1.88 0.75 30.5 0.69 316 3 1.87 5 0.02F70443 HAR025 398.10 -0.2 9.72 -3 322 0.9 -5 3.86 -1 39 104 45.7 3.17 3.35 17.5 4.54 309 1 2.09 92 0.2F70444 HAR025 402.70 0.3 7.16 -3 251 1.2 -5 0.77 -1 -1 21 4.9 0.44 3.76 7.3 0.05 42 2 2.57 3 -0.01



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FENTON CREEK ROCK Element Pb Sb So Sn Sr Ti V W Y Zn Zr AI203 Ba WR CAO WR CR203 WR FE203 WR K20GEOCHEMISTRY PROJ # 345 Analysis ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103NUMBER HOLE METRES DoL 2 5 0.5 10 0.5 0.01 2 10 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.01 20 0.D1 0.01 0.D1 0.01SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm % % % %F70401 HAR021 103.00 -2 -5 0.9 -10 12.5 0.03 3 -10 2.7 19.3 22.7 14.08 2100 0.94 0.03 1.13 6.57F70402 HAR021 137.40 -2 -5 3.1 -10 20.5 0.07 8 -10 4.8 26.2 6.8 12.12 86 2.40 0.03 1.80 1.12F70403 HAR021 174.70 ·2 -5 3.9 -10 39.2 0.07 3 -10 10.9 76.9 2.7 13.02 41 3.94 0.03 3.83 1.37F70404 HAR021 196.40 -2 -5 17.6 -10 20.1 0.08 3 -10 45.5 86.3 4.3 13.49 92 1.86 0.03 4.43 2.21F70405 HAR021 215.30 -2 -5 50.1 -10 5.6 0.34 453 -10 8 194 6 26.30 451 4.25 0.11 8.94 5.39F70406 HAR021 250.80 -2 -5 3.2 -10 12.3 0.1 10 -10 5.6 49 5.3 12.94 250 1.83 0.03 2.79 1.67F70407 ranite standard 2 -2 -5 0.8 -10 56 0.02 12 -10 5.9 39 15.7 14.90 1110 1.65 0.04 1.93 3.75F70408 HAR021 307.40 2 -5 5.1 -10 43.6 0.06 38 ·10 2.3 12.2 2.2 16.18 54 10.82 0.07 10.22 0.23F70409 HAR021 391.00 -2 -5 3.1 -10 11.3 0.16 52 -10 6.1 33.1 2.9 16.82 -20 11.28 0.04 9.94 0.33F7041 0 HAR023 136.50 -2 -5 4.9 -10 5.1 0.14 11 ·10 5.4 35.7 8.9 14.15 316 2.83 0.04 1.37 1.94F70411 HAR023 171.00 -2 -5 1.7 -10 2.8 0.02 4 -10 6,4 13.7 4.3 11.61 -20 0.18 0.06 1.13 0.34F70412 HAR023 197.80 -2 -5 4.2 -10 45.1 0.09 9 ·10 8.3 42.7 3.8 11.65 174 3.80 0.03 2.29 2.38F70413 HAR023 210.80 -2 -5 2.6 -10 9.5 0.08 2 -10 2.7 118 3.1 12.99 410 1.34 0.03 1.90 6.42F70414 HAR023 275.30 -2 -5 5.4 -10 6.8 0.14 11 -10 4.4 46.8 5.7 12.75 232 2.70 0.03 2.22 1.42F70415 HAR023 305.10 93 -5 17.7 -10 28.8 0.19 181 -10 5.5 302 2.7 14.19 130 3.68 0.07 4.16 1.50F70416 HAR023 312.10 83 -5 1.7 -10 157 0.17 66 -10 5.9 113 4.7 18.54 214 17.47 0.03 4.95 1.19F70417 IQranite standard 2 2 -5 1.1 -10 52 0.07 17 -10 5.9 48.4 21.2 15.10 1140 2.18 0.04 2.29 3.25F70418 HAR023 349.00 61 -5 10.1 -10 26.8 -0.01 56 -10 24 120 17 32.09 636 3.79 0.11 4.15 10.61F70419 HAR023 356.30 44 5 20 -10 109 0.07 149 ·10 11 160 7.9 21.15 130 9.55 0.09 10.63 2.61F70420 HAR023 374.80 ·2 -5 1.7 -10 2.5 0.01 4 -10 3.7 60.3 30 12.24 425 1.39 0.03 2.27 1.54F70421 HAR023 401.30 9 -5 5.9 -10 15.3 0.07 32 -10 15.1 204 71.4 18.54 244 3.30 0.04 4.22 2.19F70422 HAR024 105.40 28 7 32.5 -10 47.3 0.21 282 -10 5.9 99.2 2.2 18.13 244 3.87 0.12 9.98 3.64F70423 HAR024 130.30 6 -5 2.5 -10 11.1 0.12 12 -10 2.6 55 19.7 13.76 912 2.91 0.04 2.20 2.32F70424 HAR024 158.50 7 -5 6 -10 8 0.19 16 -10 3.5 170 43.9 14.19 569 2.67 0.03 2.16 1.86F70425 HAR024 176.30 99 -5 6.3 -10 17.3 0.04 79 -10 9.6 1010 28.4 14.10 214 5.27 0.07 4.08 2.20F70426 HAR024 206.40 -2 -5 4.3 -10 6.1 0.09 7 -10 25.9 44.9 41.6 12.00 428 2.70 0.03 1.04 1.31F70427 HAR025 69.60 -2 -5 14 -10 300 0.37 141 -10 12.3 64.2 96.3 13.79 396 2.81 0.07 6.39 3.58F70428 HAR025 96.50 4 -5 12 -10 289 0.29 105 -10 5.9 75.5 68.1 14.00 416 3.73 0.06 3.61 2.49F70429 HAR025 112.10 18 -5 5 -10 271 0.09 80 -10 8 74.9 129 13.14 218 2.26 0.03 3.23 1.37F70430 HAR025 146.80 9 -5 3.5 -10 181 0.09 6 -10 11.4 51.8 141 14.31 239 3.24 0.04 1.36 1.49F70431 HAR025 159.80 8 ·5 4.3 -10 120 0.09 83 -10 12.8 305 104 11.54 39 11.97 0.04 4.71 0.19F70432 HAR025 182.10 -2 -5 11.2 -10 217 0.34 104 -10 16.6 100 116 14.11 294 9.30 0.04 2.14 1.72F70433 HAR025 188.10 33 ·5 1.9 -10 147 0.03 2 -10 3.7 10.8 58.3 13.75 759 0.70 0.04 1.18 4.00F70434 Iaranite standard 1 4 -5 2 -10 699 0.13 25 -10 7.8 59.1 102 14.90 1080 2.13 0.03 2.21 3.16F70435 HAR025 214.90 3 -5 3.6 -10 194 0.1 6 -10 10.3 48.1 119 13.15 335 2.89 0.04 1.20 1.13F70436 HAR025 240.70 -2 ·5 4.1 -10 139 0.13 9 -10 9.5 50.2 126 13.70 248 1.27 0.03 1.88 1.81F70437 HAR025 279.00 23 -5 2.1 -10 319 0.11 8 -10 4 67.7 127 14.19 1450 1.25 0.07 2.29 4.48F70438 HAR025 300.30 -2 -5 44.1 ·10 169 0.42 504 -10 8.8 206 73.9 27.66 268 4.03 0.12 8.48 3.99F70439 HAR025 310.50 -2 -5 10.4 -10 58.8 0.07 5 -10 87.8 102 171 10.83 153 0.75 0.04 3.78 1.37F70440 HAR025 350.40 -2 -5 5.5 -10 62.4 0.09 11 -10 18.9 51.9 151 13.94 133 1.31 0.03 3.42 0.75F70441 HAR025 372.90 5 -5 3.1 -10 43.9 0.1 9 -10 9 39.1 128 11.85 390 2.41 0.04 1.14 4.97F70442 HAR025 385.60 7 -5 4.7 -10 201 0.09 10 -10 20.4 45.4 99 12.62 223 3.40 0.07 2.69 0.91F70443 HAR025 398.10 23 -5 31.5 ·10 267 0.93 366 -10 14.8 200 113 24.14 266 4.68 0.04 6.02 5.52F70444 HAR025 402.70 70 -5 1.2 -10 105 0.02 2 -10 3.4 13.3 14.2 13.76 204 1.20 0.04 0.64 4.88


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (43)


FENTON CREEK ROCK Element LOI WR MGO WR MNO WR NA20 Nb WR P205 Rb WR SI02 Sr Sum WR TI02 Y ZrGEOCHEMISTRY PROJ # 345 Analysis XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 2 0.01 2 0.01 2 0.01 0.001 2 2SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units % % % % ppm % ppm % ppm % % ppm ppmF70401 HAR021 103.00 0.50 0.44 0.02 2.72 6 0.04 112 73.89 315 98.80 0.126 -2 139F70402 HAR021 137.40 1.15 1.73 0.02 1.02 11 0.03 19 79.47 43 99.40 0.240 23 174F70403 HAR021 174.70 1.35 2.71 0.09 0.37 16 0.02 22 74.40 44 99.10 0.221 71 231F70404 HAR021 196.40 0.85 2.46 0.10 0.78 3 0.02 41 74.43 39 99.50 0.186 167 248F70405 HAR021 215.30 0.95 5.05 0.08 4.41 8 0.25 78 42.18 208 98.20 3.044 25 102F70406 HAR021 250.80 0.90 2.39 0.03 2.75 15 0.03 54 75.20 157 98.80 0.322 34 192F70407 Iqranite standard 2 0.95 0.64 0.03 4.60 10 0.07 61 69.60 692 98.70 0.259 7 157F70408 HAR021 307.40 0.35 9.58 0.14 2.43 6 0.10 3 49.36 139 99.20 0.873 14 63F70409 HAR021 391.00 0.55 6.35 0.14 3.41 9 0.19 5 50.14 210 98.40 1.363 24 98F70410 HAR023 136.50 0.45 2.47 0.02 3.71 12 0.03 39 73.17 104 99.50 0.266 31 210F70411 HAR023 171.00 1.55 0.29 0.01 0.08 18 0.03 7 86.02 5 99.10 0.239 28 186F70412 HAR023 197.80 1.00 2.89 0.03 0.23 13 0.04 35 76.42 65 99.20 0.234 34 155F70413 HAR023 210.80 0.90 1.37 0.01 0.95 12 0.03 49 74.66 66 99.10 0.295 14 323F70414 HAR023 275.30 0.30 1.78 0.03 3.11 13 0.03 49 75.68 172 99.80 0.245 41 209F70415 HAR023 305.10 1.15 3.67 0.12 2.37 7 0.14 17 69.10 114 99.30 1.004 11 86F70416 HAR023 312.10 0.60 7.87 0.09 1.36 8 0.36 19 46.94 213 96.20 1.199 17 104F70417 Iqranite standard 2 0.40 0.74 0.03 4.81 8 0.09 63 68.90 762 98.40 0.231 5 171F70418 HAR023 349.00 3.20 4.34 0.03 0.64 10 0.45 55 41.64 111 98.90 2.162 37 134F70419 HAR023 356.30 1.90 5.41 0.04 0.62 7 0.14 27 48.28 124 99.20 1.477 25 110F70420 HAR023 374.80 0.45 0.92 0.01 4.79 15 0.03 11 76.56 106 99.00 0.216 18 288F70421 HAR023 401.30 1.35 3.60 0.03 3.25 18 0.03 29 64.42 156 99.00 0.372 34 300F70422 HAR024 105.40 4.20 9.86 0.09 1.22 7 0.18 47 51.49 106 97.80 1.437 22 89F70423 HAR024 130.30 0.25 0.64 0.02 4.46 5 0.04 41 73.37 432 99.10 0.232 2 209F70424 HAR024 158.50 0.35 1.16 0.02 4.22 6 0.03 46 73.28 319 99.10 0.393 7 278F70425 HAR024 176.30 2.95 5.33 0.03 2.18 12 0.10 25 66.29 108 99.40 0.352 26 224F70426 HAR024 206.40 0.15 0.98 0.01 3.74 13 0.03 24 77.97 173 99.70 0.194 32 225F70427 HAR025 69.60 0.70 3.04 0.07 2.26 7 0.14 44 67.09 301 98.50 0.750 11 138F70428 HAR025 96.50 0.50 3.25 0.07 3.07 7 0.12 61 69.25 288 98.60 0.343 7 105F70429 HAR025 112.10 2.05 2.28 0.02 3.01 7 0.13 39 74.08 276 99.10 0.459 11 175F70430 HAR025 146.80 0.50 2.09 0.01 3.82 16 0.01 44 73.47 184 99.10 0.171 32 180F70431 HAR025 159.80 0.80 2.87 0.06 0.98 9 0.11 6 67.33 115 96.40 0.182 13 115F70432 HAR025 182.10 1.30 1.56 0.03 2.06 11 0.15 24 68.23 220 98.40 0.670 24 154F70433 HAR025 188.10 0.60 0.29 0.01 3.11 6 0.02 115 76.83 153 99.70 0.063 3 66F70434 ranite standard 1 0.75 0.80 0.03 4.54 8 0.09 47 68.50 703 97.60 0.241 7 157F70435 HAR025 214.90 0.30 1.76 0.01 3.38 12 0.01 23 76.30 185 99.00 0.144 28 163F70436 HAR025 240.70 1.20 2.45 0.01 1.40 14 0.01 50 77.20 145 99.10 0.244 30 191F70437 HAR025 279.00 0.50 0.43 0.02 3.44 7 0.03 97 73.60 328 98.90 0.201 5 149F70438 HAR025 300.30 1.10 6.13 0.08 6.20 25 0.27 43 39.89 181 98.60 3.163 19 99F70439 HAR025 310.50 0.75 2.35 0.03 0.82 17 0.01 21 79.89 61 99.20 0.140 110 218F70440 HAR025 350.40 0.60 3.32 0.03 1.35 12 0.03 15 75.59 66 99.50 0.231 51 205F70441 HAR025 372.90 0.55 1.45 0.01 1.04 13 0.03 53 76.85 47 98.80 0.210 17 152F70442 HAR025 385.60 0.30 1.13 0.04 2.65 14 0.03 25 76.24 204 98.80 0.232 47 198F70443 HAR025 398.10 0.60 10.02 0.05 3.93 13 0.58 108 42.51 264 97.30 2.512 23 138F70444 HAR025 402.70 -0.01 0.03 0.01 3.80 7 0.01 78 75.59 113 98.90 0.044 3 23


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (44)




FENTON CREEK ROCK Element Ao AI As Ba Be BI Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Fe K La Mg Mn Mo Na Ni PGEOCHEMISTRY PROJiI 345 Analysis ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 0.2 0.01 3 1 0.5 5 0.01 1 1 1 0.5 0.01 0.01 0.5 0.01 2 1 0.01 1 0.01SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % % ppm % ppm ppm % ppm %F70445 HAR025 407.10 0.2 7.61 -3 2190 0.7 -5 1.37 -1 -1 41 1.5 1.37 3.07 49.7 0.23 119 -1 2.51 3 0.01F70445 HAR025 435.00 1.9 8.48 -3 499 0.5 -5 0.49 -1 3 55 145 3.45 5.73 28.9 1.49 54 5 0.84 54 0.01F70447 HAR025 474.30 3.8 7.28 -3 189 1.2 -5 2.91 8 14 139 88.9 3.17 1.47 23 2.36 241 10 1.46 43 0.03F70448 HAR025 481.80 5.9 5.83 -3 118 1.1 -5 9.42 17 16 100 73.9 4.07 0.37 16.2 4 420 7 1.49 43 0.06F70449 HAR025 74.30 0.7 9.55 -3 518 1.3 -5 1.93 -1 27 406 135 6.44 1.84 22.4 2.05 527 5 2.6 100 0.02F70450 HAR026 101.00 -0.2 7.37 -3 1350 0.9 -5 0.53 -1 -1 48 9.4 1.03 4.47 38.9 0.15 104 1 2.24 4 0.01F70451 HAR025 124.90 0.2 8.13 -3 543 1.2 -5 1.93 -1 18 223 7.3 4.51 1.86 21.4 2.41 484 -1 2.77 58 0.08F70452 HAR026 150.50 -0.2 5.92 -3 430 1 -5 1.77 -1 1 258 7.5 1.08 1.45 29.8 1.31 133 -1 1.51 4 -0.01F70453 HAR025 168.70 -0.2 9.34 -3 785 0.7 -5 0.97 1 30 273 75.5 7.62 1.58 25.5 2.45 450 1 1.33 105 0.03F70454 HAR025 190.60 -0.2 5.87 -3 228 1.8 -5 0.58 -1 2 70 18.9 1.34 1.12 25 1.59 38 3 1.27 3 -0.01F70455 HAR026 265.00 -0.2 6.45 -3 331 0.9 -5 0.31 -1 2 84 33.9 4.5 4.61 13.8 2.09 884 -1 0.24 5 ·0.Q1F70455 !granite standard 1 -0.2 8.23 ·3 1070 1.8 -5 1.47 -1 4 45 11.8 1.5 2.5 23.2 0.48 238 -1 3.27 6 0.04F70457 HAR026 282.20 0.3 6.15 -3 1060 0.5 -5 0.8 ·1 3 75 3.5 1.05 5.78 25.4 0.98 158 2 0.35 5 0.01F70458 HAR025 292.30 -0.2 5.98 -3 214 0.5 -5 2.19 -1 3 98 23.6 2.15 2.03 23.5 1.22 209 2 0.33 10 -0.01F70459 HAR026 322.50 0.2 7.92 -3 52 0.9 -5 5.44 2 36 297 22.9 8.12 0.31 7 4.75 1110 -1 2.52 77 0.05F70460 HAR025 372.10 -0.2 10.6 -3 184 0.8 -5 3.36 -1 84 291 148 4.71 2.2 9.5 2.7 340 2 3.37 138 0.09F70461 HAR025 400.50 -0.2 5.31 -3 247 -0.5 -5 1.41 -1 4 161 2.8 2.01 1.26 24.5 1.27 274 3 1.94 7 0.02F70452 HAR026 445.53 -0.2 5.34 -3 125 3.5 -5 0.57 -1 4 138 7.9 1.89 1.26 23.7 1.48 282 2 1.1 9 ·0.01F70463 HAR025 452.50 0.5 7 -3 255 0.7 -5 0.55 -1 4 141 5.5 2.14 1.41 27.2 1.51 277 2 2.55 5 -0.01F70484 HAR026 470.50 0.5 5.55 -3 28 1 -5 14.5 2 20 45 69.1 2.13 0.25 17.3 7.08 474 -1 0.23 47 0.05F70455 HAR026 477.75 0.8 10.3 -3 549 0.6 -5 2.21 -1 29 114 63.2 2 1.97 32.9 2.58 49 5 2.72 84 0.03F70466 HAR026 504.80 0.7 5.15 -3 511 0.7 -5 0.75 -1 -1 86 5 0.34 3.75 24.2 0.12 36 -1 1.73 9 0.01F70457 HAR026 532.50 0.5 5.36 -3 182 2 -5 1.08 -1 6 90 23.4 2.04 1.09 32.5 2.22 67 10 1.33 22 0.03F70458 HAR027 85.20 -0.2 10.1 -3 458 1.2 -5 4.73 -1 41 185 57.1 3.93 1.55 21 1.88 313 4 2.23 104 0.18F70469 HAR027 109.75 0.4 8.99 -3 102 1.1 -5 5.72 -1 57 380 60.5 4.74 1 14.2 2.35 557 2 1.53 245 0.13F70470 HAR027 135.80 0.3 9.17 ·3 71 1 -5 6.44 1 40 92 31.2 3.85 0.58 13.6 1.4 451 3 2.15 57 0.12F70471 HAR027 153.20 0.6 8.37 -3 129 0.9 -5 11.1 -1 34 93 130 3.72 0.44 12.9 3.89 642 2 1.7 88 0.09F70472 HAR027 174.80 0.4 7.26 -3 2550 0.8 -5 0.92 -1 -1 68 3.4 1.26 3.89 70.5 0.17 104 2 2.22 5 0.02F70473 HAR027 192.25 0.9 6.37 -3 571 0.7 -5 0.79 -1 2 76 15.8 1.68 1.59 28.9 1.64 49 4 1.54 7 -0.01F70474 HAR027 226.00 0.3 7.3 -3 1590 0.8 -5 0.68 ·1 1 53 4.7 1.02 4.29 42 0.13 102 3 2.09 7 0.01F70475 HAR027 237.70 2.1 7.25 -3 215 1.1 -5 2.42 4 14 139 82.6 3.59 1.52 23.1 2.39 222 9 1.94 47 0.03F70476 HAR028 57.75 -0.2 10.5 -3 477 1.5 -5 4.93 -1 55 144 53.2 5.33 2.57 10 1.93 992 2 0.52 113 0.11F70477 HAR028 76.15 0.4 6.38 -3 305 1.8 -5 1.35 -1 3 103 3.5 2.18 0.74 27.4 1.24 273 3 1.4 7 0.01F70478 HAR028 120.20 -0.2 10 -3 95 1 -5 5.59 -1 24 113 29.3 3.14 0.97 13.6 2.54 447 2 2.05 60 0.09F70479 HAR028 154.60 1.2 10.8 -3 980 1 -5 9.53 1 56 155 95.2 4.88 2.92 12.1 1.69 1190 5 0.77 157 0.1F70480 HAR028 184.26 -0.2 7.28 -3 1040 1.3 -5 0.83 -1 -1 92 2.9 0.9 3.8 43.1 0.11 147 2 2.42 6 0.01F70481 HAR028 215.35 2.1 9.23 -3 113 1 -5 10.9 1 51 458 173 3.47 0.39 11.5 4.23 561 1 0.58 175 0.09F70482 HAR028 235.70 1 5.89 -3 546 1.3 -5 0.6 -1 3 93 13.9 1.35 2.55 20.3 0.57 55 4 1.48 13 -0.Q1F70483 HAR028 247.59 0.4 7.13 -3 259 1.1 -5 1.91 -1 2 84 18.7 1.43 1.12 27.7 1.21 48 3 2.65 17 0.01F70484 HAR028 288.84 -0.2 7.11 ·3 1490 1.1 -5 0.81 -1 ·1 142 2.6 1.23 3.55 46.8 0.14 144 3 2.26 4 0.01F70485 HAR025 509.80 1.2 7.3 -3 270 1 -5 3.36 6 9 164 173 3.77 1.5 28.4 2.69 187 8 0.86 31 0.03F70485 HAR025 529.50 0.2 6.23 -3 95 1.5 -5 9.4 -1 2 52 7.1 1.03 0.17 21.9 0.64 154 2 0.81 5 0.03F70487 HAR031 585.00 0.2 7.48 -3 1360 1.4 -5 0.85 -1 2 89 8.8 1.46 3.93 57.4 0.23 186 2 2.78 9 0.02F70488 HAR031 514.00 4 8.51 -3 356 1.1 ·5 2.85 -1 15 196 83.9 4.1 2.3 36.1 2.44 191 14 2.45 49 0.03



(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (45)




FENTON CREEK ROCK Element Pb Sb So Sn Sr Ti V W Y Zn Zr AI203 Ba WR CAO WR_CR203 WR FE203 WR_K20GEOCHEMISTRY PROJ# 345 Analysis ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 2 5 0.5 10 0.5 0.01 2 10 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.01 20 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm % % % %F70445 HAR025 407.10 18 ·5 1.9 ·10 439 0.11 9 -10 2.1 49.7 117 14.55 2000 2.14 0.07 1.99 3.77F70446 HAR025 436.00 38 -5 7.4 -10 61.1 0.08 47 ·10 9 372 300 19.43 368 0.84 0.02 5.12 7.77F70447 HAR025 474.30 253 -5 10.3 -10 112 0.1 76 -10 18.8 1810 138 14.22 153 4.49 0.03 4.41 1.75F70448 HAR025 481.80 612 ·5 13.8 -10 176 0.32 117 -10 26.5 3460 117 17.14 114 18.09 0.08 5.43 0.56F70449 HAR026 74.30 15 -5 26.5 -10 346 0.44 205 -10 13 157 108 23.06 499 3.76 0.09 12.09 3.02F70450 HAR026 101.00 30 -5 1.7 -10 233 0.06 4 -10 4.5 43.8 86.1 14.37 1110 0.97 0.04 1.48 3.52F70451 HAR026 124.90 3 -5 14 -10 289 0.32 126 -10 9.1 111 76.5 13.54 498 2.99 0.03 6.76 2.35F70452 HAR026 150.50 -2 -5 4.7 -10 138 0.08 3 -10 10.6 49.2 147 11.14 337 2.68 0.03 1.37 1.86F70453 HAR026 168.70 -2 -5 27.8 -10 171 0.49 223 -10 10 152 71.9 24.92 709 1.72 0.08 14.46 2.62F70454 HAR026 190.60 4 -5 4.2 -10 112 0.07 5 -10 5.9 36.1 143 13.93 177 0.97 0.04 1.99 1.44F70455 HAR026 265.00 -2 -5 24.5 -10 23.8 0.12 6 -10 62.9 149 207 14.04 247 0.50 0.03 6.52 3.99F70456 ranite standard 1 -2 -5 2.1 ·10 741 0.13 24 -10 7.5 62.4 107 15.20 1120 2.20 0.02 2.24 3.03F70457 HAR026 282.20 -2 -5 3.7 -10 72.8 0.12 11 -10 8.8 28.6 159 11.64 747 1.22 0.04 1.50 7.41F70458 HAR026 292.30 2 -5 5.4 -10 45.4 0.14 3 -10 8.3 92 81.1 11.77 161 3.40 0.06 3.16 2.56F70459 HAR026 322.50 -2 ·5 36.2 -10 262 0.73 247 -10 20.4 124 28.1 14.95 61 8.10 0.06 12.30 0.34F70460 HAR026 372.10 -2 -5 46.2 -10 197 0.53 447 -10 12.2 195 48.7 26.90 108 4.12 0.12 9.15 3.63F70461 HAR026 400.50 5 -5 4.9 -10 130 0.12 13 -10 27.4 43.1 142 11.97 203 2.14 0.04 2.84 1.41F70462 HAR026 445.53 7 -5 5.7 -10 85.6 0.12 12 ·10 6.7 74.7 122 11.67 111 0.90 0.04 2.70 1.37F70463 HAR026 452.60 -2 -5 5.8 -10 135 0.21 19 -10 27.2 40.9 210 13.16 224 0.84 0.03 3.02 1.54F70464 HAR026 470.60 127 -5 12.1 ·10 24.5 0.29 99 -10 25.2 485 90.3 11.18 24 20.95 0.01 3.41 0.29F70465 HAR026 477.75 32 -5 22.6 -10 149 0.15 143 -10 11.6 214 238 27.37 396 4.25 0.04 3.60 3.01F70466 HAR026 504.80 23 ·5 2.7 -10 85.7 0.03 3 -10 7.4 31.6 195 11.81 421 1.16 0.07 0.35 5.05F70467 HAR026 532.50 12 -5 8.8 -10 138 0.08 25 -10 11.5 106 214 18.83 149 1.66 0.04 2.90 1.32F70468 HAR027 86.20 -2 -5 31 -10 336 0.55 299 -10 22.9 146 124 24.30 407 8.90 0.09 4.45 2.39F70469 HAR027 109.75 -2 -5 34.6 ·10 193 0.63 298 -10 17.5 145 88.2 22.66 84 11.02 0.15 8.97 1.52F70470 HAR027 135.80 -2 -5 27.4 -10 245 1.01 393 -10 28.3 160 28.3 22.83 70 12.52 0.04 4.42 1.09F70471 HAR027 153.20 40 -5 28.3 -10 201 0.54 223 -10 17.3 138 18.9 15.05 115 14.83 0.03 3.80 0.33F70472 HAR027 174.80 80 -5 1.9 -10 329 0.08 7 -10 4.1 55.5 141 13.99 2160 1.46 0.04 1.81 4.85F70473 HAR027 192.25 12 -5 7 -10 94 0.08 7 -10 7.4 125 260 14.32 496 1.22 0.17 2.44 2.07F70474 HAR027 226.00 38 -5 2 -10 255 0.07 3 -10 2.9 52.9 62.1 14.35 1310 1.08 0.03 0.81 4.08F70475 HAR027 237.70 84 ·5 10.6 -10 117 0.14 82 -10 14.4 1050 140 14.47 189 3.75 0.03 3.31 1.92F70476 HAR028 67.75 -2 -5 39.9 -10 108 0.41 298 -10 14.7 208 57.9 26.68 367 9.70 0.11 9.73 4.43F70477 HAR028 76.15 10 -5 4.4 -10 122 0.09 12 -10 13.1 56.1 119 12.70 262 2.15 0.03 3.23 0.97F70478 HAR028 120.20 -2 -5 24 ·10 241 0.52 222 -10 17 103 77 24.37 98 10.61 0.05 5.57 1.44F70479 HAR028 154.60 13 -5 34.6 -10 189 0.94 359 -10 16.5 126 30.6 21.06 764 13.73 0.03 7.68 3.54F70480 HAR028 184.26 41 5 1.8 -10 197 0.04 3 -10 3.8 39.7 93 14.22 846 1.32 0.06 1.54 3.14F70481 HAR028 215.35 34 -5 41.2 -10 235 0.86 341 -10 30.3 169 32.5 18.88 108 14.49 0.11 3.29 0.53F70482 HAR028 235.70 6 ·5 3.9 -10 65.9 0.04 5 -10 4.4 63.7 195 12.90 389 0.94 0.04 1.99 3.37F70483 HAR028 247.69 6 -5 5.4 -10 182 0.06 9 -10 7.9 96.4 196 14.33 231 3.03 0.03 2.18 1.50F70484 HAR028 288.64 27 -5 1.9 -10 268 0.08 5 -10 4.1 61.4 109 14.29 1300 1.30 0.06 1.84 3.33F70485 HAR025 509.80 42 -5 9.8 -10 97 0.13 63 -10 16 1360 151 15.03 234 3.29 0.04 3.60 2.08F70486 HAR025 529.50 -2 -5 5 -10 164 0.1 9 -10 33.9 71.1 108 12.21 85 14.69 0.03 1.60 0.19F70487 HAR031 585.00 76 -5 3 -10 302 0.12 8 ·10 5.2 70.6 114 13.98 1200 1.34 0.03 2.11 3.91F70488 HAR031 614.00 195 -5 13.1 -10 149 0.15 81 -10 16.9 393 249 16.77 278 4.45 0.03 6.39 2.50


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (46)

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FENTON CREEK ROCK Element LOI WR MGO WR MNO WRNA20 Nb WR P205 Rb WR SI02 Sr Sum WR TI02 Y ZrGEOCHEMISTRY PROJ # 345 Analysis XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 2 0.01 2 0.D1 2 0.01 0.001 2 2SAMPLE DRILL DePTH Units % % % % ppm % ppm % ppm % % ppm ppmF70445 HAR025 407.10 0.60 0.37 0.02 3.81 5 0.02 59 73.08 444 99.30 0.186 -2 144F70446 HAR025 436.00 2.25 2.48 0.01 1.22 19 0.03 83 62.76 72 98.80 0.321 19 396F70447 HAR025 474.30 1.30 4.10 0.03 1.95 12 0.07 32 68.44 114 99.40 0.495 34 180F70448 HAR025 481.80 1.30 9.07 0.08 2.48 8 0.19 8 46.38 171 97.10 0.514 24 143F70449 HAR026 74.30 1.00 4.29 0.09 4.87 9 0.08 62 47.55 358 98.50 1.094 21 142F70450 HAR026 101.00 0.40 0.23 0.01 3.24 7 0.02 89 76.01 240 98.80 0.108 4 99F70451 HAR026 124.90 1.05 4.24 0.06 4.14 7 0.18 46 65.32 289 99.40 0.390 7 113F70452 HAR026 150.50 0.55 2.24 0.02 2.18 17 0.02 33 78.31 140 98.60 0.152 40 217F70453 HAR026 168.70 1.00 5.44 0.08 2.43 8 0.10 62 47.00 185 99.00 1.166 21 144F70454 HAR026 190.60 1.95 3.03 0.01 1.87 10 0.01 37 76.54 116 99.50 0.172 15 172F70455 HAR026 265.00 0.85 3.63 0.13 0.28 14 0.02 96 70.63 23 98.30 0.221 109 271F70456 ranite standard 1 0.65 0.77 0.03 4.63 7 0.09 49 69.60 718 98.90 0.235 7 157F70457 HAR026 282.20 0.70 1.66 0.02 0.47 9 0.03 74 75.78 73 98.70 0.223 25 169F70458 HAR026 292.30 0.60 2.10 0.03 0.43 18 0.02 41 76.20 47 99.50 0.271 29 244F70459 HAR026 322.50 0.45 8.26 0.13 3.75 7 0.13 7 50.63 268 98.90 1.350 22 89F70460 HAR026 372.10 1.20 5.81 0.04 6.41 9 0.27 43 40.69 200 98.20 2.860 17 91F70461 HAR026 400.50 0.35 2.11 0.03 2.77 14 0.03 28 76.44 133 98.30 0.215 47 175F70462 HAR026 445.53 0.70 2.52 0.04 1.34 11 0.02 53 79.16 90 99.10 0.223 46 154F70463 HAR026 452.60 1.70 2.54 0.04 3.45 14 0.02 48 74.88 138 100.00 0.376 38 283F70464 HAR026 470.60 2.55 12.59 0.08 0.28 9 0.14 9 50.69 25 95.40 0.369 25 86F70465 HAR026 477.75 1.95 5.50 0.01 4.82 21 0.09 27 49.91 157 98.90 1.410 48 312F70466 HAR026 504.80 0.10 0.13 0.D1 2.52 13 0.02 42 78.70 90 98.80 0.184 27 251F70467 HAR026 532.50 1.25 3.71 0.01 1.87 18 0.06 25 69.17 144 99.20 0.440 32 291F70468 HAR027 86.20 0.90 4.00 0.05 4.04 12 0.53 29 48.87 328 98.80 2.368 31 151F70469 HAR027 109.75 1.00 5.13 0.10 2.78 12 0.38 11 44.68 197 99.20 2.595 23 107F70470 HAR027 135.80 0.70 2.98 0.08 4.01 8 0.37 8 49.26 241 98.00 2.398 34 128F70471 HAR027 153.20 0.75 7.05 0.10 2.62 7 0.23 9 54.88 195 97.30 1.074 18 100F70472 HAR027 174.80 0.30 0.24 0.01 3.20 3 0.04 86 74.21 338 99.20 0.141 2 153F70473 HAR027 192.25 1.35 2.72 0.01 2.13 13 0.02 38 74.67 97 99.20 0.239 29 334F70474 HAR027 226.00 0.40 0.20 0.01 3.20 5 0.02 102 76.10 260 98.80 0.124 2 68F70475 HAR027 237.70 0.95 4.33 0.03 2.88 11 0.07 50 68.85 123 100.00 0.340 32 189F70476 HAR028 67.75 2.75 4.15 0.17 1.10 11 0.35 61 41.15 110 98.40 2.433 43 97F70477 HAR028 76.15 0.55 2.18 0.04 2.10 12 0.03 27 76.33 131 99.40 0.233 41 175F70478 HAR028 120.20 1.80 5.48 0.08 3.73 7 0.27 14 47.21 239 100.00 1.202 20 109F70479 HAR028 154.60 1.50 2.85 0.18 1.06 10 0.24 37 47.89 184 98.80 1.747 19 80F70480 HAR028 184.26 0.20 0.14 0.02 3.46 6 0.03 101 76.00 201 98.20 0.086 2 112F70481 HAR028 215.35 0.65 7.60 0.10 0.88 7 0.24 20 52.37 230 96.00 1.514 35 96F70482 HAR028 235.70 0.90 1.15 0.01 2.15 17 0.02 42 77.22 74 99.60 0.202 13 269F70483 HAR028 247.69 0.70 2.14 0.01 4.08 12 0.03 24 72.45 199 98.60 0.223 33 293F70484 HAR028 288.64 0.30 0.22 0.02 3.58 6 0.03 99 75.16 290 99.10 0.154 5 128F70485 HAR025 509.80 1.45 4.75 0.02 1.18 12 0.08 47 69.47 98 99.80 0.470 33 193F70486 HAR025 529.50 3.65 1.09 0.02 1.19 13 0.06 3 68.70 164 96.50 0.210 42 194F70487 HAR031 585.00 0.50 0.33 0.02 3.63 8 0.06 103 74.40 297 100.20 0.194 -2 114F70488 HAR031 614.00 1.80 4.04 0.02 3.30 14 0.07 25 62.03 144 99.50 0.388 33 252


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (47)




FENTON CREEK ROCK Element Ag AI As Ba Be B; Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Fe K La Mg Mn Mo Na Ni PGEOCHEMISTRY PROJ# 345 Analysis ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 0.2 0.01 3 1 0.5 5 0.01 1 1 1 0.5 0.01 0.01 0.5 0.01 2 1 0.01 1 0.01SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % % ppm % ppm ppm % ppm %F70469 HAR026V1 304.40 0.6 6.56 -3 407 0.9 -5 1.64 -1 4 69 16.7 1.57 3.25 28.3 1.01 112 3 1.07 9 0.01F70490 HAR026V1 321.00 -0.2 7.88 -3 77 1 -5 5.67 1 45 254 4.8 8 0.24 12.4 5.06 1080 -1 2.6 94 0.06F70491 HAR026V\ 358.00 -0.2 7.25 -3 1450 1.2 -5 0.7 -1 1 57 15.4 0.9 4.31 47.9 0.13 71 2 2.73 5 0.01F70492 HAR026V1 396.90 0.4 5.85 -3 247 1.3 -5 0.75 -1 4 116 4.7 1.94 0.97 32 1.38 199 2 1.24 9 0.01F70493 HAR026V\ 444.60 -0.2 5.65 -3 306 0.9 -5 1.23 -1 3 123 5.1 1.66 1.07 23.4 1.43 280 3 1.55 6 -0.01F70494 HAR026V1 475.50 0.8 5.16 -3 211 0.9 -5 0.84 -1 -1 118 33.6 1.07 1.11 23.3 0.38 61 1 2.35 12 -0.01G35252 ranite standard 2 -0.2 0.61 -3 96 -0.5 -5 0.32 -1 3 132 6.3 0.98 0.37 24.1 0.4 176 -1 0.06 6 0.04G35253 HAR010 74.00 -0.2 2.16 -3 55 -0.5 -5 1.26 -1 20 163 32.2 1.79 0.39 8 1.07 153 -1 0.32 45 0.09G35254 HAR010 101.00 0.3 7.18 -3 93 -0.5 -5 5.84 -1 32 82 169 1.25 0.51 4.9 1.14 61 2 0.37 84 0.07G35255 HAR010 129.80 4.2 3.66 -3 33 0.9 -5 1.54 11 15 172 922 5.94 1.14 8.2 2.01 99 74 0.21 121 0.07G35256 HAR010 146.00 2.7 0.74 5 22 -0.5 -5 0.03 2 3 160 326 1.89 0.4 13.6 0.55 44 7 0.04 15 -0.01G35257 HAR010 161.00 -0.2 1.03 -3 152 -0.5 -5 0.24 -1 3 146 3.9 1.79 0.64 35.2 0.43 167 4 0.07 5 0.03G35258 HAR010 190.60 2 1.66 -3 132 -0.5 -5 0.31 3 15 231 193 4.04 1.24 7.1 2.06 305 9 0.11 48 0.03G35259 HAR015 83.00 2.2 5.06 -3 534 -0.5 -5 0.4 1 66 370 931 6.52 1.93 7.8 4.09 556 -1 0.1 145 0.09G35260 HAR015 97.50 3.9 0.71 -3 5 -0.5 -5 1.46 3 11 96 652 4.68 0.02 8.6 0.43 44 60 0.05 109 0.03G35261 HAR015 115.90 0.8 7.59 -3 70 0.6 -5 7.68 -1 9 101 43.9 0.55 0.06 3.9 0.25 117 1 0.97 31 0.06G35262 HAR015 145.90 4.6 1.41 -3 37 -0.5 -5 0.1 11 20 179 926 4.73 1.17 8 1.94 91 7 0.05 54 0.03G35263 HAR015 185.00 0.4 2.33 -3 8 -0.5 -5 5.37 -1 50 206 104 1.92 0.09 3.5 0.38 99 1 0.36 215 0.07G35264 HAR015 202.90 0.4 3.16 -3 6 -0.5 -5 3.43 -1 25 80 63 1.04 0.11 3.8 0.1 60 2 0.34 87 0.02G35265 HAR016 65 0.4 6.57 -3 165 -0.5 -5 4.5 -1 38 212 57.4 2.27 0.49 10.2 1.24 123 3 0.61 101 0.12G35266 HAR016 95 0.6 2.84 -3 135 -0.5 -5 0.9 -1 65 293 90 3.9 1.53 3.9 1.96 275 7 0.28 179 0.11G35267 HAR016 125 0.3 0.46 -3 55 -0.5 -5 0.27 -1 2 191 7.9 0.9 0.26 28.6 0.2 93 1 0.06 6 -0.01G35268 HAR016 168.5 -0.2 0.63 -3 100 -0.5 -5 0.26 -1 1 162 4.6 1.25 0.39 42.8 0.16 102 2 0.06 5 -0.01G35269 HAR016 217.8 2.7 4.17 -3 33 -0.5 -5 2.54 2 21 205 191 5.34 0.77 13.2 1.43 144 20 0.49 80 0.05G35270 HAR016 229.9 0.8 0.67 -3 23 -0.5 -5 0.77 3 12 140 41.1 2.36 0.26 14 0.69 70 7 0.12 37 0.04G35271 HAR016 85.80 0.2 3.7 -3 48 0.8 -5 1.85 -1 3 202 4.1 0.75 0.85 20.4 1.48 131 3 0.25 7 -0.01G35272 HAR018 116.00 0.3 2.06 -3 125 -0.5 -5 0.89 -1 41 99 59 3.88 1 5.9 1.54 256 8 0.17 42 0.13G35273 HAR018 146.00 0.4 1.15 -3 30 -0.5 -5 1.11 -1 23 125 29.6 2.18 0.45 4.9 0.89 226 2 0.14 33 0.17G35274 HAR018 175.70 -0.2 4.83 -3 379 -0.5 -5 1.83 -1 59 333 100 3.45 2.15 7 2.71 357 1 0.43 152 0.1G35275 HAR018 206.00 0.5 0.52 -3 63 -0.5 -5 0.13 -1 2 153 4.6 0.93 0.35 32 0.12 91 2 0.05 4 -0.01G35276 HAR016 235.90 0.5 0.52 -3 24 -0.5 -5 0.1 -1 1 221 15 1.48 0.22 15 0.31 40 4 0.06 13 -0.01G35277 HAR018 254.20 0.3 0.79 -3 93 -0.5 -5 0.1 -1 1 152 3.8 1.39 0.56 50.1 0.24 196 3 0.06 4 -0.01G35278 HAR019 85.50 0.3 1.94 -3 415 -0.5 8 0.09 -1 4 253 3 2.73 1.44 19.9 1.39 294 5 0.07 7 -0.01G35279 HAR019 101.00 0.2 0.71 -3 124 -0.5 -5 0.14 -1 2 272 5.6 1.49 0.48 68.5 0.21 161 7 0.07 8 -0.01G35280 HAR019 158.30 -0.2 1.94 -3 252 -0.5 -5 0.25 -1 3 274 4.6 1.71 1.17 33.6 1.7 150 9 0.19 7 0.01G35281 HAR019 173.30 -0.2 1.65 -3 140 0.8 9 0.13 -1 3 345 4.9 1.59 0.47 24.6 1.05 102 7 0.07 9 -0.01G35282 HAR019 213.00 0.3 2.22 -3 257 0.9 5 0.09 -1 5 286 4.6 1.9 1.06 24.9 1.72 165 7 0.11 8 -0.01G35283 HAR019 240.40 0.9 1.18 -3 48 -0.5 -5 0.86 2 129 343 191 6.52 0.63 10.2 0.9 412 12 0.14 304 0.12G35284 HAR019 263.90 0.6 0.48 -3 65 -0.5 -5 0.19 -1 2 253 9.2 1.74 0.24 54.6 0.2 118 9 0.09 6 0.01G35285 Iqranite standard 2 0.3 0.68 -3 94 -0.5 -5 0.41 -1 4 203 6 1.33 0.35 24.7 0.4 190 4 0.09 7 0.04G35286 HAR019 303.60 0.5 0.15 -3 15 -0.5 -5 0.05 -1 2 332 12.1 0.97 0.06 6 0.03 33 9 0.08 10 -0.01G35287 HAR019 342.70 6.2 2.99 4 154 -0.5 -5 1.54 12 20 312 293 5.76 1.14 9.2 2.35 216 17 0.27 64 0.03G35288 HAR020 84.30 0.3 0.7 -3 2 -0.5 -5 0.15 -1 -1 207 3.1 0.31 0.09 19.3 0.12 35 5 0.04 8 -0.01G35289 HAR020 105.80 0.3 4.37 -3 7 -0.5 -5 2.76 -1 35 208 74.6 3.51 0.89 3.7 1.85 217 -1 0.37 84 0.07




(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (48)




FENTON CR EEK ROCK Element Pb Sb Se Sn Sr TI V W Y Zn Zr AI203 Ba WR CAD WR CR203 WR FE203 WR_K20GEOCHEMISTRY PROJ# 345 Analysis ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L 2 5 0.5 10 0.5 0.01 2 10 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.01 20 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 0/0 ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 0/0 ppm 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0F70489 HAR026\\ 304.40 -2 -5 5.5 -10 54.9 0.15 4 -10 8.6 112 253 13.56 311 2.43 0.03 2.38 3.73F70490 HAR026\\ 321.00 -2 -5 40.3 ·10 355 0.83 276 -10 24.1 91.8 39.8 14.90 67 8.47 0.07 12.68 0.23F70491 HAR026V\ 358.00 34 -5 1.6 ·10 228 0.03 3 -10 4.4 13.6 104 14.06 1250 1.16 0.03 1.41 4.41F70492 HAR026\\ 396.90 30 -5 3.2 -10 100 0.13 12 -10 7.5 47.5 159 12.97 225 1.19 0.03 2.75 0.98F70493 HAR026v\ 444.60 -2 -5 5.5 -10 144 0.14 12 -10 22.5 49.7 141 10.45 291 1.93 0.06 2.33 1.04F70494 HAR026V\ 475.50 8 -5 1.8 -10 124 0.03 3 -10 10.8 32.2 208 9.95 166 1.38 0.06 1.63 1.21G35252 ranite standard 2 2 -5 0.8 -10 49.1 0.06 14 -10 6 46.9 21.4 15.40 904 2.20 0.03 2.23 2.90G35253 HAR010 74.00 -2 -5 10.7 -10 50.7 0.07 141 -10 7 44.1 3.3 26.68 111 10.67 0.04 5.91 1.10G35254 HAR010 101.00 64 -5 1 -10 214 0.21 56 -10 5.4 93 11.5 17.93 164 18.04 0.04 3.00 1.40G35255 HAR010 129.80 36 -5 14.1 -10 19.2 0.05 478 -10 16.4 2070 20.4 14.60 72 3.53 0.06 10.41 2.40G35256 HAR010 146.00 105 -5 2.1 -10 4.8 0.01 8 -10 6.1 474 27 13.55 334 0.96 0.04 2.90 2.81G35257 HAR010 161.00 3 -5 2.6 -10 12.3 0.11 16 -10 3.5 67.7 20.4 15.09 2310 2.07 0.03 2.82 4.34G35258 HAR010 190.80 29 -5 11.1 -10 7.8 0.11 87 ·10 8.1 654 16 14.06 201 4.84 0.03 6.67 1.98G35259 HAR015 83.00 33 -5 33 -10 40.1 0.17 304 -10 6.5 90.3 9.9 19.72 731 0.84 0.09 14.85 4.92G35260 HAR015 97.50 28 -5 -0.5 ·10 25.6 0.1 63 -10 27 214 7.4 2.96 107 11.94 0.03 10.44 0.32G35261 HAR015 115.90 69 -5 2.4 -10 204 0.1 32 -10 4.1 59.3 8.1 14.34 630 2.86 0.04 7.75 4.56G35262 HAR015 145.90 109 -5 11.2 -10 4.8 0.07 85 -10 12.2 2110 56.1 21.66 103 20.38 0.06 4.17 0.20G35263 HAR015 185.00 7 -5 2.1 -10 58.8 0.1 40 -10 7.2 34.7 6.7 15.57 215 20.60 0.15 3.85 1.30G35264 HAR015 202.90 13 -5 0.7 -10 48.1 0.11 19 -10 6.8 16.9 6.7 19.12 343 17.39 0.08 4.19 6.21G35265 HAR016 65 -2 -5 6.2 -10 238 0.2 118 ·10 11.7 44.7 6 23.95 224 13.53 0.08 5.28 1.50G35266 HAR016 95 -2 -5 38.8 -10 33.8 0.19 303 -10 11.1 149 5.8 23.91 205 7.32 0.03 6.24 2.27G35267 HAR016 125 13 -5 1.3 -10 10.7 0.02 5 -10 2.2 19 24 14.33 1460 1.25 0.04 1.43 3.41G35268 HAR016 168.5 7 -5 1.7 -10 11.9 0.06 6 -10 2.3 53.1 20.2 13.85 2200 1.24 0.04 1.95 4.72G35269 HAR016 217.8 31 ·5 2.3 -10 65.1 0.15 88 ·10 17.5 377 9.1 16.48 211 8.49 0.08 11.32 2.58G35270 HAR016 229.9 41 -5 0.6 -10 9.7 0.15 21 -10 18.2 535 17.4 13.69 379 7.90 0.03 4.09 1.43G35271 HAR018 85.80 -2 -5 3.1 -10 27.8 0.07 10 -10 7.5 98.1 5.7 11.11 285 3.16 0.06 1.25 2.51G35272 HAR018 116.00 4 -5 16.5 -10 16 0.28 335 -10 11.3 140 4.4 24.99 177 9.05 0.04 8.81 3.09G35273 HAR018 146.00 -2 -5 9.9 -10 18.2 0.21 204 -10 10.2 93.4 5.3 22.74 73 10.53 0.05 5.15 1.21G35274 HAR018 175.70 -2 -5 45 -10 106 0.43 377 -10 7.6 144 2.2 24.82 460 8.17 0.06 3.54 2.77G35275 HAR018 206.00 11 -5 1.5 -10 7.9 0.06 4 -10 1.7 40.6 13.1 14.22 1610 1.28 0.08 1.42 3.80G35276 HAR018 235.90 7 -5 0.8 -10 4.4 -0.01 6 -10 4.4 89.9 13 12.31 280 0.85 0.03 2.26 1.20G35277 HAR018 254.20 7 -5 2.6 -10 7 0.11 11 -10 4.6 74.9 21.1 14.31 1350 1.43 0.04 2.12 4.49G35278 HAR019 85.50 -2 -5 6.3 -10 4.1 0.15 13 -10 3 66.5 10.5 12.36 909 1.97 0.03 3.33 2.51G35279 HAR019 101.00 5 -5 1.6 -10 11.4 0.06 5 -10 2.7 47.6 22.1 14.39 2130 1.07 0.03 1.44 3.94G35280 HAR019 158.30 -2 -5 5.4 -10 11.9 0.16 12 -10 10.6 44.3 12 15.01 244 3.86 0.03 1.87 1.63G35281 HAR019 173.30 -2 ·5 2.4 -10 11.3 0.06 8 -10 8.2 39.9 4.9 10.50 173 1.39 0.06 2.32 0.70G35282 HAR019 213.00 -2 ·5 2.5 -10 16.1 0.14 12 -10 4.7 50.9 5 11.59 231 1.94 0.03 2.35 1.48G35283 HAR019 240.40 3 -5 39.4 -10 13.5 0.19 305 -10 15.2 158 7.5 22.46 363 6.56 0.06 8.73 2.51G35284 HAR019 263.90 29 -5 1.1 -10 12.5 0.01 4 -10 2.9 30 28.4 14.97 1490 1.28 0.03 2.14 3.24G35285 ranite standard 2 -2 -5 1.2 -10 58.2 0.07 17 -10 6.1 51.7 20.4 15.00 1130 2.06 0.04 2.13 3.33G35286 HAR019 303.60 10 -5 -0.5 -10 3.3 -0.01 -2 -10 2.5 63.3 13.2 9.95 335 1.08 0.06 0.94 1.76G35287 HAR019 342.70 295 -5 6.9 -10 33.7 0.07 84 -10 11 2180 29.9 19.31 216 6.49 0.08 9.86 2.78G35288 HAR020 84.30 -2 -5 -0.5 -10 6.9 -0.01 2 -10 4.6 11.3 12.3 10.39 21 0.27 0.03 0.34 0.30G35289 HAR020 105.80 -2 -5 6.1 -10 94.2 0.17 84 -10 4.5 53.4 2.4 14.89 42 10.92 0.10 13.17 1.59


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (49)



FENTON CREEK ROCK Element LOI WR MGO WR MNO WR NA20 Nb WR P205 Rb WR SI02 Sr Sum WR T102 Y ZrGEOCHEMISTRY PROJ # 345 Analysis XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 2 0.01 2 0.01 2 0.01 0.001 2 2SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units % % % % ppm % ppm % ppm % % ppm ppmF70489 HAR02611 304.40 1.15 1.67 0.01 1.43 11 0.04 38 74.45 55 99.50 0.269 32 272F70490 HAR02611 321.00 0.75 8.52 0.14 3.42 8 0.16 3 50.03 350 100.20 1.372 24 76F70491 HAR026~ 358.00 0.35 0.18 0.01 3.40 5 0.03 99 75.21 230 100.20 0.103 -2 106F70492 HAR02611 396.90 0.70 2.16 0.02 1.38 12 0.04 23 78.22 96 99.70 0.265 31 179F70493 HAR026~ 444.60 1.00 2.37 0.04 2.05 11 0.04 36 79.43 140 100.30 0.247 48 155F70494 HAR02611 475.50 0.70 0.40 0.01 3.23 11 0.04 20 91.95 124 99.40 0.141 21 237G35252 ranite standard 2 0.60 0.79 0.03 4.80 7 0.10 53 70.50 814 100.10 0.248 4 146G35253 HAR010 74.00 1.15 3.33 0.09 4.12 6 0.31 18 46.34 327 99.80 1.408 22 123G35254 HAR010 101.00 0.85 9.39 0.04 0.68 8 0.18 27 48.21 332 94.00 1.092 11 123G35255 HAR010 129.80 2.95 3.53 0.02 0.50 10 0.19 69 64.41 46 100.20 0.349 37 152G35256 HAR010 146.00 1.00 1.77 0.01 1.04 17 0.03 33 76.67 121 99.70 0.214 28 173G35257 HAR010 161.00 0.30 0.75 0.02 3.53 6 0.08 64 70.97 467 98.80 0.283 4 194G35258 HAROlD 190.80 1.30 4.03 0.04 2.51 10 0.09 32 65.38 110 98.90 0.348 39 175G35259 HAR015 83.00 7.85 8.85 0.10 0.23 7 0.27 42 48.28 46 98.40 1.857 15 141G35260 HAR015 97.50 1.80 7.23 0.02 0.14 5 0.08 9 66.59 54 98.70 0.242 31 38G35261 HAR015 115.90 2.05 4.42 0.01 1.45 8 0.08 41 63.85 119 99.90 0.635 26 225G35262 HAR015 145.90 0.25 2.58 0.10 2.05 8 0.15 5 47.60 272 94.20 1.042 13 71G35263 HAR015 185.00 1.45 4.49 0.09 2.52 6 0.18 17 50.02 160 95.10 1.224 29 96G35264 HAR015 202.90 0.10 5.14 0.12 1.51 6 0.05 37 45.14 142 97.40 1.047 28 128G35265 HAR016 65 2.20 5.40 0.05 1.87 10 0.38 16 45.61 323 98.20 2.341 28 153G35266 HAR016 95 1.20 3.51 0.04 4.41 11 0.28 52 49.99 313 97.90 2.015 25 129G35267 HAR016 125 0.45 0.38 0.01 3.06 3 0.03 92 75.93 252 100.60 0.130 3 130G35268 HAR016 168.5 0.15 0.28 0.01 3.02 3 0.04 81 74.68 346 100.10 0.165 4 159G35269 HAR016 217.8 1.35 4.65 0.05 1.45 8 0.16 35 53.91 102 97.60 0.826 28 134G35270 HAR016 229.9 0.40 6.33 0.04 2.14 9 0.11 30 63.76 126 100.60 0.490 31 152G35271 HAR018 85.80 1.00 2.66 0.02 0.62 10 0.03 43 78.37 52 99.20 0.211 27 129G35272 HAR018 116.00 1.25 3.94 0.09 4.32 11 0.43 34 42.26 213 97.80 2.982 39 148G35273 HAR018 146.00 0.50 3.37 0.07 4.07 9 0.51 13 49.73 238 100.60 2.548 42 133G35274 HAR018 175.70 0.85 4.90 0.03 3.59 13 0.24 37 49.74 374 98.30 2.135 17 121G35275 HAR018 206.00 0.30 0.27 0.01 3.26 4 0.03 84 75.47 301 99.10 0.154 -2 89G35276 HAR018 235.90 1.00 0.87 0.01 2.81 10 0.04 23 79.44 114 100.10 0.185 60 197G35277 HAR018 254.20 0.25 0.43 0.03 3.77 4 0.06 90 73.09 282 99.00 0.234 8 164G35278 HAR019 85.50 0.35 2.26 0.03 2.85 12 0.02 40 74.37 92 99.30 0.264 44 198G35279 HAR019 101.00 0.50 0.38 0.02 3.16 5 0.03 99 75.41 342 99.10 0.118 -2 149G35280 HAR019 158.30 0.20 2.43 0.02 3.35 15 0.04 42 71.49 145 98.50 0.254 28 204G35281 HAR019 173.30 0.80 2.11 0.02 1.64 9 0.03 24 81.04 91 99.90 0.191 36 152G35282 HAR019 213.00 0.75 2.92 0.03 2.11 15 0.03 34 77.27 97 99.20 0.235 21 184G35283 HAR019 240.40 1.60 1.48 0.03 3.33 13 0.22 21 52.63 308 98.80 1.979 23 137G35284 HAR019 263.90 0.60 0.34 0.01 3.93 9 0.03 106 73.82 329 99.10 0.198 2 154G35285 Iqranite standard 2 0.50 0.71 0.03 4.73 8 0.08 58 69.80 730 98.90 0.220 6 159G35286 HAR019 303.60 0.15 0.03 0.01 3.87 15 0.03 8 82.14 106 98.80 0.143 8 288G35287 HAR019 342.70 2.30 4.51 0.04 2.55 11 0.09 26 53.87 110 98.90 0.408 29 193G35288 HAR020 84.30 3.50 0.27 0.D1 0.06 12 0.01 7 88.11 8 99.70 0.202 19 167G35289 HAR020 105.80 0.95 9.62 0.14 1.71 7 0.18 17 46.27 155 98.50 1.407 26 88


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (50)





FENTON CREEK ROCK Element Ag AI As Ba Be BI Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Fe K La Mg Mn Mo Na Ni PGEOCHEMISTRY PROJ# 345 Analysis ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 0.2 0.01 3 1 0.5 5 0.01 1 1 1 0.5 0.01 0.01 0.5 0.01 2 1 0.01 1 0.01SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % % ppm % ppm ppm % ppm %G35290 HAR020 147.10 0.3 1.78 ·3 122 1 ·5 0.08 ·1 2 233 3.4 1.75 0.85 23.2 0.97 193 5 0.09 7 -0.01G35291 HAR020 179.00 0.2 2.6 -3 188 ·0.5 ·5 0.32 ·1 2 219 5 2.35 1.66 25.7 2 225 3 0.19 7 ·0.01G35292 HAR020 208.90 ·0.2 1.02 ·3 38 -0.5 ·5 0.08 ·1 2 288 4.2 1.08 0.71 18.7 0.71 84 7 0.09 8 ·0.01G35293 HAR020 237.70 0.2 1.08 -3 95 ·0.5 -5 0.16 -1 2 237 4 1.42 0.64 22 0.65 155 2 0.1 6 -0.01G35294 HAR020 275.00 0.3 0.8 -3 124 -0.5 -5 0.18 -1 1 194 2.5 1.49 0.57 60.3 0.18 149 5 0.08 5 0.02G35295 HAR020 319.90 0.8 2.94 -3 7 -0.5 -5 5.79 -1 22 135 60.8 2.6 0.08 4.4 0.33 78 2 0.4 38 0.05G35296 HAR022 93.40 ·0.2 1.89 -3 160 -0.5 -5 0.11 -1 2 197 2.2 1.24 1.47 25.7 2.03 106 6 0.11 6 -0.01G35297 HAR022 156.70 0.3 7.92 -3 356 ·0.5 -5 3.92 -1 57 358 73.2 4.26 2.47 4.9 2.79 627 1 0.62 168 0.09G35298 HAR022 167.70 0.3 2.32 -3 25 -0.5 -5 0.39 2 17 313 53.2 2.18 0.31 1.7 1.23 186 7 0.1 79 0.05G35299 HAR022 215.90 0.7 3.65 -3 16 -0.5 -5 4.51 -1 -1 47 13.7 0.16 0.04 9.8 0.48 42 5 0.23 4 0.01G35300 HAR022 265.50 0.3 0.74 -3 14 -0.5 -5 0.92 -1 8 122 15.7 1.22 0.04 1.6 0.85 154 ·1 0.18 30 0.04G43359 HAR030 75.50 0.4 7.93 -3 437 1.6 -5 2.33 -1 21 329 26.1 4.78 1.86 26.3 1.84 651 1 1.96 76 0.09G43360 HAR030 96.70 ·0.2 8.91 -3 116 0.6 -5 5.84 -1 51 130 51.9 1.77 0.87 9.6 1.28 220 3 3.07 113 0.09G43361 HAR030 121.70 0.2 8.43 -3 858 1.3 -5 2.95 -1 18 182 16.2 4.44 1.97 45.8 1.8 530 1 2.15 49 0.12G43362 ranite standard 1 -0.2 7.55 -3 975 1.7 -5 1.22 -1 3 70 6.3 1.36 2.86 23.3 0.39 206 1 3.26 7 0.03G43363 HAR030 153.60 0.4 7.12 -3 209 1.1 -5 0.92 -1 5 76 17 0.82 1.65 53.5 1.57 58 34 1.54 6 0.01G43364 HAR030 181.25 -0.2 4.98 ·3 178 1.8 -5 0.7 -1 2 196 10.8 1.4 0.8 25.4 1.33 51 3 0.92 7 -0.01G43365 HAR030 208.40 -0.2 5.34 -3 215 0.8 -5 1.28 -1 4 123 21.4 1.32 1.24 22.1 0.77 59 5 1.99 14 0.01G43366 HAR030 234.50 0.3 6.68 -3 601 1 -5 1.44 -1 3 108 5.3 1.69 1.76 32.6 0.98 213 3 2.38 6 0.01G43367 HAR030 264.90 ·0.2 7.45 -3 492 1.6 -5 2.23 -1 3 155 2.7 1.43 1.53 39.7 1.61 210 3 2.35 9 0.02G43368 HAR030 288.70 0.3 7.58 -3 1660 1.3 -5 0.93 -1 2 77 3.3 1.49 4.06 66.2 0.2 190 2 2.63 6 0.02G43369 HAR030 299.70 0.9 8.94 ·3 435 1 -5 4.98 2 63 316 190 7.37 2.35 9.8 4.06 863 5 2.04 162 0.08G43370 HAR030 337.55 0.3 5.36 -3 198 1.2 -5 0.6 -1 3 127 3.4 1.56 0.37 24.7 1.33 147 -1 0.99 9 ·0.01G43371 HAR030 372.60 0.4 5.25 -3 148 1 -5 2.66 -1 3 92 23.2 0.8 0.73 25.1 0.8 113 4 0.63 10 -0.01G43372 HAR030 379.00 -0.2 4.69 ·3 378 -0.5 -5 0.2 ·1 3 210 8.2 2.12 2.9 21.6 1.69 168 4 0.38 8 -0.01G43373 HAR030 391.90 -0.2 6.38 -3 434 0.8 -5 1.81 -1 3 124 9.1 0.6 2.88 39.8 0.41 77 4 1.53 9 0.01G43374 HAR030 414.90 0.3 7.09 -3 312 1.7 -5 2.3 -1 5 144 3.1 2.03 1.06 37.3 1.01 279 4 1.75 8 0.02G43375 HAR030 444.70 0.3 9.42 -3 667 0.9 -5 4.61 -1 71 436 46.1 3.78 2.4 17.6 2.75 452 4 1.79 278 0.2G43376 HAR030 450.35 0.4 7.47 -3 2740 0.7 -5 1.31 -1 2 109 2.4 1.88 3.51 54.8 0.39 196 2 2.4 6 0.02G43377 HAR030 457.60 4.1 10.5 -3 434 0.9 -5 3.29 -1 59 227 78.7 5.1 3.43 20 4.35 897 3 2.28 188 0.11G43378 HAR030 482.50 1.2 5.86 -3 176 0.7 -5 2.32 -1 1 135 41.6 0.94 0.8 25.3 1.2 45 2 1.71 11 0.02G43379 HAR030 508.00 5.9 2.47 ·3 234 0.6 -5 0.08 -1 16 407 156 10.6 1.68 19.3 0.4 76 177 0.16 171 0.04G43380 HAR030 525.70 0.4 7.59 -3 240 1.3 -5 2.92 -1 -1 86 3.5 0.75 0.94 28.4 1.05 129 4 2.52 7 0.02G43381 HAR031 84.85 0.3 9.01 -3 281 1.2 -5 2.08 -1 31 373 60.7 6.64 1.95 17.5 2.53 659 2 2.02 109 0.05G43382 HAR031 112.20 -0.2 8.07 -3 440 1.2 -5 2.91 -1 16 450 5.9 4.12 1.29 24.6 1.87 470 -1 2 56 0.07G43383 HAR031 157.30 0.5 8.47 -3 449 1.3 -5 2.34 -1 14 244 48.6 3.78 1.43 16.8 1.17 402 2 2.84 38 0.05G43384 HAR031 199.00 -0.2 7.42 -3 1410 1.3 -5 0.76 -1 1 91 5.3 1.09 4.76 46 0.19 126 5 2.33 7 0.02G43385 HAR031 180.40 -0.2 7.13 -3 69 1.3 ·5 6.43 3 50 173 52.3 11 0.41 15.4 4.16 1730 -1 1.87 70 0.08G43386 HAR031 222.00 0.2 7.31 -3 1620 1.1 -5 0.77 -1 -1 75 2.8 1.21 4.13 50 0.19 143 1 2.48 9 0.02G43388 HAR031 290.90 0.3 7.73 -3 362 1.1 -5 6.05 -1 12 104 34.7 1.94 1.84 17.5 0.5 105 10 2.55 26 0.06G43389 laranite standard 1 0.2 7.67 ·3 1030 1.8 -5 1.43 -1 2 76 4.7 1.5 2.65 27.2 0.44 236 -1 3.19 7 0.04G43390 HAR031 311.60 -0.2 5.94 -3 278 1.1 -5 2.18 -1 2 117 2.5 0.55 1.06 28.1 1.05 91 2 1.65 7 0.02G43391 HAR031 331.80 0.2 5.53 -3 249 0.7 -5 1.13 -1 -1 86 2 0.39 2.06 28.9 0.33 55 3 1.83 6 0.01G43392 HAR031 355.00 0.4 5.46 -3 79 0.9 -5 0.46 ·1 5 160 24.4 3.44 1.62 47.1 2.23 389 2 0.27 7 -0.01


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (51)




FENTON CREEK ROCK Element Pb Sb Sc Sn Sr Ti V W Y Zn Zr AI203 Ba WR CAO WR CR203 WR FE203 WR K20GEOCHEMISTRY PROJ # 345 Analysis ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 2 5 0.5 10 0.5 0.01 2 10 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.01 20 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm % % % %G35290 HAR020 147.10 -2 -5 5.3 -10 11.6 0.07 9 -10 5.9 39.6 10.7 12.81 170 1.70 0.03 2.81 1.28G35291 HAR020 179.00 -2 -5 4.9 -10 11.5 0.14 11 -10 7.1 51.3 12.4 13.50 219 3.36 0.03 3.54 2.30G35292 HAR020 208.90 ·2 -5 3.7 -10 3.8 0.11 12 -10 5.2 24.2 7.9 10.48 87 2.01 0.06 1.27 1.42G35293 HAR020 237.70 -2 -5 3.8 -10 9.1 0.11 10 -10 4.8 51.3 7.5 12.97 190 2.91 0.03 1.8B 1.35G35294 HAR020 275.00 4 -5 2.3 -10 10.7 0.11 6 -10 3.3 57 38.1 14.75 1770 1.55 0.04 2.0B 3.15G35295 HAR020 319.90 21 -5 1.6 -10 78.7 0.17 48 -10 6.3 92.6 13.3 18.68 192 19.53 0.04 4.29 2.3BG35296 HAR022 93.40 -2 -5 4.9 -10 6.5 0.13 10 ·10 8 40.7 20.6 14.17 195 3.03 0.04 1.40 2.12G35297 HAR022 156.70 -2 -5 27.6 -10 100 0.46 301 -10 5.2 91.7 -0.5 24.12 385 8.90 0.09 8.68 4.67G35298 HAR022 167.70 5 -5 4.7 ·10 11 0.07 88 -10 3.1 19B 2.1 13.69 35 1.03 0.09 10.69 0.46G35299 HAR022 215.90 57 -5 -0.5 -10 173 0.05 4 -10 13.1 129 6 B.60 49 21.51 0.01 2.05 0.23G35300 HAR022 265.50 ·2 -5 5.8 ·10 10.5 0.07 43 -10 2.6 10.6 3.1 14.20 84 10.07 0.Q7 9.80 0.29G43359 HAR030 75.50 3 -5 17 -10 343 0.44 156 -10 13.8 87.8 117 13.60 461 3.80 0.08 7.6B 2.12G43360 HAR030 96.70 -2 -5 35.1 -10 261 0.B6 318 -10 23.2 132 30.5 17.46 96 8.98 0.03 2.7B 0.93G43361 HAR030 121.70 ·2 -5 14.6 -10 608 0.43 126 -10 10.9 9B.2 111 14.24 924 4.63 0.06 6.60 2.10G43362 IQranite standard 1 4 -5 2 -10 655 0.12 21 -10 7.2 46.2 111 15.10 966 2.03 0.04 2.13 2.95G43363 HAR030 153.60 17 -5 5.1 -10 194 0.09 6 -10 17.8 270 1B5 18.00 189 1.45 0.04 1.25 1.66G43364 HAR030 181.25 89 -5 2.8 -10 114 0.03 4 -10 7.9 30.1 125 11.17 150 1.12 0.06 2.07 0.85G43365 HAR030 20B.40 ·2 -5 2.5 -10 114 0.04 22 ·10 9.6 25.4 116 10.13 192 2.03 0.06 1.99 1.34G43366 HAR030 234.50 ·2 -5 5.1 -10 161 0.16 12 -10 9.6 47.B 169 13.20 519 2.33 0.03 2.38 1.93G43367 HAR030 264.90 -2 ·5 5.4 -10 157 0.16 12 -10 14.1 44.9 180 14.09 430 3.43 0.06 2.15 1.66G43368 HAR030 288.70 30 -5 2.4 -10 352 0.13 9 ·10 4.8 68.6 147 14.03 1420 1.48 0.04 2.23 4.02G43369 HAR030 299.70 -2 -5 51.2 ·10 184 1.14 490 -10 21.4 196 69 17.48 383 7.74 0.10 12.13 2.32G43370 HAR030 337.55 -2 -5 2.9 -10 69.6 0.07 10 -10 10.5 39.3 137 11.01 183 0.98 0.Q7 2.36 0.39G43371 HAR030 372.60 -2 -5 2.6 -10 141 0.09 B -10 8.8 179 122 10.20 135 4.17 0.06 1.2B 0.79G43372 HAR030 379.00 -2 -5 7.2 ·10 40.9 0.21 14 -10 7.4 59.2 151 11.08 277 0.33 0.06 3.00 3.11G43373 HAR030 391.90 5 -5 4.6 -10 75.1 0.06 B -10 17.2 32.1 139 11.39 330 2.44 0.06 0.B5 3.00G43374 HAR030 414.90 4 -5 6.1 -10 231 0.13 12 -10 30.5 56.7 119 13.92 293 3.47 0.03 3.01 1.10G43375 HAR030 444.70 5 ·5 46.B -10 371 1.07 442 -10 13.4 191 66 23.26 621 8.91 0.17 4.B1 3.05G43376 HAR030 450.35 13 -5 3.3 -10 456 0.16 17 -10 4 63.4 147 14.29 2560 2.05 0.03 2.83 3.86G43377 HAR030 457.60 7 -5 46.3 -10 118 0.71 367 ·10 9.6 160 63.5 25.49 327 6.28 0.09 9.94 4.08G43378 HAR030 482.50 2 -5 5.4 -10 109 0.06 7 -10 13.2 61.8 186 10.78 143 3.41 0.03 1.39 0.82G43379 HAR030 508.00 120 -5 5 -10 24 0.15 613 15 29.2 39.1 80.7 8.26 253 0.30 0.14 23.37 3.32G43380 HAR030 525.70 3 -5 6.B -10 139 0.13 7 -10 37.3 65.8 167 14.62 205 4.47 0.03 1.15 1.02G43381 HAR031 84.85 -2 -5 32.5 ·10 159 0.56 257 -10 14.8 145 91.9 21.69 259 4.03 0.11 13.01 2.82G43382 HAR031 112.20 -2 -5 14.1 -10 497 0.38 128 -10 11.4 92.1 72.4 13.63 469 4.50 0.Q7 6.39 1.43G43383 HAR031 157.30 ·2 -5 14.7 -10 371 0.36 131 -10 9.5 145 113 17.01 523 3.86 0.06 3.96 1.67G43384 HAR031 199.00 27 -5 1.9 -10 279 0.08 5 -10 3.7 31.4 105 13.98 1200 1.19 0.Q7 1.66 4.81G43385 HAR031 180.40 -2 -5 40.8 -10 133 1.16 433 -10 36.8 150 38.6 13.19 52 9.35 0.04 17.35 0.44G43386 HAR031 222.00 20 -5 2 -10 323 0.1 7 -10 4.9 39.8 118 14.11 1430 1.27 0.Q7 1.93 4.20G43388 HAR031 290.90 -2 -5 8.2 -10 176 0.29 86 -10 16.5 84.3 148 15.26 282 9.29 0.04 3.11 1.73G43389 aranite standard 1 3 ·5 2.1 -10 728 0.14 26 -10 7.8 52.9 118 15.10 1090 2.31 0.04 2.30 2.92G43390 HAR031 311.60 -2 -5 3.9 -10 149 0.1 9 -10 20.7 30.8 154 11.17 242 3.28 0.03 0.85 1.12G43391 HAR031 331.80 4 -5 2.4 -10 101 0.04 8 -10 11.4 16.4 152 10.71 201 1.80 0.03 0.54 2.26G43392 HAR031 355.00 -2 -5 8.5 -10 28.8 0.24 8 -10 63 129 237 14.47 78 0.77 0.03 3.39 1.91



(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (52)



FENTON CREEK ROCK Element LOI WR MGO WR MNO WRNA20 Nb WR P205 Rb WR SI02 Sr Sum WR TI02 Y ZrGEOCHEMISTRY PROJ # 345 Analysis XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 2 0.01 2 0.01 2 0.01 0.001 2 2SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units % % % % ppm % ppm % ppm % % ppm ppmG35290 HAR020 147.10 0.60 2.04 0.04 2.92 12 0.03 48 76.12 107 98.70 0.219 46 184G35291 HAR020 179.00 0.25 3.58 0.04 3.15 15 0.04 37 70.19 110 99.40 0.276 43 216G35292 HAR020 208.90 0.20 1.19 0.01 2.65 10 0.02 17 80.62 81 99.60 0.279 19 191G35293 HAR020 237.70 0.25 1.16 0.02 3.42 11 0.03 39 75.99 217 99.50 0.228 20 190G35294 HAR020 275.00 0.10 0.31 0.02 3.52 7 0.03 100 74.35 369 98.90 0.208 2 178G35295 HAR020 319.90 1.05 5.48 0.06 1.74 6 0.16 19 46.69 201 95.90 0.973 11 93G35296 HAR022 93.40 0.25 3.53 0.01 3.17 15 0.04 48 72.25 135 99.30 0.249 30 200G35297 HAR022 156.70 0.95 6.44 0.12 1.53 10 0.28 34 43.07 142 98.60 2.105 18 78G35298 HAR022 167.70 0.70 6.72 0.13 0.13 9 0.12 9 65.67 13 99.20 1.258 11 64G35299 HAR022 215.90 2.00 13.34 0.04 0.47 6 0.03 5 53.56 179 95.00 0.153 18 137G35300 HAR022 265.50 0.35 9.18 0.15 3.37 9 0.10 3 51.89 157 98.40 0.870 17 64G43359 HAR030 75.50 0.60 3.15 0.09 2.78 5 0.22 55 65.72 351 99.10 0.750 15 134G43360 HAR030 96.70 1.10 2.06 0.03 4.22 8 0.20 10 61.89 254 99.10 1.417 25 72G43361 HAR030 121.70 0.65 2.97 0.07 2.91 8 0.28 52 65.44 609 99.90 0.702 11 125G43362 IQranite standard 1 0.60 0.65 0.03 4.37 8 0.09 51 71.90 715 100.30 0.212 3 109G43363 HAR030 153.60 1.60 2.50 0.01 1.99 18 0.03 34 72.82 194 100.00 0.243 48 205G43364 HAR030 181.25 1.55 2.13 0.01 1.16 7 0.02 16 81.28 112 99.20 0.137 12 136G43365 HAR030 208.40 0.75 1.23 0.01 2.68 7 0.04 23 80.33 112 99.30 0.164 17 153G43366 HAR030 234.50 0.35 1.64 0.03 3.29 13 0.03 56 74.89 161 100.40 0.237 39 201G43367 HAR030 264.90 0.85 2.41 0.03 3.17 15 0.03 47 72.72 151 99.10 0.239 48 203G43368 HAR030 288.70 0.25 0.30 0.02 3.37 6 0.06 94 74.25 350 100.30 0.200 -2 145G43369 HAR030 299.70 1.25 6.97 0.12 2.77 6 0.19 50 48.21 173 100.30 1.961 23 73G43370 HAR030 337.55 0.70 2.15 0.02 1.31 8 0.03 17 81.45 70 99.70 0.210 25 164G43371 HAR030 372.60 0.75 1.28 0.01 0.81 7 0.03 18 81.19 139 99.80 0.184 22 134G43372 HAR030 379.00 0.65 2.65 0.02 0.46 14 0.04 64 78.90 37 100.10 0.334 34 211G43373 HAR030 391.90 1.15 0.40 0.01 1.91 12 0.03 29 79.71 68 99.10 0.204 46 148G43374 HAR030 414.90 0.95 1.38 0.03 2.23 16 0.03 33 74.56 219 99.70 0.237 61 181G43375 HAR030 444.70 0.60 5.74 0.08 3.00 14 0.57 72 47.69 359 100.10 2.730 15 115G43376 HAR030 450.35 0.55 0.61 0.02 3.27 6 0.06 78 72.76 455 99.10 0.233 -2 136G43377 HAR030 457.60 0.95 8.96 0.15 3.68 11 0.29 30 38.74 110 100.30 2.293 22 83G43378 HAR030 482.50 0.80 1.85 0.01 2.20 11 0.03 13 79.36 106 100.20 0.135 33 206G43379 HAR030 508.00 19.30 1.08 0.01 0.22 8 0.19 20 62.66 23 100.40 0.454 45 88G43380 HAR030 525.70 1.35 1.70 0.02 3.50 15 0.06 17 73.18 136 99.30 0.252 55 264G43381 HAR031 84.85 0.30 5.26 0.11 3.56 5 0.15 60 48.09 154 98.80 1.162 18 99G43382 HAR031 112.20 0.85 3.12 0.06 2.80 6 0.17 40 67.21 490 99.10 0.626 10 118G43383 HAR031 157.30 0.80 2.03 0.03 3.80 6 0.13 34 66.80 392 99.40 0.636 10 113G43384 HAR031 199.00 0.20 0.28 0.02 3.06 5 0.03 95 74.77 276 100.60 0.132 -2 108G43385 HAR031 180.40 0.35 6.77 0.22 2.47 9 0.19 8 48.09 124 99.10 1.890 38 123G43386 HAR031 222.00 0.05 0.30 0.02 3.28 5 0.03 99 74.63 325 100.30 0.161 2 119G43388 HAR031 290.90 2.15 0.81 0.01 3.42 7 0.14 22 65.84 163 100.10 0.345 16 137G43389 ranite standard 1 0.85 0.71 0.03 4.52 7 0.11 50 69.90 804 99.30 0.236 6 120G43390 HAR031 311.60 1.70 1.69 0.01 2.22 8 0.03 26 79.40 144 100.40 0.206 26 154G43391 HAR031 331.80 0.70 0.31 0.01 2.48 13 0.04 25 81.51 104 100.00 0.213 33 174G43392 HAR031 355.00 1.35 3.85 0.03 0.35 22 0.04 33 74.76 29 99.10 0.416 102 442


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (53)


FENTON CREEK ROCK Element Ag AI As Ba Be BI Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Fe K La Mg Mn Mo Na NI PGEOCHEMISTRY PROJ# 345 Analysis ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 'CP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 0.2 0.01 3 1 0.5 5 0.01 1 1 1 0.5 0.01 0.01 0.5 0.01 2 1 0.01 1 0.01SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % % ppm % ppm ppm % ppm %G43393 HAR031 363.00 -0.2 2.5 -3 41 1.3 -5 15 -1 3 28 1.1 2.48 0.17 20.6 7.83 1290 -1 0.16 4 0.01G43394 HAR031 395.45 0.2 6.18 -3 487 0.6 -5 1.12 -1 5 129 10.7 2.35 3.66 27 1.15 222 3 0.72 8 0.03G43395 HAR031 427.50 -0.2 6.29 -3 468 0.5 -5 1.35 -1 5 95 3.9 1.91 3.55 27.5 1.2 269 2 0.75 7 0.02G43396 HAR031 447.90 -0.2 8.08 -3 405 0.9 -5 3.54 1 47 391 47 8.24 2.31 9.2 6.26 1300 -1 1.43 136 0.07G43397 HAR031 479.00 -0.2 6.41 -3 173 2.3 -5 2.16 -1 4 268 2.5 2.04 1.05 28.6 1.24 498 2 1.69 5 0.02G43398 HAR031 500.00 0.4 6.43 -3 227 2.3 -5 1.54 -1 5 105 2.4 1.73 1.08 40.2 1.49 242 1 1.75 6 0.01G43399 HAR031 535.40 0.3 6.29 -3 334 1.4 -5 1.13 -1 4 97 2 1.43 0.57 31.9 1.45 174 2 1.21 7 0.01G43400 HAR031 570.90 0.7 8.84 -3 906 0.9 -5 4.36 -1 48 200 76.6 5.84 3.01 16.2 3.04 428 7 0.9 133 0.21G83387 HAR031 253.00 0.2 5.6 -3 295 1.4 -5 0.55 -1 2 113 13 1.48 0.94 24.9 1.56 41 4 1.06 5 -0.01FENTON CREEK ROCK Element Ag AI As Ba Be BI Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Fe K La Mg Mn Mo Na Ni PGEOCHEMISTRY PROJ# 345 Analvsis ICPBO ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICPBO ICPBO ICPBO ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICPBO ICP80 ICPBO ICPBO ICPBO ICPBO ICPBO ICP80 ICP80NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 0.2 0.01 3 1 0.5 5 0.01 1 1 1 0.5 0.01 0.01 0.5 0.01 2 1 0.01 1 0.01SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units loom % oom loom loom oom % oom loom oom loom % % ,oom % oom oom % loom %H25801 HAR041 54.5 0.4 11.5 -3 21 1.2 6 0.11 -1 2 79 5.3 0.93 0.13 4.9 0.16 28 -1 0.03 13 -0.01H25801d duo 0.6 11.8 -3 23 1.1 5 0.12 -1 4 88 5.2 0.99 0.14 6.5 0.16 28 -1 0.04 13 -0.01H25802 HAR041 80.5 0.6 7.55 -3 540 0.7 7 1.43 -1 23 228 104 4.83 2.1 27.9 1.64 285 7 1.82 90 0.03H25803 HAR041 86.5 0.5 6.73 -3 379 1.2 7 1.75 -1 17 176 26.2 3.57 1.76 20.2 1.46 372 1 1.77 51 0.05H25804 HAR041 99.5 0.4 7.23 -3 282 1.5 7 2.71 -1 22 210 35.B 4.69 0.93 28.9 1.77 482 3 1.91 71 0.08H25B05 HAR041 93.1 0.7 6.B9 -3 1370 1.3 -5 0.77 -1 2 48 23.5 1.47 4.05 58.8 0.23 191 -1 2.3 5 0.02H25806 HAR041 121.1 -0.2 5.9 -3 171 0.8 8 12.2 2 41 90 65.5 3.48 0.88 16.1 1.17 704 2 1.07 47 0.1H25807 HAR041 141.5 0.6 5.4 ·3 580 1 -5 1.04 -1 3 64 6.4 1.25 2.17 32.3 1.09 122 1 1.49 5 -0.01H25808 HAR041 144.4 0.3 8.26 -3 551 0.6 -5 1.48 -1 23 287 36.6 5.48 2.36 28.6 1.92 335 3 2.35 79 0.03H25809 HAR041 158.7 1 5.62 -3 130 1.2 -5 3.01 -1 9 97 41.2 2.37 1.06 18.6 2.53 148 8 1.4 27 0.1H25810 HAR041 197.8 0.5 5.2 -3 258 1.4 -5 0.67 -1 1 71 11.1 1.11 0.87 35.2 1.07 34 5 1.31 7 -0.01H25811 HAR041 243.4 0.5 6.57 -3 1420 1 -5 0.75 -1 3 68 11.3 1.13 3.8 54.9 0.15 135 3 2.24 7 0.02H25812 HAR041 268.5 0.7 5.78 -3 685 0.8 -5 1.44 -1 2 71 3.5 1.07 4.58 26.1 0.94 146 1 0.27 6 0.01H25813 HAR041 297.3 0.4 7.57 ·3 546 1.4 5 5.73 -1 54 274 15.6 8.62 2.79 21.6 6.02 1410 -1 0.71 178 0.06H25813d duo 0.3 7.87 -3 567 1.3 12 5.91 -1 56 283 16.3 9.18 2.87 23 6.27 1480 -1 0.78 185 0.06H25814 HAR041 310.6 0.2 7.34 -3 167 1 7 5.09 -1 39 163 9.7 7.71 0.93 18.4 4.02 1020 -1 2.45 62 0.07H25815 HAR041 337.4 0.3 10.5 -3 129 1 -5 5.28 -1 43 85 73.9 2.67 1.07 17 0.92 364 1 2.87 72 0.14H25816 HAR041 356.7 0.3 8.62 -3 525 0.9 8 2.53 -, 77 344 153 7.59 6.48 19.5 1.34 566 5 0.78 247 0.08H25817 HAR041 378.6 0.6 4.37 -3 173 0.6 -5 0.6 -1 4 105 21.1 2.23 1.78 20.9 1.58 190 3 0.87 6 -0.01H25818 HAR041 403.5 0.6 4.63 -3 120 1.5 -5 0.55 -1 4 73 3.5 1.63 0.53 29.6 1.33 152 2 0.66 6 -0.01H25819 HAR041 427.1 0.7 4.26 -3 406 1 -5 0.45 -1 5 76 5.2 1.39 1.13 16.5 0.92 108 2 0.71 6 -0.01H25820 Qranite standard 1 0.5 6.75 ·3 699 1.5 7 1.19 -1 4 47 4.9 1.29 2.28 20.3 0.37 192 2 2.91 6 0.04H25821 HAR041 418.5 0.9 6.42 -3 1460 0.7 -5 1.01 -1 1 34 16.6 1.02 3.1 59.7 0.24 114 -1 2.26 3 0.01H25822 HAR041 449.3 0.7 5.27 -3 274 0.8 6 1.14 -1 5 84 13.1 1.48 1.17 32.3 0.93 174 4 1.54 7 0.01H25823 HAR041 462.6 1 7.52 -3 53 1 -5 10.2 1 40 143 192 3.92 0.16 23 2.12 669 3 0.64 115 0.09H25824 HAR041 472.7 1.1 6.86 -3 4630 -0.5 5 1.05 -1 2 42 7 0.88 3.85 95.8 0.13 78 -1 2.2 5 0.01H25825 HAR041 492.2 1.2 5.22 -3 481 -0.5 -5 0.76 -1 1 53 33.3 1.41 1.6 36.6 0.66 66 5 2.44 14 ·0.01H25825d duo 1.5 5.66 -3 480 -0.5 -5 0.81 -1 2 59 35.1 1.54 1.63 41.7 0.72 71 6 2.69 13 0.01H25826 HAR041 514.6 8.1 5.3 -3 164 0.9 -5 0.28 8 32 322 343 6.3 2.29 21.4 1.55 103 29 0.56 127 0.06H25827 HAR041 521.5 1.7 6.81 -3 93 1.6 -5 3.9 8 27 172 195 4.62 1.65 30.9 2.44 416 13 0.34 72 0.06H25828 HAR041 527.5 0.8 6.46 -3 930 0.8 7 0.94 ·1 4 36 9 0.95 3.72 47.5 0.26 112 3 2.43 6 0.02


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (54)



FENTON CREEK ROCK Element Pb Sb So Sn Sr Ti V W Y Zn Zr AI203 Ba WR CAO WR CR203 WR FE203 WR K20GEOCHEMISTRY PROJ# 345 Analysis ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 ICP70 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 2 5 0.5 10 0.5 0.01 2 10 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.01 20 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm % % % %G43393 HAR031 353.00 -2 -5 3 -10 67.6 0.05 10 -10 27 167 63.6 5.36 27 26.36 0.01 5.14 0.17G43394 HAR031 395.45 -2 -5 7.6 -10 36.7 0.2 17 -10 11.7 63.8 107 12.70 393 1.82 0.03 3.74 3.85G43395 HAR031 427.50 -2 -5 8.3 -10 50 0.24 19 -10 7.7 42.8 120 13.12 387 2.16 0.03 2.99 4.06G43396 HAR031 447.90 -2 -5 38.9 -10 154 0.86 270 -10 18.6 114 6.7 13.96 398 3.42 0.06 13.85 2.55G43397 HAR031 479.00 -2 -5 4.5 -10 137 0.12 10 -10 26.1 40.5 118 12.34 160 3.40 0.06 3.18 1.13G43398 HAR031 500.00 -2 -5 4.9 -10 107 0.16 20 -10 16.3 48.5 164 13.39 221 2.44 0.03 2.85 1.27G43399 HAR031 535.40 -2 -5 3.1 -10 147 0.1 9 -10 19 52.5 163 13.48 311 1.85 0.03 2.23 0.64G43400 HAR031 570.90 -2 -5 35.3 -10 121 0.96 371 -10 21.9 123 99.7 24.02 752 9.28 0.08 12.67 4.21G83387 HAR031 253.00 -2 -5 4.2 -10 129 0.09 6 -10 6.4 65.5 200 13.92 250 0.94 0.06 2.36 1.05FENTON CREEK ROCK Element Pb Sb So Sn Sr Tj V W Y Zn Zr AI203 Ba WR CAO WR CR203 WR FE203 WR K20GEOCHEMISTRY PROJ# 345 Analysis ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICPBO ICPBO ICPBO ICP80 ICP80 ICPBO ICPBO XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 2 5 0.5 10 0.5 0.01 2 10 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.01 20 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units Ippm ppm ppm loom loom % Ippm ppm ppm Ippm Ippm % Ippm % % % %H25801 HAR041 54.5 -2 9 16.7 -10 14.8 0.55 133 -10 6.4 7.1 122 25.62 106 0.15 0.03 1.43 0.21H25B01d dup -2 12 18.6 -10 13.9 0.56 139 -10 6.7 7.2 133 22.80 107 0.14 0.03 1.26 0.19H25802 HAR041 80.5 -2 -5 21.9 -10 280 0.46 188 -10 10.1 165 96.7 18.18 696 2.67 0.07 8.12 2.51H25803 HAR041 86.5 -2 -5 12.4 -10 288 0.32 118 -10 7.1 77.8 66.7 13.70 512 3.09 0.03 4.03 2.41H25804 HAR041 99.5 -2 -5 15.3 -10 411 0.44 157 -10 12.4 86.7 109 13.52 382 4.33 0.09 7.81 1.16H25805 HAR041 93.1 19 -5 3.1 -10 309 0.12 7 -10 5.5 59.8 119 14.24 1370 1.19 0.03 2.24 4.42H25806 HAR041 121.1 -2 -5 34.7 -10 132 1.11 388 -10 33.8 130 71.7 13.92 156 20.01 0.04 3.96 1.17H25807 HAR041 141.5 -2 -5 4.8 -10 178 0.09 3 -10 13.1 54.9 172 11.97 576 1.73 0.04 2.14 2.75H25808 HAR041 144.4 -2 6 25.7 -10 348 0.5 204 -10 6.3 121 76 21.94 691 2.97 0.08 10.56 3.72H25809 HAR041 158.7 8 -5 6.9 -10 175 0.13 27 -10 25.1 77.1 162 12.45 137 4.90 0.04 3.78 1.35H25810 HAR041 197.8 -2 -5 3.2 -10 149 0.05 7 -10 10.8 29 138 12.48 268 1.64 0.04 1.76 1.08H25811 HAR041 243.4 23 7 1.9 -10 307 0.09 5 -10 4.3 45.8 134 13.94 1340 1.24 0.04 1.71 4.76H25812 HAR041 268.5 -2 -5 3.9 -10 84.9 0.13 14 -10 9.2 17.5 167 12.37 603 2.29 0.03 1.72 3.64H25813 HAR041 297.3 -2 -5 37.9 -10 133 0.82 259 -10 24.5 196 24.5 13.88 571 8.67 0.08 13.88 3.41H25813d duo 3 7 40.2 -10 141 0.86 267 -10 26.1 201 25.4 15.40 568 8.29 0.08 13.30 3.25H25814 HAR041 310.6 -2 5 39.7 -10 128 0.79 262 -10 22.9 98.4 26.4 13.73 180 7.85 0.03 12.28 1.20H25815 HAR041 337.4 -2 -5 32.4 -10 258 0.53 259 -10 19.3 116 76.5 28.81 174 10.64 0.05 5.41 1.66H25816 HAR041 356.7 -2 9 43.9 -10 126 0.81 438 -10 21.7 191 67.1 19.52 865 4.25 0.12 12.35 8.68H25817 HAR041 378.6 -2 -5 6.5 -10 43.8 0.19 12 -10 11.8 94.4 147 9.58 187 0.99 0.04 3.37 2.25H25818 HAR041 403.5 -2 -5 4.1 -10 59.1 0.07 12 -10 8.3 41.8 131 10.84 149 0.97 0.04 2.64 0.73H25819 HAR041 427.1 -2 -5 2 -10 79.1 0.15 10 -10 4.7 47.8 175 12.43 414 0.75 0.04 2.11 1.48H25820 Qranite standard 1 -2 -5 1.8 -10 643 0.11 22 -10 7.4 47.3 103 15.00 1000 1.98 0.03 2.11 2.76H25821 HAR041 418.5 17 -5 2.3 -10 254 0.07 6 -10 6.2 32.3 191 14.05 1540 1.66 0.03 1.35 4.08H25822 HAR041 449.3 -2 -5 5.1 -10 130 0.14 14 -10 7.5 49.5 169 12.95 272 1.81 0.04 2.33 1.33H25823 HAR041 462.6 15 -5 28.2 -10 278 0.87 245 -10 25.1 138 37.4 21.14 64 17.70 0.05 8.14 0.30H25824 HAR041 472.7 17 -5 1.5 -10 415 0.06 5 -10 4.9 32.4 391 14.56 4890 1.74 0.03 1.33 4.81H25825 HAR041 492.2 18 -5 4.5 -10 127 0.04 8 -10 7.1 89.1 212 12.02 469 1.34 0.03 2.28 2.05H25825d duo 23 -5 4.8 -10 136 0.05 10 -10 8.2 96.2 234 11.90 465 1.33 0.03 2.26 2.05H25826 HAR041 514.6 158 5 21.8 10 49.1 0.09 213 -10 12.3 1770 105 13.63 207 0.52 0.06 10.47 3.23H25827 HAR041 521.5 62 9 21 -10 12.9 0.23 167 -10 38.9 2080 126 15.02 107 5.34 0.03 7.45 2.14H25828 HAR041 527.5 22 -5 3.2 -10 141 0.07 8 -10 6 20.3 114 13.56 911 1.47 0.03 1.43 4.70



(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (55)


FENTON CREEK ROCK Element LOI WR MGO WR_MNO WR NA20 Nb WR P205 Rb WR SI02 Sr Sum WR TI02 Y ZrGEOCHEMISTRY PROJ # 345 Analysis XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 2 0.01 2 0.01 2 0.01 0.001 2 2SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units % % % % ppm % ppm % ppm % % ppm ppmG43393 HAR031 363.00 2.10 16.88 0.23 0.25 5 0.04 6 44.41 62 99.10 0.144 21 46G43394 HAR031 395.45 1.00 1.96 0.03 0.95 11 0.08 48 74.50 38 100.20 0.340 46 226G43395 HAR031 427.50 0.65 2.01 0.04 1.00 13 0.07 45 74.12 47 99.10 0.408 24 224G43396 HAR031 447.90 0.15 10.81 0.18 2.07 8 0.18 42 51.43 151 99.90 1.491 21 76G43397 HAR031 479.00 0.30 2.05 0.07 2.31 12 0.06 24 75.17 136 100.20 0.217 45 166G43398 HAR031 500.00 0.60 2.43 0.03 2.39 12 0.03 28 74.84 117 99.10 0.285 38 188G43399 HAR031 535.40 0.70 2.43 0.02 1.69 11 0.04 20 7734 153 99.40 0.241 32 196G43400 HAR031 570.90 3.55 4.29 0.08 1.66 9 0.62 44 40.62 121 99.80 2.464 27 113G83387 HAR031 253.00 1.35 2.63 0.01 1.46 11 0.03 26 77.32 132 100.40 0.222 8 210FENTON CREEK ROCK Element LOI WR MGO WR MNO WRNA20 Nb WR P205 Rb WR SI02 Sr Sum WR TI02 Y ZrGEOCHEMISTRY PROJ# 345 Analvsis XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 2 0.01 2 0.01 2 0.01 0.001 2 2SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units % % % % ppm % ppm % ppm % % ppm ppmH25801 HAR041 54.5 8.90 0.31 0.01 0.04 8 0.01 5 71.13 15 100.00 1.057 19 216H25801d du 8.95 0.28 ·0.01 0.04 8 -0.01 4 65.30 15 100.00 0.940 20 214H25802 HAR041 80.5 0.80 3.35 0.06 2.84 7 0.08 78 61.30 301 100.20 0.824 25 131H25803 HAR041 86.5 1.50 3.09 0.06 3.03 5 0.14 55 69.78 329 100.50 0.639 14 89H25804 HAR041 99.5 0.05 3.39 0.08 2.99 7 0.19 30 65.65 436 100.10 0.778 18 133H25805 HAR041 93.1 0.45 0.46 0.03 3.49 7 0.03 115 73.63 332 99.90 0.222 5 127H25806 HAR041 121.1 4.85 2.61 0.12 1.77 8 0.29 19 53.94 136 98.90 2.166 37 120H25807 HAR041 141.5 0.70 2.18 0.02 2.32 16 0.02 60 76.61 188 98.60 0.218 34 229H25808 HAR041 144.4 1.10 4.60 0.04 4.67 7 0.09 81 50.22 376 100.30 1.121 23 136H25809 HAR041 158.7 1.65 5.04 0.02 2.25 11 0.23 34 69.65 189 100.50 0.297 35 197H25810 HAR041 197.8 1.40 2.04 0.01 1.99 12 0.01 19 78.75 147 100.20 0.211 38 137H25811 HAR041 243.4 0.70 0.30 0.02 3.37 7 0.03 92 74.42 332 100.10 0.172 3 139H25812 HAR041 268.5 1.55 1.70 0.02 0.43 10 0.03 65 77.51 85 100.20 0.240 27 169H25813 HAR041 297.3 0.80 10.35 0.21 1.05 10 0.14 63 46.85 126 98.90 1.479 33 60H25813d duo 0.85 9.94 0.20 1.01 10 0.15 63 45.00 128 99.00 1.418 33 62H25814 HAR041 310.6 1.10 7.89 0.13 3.79 8 0.17 18 51.50 132 100.10 1.432 30 78H25815 HAR041 337.4 0.80 2.42 0.08 5.80 8 0.43 21 43.02 280 100.40 1.686 24 115H25816 HAR041 356.7 2.15 2.42 0.09 1.34 9 0.22 86 49.00 140 98.60 2.004 37 81H25817 HAR041 378.6 0.85 3.02 0.03 1.34 26 0.02 56 79.03 47 100.20 0.333 40 163H25818 HAR041 403.5 1.45 2.78 0.02 1.10 9 0.03 23 80.62 67 100.20 0.225 40 160H25819 HAR041 427.1 0.95 1.78 0.02 1.11 12 0.02 29 79.93 84 100.20 0.329 7 199H25820 ranite standard 1 1.35 0.84 0.03 4.72 7 0.08 55 70.90 756 100.20 0.228 16 130H25821 HAR041 418.5 0.80 0.47 0.02 3.70 5 0.02 75 74.43 277 99.50 0.185 14 209H25822 HAR041 449.3 0.60 1.74 0.02 2.27 13 0.02 37 77.20 129 99.90 0.300 49 179H25823 HAR041 462.6 1.25 5.32 0.13 1.27 9 0.30 6 43.86 277 99.20 1.774 27 123H25824 HAR041 472.7 0.60 0.26 0.01 3.52 4 0.02 82 73.60 443 99.70 0.110 9 380H25825 HAR041 492.2 1.05 1.38 0.01 3.88 11 0.01 33 76.77 141 100.20 0.225 32 271H25825d duo 1.10 1.38 -0.01 3.84 11 0.01 33 76.00 142 100.20 0.224 31 270H25826 HAR041 514.6 6.00 3.09 0.02 0.89 9 0.15 52 67.00 53 100.00 0.929 26 124H25827 HAR041 521.5 4.55 4.55 0.06 0.44 12 0.14 72 63.01 14 99.80 0.819 54 136H25828 HAR041 527.5 2.00 0.48 0.02 3.86 4 0.04 85 74.25 143 100.20 0.163 5 118



(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (56)



FENTON CREEK ROCK Element Ag AI As Ba Be Bi Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Fe K La Mg Mn Mo Na Nj PGEOCHEMISTRY PROJ# 345 Analysis ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 (CP80 ICP80 ICPBO ICP80 (CP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICPBO (CP80 ICP80 (CP80 ICPBO ICP80 ICP80 ICPBONUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 0.2 0.D1 3 1 0.5 5 0.01 1 1 1 0.5 0.01 0.01 0.5 0.01 2 1 0.D1 1 0.D1SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % % ppm % ppm ppm % ppm %H25829 HAR042 55 1.2 3.19 -3 47 0.8 5 0.02 -1 1 35 7.9 0.32 0.37 65.3 0.13 3B -1 0.01 16 0.02H25830 HAR042 96.5 0.6 5.68 -3 204 O.B -5 6.38 -1 7 56 30.2 1.17 1.0B 18.2 3.08 73 5 2.01 15 0.04H25831 HAR042 120.8 0.7 5.84 -3 262 0.5 6 0.74 -1 2 54 9.7 0.86 1.83 38.3 1.2 37 2 1.63 5 -0.D1H25832 HAR042 157.8 0.5 5.21 -3 3 0.5 -5 0.02 -1 2 45 5.6 0.26 0.1 21.3 0.06 16 4 0.02 7 -0.D1H25833 HAR042 178.2 0.5 5.93 -3 1480 1.3 -5 0.85 -1 2 45 9.6 0.88 3.84 60 0.17 87 2 2.3 4 0.01H25834 HAR042 195.7 0.2 4.96 -3 324 -0.5 -5 1.53 -1 2 83 8.6 1.4 2.65 36.2 1.02 239 4 0.31 7 0.01H25835 HAR042 226.7 0.9 5.58 -3 203 0.8 7 2.54 -1 4 93 4.3 0.63 2.12 24.1 0.63 145 -1 0.45 5 0.01H25836 HAR042 248.7 0.6 7.26 -3 107 0.9 -5 6.31 2 36 195 21.2 7.61 0.59 33 4.11 1350 -1 2.38 54 0.07H25837 HAR042 266.2 0.7 6.07 -3 1450 1.1 -5 0.8 -1 2 49 12.4 1.3 3.67 74.7 0.19 132 4 2.49 4 0.02H25837d duo 1 6.77 -3 1550 1.2 6 0.91 -1 1 54 13.8 1.39 3.93 80.7 0.19 142 4 2.77 5 0.02H25838 HAR042 290.2 0.3 5.66 -3 308 1.2 -5 2.07 -1 3 76 4.1 1.22 0.79 40.2 0.75 112 3 1.43 6 0.02H25839 HAR042 307.8 0.8 8.49 -3 128 1.1 -5 9.82 2 41 164 74.3 3.68 0.2 29 2.13 460 5 1.41 91 0.12H25840 HAR042 318.6 0.3 6.5 -3 4820 -0.5 -5 0.93 -1 -1 36 4.4 0.99 3.96 54.7 0.15 77 2 2.12 5 0.01H25841 HAR042 331.3 40.1 6.97 -3 428 -0.5 'INF 1.11 -1 39 209 3850 5.27 3.83 27.8 0.91 173 10 2.27 86 0.08H25842 HAR042 350.5 11.6 6.12 -3 297 1 'INF 1 9 25 142 1220 4.25 4.07 27.3 1.75 77 11 0.59 61 0.08H25843 HAR042 373.1 45 4.26 -3 111 0.8 'INF 13.8 9 15 69 1750 3.82 1.27 13.9 7.2 374 7 0.15 34 0.03H25844 HAR042 386.5 1.7 5.96 -3 259 0.9 -5 1.5 -1 3 82 79.7 1.61 1 26.5 1.23 50 4 2.33 11 0.D1H25845 HAR042 411.5 0.6 8.16 -3 469 0.5 -5 7.45 -1 54 250 115 2.58 1.9 18.6 1.67 118 12 0.41 195 0.05H25846 HAR042 421.7 1 7.25 -3 60 0.8 -5 11.2 -1 29 90 43.1 1.93 0.37 11.8 4.4 214 3 0.75 72 0.08H25847 HAR042 457.3 -0.2 8.66 -3 322 1.1 -5 3.72 -1 4 64 5.2 1.14 1.41 35.2 0.84 146 2 3.11 4 0.08H25848 HAR042 461.8 0.3 5.56 -3 265 0.7 -5 1.85 -1 1 30 8.1 0.85 1.58 20.6 1.46 89 3 1.54 6 0.01H25849 HAR043 55 0.7 0.52 -3 63 -0.5 -5 5.84 -1 3 72 3.8 1.39 0.58 14 2.69 324 -1 0.05 5 -0.01H25849d duo 0.6 0.55 -3 57 -0.5 ·5 6.26 -1 2 66 3.6 1.44 0.59 15.1 2.86 350 -1 0.04 4 ·0.01H25850 HAR043 90.6 0.6 5.32 -3 472 0.8 -5 4.66 -1 6 39 39.2 1.54 0.32 17.7 1.67 85 8 0.66 18 0.06H25851 HAR043 103.1 0.5 6.81 -3 334 1.7 -5 2.17 -1 16 193 4.1 4.02 1.54 18 1.06 1130 21 1.55 45 0.05H25852 HAR043 118.2 -0.2 5.46 -3 360 0.8 -5 3.52 -1 8 29 28.4 1.8 1.23 12.2 1.11 118 4 1.75 20 0.04H25853 HAR043 132.5 0.4 6.61 -3 347 1.9 7 1.04 -1 2 94 2.4 1.04 1.1 30.6 1.28 48 51 2.2 8 0.01H25854 HAR043 172.5 0.7 4.02 -3 30 0.6 -5 0.9 -1 5 86 6.4 1.85 0.96 27.2 0.78 478 2 0.42 5 0.01H25855 HAR043 188.9 -0.2 5.37 -3 309 0.6 -5 1.21 -1 3 50 3.8 1.2 2.8 26.6 0.89 139 4 0.82 5 0.01H25856 HAR043 190.4 -0.2 6.41 -3 1470 1.5 -5 0.87 -1 3 31 7.8 1.04 4.36 49.6 0.13 107 4 2.21 6 0.01H25857 HAR043 207.5 0.7 5.28 -3 491 -0.5 -5 1.45 -1 4 51 7.3 1.06 3.4 25.2 0.76 119 -1 0.36 5 0.01H25858 HAR043 227.1 0.5 6.38 -3 1120 1.5 -5 0.6 -1 2 26 4.5 0.93 4.32 39.4 0.19 147 2 1.97 4 0.01H25859 HAR043 249.3 0.5 7.11 -3 118 1.1 -5 5.44 1 39 247 11.1 7.84 1.33 15.2 4.37 1370 -1 1.89 80 0.06H25860 HAR043 265.3 0.4 6.3 -3 1460 1.1 -5 0.8 -1 3 28 8.7 1.18 3.73 46.8 0.11 113 3 2.32 4 0.02H25861 HAR043 288.6 0.5 5.26 -3 303 1.5 -5 1.3 -1 4 55 2.3 1.44 1.17 35.3 1.23 136 3 1.26 4 0.01H25861d du 0.7 5.46 -3 309 1.6 -5 1.37 -1 2 51 2.4 1.45 1.18 40.6 1.27 143 1 1.34 5 0.01H25862 HAR043 319.7 0.4 8.63 -3 106 0.8 8 9.83 2 41 116 25.2 3.64 0.43 20.1 3.74 742 -1 1 85 0.1H25863 HAR043 330.3 0.5 6.94 -3 48 -0.5 5 6.83 1 36 125 9.3 6.99 0.5 22.2 2.78 1140 -1 1.95 79 0.13H25864 HAR043 355.3 0.2 8.09 -3 46 0.7 -5 5.58 -1 23 102 22.8 3.04 0.33 13.6 1.88 366 -1 1.87 64 0.07H25865 HAR043 390.6 4.4 6.06 -3 219 0.9 -5 3.43 -1 2 66 129 2.05 1.83 22.9 1.23 67 5 0.7 17 0.01H25866 HAR043 396.4 6.8 5.82 -3 330 0.6 'INF 0.59 26 27 125 1240 5.82 4.52 23.6 1.21 123 27 0.47 73 0.07H25867 HAR043 414.5 3.4 6.01 -3 180 1.2 -5 1.5 -1 4 92 225 3.29 0.89 23.5 1.35 71 8 2.1 17 0.01H25868 HAR043 431.8 2.7 7.69 -3 444 1.3 -5 1.74 -1 14 74 73.1 4.72 3.08 38.2 1.59 278 11 2.6 33 0.04H25869 HAR043 448.5 0.6 6.58 -3 285 0.9 -5 1.66 -1 3 43 30 0.94 1.78 24.6 1.14 63 1 2.53 6 0.02



(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (57)



FENTON CREEK ROCK Element Pb Sb So Sn Sr Ti V W Y Zn Zr AI203 Ba WR CAO WR CR203 WR_FE203 WR K20GEOCHEMISTRY PROJ # 345 Analysis ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 2 5 0.5 10 0.5 0.01 2 10 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.01 20 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm % % % %H25829 HAR042 55 9 -5 6.5 -10 51.5 0.25 37 -10 12.5 17.5 315 3.97 34 0.04 0.02 0.45 0.45H25830 HAR042 96.5 -2 -5 8.5 -10 201 0.18 68 -10 17.2 57.5 118 17.47 199 14.23 0.04 2.74 1.83H25831 HAR042 120.8 2 -5 4.3 -10 114 0.11 5 -10 9.6 57.3 154 14.08 264 1.22 0.03 1.37 2.34H25832 HAR042 157.8 -2 -5 1.5 -10 8.7 0.02 12 -10 8.6 8.1 143 10.70 -20 0.03 0.03 0.41 0.14H25833 HAR042 178.2 27 -5 1.9 -10 285 0.08 4 -10 3.4 26.3 106 14.34 1460 1.40 0.03 1.44 3.10H25834 HAR042 195.7 -2 7 4.8 -10 70.6 0.11 13 -10 8.4 29 97.3 11.54 335 2.64 0.04 2.33 3.38H25835 HAR042 226.7 -2 -5 5.2 -10 67.5 0.09 2 -10 11.8 22.4 180 13.36 206 4.41 0.04 1.12 2.88H25836 HAR042 248.7 -2 9 42.7 -10 100 0.79 281 -10 22.8 118 28.2 14.58 100 9.51 0.04 12.03 0.71H25837 HAR042 266.2 117 -5 2.1 -10 274 0.08 5 -10 5 38.5 130 14.31 1540 1.47 0.03 2.04 4.64H25837d duo 130 6 2.4 -10 310 0.08 5 -10 5 41.7 140 14.10 1540 1.46 0.03 2.02 4.60H25838 HAR042 290.2 4 -5 4.3 -10 206 0.13 12 -10 20.8 41.4 96.7 12.64 301 3.13 0.03 1.65 0.96H25839 HAR042 307.8 7 12 36.1 -10 330 1.03 332 -10 23.5 102 48.4 22.71 106 19.11 0.04 7.71 0.36H25840 HAR042 318.6 23 -5 1.7 -10 405 0.06 7 -10 2.5 31.1 134 13.99 5300 1.38 0.03 1.36 4.83H25841 HAR042 331.3 1090 19 26.3 29 52.2 0.09 194 -10 7.8 508 69.6 17.24 688 1.78 0.06 7.67 4.48H25842 HAR042 350.5 341 10 17.5 12 119 0.11 143 -10 21.4 1950 195 17.86 293 1.70 0.04 6.71 3.25H25843 HAR042 373.1 2150 38 8 45 141 0.17 66 -10 18 1400 102 9.88 109 22.17 0.01 4.47 1.65H25844 HAR042 386.5 19 -5 7 -10 131 0.05 14 -10 8.8 86 240 14.55 282 2.35 0.02 2.36 1.25H25845 HAR042 411.5 13 11 37.7 -10 135 0.64 242 -10 25.9 94.2 85.8 22.70 459 15.40 0.14 5.39 3.04H25846 HAR042 421.7 52 -5 29.6 -10 198 0.6 225 -10 19.4 130 92.1 16.83 70 18.59 0.04 3.47 0.34H25847 HAR042 457.3 11 7 4.1 -10 274 0.22 59 -10 12.5 73.5 69.2 19.35 303 3.92 0.02 1.74 1.43H25848 HAR042 461.8 3 6 5 -10 147 0.13 15 -10 12.1 55.4 112 12.11 275 3.05 0.03 1.30 1.97H25849 HAR043 55 5 -5 1.8 -10 52.2 0.11 15 -10 5.3 10.4 105 1.53 46 10.83 0.04 2.50 0.79H25849d duo 4 -5 2 -10 55.9 0.12 16 -10 5.7 11.4 113 1.31 49 9.26 0.03 2.14 0.68H25850 HAR043 90.6 -2 -5 4.8 -10 206 0.1 27 -10 14.7 49 94.1 11.23 486 7.38 0.03 2.32 0.41H25851 HAR043 103.1 11 -5 15.7 -10 381 0.29 168 -10 10.9 197 83.9 14.27 540 4.28 0.06 7.09 2.24H25852 HAR043 118.2 -2 7 6.5 -10 131 0.22 76 -10 14.4 87.5 120 14.98 450 7.28 0.02 3.64 1.96H25853 HAR043 132.5 -2 7 4.1 -10 165 0.1 9 -10 9.1 35.8 136 14.41 360 1.68 0.04 1.34 1.36H25854 HAR043 172.5 -2 -5 4.6 -10 53.5 0.12 13 -10 10.7 49.2 137 11.87 44 1.34 0.03 2.95 1.25H25855 HAR043 188.9 3 7 3 -10 43 0.13 9 -10 6 91.1 97.4 11.96 263 2.02 0.04 1.99 3.38H25856 HAR043 19Q.4 26 5 2.5 -10 251 0.08 7 -10 5.4 22.2 126 14.13 1400 1.40 0.02 1.37 3.39H25857 HAR043 207.5 -2 -5 4 -10 61.1 0.12 9 -10 6.9 20.4 117 11.82 460 2.39 0.03 1.79 4.22H25858 HAR043 227.1 27 -5 2.1 -10 217 0.07 8 -10 5.9 27.9 113 14.32 1130 1.01 0.02 1.50 3.49H25859 HAR043 249.3 -2 -5 36.9 -10 233 0.73 236 -10 21.3 99.7 24.4 15.10 124 8.49 0.06 12.36 1.65H25860 HAR043 265.3 30 8 1.8 -10 291 0.08 7 -10 4.6 32.4 123 13.77 1540 1.31 0.02 1.77 4.73H25861 HAR043 288.6 -2 -5 6.5 -10 171 0.14 8 -10 13 50.9 123 13.71 347 2.18 0.03 2.18 1.51H25861d dUD -2 -5 6.8 -10 178 0.14 9 -10 14.7 52.5 124 13.50 346 2.11 0.03 2.13 1.47H25862 HAR043 319.7 -2 -5 37.4 -10 196 1.01 336 -10 23.6 112 25.2 18.25 122 15.08 0.04 3.55 0.34H25863 HAR043 330.3 -2 -5 26.6 -10 506 0.79 244 -10 24.2 108 57.7 18.45 90 13.18 0.05 13.31 0.94H25864 HAR043 355.3 ·2 -5 21.5 -10 221 0.42 184 -10 14.6 64.5 86.3 16.37 63 8.19 0.04 4.33 0.42H25865 HAR043 390.6 40 6 5.9 ·10 110 0.07 25 -10 22.2 93 205 13.53 235 3.74 0.03 3.18 2.41H25866 HAR043 396.4 257 7 27.3 ·10 44.3 0.1 263 -10 13.6 5570 128 26.79 338 1.50 0.04 11.14 4.47H25867 HAR043 414.5 9 5 6.6 -10 165 0.05 10 -10 9.5 134 194 12.95 200 2.41 0.03 4.82 1.14H25868 HAR043 431.8 59 7 11.1 -10 169 0.12 70 -10 14.7 303 228 17.30 468 2.82 0.02 6.94 3.94H25869 HAR043 448.5 -2 7 5.6 -10 154 0.12 6 -10 14.3 92.8 137 13.55 285 2.36 0.03 1.41 2.16


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (58)



FENTON CREEK ROCK Element LOI WR MGO WR MNO WR NA20 Nb WR P205 Rb WR SI02 Sr Sum WR_TI02 Y ZrGEOCHEMISTRY PROJ # 345 Analysis XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103NUMBER HOLE METRES O.L. 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 2 0.01 2 0.01 2 0.01 0.001 2 2SAMPLE ORILL DEPTH Units % % % % ppm % ppm % ppm % % ppm ppmH25829 HAR042 55 2.35 0.31 0.01 0.02 8 0.01 11 94.30 47 100.10 0.421 17 801H25830 HAR042 96.5 9.50 5.72 0.01 4.46 7 0.15 13 52.86 199 100.30 0.491 20 111H25831 HAR042 120.8 1.15 2.41 0.01 2.41 15 0.01 40 75.90 120 100.20 0.215 29 178H25832 HAR042 157.8 3.60 0.15 0.01 0.01 13 0.01 4 88.28 9 100.10 0.227 27 181H25833 HAR042 178.2 0.45 0.41 0.01 3.54 7 0.04 110 75.49 324 100.60 0.183 7 115H25834 HAR042 195.7 1.05 1.95 0.04 0.50 11 0.03 46 77.32 78 100.10 0.236 42 146H25835 HAR042 226.7 1.35 1.24 0.02 0.73 9 0.02 27 75.94 76 100.20 0.236 48 252H25836 HAR042 248.7 0.40 7.62 0.19 3.18 6 0.16 10 50.56 98 98.80 1.409 27 76H25837 HAR042 266.2 0.55 0.40 0.02 3.84 7 0.04 90 72.98 333 100.00 0.222 9 141H25837d dUp 0.70 0.40 0.02 3.83 8 0.04 90 72.50 334 100.20 0.218 -2 141H25838 HAR042 290.2 0.40 1.34 0.02 1.95 15 0.03 25 77.82 200 100.20 0.233 46 171H25839 HAR042 307.8 1.25 5.16 0.09 2.48 9 0.36 5 39.64 329 99.30 2.350 26 126H25840 HAR042 318.6 0.45 0.29 0.01 3.21 3 0.02 83 74.74 440 100.10 0.129 8 139H25841 HAR042 331.3 2.20 1.69 0.03 3.15 7 0.20 50 62.32 46 99.00 1.383 7 79H25842 HAR042 350,5 2.50 3.02 0.01 0.86 13 0.20 48 65.36 124 99.80 0.990 64 226H25843 HAR042 373.1 1.70 13.90 0.07 0.20 4 0.08 25 47.21 120 90.80 0.358 14 101H25844 HAR042 386.5 1.65 2.36 0.01 3.46 11 0.03 16 73.37 138 100.20 0.241 31 269H25845 HAR042 411.5 2.05 4.10 0.03 0.42 7 0.17 31 47.10 135 99.00 1.524 28 115H25846 HAR042 421.7 2.55 8.63 0.04 1.20 7 0.22 12 49.45 203 99.50 1.181 21 88H25847 HAR042 457.3 0.90 1.44 0.02 4.27 5 0.21 24 67.15 285 100.00 0.449 13 87H25848 HAR042 461.8 0.55 2.91 0.01 2.47 11 0.03 31 75.86 157 100.10 0.247 21 233H25849 HAR043 55 12.90 3.76 0.04 0.08 3 0.01 8 80.16 52 100.20 0.285 4 251H25849d duo 13.00 5.18 0.05 0.07 3 -0.Q1 9 68.10 53 100.10 0.242 6 251H25850 HAR043 90.6 2.20 3.16 0.01 0.96 9 0.14 14 74.15 211 100.20 0.204 18 138H25851 HAR043 103.1 4.30 2.38 0.20 2.50 6 0.14 49 66.42 464 100.20 0.409 15 123H25852 HAR043 118.2 3.35 2.80 0.02 3.39 8 0.14 22 65.54 165 99.70 0.341 24 162H25853 HAR043 132.5 0.65 2.49 0.01 3.33 16 0.02 29 75.15 170 100.10 0.182 45 122H25854 HAR043 172.5 1.35 1.50 0.07 0.64 13 0.03 31 80.07 55 100.20 0.242 45 166H25855 HAR043 188.9 1.20 1.68 0.02 1.23 13 0.03 49 77.41 46 100.20 0.250 17 155H25856 HAR043 190.4 0.75 0.27 0.01 3.31 6 0.04 117 75.91 260 100.10 0.137 10 132H25857 HAR043 207.5 0.65 1.63 0.02 0.37 11 0.03 49 77.46 63 100.10 0.242 34 169H25858 HAR043 227.1 0.85 0.37 0.02 3.08 9 0.04 112 76.01 232 100.10 0.142 12 128H25859 HAR043 249.3 1.70 8.09 0.20 2.80 5 0.16 39 49.75 232 100.30 1.332 26 75H25860 HAR043 265.3 0.70 0.20 0.02 3.62 6 0.04 93 74.37 312 100.40 0.150 12 135H25861 HAR043 288.6 0.80 2.41 0.02 2.00 13 0.02 42 75.69 180 100.00 0.254 62 198H25861d du 0.65 2.35 0.02 1.94 13 0.02 43 75.70 179 100.20 0.246 61 200H25862 HAR043 319.7 1.40 7.06 0.11 1.50 9 0.25 11 52.00 188 98.90 1.829 25 125H25863 HAR043 330.3 2.05 4.03 0.21 3.74 9 0.40 5 43.89 505 100.10 1.794 26 120H25864 HAR043 355.3 0.40 3.50 0.03 2.71 5 0.17 3 63.46 216 100.10 0.775 15 92H25865 HAR043 390.6 1.35 2.42 0.01 1.12 12 0.03 24 73.33 116 100.30 0.218 36 251H25866 HAR043 396.4 2.70 2.75 0.03 0.64 8 0.24 53 50.61 42 99.00 1.805 24 138H25867 HAR043 414.5 1.80 2.74 0.01 3.29 10 0.03 23 72.37 174 100.20 0.207 28 239H25868 HAR043 431.8 1.40 3.01 0.04 4.00 18 0.08 81 61.47 179 100.00 0.374 34 262H25869 HAR043 448.5 0.85 2.21 0.Q1 3.90 10 0.04 35 74.10 153 100.10 0.243 31 243


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (59)



FENTON CREEK ROCK Element Ag AI As Ba Be BI Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Fe K La Mg Mn Mo Na NI PGEOCHEMISTRY PROJ# 345 Analysis ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 0.2 0.01 3 1 0.5 5 0.01 1 1 1 0.5 0.01 0.01 0.5 0.01 2 1 0.01 1 0.01SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % % ppm % ppm ppm % ppm %H25870 HAR043 467.4 0.8 6.08 -3 221 1.5 -5 7.15 -1 3 30 11.9 1.24 0.47 22.9 0.98 218 -1 0.86 4 0.04H25871 HAR044 51.6 0.7 0.21 -3 23 -0.5 -5 6.7 -1 7 118 12.2 2.04 0.1 14 3.25 343 2 -0.01 30 -0.01H25872 ranite standard 1 0.6 7.31 -3 873 1.7 -5 1.21 -1 5 33 7.1 1.4 2.63 18.9 0.34 220 2 3.09 6 0.03H25873 HAR044 69.4 0.3 6.29 -3 3160 0.7 -5 0.8 -1 4 20 9 0.52 3.76 45.2 0.17 63 2 2.01 4 0.01H25873d du 0.2 6.96 -3 3550 0.8 -5 0.9 -1 2 21 8.5 0.56 4.25 50.1 0.17 69 3 2.16 3 0.01H25874 HAR044 81.3 0.4 7.01 -3 303 0.5 -5 7.97 -1 48 176 114 2.81 1.1 10.4 3.03 428 6 1.66 190 0.1H25875 HAR044 92.7 0.2 7.54 -3 441 0.6 -5 9.97 -1 40 155 123 2.8 1.78 10.3 2.29 444 2 1.09 118 0.08H25876 HAR044 118.2 -0.2 6.35 -3 1260 1.2 -5 0.75 -1 3 29 6.6 0.69 4.31 33.3 0.31 78 2 1.95 4 0.01H25877 HAR044 134.5 1.4 7.28 -3 458 -0.5 -5 0.14 -1 7 98 63.3 2.19 2.79 31.2 1.29 39 5 0.24 30 0.01H25878 HAR044 147.3 0.9 7.61 -3 509 1 9 7.66 2 27 106 82.9 4.12 2.12 11.9 1.42 381 2 0.66 57 0.03H25879 HAR044 159.3 0.8 7.03 -3 370 1.2 -5 0.62 -1 7 60 56.3 1.46 1.9 40.6 1.24 72 4 1.33 15 0.02H25880 HAR044 187.3 0.4 6.36 -3 921 1.1 -5 0.57 -1 2 49 24.5 0.64 4.74 21.8 0.21 52 -1 2.09 5 0.01H25881 HAR044 194.7 0.6 5.07 -3 184 0.9 -5 4.45 -1 4 65 16.9 1.05 0.29 17.5 1.3 69 8 1.01 18 0.06H25882 HAR044 199.3 1.3 5.98 -3 87 0.7 -5 3.09 2 19 263 39.3 12.5 0.72 31 2.06 9660 12 0.2 29 0.1H25883 HAR044 228.8 0.5 5.96 -3 245 1.2 -5 1.73 -1 3 74 9.2 1.07 1.01 25.8 0.86 128 5 1.93 4 0.01H25884 HAR044 259.4 0.4 6.7 -3 1120 1.4 6 0.64 -1 1 40 3.7 1.54 3.56 56 0.22 200 -1 2.15 3 0.02H25885 HAR044 300.4 0.8 9.67 -3 283 0.9 -5 2.9 -1 45 66 103 3.43 1.34 29.7 0.81 171 10 4.19 74 0.09H25885d du 0.5 9.99 -3 260 1 -5 2.96 -1 44 78 107 3.39 1.45 32.7 0.83 174 10 4.51 76 0.09H25886 HAR044 307.8 -0.2 6.62 -3 144 1.9 -5 0.49 -1 1 15 5 0.27 4.51 8.9 0.06 33 3 2.42 3 0.02H25887 HAR044 357.8 0.6 5.53 -3 156 1.4 7 0.82 -1 5 51 2.4 1.82 0.52 24.7 1.31 251 4 1.23 5 0.01H25888 HAR044 392.43 0.5 5.23 -3 277 1.5 -5 2.81 -1 5 40 23.6 0.83 2.43 22.6 1.37 217 -1 0.26 7 0.02H25889 HAR044 418.23 0.5 5.68 -3 362 1.3 -5 1.87 -1 4 78 3.8 1.32 0.97 30.3 0.87 132 2 1.54 5 0.01H25890 HAR044 450.2 0.4 10.3 -3 123 1 -5 6.78 -1 31 106 34.6 3.68 0.46 17.3 2.14 499 -1 2.43 70 0.1H25891 HAR044 480.8 6.3 7.66 -3 476 0.8 -5 1.66 3 21 98 392 3.38 5.13 19.8 1.72 73 5 1.12 64 0.08H25892 HAR044 510.33 10.4 5.93 -3 84 0.8 -5 5.19 3 28 112 239 5 0.87 16.5 3.22 198 16 0.86 61 0.08H25893 HAR044 541.3 0.8 6.32 -3 350 1.2 -5 0.53 -1 -1 41 5.2 0.61 4.21 5.9 0.05 37 -1 2.36 3 0.01H25894 HAR045 46.5 0.5 0.07 -3 9 -0.5 -5 6.12 -1 4 45 3.1 0.77 0.02 7.9 3.35 208 -1 -0.01 5 -0.01H25895 HAR045 77.5 0.4 6.17 -3 1600 0.7 -5 0.75 -1 3 37 7.4 0.91 3.65 30 0.16 105 2 1.91 4 -0.01H25896 HAR045 92.1 0.5 8.45 -3 512 0.7 -5 1.55 -1 41 138 175 6.38 2.22 27 2.19 628 -1 1.9 115 0.03H25897 HAR045 124.2 0.6 6.59 -3 1600 0.8 6 0.81 -1 1 39 8 1.39 3.81 65.6 0.28 124 2 2.01 4 0.03H25897d du 0.4 6.83 -3 1700 0.8 -5 0.86 -1 -1 40 7.1 1.5 3.95 72 0.3 141 3 2.17 5 0.03H25898 HAR045 131.5 0.3 8.16 -3 583 1.3 -5 2.13 -1 21 152 64.6 4.91 1.8 20.3 1.8 393 -1 2.47 76 0.06H25899 HAR045 175.7 0.3 4.98 -3 504 -0.5 -5 9.4 -1 15 66 7.9 1.57 0.59 10.5 3.63 358 -1 0.36 33 0.08H25900 ranite standard 1 0.5 6.45 -3 875 1.4 -5 1 -1 2 35 8.9 1.14 2.61 22.7 0.33 156 -1 2.79 6 0.03J16501 HAR045 191.5 0.7 8.4 -3 593 0.8 7 1.66 -1 21 156 60.1 5.3 2.33 27.8 1.83 320 2 2.08 78 0.05J16502 HAR045 241.4 0.5 6.27 -3 1250 1 7 0.63 -1 3 45 15.6 1.2 3.58 63 0.25 120 2 2.06 4 0.01J16503 HAR045 246.8 0.6 4.8 -3 221 1 -5 0.5 -1 2 45 6.1 0.57 0.99 28.5 0.79 15 -1 1 4 -0.01J16504 HAR045 270.7 0.5 1.94 -3 56 -0.5 -5 15.7 -1 3 11 4.5 0.76 0.36 9.8 9.37 371 3 0.13 10 -0.01J16505 HAR045 292.8 -0.2 6.17 -3 437 0.8 -5 3.47 -1 9 63 24.5 1.11 2.6 13 1.69 109 5 1.73 17 0.05J16506 HAR045 314.5 0.6 5.3 -3 289 1 -5 0.64 -1 4 50 3 1.07 1.17 26.7 1.48 64 -1 1.26 4 -0.01J16507 HAR045 332.4 0.3 3.64 -3 311 0.8 -5 0.82 -1 2 40 5.3 0.34 1.65 24.6 0.41 55 2 0.99 4 -0.01J16508 HAR045 351.3 0.7 6.49 -3 275 1.4 -5 1.43 -1 4 42 6.8 1.19 0.84 33.6 1.28 143 2 1.6 4 0.01J16509 HAR045 383.6 0.8 5.25 -3 243 0.9 -5 1.24 -1 4 42 18.4 1.16 1.45 35.3 0.79 104 2 1.33 6 0.01J16509d duo 0.6 5.55 -3 259 0.9 -5 1.3 -1 4 39 19.5 1.22 1.49 35.7 0.84 116 2 1.49 5 0.01


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (60)


FENTON CREEK ROCK Element Pb Sb So Sn Sr Ti V W Y Zn Zr AI203 Ba WR CAO WR CR203 WR FE203 WR K20GEOCHEMISTRY PROJ # 345 Analysis ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 2 5 0.5 10 0.5 0.01 2 10 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.01 20 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm % % % %H25870 HAR043 467.4 4 ·5 6.4 32 137 0.11 7 192 38.9 108 129 12.79 207 11.14 0.02 1.92 0.64H25871 HAR044 51.6 11 -5 0.7 -10 45.8 0.09 13 -10 3.9 6.8 79.2 1.11 33 11.53 0.05 3.55 0.31H25872 ranlte standard 1 4 5 2 10 664 0.11 22 84 7.8 46.5 111 15.10 1070 1.89 0.03 2.05 3.20H25873 HAR044 69.4 29 6 1.2 12 295 0.03 5 54 3.5 12.7 72.4 13.98 3280 1.46 0.03 0.82 5.00H25873d duo 32 6 1.2 11 328 0.04 6 59 4.1 13.8 83.9 13.50 3270 1.42 0.03 0.80 4.89H25874 HAR044 81.3 -2 5 30.9 -10 201 0.56 257 19 17.9 66.1 52.2 16.57 308 13.68 0.09 4.81 1.51H25875 HAR044 92.7 -2 -5 35.3 -10 155 0.63 283 21 20.5 108 46.5 14.70 415 16.35 0.07 4.53 2.35H25876 HAR044 118.2 16 5 1.6 -10 217 0.04 7 23 6.1 14.7 116 14.24 1300 1.46 0.03 1.11 3.75H25877 HAR044 134.5 13 6 5.7 ·10 66.8 0.06 38 -10 13.8 28.4 170 15.61 530 0.24 0.03 3.14 3.64H25878 HAR044 147.3 7 -5 18.8 -10 379 0.84 178 12 14.7 78.1 42.6 19.38 595 15.96 0.06 5.41 3.76H25879 HAR044 159.3 ·2 -5 7.1 -10 126 0.08 32 12 15.5 43.4 161 15.21 408 0.96 0.03 2.03 2.34H25880 HAR044 187.3 21 -5 1.6 -10 133 0.02 5 -10 5.4 8.4 74.1 14.01 826 0.94 0.03 1.04 4.05H25881 HAR044 194.7 -2 -5 3.2 -10 176 0.1 92 11 17.7 60.7 111 10.33 192 6.63 0.04 1.52 0.31H25882 HAR044 199.3 -2 7 9.3 -10 53.7 0.25 159 -10 15.7 181 85 16.48 129 6.32 0.05 24.59 1.20H25883 HAR044 228.8 -2 6 2.8 -10 133 0.12 12 -10 10 39.4 132 12.25 273 2.72 0.03 1.50 1.40H25884 HAR044 259.4 22 7 3.3 -10 235 0.1 8 -10 5.2 60.1 130 14.17 1170 1.05 0.03 2.37 4.95H25885 HAR044 300.4 -2 8 24.2 -10 155 0.13 189 ·10 10.3 83.7 120 28.76 267 6.35 0.04 4.21 2.39H25885d duo -2 11 26.4 -10 159 0.15 197 -10 11.1 88 124 21.30 193 4.68 0.03 5.14 1.76H25886 HAR044 307.8 34 -5 2.9 -10 47.1 0.02 8 -10 8.1 6.6 21 14.36 140 0.81 0.02 0.44 3.86H25887 HAR044 357.8 -2 -5 4.3 -10 82.8 0.11 12 -10 25.4 40.7 175 12.09 191 1.34 0.03 2.78 0.83H25888 HAR044 392.43 3 -5 2.1 -10 41 0.11 10 -10 27.3 153 120 10.94 280 4.36 0.03 1.26 3.22H25889 HAR044 418.23 -2 -5 4.2 -10 202 0.15 12 -10 9 46.6 106 12.96 370 2.74 0.03 1.73 1.21H25890 HAR044 450.2 -2 11 30.4 -10 339 0.65 279 -10 22.9 97.6 84.5 26.69 115 12.79 0.05 4.08 0.42H25891 HAR044 480.8 135 -5 16.2 -10 101 0.1 118 -10 16.4 848 235 18.07 487 2.48 0.04 4.74 6.16H25892 HAR044 510.33 190 9 16.6 12 134 0.34 110 ·10 25.9 805 124 12.87 98 8.20 0.04 7.58 1.12H25893 HAR044 541.3 54 -5 0.9 -10 102 -0.01 5 -10 3.6 7.1 21.8 13.94 337 1.09 0.04 1.12 3.31H25894 HAR045 46.5 3 -5 -0.5 -10 22.3 0.04 7 -10 2 5 42.6 0.24 -20 12.13 0.02 1.64 0.04H25895 HAR045 77.5 17 6 2 -10 248 0.06 7 -10 2.9 32.8 127 13.49 1700 1.20 0.04 1.43 4.82H25896 HAR045 92.1 6 8 29.2 -10 208 0.49 225 -10 9.2 190 81 24.37 663 3.35 0.04 13.71 3.78H25897 HAR045 124.2 16 -5 2.7 -10 297 0.12 13 -10 5.3 50.3 172 14.15 1740 1.35 0.03 2.15 4.85H25897d du 17 -5 2.9 -10 316 0.13 13 -10 5.5 53.3 182 14.00 1760 1.35 0.03 2.13 4.80H25898 HAR045 131.5 -2 7 21.8 -10 360 0.48 187 -10 10.3 115 95.3 17.25 747 3.30 0.03 7.94 2.25H25899 HAR045 175.7 -2 -5 24.9 -10 145 0.45 189 -10 15.1 90.8 46.3 13.46 450 15.47 0.05 3.39 1.03H25900 Iaranite standard 1 -2 -5 1.7 -10 579 0.1 20 -10 6.9 43.2 99.3 15.40 1160 1.71 0.02 1.95 3.52J16501 HAR045 191.5 -2 6 24.7 -10 245 0.5 203 -10 6.3 148 105 24.16 748 3.46 0.05 10.67 3.96Jl6502 HAR045 241.4 21 5 3.1 -10 246 0.12 10 -10 6.3 30.9 116 14.04 1320 1.15 0.03 1.90 4.86J16503 HAR045 246.8 -2 -5 2.5 -10 88.1 0.04 6 -10 8 20.2 120 12.14 246 0.92 0.02 1.05 1.45J16504 HAR045 270.7 -2 -5 2.4 -10 91.7 0.03 6 -10 16.7 25.2 62.8 6.55 66 33.31 0.01 1.98 0.50J16505 HAR045 292.8 -2 5 6.7 -10 133 0.21 70 -10 13.2 35.6 140 14.34 444 3.75 0.02 1.91 3.62J16506 HAR045 314.5 -2 6 5.2 -10 92 0.12 9 -10 5.8 74.3 172 13.60 297 1.00 0.04 1.38 1.50J16507 HAR045 332.4 -2 -5 1.6 -10 68.2 0.04 7 -10 11.1 18.5 94.3 7.89 310 1.35 0.04 0.38 2.20J16508 HAR045 351.3 -2 -5 5 -10 139 0.14 13 -10 17.3 43.3 174 14.05 338 2.37 0.03 1.80 1.12J16509 HAR045 383.6 -2 -5 3.4 -10 143 0.12 12 -10 18.1 33 161 11.53 243 2.01 0.03 1.83 1.87J16509d du -2 5 3.4 -10 152 0.13 12 -10 18.7 34.6 172 11.40 245 1.97 0.03 1.77 1.83


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FENTON CREEK ROCK Element LOI WR MGO WR_MNO WR NA20 Nb WR P205 Rb WR_SI02 Sr Sum WR TI02 Y ZrGEOCHEMISTRY PROJ # 345 Analysis XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 2 0.01 2 0.D1 2 0.01 0.001 2 2SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units % % % % ppm % ppm % ppm % % ppm ppmH25870 HAR043 467.4 2.85 1.84 0.03 1.28 15 0.09 10 70.04 136 99.90 0.216 47 205H25871 HAR044 51.6 13.10 4.36 0.05 0.01 2 0.01 4 78.81 40 100.10 0.228 3 182H25872 laranite standard 1 0.90 0.67 0.03 4.78 8 0.07 50 71.50 723 100.60 0.214 5 128H25873 HAR044 69.4 0.45 0.31 0.01 2.99 3 0.02 92 75.32 318 100.40 0.062 7 80H25873d du 0.50 0.29 -0.D1 2.92 4 0.02 91 75.40 320 100.30 0.059 6 79H25874 HAR044 81.3 6.40 4.15 0.07 2.56 4 0.26 13 55.15 203 98.90 1.155 20 59H25875 HAR044 92.7 4.90 4.49 0.07 1.50 4 0.22 31 54.47 146 98.10 1.250 22 57H25876 HAR044 118.2 0.70 0.65 0.01 3.21 5 0.04 103 75.38 239 100.70 0.137 4 128H25877 HAR044 134.5 4.65 2.26 0.01 0.45 12 0.03 39 74.29 69 100.20 0.294 26 213H25878 HAR044 147.3 1.35 3.53 0.04 1.41 6 0.13 51 48.30 370 97.70 2.026 19 66H25879 HAR044 159.3 2.70 2.16 0.Q1 1.92 16 0.03 49 75.01 123 100.10 0.297 42 186H25880 HAR044 187.3 0.90 0.45 0.01 3.30 7 0.04 120 76.02 138 100.10 0.122 17 78H25881 HAR044 194.7 3.05 2.42 0.01 1.54 9 0.14 6 76.88 171 100.10 0.180 21 113H25882 HAR044 199.3 2.25 4.29 1.71 0.36 6 0.31 37 44.16 51 100.40 0.538 21 76H25883 HAR044 228.8 0.40 1.70 0.02 3.01 13 0.03 34 77.12 138 100.10 0.228 35 171H25884 HAR044 259.4 0.60 0.46 0.04 3.43 10 0.04 112 73.26 256 100.30 0.200 13 135H25885 HAR044 300.4 1.70 2.39 0.04 8.63 8 0.30 35 44.97 162 100.00 1.926 20 143H25885d du 1.75 1.76 0.03 6.60 8 0.22 34 55.60 161 100.30 1.434 20 143H25886 HAR044 307.8 0.45 0.12 0.Q1 3.77 5 0.07 90 76.50 47 100.10 0.040 14 22H25887 HAR044 357.8 0.60 2.34 0.04 1.91 11 0.02 19 78.40 87 100.20 0.218 51 181H25888 HAR044 392.43 1.35 2.45 0.03 0.45 10 0.03 41 77.01 42 100.10 0.203 38 130H25889 HAR044 418.23 0.35 1.38 0.02 2.19 13 0.02 33 77.48 185 100.10 0.245 37 175H25890 HAR044 450.2 0.45 5.09 0.08 4.43 6 0.29 5 44.61 313 100.00 1.463 24 108H25891 HAR044 480.8 1.85 2.76 0.01 1.51 19 0.16 48 63.09 96 100.00 0.983 38 252H25892 HAR044 510.33 1.80 4.04 0.03 1.29 6 0.19 16 84.02 131 100.20 0.634 30 129H25893 HAR044 541.3 0.45 0.17 0.Q1 3.77 5 0.03 105 76.46 103 100.10 0.066 9 24H25894 HAR045 46.5 15.30 8.03 0.04 0.01 2 0.02 3 77.73 24 100.30 0.110 -2 102H25895 HAR045 77.5 0.55 0.31 0.01 3.14 4 0.02 84 75.42 269 100.10 0.112 10 138H25896 HAR045 92.1 0.65 5.37 0.14 3.91 6 0.10 85 44.04 229 99.60 1.197 24 119H25897 HAR045 124.2 0.55 0.39 0.02 3.19 6 0.03 89 73.59 334 100.00 0.228 10 200H25897d duo 0.50 0.59 0.02 3.17 6 0.05 90 72.70 332 99.90 0.228 2 199H25898 HAR045 131.5 0.30 3.48 0.07 3.75 7 0.13 67 60.97 372 100.20 0.832 16 113H25899 HAR045 175.7 13.40 8.22 0.07 0.78 4 0.24 18 56.21 147 100.20 1.096 16 56H25900 ranite standard 1 1.10 0.72 0.03 4.60 7 0.08 55 71.00 703 100.60 0.218 5 128J16501 HAR045 191.5 1.30 4.23 0.04 4.29 9 0.15 87 47.82 267 100.30 1.171 21 152J16502 HAR045 241.4 0.65 0.32 0.02 3.35 8 0.03 98 74.06 278 100.00 0.225 4 135J16503 HAR045 246.8 2.10 1.69 0.01 1.73 10 0.01 21 80.81 98 100.20 0.170 44 139J16504 HAR045 270.7 28.30 24.25 0.08 0.26 3 0.03 11 32.89 92 100.30 0.121 18 59J16505 HAR045 292.8 5.00 3.42 0.01 2.99 6 0.13 37 69.34 143 100.00 0.467 16 149J16506 HAR045 314.5 1.20 2.81 0.01 1.97 14 0.01 36 77.45 95 100.20 0.234 22 187J16507 HAR045 332.4 0.65 1.01 0.01 1.40 4 0.01 30 85.61 74 100.10 0.107 17 99J16508 HAR045 351.3 0.70 2.37 0.02 2.35 13 0.02 30 75.62 155 100.10 0.263 48 206J16509 HAR045 383.6 1.50 1.39 0.01 2.16 9 0.02 41 78.90 148 100.10 0.247 30 184J16509d duo 1.60 1.57 0.01 2.11 9 0.02 41 77.50 150 100.20 0.241 30 185



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FENTON CREEK ROCK Element Ag AI As Ba Be Bi Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Fe K La Mg Mn Mo Na Ni PGEOCHEMISTRY PROJ# 345 Analysis ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICPBO ICPBO ICPBO ICPBO ICPBO ICPBO ICP80 ICPBONUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 0.2 0.01 3 1 0.5 5 0.01 1 1 1 0.5 0.01 0.01 0.5 0.01 2 1 0.01 1 0.01SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm % % ppm % ppm ppm % ppm %J16510 HAR045 396.2 0.4 5.57 ·3 948 O.B ·5 0.22 ., 2 29 3 0.87 3.31 23.2 0.16 81 -1 1.94 5 0.D1J16511 HAR045 401.4 1.2 6.05 -3 228 0.5 -5 0.08 -, 4 43 8.2 2.14 3.37 19.2 1.86 187 -1 0.4 5 -0.01J16512 HAR045 417.1 0.7 5.17 -3 440 0.9 ·5 1.09 -1 3 28 12.3 0.44 4.04 22 0.84 90 1 0.23 5 -0.01J16513 HAR045 443.4 0.8 6.15 ·3 338 0.8 -5 1.9 ·1 4 49 15.4 2.09 3.38 34.1 1.29 279 1 0.5 4 0.02J16514 HAR045 484.5 0.4 4.14 -3 166 0.8 -5 2.82 ·1 3 43 2.5 1.02 0.97 20.4 1.47 360 ·1 0.12 4 0.01J16515 HAR045 502.7 0.2 6.93 ·3 208 1 10 4.3 2 38 83 66.4 8.31 0.85 19.4 3.53 1520 -1 2.1 40 0.09J16516 HAR045 508.3 0.6 5.44 ·3 376 0.8 -5 0.62 ·1 2 48 12.2 1.31 2.82 39.1 1.05 84 -1 0.94 7 -0.D1J16517 HAR045 538.2 0.4 5.09 -3 339 1.1 -5 0.79 ·1 4 62 2.3 1.87 0.83 31.7 1.39 169 1 0.89 4 0.01J16518 HAR045 579.6 0.7 6 ·3 1390 1.3 -5 0.59 -1 2 23 15.7 0.78 3.86 26.8 0.04 45 -1 2.02 4 0.02J16519 HAR045 604.8 0.4 6.04 -3 255 1.6 ·5 2.38 -1 3 51 2 1.79 0.76 33 1.31 297 1 1.54 5 0.02J16520 HAR045 622.2 0.3 9.71 ·3 351 1 ·5 4.81 ·1 39 116 50.7 4.07 1.62 16 2.07 333 5 2.22 112 0.09J16521 HAR045 644.5 0.7 8.68 -3 126 1 ·5 6.21 ·1 28 66 117 3.52 0.54 17.1 1.65 468 1 1.43 64 0.06J16521d du 0.4 8.7 ·3 138 1 -5 6.28 ·1 30 74 119 3.58 0.55 20.5 1.69 516 1 1.55 64 0.06J16522 HAR046 55.6 0.6 9.1 -3 27 1.1 ·5 0.06 -1 -1 17 3.1 0.3 0.13 47.7 0.07 10 ·1 0.03 10 ·0.D1J16523 HAR046 71.22 0.6 4.85 ·3 155 0.9 -5 5.14 -1 5 57 33.6 1.9 0.26 22.7 1.94 92 6 0.61 23 0.06J16524 HAR046 82.4 0.4 4.37 -3 183 0.8 -5 1.14 ·1 2 40 10.9 0.47 0.96 16.4 0.33 49 2 1.64 7 0.03J16525 HAR046 125.6 0.5 6.69 ·3 1840 1.1 -5 0.68 -1 2 25 3.9 0.88 5.06 72.4 0.32 93 ·1 1.65 3 0.02J16526 HAR046 141.6 0.5 5.99 -3 288 1.5 5 1.53 ., 3 40 2 1.53 1.28 28.9 1.2 216 -1 1.93 4 0.01J16527 HAR046 158.8 0.9 6.84 -3 409 1.4 ·5 5.08 ·1 3 34 2.1 1.71 4.47 20.3 2.6 430 -1 0.33 4 0.03J16528 HAR046 189.6 0.6 5.57 ·3 80 1.9 -5 12.8 -1 5 24 2.3 2.89 0.62 29.6 5.17 1120 ·1 0.18 7 0.01J16529 HAR046 204.7 0.4 7.14 -3 967 ·0.5 ·5 0.34 ·1 3 45 19 2.86 6.67 21 1.33 541 2 0.36 4 0.01J16530 HAR046 223.7 0.3 6.67 -3 51 0.9 8 5.08 2 37 141 26.7 7.13 0.73 15.9 3.76 1220 -1 2.09 52 0.06J16531 HAR046 276.76 0.2 6.66 -3 1580 1 ·5 0.82 ·1 2 34 2.3 1.29 3.89 65.3 0.17 137 1 2.16 3 0.02J16532 HAR046 306.5 0.3 8.03 -3 80 1.1 -5 5.84 -1 31 105 95.6 4.4 0.48 17 2.37 484 2 1.98 93 0.09J16533 HAR046 317.4 0.3 6.58 -3 2430 -0.5 -5 1.1 ·1 ·1 28 7.6 0.73 3.22 36.6 0.11 59 1 2.33 3 -0.01J16533d dUD 0.2 7.17 ·3 2670 ·0.5 6 1.21 ·1 -1 29 8.1 0.8 3.51 42.5 0.13 66 -1 2.65 4 ·0.01J16534 HAR046 325.2 0.4 8.77 -3 109 0.9 -5 6.74 -1 28 71 85.2 5.46 0.52 19.2 2.7 570 1 1.87 54 0.07J16535 HAR046 330.8 0.4 7.24 -3 664 0.8 8 3.14 1 55 238 81.7 4.49 3.29 20.5 4.07 549 ·1 0.53 228 0.14J16536 HAR046 343.1 ·0.2 6.49 ·3 3340 0.6 5 0.88 -1 1 23 13.3 0.82 4.06 71.2 0.16 83 2 1.95 4 0.01J16537 HAR046 351.76 4.6 5.14 ·3 448 1.1 -5 2.62 ·1 3 87 99.2 2.68 0.8 28.9 0.58 63 5 1.28 11 0.01J16538 HAR046 406.2 3.8 6.13 ·3 252 0.8 -5 5.94 2 11 56 74.7 2.43 2.38 26.5 3.84 254 5 0.43 33 0.03J16539 HAR046 423.8 0.6 7.24 ·3 283 0.7 6 10.3 -1 54 255 61.2 3.24 1.74 15 3.86 737 1 1.36 180 0.07


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FENTON CREEK ROCK Element Pb Sb So Sn Sr Ti V W Y Zn Zr AI203 Ba WR CAO WR CR203 WR FE203 WR K20GEOCHEMISTRY PROJ# 345 Analysis ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 ICP80 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 2 5 0.5 10 0.5 0.01 2 10 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.01 20 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm % % % %J16510 HAR045 396.2 10 -5 2.1 -10 170 0.07 6 -10 4.4 9.9 94.8 13.47 1100 0.43 0.03 1.48 4.95J16511 HAR045 401.4 -2 5 6.7 -10 46.1 0.14 8 -10 6.4 67.3 296 13.68 212 0.16 0.02 3.22 4.41J16512 HAR045 417.1 -2 -5 2.1 -10 56.3 0.1 11 -10 18 8.5 155 11.32 401 1.76 0.03 0.73 3.49J16513 HAR045 443.4 -2 -5 8.3 -10 62.5 0.22 20 -10 11.6 39.2 135 12.96 317 3.12 0.03 3.21 4.21J16514 HAR045 484.5 -2 -5 5.3 -10 90.6 0.08 5 -10 24.7 53.5 139 8.69 163 4.36 0.03 1.34 1.32J16515 HAR045 502.7 -2 -5 36.5 -10 168 0.92 280 -10 24.3 122 16.3 13.73 248 7.09 0.03 14.04 1.21J16516 HAR045 508.3 -2 -5 3.2 -10 69.5 0.08 9 -10 15.1 85.7 173 12.12 370 1.00 0.03 1.96 3.39J16517 HAR045 538.2 -2 -5 4.1 -10 86.3 0.11 11 -10 23 46.1 121 11.04 360 1.32 0.03 2.90 1.07J16518 HAR045 579.6 110 -5 0.7 -10 238 0.02 5 -10 4.7 9.5 91.3 13.25 1470 1.16 0.03 1.48 5.03J16519 HAR045 604.8 -2 -5 4.3 -10 123 0.13 13 -10 28.3 44.2 131 12.39 289 3.46 0.03 2.84 0.95J16520 HAR045 622.2 -2 10 29.4 -10 401 0.45 260 -10 9.7 166 95.1 26.44 432 9.32 0.08 7.98 2.71J16521 HAR045 644.5 -2 -5 24.4 -10 224 0.45 217 -10 15.7 106 72.3 23.67 163 12.29 0.04 4.43 0.92J16521d duo -2 6 25.2 -10 227 0.47 220 -10 16.1 108 72 18.20 162 9.40 0.03 5.37 0.70J16522 HAR046 55.6 -2 6 4.5 -10 9.7 0.06 27 -10 14.1 10.8 172 19.85 31 0.21 0.02 0.69 0.24J16523 HAR046 71.22 -2 -5 3.8 -10 214 0.09 33 -10 17.4 81.2 105 11.31 172 8.85 0.03 3.21 0.43J16524 HAR046 82.4 -2 -5 1.7 -10 94.1 0.03 20 -10 9.8 11.6 90.6 9.20 182 1.98 0.03 0.81 1.23J16525 HAR048 125.6 18 -5 1.8 -10 261 0.06 7 -10 7.8 23.6 143 13.89 1800 1.10 0.03 1.33 6.39J16526 HAR046 141.6 -2 7 4.6 -10 126 0.12 13 -10 12.1 39.2 154 12.35 287 2.37 0.03 2.23 1.43J16527 HAR046 158.8 -2 -5 7.4 -10 82.3 0.15 9 -10 52.9 65.7 223 14.71 364 7.69 0.02 2.48 3.43J16528 HAR048 189.6 -2 -5 4.9 -10 246 0.1 14 -10 30.1 286 140 14.79 94 23.09 0.03 5.75 0.95J16529 HAR048 204.7 -2 -5 14.9 -10 92.4 0.17 5 -10 50.2 112 222 13.60 943 0.48 0.02 3.92 8.03J16530 HAR046 223.7 -2 -5 38.2 -10 154 0.75 262 -10 20.7 122 19.5 18.86 72 10.16 0.04 14.93 1.35J16531 HAR046 276.76 20 8 2.2 -10 322 0.11 8 -10 4.7 60.4 126 14.04 1670 1.62 0.02 1.94 4.92J16532 HAR048 306.5 -2 7 27 -10 227 0.52 215 -10 18.3 82.4 73.8 21.62 99 11.10 0.05 8.42 0.85J16533 HAR046 317.4 26 -5 1.1 -10 346 0.05 6 -10 2.1 22.3 63.4 13.99 2570 1.72 0.02 1.08 4.12J16533d du 27 7 1.2 -10 380 0.05 6 -10 2.6 24.5 70.5 13.90 2560 1.70 0.02 1.07 4.06J16534 HAR046 325.2 -2 8 22.6 -10 275 0.46 194 -10 16.2 92.5 72.4 24.08 135 13.27 0.03 11.17 1.00J16535 HAR046 330.8 -2 7 28 -10 108 0.9 261 -10 15.6 125 67 18.20 752 6.42 0.14 9.06 5.67J16536 HAR046 343.1 34 8 1.7 -10 343 0.07 8 -10 3.3 124 146 13.99 3170 1.72 0.02 1.08 4.12J16537 HAR046 351.76 24 -5 3.3 -10 107 0.05 13 -10 20.8 75.7 184 10.81 453 4.19 0.03 4.02 1.03J16538 HAR046 406.2 87 6 10.1 -10 107 0.24 71 -10 20.2 613 134 12.86 238 8.77 0.02 3.68 3.00J16539 HAR046 423.8 19 10 48.4 -10 175 0.61 307 -10 18.2 166 31.3 15.31 278 15.21 0.11 5.15 2.15


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (64)


FENTON CREEK ROCK Element LOI WR MGO WR MNO WR NA20 Nb WR P205 Rb WR_SI02 Sr Sum WR TI02 Y ZrGEOCHEMISTRY PROJ# 345 Analysis XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103 XRF103NUMBER HOLE METRES D.L. 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 2 0.01 2 0.01 2 0.01 0.001 2 2SAMPLE DRILL DEPTH Units % % % % ppm % ppm % ppm % % ppm ppmJ16510 HAR045 396.2 0.95 0.36 0.01 3.34 6 0.04 100 75.75 214 100.10 0.136 3 114J16511 HAR045 401.4 2.80 3.31 0.03 0.65 10 0.01 67 74.27 47 100.20 0.240 9 326J16512 HAR045 417.1 2.70 1.54 0.Q1 0.43 10 0.02 68 80.46 60 100.20 0.207 27 154J16513 HAR045 443.4 1.30 2.46 0.04 0.79 14 0.03 54 72.72 64 100.10 0.417 48 212J16514 HAR045 484.5 0.85 2.76 0.03 0.19 16 0.01 18 81.10 95 100.20 0.168 60 285J16515 HAR045 502.7 0.30 7.35 0.25 3.42 7 0.22 14 50.92 176 100.00 1.759 32 98J16516 HAR045 508.3 0.85 1.94 0.Q1 1.44 20 0.Q1 54 77.97 74 100.20 0.134 33 196J16517 HAR045 538.2 0.40 2.68 0.03 1.31 11 0.02 31 79.39 89 100.20 0.199 50 155J16518 HAR045 579.6 0.50 0.24 0.01 3.36 4 0.03 102 75.31 257 100.10 0.100 13 101J16519 HAR045 604.8 0.20 2.55 0.03 2.33 12 0.02 25 75.18 124 100.20 0.217 50 156J16520 HAR045 622.2 1.20 4.98 0.04 4.36 7 0.25 44 42.45 422 100.00 1.388 12 116J16521 HAR045 644.5 1.05 4.04 0.09 2.79 4 0.18 12 50.48 226 99.70 1.063 18 102J16521d duo 1.05 3.06 0.07 2.17 5 0.14 12 58.50 225 99.60 0.819 20 101J16522 HAR046 55.6 7.05 0.23 0.01 0.13 5 0.01 7 78.42 11 99.70 0.196 20 212J16523 HAR046 71.22 5.20 4.03 0.01 1.02 8 0.14 8 70.76 223 99.00 0.194 20 113J16524 HAR046 82.4 0.95 0.74 0.01 2.32 6 0.06 18 83.47 97 100.10 0.151 16 125J16525 HAR046 125.6 0.95 0.61 0.01 2.39 6 0.03 115 74.10 267 100.10 0.128 5 149J16526 HAR046 141.6 0.65 2.33 0.03 2.99 11 0.03 33 75.98 128 100.10 0.233 39 176J16527 HAR046 158.8 0.85 4.31 0.06 0.48 13 0.04 55 66.52 79 100.50 0.248 63 230J16528 HAR046 189.6 2.10 11.52 0.21 0.35 11 0.03 13 43.07 231 99.20 0.236 30 129J16529 HAR046 204.7 0.70 1.98 0.07 0.31 14 0.Q1 91 71.30 87 100.10 0.291 78 337J16530 HAR046 223.7 1.20 9.47 0.24 4.14 8 0.16 11 38.86 162 100.40 1.786 25 77J16531 HAR046 276.76 0.15 0.49 0.02 3.40 6 0.04 96 73.31 351 100.10 0.198 10 138J16632 HAR046 306.5 0.65 5.42 0.09 3.66 7 0.26 5 47.39 232 100.50 1.144 20 98J16533 HAR046 317.4 0.45 0.21 0.01 3.69 2 0.02 58 75.06 380 100.20 0.087 -2 68J16533d duo 0.45 0.21 -0.Q1 3.67 3 0.02 60 74.60 380 100.20 0.086 -2 69J16534 HAR046 325.2 0.50 3.99 0.12 3.74 7 0.21 6 41.34 277 100.20 1.060 19 91J16535 HAR046 330.8 0.90 9.39 0.10 1.18 7 0.43 52 47.27 116 99.30 2.136 20 78J16536 HAR046 343.1 0.45 0.21 0.01 3.69 4 0.02 82 75.06 342 100.30 0.087 8 147J16537 HAR046 351.76 1.35 1.21 0.01 1.98 10 0.03 15 76.51 103 99.70 0.185 39 212J16538 HAR046 406.2 1.15 6.51 0.04 0.65 11 0.03 36 64.02 102 99.90 0.413 21 144J16539 HAR046 423.8 2.20 7.05 0.10 1.95 5 0.14 31 51.76 166 98.40 1.076 19 91



(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (65)

Appendix G

Sample Preparation and Proceduresfor Carbon Isotope Samples

Appendix G

(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (66)

Appendix G

Preparation of Carbon Isotope Samples

1. Samples with visible graphite were selected (1-4%).

2. Approximately 5-6mg of graphite was collected from the sample using a large pin and

placed into labelled plastic specimen tube.

3. Sample sent to Central Science Laboratory (CSL), University of Tasmania for carbon

isotope analysis.

4. Further sample preparation and analysis are conducted according to the following


5. Analysis is conducted using a VG Optima mass spectrometer.


Standard... NBS-21 513CPDB = -28.1


1. FOIL: Preburn aluminium foil at 400 C for 4 hours. Keep wrapped in foil. When cool,

store in a desiccator.

2. SAMPLE TUBES: Plug one end with quartz wool. Add ig Cu (copper) turnings. Plug

other end with quartz wool. Burn in a clean furnace tube (as for sulphides) for 30mins

under LV. Wrap in a piece of reburnt foil.

3. Store wrapped sample burn tube in a desiccator until use.


1. Weigh out 2-3mg samples and add 150 mg Cup. Place in a pre-burnt sample tUbe.

2. Place in furnace tube and evacuate with LV then HV.

3. Close furnace tube. Burn 20 minutes at 950 "C. Collect for last 10 minutes of burn.

4. Proceed with water separation as per sulphide method.

5. Where necessary do an S02 separation with n-pentane as per sulphide method.


separation will not always be necessary. It depends on the quality of samples.


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (67)



/-- 4.



Appendix G


Standards Broken Hill 2Q4SCDT = + 3.4

Rosebery 6-4SCDT = + 12.4

Furnace Temperature: 950 C.

Tube Preparation

1. Fill tube with 'Magic' (mixture of HF/HNOslDetergent).

2. Leave at least one hour, preferably two.

3. Pour Magic back into bottle.

4. Rinse tube thoroughly with cold water.

5. Scrub tube using detergent and long-handled brush.

6. Rinse thoroughly with cold water.

7. Dry in hot air oven overnight.

8. This is suitable for sulphide and sulphate burn tubes.

Turning on the 502 line Diffusion Pump...

1. Turn on both rotary pumps. One is the LV pump and the other is the backing pump to

the diffusion pump.

Open taps (4), (7), (10), and (14) ... to the LV line.

Allow to evacuate NiSmins. The diffusion pump oil will froth during this time.

Close taps (4), (7), (10), and (14) ... to the LV line.

Open taps (3), (6), (9) and (13) ... to the HV line. Switch on diffusion pump.

Leave evacuating a further 10 mins checking the Pirani 1 and 2 and the Saratron

gauges to see that it is totally evacuated. Close taps (3) 1 (8). If Pirani 1 rises, there

may be outgassing of the line. Heat thoroughly and freeze trap 1 with LN2. Remove

LN2 and heat with tap (6) to rid the line of the gases. Repeat with the other sections of

the line. If the gauge then is very unstable, the may be a leak. Isolate where and check

all joints.

7. When all is stable, the line is ready for use.

Crucible Preparation

1. Turn on furnace to 800 on scale (N980 C). Leave until it reaches working temperature.

2. Place two crucibles at burn end of tube and attach to the line. Evacuate using LV (2),

(3) and (4).


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (68)

Appendix G

3. Pull up the furnace gently and burn 1 5-20mins. This will eliminate water and other

impurities from the crucibles.

4. Pull back furnace and allow to cool under vacuum for 1 Omins. Close taps (2), (3),

and (4).

5. Crucible is now ready for use. Any unused pre-burnt crucibles can be stored in an

airtight container containing silica gel.

Cuprous Oxide (CuP) Preparation

1. Two-thirds fill the inner cuprous oxide burn tube with cupric oxide (CuO). Plug the

open end with quartz wool.

2. Place, with plugged end at the closed end, in the large burn tube. Place a plug of

quartz wool against the cuprous oxide inner tube to stop it moving under vacuum.

Attach to the line.

3. Pull up the furnace and burn as for crucibles (under LV) for one hour.

4. Pull back the furnace and allow to cool for at least 2 hours under vacuum (can be left


5. Remove and discard all quartz wool plugs. In small amounts grind the cuprous oxide

with mortar and pestle until fine and powdery. It should be a brick red colour. Store in a

sealed and labelled container. It is now ready for use.


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (69)

Appendix H

Gridded and contoured assay data for section 300N and 500N

Appendix H

(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (70)

Generalized InterpretedGeological L.egend

c;;J Muskog

• Dolom~e• Snndstooe/regolithI§] Granitic InlruslonJPegmatil"

• Gar-slll schist

• Cpx-scap-carb skarnE:3 Ott-biot-slll schist• Gar-graph molasodimanlE§J Blot-Is schist &Amphlbolilo

• Orolol'lSoo Otz-mu&C-slli &<;hisl


Appendix G-2 Gridded and contoured assay iEgdata for Cu overlayed ontop of interpreted ..,geology from Section 300N, Data griddedusing a kriging method and a linearvariogrammodel with anisotropy ratio of 3 and a prefferedorientation of 45 degrees, iE


Appendix H

Appendix G-1 Gridded and contoured assaydata for Fe overlayed ontop of interpreted,geology from Section 300N. Data griddedusing a kriging method and a linear variogrammodel with anisotropy ratio of 3 and a prefferedorientation of 45 degrees.

Generalized InterpretedGeological Legend

l3J Muskegg Oolomllo• Sandstone/regolithE1iJI Grar1ll1c InlrusionJPogmalilaIlIlII Ga'-lIiII schIst

• CPX-S<;UP-C6rt1 skllm[3.9 QIz-blot-sili &ehls!

• Gar-grophmolDS&dimonlEilil BioI-Is 5<;hisl &Amphiboillo

• 0'0190$0o Qt>;-lTII)sc-sill s-chlsl


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (71)

Generalized InterpretedGeologic:al Legend

C3 MuskegIm1J Dolomite• Sundstone.lragolllhEZ3 GranlHc: InlrusionIPegmalileRIll Gar-sill schlslB Cpx-acBr>-ca'b sTaim[;§'Il Otz-biot-sill s<::NSll1li Gnr-grllph melaslld'imentGill Blot-Is schist &AmphltlcTite

• Orolon50o QIz-musc-sili S(;hist


Appendix G-4 Gridded and contoured assaydata for Pb overlayed ontop of interpretedgeoiogy from Section 300N. Data griddedusing a kriging method and a linear variogrammodel with anisotropy ratio of 3 and a prefferedorientation of 45 degrees,

Appendix H

Appendix G-3 Gridded and contoured assaydata for Zn overlayed ontop of interpreted,geology from Section 300N, Data griddedusing a kriging method and a linear variogrammodel with anisotropy ratio of 3 and a prefferedorientation of 45 degrees,

GeneralizeD: InterpretedGeological Legend

c::J MuskGgR Dolom~o

• Saml&lotle.',"golith!!lID Granitic In!nJsloll/Pegmalite

l1li Go,.,,11I schistf • Cpx_stap-carb skarn

fBI] Ott-blot-sill s.chlsl

l1li Gar-graph mll\a$OOlmenl

EI Biol-!s schist & Amphibolito• O,olon50o Olz-musc-sill schist


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (72)

Generalized InterpretedGeological Legend

c:;:) MuskegfEEl Dolom~e

• sandstone/regolithfEEl G,..."ilic inlrusJonlPagmatil ..

• Gar-slll schist• Cpx.scep-carb skarfl[jj3 QIz·blol-s111 schist• Gar-graph mllwedimanlII7J Blot-Is $l;l'list &Amphibotile

• 0'010060o atz-musc-sill schist

Appendix G-6 Gridded and contoured assaydata for Au overlayed ontop of interpretedgeology from Section 300N. Data griddedusing a kriging method and a linear variogrammodel with anisotropy ratio of 3 and a prefferedorientation of 45 degrees. 12


Appendix H

Appendix G-5 Gridded and contoured assaydata for Ag overlayed ontop of interpretedgeology from Section 300N. Data gridded'using a kriging method and a linear varlogrammodel with anisotropy ratio of 3 and a prefferedorientation of 45 degrees.

Generalized InterpretedGeologIcal Legend

c:J M\,Iskog

• DOOO1~"• SandslorlCll'ragolilh• Granitic InlrnionJPegmalile• Ga....mschist• Cpx-scap-carb skam

f'i'i:'3 Qtz·blot-slll schistIII Gnr-graph metasedimentEJ Biot-Is schist &Amphlbolite

• Ore tons"o Ol2-musc-sill schist


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (73)

Appendix G-7 Gridded and contoured assaydata for As overlayed ontop of interpretedgeology from Section 300N. Data griddedusing a kriging method and a linear variogrammodel with anisotropy ratio of 3 and a prefferedorientation of 45 degrees.

rx! Generalb:ed Interpreted

.,2 \ GeologIcal Legend

I::::;] Musk&g

• Dolom~oE!l Sandstone/regolithIE'! Granitic InlruslooJPlgmalila

• Gar-sm Bchlel• Cpx.scap-carb s~m

-J E3 Qtz_blot_sill oohlstC:::, • Gar-graph melaslK!irnonl

~ 1 lE5l Blot-Is &Chisl aAmphlbolito

• Orolon~> 0 Olz-musc-slll schist

Appendix H


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (74)

Appendix H

MuskegDolomiteSandstone/regolithGranitic intrusion/Pegmatite

Gar-sill schIstCpx-scap-carb skarn

Qlz-bioj-slll schistGar-graph metasediment

Biot·fs schist & AmphiboliteOre lenseOlz-muse-sill schist


Appendix G-B & G-9 Gridded and contoured assay data for Fe and Cu overlayed ontop of interpretedgeology from Section 500N. Data gridded using a kriging method and a linear variogram model withanisotropy ratio of 3 and a preffered orientation of 50 degrees.


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (75)

Appendix H

MuskegDolomiteSandstone/regolithGranlllo inlrusion/Pegmaute

Gar-sill schistCpx-scap-carb skarn

Qlz·biot-sill schistGar-graph metasediment

Blot·ls schist &AmphiboliteOre lanseQtz·musc-sill schist


Appendix G·10 & G·11 Gridded and contoured assay data for Zn and Pb overlayed ontop of interpretedgeology from Section 500N. Data gridded using a kriging method and a linear variogram model withanisotropy ratio of 3 and a preffered orientation of 50 degrees.


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (76)

Appendix H



Granilic intrusion/PegmatiteGar-8111 schistCpx-scap-carb skarn

Qtz-biol-sill schistGar-graph metasedjmant

Biot-Is schist & AfTllhiboliteOre lenseatz-muse-sill sChist

Appendix G-12 & G-13 Gridded and contoured assay data for Ag andAu overlayed ontop of interpretedgeology from Section 500N. Data gridded using a kriging method and a Iinearvariogram model withanisotropy ratio of 3 and a preffered orientation of 50 degrees.


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (77)

Appendix H

~ 0~' I!l!\1•I!l!\1





GraniUc intrusion/Pegmatiie

Gar-sill schistCp:II-scap-carb skarn

Qlz-oiot-sill schistGar-graph metasediment

IilliTI Bioi-Is schist & Arll)hioolite

• Orelenseo Otz-musc-sill schist


Appendix G·14 Gridded and contoured assay data forAs overiayed ontop of interpreted geology fromSection 500N. Data gridded using a kriging method and a linear variogram model with anisotropy ratio of 3and a preffered orientation of 50 degrees.


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (78)

Appendix I

Fenton Creek Assay Results

Appendix I

(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (79)

Appendix I

HOLE# FROM(m) TO(m) Au(glt) Ag (glt) Cu"10 Zn% Fe% Pb% MI.HAR010 87.52 88.02 0.030 1.030 0.030 0.720 3.010 0.000 0.010HAR010 88.02 88.45 0.030 2.740 0.150 0.260 6.960 0.010 0.000HAR010 88.45 88.95 0.030 1.710 0.140 0.280 3.350 0.000 0.000HAR010 106.33 107.33 0.170 2.060 0.030 0.030 0.960 0.000 0.000HAR010 107.33 108.30 0.070 4.110 0.100 0.050 4.530 0.000 0.000HAR010 108.30 109.30 0.070 4.110 0.120 0.070 6.030 0.000 0.000HAR010 109.30 109.65 0.100 9.260 0.200 0.160 5.440 0.010 0.000HAR010 109.65 110.25 0.100 9.940 0.220 1.020 14.380 0.000 0.000HAR010 110.25 110.80 0.140 54.170 0.560 5.210 23.120 0.000 0.000HAR010 110.80 111.50 0.070 12.690 0.350 5.460 31.640 0.000 0.010HAR010 111.50 112.26 0.070 17.490 0.540 9.030 28.790 0.000 0.000HAR010 112.26 113.12 0.100 20.570 0.440 6.510 15.060 0.080 0.020HAR010 113.12 113.49 0.000 2.740 0.040 0.540 2.220 0.010 0.000HAR010 113.49 114.50 0.070 26.060 0.420 3.610 18.420 0.230 0.000HAR010 114.50 115.50 0.100 21.940 0.210 3.080 7.700 0.140 0.010HAR010 115.50 115.80 0.030 26.400 0.790 6.300 9.280 0.020 0.000HAR010 115.80 116.50 0.100 26.400 0.720 13.580 19.710 0.010 0.000HAR010 116.50 117.20 0.000 20.230 0.640 6.760 32.730 0.010 0.010HAR010 117.20 117.90 0.070 23.310 0.740 7.300 24.020 0.020 0.000HAR010 117.90 118.60 0.210 18.510 0.470 10.410 22.580 0.020 0.000HAR010 118.60 119.60 0.000 8.230 0.270 1.420 10.820 0.000 0.000HAR010 119.60 119.81 0.070 9.600 0.260 0.410 10.230 0.000 0.020HAR010 119.81 121.00 0.030 6.860 0.200 0.470 8.670 0.000 0.000HAR010 121.00 122.13 0.170 9.940 0.130 0.720 5.230 0.060 0.000HAR010 122.13 123.38 0.100 17.490 0.180 9.630 7.530 0.120 0.000HAR010 123.38 124.00 0.070 5.140 0.140 0.060 5.130 0.010 0.000HAR010 124.00 125.00 0.170 34.970 0.180 0.110 6.120 0.400 0.020HAR010 125.00 125.26 0.100 13.370 0.150 11.130 7.660 0.060 0.000HAR010 125.26 126.26 0.030 7.890 0.110 0.370 6.490 0.020 0.000HAR010 153.25 154.25 0.030 12.690 0.250 0.120 5.120 0.030 0.000HAR010 154.25 154.70 0.030 5.830 0.170 7.510 27.370 0.000 0.000HAR010 154.70 155.20 0.000 7.890 0.260 9.610 35.410 0.000 0.010HAR010 155.20 155.90 0.030 16.460 0.520 17.010 20.170 0.000 0.000HAR010 155.90 156.21 0.070 12.340 0.300 8.160 27.950 0.000 0.000HAR010 156.21 157.21 0.030 10.970 0.300 0.350 2.860 0.000 0.000HAR010 157.21 157.47 0.030 14.060 0.320 1.260 4.950 0.000 0.000HAR010 157.47 157.68 0.000 6.510 0.130 9.340 26.360 0.000 0.000HAR010 157.68 158.62 0.030 1.710 0.010 0.040 1.380 0.000 0.000HAR010 158.62 159.62 0.070 1.030 0.000 0.010 1.550 0.000 0.000HAR015 119.00 120.00 0.070 0.000 0.020 0.080 1.510 0.010 0.000HAR015 120.00 121.00 0.000 0.340 0.000 0.030 1.750 0.000 0.000HAR015 121.00 121.89 0.070 0.690 0.020 0.150 1.350 0.000 0.000HAR015 121.89 122.76 0.000 8.910 0.430 13.060 30.370 0.010 0.000HAR015 122.76 123.80 0.210 17.830 0.300 0.170 16.620 0.090 0.000HAR015 123.80 124.80 0.100 25.030 0.190 0.020 7.780 0.160 0.020HAR015 124.80 125.80 0.000 10.630 0.270 0.160 14.170 0.020 0.000HAR015 125.80 126.80 0.140 23.660 0.650 0.360 15.500 0.020 0.000HAR015 126.80 127.80 0.030 11.310 0.270 0.770 15.250 0.020 0.030HAR015 127.80 128.80 0.030 15.090 0.380 0.250 16.700 0.010 0.000HAR015 128.80 129.80 0.000 9.600 0.330 0.150 17.370 0.010 0.000HAR015 129.80 130.80 0.030 14.740 0.370 0.690 12.190 0.040 0.000HAR015 130.80 131.80 0.310 15.430 0.420 0.330 10.070 0.010 0.010HAR015 131.80 132.80 0.100 10.290 0.260 0.060 16.860 0.010 0.000HAR015 132.80 133.80 0.070 8.230 0.200 0.120 13.810 0.020 0.000HAR015 133.80 134.80 0.070 12.340 0.220 0.070 10.540 0.050 0.000


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (80)

Appendix I

HOLE# FROM(m) TO(m) Au(gIt) Ag (glt) CU'% Zrl'1o Fe% Pb% ~/o

HAR015 134.80 135.80 0.070 8.910 0.380 0.530 14.970 0.010 0.000HAR015 135.80 136.92 0.030 8.570 0.270 0.070 15.840 0.010 0.000HAR015 136.92 138.00 0.000 6.860 0.160 5.060 8.330 0.010 0.020HAR015 138.00 138.47 0.030 12.690 0.220 4.260 7.580 0.000 0.000HAR015 138.47 139.50 0.000 0.340 0.050 0.070 1.880 0.010 0.000HAR015 139.50 140.50 0.000 7.540 0.100 1.030 4.480 0.060 0.000HAR015 140.50 141.50 0.000 4.460 0.100 0.680 5.560 0.010 0.000HAR015 149.90 150.90 0.070 12.690 0.110 0.340 4.520 0.060 0.000HAR015 150.90 151.72 0.070 13.710 0.190 2.620 8.720 0.060 0.000HAR015 151.72 152.00 0.030 4.800 0.070 0.230 4.050 0.020 0.000HAR015 152.00 153.15 0.030 8.570 0.110 0.250 4.850 0.040 0.000HAR015 153.15 154.00 0.240 34.290 0.060 0.030 2.120 0.160 0.000HAR015 154.00 155.23 0.750 60.690 0.060 0.030 1.840 0.260 0.040HAR015 155.23 155.66 0.140 23.660 0.040 0.030 2.980 0.150 0.000HAR015 155.66 156.00 0.100 23.310 0.020 0.010 2.020 0.180 0.000HAR015 156.00 157.00 0.070 2.060 0.020 0.010 1.960 0.000 0.000HAR015 157.00 158.00 0.030 0.340 0.010 0.000 1.170 0.000 0.000HAR015 158.00 159.00 0.100 1.030 0.020 0.010 2.090 0.010 0.000HAR015 159.00 160.00 0.240 2.400 0.020 0.010 2.950 0.000 0.000HAR015 160.00 161.00 0.070 1.710 0.030 0.020 3.840 0.000 0.000HAR015 161.00 162.00 0.070 1.030 0.020 0.010 1.960 0.000 0.000HAR015 162.00 163.00 0.030 3.430 0.030 0.030 3.560 0.010 0.040HAR015 163.00 164.00 0.030 3.430 0.050 0.080 3.260 0.020 0.000HAR015 164.00 165.00 0.030 5.490 0.040 0.020 3.560 0.030 0.000HAR015 165.00 166.00 0.030 3.090 0.030 0.010 3.970 0.020 0.000HAR015 166.00 167.00 0.070 3.770 0.050 0.020 4.630 0.030 0.000HAR015 167.00 168.00 0.140 3.770 0.050 0.030 4.650 0.020 0.000HAR015 168.00 169.00 0.030 0.690 0.010 0.020 1.660 0.010 0.000HAR015 169.00 170.00 0.240 1.030 0.020 0.060 2.320 0.010 0.000HAR015 170.00 170.60 0.030 3.430 0.030 0.200 4.070 0.020 0.000HAR015 170.60 171.06 0.070 10.970 0.080 2.060 10.270 0.000 0.000HAR015 171.06 172.00 0.030 3.430 0.030 0.240 3.600 0.030 0.030HAR015 172.00 172.59 0.070 6.170 0.030 0.030 3.020 0.030 0.000HAR015 172.59 172.92 0.070 32.910 0.050 0.780 10.640 0.400 0.000HAR015 172.92 173.92 0.070 18.860 0.040 0.090 3.930 0.220 0.000HAR015 173.92 175.00 0.000 31.890 0.070 0.040 4.780 0.420 0.000HAR015 175.00 176.00 0.000 3.770 0.030 0.050 4.160 0.010 0.000HAR015 176.00 177.00 0.000 4.800 0.030 0.030 4.520 0.000 0.000HAR015 177.00 178.00 0.000 3.430 0.030 0.030 3.340 0.010 0.000HAR015 178.00 178.43 0.000 2.400 0.030 0.120 2.860 0.020 0.000HAR015 178.43 179.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.890 0.010 0.000HAR015 179.00 180.00 0.000 1.030 0.020 0.070 3.290 0.020 0.030HAR015 180.00 180.98 0.000 2.060 0.020 0.210 5.300 0.020 0.000HAR015 180.98 182.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.010 1.410 0.000 0.000HAR016 148.10 149.10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.010 1.570 0.000 0.000HAR016 149.10 150.10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.010 1.240 0.000 0.000HAR016 150.10 151.10 0.000 0.690 0.050 0.090 2.340 0.000 0.000HAR016 151.10 151.73 0.000 10.290 0.210 7.630 9.920 0.010 0.000HAR016 151.73 152.00 0.000 5.140 0.120 2.710 7.710 0.020 0.000HAR016 152.00 153.00 0.000 11.310 0.090 0.540 4.860 0.260 0.000HAR016 153.00 154.00 0.030 2.060 0.050 0.020 3.070 0.020 0.000HAR016 154.00 155.00 0.000 5.140 0.060 0.040 3.250 0.040 0.030HAR016 155.00 156.00 0.000 3.770 0.050 0.020 3.070 0.070 0.000HAR016 156.00 156.53 0.000 8.910 0.130 0.110 5.090 0.100 0.000HAR016 156.53 157.00 0.000 18.860 0.450 6.290 24.060 0.020 0.000


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (81)

Appendix I

HOLE # FROM(m) TO(m) Au(gIt) Ag (gil) Cu% Zn% Fe% Pb% M'1oHAR016 157.00 157.70 0.030 16.460 0.490 8.690 26.830 0.010 0.000HAR016 157.70 158.53 0.030 30.170 0.650 4.350 11.650 0.020 0.000HAR016 158.53 159.03 0.070 29.140 1.150 1.330 14.510 0.120 0.000HAR016 159.03 159.88 0.170 24.000 0.400 5.710 20.400 0.020 0.120HAR016 159.88 160.80 0.000 11.660 0.240 2.470 16.560 0.010 0.000HAR016 160.80 161.60 0.030 17.140 0.460 1.290 15.970 0.010 0.000HAR016 161.60 162.30 0.030 16.110 0.530 7.740 29.640 0.010 0.020HAR016 162.30 163.00 0.070 28.110 0.700 6.890 29.570 0.080 0.000HAR016 163.00 163.73 0.510 20.230 0.750 7.490 28.780 0.020 0.000HAR016 163.73 164.04 0.070 22.290 0.230 4.280 6.030 0.080 0.000HAR016 164.04 165.21 0.140 17.490 0.430 0.400 4.430 0.010 0.000HAR016 165.21 166.20 0.030 0.000 0.010 0.020 1.260 0.000 0.000HAR016 166.20 167.20 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.020 1.480 0.010 0.000HAR016 195.00 196.00 0.140 2.060 0.030 0.210 3.170 0.010 0.000HAR016 196.00 197.00 0.070 14.740 0.120 0.250 6.750 0.060 0.010HAR016 197.00 198.00 0.030 8.230 0.130 0.410 7.340 0.030 0.000HAR016 198.00 199.00 0.070 6.510 0.100 0.170 6.030 0.010 0.000HAR016 199.00 199.70 0.270 15.770 0.090 1.870 10.710 0.020 0.020HAR016 199.70 200.00 0.380 29.830 0.040 0.390 4.220 0.230 0.010HAR016 200.00 201.00 0.030 13.370 0.050 0.460 4.300 0.050 0.000HAR016 201.00 202.00 0.030 11.660 0.040 0.400 3.900 0.070 0.000HAR016 202.00 203.00 0.030 12.000 0.040 0.340 3.690 0.090 0.000HAR016 203.00 203.70 0.000 11.310 0.030 0.220 3.780 0.070 0.000HAR016 203.70 204.00 0.030 23.310 0.050 0.330 5.130 0.150 0.000HAR016 204.00 204.99 0.030 14.740 0.060 0.380 5.900 0.040 0.000HAR016 204.99 206.00 0.030 6.170 0.050 0.490 4.830 0.010 0.000HAR016 206.00 206.69 0.000 10.970 0.040 0.590 5.260 0.060 0.000HAR016 206.69 207.70 0.000 17.490 0.050 0.570 6.690 0.110 0.000HAR016 207.70 208.29 0.070 21.260 0.050 0.150 5.220 0.100 0.010HAR016 208.29 208.57 0.030 16.800 0.100 1.090 9.830 0.050 0.010HAR016 208.57 209.00 0.000 8.570 0.040 0.090 5.270 0.020 0.000HAR016 209.00 209.75 0.070 8.230 0.030 0.110 4.940 0.040 0.000HAR016 209.75 210.00 0.070 19.540 0.070 1.770 12.000 0.040 0.000HAR016 210.00 210.53 0.000 8.910 0.030 0.190 5.630 0.040 0.000HAR016 210.53 210.85 0.030 19.890 0.070 1.700 11.580 0.170 0.000HAR016 210.85 211.85 0.030 3.770 0.040 0.080 3.370 0.010 0.000HAR016 211.85 212.85 0.030 2.740 0.040 0.010 3.180 0.010 0.000HAR018 176.80 177.80 0.100 0.340 0.010 0.040 3.570 0.000 0.000HAR018 177.80 178.80 0.000 0.340 0.020 0.030 1.690 0.000 0.000HAR018 178.80 179.79 0.030 0.690 0.030 0.530 3.840 0.000 0.000HAR018 179.79 180.45 0.070 11.660 0.300 4.730 12.530 0.000 0.000HAR018 180.45 181.15 0.000 4.800 0.080 10.430 35.450 0.000 0.000HAR018 181.15 181.51 0.030 15.090 0.230 11.040 29.950 0.000 0.000

/-" HAR018 181.51 182.00 0.820 29.140 0.670 3.880 11.180 0.070 0.000HAR018 182.00 183.08 0.070 46.970 1.280 4.240 12.750 0.050 0.000HAR018 183.08 183.94 0.100 18.510 0.440 11.780 26.750 0.030 0.010HAR018 183.94 184.32 0.030 39.770 0.330 0.420 8.670 0.100 0.000HAR018 184.32 184.85 0.000 14.060 0.390 10.860 15.470 0.020 0.000HAR018 184.85 185.55 0.030 10.630 0.310 0.780 17.400 0.020 0.010

/.~" HAR018 185.55 186.55 0.000 15.090 0.430 0.130 24.990 0.020 0.010HAR018 186.55 187.18 0.030 20.230 0.630 0.320 27.410 0.010 0.000HAR018 187.18 188.25 0.030 14.740 0.170 1.320 9.440 0.080 0.000HAR018 188.25 189.00 0.070 16.800 0.330 4.480 17.620 0.080 0.020HAR018 189.00 189.48 0.000 12.340 0.380 1.710 16.200 0.040 0.010HAR018 189.48 190.50 0.030 13.370 0.170 0.790 6.300 0.160 0.010


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (82)

Appendix I

HOLE# FROM(m) TO(m) Au(glt) Ag (glt) Cu% Zn% Fe% Pb% MI.HAR018 190.50 191.50 0.170 3.770 0.100 0.010 3.810 0.010 0.000HAR018 191.50 192.50 0.000 5.490 0.050 0.020 2.120 0.030 0.000HAR018 197.40 198.40 0.000 3.770 0.070 0.090 2.940 0.010 0.010HAR018 198.40 198.88 0.000 4.110 0.090 0.550 7.780 0.010 0.000HAR018 198.88 199.90 0.000 1.710 0.030 0.040 1.630 0.010 0.000HAR018 211.20 212.18 0.000 0.340 0.030 0.010 1.230 0.000 0.000HAR018 212.18 213.00 0.000 14.400 0.460 0.650 12.450 0.020 0.000HAR018 213.00 214.00 0.030 9.260 0.440 0.070 14.680 0.000 0.000HAR018 214.00 215.00 0.000 11.660 0.270 0.150 20.640 0.000 0.000HAR018 215.00 216.00 0.070 21.940 0.570 0.110 21.7500.010 0.010HAR018 216.00 217.00 0.100 11.310 0.250 0.110 14.410 0.020 0.000HAR018 217.00 218.00 0.030 25.030 0.780 0.090 12.970 0.010 0.000HAR018 218.00 218.77 0.070 11.660 0.360 0.150 15.070 0.010 0.000HAR018 218.77 219.80 0.340 2.740 0.060 0.030 3.500 0.010 0.000HAR018 261.45 262.45 0.070 3.090 0.020 0.070 4.970 0.010 0.000HAR018 262.45 263.45 0.070 6.860 0.050 0.020 15.060 0.000 0.010HAR018 263.45 264.11 0.170 4.800 0.030 0.010 11.520 0.000 0.000HAR018 264.11 265.11 0.100 0.690 0.080 0.110 10.220 0.010 0.010HAR018 265.11 265.83 0.030 0.000 0.020 0.150 0.840 0.030 0.000HAR018 265.83 266.52 0.030 2.400 0.020 0.030 7.900 0.000 0.000HAR019 348.00 348.82 0.340 2.060 0.000 0.010 1.030 0.040 0.040HAR019 348.82 350.00 0.790 5.830 0.020 0.090 5.030 0.020 0.010HAR019 350.00 351.00 0.030 6.510 0.020 0.050 5.320 0.010 0.000HAR019 351.00 352.00 0.030 4.800 0.010 0.040 4.470 0.010 0.000HAR019 352.00 353.00 0.070 4.110 0.010 0.050 4.120 0.010 0.000HAR019 353.00 354.00 0.070 6.510 0.020 0.050 5.690 0.010 0.000HAR019 354.00 355.00 0.240 4.460 0.020 0.050 4,770 0.010 0.000HAR019 355.00 356.00 0.070 3.430 0.020 0.050 3.890 0.010 0.000HAR019 356.00 357.00 0.100 3.430 0.020 0.100 4.000 0.020 0.000HAR019 357.00 358.00 0.030 3.090 0.010 0.070 2.220 0.010 0.000HAR019 358.00 359.00 0.030 3.430 0.010 0.060 2.640 0.020 0.000HAR019 359.00 360.00 0.030 3.430 0.010 0.070 2.510 0.010 0.000HAR019 360.00 361.23 0.070 4.800 0.030 0.080 4.380 0,060 0.010HAR019 361.23 361.64 0.030 1.370 0.010 0.020 1.420 0.010 0.000HAR019 361.64 362.69 0.030 6.510 0.050 0.090 5.790 0.050 0.000HAR019 362.69 363.69 0.030 4.800 0.040 0.200 6.230 0.020 0.000HAR019 363.69 364.88 0.100 3.430 0.020 0.060 3.260 0.030 0.000HAR019 364.88 365.75 0.030 4.450 0.030 0.120 7.290 0.020 0.000

.-HAR019 365.75 366.75 0.030 2.060 0.010 0.020 2.100 0.010 0.000HAR020 102.70 103.34 0.070 2.400 0.020 0.030 5.130 0.010 0.000HAR020 115.50 116.50 0.070 2.060 0.020 0.020 5.580 0.010 0.000HAR020 116.50 117.50 0.030 2.060 0.010 0.020 4.160 0.010 0.000HAR020 117.50 118.50 0.030 2.060 0.010 0.020 3.870 0.010 0.000HAR020 118.50 119.50 0.070 2.060 0.020 0.020 5.160 0.010 0.000HAR020 305.00 306.00 0.030 4.110 0.010 0.020 3.470 0.020 0.000HAR020 312.00 313.00 0.070 4.800 0.010 0.030 1.940 0.040 0.000HAR021 315.44 316.43 0.030 3.430 0.040 0.050 1.550 0.020 0.030HAR021 316.43 317.00 0.070 8.230 0.070 0.060 4.290 0.050 0.010HAR021 317.00 318.00 0.170 15.430 0.130 0.200 4.270 0.160 0.010HAR021 318.00 319.00 0.100 15.430 0.140 0.080 5.940 0.130 0.000HAR021 319.00 320.00 0.210 24.000 0.130 0.090 6.010 0.280 0,010HAR021 320.00 320.50 0.270 23.310 0.080 0.070 2.310 0.310 0.020HAR021 320.50 321.36 0.070 17.140 0.080 0.080 4.570 0.170 0.000HAR021 321.36 321.87 0.070 26.060 0.170 5.470 8.880 0.170 0.000HAR021 321.87 322.91 0.070 22.630 0.190 5.870 7.930 0.080 0.020


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (83)

Appendix I

HOLE# FROM(m) TO(m) Au(glt) Ag (glt) Cu"10 Zrfl. Fe% Pb% MI.HAR021 322.91 323.46 0.070 25.030 0.240 1.730 8.290 0.140 0.000HAR021 323.46 324.29 0.030 28.800 0.530 2.570 13.420 0.030 0.010HAR021 324.29 325.00 0.030 16.460 0.300 0.360 7.680 0.030 0.000HAR021 325.00 326.00 0.030 10.970 0.190 0.200 5.180 0.010 0.000HAR021 326.00 327.00 0.030 4.110 0.040 0.100 2.600 0.010 0.000HAR021 327.00 327.71 0.030 5.830 0.080 0.330 4.290 0.010 0.000HAR021 327.71 328.37 0.030 29.140 0.230 0.970 8.390 0.010 0.000HAR021 328.37 329.08 0.030 8.570 0.130 1.720 3.130 0.000 0.000HAR021 329.08 330.00 0.100 21.940 0.450 13.750 26.950 0.010 0.000HAR021 330.00 331.00 0.030 27.090 0.580 8.390 33.400 0.030 0.020HAR021 331.00 332.00 0.030 37.710 0.850 9.720 30.540 0.040 0.000HAR021 332.00 333.00 0.210 31.890 1.000 5.420 30.480 0.070 0.020HAR021 333.00 334.00 0.030 29.140 0.560 5.930 25.180 0.020 0.010HAR021 334.00 335.00 0.100 28.800 0.710 10.610 31.490 0.020 0.000HAR021 335.00 336.00 0.030 30.170 0.680 9.900 30.950 0.050 0.010HAR021 336.00 336.81 0.100 24.000 0.540 3.780 36.930 0.020 0.000HAR021 336.81 337.64 0.030 27.770 0.450 0.690 22.980 0.140 0.010HAR021 337.64 338.50 0.030 41.830 0.760 8.550 30.680 0.030 0.000HAR021 338.50 339.50 0.070 33.600 0.790 8.230 31.270 0.030 0.000HAR021 339.50 340.50 0.100 38.740 0.760 7.940 29.920 0.020 0.020HAR021 340.50 341.50 0.070 30.170 0.920 6.830 26.790 0.040 0.010HAR021 341.50 342.33 0.170 31.890 0.570 7.740 26.230 0.070 0.000HAR021 342.33 343.22 0.100 19.890 0.130 12.750 7.950 0.030 0.000HAR021 343.22 343.65 0.030 2.740 0.020 0.260 1.130 0.010 0.000HAR021 343.65 344.50 0.030 16.460 0.120 8.460 8.030 0.130 0.000HAR021 344.50 345.40 0.100 30.170 0.130 9.680 6.850 0.110 0.000HAR021 345.40 346.50 0.030 17.140 0.180 0.360 8.390 0.110 0.000HAR021 346.50 347.50 0.030 17.830 0.170 0.650 7.940 0.100 0.000HAR021 347.50 348.26 0.030 24.000 0.210 0.610 6.710 0.070 0.000HAR021 348.26 349.08 0.070 25.710 0.390 11.040 23.900 0.030 0.010HAR021 349.08 349.61 0.100 18.170 0.190 12.820 7.320 0.040 0.000HAR021 349.61 350.50 0.620 24.000 0.160 0.690 5.360 0.190 0.010HAR021 350.50 351.20 0.210 16.800 0.270 0.640 3.740 0.230 0.000HAR021 351.20 352.00 0.140 14.740 0.160 0.730 6.500 0.100 0.000HAR021 352.00 353.13 0.100 19.200 0.120 0.490 5.250 0.200 0.000HAR021 353.13 353.80 0.410 81.260 0.110 5.610 6.790 1.060 0.010HAR021 353.80 354.70 0.070 26.060 0.220 9.440 13.880 0.180 0.000HAR021 354.70 355.50 0.100 40.800 0.150 2.080 6.840 0.740 0.000HAR021 355.50 356.20 0.510 133.030 0.120 0.410 4.510 3.210 0.020HAR021 356.20 357.00 0.100 11.310 0.070 0.220 2.600 0.080 0.010HAR021 357.00 358.00 0.140 13.030 0.080 0.230 3.320 0.080 0.010HAR021 358.00 359.00 0.210 42.860 0.070 0.350 4.420 0.510 0.000HAR021 359.00 360.00 0.170 8.230 0.060 0.040 5.080 0.020 0.000HAR021 360.00 361.14 0.140 5.140 0.050 0.100 4.720 0.000 0.000HAR021 361.14 362.18 0.100 7.890 0.020 0.030 1.980 0.030 0.000HAR022 164.15 165.00 0.030 4.110 0.070 0.070 5.240 0.010 0.000HAR022 165.00 166.04 0.070 4.110 0.040 0.180 5.620 0.020 0.000HAR022 166.04 167.00 0.070 2.400 0.010 0.030 2.420 0.010 0.000HAR022 167.00 168.26 0.030 2.400 0.020 0.150 2.350 0.010 0.000HAR022 168.26 168.58 0.030 3.090 0.170 0.130 5.450 0.010 0.000HAR022 168.58 169.03 0.030 8.910 0.380 0.110 17.750 0.010 0.000HAR022 169.03 169.21 0.070 10.290 0.200 0.110 4.800 0.020 0.000HAR022 169.21 169.74 0.030 12.340 0.220 0.180 5.720 0.010 0.000HAR022 169.74 170.32 0.000 2.060 0.010 0.070 1.890 0.010 0.000HAR022 219.00 219.73 0.000 2.060 0.000 0.080 0.460 0.020 0.000


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (84)

Appendix i

HOLE# FROM(m) TO(m) Au(gll) Ag (gil) CO% Zrt'lo Fe% Pb% M/oHAR022 219.73 220.18 0.030 6.510 0.050 2.920 8.750 0.020 0.000HAR022 220.18 220.56 0.000 2.400 0.020 0.210 1.980 0.020 0.000HAR022 220.56 221.50 0.030 40.110 0.110 1.730 8.050 0.180 0.010HAR022 221.50 222.50 0.070 21.600 0.080 0.330 7.160 0.100 0.000HAR022 222.50 223.50 0.100 22.970 0.060 0.700 5.070 0.220 0.000HAR022 223.50 224.49 0.100 17.140 0.040 1.130 4.750 0.110 0.000HAR022 224.49 225.70 0.100 2.400 0.000 0.050 1.020 0.020 0.000HAR022 225.70 226.50 0.100 18.510 0.060 0.640 6.780 0.070 0.000HAR022 226.50 227.50 0.070 4.110 0.010 0.100 1.310 0.010 0.000HAR022 227.50 228.15 0.030 11.660 0.050 0.390 3.460 0.060 0.000HAR022 228.15 228.80 0.140 17.140 0.080 1.210 6.110 0.110 0.000HAR022 228.80 229.80 0.100 16.800 0.110 0.040 6.230 0.040 0.000HAR022 245.00 245.65 0.030 2.400 0.040 0.020 0.950 0.000 0.000HAR022 245.65 246.30 0.620 24.340 0.020 0.040 0.420 0.260 0.010HAR022 246.30 247.00 2.260 7.890 0.020 0.140 1.520 0.040 0.000HAR022 247.00 247.90 0.310 15.770 0.030 0.020 1.180 0.150 0.000HAR022 247.90 248.90 0.240 51.770 0.020 0.030 0.480 0.520 0.020HAR023 313.00 314.00 0.030 4.460 0.020 0.020 2.170 0.020 0.000HAR023 314.00 315.00 0.030 4.460 0.030 0.130 1.690 0.030 0.000HAR023 315.00 316.00 0.030 3.770 0.020 0.020 1.360 0.010 0.000HAR023 316.00 317.00 0.030 4.110 0.060 0.010 2.350 0.010 0.000HAR023 317.00 318.00 0.030 3.770 0.020 0.010 2.210 0.010 0.000HAR023 318.00 319.00 0.100 3.090 0.010 0.010 0.800 0.010 0.000HAR023 319.00 320.00 0.030 3.770 0.030 0.040 1.790 0.010 0.000HAR023 320.00 320.70 0.070 8.910 0.130 0.300 4.500 0.020 0.000HAR023 320.70 321.20 0.070 29.140 0.930 18.710 27.600 0.010 0.010HAR023 321.20 322.00 0.070 20.570 0.780 9.060 38.060 0.020 0.010HAR023 322.00 323.00 0.170 23.660 0.950 9.620 36.550 0.030 0.000HAR023 323.00 324.00 0.070 21.940 0.830 11.560 30.060 0.020 0.000HAR023 324.00 325.00 0.100 21.600 0.770 8.210 30.810 0.020 0.010HAR023 325.00 326.00 0.170 24.340 1.010 9.050 31.730 0.030 0.000HAR023 326.00 327.00 0.100 30.170 1.180 12.790 30.240 0.050 0.000HAR023 327.00 328.00 0.140 26.060 0.920 11.460 32.530 0.040 0.000HAR023 328.00 329.00 0.070 18.170 0.730 7.810 33.120 0.020 0.000HAR023 329.00 330.00 0.070 18.510 0.630 8.660 33.490 0.030 0.000HAR023 330.00 331.00 0.170 21.940 0.900 8.250 32.210 0.040 0.010HAR023 331.00 332.00 0.100 18.510 0.700 4.940 34.610 0.030 0.010HAR023 332.00 333.00 0.210 36.690 0.800 7.990 33.860 0.050 0.000HAR023 333.00 333.77 0.270 19.200 0.790 9.850 28.070 0.030 0.000HAR023 333.77 334.60 0.100 15.430 0.480 13.770 13.700 0.020 0.000HAR023 334.60 335.69 0.580 9.940 0.400 0.900 15.980 0.050 0.000


HAR023 335.69 336.50 0.100 12.340 0.500 12.120 19.870 0.010 0.000HAR023 336.50 337.38 0.100 7.890 0.230 9.970 13.600 0.010 0.000HAR023 337.38 338.00 0.030 6.510 0.130 0.550 3.920 0.020 0.010HAR023 338.00 339.00 0.070 6.170 0.110 0.030 4.410 0.010 0.000HAR023 339.00 340.00 0.100 7.200 0.030 0.020 3.440 0.040 0.000

.r HAR023 340.00 341.00 0.030 3.770 0.030 0.050 3.940 0.010 0.000HAR023 341.00 342.00 0.030 3.770 0.020 0.060 3.820 0.020 0.010HAR023 342.00 343.00 0.030 3.090 0.020 0.030 3.300 0.010 0.000HAR023 343.00 344.00 0.140 4.110 0.020 0.030 2.950 0.010 0.000HAR023 344.00 345.00 0.030 4.110 0.020 0.020 3.840 0.020 0.000HAR023 383.00 384.18 0.030 4.110 0.000 0.020 1.090 0.000 0.000HAR023 384.18 384.57 0.070 9.940 0.050 5.260 9.460 0.020 0.000HAR023 384.57 385.40 0.030 12.690 0.050 0.320 6.120 0.060 0.000HAR023 385.40 386.40 0.030 10.970 0.050 0.350 5.480 0.030 0.000


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (85)

Appendix I

HOLE# FROM(m) TO(m) AU(gll) Ag (gil) Cu% Zn% Fe% Pb% AS'/oHAR023 386.40 387.20 0.030 10.970 0.050 0.560 8.380 0.040 0.000HAR023 387.20 387.72 0.030 18.510 0.070 1.670 14.250 0.060 0.000HAR023 387.72 388.40 0.030 17.830 0.060 1.670 10.210 0.050 0.000HAR023 388.40 388.90 0.030 19.540 0.080 4.130 10.270 0.090 0.000HAR023 388.90 389.33 0.030 13.710 0.040 0.320 6.910 0.060 0.000HAR023 389.33 390.12 0.030 4.110 0.010 0.030 1.740 0.020 0.000HAR031 173.07 174.14 0.030 1.370 0.000 0.010 3.820 0.000 0.000HAR031 174.14 174.53 0.030 1.370 0.020 0.020 1.920 0.000 0.000HAR031 174.53 174.92 0.030 4.460 0.120 0.000 29.160 0.000 0.000HAR031 174.92 175.57 0.000 1.030 0.000 0.000 0.610 0.010 0.000HAR031 592.30 593.45 0.000 4.460 0.030 0.040 4.570 0.000 0.000HAR031 593.45 594.32 0.030 3.090 0.160 0.240 11.360 0.010 0.000HAR031 594.32 595.00 0.170 4.110 0.080 0.070 2.530 0.010 0.000HAR031 595.00 596.00 0.030 6.510 0.020 0.070 1.770 0.000 0.000HAR031 596.00 596.92 0.030 4.800 0.040 0.230 3.240 0.010 0.000HAR031 596.92 597.63 0.030 8.910 0.070 9.270 20.950 0.010 0.000HAR031 597.63 598.00 0.030 16.460 0.280 0.070 3.350 0.020 0.000HAR031 598.00 599.00 0.030 4.460 0.050 0.020 3.020 0.010 0.000HAR031 599.00 600.00 0.030 5.830 0.070 0.010 4.730 0.020 0.000HAR031 606.37 607.37 0.030 3.430 0.010 0.010 2.130 0.010 0.000HAR031 607.37 607.70 0.030 4.800 0.030 0.950 7.450 0.010 0.000HAR031 607.70 608.37 0.030 3.090 0.010 0.030 2.640 0.010 0.000HAR041 454.96 456.00 0.070 0.000 0.120 0.110 1.200 0.000 0.000HAR041 456.00 457.20 0.100 14.400 0.770 8.340 29.810 0.100 0.130HAR041 457.20 458.30 0.070 9.600 0.430 10.150 34.420 0.000 0.020HAR041 458.30 458.80 0.070 0.000 0.070 0.400 1.270 0.000 0.000HAR041 458.80 460.00 0.030 0.000 0.070 0.040 2.880 0.000 0.000HAR041 481.50 482.53 0.070 1.370 0.130 0.160 1.150 0.000 0.000HAR041 482.53 484.00 0.100 15.770 0.600 8.920 31.370 0.000 0.000HAR041 484.00 485.00 0.140 21.600 0.920 8.230 12.680 0.030 0.020HAR041 485.00 486.00 0.140 23.660 0.990 10.200 12.730 0.040 0.010HAR041 486.00 487.00 0.270 28.800 1.300 13.720 12.730 0.030 0.010HAR041 487.00 488.00 0.210 23.310 1.090 12.510 12.740 0.030 0.000HAR041 488.00 488.91 0.140 18.860 0.910 10.930 12.690 0.020 0.010HAR041 488.91 490.50 0.100 0.000 0.090 0.040 1.440 0.010 0.000HAR041 508.05 509.50 0.030 4.110 0.030 0.120 7.430 0.030 0.000HAR041 509.50 510.50 0.000 4.460 0.050 3.050 9.380 0.040 0.000HAR041 510.50 511.50 0.030 8.230 0.070 2.320 18.680 0.050 0.000HAR041 511.50 513.00 0.000 15.090 0.040 0.430 7.720 0.110 0.010HAR041 513.00 514.50 0.000 9.600 0.040 0.210 7.070 0.210 0.010HAR041 514.50 516.00 0.000 5.490 0.030 0.220 7.500 0.010 0.000HAR041 516.00 517.42 0.000 2.740 0.020 0.190 6.550 0.010 0.000HAR043 377.50 379.25 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.650 0.000 0.000

r HAR043 379.25 379.86 0.030 17.490 0.390 3.420 17.180 0.010 0.000HAR043 379.86 380.28 0.000 5.140 0.090 0.070 3.950 0.020 0.000HAR043 380.28 382.00 0.030 4.110 0.090 0.000 3.830 0.020 0.010HAR043 382.00 383.50 0.030 8.910 0.110 0.910 5.410 0.030 0.010HAR043 383.50 385.00 0.030 9.600 0.110 0.000 5.320 0.040 0.000HAR043 385.00 385.52 0.030 6.510 0.090 0.000 2.140 0.020 0.000HAR043 385.52 386.60 0.030 4.110 0.110 0.000 7.690 0.020 0.000HAR043 386.60 387.81 0.030 5.140 0.080 0.000 3.320 0.030 0.000HAR043 387.81 388.20 0.030 1.710 0.030 0.000 1.960 0.010 0.000


HAR043 388.20 390.00 0.030 3.090 0.020 0.000 2.150 0.000 0.000HAR043 390.00 392.00 0.550 77.140 0.040 0.000 2.700 0.440 0.050HAR043 392.00 393.59 0.030 9.260 0.080 0.000 3.270 0.020 0.000


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (86)

Appendix I

HOLE# FROM(m) TO(m) Au(glt) Ag (glt) Cu% Zo% Fe% Pb% MI.HAR043 393.59 395.00 0.140 12.000 0.220 0.350 12.070 0.030 0.000

.~ HAR043 395.00 396.50 0.000 9.600 0.170 0.000 7.860 0.020 0.000HAR043 396.50 397.70 0.030 14.400 0.160 0.470 6.390 0.030 0.000HAR043 397.70 398.53 0.100 16.800 0.290 1.570 9.350 0.030 0.010HAR043 398.53 399.31 0.000 6.510 0.070 0.000 0.980 0.010 0.000HAR043 399.31 400.50 0.000 12.000 0.120 0.510 5.890 0.040 0.000HAR043 400.50 400.83 0.000 17.140 0.210 0.000 1.980 0.010 0.000HAR043 400.83 401.08 0.310 93.600 0.160 0.120 3.670 0.360 0.060HAR043 401.08 401.50 0.240 42.170 0.550 5.320 19.830 0.190 0.020HAR043 401.50 402.25 0.240 85.710 0.780 1.370 10.250 0.300 0.010HAR043 402.25 403.04 0.170 29.830 0.240 7.830 26.710 0.170 0.000HAR043 403.04 404.57 0.210 20.910 0.150 0.770 6.460 0.070 0.000HAR043 404.57 405.46 0.140 13.710 0.090 2.840 4.700 0.060 0.000HAR043 405.46 406.94 0.240 21.600 0.140 0.590 6.360 0.100 0.010HAR043 406.94 407.50 0.650 64.800 0.140 0.040 6.040 0.330 0.090HAR043 407.50 407.93 0.210 19.540 0.150 0.030 6.850 0.110 0.040HAR043 407.93 409.80 0.270 1.370 0.020 0.010 0.610 0.010 0.000HAR043 409.80 410.78 0.030 2.060 0.030 0.020 1.640 0.010 0.000HAR043 410.78 412.00 0.070 7.540 0.080 0.060 3.380 0.040 0.000HAR043 412.00 414.00 0.070 4.460 0.080 0.030 5.530 0.010 0.000HAR043 414.00 416.00 0.030 2.400 0.040 0.030 3.930 0.010 0.000HAR043 416.00 418.00 0.000 5.490 0.060 0.100 4.200 0.020 0.000HAR043 418.00 420.00 0.690 3.430 0.040 0.080 3.450 0.020 0.000HAR043 420.00 421.53 0.030 2.740 0.030 0.050 3.510 0.010 0.000HAR043 423.82 424.86 0.030 -1.000 0.040 0.090 8.530 0.010 0.000HAR044 156.00 157.05 0.070 4.110 0.010 0.720 4.220 0.010 0.000HAR044 462.00 462.93 0.070 0.000 0.010 0.000 1.530 0.000 0.000HAR044 462.93 464.00 0.070 0.340 0.030 0.010 3.960 0.000 0.000HAR044 464.00 464.75 0.070 2.740 0.060 0.240 5.600 0.010 0.000HAR044 464.75 466.15 0.070 10.290 0.220 6.360 11.720 0.010 0.000HAR044 466.15 467.27 0.070 7.200 0.070 0.110 4.140 0.020 0.000HAR044 467.27 468.15 0.100 7.200 0.110 0.010 5.050 0.020 0.000HAR044 468.15 469.56 0.070 5.490 0.130 0.050 7.390 0.000 0.000HAR044 469.56 470.50 0.070 1.710 0.030 0.000 1.550 0.000 0.000HAR044 470.50 471.56 0.070 8.230 0.100 0.430 4.690 0.010 0.000HAR044 471.56 472.15 0.170 12.690 0.170 5.360 19.100 0.040 0.000HAR044 472.15 474.00 0.210 25.030 0.120 0.180 7.230 0.170 0.000HAR044 474.00 474.60 0.170 18.860 0.220 8.170 16.970 0.070 0.000HAR044 474.60 476.00 0.310 53.830 0.210 0.360 10.510 0.470 0.000HAR044 476.00 477.00 0.070 9.600 0.260 0.080 12.550 0.030 0.000HAR044 477.00 478.00 0.100 23.310 0.200 0.760 14.020 0.150 0.000HAR044 478.00 479.10 0.070 9.600 0.250 0.050 12.120 0.020 0.000HAR044 479.10 480.00 0.070 7.200 0.100 0.000 5.090 0.020 0.000HAR044 480.00 481.50 0.070 9.600 0.120 0.770 7.510 0.030 0.000HAR044 481.50 482.75 0.140 61.030 0.080 0.020 6.550 1.000 0.000HAR044 482.75 484.25 0.100 7.820 0.070 0.250 7.220 0.050 0.000HAR044 484.25 485.40 0.070 6.790 0.070 0.140 8.350 0.040 0.000HAR044 485.40 486.40 0.100 15.630 0.020 0.040 3.890 0.360 0.000HAR044 486.40 487.90 0.070 0.750 0.010 0.010 3.960 0.000 0.000HAR044 487.90 489.00 0.030 1.470 0.010 0.010 3.430 0.000 0.000HAR044 489.00 490.10 0.030 3.390 0.020 0.030 9.440 0.010 0.050HAR044 490.10 491.82 0.070 2.880 0.030 0.020 4.010 0.000 0.000HAR044 491.82 493.27 0.070 6.270 0.030 0.170 4.040 0.020 0.000HAR044 493.27 494.70 0.070 3.770 0.010 0.020 3.160 0.010 0.000HAR044 494.70 496.20 0.070 1.750 0.010 0.020 3.530 0.000 0.000



(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (87)

Appendix f

HOLE# FROM(m) TO(m) Au(gIt) Ag (glt) Clflo Zn% Fe% Pb% MI.HAR044 496.20 497.20 0.070 3.360 0.010 0.060 2.750 0.010 0.000

r HAR044 497.20 498.00 0.070 24.990 0.020 0.100 4.340 0.110 0.020HAR044 498.00 499.50 0.100 24.030 0.030 0.260 7.290 0.130 0.000HAR044 499.50 501.00 0.070 7.270 0.030 0.140 3.800 0.030 0.050HAR044 501.00 502.50 0.070 12.450 0.030 0.100 3.200 0.050 0.010HAR044 502.50 504.00 0.070 3.840 0.030 0.090 3.070 0.010 0.000HAR044 504.00 505.00 0.070 10.420 0.090 0.140 5.580 0.050 0.000HAR044 505.00 506.00 0.070 7.510 0.090 0.520 6.320 0.020 0.000HAR044 506.00 507.00 -1.000 13.680 0.030 0.350 3.690 0.070 0.000HAR044 507.00 508.00 -1.000 9.870 0.030 0.220 4.170 0.030 0.000HAR044 508.00 509.00 -1.000 5.860 0.020 0.180 2.990 0.020 0.000HAR044 509.00 510.00 -1.000 5.140 0.020 0.240 3.840 0.020 0.000HAR044 510.00 511.00 -1.000 3.330 0.020 0.040 2.710 0.010 0.000HAR044 511.00 512.00 -1.000 6.410 0.050 0.550 5.280 0.030 0.050HAR044 512.00 513.00 -1.000 7.170 0.030 0.120 4.200 0.020 0.000HAR044 513.00 514.00 -1.000 5.550 0.020 0.020 3.630 0.010 0.000HAR044 514.00 515.00 -1.000 63.770 0.020 0.080 4.250 0.650 0.000HAR044 515.00 516.00 -1.000 18.480 0.020 0.020 3.980 0.120 0.000HAR044 516.00 517.00 -1.000 38.060 0.030 0.010 4.210 0.360 0.000HAR044 517.00 518.12 -1.000 2.710 0.010 0.010 2.120 0.010 0.000HAR044 518.12 519.20 -1.000 3.050 0.010 0.010 5.040 0.000 0.000HAR044 519.20 520.22 -1.000 8.740 0.020 0.010 7.000 0.000 0.000HAR044 520.22 521.08 -1.000 0.140 0.010 0.010 0.710 0.000 0.000HAR044 521.08 522.00 -1.000 0.410 0.010 0.020 0.830 0.010 0.050HAR044 522.00 523.37 -1.000 0.340 0.000 0.000 0.860 0.000 0.000HAR044 523.37 524.30 -1.000 0.580 0.010 0.010 1.660 0.000 0.000HAR044 524.30 525.65 -1.000 0.550 0.010 0.000 0.830 0.000 0.000HAR044 525.65 527.00 -1.000 9.810 0.100 0.560 10.460 0.030 0.000HAR044 527.00 528.50 -1.000 0.990 0.010 0.010 2.720 0.000 0.000HAR044 528.50 530.00 -1.000 0.790 0.010 0.010 2.140 0.000 0.000


(PDF) Geology and geochemistry of the Fenton Creek Zone (Manitoba, …· 2014-11-18· Kuroko deposits based on modes of volcanism of underlying daciteand alteration halos." Kozan Chish*tsu - PDFSLIDE.NET (88)


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