Story (Monogattari no Jūnen (物語の十年)) What Ifs (2024)

What Ifs from Monogattari no Jūnen (物語の十年))


  • 1 First What if - MnJ
    • 1.1 Chapter Eight
    • 1.2 Chapter Nine
    • 1.3 Chapter Ten
  • 2 Second what if - Thomas vs Satanika (MnJ)
  • 3 Third what if - Devil fights Satanika
  • 4 Fourth What If - Damian vs Muro Pyton full fight
  • 5 5th what if - Yeongjo and Aloa vs Satanika
  • 6 Sixth What if - MnJ

First What if - MnJ[]

This is the what if (essentially it is Satanika surviving past Xiaoyu and going onto the Purple and Green Lane from there - i won’t write everything for the Green Lane obviously and Muro dies after this but Satanika is still alive)

Chapter Eight[]

On the other end of the spectrum, Xiaoyu stood outside the Brotherhood of the Serpent's lair, with a green beret-cap, greyish uniform with a Talwar (curved blade) and a mask that resembled a bird mask, specifically that of a blue Eagle. As he walked in with slight fear, he saw Śatanika having his wrists unclothed, as blood dropped on the ground in the form of a ritual circle, whilst he was on his knees in front of a horned statue; the exact same statue seen whilst in the beginning of his journey. And just as Xiaoyu’s footsteps were heard as silent as they were... Śatanika's eyes glanced at Xiaoyu from the corner of his eye along with another man and two women. "So, we finally meet, eye-to-eye... Redeemer of the Asar’ii." He said as Xiaoyu's façade underneath his mask shattered, causing him to try and blitz Satanika, only for the Man to appear behind Xiaoyu. "You're just like your master. It was I... who murdered them. All 9 of them. They were surprisingly fodder in comparison to Jaal of course. And as much as I would like to reveal the history of the Order... it would be a waste!" Satanika then said as Xiaoyu immediately turned around, attempting to elbow him only to be sent flying back into the door as he tried to use his sword but was too slow to even unsheath the blade. "You have a Talwar, eh?" Satanika asked, clearly curious to what the weapon could do. "What's your connection with Muro?!" Xiaoyu asked as Satanika glared at him briefly punching him in the stomach hard enough to force one's faecal matter to come out. "None of your concern. And even if I told you... why do you care?" He asked as Xiaoyu immediately steadied himself, struggling to get in his feet as he immediately went into an Asar'ii form of combat, resembling a prayer mantis. “Oh?” Satanika asked Xiaoyu who remained silent, knowing he would play right into Śatanika's hands if he lost his cool. “You are actually competent in this style.” Satanika asked as he dodged each of these attacks that were predominantly kicks to the lower body. “He’s using his feet as a form of expanded range; however by damaging the shins, he leaves himself fully open to attacks from above. Jaal truly was an odd teacher. I do acknowledge his kick’s reach and power however.” He thought to himself as Xiaoyu saw himself being kicked in the head and sent to the ground, immediately being punched repeatedly in the chest, pulled upwards and thrown away into a nearby wall, instinctively binding his legs with two snakes, and then slipping the Talwar out of its sheath and then stabbing him in the stomach, causing the young man to scream in sheer pain, as his previous wound was only amplified. “You are weak… and for the record… I killed Jaal. In his final moments, he held his wretched artefacts.

‘Your failure to incapacitate your student’s curiosity will be and sadly is your downfall, Jaal. The other 9 before you, Kolkata (Ground of destruction), Lagan (One who arrives at the appropriate time), Murtad (Apostate), Naag-raaj (Snake king), Omja (Born of cosmic unity), Padmasafedkant (Husband of the White lotus), Qaadir (powerful), Rajesh (Lord of Kings) and Saqib (Sharp-witted shining star) were mere obstacles to the wayside.’ I said to your master as he was bloodied up, holding the emerald dagger that you bear now. ‘Damn you.’ He said as I slashed his throat.

If you never held the Serpent Box of Delights, then we would have never tracked him. But alas, curiosity got the better of you. The Jewel Box had the snakes in it. You were truly a fool back then and you still are now.” Satanika said, goading him on with every word he spoke as Xiaoyu’s mind snapped. “Damn thee! You know not the vindictiveness and the hatred I have stored within myself. Even if you are in your forties be they late or early… or even in thy thirties and the Strongest ... your death will allay my fears. Numb me of my pain. I will win. The answers you give are nothing more than words to a poetry book!” Xiaoyu screamed in outrage, as his stone scroll slipped from his person and was thrown to the ground, leading to Satanika to contemplate his next move; his eyes darted from man to scroll, allowing Xiaoyu the brief chance to use his full grip strength. The two women and one man were stunned as he immediately forced Satanika to turn his head and headbutt him at full power, shattering not only his mask but also caused blood to spill from Satanika, briefly disorienting him as he was then kicked in the balls, sending him away from himself a significant distance. “Not bad.” Satanika said as Xiaoyu ripped his own sword out of his stomach and began immediately using "1st Level: Defensive Stature - Fire Flurry!" as he kicked his legs 10000 times in one go, releasing a barrage of fireballs at Satanika and the other three who coldly laughed, dodging every single fireball (10,000), jumping up and kicking Xiaoyu straight in the back of the head with enough force to send his brain hurtling within his cranium, however as he was knocked to the ground, he tugged on Satanika’s leg as the Stone Scroll became nothing more than dust. "Here's my signature move! Ryū no Bi (Dragon Tail)!" Xiaoyu said as he spun his legs around, and thus kicked him so hard that flames instantly devoured the area to which Satanika’s three accomplices were hardly unsurprised, deciding to join in the fight for themselves as the two women said “Meidodaija Otsugekotsubochi (World Serpent Oracle Bone Graveyard).” , showing their hands and releasing the bones of some of the dead Nagas in front of Xiaoyu who immediately saw himself being overwhelmed, whilst also recognising that his intestines were now coming out of his stomach, with them being used to pull him into various attacks. “Jeweled Light of the Naga King (Tamaryūō — Kōmakotoshu).” The final man said, releasing a bright light that devoured the entire room. “Once the light is emitted, the sphere will produce an ear splitting crescendo that causes any physical objects that perceive the sounds waves to rupture or shatter under sonic stress. Not only does this light incapacitate the opponent by temporarily removing their sense of sight but this light also begins to forcefully extract the life energy from the opponent's body and causes them to age vastly faster.” The man explained, witnessing that Xiaoyu couldn’t hold his ears to defend himself, however he could still think somehow. “1st Level: Ignei Munitionem (‘Of fire to the stronghold ye’)!” Xiaoyu thought to himself, as a fortress made from red ígneo, an indestructible form of igneous appeared. The fortress only opens to the blood of Xiaoyu, meaning only Xiaoyu and his descendants can enter it. You cannot climb it, nor break it. It is simply indestructible to which everyone in the room looked visibly amazed. “3rd Group: Altum Oculos + Blue String!” He thought to himself, as he saw his own future whilst also observing what should be in the form of blue strings as he broke out of the light of the Naga King, to which he released the structure he revealed moments prior as the three aides of Satanika immediately used more Naga techniques. “Hachidaireikijigoku (八大冷気地獄, lit. Eight Great Cold Hells).” One of the women said, causing their hands to slowly freeze up and summon ice around the entire room, only for Xiaoyu to have seen this and use “4th group: Ansatsu - Hi No Gizo (Assassination: Path of the Flame).” as his emerald dagger glowed with a purple energy and flew to the woman who cast this mystical technique as they both felt the air chilling around them. “Once the user uses the technique, the user speaks to the blade, the name of the person he wishes to kill, and the blade becomes invisible, and follows the unlucky person, until his bed, where the blade stabs the person 70 times.” Xiaoyu explained as the woman was too late to avoid her unlucky fate as she was stabbed so fast that time itself did not register it as slashes with the man looking so horrified he didn’t even have enough time to use Hachidainetsujigoku (Eight Hot Hells) as his arms were mysteriously warped beyond recognition to which the woman was also seemingly murdered… only for the two to grow scales in place of their wounds. “We are snakes, wretched boy.” They both said as Xiaoyu dodged all of their attacks by simply seeing the future and then intercepted them, jumping up and attempting to create a wheel of fire only for a whip to grab his leg and send him crashing to the ground. “You can’t switch between styles of the Original Flames, can you?” Satanika asked as he barely noticed that the stone scroll was gone. “Sōzō no Koe (創造乃声そうぞうのこえ, Literally meaning: Voice of Creation)” The women then said, causing Xiaoyu to remain unmoving as the bones of the dead Nagas mercilessly struck Xiaoyu in his vital points 72 times, leaving him bloodied as his intestines and stomach were now completely removed. “You have lost.” Satanika said mockingly… only for Xiaoyu to dispel into the ground. “A clone?!” Satanika said in utter confusion as three clones surrounded him. “5th Group - Torture: 2nd technique - The Black Realm + 3rd technique of the 4th Group: Deadheart/The Evil Hand/True Darkness/Inner Death.” One of the clones said, pointing at the woman who cast Hachidaireikijigoku initially as Satanika saw the horrifying sight to which his fellow woman tried to help her comrade out and attack the three clones only for two of them to surround her and the man. “STOP!” The woman screamed in sheer pain. “No… murderer.” Xiaoyu coldly said, reprimanding her for her desire as her limbs began to curl up, her veins exploded from within, capillaries and arteries as well began to rapidly expand as blood dripped down her nose along with mucus. Her eyeballs felt themselves rolling back and darting around and slowly removed themselves from her face… only to roll back into the back of her head with extreme force as she screamed. Blood poured down her eyelids and onto the rest of her face. Her fingers shattered to which Satanika used the previous bones to find the real Xiaoyu as his eyes darted around. “Aren’t you going to help?” The clones asked sarcastically as Satanika’s eyes twitched, noticing the woman then being teleported to a pocket universe of infinite blackness. “DAMN YOU, DEATH!” Satanika screamed as the three clones then fully converged on the woman who tried to cast the flame technique. “What does that black realm do?!” Satanika asked as his purple eyes could clearly observe exactly what she was suffering. “No… Nandi…” He thought to himself as the real Xiaoyu appeared and clapped his hands. “You see, the dimension pulls, and stretches, tears, and rips one apart, over and over again, it does not matter if you die, you will be resurrected again, and tortured again, until you give in.” He explained as he kicked at Satanika who used Katatagaenokami (方違え神, lit. A Divine Change in Direction), immediately forcing Xiaoyu’s kick to go to up. “Doth your future sight allow you to see that, brat?” Satanika asked as Xiaoyu himself remained quiet, noticing that his injuries hadn’t healed whatsoever. “Group 5: Scorge + 3rd technique: The Piercing Whisper!” The three clones said, converging on the remaining woman whose eyes began burning eternally as she laughed but began to scream as she began to go insane, clutching her head in fear and terror as the three clones jumped her at once, beating her until death as the man immediately used both “Jeweled Light of the Naga King (Tamaryūō — Kōmakotoshu).” and “Meidodaija Otsugekotsubochi (World Serpent Oracle Bone Graveyard).” to restrict the movements of the three clones. “The Prayer Wheel Reincarnation (願輪転生, Ganrin Tensei)!” The man screamed, summoning a holly-green orb which ultimately manifested itself by absorbing the life-force of all three clones, causing all three and himself to explode in a sacrificial gambit. “Forgive me!” The man said to Satanika who began laughing in sadness and sheer arrogance. “How can you have such low tolerance for your members?” Xiaoyu asked as Satanika swiftly dodged his next strike. “Why should I care… my job is to restore Vasuki and him alone. They were from the past, but that is no reason for incompetence.” Satanika said coldly as he pinched his fingers and summoned multiple pillars from the Dragon Palace and the Naga world; especially, its royal palace where Vasuki once resided. These pillars boast an absolute crushing force due to the speed at which they appear in this world. “Even if the target is moving at high speeds, the massive pillars will still appear directly over their heads. Because of the timeless nature of the Dragon Palace, these pillars will always be in pristine condition; one pillar can at least have the mass of a world with their size varying from a tree to a mountain in size. The very moment they appear, the pillars will disrupt the flow of chakra of all surrounding entities. Their will and fighting spirit will be suppressed within a few dozen metres of the heavenly pillars and their Killing Intent becomes completely nullified as he also can also control the velocity at which the pillars descend so that they do not instantly crush a target!” Satanika said arrogantly as Xiaoyu was ultimately crushed by 3. Xiaoyu knew he had no choice. "Summoning Jutsu: Emerald King!" At that moment there was a bright green flash which temporarily blinded even Satanika’s vision. When the brightness had cleared, he saw a tiny creature, about the size of Xiaoyu's palm. It was light green and rather cute, with short ears, large green eyes, soft skin, and a mouth with little to no fangs. "Behold," the creature began to say, "I am the Emerald King!" as Satanika laughed. “How meaningless… the one who died by the Hero of Life?” as the Emerald King was offended. "You dare laugh at me, human!? Who are you!?" the creature said, "I am Xiaoyu! Hero of Life and if you do not surrender to me and do not serve me, I shall show you the true wrath of a Hero of Life!" as Satanika saw all three pillars having been erased from existence. Xiaoyu’s form became significantly more exuberant; his hair began flowing in long emerald shards, to which Satanika knew that this would be hard and as Xiaoyu went to strike, he summoned a sword that had all the stars in the universe within its blade. “That blade!” Satanika said as Xiaoyu used his mouth initially to strike at him, only to return it to his hand. “This sword is made of fir-iron, (an iron found in a star, that can only be retrieved, before it dies) the sword is white, as it cuts through the air, like a knife through butter. It can only be used by one, and that is the master of the flames!” The Emerald King exclaimed with great confidence as Satanika looked extremely annoyed and saw multiple emeralds surrounding him, countering this by using his snakes in an orderly fashion to bind all of them, only for multiple explosions to devour his vision and Xiaoyu immediately used this opportunity to move within the lights and punch Satanika, simultaneously removing Satanika’s cloak. “You leave me no choice. Nyododaija Takarahōgen (World Treasured Serpent Dharma Eye)!” He screamed as he summoned a snake from his hand who was humongous in size… this was Thlen as Xiaoyu felt his brain activity briefly slowing down with him smiling only for the all-killing venom of Vasuki to manifest within Xiaoyu’s veins and being. “Chains of the World - Draconic Fall.” Satanika then said, summoning brown chains from the ground that instantly teleported to Xiaoyu, binding his forehead and nearly snatching both of his eyes if not for the fact that the Emerald King’s power surrounded his main eyes only for his brain to slowly feel itself sleeping due to the mysterious sound that came with the chains only for his clones to feel the exact same effects. “Inorganic Reincarnation of Nature.” Satanika then spoke as Xiaoyu felt himself being plunged into the very earth as mountains bound him alongside continents and sinkholes. “The relentless assault of the earth’s crust will constantly attack the opponent until the natural balance has been restored. No matter what defensive methodologies the opponent would attempt to survive using this technique, living a life of continuous running would eventually become tiresome and death would eventually ensue. In short, this technique acts as the ultimate nullifier for life.” He said as Xiaoyu then used 2nd Group - Door to Infinite and 1st Group - Shield, teleporting himself back and simultaneously defending himself omnidirectionally from all attacks, only for the shield to return as Satanika smiled, knowing he had this in the bag. “Just like your friend, Akira and your orphanage… you will die!” Satanika said in rage as his clothing revealed scales and a purple eye in the middle of his chest. “He uses that for genjutsu, boy!” The Emerald King said as Xiaoyu realised this, using “Group 4: Kage!”, speed-blitzing Satanika and having stolen his heart to which Satanika laughed. “You think that is enough?!” He asked as he kicked Xiaoyu who dodged this, causing Satanika to casually jump away in response, realising that his future sight. “I shalt use mine power in a serious manner… to give peace to these Lokas… this world is the past’s burial ground.” The Man said as Xiaoyu looked surprised. “Oh?” He asked as Xiaoyu felt a surge of power rocketing from all four of the people behind the Man. “I will allow Sarpa Satra (snake worship) to take place within my walls. My home will be filled with blood but alone for the sake of love and not for war.” The Man said as Xiaoyu sensed something extremely bad was going to happen. “Let’s end this fight.” Satanika spoke, summoning every single tree from the outer portion of the Palmer Manor within the small building as well as every horned statue that was now draped with blood. “Your beloved Emerald King can’t save you now.” Satanika said as Xiaoyu was now trapped in an earthen cage that penetrated every part of his body. Xiaoyu tried to use group 2: Space and Time - Door to Infinite however… the Original Flames were meaningless. “This wilt strip thee of thy power and amplify my powers by a millionfold. I can end the world and remake the Nagaloka now!” Satanika gloated, seemingly drunk on power as Xiaoyu felt his mind, body and soul being damaged significantly by the presence of the snakes. He saw his loved ones dead at his feet, blaming him. “YOU BASTARD!” They screamed as their bloodied personages grabbed his legs, squirming their way up to his face as they went into his mouth, choking him as he knew that this was an illusion. “I have no choice. I must use my future sight and activate my ultimate technique.” Xiaoyu thought to himself as he knew that he couldn’t use the X-Form and instead, telekinetically forced the Stone Scroll of Asar’ii open. “Stone Scroll of Asar’ii: 8th Group - Hall of Creation.” He thought to himself, despite his mind slowly slipping as he saw a beautiful bow at the throne of the hall. Its arrow was strung with a primordial flame that had a black tip at its end. It had a note that read: “An arrow combined with the Original Flames. Now in the past, it was only made once by the second Hero of Life, because he was the only one with the Original Flames. Fire found at the beginning of Creation is this weapon’s base component. The Ateşoku is insanely powerful, able to scorch the heavens and earth with such accuracy that even a needle and a camel 2 million miles away can be struck; and it can permanently kill a person and not let them reincarnate. It also is pronounced, Ateshoku. It comes from the Turkish words for 'fire arrow' which are 'ateş oku'” as his physical body smiled despite the intense and excruciating pain. Satanika saw what he was doing and was amazed and simultaneously horrified. “開フーガ, Fūga (Open): Ateşoku.” Xiaoyu whispered to himself as his hands in reality began to burn up with an arrow of white flames forming in his hands, seemingly burning the earthen cage that could bind entire nations as Satanika was horrified. Xiaoyu’s hair returned to normal but he also had adorned a new armour: Mirdën: an armour, lighter than air, stronger than mountains, created by the Cerebrenians as a gift for Xiaoyu which was invisible as Satanika scoffed. “Oh really? That arrow will do nothing!” He screamed, now in actual desperation as he then mentally composed himself and said “I can see the Future of the Nagas now!” as the building began to slowly crack. “Tathastu (so be it). If you can see it… I shall show you their future.” Xiaoyu said as he stretched his hand out, pushing away the venom in literal seconds that was within his body as well as placing his left thumb above his right hand as Satanika saw Ashoka within him. “That sign!” The Man said as Ashoka glared at Thlen as he felt himself burning spiritually for Ashoka had opened his Third Eye and released its fury onto him. “State of Brahman.” Ashoka then said, as wind devoured the entire country as the Man looked stunned even as his four peoples tried to attack, nothing worked. “Now… will ye submit to my demands? Even if you win… I will always be watching.” Ashoka said upon glancing at all four of his soldiers, they immediately were cursed and petrified. “You are a mockery of everything you say you are to become. Thy desires are petulant.” Ashoka said as the Man looked completely terrified. “What is that?!” He asked as thunder roared throughout the country, with the Man’s eyes slowly returning to their previous state. “I will let you have the snakes, but until the day you Return to the world many millennia from now (be it two, three thousand or more years), your loss will be swift and absolute.” Ashoka coldly said as he was immediately burned out of existence by the Agneyastra, removing him and Thlen from the cycle of Reincarnation, fully cursing the Man… however, in the Present, he used Unmeinoshin Shōrinomichi (運命之神 勝利之道, God of Destiny Path to Victory) with Xiaoyu simply saying “With this, my master will rest easy.” as he fired the arrow. Satanika screamed but laughed as everything he saw burnt to ashes. “MAYA!” He screamed as this was but an illusion, however his body was still considerably burned, along with his soul, with Xiaoyu then kicking him in the shins, sending him onto the ground, with his Dagger to his throat as Satanika stared at his blood-bound statue. “MURO! MURO!” Satanika screamed as Muro heard this loud and clear through his phone. “Yes?” He asked as they engaged in one telepathic conversation: Their last. “I have lost the will to live… the Brothers have won despite my truest of strength. You must continue the mission to revive Vasuki. Please! Then, everything you ever wanted will become a reality! You can murder Sakura and Satoshi. The house of cards has fallen… you will be my worthy successor... You, Muro.. You carve your own path, use whatever methods you see fit... You don't let legal bullsh*t get in the way. And if it costs a few lives? So be it… even if an ally dies… it will be a sacrifice for your greater good. Nagaloka and my dream will inevitably live on. Corruption will remain the same. Humanity… is greed… and bullsh*t covered by ‘empathy’ and morality. You really… were… my… worthy successor…I love you, son.” Satanika said to him but these final words were merely a facade. “I have to kill this wretched brat! Here and now even if Muro will lose to that damn Satoshi!” Satanika thought to himself. “Jìnghuā Shuǐyuè (鏡花水月) literally "Mirror Flower, Water Moon + Hachiamahashira!” Satanika thought to himself, sending Xiaoyu’s mind into a beach where his head and body were completely crushed by 8 pillars, killing the young man and staining Jaal’s legacy for good. He then grabbed his cloak from the ground, walking away and ready to enact the second part of his greater scheme that he waited millenia for. “Muro… let us end Ashoka’s boy.” Satanika said to him telepathically.

Chapter Nine[]

Just as Satoshi walked somewhere… Muro appeared in front of him, ready to have their final battle. “This is it, eh, serial rapist?” Satoshi asked Muro as his snake, Vasuki, hissed with malevolence. “Yes. Yes it is. Terroristic mass murderer.” Muro said coldly.

Satoshi looked at Muro with visible confusion, now realising that Muro had betrayed everyone and especially the Black Crows with such ease and seeing just how far his former leader had went for the sake of vengeance. "What would Yi Jing say?" Satoshi asked him coldly as Muro smiled softly upon hearing such a name, the name of his former leader. "You mean that crow? She died leaving nothing behind whereas I will leave a legacy. My brothers will remain supreme. This land…. The land of the Indus Valley will disappear but the Brotherhood shall never go." Muro explained as his smile widened. "But I will… have you erased from the pages of history." He then said as a massive forest of snakes appeared from Muro's mouth and arms, devouring the entire area as Satoshi looked shocked as he barely managed to jump out of the way of the snakes reach and bite that could destroy trees. "Why would you do such a thing… for such an organisation?!" Satoshi asked as he saw the green eyes of Muro become like Jade, his green veins glowing violently as his overcoat was now glistening with blood. "I suppose… someone like you… a rogue should bear this knowledge. This will be the first and last. When I was a little baby, my parents dropped me off at the Temple of the Brotherhood as they were poor and needed money but… they were found dead later that day within the Temple. I was raised by a priest known as Yamata Takeru. He was a kind man who was cold at times and violent at others. He trained me relentlessly from the age I could walk… learning the Art of Venom and the Art of Silent Death. But when I was 8… he did something I now would think shocking, for he threw me in a room for training purposes and led 1000 snakes to constantly bite at me as they did so damaging my body parts irreversibly. But… it gave me a serpentine physiology that was supreme as the last snake showed itself in the form of Vasuki. He bit me in my neck and stomach. And then… the priest died under mysterious circ*mstances as my goal was clear as a man that I would later know as Father formerly took me in when I was 9. And you had to kill him. That damn brother of yours had to do it.” Muro spoke coldly, with an emotionless tone but his eyes spoke all the words his mouth could never. “So that was your plan, huh?! To summon Vasuki!” Satoshi said as Muro coldly smiled. “So your brain finally gets it. To release Vasuki in time for even against Benji I held back just enough to make it seem as though I was a good man. Even that damn fat*ss headteacher was done by this illusion. Its too bad… that no one realised until it was too late. Still… you and that whor*'s death will be my last time imparting this knowledge." Muro said to him calmly as Satoshi looked visibly shocked and surprised whilst also having some form of empathy for his situation as he disappeared from Muro's view as the ground slowly exploded. "So he can also use kunai to explode things by forcing some type of seal onto them." Muro thought to himself as Satoshi appeared behind him and bound him in mechanical tendrils to his amazement as Muro glanced at his hands. "Don't worry. I'll wipe that smug smile off of your face." Satoshi said to him as his tendrils turned into a saw blade and sliced his neck only for him to see his neck bearing serpentine scales, only for a snake to bumrush him and attempt to bite him on the shoulder only to have its fangs shatter upon touching Satoshi’s shoulders. "Wow, aren't you impressive?" Muro remarked sarcastically as smoke soon surrounded them. "Snake Style: Orochimaru!" He then said as a large snake that towered them both appeared from the ground and then rushed towards Satoshi with intense speed as his eyes flashed white seeing time stop, as though he saw a human from what seemed to be the Past and Future of Reach, destroying this snake with no true difficulty as he also saw Muro stop moving. "If only… there was a way I could move and do something… but that would have an irreversible effect." Satoshi thought to himself as time moved once again as he dodged the attack with relative ease to Muro’s visible surprise, using the Shadow Sword to fire dark slashes, ultimately forcing Muro to dodge these strikes without much effort. “Not bad! But still, now that Father is dead… your death will be inevitable.” Muro said, forcing his snake to breath a plume of perfume and fire at the same time, casually causing a huge explosion, to which Satoshi apparently couldn’t escape.

"Orochimaru… devour him with the poison of the Pythons." He heard Muro saying as he also just saw Muro's eyes turn into dark slits with a purple sclera that darkened ever so slightly. "Just like Satanika! Therefore, I assume that, judging from his serpentine physiology, he can detect people through heat and likely… he can overpower me through the usage of Venom similar to how Amane used his venom against the Man in the Blue Lane. I have to either restrain him… or remove him from this life if I absolutely have to, even if he is leader of the Black Crows … for ranks do not truly matter to an assassin as their blade is sharpened for the slaughter of all." Satoshi thought to himself as he also saw a head of Orochimaru's sprouting from the ground similar to a Beanstalk growing as Satoshi felt himself being sent flying as he just managed to twist his fingers into mechanical vines and keep himself bound to the ground. “Come on, Satoshi! I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN THIS!? ASSASSIN OF THE RED LANE, MURDERER OF MANY IN THE BLUE LANE!” Muro screamed in rage, but this was merely a facade, causing Satoshi to fire explosives from his hands which immediately turned to kunai only for Muro to have detected this and surrounded himself with snakes. “I have to reveal more of my cards in order to win, don’t I?” Satoshi thought to himself, as he didn’t want to kill him but realised that he may have no choice. “Shadow Sword: Ritualistic Destruction.” He then said to himself as no ritual circle actually appeared unlike usual; however it appeared that he made himself the ritual circle. “So you can actually use that famed Shadow Sword that is feared throughout the world?! Without exposing yourself, assassin?” Muro asked as he felt himself near-instantly being slashed and instantly being destroyed in seconds, as he wagged his finger only for Satoshi to see Orochimaru’s mouth open up, with a clone of Muro coming out from his mouth. “Snake Style: Reptilian Infernal Torrent!” Muro then said as he clasped his hands together, causing every single snake to completely surround Satoshi's armour in an instant as dark energy leaked out of Satoshi’s body as the Shadow Sword glowed. “So he can summon clones of himself in case the real body gets destroyed?! Thus… sealing him has to be the only way. Ashoka was right after all.” Satoshi thought to himself only to summon the ritual circle as the circle had summoned an entity who resembled the snake to a tee; combatting each other with ease. “I have to find his real body… but doing that will be rather difficult given the forest of snakes here.” Satoshi then said to himself as Muro responded in kind by rushing at Satoshi with his snakes in hand, fighting him with his hands. “Why do you talk to yourself so damn much, loner?! Not even that f*cking optimist Damian would want to interact with you! After all, he stole Hinata of his own accord! Him and I are alike! Both lovers of your beloved Sakura!” Muro said with such malice in his eyes, immediately forcing all the snakes to begin poisoning the very ground Satoshi walked on, only for Satoshi to use his titanium boots and fly upwards slightly and attack from the air only, summoning drones and missiles but Muro saw straight through this and countered by using his snakes. “Adamantine Scales.” He said, summoning scales that were as hard as diamond but as dangerous as the scales of dragons at Satoshi as he had managed to parry away some of them but one of them bypassed his armour, and using this opportunity, Muro teleported a snake onto his leg, sending him downwards with immense force, and using himself as bait, he rushed onto his neck as Muro appeared and bit him on the neck, causing him intense pain as both the venom and dark energy clashed on both combatants; however, with this also occurring, crows instantly swarmed the snakes. “So I can’t attack you! This is going to be interest-!” He said as he was instantly sent flying by a kick to the head. “Where are you?!” Muro asked himself as Satoshi was behind him. His brain waves slowed. His neurons began to fire less. “Is this genjutsu? His specialty?!” Muro thought to himself, with visible shock on his face, however he knew that Satoshi was around somewhere. “Thanks to my eyes… which come from the Eight Naga Kings but specifically Vasuki himself… I bear six abilities.

(1) Jinsokutsu , the ability to go anywhere at will and to transform oneself or objects at will. (2) Tengentsu, "the divine eyes" capable of seeing anything at any distance and the future destiny of oneself and others.

(3) Tennitsu, "the divine ears" capable of hearing any sound at any distance.

(4) Tashintsu, the ability to know others' mind and thoughts.

(5) Shukumytotsu the ability to know former lives of oneself and others.

(6) Rojintsu, the ability to destroy all evil passions

This genjutsu is indeed potent if it can even bypass these eyes of Father… the strongest snake there was outside of Vasuki and the other Naga Kings.” Muro thought to himself as he used the power of Tengentsu and Tennitsu, however this genjutsu surpassed Muro’s expectations. “WHERE ARE YOU?!” Muro screamed as Satoshi said to him “Behind you. I thought you’d have the visuo-spatial prowess to observe that fact.” to which Muro turned around, swung his arm and then fired three snakes from his arms as a means of range-based extension, only for Satoshi to casually reveal his full body and fire a huge ball of flame at point-blank range, only for his adamantine scales to absorb the attack to the shock of Satoshi. “Looks like we’ll have to go for more… dangerous options.” Satoshi thought to himself, immediately turning his hand into a hand cannon, and then converting parts of his arm into a frost cannon of sorts and then forcing both to fire a nuclear bomb and ice blast, thereby mitigating any negative impact of the nuclear bomb as Muro looked visibly annoyed. “Ruyi Jingu Bang: Come!” Satoshi said to himself, releasing the black staff of Sun Wukong. Upon seeing this, Muro’s face grimaced as he knew that his snake technique would mostly be useless against this since upon even being struck once, he felt his scales being dismantled and upon being continually struck… he knew that death would be certain. Satoshi noticed him falling to the ground with some slight wounds, only for them to disappear in that instant, as he noticed a large storm cloud above him covering the entirety of the damaged sky with ease. “Storm Cloud: Eternal Strike.” Satoshi thought to himself coldly as a lightning bolt shone, revealing Satoshi looking down at him from above. “So you also possess the great Jīndǒu Yún. This may be interesting.” Muro said as he immediately activated Jinsokutsu and became a snake as his pet snake, Vasuki had disappeared.

However… what Satoshi didn’t realise is that Muro was now inside of his clothing and repeatedly bit his shoulder… injecting a Hydra-like venom that could boil lakes within his skin. Sakura observed Satoshi bleeding from the mouth all the way from her Akarian hospital as his Dark Samurai armour instantly manifested in response to the Hydra-like Venom, with the snake (Muro) appearing from his shoulderplate. “Let’s make my move.” Satanika thought to himself, disconnecting his thoughts from Muro’s own psyche briefly, knowing where he had to go as he teleported behind Masaru. “So… you are the one that exposed Monty, eh?” Satanika asked as Masaru was too slow to react, only for a huge snake to devour him in its entirety, absorbing his abilities within himself. “Now I hath exposed thee… it is time for thy siblings to be removed.” Satanika said calmly, walking away as he used Tengentsu to observe Akaria from where he was standing, but not before teleporting Zidine who was unable to sense Satanika behind him. “Zidine… be careful of thy debts.” Satanika said telepathically as he snapped his neck, knowing that fighting him head-on would’ve been slightly off-putting before absorbing him into his snake. “Now I am one step away from crippling Satoshi’s mind and body…. But after this… everything shalt fall into place.” Satanika thought to himself coldly, immediately deciding to make his way… to… Sakura who was still in the hospital. Muro smiled upon sensing what his Father was going to do. “Your brothers… and that whor*, Sakura, are dead!” Muro screamed as Satoshi’s eyes looked absolutely stunned. They widened in absolute horror as everything he stood for, his identity… was now gone. “DAMN YOU!” Satoshi screamed as Muro laughed, fully having anticipated this, countering Satoshi’s attack by changing its direction, whilst feeling an eruption of power welling up from inside of him. Galaxy-coloured energy no longer enraptured him… this was far darker… the Cosmos itself became one with him in this moment. “State of Brahman: CELESTIAL DEVASTATION!” Satoshi screamed as Muro saw the very ground he poisoned being used against him as his snakes were being destroyed by the collapse of the ground. “He’s using me as a core for his sealing?! I have no choice!” Muro thought to himself, now actually fearful for his safety. “THIS ENTIRE SITUATION WAS ALL A PART OF FATHER’S GRAND PLAN! THIS SCENARIO- THIS DIFFERENCE… OUR EYES CAN SEE ALL FUTURES! Your death and suffering… was a mere fragment of one of them!” Muro continued to scream as he became bound within a huge meteor that could collapse entire cities or even… a moon at full potency. “Sage Art: Spiritual Detachment from the Impure World (仙法: 精神剥離穢土, Senpō: Seishin Hakuri Edo)!” Muro thought to himself as Satoshi’s eyes were drenched in blood. He could see nothing but his goal ahead of him; mere metres away. “His soul is returning itself via his snake!?” Satoshi thought to himself as Muro reappeared from the ground. “So… you crushed me in that meteor?” Muro asked, before summoning a pillar to crush the meteor that was as big as a moon. “WHY?!” Satoshi asked in sheer rage as Muro felt the entirety of the Manor collapse around him with one step. “Never you mind. You know… I am glad you did this. Because… the Brotherhood will always win. Now that Father is back… we will both win… I will win for him. I am and will always be… a vessel for the Snake King. Now then… Final Snake Style: Yamata no Orochi!” Muro said as a large snake with eight heads appeared; as Satoshi’s eyes turned white, seeing the Future of Reach as he saw a boy summoning this same exact creature. He was a gigantic serpent with eight heads and eight tails. It has bright red eyes and a red belly. The beast is so large that its body covers the distance of eight valleys and eight hills. Fir and cypress trees grow on its back, and its body is covered in moss. “So this is your ultimate sacrifice? Your most powerful technique for your body?!” Satoshi asked as he also saw a man with a sword also defeating that exact snake. “So I have to use it. Okami no Shinkai: Yoroi no Tate (Shield of Armour).” Satoshi said as his body became surrounded by a red avatar that bubbled with power and intensity as it manifested a shield and sword that seemingly bore omni-directional defensive capabilities and a gourd of some kind. “So you use the power of Susanoo! Never more shalt I back down!” The snake screamed as it fired torrents of lightning, ice, water and earth at the Okami only to defend against it with some difficulty as a majority, if not all of its heads were being cut with extreme difficulty as Sakura looked in shock from the hospital as Satoshi bled violently from his entire body due to the amount of energy his body required as Muro was then stabbed in the chest with the Totsuka no Tsurugi. “I… can’t move!” He said as the blade was released only for Satoshi to violently vomit in pain as he barely was able to get himself up, walking slowly to Muro with slight rage but sadness. “You wretched fool… you are merely a sacrifice to a greater goal.” Muro said as he smiled with blood dripping down his mouth and throat. “I can still fight!” Muro thought to himself, surprisingly determined as he used his Eyes of the Snake King to see his future. “Your future is one of suffering, especially you, Sakura!” Muro screamed like a crazy person as Sakura tensed up slightly even though she was nowhere to be found. Satanika then appeared in the Akarian hospital, unmasked to many a man’s horror. “Who is that?!” Kulana asked himself as he was bound in snakes, unable to use Ayurveda without his hands as Sakura was defenceless. “I take it you don’t know me, girl of the Devil?” Satanika asked as Sakura noticed his figure had purple eyes that glinted at her. “So… that brat comes out?” The Devil thought to himself as he realised exactly what Satanika was planning, only for her necklace to be taken from her with a snake, as her legs were now bound. “No… no… no… Satoshi… I am defenceless… he is going to do what Muro did…” Sakura thought to herself as Satanika struck her stomach with his fingers. She convulsed in pain, unable to defend herself as she noticed Kulana being bound. “Kotoage (言挙, literally meaning: Invoking the Power of Words): Birth!” Satanika said as she looked terrified. Sakura’s veins were shooting out of her temple as her eyes started to rapidly bleed over time as she violently screamed, realising exactly what Satanika commanded; with her feeling so much energy that she couldn’t handle it. “Six children now birthed within thy… dying body… and without your necklace… your father is gone.” Satanika said as Sakura screamed whilst barely able to catch her breath, bleeding so heavily that no-one would be able to handle it. “Just live on please. I remember the Jade Emperor’s words too. Let it be. Don’t try and change what needs to be done. Even if you get depressed alongside the others, know that I’ll be at peace but we’ll meet again. Remain loving and never give in to your darkest desires. But I’m so, so sorry!” Sakura thought as tears streamed down her eyes as Satanika laughed coldly, knowing precisely what this would mean. “Now, the Lanes will be eradicated alongside this corrupt system of Akaria with thy death!” Satanika said coldly as he knew exactly where to aim, also noticing that Sakura’s energy was dropping so quickly that her death was inevitable. “Satoshi… ever since we met…. I- I felt as though we were destined to meet by fate. I’m sorry for what happened back then but it was natural having found out that my parents had died by what happened by your hands. My mother would’ve adored you even with my father now gone, Samantha and the others are alright, even with Kulana dead and some of the geisha and Oiran being killed. Ming Hao and Xian are still alright, having new limbs now. I’m so glad we met and had 1 child. But I’m sorry for being a demon. I’m glad you didn’t kill me otherwise we wouldn’t have met. I wish things were different since you are an angel and a very beautiful one at that. Perhaps next time when we meet, we won’t be reincarnated. I hope Damian comes and burns my eyes and clothes with Hellfire, so they can no longer be retrieved and thus my clothing… can be given to be Hinata when she gets married or falls in love. I hope she falls in love with someone who can accept her willingly, just like… you, Satoshi. And as the saying goes, ‘Shi ga Futari wo Wakatsu made’. Farewell… my one, true love… thank you, Damian… for being so kind… a true gentleman.” Sakura’s final thoughts were as blood enveloped her face with her eyes inevitably being speared out of her face and crushed, for she was finally eaten by his snakes. Upon Muro sensing this, he began to laugh maniacally. “What are you laughing at-!” Satoshi asked as he realised that Sakura’s suffering… was done. She had died. “Damian?” Muro said aloud, seeing this horrific act unfold before his very eyes as he smiled coldly, to which the blood that maintained itself from his prior wounds manifested themselves and just as he was about to do one more attack and “break” out of the Totsuka no Tsurugi’s absolute hold as a presence neither of them thought would appear made himself known. “HEADMASTER!” Muro screamed as Satoshi looked stunned. Mr Harimatsu stood there calmly; for he was a shadowy figure who was burlesque yet physically fit with a golden ring that had the letter T on it, held firmly on his right hand’s middle finger and a golden watch, held underneath a suit with a blackened right eye as his trademark monocle remained alongside a big brown handle moustache to complement his aged look; and standing beside him, was an older man, with a big grey beard and a pointy hat. “Shall I save you, Muro?” Mr Harimatsu calmly asked with a smile to his face. “Please…” Muro said as Satoshi, questioning just how far the Brotherhood of the Serpent spanned. “What is wrong? Muro will be dealt with, as promised.” Mr Harimatsu explained to Satoshi. “We are also here to seek justice for those who cannot fend for themselves.” Mr Okachi interrupted coldly, glaring at Satoshi with a matter-of-fact expression written on his face as he reminded himself of the fact that Hinata was gone, seemingly for good but she knew better than to break down after having won against her violator. “Come, Muro… even if this moon look over us, your Father requires you.” Mr Harimatsu said calmly as Satoshi looked absolutely enraged, realising precisely what was happening. “Looks like I am trapped.” Muro said sarcastically but this sarcasm was a mask for his fear; reminding himself of the moment when a thousand snakes molested his very body unwillingly, causing him severe pain but great power. This… would be the exact same. Since he couldn’t move… he spoke the incantation "मैं, वासुकी की शक्ति का वाहक, उसे इस शापित दुनिया में छोड़ दूंगा ताकि नागलोक एक बार फिर वापस आ सके! (main, vaasukee kee shakti ka vaahak, use is shaapit duniya mein chhod doonga taaki naagalok ek baar phir vaapas aa sake! - "I, bearer of the power of Vasuki, shalt release him unto this cursed world so Nagaloka can return once more!"). Satoshi looked absolutely enraged and annoyed, only for the transformation to stop. “WHO ARE YOU?!” Satoshi screamed, and upon this being uttered, Mr Harimatsu calmly glanced at him. “Memories can indeed be unendingly assaulting to its participant but they can be controlled. We will meet again, Satoshi. Know that.” Mr Harimatsu said softly as he and Okachi walked away, never to be seen again.

Chapter Ten[]

Satanika made his appearance to Beiping where he noticed a beautiful white temple that was made of clearly otherworldly materials with two snakes being adorned on the door as a man who was bald and wore orange robes sauntered by him. “So this is the famed White Temple of Beiping. Ashoka’s legacy.” Satanika said arrogantly. “Why are you here? For what purpose?” Xuanye said as he looked at the three brothers. “I take it Vasuki has been revived?” Xuanye asked as Satanika smiled. “Indeed… die.” Satanika said as Xuanye had the door surround and crush him, only for a bright light to surround the area. “You will let me free.” Satanika menacingly said as Xuanye then summoned a huge stream of fire at him. “Tashaniseif*ckusarenaideir (他者に征服されないでいる, literally meaning: Remaining Unconquered by Others).” Satanika said, negating the effect of the flames on him. “This door…” Satanika thought to himself.

“This is the last gate of the Temple but only heads of the Temple can access it. Lord Ashoka cast this door himself, having sealed two Snakes that threatened this area when it was much more non-built.” Xuanye explained as he bowed to the door, cupping his hands as cosmic energy went into it. “It is good that Lord Ashoka defeated thee after defeating Ryujin, the first Dragon King and the “originator” of the Nagaloka in a titanic battle there when he was in his early thirties, destroying and shattering the world to its core, saving all of the Six Realms. But this place was cursed by Ashoka to hide its truest items behind these sealed doors as it is a domain of gifts." Xuanye initially explained with a soft smile adorned on his face as he was then crushed by eight pillars, before forcing him to open the door as he noticed six guards with jade spears in stone armour and helmets that was ancient, well before his time. “We are the Guardians of the Final Gate of the Beiping Temple, known as Padmanabhaswamy. As we were fought in a previous life by Satoshi, we wilt grant thee passageway to what ye seek. Ask not any questions.” The first Guardian said. “I am the guard, alongside we, are thus the guardians of the Six Realms.” The guard said as he bowed down and took off his helmet as did the others; revealing skeletal heads to Satanika’s shock as they all pointed at the scroll above them that was held in a snake’s mouth as he was visibly shocked. “This technique… this scroll… its Ashoka’s damned scroll.” Satanika thought to himself as upon touching it, a seal surrounded the floor. “My future?! I can’t see… this is forcing my death upon me! Damn you, Ashoka!” Satanika screamed as a cursed seal surrounded him, forcibly teleporting him into the realm of the snowy mountains where Ashoka stood above him. “You never should’ve done that, Satanika.” Ashoka said coldly as Satanika looked absolutely horrified. “I will survive… my dream will win. Muro will be my rightful vessel.” Satanika said arrogantly with Ashoka coldly smiling. “Even so… thy decision-making will be in error.” Ashoka said, before using Isitva and Narakan Knives to simply “kill” Satanika, knowing he could be revived at any moment by Muro if the right buttons were pressed. “Father is dead?!” Muro asked himself in shock. “Is something wrong, Muro?” Mr Harimatsu asked kindly. “No… I need to go to the Purple Lane… immediately.” Muro said coldly as Harimatsu gave him permission to do so with him then appearing 2 hours later in front of Aloa’s door. “Hello, Poison Ivy, its me.” Muro said as he slithered his tongue, knowing he would win. The Brotherhood would still win. “Muro is alive?” Aloa asked herself before considering her future options. “Come in.” Aloa said calmly and resolutely, allowing her boyfriend to return from the ashes as they immediately kissed without hesitation with Muro tightening his grip on her arms ever so slightly. “Now then… let the games commence.” Yeongjo thought to himself, ready to enact his plan with the Brotherhood of the Serpent now in his grasp.

Now that everyone had gone, Satoshi’s heart sank as his soul shattered. “No… no… no…” Satoshi thought to himself as his Shadow Sword briefly flared up and then died down in mere moments. “Damn it. Why does this have to be one…” Satoshi thought to himself, reminding himself of every good moment he had with Sakura… “Of eternal bloodshed and sacrifice?” Satoshi muttered to himself. They slowly came to terms with the fact that Sakura, a good devil... had seemingly perished and sacrificed her life for love. With that, he reminded himself of his promise to Damien who himself looked aggravated and absolutely enraged upon realising that Sakura, the one girl he loved despite hardly having any contact with her… died. “WHY?!” Damian thought to himself with shock, realising that Muro had betrayed him. Satoshi fell to his knees and broke down crying as he felt broken, as though he heard the wounds of his Brothers and Sakura with Damien realising that he had Hinata for himself. He could use her as a way to manipulate Satoshi but he knew that he couldn’t. He had also lost Sakura like himself. “So Muro… had Sakura die… meaning… that with Hinata… I can end his path of revenge myself.” Damian thought to himself as he knew that Satoshi would be as hurt as he is, ultimately biting his thumb once more to see all the possible futures, as well as all the information of the world, foreseeing the entire future therein.

End of Chapter

Satoshi teleported back to his home which was now empty. A relic of the past as Damien himself knocked on the door. “Satoshi? Are you there?” Damien asked as Satoshi’s tired eyes which were bloodier than ever glanced at the door, wanting to open the door but also wanting to just kill Damien for aiding Muro in kidnapping Hinata. “Yes.” Satoshi said coldly, opening the door as Damien came in, attempting to cheer Satoshi up by any means. “Damian… where is Hinata?” Satoshi asked as Damian’s eyes briefly lit up in shock, forcing himself to hand Hinata over to him with tears now falling out of Satoshi’s eyes upon seeing Hinata, the final legacy that Sakura left him. “Satoshi… I am sorry about what I did with Hinata… and I am sorry for aiding Muro in Sakura’s assault.” Damian said to him softly as Satoshi’s eyes glared at him in visible anger. “Its fine… but you should be glad that I am truly exhausted… but I am sorry for failing your promise.” Satoshi said as his Shadow Sword glowed. “Satos-!” Damian was about to say, sensing a terrifyingly dark energy surrounding Satoshi as he immediately used Godly Sight to see the World of Darkness and then see ten shadowy figures. “Damn it! Satoshi’s gone insane! This is bad!” Damian thought to himself as he immediately summoned both wings of Saint George as even Thomas and those of the Purple Lane sensed a terrifyingly dark aura. Satoshi’s eyes became blank balls of light as he looked at Satoshi in horror, as his eyes were now a purple crown and a five-sided star, as a large ritual circle. “Now it is time… to allow Myself to take control.” A mysterious voice also said, as the Shadow Sword’s gem began to forcefully turn itself into an Eye on his own volition, as Satoshi then felt himself teleporting into a world of infinity wherein a dark energy existed as multiple shadow-like creatures showed themselves as Satoshi's eyes immediately glowed white. “SATOSHI!” Damian screamed in horror as Hinata was immediately teleported to the School and specifically his dorm where Hajime and Ferdinand were. “Dami-!” Ferdinand asked as he had Hinata in hand who was visibly terrified. “I’ll take care of her.” Hajime said kindly.

It was as though he saw this in the Past and the Future. “Now then… time to kill them.” Satoshi said to himself; his eyes being devoured by the symbols of purple stars as the shadowy creatures came into focus. “Who are you?” Satoshi asked as the shadowy creatures were 7 in total. “We are the Monarchs of Darkness… why art thee, a human of low proportions here?” One of the creatures spoke, a scorpion who bore an extremely long stinger, dripping with a purple glow as though it was eternally dripping like a tap of water constantly dropping. “Move, Hag. Before you die a painful death at My hand.” Satoshi’s voice said with Hag noticing Satoshi’s eyes glowing with two star-like symbols in each of his eyes with the Shadow Sword soon firing huge slashes of raw energy at the scorpion who was barely able to dodge them. “How is a human able to withstand the World of Darkness even for a moment? Death should be instantaneous!” Hag thought to himself as he hardly ever took notice of the sword within Satoshi, no, the King’s hands only to then be sucked into the Shadow Sword to Mag’s horror who immediately tried to use Hands of the King, failing miserably as Satoshi appeared to teleport behind her. “You are truly an ape’s fool, Mag.” Satoshi said as she was mercilessly sliced in half with him implanting the Sword into the ground and releasing the Ritual Circle which spread on the ground and Mag screamed, only to be devoured in chains of raw, untempered darkness as she smiled, using Ominous Nebula to try and force him into the circle with her. “Do you want to die, Mag-got?” Satoshi then coldly said, as she looked into his eyes purely by mistake, paralysing her very movements where she was purely burnt by shadowy flames with Hag looking amazed yet absolutely horrified. "You are not the King!" Hag screamed as Satoshi then fired waves of dark energy at Hag and Mag who looked horrified, pulling him in and then crushing him with shadowy hands, however the Shadow Sword forced Satoshi to break out. "Regret will consume you." Satoshi said coldly. "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT, KING!" Hag screamed as he teleported Mag away, knowing that this battle against Satoshi would be immensely hard. "Šabuy Taqfa (Scorpion Pincer)!" Hag screamed with him firing his claws at Satoshi who dodged the attack without much, if any, effort. "You will never be King, Satoshi." Hag continued to say, using more power as Satoshi then pressed the Ritual Circle into the ground. "This place... is infinite in size. Therefore, using the Shadow Sword, I should be able to damage him.” Satoshi thought to himself, only for Hag to then disappear, being so quick that he couldn’t be perceived to Satoshi’s vision. “You humans should have never accessed our realm!” Hag said as Satoshi coldly smiled, firing a beam of Mana from his Shadow Sword with Hag then using the Scorpion Stinger to attack Satoshi once more, using the World of Darkness in the form of a barrier by converging his tail unto itself, as he attacked the clone only for him to dodge without any effort. “He can also use this world in the form of a barrier?” Satoshi asked himself as Hag quickly fired his claws straight at Satoshi who continued to use the Shadow Sword to attack him and then use continuous slashes of dark energy which attacked Hag who used the Guardian of Darkness to defend himself, firing more claws only to continuously regenerate however Satoshi continued to mercilessly dodge. “Stop thyself, Hag. This will not end well. Scar of Shadow.” Satoshi said coldly as Hag felt all of his wounds manifesting upon his body, seeing himself burned, sliced, cut, manipulated, controlled, etc. "How dare ye!" Hag screamed in outrage and sheer pain, realising that his death was going to be swift and without remorse or recourse. "I can heal... albeit barely thanks to the nature of that damned Sword! Why did he have to murder us?!" Hag screamed as Satoshi remained emotionless and cold to the bone. It appeared as though ice had frozen his soul. In this World, negativity and hatred alone ruled] “What on earth have ye done?!” Hag screamed in disgust and rage as Satoshi coldly smiled, as though his apathy became non-existent with Hag sensing his tail becoming damaged and ultimately erased from existence. “Scar of Shadow allows me to reopen ALL of the mental, emotional, conceptual, psychological and physical wounds a person has ever received in their lives.” Satoshi coldly explained, continually attacking and mocking Hag’s very existence, knowing that Mag was inevitably the next to die. “Harm her not!” Hag begged, pleading for his life as he was clearly on death’s door, only for Satoshi to coldly smile and give him a second chance. “So Hag is the scorpion whereas Mag is some monstrosity who can control Mana which is the very heart, mind, soul and the like. Given that Hag is a scorpion, grabbing his pincers will be effective although given his physiology, he can’t likely damage me as the apparent ‘True’ World of Darkness. Therefore, she is powerful but it doesn’t mean that I can’t kill Hag without much effort.” Satoshi thought to himself as Hag knew his chances of survival were diminishing rapidly however his will to exist was not burning up whatsoever. "Your will to live is admittedly admirable in form. But still... in comparison to Me, you are a mere ant to an elephant, tap-dancing while I control thy movements." Satoshi said without a single shred of empathy. "HOW HAVE YOU NO EMPATHY, BOY OF LIGHT?! HOW?!" Hag screamed in rage and absolutely annoyance. "Why would I even want to bother myself with you, brat?" Krun said as Hag's eyes looked frightened, his movements scarpered. He was trapped in a world of his own making. "World of Mana - Scorpion Stinger!" He screamed as he trapped Satoshi in a world of Mana, using his claws and stinger simultaneously to do enough damage to conceptually remove Satoshi's soul with him simply laughing. "I warned you, wretched beast. Keep your claws away and scuttle. Yet you insist." He spoke coldly yet menacingly. This was it. Satoshi then said Shadow Planet, creating an orb which fired above Hag and became the planet Jupiter. “Thou art lucky that we are fighting here because if not, the entire world you know as Earth would be erased. The countries of England and America would be drowned in the oil I summon from my stinger wretched brat!” Hag screamed still in annoyance as he then forced his Stinger to “look” up, summoning his Mana into what appeared to be a meteor. “Šabuy Parqitha: Hbes-ḏ-Piqy (Scorpion Stinger: Pinch of Meteor) with Satoshi looking absolutely amazed and horrified. “Oh? He’s using that ability, hm? You should be careful eh, Satoshi? That technique could wipe out the entire planet if it struck it. It can also… wipe away memories and genetics!” Zartai-Zartanai explained with Satoshi flying upwards and then saying “Shadow Key”, summoning a purple door in front of the meteor, blowing it up. “WHAT?!” Hag screamed in sheer rage and horror. "Why are you so bestial, boy?" Satoshi asked, constantly mocking Hag and his existence. It appeared as though Hag couldn't catch a break whatsoever (which he couldn't) and as soon as Satoshi rushed towards him at full speed, he used Scorpion Stinger, erasing himself from existence (wherein he teleported to his beloved sister, Mag) with Satoshi then glaring at Zartai-Zartanai, surely ready to fight him however he knew that he had to kill Mag first. "What are you looking at, wretched boy?" Satoshi asked as Zartai looked genuinely annoyed but remained calm, not wanting to anger the King any further as he walked past him, feeling a presence of true darkness. A higher-dimensioned being. "Just what is he?" Zartai asked himself. "Know that the Shadow Lane... the Purple Lane is devoured in the World of Darkness.... the Kings will wreak havoc upon you." Zartai said coldly, intending to make his presence known with Satoshi then briefly glaring at him from the corner of his eye. "I see... they are foppish... let them come and kneel." Satoshi said.

This body manifested 6 other clones to attack Ptahil, Ur, Zartai, Mag, Hag with the original clone made to attack Krun. The 5 metopes (pillars in Greek) glowed with purple writing that clearly read the names of each of the Monarchs of Darkness, with all the clones barring the original walking in as Mag looked shocked, wanting revenge for what Satoshi did to her brother. “Oh, King of the Shadows, isn’t this cute?” All of the shadowy creatures asked Krun, now finally noticing that the Shadow Sword was clearly weaker than what it should have been thanks to Krun taking away the power of the Ritual Circle, surely connected to himself. “These clones are of equal potency… no… weaker by 1 to 90%.” Mag thought as Idahatha-ḏ-Malka activated, with the clone firing a Gatling gun at the creature who laughed, passively phasing through the attacks. “Fool! Conventional attacks work not, nor including the control of space or time for they doth not exist here!” Mag explained only for the clone to immediately strike at her at full speed, fully intending to damage her with a mysterious blue energy surrounding his being as she had no choice but to go all out. “This final attack would crush the entire world that you know… even if you could kill Giu and Gaf, who can surely destroy galaxies but still… this will end thee! HANDS OF THE TRUE KING!” Mag screamed as Hag tried to use Scorpion Stinger on him… only for both clones to paralyse both demons simultaneously as they then re-emerged into one clone with Satoshi casually being able to dodge the hands as he did so already with Mag then pulling Hag away from herself and using him as bait, combining this by simultaneously pulling Satoshi into Hag's grasp. "Now, you die!" He screamed with him then subconsciously passing through Hag's being, seeing only bundles of Mana combined to make an entity as Mag used Hands of the King once again to try and grasp him. "I am impressed you can even gaze at me without dying, wretched girl." Satoshi said. "How dare you speak to me and my brother like that!" Mag said coldly, instantly attempting to curse him or grab him however Satoshi still phased through the ground, appearing behind her... only for her to then respond by using Hands of the King around herself. “I really do need a new sword after this one could deactivate. All possibilities are probable. Although, considering my weapons such as the minigun wouldn’t work… Without the Circle, I can’t truly do anything although… using my kunai wouldn’t do anything. There are far too many unknowns. Could using the Black Hole missile work? I have to give it a shot. Missile - Gravitational Void: Air Raid.” Satoshi thought to himself as he fired a missile from his wrist that, upon making contact with the ground, began to do something only for Mag to calmly smile. “Tsk. Did you honestly keep thinking that such a strategy would work? Looking into thy vision was my first mistake! Combination Art: Ominous Nebula…” Mag said, attempting to suck Satoshi into the black hole, that of his own creation. "Sucking me in to my own creation, eh?" Satoshi calmly asked, only for 9 hands to also surround him, warping the black hole completely and thereby crushing it, leading to the clone to undergo drastic measures as he knew that he had to take a risky option otherwise he would inevitably die as he then saw the 9 hands splitting the Black Hole into 9 equal portions and firing it straight at Satoshi who tried to blitz her once again only for Ominous Nebula to continually pull him into her demonic grasp. "Scorpion Stinger of the Pull of Darkness!" They both said, combining Mana within Scorpion Stinger and Mag's hands. "Damn it! Her pulling force defies all notions of gravitational theories including that damn Newton's Laws. This means... that she has infinite mass per every strike however… if I can strike her once, she will inevitably lose!” Satoshi thought to himself confidently with Mag simply smiling peacefully, having just read his mind. “You are foolish even if you are our King. I can use Ominous Nebula… to read thy mind by focusing the air within you and pulling it towards thee!” Mag said, her teeth dripping with glee and a decorum of lust-based hatred towards Satoshi with her then using the opportunity to pull him forward as Hag balanced this by constantly stinging him in vital points. “You’re knowledgeable… on human physiology?” Satoshi asked sarcastically as Hag simply laughed, barely cracking a smile on his scorpion-ridden face with Mag then seeing the Shadow Sword attempt to strike her without any real difficulty however Hag took the attack for her. “HAG!” Mag screamed in horror as blood ripped through his being (Mana is the blood of those in the World of Darkness :D) however Mag knew that going with the same strategy was ultimately pointless. “Wretched bitch!” She screamed, immediately using Mana to speed her next attack up with Satoshi immediately responding by using Shadow Slash as he was forced to move back, realising that he had few options. "Gem of Mercy." Satoshi thought to himself, teleporting away and becoming invisible with Hag then sensing this, albeit so barely that he couldn't respond to the flurry of attacks that would come his way. “Shadow Sword: Ultimate Destruction - Demon’s Trap.” Satoshi thought to himself as a demonic hand, not unlike the one summoned before in the Red Lane, with Satoshi witnessing dark energy that surrounded the demonic hand, increasing it in size as Mag then immediately countered with Hands of the King that were now mountain-sized, intending to collapse the hand that towered over her. "You bear his power? Just what are you? A boy of light... or darkness?" Mag asked, slowly becoming terrified as Satoshi stood atop the hand, his purple eyes staring her down as Hag was still bleeding heavily, attempting to heal by using Mana, but this was slowly becoming an option of great uselessness considering the gravity of the situation he put himself in. "We're going to die." Mag said to Hag who simply steeled himself, intending to sacrifice himself as Satoshi then just forced the hand to bind Mag and Hag, only for Satoshi to then use this opportunity to continually attack the two Monarchs of Darkness. “Look into my eyes.” Satoshi asked calmly as Mag dared not do so, the fear that went into her being and heart undermined her being… the same that could perhaps destroy the infinite universes and worlds of the World of Darkness as she saw a man, a truly demonic visage when he gazed at Satoshi; with pulsating, bloodshot red eyes, a blackened form, a man only covered in shadows, the shadows of the valley of death with a hat covering the man’s innocuously non-existent head with her passing out of true fear. “OMINOUS NEBU-!” She then said, turning herself into a black hole that could devour a few of the worlds of Darkness with Hag looking utterly enraged as he felt himself becoming immensely weak, both emotionally and physically. “Look into my eyes.” Satoshi then said, releasing the Demonic Hand. Hag looked slightly shocked as he tried to resist this genjutsu of ultimate renown. “Scorpion Stinger!” Hag screamed as upon attacking him, Satoshi simply dodged it once again. "Scorpion Stinger: Scorching Annihilation (Šabuy Parqitha: Šaita Mutana)!" Hag then said as Satoshi now was actually forced to dodge this attack with him then summoning what appeared to be dark energy in hand, as Hag realised that something was going to happen. "His plan... its..." Hag thought to himself as he saw a mysterious dark energy surrounding Satoshi’s hand, freezing his stinger for good with the clone looking stunned briefly as he tried to activate Mana only for the Mana to never activate by way of the mysterious dark energy constantly nullifying it. With that, Hag looked absolutely terrified, realising that he was going to die, only to slash him into pieces, ultimately erasing him from existence as Satoshi then absorbed him and Mag into himself. "Zartai-Zartanai... you're next." Satoshi coldly said. “Thou art wretched, O King of Darkness!” Zartai-Zartanai screamed as he immediately tried to summon a barrier of pure Darkness with Ur, the Dragon of Darkness firing at him from all angles from above. “RUHA! ATTACK!” Zartai-Zartanai screamed in rage as she remained silent, the Matriarch of the Soul was she. “If he really is the King of Darkness but in a human vessel of small proportions henceforth, doth he bear the power of the Ruler?” Zartai asked himself only to be haunted by a demonic visage when he gazed at Satoshi; with pulsating, bloodshot red eyes, a blackened form, a man only covered in shadows, the shadows of the valley of death with a hat covering the man’s innocuously non-existent head. “What are you?!” Zartai asked with him then being mercilessly slashed even as he tried to twist the World of Darkness in order to defend himself. “That sword of yours harms the Worlds of Darkness, wretched King.” Zartai then screamed in rage as his neck was grabbed. “Do you want to dance as well?” Satoshi asked coldly as Zartai smiled, snapping his fingers, making himself phase through the next attack Satoshi was about to do. “He is able to phase through things?” Satoshi asked himself from within; his body controlled by an entity of raw shadow and darkness only for Zartai to then disappear. “NOW!” He screamed as Ruha looked visibly saddened, using Soul Battalion to make all the Lords of Darkness including the now-deceased Hag and Mag to become illusory. "So they can become illusions and false in form?" Satoshi asked him as Zartai immediately tried to attack him, using the power of Mana to attack him. "Do you genuinely think you are capable of actually beating me?" Satoshi asked as Zartai then tried to use more Mana to mercilessly attack Satoshi, firing what appeared to be bullets of Mana directly at Satoshi, and then combining Sumqaq: Haila ḏ-hšuka (Poisoned Well: Power of Darkness) with this, fully attempting to poison him conceptually by attacking what his body was. "He's attacking my concept, no, my very soul?" Satoshi thought to himself with Zartai continuing to use the bullets in tandem with summoning a bow and arrow of darkness. “Surely, these arrows are those of the concept of darkness!” Zartai-Zartanai said as he immediately was forced to fire volleys of arrows at Satoshi who countered by using the power of Mana in such a way where his very being and soul was amplified to the nth degree, allowing himself the chance to be both immortal and utterly invincible and the next time that Satoshi attacked him, he used Sumqaq: Haila ḏ-hšuka (Poisoned Well: Power of Darkness) within his hands and bode. "My hands... they're burning? Why? Is this another effect of that techn-!" Satoshi asked himself as his eyes glowed white, seeing two people; one of whom had this very same ability to an immeasurably higher degree to where the other man's hands were cooked (that is too say, so badly burned that a human could say that they were surely cooked and utterly mangled without doubt; and as this Moment occurred, Zartai kicked him in the face so hard that he nearly knocked him out although Satoshi mostly remained standing thanks to the power of the Shadow Sword as Ruha watched on in slight surprise, but knew that Zartai was indeed fodder in comparison to her. Although... as soon as he tried the attack again, Zartai felt his foot phase through Satoshi as he heard a "sound" of sorts, confirming his suspicions. "He also has another ocular power aside from possession itself, eh? Is there anything he doesn't have?" He asked himself, ultimately allowing himself to go through Satoshi's hand as though it were a translucent or transparent form that lacks any notion of physicality or even spatio-temporality. "Is he... truly beyond the humane notion of what they called dimensions? Space... time... at such a young age?" Zartai thought to himself with visible fear, forcing Mana to run into and through his feet as a means of defence whilst getting strength. "With this tactic, he will inevitably lose in terms of sure strength therein." Zartai thought to himself as he failed to realise that the Ritual Circle that he dodged before was underneath him in an invisible form. "Now.... you will inevitably be sealed by my hand." Satoshi said calmly as Zartai looked genuinely annoyed and enraged. "Do you truly think you, someone like you can even hope to attack someone like me?" Zartai asked calmly. "I have no choice. I am the Mana of the World of Darkness (Ana id Mana-d-Alma-ḏ-hšuka)” Zartai-Zartanai thought to himself, amplifying himself to his physical maximum. "World of Light: Heavenly Hellfire (Laia Šaiul)." He said as he could destroy a world of the World of Darkness in this form, wherein his form became transcendental light... only for Satoshi to immediately respond by cutting his hands off however... Zartai was unable to regenerate only for him to then manifest his true power in that moment as Satoshi looked visibly surprised. "Farheil: Hellfire." Zartai-Zartanai said, summoning a heavenly horse to attack Satoshi who responded by using the State of Brahman and utterly overpowering the power that Zartai had, ultimately summoning what appeared to be cosmic energy that devoured his being. "What are you doing? How are thee defying me with my universe-ending power?!" Zartai screamed as he tried to use Mana only for it to fail miserably in the face of Satoshi's transcendent power of the cosmos which defied Zartai's power with Ruha looking visibly shocked, if not impressed. "RUHA! HELP ME!" Zartai screamed with Satoshi then using the Shadow Sword to continually strike Zartai, causing blood-like ayar (aether) to spill down his being, however Zartai did struggle to fight back but because of how much he was injured, this was pointless with Farheil attempting to attack Satoshi with him then using the Ritual Circle as a form of binding, ensnaring both the horse and his king within chains. "You are not light, Zartai." Satoshi spoke. "I can escape this!" Zartai spoke with intense rage bubbling from within as Satoshi calmly and coldly smiled. "Really?" Satoshi asked mockingly. “Heavenly Hellfire-! Shadow Sword: Ultimate Destruction - Demon’s Trap.” Krun thought to himself as a demonic hand appeared from the Ritual Circle, not unlike the one summoned before in the Red Lane, with Satoshi witnessing dark energy that surrounded the demonic hand, increasing it in size. “Now I only request you do one thing..." Satoshi said as Zartai was stunned since the hand's strength continued to increase seemingly without limit much like the amount of the worlds in the World of Darkness. "Look into my eyes.” Satoshi asked calmly as he dared not do so, but the sheer fear of these words, the very same thing that haunted Mag into the ravenous clutches of death itself… Zartai's Mana was hopeless to stop this, for this was no illusion... yet it was all the same that could perhaps destroy the infinite universes and worlds of the World of Darkness as he saw a man. "Who are you? A drug-fuelled demon?!" He asked as he saw a truly demonic visage when he gazed at Satoshi; with pulsating, bloodshot red eyes, a blackened form, a man only covered in shadows, the shadows of the valley of death with a hat covering the man’s innocuously non-existent head. The man turned. Zartai's soul, "brain" and "heart" were affected as if they were frozen in undue stasis. With that, Zartai felt the life suck itself out of him with his neck being eternally hung on the noose of mortality. "......." The Man said, speaking true incomprehensibility in the form of language and humane phenomena as Zartai felt like screaming. "Have you danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?" The man coldly asked as Zartai's eyes showed true terror and hollowed out with his death now coming at the hands of someone he thought he could attack. "Damn you, one who is the King of this place." Zartai thought to himself as Satoshi menacingly smiled, now satisfied.

Ur, the Great Dragon appeared above and fired huge torrents of darkness at Satoshi who simply smiled. "Do you genuinely think you are actually capable of beating Me, Ur?" Satoshi asked as Ur only continued to fire huge torrents of conceptual darkness at Satoshi who was hardly able to dodge them as he then felt the entirety of the ground shattering around him and cracking up, firing it at Ur who looked visibly shocked, using his wings as a means of absolute defence. “It's too bad that I lack Masaru’s incredible strength. Using the Asura Manus could do something but I highly doubt it, considering that the Black hole hardly worked.” Satoshi thought to himself as he tried to fire Shadow Slashes at Ur who laughed this attack off, and instead fired Gate of Darkness: Fall of the World (Šašba ḏ-hšuka: Šra ḏ-alma) at Satoshi who knew he was done for, understanding that he couldn’t do much else... only for him to then say "Shadow Key", forcing a key-like door to appear in front of Ur and attack him, however thanks to his wings, he simply fired a blast of oil at Satoshi who was forced to teleport away and then jump behind Ur to attack, summoning the Ritual Circle underneath him as Satoshi then used Shadow Slash once again, allowing him to summon a "shadow clone" of Ur to attack him. "Dost thou really think that summoning a clone of most renown would do anything?!" Ur asked as Satoshi coldly smiled. "He touched my soul, name and concept... thus that clone is a poor child's manifestation of my visage as the True King of Darkness for I shall eat all things at the end of time with Krun being a mere false King; a deposer of worst form, like a devil in shadowy bane and cloth thenceforth... but still... even with a clone, such a thing can be expected of his Vessel although it will likely be weaker and not equal to me in any capacity of goodness or power from this point onwards. Thus..." Ur thought to himself as the shadow clone used Gate of Darkness. "World of Mana." Ur said coldly. Satoshi looked shocked as he saw an entire replica of the Earth in the form of the Shadow Lane with all its wretched banality and form of wisps and weariness that stretched to the humane notions and knowings of infinity as though it were a book of infinite pages that a reader of flowers would recognise as a dead one. A creature who became dead; and void of any form of conscious thought or even the very word and phenomenon of consciousness in any vain capacity except for a form of power, control and manipulation of one's malicious intent. Verily, this was a world of presumed infinity. “Thanks to mine World of Mana, I bore the self-predicated ability to return to life whenever I will it to happen. For the World of Mana alloweth me to expand the range of my Mana to its limits, ranging to the surety of the entirety of Creation. I will use this to curse thee to twenty-thousand years of stone and petrification of absolute annihilation!” Ur then said as Satoshi felt his energy being absorbed but not his very being within this World of Mana as he felt his clothing slowly turning to stone. "Dost thou think such a technique could ever hope to hurt the King?" Satoshi coldly asked as Ur smiled, knowing this could even harm him. "Shadow Sword: Universe of Mana - Shadow Slash!" Satoshi himself spoke as he forced the Ritual Circle to manifest a Universe of Mana as a form of added protection and attack. "This world can handle this due to its infinity! On thy earth, you would have barely scratched a small country, nay, a mere town of that Purple-Shadow Lane!" Ur said as Satoshi was slightly shocked. "Fall of oil." Ur then said, forcing oil to continually regenerate and regurgitate from his stomach, firing it at Satoshi once more in the form of what seemed to be orbs; however thanks to the nature of the Shadow Sword, he would be mostly unharmed. "Thou art a wretch of a human." Ur thought to himself as he fired more oil in the form of a huge stream of genuinely dark flames.

Satoshi was forced to use the Ritual Circle as a means of teleportation with the World of Mana still surrounding Ur and the entirety of the place. "He can use the World of Mana as an infinite form of space, as though it is like a rubber band which stretches on forever?" Satoshi asked himself as Ur simply laughed, forcing the flames to fan around Satoshi with the intent to burn him alive with Satoshi slowly realising that using the Ritual Circle would only be used as a means of constant reflection and not as a means to attack, and using the Gem would only allow him to teleport wheresoever he wanted, although he knew that if he didn't use the Shadow Sword's true power, he would inevitably die. "From the black water the King of Darkness was formed, and emerged through his own evil nature. He waxed strong, mighty, and powerful, he called forth and propagated a thousand thousand evil generations without limit and myriad ugly creations beyond count. That King of Darkness assumed all the forms of the creatures of the world: the head of the lion, the body of the dragon, the wings of the eagle, the back of the tortoise, the hands and feet of a monster. He walks, he crawls, creeps, flies, screams, is rude, threatening, roars, groans, gives (insolent) winks, whistles, and knows all the languages of the world. When he wants he stretches his body, and when he wants he makes himself small. He moves his handamh “membrum” in and out, and owns (the genitals) of men and women. And when he shakes (perceives?) all the mysteries, he rages with his voice, his word, his smoke, his breath, his eyes, his mouth, his hand, his leg, his strength," Ruha noted as Ur simply scoffed and coldly smiled, revealing his darkened teeth therein, knowing this battle was just beginning as he forced the flames he once summoned to immediately spawn on Satoshi's very being, forcing the Dark Samurai Armour to manifest on instinct as a form of protection. "Using the Okami... will fail me?" Satoshi thought.

Despite this feeling of slight fear, he steeled himself and tied seven knots around him and wrapped him with twelve veils. He bound him with the great voice and fettered him with a fetter so the seven zahriria flashes (or: flames) departed him. He flung his club and struck him and split his head. He made him shriek like a woman and made him weep like a child. He made dung into his food and urine into his drink and extinguished his devouring and destroying fire. He deprived him from his lust (or: greed) and clothed him with wrath. "Let us end: Talga-ḏ-pil: Niṭufta ḏ id arqa ḏ-nhaša (Fall of Ice: Cloud of the World of Copper!" Ur then screamed, causing ice to erupt from the endless ground of the World of Darkness. "Thus, Ur will inevitably awaken Nāṣerutā, also spelled Naṣirutha, means true enlightenment, usually used to describe: divine wisdom and knowledge. The goal of Nāṣerutā is to understand the Truth of Life (Kušța d-Hiia) and to live within it throughout eternity. Nāṣerutā reveals the Divinity of Life and enlightenment in the course of a person's life on earth thereby creating eternal life, compassion and peace." Ruha thought to herself as her child was a demon; with the extradimensional ice covering the surface with a thin layer of frost with the ground inevitably erupting, forcing Satoshi to be frozen with the Shadow Sword slowly pouring Mana into Satoshi to cool himself down and thaw himself out of this ice which was only amplified the World of Mana. "904 chains of Zenyā." Satoshi then said as Ur coldly laughed, glaring at Satoshi with mountains quaking in fear as the ice was fired into the air. "Not even the notion of true infinites... could ever dare bypass me." Ur said as the icicles then finally fired down with Satoshi looking horrified since he knew that this would be the end if he didn't do anything. Would this be the end of this journey? "You are never the true King!" Ur screamed and as soon as the icicles struck him, a man with spectacles appeared.

“So this is how I am going to di-!” Satoshi thought to himself as an orange-red wing covered his eyesight with even Ruha looking amazed. “You wouldn’t hit a guy with spectacles such as myself, good sir?” Damian said calmly as Ur looked shocked, witnessing a huge dragon covering Satoshi’s eyesight. “How did he-?!” Satoshi thought to himself as Damian grabbed his hand and placed him onto Saint George as Damian’s dragon had now revealed itself; a large behemoth who had dark orange skin with white flames rupturing from both sides of his mouth, as Satoshi’s eyes flashed, seeing when he met a dragon and gave him a black staff… as well as a different memory, where he saw himself riding Saint George without Damian as he looked shocked. "You are an evil man, son of an evil man" (biša br biša)." Damian then said as Ruha was visibly amazed, if not stunned by this appearance. “Now then… St George… let's get somewhat serious and end him.” Damian said as both creatures clashed violently only for Damian to move his hands upwards, sending the Dragon upwards along only for Ur to use his Mana to immediately try and end the two. “You two are fools! I am the King of Darkness! What can humans like thee do?” Ur asked as the Dragon then flapped its wings violently, creating a humongous whirlwind which hardly did anything to the Black Dragon. “You really are a pain in the backside!” Damian said as Satoshi summoned the mysterious matter from before to attack Ur who responded by using his wings to defend himself; huge winds boiling from around the three with Satoshi using his Eye and perhaps even genjutsu to rid himself of this damned Dragon. "If I have to use that, then let it be done." Ur thought to himself as Damien immediately used Draconic Sight to observe whatever Ur's weakness was. "This beast is untamed." Damien thought to himself coldly.

"Šahrat." The clone of Ur said, summoning a huge winged spaceship that could ferry and remove souls faster than the speed of light with Ur looking genuinely surprised. "Wretched boy." Ur thought to himself in disgust and sheer terror, shudder did he! “Damien… I have a plan… Use Sakura’s necklace… it could do something.” Satoshi asked calmly, activating what was left of his Shadow Sword’s power as Damian looked shocked, with his and Saint George’s eyes glowing a blood red. “My soul is being affected… but as a man of chivalrous strength, he surely hath a weakness in the silver bullet of the Moon. This was crafted from my grandfather’s life force, passed through the male lineage of Alanis ever since he died.” Damian thought to himself as he held the bullet in the wrist of his long-sleeved shirt. “St George, fire from the skies! Draculus Meteora - Rising Burst!” He said as meteors were firing from the Dragon’s mouth, as Ur looked visibly surprised, witnessing this attack actually doing damage. “That attack could have likely destroyed Akaria… just how powerful is he? I must apologise afterwards, no doubt.” Satoshi thought to himself, only to feel himself being attacked conceptually although his soul was still never damaged. “Godly Sight.” He thought as St George’s eyes turned from red to green, as Damien saw what the Dragon could see as he smiled, as his eyes turned to grey only to be able to see through Ur’s innards. “This energy… its so dark yet so… transcendental. Otherworldly. Extradimensional.” Damian thought to himself as Satoshi was slightly amazed by this usage of the meteors, specifically harkening back to the days of the Tournament a few years prior. "That can never harm me! Oil Bath!" Ur said, devouring the icy ground in oil which could burn entire trees and forests, surpassing anything that Mag herself could ever hope to achieve with Damien himself feeling the heat. "Thy timelessness will not save thee." Ur said in disgust and sheer disgrace. Was he right?

Satoshi got up and readied himself for the killing blow, immediately summoning purple threads around the Dragon’s claws. “Dracolus Transformix: Scalar.” He said as the dragon blasted flames from his underbelly onto his hand, turning the bullet into an orb of light, as this red ball that was the size of a country with ease was fired at him as a world of darkness manifested from behind Damian in an attempt to attack him as he fired the orb into Ur’s centre of mass. “GO AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT!” Satoshi screamed as Damian looked shocked. “Isn’t that impos-! No! This realm isn’t a realm… it's a World of infinite possibilities… it's like Xiaoyu’s world of Azraphael. Time nor space lacks existence or meaning here. The only reason you’re even moving at all is either due to the necklace and Sakura’s heritage as you saw during her argument with Masaru… or due to your dragon perhaps coming from a place beyond time as a word. This place… is beyond what those from the 21st century and after called the 10th Dimension… my eyes and yours can see into these beings. Trust me on this!” Satoshi said as Damian was visibly taken aback only to calm himself with Satoshi’s titanium boots manifesting rocket-like fire from it, immediately rushing at Ur, with his eyes constantly flashing, seeing the Future to Come as St George also rushed him at Damian’s full speed and slashed at Ur, nearly doing some damage only for Ur to laugh despite being somewhat damaged. "You really think you can win against the two of us, huh?" Damien asked with a slight sense of pomp and arrogance, surely befitting of the British he was as Ur glared at him. "Gate of Darkness: Fall!" Ur said, breathing out concentrated amounts of Mana in a surefire attempt to poison the two combatants with seeming success as Damien used Saint George's wings as a means to defend him, combining that with orange flames to damage Ur in a form of a counter-attack yet this failed miserably as Ur simply used his wings to shield himself calmly.

He appeared on his underside, slashing both his wings with enough strength to end multiple galaxies, if not many worlds. “HOW?!” Ur asked himself as ice and fire of seven universes blew out of his underside and mouth immediately with Saint George using the techniques of the Dragons: Dracolus Tapier to defend himself and Damian, stopping the attack’s “time” with Ur screaming in absolute rage. "I will use this to curse thee to twenty-thousand years of stone and petrification of absolute annihilation! Ye wilt die in a short time of a few years!” His last action seemingly was as Damian and Satoshi realised that death may, once again, be upon them. "Shadow Sword: State of Brahman!" Satoshi said as cosmic energy erupted through all the worlds of Darkness that existed without true limit and forced them to explode seemingly. "MULTIVERSE OF MANA!" He screamed as Ruha was absolutely horrified by this grotesque display of power. [he] can control the World of Mana and force himself to become immortal. For Mana… cometh from the Final King of this World… its Original… of whom Satoshi bore stead and control over immortality in a conceptual format, lo. Fail not, for Ur’s World of Mana alloweth him to expand all of his attack in all of their limitless range and thus summon the World of Darkness in the real world, devouring all things in fear, rage, hatred as his is a mere iota of mine own for he used that to become gigantic. He could also fire mountains of darkness from his mouth or wrap the continents of thy known world of Earth within the darkness that he bore, turning fears of the imagination and heart and making such real; unbreakable they were except by those who were stronger than he, thus he could destroy stars". Ruha explained with sheer sadness and genuine shock since she knew that neither boy could survive this although, there may be a way they could. "SATOSHI! USE THAT CIRCLE!" Damian screamed as Satoshi began absorbing Ur into himself, hardly surviving by way of it. "Thus! The great gate of Yasana, the place where a throne has been erected for the builder of the heaven and the earth of the great mountain of flesh" (baba rba ḏ-iasana, dukta ḏ-traṣlḥ kursia l-ban ʿšumia u-arqa ḏ-ṭura rba ḏ-bisra." Ur said as this was seemingly his World of Light form however... even this would not work as Ur was now completely ensnared into the Ritual Circle with his shadow clone being devoured into the darkness of the World of Darkness. Damien grabbed his hand. “You really are the English champion of the Dragon of the West, Arthur.” The clone said as Damian looked visibly stunned without doubt, only for the entire World of Darkness to shake, slowly cracking apart. “Thou hast released the effect of Ur’s death… sacrificing you for the World… and its infinite others… this is it.” Krun said as he knew that he was more powerful than Ur himself without a doubt by a considerable amount. With Damian finally appearing to realise that this Satoshi is a clone, immediately disappearing; helping to fight Ptahil, did he!

He went to help fight Ptahil, firing humongous blasts of flame at the demonic being who laughed at it, for his head was box-like in form and countenance as he smiled, knowing that Satoshi couldn’t defeat him in any way. “He is now at 30% power! That will not be enough to fight the likes of me!” Ptahil thought to himself only for Damien to attack him from above. “Arrows of darkness!” He said, using Mana to teleport behind Damien and mercilessly attack him only for Satoshi to intercept him, sending him back somewhat as a rainstorm of conceptual arrows fired from all angles. “DAMIEN!” Satoshi screamed as he barely had enough speed to actually divert the arrows for he was standing atop the Dragon with Ptahil smiling. “YOU ARE WEAK! BLACK WATER!” He screamed, summoning black water from an invisible sea of eternity and thanks to Ptahil somehow being stronger than Ur as Damien immediately intercepted this attack by using the Power of the Necklace, causing it to inadvertently open and summon a barrage of ice that froze him. “What the?!” Satoshi asked himself, only for his eyes to flash briefly; as the Future to Come showed itself, revealing a boy slightly younger than the present Satoshi wielding this very same necklace and… ice. “You think such hellish ice can even hope to stop the likes of me?! Šaiul (Hellfire)!” Ptahil then screamed, immediately incinerating the Dragon, Damien and Satoshi in dark purple flames, as though the flames were Death itself only for Satoshi to then mysteriously absorb it by way of his hand cannon. “Are you alright?!” Damian asked as Satoshi nodded calmly with him then jumping off of the dragon and trying to use the dregs of the Shadow Sword’s power to mercilessly attack. "World of Mana - End of Life!" Ptahil screamed out, causing a huge amount of mana to flood the entire area with Sakura's necklace then activating on its own. "My mind... its being taken over! No!" Damien thought to himself as ice froze the Mana that tried to strike once more.

“Thou art a sweaty convict. I am Ptahil, thy end.” He said coldly as he resembled a boy in some regard with somewhat similarly messier hair as his face was divided into quarters, with what seem to be glowing purple eyes in the lower two quarters of the face with a sclerae that resembled infinitely cracking darkness; black clothing of a royal regalia being adorned by him. Satoshi's eyes immediately glowed white, for he saw the Future to Come with Ptahil smiling menacingly as he was ready to strike Satoshi and Damien simultaneously, combining what appeared to be purple flames with his physical strikes. "Drayi-ḏ-nisba (Arms of Creation)." Ptahil said as he fired arms of raw darkness that had spawned from the Multiverse of Mana that Ur had left behind, only amplifying his range and strike-based potential as Damien dodged them with some difficulty, using Saint George's airborne attacks against the Demon who used Meteoric Burst to constantly attack Ptahil who was forced to use his Mana as a means of constant attack and defence in the form of a purple shield-esque barrier that maintained a sense of pseudo-invulnerability for him. "So he can keep using that energy as a form of power boosting like that Dragon by using the Multiverse of Mana. This place is indeed endless in scope... otherwise that wouldn't make any sense. If I have Saint George use the powers of the Dark Dragon, I can focus any future damage onto him and help Satoshi kill him for good." Damien thought to himself as Ptahil smiled, only to see Satoshi rush in to attack him by using the Shadow Sword. "I am surely impressed for each arm could grab a nuclei of a star and crush such with ease as if parts of the World of Darkness were mere paper for the World doth not obey physics, time, space or even the notion of reason. But I am thus sure that the other lords of Darkness hath told you that prior." Ptahil calmly explained as he teleported in front of Satoshi who used the Ritual Circle to attack him, sealing him.

"You are truly underutilised with thy usage of the true Shadow Power you bear." Ptahil then said menacingly, having now grabbed his right arm and poured his Mana into his arm. "What are you doing? Are you cursing my body parts?" Satoshi asked coldly. "No. As a Lord of Darkness, I have the innate ability to curse thee for any amount of time I will. And petrification is only the beginning. Thy powers can be nullified for any period of time, reality can be altered, for my Mana is verily the cause of the universe." Ptahil then explained as his lower two eyes stared at Satoshi whereas his upper eyes stared at Damien who knew that this battle was going to be very difficult with Mana shields being used against Damien, forcing him to consistently shield himself to defend against the poisonous effects of Mana as Satoshi himself also used the Shadow Sword to constantly summon the Ritual Circle in the form of an attack and supplementary move. "Is he using that damn summoning circle as a type of burial ground?!" Ptahil asked himself, using Arms of Mana and a world of Mana around himself only for Damien to use Excalibur to attack him, with Ptahil using his arm to stop the sword strike from further penetrating his skin. "This next attack may not work but doing it on Damien is needed." Ptahil asked himself, using his Mana within the sword and forcing it into Damien. "My name…- I curse thee Damien… to become naught. Thy name and its corresponding meanings are null and void." Ptahil said calmly, causing Damien to lose the very idea, concept, notion or thought of his name as though he forgot it. "Damie-!" Satoshi tried to say as the brown-haired youth then lunged towards Ptahil, perhaps with godless fear in his withdrawn eyes and attacked him with his sword as the demon looked surprised beyond doubt as the boy appeared behind him with the intention to end his enemy right then and there only for Ptahil to bear his Mana in an omnidirectional way as the boy then became invisible to him.

"He became invisible?!" Ptahil asked himself, only for Satoshi to use the Shadow Sword atop Saint George, forcing his eyes to glow purple. "Now then... use the Light of the Dragons." Satoshi said, forcing Saint George's mouth to fire huge bursts of light in an attempt to blind Ptahil as he then teleported directly above Ptahil to attack him. "Shadow Sla-! Creation of the World (Nisba-ḏ-Alma): Tibil-ḏ-nisba (Creation o' the Earth)." Ptahil then said." Ptahil said, forcing ten billion rocks that were secretly the material world in disguise to attack Satoshi so fast that light nor the cornea that receives and absorbs light could respond. His optic nerves could see them.... but not react fast enough to dodge a single one however... Ptahil was wrong. Satoshi had let the rocks phase through him whilst simultaneously forcing the Shadow Sword to summon a Ritual Circle underneath him which was large enough to encapsulate a world, ultimately allowing him to attack Ptahil unfettered and unabashedly as Ptahil then forced these Earths to duplicate by many millions of times with a gesture of his hand through combining his Mana with Ayar (Aether), in the form of a silvery substance from his fingertip as he then clenched his fist, using the Aether within his hand, further summoning rock-like partings out of the Earth to fire at Damien who used Excalibur to attack at every single portion with Saint George instinctively teleporting near him to attack with him firing light whilst Damien himself attacked by using Excalibur in tandem with complete invisibility however Ptahil smiled, forcing the rocks to attack Saint George who used his wings and draconic biology as a means of absolute defense with Ptahil coldly smiling, having the arrogance to think he could win in this scenario. "You really do think that winning is at all possible?" Satoshi asked coldly as though this wasn't him in the physical flesh with Ptahil looking slightly surprised. "Is he the King in the flesh?" He thought.

"I have no choice." Ptahil thought as he then clapped his hands briefly, causing purple energy to surround his entire body as the curse he cast onto Damian maximised itself fully, as the Mana spread all over his face, causing his identity to have completely disappeared. "Now then... it appears I will win." Ptahil said softly, using the Arms of Creation to utterly devour Damien with Saint George taking the brunt of the attacks, only for Damian to then summon Gáe Bolg and throw it at Ptahil who looked slightly surprised, but hardly arrogant in any capacity with Saint George's sight being used for Damian so he could dodge any future attacks with Ptahil then clasping his hands together in order to create more worlds with Satoshi realising that, had it not been for the Shadow Sword and Sakura's necklace, both of the boys would be dead or at least severely injured to the degree where fighting would be pointless as Satoshi continued to strike him with the Shadow Sword, using Shadow Slash to strike at Ptahil. "By striking the lower portion of his face off... he will die. That's what I have to do... I need to use the Shadow Sword and force the Ritual Circle to appear on him, spawning upon him... every attack he engaged unto me and then lead to his inevitable defeat therein. And then... Damien's curse can be removed unless it is already by way of the Dragon constantly helping him in a manner acquainted with that of defense. This will inevitably lead to him being pressured into putting down the wall of Mana he has constantly being used as defense." Satoshi thought to himself as Damian was still emotionless and cold, using his sword as a means of attack, somewhat knowing that tragedy would strike eventually despite the fact that his name was completely erased; although he still attacked Ptahil using Excalibur. "I have to use more power... but using 66% is pointless since doing that would expose more about my technique... using it on both would be needed." Ptahil thought.

"90% Power!" Ptahil then said, causing the very World of Darkness (Multiverse of Mana) to split apart, as Kento himself sensed a dark presence surrounding his every move. "Iama-ḏ-Sup (Sea of Suf)!" Ptahil then screamed, causing a river of Darkness on the highest conceptual level to split the two combatants in terms of distance with Ptahil calmly smiling as though he recognised he had fully won with the Sea casually being able to devour the entire universe-sized earth with the slightest of ease. "This Sea can devour anything in the properties of the World of Darkness: Fear, Hatred, Malice, Calamities, Misfortune and all negative qualities that you humans abide by... to the highest degree imaginable which would then make thee go insane and end all of existence. Poison is merely irrelevant to such a Sea. The very concept of distance would be meaningless in comparison. I wouldn't think about extinguishing it either. Even if you defy logic, such a word cannot apply to this!" Ptahil said, as Damian used the Cochaillín Draíochta to swim through the sea of negativity and pain; with Ptahil using it as a means of defence only for Satoshi to use the Okami in its armoured stage. "Using that is utterly meaningless!" Ptahil screamed, using the water to surround the two boys however they were still defiant. Satoshi summoned another mind-made body but remained calm still, using the clone as a means to jump at Ptahil. "Yardena (River of Life)." He then said forcing the waters to coalesce, annihilating the clone seemingly as the real Satoshi appeared, using the Shadow Sword to strike down Ptahil who looked utterly amazed, just as Damian had used the opportunity to grab onto his leg, which was now oozing with Mana and Ayar, constantly dripping down like silver-tongued snakes ready to pounce at any moment on Damien's nameless bosom and bodily form for he still used Excalibur to attack the Demon, slicing his leg off without doubt as he then tried to set him alight, ultimately failing.

However, this was the beginning for him as he then simultaneously felt himself being cut in half; also feeling his face being fully sliced off. "Damn it! I have no choice! 99% Power!" Ptahil then said as he began releasing a humongous burst of light that shot out of his being, causing Kento to use his arm to block this blinding light only for a primeval, transcendent, dimensionless, timeless and spaceless world to appear, devouring the entire Multiverse of Mana and the World they were in for the briefest of moments. "The World of Light!" Ptahil said as his being was now adorned in pure white with some black markings on his clothing as he then ruthlessly attacked Satoshi with white light from his hands as his hair became white, whilst also trimmings on his lower clothing made from Aether. "Its too bad that the Ruler of Light isn't here to watch me. Oh wait... he is." Ptahil said mockingly as Satoshi was briefly stunned, just enough to be mercilessly struck by arrows of conceptual Darkness. "The Mšunua Kušṭa is my body, for the Dmuta (ideal image) is mine now and forever and even as the Lord of Darkness, I hath now the body of an Uthra. A Guardian of the World of Light in tandem with the World of Darkness' powers. I am absolutely invincible. Fourth Life: Yawar Ziwa (Dazzling Radiance)." Ptahil then said, firing the literal concept and personification of light and radiance at Satoshi with Damian biting his thumb and responding by appearing in front of Satoshi. "So he still hath that power of negation?" Ptahil thought to himself as he then clasped his hand together, summoning five orbs of Darkness that was the Tibil itself once more. "Anana (Heavenly Cloud)." He then thought to himself as he was able to speedblitz Satoshi's perception with his hand feeling a sense of burning upon touching him as a cloud appeared above him, firing raindrops of light and darkness down at both Damien and Satoshi, using the light orbs to trap the young Englishman, only for Damien to smile.

"You are a fool!" Ptahil thought to himself as he noticed the cloud being devoured in a white glow, causing Ptahil to then teleport by using the World of Light, shaping himself into a tree as Saint George observed this and used Draconic Meteor as a means of diversion, although what he failed to realise was that Ptahil was now already behind him, as then noticed him teleporting in front of him. "Gaze of Light!" Ptahil then immediately said, attempting to blind Kento for good as Ptahil felt himself touching a wall of space that was unreachable with mirrors surrounding its every orifice. "This wall... its as though space and time are converging. But in this World of Light, I am king." Ptahil thought of himself, allowing the World of Light to shatter the "wall" with no true effort, only to feel himself moving backwards and forwards, never truly attacking Damien in the way he was about to but doing so all the same. "Genjutsu?!" Ptahil asked as Satoshi coldly nodded. "Monarch of Light." Ptahil thought to himself, activating what appeared to be multiple Uthras (guardians) only for them to return to the World of Light. "I am not the True King of Darkness. Damn thee!" Ptahil thought to himself as beams of light fired themselves at Damien who swiftly dodged each and every single one of them. Ptahil began to smile as he was attacked by mere punches. “This is surely impressive that you can damage me… even though you truly can’t.” Ptahil said as a crown of thorn-esque light surrounded his head; only for Satoshi to then counter the World of Light transformation. "That world is beyond Hell.... the Cosmos if you will." Satoshi thought to himself as Damian coldly smiled. "Fragarach." Damian whispered, summoning a short sword which he forced Ptahil to turn around. "Tell the truth... are you truly the King of Light?" Damian asked menacingly. "You cannot attack me! I am a being of order! CONCEPTS MEAN NOTHING!" Ptahil screamed as Damian still smiled, unrelenting and stubborn.

"I am not the King of Light." Damian heard Ptahil say as he then tried to commit suicide by recreating the entirety of all the Worlds of Darkness with 100% of his power. He then saw Satoshi remove his Okami and then summon a sword in his hand that clearly said “The Secret True King of Light” (Id-ĭšrara-kuštana u sadiq Malka-ḏ-Nhūra) on its hilt and blade. However, upon speaking, it was clear that something else had taken over Satoshi's mannerisms and ways of speech. “You truly did try to become the King of Light. Thou art ignorant, Ptahil. How unfortunate that thy bearer had to end thee. You are observing the true King of Light whose power is thus endless and infinite and he hath control of the true World of Light. The pure brilliance and the great light never end. The distinguished, the ruler with dominion over everything that you stated to bear creation of as the Fourth Life, the master of the upper, middle and lower worlds of light. Now then… face all of the Two Lives before thee in thy end!” Satoshi said as Ptahil felt all of his own, his mother’s and Ur’s actions, movements, thoughts and the like fully going onto himself an infinite amount of times. Fear surrounded him and swallowed him up. “How could you… do this…” He thought to himself, seeing the blade tear into him on a level beyond the word “concept” and “understanding”. Cause, effect and such concepts were now non-existent to him; as even Ruha felt a sense of damage with her eyes looking visibly amazed. "Now then... let us attack Zahreil, the mother and succubus of the World of Darkness. The creator of Ptahil." Satoshi said commandingly as Damian looked absolutely terrified yet stunned at Satoshi's current state of being within the State of Brahman, as though to suggest that this cosmic power had a great impact on the Shadow Sword. Zahr'il waited as she sensed that her son had now died at the hands of Satoshi Fujiwara, the King of Darkness and Damien, the English Champion of the West with her eyes gazing.

"Now then... let us attack Zahreil, the mother and succubus of the World of Darkness. The creator of Ptahil." Satoshi said commandingly as Damian looked absolutely terrified yet stunned at Satoshi's current state of being within the State of Brahman, as though to suggest that this cosmic power had a great impact on the Shadow Sword. Zahr'il waited as she sensed that her son had now died at the hands of Satoshi Fujiwara, the King of Darkness and Damien, the English Champion of the West with her eyes gazing a piercing and haunting sight for any to observe. "You wretched boy!" Zahril screamed out in rage and disgust; obtuse hatred and maliced scorned through her every fibre only for Zahreil to teleport behind in a dark swirl of energy. “World of Mana.” Zahril immediately said, summoning exactly that, only for Damien to reprimand her by using Saint George to try and burn her alive. This act, which seemingly defied Zahreil’s existence caused a massive purple orb to surround her chest, reversing this misfortune and converting it into strength and power. as Damian himself felt himself being burned; as Zahreil then spread her Crisis of Lilith throughout the World of Darkness with Satoshi then using the Shadow Sword on her, firing all the billions of worlds at her as she simply used the same purple orb and utterly nullified any harm given. “World of Mana.” Zahril immediately said, summoning her Mana around Satoshi in the form of a barrier as he saw a new World; an infinite dimension with roiling desiccated clouds as chains immediately bound him. “With Mana… anything can be done.” Zahreil explained as Satoshi felt all of his past memories mysteriously colliding into the present as he tried to break out of the chains with mere force as he then used the Ritual Circle. “These chains… they bind thy memories… force them to collide with the present day.” She explained coldly as this was the start of her revenge. Satoshi saw a humongous reaper of Death that violently slashed at him.

“I am the original ruler of the World of Darkness after Ur himself was deposed by mine body. World of Darkness: Manifest thyself.” Krun said as he summoned the Parthenon building that resembled a dragon in its form. "You are Krun in a vessel-bound state?!" Zahreil asked herself, forcing the purple orb within herself as a means of instinct and survival. Zahr’il then used her ability, Crisis of Lilith, creating a purple orb in front of her to force herself to manifest all present immunities and make them true. "You make me ill and weak." Krun said maniacally as Zahreil's eyes narrowed with disgust and outrage towards Satoshi for killing her son; with her immediately smashing the ground and attacking Damien with such speed that his eyes couldn't keep up and Saint George himself was forced into being mercilessly attacked at her demonic hands. "You are not the King!" Zahreil said menacingly, forcing Mana into her every strike. “No. You see… as the actual and greatest lord of Darkness… the World is under my reign and foot. Parthenon: Qumlakh, dily abdadidi (Arise, my Slaughtering Slaves)!” Krun said as the deceased Lords of Darkness all appeared with Ur, Zartai-Zartanai, Ptahil and even Hag and Mag all surrounding her. “Its good Abraxas isn’t here, for you will lose.” Zartai-Zartanai said mockingly, causing him to summon a portal from the World of Darkness in the form of a bow and arrow. “Surely, these arrows are those of the concept of darkness!” Zartai-Zartanai said as he immediately fired arrows at Zahreil who casually dodged this only for Hag and Mag to work together. "YOU WRETCHED BASTARD!" Zahr'il screamed, summoning her purple orb for the briefest of moments as she then used the ground as her palace. "Shadow Art: Ritual Circle.” Krun then said, summoning the ritual circle underneath Zahr'il as six hands encased his very being, appearing to fully bind him in a pyramid which came from the World of Darkness. “That pyramid… can seal entire worlds…” Krun said coldly.

“What makes you think we cannot win?! Sumqaq: Haila ḏ-hšuka (Poisoned Well: Power of Darkness)!” He thought to himself, attempting to damage the demoness on the conceptual level. “Mana Barrier: Uthra-ḏ-hšuka (Guardian of Darkness).” Zartai thought to himself, summoning the World of Darkness in the form of a barrier. “We are at the level of the Devil, nay, Astaroth, nay, Beelzebub!” He said as he stated “I am the Mana of the World of Darkness (Ana id Mana-ḏ-Alma-ḏ-hšuka)” with Zahreil immediately seeing Ptahil as the King of Light attacking her, forcing her to keep the orb manifested as a means of immunities. "Blood Poison!" Satoshi said, attempting to cause her to self-destruct. “YOU FIEND!” Hag screamed as he fully pierced Zahreil who menacingly smiled, using Mana against Hag in such a way where his body became twisted as Hag tried to use Ominous Nebula... only for Zahril to smile, who still had World of Mana around her, forcing the World of Darkness to try and bind both the siblings simultaneously, however Satoshi fired several slashes at Zahreil who simply adapted by using the Purple Orb. "Her technique is that of the Crisis of Lilith! It alloweth her to double all the misfortune of the opponent that which they caused unto themselves as an orb appeareth in front of her and impregnates itself within her, birthing a new immunity for her. Farheil: Hellfire." Zartai-Zartanai said, summoning a heavenly horse to attack Zahril as Damien attacked her with Excalibur. "I do sincerely thank you for explaining the technique, Zartai... with that, I constantly increase my power while taking damage as the immunities give misfortune. They always give misfortune to the original caster whilst giving complete immunity. With this boy... I used Crisis to give myself immunity to all things cutting. Strong blows become weak... whilst weak blows become... nothing more than a warm breeze." Zahr'il explained, kicking Damien in the stomach and then sending him flying back with no effort.]

"That wretched brat is now away from me." Zahril thought to herself as Zartai took no time in attempting to attack her with Mag pulling her in via Ominous Nebula; much like how Hag was about to use Scorpion Stinger on her. "Mana: Protect." Zahril said, using her Crisis power to make herself into a better position than before with Hag feeling himself being nearly struck in half. "When will you realise that I am superior to thee, a scorpion?" Zahril asked arrogantly with her using her Orb as a means to teleport behind Hag, and strike him. "Crisis: King's Court." Zahril said, summoning the orb behind Hag and switching her situation with his own, giving herself complete immunity to being sealed with Hag then screaming in searing-hot pain. "So she sealed Hag that quickly?" Zartai asked himself, using Barrier of Darkness to amplify his defense even though Zahril was blatantly superior to the likes of him. "Crisis-!" Zahril was about to say as Damien continued to use Excalibur to try and deliver sword strikes that would be seen as Zahril was forced to turn around, leading to Mag using Ominous Nebula to crush her superior with Satoshi then using the Shadow Sword to attack her alongside even Ptahil summoning 'rocks' to fire at his beloved mother. "My own boy, betrays me?" Zahril thought to herself with slight sadness as she then realised that Mag wasn't aiming Ominous Nebula at her. In fact, nowhere near her was Mag attempting to aim. "Is she attempting to aim at that pyramid?" Zahril asked herself, immediately using Crisis: King's Court to summon her orb behind Mag, however she failed to anticipate the fact that Satoshi destroyed the orb using the Shadow Sword. "They are trying to dismantle me through teamwork? How foppish could these people be?" Zahr'il continued to ask herself as Satoshi then readied himself for the final move. "He's using them as a diversion? He is no King. I have to use the Crisis' final form and then eradicate everyone." She thought to herself.

"Crisis is one of the Trinity of Darkness: The Crisis, the Ruler of Power and the God (Monarch) of Shadows wherein my power rules over all immunities, the Ruler controls all causes and effects including concepts like stasis and the Monarch of Shadow controls all probabilities and possibilities. It is without a doubt the strongest power within this World of Darkness; transcending all others for it allows for complete adaptation to any situation even without being within the World of Darkness, for it could perhaps envelop the celestial sphere in darkness and shadows. The Ruler defies all causes and effects by inverting both the cause and effect on the conceptual level. And Crisis... has one more form, allowing me to access the King's power by using it without doubt." Zahril thought to herself as she was forced to dodge Satoshi's next attack without much effort as every lord of Darkness barring Zahr'il and Krun realised that something was happening. "Is she really activating that power? That power of the Crisis of the King. The power where her immunities become strength... as death itself becomes us." Zartai thought to himself in visible fear as he saw that a white orb appeared in front of Zahril and absorbed itself into her, impregnating her being fully as Ptahil himself instinctively struck her, using his power as the King of Light to slice her in two however he failed to realise that she was immune to the very idea of the World of Light. "I have to act now!" Satoshi thought to himself, using the Ritual Circle as a form of teleportation to try and spawn directly within Zahril's being or absorb her by using the State of Brahman fully, ultimately deleting her very existence from this world. "Crisis of the King... Shadow Key." Zahr'il and Satoshi thought to themselves, immediately summoning the white orb and Ritual Circle respectively as a key then appeared in front of Zahr'il herself. "State of Brahman!" Satoshi thought to himself as he immediately readied himself.

"If he attacks me like the way I assume he will, this fight will end!" Zahril thought to herself with absolute fear as Satoshi then combined the State of Brahman with the Shadow Sword to cut her down, absorbing her white orb within herself as cosmic energy began to coarse through her very being, her concept and idea with her now realising that Satoshi's plan was to distract and control, or more specifically, command and conquer. "I am immune to thee, wretched one." Zahril said as she immediately began to use Mana Arms to reach Satoshi, dodging away from Ptahil's attacks as Satoshi then smiled, letting the attack reach him although, as it did, something mysterious happened. It appeared as though her strength was sapped in that instant. "My strength... its as though its been halved!" Zahr'il thought to herself, despite the fact that her strength was infinite. "He cannot kill me." Zahril tried to rationalise to herself even though Satoshi was cold. He was cold-hearted and in her eyes, a true nightmare to deal with as she felt herself being absorbed within him through the usage of the Preta Path, as she screamed and tried to resist, but the pull was far too great. Light and darkness coalesced into Satoshi's being as the Shadow Sword glowed, effectively commanding the Lords of Darkness who remained to attack Shdum himself. "You really think you can fight me, Shdum?!" Shdum asked arrogantly as Satoshi coldly smiled, knowing that he was fully capable of beating Shdum who still remained arrogant, only for Damien to attack him with the power of Excalibur as Satoshi himself siced all the Lords of Darkness with the exception of Zahr'il on Shdum who used his hands and feet to attack and survive against all of them. "Barrier of Darkness + Multiverse of Mana!" Zartai and Ur said, attempting to trap and bind Shdum, only for him to flex out and break away. "I will rule over thee, brats." Shdum thought to himself as Zartai fired Sumqaq, doing no true damage as Shdum coldly smiled.

The Shadow Sword glowed, effectively commanding the Lords of Darkness who remained to attack Shdum himself. "You really think you can fight me, Shdum?!" Shdum asked arrogantly as Satoshi coldly smiled, knowing that he was fully capable of beating Shdum who still remained arrogant, only for Damien to attack him with the power of Excalibur as Satoshi himself siced all the Lords of Darkness with the exception of Zahr'il on Shdum who used his hands and feet to attack and survive against all of them. "Barrier of Darkness + Multiverse of Mana!" Zartai and Ur said, attempting to trap and bind Shdum, only for him to flex out and break away. "I will rule over thee, brats." Shdum thought to himself as Zartai fired Sumqaq, doing no true damage as Shdum coldly smiled. "What makes you think you are capable in any way of fighting me?" Shdum asked as he immediately blitzed Hag and Mag, trying to attack them both only for Hag to barely dodge. “Ruler of Power.” Shdum then said, causing his Mana to surround him, stopping the attack in his tracks. “Thou art a fool. As long as my position as the Ruler of Darkness exists, you will never [get to] betray me." Shdum then said as Hag immediately tried to use Scorpion Stinger with Zartai immediately acting on this, using Sumqaq and firing conceptual water only for Shdum to attack them both, grabbing them both and choking them out casually, however Mag also intervened by using Ominous Nebula. "World of Light." Ptahil then said, immediately firing a white light at Shdum who was forced to use the Ruler to nullify this attack, binding this without too much effort. “Dost thou not realise… I bless ye with utter petrification for a ten thousand years score!” Shdum said with Hag looking at Satoshi who stared at him silently. “Alma-ḏ-Mana: Malka ḏ-hšuka (World of Mana: King of Darkness).” Shdum then said, causing Hag to become immediately petrified and conceptually shattered with Mag glaring at him. "HANDS OF THE-!" Mag screamed as Shdum smiled.

“With the power of darkness… anything can be done.” He said calmly with him fully activating the Ruler of Power within Shdum, shutting down any negative experiences from that point as Sumqaq still activated, in an attempt to poison him without much effort. "Shadow Ray." Shdum felt all of his past actions and sufferings fully coalesce themselves onto his body. “What… was…” Shdum thought to himself as the Ruler of Darkness activated itself seemingly no longer. “So the Ruler of Darkness… exists as long as the concept of ruling do-!” Satoshi thought to himself as Shdum grabbed his mouth with his Mana, effectively binding him only for the Ritual Circle to manifest itself underneath, summoning chains and binding him with Shdum still smiling as Mag continued to use Ominous Nebula. "Your moves are useless." Shdum said, using the Ruler to pull her down instead, crushing her into the World of Darkness with Zartai immediately activating more of his Mana, forcing Shdum to be bound. "So its a passive ability?!" Zartai asked himself, only for Satoshi to turn into crows. “Even for someone like yourself… at 40%... you are still weak. You could have easily become the Demon King, not just considering your genealogy but also due to your boundless potential and capacity. Yet you still chose Good.” Shdum said coldly. "You are no worthy vessel of the Shadow King." Shdum continued to reiterate menacingly. "I have to…” He thought to himself as the Preta Path subconsciously activated, seemingly absorbing his enemy’s Mana to his enemy’s non-sight as Shdum sensed his energy slowly disappearing. “Yo-!” He thought to himself as Satoshi coldly smiled, forcing more of the chains to continually ensnare his legs, locking them in place, making him a mere shackled dog as Mag then used what she had to pull Shdum to her level with Zartai grabbing his arms and intending to rip them off using spikes of Mana. "With Mana... anything can be done." Satoshi spoke mockingly as Shdum failed to move an inch.

“I can’t move?!” He asked with shock, seeing visible iron yokes binding his ankles. "So the World of Darkness truly is without limit?!" Satoshi asked as Shdum smiled menacingly with Damien continuing to attack him. “Of course. The World of Darkness is infinite. Logic, time, space… they all exist but the laws of physics and the like you humans would understand are gone… nonexistent. We don’t abide by such laws. Our definition of space-time is gone… although I am the wrong One to ask.” Shdum explained as he felt even more damage mysteriously incurring to himself, as the shackles bound themselves even more so, absorbing his Mana in a near-instant as Damien then began to slash rapidly, using Saint George as cover fire from the air. Satoshi then began seeing Shdum’s body conceptually burn up as poison and smoke devoured all of his pores as Satoshi felt his power being decreased, as his arms turned to stone; with his face also slowly turning to nothing more than stone as his eyes naturally widened. “Looks like this may be a fight I can’t win.” Satoshi said to himself as he finally froze in place, immediately using the State of Brahman to counter this casually. "What?" Shdum asked as he felt himself being punched by numerous attacks in one second (even though, yes, time was non-existent) with the Ruler seemingly being ineffective against this power. "This power... its affecting my soul and concept... its like how humans eat cereal but these punches... it would be as if the cereal is spat out with force! I can't move either! So he has restricted my movement and is using this disadvantage against me!" Shdum thought to himself with visible fear as all of the Lords of Darkness jumped him at the same time. "I have to activate the Ruler of Power otherwise I am going to die!" Shdum asked himself as Ptahil was going to immediately slice his head. "RULER: Grandson of Darkness" (br brḥ ḏ-hšuka)!" Shdum thought to himself coldly as every single Lord of Darkness felt a dark presence.

"He can control the World of Mana and force himself to become immortal. For Mana… cometh from the Final King of this World… its Original… of whom Satoshi bore stead and control over immortality in a conceptual format, lo. Fail not, for Ur’s World of Mana alloweth him to expand all of his attack in all of their limitless range and thus summon the World of Darkness in the real world, devouring all things in fear, rage, hatred as his is a mere iota of mine own for he used that to become gigantic. My ability… is Malakta-ḏ-hšuka. I, like Shdum after me am and thus bear the Qwaitha-ḏ-šahriala (Ability of the Ruler) or aršaiatha-ḏ-padahšar (Powers of the Rules) or in its true name Malakta-ḏ-hšuka (Queen of Darkness). Thus, I can also forcibly impregnate new powers and beings within me by using the World of Darkness or my own essence to become stronger… essentially, he be truly powerful within this World or Multiverse.” Ruha explained. “Alma-Ḏ-hšuka: smed id tušlima (World of Darkness: Bind the Perfected Soul)” as he and Satoshi fully fused their souls within Satoshi himself as he then reappeared within Satoshi’s very being, turning his being into a Future form into how it should be: A samsaric wheel on the back with four rows of three beneath it multiple magatama on the front and bottom of his kimono with a pattern of six black magatama around a high collar, beneath which, he wore a necklace which was also made up of six black magatama as he then smiled calmly. “Now then… time to show thee the true World of Darkness.” Krun explained as he then clenched his hand, causing the entirety of the area around them to turn into a realm of raw shadow. “Thou art lucky that ye never fought Abatur (the Third Life) or Yushamin (the Second Life) who would have surely been greater than thee in terms of strength." Krun said as Shdum looked horrified. "My power is above thee!" Shdum screamed as Satoshi's true power was briefly unleashed for a singular minute. "I have to!" Shdum thought.

“Thus... the Ruler of Power… allows me to turn anything negative into positive effects. The Ruler has two aspects to it: The concept of royalty and ruling and the control of rules. The first aspect is the ability you thought of when I mentioned the Ruler of Power. At its base, it is controlling the very concept of royalty or the idea of ruling. Even if you were to kill me with Yin Art, because you exist and he exists as examples of rulers or royalty to some extent, I will return. In essence, with the Ruler of Power, I can control cause and effect and its inverse within a range of about 2000 metres for your humane standards. The World of Mana expands that range to anywhere I want within limits… that limit only being within a being of superiority or just this Omniverse. So, for example… If that bastard Zartai wrapped me with his whip of death, I could use that to inverse the effect so he would be wrapped, making it irreversible through all systems of time and space. Or in the case of supernatural powers… it would reverse the effect of the intended goal and invert that, reflecting it back to the user or shutting the effect down entirely through making the cause completely inert. This second aspect is the control of rules or the qwaitha-ḏ-šahriala (Ability of the Ruler) or aršaiatha-ḏ-padahšar (Powers of the Rules) or in its true name Šahriala-ḏ-az (Ruler of Power). This also allows me to control laws in any aspect related to the World of Darkness… however, I could apply it to other worlds if my connection to the World of Darkness exists but that is essentially permanent. With King of Darkness active… the Ruler’s range is amplified insofar as to what its capacities are. I could simply create an entirely new form of causality in which the event designated as the 'effect' precedes the event designated as the 'cause', meaning that once the initial event - the 'effect' - has occurred, the second event - the 'cause' - is inevitable and unstoppable.” Shdum explained calmly.

Satoshi looked stunned as he was taller, significantly so. "This lasts only for a minute!" Satoshi thought to himself as Krun smiled... releasing his control and allowing Satoshi to maintain himself. “I am the original ruler of the World of Darkness after Ur himself was deposed by mine body. World of Darkness: Manifest thyself.” Krun said as he summoned the Parthenon building around himself with Shdum using the power of the Grandson of Darkness. "So this form of his is only for a singular minute... and is here alone for it is a fraction of his true power as Moon Sage." Ruha thought to herself with Shdum looking stunned and as soon as he attacked Satoshi, he couldn't touch him. He moved 'backward' and 'forwards' simultaneously with Zartai laughing and attacking Shdum, doing significant damage. "I can't reach him?!" Shdum asked as Ur attacked him, only for the Ruler to passively manifest, healing him and reversing their situations, with Ur being sent flying to the ground however... before this... he used Gate of Darkness. “It is too bad that you haven’t done anything to the ritual circle. The ritual circle… is a dimensional portal from the current world to Hell, hence there being more than 2 symbols. The other 7 symbols are a crescent, sun, scorpion claws, sword, an hourglass, a staff, an arrow and a triangle with three sides.” Ruha briefly explained as Satoshi stared into Ur's body, realising that throughout his lines of death and being said the words: The Ruler and Origin of the King of Darkness (Id Šahriala u bunkha Malka-ḏ-hšuka) as Shdum felt himself being struck by invisible, conceptual strikes only for Hag to revive himself. "He revived himself from a corpse of non-existence?!" Shdum asked himself with fear in his withered eyes with Mag using her hands to pull Shdum down with Hag then smiling. "You bastard!" The Scorpion said maniacally. "Scorpion Stinger: Instant Death and Throat Disease (Šabuy Parqitha: Fuhra muta u Šanghary)!" Hag screamed at full power.

“You think you can kill me?!” Zartai said as he quickly thought of a plan and then said “Šaiul (Hellfire)”, also adding Amamit (Venus) to crush Shdum right there and then as Shdum looked absolutely stunned. "Of the Shadow Sword: True living is a dead end. That is the final destination of all fate. There’s nothing beyond. That person is the only one standing in the end, because he is the end. The end of everything in the form of a person. Against such an existence, Things like fate and plot are less than a joke. There are no countermeasures. That is a phenomenon similar to a curse or disease which can’t be described or explained. It should be impossible for THAT to have a personality or even pretending to be human. This usage of Scorpion Stinger is capable of killing concepts or body parts where he can wipe away genetics, memories or the like but if they only are a devil in some regard. If they aren’t, the poison can never be healed by any means. Considering you are more than a devil… your genes will slowly be removed, leading to the removal of memories, experiences, conceptions, ideas, actions, etc… but Hag, thyself and all thee connected wilt gain complete immunity and healing to all related abilities of that genotype and species. Even if one cuts off the affected limb and tries to regenerate/heal it, said limb will still be affected by his ability and thus not ever function again, no matter what the target does; with regeneration, resurrection, death, immortality, existential planes, life, words, creatures, reversals, laws as well as time and space being non-factors with Hag only being able to do this at full power. That said, Scorpion Stinger also bypasses immunities and no matter how much defences or resistances to instant death." Ruha explained as Shdum used his full power. "I can't-!" Shdum thought to himself in fear. "Genjutsu: Spiritual World and Darkness" (精神界と闇, Seishinkai to Yami)." Satoshi said as Shdum looked sad yet fearful. Death would devour him.

"What is he?!" Shdum asked as Satoshi glared at him. "In haste, this boy is a vessel of perfection due to his being an angel and thus I bear knowledge of the future. The first part of the Wish is absolute in nature for it will be any of thy choosing and form. The second… will be the sacrifice. But the third… will be the gift.” He then explained as he opened his right hand, revealing a black-blue flame… for he was now a Man. “His eye isn’t affected due to its inherent nature as a mixture of sides of innate divinity and rankage, as he is an angel and I, the highest ranking of djinn (or genie). Secondly, the wish is instant in effect but delayed in maximisation. And yet so, humans who hold the Shadow Sword bear the risk of having their soul completely altered and destroyed, thus shattering the mind. But now, Satoshi… thy wish is now thus.” Krun explained as Kento then attacked the ground, only for Krun to stop him with a raising of his finger. “Now then… Satoshi, True Vessel, state this: “Now then… say the following: Open [up] and close Simsim, I now will complete the terms of this deal…” Krun calmly said as Satoshi said something from his voice. “Watashi wa kono torihiki no jouken o kanryou shimasu (Open [up] and close Simsim, I now will complete the terms of this deal).” Satoshi initially thought to himself, allowing Krun to read this thought therein. "Ptha fteh u skek. Ana hašta khles da sar agam daily gišuma hwa had alwath anatun ءthia, Malka-ḏ-hšuka Ad anin id Rišaia Šaharia-ḏ-ebraia, nukhraia Ad anin (Open up and close Simsim, I now will complete this deal for my body becometh one with thy being, King of Darkness as We are the Original Monarch from the Other World, removed from time and space; transcendent We are).” Satoshi then said as Krun calmly smiled as his flame turned purely red, now bearing the five-sided star instead of the crown. “So the five-sided star is representative of you granting more power to Satoshi?” Shdum said to himself as Krun smiled.

"Why are you so afraid, Shdum?" Satoshi asked, rather mockingly, despite knowing that he only had 30 seconds left. "YOU! VESSEL OF THE KING!" Shdum screamed in rage, whereas Satoshi summoned glass-like shards as the very fabric of existence itself was seemingly bending to his will, firing it at the World of Darkness' Grandson, who could reflect it except it would do no damage. "Nuada." Damian said, slashing with a Sword as bright as the Sun which left slashes that could never be healed. "This may take the final 30 seconds... Indra's Net. The net is an endless net of cords owned and created by Indra hanging over Mount Meru, the centre of the universe’s cosmology. The net possesses a jewel that is reflected on another jewel, thus seen on all the others, which represents the universe’s interconnectedness. The net is infinite in dimension, encapsulating the universe with the jewels being unlimited in number, with the jewels resembling stars. The other jewels are also infinite, causing an endless reflection. This means that the jewels are universal, no… infinite in capacity and number, thus Indra can easily create and destroy the universe and endless others. This is also seen in the Buddha-lands (which are infinite stretches of infinity) with the jewels being atoms in untold lands that are reduced endlessly with these endless atoms containing endless planet-wide lands of their own, with this also meaning Indra and Ashoka can destroy endless planets, thus meaning Ashoka can control infinite infinities, atoms, time, space, matter and energy. Furthermore, the jewels are representations of Dharma, that extend in endless directions and which the jewels are also seen to be infinite and limitless, with these infinities being endless and constant. I could casually create infinite universes within this net." Satoshi explained as he smiled menacingly, using the World of Light to erase Shdum's very presence with Ruha looking stunned and amazed as he revived him, snapping his neck. "So now... you all make an appearance?" Krun asked mockingly as Satoshi felt his Moon form disappearing, reverting his body into its original form prior. Satoshi was still unfazed without a doubt, sealing him into the Shadow Sword and his gourd; sealing him physically into the Shadow Sword and spiritually and conceptually into the gourd, causing the clone to vomit violently and disappear into nothingness. Zahr’il was also mercilessly killed as Krun smiled as the clone standing next to the original rushed into the final pillar, knowing this would be the hardest fight Satoshi has ever had up till now. “Oh, so now you’re at 80%? You truly think double-teaming me would work?” Krun asked, laughing coyly with Satoshi then summoning the Ruyi Jingu Bang. “You’re using that instead of the sword? Oh… the weapon you used against the Emperor.” He said coldly as Satoshi then immediately activated the State of Brahman… or as he knew it, the State of the Yellow Emperor. “Now then, Krun… let this battle begin.” Satoshi said as his clone bore the Ruyi Jingu Bang, double teaming the Shadow King; kicks and staves to the Blade of Death as all three forces clashed violently with all of the Lords of Darkness attacking him. "Blocking me by using all of them in the form of a jumping - consisting of multiple attackers?" Krun thought to himself as Zahr'il appeared and mercilessly tried to attack him. "Using Crisis against me is regrettable." Krun said, blocking Zahr'il's attack and then allowing Ptahil to attack Krun who was forced to use the Ritual Circle to split himself away from Ptahil. “SHADOW SLASH!” Krun said, using Mana around him to cloud himself in a permanent iron-clad defence with Ptahil immediately feeling himself being sent flying back. "The King himself being pressured?" Ruha asked mockingly, with the real Satoshi jumping up and firing a huge orb of orange flames from his mouth as Krun then countered by using Shadow Key, locking away the fireball's impact... to himself alone.

“Eye of Providence.” Krun then said, summoning beams of light that could each destroy entire planets as every one of the Lords of Darkness smiled, knowing they would dodge this. The entire World began to crack, shatter and tear open, leading to the entire Earth inevitably suffering from major collateral damage as a byproduct, continent-shattering earthquakes; country-wide tsunamis and city-sucking tornadoes only for him to focus all of it into his very being. The power that could render all of Creation asunder was not yet mastered… for it was involuntary as he immediately began to teleport in front of Krun, attacking him with raw physical force to try and remove the coating of Mana surrounding his being only for Krun to then summon the Shadow Sword from the ground and use the Ritual Circle only for Damien to be captured in the chains by using the pre-existing threads that Satoshi himself once used. “How foolish and sad. Thy end is here.” Krun said as Damian screamed in pain from losing his energy at an extremely rapid rate only for Satoshi to try and use physical force to attack Krun and combining that with the unknown matter he once used to damage Ur as well… as adding the Ruyi Jingu Bang, extending its size to affect Krun’s durability on the conceptual level, bypassing his Mana immediately to his visible shock with the clone smiling as he had the Ruyi Jingu Bang in hand. “How did he do-?!” Krun asked himself with Satoshi smashing his hand into Krun’s only for the Ruler to activate, warping his own injuries with the clone, causing him to briefly vomit as he then immediately summoned the Okami. "Even with all of you here... you are meaningless." Krun said mockingly. “That won’t work again!” Krun said as he then used the Shadow Sword on the clone, forcing him to immediately back away in response as he knew that if the eye was removed… a loss would concur with Zartai using his full power to attack Krun who dodged, forcing Hag and Mag to be attacked instead.

“Blood Poison… Rule: Mana Wave.” Krun then said, countering any future usage of Blood Poison only for Damien to be knocked out in a huge explosion of blood with Satoshi immediately feeling himself being chained by Mana. “State of Brahman: Cosmic Galaxy.” Satoshi’s original body said, summoning cosmic energy in hand that turned into a galaxy with Krun countering that by summoning a copy of Satoshi himself who used Mana to summon a black hole instead in hand as Krun then focused himself on the clone, warping the entire Parthenon, shaping it into a sky and intending to erase the clone from existence… only to see something he never thought would occur in this manner or form as he phased through the existence erasing attack. “Just know that we are standing on only one world of limitless size.” Krun explained as he continually attacked the clone with the parts of the Parthenon only for the clone to continue phasing through it constantly only to be struck fully, causing the Okami’s ribcage to briefly be damaged. “You leave no choice. I suppose I will explain the technique. Surely this story is demanding of it. The Ruler of Power… allows me to turn anything negative into positive effects. The Ruler has two aspects to it: The concept of royalty and ruling and the control of rules. The first aspect is the ability you thought of when I mentioned the Ruler of Power. At its base, it is controlling the very concept of royalty or the idea of ruling. Even if you were to kill me with Yin Art, because you exist and he exists as examples of rulers or royalty to some extent, I will return with me also being able to nullify all forms of damage or concepts, the Ruler is an ability that allowed Shdum to "reverse" all magical attacks and powers effects used against him. All attacks and weakness are converted into healing and fortification. Even the effects of others' powers are completely reversed with this being a fraction of my own ability, the Monarch." Krun first explained calmly. “So your phasing has a limit?” Krun then said as he used the Ritual Circle to teleport the clone in front of himself, only for the phasing to reoccur once more… but this time, Krun knew what had to be done, warping space and time now with one slash of the Shadow Sword and then slicing through the Okami by warping the reality around himself and bypassing his own rules, summoning the Mana Wave with full intentions to end the clone. “Damn it! I won’t be able to activate the higher forms of this thing afterwards!” The clone thought to himself as he used the Ruyi Jingu Bang… with even that failing… as a puff of smoke became what he saw. "In essence, with the Ruler of Power, I can control cause and effect and its inverse within a range of about 2000 metres for your humane standards. The World of Mana expands that range to anywhere I want within limits… that limit only being within a being of superiority or just this Omniverse. So, for example… if ye were attacking me with thy flames, I could use that to inverse the effect so ye would be burned, making it irreversible through all systems of time and space. Or in the case of supernatural powers… it would reverse the effect of the intended goal and invert that, reflecting it back to the user or shutting the effect down entirely through making the cause completely inert. This second aspect is the control of rules or the qwaitha-ḏ-šahriala (Ability of the Ruler) or aršaiatha-ḏ-padahšar (Powers of the Rules) or in its true name Šahriala-ḏ-az (Ruler of Power). This also allows me to control laws in any aspect related to the World of Darkness… however, I could apply it to other worlds if my connection to the World of Darkness exists but that is essentially permanent. With King of Darkness active… the Ruler’s range is amplified insofar as to what its capacities are. For example, I could casually make it so that space and time cannot affect me with its usage. Nothing can... not even life or death." Krun then explained coldly. "I could simply create an entirely new form of causality in which the event designated as the 'effect' precedes the event designated as the 'cause', meaning that once the initial event - the 'effect' - has occurred, the second event - the 'cause' - is inevitable and unstoppable. In essence, it acts like thy Antithesis of the Demon King wherein ye can grant the injuries of the Past, Present and Future… that which enables you to designate any two targets (or any number of targets in front of thy sight and behind you for as long as your sight permits) and completely reverse anything that has already occurred between them. For example, if you were to be greatly injured while fighting an opponent, you could reverse what occurred between yourself and thy enemy, simultaneously healing thyself while grievously wounding the opponent. This ability can also be used with inanimate objects and intangible or conceptual phenomena.” That leads onto the final aspect and my Original usage of the Power… wherein it can shut down any enemy’s power if they are weaker or perhaps even stronger than me. None can win for the World of Mana is inherently beneath the World of Darkness which I made many billions of years ago before the Dragons came into being. I can make a new form of cause, effect, physics, duality, mathematics and all the rest whilst making myself simultaneously immune to all events that hath affected me in the past, present or near-future.” Krun explained. “Now then… let the real battle beg-!” Krun said, turning around only to see the real Satoshi phase through his copy’s form and then converted his galaxy into a black hole within his hand to immediately try and end Krun there and then only to fail miserably. “You see… the Shadow Sword bears many abilities that only I can wield for it is too bad that you ne’er let me do much. Shadow Block.” Krun then said, summoning Mana through his sword to teleport himself into Satoshi’s mind, only for him to appear in the form of Ashoka, stopping him in his tracks, warping his dreams into a state of positivity and serenity. Krun then immediately began using Shadow Zero to try and erase the concept of Satoshi’s dreams, failing thanks to the power of the State of Brahman with Krun then teleporting behind Satoshi to attack him from all directions only for Satoshi to then try and defend him by using cosmic energy and punching Krun with the power of a galaxy as he felt himself being affected somewhat by way of the mysterious Power as Krun smiled and decided to then say “Shadow Fiction: World of Mana”. “You see… with the power of Mana, anything and I mean anything can be done. Now then… face equality and inequality simultaneously. Scar of Shadow!” Krun said, forcing all the scars of the past, present and future with Satoshi vomiting violently even with the State of Brahman. “SATOS-!” Damian screamed as he saw his hands turning to stone, and then his stomach, and then his legs with all old and new wounds as what appeared to be sword slashes consumed his stomach… as well as the concept of pain, durability, hatred and all things negative consuming both humans yet Saint George was never affected with Satoshi realising that he would likely lose. Satoshi then saw the Shadow King who glanced at him and laughed. “You?! You’re still alive?!” The Shadow King said as he created a sword from cosmic energy to attack Krun who simply dodged this without much effort, only for Zartai to coldly attack. Krun then used the power of Shadow Fiction to force both King Arthur and the Author to appear in place of Satoshi and Damian only for the both of them to be made fiction as they appeared back to their current locations with the power of Scar of Shadow constantly activating. “The World of Mana… creates a literal world. Reality warping if you will.” Krun explained that Satoshi survived thanks to his innate durability and that of the State of Brahman. “So your weakness is as clear as day. Now then… Twelve Constellations (trisar malwašia)!!” He then said, dancing with his fingers as twelve constellations literally appeared within the World of Mana, which was now expanded into a multiverse… multiplied by many an amount of constellations that appeared to contain the very power of the World of Darkness itself. “Daula (Aquarius), Nuna (Pisces), ʿmbra (Aries), Taura (Taurus), Ṣilmia (Gemini), Sarṭana (Cancer), Aria (Leo), Šumbulta (Virgo), Qaina (Libra), Arqba (Scorpio), Hiṭia (Sagittarius), Gadia (Capricorn)! Come to the aid of thy master!!” He then said, causing a water-bearer, two fish, a ram, a bull, twins, a crab, a virgin, a man bearing scales, a scorpion, an archer and a sea goat to appear as the bull rushed towards Satoshi only to pass through him, as he was immediately pierced by an invisible arrow as he then ripped it out and threw it at Sagittarius only for him to then immediately counter that by firing a huge volley of invisible arrows that each had a trace of Ruha’s conceptual darkness with even Ruha being taken aback as she knew that she had to intervene, otherwise Satoshi would die. "If that bitch intervenes, this is going to be something." Krun thought to himself as he forced the constellations unto Ruha herself who swiftly dodged all of the constellations, only for her to be trapped in 12 Multiverses of Mana with her simply smiling, using Mana against them, crushing all of the constellations without much, if any, effort with her then erasing them all. “He stole my powers?” She asked herself with Satoshi immediately summoning the Okami as a means of defence, turning into its armoured state to protect himself with him tanking all the constellations’ attacks at once, each of which could destroy solar systems. "Twelve Constellations (trisar malwašia)!!” Ruha then said, dancing with her fingers as twelve constellations literally appeared within the multiverse multiplied by many an amount of constellations that appeared to contain the very power of the World of Darkness itself. “Daula (Aquarius), Nuna (Pisces), ʿmbra (Aries), Taura (Taurus), Ṣilmia (Gemini), Sarṭana (Cancer), Aria (Leo), Šumbulta (Virgo), Qaina (Libra), Arqba (Scorpio), Hiṭia (Sagittarius), Gadia (Capricorn)! Come to the aid of thy queen!!” She then said, causing a water-bearer, two fish, a ram, a bull, twins, a crab, a virgin, a man bearing scales, a scorpion, an archer and a sea goat to appear as the bull rushed towards Krun who was forced to dodge this attack and then use the Ritual Circle to create a "shadow clone" to clone all of the constellations. He also witnessed her being, which was draped in the conceptual darkness that she initially commanded to attack, rendering a beautiful dress that was caused purely of darkness to maintain itself, only for Ruha to then blitz Krun, combined with the aid of Ptahil and Zahril to attack Krun all together. "Why do you keep attacking me all together as though such an experience will ever hope to work, scornful beasts?!" Krun said, forcing an Omniverse of Mana to surround the entirety of where he and his enemies were, trapping them as Ruha knew that she had to use Multiverse of Mana in such a localised space that space-time would be warped, doing enough damage to him in order to damage him fully. "By using Ruha's abilities, they can trap me and counterbalance the Omniverse of Mana I made with her being the main form of attack against my being." Krun thought to himself as Satoshi also used the Shadow Sword. With that, he combined this as he also used the State of Brahman to summon the Okami with cosmic swords only for Krun to look visibly shocked where he then saw the Ritual Circle continually glowing as he saw more copies of himself only for him to completely overpower each of the clones as Krun then used the Ruler, combining it with Scar of Shadow to kill Satoshi therein as he then used the Totsuka no Tsurugi to seal Krun only for the Ritual Circle to disappear as Krun looked stunned, witnessing the Shadow Sword’s gem having been severely damaged as Krun looked shocked, realising that his death was imminent with darkness and Mana surrounding and devouring the outside universe, that was infinite-dimensional truly but appeared and was also thus 11-dimensional therein, corrupting, infecting it conceptually, spiritually and physically however thanks to the control of Krun, this was mostly stopped thanks to his being and existence. "You can never kill me." Krun thought to himself as Zartai instinctively protected Satoshi and then used Mana, sending it in the form of a flood only for Krun to counter by using the Ruler to strike back with Ptahil creating the Tibil to trap Krun. "No thanks." Krun said mockingly with Zahril immediately appearing behind Krun to use the power of Crisis to shut down the usage of the Ruler with Satoshi immediately using the opportunity to summon thousands of crows in the form of a diversion. "Genjutsu?" Krun asked himself with Satoshi then teleporting behind him and striking him with the Shadow Sword, only for him to laugh upon being struck. "Mana Art: Thunderous Dispatch of Lightning." Krun said, firing thunder from his hands as Satoshi then used the Ruyi Jingu Bang to try and ensnare once more. “You actually think you can beat us? Lion of Darkness.” Krun said, fusing Mana around himself as he then used the Ruler, forcing the damage of what would have been the Lightning onto Satoshi, dealing immense damage as Hag and Mag defended him, ready. “The only reason you’re able to destroy solar systems, summon galaxies and all the rest is because the World of Darkness is inherently transcendent and beyond-dimensional which is why it cannot truly affect the Tibil although the reason you were able to affect the Tibil is due to you being able to use that wretched Power linked to your Soul as you tore the world, causing thy power to leak out unto the world at large. Despite thy attacks here… you would at most destroy the planet 10 times over given thy display although your ‘black hole’ would affect countries at most. But still… you will lose!” Krun said as Satoshi then instinctively activated his Okami and manifested it completely, summoning four arms with two swords on the back arms and his Totsuka no Tsurugi and Yata no Kagami in the forearms only for Scar of Shadow to fully manifest. “Scar of Shadow allows me to reopen ALL of the mental, emotional, conceptual, psychological and physical wounds a person has ever received in their lives.” Krun explained as every single Lord of Darkness felt death unto them with Satoshi himself using the State of Brahman and then forcing the Okami to surround all the Lords of Darkness with Hag and Mag working with Gaf and Gap to create entire galaxies and then use Scorpion Stinger to pinpoint any physical spots of weakness with Zartai surrounding him in a body of Mana, just as Ruha forced Mana around his arms, snapping his arms out of position, dislocating his shoulder casually. "DAMN!" Krun thought to himself as Damian used the sword of Nuada... slicing his head off and doing enough damage to make it so that Krun could never regenerate. “How could you?!” Krun screamed as Damien then miraculously woke up and blitzed him, slashing his face cleanly. “You fail to understand! You need me alive otherwise everything will crumble! Without me, everything, the King will win!” Krun screamed, his words being garbled messes of what they should be as his head then regenerated by a miracle. "DAMN BASTARDS!" Krun screamed as every Lord of Darkness barring Ruha used their full power. “Look into my eyes.” Satoshi then said, jumping out of his Okami, placing Krun under extreme genjutsu of the highest calibre as his mind, soul, concept and being were now under Satoshi’s complete control with a glance. “The King shall awake-!” The Shadow King said as his words slowly fizzled out, into nothingness. “Come, Shadow King. Return to your rightful vessel.” Satoshi then said as his being was fully absorbed into the now deactivated Shadow Sword, as it would never activate ever again as the Gem seemingly shut down and destroyed itself, with his Purple Gem glowing slightly as Ruha smiled, taking the Shadow Sword for herself with Satoshi being taken aback. “Now then… let the End of this journey commence… but after this, thy humanity may cease to be… for an 18 year old you are physically… but infinity your soul is age wise.” Ruha explained as Satoshi then took out the Purple Gem, revealing a man who bore the same Sword that Ruha now possessed, but with a mysterious darkness. “Qin and Anathan; alongside all the innumerable Worlds of Darkness wilt bear themselves in thy soul as forbearance.” Ruha said as the Purple Gem’s energy synced with the Shadow Sword for a brief amount of time, summoning a huge Ritual Circle surrounding the entire World of Darkness as the house absorbed itself within, revealing several houses that resembled huge palaces with spiked roofs. “That is thy future… the Histories, Myths and all the rest encapsulated within. Locked are they from thy current self.” Ruha explained.

“Within the World of Darkness there exists an infinite amount of worlds. Literal infinity cannot be observed by thy brain of human capacity and perception. In essence, this place exists above the 11th dimension of thy universe, that which doth span many a dimension. I will use thy human explanation, even if ye doth live in the 32nd century therein in New Japan surely. Thy journey is not yet over.

These are the dimensions therein.

0. A point (no dimension)

We start with a point. Like the “point” we know from geometry, it has no size, no dimension. It’s just an imaginary idea that indicates a position in a system.

1. The first dimension – a line

A second point, then, can be used to indicate a different position, but it, too, is of indeterminate size. To create the first dimension, all we need is a line joining any two points. A first dimensional object has length only, no width or depth.

2. The Second Dimension – A Split

If we now take our first dimensional line and draw a second line crossing the first, we’ve entered the second dimension. The object we’re representing now has a length and a width, but no depth. To help us with imagining the higher dimensions, we’re going to represent our second dimensional object as being created using a second line which branches off from the first. Now, let’s imagine a race of two-dimensional creatures called “Flatlanders”. What would it be like to be a Flatlander living in their two-dimensional world? A two-dimensional creature would have only length and width, as if they were the royalty on an impossibly flat playing card. Picture this: a Flatlander couldn’t possibly have a digestive tract, because the pipe from their mouth to their bottom would divide them into two pieces! And a Flatlander trying to view our three-dimensional world would only be able to perceive shapes in two-dimensional cross-sections. A balloon passing through the Flatlander’s world, for instance, would start as a tiny dot, become a hollow circle which inexplicably grows to a certain size, then shrinks back to a dot before popping out of existence. And we three-dimensional human beings would seem very strange indeed to a Flatlander.

3. The Third Dimension – A Fold

Imagining the third dimension is the easiest for us because every moment of our lives that is what we’re in. A three dimensional object has length, width, and height. But here’s another way to describe the third dimension: if we imagine an ant walking across a newspaper which is lying on a table, we can pretend that the ant is a Flatlander, walking along on a flat two-dimensional newspaper world. If that paper is now folded in the middle, we create a way for our Flatlander Ant to “magically” disappear from one position in his two-dimensional world and be instantly transported to another. We can imagine that we did this by taking a two-dimensional object and folding it through the dimension above, which is our third dimension. Once again, it’ll be more convenient for us as we imagine the higher dimensions if we can think of the third dimension in this way: the third dimension is what you “fold through” to jump from one point to another in the dimension below.

4. The Fourth Dimension – A Line

Okay. The first three dimensions can be described with these words: “length, width, and depth”. What word can we assign to the fourth dimension? One answer would be, “duration”. If we think of ourselves as we were one minute ago, and then imagine ourselves as we are at this moment, the line we could draw from the “one-minute-ago version” to the “right now” version would be a line in the fourth dimension. If you were to see your body in the fourth dimension, you would be like a long undulating snake, with your embryonic self at one end and your deceased self at the other. But because we live from moment to moment in the third dimension, we are like our second dimensional Flatlanders. Just like that Flatlander who could only see two-dimensional cross-sections of objects from the dimension above, we as three-dimensional creatures can only see three-dimensional cross-sections of our fourth-dimensional self.

5. The Fifth Dimension – A Split

One of the most intriguing aspects of there being one dimension stacked on another is that down here in the dimensions below we can be unaware of our motion in the dimensions above. Here’s a simple example: if we make a Möbius strip (take a long strip of paper, add one twist to it and tape the ends together) and draw a line down the length of it, our line will eventually be on both sides of the paper before it meets back with itself. It appears, somewhat amazingly, that the strip has only one side, so it must be a representation of a two-dimensional object. And this means that a two-dimensional Flatlander travelling down the line we just drew would end up back where they started without ever feeling like they had left the second dimension. In reality, they would be looping and twisting in the third dimension, even though to them it felt like they were travelling in a straight line. The fourth dimension, time, feels like a straight line to us, moving from the past to the future. But that straight line in the fourth dimension is, like the Möbius strip, actually twisting and turning in the dimension above. So, the long undulating snake that is us at any particular moment will feel like it is moving in a straight line in time, the fourth dimension, but there will actually be, in the fifth dimension, a multitude of paths that we could branch to at any given moment. Those branches will be influenced by our own choice, chance, and the actions of others.

Quantum physics tells us that the subatomic particles that make up our world are collapsed from waves of probability simply by the act of observation. In the picture we are drawing for ourselves here, we can now start to see how each of us are collapsing the indeterminate wave of probable futures contained in the fifth dimension into the fourth dimensional line that we are experiencing as “time”. Therein, parallel dimensions exist within this very dimension wherein cause and effect are still bound therein although between all timelines here, ye can never jump from one timeline to another.

6. The Sixth Dimension – A Fold

What if you wanted to go back into your own childhood and visit yourself? We can imagine folding the fourth dimension through the fifth, jumping back through time and space to get there. But what if you wanted to get to the world where, for example, you had created a great invention as a child that by now had made you famous and rich? We can imagine our fourth-dimensional selves branching out from our current moment into the fifth dimension, but no matter where you go from here the “great child inventor” time-line is not one of the available options in your current version of time -- “you can’t get there from here” -- no matter how much choice, chance, and the actions of others become involved.

There are only two ways you could get to that world – one would be to travel back in time, somehow trigger the key events that caused you to come up with your invention, then travel forward in the fifth dimension to see one of the possible new worlds that might have resulted. But that would be taking the long way. The shortcut we could take would involve us folding the fifth dimension through the sixth dimension, which allows us to instantly jump from our current position to a different fifth dimensional line. Time is not linear, but a collection of all existent moments, such as all moments that hath ever occurred. Infinite possibilities exist here.

7. The Seventh Dimension – A Line

In our description of the fourth dimension, we imagined taking the dimension below and conceiving of it as a single point. The fourth dimension is a line which can join the universe as it was one minute ago to the universe as it is right now. Or in the biggest picture possible, we could say that the fourth dimension is a line which joins the big bang to one of the possible endings of our universe.

Now, as we enter the seventh dimension, we are about to imagine a line which treats the entire sixth dimension as if it were a single point. To do that, we have to imagine all of the possible time-lines which could have started from our big bang joined to all of the possible endings for our universe (a concept which we often refer to as infinity), and treat them all as a single point. So, for us, a point in the seventh dimension would be infinity – all possible time-lines which could have or will have occurred from our big bang. It is like a library where all books exist; being a space of every possible outcome of every choice as a being of this place can have infinite forms of itself casually. It is free from the Sixth Dimension’s limitations as infinity is here perhaps.

8. The Eighth Dimension – A Split

When we describe infinity as being a “point” in the seventh dimension, we are only imagining part of the picture. If we’re drawing a seventh dimensional line, we need to be able to imagine what a different “point” in the seventh dimension is going to be, because that’s what our line is going to be joined to. But how can there be anything more than infinity? The answer is, there can be other completely different infinities created through initial conditions which are different from our own big bang. Different initial conditions will create different universes where the basic physical laws such as gravity or the speed of light are not the same as ours, and the resulting branching time-lines from that universe’s beginning to all of its possible endings will create an infinity which is completely separate from the one which is associated with our own universe. So the line we draw in the seventh dimension will join one of these infinities to another. And, as boggling as the magnitude of what we are exploring here might be, if we were to branch off from that seventh dimensional line to draw a line to yet another infinity, we would then be entering the eighth dimension. This is somewhat unimaginable to thy mind at first however in time it will be gained in understanding

9. The Ninth Dimension – A Fold

As we’ve explored already, we can jump from one point in any dimension to another simply by folding it through the dimension above. If our ant on the newspaper were a two-dimensional Flatlander, then folding his two-dimensional world through the third dimension would allow him to magically disappear from one location and appear in a different one. As we’re now imagining the ninth dimension, the same rules would apply – if we were to be able to instantaneously jump from one eighth dimensional line to another, it would be because we were able to fold through the ninth dimension. Infinite universes exist here with the analogy being the infinite library being the dimension with the books being all the realities; going through any point in time, having no physical or supranormal form and having the ability to freely dip in and out of space-or-time. The Formless Realm perhaps may be analogous.

10. The Tenth Dimension – A Point?

Before we discussed the first dimension, we could say that we first started out with dimension zero, which is the geometrical concept of the “point”. A point indicates a location in a system, and each point is of indeterminate size. The first dimension then takes two of these “points” and joins them with a line.

When we imagined the fourth dimension, it was as if we were treating the entirety of three-dimensional space in a particular state as a single point, and drawing a fourth-dimensional line to another point representing space as it is in a different state. We often refer to the line we have just drawn as “time”. Then in the seventh dimension, we treated all of the possible time-lines which could be generated from our big bang as if this were a single point, and imagined drawing a line to a point representing all of the possible time-lines for a completely different universe.

Now, as we enter the tenth dimension, we have to imagine all of the possible branches for all the possible time-lines of all the possible universes and treat that as a single point in the tenth dimension. Whew! So far, so good. But this is where we hit a roadblock: if we’re going to imagine the tenth dimension as continuing the cycle, and being a line, then we’re going to have to imagine a different point that we can draw that line to. But there’s no place left to go! By the time we have imagined all possible time-lines for all possible universes as being a single point in the tenth dimension, it appears that our journey is done. In String theory, physicists tell us that Super-strings vibrating in the tenth dimension are what create the subatomic particles which make up our universe, and all of the other possible universes as well. In other words, all possibilities are contained within the tenth dimension.

This would appear to be the concept we have just built for ourselves as we imagined the ten dimensions, built one upon another. with this being a human’s final level of understanding for dimensional theory in the form of M-Theory, Brane Theory, that of the Hilbert paradox and all such other theories of physics or science. In essence, the World of Darkness is beyond this… as is thy Soul’s Power and this being would have infinite powers beyond imagination, the mind, space-time, philosophy, science, ontology and all other fictional branches of stories or authorship cannot truly comprehend this, be it of the past, present or future.” Ruha explained calmly as Satoshi looked visibly astonished.

She held an atom in her hand which transformed into a tenth-dimensional object in mere moments only for her to then summon ten forests out of nowhere, walking Satoshi through the infinite World of Darkness. “Surely, you must consider the fact that there exists innumerable worlds of Darkness. The World of Darkness is dominated by all kinds of demons and monsters and ruled by the King of Darkness as the earth of Darkness is located to the south of the earth of Light, beneath the earth of Darkness: Beyond the earth of light downwards and beyond the earth Tibil, in the South there is that earth of darkness. Darkness exists through its own evil nature and the worlds of Darkness are numerous and without limit: Darkness exists through its own evil nature. It is a horrid darkness, a desolate gloominess which knows not the First and the Last. The underworld is made of six layers; this lowest (first) is copper, then iron, brass, steel, gold, silver and dust. ‘Ur, the King of Darkness is confined in arqa dnhasa “the earth of copper” by Hibil-Ziwa. The inhabitants of the World of Darkness show no fidelity to their habitation. Their earth is black waters and their heights are deep darkness: The worlds of darkness are numerous and without end. Broad and deep is the abode of evil, whose peoples showed no commitment to the place which is their endless habitation, whose kingdom came into being from themselves. They came into being from the tanna (womb) and procreation of the Darkness and from the whole saka (extreme, limit) of the Black Waters. Their earth is black water and their heights gloomy darkness. The composition of the World of Darkness is different from the World of Light and do not resemble in any way that of the World of Light: It has a form which is different and isolate from the earth of light, for they are (both) different from each other in every quality and shape. Darkness exists through its own evil nature and the worlds of Darkness are numerous and without limit: Darkness exists through its own evil nature. It is a horrid darkness, a desolate gloominess which knows not the First and the Last. The underworld is made of six layers; this lowest (first) is copper, then iron, brass, steel, gold, silver and dust. ‘Ur, the King of Darkness is confined in arqa dnhasa “the earth of copper” by Hibil-Ziwa.

The inhabitants of the World of Darkness show no fidelity to their habitation. Their earth is black waters and their heights are deep darkness: The worlds of darkness are numerous and without end. Broad and deep is the abode of evil, whose peoples showed no commitment to the place which is their endless habitation, whose kingdom came into being from themselves. But Darkness and Light are bound together, and without darkness there was no light: For darkness and light are bound together: had there been no dark then light would not have come into being. Those of Light are described as bhiria zidqa “the chosen righteous” who are mand‘ “knowledgeable” of the Life and full with abuta “goodness”, while the sons of Darkness characterised as “foolish” or “evil”: The world of darkness, utterly full of evil, ... full of devouring fire ... full of falsehood and deceit. A world of turbulence without steadfastness, a world of darkness without light ... a world of death without eternal life, a world in which the good things perish and plans come to naught. I went to the place of darkness; to the place where the evil ones dwell, and to the dwelling which is full of destroyers. (I went to) the place of the dragons, and to the furnaces of the consuming flames. To the furnaces of fire, whose flames ascend (and) reach the middle of firmament. I descended and found the rebellious monsters of the darkness. I descended and found them, as all of them plot in evilness. The King of Darkness (‘Ur) in different forms and shapes. Sometimes he is a gigantic reptile where his dragon nature appears and sometimes he is represented as a snake biting its tail. ‘Ur in the form of a louse whose body contains the worlds which extend towards the tail, seven in number: the first is the mafarta of Samis, the second is the world of m suni kusfa (the Mandaean ideal world), the third is the world of the Mandaeans and the rest are mafarthas (watchhouses). Above ‘Ur are the seven heavens and under his belly, which is of fire, there is the black water (oil) which produces fire. Beneath the black water are seven layers of copper-like earth. From the black water the King of Darkness was formed, and emerged through his own evil nature. He waxed strong, mighty, and powerful, he called forth and propagated a thousand thousand evil generations without limit and myriad ugly creations beyond count. That King of Darkness assumed all the forms of the creatures of the world: the head of the lion, the body of the dragon, the wings of the eagle, the back of the tortoise, the hands and feet of a monster. He walks, he crawls, creeps, flies, screams, is rude, threatening, roars, groans, gives (insolent) winks, whistles, and knows all the languages of the world. When he wants he stretches his body, and when he wants he makes himself small. He moves his handamh “membrum” in and out, and owns (the genitals) of men and women. And when he shakes (perceives?) all the mysteries, he rages with his voice, his word, his smoke, his breath, his eyes, his mouth, his hand, his leg, his strength, his poison, his wrath, his speech, his fear, his dread, his terror, his roaring, (and) all the worlds of darkness are terrified. His form is hideous, his body stinks, and his face is disfigured. The thickness of his lips measures one hundred and forty four thousand parasangs. The breath of his jaw melts iron, and the rocks are scorched by his breath. He lifts up his eyes and the mountains quake, the whisper of his lips makes the plains quake. His head is the head of a lion and is body like the body of a dragon (great serpent). His wing is like the wing of a bird, his tail like the tail of a great fish, and is four feet like the feet of the beast burden as the King of Darkness knows the converse and language of the five worlds. He understands everything he hears from their mouths, as the address one another; each one of them in his language. Two kings came into being (or: were there), two natures were fashioned: a king of this world and a king beyond the world. The king of these ages (or: aeons) put on a sword and crown of darkness. The crown of darkness he put on and took a sword in his right hand. A sword he took in his right hand and he stands there and slaughters his sons, and his sons slaughter each other. The king beyond the worlds put on a crown of light. A crown of light he put on and took Kusta (the Truth) in his right hand. Kusta he took his right hand, he stands there and instructs his sons. He stands there and instructs his sons, and his sons instruct one another. The first alien Life is the “King of Light,” whose world is “a world of splendor and of light without darkness.” Opposed to it is the “world of darkness, utterly full of evil, full of devouring fire, full of falsehood and deceit”. “Pistis Sophia desired to produce alone, without her consort, a work that would be like unto the first-existing Light: it came forth as a celestial image which constituted a curtain between the higher realms of light and the later-born, inferior aeons; and shadow extends beneath the curtain, that is, on its outer side which faces away form the light. The shadow, which was called “Darkness,” became matter; and out of this matter comes forth, as an abortion, the lion-shaped Ialdabaoth as the King of Light and the King of Darkness are engaged in fighting each other from the beginning and each of whom has his own realm, darkness by coincidence rose up out of his limits and attacked light. The forces of the World of Darkness consist of demons, dewis, (evil) spirits, hm urthas “amulet-spirits”, liliths , Tcuris “temple-spirits”, prikis “shrine-spirits”, patikris “idol-demons”, arkonis “archons”, malakis “angels”, nalais “vampires”, niulis “hobgoblins”, pig as “misadventure demons”, pilgis “mutant demons”, latabis “devils”, lihanis “net-spirits”, gadultas “ghosts”, and satanis “Satans”, all the hateful forms of darkness of every kind and variety, male and female of darkness. These creatures are haskia “gloomy”, Icumia “black”, tupsania "filthy", mriddia “rebellious”, rgizia “furious”, zidania “wrathful”, zihirania “venomous”, saklia “foolish”, ndidia “repulsive”, sahnia “stinking” and zapuria “putrid”. Some among them are harasia “mute”, pisia "deaf”, tmimia “insensible”, tahmia “dull”, algia “stuttering”, dugia “unhearing”, gugia “babbling”, pigia “idiots”, sgisia "frightful", laiadita “ignorant”; some among them are hasipia “arrogant”, hamimia hot-headed, taqipia “powerful”, haripia “harsh”, rugzania “ill-tempered”, raktania “lustful”, bniazma “children of blood”, (of) fanned fire, and overwhelming blaze. They partake of every kind of form: some of them crawl on their bellies, some move about in water, some fly, some have many feet like the reptiles of the earth, and some carry a hundred [...]. They have molars and incisors in their jaws .. . . The taste of their trees is Gike) poison and gall, their sap is Qike) naphtha and pitch. Some of these demons survive on devouring humans and spilling (drinking) their bloodies Dewis of bit Nirig “the house of Mars” fall upon humans and fleece them and cleave their flesh and spill their blood on the ground. Ruha (resp. Namrus or Hiwat) is the Arch-demoness, the queen of Darkness. She is the daughter of “Qin” the Mistress of Darkness. She is the ruler of the third matsarta (watch-house), and dwells in the first underworld. Ruha is the mother of the King of Darkness ‘Ur, and the mother of the Seven planets, the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac and the Five planets. She is considered as a kind of “‘fallen wisdom figure'' resembling Sophia in other Gnostic traditions: she fights and suffers and appears in several realms at the same time. Ruha is the leader of the underworld forces and the “entity incorporation powers of darkness which the lightworld had to conquer.” The Mandaeans use the term nisimta for “soul” and ruha for “spirit”. The expression ruha “spirit” stands on the lower level. Ruha is the immaterial part of man which is influenced by physical desires. Ruha’s symbolical colour, according to the Mandaeans, is sky-blue, and can appear as a woman of extreme beauty either in her blue mantle or naked, apparently, to seduce men. Ruha describes herself as “light and darkness”, “error and truth ”, “destruction and structure” etc., in clear dualist terms: I am the life which exists since eternity. I am the kusta which was from afore-the beginning. I am the radiance, I am the light, I am the death, I am the life, I am the darkness, I am the light, I am the error, I am the truth, I am the destruction and I am the structure, I am the offence (accidental disqualification for ritual etc.) and its purification. I am the outstanding being who is prior to that (one) who built the heavens and earth. When Ruha (the goddess of the Underworld and m other of all evil) realized th at Ptahil was having difficulties in his first attempt to create the world, she committed incest three tim es with ‘Ur (the King of Darkness) in order to produce the luminaries. The first time she approached Ur, as his mother, and said to him, “Arise and sleep with your mother and you will be freed from your fetter!” He slept with her and after seven days she bore the Seven (planets), but her offspring did not make her happy: “when she beheld them, her heart fell from its support”. In the second time she approached him as his sister, and said to him, “I am your sister; if you sleep with me your strength will be twice as much.” He slept with her and after twelve days she bore the Twelve (signs of the Zodiac) and again they did not please her. The third time, she approached him as his daughter and said to him, “Rise, my father, and behold your daughter! Embrace me and kiss me and sleep with me and gaze your fill at the world.” Again he slept with her and she conceived five “monsters” (the planets without the Sun and the Moon), and again they were not what Ruha wished for. Ruha could not achieve her goals; instead she lost her magical powers and failed to free her son Ur from his fetters. Ruha d-Qudsa “Holy-Spirit” is an epithet for Ruha, a personification of the emotional, lower and feminine elements in human personality. She is the “desirous” or “to make love sick” a symbol of baznaqita “lust”. Ruha’s epithet “qudsa” corresponds to a category of cultic staff of Istar which includes female prostitutes called qadistu. She conspired with the Planets to entrap Adam and install him in their congregation; in the earth of Tibil. She forged plans to seduce him with horns and flutes and seduce the whole tribe of Life and cut it off with her in the world. Ruha and her entourage practiced the mysteries of love in order to seduce the whole world. They took the living water and poured turbid water in it. They took the head of the tribe and practiced on him the mystery of love and lust, through which the whole world is inflamed. They practiced on him the mystery of drunkenness, by which all the worlds are made drunken. The world became drunk and turned their faces towards the great ocean of Sup. Woe to those who have been tempted by Ruha for they shall be swallowed by the demon Karapiun “the Swallower”: I reached that watch-house of Ruha d-Qudsa who sits upon the mouth of Karapiun the Swallower (name of a demon) and (puts) the harp of lust on her shoulder . . . And she brings temptation. She speaks with pipes (or: zither) and calls upon the twelve men, the merchants, who believe in her for Ruha assisted Ptahil in creating the physical world, infusing some of her secrets in this creation. Ptahil created Adam after his image and Hawa (Eve) after the image of Ruha: Ptahil spoke to Ruha and her angels, “I will create a male after my image and female after your image. We shall call the male Adam and the female Hawa (Eve) .” Ruha is an illusionist who can manipulate and mix times. She appeared to adam br adam Adam, the son of Adam, in the image of his wife (and sister) Hawa (Eve) and seduced him to fornicate with her. But the messenger Manda d-Hiia could thwart her plans at the last moment and saved Adam, the son of Adam from her seduction. She is connected with pollution and uncleanness; women in general are considered a source of pollution because of their nature. Ruha disguised herself as “Anhuraita”, Noah’s wife, and Noah took her and she became pregnant and brought forth three sons: Ham, Yam and Yafet. Women are a constant danger to ritual purity whenever Nature brings them into states of uncleanness: moreover, they belong to the Left, and Ruha, therefore, has more power over women than over men. At the end of the worlds, Ruha, the Planets together with the wicked and the unbelievers will be swallowed by the great Leviathan. ‘Ur Ruha and msiha (Jesus) and the Planets and all those souls who confess them, will call each other and reach each other, and lead each other by the hand. They are to be bound and fettered and then, like a pomegranate of lead, will depart and fall into ‘Ur, the lord of Darkness, into his huge interior. (Then) smoke will wind up and fire will be fanned and consume ‘Ur, the lord of Darkness and ‘uat Ruha, the liar and the Planets and all those souls who believe in them.” Ruha explained as Satoshi looked visibly horrified without doubt with her looking somewhat disheartened as she knew he was immune to her power.

“I can surely not affect thy soul… because your soul is protected by something far higher. I can see it, but your soul is protected by a transcendent ideal. Beyond even the World of Light… where it is clear thy true powers are. The worlds of darkness and the worlds of light are Body and Counterpart, (they are complements) of one another. Neither can remove from or approach the other, nor can one distinguish either from its partner, moreover each derives strength from the other.

World of Light as a world of fragrance, in which there is no vile odor; a world of eternal life, in which there is no death; pure without evil; a world of goodness without hatred; a world of living water, in whose aroma kings rejoice: The world, in which he (the King of Light) stands, has no demise: A world of radiance and light, in which there is no darkness, a world of calm, in which there is no disturbance, a world if justice, in which there is no chaos of confusion, a world of fragrance, in which there is no despicable smell, a world of eternal life, in which there in no demise or death, a world of living waters, in whose fragrance kings rejoice, a world of goodness, in which there is no evil, a world of truth (Kushta) and faith, in which there is no deception or lying; it is a pure world, without evil adulteration. The World of Light is a place of life, truth. Their buildings are of pure crystal and their skinas (abodes) are made out of light, Such souls long to see it and dwell in it: That place is a place of life, truth (Kushta), peace, security, joy, and faith, for which everyone hopes and in which everyone puts his trust. The King rejoices at the children of light, and they pride themselves on him. Their buildings and skinas are built of radiance and light, and their walls are full of strength and stability. Beings of light and kings (angels) of radiance dwell in the World of Light. They are gentle and wise, loving without malice. They are arrayed in garments of light. Their thoughts are open to each other and they know the First and the Last. Their clothes do not wither and their wreaths do not fade away: They are clothed in garments of radiance and are arrayed in a covering of light. They sit and dwell together, without offending one another and without sinning against one another. They are honored in their firmament and match as the eyelash the eye. Their thoughts are open on one another, and they know the First and the Last. They are a thousand thousand parasang leagues) distant from one another, and (yet) one is illumined by the other’s radiance, one is fragrant through another’s fragrance, one administers kusta to the other and they understand one another’s thoughts. They have escaped every kind of death and death’s corruption is not decreed for them . There is no passing away for them, they do not grow old, their strength does not diminish, and they are not plagued by diseases and infirmities. Their vesture does not become black nor their covering dark. Their (myrtle) wreaths do not wither; they do not crumble and do not lose their leaves. The World of Light is located to the north where Abatur is enthroned. The world of Light is a metaphysical world beyond the reach of the evil Planets. Physics does not apply and no gravity is needed; it is independent in its own laws: Their earth does not rest on anvils (: supports), their firmament does not rotate on wheels, the seven stars do not pass over them , and the Five and the Twelve do not control their destiny as both worlds gain sure strength from one another. "The Mšunia Kušṭa is a part of the World of Light considered to be the dwelling place of heavenly or ideal counterparts (dmuta). In Mandaean cosmology, Mshunia Kushta (Classical Mandaic: ࡌࡔࡅࡍࡉࡀ ࡊࡅࡔࡈࡀ, romanized: Mšunia Kušṭa, lit. 'realm of truth') is a part of the World of Light considered to be the dwelling place of heavenly or ideal counterparts (dmuta). It is similar to Plato's concept of the hyperuranion (realm of Forms), which can be roughly described as a place in heaven where all ideas of real things are collected together. The hyperuranion or topos hyperuranion (Ancient Greek: ὑπερουράνιον τόπον, accusative of ὑπερουράνιος τόπος, "place beyond heaven"), which is also called Platonic realm, is a place in heaven where all ideas of real things are collected together. As a perfect realm of Forms, the hyperuranion is within Plato's view that the idea of a phenomenon is beyond the realm of real phenomena and that everything we experience in our lives is merely a copy of a perfect model. It is described as higher than the gods since their divinity depended on the knowledge of the hyperuranion beings. The Kunta transcends even the concepts and all of philosophy, ontology, etc as I am one with Heaven... Shatrin (Classical Mandaic: ࡔࡀࡕࡓࡉࡍ, romanized: Šatrin) is a heavenly tree mentioned. Shatrin is where the souls of unbaptized children are temporarily nourished for 30 days. On the 30th day, Hibil Ziwa baptizes the souls of the children, who then continue on to the World of Light. Tarwan is a part of the World of Light that is described as a "pure land." When a Mandaean person dies, priests perform elaborate death rituals or death masses called masiqta in order to help guide the soul (nišimta) towards the World of Light. In order to pass from Tibil (Earth) to the World of Light, the soul must go through multiple maṭarta (watch-stations, toll-stations or purgatories; see also Aerial toll house, Arcs of Descent and Ascent, and Araf) before finally being reunited with the dmuta, the soul's heavenly counterpart. In essence… all three do exist there in their truest form. For it is the World of Light, a world of pure (energy) which contains no material pleasures. The Skinas, with their illuminating light and magnificent radiance, are the symbol of the Divine might and glory: Then the Lord of Greatness Mara-d-Rabuta stood and created four hundred and forty four Skinas to his right, and three hundred and sixty Skinas to his left. Then, he created from every Skina one thousand and eight hundred thousand myriad ruban precious and sublime uthras. Their radiance is magnificent and their light is illuminating. Their precious illumination lights up the Lamps that shine before them. Two guards are posted upon every single Skina and two lamps are lit in front of them. The Skina, just like the other Mandaean elements of creation, is enclosed with mystery which no one can comprehend its entity: He is the Kushta (Truth) who lives in upper heights, the Lord of Greatness, Lord of all mighty beings. There is no one to define and express his force and all his worlds and his Skinas, in which the uthras and melki “kings” dwell and from these mystical dwellings (or: sanctuaries) of the high beings, mystic sprouts came into being: The proven, pure one spoke saying to the Great One: “If it pleases you, Great One, if it pleases you Great Ones, a world of light has been made Created is a world of light and a company has been established therein, Skinas have been set up therein. It will be bright in your praise, in your praise it will shine, and will be blessed with your blessing. Mystic sprouts (offspring) will come into being and at your word they will flourish, they will flourish at your word and sprouts that are worthy will be raised up as the First Mana who abode for nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand myriads of years alone in his own Skina - for no Companion came to him; (none existed)" with there being " three hundred and sixty Skinata (abodes), the three hundred and sixty worlds, ours, because they are worlds of light amongst which all mysteries are shared out - they emanated from the supreme and Celestial World... [a] mighty and lofty world of light; praised be all those Skinata “sanctuaries” of the Hidden for in each and every skinta sit a thousand thousand ‘uthras, (‘uthras) without end, and the myriad myriad sanctuaries that are countless. Praised are those thousand thousand ‘uthras without end and the myriad myriad sanctuaries beyond count". Continuing on, every man and every light-being has a double; a counterpart. Each individual has his own likeness in the ideal world of Mshunia Kushta (the ideal world)"

"[...] Nothing existed until the Great Mystic Mana decided to emanate from himself and with him three hundred and sixty-six mighty celestial world of light came into being and shone: I worship, laud and praise that Mystic First Mind (Mana) of Glory, who emanated from Himself, whose brilliance exceeds all (other) mystic glories; it is greater than word of mouth (can describe) and his light mightier than lips can express for He is the Mana (Mind), the great, the mysterious, the First of Glory, the great mighty Mana, in the radiance of which banner three hundred and sixty-six mighty celestial worlds of light shine... With the Great Mana’s manifestation, existence came into motion and all the worlds gained power and the lamps and lights started to glow? The worlds and generations cannot comprehend his nature and the nature of his counterpart: Then he taught about the Mana (Nous or Intelligence) and its Counterpart, for the world and generations know them not - that they correspond to that which comes from the (brain) matter and the vision of the heart (inner vision) that is within them. He aroused, went and led him (Hibil) into the presence the Glorious Manas. When Hibil, the fore-ordained Mana, entered he was startled because their radiance was transcendent and their light was overwhelming. He was not able to behold their images because their radiance was colossal and their light was enormous", meaning that the World of Light inherently scales above the entirety of the World of Darkness with Mana also being able to control souls and bodies. In addition, the World of Light is described as having "countless worlds". When describing Satoshi as the King of Light, "His radiance was greater than the words of the mouth (or: what can be told by the mouth) and his light was bigger than what the lips can portray. There exists a thousand thousand fruits without limits and countless myriads of sikinas (celestial dwellings) emanated and in each fruit existed a thousand thousand of themselves without limits... his being was that of The Life know that at life came into being on the land of Light and from the Life, the water came into being, and from the water, the radiance came into being, and from the radiance, the light, and from the light, the uthras came into being, who are standing and praising the Life. "The Great Life is a personification of the creative and sustaining force of the universe, but the personification is slight, and spoken of always in the impersonal plural, it remains [a?] mystery and abstraction. The symbol of Life is the “living water” yardina “Jordan. He participates in the positive aspect alone: it is nukraiia “beyond”, alauia kulhun ubadia “above all creation”, balma dnhura “in the world of light” wherein ye are stronger than Yushamin completely who "was cast down because he wanted to instigate a fight and throw controversy into the House of the Great Ones. He imagined evil; therefore he was bound with a chain in order to stay eternally in it". He is the true deity, the lofty king whose powers are endless and infinite. No death comes near him and fadedness does not touch his nature and the King of Light is anterior to all the mysteries - the Jordan, radiance, light and air and beams of light, and the crown, and kusta (covenant), pihta (sacred bread) and the myrtle wreath - each mystery is more revered and sublime than any one of its companions. He is situated in the lofty north, strong, beautiful, and glorious, the origin of all luminous beings and father of all uthras. He is the lofty king whose powers are endless and infinite. The great Lord of all kings: nothing was when he was not and nothing would be were he not to be; death is not imposed on him and evanescence means nothing to him. His light illuminates and his radiance irradiates all the worlds, and the kings who stand before him and shine in their radiance and in the great light which rests upon them. He gave them prayer and praise, which settled in their hearts, those who stand in the clouds of light. Stars and planets contain supernatural powers (spirits) which affect the destinies of mankind and these powers are obedient to Malka d-Nhura the King of Light. Beings personify the light by the great light spirit M alka d-Nhura surrounded by countless numbers of melki (kings; beings of light). The King is delighted with the children of light. He calls one (of them), and a thousand answer him. By his word he planted uthras, and by the word of his mouth he made the perfect raising. King of all the uthras and skinas, great crown at the top of the heights, gentle one, who subdue powerful, might, that restrain the rebellious. The sparkles of his crown flash all around and rays of radiance, of light, and of glory issue from his face and between the leaves of his wreath. All the uthras and kings, all the worlds (beings) stand there in prayer and praise that sublime King of Light. No carpenter has built his throne and builder built his house. No one can visualize the nature of Malka d-Nhura “the King of Light'' and no one can comprehend the great Light. His sacred name is hidden from everyone, and no one can call him by his real name. No human carpenters constructed the throne beneath him; no masterbuilder in clay built the houses of his throne. He is King from the very beginning, whose kingdom lasts forever and never passes away. There is no name like his name, and there is no one that can name him by his (real) name, there is no one that can name him by his (real) title (or: nature). Now as to these two mysteries of ziwa and nhura (radiant light and diffuse light): know that they are the ancient primal Father and Mother. Pure gold is the mystery of the Father, its name is Radiance: silver is the Mother's mystery and its name is Light. Silver is the Mother's mystery [symbol] and it's name is Light. The Crown is the Father's symbol and its name is Radiance: the myrtle-wreath the symbol of the Mother and its name is “Let there be Light”. The “owner of a crown” [a priest] is concerned with the mystery of the Father. Praised be the First Great Radiance and praised the First great Light. Praised be the mystic Tanna (womb?) which dwells in the great mystic First Wellspring and the First Date-palm. Praised be the great Yawar who was formed from the loins of Radiance. Praised is Simat-Hiia, Mother of all Kings, for from Her all world proceeded, because She was appointed as the result of secret mysteries. The whole existence consists of two worlds: the World of Light with its heavenly jordans and battalions of Beings of lights “uthras”, against the World of Darkness with its demons, liliths and evil beings. The hostility between these two worlds is eternal, but these worlds cannot be isolated because they derive their powers from each other: The worlds of darkness and the worlds of light are Body and Counterpart, (they are complements) of one another, neither can. It is the Light of the Great First Life which together with the Radiance encircle the Mana (the first intelligence): Let there be light, let there be light! Let there be light of the Great First Life! Before the Mana there is light, behind the Mana glory, and at either side of the Mana radiance, brilliance and purity. In the name of the great alien Life, from the countless worlds of Light (or: from the worlds of light, sublime) which is above all.” Ruha explained with Satoshi’s eyes flashing for the briefest of moments, witnessing the Future to Come; as the two walked forward in the endless World of Darkness with the entire World bearing his entire eyesight. “Even if your future to-be activates her vision, she could not fully see the end of the world.” Ruha explained, snapping her fingers as Satoshi then saw a house, cloaked in purple energy behind a huge building with it being 92 metopes, or square spaces between triglyphs that were decorated with relief sculptures, an Ionic frieze once full of sculptures that encompassed the entire building with Satoshi immediately trying to jump back only for Ruha to bind his feet in the World of Darkness. “Now then… after this… only then will ye absorb the final Queen and King of the World of Darkness.” Ruha explained as the 92 metopes became that of 7, even with Krun appearing in the building. “The Shadow Sword wilt lose its strength, for I, the Shadow King, wilt beseech myself its power henceforth. Thy sacrifice will be inevitable! You will lose everything!” Krun said, laughing as Satoshi knew that he had no choice but to use something he hardly ever hoped to use as he made sure to restrict its power, using his Eye which glowed violently; a light blue energy briefly spreading around himself. “I am not here nor there. I am not right nor wrong. I do not exist neither non-exist. I am not I nor non-I. I am not in samsara nor nirvana.” He said, to summon a mind-made body, one made of Form as Ruha looked visibly surprised, recognising this truly potent capacity and understanding it for what it is. “Thou art a bearer of the Eyes that can perceive the Darkness that layeth within thy world and those of others; both the inner and outer extremities of those wretched humans. Know that if we had any sense in going into thy world, it would be corrupted in less time it would take a needle to poke a substance or core. The mere conceptualisation of us existing would cause them to become grave robbers, miscreants and deviants of the bastardised kind therein, that which language can contain and understand, so know that even if thy blade is gone, ye will have a better gift courtesy of Us.” Ruha explained as she bowed down calmly with Satoshi looking surprised himself. “Tathāgatas are both amazing, Ānanda, and endowed with amazing qualities. They are both astounding and endowed with astounding qualities. Whenever the Tathāgata merges his body with his mind and his mind with his body, and remains having alighted on the perception of ease and buoyancy with regard to the body, then his body becomes lighter, more pliant, more malleable, & more radiant. Just as when an iron ball heated all day becomes lighter, more pliant, more malleable, & more radiant; in the same way, whenever the Tathāgata merges his body with his mind and his mind with his body, and remains having alighted on the perception of ease and buoyancy with regard to the body, then his body becomes lighter, more pliant, more malleable, & more radiant. Now, whenever the Tathāgata merges his body with his mind and his mind with his body, and remains having alighted on the perception of ease and buoyancy with regard to the body, then his body rises effortlessly from the earth up into the sky.

Ye hath the following with thy Eye:

He then experiences manifold supranormal powers. Having been one he becomes many; having been many he becomes one. He appears. He vanishes. He goes unimpeded through walls, ramparts, & mountains as if through space. He dives in & out of the earth as if it were water. He walks on water without sinking as if it were dry land. Sitting cross-legged he flies through the air like a winged bird. With his hand he touches & strokes even the sun & moon, so mighty & powerful. He exercises influence with his body even as far as the Brahmā worlds. Just as a tuft of cotton seed or a ball of thistle down, lightly wafted by the wind, rises effortlessly from the earth up into the sky, in the same way, whenever the Tathāgata concentrates his body in his mind & his mind in his body, and remains having alighted on the perception of ease and buoyancy, then his body rises effortlessly from the earth up into the sky. He then experiences manifold supranormal powers... even as far as the Brahmā worlds. It’s a mental image that corresponds with the physical body. However, in this sense, it is part of rūpa, i.e. the physical realm, even though it is created by and perceived by the mind. This is because it has physical properties like shape, position, color, etc. It takes on the same physical shape and attributes as the coarse material (oḷārika) body. The idea is, I think, that the mind-made body is the felt or perceived body, i.e. the physical body as experienced internally. Normally we have an inner map or idea of the body which matches the externally perceived body quite well; but this is not always the case. Consider the well known phenomenon of phantom limbs. For an amputee, the phantom limb they can experience would be their mind-made body, which doesn’t completely correspond with the coarse body.” Ruha explained to Satoshi’s slight shock and amazement.

“I am… a Ma’rid of Hell.” Satoshi coldly said as dark energy spread throughout the planet as his sword’s gem was completely destroyed since the incident of the Blue Lane with Ruha stopping it with a thought. “Indeed, thy spiritual engravings will grant ye the ability to control all the pre-existing Mana.” Ruha explained, summoning the Cheng Ying and the other 9 swords which began dancing around; as the Jade Emperor also appeared in a beautiful glow of bright light. “That is… the Cheng Ying, the Sword of Elegance." The Emperor explained as Satoshi saw, using his mysterious Eye, black energy surrounding the Sword. “So that energy has the ability to adapt itself from the Night.” Satoshi thought to himself as he saw both night and day in the Sword. “Cheng Ying: Lunar Form - Celestial Wave.” The Emperor said as Satoshi saw a black and white slash befall him as Satoshi felt parts of his Kote and Tekko being slowly destroyed, as parts of them fell on the ground, causing his arms and hands to slowly bleed, as the black energy was made more prominent as moonlight shone around his blade. “This Sword that is unnaturally strong.” Satoshi thought to himself as the sign within showed itself to be a golden crown. “Cheng Ying: Lunar Eclipse - Death of the Starry Night!” The Jade Emperor said upon being attacked, every part of Satoshi’s body began to bleed, as he stood behind Satoshi with his sword being drawn completely. “You have improved, young one.” The Jade Emperor explained kindly. “Its good to see you back to normal and after speaking to him… it appears that your sacrifice of losing the Shadow Sword will bear a greater gift… perhaps a Gift from Beyond or the actual usage of the State of Brahman… in things that aren’t the Moment.” Kulana explained, seeing that Satoshi bore the Gem of Gabriel in his hand, as he also felt the Star symbol in his other eye disappear and instead be engraved onto the Gem. “Furthermore, because the star is engraved on there… you can thus perhaps summon that Circle only when holding the Gem… with one symbol, that of the Star. “You still haven’t mastered that State of Brahma ability?” Ruha asked as she saw energy of nature and far beyond in the Cosmos being drawn closer to him in literal moments, as his eyes shot open, revealing eyes that were devoured in the Cosmos, as he felt his spirit appearing in a grey and empty dimension, with him noticing a large kite that resembled a pudding that was red with a crown-like symbol on its centre dropped down to the ground as a large monkey appeared from it, also bearing a crown on its forehead with an unknown symbol underneath the crown. The monkey also had a very long tail that was rather furry and two very long hands that were human-like in their appearance as his entire body was covered in red, as there were no pieces of cloth on his body with white fur around his body. “It is you, Satoshi.” The monkey said as Satoshi remained calm, as he traversed the empty realm around him, endless in its form; beyond the confines of space and time and even the very idea of a universe or multiverse or even an omniverse. “This, Satoshi, is the Realm of Brahma. Where emptiness is non-existing for it was created by Ashoka in his younger years. I am Hanuman, the Monkey God and the Remover of Obstacles. I appeared in a more spiritually malleable form in front of you when you fought the empress Wu of Zetian.” Hanuman explained as his tail was simply swishing gently in the wind, as Satoshi saw a massive bird and a large six-headed snake that turned into an infinite-headed snake appearing near him. “This snake is the Ananta Shesha, an immortal snake that cannot be damaged nor commanded… except by those higher than he, of which is Vishnu. Garuda is also commanded only by Vishnu as a bird who can fly you anywhere you wish at speeds greater than anything imaginable.” Hanuman explained as Satooshi’s eyes briefly flashed. They instantly appeared and fought him, as Hanuman with one hand grabbed Garuda, seemingly enlarging it. “I am unbound by any deities, including Vishnu but I bore servitude to Rama, an avatar of him for some time but I relinquished myself shortly after.” He explained as he manifested a large black staff in his hand. “Of the Nagas alone, I am the Honoured One amongst the Snakes.” Ananta Shesha said as all of his endless heads removed their hoods transformed into a human form with a black hood with a long robe that bore a snake on it, just as Garuda also shapeshifted into an entity that also resembled a human with a hawk’s head. “O Bird of Birds, why are we fighting the Monkey God?” Ananta explained to the now human Garuda. “Why are you fighting?” Satoshi asked as Hanuman looked at him calmly with a soft smile on his face. “To show you something.” They all explained as he released his staff from his hand and glared at the two. “Let the Three Way Deadlock begin… and end here.” Ananta Shesha said as Satoshi looked, somewhat frustrated, as Ananta Shesha rushed towards Hanuman with blistering speed as Hanuman calmly dodged the attacks with ease, as a lightning bolt instantly came down and struck him, as Ananta Shesha’s body instantly healed with Garuda firing wind at them as Hanuman dodged, leading to Ananta Shesha getting damaged slightly, as Hanuman appeared behind Garuda and slapped him on the chest, sending him flying away, as Ananta Shesha summoned a green-bladed spear out of his mouth. “This shalt end ye. Vaisravana.” Ananta Shesha said upon seeing it, Garuda looked shocked as he was instantly struck with multiple hits with blood pouring throughout his body. “Winds of Heaven and Earth.” Garuda said as winds struck Ananta Shesha only for him to walk through the attack. “Snake Shadow Strike - Vishnu’s Wrath.” Ananta Shesha said as multiple snakes appeared from the ground and attacked Hanuman with all of them only for them to be sent flying and disappeared as wind devoured their very existence. “Is there anything more you want to try and do?” Hanuman asked calmly as he noticed Ananta Shesha summoning more of himself. “Svarat - Sri Anantadeva!” Ananta Shesha said as Satoshi began to get slightly more frustrated upon hearing this, as though he recognised it. The human form was still the same as the snakes became infinitely larger. “So you activated your true form? Thus it makes sense that you do so, in here.” Hanuman explained as Garuda looked shocked upon seeing all of this, as they all began to strike towards Garuda. “This is it! Atman: Mahavishnu!” Garuda said as he became much bigger in the empty sky as Garuda appeared, donning golden fur, as Satoshi stood up with his eyes emitting cosmic energy from them, as he turned into a bald man with multiple signs. “Lord Ashoka!” Garuda and Ananta Shesha as he glared at both of them only to smile. “Hanuman, end them for indeed you are the strongest of all animals. Even when you are summoned in the Future, Shesha, ye are able to be sealed as well as Garuda for ye both die to the Pashupatastra.” Ashoka explained as Ananta Shesha and Garuda looked shocked yet slightly enraged as they attacked Hanuman only for wind to bind them both in place as they were both sent flying back in their true forms. “Attacking him is utterly meaningless.” Ashoka explained as they bowed down to him, except Hanuman. “You are clearly immune to Our Power, for we formeth ourselves into you, Hanuman, unlike the Bird of Birds and Adishesha where they are our servants.” Ashoka explained with no difference to his voice. “Hanuman, you are to be the Boy’s personal one.” Ashoka calmly explained as golden light surrounded Ananta Shesha and Garuda, causing them to disappear for good. “This is beyond you.” Ashoka said as Hanuman looked utterly shocked as he saw it. “Of course. The only thing beyond me is Para Brahman.” Hanuman said calmly as he smiled. “Yes, for while you are below ME, you can use Prakamya to bear equality in terms of your ability [for that and all other Siddhi come from MY Hukam] yet I am still The One Creator of all Things, being infinitely above Mahadeva, Mahavishnu for they are still below ME. Know that the State of Brahman is above you and all other creatures, being that the State of Brahman containeth Atman and thus Paramatman within it therein. You were already unbound in a state beyond Moksha, away from MY Creation’s Avatar. Surely Satoshi shalt bear MINE Powers as the Sage of the Moon, in the form of mine knowledge and such. Know that I am the One Creator of all. Those who worship darkness and all material pleasures worship false demigods, where I created this endless Omniverse and that which the one who is writing this Story knoweth ME by MY Other Name which is verily SUPREME. I am not Bhagwan for that is a mere part of MY Name [of this, Para Brahman] as I am the Supreme Lord for the Sages call ME by various Names in the Scriptures, of which there are many with ME having One that is surely uncorrupted. Ultimately, I AM One, with no Second of which this shalt explain therein.” Ashoka explained as golden writing appeared in the Endless Sky. "Ekam evadvitiyam" "He is One only without a second." [Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1]1

"Na casya kascij janita na cadhipah." "Of Him there are neither parents nor lord." [Svetasvatara Upanishad 6:9]2

"Na tasya pratima asti" "There is no likeness of Him." [Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:19]3

"Na samdrse tisthati rupam asya, na caksusa pasyati kas canainam."

"His form is not to be seen; no one sees Him with the eye." Ashoka explained as Hanuman bowed down peacefully upon explaining this. “Yes, you are surely the One Creator beyond understanding, imageless, endlessly beyond the Trimurti and Creator of all things, bodiless, supreme, pure and beyond any humane attributes yet I still bear the powers of your lower Creations, for You are unborn, beyond any doubt; all powerful.” Hanuman said with devotion and calm. “But what is that Book that is beyond even the Vedas themselves, uncorrupted?” Hanuman explained as Ashoka remained quiet. “I know that which you do not know” Ashoka said as Hanuman smiled peacefully. Ashoka remained intensely calm. “Of course. So I am Satoshi’s Personal Creature therein.” Hanuman said as Ashoka remained emotionless, as a storm appeared above them both. “You are undoubtedly above both My servants of Shesha and Garuda. Thus I ask you what you want, Hanuman.” Ashoka asked as Hanuman looked shocked. “Ye are already free from My avatar Rama; thus dost thou want to be free from all things including Nirvana?” Ashoka asked as Hanuman looked at him with absolute shock upon hearing this, as he nodded. “Yes. If it is Your will, O King.” Hanuman said as a white light surrounded him in that moment, only for him to return to his current state. “Thou shalt have two more Boons.” Ashoka explained to Hanuman to his utmost shock. “My second Boon is to regain my initial connection and that which YOU mentioned.” Hanuman said as a golden light surrounded him in that moment, as he instantly returned back, as a book appeared in his hand with thousands of pages, that opened up, shut and disappeared as he nodded approvingly. “My third and final Boon is to possess YOUR original will and power for me containeth therein.” Hanuman said as a diamond-like light utterly surrounded his being, as he felt himself being devoured in light even greater than that of Rama or any of the Trimurti as his eyes opened up, revealing the very Cosmos itself had borne within him only to return back to that moment. “You are thus the Boy’s summon where he bears the Eyes of Truth and Enlightenment, the Pure Eye. Know that e’en one can see through all things. Thou art thus the Lord of all Creatures yet I am still the Lord henceforth.” Ashoka explained as Hanuman looked at himself as his white fur ruffled in the wind. “Thy traits and abilities shalt be at the supreme level, of which your true strength lies. All items shalt be at thy beckoning, for none shalt harm with this final and third Boon ye hath now been granted by ME alone.” Ashoka explained as a large, white lightning bolt struck Hanuman in that instant as he survived it with ease. “That wouldst hath taken out My servants of Ananta and Garuda in a strike. Know that this Boy doth and shalt beareth My Power in no images or understandable form, as he shalt complete his merging with the Ultimate Reality, that is which MY understandable form known as Brahman which ye falsely bear with humane attributes or any attributes, that of which I AM beyond including Nirguna and Saguna, Atman and Paramatman; endlessly beyond them I AM, for they are conceptions of ME.” He explained to Hanuman as he still remained supremely calm. “Know that Atman is the Understandable Form of MY known form in Brahman, as a tangible Essence which the Atman existeth in all entities in an individualised form, with it ultimately returning into Paramatman that is endlessly higher than the Trimurti and Atman; thus it being MY Spirit and Essence in this Name for I am endlessly beyond All things including such with this Boy also beareth the Power of MY Other Name in terms of his Divine self, which he is still endlessly below, equated to ME nor a child or incarnation is he not. Surely, I, as the Lord is imageless, formless and beyond all.” He explained as Ashoka’s form disappeared into Satoshi who still was in his Spirit form. “Hanuman…. What happened?” Satoshi asked as he noticed a black spot appearing in the empty void which saw creatures forming within them that were infinite in their own scope. “Satoshi, this is another universal space [that is that of the Cthulhu Mythos which are ye above anyhow] that ye are to absorb.” He explained to Satoshi, as he saw everything from the Past Long Gone as black energy surrounded him, with this being absorbed into him in the Present Moment as he felt no major difference to his form. “Thy form is not different yet thy power is surely to be so! You can only truly access these powers within the State of Brahman. Now…shake my hand… for we shall be contracted to one another.” Hanuman explained as Satoshi shook his hand, causing them to disappear from the World of Brahma. He soon appeared back, as he opened his eyes in the World. Satoshi’s eyes glared at the Jade Emperor. “WHY DIDN’T YOU SAVE SAKURA WHEN THAT BASTARD, SATANIKA, HAD HER AND KULANA KILLED?!” Satoshi screamed as the Jade Emperor merely smiled. “It is Fate… destiny itself causeth her end to be so tragic. If I acted, Satanika would have merely escaped and simply devoured Beiping in vengeance.” The Jade Emperor explained as he knew what he had to do to alleviate Satoshi and Damien, summoning a ghostly version of Sakura and teleport Satoshi’s mind and soul to a heavenly place filled with cherry blossom trees: “Now what was that gift you were saying about before?” Sakura asked as he held her hand, walking her into the middle of the Torii’s structure as a gentle wind blew forward, with her bearing purple hair pins and a flowery kimono. “This is my mother’s! How did-!” Sakura asked herself as she saw Satoshi with him no longer bearing cosmic energy in his eyes, but instead a Sun and a Moon in his eyes with the stars in both eyes, to her shock. “I got it for you whilst I was in the other World.” Satoshi explained as she remained calm and blushed upon hearing this statement.

“You truly look beautiful. I mean it.” Satoshi said to Sakura with gentle eyes as he held her arms gently. “Satoshi…. While I still can’t forgive you for what happened that day, I still acknowledge that you have helped me greatly ever since we locked eyes on one another, even with our children.” Sakura said as Satoshi closed his eyes and turned around to walk away, as she noticed cherry blossom trees. “But I… admit that I-.... love you as a father and such. I really do. I hope you can forgive me for what I did with Kaisuke and Xiaoyu.” Sakura said as Satoshi turned around as she looked at him with a loving expression. “Yes, after some time, I did forgive you.” Satoshi explained calmly as his eyes seemed to be looking into her soul. “I truly love you too. Now and forever. Until death do us part.” Satoshi said as Sakura felt the sunset glow on her dress, as her kimono’s flowers started to glow in a golden light as her white eyes began to glow slightly into a pinkish-white. He went closer to her and grabbed her arms tightly. “Wait, I have something else to show you. Please close your eyes.” Satoshi asked calmly as she obliged, as his eyes remained unchanged, as he moved his hands causing large torrents of wind to fire around him, as the cherry blossoms fell out of each tree, dancing around the two of them. “Sakura, please open your eyes.” He said as she opened her eyes that were endlessly pale and as white as the Moon, as she noticed the cherry blossoms dancing around them to her delight, as tears began to stream out of her eyes only to be wiped away gently by Satoshi. “Satoshi… ever since we met…. I- I felt as though we were destined to meet by fate. I’m sorry for what happened back then but it was natural having found out that my parents had died by what happened by your hands. My mother would’ve adored you even with my father now gone, Akaria is peacefully restored. Samantha and the others are alright, even with Kulana dead as Issun and some of the geisha and Oiran being killed. Ming Hao and Xian are still alright, having new limbs now. I’m so glad we met and had 6 beautiful children. But I’m sorry for being a demon. I’m glad you didn’t kill me otherwise we wouldn’t have met. I wish things were different since you are an angel and a very beautiful one at that. My necklace will likely be spread to each child after them, generation by generation. Perhaps next time when we meet, we won’t be reincarnated. My eyes are gone so their fate is gone and quenched in the hands of Satanika. I hope she falls in love with someone who can accept her willingly, just like… you. But just make my funeral short. I don’t deserve such a humble eulogy. And as the saying goes, ‘Shi ga Futari wo Wakatsu made’. Farewell… my one, true love.” Sakura said to Satoshi as his eyes were filled with tears; as were Damien’s, causing her to turn to Damien who smiled. She then kissed him on the cheek. "SHE KISSED ME! AM I DREAMING!" Damien thought, absolutely flushed with embarassment as he ran to his room. "SHE CONSIDERS ME "JUST A GREAT FRIEND?!" WHY?! WHY AM I IN THE FRIENDZONE AFTER EVERYTHING I DID?!" He asked himself as Satoshi stared at him as Sakura laughed. “I don’t like you Damien. At least not like that. I genuinely like Satoshi since I obviously had children with him. Sexual contact isn’t fun because I have never had sex. I do not want sex. Not with you or Satoshi. This kiss is and was our one-on-one time, agreed?” Sakura explained as Damien glared at her. “It is?” Damian asked as Sakura looked confused. “What more could you want?” Sakura asked as Damian smiled and shrugged. “Thanks for genuinely being so kind, Sakura.” Damian then smiled as Sakura then slapped his glasses off, leaving Satoshi to only look at the glasses as he heard Damien blushing, fully shocked upon being blindsided. Needless to say, Damian was kissed until he passed out, only for him to return to shortly thereafter as he smiled at her genuinely. “Thank you, Sakura… I promise I’ll protect your legacy.” Damian said softly as he broke down shortly thereafter. “Satoshi…. I love you.” Sakura said as Crows appeared on each and every torii gate as tears fell out of all of their eyes. The sun started to set into dusk as they both lovingly kissed each other for the first time in what seemed to be an eternity as time felt like it had slowed down as they released their lips; cherry and red as they walked off together into the endless night. “Farewell, Sakura Jigoku… I will never forget you for as long as I live. And even though your father is gone… Akaria is at peace.” Satoshi thought to himself as she walked away with a ghost version of Hinata, fully free. Satoshi was indeed correct but Akaria was going to be dust in a short while.

“Because Kulana is thus dead… you have a choice… transcending thy humane limitations. As we mentioned regarding the 10th Dimension… your brain will be adapted either now or later on where ye transcend the human Kardashev scale in its entirety, being able to control entire multiverses without the need for the State of Darkness and Light. Furthermore, because of the Scientist not being here, ye can attain thy truest power as the Sage of Shadow and Light now… or… you wilt become such after you kill thy ultimate enemy.” Ruha explained as she bowed completely towards the King of Darkness… light raindrops firing down from the sky as Satoshi’s Cheng Ying bore numerous red slashes on its every orifice as though it was bound in darkness, for it was red… redder than the blood moon. “Now Thy powers will return in due course.” A voice said from within the World of Darkness. “Satoshi… thy future is seen.” The Jade Emperor said calmly as Satoshi then used what power he now had to summon a huge interdimensional portal, taking everyone back in an instant to their house as things were peaceful with Damien looking visibly happy. Satoshi then walked off into the Purple Lane alone, only to see a familiar presence; his eye glowing in the night as a green-haired girl appeared in the flicker of light that was swallowed by her presence. “Its really been a while, hasn’t it, White Spirit? We really haven’t had a proper reunion greeting, have we?” Aloa asked as Satoshi’s Pure Eye became red… filled with no malice. “It appears that we haven’t.” Satoshi said as Aloa smiled, knowing immediately this was who she knew. “No… indeed we haven’t. But the next time we do… I will bury you, the ultimate legacy of Kouyate, the strongest swordsman in history.” Aloa said condescendingly as Satoshi remained indifferent. “I’m surprised you know so much about me.” He said to her as his ponytail swished silently, as his master’s clothing was barely visible. “Yes… you are known worldwide for your crimes against those in Beiping and New Japan… as well as those in Atoru, Manoru and Akaria. Don’t forget the Blue Lane too…” Aloa said as she walked away, deciding that Satoshi was no longer worth her time. “For someone hidden under his mask of Robin Hood… your true face has slipped.” Aloa then continued to say, goading him into a reaction. “As have you.” Satoshi immediately retorted, knowing a game of words with someone like her was a game of chess between grandmasters. “Your funeral will be soon, make no mistake.” She then said calmly as Satoshi scoffed at that whilst still appearing indifferent and callous. “We’ll see about that, Poison Ivy, taker of castles.” Satoshi said, now to the open air for she disappeared into thin air with him walking away back to his home. “DAMIAN! I Have a proposal.” Satoshi screamed as Damian then turned around himself. “Yes?! What is it?” He asked, his eyes lit with curiosity. “You can live with us on one condition… You cannot engage with Hinata in any circ*mstances that relate to consistent physio-emotional contact. No doing what Muro did.” Satoshi said as Damian looked annoyed, as they both went into their separate rooms; with Satoshi simply releasing all of his pent-up emotions while Damian was silent, crying for the one who he saw as a potential love interest: Sakura Jigoku.

The next morning Satoshi came with a goal: “Damien… I think its time that we take on the Purple Lane.” Upon learning of this, Damien smiled and reminded himself of Sakura, knowing that whilst at peace, he wanted Muro dead, the one who he once called a best friend but in truth someone who saw nothing in him barring power alone. “Korus is an old kingdom with modern technology like Sakura’s original home. From what I have heard… there are 5 kings… who are incredibly powerful such that each of them could take down a country… if even one of them was in Akaria, I fear what would have happened.” Damian explained as Satoshi reminded himself of the Man. “What powers do you have?” Satoshi asked as Damian revealed a beautiful sword of silver and a bag that bore all of the British, Irish, Scottish and Welsh Powers. “This is perfect…” Satoshi thought to himself as Damian used Godly Sight to see five palaces. “Those are likely the palaces we need to investigate. Damian, you take the air and I will go en route to each Palace.” Satoshi explained as Damian stared at him. “Instead, we’ll have Saint George remain in the air as an aerial power. I doubt there is a military force here in any capacity, unlike Akaria.” Damian said, effectively protesting Satoshi’s plan as Satoshi relented, knowing they had to work together in order to take down these threats that could likely wipe countries, as Damien claimed. Was this merely a boast as a threat… or was this true and pertinent? They soon landed onto the first of the Five Palaces where it was clear someone was waiting. “You handle the Fifth King… and I will handle the Third… however I assume the Fourth will be a threat considered you bit your thumb earlier on which I assume sees the Future.” Satoshi said as he still had the Shadow Sword on his back with Damian looking visibly surprised but calm regardless. “Let’s do this!” Damian said, fistbumping Satoshi before leaving as he disappeared away in a murder of crows. “So, it appears that our existence hath been ruined in openness.” The man said as Damien pushed his glasses up, ready to combat this threat. The man was a man in appearance but female in nature with a beautiful red robe that bore a dragon on it. “Oh… I do find men like you rather interesting.” The man said as Damien was immediately taken aback but immediately steeled himself for combat, using the sword Excalibur to attack the man. “You bear the sword of the British?” The man asked only to garner no response as he casually dodged every single strike from Damian, laughing as he did, only for Damien to then have his glasses shattered by an unknown force. “How did he-?!” Damian thought to himself as glass went into his eye as he screamed in pain with Saint George flying in rage to attack him. “A yong?” He asked as the King used “Hyeonmu gang-yojeo (Basaltic Hammer)” to summon a hammer from nowhere to attack Damien, nearly caving his head in only for dragon scales to surround his being: A miracle in truth as the Effeminate King was extremely shocked. “Jeju Island!” The King said, immediately allowing his hands and legs to bear the brunt of a full island, punching Damien only for two wings to cover his every orifice, as though it were a means of defence. “Draculus Oculo!” Damien tried to say as he was now blind in both eyes… however, he could still fight. “Excalibur allows me to survive even the gravest of wounds.” Damien explained as the King laughed in his face only to see a huge blast of flames surrounding his bosom, screaming like a female as he summoned twenty volcanoes that were each as big as islands. “This house I made… the House of the Final King… this can host an endless amount of space in its inside forms.” The King screamed as he saw Damian fight blind. “Holly Bullet!” He screamed, firing his own silver bullet into the robe of the King, doing some damage as his clothes then immediately changed themselves into mystical white robes as Damian could not see or sense this. “You do realise that even with the power of clothes… you can’t break my sword… this sword is my will and I did damage you with that bullet so it appears to me anyway that you can clearly be physically damaged with some difficulty. I may not be as strong as Masaru, the holder of Justice or as skilled as Satoshi… but I will kill you… even if it costs me my life, you wretched wanker!” Damian screamed as the King laughed in his face only for him to then fire huge rocks from above at both Saint George and Damian who immediately slashed at every single rock with Excalibur with the King looking slightly taken aback. “So he can summon an island’s worth of content at least?” Damian asked himself only to see water surrounding the palace in its entirety with Damien then slashing at the water. “Cochaillín draíochta (Hat of Deep Water).” He then said, using a hat that allowed him to move through the water without any effort as the King then took off his clothing and stabbed him mercilessly with rocks that could fell trees with Damien then vomiting considerably; no drop of blood fell such a warrior. “You really think you can kill me? Even if ye made me naked as thou hast done now, in time blood poets shall feast and become drunk upon, eternity shalt become my will.” Damien said as Saint George fired a huge volume of flame and ice, as though he absorbed Ur’s properties with the King. “I am impressed, foolish boy and wielder of the immortal scabbard! I coin thee the strongest I hath ever fought!” The King said, imposing this unto him and him alone with him immediately firing a barrage of rain-bound earthdrops that had enough potency to level a forest of trees but Damien had but another peculiarity about him. Even in the heaviest rain, a handbreadth above him and a handbreadth below him would be dry, and whatever there was in his hand, so fierce was his power; even if his companions were suffering the greatest cold, it could kindle a fire for him as Damien then immediately smiled. “You may have taken my scabbard which is immortality incarnate… although you will never win!” Damian said as he was truly impertinent. “You can never have any clothes now! You will lose!” The King said, immediately attacking Damien head on with physical strikes, however, to his shock, Damian was still able to use his sword to deflect each of his blows that could each destroy forests. “I control the concept of clothing! You can’t win!” The King said as Damian was still blind. “Saint George: Godly Sight - Summon the Dyrnwyn (White-Hilt).” Damian said to him, allowing the dragon’s sight to appear within his mind’s eye and he summoned flames around Excalibur, lit from hilt to tip. “I can see you!” Damian said, moving with enough speed to surround the King with 5 afterimages only to have Saint George slash at him relentlessly, dealing such damage that his robe was slowly ripped. “Volcano of the Island!” The King said summoning 20 volcanoes as well as palm trees to blind Damian completely. “I have to gain physical contact with him to end him here and now!” He thought to himself as he fired huge slashes of flames at the King who dodged the attack by using the volcanoes to fire at him with Damien looking visibly annoyed but also remaining intensely calm with the flame of Excalibur attempting to heal him even without the scabbard. “Accordingly, the first body, the Yliaster, was nothing but a clod which contained all the chaos, all the waters, all minerals, all herbs, all stones, all gems. Only the supreme Master could release them and form them with tender solicitude, so that other things could be created from the rest. I will be the last to cure a bairn wi' unspoken water ... comin' or gaun I spak' tae naebody — for that's what mak's unspoken water". Damien spoke as he sensed the King summoning his guards of the island: soldiers who could control the power of singing trees. “So… this is how it ends, eh?!” Damien said as Saint George fired huge torrents of ice and fire as Damian sensed this, only to combat all the soldiers who numbered 60,000 men. “Too bad Sakura isn’t seeing me here… I wouldn’t want her to see me like this anyhow. COME!” Damian said as he laughed as each soldier was stronger than man only for him to then summon the Fragarach (Answerer) in his second hand, beginning to run through all of them with the sword that could bypass any armour and that which was a weapon of true potency as he was still blind and heavily bleeding, only to destroy all of the statues without much effort, each of who, used water, fire, earth, wind and lightning. Death came upon each of the soldiers without any remorse with every 1,000 statues dying in every 5 minutes. 5 hours passed by as the King smiled, only to be mercilessly attacked by Saint George with Damian finally taking a heavy breath; all of his blood having left his body. “You are indeed impressive! Now take the forces of a country!” The King said, only for Damien to decide to end the fight there and then. “Know that I contain all powers and items of the Irish, British, Scottish, Welsh and Matter of France therein.” Damien said as he removed the flames off of Excalibur. “Dybbuk! Come on out!” The Effeminate King screamed as he summoned thirty giants who had volcanoes for hands. “These are the country-forces, huh?” Damien thought to the King looked surprised, realising that he still had enough strength to fight on… his persistence and temperance truly unmatched and unlimited. “Those about me in this hall are but beardless children. If I were locked in my armour on a great horse, no one here could match me with their feeble powers.” Damian explained despite his nakedness where he then decided to fully get serious, summoning his bag and then releasing Caladbolg, a sword of true hardness… destroying all 30 giants with singular slashes casually; each slash of which could destroy the tops of mountains as well as the time of the King to his shock. “It slashed time?! My age… I feel less effe-!” The King said as Damian used his great speed to appear behind the King. “The sword of Leite from the elf-mounds. When one wished to strike with it, it was as big as a rainbow in the air." Damian whispered into the King’s heart. “Now die, you wretched wanker. And just so you know… throughout this 6 hour battle… I hath not gone even a moment serious until now! The battle hath returned 6 hours before but remaining 6 hours after. Farewell, miscreant and deviant of falsehood!” Damian said, slicing the King into two, sending him unto the earth and making him no less effeminate than a mere virgin girl only to then have his clothes returned back to his being. “My eyes are still gone, huh?” He asked himself only for him to then use Saint George’s sight as his own. “So you killed Hyegong, I see?” The Jade Emperor asked as he peacefully smiled at Damien, the true English Champion. “You must use the Sacrifice for yourself of Tír na nÓg even with Excalibur and Avalon. You may know the land by the names of: Tír Tairngire ('Land of Promise'/'Promised Land'), Tír fo Thuinn ('Land under the Wave'), Mag Mell ('Plain of Delight'/'Delightful Plain'), Ildathach ('Multicoloured Place'), and Emain Ablach ('Isle of Apple Trees'). It is a supernatural realm of everlasting youth, beauty, health, abundance and joy where the inhabitants are those who engage in poetry, music, entertainment, and the feast of Goibniu, which grants immortality to the participants. In addition, Tír na nÓg is described as a beautiful place (a forested wilderness or flowery meadow), but it is usually dangerous or hostile to human visitors (such as Ossian, Diarmuid, the Fianna, the King of Greece), who remain on the island for a period of time that is typically a multiple of three (three days or years). The women of Tír na nÓg are very beautiful - and maybe the only residents - and sometimes leave to visit mortal men or otherwise establish a presence. There is a salmon-inhabited well or fountain in Tír na nÓg that is found near an enormous tree or grove of nine hazels - or a lady's bower, "where bloom was on every bough, and the air heavy with the sweetness of orchards" and a lake area. An enormous tree lies at the centre of the island, and birds singing beautiful music in its branches are stated in the echtrai to be the souls of the dead. A drinking horn suspended near the well or an enchanted cup is also present in some of the tales along with a silver branch containing golden apples (perhaps even somewhere an enchanted herb and a false war). There are cities and fortresses made of precious metals and feather thatch in Tír na nÓg, although their exact number is not clear. There is also a multi-colored flowered plain full of bees in or underneath the forested wilderness of Tír na nÓg and a parting "is sweet as honey" and eternal therein. Furthermore, this otherworld is a place where sickness and death do not exist. Mag Mell is a place of eternal youth and beauty. Here, music, strength, life and all pleasurable pursuits come together in a single place. Here happiness lasts forever, no one wants for food or drink. It is also called Annwn, Annwfn, or Annwfyn, essentially a world of delights and eternal youth where disease was absent and food was ever-abundant. The denizens of Annwn are depicted as bizarre and hellish creatures; these include a "wide-mawed" beast with a hundred heads and bearing a host beneath the root of its tongue and another under its neck, a hundred-clawed black-groined toad, and a "mottled ridged serpent, with a thousand souls, by their sins, tortured in the holds of its flesh" and it is known as "Mound Fortress," "Four-Peaked Fortress," and "Glass Fortress", though it is possible the poet intended these to be distinct places. Within the Mound Fort's walls Gweir, one of the "Three Exalted Prisoners of Britain" is imprisoned in chains.” The Jade Emperor explained, holding a universe in his hand, splitting it in three: Albios ("heaven, white-world, upper-world"), Bitu ("world of the living beings"), and Dubnos ("hell, lower-world, black-world"). “Your fate is that of true kingship, no matter for shortness or longness therein.” The Emperor explained as he knew that Damien’s sheath was indeed one of absolute strength as Merlin himself appeared for the briefest of moments. “Ye are more unwise," said Merlin, "for the scabbard is worth ten of the swords, for whiles ye have the scabbard upon you, ye shall never lose no blood be ye never so sore wounded, therefore keep well the scabbard always with you." The fairy Merlin said to Damien who looked utterly shocked; as though he saw Merlin once before.

“The holder of the scabbard is granted potent healing, allowing for critical and fatal wounds to be rapidly repaired to restore the wielder's health. Minor injuries are restored easily, and even large missing portions of the body and destroyed vital organs like the heart can quickly be restored at the critical moment before death. Targeting anything other than the holder's head in order to destroy their brain is futile, requiring for a decisive strike to be landed in order to cause any true damage. Because of all of ye powers [and items therein] of the French, British, Irish, Scottish and Welsh in one due to thy family. No blood could truly spill on thee… immortality is thy end. It is surely an "absolute defence" that completely shields its user in the domain of the fairies, Avalon, the unreachable utopia that King Arthur dreamt of and was said to have gone to after his death. It is the greatest protection in the world that goes beyond defending or reflecting, completely isolating its user in a world completely separate from the regular world. The scabbard dissipates into countless tiny particles in the air and engulfs the user to become a "portable fortress" that shuts out all interference. It is the tranquil domain of fairies that keeps out all filth from the outside world, and allows nothing to harm the tranquil King that stands in the land of Avalon. The individual is shielded from all destructive interference in the physical realm, transliners from parallel worlds, and multidimensional communication that goeth as far as timeless dimensions up to the 10th therein. It is a world cut off from the constant decay and destruction of the surface of the planet and, although it is nestled in human history, has no connection to other lands at all. Daytime is filled with spring’s sunshine and the smell of summer; night is wrapped in the autumn air and stars of winter. It is where flowers of all colours bloom on gently sloping plains. A forest can be clearly seen in the far distance, enveloped by the overlooking sky; the view is evenly divided between the sky and the earth. There is no sign of human civilization in the lands. On earth there are countless flowers and bugs; in the forest there is water and green, and ethereally beautiful Fairies lurk in the pond. The paradise people imagine is only an imitation of this place. Here, in this untrodden place, the bounds of a Tabooed Land (禁足地, kinsoku-chi?) serve as the ends of the island. Though the island has no end, it seems to change like any other land. Further into the island the land turns barren, similar to Britain. It is indeed infinite in space, beyond all concepts of “end”, infinity and dimensions therein (with the Afterlives just mentioned being leagues bigger); and there was a battle of the Past (and thus Time-changed Future) wherein it grants absolute immortality.

With the Excalibur, ye could combine all levels of understanding with it where ye can use its true power as a form of defending the world or the country of thy residence. It cannot be called beautiful because of its appearance, for the description of "beautiful" will only dirty it. It is instead sacred, made from people's conceptions, a legend weaved purely out of hope. It is not a myth or inhuman work, but a "crystal trained by the heart alone", making it reign as the strongest fantasy. It is the crystallisation of the prayer named "glory" and everything etched in the hearts of those who are scattered at the sword's radiance; the nostalgic, sorrowful, and hallowed dream of those who were placed on the bloody hell called a battlefield, of all warriors past, present, and future fully exposed to the fear of death and despair, and who still cling to a desire: "to be exalted." You bear a technique of golden light that, from the tip of the blade once the sword is swung. To an observer, it looks like a giant beam of light, but the attack's target point is only at the tip. It is the "ultimate slash" that cuts through everything in the "area" the light goes through. Its enormous power heats space around the tip, and as a result, it is interpreted as a wave of light that mows across the surface of the earth like a directed energy weapon. Even if it is dodged, those in close proximity can still be temporarily distracted by its intensity. Indeed, its speed, attack power, and reach upon being activated surpassing and remaining unrivalled by all others perhaps barring the Shadow Sword, Satoshi’s current blade (which will be inevitably bound in the final 9 blades of the Red Lane) with thy blade of light including that of distance and speed which is casted in timelessness therein and if ye hath used it against those soldiers, it would have been able to incinerate an entire military cohort of one thousand soldiers and turn the ground into scorched earth, leaving a great disorder in the land that would never fade for it can be seen from far around, even cutting into the cloud, being able to attack one on the level of existence and non-existence therein; or just subatomic therein (or perhaps even on the sub-quantic level). Excalibur's destructive power can also be a negative trait that limits its usage as it can easily damage the surrounding area and kill a large number of people if used under the wrong conditions; being a sword of nonduality and duality, Excalibur can also hold a dual existence of good and evil. In due time, ye will be a king of righteousness and a conqueror even if for a short amount of time, be it for two or twenty-five years.” The Jade Emperor explained. “What was the King’s name?” Damien asked. “Hyejong. He was peculiar, for it was said that the king became a man as a woman, and for the king played with girl's toys as a child wherein his power was that of Samsin Halmoni, controller of the Jeju Island. The other four kings bear similar powers and you must know that you would be able to beat Satoshi in his younger days and perhaps everyone at the time with the sole exclusion of Minamoto no Yorimitsu and the final 2 Emperors of the Red Lane. Perhaps you can destroy the continent of Akaria.” He continued to explain as Damien felt his eyes finally returning to his person with the power of Avalon and the Afterlife. “Now know that ye can never use the Afterlife for yourself after this, but for others alone. Know that thy kingship will be very short. Underneath thee will be the greatest battle betwixt two beings that ever was or shall be. Farewell, Damien Artúros Alanis West, King of the Short Future.” Merlin said, finally disappearing as he then used his Dragon’s Sight to see the Fourth Tower as Taejong appeared in front of Damien. “Do you truly think you can escape without having to fight me?” Taejong asked as Damian glared at him, realising that the Jade Emperor’s words to him moments prior were used. Taejong was a being of average height and a robust build appeared who clearly bore a stern and imposing presence; also having a strong jawline and facial features with a beautiful brown attire that had several mystical designs on itself as this King summoned a huge explosion in hand out of nowhere. “So I don’t need to hold back, do I?!” Damian said arrogantly as Taejong saw the Excalibur immediately heading towards him with Taejong summoned a huge explosion in hand out of nowhere, sending Damian back slightly. “I’m restricted insofar that I can’t heal myself using the Otherworld. This guy likely uses something related to physics or one of the sciences. Using Saint George as a means of defence and grappling has to be done. Remember Sakura! Think of what she’d have done!” Damian thought to himself, pushing his glasses up, readying himself for the King’s next attack. “Ganghanhaeglyeog - Bigbaeng (Strong Nuclear Force - Big Bang).” The King said, immediately causing the same explosion that occurred before to return once again. “You summoned a black hole again?” Damian asked him with the King never responding only for him to then be crushed into the ground. “It is time you face your end. Once this imaginary mass of particles are manifested… you will die.” The King said as he summoned tachyons

and fired them at Damian, immediately deciding to erase him from existence. “You fool.” Damian said as Taejong glared at him, only for two claws to surround his face. “I can’t move! Is this… a yong?!” Taejong asked as Damian vomited blood and got up. “You are really something of a man, you know, Taejong?” Damian said as Taejong glared at him in shock having survived existence erasure. “How do you know my name?” Taejong asked as Damian smiled with Saint George roaring loudly as the King remained silent only to then control Strong Force and use a black hole only for Excalibur to set itself alight. “Saint George: Godly Sight - Summon the Dyrnwyn (White-Hilt).” Damian said to him, allowing the dragon’s sight to appear within his mind’s eye and he summoned flames around Excalibur, lit from hilt to tip, using that to slice the black hole. “Saint George…let’s get rid of him.” Taejong heard Damian saying, causing Taejong to look visibly terrified and try and blow the entirety of the Palace in a suicide attack… only for a green mist to surround the entire tower as Satoshi felt this dark yet soothing presence befall him, causing his State of Brahman to involuntarily manifest. “What is this?!” Taejong asked as Damian smiled, causing a snowy woman to appear. She spoke: “An Cailleach or the veiled woman is among the most ancient deities venerated in Ireland, she whose realm lies in the ice and cold of winter. Once it was said that she ruled all the world, when the green things slept for untold aeons beneath her thick icy cloak, until she was given cause for great sorrow and wept floods of tears across the land, her heart melting to a thaw and letting loose the rivers. As she wept she dropped many large rocks from her apron which became mountains and hills, and her hammer shaped the valleys below. Some even go so far as to say that from her sprang all the spirits and Sidhe of the old world! She is known by many names far and wide, an Cailleach Béara for her home in Cork and Kerry, Digde and Milucra, Brónach which means sorrow, Queen of the Little Sun, and it was herself that was said gave Fionn Mac Cumhaill his grey hair. When Fintan the Wise of the hundred lives came to Ireland before the flood he thought himself the first but found Cailleach living there, and knew her to be far more ancient than himself. He asked of her, “Are you the one, the grandmother who ate the apples in the beginning?” but she gave him no answer. She grows old in autumn and becomes younger as the winter passes, until in spring she relinquishes her hold and lets the summer flowers blossom. The first farmer to take in his crops at harvest time would make a little poppet of the crop's last sheaf and throw it into his neighbour's field, who would then hurry to take in their own crops and throw the doll into the next field. The last farmer to take in his crops had to feed and house the Old Lady, and fierce were the struggles to avoid having to accommodate that wintry guest! The last sheaf of all was feared by young women, for if they tied it they believed they'd never be married but live alone like an Cailleach. Thankfully, feeding the last sheaf to a sheep would avert the spinster's fate. Countless lone standing stones throughout Ireland and Europe are said to be of use to her, as when she was done bringing the winter she'd cast her staff beneath a holly tree or gorse bush and turn into a stone until the spring. She lays claim to the creatures of the wild and cold places, the red deer and the wolf, the leaping salmon and the springing goat, warding them and watching over them. She was who decided which would live and which would perish in the storms of winter, and for this she is also known as the Hag of Storms. An Cailleach lived (and rumour has it, lives still!) in the Beara jut in the south of Ireland, and a wandering friar came to her house, for he had heard tell of a woman of great age, so old that even she herself had lost count of the years. Her house was small enough and he didn't think much of it, but she made himself and his scribe welcome. “If it's no harm,” he asked, “may I know your age, as there are those who say you're older than the road I walked to get here, and the fields around it, and the hills in which they lie!” “No harm to me at all,” she answered, “for I've little to say about it, knowing even less! But I do kill an ox every year and stew up the bones for my soup, then throw a leg bone up into that loft above your head. If you send your young lad up he can make a tally.” Well the friar's lad went up the narrow ladder to the loft and began throwing bones down as there was no room to do a count up there in the dimness, and for each one the friar made a mark in a thick book he bore with him. At length the book was full of marks and the friar was weary with totting, so he shouted up to the lad to ask was he almost done. The lad stuck his head out and said he hadn't even one corner cleared yet, so the friar looked askance at the old woman and bid him come down out of it, for he was up to his knees in bones. He spoke to the lady and learned of some of the wonders she could recall, and they were strange tales indeed that hardly made much sense. But for all that he didn't write them down as his book was already full.” as it ultimately disappeared, freezing Taejong and the entire tower over, allowing Damien to walk away. “Satoshi… sorry for that!” Damian said as Satoshi was still in the State of Brahman. “What was that green smoke?” He asked, to which Damian responded with the “Otherworld. Its basically the Afterlife where I came from in the UK.” Damian explained as he used Godly Sight to see where Muro was, quickly locating him as Muro sensed a presence from below. “What is it?” Aloa asked as he glared at this spot in the wall which was actually, his former friend, Damian. “Nothing, just an ant. Someone who once had value.” Muro said as Aloa licked her lips in anticipation for Satoshi to return. Damian then teleported back to the School to see Hajime and Ferdinand as well as to determine Hinata’s condition. “So, how was Satoshi?” He asked, shaking Damien’s hand and then hugging him tightly. “Alright… a pain in the arse.” He said as Ferdinand of Cavalon sat down. “I have to go back and fight the remaining Kings of the Purple Lane, so I can’t be here too long.” Damian explained as Ferdinand looked cautious. “So, you returned?” He asked, as though he had been waiting for the young man for a while. “Its good to see you back… now get ready… we have a fox to catch.” He said as Damian was stunned. “Mr Harimatsu is the …” He explained to Hajime’s visible horror, as Damian smiled, ready to complete the ultimate mission, as from there, he would gain his rightful place as High King of the Kingdom of Peace. “So he’s the 3rd Head of the Green Lane?!” Damian thought to himself. “We have to kill Muro.” Damian explained as Hajime looked visibly shocked. “After Muro’s act against Sakura… he killed her.” Damien explained as Hajime looked genuinely annoyed. “Won’t that be hard?” Hajime asked as Damien nodded. “No… it won’t. I have everything about him figured out… he shouldn’t be too difficult.” Damian said, reminding Hajime of Muro ever so slightly.

Satoshi immediately engaged the Third Palace.

“I am Sejong, your opponent!” The man said, with a crown-like hat, a long grey beard and bluish-grey robes only to be sent flying back into the back of the Palace with one hit from the Ruyi Jingu Bang to the head and chest. “What happened here?!” Satoshi asked as Sejong smiled coldly. “That is no way to greet thy opponent!” Sejong said as he saw two kunai aiming straight at him. “If you must know… an attack destroyed this place a day ago! Earthquakes, tsunamis, the lot! Everyone lost their lives… and I presume it is because of you!” Sejong said as Satoshi’s eyes flashed white briefly, remembering what he caused when he fought Krun as Satoshi’s soul screamed in rage and pain; whilst his mind was visibly snapping as he immediately teleported behind Sejong with mere movement who countered by writing in the air “Bind” only for this to fail immediately; his movements no longer being human in any regard with Sejong looking visibly horrified as Satoshi summoned a one-bladed axe. “Heavenly Brigade: Death Shower - “Shattered Calamity.” He said as he slashed his Axe downwards with Sakura’s body starting to shake violently as Damien looked at Sakura, holding onto her for dear life. “Know that we are in Hanseong. HANGUL WAVE!” Sejong screamed as he sealed Satoshi in a celestial globe with him immediately becoming paralysed with a glance only for him to manifest the Okami as Damien looked horrified, seeing red rays of energy bursting from the roof of the Palace. “You are something… to think you broke upon a copy of the Earth!” Sejong said in visible rage only for Satoshi to appear within his mind in the form of a hat-wearing man with glowing red eyes, covered in darkness as Sejong looked stunned. “You murderer! You killed everyone!” He screamed out as Satoshi immediately used his sword to blitz Sejong in mere moments; using Blood Poison: Level 3, causing Sejong’s body to explode as blood spawned everywhere, as he felt himself blowing up, as he did; with Damien feeling a huge amount of damage surrounding him with Satoshi looking on in visible sadness, two tears flowing down his bloodied face and hands. “This job really is one of eternal bloodshed, isn’t it? I will never escap-!” Satoshi thought to himself, only for him to sense Sejong having survived by way of Hangul. “With Hangul, I can write in the air by my thoughts alone. But that attack you did destroyed the nearby town.” Sejong said as Satoshi immediately manifested his Hand Cannon in order to end the fight. “I’ll do you a deal. The final two Kings are far harder to beat than myself. I take it, you know who Minamoto no Yorimitsu is?” Sejong asked as he glanced from the corner of his eye, clearly suspicious. “Yes.” Satoshi said coldly, without any hesitation or remorse. “Very well… I’ll help you. There is also one more Gang above us but they are far too much. 2 Gangs. One of them, I postulate, will commit a grave act of terror.” Sejong said as Satoshi knew that he had no choice, considering his state of mind. “When you fought in the Red Lane, the Final King was shocked at your performance; a babe in comparison to his child, the ultimate spy…” He explained, with Satoshi ignoring the rest of the information; for his mind was swarmed with thoughts of revenge, regret and sadness. “Go.” Sejong said as Damian teleported away from the School with Hajime and Ferdinand. “Wait… Bǎozhū (Wish-Granting Jewel).” He said to himself, using its mystical powers and summoning a full clone of Hinata that was both real and made of his own fire, teleporting her away to her bed; whilst also making clones of themselves. “We’ll all mount a defence against Muro and Aloa.” Ferdinand said as all three teleported over to the Purple Lane. “Work together, or you fail alone.” Sejong said, only for the three students to come. “So there’s more?” He asked himself briefly as they then walked into the Second Tower. “Let’s take them down.” Ferdinand said, clearly leading the way. “Danjong!” Sejong said, as a 16 year old boy along with a 38 year old woman and 40 year old woman appeared behind the 16 year old. “Seokga + Teojushin!” The two princesses said. “These three are my grandchildren.” Sejong said as Damien and the others looked shocked, seeing huge domes of earth being sent flying out of the tower as a result. “Don’t hold back. Especially you, Spirit of the White Death.” Sejong said, immediately using Hangul to bind his granddaughters only for them to break out without much effort. “Chilbidongsane manmansu nojeokeul naerieojubsoseo (Grant us 10,000 luck to the seven peaks)” Gyeongyhe and Gyeongsuk said simultaneously as Damien immediately attacked them by using Saint George. “Dragon Whip: Fù yāo suǒ (Demon binder)!” Hajime said, to which Gyeonghye was trapped in a spiked whip as Gyeongsuk summoned a creature. “A fish?” Hajime asked as Saint George fired a huge burst of ice and fire to freeze the fish, only for it to become one with the ground. “Gyeonghye!” Gyeongsuk said as she tried to release herself from the Whip only for Hajime to then snap his fingers, releasing a huge burst of red flames as Gyeonghye got serious and visibly struggled to break the whip’s grip. “Seven Mountains of Earth!” She said as Damien instinctively defended him from this, slicing all seven mountains of earth he sensed himself being trapped in the belly of a large fish as the deer immediately attempted to gore him… however… Gyeongsuk would not win. “Saint George… Godly Sight - Summon the Dyrnwyn (White-Hilt).” Damian said to himself, lighting the fish on fire as Gyeongsuk screamed in severe pain. “I’m impressed… that other King suffered from the exact same malady.” Damian said with slight pomp as Danjong glared at him from the Tower. “Hajime, wrap up the fight with Gyeonghye.” Damian said as Hajime then summoned Draconic Act: Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bombs to quickly overwhelm the Queen of the Earth who countered by creating small rock walls. “Great Flaming Dragon: Suicidal Force!” He then said as he fired smoke from his mouth, causing Gyeonghye to dodge this smoke. “So he can control fire… like that boy.” Gyeonghye thought to herself as she fired several mountains of Earth at Hajime. “Dragon Breath: Měng Huǒ Yóu Guì (Flamethrower)!” Hajime said, firing a huge plume of flame within the smoke as she felt the smoke go around her. “Blow her up.” Hajime said, snapping his fingers. “I’ll deal with Danjong!” Damian said as Hajime agreed, clearly aware that he was in control as the flames from his attacks began to encircle the two, resembling a flower… that ironically looked precisely like a poison ivy but slightly bigger.

Satoshi and Damien then tried to blitz Danjong together only for him to use his arms as defence, combining this with his robe as Damian immediately used Excalibur, however, Danjong saw through this and immediately created a clone of himself to deal with Satoshi by using Mireuk. “Know that the disease I hath spread amongst the populace wilt be one of immediate fatality henceforth… if not stopped. Come, boy of older youth. The British produced warriors of valour… even if this is the century of the 31st (or 41st therein), we alone are the most powerful… none of Hanseong (Beiping) could ever hope to stand up to me, let alone my grandfather and the two underneath him. With the power of Mireuk, I can make anything… even an entire universe!” Danjong said to Damien who looked visibly surprised and bit his thumb, giving himself all the knowledge of the past, present, future and all the world as Satoshi sensed this thanks to the innate properties of both his eye and the State of Brahman at large. “I’m surprised you even know what a universe is.” Damien said mockingly only for Danjong to create a sword with Damien casually countering that by using Excalibur. “His thumbs. I have to remove his thumbs!” Danjong thought to himself with slight fear, immediately manifesting the power of Hogubyeolseong to remove Damien’s thumbs by invoking smallpox unto his hands with Damien looking visibly stunned and just as Danjong was about to deal the killing blow, Damien dodged the attack with some difficulty and sliced his sword into Danjong’s robe only for Danjong to laugh coldly, manifesting the smallpox at its fullest, causing Damien to feel back pain and fatigue. “So your omniscience of the world won’t save you now, huh?!” Danjong said as Damien still had no blood from his battle with Hyegong, as he felt the smallpox devouring his every orifice. “Pair Dadeni (Cauldron of Rebirth).” Damien thought to himself, slowly and partially summoning a cauldron around himself, reviving himself in a white glow as Satoshi looked shocked; just as Danjong also looked amazed, barely sensing the cauldron having disappeared. “You really are something.” Danjong said coldly as he was then kicked in the stomach. “Mireuk + Hogubyeolseong!” The boy said, surrounding Saint George, Sakura, Damian and Satoshi with a disease as well as creating a sun and moon above Sakura only for Gyeongyhe and Gyeongsuk to summon seven mountains of earth. Sejong also sensed a slightly darker presence from the Final Palace. “So he’s now manifesting himself, eh?” Sejong thought to himself with a slight sense of fear. “Sakura, I shall deal with the Final King… he lacks any sense of help so it is doubtful that he shalt engage in dialectic with thee.” Sejong then said, immediately teleporting himself into the Final Palace to engage with the Last King. “Wait, wasn’t he the one who killed my sisters?” Danjong thought to himself in slight horror as he realised this was true. “You damn bastards! WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU HARM THEM?! MY GUARDIAN, GYEONGHYE AND MY SISTER GYEONGSUK!” Danjong screamed in rage whilst sensing Ferdinand just standing there. “That man… something is seriously off.” Danjong thought to himself, thinking a sun and moon into existence to cut him off from Satoshi and Damien. “Cross Baptisma Dragonar (天を守る白龍の規模クロス・バプティスマ・ドラグナー, Kurosu baputisuma doragunā)” Ferdinand said, summoning white energy that surrounded him in the form of a barrier. “That sword… he has the Tizona?” Danjong asked himself as Ferdinand swiftly cut the sun and moon and teleported behind him (not literally :D) . “Its passive ability is the power to frighten the unworthy and heal thy injuries based on their premonitions of fear on the physical, mental, spiritual and conceptual level, thus allowing you to control the concept of fear itself. You could do things such as: Impose irresistible commands upon any kind of being through fear, making others feel fear to the point they will become traumatised, completely dominate others through fear, augment fear, evoke and increase fear and horror in others causing the target’s brain to release fear-inducing chemicals, intimidate by mere presence, paralyse a target with dread, make the target give up and completely yield to you, cause fear so powerful that others tune your presence out of sight and mind , nullify their capacities of determination and revere you with respect; a sword with a straight blade that is characterised by having both sides of the guard curved. The pommel also has a characteristic mediaeval design for it was a double-edged sword with a single-handed grip and a straight, tapering blade. It boasted a length of approximately three feet. This made it a versatile weapon for both slashing and thrusting manoeuvres. While there are surviving historical accounts and references to the sword, the exact details of its physical characteristics and performance have become intertwined with legends and myths over time. So, while it is hard to separate fact from fiction sometimes, we can say for certain a couple of things. Tizona was a well-crafted sword that possessed exceptional quality for its time. However, it is unlikely that the sword possessed supernatural or mythical properties, such as the ability to cleave armour effortlessly or cause wounds that never healed. It is a symbol of honour, courage and chivalry. Legends and folklore suggest that the sword possessed extraordinary qualities, granting its wielder invincibility and supernatural abilities. Tales spoke of Tizona’s ability to cut through solid objects with ease, and deliver fatal blows with a single stroke alongside its aforementioned power to control fear in the hearts of unworthy men or women when the wielder is in danger. However, it has a second secret power, that being the power to control fire since it means the Half-Charred Sword with its flames being inextinguishable and absolute. As such, you and the sword can cause natural and supernatural fire effects such as Crown Wildfires, Firestorms, Solar Flares, Hypernovas and Heatwaves to manifest, also can manipulate flames that possess heat that go beyond Planck Level and defy the very laws of Hyper-Thermodynamics. It allows a user to burn or alter anything, even non-flammable, incorporeal, or conceptual things like time and nonexistence as you also have the ability to manipulate the underlying foundation of the concept of fire and concepts associated with it as immunity to fire nor heat can provide no protection from these flames as they will be completely bypassed due to its sheer potency and primaeval nature with its fire being as ancient as Spain itself. Also, Tizona's power depends on the wielder, and it frightens unworthy opponents. When the infantes of Carrión had Tizona, they underestimated the power of the sword, due to their cowardice, but when Pero Vermúdez was going to fight Ferrán González and unsheathed Tizona (a gift from El Cid). As such, it has the ability to slay demonic creatures such as devils, vampires and ghouls. It also has the ability to localise holy power and grants an extra boost of power to the user for it can cleave a world at its fullest of strength… or things bigger in conceptualisation and scope alongside thy own being incredible (in terms of potential thenceforth).” Ferdinand explained to him as Danjong’s heart began to beat fast. “They’re dead!” Danjong screamed in rage as Satoshi and Damien both were shocked beyond doubt as a scream pierced the entire country with Sejong looking visibly horrified only to be sent flying back with one punch from the Final King, Yeongjo. “So you just awoke my dear brother.” Gyeonghye said calmly. “My heart…” Danjong thought to himself, creating clones of himself to deal with Ferdinand. “Did you not hear me?” Ferdinand asked as Danjong and Satoshi both attacked Danjong whilst he was fearful. “This fear… is this my soul? The curse I imprinted unto Mother…” Danjong thought to himself as he felt the tower burn around him. “DAMN YOU!” Danjong screamed in outrage as the entire country began to shake. No muscle twitched in Danjong’s being. It was as though his muscle memory stopped. Like time froze for him and him alone. “What is this?” Danjong asked himself, summoning an entire universe around him as a barrier. “He’s covered himself!” Damian said aloud as the cosmos itself shook. This wasn’t Danjong anymore. Everyone including Muro and even Thomas sensed a presence that was utterly cosmic. “Don’t tell me he has activated Mireuk?!” Gyeonghye said to herself, staring at her sister’s deceased body in genuine terror. “He’s summoned that? After all this time? He hath become his true self?” Sejong asked himself with genuine sadness as the universal barrier shattered, revealing a northern Indian nobleman-prince with a full head of hair, fine flowing robes and jewels as the State of Brahman instinctively activated. “The 32 major characteristics are listed as follows:

Samannāgato ca so bhavaṁ Gotamo dvattiṁsamahāpurisalakkhaṇehi:

The reverend Gotama is endowed with the thirty-two marks of a great man:

1. Suppatiṭṭhitapādo, idam-pi tassa bhoto Gotamassa mahāpurisassa mahāpurisalakkhaṇaṁ bhavati,

1. He has well placed feet, this is, for the great man, the venerable Gotama, a mark of a great man,

2. heṭṭhā ... pādatalesu cakkāni jātāni, sahassārāni sanemikāni sanābhikāni sabbākāraparipūrāni...

2. under the soles of his feet there are wheels, with a thousand rims and naves, complete in every way...

3. āyatapaṇhi...

3. the heels are long and deep...

4. dīghaṅguli...

4. the fingers are long...

5. mudutalunahatthapādo...

5. the hands and feet are soft and tender...

6. jālahatthapādo...

6. the hands and feet are webbed...

7. ussaṅkhapādo...

7. the ankles are high...

8. eṇijaṅgho...

8. the calves are like an antelope’s...

9. ṭhitako ... anonamanto ubhohi pāṇitalehi jaṇṇukāni parimasati parimajjati...

9. when he stands ... without bending he can rub and stroke both his knees with his hands...

10. kosohitavatthaguyho...

10. what is covered by a cloth is ensheathed...

11. suvaṇṇavaṇṇo ... kañcanasannibhattaco...

11. he is golden in colour, has skin like gold...

12. sukhumacchavi ... sukhumattā chaviyā rajojallaṁ kāye na upalimpati...

12. he has fine skin, and because of the fine skin, dust and dirt do not adhere to him...

13. ekekalomo ... ekekāni lomāni lomakūpesu jātāni...

13. the body-hairs arise singly, each body hair appearing in its own hair follicle...

14. uddhaggalomo ... uddhaggāni lomāni jātāni nīlāni, añjanavaṇṇāni kuṇḍalāvaṭṭāni dakkhiṇāvaṭṭakajātāni...

14. the hair bristles, his bristling hair is blue or dark blue (nīlāni),[13][14] the colour of collyrium, turning in curls, turning to the right...

15. brahmujugatto...

15. the limbs are straight like brahmā’s...

16. sattussado...

16. there are seven prominent marks...

17. sīhapubbaddhakāyo...

17. the torso is like a lion’s...

18. citantaraṁso...

18. between the shoulders it is firm...

19. nigrodhaparimaṇḍalo, yāvatakvassa kāyo tāvatakvassa byāmo, yāvatakvassa byāmo tāvatakvassa kāyo...

19. the (body) is well-proportioned like a banyan tree, the extent of the arm span equals the extent of the body...

20. samavaṭṭakkhandho...

20. the upper back is even all round,

21. rasaggasaggī...

21. the taste buds are supremely sensitive...

22. sīhahanu...

22. the jaw is like a lion’s...

23. cattālīsadanto...

23. there are forty teeth...

24. samadanto...

24. the teeth are even...

25. aviraḷadanto...

25. the teeth are without gaps...

26. susukkadāṭho...

26. the teeth are very white...

27. pahūtajivho...

27. the tongue is very large...

28. brahmassaro ... karavikabhāṇī...

28. the voice is like brahmā’s or like the sound of the cuckoo...

29. abhinīlanetto...

29. Eyes very blue, like sapphire eyes deep blue

30. gopakhumo...

30. the eyelashes are like a cow’s...

31. uṇṇā ... bhamukantare jātā odātā mudutūlasannibhā...

31. the tuft of hair between the eyebrows on his forehead is very white like cotton...

32. uṇhīsasīso, idam-pi tassa bhoto Gotamassa mahāpurisassa mahāpurisalakkhaṇaṁ bhavati.

32. there is a protuberance on the head, this is, for the great man, the venerable Gotama, a mark of a great man.

Dvātiṁsa Mahāpuriṣalakkhaṇāni from Brahmāyusuttaṁ

The eighty minor characteristics are:

He has beautiful fingers and toes.

He has well-proportioned fingers and toes.

He has tube-shaped fingers and toes.

His fingernails and toenails have a rosy tint.

His fingernails and toenails are slightly upturned at the tip.

His fingernails and toenails are smooth and rounded without ridges.

His ankles and wrists are rounded and undented.

His feet are of equal length.

He has a beautiful gait, like that of a king-elephant.

He has a stately gait, like that of a king-lion.

He has a beautiful gait, like that of a swan.

He has a majestic gait, like that of a royal ox.

His right foot leads when walking.

His knees have no protruding kneecaps.

He has the demeanor of a great man.

His navel is without blemish.

He has a deep-shaped abdomen.

He has clockwise marks on the abdomen.

His thighs are rounded like banana sheaves.

His two arms are shaped like an elephant's trunk.

The lines on the palms of his hands have a rosy tint.

His skin is thick or thin as it should be.

His skin is unwrinkled.

His body is spotless and without lumps.

His body is unblemished above and below.

His body is absolutely free of impurities.

He has the strength of 1,000 crore elephants or 100,000 crore men.

He has a protruding nose.

His nose is well proportioned.

His upper and lower lips are equal in size and have a rosy tint.

His teeth are unblemished and with no plaque.

His teeth are long like polished conches.

His teeth are smooth and without ridges.

His five sense-organs are unblemished.

His four canine teeth are crystal and rounded.

His face is long and beautiful.

His cheeks are radiant.

The lines on his palms are deep.

The lines on his palms are long.

The lines on his palms are straight.

The lines on his palms have a rosy tint.

His body emanates a halo of light extending around him for two meters.

His cheek cavities are fully rounded and smooth.

His eyelids are well proportioned.

The five nerves of his eyes are unblemished.

The tips of his bodily hair are neither curved nor bent.

He has a rounded tongue.

His tongue is soft and has a rosy-tint.

His ears are long like lotus petals.

His earholes are beautifully rounded.

His sinews and tendons don't stick out.

His sinews and tendons are deeply embedded in the flesh.

His topknot is like a crown.

His forehead is well-proportioned in length and breadth.

His forehead is rounded and beautiful.

His eyebrows are arched like a bow.

The hair of his eyebrows is fine.

The hair of his eyebrows lies flat.

He has large brows.

His brows reach the outward corner of his eyes.

His skin is fine throughout his body.

His whole body has abundant signs of good fortune.

His body is always radiant.

His body is always refreshed like a lotus flower.

His body is exquisitely sensitive to touch.

His body has the scent of sandalwood.

His body hair is consistent in length.

He has fine bodily hair.

His breath is always fine.

His mouth always has a beautiful smile.

His mouth has the scent of a lotus flower.

His hair has the colour of a dark shadow.

His hair is strongly scented.

His hair has the scent of a white lotus.

He has curled hair.

His hair does not turn grey.

He has fine hair.

His hair is untangled.

His hair has long curls.

He has a topknot as if crowned with a royal flower garland.

He bore: Flat soles, long fingers, long heels, a square and upright body, soft hands and feet, joints and ankles fully fleshed, skin flows in one direction, ankles of a deer king and a rounded body, perfect along with delicately soft skin, his bodily hair on the right-hand site, a body of golden splendour and light, full and right-set (firm) in the seven places of the body, elbows well-balanced and delicate, 40 teeth are white and pure, well-balanced and delicate, a two-fanged face, a large and long tongue (i.e. a symbolic expression referring to his great prowess in oratory), eyes with a blue tone and a white tuft of brow hair as well as a kamaṇḍalu. Gods, men and other beings: will lose their doubts, and the torrents of their cravings will be cut off: free from all misery they will manage to cross the ocean of becoming; and, as a result of Maitreya's teachings, they will lead a holy life. No longer will they regard anything as their own, they will have no possession, no gold or silver, no home, no relatives! But they will lead the holy life of oneness under Maitreya's guidance. They will have torn the net of the passions, they will manage to enter into trances, and theirs will be an abundance of joy and happiness, for they will lead a holy life under Maitreya's guidance.” The State of Brahman itself spoke from Satoshi’s mouth as Danjong (he’ll just be called Danjong but either term is interchangeable as they refer to the same being). “So he’s 35 in a 16 year old’s body?!” Damian asked as the State of Brahman nodded.

“Namo ratnatrayāya namo bhagavate śākyamunaye tathāgatāyārhate samyaksaṃbuddhāya.

Tadyathā: oṃ ajite ajite aparājite ajitañjaya hara hara maitri avalokite kara kara mahāsamayasiddhe bhara bhara mahābodhimaṇḍabīje smara smara asmākaṃ samaya bodhi bodhi mahābodhi svāhā

oṃ mohi mohi mahāmohi svāhā

oṃ muni muni smara svāhā

[Homage] Homage to the Three Jewels. Homage to the Lord Shakyamuni, Tathagata, Arhat, Completely Perfect Buddha.

As follows: [Root mantra] Om Invincible, Invincible, Unconquered Conquer the Unconquered, take, take [it], You Who Look Down with Friendliness, act, act, Bring, bring the fulfillment of your great pledge, Shake the seat of great awakening, Remember, remember [your] pledge for us, Awakening, awakening, great awakening, svaha.

[Heart mantra] Om fascinating, fascinating, greatly fascinating, svaha.

[Close Heart mantra] Om sage, sage, remember, svaha.” Danjong said as his power was at its absolute maximum, yet he never revived Gyeongsuk. “This powerup…” Hajime thought to himself in visible fear as Gyeonghye teleported behind him and bound him in Earth, crushing his legs as he screamed in severe pain. “HAJIME!” Damian screamed in protest as he saw that Hajime turned into nothing more than lava to Gyeonghye’s horror as she felt a huge explosion devour her. The very earth burned as Yeongjo himself sensed this. “So your allies aren’t coming, after all.” He said to Sejong mockingly. “Fragarach!” Damian said as Gyeonghye felt herself unmoving. She wanted to move but something compelled her not to.

Her eyes drooped as tears slowly went down her beautiful face, now marred with tragedy and sadness. The Fragarach held no liars. It compelled the truth. The concept of lies held no meaning. She would tell the truth no matter what. Otherwise her death at the hands of Damien… would be assured as her mouth finally opened. “Fragarach is a weapon of immense potency. It is like Excalibur although unlike that sword… with the Fragarach, no one could move or tell a lie, thus the name "Answerer". The sword was also said to place the wind at the user's command and could cut through any shield or wall, and that it inflicted piercing wounds from which no man could recover; however this is based on one’s relativity to the wielder although it is true in full. It is the ultimate form of counterattack. It is the "Sword of Retrograde" and an indefeasible weapon of existence, divinely protected by some malicious will, that works by using a conceptual curse to warp destiny and a divine trick that uses time as its blade. It warps causality to always strike the opponent in the heart with a needle thin concentrated blast right before they unleash their ultimate attack. The condition for its full power use is that the opponent must use their strongest attack, and Fragarach must be used directly after the enemy's strike. Despite being released afterwards and no matter how fast the opposing attack is cast, Fragarach always strikes first by changing the flow of time to rewrite events so that it makes its own strike against the enemy before the opposing move was ever made in the course of the world. Rather than just rewriting events to gouge out the heart of the enemy, it is severing the fate of the combatants, reversing and changing the flow of destiny of both the user and the enemy simultaneously killing each other with their attacks. The attack of the enemy, returned to a point where it "couldn't happen" due to the user being struck down by Fragarach, is wiped out by the laws of the world and the infinity that composes time. No matter the power or speed of the ability, it is impossible to use if the enemy is defeated and has all of their later actions voided before they even have a chance to attack. It is an ability using one's life as bait to counter a one-turn-kill to win the battle that both kills the enemy and nullifies their attack, creating a perfect balance between offensive and defensive capabilities. Its full power is the ability to remove all powers from existence however when used against thee, as Damien did… its mere summoning caused ye to become unmoving because of his mastery over the blade - its limit is that its range is 1 person… per every usage.” Hajime explained as Gyeonghye couldn’t move. “Damn you!” Gyeonghye said in outrage as Damien then sliced her throat, crippling her for the time being before healing her purposefully.

“So Gyeonghye is alive?” Danjong asked himself briefly before Ferdinand knew that he had to manifest his final form not only as a form of protection but also a form of ultimate attack. “Allow me to show you my final form if you will.” Ferdinand said casually as everyone in every Lane and every dimension existing within the Universe felt a rupture from the Purple Lane, to which every single person from the Jade Emperor to Thomas sensed this huge burst of power as everyone felt themselves seemingly quivering except Ferdinand’s allies… those that remained. “That said…thy sword of Tizona is also just as capable as Fragarach. You bear three swords: Tizona, Colada and La espada lobera, literally: "the wolf-slaying sword”. The Tizona is undoubtedly the most powerful of the three swords. Its passive ability is the power to frighten the unworthy and heal thy injuries based on their premonitions of fear on the physical, mental, spiritual and conceptual level, thus allowing you to control the concept of fear itself. You could do things such as: Impose irresistible commands upon any kind of being through fear, making others feel fear to the point they will become traumatised, completely dominate others through fear, augment fear, evoke and increase fear and horror in others causing the target’s brain to release fear-inducing chemicals, intimidate by mere presence, paralyse a target with dread, make the target give up and completely yield to you, cause fear so powerful that others tune your presence out of sight and mind , nullify their capacities of determination and revere you with respect; a sword with a straight blade that is characterised by having both sides of the guard curved. The pommel also has a characteristic mediaeval design for it was a double-edged sword with a single-handed grip and a straight, tapering blade. It boasted a length of approximately three feet. This made it a versatile weapon for both slashing and thrusting manoeuvres. While there are surviving historical accounts and references to the sword, the exact details of its physical characteristics and performance have become intertwined with legends and myths over time. So, while it is hard to separate fact from fiction sometimes, we can say for certain a couple of things. Tizona was a well-crafted sword that possessed exceptional quality for its time. However, it is unlikely that the sword possessed supernatural or mythical properties, such as the ability to cleave armour effortlessly or cause wounds that never healed. It is a symbol of honour, courage and chivalry. Legends and folklore suggest that the sword possessed extraordinary qualities, granting its wielder invincibility and supernatural abilities. Tales spoke of Tizona’s ability to cut through solid objects with ease, and deliver fatal blows with a single stroke alongside its aforementioned power to control fear in the hearts of unworthy men or women when the wielder is in danger. However, it has a second secret power, that being the power to control fire since it means the Half-Charred Sword with its flames being inextinguishable and absolute. As such, they can cause natural and supernatural fire effects such as Crown Wildfires, Firestorms, Solar Flares, Hypernovas and Heatwaves to manifest, also can manipulate flames that possess heat that go beyond Planck Level and defy the very laws of Hyper-Thermodynamics. It allows a user to burn or alter anything, even non-flammable, incorporeal, or conceptual things like time and nonexistence. They also have the ability to manipulate the underlying foundation of the concept of fire and concepts associated with it as immunity to fire nor heat can provide no protection from these flames as they will be completely bypassed due to its sheer potency and primaeval nature with its fire being as ancient as Spain itself. Also, Tizona's power depends on the wielder, and it frightens unworthy opponents. When the infantes of Carrión had Tizona, they underestimated the power of the sword, due to their cowardice, but when Pero Vermúdez was going to fight Ferrán González and unsheathed Tizona (a gift from El Cid). As such, it has the ability to slay demonic creatures such as devils, vampires and ghouls. It also has the ability to localise holy power and grants an extra boost of power to the user for it can cleave a world at its fullest of strength… or things bigger in conceptualisation and scope alongside thy own being incredible (in terms of potential thenceforth).

Thy second kingly blade, the Colada is a sword of similarity to the Tizona. It frightens the unworthy if danger is verily befalling of thee in a mode of constance. It is a holy sword, and as such like Tizona it has the ability to slay devils and other creatures of darkness such as vampires and ghouls, with also the properties to slay dragons and dragon-related beings with ease as well as cleanse demonic objects and magic. Colada can also generate a bright light from it's blade, thus earning the titles as the "Twilight baptism sword" similar to how Excalibur can release a blast of light from its tip with the sole goal to rid the world of evil.

Here is a poem regarding its potency by the former wielder Martin Antolinez:

Martin Antolinez mano metio al espada.

Relumbra tod el campo: tanto es limpia e clara.

Diol vn colpe, de trauiessol tomaua.

El casco de somo apart gelo echaua.

Las moncluras del yelmo todas gelas cortaua.

Alla leuo el almofar, fata la cofia legaua.

La cofia e el almofar todo gelo leuaua.

Raxol los de la cabeça, bien a la carne legaua.

Lo vno cayo en el campo e lo al suso fincaua.

Quando este colpe a ferido Colada la preçiada.

Vio Diego Gonçalez que no escaparie con el alma.

Boluio la rienda al cauallo por tornasse de cara.

Esora Martin Antolinez reçibiol con el espada:

Un colpel dio de plano, con lo agudo nol tomaua.

Ya Gonçalez espada tiene en mano, mas non la ensayaua.

Esora el ynfante tan grandes voces daua:

-¡Valme, Dios glorioso, Señor, cúriam deste espada!-

Martín Antolínez took his sword in hand,

it lights up all the field, it is so clean and bright,

he gave him a blow, he hit him a glancing blow,

it broke away the top of the helmet,

it cut away all the helmet straps,

it tore off the mailed hood, and reached the coif,

the coif and the hood all were ripped away,

it cut the hairs on his head, and it reached well into the flesh,

one part fell to the ground and the other remained.

When precious Colada has struck this blow,

Diego González saw that he would not escape with his soul,

he turned his horse to face his opponent.

At that moment Martín Antolínez hit him with his sword,

he struck him broadside, with the cutting edge he did not hit him.

Diego González has sword in hand, but he does not use it,

at that moment the infante began to shout,

-Help me, God, glorious Lord, and protect me from this sword!-

The final sword of the Lobera is a sword that could slay wolves such as those used by thy younger, Abram Willis, in a mere blow.

Thy sword bears three attacks in a Trinitarian form:

Cross Baptisma Dragonar (天を守る白龍の規模クロス・バプティスマ・ドラグナー, Kurosu baputisuma doragunā), also known as White Dragon's scale that shields the heavens (Dragón Baptisma Cruzado or Escama del Dragón Blanco que resguarda los cielos) is an ability in which you can fire energy from thy swords. This summons a white streak of energy that expands and forms a shield that protects and reflects incoming attacks for a limited time.

By using both Tizona and Colada, you can use a power called Baptism Shield Dragonar (白龍の規模十字バプティスム・シールド・ドラグナー, Baputisumu shīrudo doragunā, lit. Cross-shaped White Scale). It can be called Dragón Escudo Bautismal, in which you fire a cross-shaped white beam of draconic, demonic and holy energy that expands and forms an even bigger shield that reflects and protects incoming attacks, while also serving as an offensive technique that can crush opponents if they are defending against thee without much fear. However, due to thy mastery, you need not use both, even if it is useful.

The sword can enhance thy strength by many a magnitude or perhaps a hundredfold when used fully, including thy speed and reflexes, and as such, you can fire an even more powerful version of Cross Baptisma Dragonar. Named Silver Mirror Dragonar (白龍皇の浄化鏡シルバー・ミラー・ドラグナー, Shirubā mirā doragunā, lit. Purifying Mirror of the White Dragon Emperor) or Dragón Espejo Plateado and/or Espejo Purificador del Emperador Dragón Blanco where you can create from the blade of El Cid or Colada, a powerful flame-like barrier with anti-demonic/holy/dragonic properties, forming a massive beam of silver-coloured energy that, while it doesn't have any major offensive abilities, it can "push" anything in its way, harming if not downright killing anything in it's way.

Now, because of thy swords’ holy qualities related to the Higher Beings (perhaps Molaphiel and them), they are all special and unique. When wielded by a truest warrior such as thyself, ye are known as El Çid which is considered an abomination with a transcendent or higher-dimensional existence which can't be felt or comprehended by any being in this universe including even mineself; since thee bear heavenly apparel and thus also because of thy blades’ inherent status… they and ye become the Transcendent Sword (超越剣; Chōetsu ken) or Espada trascendente wherein thy true title is: As-Sayyid al-Sayf (The Master or Lord of the Sword) wherein ye become a complete master of the blade that wilt ever exist until the Future cometh by. Regarding being incomprehensible to all in the universe… it means that ye are the strongest man in the Universe (with due consideration for the birth and death of the following members of your entire family from start to finish), for a time of:

67 minutes (William I, 1020 - 10 February 1087), 37 minutes (Stephen I of Ivrea, 1065 – 17 May 1102), 37 minutes (Raymond of Burgundy, c. 1070 – 24 May 1107), 44 minutes (Urraca La Temeraria, thy grandmother the reckless, 1080 – 8 March 1126), 68 minutes (Alfonso VI, 1040/1041 – 1 July 1109), 52 minutes (Alfonso VII el Emperador or the Emperor, 1 March 1105 – 21 August 1157), 50 minutes and 51 more (Ferdinand II of León, c. 1137 – 22 January 1188), 23 and 24 minutes together (Sancho III of Castile, c. 1134 – 31 August 1158), 58 minutes (Alfonso VIII of Castile el Noble, 11 November 1155 – 5 October 1214), 59 minutes (Alfonso IX, 15 August 1171 – 23 or 24 September 1230)), 22 minutes (Ferdinand of Castile, 1189 – 14 October 1211), 13 minutes (Henry I of Castile, in Spanish, Enrique I, 14 April 1204– 6 June 1217), 22 minutes more (Ferdinand of León, 1192 – August 1214), 70 minutes (Alfonso of León, Lord of Molina, 1202 – 6 January 1272), 50 and 53 minutes (Ferdinand III of Castile, Fernando; 1199/1201 – 30 May 1252 and thy grandfather) and thy future descendants with the girl Samantha.” Ashoka explained as Samantha blushed slightly upon learning she would be a mother with everyone looking happy for her in some regard, especially the living Geisha and Satoshi with her looking embarrassed as she noticed a ring on her left index finger.

“Thy descendants are: 62 minutes (Alfonso X, also known as the Wise, Spanish: el Sabio; 23 November 1221 – 4 April 1284), 54 minutes (Frederick of Castile, in Spanish Fadrique, 1223-1277), 43 minutes (Philip of Castile, Spanish: Felipe de Castilla y Suabia; 1231 – 28 November 1274), 28 minutes (Infante Sancho of Castile, 1233 – 27 October 1261), 49 minutes (Manuel of Castile, 1234 – 25 December 1283), 66 minutes (Don Juan Manuel, 5 May 1282 – 13 June 1348), 19 minutes (Ferdinand de la Cerda, 23 October 1255 – 25 June 1275), 47 minutes (Ferdinand de la Cerda, 1275–1322), 26 minutes (Ferdinand IV el Emplazado of Castille, 6 December 1285 – 7 September 1312), 38 minutes (Alfonso XI, the Avenger (el Justiciero), 11 August 1311 – 26 March 1350)), 75 minutes (Alfonso Enríquez, also known as Alonso Enríquez, 1354-1429), 83 minutes (Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza, 1390 – 23 December 1473).” Ashoka explained as Ferdinand looked amazed. “And then… 56 minutes (El Çid, 1043 - 10th July 1099)... thy true power is unlocked where ye are the Strongest Man in the universe as you an imperante principe Emperador Santo (Commanding Prince Emperor Saint). Ye are: ex Ferdinandus cum coniuge eius Sancia regina, imperator fortissimus (from Ferdinand with his wife Sancia or Samantha, the strongest emperor), imperator magnus (great emperor) dominissimus imperator (most lordly emperor) and by the power and assent of Christ king of Spain (pro Christi nutu at que potentia Hispaniae rex), ye shalt bear the "imperial crown made of gold and precious stones, fitting to his dignity" (corona imperialis) and thus you are Glorious Ferdinand in all the Spains to reign" (gloriosus Ferdinand in omni Spanie regnaturus) as the Regis Legionis (King of León), Rex Hispaniae (King of Spain), Rex Hispanorum (King of the Spanish) or Rex Hispaniarum (King of Spain) whereas Samantha is the Imperatrix omni mundus et totius hispanorum (Queen of all the World and the Spanish). Thus, al-Imbraţūr dhī-l-Millatayn is thy hidden title where it is classed as Emperor of the two religions like Alfonso therein. Now ye must learn the truth of absolutist hardness henceforth:

In thy certification of death which can verily ne’er be pontificated, thy parents shalt speak:

We face "inconsolable grief, for he saw himself in him [Fernando] as if he were the mirror of his life" (luctus inconsolabilis genitori, quia in ipsum tanquam in uite speculum contemplabatur). According to the Chronicon mundi, Alfonso VIII "received consolation from the multitude of gathering armies even though he was sick at heart from the death of [his] son". The anonymous Chronica latina regum Castellae, written towards the middle of the century, claims Queen Eleanor threw herself on Ferdinand's body, clasped his hands and, putting her mouth to his, "strove either to revive him or to die with him" (nitebatur uel eum uiuificare uel cum eo mori) and that is thy mother’s and father’s actions.

The king's first action after his son's death was to make a grant to the Hospital del Rey y de la Reina on 28 November. In the charter he "devoutly commend[ed] to the King of Kings the spirit of my dearest firstborn son, don Fernando, whom by the disposition of divine grace I could not have as heir to the throne of my kingdom." The next day, 29 November, he made an endowment to the house that held Ferdinand's remains, Las Huelgas, attributing the latter's death to divine clemency: "Whereas by the disposition of divine clemency I, Alfonso, by the grace of God king of Castile and Toledo, was not permitted to have our dearest son don Fernando (may his soul merit the enjoyment of eternal rest) as successor to our kingdom, so that he might acquire the celestial kingdom for himself. . ."

In 1212, one of the troubadours who frequented Alfonso's court, Giraut de Calanso, composed a poem, "Bel senher Dieus, quo pot esser sufritz", a verse lament, or planh, to commemorate the death of Ferdinand (Ferran in the Occitan of the poem). Giraut writes thus there "was such a prince seen or heard" (anc filhs de rei non fon vistz ni ausitz). Drawing on Ferdinand's English descent on his mother's side, he praises the infante as the equal of King Arthur. In death, ye shalt exceed the riches and virtues of Henry the Young King, Richard the Lionheart and Duke Geoffrey II of Brittany—the brothers of the queen of England Eleanor:

Qu'en lui era tot los pretz restauratz = For in him all the worth was restored

Del rei Artus, qu'om sol dire et retraire, = of King Arthur, of whom they said and declared

On trobavan cosselh tug bezonhos. = that all those in need found good counsel.

Lo larc e.l franc, lo valen e.l grazitz, = The generous and frank, the worthy and attractive

Don cuiavon qu'en fos esmendatz = of whom men thought that in him were increased the qualities

Lo jove reys, e.n Richartz lo prezatz = of the young king, of Richard the high renowned,

E.l coms Jaufres, tug li trey valen fraire = and of the Count Godfrey, all the three valiant brothers

In a subsequent list of countries in which Ferdinand will be mourned—"from the river Jordan" (del flum Jordan) as far as France, England, Germany, Saxony (Samsuenha), Spain and Aragon—Giraut is "reminding us ... how far the power and prestige of Castile and the networking sphere of Plantagenet power extend" Ashoka explained as Ferdinand nearly broke down crying upon learning this. “How do I die?!” He asked in obvious outrage. “Even the strongest falls to the hand of Death. Betrayal of the Englishman you knew you slayed thy hand with Fragarach, Damian… and war corrupts he and all who know him… ending in the Devil’s end. This is what Samantha will concur at thy grave of partitioning ways - one of eternal and one of temporary sacrifice for a better and peaceful end:

"He was tall, a little more than average, and thin and ruddy, and his cheeks had a few freckles... very patient to all who wanted to talk to him, even if their speeches were ordinary or not well-reasoned..." as said by your beloved.” Ashoka said as Ferdinand’s eyes cried rivers but he remained silent, his mind looking saddened beyond doubt yet he held it together for himself and those around him. “Damien?” He thought to himself with fear, only for this to be momentarily interrupted by Ashoka’s speaking: “You are the El Campeador Santo Fernando Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar (The Champion Saint Fernando III) for your father was Alfonso where you henceforth were named after thy grandfather, Ferdinand, a man of extreme strength.

El Cid, whose real name was Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, exemplified the spirit of the Reconquista. He was a formidable warrior and a respected military leader, renowned for his loyalty. El Cid’s encounter with the powerful Moorish champion, Búcar. In their fierce duel, El Cid wielded Tizona with exceptional skill and managed to strike a fatal blow, defeating Búcar and securing a decisive victory. That is thee, Ferdinand.” Ashoka said as a tear or two came out of Ferdinand’s eyes, revealing his once golden locks becoming black for his eyes now browned like the hazel in winter’s morn… for he became his true self… Ferdinand, the High Prince of Spain. When wielded by a truest warrior such as thyself, ye are known as El Çid which is considered an abomination with a transcendent or higher-dimensional existence which can't be felt or comprehended by any being in this universe including even mineself; since thee bear heavenly apparel and thus also because of thy blades’ inherent status… they and ye become the Transcendent Sword (超越剣, Chōetsu ken) or Espada trascendente wherein thy true title is: As-Sayyid al-Sayf (The Master or Lord of the Sword) wherein ye become a complete master of the blade that wilt ever exist until the Future cometh by. Regarding being incomprehensible to all in the universe… it means that ye are the strongest man in the Universe.'' Ferdinand heard the State of Brahman itself say to him, with Ferdinand’s sword being endowed in cosmic energy. “Damn! He is strong!” Damien thought to himself, using Godly Sight to watch what was going on, with Satoshi still within the State of Brahman. To the State of Brahman, fear, time, space, matter and all notions and concepts related to human language and all things not are irrelevant for it is beyond Atman, Brahman and Para Brahman all the same. “So you have manifested your true power?” Danjong asked as Gyeongsuk mysteriously revived herself and teleported to Danjong. “Seokga!” Gyeongsuk screamed as Ferdinand fought Danjong whilst Satoshi immediately attacked Seokga who wasn’t surprised. “I have to take down Mireuk.” Seokga said as Satoshi continued to attack him with Hajime immediately activating his power of the Four Constellations to attack only for Satoshi to stop him. “Go to Yeongjo.” The State of Brahman said as Hajime followed without question despite not wanting to. “So you are truly the State.” Seokga said as Satoshi then fired a huge wave of flames from his mouth only for Seokga to then attack back by summoning meat in his mouth and water beneath him. While eating, Seokga spits some of the meat out into the water. This meat turns into the fish of the world. He then spits meat into the air, thus creating the birds. He spits a third time, and this meat becomes the beasts of the earth, including deer, tigers, and wolves. But his two followers refuse to eat the meat, saying that they would rather become Buddhas. Later in the journey, Seokga crosses a river on the backs of packed fish, but the fish refuse to allow the two who did not eat the meat to cross. When Seokga returns, he finds that the two have turned into large boulders. The god makes the boulders the gods of the Big Dipper and of a mythical southern counterpart of the Big Dipper. In most of the stories, the moon and sun double or disappear after the unjust victory of Seokga, and the usurper must either destroy the moon or the sun as he blew the sun, moon and constellations up however Satoshi sustained no damage whatsoever as the external barrier of the State of Brahman protected him. “So you aren’t going to divert?” Seokga asked as Satoshi then decided to end the fight with the Okami, summoning a reddish-orange ribcage around himself that turned blue. “NO!” Seokga said as he summoned 12 clones to attack every combatant in the room, only for Seokga to teleport himself away from the Tower. “Is Seokga truly attempting to attack me?” Danjong thought to himself as he stopped time around everyone and then summoned 12 universes in the form of balls to attack Seokga’s clones however the clones stopped all of space moving within the universes, unravelling them and firing them back at Danjong who simply warped the entire Tower, only for Ferdinand to appear and attack Seokga and Maitreya at the same time however the two then casually trapped him in an entire multiverse with innumerable dimensions therein as the two fought. They both summoned animals, summoned entire planets and unfroze time as well as created entire universes casually and even entire multiverses, with the two casually annihilating these creations of the other. The entire universe shook as the entire country of Korea also shuddered in true fear as everyone from the Final Towers looked horrified by this power-based control. “Fighting amongst thyselves is pointless.” The State of Brahman said as Satoshi snapped his fingers, returning Danjong’s adult form into his teenage form as well as Seokga into his initial form as Gyeongsuk. “Now then, let us all go into the Final Tower.” Satoshi said as they were all teleported to the last Palace. “So this is your end, 16 year old king.” Yeongjo said as Sejong was visibly injured from his brief clash with the Final King. “Don’t mock my grandson!” Sejong, using Hangul to try and bind him… as Yeongjo laughed coyly only to then be blitzed by Sejong with Yeongjo casually turning around, kicking him in the stomach and then sending him back. “My daughter was the ultimate spy… taking out a castle using poison at 10.” Yeongjo said as he got up and then readied himself for the final battle. “We have 8 opponents here.” He thought to himself, immediately seeing a multitude of Kunai firing at him in rapid succession only to then backflip with Sejong then using Hangul in tandem with Hangul Wave to try and end Yeongjo, who casually grabbed his arm and twisted it as Satoshi tried to use kunai to slice off Yeongjo as this was casually countered by using his other hand to stop the attack, backflipping with Sejong as a human shield. “You wouldn’t attack an elder, would you?!” Yeongjo asked for he was 81 whereas Sejong was 54 years old only for Satoshi to then see Sejong’s granddaughters attacking the old emperor with earthen particles however they saw their grandfather being thrown straight at them only for boulders to protect them as he was ensnared in an earthen hand with Sejong still breathing somewhat heavily. “Ferdinand!” Yeongjo said as he began casually moving away from Gyeonghye’s attacks and control of earth by dodging all of the earthen drops as he saw Damien from the corner of his eye, grabbing him only for Damien to be stabbed from behind by the earthen waves with him being turned around and punched in the nuts with extreme force, cracking them as Damien screamed. “Your spectacles are your weak point.” Yeongjo said, using the power of Hwanguyangssi to build a church to defend himself from the attacks of the two sisters only to then teleport behind Gyeongsuk, stepping on top of her head as Saint George was also behind him, intending to use his claws however Sejong was fast enough to try and grab Yeongso’s leg only to have Damien thrown straight into the ground head-first as Satoshi barely caught him in time. “This guy’s just like the Man and Wu… except far stronger in terms of physical strength… I doubt either of them could beat him!” Satoshi thought to himself as he saw Damien’s lower half bleeding as he tried to use the Mana from his sword to heal him, only to fail. “His lower section is heavily damaged… from what I can see… his groin is heavily bleeding… the near-loss of his testicular region means that he will be nauseous, sick, ill and likely out for the rest of the fight if something isn’t done.” Ferdinand explained before using the Tizona to control Yeongjo’s fear as Satoshi had no choice but to agree with this analysis. “I’ll be fine.” Damian said, knowing that he could heal by way of the Otherworld, as Satoshi immediately raced for Yeongjo who immediately built himself a house to throw at Satoshi only for this to be cleaved in two by his sword. “Perfect!” Sejong thought to himself only to then see Yeongjo jumping back onto the ground as the two sisters also attacked him with Satoshi’s sword flying behind him from the corner of his eye. “A strategy of deception, eh?” Yeongjo thought to himself, grabbing the sword to deflect the mountains of earth fired from the rocks, using the church to withstand the mountains’ attacks as a murder of crows fired from the skies. His eyes darted from side to side, determining the amount of opponents, the exact trajectories of their moves and the overall possibilities. “7, 45 degrees for the rogue, Sejong should be fodder but the rest are difficult in hindsight.” He thought to himself only to feel himself getting slapped by a mysterious force. “You really think you can actually win?” Hajime asked as Yeongjo knew he was trapped but quickly attempted to run away as Hajime blitzed behind him with Ferdinand in front of him.

“Nine Section Copper Whip (九节铜鞭, Jiǔ Jié Tóng Biān).” Hajime said as Yeongjo was stunned, for he was immediately being attacked by several sections and chains. “This staff… its like nunchucks and a staff combined.” Yeongjo thought to himself in slight fear as he tried to summon a church from nowhere with Hajime slicing through it like a knife through butter. “You really are something.” Satoshi’s clone said, using the Ruyi Jingu Bang to send him flying away. “A diversionary tactic?!” Yeongjo thought to himself as he barely was able to dodge the Hangul fired against him only for Satoshi to then appear and immediately attack Yeongjo however he then grabbed the Ruyi Jingu Bang and tried to fight against the clone. “Looking into his eyes will result in my paralysis.” Yeongjo thought to himself as he tried to fight with his eyes closed only for Sejong to appear behind him with his granddaughters in tow. “You will lose, Yeongjo!” Sejong said, only to then be sent flying back with one kick to the side as he then grabbed him and used him as a shield once again, sending him flying into Satoshi’s chest, who used the Okami to grab him swiftly as a means of trying to defend against such an enemy. “How futile are ye?” Yeongjo said mockingly only to then see himself bound in earth by Gyeonghye as he used his church to bind the two sisters with immediate effect. Despite this, he knew he would win with extreme difficulty as Satoshi then used the Ruyi Jingu Bang to continually attack as he could no longer sense Gyeongsuk’s presence. “So she’s dead?” Satoshi asked himself, feeling a slight sense of sadness as Yeongjo then immediately felt himself being ruthlessly struck by the Ruyi Jingu Bang without mercy only for the King to try and attack him once again as Sejong then began to attack Yeongjo without any hint of care towards the King however he failed to see the fact that Yeongjo had already prepared for this by creating the Sky Palace, teleporting the man above the clouds themselves in a palace of immeasurable beauty. “Satoshi… me and Hajime or just Hajime will deal with him for now.” Ferdinand said calmly as Hajime immediately continued to attack Yeongjo who was able to continually react and send him flying back. “Bā shé (Ba Snake).” Hajime said, summoning a flaming snake that could eat an elephant only for Yeongjo to then fight off this snake. “Bó Yí + Bái zé.” Hajime then said, summoning a beast that appeared to be a chimera-fusion of a mountain goat and a tiger with a mysterious horn as well as fur around his back where he felt no fear. “Bai Ze is revered because it is said Bai Ze knows the name and appearance of all living beings, in all the realms, can communicate with all (including humans), and knows how to dispel, exorcise and/or protect against all evil creatures. It is for these reasons that drawings of Bai Ze were often placed on walls and doors to protect the occupants from evil. Images of Bai Ze have also been found on the banners of past armies.” Hajime explained to which the creature immediately fired a massive scream. ”Iron Armour 铁铠 (tiě kǎi) + Freeze 寒冰 (hán bīng).” Hajime said as everyone looked shocked with Yeongjo’s surroundings being devoured by iron casings. “Do you honestly think any of this nonsense is enough? Gameunjang-aegi.” Yeongjo said, making a new law which dictated that he couldn’t be frozen. “You are from the Red Lane, then… a Chinese wench is thy mother.” Yeongjo said, which slighted Hajime genuinely as he felt a tear going down his face. “Don’t listen to him!” Sejong said as Hajime glared at him in rage. “崩 (bēng: Rupture).” Hajime then said, using flames underneath himself to do this, releasing numerous flame-like slashes at Yeongjo as he then walked through this without much effort. “Let yourself be drained.” Yeongjo then said casually as entire cities of the Purple Lane were slowly being burned. “Fei Yi 肥遗 (Féi Yí) Fei Yi are mentioned numerous times in the Classic of Mountains and Seas (both North and West chapters), and are most commonly described as snakes with one head and two bodies. They are a bad omen, their presence foretells country-wide drought.” Hajime then explained as Yeongjo immediately understood his strategy. “He’s attempting to surround me with these creatures as a means of distraction.” Yeongjo thought to himself.

“This coat is from the Blue Lane, and one of my father’s. My surname, Ando… is merely a ruse because it is simply 安: Ān which means peace that comes from my mother. My father added ‘do’ as a suffix to hide my true identity from his enemies in the Red or Green Lanes. His surname is Minamoto… I don’t know what his true name is. That said, my boots are the Zhuī rì xuē (the Sun-chasing boots): With these boots on the wearer is said to be able to cover a distance of 1,000 leagues during the day time, and a distance of 800 leagues during the night. In one version of the aforementioned story, Kua Fu took his boots off and shook the dirt that had accumulated in them out on the ground and formed a mountain.” Hajime explained, realising that his days would likely be numbered given his rank as “security detail”. “And then my father-!” Hajime was about to say as he was silenced with the Jade Emperor and Xīng xīng appearing, the former’s clothing being that of a red dragon robe with a green hat-like crown with multiple signs on it, as his eyes opened, revealing bright golden eyes that shone brightly. “Your father was a businessman and a gangster who died long before Satoshi set foot to attack the Lane. He died shortly after your mother did… of grief. You see, when you were born 19 years ago, the Vermillion Bird appeared from the Sun’s rise in the East, however to the amazement of all who witnessed it, the other Three Creatures appeared by me teleporting them from the Animal Realm. Thy mother had the 9 Dragon God-Fire Encasem*nt 九龙神火罩 (Jiǔ Lóng Shén Huǒ Zhào) from the 9th Emperor, Taizong, which allowed her to summon the True Samādhi fire which can essentially burn anything worldly and as such, thy power is called the Dragon Breath since it came from the Dragon which you mentioned whilst explaining it to Aloa. The Dragon was a Naga/Ryu, one of the last Dragons which survived off of the Dragon World in the form of the Nagas for they were a subspecies and a devolved form of the Dragons… with the strongest eight including that of Tarkotaka and Vasuki, the snake summoned by Muro Pyton during the stint of the Brotherhood of the Serpent which was inevitably sealed in a similar manner to how Ashoka, the legendary Man ye hath spake of did the same to this Dragon which you mentioned. An individual known as Monty was there; who would eventually make the Philosopher’s Stone using Masaru Damon’s magical DNA, which was also a byproduct of his lineage and his soul from the Past thenceforth; the former then giving himself ageless immortality and thus being a weaker form of the Elixir of Life, however they could be argued to be equal in some regard.

Thus… once thy birth came about, the Azure Dragon observed this. Unknown to thy mother, you were born in a near-death state as the Vermillion Bird decided to give its fire into thy soul whereas the Azure Dragon saved your life, going into your heart to save your life. Regarding that, the soul is made up of 10 individual components; these are known as the 3 Hun (魂 hún) and the 7 Po (魄pò). Put simply, the 3 Hun – often referred to as the “cloud spirits” – make up the ethereal component of a soul, and the 7 Po – often referred to as the “white spirits” – make up the corporeal component of a soul. Upon death, the 7 Po dissipate along with the body, and the 3 Hun each take separate paths. The 3 Hun are known by many names, here, I will be referring to them as:

Tian Hun 天魂 (tiān hún) – “Heaven” Hun

Di Hun 地魂 (dì hún) – “Earth” Hun

Ren Hun 人魂 (rén hún) – “Human” Hun

Upon death the Tian Hun takes the pathway to Heaven (天 tiān) and is detained in the Celestial Prison (天牢 tiān láo). The Di Hun takes the pathway to Di Yu (地狱 dì yù) and is detained and tortured accordingly (more below). The Ren Hun remains on earth, wondering around the grave of the body, and it’s only upon reincarnation (rebirth) that the 3 Hun will be reunited, alongside 7 new Po, to start life anew. Therein, your soul was ultimately inhabited by the fire of the Vermillion and thy heart; the Azure Dragon… thus making the Dragon Breath. Because of this, however, your mother grew incessantly ill and as such, the 3 beasts outside of the Azure Dragon (Phoenix, Tiger and Tortoise) went into the Encasem*nt to try and save her life, ultimately shattering her soul due to the encasem*nt’s connection to it. Thus, your father learned of this, took you away and sent you to Emperor Wu to train you and keep you in his care, however thy father of biology walked away to keep you alive, changing thy name into that of Hajime An in order to not have you die as a young boy. But you must learn something: the reason ye are able to gain thy powers is because your grandfather is Taizong, wielder of the Nine Dragons Sword. He is your grandfather, your existence unknown to him. Thus, your mother grew ill as a result of her soul shattering, leading to her passing with your father by her side; of whom was called Minamoto no Yorinobu; with ye being the nephew to Minamoto no Yorimitsu, the leader of the Blue Lane. He passed away shortly after in grief. But your mother truly was foolish!” Yeongjo said as Hajime glared at him in true rage. . “Dragon Style: Dai Jigoku no Taimatsu: Armcross Stance!” Hajime said as Yeongjo looked impressed. “Xīng xīng.” Hajime thought to himself, as a monkey appeared behind Yeongjo who immediately used the power of Hwanguyangssi, who could build any building on earth, only for Hajime to speedblitz Yeongjo who summoned a law which dictated that he was perhaps invincible. “Dragon Breath: Bullet of Death.” Hajime thought to himself, firing his finger at Yeongjo to create a flaming blast as Yeongjo casually dodged this with the Bai Ze running at him. “Hwanguyangssi!” Yeongjo thought to himself, creating a church to bind himself as a means of defence, to which Hajime countered by using Draconic Stance: Fire Dragon Bombs around himself, sending them at him at immense speeds. “Lù hún fān (Killer of Souls Banner) - 此宝幡本是截教仙余元的法宝,赠予徒弟余化使用,曾生擒黄飞虎全家。但最终被莲花化身的哪吒所攻克,收在豹皮囊之中。此宝为旁门左道之物,放出黑气擒人,专门攻击有魂魄的对手,遇到黑烟的人魂魄自散,故名戮魂幡。 哪吒是莲花化身,非三魂七魄之体,因此能免疫此宝的邪术,只用手一指,其黑烟自灭,并被哪吒空手接去,余化战败。由于是旁门左道之宝,哪吒并没有利用于战斗 (Cǐ bǎo fān běn shì jié jiào xiān yú yuán de fǎbǎo, zèng yǔ túdì yú huà shǐyòng, céng shēngqín huángfēihǔ quánjiā. Dàn zuìzhōng bèi liánhuā huàshēn de nǎ zhā suǒ gōngkè, shōu zài bào pínáng zhī zhōng. Cǐ bǎo wèi pángménzuǒdào zhī wù, fàngchū hēi qì qín rén, zhuānmén gōngjí yǒu húnpò de duìshǒu, yù dào hēi yān de rén húnpò zì sàn, gù míng lù hún fān. Nǎ zhā shì liánhuā huàshēn, fēi sān hún qī pò zhī tǐ, yīncǐ néng miǎnyì cǐ bǎo de xié shù, zhǐ yòng shǒu yī zhǐ, qí hēi yān zì miè, bìng bèi nǎ zhā kōngshǒu jiē qù, yú huà zhànbài. Yóuyú shì pángménzuǒdào zhī bǎo, nǎ zhā bìng méiyǒu lìyòng yú zhàndòu = This treasure flag was originally the magic weapon of Jiejiao Immortal Yu Yuan. It was given to his apprentice Yu Hua for use. He once captured Huang Feihu's family alive. But in the end, he was conquered by Nezha, who was transformed into a lotus flower, and was kept in a leopard skin bag. This treasure is a heretical thing. It emits black energy to capture people and specifically attacks opponents with souls. The souls of those who encounter the black smoke will scatter themselves, so it is called the Soul-killing Banner. Nezha is the incarnation of a lotus flower, not a body of three souls and seven souls, so he is immune to the magic of this treasure. With just one finger of his hand, the black smoke extinguishes itself, and is picked up by Nezha with his bare hands. Yu Hua is defeated. Since it was a treasure of heresy, Nezha did not use it in battle).” Hajime thought to himself as he then summoned the Kǎn Yāo Dāo from the sky which turned into a thousand swords to damage Yeongjo who once more, used the church as a means of absolute defence, combining it with laws. “Shuǐ guǐ (Water Ghosts).” Hajime said, summoning a country’s worth of water along with attempting to suck out Yeongjo’s soul in an instant. “Do you honestly think such an ability could even work?!” Yeongjo asked Hajime as the entirety of Korea began to be drowned in water. “In Chinese mythology, Water Ghosts, which are commonly known as “Water Monkeys” (水猴 shuǐ hóu), are the souls of those who committed suicide by drowning themselves, as well as those who accidentally drowned to death. These souls are trapped in the body of water they died in and will haunt that water forever, unable to make their journey through Di Yu (地狱 dì yù) and re-enter the reincarnation cycle (轮回 lún huí), until they successfully drag a living person into the water and kill them. The person they killed then takes their place as a Ti Si Gui (替死鬼 tì sǐ guǐ) – literally “swap death ghost” – and the original Water Ghost can be reincarnated.

Despite being associated with water, Water Ghosts are extremely afraid of fire. They are infinitely strong in the water and lose all their power when they step on land.

Many stories tell of Water Ghosts that lure innocent passers-by by crying or making soft splashes in the water before forcibly dragging them in, sucking on their blood and eating their eyes and nails!” Sejong recounted as Yeongjo looked horrified. “This king is a rapist and abused his daughter verbally and psychologically when she was a youth.” The Xing Xing said as Hajime immediately continued to hit far, far harder with Yeongjo coldly smiling. “You disgusting man. Fire-Tipped Spear 火尖枪 (Huǒ Jiān Qiāng)!” Hajime said aloud as Yeongjo then increased his own durability. “I do question… if you can’t even fight myself, how are you expecting to fight my daughter?” He asked as he jumped upwards, intending to force Hajime into the air. "Looks like I have no choice… even if this does shatter my soul the same way my mom died… Sì Xiàng (Four Constellations): Release!” Hajime said - 南方朱雀, Nán Fāng Zhū Què (Vermillion Bird of the South), 西方白虎; Xīfāng Báihǔ (White Tiger of the West), 北方玄武;: Běifāng Xuánwǔ (Black Turtle of the North) and 东方蒼龍, Dōngfāng Qīnglóng (Azure Dragon of the East) + Xiezhi, Qilin, Linghui and Long” Hajime said as everyone looked visibly impressed but instead of seeing the Four Auspicious Beasts summoned around him as one would normally expect… he instead saw Hajime’s face was covered a mask with a huge horn atop it, his coat instead bearing tortoise-scales on it where his Sun-Chasing Boots were covered in qillin scales resembling its cloven hooves as black and white energy covered his two hands. “You are a spirit medium?!” Yeongjo asked in clear shock as Hajime’s eyes alone were visible. You can, say, defend against worlds, constellations or perhaps a universe at the cost of thy life in the last sense and could do something to Damien as thy fire in colour and potency [as yours is red due to a lack of temperature] however thy Samadhi Fire is stronger in terms of doing damage conceptually… but it is weaker than Damien’s because Saint George is superior to the Azure Dragon in potency, strength and speed… but you are relative in all but speed. But remember this, you were loved, Hajime: Beginning of Peace.” The State of Brahman spoke as Yeongjo looked shocked. “This power…” Yeongjo thought to himself with slight annoyance. “Nǚ Wā Bǔ Shí: Wǚ sè shí (Stones of Creation - Five Colour Stones.” Hajime thought to himself, summoning five stones around Yeongjo which devoured him in Fire, Metal, Earth, Water and Wood however… Hajime failed to see that this would result in him losing as Yeongjo then created numerous houses to walk on the water as he then added on by creating a colosseum to bind Hajime. “Dangun… let us end this fight.” Yeongjo said as he teleported behind Hajime and then snapped his neck quickly and then crushed him by summoning a column. “Fool.” Hajime said as he smiled, knowing that he may have won. But he knew that he would reappear, before Yeongjo then touched his hand on the water, intending to reimburse the water supply by converting the ground into a church. “What can your friends ever hope to do? My daughter will erase you all.” He said mockingly, as he knew that the true fight was coming up. “Now that he’s down and the other two are… it only leaves you.” Yeongjo said as Satoshi immediately readied himself for the battle of a lifetime, the truly hardest battle of his life as he immediately unsheathed the Cheng Ying and used it, its green jade blade flickering in the light, firing kunai and shotgun shells only for the King to dodge all of the attacks and merely pull a finger in front of himself and Satoshi. “My daughter could have easily annihilated you at the age of 11.” He boasted casually only to send Satoshi flying back with one kick to the groin as he felt quite a bit of pain. “Cheng Ying: Lunar Form - Celestial Wave.” Satoshi then said, firing a huge black and white slash from the sword, infusing lunar energy into his strike only for Yeongjo to dodge it with some difficulty. Satoshi noticed this and fired missiles from his hands as Yeongjo looked visibly taken aback; however, he failed to notice the fact that… this final interaction now was finally going in Satoshi’s favour as the final missile he fired never blew up and instead released a volley of smoke. “A diversion?” Yeongjo thought to himself as he then saw the missile mysteriously binding him with Satoshi appearing and firing a huge laser blast of energy at his head, appearing to erase his head from existence. Despite this, Yeongjo still somehow regenerated his head. “Gameunjang-aegi!” Yeongjo said as he immediately forced a law into existence however Satoshi still responded by using the Shadow Sword to slash at him to which Yeongjo used the power of Dangun to make a new law where he would be untouched. “You really think that would work?” Satoshi asked as he used the Ritual Circle underneath Yeongjo to wrap him up in chains. “This energy? What is it?” Yeongjo asked himself for it was dark blue. He looked visibly shaken, realising that he could regenerate and escape, although would possibly lose only to sense the two sisters breaking out of the church with extreme difficulty as they fired pillars of the earth at Yeongjo who jumped up only for Sejong to appear above his head. “You should be more careful next time!” Sejong said mockingly, immediately stepping atop his head, using Hangul Wave to bind him. “You leave me no choice. Hanuellim’s Gate!” Yeongjo screamed as he wished himself another arm only for the entire Palace to begin collapsing, sending Sejong flying back as he wished himself out of the Ritual Circle. “A suicide attack?!” Sejong asked as Damian was able to move as the entire country and even the Green Lane alongside Akaria itself was fully affected by a huge meteor firing from above. “The planet will be erased!” Sejong said as Yeongjo laughed with the Last Building even visibly shuddering. “What is Father doing?” A voice asked the open air. “SHINDANSU (Holy Mountain of Sandalwood)!” Yeongjo screamed, summoning the final Building with a mountain as though by means of protection. “Whoever his daughter is… she has to be extremely powerful.” Satoshi thought to himself as he realised who his daughter was. “Don’t tell me… no… I can’t think about that now.” Satoshi thought to himself as he rushed outside to try and fight off the meteor as the Ruyi Jingu Bang duplicated itself hundreds of times, creating a cuboid that surrounded every single palace, a structure that surrounded Akaria, the Blue and Red Lanes by way of size extension; for the entire continent was protected from any adverse effects with the sole exclusion of direct force from the meteor; as the staff began to extend, of its own will as it near instantly reached the meteors that broke upon being touched by the staff. “Cheng Ying: Lunar Eclipse - Death of the Starry Night!” Satoshi said as he tried to jump up at full speed using his rocket boosters via his feet to try and damage the meteor only for the sword to start chipping upon even touching the rock. “sh*t! The sword’s durability is maximised now?!” He asked himself as he heard the King’s constant laughter despite being bound. “He’s breaking out?! Just how powerful is he?! Damn… damn it! Everyone will die if I don’t stop this!” Satoshi thought to himself frantically as Yeongjo then broke out, using his full strength and speed to blitz Satoshi, punching him extremely hard in the stomach. “I have no choice! Kinto-Un!” Satoshi thought to himself, sending him flying back only to then use the Gem of Gabriel, throwing it out at the last second. “Storm Cloud: Eternal Strike.” Satoshi thought to himself coldly as a lightning bolt shone, revealing Satoshi looking down at him from the Tower. “So you also possess the lightning of the Red Lane, huh?! They couldn’t even hope to match even Hyegong!” Yeongjo said as he was violently struck with white lightning seemingly endlessly as he screamed. He said, using his last attack to summon a second meteor above the first with Yeongjo smiling. “Good luck.” Yeongjo said mockingly as Ferdinand himself looked surprised. “I’ll deal with it!” Ferdinand said confidently as Damian wanted the spotlight. “No! Its fine… I’ll handle it.” Damian said casually, as though he could do this on his own.

“That didn’t kill him?!” Satoshi thought to himself as Damien looked visibly stunned. “Stay here… I’ll deal with the first meteor… you with the second with that Okami power of yours, got it? If a third comes down… then you deal with it.” Damian said as Ferdinand and Satoshi relented, accepting this for what it was. “Go.” Satoshi said as he knew everyone else there could hardly do anything against it. “Come, King of the Final Layer! SAINT GEORGE!” Damian said as his dragon rushed towards him, kicking him back with one hit, sending him through multiple buildings as Damian remembered the Jade Emperor’s words 1 hour prior. “With the Excalibur, ye could combine all levels of understanding with it where ye can use its true power as a form of defending the world or the country of thy residence. It cannot be called beautiful because of its appearance, for the description of "beautiful" will only dirty it. It is instead sacred, made from people's conceptions, a legend weaved purely out of hope. It is not a myth or inhuman work, but a "crystal trained by the heart alone", making it reign as the strongest fantasy. It is the crystallisation of the prayer named "glory" and everything etched in the hearts of those who are scattered at the sword's radiance; the nostalgic, sorrowful, and hallowed dream of those who were placed on the bloody hell called a battlefield, of all warriors past, present, and future fully exposed to the fear of death and despair, and who still cling to a desire: "to be exalted." You bear a technique of golden light that, from the tip of the blade once the sword is swung. To an observer, it looks like a giant beam of light, but the attack's target point is only at the tip. It is the "ultimate slash" that cuts through everything in the "area" the light goes through. Its enormous power heats space around the tip, and as a result, it is interpreted as a wave of light that mows across the surface of the earth like a directed energy weapon. Even if it is dodged, those in close proximity can still be temporarily distracted by its intensity. Indeed, its speed, attack power, and reach upon being activated surpassing none but the Shadow Sword.” He thought to himself, readying himself for the ultimate sacrifice as he remembered someone he hadn’t seen in a long time as his eyes widened in disbelief. “Damien, my boy… when the time comes… you will wield the legacy of my father and thy forefathers.” His grandfather said to him, staring at a silver pistol that was once his. “That gun is a pistol which can counter any by way of the silver bullet of the Pendragons.” He spoke softly; as he stared at a statue of a red-white dragon. “Saint George is not his true name… the Dragon’s name is Y ddraig goch (the Red Dragon). And know that even if ye wear glasses for the sake of sight…” His grandfather said to him as he comforted the 9 year old Damien who was crying after having been bullied in school for being the last member of the land of the United Kingdom. “You do not need to worry anymore… even if you wear your emotions on your sleeve… know that in the end, it will lead to a good end. You must carry our torch… even if your parents are dead… remember this: Y ddraig goch ddyry cychwyn" ("The red dragon will show the way").” His grandfather said, giving him some form of motivation. “I have faith you will be the King who will lead the Kingdom into Peace. Go, my dear boy… love will always be with you… “Damian, my child… I am now dying… we hath been to Wales, Ireland and Scotland when you were 10, 11 and 12 thenceforth; for they bore themselves in the bag of Alanis. Surely… it is time for you to engrave thy name in the Sword of the Stone.” He remembered his grandfather saying as he did precisely that, walking all the way to where it was with a mysterious elder watching from the shadows… watching as he pulled the legendary Excalibur.” His grandfather said to his younger self; but he had long since passed that. “I am and will be the King… I liked Sakura and if I have to die for her memory and Hinata, I shall! Come, EXCALIBUR! Y ddraig goch - COME!” Damien screamed as Saint George continued to attack Yeongjo with him barely able to dodge most of the attacks as his red scales now became White with Yeongjo using what little room he had to bind Saint George in a reconstruction of the universe, sealing him away apparently as Damian made his stance known; as for 10 seconds, his body now adorned itself with heavenly apparel, a beautiful crown, cape and every single bit of Apparel that King Arthur bore with the tip of his blade shining a mystical golden hue as Satoshi looked stunned, witnessing the destruction of the meteor in a beautiful golden light as he covered his eyes, shielding everyone else with the Okami’s skeletal stage. “He could rival the Man in swordsmanship!” Satoshi said as Sejong nodded, clearly agreeing with this statement. “Thank you, Sakura… I love you. Thank you… for living and providing Hinata…” Damian said to himself, thinking he would die as Saint George barely broke out of the universe made only for Damian to then tank the aftermath of the meteor’s explosion which ceased to be shortly thereafter; his apparel disappearing for the 10 seconds had passed. “DAMIAN!” Hajime’s clone said to him, grabbing onto Damien’s limp body, taking it back to the Palace. “He’s alive?!” Yeongjo thought to himself as he realised that this may be a clone. “My my, Dragon Boy, you are something else.” Aloa spoke from the Last Building. “You damn bastard!” Yeongjo screamed, punching Saint George with everything he had, doing some damage to his underside as Satoshi made his entrance. “You won’t win, you know that.” Satoshi said coldly as Yeongjo glared at him, with a visibly annoyed expression. “You look like Kouyate… its too bad he died.” Yeongjo said mockingly as Satoshi responded by immediately going full speed only for Yeongjo to dodge his attacks with some effort. “You really are nothing in comparison to my daughter… she went to thy school, fought in the Tournament… used a country’s forces with kunai alone.” Yeongjo said menacingly as Satoshi glared at him, still in slight confusion. “Who is this daughter you speak of?” Satoshi asked coldly, remembering himself witness all of this when he was under the jurisdiction of the School in an official capacity. “So your daughter is…-! Aloa.” Yeongjo said as he began to smile giddily. “I commanded her to meet you, to spy on you, hence why she met you at midnight yesterday. Everything went accordingly.” Yeongjo said as he remained giddy. “Her mother died in her sleep during the tsunami you caused… all of it was on you!” Yeongjo said as Satoshi’s eyes strained themselves; only for Yeongjo to then punch him once again only for Satoshi’s eyes to then fall into the Cosmos; with the ground shattering as Yeongjo was sent flying back with one gust of wind, as he felt his cells visibly being damaged. “And now that Muro Pyton, that serial rapist is here… you’ll lose all the same.” Yeongjo said confidently as Satoshi’s eyes glared at him in rage. “You damn brat!” Yeongjo said as Sejong watched the battle from atop the Tower as Satoshi simultaneously sensed the meteor only for Yeongjo to feel himself stop moving, as he kept on seeing reflections of himself in what seemed to be a different dimension. Satoshi, on the other hand, began immediately manifesting the Okami in its armoured form, fully summoning the Yata no Kagami to defend himself, forming into a shield which would defend against a planet’s forces as he vomited in severe pain from doing so as the meteor did briefly crack the shield only for him to manifest its perhaps fullest of power and then negate the meteor, with Satoshi looking visibly stunned as he then manifested the State within himself, only for the meteor’s impact to reflect back onto itself and then mysteriously be absorbed into the shield. “How the?!” Damien asked as Ferdinand smiled with the Jade Emperor appearing. “The properties of his Shadow Sword allow him to adapt every part of it unto his Okami, his spirit manifested in physical form. A barrier of the utmost calibre in defence and offence caster’s own energy which manifested due to his past, present and future colliding into one.” The Devil explained briefly before the Jade Emperor interrupted the two. “The Yata Mirror was an ethereal shield with no set form or properties and has the power to alter every one of its attributes. By doing so, it can be used to negate any attack, whether it be conceptual, psychological, mental, spiritual or physical. For example, thy Excalibur attacks would simply be negated and it can more than likely nullify the attacks of gravity however the shield can be dispelled after some time since his energy runs out rapidly through using the Armoured stage of the Okami due to the shield and sword being considered conceptually separate and thus different items, therein taking separate amounts of energy, let us say 35 or 45% each. That said… it can crack if the object in question contains natural, spiritual or cosmic energy that is foreign to its user. Its full limit [for now] is the universe attack that Danjong would have used had he not gone mad [or thus the planet-bound attacks as well as those that can affect the continent of Akaria and beyond]. However… in this form, this future… his limit is gone. It will be soon.” The Jade Emperor explained. “That said, his blade is the Sword of Totsuka, also known as the Sakegari Longsword (酒刈太刀, Sakegari no Tachi, literally meaning: Sake Cutter Longsword), is sheathed in a sake jar; the blade is unlike any other — rather than a conventional form, the blade is actually the liquid inside the gourd that is released and shaped into a blade. It is an ethereal weapon with an enchanted blade capable of sealing the target it pierces. Those who are stabbed by the sword are forever bound into the gourd where they are forever sealed away; their soul having been removed although against greater opponents, Satoshi can lose since the blade would only stop their movement. It can also cut through objects like a normal blade, thereby giving the wielder great versatility in his attacks. It makes him generally invincible when combined with the shield, however… it removes his energy rather quickly, forcing his illness that came from being a reincarnation, like thyself.” The Jade Emperor continued to explain with Damien looking extremely surprised. “You are a fool… I have already protected her… the last one left! You will die! And then once that bastard comes… let death come!” Yeongjo said only to a mirror as he was stabbed, removing the power of Hanuellim, Hwanun and Teojusin on the conceptual and spiritual level, only for Satoshi to then put his now dying body under genjutsu combined with Blood Poison, blowing him up. “Aloa… where did I go wrong? I am truly… sorry!” His final words were as he blew up with only the old land of Korus and Hanseong and its palaces being damaged by way of Satoshi releasing the Ruyi Jingu Bang from this country alone, however, amazingly, nothing was truly damaged. “You bastards!” Yeongjo screamed as Satoshi looked stunned, realising that he was still alive! Gyeonghye summoned a mouse. “Thus fire is created by hitting iron on stone and that water springs up from inside a certain mountain.” It spoke as Yeongjo tried to use the power of Hwanin and Hanuellim, failing miserably since the meteor would not work. “Don’t! Don’t! Spare me!” He screamed as Gyeonghye then forced her family’s palace to bind Yeongjo, encasing him in its true name: Gyeongbokgung, as Gyeongsuk smiled. “Full Hangul: Diamond Sealing of the Lower Death!” Sejong said, encasing the palace in diamond as Danjong teleported Yeongjo to the Sky Palace, which was actually a meteor he summoned, crushing and sealing him within. He was now dead for good. Aloa was now visibly angered. “Those damn bastards.” Aloa said to herself as Muro smiled calmly, thinking nothing of it as it was nothing to him. He meant nothing to him.

“Let’s go now… to Poison Ivy.” He said calmly with Sejong and the other two looking on in sadness, realising what they did to their grandson and younger brother respectively. “We will wait outside the door… you just fight her. It is yours. Yours alone.” Sejong said to Satoshi calmly. “How did you two know each other?” Damien asked as the Jade Emperor side-eyed Sejong briefly. “I don’t… he’s a boy who I met years back as Qin Shi Huang. Wretched of him to think he is equal in any capacity. He knows if he fights… he will lose to me.” The Jade Emperor said calmly. “The Jade Emperor is a legend in Korus. His power, endless. Now then… let us go, for he is a man I met whilst travelling for the Science Division of the Joseon dynasty.” Sejong calmly explained, calmly deflecting the truth. “Muro Pyton is in there, too?” Damian asked as the Jade Emperor nodded, causing Damian’s expression to become soulless and emotionless. His eyes glinted red. “Let’s both take him-!” Hajime was about to say as Damian silenced him. “No. This is my fight. For Sakura and Hinata.” Damian said coldly.

Satoshi then engaged into the Final Room as Aloa was waiting with a vixen mask on her face as Satoshi looked visibly taken aback, reminding himself of when he first saw the Man. “So, you’re Poison Ivy? The one who nearly killed Hajime Ando?” Satoshi asked, his red eyes being the only visible sight in the room. “Indeed. I have been watching you since you came and murdered my parents, both in cold blood I may add.” Aloa calmly said. “This isn’t even my real name. My real name is Hyeong-Mi.” She said as Satoshi still remained taken aback. “I never thought you would be the type to mask yourself considering your abominable display against Hajime.” Satoshi said mockingly, calmly denying her any form of praise. “Yea well… let’s just say, after leaving that Kouyate, things got better for me. I took out a castle and the country of the Green Lane 8 years ago, which inevitably allowed for gangs to take hold. There are only 2 but I won’t dwell any further on that.” Hyeong-Mi said coldly. “Its ironic that you wear Kouyate’s clothing but nothing of you speaks about him.” She then said as his red eyes glared at her with a cold sense of hatred as Muro immediately appeared behind her. “Oh… so you two finally came after all?” Muro asked mockingly as Satoshi grimaced. “Yeah.” Damian said coldly as his glasses showed all the words he wanted to say. “You really want to fight in here with these two, do you?” Muro asked mockingly as Damian was cold. “WHY DID YOU RAPE SAKURA AND HAVE ME STEAL HINATA?!” Damian asked as Satoshi realised exactly what Muro was doing. “Damian! Relax… but don’t kill him!” Satoshi said as Muro smiled. “Man, I loved raping Sakura. Violating her being as snakes ripped her apart.” Muro said coldly as he smiled maliciously, licking his lips with Satoshi and Damian glancing at one another. “Actually… do what you need. Fly off the hook. Deliver justice… the way you want.” Satoshi said calmly. “I doubt he’s capable of doing that considering how Abram nearly killed him… but still… we hold the cards in our hand. But you killing Father was too much.” Aloa said calmly. “Did you really think I showed the full extent of my power back then?” Muro said as Damian was shocked, only for Damian to then blitz him by kicking him out of the Room to the outside world.


“Let’s just cut to the chase.” Satoshi immediately said, firing kunai after kunai only for him to barely track a kunai that sped just past him. “You have the Asura Manus, huh?” She asked as smoke devoured Satoshi’s vision. “She’s blinded the room with traps… its as though she has forced layers of traps in this very place. She truly is something.” Satoshi thought to himself, reminding himself of when Hajime was nearly killed by this exact same tactic, feeling himself now starting to vomit. “Blood Poison.” Satoshi said as Aloa casually dodged an explosion of blood without much effort, instead using this fact against Satoshi. “Too slow.” She said coldly, immediately brandishing what appeared to be a poisoned dagger under her wrist-device. Shortly after, she used 30 shuriken and kunai at once, all coated with poison at full speed as they converged into a large storm that duplicated into hundreds of smaller shuriken and kunai, thus resembling a world of poison as she smiled with Satoshi knowing that he had no choice but to expose more about himself to his match. “Ruyi Jingu Bang: Huifeng Fanhuo (Repelling of wind and fire).” Satoshi thought to himself, immediately using the staff to passively remove the poison from around only to then turn into smoke as Aloa looked visibly amazed upon seeing this. “Not bad, huh?” Satoshi said, appearing behind her and sending her flying away with one hit to the arm, nearly sending her arm off as she looked utterly horrified. “Level 3: Poisoned World of a Thousand Miles.” She said coldly with some confidence in this statement as Satoshi saw a world’s worth of kunai and shuriken in front of him. “So this is the attack that she used against Hajime, huh?” Satoshi asked himself only for him to deflect most of the attacks without realising what its true purpose is. “Had Hajime not managed to do exactly what you’re doing… this kills you on the cellular level. Once it goes into your being, it devours your bones, skin and cells in poison. Meaning, you die.” Aloa explained, with Satoshi realising just how difficult this would be even for someone of his calibre. “So he has a staff that can likely negate durability however from what I know, his technology is extremely advan-!” Aloa thought to herself, only to then see a spider running at her at full speed, realising that this was nothing more than a diversionary tactic, kicking the spider upwards and then at Satoshi, becoming nothing more than wind as she then saw a small ball of fire immediately rushing towards her, dodging these by jumping upwards and then letting the parts of her room catch and burst aflame only to then be caught off guard and paralysed as Satoshi then appeared in front of her and punched her stomach, using an afterimage to punch her from behind. “Genjutsu?!” Aloa asked herself, barely able to use her fingers, twisting them and turning them into a mechanical arm of some kind, ripping off the cloth off her arm to release a huge amount of poison, countering this genjutsu by allowing the poison to go into her cells, nerves and brain, in an attempt to disable the impact of the genjutsu with Satoshi then immediately running and turning his hand into a shotgun only for Aloa to grab the hand point-blank range and then tank the shotgun blast being fired at her, spitting out the bullet with her biting the poison, causing a huge explosion as Satoshi backflipped in response. “Your weakness is close range.” They both thought of each other with Aloa beginning to throw scores of shuriken as Satoshi then used his sword to deflect all of the shuriken only to then step into a trap, causing a magnetic net to summon itself as a form of binding with Satoshi then using his knife that appeared from his arm to cut the binding only for the net to amplify itself. “You’ve lost.” Aloa said coldly, releasing a country’s worth of poison to end him immediately, knowing the true threat he was with her calmly sitting down, as though she was waiting for the others to come in. “Is he dead?!” Hajime thought to himself with slight fear. “You shouldn’t wear your emotions on your sleeve, Hajime.” Aloa said from a megaphone atop her door as Hajime glared at the megaphone. “If I go into there, I’ll kill-! You’ll kill me? Good luck.” Aloa said, firing a kunai through the door’s keyhole, stabbing him straight in the chest, unleashing poison that surrounded the entire hallway as Sejong alongside the other two jumped away out of response with crossbows firing at Sejong who casually deflected them with the ground then glowing blue, causing a mahjong sign to appear on the walls, binding him in the statue of a King, that of her father, whilst firing soundwaves on the cellular level in front of Gyeonghye and Gyeongsuk, causing the two to both bleed due to their cells rapidly disappearing with immediate effect, as their ears began to bleed. “Now it's just me and you. But I really have to ask…” Satoshi said coldly as Aloa then immediately smiled, releasing a trap on her chair, summoning chains of iron and barbed wire that bound Satoshi.“You should really be more careful next time.” Satoshi mockingly said to her, immediately summoning a pair of nunchucks from his elbow, summoning a knife alongside it, using what appeared to be the standard grip with Aloa sensing Satoshi’s movements gradually getting faster and faster as she was now struggling to dodge some of his attacks. “Sakura is the strongest of all the females in our year, I acknowledge that.” Aloa thought to herself with Satoshi then summoning wires from the ground as a form of offence, using the Asura Manus’ hand cannon to fire nuclear bomb-esque blasts. “The crows were a diversion therein… no wonder…” Aloa thought to herself as she then used the traps used to attack Damien and Sakura against Satoshi, only for him to dodge the cross, using his arsenal of kunai to destroy the cross, causing it to barely explode with Aloa then kicking him out of the room. Despite this, Satoshi then forced his legs to fire themselves at Aloa who countered this by summoning flowers from her hands as a barrier to defend herself. “So that’s why she’s called Poison Ivy.” Satoshi postulated to himself as he then used World of Mana from the chipped portions of the Cheng Ying, whilst simultaneously seeing his sword burst with yellow light surrounding its blade, healing the chipped parts as Aloa looked absolutely amazed, only for the arrows fired to barely make contact with Satoshi, as rings of Mana appeared, sealing all the arrows. “So that’s the trap that did Sakura in… and then… the strings are likely what did Damien in.” Satoshi thought to himself calmly and through the World of Mana, the hallways miraculously stopped moving. “You know, I should have mentioned this earlier but Blood Poison can heal anyone dead affected by it… so… Sejong, Gyeongsuk… Gyeonghye… come.” Satoshi said as the king statue released itself… only for Aloa to coldly smile. “Good luck fighting 4 on 1.” Satoshi said mockingly as Aloa began grabbing Danjong and throwing him around, only for Gyeonghye to save her younger brother by binding him in earth with Aloa then blowing poison around in an area-of-effect like attack, with Gyeonghye then trying to control the earth underneath her. “You can’t control this here… its my domain!” Aloa screamed out, only for Gyeonghye to then pull her palace out of the ground and crash it into Aloa’s building. “So… you wanted to end this fight… let’s end this.” Satoshi said with him then firing eight kunai at both of the megaphones, disabling the usage of the cellular sound control. “Time to get fully serious. You know… this is the fight I was waiting for.” Aloa said as she felt herself mysteriously slowing down. “This isn’t genjutsu… its-! This is the World of Mana… you eternally slow down your movement. Scar of Shadow.” Satoshi said to Aloa’s horror, feeling herself being mercilessly struck, reeling from losing her mother, walking away from Kouyate and meeting her “friends” from the School. “Scar of Shadow allows me to reopen ALL of the mental, emotional, conceptual, psychological and physical wounds a person has ever received in their lives.” Satoshi said coldly with Aloa then summoning millions of poison spores around him. “This is your end!” Aloa said with conviction in her heart as everyone in the room felt themselves being poisoned. “I am impressed, Aloa.” Hajime and Ferdinand both said.

Hajime vs Aloa: The Final Round

“Hajime Ando (m) (16) - Dragon Style (ability where one is able to control fire and create it from their breath)

Damien Alanis (m) (15) - can summon a dragon and control it.” Aloa thought to herself, reminding herself of the capabilities of either student, however Ferdinand was a total mystery. “So we’re really doing this again, huh? No referees and none of that class-act management this time round. Let’s do this.” Hajime said coldly, to which Aloa took out a kunai from her pocket.

“Ferdinand… I don’t know anything about him but I’ll use my intel from our last fight back then for Hajime.” Aloa thought to himself.

“So she is that spy that took down an entire castle in an area that contained military-ware and spies. She is comparable if not slightly more skilled than the White Spirit, who dismantled nations by himself.” Hajime thought to herself as Aloa remained emotionless yet calm as a kunai was instantly thrown at him only for him to barely dodge it as he felt a hair fall off of his head. “Looks like I need to fight a ranged battle, if she does use poison.” Hajime thought to himself as he fired a flaming blast from his mouth. “Draconic Act: Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bombs.” He said as this blast turned into miniature dragons as Aloa looked somewhat shocked as she jumped back only to see the area in front of her burn up in front of her. “So I can’t use any long-ranged tools against him like I did moments ago. I will have to get dangerous for the first time.” Aloa thought to herself as she smiled only to see a dragon blast intercept her vision and thus hit her, burning a part of her arm as she ripped the part of her clothing that was affected as a greenish-purple gas appeared that near-instantly went invisible as she threw multiple groups of kunai at him, only to be burnt by his flames only to see his eyeline being surrounded by shuriken that went past him as she ran at him for him to be slightly shocked. “Great Flaming Dragon: Suicidal Force!” He then said as he fired smoke from his mouth only for strings to be heard as the shuriken to strike his back and the back of his head as he barely dodged it, with purple smoke appearing from each of them as he began to vomit as blood began to leak from his mouth as she ran away, backflipping to the side. “Poisoned Suicide.” She said as the smoke began to explode with purple gas in every molecule as she smiled only for the smoke to near-instantly dissipate, seeing Hajime with blood pouring throughout his body. “I’m impresse-!” She said as his wounds were near-instantly sealed off and thus healed as he smiled at her peacefully. “You really have improved, huh, Aloa.” Hajime said calmly as he sensed Aloa likely planning something. “This kills you on the cellular level. Once it goes into your being, it devours your bones, skin and cells in poison. Meaning, you die.” Aloa explained as Hajime immediately used Dragon Breath to attack her, to which she dodged the attack with slight difficulty. “Your weakness is close range.” Aloa thought to herself, slowly beginning to throw scores of shuriken at Hajime who calmly teleported away using fire, creating a whip of fire. “Dragon Breath: Měng Huǒ Yóu Guì (Flamethrower)!” Hajime said, firing a huge plume of flame at Aloa who fired kunai in all directions and then pressing a button on her wrist, teleporting herself out of the blast radius as the flames from his attacks began to encircle the two, resembling a flower… that ironically looked precisely like a poison ivy but slightly bigger. “Dragon Whip: Fù yāo suǒ (Demon binder)!” Hajime said, to which Aloa was trapped in a spiked whip. “So… this attack is spiked, meaning any movement will likely damage me. Given the fact that he is possibly of descent in the Red Lane (Beiping or Hanseong), that explains how he is capable of using draconic capabilities without needing to summon a living creature like Damien. That means that he is likely weaker or stronger however… it doesn’t explain the powers’ origin.” Aloa thought to herself as she saw the whip that bound her manifesting into a worm-esque creature. “Gǔ chóng.” Hajime said as Aloa felt herself being poisoned somehow with this constriction binding her movements. “According to legend, a Gu is an unnaturally and extremely poisonous insect or worm that is created by placing various poisonous insects and creatures into an airtight container then letting them fight with one another until only one is left standing. The victor is named Gu.

Various versions of the instructions on how to create Gu exist. However, since the practice has long been illegal, punishable by death, written records are intentionally vague and few and far between. The practice was mostly continued by word of mouth through the generations and is still practiced around Xiang Xi (湘西 xiāng xī) today.

Depending on the method being followed, hundreds or as little as 12 poisonous insects and creatures are required to create a Gu. Commonly cited examples include snakes, frogs, centipedes, lizards, scorpions, caterpillars, mantises, eels, earthworms and many more. The theory is that once you place them in a closed container they will devour one another, concentrating their toxins until only one survives. That survivor then has the combined potency of all the original contenders. It will likely damage your soul which consists of 3 Hun (魂 hún) and the 7 Po (魄pò). Put simply, the 3 Hun – often referred to as the “cloud spirits” – make up the ethereal component of a soul, and the 7 Po – often referred to as the “white spirits” – make up the corporeal component of a soul. Upon death, the 7 Po dissipate along with the body, and the 3 Hun each take separate paths. Now then… Zhǎn yāo jiàn (Demon Cutter Sword) + Kui.” Hajime thought to himself, summoning a one-legged beast to which Aloa seemingly recognised it. "Seven leagues from the coast, in the middle of the Eastern Sea, lies Liu Bo Mountain. On the mountain there lives a beast which resembles a bull with cyan skin, no horns, and one leg. When it enters or appears from the sea, it is always accompanied by violent storms. It's skin glows like the sun and the moon, and the sound it makes is like thunder. When the Yellow Emperor (黄帝 huáng dì) attained one, he used its skin to make a drum, and he would beat the drum with the bones of the "thunder beast." The awe-inspiring sound could be heard from over 500 leagues away." Hajime explained, only for Aloa to let the Gu and Kui attack her, as she also observed 1000 swords firing above her at the speed of wind. “Zǐ jīn líng (Purple Gold Bells) + "Ten Thousand Arrows Through the Heart" (万箭穿心 wàn jiàn chuān xīn).” Hajime then said as he heard slight screams as a tornado of sand surrounded “her”... whereas the Ten Thousand Arrows were exactly what they sounded like - a bunch of arrows (ranging from 7 to 10,000) with him allowing the lún huí (cycle of reincarnation). “That wasn’t that bad.” Aloa said as she consumed the Gu and Kui to Hajime’s visible horror. “How the?!” Hajime asked as Aloa had a pill in hand, swallowing it as well and drinking water. “Let’s just say… being a spy has its advantages. You were open and as such I stole your pill by… analysing your existence through using my tech.” Aloa explained, pointing at her wrist, to which Hajime looked genuinely surprised as his navy blue coat was mysteriously slashed. “The Purple Lane is richer in technology when compared to the Red Lane… which is where I assume either your mother or father came from.” Aloa said to which Hajime’s eyes widened in annoyance and shock. “Xu Mi (须弥山 xū mí shān or World Mountain).” Hajime immediately said as he was blitzed by a single kunai which was so quick that his eyes barely had enough time to react; blood dripping down his cheek. “So I can’t use it to burn-!” Hajime thought to himself, noticing that the wound had healed itself without him doing anything, causing blood to vomit out of his mouth. “Wow… never thought you’d lose so quickly.” Aloa said as Hajime went on his knees and vomited blood on this ground. “Xīng xīng.” Hajime thought to himself, as a monkey appeared behind Aloa. “She was born of the Purple Lane and lost her mother to Satoshi Fujiwara a year ago.” The monkey said to which Aloa was stunned. “What-?!” Aloa thought to herself… however she was slow in thought, as Hajime put blood on his finger, and seemingly ignited it as she visibly screamed in pain only for kunai to fall to the floor. “She didn’t get erased from existence. She-! You truly are a threat beyond understanding… Level 3: Poisoned World of a Thousand Miles.” She said coldly with some confidence in this statement, teleporting behind Xing Xing, but because she was barely able to use her fingers, she instead began twisting them and turning them into a mechanical arm of some kind, ripping off the cloth off her arm to release a huge amount of poison. “Did he reveal information that is publicly known? This has to be a genjutsu… so that means Hajime has some means of genjutsu prowess like Hiroshi. How?” She thought to herself in visible shock, as she began attempting to counter this genjutsu by allowing the poison to go into her cells, nerves and brain, in an attempt to disable the impact of the genjutsu, with Hajime teleporting behind her, intending to punch her from behind only for Aloa to grab his hand point-blank. “A feint?” She said only for a finger gun to lock itself onto her forehead. “Dragon Breath: Bullet of Death.” Hajime thought to himself, intending to blow her up just like how the Family Head… only for her to tank the shotgun-esque fired at her, spitting out the bullet with her as poison was now in her mouth, fully biting the poison and causing a huge explosion as Hajime immediately backflipped away, realising just how resourceful and potent she was. “You are a real nightmare… but don’t you realise something? The more the fire encircles you… burning becomes your fate.” Hajime said calmly to which Aloa used her feet and turned them into jet boosters. “Dragon Style: Dai Jigoku no Taimatsu: Armcross Stance!” Hajime said as Aloa sensed she was now being outmatched as she used 30 shuriken and kunai at once, all coated with poison at speeds faster than sound; as they converged into a large storm that duplicated into hundreds of smaller shuriken and kunai, thus resembling a world of poison as she smiled. “Now its over… Dragon Boy!” She thought to herself with slight glee, teleporting herself and Hajime to her room, not for the purposes of deviancy… but to end this wretched fight between opponents as Hajime was still trapped in this world of kunai and shuriken. “You really think this can harm me, huh?” Hajime asked Aloa as an explosion of red flames devoured the room in mystical flames. “This battle really is getting interesting, huh?” Aloa said coldly, knowing that Hajime had to either lose his life or be restrained… for the sake of the Purple Lane and perhaps… the entire Akarian continent at large. Hajime was now trapped in a magnetic net, only for a beautiful ethereal blue jewel to appear on the floor, to the visible surprise of Aloa. “I can only use this one time more. Bǎozhū (Wish-Granting Jewel).” He thought to himself, using its mystical powers to wish him out of the magnetic net.

“Now that you did that barrage… its now my turn, Ohana. I won’t hold back.” Hajime said calmly as he put his blood on his finger, and seemingly ignited it as he was now able to sense the poison in the air that was there since the battle started. “She planted poison in the air by using the explosion from before?” Hajime thought to himself. “Then in that case… Level 3: Poisoned World of a Thousand Miles.” She said coldly with some confidence in this statement. “Dragon Style: Dai Jigoku no Taimatsu: Armcross Stance!” Hajime said as Aloa sensed she was now being outmatched as she used 30 shuriken and kunai at once, all coated with poison at full speed as they converged into a large storm that duplicated into hundreds of smaller shuriken and kunai, thus resembling a world of poison as she smiled. “Now its over… Dragon Boy!” She thought to herself with slight glee. “The White Spirit was always beneath me… being the only other student of that Kouyate… but I sensed greater things for me and left him. This is the end.” She said as Hajime was visibly surprised. “Who was Kouyate?” Hajime asked to which Aloa stopped herself. “He was an old man… a master who ran a dojo in some place which I forgot where an enemy organisation ruled called the World Matrix Dominators. I was taken to him by my mother when the Purple Lane was initially attacked 13 or so years ago by the Green Lane. He trained me for 2 years where I noticed Satoshi was there, for he was likely orphaned at a young age. I was told he was constantly abused physically and emotionally.” Aloa explained as Hajime was visibly taken aback. “Why did you leave this dojo?” Hajime asked as Aloa readied herself. “I learnt everything I did from him. I told him that Satoshi would inevitably be my lesser, although he warned me that Satoshi would surpass me. When we were both 10, Master Kouyate died. He was murdered by some corrupt official in Kappalo, Manoru. I was instructed by my father to then murder various officials in the Green Lane and the area of Kappalo and West Atoru. Needless to say, I maintained an aura of mystery by way of position and rank and when I was 10, I took down a castle under the identity of Aloa Arundel. This isn’t even my real name. My real name is Hyeong-Mi.” She said as Hajime remained taken aback. “I never thought you would be the type to mask yourself considering your impressive display against me so far..” Hajime said calmly. “Yea well… let’s just say, after leaving that Kouyate, things got better for me. I took out a castle and the country of the Green Lane 8 years ago, which inevitably allowed for gangs to take hold.” Aloa explained as a nine-section staff appeared in Hajime’s hand. “Nine Section Copper Whip (九节铜鞭, Jiǔ Jié Tóng Biān).” Hajime said as Aloa was stunned, immediately being attacked by several sections and chains. “This staff… its like nunchucks and a staff combined.” Aloa thought to herself as she struggled to dodge each attack, knowing that if she used her arm to block the attacks, she would likely suffer. “You are indeed strong, Hajime.” Aloa said to him to which he was barely fazed and continued to attack her with his nine section staff, only for her to try and teleport from the attacks with extreme difficulty. “Looks like I have no choice: Level 4 - Poisoned Universe of Ten Thousand Miles!” She said, forcing all of the poison that was within her very being which could have poisoned every part of the world… to be condensed into the very room itself. “As the name suggests… this can harm the universe ten-thousand miles in each direction. But you will die here, Mr Aldo. I have to end you before you can continue defending Mr Harimatsu.” Aloa said as Hajime was still surprised. “Bā shé (Ba Snake).” Hajime said, summoning a flaming snake that could eat an elephant only for Aloa to use a water-tipped kunai, firing it straight at the snake, causing some damage with Hajime sensing the snake being damaged slightly with it being toppled with extreme difficulty as Hajime looked surprised. “You are something.” Hajime said to her as he was then taken from behind at knifepoint, with a kunai pointed straight to his throat, causing him to release the snake and his nine-section staff. “So he can use fire to summon things?” Aloa asked herself, able to recompose herself.

“Bái zé.” Hajime then said, summoning a beast that appeared to be a chimera-fusion of a mountain goat and a tiger with a mysterious horn. “Bai Ze is revered because it is said Bai Ze knows the name and appearance of all living beings, in all the realms, can communicate with all (including humans), and knows how to dispel, exorcise and/or protect against all evil creatures. It is for these reasons that drawings of Bai Ze were often placed on walls and doors to protect the occupants from evil. Images of Bai Ze have also been found on the banners of past armies.” Hajime explained to which the creature immediately bit Aloa’s behind only for her to fire a huge blast of flame at it from her wristwatch, dealing immense damage. “So you can summon everything and anything from Beiping?” Aloa asked as Hajime nodded. “Your mother must have had some connections.” She said, reminding herself of her own mother as Hajime’s eyes lit with red fury as massive pillars of flame devoured the room as the poison was now visible to his very being. “That was something… of a castle attacking me in tandem with a world’s forces. A world’s worth of poison super condensed.” Hajime said as his eyes were red with black slits as she saw the poison in the air being completely ignited as she felt her arms being burnt slowly. “Just like Damien’s dragon. Is he a living dragon?” Aloa muttered to herself as she teleported back to her chair. “Yea, I heard you. I ain’t a living dragon. My power comes from my mother. She was a descendant of the 2nd Emperor. She had the 9 Dragon God-Fire Encasem*nt 九龙神火罩 (Jiǔ Lóng Shén Huǒ Zhào) which allowed her to summon the True Samādhi fire which can essentially burn anything worldly. Its called Dragon Breath because my mother told me a tale where a dragon once existed in Beiping who was sealed by a legendary old man; the dragon’s breath was lit by the sun. My father was a descendant of Kua Fu, a famous giant that chased the Sun only to die of dehydration before reaching his goal. His story is often told and teaches us to stay humble and not to overestimate our capabilities (夸父追日 kuā fù zhuī rì). During the reign of the Yellow Emperor (黄帝 huáng dì) there was a mountain in the Great Northern Wilderness (北方大荒 běi fāng dà huāng) that rose high from the ground and above the skyline. It was called "Cheng Du Holding up the Heavens" (成都载天 chéng dū zài tiān), was shrouded in clouds and mist, and was covered in pine and cypress trees, creating a majestic scene high in the sky. Atop the mountain their lived a clan called the Kua Fu Clan (夸父族 kuā fù zú), all members of which were direct descendants of the great goddess Hou Tu (后土 hòu tǔ). Each member was tall and strong, and had an innate sense of justice. They could often be found fighting against injustice in the world. At that time, in the south, war was brewing between Chi You (蚩尤 chīyóu) and the Yellow Emperor. Realising he was outmatched, Chi You sent word to the Kua Fu Clan requesting their support. And since, from their point of view, the weak was in need of help, they decided to send troops to aid him. The addition of the giants to his troops made Chi You ever-more powerful. Realising the difference the Kua Fu Clan had made to his enemy's strength, the Yellow Emperor had no choice but to seek help from the Gods. He travelled to Tai Mountain (泰山 tài shān) to speak with the sun. Finally a lady named Xuan Nü (玄女 xuán nǚ) - often referred to in English as the "Dark Lady" - came down from the Heavens, riding on a Feng Huang (凤凰 fèng huáng), and taught the Yellow Emperor the art of war. She also bestowed upon him many treasures that would aid him in his plight. Finally, she sent for someone to bring him red copper from Kun Wu Mountain (昆吾 kūn wú shān) and instructed him to use the material to craft powerful swords capable of cutting through gold, jade and iron like mud. The Yellow Emperor returned to his base and used what he had been given to create the strongest army on earth. And in the Battle of Zhou Lu (涿鹿大战 zhuō lù dà zhàn), he finally defeated Chi You. The remaining Kua Fu tribesmen retreated back to their home in the mountains. Soon after the battle a severe natural disaster befell the earth. The Sun grew in size and scorched the ground, drying up the rivers and lakes. All members of the Kua Fu Clan set out to find water to fight the drought, but they soon found that all the rivers and lakes had dried up. The leader of the Kua Fu Clan grew anxious and vowed to destroy the Sun for what it had done. Seeing that Kua Fu was really angry, the Sun panicked. It sped up and travelled west as fast as it could. The leader of Kua Fu took chase. The Sun moved faster through the sky, aiming it's heat toward Kua Fu, trying to stop him in his tracks but Kua Fu refused to stop. He chased the Sun for thousands of miles until finally the Sun was forced to set. With nowhere to go Kua Fu laughed, "where will you flee now?!" Realising Kua Fu was right the Sun gathered the remainder of it's energy and directed it toward Kua Fu. Kua Fu felt dizzy and began to lose consciousness. His mouth dried up, his tongue burnt in his mouth and his hands went limp. "I must not fall!" he persuaded himself. As he looked around desperately he noticed the Yellow River, a long and deep river that the Sun had not yet dried up. He knelt down and began to drink, however, after drinking the river in it's entirety, including all of its tributaries, his thirst was not quenched. He decided he would drink all the water in the Ocean (大泽 dà zé), "surely that would satiate my thirst. Then I will continue to chase down the Sun." But as the stubborn Kua Fu leaned forward to drink from the ocean, he collapsed like a mountain with a great thud. With this final breath Kua Fu stared at the Sun as it sunk behind the horizon. He sighed regretfully and threw his club toward the Sun, closed his eyes and died. The next morning, the Sun rose and saw that Kua Fu had collapsed to form a mountain. In admiration of Kua Fu's courage and tenacity, the Sun decided to focus it's rays on his club which soon after formed a peach tree forest where all the trees bore huge fruits in his honour. My mother also told me how the Dragon who turned out to be a Naga fought a Three-Legged Crow (三足乌 Sān Zú Wū). Di Qun (帝俊 dì qūn), an ancient entity according to the Classic of Mountains and Seas (山海经 shān hǎi jīng), and his wife, Xi He (羲和 xī hé), had ten sons. Each son was a Three-Legged Golden Crow, a solar deity-bird, charged with taking it in turns to travel across the sky in a chariot driven by their mother to nourish the earth. The ten young brothers, when not travelling across the sky, would perch on a red mulberry tree, called the Fu Sang (扶桑 fú sāng), in the East at the foot of the Valley of the Sun. There they would play, and wait, until they were summoned by their mother again. One day the brothers decided it would be fun to travel up into the sky together, and so they did, with devastating results. The earth burned, the seas dried up, plants died, and the people suffered. Kua Fu killed all 9 Suns except the final crow, fighting him to a standstill and ultimately killing him by throwing his walking stick at him and turning him into a mountain.” Hajime explained as his calm eyes now began to look in sadness. “When my mother had me, according to my father, the Zhūquè, the Vermillion Bird of the South, flew in the southernmost direction where the hospital was… which is where I was born. It's unlike the Fenghuang where the fenghuang's body symbolises the celestial bodies: the head is the sky, the eyes are the sun, the back is the moon, the wings are the wind, the feet are the earth, and the tail is the planets. The fenghuang is said to have originated in the sun; whereas the Vermillion Bird is a creature who leads deceased ones' souls to heaven, where they can achieve immortality and in some folklore and legends, the Four Symbols, including Vermilion Bird or Zhu Que, are creators of the whole universe. The constellation of the South represents summer, the element fire and vigour – it embodies a strong yang energy. According to the legend, the Vermilion Bird was born in a vermilion cave at the South pole and he was seen as a constellation and as the king of the feathered. The vermilion bird of the South is often compared with the phoenix (fènghuáng) or even equated – however their relation is more vicariously. As one of the five celestial animals the vermilion bird stands for the cosmic principle, the phoenix represents rather an earthly variant of this idea. Their symbolic meaning is nevertheless (or just therefore) very similar. Like the phoenix, the vermilion bird is full of elegance and beauty and represents the five human qualities: virtue, duty, ritually correct behaviour, humanity and reliability. It is regarded as a guarantee for favourable opportunities and financial success. Simultaneously it stands for energy, fire, zest for action and public reputation. The bird evokes feelings of joy and confidence. Like any winged creature it embodies freedom, overview, self-confidence, ease and spontaneity. But after I was born, I was taken into the care of Emperor Wu, the 2nd Emperor (not to be confused with the First Empress, Ms Zetian). I was raised by him for a while where he trained me, ultimately allowing me to sent to the School when I was of age. However, my father, of the Blue Lane, worked as a businessman and ‘gangster of good’ in secret as my mother grew very sick because of my birth. Sadly, she died when I was 7.” Hajime said as Aloa felt some sympathy; his lip quivering. “My father remained a secret until this past month when Mr Okachi told me about him. I was disappointed but I am not surprised. I was hidden for safety. That came with sacrifice. My father has likely died in the nuclear fire from the Family Jet, but there is nothing that can be done about that.” Hajime said as Aloa looked quite surprised. “This coat is from the Blue Lane, and one of my father’s. My surname, Ando… is merely a ruse because it is simply 安: Ān which means peace that comes from my mother. My father added ‘do’ as a suffix to hide my true identity from his enemies in the Red or Green Lanes. His surname is Minamoto… I don’t know what his true name is. That said, my boots are the Zhuī rì xuē (the Sun-chasing boots): With these boots on the wearer is said to be able to cover a distance of 1,000 leagues during the day time, and a distance of 800 leagues during the night. In one version of the aforementioned story, Kua Fu took his boots off and shook the dirt that had accumulated in them out on the ground and formed a mountain.” Hajime explained, realising that his days would likely be numbered given his rank as “security detail”. “And then my father-!” Hajime was about to say as he was silenced with the Jade Emperor and Xīng xīng appearing, the former’s clothing being that of a red dragon robe with a green hat-like crown with multiple signs on it, as his eyes opened, revealing bright golden eyes that shone brightly. “Your father was a businessman and a gangster who died long before Satoshi set foot to attack the Lane. He died shortly after your mother did… of grief. You see, when you were born 19 years ago, the Vermillion Bird appeared from the Sun’s rise in the East, however to the amazement of all who witnessed it, the other Three Creatures appeared by me teleporting them from the Animal Realm. Thy mother had the 9 Dragon God-Fire Encasem*nt 九龙神火罩 (Jiǔ Lóng Shén Huǒ Zhào) from the 9th Emperor, Taizong, which allowed her to summon the True Samādhi fire which can essentially burn anything worldly and as such, thy power is called the Dragon Breath since it came from the Dragon which you mentioned whilst explaining it to Aloa. The Dragon was a Naga/Ryu, one of the last Dragons which survived off of the Dragon World in the form of the Nagas for they were a subspecies and a devolved form of the Dragons… with the strongest eight including that of Tarkotaka and Vasuki, the snake summoned by Muro Pyton during the stint of the Brotherhood of the Serpent which was inevitably sealed in a similar manner to how Ashoka, the legendary Man ye hath spake of did the same to this Dragon which you mentioned. An individual known as Monty was there; who would eventually make the Philosopher’s Stone using Masaru Damon’s magical DNA, which was also a byproduct of his lineage and his soul from the Past thenceforth; the former then giving himself ageless immortality and thus being a weaker form of the Elixir of Life, however they could be argued to be equal in some regard.

Thus… once thy birth came about, the Azure Dragon observed this. Unknown to thy mother, you were born in a near-death state as the Vermillion Bird decided to give its fire into thy soul whereas the Azure Dragon saved your life, going into your heart to save your life. Regarding that, the soul is made up of 10 individual components; these are known as the 3 Hun (魂 hún) and the 7 Po (魄pò). Put simply, the 3 Hun – often referred to as the “cloud spirits” – make up the ethereal component of a soul, and the 7 Po – often referred to as the “white spirits” – make up the corporeal component of a soul. Upon death, the 7 Po dissipate along with the body, and the 3 Hun each take separate paths. The 3 Hun are known by many names, here, I will be referring to them as:

Tian Hun 天魂 (tiān hún) – “Heaven” Hun

Di Hun 地魂 (dì hún) – “Earth” Hun

Ren Hun 人魂 (rén hún) – “Human” Hun

Upon death the Tian Hun takes the pathway to Heaven (天 tiān) and is detained in the Celestial Prison (天牢 tiān láo). The Di Hun takes the pathway to Di Yu (地狱 dì yù) and is detained and tortured accordingly (more below). The Ren Hun remains on earth, wondering around the grave of the body, and it’s only upon reincarnation (rebirth) that the 3 Hun will be reunited, alongside 7 new Po, to start life anew. Therein, your soul was ultimately inhabited by the fire of the Vermillion and thy heart; the Azure Dragon… thus making the Dragon Breath. Because of this, however, your mother grew incessantly ill and as such, the 3 beasts outside of the Azure Dragon (Phoenix, Tiger and Tortoise) went into the Encasem*nt to try and save her life, ultimately shattering her soul due to the encasem*nt’s connection to it. Thus, your father learned of this, took you away and sent you to Emperor Wu to train you and keep you in his care, however thy father of biology walked away to keep you alive, changing thy name into that of Hajime An in order to not have you die as a young boy. But you must learn something: the reason ye are able to gain thy powers is because your grandfather is Taizong, wielder of the Nine Dragons Sword. He is your grandfather, your existence unknown to him. Thus, your mother grew ill as a result of her soul shattering, leading to her passing with your father by her side; of whom was called Minamoto no Yorinobu; with ye being the nephew to Minamoto no Yorimitsu, the leader of the Blue Lane. He passed away shortly after in grief.” The Jade Emperor explained, to both Hajime and Aloa’s shock. “And yea, because of his dual heritage, he can wield the weapons and history of Beiping, China and can thus wield the True Samadhi Fire which can burn all things worldly on the spiritual and conceptual level, hence why you never fought against Satoshi himself for he would likely have died, unless he used the State of Brahman and Yata no Kagami. Thus, the final part of information I shall part is that its redness is due to the Azure Dragon’s flames being red with him bearing the defence of the Four Constellations after his mother’s death. You can, say, defend against worlds, constellations or perhaps a universe at the cost of thy life in the last sense and could do something to Damien as thy fire in colour and potency [as yours is red due to a lack of temperature] however thy Samadhi Fire is stronger in terms of doing damage conceptually… but it is weaker than Damien’s because Saint George is superior to the Azure Dragon in potency, strength and speed… but you are relative in all but speed. But remember this, you were loved, Hajime: Beginning of Peace.” The Jade Emperor which Hajime was genuinely taken aback with tears slowly streaming down his face upon learning the truth. He bowed down before the Emperor with humility. “Bow not. Let this battle between ye two end. Good day.” The Jade Emperor said as he tapped Hajime and Aloa’s foreheads, causing light to appear; giving the former “his true power” and the latter, the Peaches of Immortality in their minimum and maximum; that are said to grow in the Queen Mother of the West's (西王母 xī wáng mǔ) Flat Peach Garden (蟠桃园 pán táo yuán), which is located in Heaven (天堂 tiān táng). In the garden there are 3,600 peach trees. The first 1,200 trees bear fruit once every 3,000 years and grant the consumer immortality, however, they remain human. The middle 1,200 trees bear fruit once every 6,000 years and grant the consumer immortality, they become a deity and can rise to Heaven. The last 1,200 trees bear fruit once every 9,000 years that when eaten allow the consumer to become one with the universe. It is said that only two people on earth have ever been given a peach from the sacred garden, one was Emperor Zhou Mu (周穆王 zhōu mù wáng) and the other was Emperor Wu of Han (汉武帝 hàn wǔ dì), thus allowing Aloa to keep her humane existence but they were all blinded by the true darkness that Muro had. “I shall now return to Satoshi.” The Jade Emperor said… giving Satoshi his final power up. “Whilst you were supposed to be given this at the end when you were 21 and all allies here and out were dead… Thomas as your father’s reveal is now within thee…” The Jade Emperor said as everyone looked horrified with his full power manifesting as he went into Satoshi. “This be what Ruha said.” The Emperor said as Satoshi teleported to the Moon. “This Omniverse… is indeed endless.” Satoshi thought to himself as he felt the Power he absorbed from earlier transforming his clothing somewhat as Hanuman appeared on the Moon alongside him. “Satoshi, you will now be the Moon Sage. A god Sage as well but thy title is more appropriately known as the Moon Sage or Tsuki no Sennin.” Hanuman explained as Satoshi looked down at his hands. “So… I have to fully release my attachments from all things, but can I still love other beings?” Satoshi asked Hanuman as multiple orbs appeared from his very being, as they disappeared with Hanuman noticing his eyes temporarily flashing white only to return back to their normal form. “So his flashes of the Past are surely his seeing of his own Past through objects or situations that were seen or occurred in his past.” Hanuman thought to himself as Satoshi felt much calmer as tears fell down his eyes only to disappear in that moment as he felt himself being much, much calmer than before. Upon this final event occurring, Satoshi noticed his clothing changing into a long, black cloak with a samsaric wheel on the back with multiple magatama on the front and bottom of his cloak as a book mysteriously appeared in his hand, as his eyes glowed brighter with him seeing memories of the Past Long Since Gone as well as the Future as well as memories that he had no recollection of as though he had been through and done them, but from an entirely different perspective, as Hanuman smiled upon seeing this. “So what He said has come to pass. He has now thus gained HIS Knowledge of all things, as well as His lack of image or form.” Hanuman thought to himself as Satoshi felt space itself locking into him; holding the book and reading it. “This is….” Satoshi thought to himself as it went into his hand, seemingly being absorbed into him, as he felt endless amounts of energies go into him, as he felt the Sun and Moon in his eyes return to his form of the Pure Eye at will as he also bore a Golden Staff. “So my original Power from that Time has returned.” Satoshi thought to himself as he smiled gently, also sensing that Zidine’s gift to him was also there in its perfect and best state, absorbing an orb in his hand that he swiftly ingested. “Is that the staff known as Himmelen, the Staff that controlleth the Sky created from the design of Odin’s staff, Gungnir?” Hanuman asked as Satoshi nodded peacefully, as pink energy shot out of it. “So thee bears Kundalini, the energy of the Divine in its form of Para Adi Shakti, that of which is called Shakti, contained in Kundalini that is thus the highest Cosmic energy form.” Hanuman explained as Satoshi breathed slightly and remained calm. “You are now the Moon Sage or the God Sage equal to the Heavens, the Seiten Taisei or Qítiān Dàshèn.” Hanuman explained as he smiled, observing Satoshi’s energies become one with the Omniverse itself. “Now thus you hath gained and surpassed all other concepts in relation, for ye hath become one with Para Brahman in your invisibility.” Hanuman explained as Satoshi created an endlessly-sized omniverse in his hand that took the shape of a galaxy as his gloves miraculously still remained as he closed his hands, reversing and releasing it as they were in the Void of Nothing. “So this is Śūnyatā, the endless Void.” Hanuman said as Satoshi nodded in response. “I fully recognise that even with my power though, I am not the Lord or his child or any Kind, even if I was created by HIM Back Then but I do possess what you mentioned in that Supreme Knowledge and all others of which you mentioned, but I am also bound by God in terms of the knowledge which I don’t necessarily mind because God is the all-Powerful Creator. I don’t consider myself to be a believer, but perhaps I am to God, that which I don’t know.” Satoshi explained to Hanuman as he looked shocked and partially enraged. “Of course you do and are! Only HE knoweth that for he wilt judge you on the Last Day.” Hanuman said as Satoshi peacefully smiled upon hearing this. “But at least I possess my Original Power now.” Satoshi said as his cloak bore multiple kanji on the back that read “Knowledge, Wisdom, Enlightenment and Creation.” Satoshi looked on at the Endless Creation above him. “So this is it, huh? I’m glad that I could die like this…. Now that my Story is over and that my Job is done.” Satoshi said as time passed, that is to say, many years passed around him but everything still remained as it was for him. “So Hinata is the only one alive for she bears children who bear the ability to use portals to teleport. The others truly died after some time as a result of Sakura’s being cursed by her father, but they lived longer than Ryu who simply lived for a mere 14 years old. “Hanuman, you can go if you wish.” Satoshi explained as he still remained, loyal and ever-remembering of his Promise. “Of course.” Hanuman said as Satoshi placed his hand on Hanuman’s, causing him to disappear peacefully. “You and Sakura shalt meet one day, in a different form and a different Time. That I know.” Hanuman’s final words were as Satoshi looked on at the endless sky as a Statue appeared and surrounded him, in the form of a sarcophagus. “Yes. Perhaps you are right.” Satoshi said as the Sarcophagus began to seal him, slowly as he smiled peacefully. “End of the Story: Seal.” Satoshi said as a white light shot from the sarcophagus upon this happening, as he looked at something else. Straight ahead at something else with a calm stare. “We’ll meet again. In some different place…. In a Better Time of Bliss if the One True Lord God wills by HIS Mercy.” Satoshi said as his Spirit and Body disappeared entirely as the Sarcophagus sealed something that was his body as it disappeared in a blue light. “I shalt return…” Satoshi said with Hanuman promptly disappearing for good as Satoshi then bore Ashoka and his future form (Kento)’s power thus in the State of Brahman, returning to his state as a 17/18 year old (18) as everyone looked stunned. “Now then… let’s end this fight.” Ferdinand said as he immediately chopped the back of Aloa’s neck with his sword’s hilt, knocking her out. “Let’s watch the fight… between the former friends.” Ferdinand said as Hajime looked saddened.


“Ferdinand… I don’t know anything about him but I’ll use my intel from our last fight back then for Hajime.” Aloa thought to himself. “ANSWER ME! WHY DID YOU RAPE SAKURA AND HAVE ME STEAL HINATA?!” Damian asked as Muro laughed coldly. “If you must know, it is because I wanted her. Feeling the touch of her breasts, her screams, her body, bleeding, everything!” Muro said as Damian’s eyes glared at him, teleporting behind him and attacking him at full strength. “Not ba-!” Muro thought to himself as Saint George ripped his head off, but this wasn’t the end. “You really are a damn bastard just like that damn Sakura. You are and always will be a coward. You thought with your dick and this is where you are.” Muro said from a snake as he used this as a form of bodily movement to appear and punch Damian who recoiled slightly. “You damn asshole!” Damian screamed as Muro laughed maniacally and smiled. "But I will… have you erased from the pages of history." He then said as a massive forest of snakes appeared from Muro's mouth and arms, devouring the entire area. “So he has a dragon that can be controlled to his whims, meaning if I summon Vasuki against him, the entire planet becomes sacrificed but even so, who cares? As long as Father’s dream ensues, then I win!” Muro thought to himself as the snakes roared at him with Damian responding by flying on Saint George. “He can also cover himself, meaning my options are limited…” Muro thought to himself, noticing Damian’s pattern. “Let’s use that…” Muro said as he activated Tengentsu, seeing the future for what it is. "Why would you do such a thing… for such an organisation?!" Damian asked as he saw the green eyes of Muro become like Jade, his green veins glowing violently as his overcoat was now glistening with blood. "I suppose… someone like you… a coward should bear this knowledge. This will be the first and last. When I was a little baby, my parents dropped me off at the Temple of the Brotherhood as they were poor and needed money but… they were found dead later that day within the Temple. I was raised by a priest known as Yamata Takeru. He was a kind man who was cold at times and violent at others. He trained me relentlessly from the age I could walk… learning the Art of Venom and the Art of Silent Death. But when I was 8… he did something I now would think shocking, for he threw me in a room for training purposes and led 1000 snakes to constantly bite at me as they did so damaging my body parts irreversibly. But… it gave me a serpentine physiology that was supreme as the last snake showed itself in the form of Vasuki. He bit me in my neck and stomach. And then… the priest died under mysterious circ*mstances as my goal was clear as a man that I would later know as Father formerly took me in when I was 9. And Satoshi’s brother had to kill him. That damn teammate of yours had to do it.” Muro spoke coldly, with an emotionless tone but his eyes spoke all the words his mouth could never. “So that was your plan, huh?! To summon Vasuki!” Damian said as Muro coldly smiled. “So your brain finally gets it. To release Vasuki in time for even against Benji I held back just enough to make it seem as though I was a good man. Even that damn fat*ss headteacher was done by this illusion. Its too bad… that no one realised until it was too late. Still… you and that whor*'s death will be my last time imparting this knowledge." Muro said to him calmly, with Damien then using Meteoric Burst, firing huge meteors from the air above as he then used Draconic Stance to do immense damage to Muro who dodged every single meteor as though he was never there. “You should be careful.” Muro said to Damien who looked shocked, teleporting to the Otherworld, only for Muro to be on his tail. “How did you-?! Who said you could get away from me?” Muro whispered into his ear. “Saint George, dis-!” Damien said as he was thrown into the air and then barrel rolled into the ground at breakneck speed with the intention of breaking his neck and immediately killing me. “Its a good thing I have Avalon on me.” Damien thought to himself with immense peace and as soon as he hit the ground and was devoured by snakes… he teleported. His glasses were shattered but still, he teleported. “Let’s not hold back.” Damian said from the air as Muro was shocked, being forced to dodge Damian’s next attack. “Not bad.” Muro said mockingly as all the snakes devoured him. “Do you actually think this can kill me?” Damian said coldly with him then smiling. “Gáe Bolg.” Damian thought to himself as Muro then responded by seeing this in his mind and dodging the spear that never missed its mark. “Knowing the recollection of past existences (pūrvanivāsānusmṛti-jñāna­bala)” Muro then thought to himself as Damian looked shocked, being utterly overwhelmed by the snakes however Saint George was in the air to Muro’s slight shock, raining down meteors from his mouth. "Wow, aren't you impressive?" Muro remarked sarcastically as smoke soon surrounded them. "Snake Style: Orochimaru!" He then said as a large snake that towered them both appeared from the ground and tried to attack Saint George who breathed ice and fire simultaneously, before slashing off the snake’s head, disabling the snake’s regeneration. "If only… there was a way I could move and do something… but that would have an irreversible effect." Damian said as Muro was absolutely amazed. “That dragon… it is living. Looks like my options are limited.” Muro thought to himself as Saint George continued to attack from above. “Tennitsu: Tashintsu.” Muro thought to himself, detecting the sound of Saint George and reading his mind. “So, he was just a human after all.” Muro thought to himself as he teleported on top of Saint George and attacked. “Thanks to Father’s knowledge… I can do this. Kotoage (言挙, literally meaning: Invoking the Power of Words).” Muro said as George roared violently. “NO!” Damien thought to himself in horror as everything was blinded in darkness, realising that he would lose. “YOU REALLY AREN’T BAD!” Muro screamed to Saint George who tried to wrestle him off by flying into buildings; however Muro never wavered. “Shukumyōtsū.” Muro said quietly, seeing that Saint George was a human named George of Lydia who was turned into a Dragon by Dr Monty. “The tradition tells that a fierce dragon was causing panic at the city of Silene, Libya, at the time George arrived there. In order to prevent the dragon from devastating people from the city, they gave two sheep each day to the dragon, but when the sheep were not enough they were forced to sacrifice humans, elected by the city's own people, instead of the two sheep. Eventually, the king's daughter was chosen to be sacrificed, and no one was willing to take her place. George saved the girl by slaying the dragon with a lance. The king was so grateful that he offered him treasures as a reward for saving his daughter's life, but George refused it and instead he gave these to the poor. The people of the city were so amazed at what they had witnessed that they became Christians and were all baptised. He resurrects the dead, makes trees sprout and pillars bear flowers. After one of his deaths, the world is covered by darkness which is lifted only when he is resurrected. He is able to convert the queen but she is put to death. He then prays to God to allow him to die, which is granted. Al-Thaʿlabi states that he was from Palestine and lived in the times of some disciples of Jesus. He was killed many times by the king of Mosul, and resurrected each time. When the king tried to starve him, he touched a piece of dry wood brought by a woman and turned it green, with varieties of fruits and vegetables growing from it. After his fourth death, the city was burnt along with him. Ibn al-Athir's account of one of his deaths is parallel to the crucifixion of Jesus, stating, "When he died, God sent stormy winds and thunder and lightning and dark clouds, so that darkness fell between heaven and earth, and people were in great wonderment." The account adds that the darkness was lifted after his resurrection.” Muro thought to himself, having viewed his past for what it was. “Goodbye.” Muro said coldly, immediately turning Saint George into his human form… before martyring him by devouring him whole. “Saint George… is dead.” Damian thought to himself as he remembered his grandfather’s words: “Damien, my boy… when the time comes… you will wield the legacy of my father and thy forefathers.” His grandfather said to him, staring at a silver pistol that was once his. “That gun is a pistol which can counter any by way of the silver bullet of the Pendragons.” He spoke softly; as he stared at a statue of a red-white dragon. “Saint George is not his true name… the Dragon’s name is Y ddraig goch (the Red Dragon). And know that even if ye wear glasses for the sake of sight…” His grandfather said to him as he comforted the 9 year old Damien who was crying after having been bullied in school for being the last member of the land of the United Kingdom. “You do not need to worry anymore… even if you wear your emotions on your sleeve… know that in the end, it will lead to a good end. You must carry our torch… even if your parents are dead… remember this: Y ddraig goch ddyry cychwyn" ("The red dragon will show the way").” His grandfather said, giving him some form of motivation. “I have faith you will be the King who will lead the Kingdom into Peace. Go, my dear boy… love will always be with you… “Damian, my child… I am now dying… we hath been to Wales, Ireland and Scotland when you were 10, 11 and 12 thenceforth; for they bore themselves in the bag of Alanis. Surely… it is time for you to engrave thy name in the Sword of the Stone.” He remembered his grandfather saying as he did precisely that, walking all the way to where it was with a mysterious elder watching from the shadows… watching as he pulled the legendary Excalibur.” His grandfather said to his younger self as he felt himself being devoured in death.

“That’s it? You were truly… foolish.” Muro said mockingly as he sensed a horrifying presence befall him. “What is tha-?!” Muro asked as a huge black dragon appeared and roared at him, destroying the snakes in a torrent of darkness. Ur, the Great Dragon appeared above and fired huge torrents of darkness at Muro who menacingly smiled. “A sacrificial attack for the Dragon?” Muro asked himself as he was sent flying into several buildings with one attack, destroying all of them. “Jinsokutsū.” Muro thought to himself, summoning billions of reincarnations to attack Ur. "Dost thou really think that summoning a clone of most renown would do anything?!" Ur asked as Muro coldly smiled. "World of Mana." Ur said coldly. Muro looked shocked as he saw an entire replica of the Earth in the form of the Shadow Lane with all its wretched banality and form of wisps and weariness that stretched to the humane notions and knowings of infinity as though it were a book of infinite pages that a reader of flowers would recognise as a dead one. A creature who became dead; and void of any form of conscious thought or even the very word and phenomenon of consciousness in any vain capacity except for a form of power, control and manipulation of one's malicious intent. Verily, this was a world of presumed infinity. “Thanks to mine World of Mana, I bore the self-predicated ability to return to life whenever I will it to happen. For the World of Mana alloweth me to expand the range of my Mana to its limits, ranging to the surety of the entirety of Creation. I will use this to curse thee to twenty-thousand years of stone and petrification of absolute annihilation!” Ur then said as Muro knew that anything he did without using his full capacities would be pointless.

Looks like I am trapped.” Muro said sarcastically but this sarcasm was a mask for his fear; reminding himself of the moment when a thousand snakes molested his very body unwillingly, causing him severe pain but great power. This… would be the exact same. Since he couldn’t move… he spoke the incantation "मैं, वासुकी की शक्ति का वाहक, उसे इस शापित दुनिया में छोड़ दूंगा ताकि नागलोक एक बार फिर वापस आ सके! (main, vaasukee kee shakti ka vaahak, use is shaapit duniya mein chhod doonga taaki naagalok ek baar phir vaapas aa sake! - "I, bearer of the power of Vasuki, shalt release him unto this cursed world so Nagaloka can return once more!"). His body convulsed and writhed in agony, his lower half having become completely unrecognisable as the blood that once was resembling his humanity in any facet was nothing more than a lake of blood and guts.

“अथ वर्षसहस्रेण योक्त्रं सर्पशिरांसि च |

वमन्त्यतिविषं तत्र ददंशुर्दशनैः शिलाः || १-४५-१९

उत्पपाताग्निसंकाशं हालाहलमहाविषम् |

तेन दग्धं जगत्सर्वं सदेवासुरमानुषम् || १-४५-२०

After a thousand years, the Thousand-headed serpent Vaasuki, which is being used as churning rope, is incapacitated to bear the friction of churning and fanged the cliffs of Mt. Mandara. Thereby a great lot of venom is disgorged from the heads of that serpent Vaasuki, which venom on melting the rocks of Mt. Mandara became the holocaustic poison called haalaahala. [1-45-19]

A lethal poison similar to inferno known as haalaahala has started to fulminate therefrom, by which whole universe of gods, non-gods and humans is burnt down. [1-45-20]” Muro then said as Vasuki appeared from all the billions of reincarnations. "From the black water the King of Darkness was formed, and emerged through his own evil nature. He waxed strong, mighty, and powerful, he called forth and propagated a thousand thousand evil generations without limit and myriad ugly creations beyond count. That King of Darkness assumed all the forms of the creatures of the world: the head of the lion, the body of the dragon, the wings of the eagle, the back of the tortoise, the hands and feet of a monster. He walks, he crawls, creeps, flies, screams, is rude, threatening, roars, groans, gives (insolent) winks, whistles, and knows all the languages of the world. When he wants he stretches his body, and when he wants he makes himself small. He moves his handamh “membrum” in and out, and owns (the genitals) of men and women. And when he shakes (perceives?) all the mysteries, he rages with his voice, his word, his smoke, his breath, his eyes, his mouth, his hand, his leg, his strength," Ruha noted as Ur simply scoffed and coldly smiled, revealing his darkened teeth therein, knowing this battle was just beginning as he forced the flames he once summoned to immediately spawn on Vasuki who lapped them up and countered by using Haalahala which devoured the entire world in a manner of minutes. “So he's summoned Vasuki.” Śatanika said from the Well of Beiping. “Don't tell me that Muro manifested his full power…” Thomas thought to himself as he put the school on lockdown to protect it from the Poison which could threaten the entire universe. Despite this feeling of slight fear, he steeled himself and tied seven knots around him and wrapped him with twelve veils. He bound him with the great voice and fettered him with a fetter so the seven zahriria flashes (or: flames) departed him. He flung his club and struck him and split his head. He made him shriek like a woman and made him weep like a child. He made dung into his food and urine into his drink and extinguished his devouring and destroying fire. He deprived him from his lust (or: greed) and clothed him with wrath. "Let us end: Talga-ḏ-pil: Niṭufta ḏ id arqa ḏ-nhaša (Fall of Ice: Cloud of the World of Copper)!" Ur then screamed, causing ice to erupt from the ground which struck Vasuki and all of his clone bodies. “I have to summon all Eight Naga Kings!” Muro thought to himself with slight excitement as Vasuki was very strong… but he would not be able to beat up Ur. “Thus he summoned a poison that can threaten Creation.” Ur thought to himself.

"Thus, Ur will inevitably awaken Nāṣerutā, also spelled Naṣirutha, means true enlightenment, usually used to describe: divine wisdom and knowledge. The goal of Nāṣerutā is to understand the Truth of Life (Kušța d-Hiia) and to live within it throughout eternity. Nāṣerutā reveals the Divinity of Life and enlightenment in the course of a person's life on earth thereby creating eternal life, compassion and peace." Ruha thought to herself as her child was a demon; with the extradimensional ice covering the surface with a thin layer of frost with the ground inevitably erupting from the power being doled out as Muro then teleported around Ur in a vain attempt to damage the Black Dragon with mountains quaking in fear as the ice was fired into the air. "Not even the notion of true infinites... could ever dare bypass me." Ur said as the icicles then finally fired down. “Katatagaenokami.” Muro's real body said as the icicles did not reach him. Ur felt himself going down as the ground became the sky and the sky, the ground. “You foolish dragon.” Muro thought to himself, summoning a million snakes from his mouth and arms onto the sky (which was down). “That power! It clearly allows him to control the current realm along with those in his visual range, allowing him to accomplish the feat of abruptly re-orienting the dimension through incomprehensible means. Right could become down, backwards could become up, the sky suddenly below and the ground be above. These changes can happen quite rapidly, continuously, and with enough force to send one sprawling even if they possess exceptional control or are flying. Katatagaenokami could also manipulate the concept of direction itself, exchanging the definition of what each direction means for another. Those affected by this power may find their attacks going in an entirely different direction than they intended or their evasion tactics foiled.” Damian thought to himself as he was completely invisible as Ur sensed that if he flew, he would keep going on the ground. “You two are fools! I am the King of Darkness! What can humans like thee do?” Ur asked as he saw Muro create a clone of himself. "Šahrat." The clone of Ur said, summoning a huge winged spaceship that could ferry and remove souls faster than the speed of light with Ur looking genuinely surprised. "Wretched boy." Ur thought to himself in disgust and sheer terror, shudder did he! "That can never harm me! Oil Bath!" Ur said, devouring the icy ground in oil which could burn entire trees and forests, surpassing anything that Mag herself could ever hope to achieve as Vasuki was teleported to Ur’s stomach and bit him, causing slight pain. He appeared on his underside, slashing both his wings with enough strength to end multiple galaxies, if not many worlds. “HOW?!” Ur asked himself as ice and fire of seven universes blew out of his underside and mouth immediately with Muro being forced to summon all Eight Naga Kings to defend from this grave attack with Ananta Shesha glaring at Muro in outrage. “How dare thee call me from that realm! You ruiner of the Nāgā.” Ananta Shesha screamed at Muro as Ur roared at them. "I will use this to curse thee to twenty-thousand years of stone and petrification of absolute annihilation! Ye wilt die in a short time of a few years!” His last action seemingly was as the entire universe slowly turned to stone. "MULTIVERSE OF MANA!" He screamed as Ruha was absolutely horrified by this grotesque display of power. “Thou art foolish for [he] can control the World of Mana and force himself to become immortal. For Mana… cometh from the Final King of this World… its Original… of whom Satoshi bore stead and control over immortality in a conceptual format, lo. Fail not, for Ur’s World of Mana alloweth him to expand all of his attack in all of their limitless range and thus summon the World of Darkness in the real world, devouring all things in fear, rage, hatred as his is a mere iota of mine own for he used that to become gigantic. He could also fire mountains of darkness from his mouth or wrap the continents of thy known world of Earth within the darkness that he bore, turning fears of the imagination and heart and making such real; unbreakable they were except by those who were stronger than he, thus he could destroy stars." Ruha thought as Muro teleported behind and underneath him with all of the Vasukis aiming for his wings as Ananta Shesha watched on whilst his fellow Kings helped attack Ur who continually released bursts of Mana and ice from his bosom into the real world. “I can't move!” Ur thought to himself as Muro held no mercy in his blackened heart. “Die.” Muro said… but not before Ur used Gate of Darkness: Fall of the World one final time to shatter the very foundations of the world as Muro then released Katatagaenokami, returning the sky's position to its original form as well as the grounds position to its original state. “Halahala… devour him.” The Seven Naga Kings spoke as Karkotaka bit Muro and gave complete immortality to poisons and concepts related to such. “Thus! The great gate of Yasana, the place where a throne has been erected for the builder of the heaven and the earth of the great mountain of flesh" (baba rba ḏ-iasana, dukta ḏ-traṣlḥ kursia l-ban ʿšumia u-arqa ḏ-ṭura rba ḏ-bisra)." Ur said as this was seemingly his World of Light form however... even this would not work with Muro then eyeing Damian who was injured without a doubt. “How do you feel, coward?!” Muro asked coldly as he teleported behind Damien to steal Avalon, rendering his immortality meaningless. “You damned-!” Damian said as Muro smiled whilst Ur was being destroyed. “I saw all possible futures… the knowledge of the past, present and future and all the world with this. Infinite futures… but I couldn’t foresee all the betrayal I caused… or Mr Harimatsu. Bite it.” Damian said to Muro before he let the snakes wreak havoc on the Purple Lane. “Die.” Muro said coldly before Damian smiled. “Fragarach.” Damian said as he pointed it at Muro’s throat. “You think I haven't seen that? You can't use it on me ever again since it only can be used once at a time.” Muro said coldly as he realised that he couldn't move. “I can’t…” Muro thought to himself in fear. “You will answer my question… why did you rape Sakura?” Damian asked calmly as Ur was being mercilessly attacked from all sides. “I raped Sakura… because I wanted to. I loved it.” Muro said coldly but truthfully as Damian then released the blade from his throat before commanding the wind to cut down every single snake. “How could you betray me like that?!” They both screamed at each other before Fragarach was pointed at him once more. “Fragarach is a weapon of immense potency. It is like Excalibur although unlike that sword… with the Fragarach, no one could move or tell a lie, thus the name "Answerer". The sword was also said to place the wind at the user's command and could cut through any shield or wall, and that it inflicted piercing wounds from which no man could recover; however this is based on one’s relativity to the wielder although it is true in full. It is the ultimate form of counterattack. It is the "Sword of Retrograde" and an indefeasible weapon of existence, divinely protected by some malicious will, that works by using a conceptual curse to warp destiny and a divine trick that uses time as its blade. It warps causality to always strike the opponent in the heart with a needle thin concentrated blast right before they unleash their ultimate attack. The condition for its full power use is that the opponent must use their strongest attack, and Fragarach must be used directly after the enemy's strike. Despite being released afterwards and no matter how fast the opposing attack is cast, Fragarach always strikes first by changing the flow of time to rewrite events so that it makes its own strike against the enemy before the opposing move was ever made in the course of the world. Rather than just rewriting events to gouge out the heart of the enemy, it is severing the fate of the combatants, reversing and changing the flow of destiny of both the user and the enemy simultaneously killing each other with their attacks. The attack of the enemy, returned to a point where it "couldn't happen" due to the user being struck down by Fragarach, is wiped out by the laws of the world and the infinity that composes time. No matter the power or speed of the ability, it is impossible to use if the enemy is defeated and has all of their later actions voided before they even have a chance to attack. It is an ability using one's life as bait to counter a one-turn-kill to win the battle that both kills the enemy and nullifies their attack, creating a perfect balance between offensive and defensive capabilities. Its full power is the ability to remove all powers from existence however when used against thee, as Damien did… its mere summoning caused ye to become unmoving because of his mastery over the blade - its limit is that it can only be done 1 person per usage.” Damian admitted before asking him: “Were we ever friends?” to which Muro responded “When it suited me.” And after hearing this… Damian rewrote time-space by saying: Fragarach: Saol (Fragarach: Afterlife), rewriting the events such that Saint George did die… as did Ur but the Eight Naga Kings were never summoned. “You fool… what are you doing?!” Muro screamed, begging for mercy but Damian never gave him any. “In that case… Art of the Snake: Venom Sage!” Muro said, absorbing all of the snakes into himself. “You'll regret this.” Muro said before saying: Return to the World… Father as Damian looked horrified before cutting his friend down by slicing him in half. “So… the finale begins.” Satanika said as Ferdinand and Hajime looked horrified seeing Muro screaming as Satanika was slowly returning using Muro’s body. “If you don’t agree to my demands… I will make sure the Society wins. In time, the snakes will merge back into their original form of the First Naga King, Vasuki but in truth, his name will thus be Padma, a snake of eternity who is the destroyer of all evil passions and poisons. I will make sure Beiping and all surrounding areas… Oshu, Ahreka and the lot are completely wiped out by the power of my army, ranks and snakes of the Highest Order.” The Man said confidently all of a sudden as he returned for good. “I'm back.” Satanika said as everyone was horrified. His eyes were purple. “This guy!” Damian thought to himself as Satanika released Fragarach from his throat. “Too slow.” Satanika said mockingly only for a large snake to devour him whole but this was a clone. “Not bad.” Satanika said coldly. “I murdered your beloved.” Satanika said coldly as Damien immediately used Excalibur to try and blitz him only for Fragarach to simultaneously manifest at the same time. “WHY DID YOU KILL SAKURA?!” Damian screamed as Satanika remained quiet. “We elites dine on the dead. Your whor* of a girl was irrelevant.” Satanika said mockingly as he sensed Vasuki was around him. “You fiend!” Ananta Shesha said to Satanika who laughed at him. “Why should I care…” Satanika thought to himself as Ferdinand and Hajime blitzed over to him however they weren't able to see eight pillars surrounding him as well as Ur flying above him and firing blasts of Darkness. “Do you children honestly think you are capable of stopping me?” Satanika asked menacingly as he commanded all of the Vasukis to attack Ur at once telepathically. “Mareno. Pangobo. Attack. Release everything.” Thomas said, realising the true gravity of Satanika’s revival as the Family and 2nd Gang forced all of their tanks and helicopters, respectively to roll upon the border of the Purple Lane and attack Satanika alone. “Don't tell me he's doing a-!” Damian, Hajime and Ferdinand all thought to themselves as machine gun fire, nuclear payloads, explosive water and sniper fire came raining down only for Satanika to command all 8 pillars to surround him in a defensive formation. “Such a foolish action from you wretched fools.” Satanika said as he forced all of the Vasukis to devour every single vehicle in poison whilst he fought the Family Head, Pangobo and Lizezo from afar. “Like I said… Do you want to die?” Satanika said coldly and calmly as Ferdinand and Hajime both attacked him with Damien leading the charge. “Halahala.” Satanika said, releasing poison around him as Aloa slowly came to. “Is that… Muro’s father?” She asked as Sejong, Danjong and the others that remained all pitched in. “REVIVE THE RED LANE EMPERORS!” Sejong commanded as Danjong did so without question as Yeongjo was also revived. “A full scale war? On me… How flattering.” Satanika said mockingly as Danjong fired a sonic wave from his mouth with Ferdinand burning the entire area as Damien used the Claíomh Solais to deal unhealable slashes onto Satanika’s front as Taejong unfroze himself and headed straight for Satanika. “EVERYONE! AIM FOR SATANIKA!” Empress Wu said to her fellow Red Lane emperors as Minamoto himself appeared with Amane in tow. “These snakes… How we take them down is beyond me.” Wu Zetian admitted as every Emperor fought these snakes who could each threaten the entire universe as Satanika remained unfazed, knowing that if things went south, he still had a way out. “Inorganic Reanimation.” Satanika said, moulding the entirety of the ground around himself as well as the Pillars to crush Ferdinand first, only for Aloa to run at him using her house. “So… Satanika… shall we work together?” Yeongjo asked as Satanika remained empty. “No. Your worth is gone.” Satanika coldly admitted as Taejong fired black holes into the snakes in an attempt to remove them from this hellscape of a battlefield. “Bakunawa, Dalaketnon, Ekek, Aswang, Berbalang, Kapre and the rest of you… come.” Satoshi said as Pangobo and the Family Head added their inferences. “So I am trapped.” Satanika thought to himself as he smiled. “Fist of Justice!” Satanika said to Ferdinand as he felt himself in severe pain as he then ramped up the pressure by using the Lightning of Elding to choke him out internally. “To think you were the strongest male alive.” Satanika said as the Dalaketnon surrounded him with Mareno and Pangobo appearing alongside the 10 Emperors to fight him. “Let the games commence.” Satanika said menacingly as everyone attacked him at once without mercy however he saw all of this and dodged every single attack without hesitation as snakes devoured the entire Area. “Hachidaireikijigoku.” Satanika said as the entire country was frozen over in ice. “He countered my fire?” Hajime thought to himself as no-one could move with Damian being forced to teleport to the Otherworld as Satanika then added on Hachidainetsujigoku to burn the entire area around him. “Shadow Snake.” Satanika then said, forcing snakes to surround Hajime and Ferdinand at the same time… before devouring them fully without any resistance. “Now then… let's deal with the rest of you.” Satanika thought to himself as he forced Vasuki to just devour everyone else as their abilities became his including knowledge therein with him then desummoning Vasuki and teleporting to the School before devouring it in snakes as well. “He killed everyone there?!” Thomas thought to himself as he immediately took off his monocle. “So… you are Muro's father.” Mr Okachi said as Satanika remained quiet. “Indeed. We elites including your precious headteacher have failed to see that… you are merely going to be cannon fodder but the human delusion has clouded you.” Satanika calmly said as Mr Okachi weighed his options, knowing that he would lose in any instance, he grabbed his goblet and threw it at Satanika who grabbed it and shattered it, teleporting his pillars in front of Okachi who struggled to dodge them. “So he has pillars…” Mr Okachi thought to himself as the flames began to devour Satanika’s being as well as his snakes. “My soul is being hurt…” Satanika thought to himself. “Naga Art: Kingly Return.” Satanika thought to himself, transferring all spiritual and conceptual damage to Vasuki as he then fired more snakes as well as reflecting the black flames onto Mr Okachi who looked so shocked. The three aides of Satanika immediately used more Naga techniques. “Hachidaireikijigoku (八大冷気地獄, lit. Eight Great Cold Hells).” One of the women said, causing their hands to slowly freeze up and summon ice around the entire room, as the man immediately used both “Jeweled Light of the Naga King (Tamaryūō — Kōmakotoshu).” and “Meidodaija Otsugekotsubochi (World Serpent Oracle Bone Graveyard).” to restrict the movements of the co-headteacher who looked shocked but still tried to fight back through the blinding light as he pinched his fingers and summoned 8 more pillars from the Dragon Palace and the Naga world; especially, its royal palace where Vasuki once resided. These pillars boast an absolute crushing force due to the speed at which they appear in this world. “Even if the target is moving at high speeds, the massive pillars will still appear directly over their heads. Because of the timeless nature of the Dragon Palace, these pillars will always be in pristine condition; one pillar can at least have the mass of a world with their size varying from a tree to a mountain in size. The very moment they appear, the pillars will disrupt the flow of chakra of all surrounding entities. Their will and fighting spirit will be suppressed within a few dozen metres of the heavenly pillars and their Killing Intent becomes completely nullified as he also can also control the velocity at which the pillars descend so that they do not instantly crush a target!” Satanika said arrogantly as Mr Okachi knew that he was trapped with the entire room flooded in flames and ice. Chains of the World - Draconic Fall.” Satanika then said, summoning brown chains from the ground that instantly teleported to Okachi, binding his forehead, only for his brain to slowly feel itself sleeping due to the mysterious sound that came with the chains. “Inorganic Reincarnation of Nature.” Satanika then spoke as Okachi felt himself being plunged into the very earth as mountains bound him alongside continents and sinkholes. “The relentless assault of the earth’s crust will constantly attack the opponent until the natural balance has been restored. No matter what defensive methodologies the opponent would attempt to survive using this technique, living a life of continuous running would eventually become tiresome and death would eventually ensue. In short, this technique acts as the ultimate nullifier for life.” He said.

“Let’s end this fight.” Satanika spoke, summoning every single tree from the outer portion of the Palmer Manor within the small building as well as every horned statue that was now draped with blood. “Your beloved Flames cannot save you.” Satanika said as Okachi was now trapped in an earthen cage that penetrated every part of his body. “This wilt strip thee of thy power and amplify my powers by a millionfold. I can end the world and remake the Nagaloka now!” Satanika gloated, seemingly drunk on power. “Kṣeṭr Vistaram (Domain Expansion: Naga World).” Satanika said, using his power to ensnare the entire world and wider universe in snakes as he felt himself beginning to remake the Dragon World… But on Earth as he then shut off the crevice in the Earth, killing Okachi for good as he then walked over to Thomas’ office. “You really think you can waltz in?!” Thomas said, teleporting the two over to the Arena. “What can you ever hope to do?” Satanika asked Thomas who knew that he was the final hope for humanity. “Your goal was remaking that civilisation of the past, huh?” Thomas asked as he petrified Satanika who fired snakes at him in response. “Hachiamashira… Fugurumayōhi.” Satanika said, firing paper from the entire Arena in an attempt to trap Thomas as Ananta Shesha sensed this and quickly went to Satoshi. “Satoshi, he is creating the Dragon World once more.” Ananta Shesha said as an endless space warped the entire world. The sky turned red and Mount Sumeru devoured every building as the Naga Throne revealed itself in all its glory. Dragons returned as the Dragon Palace with its infinite dimensions also returned. Life sprang as Yeongjo was horrified… only for he and Aloa to be destroyed in one blow by a blast from a dragon far away. “So… our world has returned…” Ryujin spoke from the Dragon Palace as his four Dragons appeared from the flames surrounding them. “Yea… but in the way you don't think. A Naga has taken over… Vasuki and the other Naga Kings… have gone into him barring Ananta Shesha.” Tatsuryuu sensed quickly, knowing the true gravity of the situation. “Shall we attack?” Rairyuunogouen asked as even Ryujin was disappointed because of the fact that Satanika ruined Ashoka’s legacy. “No. We shall attack once the Hero of Mercy comes.” Ryujin ordered, realising just how bad things had gotten.

“You think this stupid paper can stop me?” Thomas asked as his legs were trapped as he fired his hands which were fired at its full speed where time doesn’t flow, only for Satanika to casually dodge this, crush his hands with all Eight pillars. “Damn coward!” Thomas screamed before Satanika then fired snakes into Thomas’ face… And let them destroy his eyes and face. “Farewell… Thomas.” Satanika said as Satoshi himself appeared alongside the Five Dragons before turning his victims into a throne of bones. “So… you come.” Satanika said arrogantly as everyone glared at him. “You ruined the Dragons.” Ryujin said as Satanika scoffed and summoned Vasuki alongside the other Naga Kings including Ananta Shesha. “I AM A DRAGON!” Satanika shouted as every single one of the five except Iwaaryunogouen and Ryujin laughed. “Let us not ruin this place of history.” Ryujin said, teleporting everyone to the Dragon World. “You embarrass me.” Satanika and Ryujin said to one another. “The final battle begins now.” Satanika said before interlocking his fingers and releasing natural energy around the entire Dragon World for he was at his maximum strength.

“Tengentsū (Sight of the Karmic Destination)!” Satanika said desperately as he then used Sage Art: Jeweled Dragon King — Pearl of Light (仙法 • 瓊竜王 — 光の真珠, Senpō • Tamaryūō — Kōmakotoshu) once more, only for Satanika to switch with one of his snakes, as they all heard a crack in the meteor to which flames began to spread around the meteor and consume it. “So he has the Pashupatastra? No, he isn’t as powerful as Ashoka.” Tatsuryuu thought to himself as Satanika immediately tried to attack him. “Mido 60: Draconic Wave of Endless Exploding Collisions!” He then said, amplifying his arrow with the very sky as he fired it at Satanika who switched with one of his snakes. “Kagenmi.” Ryujin then said as time froze around his general vicinity, as he sensed that Tatsuryuu and the others were still moving with Mizuryuunogouen continuing to fire masses of arrows at Satanika who looked deeply annoyed. “Konayomyoin (God of the Mountains)!” He then said, summoning a huge draconic avatar around him to which Tatsuryuu used Ryudo 8: Draconic Tree to bind Satanika who tried to teleport. “Naga Art: Kingly Return.” Satanika thought to himself, transferring all spiritual and conceptual damage to Vasuki as he then fired more snakes at everyone. “Your plan is foolish.” Tatsuryuu said coldly. “Vajric Trap: Raido 34: Mantra of Thunderous Neglect!” Rairyuunogouen quickly said as a cosmic storm devoured the entire world in an instant as Mizuryuunogouen looked surprised yet not so as Ryujin looked at him and smiled, “Winds of Hell… Gekietsu Arashi!” Rairyuunogouen said as thunder crackled in every orifice of the storm. “Vajric Wrath!” Rairyuunogouen said as the storm fired itself unto Satanika. “Open.” Satanika then said, attacking Rairyuunogouen with the Fist of Justice, doing severe damage. “Thus, it appears that the powers he absorbed are amplified to his own power level.” Tatsuryuu thought to himself as he tried to use Ryudo 8, warping causality as Satanika dodged this. “Kaido 25: Flaming Heat of the Underworld!” Ryujin then said as five dragons, those of the rain, storms, sight, power and life looked at their surviving brethren and attacked, fully ready to end Satanika who looked slightly annoyed. “You fool!” Satanika said as he used the Lightning of Elding and Fist of Justice to fire waves of black energy at the dragons, destroying them. “You wretched snake. Thou art a defiler of our species… wretched abuser of men and boys.” Ryujin admitted as Satanika briefly glanced at everyone. “Vasuki!” Satanika shouted, summoning the full power of Vasuki as Ananta Shesha himself appeared. “RUINER OF THE NAGAS!” Ananta Shesha screamed as Satanika looked stunned. “Wretched oaf!” Satanika screamed as Ananta Shesha then bit into his body, soul, concept, name and idea with each of his million heads. “Then in that case… Kaido 0: Banhi Heisei (Serenity of the Flames)!” Ryujin said, cloaking himself not in flames, but in the very blood of the dragons of the dead themselves with the blood and lifeforce going into his very body. “Ryu: Palace of the Thunderous Origin.” Ryujin then said as Satanika’s being survived even this, only to see the symbol of “Rai” in his hand. “A seal?” Satanika asked as Rairyuunogouen smiled. “You truly think you can defy me in this world? You may believe you are superior to Tatsuryuu… but I am the King of all Creatures!” Ryujin then said haughtily. “Of the Nagas alone, I am the Honoured One amongst the Snakes.” Ananta Shesha said as all of his endless heads removed their hoods transformed into a human form with a black hood with a long robe that bore a snake on it as the world itself began to crack and split apart as the dragon surrounding Ryujin (Iwaryu) fired off multiple natural disasters in a single blast without any effort, directly at the ancient king who swiftly countered by using Amaterasugenkai (アマテラスゲンカイ Amaterasugenkai Lit. Black Flames of Chakra, Energy and Divine Power) to turn the attack to ash. “Raido 78: Draconic Spear of the Storm-Laced Gods!” He then said as a humongous black spear was instantly fired at Satanika as Vasuki continually attacked all of them. “Fist of JUSTICE!” Satanika screamed as Ananta Shesha smiled. “Tairyōhakainobuki (Wondrous Weapon that Returns All to Nothingness).” Ananta Shesha said as Mizuryuunogouen added on by using Mido 99 to create a huge dragon of water. He said “Mido 91: Shizen no Jutsu - Suijin’s Wrath!” and then combined that with “Mido 60: Draconic Ocean’s Blessing: Formation of the Four Seas.” Mizuryuunogouen said, causing the water particles of both techniques to form together into a colossal spherical cube with Ryujin simply breathing a huge plume of flame, causing Rasen Tenchi Kagi to be fired by Tatsuryuu directly at Satanika as a combination attack. Ryujin failed to notice (seemingly) that two small orbs appeared beside him. “Raido 70: Draconic Disruption!” Rairyuunogouen then said, firing them at full speed into his neurons in an attempt to incapacitate him as Tatsuryuu used Amenotejikara once more, switching Satanika and Ryujin as he screamed. “This attack!! What maketh ye fools think it can mark or harm a snake?!” Satanika thought to himself as he used Dragon Breath to summon the Four Beasts. “Oh? You think that’ll work?” Tatsuryuu asked coldly as Satanika glared at him, using Hachiamahashira only for Tatsuryuu to use Draconic Lightener to remove any impact. “Soul Flame…” Tatsuryuu then said as Satanika looked utterly frightened with Vasuki then using Haalahala to no effect. “You and I both know you are not trying even with the intent of bloodlust within you. You are a creature of war… try your best, old man!” Tatsuryuu said as the Sanzu Rivers had equalised however Mizuryuunogouen was the deciding factor. “Kaido 4: Kyūkyoku Inkatentenka.” Ryujin then said bluntly, releasing a torrent of natural energy from his mouth that manifested in the form of near-divine flames with Satanika then using all 6 powers at once, attempting to see all futures and dodge simultaneously. “Apologies, old man. “You are indeed a fool. You have been standing around in the very water that I used before. Thus… let this be the end. Mido 70: Tensuikyō (Heavens and Oceans Sutra).” Mizuryuunogouen explained as Satanika’s eyes narrowed. “Rairyuu! Mini Sanzu River - Death Gamble.” Mizuryuunogouen thought to himself in slight fear, clasping his free hand and then firing an arrow into the air as Rairyuunogouen then teleported behind Ryujin at full speed with Iwaryunogouen remaining in the air, firing sub-atomic bombs that began to show themselves in the form of particles. “Death Gamble allows me to use Sanzu River to create games… where the rules are mine alone.” Mizuryuunogouen explained. “NO! Fugurumayōhi (文車妖妃, lit. Strange Queen of The Scroll Cart)!” He said, teleporting himself into the endless World of Art, escaping the Sanzu River as Tatsuryuu then used his shadows to suck in the entire World of Art. “Shadow Garden.” Tatsuryuu said, forcing the Sanzu River to re-emerge as Satanika and Vasuki were trapped. “VASUKI!” Satanika screamed in desperation as not even Maya would work. “Mido 53: Shinra Bansho!” Mizuryuunogouen as he sacrificed the bow for his claws, pressing it into the ocean floor, causing an immense amount of energy to devour Satanika as Ananta Shesha devoured them both. “Jikonoikkasei (自己の一過性, literally meaning: The Non-substantiality of Self)!” Satanika screamed as he became nonexistent with Tatsuryuu then attacking him by surrounding him in shadows. “Katatagaenokami (方違え神, lit. A Divine Change in Direction)!“ They both said as they tried to alter the direction of the River and sky however Tatsuryuu was simply too strong.

“Mido 101: Yóuyùbùjué De Jiàn zhēngqì Yǒnghéng de Bùxìng hé Fēnpèi de Jiàntóu-Mìngyùn de Shēnyuān Qièduàn:Xuè de Jiérì (Hesitant Vaporous arrow of Eternal Misfortune and Distribution - The Abyss that cuts off fate: The festival of Blood).” Mizuryuunogouen said as the other Dragons looked shocked, sensing a feeling of both bloodlust and despair that felt like an eternal rainstorm had showered upon the world. “Mido 101 has one more act aside from this for I could manifest it in one singular move… but that would be too lacking. This stage is the Tree of Immortality, the Tree of the Great Mother of the West, of whom Tatsuryuu recklessly killed as the monkey Sun Wukong, using his Soul Flame to destroy her for good with only us Royalty remembering her. Let the Death and Despair of the Journey wash itself over you in the form of panging. Nǚwáng Bùxiǔ zhī shù de Yíshì:6000 Nián de Chéngshú (Ceremony of the Queen’s Tree of Immortality: Maturation of 6,000 years) + Hòu-Yì de Zuìhòu yī mù:Shí gè Tàiyáng de Yǔ de yǔ-nìshuǐ de bùxìng: Futana-Sai (Final Act of Hou-Yi: Rain of Ten Suns - Drowning Misfortune: Futana-Sai).” He then said as they also felt a bright glimmer of hope from within this new land as his infinite arrows revealed themselves. “The technique’s name is a reference to Suijin, the god of the sea… that name of Futana is short for a festival of protection from drowning.” Tatsuryuu explained as everyone looked calm but still felt this intense sadness yet brightness with Satanika glaring at him in utter rage. “Yokubōnomamanishinu (欲望のままに死ぬ, literally meaning: Dying As Desired)!!” Satanika screamed as every Dragon smiled. “Mido 102: Juéduì tiāntáng:Fēnhuà de Dànshēng Wúxiàn de Tiāntáng:Fēi Fēnhuà-Wújí yǔ Tàijí! (Absolute Heaven: Birth of Differentiation - Limitless Heaven: Non-Differentiation - Wuji and Taiji)” Mizuryuunogouen then said as Satanika felt his neck being snapped, destroyed, wiped out and erased from the notion of existence endlessly along with every part of his body… only for all of that to return back to sender as he endlessly regenerated through the law and rule of the Sanzu River, as he also felt every single Mido lower than 99 devouring him endlessly. “I won’t die! Ryōiki Shinkengen (領域真顕現, Domain of Truth Manifestation) + Ryōiki Shinshin (領域真讖, Domain of Truth Foretelling)!!” Satanika continued to scream as Tatsuryuu coldly smiled, knowing that Satanika still wouldn’t win. “Sanzu River’s true purpose… is to send people to the afterlife… either for blood or peace. Ryujin’s Wave, Saigo no Dan - Akaito no Unmei: Setsu no Shi: Ginryuu no Basami (Ryujin’s Wave: Final Act - Red Thread of Fate: Death Cut - Golden Dragon Scissors)!” Tatsuryuu then said as Satanika gave himself the Dhammachakra however this wasn’t enough. “Soul Flame: Final Burial of Draconic Ending!” Tatsuryuu then screamed out, transcending the very concept of motion in this moment. “Who thought you would scream?” Satanika coldly said “Raido 96: Itanhōju - Tengaichikaku (Two Places Being Far Apart)!” Tatsuryuu then said, feeling himself bound by what seemed to be a wall of Absolute Infinity for this was the infinite set that Georg Cantor proposed back in the early 20th century. “Think of Tengaichikaku as the Achilles and the Turtle Paradox. If everything when it occupies an equal space is at rest at that instant of time, and if that which is in locomotion is always occupying such a space at any moment, the flying arrow is therefore motionless at that instant of time and at the next instant of time but if both instants of time are taken as the same instant or continuous instant of time then it is in motion. It is impossible to traverse an infinite number of things in a finite time. This sequence also presents a second problem in that it contains no first distance to run, for any possible (finite) first distance could be divided in half, and hence would not be first after all. Hence, the trip cannot even begin. The paradoxical conclusion then would be that travel over any finite distance can be neither completed nor begun, and so all motion must be an illusion. In a race, the quickest runner can never over­take the slowest, since the pursuer must first reach the point whence the pursued started, so that the slower must always hold a lead. In the paradox of Achilles and the tortoise, Achilles is in a footrace with the tortoise. Achilles allows the tortoise a head start of 100 metres, for example. Suppose that each racer starts running at some constant speed, one faster than the other. After some finite time, Achilles will have run 100 metres, bringing him to the tortoise's starting point. During this time, the tortoise has run a much shorter distance, say 2 metres. It will then take Achilles some further time to run that distance, by which time the tortoise will have advanced farther; and then more time still to reach this third point, while the tortoise moves ahead. Thus, whenever Achilles arrives somewhere the tortoise has been, he still has some distance to go before he can even reach the tortoise. The other part of the Itanhōju is that of Kōchakujōtai which means Deadlock and is the arrow Paradox of Zeno.

In the arrow paradox, Zeno states that for motion to occur, an object must change the position which it occupies. He gives an example of an arrow in flight. He states that at any one (duration-less) instant of time, the arrow is neither moving to where it is, nor to where it is not. It cannot move to where it is not, because no time elapses for it to move there; it cannot move to where it is, because it is already there. In other words, at every instant of time there is no motion occurring. If everything is motionless at every instant, and time is entirely composed of instants, then motion is impossible. There is also that of the grain millet paradox. If everything that exists has a place, a place too will have a place, and so on ad infinitum. Concerning the two rows of bodies, each row being composed of an equal number of bodies of equal size, passing each other on a race-course as they proceed with equal velocity in opposite directions, the one row originally occupying the space between the goal and the middle point of the course and the other that between the middle point and the starting-post. This...involves the conclusion that half a given time is equal to double that time. Simply put, this technique and these Paradoxes are an infinitely weaker version of the Barrier… since the Barrier transcends all things in mathematics, science and logic.” Tatsuryuu calmly explained as Satanika immediately felt himself no longer moving. “What on earth?! He used that Amenotejikara again! That means that it can warp space by swapping with anything that is the very concept of movement and distance.” Satanika thought to himself as he used the Fist of Justice’s cubes to escape this harrowing technique. “Oh no you don’t!” Rairyuunogouen said as he smiled, using black and red energy in his hand. “Fist of Just-! Know that I alone control thunder! Raido 103: Black Flash of the Dragon King!” Rairyuunogouen said, summoning a phenomenon in which it is the final Raido… for it its unabashedly the most powerful technique wherein the power of the Dragon King… is applied to the user’s fist within one-millionth of a second as the Prana (or power/energy) flashes black, causing space to be distorted completely, even warping black holes and entire star systems. Unleashing Black Flash of the Dragon King requires incredible concentration Regardless of how you got it right the first time, whether it was skill, or simply luck, causes one to control their energy as naturally as breathing, transcending all phenomenon… as it becomes something as simple and natural as breathing. Time stops can not even time can handle the speed with which the attack manifests. It can result in a feeling of omnipotence wherein nigh-omnipotence itself can be punched out of existence… as if everything revolves around you with Nirvana with a remainder being shattered by its attack. This leads to a greatly increased performance in combat, allowing the user to operate at 5000% of their maximum potential as Satanika felt himself bleeding severely by this attack however Vasuki was nowhere to be found. “Fragarach!” Rairyuunogouen heard Satanika say as he couldn’t move. “How?!” Rairyuunogouen thought to himself as the prior attack was then combined with Final Soul Flame Technique: Soul Destruction - Creation's Annihilation in tandem with Kaido 90: Grass Cutting Pandemonium, as large pillars of flame bust themselves out of the stones as an infinite number of heads came out of each pillar, eating Ryujin’s cosmic flames as Raido 30 was added at full strength to bind him by Rairyuunogouen. “Kokushokūzu (All Mighty Black Vortex).” Ryujin then said, controlling the Dragon World’s sky, twisting and convulsing it, forming a large black hole as Satanika noticed this and cut it down. “Fool.” Ryujin said with Rairyuunogouen using that opportunity to use Raido 29: Wazurainoushi (和豆良比能宇斯能神, Master Miasma) to poison Ryujin’s blood supply. “You know… your rage should be controlled. This is also Mido 29. Through the weaponization of the endocrine system, the user can produce poison from their body. It can be secreted from the skin, expelled from the body, or generated at the focal point of the user's gaze. Alternatively, the user can generate a barrier space in which everything within and that enters the confines is poisoned, including the earth, air, water, trees, metal, and even life force on the conceptual level. The user can manipulate the type of poison, its composition, and state at will, allowing them to alter its effects and make it impossible for an opponent to obtain immunity. When combined with the Heaven of Clear Perception, the technique becomes even more dangerous, as the user can directly spawn the poison within the bodies of individuals at great distances or establish a barrier space to poison a great number of individuals. By producing poison from their skin, the user can turn the simple act of taijutsu into exceptionally deadly combat, making it dangerous for an opponent to attack them or block their attacks. When expelling it from the body, the user can control it at will, allowing them to manipulate it as one would manipulate water, forming it into weapons, tools and various constructs. The second function of Wazurainoushi is to make substances poisonous. This is achieved through altering the lethal dose of a given substance or a target's resistance to it. Through this method, the user is capable of making those immune to poison completely susceptible to its effects, effectively neutralising their immunity altogether. By making key substances lethal, such as water, blood, and even calcium or even natural energy, the user is capable of easily killing individuals, as they would die from keeping too much of said substance within their body, or by getting rid of enough of it as well.” Rairyuunogouen explained as Ryujin simply smiled, seeing that Satanika slowly bled. “Daienkyochi: Ryurinokagami (Great Mirror of Dragon’s Chamber)!” Ryujin thought to himself as a clone of Satanika appeared. “Iwado 80: Ōkamizumi (意富加牟豆美命, Great Sacred Majesty)!” Iwaaryunogouen said immediately, binding Ryujin in a mountain-sized castle, with Rairyuunogouen using his feet and summoning electrons. “Raido 74: Shukketsuten (出血天, Bleeding Sky).” He thought to himself, causing the structure to blow up slightly as Ryujin remained as calm as could be. “Raido 1: Kokutai (Black Ill Will). This is slightly different from Tatsu’s… but… it is far more deadly.” Rairyuunogouen thought to himself, summoning a black rod in hand with which he turned around and fired at Ryujin, sticking it in his chest which Tatsuryuu used Amenotejikara. “He has the powers of Kento through his reincarnate’s girl!” Tatsuryuu realised as Satanika looked extremely frustrated. “Raido 92: Raiden!” Rairyuunogouen thought to himself, as his lightning glowed. “Positive and negative charges… electrons… protons… atoms… the laws of physics… anything that contains any form of charge… is under my domain… but still… the true property of my lightning-based ability… is that a hit… is always complete.” Rairyuunogouen said. “You are truly my strongest opponent.” He said to him as thunder devoured the entire area because the sky had already parted. “Now!! Release!” Rairyuunogouen said as light devoured the entire fortress as a large explosion appeared, complete with a hellish scape of thunder. “DAMN FOOLS!” Satanika screamed as his options were extremely limited, even with the limitless natural energy around him. “You embellish the Dragons in guilt.” Tatsuryuu said coldly as he snapped his fingers. “Ryudo 62: Tenbatsutekimen Kyōryokumuhi (天罰覿面強力無比, The Certainty of Divine Punishment Being Powerful Without Equal). Respira + Tachyonic Purple." Tatsuryuu then said as purple flakes surrounded Satanika. “I can see you-! What good is that if you can’t do anything?” Tatsuryuu asked mockingly. "Let’s wrap this fight up!” Tatsuryuu said as he knew that millions of snakes were around. “Kaido 89! Raido 9: Thunderous Gate of Rain (Gates of Hukam) and Raido 65: True Six Star Seal of Eternity!" He then said, summoning a mandala gate atop six hexagons that bound him in such a binding that only Ashoka could break. “Iwado 100: Anakashikone (Shadow Night Scolding Aspiring Old Mud God).” Iwaaryunogouen said, forcing Satanika to be sent crashing to the ground. “Anashikone is the control of properties on a philosophical and scientific level, yea… but it is Obstacle Manipulation. In essence, your loss was always inevitable.” Iwaryuunogouen said as he sensed something happening as one snake appeared from the ground. “Kaido 92: Hachidainetsutamashinojigoku: Daimaru Kasōdama (Eight Great Heats of the Soul of Hell: Supreme Wheel).” Tatsuryuu said as a sun-like orb appeared that was covered in purple energy. “So he’s made a second sun?” Ryujin said as the sun was immediately removed from existence. “Kaido 92: Kyōiteikaisei (Phenomenal Conflagration)!” Ryujin then said, summoning two swords of dragon bone, two that were also made shortly after he made the Dragon World all those billions of years ago as he then used Kaido 5: Desert of the Dragon’s Wasteland in his left sword, Kyōiteikaisei as his other sword glowed blue for the briefest of moments, firing a huge continent of fire at Satanika who was struggling to keep up. “Struggling to fight, Naga?” Ananta Shesha said as Satanika tried to use Hachiamahashira however this was useless since Tatsuryuu could cancel it. “Lord First… can’t you use these techniques?” Tatsuryuu asked. “Why must I?” Ryujin said as Satanika realised he was holding back. “WHY HOLD BACK?!” Satanika screamed, just like how he did towards Ashoka. “You defile our nation, our world and you expect me to not hold back against you? If you insist. Kaido 94: Depth of the Dragons’ Reign!” Ryujin said, lighting the reddened sky in a hue of beautiful flames that spanned various colours with Tatsuryuu using Ryuten Rengoku in order to physically do some damage, with Satanika knowing that bypassing Tatsuryuu’s Barrier wouldn’t be impossible, but would require measures. “You know you can kill him… considering what you did to Kento’s Dragon Form.” Tatsuryuu said calmly. “I won’t end the fight… because… I have a score to settle.” Ryujin said, his form roaring as Satanika looked utterly frightened. “So the empty man has become half-full after seeing power? You defile me, you defile even that wretched Ashoka. Emotions are kept! They are hearted and kept within thy wretched soul which is blacker than the fire of the Darkest creatures. Ittaisei (Unity)... Kamiryu no Ryoiki… Kiseki no Saigo (Final Miracle: Domain of the Dragon God).” Ryujin then said, allowing the golden energy from his prior usage of the technique to completely coalesce into his body with him reminding himself of when he first created the World with a flap of his wings. “Original Act of the Dragon King - Tenkamusō (天下無双). It refers to the idea of being unrivalled or peerless. It translates into "unmatched under heaven". This is derived from the idiom of Shinra Banshō (森羅万象) that refers to the whole of creation.” Ryujin thought to himself as Satanika looked desperate, using Fragarach at its full power. “This Fragarach… I can’t move. It be a sword of truths. The Fragarach held no liars. It compelled the truth. The concept of lies held no meaning. She would tell the truth no matter what. It beareth no limit of cutting nor binding of the highest order for stagnation itself is irrelevant. Fragarach is a weapon of immense potency. It is like Excalibur although unlike that sword… with the Fragarach, no one could move or tell a lie, thus the name "Answerer". The sword was also said to place the wind at the user's command and could cut through any shield or wall, and that it inflicted piercing wounds from which no man could recover; however this is based on one’s relativity to the wielder although it is true in full. It is the ultimate form of counterattack. It is the "Sword of Retrograde" and an indefeasible weapon of existence, divinely protected by some malicious will, that works by using a conceptual curse to warp destiny and a divine trick that uses time as its blade. It warps causality to always strike the opponent in the heart with a needle thin concentrated blast right before they unleash their ultimate attack. The condition for its full power use is that the opponent must use their strongest attack, and Fragarach must be used directly after the enemy's strike. Despite being released afterwards and no matter how fast the opposing attack is cast, Fragarach always strikes first by changing the flow of time to rewrite events so that it makes its own strike against the enemy before the opposing move was ever made in the course of the world. Rather than just rewriting events to gouge out the heart of the enemy, it is severing the fate of the combatants, reversing and changing the flow of destiny of both the user and the enemy simultaneously killing each other with their attacks. The attack of the enemy, returned to a point where it "couldn't happen" due to the user being struck down by Fragarach, is wiped out by the laws of the world and the infinity that composes time. No matter the power or speed of the ability, it is impossible to use if the enemy is defeated and has all of their later actions voided before they even have a chance to attack. It is an ability using one's life as bait to counter a one-turn-kill to win the battle that both kills the enemy and nullifies their attack, creating a perfect balance between offensive and defensive capabilities. Its full power is the ability to remove all powers from existence however when used against thee, as the human Damian Alanis did… its mere summoning caused ye to become unmoving because of his mastery over the blade - its limit is that its range is 1 person… per every usage.” Ryujin thought to himself as Tatsuryuu looked visibly surprised. “That’s just like Vaisravana… it can negate techniques… including space-time obeying ones.” Tatsuryuu thought to himself as Rairyuunogouen was about to use Black Flash however Tatsuryuu cautioned him from doing so, fearing he may be trapped in the all or nothing move. “Raido 10: Acidic Hell of Darkness!” Tatsuryuu thought to himself, releasing to force an endless sphere around him that is perfect in nature encapsulating him and the others briefly in darkness before teleporting him and the others away some distance, instead focusing on Satanika alone. “Get ready! Mushoyusho - Shambhala… Kṣeṭr Vistaram (Domain Expansion: Naga World)!” Tatsuryuu said, crossing his middle and index finger of his left hand and clenching his right hand as Satanika and he clashed, using around 95% power to ensnare the entire world and wider universe in snakes as the entire Dragon World began to ensnared in snakes however all of the snakes were enveloped in a true sphere of darkness that was an entire omniverse as white lines shot themselves into existence which can destroy the physical world, as well as the spirit and mind, only for nothing to truthfully occur to the Wretched Snake… at least not yet. “3 Domains?” Ryujin asked himself as Satanika’s sight was devoured in darkness. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” Satanika said as Tatsuryuu laughed coldly. “Why did you use 95% and not the full 100? Afraid of dying?” Tatsuryuu asked mockingly as Satanika’s eyes glowed purple. “Is this barrierless?” Satanika asked as Tatsuryuu smiled peacefully. “Shambala… Narak ke Kila.” Tatsuryuu said, switching Ryudo 7 for an attack so powerful that Ryudo 7 couldn’t even hope to compare as Satanika felt Ashoka speaking in a condescending manner to him once more.

"Of those countless universes, O Rama, in some there are only plants; some have Brahma, Visnu, Rudra and others as the presiding deities, and some have none at all; in some there are only animals and birds; in some there is only an ocean; some are solid rocks; some are inhabited only by worms; some are pervaded by dense darkness; in some gods dwell; some are forever illumined. Some seem to be heading towards dissolution; some seem to be falling in space towards destruction. Since consciousness exists everywhere for ever, creation of these universes and their dissolution also goes on everywhere for ever. All these are held together by a mysterious omnipresent power. Rama, everything exists in the one infinite consciousness; everything arises from it; it alone is everything. O Lord of the universe, O universal form, I see in Your body many, many arms, bellies, mouths and eyes, expanded everywhere without limit. I see in You no end, no middle and no beginning. Your form is difficult to see because of its glaring effulgence, spreading on all sides, like blazing fire or the immeasurable radiance of the sun. Yet I see this glowing form everywhere, adorned with various crowns, clubs and discs. Although You are one, You spread throughout the sky and all the planets and all space between. O great one, seeing this wondrous and terrible form, all the planetary systems are perturbed. All the hosts of demigods are surrendering before You and entering into You. Some of them, very much afraid, are offering prayers with folded hands. Hosts of great sages and perfected beings crying “All peace!” are praying to You by singing the Vedic hymns. All the various manifestations of Siva, Adityas, the Vasus, the Sadhyas, the Visvedevas, the two Asvis, the Maruts, the forefathers, the Gandharvas, the Yaksas, the Asuras and the perfected demigods are beholding You in wonder. O mighty-armed one, all the planets with their demigods are disturbed at seeing Your great form, with its many faces, eyes, arms, thighs, legs, and bellies and Your many terrible teeth; and as they are disturbed, so am I. Seeing You with Your many radiant colours touching the sky, Your gaping mouths, and Your great glowing eyes, my mind is perturbed by fear. I can no longer maintain my steadiness or equilibrium of mind. O lord of lords, O refuge of the worlds, please be gracious to me. I cannot keep my balance seeing thus Your blazing deathlike faces and awful teeth in all directions; I am bewildered. All the sons of Dhrtarastra, along with their allied kings, and Bhisma, Drona, Karna - and our chief soldiers also - are rushing into Your fearful mouths. And some I see trapped with heads smashed between Your teeth. As the many waves of the rivers of the rivers flow into the ocean, so do all these great warriors enter blazing into Your mouths. I see all people rushing full speed into Your mouths, as moths. All right, show Your mouth, open Your mouth. I want to see." And when Kṛṣṇa opened the mouth, the mother saw innumerable universes are within the mouth. This is Kṛṣṇa. Aṇor aṇīyān mahato mahīyān. Kṛṣṇa enters within the universe, but at the same time, millions of universes are within His mouth. This is the explanation of "the greater than the greatest and the smaller than the smallest." Of course, Mother Yaśodā, although she saw, she could not believe it because Mother Yaśodā never thought of that Kṛṣṇa is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. She always thought that "He is my teeny child." That's all. "I have to take care of Him." This is called paternal feelings. Vātsalya-rasa. Satoshi watched as Satanika felt his Paramatman being destroyed as he screamed in pain only for his soul and Atman to be ripped out, removing the State of Brahman that he switched with Chimatakami before.

Second what if - Thomas vs Satanika (MnJ)[]

This is where Satanika fights Thomas and this is going to be the full fight that I couldn’t add due to the word limit and is also canon.

“Let’s end this fight.” Satanika spoke, summoning every single tree from the outer portion of the Palmer Manor within the small building as well as every horned statue that was now draped with blood. “Your beloved Flames cannot save you.” Satanika said as Okachi was now trapped in an earthen cage that penetrated every part of his body. “This wilt strip thee of thy power and amplify my powers by a millionfold. I can end the world and remake the Nagaloka now!” Satanika gloated, seemingly drunk on power. “Kṣeṭr Vistaram (Domain Expansion: Naga World).” Satanika said, using his power to ensnare the entire world and wider universe in snakes as he felt himself beginning to remake the Dragon World… But on Earth as he then shut off the crevice in the Earth, killing Okachi for good as he then walked over to Thomas’ office. “You really think you can waltz in?!” Thomas said, teleporting the two over to the Arena. “What can you ever hope to do?” Satanika asked Thomas who knew that he was the final hope for humanity. “Your goal was remaking that civilisation of the past, huh?” Thomas asked as he petrified Satanika who fired snakes at him in response. “Hachiamashira… Fugurumayōhi.” Satanika said, firing paper from the entire Arena in an attempt to trap Thomas as Ananta Shesha sensed this and quickly went to Satoshi. “Satoshi, he is creating the Dragon World once more.” Ananta Shesha said as an endless space warped the entire world. The sky turned red and Mount Sumeru devoured every building as the Naga Throne revealed itself in all its glory. Dragons returned as the Dragon Palace with its infinite dimensions also returned. Life sprang as Yeongjo was horrified… only for he and Aloa to be destroyed in one blow by a blast from a dragon far away. “So… our world has returned…” Ryujin spoke from the Dragon Palace as his four Dragons appeared from the flames surrounding such. “Yea… but in the way you don't think. A Naga has taken over… Vasuki and the other Naga Kings… have gone into him barring Ananta Shesha.” Tatsuryuu sensed quickly, knowing the true gravity of the situation. “Shall we attack?” Rairyuunogouen asked, as even Ryujin was disappointed that Satanika ruined Ashoka’s legacy. “No. We shall attack once the Hero of Mercy comes.” Ryujin ordered, realising just how bad things had gotten.

“You think this stupid paper can stop me?” Thomas asked as his legs were trapped as he fired his hands which were fired at its full speed where time doesn’t flow, only for Satanika to casually dodge this, crush his hands with all Eight pillars. “Damn coward!” Thomas screamed before Satanika then fired snakes into Thomas’ face… And let them destroy his eyes and face… only for his face to regenerate to his horror. “You really are a fool, Satanika. You and that rape of Muro as a young lad… not even I would have stooped so low.” Thomas said arrogantly, regenerating his body rather quickly as Satanika scoffed. “Coming from the man who abused his kid regularly until imprisonment which caused the death of your wife…” Satanika mocked in clear retort, his eyes glaring at Thomas who punched the ground in disgust, creating a miniature earthquake only for snakes to fire out the crevices. “D’you think these snakes are actually powerful?” Thomas asked mockingly before stomping on the ground as he then blitzed Satanika’s perception who countered by simply turning into paper. “You do realise that I can hear you moving, wretched boy?” Satanika asked coldly. “So he has auditory and visual powers. Paper that he can control, pillars that he can likely manipulate to his will as well as snakes like Muro but these ones are far more durable than the ones he used in that match against Benji Park. He likely has more… meaning if I use my monocle or visual prowess and tactics, I should win easily.” Thomas thought to himself as Satanika laughed. “Why are you laug-! I can read your mind, you wretched oaf! Thou art as big as a cave and as idiotic as the worst human. And for your information… I have more techniques where that came from.” Satanika spoke sarcastically. “Hachidaireikijigoku.” Satanika coldly said, releasing a huge wave of ice that froze over an entire mountain range with which he added“Jeweled Light of the Naga King (Tamaryūō — Kōmakotoshu)”, releasing a bright light that devoured the entire room. “Once the light is emitted, the sphere will produce an ear splitting crescendo that causes any physical objects that perceive the soundwaves to rupture or shatter under sonic stress. Not only does this light incapacitate the opponent by temporarily removing their sense of sight but this light also begins to forcefully extract the life energy from the opponent's body and causes them to age vastly faster.” The man explained as Thomas’ eyes briefly twitched, realising the nature of this strategy. “He’s using light to oscillate my bones… my ears are being crushed!” Thomas thought to himself as he struggled to break out, barely walking. “Let’s use your Okachi’s powers ‘gainst you.” Satanika said mockingly, firing his black flames at Thomas as he laughed. “Even with these flames… your thick skull can’t get it, no? You truly were nothing more than a mere pawn.” Mr Harimatsu said. “I won’t be sending you to prison… I’ll be sending you back to where you belong.” Thomas said as his shadowy figure was visible in the flickering flames that were blacker than their hearts. “You don’t even know where I come from, but if you insist…” Satanika said coldly as he decided to use the Fist of Justice with Black Flash to end the fight but as soon as he tried to attack Thomas, he disappeared. “You truly think you can beat me like you beat off to your own son?!” Thomas said coldly, appearing behind him but before Satanika could react, he was kicked so hard that a human’s back would have shattered as he then used Unmeinoshin Shōrinomichi (運命之神 勝利之道, God of Destiny Path to Victory). “Kṣeṭr Vistaram (Domain Expansion: Naga World).” Satanika said, using his power to ensnare the entire world and wider universe in snakes, summoning every single tree from the outer portion of the Palmer Manor within the small building as well as every horned statue that was now draped with blood as Thomas was now trapped in an earthen cage that penetrated every part of his body. “Like I said… do you truly think you can beat me? I know your weakness. Muro’s weakness… poor sod raped Sakura. A beautiful girl, sure… but she shouldn’t have been assaulted. And out of the two of us, we both know who the bigger evil here is.” Thomas said as blood dripped down his face, realising that he may lose. “He’s probably going to be at full power within this damn area of effect… if I use tech, I’ll be exposed quickly and then he’ll kill me. He’s reading my mind right now so I’ll probably be dead in a short bit. Using 100% of my strength is needed.” Thomas said as he stared at Satanika who stood there calmly. “What’s wrong? Have you realised that you are a mere pawn in my game? Someone who tried and believed they were a member of our Brotherhood? Of my brotherhood? Illusions and humans work like magic.” Satanika said as Thomas remained silent. “I won… you lose.” Thomas said. “Nyododaija Takarahōgen (World Treasured Serpent Dharma Eye)!” He screamed as he summoned a snake from his hand who was humongous in size… this was Thlen as Thomas felt his brain activity briefly slowing down with him smiling only for the all-killing venom of Vasuki to manifest within Thomas who realised that this would lead to his domain. “Chains of the World - Draconic Fall.” Satanika then said, summoning brown chains from the ground that instantly teleported to Thomas, ripping out his eyes as he barely made a sound whilst he also felt his groin being destroyed. “You destroyed my penis, huh? Should’ve done the same considering you raped and sodomised poor Muro… now I can see where he gets its from. Must’ve have some real sucking. Coward.” Thomas said ironically, despite the fact that his eyes were ripped out, as the chains destroyed his body, mind, soul and concept whilst also emitting mysterious sounds. “Inorganic Reincarnation of Nature.” Satanika then spoke as Thomas felt himself being plunged into the very earth as mountains bound him alongside continents and sinkholes. “The relentless assault of the earth’s crust will constantly attack the opponent until the natural balance has been restored. No matter what defensive methodologies the opponent would attempt to survive using this technique, living a life of continuous running would eventually become tiresome and death would eventually ensue. In short, this technique acts as the ultimate nullifier for life.” He said as he believed he won, shutting the Arena’s foundations. “Arrogant snake.” Satanika said disgustingly as Thomas’ eyes glared at him. “How is he alive?” Satanika asked as he heard this “sound”. “Is that all?” Thomas asked mockingly as Satanika felt himself being grabbed and pushed into the ground repeatedly by Thomas’ hand. “That wasn’t a half-bad fight.” Thomas said, somehow regenerating. “He survived conceptual erasure?!” Satanika asked himself as Thomas laughed menacingly. “Nanomachines, son… or in my case, ungodly good tech.” Thomas said coldly as Satanika turned around. “Very well, let us get serious, damn brat! Sage Art: Kojiki (古事記, Record of Ancient Matters).” Satanika said, making himself unbound by the laws of time and space with Thomas then seeing the entire world warped to his whims. “Antardhanastra (Wondrous Weapon that Returns to Nothingness).” Satanika then said, firing 12 orbs around Thomas with Satanika then saying “Sage Art: Gunkishin (軍鬼神, literally meaning: Fierce War God)”, amplifying his power infinitely as Thomas laughed maniacally. “He broke out of frozen time?! Is he even human?” Satanika asked as he was then sent flying with one punch. “You f*cking idiot! You think I can’t survive without my ungodly good tech!?” Thomas asked as Satanika looked outraged. “You are truly an arrogant human!” Satanika said as he then fired snakes who activated “Sage Art: Dragon King Sea Palace Scriptures (仙法 • 竜王海宮城経, Senpō • Ryūōmigūjōkyō)”, only for Thomas to freeze all of the snakes via petrification. “Not bad considering we are in a state of frozen timelessness but then again… Hachiamahashira!” Satanika said, summoning eight pillars directly above him so Thomas couldn’t react only for him to somehow petrify one of the pillars. “He petrified the pillars that can’t be shrunk or moved?!” Satanika asked as he then decided to overwhelm the area with snakes and then add Jinsokutsu to create millions of clones. “Are you kidding?!” Thomas said as he kicked the pillar back at Satanika who was forced to counter with Sage Art: Endless Sky Saintness (仙法・竑天神聖, Senpō • Kōamatsushinsei) and move the pillar away as Thomas’ eyes darted from side to side, observing the situation. “If I release radiation by releasing nuclear waste, will you survive?” Satanika asked as Thomas smiled, reminding himself of the battle with Cobalt. “Yea.” Thomas said arrogantly as every clone summoned pillars around him. “These pillars are reducing my will to fight but I could petrify them all however although these clones are real yet somehow not. He’s also reading my mind so I’ve got my ass into a corner meaning if I can petrify them, I’ll win.” Thomas thought to himself as he followed through on his plan, petrifying every clone with a mere darting of his eye, only for Satanika to clasp his hands, turning them into snakes so they converged into Thomas who realised that things may get dangerous. “You damn fool.” Thomas thought to himself as he fired one of his hands at Satanika who simply countered by saying “Chimatakami”, switching the status of Thomas’ hand with his being, making it so that Thomas now had 1 arm left. “Damn c*nt.” Thomas said aloud, firing missiles from his remaining left hand to which Satanika then decided to counter this by firing a nuclear bomb from his hand at point-blank range. “How about we take this underwater? Hopefully you can swim.” Satanika said mockingly as Thomas glared at him in slight rage. “Mido 60: Draconic Wave of Endless Exploding Collisions!” He then said, firing a huge ocean of water that devoured the entire School with Thomas feeling his clothes dripping with sweat and cold. He closed his eyes whilst feeling his skin sag. “I’m growing… old?” Thomas asked himself, before opening one of his eyes and seeing a stone-esque material freeze him in place. “This is just like radiation…” Thomas thought to himself as he smiled. “Die!” Satanika thought to himself as he saw something he never expected as Thomas’ head ripped off its body and fired straight for him, nearly breaking his jaw. “Damned teacher!” Satanika thought to himself as Thomas’ head released its skullcap and fired a beam of raw flames to dispel the water, eventually turning his face into a literal cannon to fire at Satanika who looked stunned briefly only for the head to fly away on its own into the hole that was created. “You really think you can actually beat me even after freezing me in that smoky mist?!” Thomas asked coldly as he regenerated instantly thereafter, kicked him in the back, forcing him to turn around to shoot him in the face. “So he made the entire area water to give himself infinite power as per Hajime’s capacities… if I fly, he can likely control it but I can also just attack him physically and then utterly violate him considering he is likely heavily damaged by that. His snakes’ll get countered by petrification.” Thomas thought to himself as Satanika glared at him. “He can regenerate from time-based erasure via that damned eye and tech! Meaning… if I use the Kaladanda to wrap this fight up, he will inevitably die and if I summon the Hachiamahashira on the ground, he will try to break them but also fail. One hit of the Kaladanda and this game is over.” Satanika said, summoning the Hachiamahashira around himself whilst saying “Open…” to summon the Kaladanda which could kill any being, no matter their defence. “So he defended himself via those damn pillars again?” Thomas asked himself as snakes devoured the entire Arena as he predicted, allowing him to casually petrify them as he wanted and upon seeing the pillars, he petrified them and tried to punch them however they never moved although cracks did slowly appear. “Because of that… its likely that the pillars have a higher limit for durability than that of mountain-based destruction meaning if I use nuclear force to destroy them given that they’re already petrified… this will end the fight.” Thomas thought to himself, adding a nuclear missile into his hand by converting it into nuclear energy and punching the pillars to which Satanika looked slightly surprised. “Then if I add the Vasavi Shakti to it to kill him once and for all…” Satanika thought to himself, casually adding the Vasavi Shakti to the Kaladanda’s tip, as he then sensed Thomas using his full physical strength (to crush a planet) to shatter the pillars with some difficulty only for Thomas to then fire one of his arms upwards in a way to deflect from Satanika’s next attack who blitzed him and attacked with Kaladanda only for Thomas to deflect it, keeping the staff a few steps away from his chest. “You truly are something, Satanika but I acknowledge that if this touches me, you may be able to kill me however don’t look up.” Thomas said as Satanika looked slightly confused and looked up only for Thomas to punch him with his full physical strength, shattering every single bone in Satanika’s body as he breathed out in rage. “Now you realise, eh, Satanika? Doing rape, clutching his penis every other day which I’m sure you did to him from the age of 4 as you killed that Yamato Takeru, the kind old priest… who died under ‘mysterious circ*mstances’ which we both know was that you ate him. f*cking cannibal. Your silence… really is deafening. f*cking coward.” Thomas said coldly as Satanika glared at him in outrage. “Your mask shattered as you and your elites ate and dined on sex and power. The young. The old. Forcing 1000 snakes and molesting that Muro at the age of 8… no wonder he raped Sakura so nonchalantly.” Thomas said coldly as Satanika glared at him, his face bleeding and battered. “How can you speak so casually on my son when you abused your wife and son for 3 years straight? Domestic violence and adoption, a facade it was! You are wretched!” Satanika said coldly as Thomas laughed and lit a cigarette. “Oh yeah? What’s worse? Rape of a child or child abuse? You are a demon in a serpentine visage… I am a human who adapted to prison.” Thomas said coldly in clear retort. “You are also a demon. You deny it. Your mind… it denies what you did… me and you are similar. Just the same but different actions.” Satanika said coldly as he got up and fired snakes from his mouth as another distraction. “You ain’t no father… nor am I.” Thomas said as he threw his cigarette at the snakes to set them ablaze as Satanika saw Ashoka destroying the Dragon World with the Agneyastra as the snakes screamed briefly. “YOU f*ckING COWARD!” Satanika screamed as Thomas smiled menacingly. “NOW YOU SEE, HUH?! YOU ASSH-!” Thomas also screamed as Satanika went full speed, grabbing Thomas’ face and fired two Antardhanastra into him, causing to be erased from existence whilst adding Amenosakatama into them, ripping the very concept of his life-force away from him as Thomas laughed. “Damn bastard.” Thomas said as a snake bit into his shoulder, eyes and face, unleashing the Haalahala into him and him alone as he regenerated, however, he couldn’t move. “This is… poison? The same one that threatened the universe long ago?” Thomas asked as he felt fear swirling through him. The concept of radiation, time or living was irrelevant at this moment as blood dripped down Thomas’ mouth however paper stuck to him. “That technique again?!” Thomas thought to himself as Satanika summoned the Pashupatastra in the form of a flaming arrow in hand. “All 11 dimensions… no… infinite dimensions of this wretched universe will be annihilated. Even if he is lesser and this ends Creation, so be it.” Satanika thought to himself with a smile curling on his face, realising that this would end the battle. “Even if this kills me… I won’t die… until my eye is removed. You’re probably thinking why I told you this crucial information? Even if this here world is gone, I’ll remain as long as my tech and eye remain…. Even if you do kill me, I’ll haunt your bitch ass until the date of your death. This universe is something I’d freeze even though I am thus at full power… but that’s worthless.” Thomas said as Satanika smiled.

"Mahadeva said, 'Thou wert in thy former life Nara, the friend of Narayana. In Vadari wert thou engaged in fierce ascetic austerities for several thousands of years. In thee as well as in Vishnu--that first of male beings--dwelleth great might. Ye both, by your might, hold the universe; O lord, taking up that fierce bow whose twang resembled the deep roar of the clouds, thou, as well as Krishna, chastisedest the Danavas during the coronation of Indra. Even this Gandiva is that bow, O son of Pritha, fit for thy hands. O foremost of male beings, I snatched it from thee, helped by my powers of illusion. This couple of quivers, fit for thee, will again be inexhaustible, O son of Pritha! And, O son of the Kuru race, thy body will be free from pain and disease. Thy prowess is incapable of being baffled. I have been pleased with thee. And, O first of male beings, ask thou of me the boon that thou desirest. O chastiser of all foes, O giver of proper respect, (to those deserving it) not even in heaven is there any male being who is equal to thee, nor any Kshatriya who is thy superior.' "Arjuna said, 'O illustrious god having the bull for thy sign, if thou wilt grant me my desire, I ask of thee, O lord that fierce celestial weapon wielded by thee and called Brahmasira--that weapon of terrific prowess which destroyeth, at the end of the Yuga the entire universe--that weapon by the help of which, O god of gods, I may under thy grace, obtain victory in the terrible conflict which shall take place between myself (on one side), and Karna and Bhishma and Kripa and Drona (on the other)--that weapon by which I may consume in battle Danavas and Rakshasas and evil spirits and Pisachas and Gandharvas and Nagas--that weapon which when hurled with Mantras produceth darts by thousands and fierce-looking maces and arrows like snakes of virulent poison, and by means of which I may fight with Bhishma and Drona and Kripa and Karna of ever abusive tongue, O illustrious destroyer of the eyes of Bhaga, even this is my foremost desire, viz., that I may be able to fight with them and obtain success.' Bhava replied, 'O powerful one. I will give to thee that favourite weapon of mine called the Pasuputa. O son of Pandu, thou art capable of holding, hurling, and withdrawing it. Neither the chief himself of the gods, nor Yama, nor the king of the Yakshas, nor Varuna, nor Vayu, knoweth it. How could men know anything of it? But, O son of Pritha, this weapon should not be hurled without adequate cause; for if hurled at any foe of little might it may destroy the whole universe. In the three worlds with all their mobile and immobile creatures, there is none who is incapable of being slain by this weapon. And it may be hurled by the mind, by the eye, by words, and by the bow.'"

Vaisampayana continued, "Hearing these words, the son of Pritha purified himself. And approaching the lord of the universe with rapt attention, he said, 'Instruct me!' Mahadeva then imparted unto that best of Pandu's son the knowledge of that weapon looking like the embodiment of Yama, together with all the mysteries about hurling and withdrawing it. And that weapon thence began to wait upon Arjuna as it did upon Sankara, the lord of Uma. And Arjuna also gladly accepted it. And at the moment the whole earth, with its mountains and woods and trees and seas and forests and villages and towns and mines, trembled. And the sounds of conchs and drums and trumpets by thousands began to be heard. And at that moment hurricanes and whirlwinds began to blow. And the gods and the Danavas beheld that terrible weapon in its embodied form stay by the side of Arjuna of immeasurable energy. And whatever of evil there had been in the body of Phalguna of immeasurable energy was all dispelled by the touch of the three-eyed deity. And the three eyed god then commanded Arjuna, saying, 'Go thou into heaven.' Arjuna then, O king, worshipping the god with bent head, gazed at him, with joined hands. Then the lord of all the dwellers of heaven, the deity of blazing splendour having his abode on mountain-breasts, the husband of Uma, the god of passions under complete control, the source of all blessings, Bhava gave unto Arjuna, that foremost of men, the great bow called Gandiva, destructive of Danavas and Pisachas. And the god of gods, then leaving that blessed mountain with snowy plateaus and vales and caves, favourite resort of sky-ranging great Rishis, went up, accompanied by Uma into the skies, in the sight of that foremost of men." Satanika said as he fired off the arrow, destroying the entire universe as Thomas smiled as he died… seemingly only for Satanika to eat Thomas’ skull.

Thomas lost with high difficulty.

Third what if - Devil fights Satanika[]

“I can still fight!” Muro thought to himself, surprisingly determined as he used his Eyes of the Snake King to see his future. “Your future is one of suffering, especially you, Sakura!” Muro screamed like a crazy person as Sakura tensed up slightly even though she was nowhere to be found. Satanika then appeared in the Akarian hospital, unmasked to many a man’s horror. “Who is that?!” Kulana asked himself as he was bound in snakes, unable to use Ayurveda without his hands as Sakura was defenceless. “I take it you don’t know me, girl of the Devil?” Satanika asked as Sakura noticed his figure had purple eyes that glinted at her. “So… that brat comes out?” The Devil thought to himself as he realised exactly what Satanika was planning, only for her necklace to be taken from her with a snake, as her legs were now bound. “No… no… no… Satoshi… I am defenceless… he is going to do what Muro did…” Sakura thought to herself as Satanika struck her stomach with his fingers. She convulsed in pain, unable to defend herself as she noticed Kulana being bound. “Kotoage (言挙, literally meaning: Invoking the Power of Words): Birth!” Satanika said as she looked terrified. Sakura’s veins were shooting out of her temple as her eyes started to rapidly bleed over time as she violently screamed, realising exactly what Satanika commanded; with her feeling so much energy that she couldn’t handle it. “Six children now birthed within thy… dying body… and without your necklace… your father is gone.” Satanika said as Sakura screamed whilst barely able to catch her breath, bleeding so heavily that no-one would be able to handle it. “Just live on please. I remember the Jade Emperor’s words too. Let it be. Don’t try and change what needs to be done. Even if you get depressed alongside the others, know that I’ll be at peace but we’ll meet again. Remain loving and never give in to your darkest desires. But I’m so, so sorry!” Sakura thought as tears streamed down her eyes as Satanika laughed coldly, knowing precisely what this would mean. “Now, the Lanes will be eradicated alongside this corrupt system of Akaria with thy death!” Satanika said coldly as he knew exactly where to aim, also noticing that Sakura’s energy was dropping so quickly that her death was inevitable. “Satoshi… ever since we met…. I- I felt as though we were destined to meet by fate. I’m sorry for what happened back then but it was natural having found out that my parents had died by what happened by your hands. My mother would’ve adored you even with my father now gone, Samantha and the others are alright, even with Kulana dead and some of the geisha and Oiran being killed. Ming Hao and Xian are still alright, having new limbs now. I’m so glad we met and had 1 child. But I’m sorry for being a demon. I’m glad you didn’t kill me otherwise we wouldn’t have met. I wish things were different since you are an angel and a very beautiful one at that. Perhaps next time when we meet, we won’t be reincarnated. I hope Damian comes and burns my eyes and clothes with Hellfire, so they can no longer be retrieved and thus my clothing… can be given to be Hinata when she gets married or falls in love. I hope she falls in love with someone who can accept her willingly, just like… you, Satoshi. And as the saying goes, ‘Shi ga Futari wo Wakatsu made’. Farewell… my one, true love… thank you, Damian… for being so kind… a true gentleman.” Sakura’s final thoughts were as blood enveloped her face with her eyes inevitably being speared out of her face and crushed, for she was finally eaten by his snakes. “Did you honestly think you could kill me, silver-tongued whor*?” The Devil asked as Satanika looked stunned but maintained a calm facade on his face. “Raped my dear daughter and thou art a believer in non-karma for thy unwoven self?” The Devil asked as Satanika looked stunned. “How did you survive?” He asked as the Devil smiled, keeping Sakura’s visage. “Like I said… did you really think you’d survive long enough to fight me?” The Devil asked, immediately then manifesting a black sword doused in demonic energy. “Enchantment: Sigil of Reason’s Destruction.” The Devil himself said, causing Satanika to glare at him in outrage. “Come, rapist.” The Devil said as Satanika fired snakes at him to which the Devil deflected by firing slashes of dark energy at them. “Enchant: Deus Zero.” The Devil said, summoning a coloured orb of energy around Sakura’s hand, absorbing the power of the snakes and inevitably destroying them. “Enchantment is able to control or do anything, regardless of how tough, eternal, or infinite it is. Even reason itself can be destroyed. The sword can undermine the immortality of gods and prevent their regeneration. By destroying the order of the world, the Abolisher of Reason can slice a target without making contact with it. The sword can even be used outside of combat, for instance, to ensure that wrong answers on a test receive full marks and bonus points. And considering this is a part of Enchantment… It is still too bad that she cannot truly use it yet for she hath not learned it as of now.” The Devil said to which he used Enchantment from his feet, summoning plants from underneath to attack Satanika who became paper. “How useless.” The Devil then said calmly. “Dragon Techniques? My my, how skilled.” The Devil asked himself in visible shock as Satanika immediately appeared behind him, forming the paper into bombs. “Did you actually think that this would work?” The Devil continued to ask, using Deus Zero around his body passively, absorbing the paper’s effects… only for him to use Deus Varuna to drown the entire hospital, wrecking the underground part of Akaria. “So… he is indeed a weaker form of Ryujin.” The Devil thought to himself as explosions rattled the entirety of the country-sized ocean he made. “Enchantment: Colourless Void.” The Devil then said, knowing he had to get fully serious. “You can’t defy Fate, Snake. Let this be something you cannot defy.” The Devil said as he casually began rewriting the very fabric of reality itself in order to replace it with a world that would be advantageous to himself. Everyone was stunned. “This space… is no universe… its infinitely bigger. He likely has complete dominance over the concepts of space, time and any other for they are mere ideas in this little space.” Satanika thought to himself as he then clasped his hands together. “Let’s end this fight.” Satanika spoke, summoning every single tree from the outer portion of the Palmer Manor within the small building as well as every horned statue that was now draped with blood. “Your beloved Flames cannot save you.” Satanika said as the Devil was now trapped in an earthen cage that penetrated every part of his body. “This wilt strip thee of thy power and amplify my powers by a millionfold. I can end the world and remake the Nagaloka now!” Satanika gloated, seemingly drunk on power. “Kṣeṭr Vistaram (Domain Expansion: Naga World).” Satanika said, using his power to ensnare the entire world and wider universe in snakes as he felt himself beginning to remake the Dragon World…as the Devil smiled. “Do you honestly think that this would continue to work? Your wretched strategy… is a failure.” The Devil said, using Enchantment: Mass Change to change the environment around himself, summoning a field of lava underneath himself as Satanika casually countered by using Tensaichitaihen (天災地変大変, Literally meaning: Catastrophic Natural Disaster) and Ryūhimenomikoto — Amenosakatama (竜姫命 — 天逆玉リュウひめみこと — あめさかたま, Literally meaning: Noble Dragon Princess — Heavenly Reversing Sphere) to wipe the life-force out of his body as he screamed. “Enchantment: Alchemic Chain!” The Devil said, also combining with Soul Magic to try and control Satanika’s soul as chains wrapped around him. “Why are you laug-! I can read your mind, you wretched oaf! Thou art as big as a cave and as idiotic as the worst human. And for your information… I have more techniques where that came from.” Satanika spoke sarcastically. “Hachidaireikijigoku.” Satanika coldly said, releasing a huge wave of ice that froze over an entire mountain range with which he added“Jeweled Light of the Naga King (Tamaryūō — Kōmakotoshu)”, releasing a bright light that devoured the entire room. “Once the light is emitted, the sphere will produce an ear splitting crescendo that causes any physical objects that perceive the soundwaves to rupture or shatter under sonic stress. Not only does this light incapacitate the opponent by temporarily removing their sense of sight but this light also begins to forcefully extract the life energy from the opponent's body and causes them to age vastly faster.” The man explained as the Devil then broke out and used Molecular Teleportation to teleport behind Satanika who responded by using Hachiamahashira. “How fast!” The Devil thought to himself, realising that his killing intent was removed, as Satanika then used Unmeinoshin Shōrinomichi (運命之神 勝利之道, God of Destiny Path to Victory). “You truly think your measly vessel is capable of even getting towards me?” Satanika asked as the Devil licked his lips. “Yes… maybe I could use Sakura’s nakedness but that would demean my daughter. Your son raping my daughter is an unjust crime.” The Devil said coldly as he then used Enchantment: Reaction Force to create a sun in hand and throw it at Satanika’s pillars however the pillars didn’t budge. “These pillars are far weaker than Ryujin’s considering he made the world. But still, that doesn’t take away from the fact that he will not make them budge lest I box him in. In that case, we’ll have to use more drastic measures since these pillars will inevitably adapt him and themselves to the very notion and laws of reason.

“Enchant: Saffron Slasher” to warp space and the laws of reality itself, unleashing a single god-speed slash with such power that the laws of time and space are subject to its superiority, rending the progression of the dimension asunder and revealing the truth of the world for all to see, affecting everything on a dimensional scale as Satanika looked shocked but laughed still. “Yomotsu Magatsuhi (Underworld Calamity God)!” The Devil then said, summoning a humongous blood-based dragon as Satanika casually countered with “Nyododaija Takarahōgen (World Treasured Serpent Dharma Eye)!” as he summoned a snake from his hand who was humongous in size… this was Thlen. “I forget your wretched desire to revive that infinite world…” The Devil thought to himself as he saw brown chains that teleported to his location, only to counterbalance by using Alchemical Chain to ensnare these chains. “COME, WRETCHED SNAKE!” The Devil asked the open air as Satanika then reappeared in front of him, whilst keeping the durability of the Pillars. “I wonder what happens if I do this? Master Enchant: Deus Sema!” The Devil thought to himself in amazement, using the red energy that comprised Enchantment underneath his feet, summoning the meteor in an invisible form, to which Satanika barely noticed it to his shock.

“Through invoking the power of stars, self-luminous celestial bodies consisting of a mass of gas held together by their own gravity with the inward-directed gravitational forces are balanced by the outward-directed gas and radiation pressures – this flawlessly replicates the activation sequence of Heavenly Body Magic. At this point, the wielder of Deus Sema bows down and points their hands downwards, with all the fingers closed except the index and middle fingers, transfixing their magical energies upon the heavens and the space above, far beyond the planet, enthralling their very souls – their magical energies unleash a powerful gravitational pull that affects space, dragging a rocky/metallic body which travels through outer space known as a meteor under its thrall. Emitting immense gravitational forces, the caster begins to drag the meteor downwards – in the process, coating it with a layer of magical energy as to prevent it from suffering from a reduction in size while descending, falling quickly to earth from the upper atmosphere down towards a specific location on the ground. As it descends along a linear trajectory, it moves at such a speed that evasion is near impossible; as even though it is extremely telegraphed, the meteor is so large that it is extremely difficult to dodge it. As the meteoroid descends upon the vicinity, it very quickly picks up speed until it reaches terminal velocity, which is the highest velocity attainable by an object as it falls through the air – thanks to the capabilities of Master Enchantment, as the meteorite descends, the magical energies which coats the meteor rapidly expands air particles, causing those in the vicinity to have difficulty breathing. As well, due to the decrease in the scalar pressure of the air, all forms of matter held together by that pressure (which includes living bodies) begin to break apart. telegraphed, the meteor is so large that it is extremely difficult to dodge it. The user can also summon another meteor which will then collide with the first, ensuring that they crash into their intended destination. When the meteor manifested by the power of Deus Sema hits, the force is strong enough to create a large explosion, which engulfs a wide area and releases a strong hurricane of air, also leaving a large impact crater in its wake while obliterating an enormous battlefield and killing everyone upon impact; the impact forces millions upon millions of rubble debris to hit the ground, in a method not dissimilar to an actual meteor shower; with the resulting tremors being felt as far as an entire town away… or in my case, this meteor’s bare impact can end the world… or entire planetary systems (in their trillions) however even in their meteoroid form, entire countries can be devastated. Deus Sema is also called as "Sealed Space Magic: Meteorite Shower" (宇宙印の魔法・流星雨, Uchūin no Mahō: Ryūseiu), said to possess the power to control the heavens themselves.” The Devil thought to himself as Satanika survived this by transfixing himself with the pillars. “All I need is one touch to his chest… and then… game over.” The Devil thought to himself as Satanika glared at him. “Why don’t you give me everything you have?” The Devil asked as he coldly smiled, using his sword to deflect all of the orbs around himself with Satanika then smiling. “You are too boring.” Satanika said as the Devil calmly looked at him. “One shot ends this fight.” They both thought of each other, unaware of the other’s intent or next move. “DIE!” The Devil screamed as he then said “Demon Art: Soul Spark.” as he then combined this with “Devil Art: Death Gaze.”, ultimately shattering Satanika’s soul with a glance. “You are a fool…” Satanika said coldly as he then forced all eight pillars to attack the Devil who stabbed through all eight to his horror. “Your lack of listening will corrupt you.” The Devil said coldly as Satanika became paper once more. “Very well, let us get serious, damn brat! Sage Art: Kojiki (古事記, Record of Ancient Matters).” Satanika said, making himself unbound by the laws of time and space with the Devil then seeing the entire world warped to his whims. “Antardhanastra (Wondrous Weapon that Returns to Nothingness).” Satanika then said, firing 12 orbs around Thomas with Satanika then saying “Sage Art: Gunkishin (軍鬼神, literally meaning: Fierce War God)”, amplifying his power infinitely as the Devil looked slightly impressed. “Your insanity has killed you.” The Devil said with an air of absolute mockery in his voice as he then kicked Satanika away with enough force to split mountains as the Devil then used Berserker Enchant to nullify the orbs’ existence. “Your Enchant powers are undoubtedly strong.” Satanika said before forcing all of the pillars from before to converge unto the Devil’s body however the Devil casually reacted by jumping away and then using Mass Change to warp the pillars, turning them into stairs which he fired into Satanika who turned into paper to dodge them. “He keeps using that damn paper-based ability! So if I keep using Enchantment to do more damage, this battle will end. Using that should dull him down in some regard. “Enchant: Elemental Five.” The Devil said, forcing his sword to turn the paper around him into dust as Satanika was forced to take a different approach. “Rank-Up Enchant.” The Devil then said as he turned the entirety of Akaria into nothing more than a brazen wasteland whilst adding Deus Zero to siphon off Satanika’s limitless reserves. “You really aren’t so bad…” Satanika said mockingly as he then added Jìnghuā Shuǐyuè (鏡花水月) literally "Mirror Flower, Water Moon". “Let us say that I can control an illusory world, solely composed of a beach on a moonlit night. The first part "Mirror Flower" (鏡花) forces the opponent to see a reflection of themselves, reflecting their inability to do anything but simply remain within the world. They can walk around but ultimately they are eternally trapped. Their soul and concept becomes tormented by the reflection; however upon looking at the reflection, the water around it cracks, shattering their mind since the reflection embodies such. It can also summon a flower that warps the environment of the beach but does nothing more. It controls the five senses to the point where it can make the target misinterpret another person's form, shape, mass, feel, and smell to be an enemy's for even the blind can be put under the illusion. It represents something that can be seen but not touched, like a flower reflected in a mirror or the moon reflected on the water's surface; something that is beautiful but unattainable dreams. The second part "Water Moon" (水月) instead focuses solely on the moon and sky; the light of the Moon glows silently, forcing the opponent to suffer from immense physical and mental pain that slowly wears down their willpower, ego and spirit conceptually, essentially ending the fight in that moment. If the beach is not summoned, I can also apply it in the world by making myself immune to damage as long as the illusion is active.” Satanika explained as the Devil himself looked hardly surprised, however he could not break it. “Material Fantasy.” He then said, warping reality so that he made himself unaffected however this seemingly didn’t work. “So your control of reality doesn’t work? Wretched scum. I thought you were far stronger. Mononoaware (物の哀れ, literally meaning: The Impermanent Yet Bittersweet Nature of Worldly Things)” Satanika thought to himself, summoning a weapon composed of natural and conceptual energy, to which the Devil smiled menacingly. “Navy Pressure… Sōzō no Koe (創造乃声そうぞうのこえ, Literally meaning: Voice of Creation).” Satanika and the Devil said in an attempt to counter each other in an attempt to force one another bow down however… the Devil was a split second faster and then

“Issaikaiku (All Existence is Suffering): Trait - Defense and Kingly Techniques… Curse - Non-Speed.” The Devil said as Satanika looked absolutely horrified. “Now then… Deus Varuna.” The Devil then said, drowning Satanika in water however he became one with it and then simply added Yokubōnomamanishinu (欲望のままに死ぬ, literally meaning: Dying As Desired). “So this bastard used his power to become fundamentally unaging and immortal again? Doppler Chaser!” The Devil said with visible annoyance, using a clone that was completely flawless with Satanika combining his prior technique with Gehōsaisenbako (外法賽銭箱, literally meaning: Heretical Offertory Box) to crush him within its own space-time. “He forcibly teleported me into a separate space-time… if I use Fantasy Creation to teleport away, I do question what his next move will be.” The Devil thought to himself as he then used Fantasy Creation to create small red orbs that crackled with lightning and blood, ultimately firing them at every single cube around him only to then hear “Chimatakami”, switching their statuses. “Now… then… let us end this fight! ENCHANT: FANTASY CREATION!” Satanika screamed out, remaking the Dragon World with one usage of this godless technique as the Devil realised precisely what he had caused. “So he switched our statuses… unless he instead switched my power of Enchantment into his own body?! That means he bears a far superior power to Issaikaiku… and therefore, his Dragon Techniques are as powerful as Ryujin’s. Misfortune becomes a part of his fortune…” The Devil realised as his sword disappeared into nothingness. “Let’s have fun.” Satanika said, using Enchantment to turn the entirety of Akaria into the Dragon World. “Universe One + Fantasy Creation.” Satanika then said, warping the fabric of the universe in its 11 dimensions to a huge Dragon whilst using Fantasy Creation to make worlds and universes from his mind as the Dragon World saw multiple rocks firing down at the Devil. “So this Dragon is not that of the Space Dragon who is immeasurably superior.” The Devil thought to himself as he forced himself to tank everything that came to him. “Damn it. Since I don’t have Enchantment now… I will have to use that when the time comes. But I’ll do this instead. Waswas.” The Devil thought to himself as Satanika felt something was off. “What have you done?! I hath recreated the Dragon World within its rav-yaqum = רַב-יָקוּם (Multiverse) and Kol Olam = Omniverse (עולם הכל) however… my eyes just detected ye hath done something upon my mentalscape.” Satanika realised as the Devil calmly smiled, knowing that he would win. In fact, he had already won. “Your arrogance is demeaning, Devil.” Satanika then said as he saw the Devil breathing heavily. “So he can turn any environment into any other such as turning a planet into a sun, or a jungle into a desert… or make entire universes or multiverses from his thoughts.” The Devil thought to himself as he then saw Satanika do something unexpected. “Ryu: Umashiashikabihikoji (Elderly Pleasant Reed Shoot Prince Kami)!” Satanika then said, as he felt the entirety of space with him feeling the rapid decline of space-time on a fundamental level whilst also seeing that the Devil had seemingly given up fighting. “Why give up? This battle will end here! Master Enchant: Clamator Aethereus!” Satanika then spoke, "Under the shining name of my power, may the light of judgement fall as rain upon these impure souls!" (輝く御名の許 地を這う穢れし魂に 裁きの光を雨と降らせん。, Kagayaku mina no moto, chi o hau kegareta tamashii ni sabaki no hikari o ame to furasen), as the Devil instinctively sensed something was up. “This damn bastard is really trying to end the fight this quickly? In that case…I’ll let him. Even if he can read my mind, he hath no way to kill me.” The Devil thought to himself as Satanika was basking and devoured in his arrogance, using Enchantment and allowing him to wield the full power of the Final Enchantment, wielding an orb in his right and left hand which he simply condensed into his hand as one attack. “Do you want me to bisect you and all of Creation with this final slash?!” Satanika asked, his arrogance having taken over him as Sakura felt herself briefly returning. “What on ear-! “The right sphere is a blazing crimson with a deep orange in the middle, burning like solar flares. These two orbs of ultimate power release truly impossible amounts of [magical] power, with freezing and incinerating properties respectively, the dual spheres, both of opposing elements, simulate a paradox and inflict that impossibility upon the enemy. The energies released by the frozen sphere and the blazing orb compress completely while they smash against each other unendingly, simulating the rending of space and creating an artificial dislocation of the space-time continuum, allowing their power to act as a crushing torrent of pure power that extends from the heavens and the earth while annihilating both, affecting everything caught in-between these spheres while pulverising anything unfortunate enough to be in the way of the spell, swallowing and crushing all in its path, with the dual spheres releasing a dazzling light that does naught but intensify as the spell continues. Space, time, all laws, physics and all things bound in the name of science or mathematics are ruptured conceptually and torn asunder. The power of Clamator Aethereus is said to reveal the "Original World" (原始の世界, Genshi no Sekai) , the state of existence before life came into existence upon its foundation, tearing apart the azurite skies and brown earth in order to display naught but grey. Once the spell ends, the orbs displaying the truth of the world; though the state of the world remains fragmented and broken, Clamator Aethereus' impact is made all too clear. In any case, in terms of statistics, Clamator Aethereus attacks an enormous area for non-elemental damage, ignoring defence, reflect and any other protections, meaning that no matter what, the enemy will receive the full brunt of the attack. The immense amount of damage that the opponent is dealt, alongside catching a brief glimpse of the truth of the world when exposed to Clamator Aethereus, ensures that if the caster deems it fit, the power of this spell can remove their very being from both the physical and astral planes of existence, destroying them until naught remains except the yin and yang of Clamator Aethereus, even vaporising their essence and removing their souls from the cycle of reincarnation.” Satanika explained as Sakura looked horrified. “That power… it’s… Enchantment!” Sakura realised, turning her head as she saw this from the Future within the small tapestry that was her life. “Your Muro’s father, aren’t you?” Sakura asked coldly as Satanika coldly smiled. “Indeed I am.” Satanika said as Sakura glared at him with outrage, attempting to use Enchantment only for her hand to be damaged. “How was it? The rape?” Satanika asked as Sakura looked stunned. “You…” Sakura tried to say but her mouth couldn’t move. Terror stopped her as Satanika then surrounded her bosom with paper. “I can’t move…” Sakura thought to herself as she tried to activate her eyes, attempting to see the paper and its contents. “Damn it!” Sakura thought to herself as she saw the two orbs firing around her. “Final Enchant: Cardinal Nova - BRAHMASHIRA ASTRA!” Satanika screamed, summoning and holding an arrow of raw flames in hand. “Once this step of the spell has been completed, the caster induces nuclear fission, releasing a quantity of energy unheard of in any day and age in the form of an enormous explosion that echoes outwards for several thousand kilometres or more, the impact of the powerful surge causes a large mushroom cloud to quickly rise upwards at the point of casting the spell. The casting of Cardinal Nova, as mentioned above, produces an enormous amount of energy and radiation that possesses the ability to reduce everything in its area-of-effect to nothingness, leaving naught but scorched earth and darkened skies in its wake. The radiation released by the explosion is that of countless x-rays which superheat the oxygen, producing a gigantic nuclear fireball, the expansion of which unleashes a wave that travels faster than the speed of sound for the briefest of moments that transfigures into a shockwave- a wave of pure concussive force that can propagate through a medium, characterised by an abrupt, nearly discontinuous change in pressure, temperature and density of the medium. Upon releasing the shockwave, the projectile of sorts more often than not damages the surrounding environment, blasting through the air at astounding speeds upon release; these shockwaves ripple through the ground or in the atmosphere, bringing mass destruction to anything that they come into contact with- they can push targets over, repulse them away, shatter them, destroy houses and building several kilometres away, and even cause earthquakes by shaking the ground or dislodging underground tectonic plates, thus causing earthquakes. Over time the radiation released by the spell can potentially kill people farther away how much radiation was released- it can also cause radiation poisoning that can make people extremely ill as well as radioactive debris. The activation of Cardinal Nova additionally releases fallout, a nuclear material and dust that has been irradiated and becomes radioactive, being blown away by the wind large distances from where the explosion occurred, and can remain dangerous for long periods of time. However, for all of its amazing power (and the fact that Cardinal Nova was the spell that ended a war), it can only be utilised once per year due to its massive drainage upon the caster's magical energy, but the strategic value of that single shot is not to be underestimated, and it must be used carefully, for a defensive spell can only protect the caster from the edges of a nuclear explosion.” The Devil thought to himself as Sakura looked stunned, realising that her death would be assured. “I have to survive!!” Sakura thought to herself, accepting her death for what it was… as flames ensnared all of existence (in the universal compendium), causing her to ultimately disappear as the Devil began to laugh. “What?!” Satanika asked as the Devil appeared in his original form. “You see… Waswasa is infinitely superior to thy wretched draconic illusion though I do acknowledge that if you were stronger, you may have won. The waswas which people experience are not all of the same type or degree, either in terms of the type of sickness or in terms of its source and effect. The kind of waswas which tempts a person to listen to or look at haram (unlawful) things or to commit immoral actions, and makes such things appear attractive to him, comes from three sources: the nafs (or self), which is inclined to evil, the devils among the jinn (demons), and the devils among mankind. Thus, it is comparable to the power of Isitva and Vasitva’s own controlling powers, old fool.

I also can’t be affected by fate, karma, magic, time, space or the like and as the general of Lucifer… you have to use angelic techniques to kill me which you lack. All devils… especially those of a high rank are immune to conventional damage. You can’t kill a devil unless you have the State of Brahman… or… are an angel… which you are or have neither. Throughout all Stories… killing me is borderline impossible… I am only taking damage because of this wretched vessel. Otherwise… you would be snuffed out.” The Devil calmly explained. “Your power is also infinite but if ye actually hath used such powers… you can shake the heaven and earth of the thirty three islands without mercy, shattering the Four Worlds to their very foundation. Transcendence in the way Tatsuryuu is… the Leader of the Guardians is… is being able to destroy the Universes, Multiverses and Omniverses without doubt. Ravaging them… bearing authority of them and being wholly independent of the material universe, beyond all physical laws. This is contrasted with immanence, where a god is said to be fully present in the physical world and thus accessible to creatures in various ways. "transcendence", by definition, belongs to the mortal beings of the formless realms of existence. However, although such beings are at 'the peak' of Samsara, Buddhism considers the development of transcendence to be both temporary and a spiritual cul-de-sac which, therefore, does not eventuate a permanent cessation of Samsara. This assertion was a primary differentiator from the other Sramana teachers during Gautama Buddha's own training and development. Alternatively, in the various forms of Buddhism—Theravada, Mahayana (especially Pure Land and Zen) and Vajrayana—the notion of transcendence sometimes includes a soteriological application. Except for Pure Land and Vajrayana, the role played by transcendent beings is minimal and at most a temporary expedient. However some Buddhists believe that Nirvana is an eternal, transcendental state beyond name and form, so for these Buddhists, Nirvana is the main concept of transcendence. The more usual interpretation of Nirvana in Buddhism is that it is a cessation—a permanent absence of something (namely suffering), and therefore it is not in any way a state which could be considered transcendent. Primordial enlightenment and the dharma are sometimes portrayed as transcendent, since they can surpass all samsaric obstructions.

These are thy ten powers thus:

The Sambhogakaya can be characterized by the eight types of power and enrichment, known as wang chuk gye. The first type is called kui wang chuk, which means the power and enrichment of the body. It is said that the power of the body becomes such that all things of samsaric and nirvanic nature become completely subdued and one is able to take full charge of them. Along with this power, one is enriched with many positive qualities.

The second is sung gi wang chuk, the power and enrichment of the verbal capacity or speech. In this case the capacity of speech or communication is such that all the essential verbal elements of both samsaric and nirvanic qualities become assimilated, and one is able to make full use of them. Thus one becomes enriched and empowered.

The third is called thuk gyi wang chuk. Here the power of the mind in relation to both samsara and nirvana becomes assimilated and integrated, and one becomes empowered and enriched with all the different possibilities of mental manifestation.

Fourth is zung thrul kyi wang chuk, or the power of miracle, whereby the person's capacity of expression is such that he or she is not confined by the three gates of body, speech, and mind, but is able to go beyond conventional modes of expression, thus being able to display his or her power in unusual ways.

Fifth is kun du wang chuk, the ever-going, ever moving empowerment and enrichment. One is constantly being impelled toward action, toward the intention to act and to accomplish things for the benefit of others. So in terms of doing, or acting, one becomes fully endowed with varieties of powers related to samsaric and nirvanic qualities.

The sixth one is called ne gyi wang chuk, the enrichment and empowerment of place. This means that the Sambhogakaya is situated in Akanishtha, which is basically the sphere of reality. One becomes enriched and empowered in this sense because Sambhogakaya is inseparably united with reality, and all the powers related with that can manifest.

Seventh is de pai wang chuk, the empowerment and enrichment of sensuality. This is connected with the idea that Sambhogakaya is inseparably in unison with its female counterpart, whether one calls that the mother of all Buddhas or the selfless one, Dag mema--or whether one calls it Vajravarahi or Vajrayogini. Whatever one might call it, the female counterpart is continuously in unison with the Sambhogakaya, and this experience continuously produces the great bliss of being in unison, which is the Mahamudra expression as well. Finally, one is empowered and enriched by the capacities to manifest prajna or sherab.

The eighth and last type is called chin de pai wang chuk which means the enrichment and empowerment to fulfill one's wishes. Sambhogakaya is intrinsically endowed with all the worldly and supramundane boons. A worldly boon, or loka siddha, is the capacity to work with one's extrasensory capacities, such as clairvoyance, clear audience, telepathy, and so forth. The loka siddhi are the supernormal powers of different spiritual realizations.

When one becomes empowered and enriched by these eight types of empowerment, as well as the seven limbs discussed earlier, one reaches the state called Vajradhara, or "the holder of the vajra." The vajra symbolizes eternal truth, and dhara, or holding, means that one's mental continuum of Sambhogakaya is never separated from the ever present capacity to be in tune with reality. For that reason Vajradhara is the symbolic representation of the Sambhogakaya. Once the Sambhogakaya is realized, then through the means of Nirmanakaya, one can manifest in many ways to benefit other beings. The two form bodies of the Buddha--Nirmanakaya and Sambhogakaya--are both directed toward helping others, because when one gives birth to enlightenment, one is then automatically moved and impelled to work for the benefit of others. In the interrelationship of the three kayas, we have seen that Dharmakaya is basically the source--the matrix or the ground--from which all our experiences manifest. The Sambhogakaya emerges out of the Dharmakaya and if one is able to tune into the Sambhogakaya, then one is able to manifest in Nirmanakaya form.

There are three different kinds of Nirmanakaya. Zoye tulku means Nirmanakaya of artifacts, such as statues and other sacred artifacts that manifest and are venerated as religious objects. Kye wai tulku means Nirmanakaya of birth and refers to highly evolved beings who continue to reincarnate in Nirmanakaya form for the benefit of others. This is why the tulkus are called tulkus. Finally, chul ku tulku in the Nirmanakaya of the absolute. This means that the person has fully realized Buddhahood, and has attained full enlightenment. It is said that a fully enlightened being is automatically impelled to work for the benefit of others. But how does this come about? It is said that a buddha has overcome all dualistic notions, such as the distinction between the object of compassion and the agent who practices compassion, yet if he or she sees sentient beings as objects of compassion, is he not still subjected to dualistic notions? There really is no contradiction here, because although the buddha is aware of sentient beings as objects of compassion, this awareness does not give rise to conceptual proliferation, and therefore compassion is not generated from dualistic thoughts.

Here's a brief description of these three Buddha bodies:

Buddha Body #1: The DHARMAKAYA Body - This is the form of Buddha that is all pervasive, formless, and truly inconceivable in terms of rational thought or discourse. It is the universal consciousness that penetrates and permeates everything, everywhere. When we have a brief period in which our egoic consciousness seemingly drops away, we can and do have moments of primal apperception of this Buddha body. It is the common thread of all mystics and mysticism, even though it is named and described differently in various spiritual and religious traditions. Some people refer to it as THE VIEW. Now...having this experience of the Dharmakara Body - or Suchness - or The View - is a wonderful thing. It's an incredible spiritual bread crumb - a bread crumb that awakens our deepest desire - which is to stabilize this experience, which happens when a being becomes a Buddha. The problem is, it is impossible for us to stabilize this experience – a.k.a. to become Buddhas - in this Dharma age known as Mappo or the Age of Declining Dharma.

Buddha Body #2: The NIRMANAKAYA Body - The Nirmanakaya body is the body of an individuated, fully enfleshed Buddha. The last Buddha in our world to inhabit such a body was Shakyamuni. That body was a prison for Him - chosen voluntarily - until He left it behind at age 80, when it was old and worn out...just as any human body will ultimately be.

As Shakyamuni Buddha taught in the Larger Sutra, it is VERY RARE for an individuated Buddha to actually inhabit a Nirmanakaya body. In this Buddha-land, the next Buddha who will do so is currently the great Bodhisattva MAITREYA. And he will not become a Nirmanakaya Buddha until 5,670,000,000 years from now. In the beginning of the Larger Sutra, Shakyamuni names 53 separate Nirmanakaya Buddhas, ending with the Buddha Lokeshvararaja. He was the Buddha of His time and place when Dharmakara (a king) renounced his kingdom, took up a monk's vocation, and came to visit Lokeshvararaja, seeking guidance and counsel. What was he seeking guidance and counsel about? Of course, it was how to become a Buddha himself, and how to help everyone else become a Buddha as well.

Buddha Body #3: The SAMBOGHAKAYA Body - Since the appearance of a NIRMANAKAYA body Buddha is so rare, what form are the countless individuated Buddhas all in? They are the form of TRANSCENDENTAL, NON-PHYSICAL Buddhas - often called Buddhas of REWARD BODY. This is the third form of Buddha Body. When Dharmakara Bodhisattva finally completed His great work, took possession of the Pure Land and became the Buddha Amida, he became the greatest of all the individuated Buddhas. The Larger Sutra makes this totally clear, when it talks about the size and strength of the various Buddhas' Buddha-fields. Some Buddha's buddha-fields are a meter long. Some a kilometer. Some a hundred kilometers. But the Buddha-field of Amida Buddha is INFINITE. There is no place in the universe into which it does not penetrate...there is no sentient being who is not touched, and ultimately transformed, by His light. Amida’s Buddha-light shines, unimpeded, into the deepest depth of the Hell realms, so ultimately ALL beings respond to it. No one - NO ONE - is beyond Amida's life and light. So...our great, BIG PICTURE, purpose and goal is to complete, as soon as possible, our endless journey of many lifetimes, and finally become what we were always destined to one day be. Not NIRMANAKAYA Buddhas...but rather SAMBOGHAKAYA Buddhas. Not flesh-bound Buddhas...but rather Buddhas who are transcendental, capable of doing things and taking forms that no flesh-bound Buddha could. When we go to the Pure Land as people of settled SHINJIN, we IMMEDIATELY experience the final transformation and become transcendental Buddhas. And then, once we are transcendental Buddhas, we IMMEDIATELY return to this Saha world (or perhaps some other like it), and begin to join in the great work of ALL the Buddhas, which is to lead all sentient beings to become Buddhas, too. This great purpose, and great work, is summed up so wonderfully in the Bodhisattva Vow: "Beings are numberless; I vow to save them ALL". So that's the BIG PICTURE of the Buddha-Dharma...the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha. First we become Buddhas ourselves...and then, using skillful means and the unimpeded power that only transcendental Buddhas have, we will join with all the other Buddhas to help everyone else come to Buddhahood as well. Finally, when Dharmakara Bodhisattva finally completed His Pure Land and became Amida Buddha, ruling over it, it was the game changer of the ages. All the Buddhas recognized what Amida had done - and they all worshipped and praised Him for it - and then they all joined in as His own co-workers to lead everyone along, until each and every one entrusts himself (or herself) FULLY to Amida and His Primal Vow. It IS the work of the ages...the great existential purpose...the great cause...the great teaching. "Everything I teach is about suffering...and the END of suffering" said Shakyamuni Buddha. And so, at the end of this life, whether it comes today or many years from now, I too will go to the Pure Land, and become a Buddha, and return to "play in the forests of Samsara". No doubt, I will first seek out those with whom I have had the closest karmic relations in this lifetime. But no doubt my assistance will go far beyond that, too. Every being was once my mother, my father, my sister, my brother, or my child. It's an incredible vision - not just in its scope, but in its benign compassion. It's a universal vision - a vision where none is eternally condemned no matter how evil their karmic actions once were. All - each and every one - is fully and completely saved and brought to the pinnacle of existence - TRUE Buddhahood. And everything I mentioned… is a part of Shambhala. Everything… for such things are arbitrary phenomena to me. Krishna, Shiva, Vishnu and all them at their most powerful are still beneath me for Shambala transcends them and includes Vaikuntha loka.” The Devil calmly explained. “Jikuusekaishougai (Continuum Barrier).” Satanika said, summoning a sphere that could stop space-time and its techniques, whilst adding “sh*tsuryou Roumeizoku - Mass Ephemeral Thief” to steal the very concept of Sakura (this power is still weaker than Chimatakami) whilst adding on Tendan (Heavenly Judgement). The user chooses their targets, up to a half a mile radius from them (2,640 ft). By the opponent being within range of the the technique, the user reverses the homicidal intent of anyone who has negative intentions about the user, the user manipulates that intention, reversing it completely on the target or targets, causing them to inevitably commit suicide. When in use, the user's eyes produce a golden, spiked ring, and a ghastly aura is produced, which paralyses everyone within range, whether they are a target or not. When in use, from the target's point of view, time has stopped and they only see Keiku, though in reality, they are paralyzed and unable to move. “Did you actually think such a power could ever breach me?” The Devil asked, summoning a dark sword. “Sigil of Reason’s Destruction.” The Devil said as Satanika smiled, releasing Jìnghuā Shuǐyuè (鏡花水月) literally "Mirror Flower, Water Moon" only for the Devil to realise that they were at the original point of their battle but this was also a part of his Waswasa, as he forcibly teleported himself and Satanika to Hell. He then used Zanmai (Sealing Stone: Samadhi) to summon a black orb. “Just like Kento’s Celestial Devastation. When autonomously received, the seal “仮諦” appears on the targets chest. Once fulfilled, the technique may be activated at any time. Once activated, the very earth itself attempts to attack the opponent as if it adheres to the user’s willful domination. The entire environment is rendered as fuel and because he warped space earlier, he should be able to use the entirety of the world as his domain. Massive boulders, stones and even dust itself will converge on the opponent. Even larger pieces of earth will orbit around the opponent before violently slamming into them which is often fatal. No matter where the opponent attempts to flee, the very ground itself will continue to assault them until the sealing chamber is complete. Immediately when complete, a massive spherical sealing stone will encase the opponent but still allowing a chance to escape. However, the chance is fleeting as the small planetoid will begin to absorb the opponent’s life force, causing extreme fatigue and physical degradation. The energy within the sphere is perfectly distributed and constantly circulates throughout which makes escape even more difficult. This mitigates most attacks from both outside and inside as the sealing stone repairs itself. The rubble then tightly compresses itself crushing anything left within. It can also… crush thy conceptualisation of the soul. The body becomes defunct.” Satanika thought to himself as the Devil used this sword of his to cut the Zanmai down only for Satanika to then summon the Kaladanda. “Oh dear… if he uses that directly, things may be bad. But even so, I am superior to him and therefore should be able to negate its effects of instant and absolute death. Let’s have fun!” The Devil thought to himself, fully discarding his connection with Sakura using Deus Zero with slight sadness as he reminded himself of Miyakumi. “Very well… let’s wrap things up.” The Devil thought to himself as he speedblitzed Satanika. “If I add the Vasavi Shakti to it to kill him once and for all…” Satanika thought to himself, casually adding the Vasavi Shakti to the Kaladanda’s tip as he casually fought the Devil, using Fantasy Creation at the technique’s full power to give himself the State of Brahman alongside the power that he felt he was rightfully owed… shattering any connection to Enchantment since the State of Brahman was supreme as the Devil genuinely smiled at this but upon being hit by the Kaladanda, he felt death come upon him. “I’ll let Death collect me when the Lord HIMSELF wills it.” The Devil coldly said as he saw multiple clones of Satanika surround himself. “So… he’s going down that route.” The Devil thought to himself before attacking all of them with his sword. “That sword… why is it so powerful?” Satanika asked as the Devil scoffed. “When you lack reason… what do you have left?” The Devil asked before slashing every single clone down without much effort as he then saw lava devour the ground underneath him. “Damn…” The Devil thought to himself as he then cut the lava, removing it from existence. “That sword cuts reason and logic… hence why Enchantment is beyond all definition but it likely hath limits of some regard.” Satanika thought to himself as he sensed darkness surrounding him. “Let’s wrap this up.” The Devil said calmly as Satanika’s head was immediately sliced off however the State of Brahman revived him. “He’s still alive?!” The Devil asked himself with visible annoyance, turning around as Satanika laughed coldly. “You cannot kill one with the State of Brahman, fool.” Satanika retorted in a mocking manner. “Actually… I can.” The Devil said as Satanika looked stunned. “Gunkishin… thus also giveth the user the ability to be immune to all but the Trimurti and gain infinite power per the fact that I gain more traits of the wretched Asura. Grant me that I not die within any residence or outside any residence, during the daytime or at night, nor on the ground or in the sky. Grant me that my death not be brought by any being created by you, nor by any weapon, nor by any human being or animal. Grant me that I not meet the death from any entity, living or nonliving. Grant me, further, that I not be killed by any demigod or demon or by any great snake from the lower planets. Since no one can kill you in the battlefield, you have no competitor. Therefore, grant me the benediction that I too may have no rival. Give me sole lordship over all the living entities and presiding deities, and give me all the glories obtained by that position. Furthermore, give me all the mystic powers attained by long austerities and the practice of yoga, for these cannot be lost at any time, for I am invulnerable to dry or wet weapons, thunderbolts, mountains, trees, missiles, or any form of weapon wherein Vishnu alone can slay me nor can I be slain by any living being, not at daytime or nighttime and not above or below. I can also thus make boons such as invulnerability, infinite power, whatever I will.” Satanika admitted casually as he was utterly drunk on power, forcing his body to immediately regenerate like a snake shedding its skin, only for Satanika to use a billion Hachiamahashira amplified by the State of Brahman and Pashupatastra as well as summoning an infinite number of clones each of whom had the State of Brahman. “Trishula!” Satanika thought to himself as he summoned it, the Sudarshana Chakra, Narayanastra and Vaishnavastra as they were both now in a blank space as the Devil looked briefly shocked and dodged every single pillar. “Those pillars… even one restricts my killing intent and power. Meaning if I use Master Enchant and teleport them away to end this beguiled and wretched fight, then I will win. But then again, the State of Brahman is too much and if I slip up, I lose.” The Devil thought to himself, knowing that Satanika was infinitely weaker than himself but with the State of Brahman he was infinitely superior. “I win.” Satanika said as he then fired the Pashupatastra at the Devil, destroying the very universe above Hell as Satanika then blitzed the Devil. “This is your last warning, child.” The Devil said as he then revoked his sword from his hand and then snapped his fingers, forcing the entirety of Hell to trap him. “Maya.” Satanika said, warping reality and space-time to the very start of the fight when he was fighting a devil-possessed Sakura as the Devil then smiled. “Waswasa-!” He tried to say. “The State of Brahman doth make me immune to such a power, fool.” Satanika said as the Devil looked stunned… only for him to be struck with the Trishula in Sakura’s necklace, shutting him away for good and then eating Sakura by using Vasuki.

Overall, Sakura lost with extreme difficulty.

Fourth What If - Damian vs Muro Pyton full fight[]


“Ferdinand… I don’t know anything about him but I’ll use my intel from our last fight back then for Hajime.” Aloa thought to himself. “ANSWER ME! WHY DID YOU RAPE SAKURA AND HAVE ME STEAL HINATA?!” Damian asked as Muro laughed coldly. “If you must know, it is because I wanted her. Feeling the touch of her breasts, her screams, her body, bleeding, everything!” Muro said as Damian’s eyes glared at him, teleporting behind him and attacking him at full strength. “Not ba-!” Muro thought to himself as Saint George ripped his head off, but this wasn’t the end. “You really are a damn bastard just like that damn Sakura. You are and always will be a coward. You thought with your dick and this is where you are.” Muro said from a snake as he used this as a form of bodily movement to appear and punch Damian who recoiled slightly. “You damn asshole!” Damian screamed as Muro laughed maniacally and smiled. "But I will… have you erased from the pages of history." He then said as a massive forest of snakes appeared from Muro's mouth and arms, devouring the entire area. “So he has a dragon that can be controlled to his whims, meaning if I summon Vasuki against him, the entire planet becomes sacrificed but even so, who cares? As long as Father’s dream ensues, then I win!” Muro thought to himself as the snakes roared at him with Damian responding by flying on Saint George. “He can also cover himself, meaning my options are limited…” Muro thought to himself, noticing Damian’s pattern. “Let’s use that…” Muro said as he activated Tengentsu, seeing the future for what it is. "Why would you do such a thing… for such an organisation?!" Damian asked as he saw the green eyes of Muro become like Jade, his green veins glowing violently as his overcoat was now glistening with blood. "I suppose… someone like you… a coward should bear this knowledge. This will be the first and last. When I was a little baby, my parents dropped me off at the Temple of the Brotherhood as they were poor and needed money but… they were found dead later that day within the Temple. I was raised by a priest known as Yamata Takeru. He was a kind man who was cold at times and violent at others. He trained me relentlessly from the age I could walk… learning the Art of Venom and the Art of Silent Death. But when I was 8… he did something I now would think shocking, for he threw me in a room for training purposes and led 1000 snakes to constantly bite at me as they did so damaging my body parts irreversibly. But… it gave me a serpentine physiology that was supreme as the last snake showed itself in the form of Vasuki. He bit me in my neck and stomach. And then… the priest died under mysterious circ*mstances as my goal was clear as a man that I would later know as Father formerly took me in when I was 9. And Satoshi’s brother had to kill him. That damn teammate of yours had to do it.” Muro spoke coldly, with an emotionless tone but his eyes spoke all the words his mouth could never. “So that was your plan, huh?! To summon Vasuki!” Damian said as Muro coldly smiled. “So your brain finally gets it. To release Vasuki in time for even against Benji I held back just enough to make it seem as though I was a good man. Even that damn fat*ss headteacher was done by this illusion. Its too bad… that no one realised until it was too late. Still… you and that whor*'s death will be my last time imparting this knowledge." Muro said to him calmly, with Damien then using Meteoric Burst, firing huge meteors from the air above as he then used Draconic Stance to do immense damage to Muro who dodged every single meteor as though he was never there. “You should be careful.” Muro said to Damien who looked shocked, teleporting to the Otherworld, only for Muro to be on his tail. “How did you-?! Who said you could get away from me?” Muro whispered into his ear. “Saint George, dis-!” Damien said as he was thrown into the air and then barrel rolled into the ground at breakneck speed with the intention of breaking his neck and immediately killing me. “Its a good thing I have Avalon on me.” Damien thought to himself with immense peace and as soon as he hit the ground and was devoured by snakes… he teleported. His glasses were shattered but still, he teleported. “Let’s not hold back.” Damian said from the air as Muro was shocked, being forced to dodge Damian’s next attack. “Not bad.” Muro said mockingly as all the snakes devoured him. “Do you actually think this can kill me?” Damian said coldly with him then smiling. “Gáe Bolg.” Damian thought to himself as Muro then responded by seeing this in his mind and dodging the spear that never missed its mark. “Knowing the recollection of past existences (pūrvanivāsānusmṛti-jñāna­bala)” Muro then thought to himself as Damian looked shocked, being utterly overwhelmed by the snakes however Saint George was in the air to Muro’s slight shock, raining down meteors from his mouth. "Wow, aren't you impressive?" Muro remarked sarcastically as smoke soon surrounded them. "Snake Style: Orochimaru!" He then said as a large snake that towered them both appeared from the ground and tried to attack Saint George who breathed ice and fire simultaneously, before slashing off the snake’s head, disabling the snake’s regeneration. "If only… there was a way I could move and do something… but that would have an irreversible effect." Damian said as Muro was absolutely amazed. “That dragon… it is living. Looks like my options are limited.” Muro thought to himself as Saint George continued to attack from above. “Tennitsu: Tashintsu.” Muro thought to himself, detecting the sound of Saint George and reading his mind. “So, he was just a human after all.” Muro thought to himself as he teleported on top of Saint George and attacked. “Thanks to Father’s knowledge… I can do this. Kotoage (言挙, literally meaning: Invoking the Power of Words).” Muro said as George roared violently. “NO!” Damien thought to himself in horror as everything was blinded in darkness, realising that he would lose. “YOU REALLY AREN’T BAD!” Muro screamed to Saint George who tried to wrestle him off by flying into buildings; however Muro never wavered. “Shukumyōtsū.” Muro said quietly, seeing that Saint George was a human named George of Lydia who was turned into a Dragon by Dr Monty. “The tradition tells that a fierce dragon was causing panic at the city of Silene, Libya, at the time George arrived there. In order to prevent the dragon from devastating people from the city, they gave two sheep each day to the dragon, but when the sheep were not enough they were forced to sacrifice humans, elected by the city's own people, instead of the two sheep. Eventually, the king's daughter was chosen to be sacrificed, and no one was willing to take her place. George saved the girl by slaying the dragon with a lance. The king was so grateful that he offered him treasures as a reward for saving his daughter's life, but George refused it and instead he gave these to the poor. The people of the city were so amazed at what they had witnessed that they became Christians and were all baptised. He resurrects the dead, makes trees sprout and pillars bear flowers. After one of his deaths, the world is covered by darkness which is lifted only when he is resurrected. He is able to convert the queen but she is put to death. He then prays to God to allow him to die, which is granted. Al-Thaʿlabi states that he was from Palestine and lived in the times of some disciples of Jesus. He was killed many times by the king of Mosul, and resurrected each time. When the king tried to starve him, he touched a piece of dry wood brought by a woman and turned it green, with varieties of fruits and vegetables growing from it. After his fourth death, the city was burnt along with him. Ibn al-Athir's account of one of his deaths is parallel to the crucifixion of Jesus, stating, "When he died, God sent stormy winds and thunder and lightning and dark clouds, so that darkness fell between heaven and earth, and people were in great wonderment." The account adds that the darkness was lifted after his resurrection.” Muro thought to himself, having viewed his past for what it was. “Goodbye.” Muro said coldly, immediately turning Saint George into his human form… before martyring him by devouring him whole. “Saint George… is dead.” Damian thought to himself as he remembered his grandfather’s words: “Damien, my boy… when the time comes… you will wield the legacy of my father and thy forefathers.” His grandfather said to him, staring at a silver pistol that was once his. “That gun is a pistol which can counter any by way of the silver bullet of the Pendragons.” He spoke softly; as he stared at a statue of a red-white dragon. “Saint George is not his true name… the Dragon’s name is Y ddraig goch (the Red Dragon). And know that even if ye wear glasses for the sake of sight…” His grandfather said to him as he comforted the 9 year old Damien who was crying after having been bullied in school for being the last member of the land of the United Kingdom. “You do not need to worry anymore… even if you wear your emotions on your sleeve… know that in the end, it will lead to a good end. You must carry our torch… even if your parents are dead… remember this: Y ddraig goch ddyry cychwyn" ("The red dragon will show the way").” His grandfather said, giving him some form of motivation. “I have faith you will be the King who will lead the Kingdom into Peace. Go, my dear boy… love will always be with you… “Damian, my child… I am now dying… we hath been to Wales, Ireland and Scotland when you were 10, 11 and 12 thenceforth; for they bore themselves in the bag of Alanis. Surely… it is time for you to engrave thy name in the Sword of the Stone.” He remembered his grandfather saying as he did precisely that, walking all the way to where it was with a mysterious elder watching from the shadows… watching as he pulled the legendary Excalibur.” His grandfather said to his younger self as he felt himself being devoured in death.

“That’s it? You were truly… foolish.” Muro said mockingly as he sensed a horrifying presence befall him. “What is tha-?!” Muro asked as a huge black dragon appeared and roared at him, destroying the snakes in a torrent of darkness. Ur, the Great Dragon appeared above and fired huge torrents of darkness at Muro who menacingly smiled. “A sacrificial attack for the Dragon?” Muro asked himself as he was sent flying into several buildings with one attack, destroying all of them. “Jinsokutsū.” Muro thought to himself, summoning billions of reincarnations to attack Ur. "Dost thou really think that summoning a clone of most renown would do anything?!" Ur asked as Muro coldly smiled. "World of Mana." Ur said coldly. Muro looked shocked as he saw an entire replica of the Earth in the form of the Shadow Lane with all its wretched banality and form of wisps and weariness that stretched to the humane notions and knowings of infinity as though it were a book of infinite pages that a reader of flowers would recognise as a dead one. A creature who became dead; and void of any form of conscious thought or even the very word and phenomenon of consciousness in any vain capacity except for a form of power, control and manipulation of one's malicious intent. Verily, this was a world of presumed infinity. “Thanks to mine World of Mana, I bore the self-predicated ability to return to life whenever I will it to happen. For the World of Mana alloweth me to expand the range of my Mana to its limits, ranging to the surety of the entirety of Creation. I will use this to curse thee to twenty-thousand years of stone and petrification of absolute annihilation!” Ur then said as Muro knew that anything he did without using his full capacities would be pointless.

Looks like I am trapped.” Muro said sarcastically but this sarcasm was a mask for his fear; reminding himself of the moment when a thousand snakes molested his very body unwillingly, causing him severe pain but great power. This… would be the exact same. Since he couldn’t move… he spoke the incantation "मैं, वासुकी की शक्ति का वाहक, उसे इस शापित दुनिया में छोड़ दूंगा ताकि नागलोक एक बार फिर वापस आ सके! (main, vaasukee kee shakti ka vaahak, use is shaapit duniya mein chhod doonga taaki naagalok ek baar phir vaapas aa sake! - "I, bearer of the power of Vasuki, shalt release him unto this cursed world so Nagaloka can return once more!"). His body convulsed and writhed in agony, his lower half having become completely unrecognisable as the blood that once was resembling his humanity in any facet was nothing more than a lake of blood and guts.

“अथ वर्षसहस्रेण योक्त्रं सर्पशिरांसि च |

वमन्त्यतिविषं तत्र ददंशुर्दशनैः शिलाः || १-४५-१९

उत्पपाताग्निसंकाशं हालाहलमहाविषम् |

तेन दग्धं जगत्सर्वं सदेवासुरमानुषम् || १-४५-२०

After a thousand years, the Thousand-headed serpent Vaasuki, which is being used as churning rope, is incapacitated to bear the friction of churning and fanged the cliffs of Mt. Mandara. Thereby a great lot of venom is disgorged from the heads of that serpent Vaasuki, which venom on melting the rocks of Mt. Mandara became the holocaustic poison called haalaahala. [1-45-19]

A lethal poison similar to inferno known as haalaahala has started to fulminate therefrom, by which whole universe of gods, non-gods and humans is burnt down. [1-45-20]” Muro then said as Vasuki appeared from all the billions of reincarnations. "From the black water the King of Darkness was formed, and emerged through his own evil nature. He waxed strong, mighty, and powerful, he called forth and propagated a thousand thousand evil generations without limit and myriad ugly creations beyond count. That King of Darkness assumed all the forms of the creatures of the world: the head of the lion, the body of the dragon, the wings of the eagle, the back of the tortoise, the hands and feet of a monster. He walks, he crawls, creeps, flies, screams, is rude, threatening, roars, groans, gives (insolent) winks, whistles, and knows all the languages of the world. When he wants he stretches his body, and when he wants he makes himself small. He moves his handamh “membrum” in and out, and owns (the genitals) of men and women. And when he shakes (perceives?) all the mysteries, he rages with his voice, his word, his smoke, his breath, his eyes, his mouth, his hand, his leg, his strength," Ruha noted as Ur simply scoffed and coldly smiled, revealing his darkened teeth therein, knowing this battle was just beginning as he forced the flames he once summoned to immediately spawn on Vasuki who lapped them up and countered by using Haalahala which devoured the entire world in a manner of minutes. “So he's summoned Vasuki.” Śatanika said from the Well of Beiping. “Don't tell me that Muro manifested his full power…” Thomas thought to himself as he put the school on lockdown to protect it from the Poison which could threaten the entire universe. Despite this feeling of slight fear, he steeled himself and tied seven knots around him and wrapped him with twelve veils. He bound him with the great voice and fettered him with a fetter so the seven zahriria flashes (or: flames) departed him. He flung his club and struck him and split his head. He made him shriek like a woman and made him weep like a child. He made dung into his food and urine into his drink and extinguished his devouring and destroying fire. He deprived him from his lust (or: greed) and clothed him with wrath. "Let us end: Talga-ḏ-pil: Niṭufta ḏ id arqa ḏ-nhaša (Fall of Ice: Cloud of the World of Copper)!" Ur then screamed, causing ice to erupt from the ground which struck Vasuki and all of his clone bodies. “I have to summon all Eight Naga Kings!” Muro thought to himself with slight excitement as Vasuki was very strong… but he would not be able to beat up Ur. “Thus he summoned a poison that can threaten Creation.” Ur thought to himself.

"Thus, Ur will inevitably awaken Nāṣerutā, also spelled Naṣirutha, means true enlightenment, usually used to describe: divine wisdom and knowledge. The goal of Nāṣerutā is to understand the Truth of Life (Kušța d-Hiia) and to live within it throughout eternity. Nāṣerutā reveals the Divinity of Life and enlightenment in the course of a person's life on earth thereby creating eternal life, compassion and peace." Ruha thought to herself as her child was a demon; with the extradimensional ice covering the surface with a thin layer of frost with the ground inevitably erupting from the power being doled out as Muro then teleported around Ur in a vain attempt to damage the Black Dragon with mountains quaking in fear as the ice was fired into the air. "Not even the notion of true infinites... could ever dare bypass me." Ur said as the icicles then finally fired down. “Katatagaenokami.” Muro's real body said as the icicles did not reach him. Ur felt himself going down as the ground became the sky and the sky, the ground. “You foolish dragon.” Muro thought to himself, summoning a million snakes from his mouth and arms onto the sky (which was down). “That power! It clearly allows him to control the current realm along with those in his visual range, allowing him to accomplish the feat of abruptly re-orienting the dimension through incomprehensible means. Right could become down, backwards could become up, the sky suddenly below and the ground be above. These changes can happen quite rapidly, continuously, and with enough force to send one sprawling even if they possess exceptional control or are flying. Katatagaenokami could also manipulate the concept of direction itself, exchanging the definition of what each direction means for another. Those affected by this power may find their attacks going in an entirely different direction than they intended or their evasion tactics foiled.” Damian thought to himself as he was completely invisible as Ur sensed that if he flew, he would keep going on the ground. “You two are fools! I am the King of Darkness! What can humans like thee do?” Ur asked as he saw Muro create a clone of himself. "Šahrat." The clone of Ur said, summoning a huge winged spaceship that could ferry and remove souls faster than the speed of light with Ur looking genuinely surprised. "Wretched boy." Ur thought to himself in disgust and sheer terror, shudder did he! "That can never harm me! Oil Bath!" Ur said, devouring the icy ground in oil which could burn entire trees and forests, surpassing anything that Mag herself could ever hope to achieve as Vasuki was teleported to Ur’s stomach and bit him, causing slight pain. He appeared on his underside, slashing both his wings with enough strength to end multiple galaxies, if not many worlds. “HOW?!” Ur asked himself as ice and fire of seven universes blew out of his underside and mouth immediately with Muro being forced to summon all Eight Naga Kings to defend from this grave attack with Ananta Shesha glaring at Muro in outrage. “How dare thee call me from that realm! You ruiner of the Nāgā.” Ananta Shesha screamed at Muro as Ur roared at them. "I will use this to curse thee to twenty-thousand years of stone and petrification of absolute annihilation! Ye wilt die in a short time of a few years!” His last action seemingly was as the entire universe slowly turned to stone. "MULTIVERSE OF MANA!" He screamed as Ruha was absolutely horrified by this grotesque display of power. “Thou art foolish for [he] can control the World of Mana and force himself to become immortal. For Mana… cometh from the Final King of this World… its Original… of whom Satoshi bore stead and control over immortality in a conceptual format, lo. Fail not, for Ur’s World of Mana alloweth him to expand all of his attack in all of their limitless range and thus summon the World of Darkness in the real world, devouring all things in fear, rage, hatred as his is a mere iota of mine own for he used that to become gigantic. He could also fire mountains of darkness from his mouth or wrap the continents of thy known world of Earth within the darkness that he bore, turning fears of the imagination and heart and making such real; unbreakable they were except by those who were stronger than he, thus he could destroy stars." Ruha thought as Muro teleported behind and underneath him with all of the Vasukis aiming for his wings as Ananta Shesha watched on whilst his fellow Kings helped attack Ur who continually released bursts of Mana and ice from his bosom into the real world. “I can't move!” Ur thought to himself as Muro held no mercy in his blackened heart. “Die.” Muro said… but not before Ur used Gate of Darkness: Fall of the World one final time to shatter the very foundations of the world as Muro then released Katatagaenokami, returning the sky's position to its original form as well as the ground's position to its original state. “Halahala… devour him.” The Seven Naga Kings spoke as Karkotaka bit Muro and gave complete immortality to poisons and concepts related to such. “Thus! The great gate of Yasana, the place where a throne has been erected for the builder of the heaven and the earth of the great mountain of flesh" (baba rba ḏ-iasana, dukta ḏ-traṣlḥ kursia l-ban ʿšumia u-arqa ḏ-ṭura rba ḏ-bisra)." Ur said as this was seemingly his World of Light form however... even this would not work with Muro then eyeing Damian who was injured without a doubt. “How do you feel, coward?!” Muro asked coldly as he teleported behind Damien to steal Avalon, rendering his immortality meaningless. “You damned-!” Damian said as Muro smiled whilst Ur was being destroyed. “I saw all possible futures… the knowledge of the past, present and future and all the world with this. Infinite futures… but I couldn’t foresee all the betrayal I caused… or Mr Harimatsu. Bite it.” Damian said to Muro before he let the snakes wreak havoc on the Purple Lane. “Die.” Muro said coldly before Damian smiled. “Fragarach.” Damian said as he pointed it at Muro’s throat. “You think I haven't seen that? You can't use it on me ever again since it only can be used once at a time.” Muro said coldly as he realised that he couldn't move. “I can’t…” Muro thought to himself in fear. “You will answer my question… why did you rape Sakura?” Damian asked calmly as Ur was being mercilessly attacked from all sides. “I raped Sakura… because I wanted to. I loved it.” Muro said coldly but truthfully as Damian then released the blade from his throat before commanding the wind to cut down every single snake. “How could you betray me like that?!” They both screamed at each other before Fragarach was pointed at him once more. “Fragarach is a weapon of immense potency. It is like Excalibur although unlike that sword… with the Fragarach, no one could move or tell a lie, thus the name "Answerer". The sword was also said to place the wind at the user's command and could cut through any shield or wall, and that it inflicted piercing wounds from which no man could recover; however this is based on one’s relativity to the wielder although it is true in full. It is the ultimate form of counterattack. It is the "Sword of Retrograde" and an indefeasible weapon of existence, divinely protected by some malicious will, that works by using a conceptual curse to warp destiny and a divine trick that uses time as its blade. It warps causality to always strike the opponent in the heart with a needle thin concentrated blast right before they unleash their ultimate attack. The condition for its full power use is that the opponent must use their strongest attack, and Fragarach must be used directly after the enemy's strike. Despite being released afterwards and no matter how fast the opposing attack is cast, Fragarach always strikes first by changing the flow of time to rewrite events so that it makes its own strike against the enemy before the opposing move was ever made in the course of the world. Rather than just rewriting events to gouge out the heart of the enemy, it is severing the fate of the combatants, reversing and changing the flow of destiny of both the user and the enemy simultaneously killing each other with their attacks. The attack of the enemy, returned to a point where it "couldn't happen" due to the user being struck down by Fragarach, is wiped out by the laws of the world and the infinity that composes time. No matter the power or speed of the ability, it is impossible to use if the enemy is defeated and has all of their later actions voided before they even have a chance to attack. It is an ability using one's life as bait to counter a one-turn-kill to win the battle that both kills the enemy and nullifies their attack, creating a perfect balance between offensive and defensive capabilities. Its full power is the ability to remove all powers from existence however when used against thee, as Damien did… its mere summoning caused ye to become unmoving because of his mastery over the blade - its limit is that it can only be done 1 person per usage.” Damian admitted before asking him: “Were we ever friends?” to which Muro responded “When it suited me.” And after hearing this… Damian rewrote time-space by saying: Fragarach: Saol (Fragarach: Afterlife), rewriting the events such that Saint George did die… as did Ur but the Eight Naga Kings were never summoned. “You fool… what are you doing?!” Muro screamed, begging for mercy but Damian never gave him any. “In that case… Art of the Snake: Venom Sage!” Muro said, absorbing all of the snakes into himself. “You'll regret this.” Muro said before saying: Return to the World… Father as Damian looked horrified before cutting his friend down by slicing him in half. “So… the finale begins.” Satanika said as Ferdinand and Hajime looked horrified seeing Muro screaming as Satanika was slowly returning using Muro’s body. “If you don’t agree to my demands… I will make sure the Society wins. In time, the snakes will merge back into their original form of the First Naga King, Vasuki but in truth, his name will thus be Padma, a snake of eternity who is the destroyer of all evil passions and poisons. I will make sure Beiping and all surrounding areas… Oshu, Ahreka and the lot are completely wiped out by the power of my army, ranks and snakes of the Highest Order.” The Man said confidently all of a sudden as he returned for good. “I'm back.” Satanika said as everyone was horrified. His eyes were purple. “This guy!” Damian thought to himself as Satanika released Fragarach from his throat. “Too slow.” Satanika said mockingly only for a large snake to devour him whole but this was a clone. “Not bad.” Satanika said coldly. “I murdered your beloved.” Satanika said coldly as Damien immediately used Excalibur to try and blitz him only for Fragarach to simultaneously manifest at the same time. “WHY DID YOU KILL SAKURA?!” Damian screamed as Satanika remained quiet. “We elites dine on the dead. Your whor* of a girl was irrelevant.” Satanika said mockingly as he sensed Vasuki was around him. “You fiend!” Ananta Shesha said to Satanika who laughed at him. “Why should I care…” Satanika thought to himself as Ferdinand and Hajime blitzed over to him however they weren't able to see eight pillars surrounding him as well as Ur flying above him and firing blasts of Darkness. “Do you children honestly think you are capable of stopping me?” Satanika asked menacingly as he commanded all of the Vasukis to attack Ur at once telepathically. “Mareno. Pangobo. Attack. Release everything.” Thomas said, realising the true gravity of Satanika’s revival as the Family and 2nd Gang forced all of their tanks and helicopters, respectively to roll upon the border of the Purple Lane and attack Satanika alone. “Don't tell me he's doing a-!” Damian, Hajime and Ferdinand all thought to themselves as machine gun fire, nuclear payloads, explosive water and sniper fire came raining down only for Satanika to command all 8 pillars to surround him in a defensive formation. “Such a foolish action from you wretched fools.” Satanika said as he forced all of the Vasukis to devour every single vehicle in poison whilst he fought the Family Head, Pangobo and Lizezo from afar. “Like I said… Do you want to die?” Satanika said coldly and calmly as Ferdinand and Hajime both attacked him with Damien leading the charge. “Halahala.” Satanika said, releasing poison around him as Aloa slowly came to. “Is that… Muro’s father?” She asked as Sejong, Danjong and the others that remained all pitched in. “REVIVE THE RED LANE EMPERORS!” Sejong commanded as Danjong did so without question as Yeongjo was also revived. “A full scale war? On me… How flattering.” Satanika said mockingly as Danjong fired a sonic wave from his mouth with Ferdinand burning the entire area as Damien used the Claíomh Solais to deal unhealable slashes onto Satanika’s front as Taejong unfroze himself and headed straight for Satanika. “EVERYONE! AIM FOR SATANIKA!” Empress Wu said to her fellow Red Lane emperors as Minamoto himself appeared with Amane in tow. “These snakes… How we take them down is beyond me.” Wu Zetian admitted as every Emperor fought these snakes who could each threaten the entire universe as Satanika remained unfazed, knowing that if things went south, he still had a way out. “Inorganic Reanimation.” Satanika said, moulding the entirety of the ground around himself as well as the Pillars to crush Ferdinand first, only for Aloa to run at him using her house. “So… Satanika… shall we work together?” Yeongjo asked as Satanika remained empty. “No. Your worth is gone.” Satanika coldly admitted as Taejong fired black holes into the snakes in an attempt to remove them from this hellscape of a battlefield. “Bakunawa, Dalaketnon, Ekek, Aswang, Berbalang, Kapre and the rest of you… come.” Satoshi said as Pangobo and the Family Head added their inferences. “So I am trapped.” Satanika thought to himself as he smiled. “Fist of Justice!” Satanika said to Ferdinand as he felt himself in severe pain as he then ramped up the pressure by using the Lightning of Elding to choke him out internally. “To think you were the strongest male alive.” Satanika said as the Dalaketnon surrounded him with Mareno and Pangobo appearing alongside the 10 Emperors to fight him. “Let the games commence.” Satanika said menacingly as everyone attacked him at once without mercy however he saw all of this and dodged every single attack without hesitation as snakes devoured the entire Area. “Hachidaireikijigoku.” Satanika said as the entire country was frozen over in ice. “He countered my fire?” Hajime thought to himself as no-one could move with Damian being forced to teleport to the Otherworld as Satanika then added on Hachidainetsujigoku to burn the entire area around him. “Shadow Snake.” Satanika then said, forcing snakes to surround Hajime and Ferdinand at the same time… before devouring them fully without any resistance. “Now then… let's deal with the rest of you.” Satanika thought to himself as he forced Vasuki to just devour everyone else as their abilities became his including knowledge therein with him then desummoning Vasuki and teleporting to the School before devouring it in snakes as well. “He killed everyone there?!” Thomas thought to himself as he immediately took off his monocle. “So… you are Muro's father.” Mr Okachi said as Satanika remained quiet. “Indeed. We elites including your precious headteacher have failed to see that… you are merely going to be cannon fodder but the human delusion has clouded you.” Satanika calmly said as Mr Okachi weighed his options, knowing that he would lose in any instance, he grabbed his goblet and threw it at Satanika who grabbed it and shattered it, teleporting his pillars in front of Okachi who struggled to dodge them. “So he has pillars…” Mr Okachi thought to himself as the flames began to devour Satanika’s being as well as his snakes. “My soul is being hurt…” Satanika thought to himself. “Naga Art: Kingly Return.” Satanika thought to himself, transferring all spiritual and conceptual damage to Vasuki as he then fired more snakes as well as reflecting the black flames onto Mr Okachi who looked so shocked. The three aides of Satanika immediately used more Naga techniques. “Hachidaireikijigoku (八大冷気地獄, lit. Eight Great Cold Hells).” One of the women said, causing their hands to slowly freeze up and summon ice around the entire room, as the man immediately used both “Jeweled Light of the Naga King (Tamaryūō — Kōmakotoshu).” and “Meidodaija Otsugekotsubochi (World Serpent Oracle Bone Graveyard).” to restrict the movements of the co-headteacher who looked shocked but still tried to fight back through the blinding light as he pinched his fingers and summoned 8 more pillars from the Dragon Palace and the Naga world; especially, its royal palace where Vasuki once resided. These pillars boast an absolute crushing force due to the speed at which they appear in this world. “Even if the target is moving at high speeds, the massive pillars will still appear directly over their heads. Because of the timeless nature of the Dragon Palace, these pillars will always be in pristine condition; one pillar can at least have the mass of a world with their size varying from a tree to a mountain in size. The very moment they appear, the pillars will disrupt the flow of chakra of all surrounding entities. Their will and fighting spirit will be suppressed within a few dozen metres of the heavenly pillars and their Killing Intent becomes completely nullified as he also can also control the velocity at which the pillars descend so that they do not instantly crush a target!” Satanika said arrogantly as Mr Okachi knew that he was trapped with the entire room flooded in flames and ice. Chains of the World - Draconic Fall.” Satanika then said, summoning brown chains from the ground that instantly teleported to Okachi, binding his forehead, only for his brain to slowly feel itself sleeping due to the mysterious sound that came with the chains. “Inorganic Reincarnation of Nature.” Satanika then spoke as Okachi felt himself being plunged into the very earth as mountains bound him alongside continents and sinkholes. “The relentless assault of the earth’s crust will constantly attack the opponent until the natural balance has been restored. No matter what defensive methodologies the opponent would attempt to survive using this technique, living a life of continuous running would eventually become tiresome and death would eventually ensue. In short, this technique acts as the ultimate nullifier for life.”

Satoshi then made himself known, having thus returned from his stint of invisibility in the Otherworld as a result of Damian’s usage of the ring of Eluned the Fortunate. “Thanks, Damian… now then, let the revenge for Sakura Jigoku commence.” Satoshi coldly said as Damian himself appeared. “You survived by way of that damn teleportation, didn’t you?” Satanika asked coldly.

“So you were hidden all along?” Satanika asked as he thought himself invulnerable and invincible. “Of course, I would want to hide from the one who murdered my allies and even my enemies.” Satoshi calmly said as he decided to remain in his base form. “He has grown stronger… is he thus that wretched Sage Ryujin spoke of, the Monkey Sage of the Worlds? The Moon Sage but in a younger form?” Satanika rightly assumed as Satoshi immediately attacked him by firing kunai to which snakes surrounded his every orifice. “Your master, Kouyate… he was feeble. An elder but the strongest of his era. Yet not even he could suspect that the Ponawan mayor who killed him… was a part of our regime. It is sad… the White Spirit came about because of manipulation.” Satanika said calmly as Satoshi calmly laughed with Damian himself calming down. “Yea… let’s f*cking get this over with.” Damian said coldly as he immediately unleashed Excalibur unto Satanika who turned into snakes as he then immediately used Hachiamahashira. “SATOSHI! NOW!” Damian said as Satoshi used the Ritual Circle to teleport the pillars away to such an extent where they disappeared whilst adding on Crisis of Lilith to make himself immune to all of Satanika’s future attacks as Damian himself ramped things up by burning the snakes. “Holly Bullet!” He screamed, firing his own silver bullet into the robe of the King, doing some damage as his clothes then immediately changed themselves into mystical white robes as Damian could not see or sense this. “You do realise that even with the power of snakes… you can’t break my sword… this sword is my will and I did damage you with that bullet so it appears to me anyway that you can clearly be physically damaged with some difficulty. I may not be as strong as Masaru, the holder of Justice or as skilled as Satoshi… but I will kill you… even if it costs me my life, you wretched wanker!” Damian screamed as the King laughed in his face. “Oh yes… and what of it!? You are as bad as thy grandfather.” Satanika said as he attempted to eat Damien… only for Fragarach to be pointed directly at his neck. “Fist of Justice.” Satanika said, countering this attempt on his life by teleporting away as Damian sensed that he was going to be behind him, slashing any cubes that appeared with him continuing to use Excalibur and then sealing off any potential areas for movement with his chess pieces. “Damn boy.” Satanika said as he resummoned the pillars and then combined their mere presence with Ryūhimenomikoto — Amenosakatama (竜姫命 — 天逆玉リュウひめみこと — あめさかたま, Literally meaning: Noble Dragon Princess — Heavenly Reversing Sphere), ripping the life out of Damien’s very being and soul. “Not bad.” Damian said coldly as he then decided to get serious, activating the power of the Heavenly Apparel without much reason as he knew that holding back would get him nowhere. “He’s got me under an illusion, hasn’t he? Its flawless but thanks to my Godly Sight, I can see straight through it but thanks to Saint George being destroyed… this is going to be slightly difficult.” Damian thought to himself Damian wore a beautiful crown, cape and every single bit of Apparel that King Arthur bore with the tip of his blade shining a mystical golden hue as Satoshi looked stunned. “He could rival the Man!” Satoshi said as Sejong nodded, clearly agreeing with this statement. “Thanks Satoshi… for forgiving me… damn wack-head.” Damian thought to himself. “Thank you, Sakura… I love you.” Damian said to himself, thinking he would die inevitably. “EXCALIBURRRRR!” Damian thought to himself, firing a beam that could destroy a planet to which Satanika looked stunned, forcing the pillar to defend him only for him to then blitz Satanika. “His power is likely on a time limit of some type. Any direct hit from the tip of the blade [or any part] will be dangerous. If I use any more illusory-based techniques, he should be affected.” Satanika thought to himself, firing snakes to trick Damien and then blindside him. “Sage Art-!” Satanika thought to himself as Damian then fired a second slash which could now damage several planets. “8 seconds.” Satanika thought to himself whilst adding Sage Art: Dragon King Sea Palace Scriptures (仙法 • 竜王海宮城経, Senpō • Ryūōmigūjōkyō) to detect any weakness in Damien’s being only for the sword to remove the cloud as the very energy Damian bore was utterly transcendental. “This damn brat’s power is something annoying.” Satanika thought to himself as Damian then summoned Yliaster, the Prima Materia to create a small orb that would follow him around. “That orb… its likely automatic meaning if I use Kṣeṭr Vistaram (Domain Expansion) to expand the Dragon World around me, he will lose after being crushed. And unlike that fight with the Devil, I needn’t try so hard.” Satanika thought to himself as he used Kaishi with Damien casually using a 3rd slash which could now destroy many, many stars. “So you can’t attack without firing those beams!!” Satanika said as Damian smiled. “No… you’re wrong… now that Saint George is dead… I can manifest this heavenly apparel for as long as I like. No time limit… except 24 hours lower (so 10 seconds can be made to seem like 24 hours but he can make it last for a minute surely at its utmost) with him being a part of my soul. I can use other attacks but my body will barely remain upright if I do yet still, it is possible.” Damian explained as Satanika looked visibly annoyed but remained calm. “Do you truly think you can kill the likes of me?” Satanika asked before firing more snakes from his godless and wretched mouth. “Indeed.” Damian said upon seeing this, he continued to use the sword, summoning a 4th slash which could casually annihilate many billions of solar systems with Satanika looking visibly annoyed. “5 seconds left.” Satanika said to himself, attempting to crush him with a pillar however Damien was utterly invincible and invulnerable. “I can now end time and destroy this universe!” Damian said arrogantly before firing the fifth beam which would now be able to end 400 billion galaxies as they both sensed the entire universe shutting off for a few moments as Satanika looked visibly stunned, attempting to fire Dragon Breath only for this to barely reach him. “So that didn’t work…” Satanika thought to himself in slight shock as he knew that winning once he reached the 10 second mark was possible but for those with the Dragon Eyes… time itself is meaningless. “You can’t kill me, stupid boy!” Satanika said arrogantly as he then used Ferdinand’s sword’s power in the form of Tizona to try and control the very concept of fear within Damien’s heart who simply stood there however… he felt his soul still affected. No… this wasn’t his soul that was being affected but his very name. Damien… his very existence as he walked forth and still fought on. “This is for Sakura… and for Saint George.” Damian confidently thought to himself as he now became a golden blur with Satanika immediately using “Ryu: Kenjiwakufuryūmonji (見思惑不立文字, literally meaning: Illusions of Thought and Desire Independent of Words or Writing) and “Ryu: Umashiashikabihikoji (Elderly Pleasant Reed Shoot Prince Kami) to bisect Damian whilst then adding in the power of Ryōiki Shinshin (領域真讖, Domain of Truth Foretelling). “I have the powers of the Dragon Kings.” Satanika said coldly as these words from his tongue became fact. “Damian should be fine… I think. Once he reaches that 10 second mark, its over.” Satoshi thought to himself as he stood silently as an invisible threat. “Black Flash!” Satanika screamed out as Damian looked shocked, dodging it barely. The technique is casually capable of summoning a phenomenon in which it is the final Raido… for it is unabashedly the most powerful technique wherein the power of the Dragon King… is applied to the user’s fist within one-millionth of a second as the Prana (or power/energy) flashes black, causing space to be distorted completely, even warping black holes and entire star systems. Unleashing Black Flash of the Dragon King requires incredible concentration Regardless of how you got it right the first time, whether it was skill, or simply luck, causes one to control their energy as naturally as breathing, transcending all phenomena… as it becomes something as simple and natural as breathing. Time stops can not even time can handle the speed with which the attack manifests. It can result in a feeling of omnipotence wherein nigh-omnipotence itself can be punched out of existence… as if everything revolves around you with Nirvana with a remainder being shattered by its attack. This leads to a greatly increased performance in combat, allowing the user to operate at 5000% of their maximum potential as Satoshi himself felt death itself made manifest, destroying the Okami that may have been summoned only for the orb Damian summoned to grow in size and surround him fully in the form of armour. “Did you honestly think you could kill me with that black attack?!” Damian asked casually as Satanika looked visibly outraged, realising that even the Black Flash didn’t work, as he then saw a 6th beam which could affect the universe, causing a Big Bang to occur at least 10 times over… as Satanika looked annoyed. “That cannot kill me, wretched human!” Satanika said as he felt himself being badly burnt. “Really? So why are you badly damaged? Does your durability have a limit to where it can survive the Big Bang but not anything higher?!” Damian asked as Satanika looked absolutely annoyed but steadied himself before turning into paper and trying to put Damian under some type of genjutsu. “That won’t work! DIE!” Damian thought to himself as he immediately used the 7th beam, thus causing as much as damage as a multiverse’s destruction with Satanika then glaring at him. “If I use Sakura’s powers against you, your beloved Sakura… then you will lose!” Satanika said as Damian looked shocked but remained calm. “Who cares… she’s long since gone. I don’t need to hold back, son of a bitch.” Damian coldly said before switching Excalibur with Fragarach and then deciding to dual wield the two swords. “That usage of the damn Fragarach! In his current state, he can emit its effects in any range he deems worthy by his human brain and its corresponding limitations but… if I kill him quickly… this fight will end.” Satanika thought to himself as Damian looked calm, attempting to force the Truth out of Satanika’s soul. “Is he controlling my soul?” Satanika thought to himself as Damien then appeared behind him and tried to attack Satanika who forced himself to summon two pillars behind himself and around himself as a means of defence only for Damien to then ready himself for the next attack. “Mido 5: Sphere of Infinite Pressure.” He thought to himself, teleporting himself above Damien through controlling and creating a raindrop and then mercilessly attacking him with a singular ball of water that upon landing, forced infinite pressure onto Damien who broke out of it by using his raw power via his final form before manifesting the 8th slash which could destroy anywhere from 2-6 multiverses as Satanika then forced himself to activate Sanzu River. “This river…!” Damian thought to himself in visible annoyance; as the Sanzu River went “upwards” and “downwards” simultaneously as space and time was warped, for an entirely new land was created within the River; the Buddhaland. “Creation of Life and Death.” He then said as this concept was created. “Mido 101: Yóuyùbùjué De Jiàn zhēngqì Yǒnghéng de Bùxìng hé Fēnpèi de Jiàntóu-Mìngyùn de Shēnyuān Qièduàn:Xuè de Jiérì (Hesitant Vaporous arrow of Eternal Misfortune and Distribution - The Abyss that cuts off fate: The festival of Blood).” Satanika thought to himself as a huge peach tree appeared, shining brightly in many, different coloured lights that were golden in truth. “Hòu-Yì de Zuìhòu yī mù:Shí gè Tàiyáng de Yǔ de yǔ-nìshuǐ de bùxìng: Futana-Sai (Final Act of Hou-Yi: Rain of Ten Suns - Drowning Misfortune: Futana-Sai).” He then said as Damian mysteriously felt himself spilling bits of blood from every orifice. “Am I about to die?!” Damian asked himself as he felt breathing was becoming hard. as he saw sword strikes, arrow-based wounds and spots that resembled sunspots on him, feeling all the wounds of the past, present and future, as he also saw the tree grow infinitely bigger and stronger. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” Damian screamed as he felt himself wanting to die. “Silence!” Satanika said as he then fired Mido 99 at him, causing Damian to struggle to attack. “Now, that usage of thy 10 second ability is useless. Let us wrap things up.” Satanika thought to himself as he then swam over to Damian before unleashing Black Flash onto him in one last go. “Mido 102: Juéduì tiāntáng:Fēnhuà de Dànshēng Wúxiàn de Tiāntáng:Fēi Fēnhuà-Wújí yǔ Tàijí! (Absolute Heaven: Birth of Differentiation - Limitless Heaven: Non-Differentiation - Wuji and Taiji)” Satanika then said as Damien felt his neck being snapped, destroyed, wiped out and erased from the notion of existence endlessly along with every part of his body as he endlessly regenerated through the law and rule of the Sanzu River, as he also felt every single Mido lower than 99 devouring him endlessly as Damian knew that he had no choice but to summon. “Secret Mido: bùyào bèi biérén zhēngfú (Secret Mido: Unconquered Divinity of the Sanzu River)” Satanika then said, as light blue energy wrapped itself around his entire body. “Cochaillín draíochta (Hat of Deep Water).” He then said, using a hat that allowed him to move through the water without any effort only for him to realise that he was somehow still alive. “Hachiamahashira + Ryu: Umashiashikabihikoji (Elderly Pleasant Reed Shoot Prince Kami).” Satanika coldly said as he sliced Damien in half… bisecting his body in the conceptual level as his last thoughts were of Sakura, Saint George and Satoshi himself.

Overall, Satanika won with high difficulty and had this NOT been a gauntlet, Damien would’ve won easily.

5th what if - Yeongjo and Aloa vs Satanika[]

“You are a fool… I have already protected her… the last one left! You will die! And then once that bastard comes… let death come!” Yeongjo said only to a mirror as he was stabbed, removing the power of Hanuellim, Hwanun and Teojusin on the conceptual and spiritual level, only for Satoshi to then put his now dying body under genjutsu combined with Blood Poison, blowing him up. “Aloa… where did I go wrong? I am truly… sorry!” His final words were as he blew up with only the old land of Korus and Hanseong and its palaces being damaged by way of Satoshi releasing the Ruyi Jingu Bang from this country alone, however, amazingly, nothing was truly damaged. “You bastards!” Yeongjo screamed as Satoshi looked stunned, realising that he was still alive! Gyeonghye summoned a mouse. “Thus fire is created by hitting iron on stone and that water springs up from inside a certain mountain.” It spoke as Yeongjo tried to use the power of Hwanin and Hanuellim, failing miserably since the meteor would not work. “Don’t! Don’t! Spare me!” He screamed as Gyeonghye then forced her family’s palace to bind Yeongjo, encasing him in its true name: Gyeongbokgung, as Gyeongsuk smiled. “Full Hangul: Diamond Sealing of the Lower Death!” Sejong said, encasing the palace in diamond as Danjong teleported Yeongjo to the Sky Palace, which was actually a meteor he summoned, crushing and sealing him within. He was now dead for good. Aloa was now visibly angered. “Those damn bastards.” Aloa said to herself as Muro smiled calmly, thinking nothing of it as it was nothing to him. He meant nothing to him.

Everyone including Yeongjo was revived. “A full scale war? On me… How flattering.” Satanika said mockingly as Danjong fired a sonic wave from his mouth with Ferdinand burning the entire area as Damien used the Claíomh Solais to deal unhealable slashes onto Satanika’s front as Taejong unfroze himself and headed straight for Satanika. “EVERYONE! AIM FOR SATANIKA!” Empress Wu said to her fellow Red Lane emperors as Minamoto himself appeared with Amane in tow. “These snakes… How we take them down is beyond me.” Wu Zetian admitted as every Emperor fought these snakes who could each threaten the entire universe as Satanika remained unfazed, knowing that if things went south, he still had a way out. “Inorganic Reanimation.” Satanika said, moulding the entirety of the ground around himself as well as the Pillars to crush Ferdinand first, only for Aloa to run at him using her house. “So… Satanika… shall we work together?” Yeongjo asked as Satanika remained empty. “No. Your worth is gone.” Satanika coldly admitted as an endless space warped the entire world. The sky turned red and Mount Sumeru devoured every building as the Naga Throne revealed itself in all its glory. Dragons returned as the Dragon Palace with its infinite dimensions also returned. Life sprang as Yeongjo was horrified… only for him and Aloa to be destroyed in one blow by a blast from a dragon far away only for him to then create a law where he was immune to this Dragon’s attack. “He controlled a law to make himself immune?” Satanika asked himself as he jumped up and teleported into Aloa’s domain. “So you’re Muro’s father? He never spoke about you.” Aloa said coldly as Satanika licked his tongue. “You’ll be useful.” Satanika said calmly as he fired several snakes from his mouth only for several crossbows to fire from the walls who casually deflected them with the ground then glowing blue, causing a mahjong sign to appear on the walls, binding him in the statue of a King, that of her father, whilst firing soundwaves on the cellular level into his ears. “Are you so sullen and foolish that you cannot see through even a basic illusion?” Satanika asked as he used a snake to regurgitate his original body and strike Aloa who countered by firing flames from her wrist-like device as Satanika pretended to scream… only to laugh maniacally. “He went through it?” Aloa asked herself in visible surprise, thinking that he, as Muro’s father, just had the power of snakes and constant immortality through regurgitation. “Muro never loved you, girl. He never did. He merely saw you as his toy.” Satanika said, causing Aloa’s mind to dart in confusion. “That can’t be true.” Aloa said as Satanika laughed calmly. “She’s blinded the room with traps… its as though she has forced layers of traps in this very place. She truly is something unworthy of my dear son.” Satanika thought to himself as he danced around all the kunai and knives and fired them back at Aloa at great speed, forcing her to dodge with slight difficulty. “Too slow.” She said coldly, immediately brandishing what appeared to be a poisoned dagger under her wrist-device. Shortly after, she used 30 shuriken and kunai at once, all coated with poison at full speed as they converged into a large storm that duplicated into hundreds of smaller shuriken and kunai, thus resembling a world of poison as she smiled , knowing that it would have some type of effect on him yet it struck him not but instead 30 snakes struck her with her forcing the room’s conditions to change, warping the space about her by making the floor larger and making her seat into a miniature gun. “Don’t tell me… he is baiting me into a trap… he’s also holding back and constantly using psychological manipulation in order for me to crack.” Aloa thought to herself as Satanika then weighed his options… only for Yeongjo himself to arrive. “You truly think you could even hope to kill my daughter with that wretched attack.” Yeongjo said to himself as Satanika looked at him calmly. “Do you think you can kill me?” Satanika asked as Yeongjo looked at him only to then see a bright light slowly emerging from his enemy’s mouth. “Aloa, attack him now!” Yeongjo commanded as Aloa fired several bullets from her chair at Satanika who smiled. “You are as useless as Muro portrayed you to be!” Satanika said as Yeongjo remained calm, using the power of Hwanguyangssi to build a church that was the size of a small boulder, crushing Satanika who saw this long before it happened and teleported away. “Did he teleport?” Yeongjo asked himself as Satanika appeared behind Aloa and immediately targeted her for she was the weakest with a snake immediately surrounding her but upon trying to bite her, poison appeared from all orifices of her being in an attempt to nullify or at least temporarily counteract the snake however this wasn’t enough as another snake surrounded her from behind her whilst being invisible, biting her as she briefly squirmed in shock. “There is no marking that determines the venom but she is still poisoned by something. Meaning if I attack him once more or send him outside, that should be enough.” Yeongjo thought to himself as Satanika then teleported behind him and then fired snakes from his hand only for Yeongjo to then manifest the power of Dangun to create a law where he’d be immune as long as he is in the house. “He teleported outside, eh?” Yeongjo asked himself as he tended to his daughter, thereby showing slight care as she was the only one he cared for. “Relax yourself. We have nothing to concern ourselves with.” Yeongjo said. “Those snakes had to have been a distraction… for som-!” Yeongjo thought to himself as he and Aloa felt themselves being rushed out of the house’s roof. “What is happening?!” Aloa asked as she saw what appeared to be a black object in the sky. “Worry your mind not… that’s a black hole more than likely. Considering the earth is clinging to it or attempting to get near it, I’ll make us immune to it!” Yeongjo said by creating a new law that said that upon reaching anywhere near the epicentre of the black hole he was correct however he then heard a slight sound of something freezing underneath him. “He froze the ground beneath us as an attempt to distract us? This means that one of us will have to go on the ground and fight a pointless war against him. If I throw Aloa at the meteor, she could likely destroy it albeit at the cost of her life.” Yeongjo thought to himself as upon reaching the area directly beneath the epicentre of gravity he still noticed that rocks were still clinging to it only to jump down but not before having Aloa do the same thing. “What do we do now?!” Aloa asked in shock as she realised that she would have to take a drastic approach, possibly resulting in her death. “I have to do this… for Father and Mother.” Aloa thought to herself with slight confidence as she flew straight up to the meteor and then readied herself. “Level 3: Poisoned World of a Thousand Miles.” She said coldly with some confidence in this statement as Satanika saw a world’s worth of kunai and shuriken firing at the meteor… but the nature of this black hole called Celestial Devastation was that for a sacrifice of output, its range was increased exponentially. “The entire country… it's frozen over casually!” Yeongjo thought to himself in slight shock as he heard a clap of someone’s hands. “Celestial Devastation: Seal.” Satanika calmly said as Yeongjo looked absolutely annoyed but remained calm to not, ironically enough, sway into Satanika’s twisted and venomous hands. “You wretched fool… you have lost.” Satanika said, crushing the meteor which looked like a moon as Yeongjo smiled. “You are the fool, wretched snake. We all know of you raping your own son but unlike your boy who is dead, my girl is alive. When she was born, I imparted a law that if she doth die, she’d revive upon being in Korea. If she exists in the world, she’ll return to life in the tower for my control of laws is absolute. You cannot kill her.” Yeongjo callously admitted as he immediately built himself a house to throw at Satanika with him smiling in response. “Yes… thy laws are circumvented this day!” Satanika said, using Sage Art: Jeweled Dragon King — Pearl of Light (仙法 • 瓊竜王 — 光の真珠, Senpō • Tamaryūō — Kōmakotoshu) to blind Yeongjo who didn’t anticipate. “It is too bad that yo-!” Satanika was about to say, only to be interrupted by hearing the meteor he made somehow explode with great force; however this was countered by a smile on the wretched snake’s face. “That meteor was a diversion. Your daughter can perhaps destroy a city or two at most. And now, thy godly powers which were clearly given by Goryeo thousands of years prior… will cease.” Satanika said as he released ten black holes directly above Yeongjo who created a church around himself. Aloa, on the other hand, was teleported straight into her own trap by Satanika’s design. The floor of her room was devoured by snakes as one of the snakes slithered up the wall. “If you move… your bones will snap, fingers snapping… even your female parts will be strung and destroyed… The bedroom is free if you want it… this is why you never wear your emotions… they are compromising.” Satanika said telepathically to Aloa as the snake bit down on the wall, revealing paper which surrounded Aloa’s every orifice, silently blowing up as Yeongjo then saw a huge explosion devouring his tower. “DAMN BASTARD! Hanuellim’s Gate!” Yeongjo screamed as the entire country and even the Green Lane alongside Akaria itself was fully affected by a huge meteor firing from above. “You are trying to commit a suicide attack?!” Satanika asked in shock and visible anger. “Yes. Unlike that time when I faced those brats in the form of Satoshi Fujiwara and the others in that past… this will be the full power of the technique. It can affect the universe now… if it touched a celestial body such as a planet. That would lead to this very universe being annihilated.” Yeongjo callously admitted as Satanika smiled menacingly, knowing he’d win. “Anthardhanastra…You can’t help but face two, can you?!” He said, using his last attack to summon a second meteor above the first… only for both of them to disappear. “Kṣeṭr Vistaram (Domain Expansion: Naga World).” Satanika said, using his power to ensnare the entire world and wider universe in snakes, summoning every single tree from the outer portion of the Palmer Manor within the small building as well as every horned statue that was now draped with blood as Yeongjo was now trapped in an earthen cage that penetrated every part of his body. “This wilt strip thee of thy power and amplify my powers by a millionfold [in sets of infinitude].” Satanika said as Yeongjo’s law manipulation did not work. Vasuki himself then appeared and devoured the poor King before Satanika walked away without much effort.

Satanika won this fight with medium difficulty.

with Satoshi knowing that he had no choice but to expose more about himself to his match. “Ruyi Jingu Bang: Huifeng Fanhuo (Repelling of wind and fire).” Satoshi thought to himself, immediately using the staff to passively remove the poison from around only to then turn into smoke as Aloa looked visibly amazed upon seeing this. “Not bad, huh?” Satoshi said, appearing behind her and sending her flying away with one hit to the arm, nearly sending her arm off as she looked utterly horrified.

in front of him. “So this is the attack that she used against Hajime, huh?” Satoshi asked himself only for him to deflect most of the attacks without realising what its true purpose is. “Had Hajime not managed to do exactly what you’re doing… this kills you on the cellular level. Once it goes into your being, it devours your bones, skin and cells in poison. Meaning, you die.” Aloa explained, with Satoshi realising just how difficult this would be even for someone of his calibre. “So he has a staff that can likely negate durability however from what I know, his technology is extremely advan-!” Aloa thought to herself, only to then see a spider running at her at full speed, realising that this was nothing more than a diversionary tactic, kicking the spider upwards and then at Satoshi, becoming nothing more than wind as she then saw a small ball of fire immediately rushing towards her, dodging these by jumping upwards and then letting the parts of her room catch and burst aflame only to then be caught off guard and paralysed as Satoshi then appeared in front of her and punched her stomach, using an afterimage to punch her from behind. “Genjutsu?!” Aloa asked herself, barely able to use her fingers, twisting them and turning them into a mechanical arm of some kind, ripping off the cloth off her arm to release a huge amount of poison, countering this genjutsu by allowing the poison to go into her cells, nerves and brain, in an attempt to disable the impact of the genjutsu with Satoshi then immediately running and turning his hand into a shotgun only for Aloa to grab the hand point-blank range and then tank the shotgun blast being fired at her, spitting out the bullet with her biting the poison, causing a huge explosion as Satoshi backflipped in response. “Your weakness is close range.” They both thought of each other with Aloa beginning to throw scores of shuriken as Satoshi then used his sword to deflect all of the shuriken only to then step into a trap, causing a magnetic net to summon itself as a form of binding with Satoshi then using his knife that appeared from his arm to cut the binding only for the net to amplify itself. “You’ve lost.” Aloa said coldly, releasing a country’s worth of poison to end him immediately, knowing the true threat he was with her calmly sitting down, as though she was waiting for Damien and the others to come in. “Is he dead?!” Damien thought to himself with slight fear as Sakura tried to activate her eyes, only for her visual prowess to be blocked. “I can’t see through it! It's as though she placed a seal on the door.” Sakura said, realising that she wouldn’t be able to help Satoshi as a result as Damien knew that he had to intervene. “You shouldn’t wear your emotions on your sleeve, Damien.” Aloa said from a megaphone atop her door as Damian glared at the megaphone. “If I go into there, I’ll kill-! You’ll kill me? Good luck.” Aloa said, firing a kunai through the door’s keyhole, stabbing him straight in the chest, unleashing poison that surrounded the entire hallway as Sejong alongside the other two jumped away out of response with crossbows firing at Sejong

only to widen the hallway as bows and arrows dipped in what appeared to be Mana-laced poison fired at her from all directions with her Demon Form immediately activating itself, only for her to barely use her wings to shield herself however she failed to see the sun-like lamp above her. “You really are a vampire, huh? So Vlad was right back then.” Aloa said, reminding Sakura of something she never wanted to remember, causing her to scream in pain and just as she released her demon form… several arrows pierced her sockets and necklace, relieving her of her vision once more as her veins around her immediately released themselves as she screamed in severe pain due to her sockets being virtually punctured completely. “You don’t look half-bad with those White Eyes pierced… at least you’re a mother who is still alive unlike mine… who your boyfriend killed. Maybe I will take down your children next…” Aloa said as Sakura screamed in severe emotional and physical pain as Aloa turned to Satoshi within the room. “Now that’s everyone dealt with.” She said to herself calmly as Satoshi was knocked out cold, allowing her to walk out of the room and finally deal with everyone personally. “Sakura’s still alive? She is damn persistent. What a bitch.” She said to herself without realising Sakura was listening, immediately firing kunai into her clothing as well as employing poison-laced explosives. “As much as I would like to remove the arrows and leave you like that or fire kunai into your eyeholes… that wouldn’t be good… so I’ll end this here and now. Then I’ll take down your simp, Damien. Your boyfriend is also dead.” Aloa said calmly, causing a huge explosion only for her to seal Sakura in the hallway to mitigate any further damage to the building overall as she calmly walked over to Damien who visibly struggled to remove the arrow which was so deep in his chest that he couldn’t really do much about it… for now. “You coward! Why would you harm-!” Damian screamed as he couldn’t sense Sakura’s presence. “You killed Sakura? Satoshi?” Damian asked as his eyes flickered blood red. “You wouldn’t harm a girl, would you, o chivalrous knight? Or are you a misogynist just like Satoshi?” Aloa asked as her eyes narrowed. “And if I would?” Damian asked coldly with his teeth bearing fangs reminiscent of a Dragon. “Then you are a simp… but also a miscreant of a man who is as deviant as they come… sex fiend.” Aloa calmly said as she laughed coldly. “I always wanted to fight you during the tournament… but I may have lost… to think you’ve grown since then. Show me what you’ve got.” Aloa said to him, goading him on with every word. “She’s manipulating me… I have to! I have to!” Damian said to himself as he immediately felt the poison entering his body, despite having no blood left, immediately preparing to stab himself in the stomach as he looked saddened, knowing that everyone’s efforts up til now would be… in vain. “Dragon Style: Dai Jigoku no Taimatsu: Armcross Stance!” Damien said as Aloa looked visibly shocked. “He’s using the same move as Hajime?!” She thought to herself as she tried to remain calm on the outside, grimacing with shock and surprise as well as curiosity. She then used 5 shuriken and kunai, all coated with poison at full speed as they converged into a large storm that duplicated into hundreds of smaller shuriken and kunai, thus resembling a world of poison as she smiled. “Now its over… Dragon Boy!” She thought to herself with slight glee, as for the first time, she had a true opponent, outside of Satoshi who she now realised, was nothing more than tasteless fodder to someone of her calibre. “The White Spirit was always beneath me… being the only other student of that Kouyate… but I sensed greater things for me and left him. This is the end.” She said as Damien kicked her stomach, briefly sending her flying back as she then opened the King statue that sealed Sejong, throwing the kunai Damien kicked back into her at him, closing the statue, hearing only a slight whimper as kunai filled the entire statue’s form, with her being certain of his end. “You fiend!” Damian screamed in rage as Gyeonghye and Gyeongsuk immediately saw and attacked her, only for her to then swiftly twist and turn as though she were a ballerina, using her dagger and appearing behind the two, stabbing them straight in the neck. “Farewell…” She whispered softly, kicking the two into the statue where their grandfather was bleeding. “Its a good thing the statue seals abilities… otherwise things may have gotten a bit… out of hand.” She calmly remarked, firing two more kunai at the statue, closing it with nothing more than a clenched fist as she heard the two granddaughters’ screams. “No!” Damien screamed as Aloa still remained calm only to be kicked straight in the side with two doors appearing from the carpet; stopping him from doing any further damage as she spun around as though to mimic her avoidance of the attack, unleashing poison into his heel and thumbs specifically. “Now you can’t use your thumb of knowledge, sword… or feet.” She commented, still not realising Sakura’s true potency of regenerative capabilities. “Now then… watch. Blood Poison.” She calmly said, tightening the hallway as she could hear the granddaughters’ slight fear. “Die just as your brother, the young Danjong did.” She calmly said to the statue… as the statue of the King blew up as she shut the hallway, deeming it unnecessary as Damien felt him getting sick from all this. He couldn’t handle it. “Die… die… die!” He screamed coldly as she casually dodged his attacks, jumping on the ceiling, avoiding him like a spider makes her web as she let him fall straight into his trap, binding him in a web of string. “If you move… your bones will snap, fingers snapping… even your male parts being strung and destroyed… considering what my father did to them earlier on… you wouldn’t want that considering your undying love for Sakura, now would you? The bedroom is free if you want it… this is why you never wear your emotions… they are comprising.” Aloa said calmly as Damien glared at her. “DAMN YOU!” He screamed only for her to walk over, snatch his glasses and briefly wear them for a moment. “How… odd… I can’t see a thing… everything is so… odd.” She said, shattering them in front of him, using her wrist-bound flamethrower to burn them in front of them as she then used the strings to bind his mouth. “That was somewhat hard… but also… boring. I thought Sejong would be more of a threat but I guess not. As Kouyate said: Preparation leads to nothing but solace… but failure to prepare is preparation to fail.” She said calmly. “I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!” He tried to scream out as she laughed. “Forgive me? Do you want to die?” She asked coldly, walking away into her room, still seeing Satoshi knocked out cold as she looked bored, knowing that she had won as she also held… Sakura’s damaged eyeballs in her hand. “Wow… never thought I’d get these but using those explosives to give me the necessary data was fun. Now that I have these… I am done.” She said to herself, knowing she had no real need for the pale, bloodied white eyes that could see through people and vast swathes of land. “Should I bin these… or consume them? Satoshi would only get riled up and doing that in front of Damian would be fun but deviant and a bit much.” She asked herself only to hear a huge explosion from outside as a figure cloaked in red blew open the now-constricted hallway and remained emotionless. “You really should be more careful, you know, Aloa.” A female voice said as Sakura glanced at her, for this was not the Devil… just her. “My eyes have been removed again, huh?” Sakura coldly asked as she saw herself being burned by the flamethrower that Aloa used once against Damian. “Me? Being more careful? What do you take me for, huh? I ain’t you.” Aloa said coldly with Sakura ripping out the arrows from her sockets with some difficulty, allowing her eyes to fully heal. “Come on then… now that I mention it, Himari never spoke of you… I see why.” Sakura said, readying herself for the final showdown, knowing what the stakes were as she immediately attacked Aloa with immense speed, using her visual prowess to her advantage as Aloa used the eyes on the table to her advantage, allowing her to see from all angles of potentiality; kunai to claws with Aloa trying to dodge every attack, using traps to swiftly incapacitate her. “Her claws are her strongest weapon without doubt… if I get hit with them, things may get dangerous but I doubt things will get that far.” Aloa said, using her hair as a weapon, binding Sakura with it, unleashing an immediate-acting poison inside her mouth, having inhaled it surely! “Now then… why don’t we finish what Muro did?” Aloa said as Sakura’s eyes widened in absolute fear and horror. “You wouldn’t dare!” Sakura said, blood pouring down her mouth as Aloa then hit the wall next to her, binding Sakura in a cacophony of strings as she screamed violently. “Just like Damien, if you move… you will be finished. No questions asked… Now what should I do? Leave you in front of Satoshi, a bare girl to toy with? Or should I go kill your children now and anyone else you love?” Aloa asked as she smiled, remaining outwardly calm, observing Sakura’s clothing. “If you don’t mind… I’ll be taking this.” She said, ripping off Sakura’s clothing very slowly as Sakura looked visibly terrified, reminding herself of what Muro did to her. “WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!” Sakura screamed only to be bitchslapped with extreme force. “Silence… your boyfriend over here wouldn’t want to hear you and nor do I.” Aloa said, wagging her finger at Sakura, belittling her, also firing bowguns from the walls' holes at her as she screamed in further pain. “I felt sorry for you after what Muro did, make no mistake but… the fact that he violated your boundaries gave me curiosity.” Aloa said coldly. “HOW CAN LOSING YOUR MOTHER DO THIS TO YOU?! YOU’RE SICK! SICK IN THE HEAD!” Sakura screamed in severe pain, knowing that she was likely to lose anyhow as Aloa then used her flamethrower to fire burning acid onto the parts where her clothing was removed as she screamed even more, reminding herself of when Satoshi saw her bleeding on the floor, with a gash in her stomach… and as she barely fought off Muro from removing at least one eye, kicking him in the stomach, causing him to run away. “How am I sick? I simply do what needs to be done.” Aloa said as she continued to tear at Sakura’s clothing, still dousing her body with acid as Sakura struggled to fight back with the arrows and acid being a combination tactic specifically used to neutralise her. “Don’t cry. You’ll lose.” Aloa said, opening her eyes to see if she was still alive; Sakura’s white eyes dilated with visible shock. “You’re nothing like Satosh-!” Sakura said as she was slapped thrice more, each slap harder than the last. “Its too bad… that you have such special eyes but can’t use them.” Aloa coldly said, unleashing another trap from the floor; summoning a wooden cross to bind her as Sakura screamed because she was now being exorcised as the demon she was, with kunai firing into her hands, feet, wrist and legs. “Your attempt at being cold, calculating and brooding was honestly hilarious… but now… its time to finish you off.” Aloa said as Sakura still was visibly horrified at the lengths her former classmate and roommate would go to. “Please… not my parents… no… no… no! Why would you kill my parents?!” Sakura constantly spoke from the cross. “Farewell… have fun being crucified… demon bitch!” Aloa said coldly. Damien was still bound as she walked outside and warped the dimensions of the hallway, forcing him to look at her constantly screaming and muttering the same words over and over as he saw her exposed form. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! YOU DAMN DEVIANT!” Damian screamed… but thanks to the movement she caused, his bones snapped like twigs, his fingers now broken with his groin’s male parts being completely strung and now utterly destroyed as she warned… with him now merely whimpering. “Sakura is now dead.” She said to the open air; all of her enemies being knocked out or severely injured or even dead as Sakura was now quiet only to then hear something she never thought possible as a rocket hand fired straight at her, belting her in the face. “He’s finally woken up after 20 minutes and escaped?!” Satoshi’s eyes fell into the cosmos and turned white with visible rage and hatred. “Damian… Sakura…” Satoshi said as his eyes were now red with fury only to then remove his Asura Manus from her hand. “Now… the final battle begins! Your whor* of a girlfriend and that wretched simp are now injured and gone!” Aloa screamed, using her words carefully in such a manner to rile him up even moreso, as though all was going accordingly. Kunai soon fired from all angles, with him casually dismantling every single trap on the top of her walls with homing kunai, causing them to explode to Aloa’s amazement. “You ain’t going to talk?!” She asked as Satoshi glared at her from behind, without realising what he actually did and just as she went to stab him… a murder of crows appeared in his place with her looking absolutely stunned. “Another genjutsu?! My brain isn’t affected… my surroundings are though…” Aloa asked herself as Satoshi sat on the chair she once did. “Your surroundings did change. What you experienced was called reality. Putting you under genjutsu the moment you had me trapped in that magnetic net saved my skin there… although I can’t say what you did to Sakura was at all humane.” Satoshi said coldly, mocking her treatment of Sakura, still holding what she perceived to be Sakura’s eyes. “You stole her eyes… but these are merely fake.” He said coldly, blowing them up in his hand. “She really dehumanised Sakura by removing her apparel, huh? Talk about bad timing. I am truly sorry…” Satoshi thought to himself as Aloa turned around with it appearing that she read his thoughts. “Its good that my father gave me the most advanced tech that the world could ever offer!” Aloa said as Satoshi calmly got up, firing from his blowpipe a dart which she casually dodged only for that dart to become a homing katana; specifically that of the Dark Samurai Sword. “I don’t want Sakura to really be here for the end… nor Damien… It would have been better if the Devil possessed her although she tried her best.” He thought to himself, smiling upon realising this with Aloa finally realising that he was knocked out but also kept himself attached to the outside world via his sword’s connection to Mana. “Wings of Concealment.” He then said, teleporting her and Damien away to Kulana who was in their house. “Now it's just me and you. But I really have to ask…” Satoshi said coldly as Aloa then immediately smiled, releasing a trap on her chair, summoning chains of iron and barbed wire that bound Satoshi. “Did you really think you could actually harm Sakura in her demon form?” Satoshi asked as he turned into smoke again. “You should really be more careful next time.” Satoshi mockingly said to her, immediately summoning a pair of nunchucks from his elbow, summoning a knife alongside it, using what appeared to be the standard grip with Aloa sensing Satoshi’s movements gradually getting faster and faster as she was now struggling to dodge some of his attacks. “Sakura is the strongest of all the females in our year, I acknowledge that.” Aloa thought to herself with Satoshi then summoning wires from the ground as a form of offence, using the Asura Manus’ hand cannon to fire nuclear bomb-esque blasts. “The crows were a diversion therein… no wonder…” Aloa thought to herself as she then used the traps used to attack Damien and Sakura against Satoshi, only for him to dodge the cross, using his arsenal of kunai to destroy the cross, causing it to barely explode with Aloa then kicking him out of the room. Despite this, Satoshi then forced his legs to fire themselves at Aloa who countered this by summoning flowers from her hands as a barrier to defend herself.

Sixth What if - MnJ[]

What if Sakura and Satoshi died during either the Blue Lane or Red Lane?

  1. What if Sakura died in the Blue Lane?

“Then let’s end this, wretched scum.” Satoshi said coldly as his eye was slashed out, as no scar remained as he instantly appeared behind Amane and sliced his hand off, as the sawblade remained in his neck, as he forcefully ripped it out of him, as he smiled maliciously and grabbed his hand and manifested a flamethrower from his wrist launcher and burnt it away, to his horror, and walked into where Sakura was, with a cold expression. “So you murdered my right-hand man. Very well, it appears that I have to do everything myself.” The Man said as he smiled from underneath his mask, as Sakura glared at Satoshi with her eyes glinting red. “Sakura…. Do it.” The Man said as Sakura nodded and began to attack Satoshi as he manifested her demonic form forcefully as the necklace glowed red, as Satoshi was forced to dodge each attack as he remained calm, as he took his sword out and parried off the strikes with relative ease. Her hands manifested claw-like protrusions as he only just dodged them. “Forgive me, Sakura.” Satoshi thought to himself as he manifested his sawblade in his hand and struck her chest with it point-blank as she smiled still, ever so coldly as her wound began healing, to his utter shock, as he took it out of her chest and threw it away from her line of sight as veins manifested from her temples to her shock, as Satoshi kicked her as she grabbed it, only for the blade to slash her neck and lop it off her head, as she instantly regenerated to Satoshi’s horror. “I can’t fire that missile, so that leaves me no choice.” Satoshi said as a red aura of energy roared around him in armour and clothes, with a large shield and sword, as she began to grow large bat-like wings of red energy as she struck the shield only to be repelled back, as he began to vomit, as the red structure released itself only to see Sakura’s body turn demonic as she began to grow a tail with a dark arrow. “Stop…. Please.” Satoshi said gently as he manifested his Okami one more time, and instantly struck her with the Sword, releasing her from her demonic rage, as the Man looked shocked. “She’s dead?” The Man asked himself in sheer shock. “Well then, I must do everything myself.” He said as he got up with his golden blade as it shone darkly, and struck Satoshi square in the chest as he coughed up even more blood than before. “Wings of Concealment.” He thought as Sakura’s eyes returned to white, as he made himself invisible and unseen, to the Man’s Shock, as he felt himself very slowly being healed by a dark purple energy, as he made himself visible. “Now I’m at full health.” Satoshi said as his eye still remained shut, revealing a new eye in its place that was blacker than the night with a light blue pupil shining out of it, to the Man’s shock. “This is the Sword of Heaven and Earth.” The Man said as he went in and stabbed Satoshi square in the chest, keeping him impaled therein. “You are still far too weak.” The Man coldly said as his Oni Mask hid his true face, as he noticed a drone firing bullets from above as he instantly repelled them with his sword. “That must have been the drone that did something to Amane. But it is rather unique.” The Man said as Satoshi only just managed to remove the Sword from his chest, as he tried to kick the Man as his foot was grabbed only to see Satoshi’s eyes glow white, as he felt himself unmoving. “This is something else but the Moment is continually occurring therein. Time is stopped.” Satoshi thought to himself as he felt himself moving once again as he began to slash at the Man as he deflected that as well with ease. “This guy is undoubtedly a master swordsman.” Satoshi thought to himself as he fired a missile into him at full speed only for the sword nor him to be undamaged as per the ensuing explosion hit. “So he can dodge and nullify bullets and even survive that missile.” Satoshi thought to himself as he took his sword and began to strike at the Man from behind, as he felt the Golden Sword parry that strike back with ease. Upon this occurring, he felt himself being slashed multiple times in literal moments with ease, as his face and arms began to bleed rather profusely, as the Man noticed purple flames coming out from his back, as a sword showed itself, as the Man instantly slashed his current sword in three, breaking it, to his enemy’s utter shock. “That blade you have on your back… is that the famed Shadow Sword?” The Man asked as he grabbed the Sword and plunged it into the ground, as a ritual circle appeared; just as an eye manifested on it within the core of the Blade. “This is indeed the great weapon of the Realm below.” The Man said as dark energy slowly rushed from everyone in the room and in the Tunnel into the Circle as it glowed light purple. “You are a false wielder of the Sword from below.” The Man said to Satoshi’s horror, realising that he may know more than he is letting on. Satoshi noticed Samantha appearing behind him only to feel a vial injected in the arm where the Shadow Sword was, as upon noticing this, he struck her left ear off, as she screamed in agony and pain, but she coldly smiled as she noticed the Sword drop onto the ground with a large thud, as Satoshi’s gem glowed as he held his hand out and grabbed it out, only for the Man to step on it as he then pulled his free hand outwards and grabbed him. “Now’s my chance!” He thought to himself as he struck the Man’s stomach. “Using that venom will allow for a good move into his eventual death!” Satoshi thought as the Sword glowed with a cold, purple aura and kept it plunged in there, as he felt his grip slowly weakening, as it was dropped on the ground. “So… you actually managed to damage me. Impressive.” The Man said as his golden blade began to glow silently, as he smiled from underneath his mask. “Dōjikiri Yasutsuna.” The Man said to Satoshi’s shock as his veins began to glow green; as upon him attempting to strike down Satoshi who was beginning to bleed out himself, he felt a blade-like bullet stab him in the back; noticing Amane behind him, with one arm. “So, you betrayed me in such a dire moment. How paltry of you to do so, now of all times. To think your arm was gone after such a weak attack.” The Man said as Amane’s expression became cold and sullen. “You’re too dangerous to be left alive, Sir. Now die.” Amane said coldly as the spot where his leader was stabbed increased in size. “Your veins will increase and pop out due to the poison’s aftereffects, meaning you can die where you stand….!” Amane thought to himself as he was kicked from behind him, sending him to the ground, as he manifested his pistol and shot him with blue, red and green bullets all at once, only to hear a metallic clang. “In that case, this is it. To think you were my right-hand.” The Man said as he grabbed Satoshi with his sword as a large cannon appeared from his hand, as he picked Satoshi up with his sword, only to see a massive blast appear from his hand-cannon. “DIE!” Satoshi thought as his Oni Mask was utterly broken from the blast. “So I’ve now been revealed.” The Man continued as the Oni Mask’s pieces shattered away completely as he slashed Satoshi’s neck, sending him down to the ground, in a slumped mess. “Now the end has come.” The Man said as he felt himself slowly bleeding. “That attack was the cause of such a thing.” He said, remembering when Satoshi struck him with the Shadow Sword, as orange signals appeared around him, as he felt the poison spreading to his other arm. He then observed Samantha’s being only to try to strike her, as his sword dropped to the ground upon that occurring. “So this is the end for me.” The Man said to himself as everyone else was on the ground. “Just who the hell are you?!” Satoshi asked coldly as the Man glared at him from above. “It is sad you are unable to wield the true potential of that Blade for otherwise you would never be stopped. But… It is time. I am the son of Seth Petro, the king of the Bastian kingdom and imperial family, approximately 270 years ago. My father was an ostensibly cruel man as my mother died in childbirth. Afterwards, he gave me in training for royal duties and power-based assassination. As a young man, I was sent to assassinate political rivals for my father, but when no more rivals were around, my father sought to betray me and that which he did. I had no choice but to depart as I found myself in Akaria, bringing together many former gangsters into what was and would be known as the Ao no Byakuya.” The Man calmly explained as orange lights surrounded them, as everyone was still bleeding out. “You and I will die together. Betrayers of one another. It is ironic that your dear girl died by your hand. Her soul… is gone meaning the one you call the Devil is also ostensibly gone without any doubt.” The Man said calmly as orange lights began to shoot out of them. “Final Warning.” He thought as he smiled peacefully as the others were still bleeding out. “Let’s just hope that they can end the Red Gang.” He said as explosions hit the tunnel as Satoshi felt an extremely faint glow from his pocket. “Wings of Concealment.” Satoshi thought to himself as he and Samantha were teleported away very quickly as the Shadow Sword was also teleported away. The Dōjikiri Yasutsuna was destroyed alongside the Man and Sakura’s body as the Blue Gang base was utterly destroyed in that moment, as Satoshi realised that the loss he incurred was great. His eyes darted around the empty house as he vomited blood from his welt-ridden body and mouth. “Samantha and her gang are alright from what I can tell.” Satoshi thought to himself as his eye remained bright blue. "It was 3 to 4 days ago when Akaria became our destination. The Red Gang is likely to be significantly more dangerous but without Sakura… I have no more reasons to hold back. Morality itself is a human code. Why would I need to be some hero when true heroism doesn’t exist in this world? In this world, with light, there will always be shadow; as alongside love, hate is born from the hearts of men and creatures with the defiling of others lower from the subjugation and dictatorial control that those higher give, suppressing all options for individualism and innate desire to sprout like a plant, giving form to ideas that breed false hope in the end. Thus, my destiny has already been set in motion, for an assassin I will always be. Bloodlusted or not.” Satoshi reminded himself now that Sakura was gone as he decided to rest for 4 days as his eyes soon shut rather quickly. 4 days passed as they both woke up. "Time sped up but slowed down during that time. But this feeling of sleep was something pristine." Satoshi thought as he drank a cup of water. The crows maintained their form in the dead of night as one was perched on their roof for a short while as it flew onto Satoshi’s hand with him then aiming for the Red Lane. “So this is the beginning of the famed Blue Lane. But given that I needed the Shadow Sword to even damage the Blue Gang Leader, I’ll need something else even more useful to fight the Red Gang leader, whosoever it may be.” Satoshi thought to himself as his purple gem began to glow violently from within his pocket as he saw on the gem what appeared to be armour, as the words of Kulana rang in his head as he noticed a dungeon in the woods next to the Blue Lane Brothel. “So this Brothel in the Red Lane contains these two legendary items. Just what on earth is this?” Satoshi asked himself as his eye lit up silently, glowing as it saw black items within the lowest and final level of the dungeon, as they resembled body parts. “That’s the Dou, Kote, Tekko, Haidate, Suneate, Kusazuri, Sode, Shikoro, Kabuto, Wakidate, Menpo, Tateage, Kogake, Magisashi and Yodare-kake.” Satoshi thought to himself. “Effectively, without my other Sword, I’ll have to rely entirely on the Shadow Sword in order to fight the Aka no Byakuya.” Satoshi said to himself as he took the sword from his back out, as he felt his eyes begin to flash white, once more observing the Past Long Gone, as he saw him wearing the black Samurai armour to destroy a multitude of vehicular objects, with a sword that buzzed like a helicopter, as it returned to him in an instant, as his eyes returned to their normal form. The parts of the Dark Samurai began collecting themselves to him, giving themselves over to him, almost as though they were returning to their true wielder. “These items… seem as though they were left here by another individual, perhaps by that man I constantly see in the Moment. A reincarnation, in a sense.” Satoshi thought as the helmet stuck itself also to him just as each part of the Armour also detracted into his very being. “So… even if Sakura’s gone, are you willing to do this on your own?” Satoshi heard Samantha ask as he looked at her stomach in slight annoyance. Samantha still remained calm, remembering when she was shot. “The injury is still there, but its growing fainter as each day passes since the death of that bastard Amane. My fellow geisha and oiran are alive, but only just. That Shadow Sword did a number on us, but we’ll still support you, even if I have to do it on my own. The Red Gang live in the Blue Lane, being supported by the Party, yet, now that they are no longer a concept, you can likely do some damage to them. But, if I had to guess, the Man in Akaria has likely reformed the Party through adding more individuals to the Castle, improving their power and status for his benefit. It definitely won’t be easy to beat them because the Red Gang have connections throughout the Blue Lane, but they are far more adept than the Party in terms of destructive nature and capacity. I was a former member of the State Police who had my brainwashing reversed by the doctor known as Kulana. I will try to help with any way I can.” Samantha calmly explained as she noticed Satoshi’s device on his arm. “We can use that to keep in contact with one another. You can also call in Kulana or Xarxa if need be, but I don’t know if that will be of any help towards you.” Samantha said as she walked them over to the Blue Lane Brothel. “There is a narrow road now until you enter the Blue Lane. Good luck.” Samantha said as she calmly nodded, finding a soldier, as he took both of them onto a rooftop, firing a tentacle-like metal protrusion around the neck of this soldier, that bore a sign on his back that said “Golden Sign on the Military - Heaven.” as Satoshi’s eyes flashed white, seemingly remembering a time from the Time Long Past, seeing a ship in the deep waters, seeing a picture of himself from another time and multiple men, with them being alongside him, as sweat adorned his face from underneath the mask. “This is… my former comrade.” Satoshi thought to himself with slight horror as he remained calm. “Don’t tell me, I have to fight that original Military? The skilled and strong?” He thought to himself as he released the protrusion from the Man’s neck, and chopped his neck from behind, knocking him out cold, only to teleport back to their previous location, as he saw a firework-like missile aimed straight at him from one of the skyscrapers, as shadowy-like figures showed themselves that could not be seen to the naked eye, as the Shadow Sword appeared now from his side, as it managed to cut the explosion in half, but it still sent him flying to his slight shock as Satoshi grabbed one of the black shadows and impaled them with the Shadow Sword in the stomach, as purple energy began to get released from their being, as he kneed the person in the chest, sending them to the ground as he observed their face with his Eye, staring at them with a bright, blue light, as he grabbed them from their collar, only to notice the other shadowy figures disappear. “He’s been had!” They said as they went into the night, as the person bore green eyes with a brown jacket and golden insignia, also bearing black hair. “Tell me everything you know, and you’ll be spared…. For now.” Satoshi said coldly as the man looked utterly shocked. “Fine… I’ll tell you everything I know. I-” The man said as he released his tongue, unconsciously as a sign showed itself to Satoshi’s shock. “I cannot say anything…. To you. I was a member of the- ” The man said as the sign was a little red triangle with an eye inside it, as it lit up. “That sign of yours… its a cursed seal.” Satoshi said as he noticed the man coldly smiling, as he began to explode. “These skyscrapers are immense in size. This should be interesting, yet also it should simultaneously allow me to fight the Shadows.” Satoshi thought to himself as he stared at the top of one of them, firing from his wrist a drone that flew upwards onto the top of one of the skyscrapers, as their presence from the ground disappeared as they appeared on top of the skyscrapers, as he noticed with his eye, lines around the tallest skyscrapers. “On the highest skyscrapers appears to be a seal and barrier of some kind. Meaning to get in, we’ll need to get violent. But these guys are much more dangerous, as that Man suggested.” Satoshi explained as they looked down on the ground, noticing people being murdered whilst even doing the most mundane activities such as walking or running. “So these guys allow a bunch of thugs to run without a preimposed care in the world.” Satoshi noticed a man from behind them appeared.what appeared to be an elevator. “Hello there. May I be of assistan-?” He said as his eyes dilated. “I can’t mention it aloud, otherwise I’ll have my cover blown.” Satoshi thought to himself as he still remained calm, sitting down with him noticing the front of the theatre as someone he recognised was there, as she was clearly injured. “That’s one of the geisha from Samantha’s place that participated in the battle of the Man of the Ao no Byakuya. Why is she here? Unless…” Satoshi pondered to himself as he saw her dancing with her wound still clearly visible to him, but hidden underneath her kimono, as he noticed her sitting down, wincing ever so slightly in pain with her shamisen, playing it with absolute mastery and precision, hypnotising all the men with its enchanting music, as they clapped with mesmerising amazement, as the guards of the theatre noticed him, just as the geisha noticed Satoshi and ran off in slight shock upon seeing him. “He’s here! I must warn Lady Samantha.” She thought to herself as the guards shot at him with many a person running in every direction imaginable. He pressed a few buttons on his wrist device, revealing Samantha, Xarxa and Kulana from what appeared to be an electronic connection. “Satoshi, my geisha spotted you. This is what I referred to earlier on with communication. Xarxa and Kulana will give you the necessary information.” Samantha explained as Satoshi remained outside. “Satoshi boy, you need to deactivate the Seals using a powerful tool.” Kulana explained calmly as Xarxa was still within his library, observing his book, ever so deep, as he looked up at the computer noticing Satoshi’s emotionless face, to his shock. “Ah yes, apologies. In my book ‘The Truth: Ministry of Falsehood and the Monarchy’ I established that the Red Gang bore some extreme connections to the Party through extremely advanced technology and especially through wealth. The Blue Lane was created as a result of this giving away by the Party, allowing such wealth to be effectively endlessly distributed. The Red Gang also caused absolute fear within the Blue Lane, causing none to speak about them or even of them, for immense and absolute fear of death. These guys are far more dangerous than the Blue Gang, likely ever was, even with their leader, who caused ye to be near-death with objective ease.” Xarxa explained as Satoshi remembered fighting him, and only winning because of his decision to destroy himself. “Move out.” They all explained as both Sakura and Satoshi noticed a missile appearing from above. “Again? But we are on the street where these people were murdered in violent crime.” Satoshi thought to himself as he heard gunfire from multiple sides, firing at other people. “How corrupt…. These guys are firing at innocent people for no reason.” Satoshi thought as he noticed large robots appearing in front of them as he placed the Shadow Sword into the ground, summoning a ritual circle that bore stars within it, as well as unnaturally odd symbols around the circle that resembled some letters and a mysterious type of language, as he noticed large strands of purple energy manifest from the sword’s tip in the ground, as the ritual circle’s size was immense, just as the robots began to attack him, his wrist summoned a missile and gatling gun-like weapon, firing rapidly at all of the robots, just as they did the same. “So the seals are finally showing themselves, huh?” Satoshi asked himself as Xarxa still remained, whilst Samantha and Kulana went away on the large blue screen. “The Red Gang bear seals that represent certain animals; a tiger, a phoenix, a dragon and a tortoise. These seals are conduits that are hidden, concealing the highest towers of the Gang, hence why the crows are unable to go on any of them to perch. Breaking them will allow you to move forward.” Xarxa explained as Satoshi nodded in agreement, still firing his gatling gun and missiles at the robots, to no seeming effect. “Missile - Gravitational Void: Air Raid.” Satoshi thought to himself as he fired a missile from his wrist that, upon making contact with the ground, began to suck in a few of the robots, forming a miniature black hole as that black hole spawned in more missiles, raining down hell at the robots, as they sustained some damage. “Then, in that case…” Satoshi thought to himself as he transformed his other hand into a hand cannon, firing an orange blast from its orifice towards the last line of robots, as the explosion took the rest out with the black hole warping itself away, damaging space through causing parts of the ground to be topsy-turvy as the effects went away shortly after, only to see multiple men’s body parts being utterly mangled beyond belief. Satoshi soon noticed the signs showing themselves, releasing the Shadow Sword from the ground as he walked into the now-revealed section of towers. “So these weren’t fakes. These are indeed much, much taller than before. Now, we have access to the building where those guys keep shooting, meaning Sakura’s eyes may not be dilapidated. But…” Satoshi thought to himself as he fired a shot at the now-seen towers, revealing the man who fired the missile. “Tell me everything you know, and you’ll be free from harm.” Satoshi said calmly as the man laughed in his face, attempting to spit at him as it was deflected away. “I am simply one of many. 48 others just like me. You’ll never find anyone. Once we have sent you to Shanu Chu, you’re finished!” The man said coldly and arrogantly as he saw Satoshi’s cold blue eye, he felt a sense of paralysis befall him, as his Seal on his back began to activate, summoning marks all around his body, just as the Military observed this and surrounded him with their weapons drawn, as the Man laughed silently with multiple black shadows surrounding him, attempting to grab him. “This leaves me no choice for none shall impede my interrogation.” Satoshi said as they all felt a sense of paralysis befalling them, as the shadows saw dark red marks flowing throughout their body. The members of the Military saw within their minds, a man guiding them to a location in a large, black boat appearing to all fight in a large war that would determine their fates, as their guns dropped in the real world to their shock, sweat dripping on all of them, as they fell to the ground. Their minds cracked, unable to piece together any form of event in reality or in their minds. The shadows were seen to be men and women alike, with their hands free yet tied. “You dare defy us! Wretched Assassin!” A woman coldly said. “Just spill it. We’ll be murdered anyway by the Higher Ups.” The man at the very front of the line said. “Xian! How dare you betray us!” The woman continued to say as Xian remained emotionless the entire time, as she slowly broke out into a sweat, remembering when an agent was seen as useless and killed in unknown circ*mstances. “Fine! We are part of the 49 Chai. We are subject to the Shanu Chu and the Red Pole as multiple men with blue lanterns on their sleeves appeared behind Satoshi, to their horror. “No! Don’t attack them! Please!” The woman pleaded as the others remained silent, as he manifested a kunai from his hand, and knocked one out with the back end of one, as well as a knife manifesting from both elbows, causing the Blue Lanterns to retreat. “The others are silent because they are unable to talk. The Red Pole chopped their tongues off after saying unneeded information to the wrong person, wretched asses such as yourself. Only we are allowed to talk because of the permission of Shanu Chu alone.” Xian calmly explained as the Seals had been fully seen by all, to Xian and the Womens’ shock, as they all noticed those who were silent being shot dead. “The Cho Hai are killing them all! Take us! We will help you… if only for our own safety.” The woman said as Satoshi took both Xian and the woman away as the other two agents had disappeared, as they both grimaced, as the curses on their bodies slowly wore off. “Sifu, the Assassin, is extremely dangerous. He took two of ours and removed the Great Seals of the Stars. What do we do? When should we act?” The Blue Lantern and member of the Cho Hai said, with their head to the ground. “Make sure that the Ten Emperors with Fu Shan Chu don’t get involved too early. The barriers are gone, yes, but you can act in accordance with The Plan. The Assassin is not a danger if the Petro’s child could kill him. It is indeed unsurprising that Xian and Ming Hao have compromised, for they were betraying rats with the rest of the Chai being wiped out, leaving those rats left. Complete your mission as intended, otherwise your insignia will be removed without fail.” Shan Chu said calmly as both nodded and walked off, with much fear in their eyes. Satoshi soon took Ming Hao and Xian with him and Sakura to a part of the Blue Lane where the initial fallen soldier was. “You see, the Red Gang is unlike the Blue Gang where we conflicted many times but never with true animosity except for their takings of parts of the Red Lane which they saw as theirs. We are mere lapdogs for the Higher Ups, as Xian stated. Shanu Chu and Fu Shanu Chu are the true leaders of the Red Gang. They are extremely powerful swordsmen, even for the Red Gang for us lower people bear technology where the Higher Ups bear swords. We are brother and sister; our parents were robbers with a vendetta as we were seen as useless. A former member of the Red Gang shot them, killing them and taking us in as a result. But he was quietly reprimanded by the Fu Shanu Chu and never seen by us again. So we used what we learnt from him, and rose up the ranks and became known as truly good assassins, maintaining a shadowy bond throughout. Xian worked in a more open way, fighting enemies of the State from a distance with a missile launcher, killing any who stood in his way. That launcher was seen to be the equivalent of a firework, granted by the Higher Ups; whereas I focused solely on my physical skills, being trained by the elder man before his death for a few years. The Pak Tsz Sin is the administrator, and the third below the Shanu Chu, as are the Heung Chu and Sin Fung. They can control fire and are incredibly dangerous with the blade. Yet still, everyone here is subservient to the Red Gang, with the bank you just destroyed being a key area for them, so that can make a difference if small.” Ming Hao explained as her hair was black, with remorseless brown eyes, as did her brother who bore a small bob cut, as they also had what appeared to be pistols. “Its the Cho Hai! They’ve figured us out! Move into the destroyed bank!” Ming Hao said as they all went in, where it was a charred mess with some parts of the building remaining intact, to their amazement, as they hid, still hearing gunfire being aimed at them, as they also heard footsteps nearing them with Ming Hao grabbing the soldier from the legs. “From what I’ve seen, the Building of the Phoenix Seal is one of 4. These Seals you guys have mentioned are indeed existing, real seals that obscure things. It appears the Fu Shanu Chu are the Deputies of the Red Gang with there being some hierarchical system to balance it out.” Satoshi explained calmly as they went up to the roof of the Bank and noticed the Ten towers. “Those Ten towers are for the Ten Emperors.” Ming Hao explained as shots were rocketing towards them as well from such a distance. “Sakura, deal with them.” Satoshi said as she nodded, with her appearing behind those who were shooting as they did the exact same thing that Xian did, and jumped down but Xian soon took his missile launcher and fired it at the soldiers who jumped, blowing them up instantly. “There!” Ming Hao said as she picked up a blue card. “These are the names of the Ten Emperors.” Ming Hao said with slight fear in her eyes as they all jumped down onto the ground, as the first of the Ten Towers showed themselves. “Assassin, you are the best swordsman of us all. Fight them. We will handle the others.” Xian said as he released them from their paralysis. Satoshi soon walked into the building as he noticed it was covered in some golden light.

"So this person who owns this building is one of the Ten Emperors. This will likely be dangerous, even if he is the lowest and likely weakest of the Emperors." Satoshi thought to himself as he noticed a rather young man with golden dragon robes and a red hat staring at his would-be Assassin. "So you are the so called White Spirit. Show us what you are capable of." The man said as his black eyes remained beady as Satoshi noticed a green sword near his person, as the guards around the Emperor showed themselves to Satoshi, as the Emperor put his hand up, forcing them away. "While I am surely knowing that ye can kill them with ease, our battle will be us alone for the Shanu Chu will never lose." The man said as he noticed Satoshi instantly appearing in front of him as he instantly parried with him as the green sword was seen in his hand to Satoshi’s shock, as he was still sitting down. "To think you can do that so easily." Satoshi said as the Emperor smiled softly and kicked Satoshi back as he jumped in response with his Kote and Tekko out. Satoshi then fired kunai from his pocket only to hear a clatter in that instant, as Satoshi then seemingly teleported in front of the Emperor as he aimed the Shadow Sword at his enemy’s robe, using his mysterious eye to see the robe as it bore draconian designs, with him eventually striking his robe, causing great purple energy to his slight shock. "You managed to strike my robe. Now it appears that I must get up." The Emperor said as he instantly appeared behind Satoshi and struck him in the back with his sword as Satoshi felt himself being sent flying down onto the wall, as he felt himself being pulled onto the Sword much like he did when fighting the Blue Gang Leader, as the Emperor looked at his eye, slowly feeling himself being paralysed as he noticed Satoshi disappearing from sight only to appear behind him and kick him in the back, causing him to stumble as he near instantly turned himself around and clashed swords with Satoshi as a missile appeared in front of him, only for the missile to never blow up. "A feint? Such a tactic." The Emperor thought to himself as he was about to slash off Satoshi's arm only for a large explosion to occur in that moment as he jumped back with Satoshi noticing that his hat fell off. "That explosion only forced his hat off? Just how powerful is he even as the weakest Emperor?" Satoshi thought to himself as he observed his arm with it still remaining to his partial amazement with him seeing his enemy’s green sword still remaining to his shock. "That green sword…. If I can learn of its capabilities, I should be able to do something to him. I'll have to fight far more seriously against the higher level Emperors. Relying on the others to fight the rest of the Red Gang needs to be done…" Satoshi thought as he felt nightfall and sunlight simultaneously. "Just what is that?" Satoshi asked as the Emperor smiled softly as Satoshi noticed absolutely no damage done to the Sword. "This is the Cheng Ying, the Sword of Elegance." The Emperor explained as Satoshi saw, using his mysterious Eye, black energy surrounding the Sword. “So that energy has the ability to adapt itself from the Night.” Satoshi thought to himself as he saw both night and day in the Sword. “So the robe even further acts as a sort of barrier.” Satoshi thought to himself as he felt the Emperor strike him, also feeling the Shadow Sword’s aura spreading to his arm, as the black parts of the Samurai armour became cloaked in purple energy. “Cheng Ying: Lunar Form - Celestial Wave.” The Emperor said as Satoshi saw a black and white slash befall him, just as the Shadow Sword began to deflect the attack on its own, as Satoshi dodged the attack, but only just, as his other eye began to turn dark purple with a mysterious sign within it, just as the Emperor noticed an eye opening in the core of the Sword. “Master Xuanye will be winning, in time.” One of the guards explained as Satoshi felt parts of his Kote and Tekko being slowly destroyed, as parts of them fell on the ground, causing his arms and hands to slowly bleed, as the black energy was made more prominent as moonlight shone around his blade. “So it isn’t the Emperor that is necessarily weak, but instead the Sword that is unnaturally strong.” Satoshi thought to himself as the sign within showed itself to be a golden crown, as the Emperor looked shocked, as the Emperor felt his body waning, just as the Emperor struck his back with a white slash, seemingly damaging it only for it to repair, as Satoshi’s hands slowly bled. “He’s being possessed by the Sword?!” Xuanye thought to himself as he instantly appeared in front of Satoshi and attempted to strike him down only to feel himself being paralysed. “This feeling is just like before…. But great, even more so.” He thought to himself as upon him attempting to strike Satoshi, he felt his sword begin to slowly crack to his utter shock. “I am the King.” Satoshi arrogantly said as Xuanye felt himself weakening even more so. “He feels different, yet the same entity.” Xuanye thought to himself as he felt himself being knocked to the ground with every step he made. “Cheng Ying: Lunar Eclipse - Death of the Starry Night!” Xuanye said upon being attacked, every part of Satoshi’s body began to bleed, as he stood behind Satoshi with his sword being drawn completely, as his robes began to bleed profusely. He felt himself being utterly paralysed as Satoshi stared at him very coldly with a murderous expression, as Xuanye’s body to decay rather quickly. “You are nothing more than a slave.” Satoshi said arrogantly, decapitating him as he felt the building begin to destroy itself, as he soon teleported away to the Second Tower. Upon appearing in this tower, he noticed a man with a long, waving beard and a yellow dragon robe, unlike Xuanye where he bore a long broadsword that lit itself in fiery orange, as Satoshi’s surroundings were instantly lit in fire, as his body slowly began to burn only to slowly adapt to them. “So that sword of his manipulates fire.” Satoshi thought to himself as his Kabuto appeared on his face, surrounding him, shielding him from the smoke of the fire, as his crown symbol still remained within his eye. “So ye murdered Xuanye in a brutal attack.” The Emperor soon said as he observed the sword Satoshi held, began absorbing the flames into itself as more spawned, only to see the Emperor dancing around the flames, attacking with them as Satoshi ducked and weaved as a slash of fire was aimed at the Emperor. “He’s undoubtedly faster than Xuangye. He’s giving no paths of attack.” Satoshi thought to himself as his hand turned into a cannon, firing at him only to see him dance around it, and violently slash at him, as he felt himself burning continuously over time, as he felt himself moving through one of the flames, only to return back to normal. “Did I just warp space?” Satoshi thought to himself as he summoned a missile from his wrist-launcher that began to suck in the flames to the Emperor’s shock. “Yu Chang: Flaming Art - Wrath of Zhurong.” The Emperor said as a flaming rat manifested itself from his sword and rushed to Satoshi as he noticed his enemy’s sword manifesting a purple energy from its top; as the rat began to eat at Satoshi, seemingly burning his Dark armour as he slowly began to be healed as a result of the purple energy. “Lord Ming Chengzu! Act on it and kill him!” One of his guards said as they felt themselves waning away, slowly decomposing as Chengzu felt himself being struck by a purple slash, as Satoshi’s sign still remained, as the ritual circle from earlier on appeared. “What is that?!” Chengzu asked as a demonic hand appeared out of it, with him standing his ground with the Sword’s flames spreading around him. “Flaming Art - Protection of Zhurong.” Chengzu thought to himself as he slashed the demonic hand multiple times, as Satoshi looked horrified. “This Shadow Sword really is from Hell.” Satoshi thought to himself with fear, as the demonic hand sustained no real damage with the hand grabbing Chengzu by the stomach, ripping off his robe, as he was slowly being crushed to death, as his sword began to fire large pillars of red flame from itself, attempting to damage the demonic hand to no avail, as his body rapidly aged and withered away, as the Second Tower destroyed itself in that moment. Satoshi looked at the sky, as he noticed the sky had turned dark with the endless stars guiding him, seemingly as he was teleported into the Third Tower; with his eye turning from a crown into a five-sided star, with the Sode appearing in the form of shoulder blades as his armour was slowly burnt only to reverse itself. He noticed another man, also with a beard and white clothing that resembled a kimono with a sword that had dragons all over its scabbard, that resembled the Yu Chang in its form, as he instantly appeared in front of Satoshi and began to attack him, attempting to strike him with his sword, as the Shadow Sword began to casually parry the blows away, only to feel himself being kicked back and stabbed in the chestplate, as he noticed it begin to break, as draconic beings appeared on the chestplate, as energy ripped throughout his armour that resembled golden lights. “Nine Dragon Sword - Celestial Dragon.” The Emperor said as a golden dragon appeared from Satoshi’s armour and attempted to eat him, as he just dodged this attack. “My body is severely injured. But the Shadow Sword will likely continually control my physical body and allow my mind to think.” Satoshi thought to himself as his gem glowed, near-instantly healing him. "So his sword’s ability is the ability to manipulate some higher form of energy in the form of a dragon, perhaps." Satoshi thought to himself as he felt his Sode begin to be overwhelmed with golden energy, only for the Shadow Sword’s energy to surround his shoulderplates, as he struck the Sword just as the Emperor calmly dodged the strike. “You aren’t bad for an assassin.” The Emperor said, kicking Satoshi back only for his foot to be grabbed as a dragon appeared from his foot and strike him with the Shadow Sword slowly absorbing it into itself, as he noticed the Emperor standing behind him, with kunai being fired at his direction, as a smoke ball surrounded the Emperor, causing him to cough slightly. “What is he attempting to do?” The Emperor asked himself as Satoshi appeared behind him with a kunai in an attempt to kill him. “Nine Dragons Sword - Second Dragon: Shenlong.” The Emperor said as a blue dragon appeared to Satoshi’s shock as the tower’s ceiling opened up, firing rain drops at Satoshi, as a barrier slowly began to manifest around him, as the Shadow Sword began to absorb the rain, as he felt himself being pushed away towards the edge of the door of the Third Tower. “Wind? So he does possess multiple abilities.” Satoshi thought to himself as he jumped away to the door, as he felt a tornado being summoned from the very apex of the Tower, being pulled into it at speed. “I have to use Gravitational Void on myself in order to remove myself from this. How dangerous is this man? He’s far more powerful than the other emperors.” Satoshi thought as he felt his wrist-device firing a missile that created a grey void, sucking him and the wind into it, as he appeared from the other side to the Emperor’s shock as he attempted to stab the Emperor once more as he felt a small bead appearing on his dress, only to drop it, as Satoshi felt the Tower around him start to warp around him, as he struggled to move. “Nine Dragons Sword - Third Dragon: Fucanglong.” The Emperor said as pillars of earth began to surround Satoshi, as he began to fly away, feeling the tower around him continuing to warp itself, shifting, as Satoshi felt a piece of earth smash into his back, as his Do surrounded his back, protecting him from the attack. “So he can summon each dragon and their abilities to damage me.” Satoshi thought to himself as shards of earth appeared from parts of the Tower and fired at him, instantly causing Satoshi’s hand to turn into a cannon and fire at the shards, sending them to the ground, as well as the Emperor, who jumped away in response as his sword awakened his fourth dragon appeared who was black with purple edges, as the earth around him darkened with earthen spears dancing around the Tower. In response, Satoshi jumped around only for the earthen spears to strike him, as he began to vomit from underneath his mask, as the earthen spears absorbed with purple energy. “Bracken Dance: Nine Dragons Sword - Fourth Dragon: Dilong - Earthen Rage: Shadow Dance.” The Emperor said as shadowy entities appeared from the earthen spikes, as he noticed a black entity appearing from the opened door, to both people’s shock, as the entity began to attack the Emperor , only to see him parry the attacks away. “Shadow Sword: Possession!” Satoshi thought to himself as he plunged the Sword in the air, causing him to instantly appear behind the Emperor, just as the crows disappeared into the night, as the shadowy entities began to attack Satoshi with incredibly fast speed, firing kunai and multiple gunshots at him, only for them to be deflected as dark slashes struck the Shadow entities, as a five-sided star appeared in the very air, causing the Shadow entities to be absorbed into the star, to the Emperor’s utter shock. “In that case… Nine Dragons Sword: Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Dragon - Yinglong He Jiaolong He Panlong - Temporal Winds.” The Emperor said as wings appeared around him, with large winds being fired at Satoshi as the star absorbed the winds, feeling time around them being stopped alongside water surrounding him, as purple energy surrounded him, seemingly breaking him out of this temporal flash, as his eyes flashed white, seeing himself when he bore the Shadow Sword in the time of Past Long Gone. “This Moment will likely overpower this, as I can withstand this time manipulation.” Satoshi thought to himself as he walked in the frozen time of the Tower, as his Shadow Sword began to cause the frozen time to vibrate, as earthquake-like markings caused the frozen time to shatter, to the Emperor’s horror, just as everything began to move again only for water to surround him, seemingly drowning him as the hand cannon appeared, and slowly absorbed the water in an orange light. “You managed to survive that. Truly impressive, that sword is dangerous.” The Emperor said to Satoshi as he appeared behind the Emperor once more, as he clashed once more with his Sword, as he froze time around the Tower, only for Satoshi to withstand it with ease. “Jiaolong: Draconic Prison.” The Emperor said as Satoshi’s Sword slowly began to deflect the strikes of both the Emperor and the Draconic Prison which was attempting to seal him, only for the Star to appear and seal away the water. “Then this be my final ability. Nine Dragons Sword - Eighth and Ninth Dragon: Huanglong and Long Wang.” The Emperor said as a blue crown appeared on his head with blue trimmings surrounding his clothing, as a dragon appeared on the back of his kimono, as Satoshi felt the purple earth spears from before increase in size. “Draconic Cage - Temporal Frost.” The Emperor said as Satoshi soon became trapped in earthen spears, to his slight shock, as Satoshi felt himself drowning in water, noticing the Nine Dragons Sword glowing. “Final Art - Draconic Reanimation: Ao Guang.” The Emperor said as a dragon even larger than all of the others manifested in front of Satoshi and swished his tail, causing earthquakes within the room, firing humongous blasts of water at Satoshi, as he noticed parts of his being being whisked away into the sky. “Temporal Annihilation.” The Emperor said as Satoshi felt himself dying as his Shadow Sword propelled energy into his arms, only to fire Kunai at the Emperor as he whisked himself away into water. “This leaves me no other choice, for he is undoubtedly the strongest of all enemies I have fought up to this point.” Satoshi said as he only just managed to maintain his ground, as the earthquake caused his body to shake, as blood began pouring from every part of his being just as the tail slashed itself into his being, as his Sode began to crack apart. He just managed to plunge his Shadow Sword into the ground, as an immensely large ritual circle manifested with multiple signs such as a crown and star showed themselves. “Release.” Satoshi said as the dragon began to be absorbed into the circle, burning away it and the earth around him, as the tower remained cracked, as he fired flaming kunai from his hand at the Emperor causing a pillar of water to surround him, just as the Circle absorbed it within itself. “What is this feeling of paralysis and numbness therein?” The Emperor thought to himself as after that, the feeling subsided noticing Satoshi activate a skeletal structure that bore a shield and sword. “Dragon Palace: Tsunami.” The Emperor said as water surrounded Satoshi’s barrier, only to be negated as the Emperor felt a blade running through his chest, as the Earthen Spears began to slowly wither away, as he drew blood from his mouth. “What is this blade of absolute providence that I am surely observing?” The Emperor asked as his guards from around the Tower looked utterly horrified. “Kublai Khan has lost for the first time!” The guards said as the tower began to destroy itself, as Satoshi released his Okami, as the Dragon symbol on his back disappeared in that moment. “So you are the second one ever to have beaten me. You are indeed powerful. One day I shalt be surpassed, and perhaps that person wilt be ye. My grandfather is the next Emperor above me.” Kublai explained as he smiled, releasing his robes with the tower destroying itself as he just managed to kneel on the ground with the Nine Dragon Sword. “Take the Sword.” Kublai explained as the Sword disappeared, just as Satoshi also disappeared into the night, where he appeared in the Fourth Tower. Upon appearing, the Man who was there resembled Kublai in his former, except he was far older as Satoshi noticed a black sword with silver trimmings on it. “So this is his grandfather.” Satoshi thought to himself as he instantly attacked the Man only for the man to instantly parry the attack with ease, as they clashed swords even more, causing Satoshi to fire a missile at the Man, as he noticed a massive explosion of energy surrounding himself. “You are not bad.” The Man said to him as Satoshi breathed rather heavily, noticing his thighs and kneecaps also being protected, as multiple arrows fired from every direction, as he fired a black hole from his wrist device, only to notice the Man firing a league of swords at Satoshi, just as red energy surrounded Satoshi, defending him with seeming ease only to notice a crack in his ribcage, as the Man appeared. “Surely, I am Genghis Khan and your death is nigh. King Qin Sword: Double Strike.” He said as two strikes appeared on his enemies’ ribcage to his shock, sending him flying. “Gatling Gun: Release.” Satoshi thought to himself as he fired multiple bullets at Genghis Khan, only to see him dodge them and disappear from sight. “Fire Arrows of Zhurong.” Genghis said as flaming arrows fired at Satoshi near-instantly, only to see them fall on the floor, as he instantly appeared in front of Genghis Khan and slashed his leg, causing it to wither away, as he was kicked away into the wall. “True Strikes.” Genghis said as multiple strikes splattered onto Satoshi’s lower body in seeming revenge, as both swordsmen were fighting as though they were dancing, as Satoshi appeared behind him and stepped on the ground, causing a large flaming pillar to surround Genghis, just as Satoshi noticed no damage, as his Shadow Sword pierced his back, causing a purple line of energy to stream over to his sword, as Genghis’ leg was utterly ripped off, as he felt himself being aged. “Final Strike.” Genghis said as he felt his head being dropped onto the ground. The Tower was utterly destroyed as he teleported himself to the Fifth Tower, seeing a man who looked like Genghis, with a purely white kimono-like cloak and dark skin. Satoshi’s hand turned into a large cannon that fired electrical bolts as the man instantly dodged and struck Satoshi with a large strike to the chest with a tin brown sword. “That sword… its the famed Sword of Goujian.” Satoshi thought to himself as he jumped, ducked and weaved and backflipped, sending the Emperor flying backwards as he fired kunai at the Emperor sending him onto the wall. “You’re fast.” The Emperor said as he ditched his robe, revealing a very muscular old body as Satoshi fired a shotgun-like blast causing the Emperor to dodge it with ease and appear behind him as a knife appeared from Satoshi’s arm, causing the man to stop temporarily as Satoshi turned around and slashed him in the throat with blood dripping on the floor, as he smiled coldly with his Kabuto actually manifesting on his head in the form of a helmet, kicking the Emperor back as his wrist-device shot a laser at the man, as he noticed his stomach pierced with a green object, as a spot of blood showed itself. “I didn’t want to necessarily use this, but this is getting bad for me, for I might actually die. Blood Poisoning: f*ckiya.” Satoshi said as the body of the Emperor began to blow up and explode into nothingness, as a faint shadow appeared behind Satoshi, now with his robe back. “Goujian: Indestructibility.” The Emperor said as Goujian’s energy glowed in a brown casket to Satoshi’s utter shock. “How did you survive that?” Satoshi asked him as he then plunged his sword into the ground of the Tower, as the Ritual Circle appeared on the ground, as purple marks surrounded Satoshi completely. “Time to end this, brat.” Satoshi said coldly as he threw the Shadow Sword into the Emperor’s stomach at full speed. “Shadow Sword: Ultimate Destruction - Demon’s Trap.” Satoshi thought to himself as a demonic hand, not unlike the one summoned before, as the Emperor was grabbed, as dark energy surrounded the demonic hand, increasing it in size, as blood began to pour out of the Emperor’s body, as the Tower began to destroy itself. “Die.” Satoshi said as his enemy was ripped in half in that moment, as he teleported away to the Sixth Tower as the Man was peacefully waiting there, feeling something dark around the entirety of the Blue Lane, as he noticed everything shaking, as flames rocked around the entire Blue Lane, destroying many buildings and many people. “He’s simply testing the waters of his capability, not that he needeth to… we’ve now awoken the King of them all.” The Emperor from within the Sixth Tower said rather mockingly. “Pangu: Shattered Heaven.” A voice could be heard saying from the final Tower that Satoshi could see, as the sky itself began to rumble, and shatter, as many blue screens opened themselves up on contact. “Satoshi boy, get every form of guard that you hath interacted with to where I am now! Even Akaria itself is being wiped out as we speak from this cataclysmic attack!” Kulana explained as Samantha’s signal was shaking rather violently. “Get them here to the Blue Lane Brothel now!” Kulana explained as he noticed a majority of Akaria was utterly annihilated by simple shockwaves. “You see, Satoshi boy, we are countries away, nay continents away. The Lanes are city-sized countries derived from Akaria itself, which is a country-sized continent.” Kulana explained as all parties noticed that the sky continued to break down very quickly as Kulana heard multiple rumblings from above him. “The area above me where Akaria actually is, is being annihilated with effective ease! You have to stop that attack no matter what happens! Otherwise, the planet will likely be destroyed with ease! Judging from the attack, its likely an earthquake with there being no faultline. Its scales are far off the Richter scales, being infinitely beyond such!” Kulana explained as Samantha heard parts of the sky crumbling down, destroying a considerable amount of the Red Lane. “Satoshi, my connection is being ruptured slowly, but just teleport any innocent bystanders using that Black hole ability of yours. Please!” Samantha explained as he nodded. “I have to complete this though.” He explained as Samantha looked utterly shocked. “Satoshi, just fire the Black Hole on the ground outside to teleport everyone else away.” Xarxa explained as he continued to nod in agreement, as he fired the black hole at the ground. “So these two emperors are Taizu, with this being Taizong.” Satoshi said to himself as the Emperor smiled, as he heard people being sucked in. The Emperor bore a black sword similar to the King Qin Sword with a dragon on his sheath, as Satoshi felt himself being watched by a red dragon to his slight awe. “Now I am one of 4.” Taizong explained as he also wore a creamy white dragon robe as he smiled, yet grimaced. “Out of all the emperors so far, undoubtedly Kublai was the strongest.” Satoshi thought to himself as he attempted to kick Taizong only to dodge, as the Kusazuri appeared above his Do and his Suneate, as he was soon sent backwards into the wall, as he jumped onto the ceiling with a metallic spider appearing with a red light, as he looked down, as he saw the spider begin to explode, as he smacked it with his sheath, as it exploded in his face, sending him back only slightly. “None has ever gone past my sheath of the Zhan Lu Jian sword.” Taizong explained as smoke devoured his being, as even with his sheath he deflected the smoke away from himself, only to feel a sword piercing him with dark energy surrounding him, as he looked shocked. “How impressive of you, for a rogue managed to damage my being.” Taizong thought to himself as his sword’s sheath fell off, revealing a truly pale sword that shone even brighter than the Sun and Moon. “This is effectively the upgraded version of the Cheng Ying blade.” Satoshi thought to himself as he continued to pierce Taizong’s dragon robe, only for him to take the Shadow Sword out of his robe, as he kicked Satoshi back quite some distance. “Zhan Lu Jian - Lunar Wave.” Taizong thought to himself as a white phoenix appeared in front of Satoshi, as the tower began to violently shake. “The King is clearly beginning to wake up.” Taizong stated with a cold, serious look as he noticed a red-eyed entity with wings flying as the sky darkened, only to see the Sky falling on them only for Satoshi to then summon the Ritual Circle to ensnare the entire sky without any effort as Taizong looked outraged. “Zhan Lu Jian - Solar Eclipse: Final Divinity of the Lunar Dragon o Long Wang!” Taizong said as a massive golden dragon appeared with flaming white eyes as the Sword began to crack away to Satoshi’s shock, as Taizong smiled, noticing the Dragon eat the Sword and disappear. “Once the King wakes up fully, the Shanu Chu wilt devour all in the healing of darkness. Chaos wilt ensue for the final war will occur. The war of absolute supremacy wilt begin, causing absolute strife across the Lanes. The Void wilt be kept therein forever as one entity returns to unite all sides in such faith and power beyond the very definition of control. A new order shalt emerge where no such system of these shall remain therein, as an ocean of darkness and chaos shall cause a greater order with a temporariness of which none shalt understand or even fathom beyond doubt. The final Emperors are indeed beyond mine own power. Let chaos resume!” Taizong said, with a sense of maddening insanity as his head was swiftly decapitated in that moment, as the Sixth Tower was wiped out entirely, as Satoshi appeared in the Seventh Tower, as a man with a blue dragon robe showed himself with a dragon-like beard and facial features, as a quiver of arrows was seen behind his back. “So this is the seventh emperor who is clearly an archer.” Satoshi pondered to himself as he noticed a plethora of arrows being fired at him in that instant, as he deflected all of them. “So you are Emperor Wen.” Satoshi thought to himself. “Blood Poison.” Satoshi explained as the Tower began to blow up, causing the Emperor himself to blow up in that moment, killing him for good, as they were teleported over to the Eighth Tower, as they saw a man who looked virtually identical to Emperor Wen in his form, except with a sharper beard and what appeared to be a staff in his hand that glowed brightly, as Satoshi glared at him, with a cold look in his eyes, as his head was slashed off, in that instant with Satoshi taking the staff, as the Tower was obliterated as they both flew outside, as they noticed the earthquake caused another tower to go into the ground, never to be seen again, as they flew to what appeared to be the Final Tower, with had a sign on it that read Wang, as King, as they appeared in it, revealing a man with large eyes and a blue hat with a multi-coloured dragon robe, with calming eyes. “So you’re the one who caused that great earthquake?” Satoshi asked coldly as he passively shut down the Screens as the man looked at him with a complete sense of calm. “So you now possess the Ruyi Jingu Bang. The Emperor beneath me, Wu, bore it as a true master of the staff.” The Man said very calmly with a smile on his face, as an axe appeared in his hand. It was a one-sided axe that had a red handle on its orifice as Satoshi’s new staff was black with golden cudgels on its ends, as his eyes flashed white with time stopping. He saw himself, albeit an older version gaining it from a temple under the Sea, as upon taking it out, the seas ravaged the world, devouring it in a massive flood as a dragon’s wings protected him from this attack as he teleported away, never to be seen again, as time restarted itself only to see himself moving around the Man, attacking him at full speed. “Even with Sakura dead… you will suffer.” Qin Shi said coldly

“Not bad.” He said, with his eyes still closed as he instantly struck the air with his axe, causing even more damage to the landscape. “Shadow Sword: Kill.” Satoshi thought to himself as the Sword glowed violently to the Man’s shock. “I am the Final Emperor. Qin Shi Huang.” He explained as he struck his axe with the Shadow Sword, causing an immense amount of power to fire away at all sides. “Heavenly Brigade: Death Shower.” Qin Shi thought to himself as he noticed the Shadow Sword going around him, as he observed a shadowy entity grabbing it and fighting the Man as smaller meteors also appeared to Satoshi’s horror. "You've lost so easily? Very well, for I shall not want to kill you in such an instant." Qin Shi said to himself as he noticed Satoshi spinning the staff rather quickly as he also noticed the staff duplicating itself as the staff began to extend, of its own will as it near instantly reached the meteors that broke upon being touched by the staff. "How heavy is this staff?" Satoshi thought to himself as he felt his hands beginning to break down as Qin Shi looked slightly shocked. “Impressive.” He thought to himself as he noticed Satoshi appearing in the Tower, with Sakura still attacking him as he casually dodged them with ease. “Shattered Calamity.” He said as he slashed his Axe downwards with Satoshi falling to the ground instead. Satoshi’s mask near-instantly cracked apart as his Dark Samurai armour began to crack violently, including the Kabuto. “No tool of mine will actually work against him. Damn it!” Satoshi thought to himself as he fired a red laser at Qin Shi, as he felt himself exploding, only to receive no damage to his opponent’s shock, as blood spilled down his mouth. “Now that the Gem’s cracked, I have no choice but to use my full power of the Shadow Sword against him.” Satoshi thought to himself with him noticing a red orb fired at Qin Shi, as light shone around him, dispelling the attack in an instant. “Darkening Mist.” Qin Shi said with his eyes still closed as darkness spread around the entirety of the Tower and the rest of the Red Lane, with ease. He looked as a bright blue light and two white lights stared at him in the darkness, as he was being attacked by the Shadow Sword as the darkness was being absorbed into the Sword as this occurred, only to dodge with literal ease as he began to physically strike Satoshi in an instant, as pain rattled in their bodies, as Satoshi noticed a massive hand appear from nowhere. “Five-Fingered Hand.” He said as the fingers were individually the size of mountains, for upon Satoshi seeing this, he was trapped as golden energy surrounded Satoshi’s being, as Satoshi’s eyes flashed white, seeing himself as a man who was attacking someone with the Staff, extending it in the Past Long Since Gone, only to return to the present as he teleported away, turning invisible and teleporting behind Qin Shi Huang and slammed him in the back with his staff, forcing him to turn around as his axe only just handled the Staff, as his eyes were still closed as he sensed the meteors from above him, as they were still exploding, as the meteors began to explode in his face in that instant, as Satoshi noticed him falling to the ground with some slight wounds, only for them to disappear in that instant, as he noticed a large storm cloud above him covering the entirety of the damaged sky with ease. “Storm Cloud: Eternal Strike.” Satoshi thought to himself coldly as a lightning bolt shone, revealing Satoshi looking down at him from the Tower. “So you also possess the great Jīndǒu Yún. This may be interesting.” Qin Shi said to himself as he was violently struck with white lightning seemingly endlessly. “Thus Emperor Wu also had the Jīndǒu Yún alongside the Ruyi Jingu Bang. Yet perhaps it is time I reveal my true identity.” He thought to himself as he noticed the lightning bolt strikes were stopped, seemingly by Satoshi’s will, as he bore even more wounds than before. “I am not Qin Shi Huang. I am the… Jade Emperor and the King.” He said calmly as his wounds instantly healed; his clothing changed from multi-coloured to a red dragon robe with a green hat-like crown with multiple signs on it, as his eyes opened, revealing bright golden eyes that shone brightly, only for the Ruyi Jingu Bang to continue slamming him into the Building where it was golden and white as a huge hole appeared upon him being sent flying into the Building where a man was seen with a green cloak around his waist. “You betrayed us, eh?” The Man said to two people; a man and a woman as they remained cold and emotionless. “The King was damaged?” The Man thought to himself with slight fear, as the Jade Emperor smiled and created a blade and threw it over to the Man. “Yes. As we did.” They both said at the same time, attacking the Man with fast strikes and missiles respectively, as he grabbed the blade and easily deflected the missile, with his clothing completely becoming green.

“For a Deputy, you are weak requiring the aid of an Emperor who is lower.” Ming Hao said mockingly as her eyes remained emotionless, as they both noticed three men alongside others: Pak Tsz Sin, the Heung Chu and Sin Fung. The Heung Chu saw themselves with an armada and Sin Fung was on his own as the Pak Tsz Sin smiled coldly with a flame in his hand, just as the Cho Hai also appeared alongside the Hung Kuan and Sin Chu. “Let’s murder these rats.” The Pak Tsz Sin said as he fired a blast of fire at her as she dodged it. “Xian, deal with the Fu Shanu Chu. I’ll deal with the rest.” Ming Hao said as Xian fired his pistol at the Deputy only for his blade to freeze the shots, with Xian noticing the blade’s tip having a frosted end on it, as the others laughed heartily. “We were the murderers of that bastard! That traitor!” The Cho Hai said mockingly as Xian and Ming Hao glared at them in absolute rage. “Forget him! Let’s end them! For now our restraints are gone!” Ming Hao said in absolute rage as they both ran at all of the Cho Hai as they fired their respective weapons, as they fought with their hands, breaking a few of the soldiers’ necks only to feel gunfire from multiple sides, as they dodged these with some difficulty as they were all taken to a different room by the Pak Tsz Sin. All that was heard after that were screams from many people, as a hole was blown through the roof of the building to the Deputy’s shock. Ming Hao continued to punch multiple members of each respective rank. “You bastards!” She screamed in rage for the first time, as Xian shot at other people with his pistol as the other ranks of the Cho Hai, killing them, just as the Heung Chu tried to attack Ming Hao, only to have her hands broken and her neck snapped with a cold smile coming from Ming Hao. “So now its just you, left, Pak Tsz Sin.” Ming Hao said as the final member of the Hung Kwan appeared behind Xian and began to attack him. “Kill that boy!” The Pak Tsz Zin said as flaming balls were summoned around him and fired at Ming Hao, only for her to barely dodge them, as one hit her leg, causing it to slowly burn away as she ran at her full speed, with one of her legs still burning as Xian looked in slight horror, remembering when he saw his parents dying, as he punched the Hung Kwan in the chest and clutched his pistol in his free hand, and shot him in the chest, only for his sister’s leg to blow up from the fire that burned away, as blood shot from there onto his face, as the Hung Kwan summoned a staff that bore two sides along with black armour that resembled chainmail. “Suǒ zi huáng jīn jiǎ”. The Hung Kwan said as Xian backflipped, which caused Ming Hao to jump with one leg, sending Xian even further backwards as he backflipped onto the Pak Tsz Sin, sending him back and kicked his hand, as he tried to fire a flaming blast only to burn himself slightly, as Ming Hao glared at the Hung Kwan. “So you bear chainmail armour? Then in that case, I can’t use my martial arts skills against you.” Ming Hao said coldly as she grabbed her pistol, changing it into a sword-like weapon, as he swung his staff at full force, as she just dodged the attacks with one leg only to hear a flaming blast coming from the other end of the room, as the rest of the bodies were burning, as Ming Hao began to cough as did Xian. “I need to end this fight quickly.” They both thought at the same time as she just dodged it, noticing the Hung Kwan was sent back. “You old bastard!” He screamed as he began to attack Ming Hao as the staff almost touched her arm, causing it to almost break just as she struck him in the ringlets of his armour, causing him extreme pain, as blood shot from there, just as she soon began to slice the arm off, causing blood to fly onto her face, as Xian felt a flaming pillar appearing from underneath him, as in that moment, he threw the gun into his other hand, as he just dodged it, causing his arm to be severely burnt in a pile of ashen black, as it fell off and disappeared. “Xian!” She screamed in absolute rage as she felt a shot piercing the Hung Kwai’s other arm, as she noticed the ring-like chain of his remaining arm untangle. “So this armour is dependent on the wielder’s strength and durability. But I can pull it with my remaining two arms.” Ming Hao thought to herself as she grabbed the chain with her foot, stomping on it, causing it to fly upwards, as she held it in her mouth and bit it, causing him to move with her to his horror. “You stupid wench!” He screamed as she saw Xian’s other arm bearing a missile launcher on it. “So it can adapt to his being, and not be a weapon of sure detriment.” Ming Hao thought to herself as she noticed Xian firing a missile at the Pak Tsz Sin, as a large explosion was heard, as they both saw that the man was alive to their shock. “Flaming Aura.” The Pak Tsz Sin said coldly as Ming Hao stared at him with partial shock as Xian soon moved with his two legs in front of the Hung Kwai, as he kicked the man just as Ming Hao moved him in his line of sight, causing the Hung Kwai to vomit blood with the chain still in her mouth, as he felt himself being wrapped around with his own chain, as Xian smiled and constantly moved around him, causing him to try to attack his enemy, to no avail, as the chain was removed from her mouth and fully wrapped around his being, as his staff was grabbed from his hand. “I murdered your bastard of a traitor!” The Pak Tsz Sin said as he saw the Hung Kwai’s head being beaten by the Staff with a smile on Xian’s face, as blood flew in multiple directions, as he noticed Hung Kwai’s eyes slowly turning white. “Done already?” Xian said, mockingly as Hung Kwai tried to attack with his legs, only to have them beaten as well. “Now then, time to blow this through the roof.” Xian said as his missile fired at the ground, destroying the Hung Kwan’s lower body completely, as his arm still remained as blood flew onto Xian’s arm, to the horror of the Pak Tsz Sin, as Ming Hao walked towards him and glared at him, as she began to punch him in the face repeatedly, as he began to bleed slowly as she moved out of the way, with multiple shots in the head, sending blood spattering to Ming Hao’s face and arms, even more so, just as she stabbed him in the chest numerous times with her sword, as he laughed. “YOU BASTARDISED whor*!” He screamed as his eye was stabbed and the other was shot through, with his mouth being slashed with Hung Kwai’s chain, as the sword was forcefully pulled out. “Sister, are you alright?” Xian asked as she smiled peacefully. “Yes. What matters is that you’re also alright. These guys are now as good as dead. Let’s bring them over to that bastard.” Ming Hao said calmly as she grabbed the green button that teleported them their in the first place, as they teleported back, leaving the room a scorched hellscape, as they appeared as the Fu Shanu Chu saw them to his utter shock, with Ming Hao carrying the Pak Tsz Sin’s dead body as Xian carried the upper half of the Hung Kwai’s body to his horror, as he let the body hold the staff only to rip his remaining arm with it and throw it in front of the Deputy. “So you murdered them. Impressive for mere brats of that WRETCH!” Fu Shanu Chu screamed as both siblings appeared in front of him and began to attack from both sides with unrelenting speed. “You only bear one leg.” He said mockingly as he almost struck Ming’s leg clean off, just as Xian’s missile launcher appeared in front of him as a rocket launcher with him kicking her away from the potential disaster that would ensue, as upon firing the missile, half of it was frozen and struck off with his green spear, as his remaining arm was to be sliced off, he saw a green dart get fired at him and smoke surrounding it, as a red-dressed entity grabbed him and punched him square in the chest, and seemingly impaled it in his chest, sending him back some distance into the door of what seemed to be the Red Gang leader. “Green Dragon Crescent Blade - Release.” The Deputy said as the entity showed themselves to be a woman with a red dress and a man far behind her with a sniper. “Looks like you Red Gang traitors needed help.” The man said as Ming Hao and Xian looked utterly shocked, seeing a one armed man with a Sniper and a green-black coat. “The famed Amane of the Blue Gang and the bitch Samantha.” The Fu Shanu Chu said arrogantly as he saw blue mist devouring the area as Samantha moved away from this attack only for them all to be shocked as the mist was frozen. “So you can freeze things thanks to the tip of that blade? Wretched Triads always have to have something new.” Amane said to himself as he noticed no signs of blood on the person. “I am Guan Yu.” The Deputy said arrogantly as Amane grimaced coldly as a missile was fired at Guan Yu, only for him to deflect the attack through rapidly spinning the spear, as a man appeared behind him. “Move out of the way so we can kill him, sonny boy!” A man with a brown coat with golden signs said as he obliged, causing bullets to be sprayed out of an assault rifle-like weapon only for the bullets to clatter on the floor in that moment as Guan Yu appeared in front of him, just as he jumped in front of Amane in an attempt to save him as he was brutally struck to Amane’s shock, as he lay dying in his arms. “You don’t realise, do you, boy? I am… your father. It is sad that your mother died so young and you were taken into the Blue Gang. You’ll be my better and surpass me, boy for I am glad you ne’er joined this military for it is corrupted. Please.” The man said as Amane began to sweat coldly remembering this vague image of a man who constantly held his hand as a young boy with no maternal figure. “You are, aren’t you?” He said to the now dying body as his hat covered his facial expression, as Guan Yu attempted to strike him down only for his Sniper rifle to take the attack instead, and kick him back slightly as Amane noticed Samantha’s ear slowly bleed, as he shot Guan Yu in the robes. “You brat.” He said as Amane coldly smiled and got up as Samantha appeared behind him and struck him, only to see him dodge the attack as blood dripped down. “So you can freeze the Mist and likely Poison. But can you freeze yourself?” Amane asked as he fired a red dart at Guan Yu, only for that to drop as that spawned in more blood darts that were all deflected or frozen as one landed on him. “Perfect. Blood Poisoning: Level 3.” Amane thought to himself as Guan Yu’s body began to explode as blood spawned everywhere, as he felt himself blowing up, as he did. Upon this occurring, his entire body froze itself to Amane’s shock and crumbled away as Ming Hao noticed a shadow appearing from behind. “MOVE!” She screamed as upon him being attacked, a golden sword struck his back, as Amane recognised it. “Amane, it appeared that even you needed some help. I’m impressed that you managed to survive so late.” A recognisable voice said as Amane was utterly shocked, as Guan Yu glared at him in rage. “Ming Hao and Xian. You survived that attack 20 years ago.” The Man said with his Oni Mask no longer being there, as they smiled softly. “YOU BASTARDS!” Guan Yu screamed in rage as the Man instantly looked at him as poison spread through his robe. “Green Dragon Crescent Blade - Final Heal - Fly’s Nest.” He thought to himself as the Poison slowly disappeared as he felt himself at full health. “How did you survive?!” Amane asked with slight impatience as the Man looked at him. “I was revived by a great doctor and a former helper, as did you.” The Man said as a large hole was blown in the doors of the Building, as shadows revealed themselves, showing Kulana, Xarxa and the rest of Samantha’s gang, including the Geisha and Oiran to her shock, as multiple policemen showed themselves. “Now I am at full health. DIE!” Guan Yu said as the Jade Emperor smiled, as he fired shards of ice at the Man only for him to casually dodge them as he manifested his sword, in all of its golden glory. “Dōjikiri Yasutsuna”. He said as he stabbed Guan Yu’s spear, breaking it in two, impaling him on his sword, as Guan Yu saw a beautiful golden dragon glaring at him, breathing fire near his nostrils as he returned to reality, only to be beheaded in an instant, as they walked in to the door, noticing a woman with a bird on her dress. “The mystical Fenghuang.” The Man said coldly as the Empress smiled giddily. “O Empress Wu, the battle ends here.“ The Man said coldly as she opened her casket, and released two swords from them. “So you and your army have returned in such a case.” Wu said calmly as she held the two swords in her hand, and gripped them with no sense of fear. “This is our final battle.” She said mockingly as a ritual circle appeared with Satoshi appearing from it, alongside Sakura as a familiar red-wearing dragon robed man also appeared alongside them. “The Jade Emperor?! So Qin Shi betrayed me?” Wu asked as she glared at him with her swords pointed at him. “You bear the Gan Jiang and Mo Ye? The Swords of Love.” The Jade Emperor said coldly as he noticed them glowing pink. “Gods of Love - Yuelao.” She said coldly as she clapped her hands together, summoning eight seals, just as everyone else was revived in that moment. “That’s the seal from earlier, except at its most advanced stage yet.” Satoshi said calmly as he noticed the Man to his horror. “Know that for now, we are allies alongside the rest in this final war of absolute supremacy“ The Man said as Satoshi remembered the words of Taizong. “Eight Sacred Animals - Open!” She said as a Phoenix, Dragon, Tortoise and Tiger appeared alongside a faceless dog, a sheep, a centipede and a winged lion appeared. “Those are the Hundun, Taowu, Taotie and Qiongqi.” The Jade Emperor explained as he was attacked only for him to dodge, just as the creatures began to attack everyone. “Daughter of Hell, attack the Four Sacred Creatures with your demonic abilities alongside them.” The Man said as Sakura reluctantly agreed and fought alongside the army. “You realise not! I am the Final Emperor! The Tenth Tower!” Wu explained as she jumped upwards with her twin blades, as the dead Emperors and Red Gang members appeared and fought the rest of the Army, as the Second Emperor stole the Ruyi Jingu Bang from Satoshi as he could hardly react, just as the Storm released itself and destroyed the roof of the building. “He’s fast!” Satoshi thought to himself as the Second Emperor returned to fight the rest of the Army alongside the rest of his Emperors. “FIGHT for the sake of the Monarchic Dynasty!” Xarxa said as they all fought the Army of Beasts and Men. “White Spirit Satoshi, use your Shadow Sword to attack her.” The Man explained as he jumped up, just as Wu did and violently struck her, as she wrapped herself around her twin swords with the Man striking her with his sword, just as he threw Satoshi upwards with the Shadow Sword as water began surrounding her in a tornado-like fashion, as they both saw the Storm firing down at the Building, just as she released her swords from her person. “Waters of Huangdi - Gonggong.” She thought to herself as Satoshi soon slashed the tornado, as it never dispersed to the Man’s slight shock. “Use that red structure of yours.” The Man said to Satoshi as red energy surrounded him throughout his outer body as it quickly transformed into a humanoid structure to Wu’s shock. “Looks like we have our old fights!” She said as she violently struck the Man with her duel wield swords, as he casually parried the strikes away, as both their swords clashed as Satoshi pierced his sword through the water tornado, releasing it to her shock as she kicked the Man away only for him to still stand his ground, and use his sword as a foothold in the air. Upon this occurring, Satoshi grabbed it and handed it back to him, just as an Emperor appeared. “You fight for me!” She said to the Jade Emperor as he violently attacked the Man as both of them clashed with each other and struck him with his sword, sending him flying into multiple buildings as the Jade Emperor instantly healed. “He could likely take down the other Emperors with ease. If I was in mine own human form, he would have near-instantly killed me.” The Jade Emperor thought to himself as he teleported back to the Building. “Pangu: Celestial Wave.” He thought to himself as earthquakes occurred once again as his axe created massive waves, damaging the Four Sacred Animals as he noticed the Man was fighting Wu as she noticed Satoshi teleporting behind herself as earthen hands collapsed around Satoshi, as a white phoenix appeared in front of the Man as he felt himself slowly standing still. “Lunar Vortex - White Hole.” Taizong said from all the way below ground, sending a white hole flying towards him as Satoshi, using his foot, twisted the Shadow Sword underneath his hand, as the Man held it in his hand and struck the White Hole, destroying it. “Give me the Shadow Sword. I’ll show you how to properly use it so we can counter Wu.” The Man said as he held the Shadow Sword alongside the Dōjikiri Yasutsuna causing purple energy to surround his Golden Blade, as both him and Wu fought, seemingly on equal terms. “You were reincarnated whereas I need to unlock my full power to truly kill you!” Wu screamed in a seeming sense of madness as golden energy surrounded her from all possible places. “Part 2 - Love of Wuji He Taijitu!” Wu thought to herself as her swords continued to glow with a pink energy as the Man struck her first sword, just as he was about to slash her hand off to her shock, sending that one flying. “Shadow Sword: Release.” The Man said as his eyes glowed silently and attacked Wu with ease, as he noticed the struck sword sent almost into him, as it collided with his Golden Sword, chaining it up, just as he noticed water surrounding him, only for purple energy to surround his body and absorb the water in an instant, as a shadowy entity appeared and fought Wu with ease, just as she absorbed it into her sword, only for him to stab her directly, as blood shot out of her mouth, as a golden dragon surrounded her and slowly healed her as a ritual circle appeared in the air, surrounding the entirety of the Red, Blue Lanes as well as Akaria to everyone’s shock. “Just how powerful are you?” Satoshi thought to himself as chains with red energy appeared from the circle, appearing to bind the entirety of the destroyed Lanes and Akaria, healing it over a slow period of time, as Wu felt the dragon surrounding her disappear into nothingness. “So that Sword’s ability is the ability to manipulate the lifeforce and soul and destroy the very spirit of all things it touches. That is truly dangerous.” Wu thought as she felt the winds of the Storm begin to carry her upwards. “Dōjikiri Yasutsuna: Golden Ray.” The Man thought to himself as a ray of light appeared from the sky above and fired at her, damaging her somewhat, as she saw everything transform into darkness as a shrine appeared in the middle of this. “Shadow Sword: Temple of Demonic Hell.” The Man said as her swords began to be devoured in darkness alongside the rest of her body, only for her to create a bright light, releasing herself from this ability with some difficulty. “Darkening Mist.” The Jade Emperor said as mist surrounded the Four Evil and Sacred Animals, as the Hundun easily evaded it, only for the mist to darken on the ground where he and the Allies were fighting. “Satoshi soon wielded his Sword from within the Okami as he struck Wu from behind and utterly attacked the Storm, causing it to seemingly be sealed away as his gourd absorbed it in that instant only to notice the Storm manifest again in an instant. “Shadow Fire.” The Man said as purple fire devoured Wu with ease, only for water to surround her being, as it transformed into a tsunami being aimed for Satoshi only for his shield to absorb the strike with ease. “Part 3: Final Love of the Jade Emperor!” Wu said as pink energy was being absorbed into her twin Swords as Satoshi used his Eye to see black energy in the left sword and white energy in the right sword. “So its also Yin and Yang energy, thus likely representing the concepts of dark and light with male and female.” Satoshi explained as the Man noticed a bolt of lightning attacking him from above, as it was instantly absorbed into the Shadow Sword. “Dark Lightning: Repel.” The Man said as red lightning struck Wu as she wrapped her swords around herself only for the lightning to pass through the water, as her body started to crackle as he passed the sword to Satoshi, as the Eye was now fully manifested with him slamming her into the ground below, as water surrounded the entirety of the Red Lane, Blue Lane and Akaria to Kulana’s shock. “That tsunami alone will likely destroy the continent if it isn’t stopped!” Kulana thought to himself as Satoshi’s entire Dark Samurai armour glowed as flaming signs showed themselves on the top of the arms and on the back of the Dou as Satoshi passed it onto the Man once more, as they both felt the Creatures all attacking their Army, as Satoshi noticed her somewhat wounded. “The Shadow Sword can damage her. I can use this to my advantage. Yet just like before, my main weapons won’t work.” Satoshi thought to himself as she instantly appeared behind him and struck him in the back with both swords, sending him crashing to the ground as his Dark Samurai armour near-instantly broke with his Kabuto being utterly annihilated, save for his forehead heavily bleeding, as his Shadow Sword’s gem broke even further, cracking and destroyed to the Man’s utter shock, as his and Satoshi’s bodies were cloaked completely in purple energy, as his Samurai armour instantly healed, just as the Man closed the distance between himself and Wu in an instant, and struck her in the stomach with the Golden Sword as blood was spattered down her mouth, with a star appearing in front of the Man, just as Wu attempted to strike him down with her two swords, only for the star to redirect them and stab herself in the back, as purple energy appeared from her. “Barrier of Jade Hearts!” She thought to herself as a heart surrounded her, only for her heart to be destroyed from below, as she noticed the entire building being utterly annihilated. “Shadow Destruction: Gathering Winds.” The Man thought to himself as purple winds surrounded her in a tornado as the meteors were still above the Storm, as she noticed the Meteors completely exploding in her face at full speed with the Jade Emperor snapping his fingers as everyone on the ground was utterly shaken by the impact of this, yet upon the Meteors’ impact coming to Satoshi, the Shadow Sword’s Aura manifested into a Monkey-like entity to Satoshi’s shock, utterly defending him with ease, as the Man appeared behind her and stabbed her through with the Golden Sword and kicked her down into the ground. “So that ability of hers is Yin and Yang control through the swords. Cracking those twin swords will be the main issue and ultimate objective.” The Man thought to himself as he and Satoshi appeared in front of her instantly, with the Shadow Sword causing the Gan Jiang and Mo Ye to slowly crack away. “Final Heavenly Love: Twins of Love!” She screamed as multiple meteors dropped onto the Building and clones of her appeared near her as the Man confronted her clones, fighting them with ease as a ritual circle appeared on the ground, causing the Chains to surround her twin swords with literal ease, as a dragon appeared in front of her, breathing large amounts of fire as the Monkey-shaped spirit struck the Dragon, causing great damage to their surroundings, as the Shadow Spirit struck the Dragon in its centre, absorbing it into itself as Wu remained calm, as he brutally stabbed her within the stomach, as the Water surrounded her, only to be absorbed into the Shadow Sword, as the clones were being wiped away by the Dōjikiri Yasutsuna, being absorbed into it. “Oni Way of Death: Golden Destruction.” The Man thought as an Oni-like being appeared and absorbed the final clones only to disappear as he stopped striking the clones with the Sword. “Now let’s kill her.” The Man thought as Wu glared at Satoshi and struck him with the Twin Swords with ease, causing his entire body to slowly bleed away, as pink energy began to be absorbed from him, as he was struck in the chest as the Man appeared behind her and stabbed her in the back with his Sword. “You will lose.” The Man said to himself, as he slashed the Twin Swords, breaking them apart to her shock, as he looked at Satoshi, only for water to drown him, as his Shadowy aura manifested completely and repelled the water away entirely. “They finally defeated Wu.” The Jade Emperor thought to himself as he smiled peacefully, as they all noticed the Creatures still existing, as Wu smiled psychotically. “DEATH OF ALL: Twins - Endless Multiplicity!” Wu screamed as clones of every being she revived or summoned appeared, near-endlessly as they both looked utterly shocked, as they appeared in the Building with everyone looking at them. “I have to use my full power now!” Satoshi thought as the Man’s purple energy was absorbed into him, as he plunged the Sword into the ground, as a massive ritual circle summoned itself. “Shadow Sword: Full Power!” Satoshi thought to himself as the Ritual Circle covered everything that they could all see. “That’s covered the Planet with ease at least! Its acting on his full power, for its is far beyond his own.” Kulana said with partial amazement as it lit with purple flames, as the Clones were slowly sucked in, as he activated his Okami and struck the duplicate Emperors, sealing the original Emperors as a result, through a combination of the Ritual circle and the Sword. “So you also bear the Sword of Totsuka and Yata no Kagami.” Xarxa thought to himself as the Ritual circle acted like a black hole, sucking the Emperors away forever. “Now they’ve done it.” The Jade Emperor thought to himself as he teleported into the main portion of the building, sensing the Storm had disappeared in an instant as the Eight Sacred Beasts in their original forms attacked the Jade Emperor only for light to surround all of them except one as they were sealed. “Celestial Seal.” He thought as this occurred in an instant as Kulana looked partially shocked upon seeing the dog-like entity. “What is that?” He asked calmly as everyone else was injured beyond belief. “The Hundun. It is a creature of ultimate chaos, representing the primordial nothingness itself. It can only be sealed by one thing alone.” The Jade Emperor explained as his axe still remained. Satoshi looked at his axe with clear shock on his face, as the Man sweated for the first time, with only a single drop. “Why do you only use Pangu’s power?” He asked calmly. “I don’t just have Pangu’s power. I am above all.” The Jade Emperor said in response, as his axe slashed the air, reversing all the effects of the earthquake done before in that moment and before that with ease. “Sānqīng He Shangdi.” He thought as an egg appeared in his hand that turned gold, as the Hundun was instantly sealed into it, as he glared at Wu. “You are a true betrayer, for I was the first, in mine human form of Qin Shi yet you usurped my power and position.” The Jade Emperor explained as the egg disappeared completely, as she was bound in a silvery rope as he also looked at the Man. “Ah yes. You bear the Dōjikiri Yasutsuna. Your name is Minamoto no Yorimitsu.” The Jade Emperor explained as Amane looked utterly shocked, as did Satoshi and Sakura with the Man nodding. “I will send ye, Wu, to Diyu in the final Hell of Weighing and Zhuanlun - for you will die there forever.” He said as a red light appeared in front of her, as her body was utterly disintegrated in that moment, upon Minamoto noticing this, he tried to attack Satoshi only for a star-like seal to appear on his stomach, as he smiled peacefully at Amane. “Amane, just live on for as long as you can, for you truly were the best of the best as a right-hand and perhaps a true friend to myself.” Minamoto said as his very existence was erased with Amane kneeling to him in response. “Ayurveda: Seal.” Kulana said as his sword remained on the ground, as he was hardly injured to the Jade Emperor’s slight shock. “I’ll heal those still living because we cannot disturb the dead, of which there are an innumerable amount, tragically. Xarxa’s doing alright though.” Kulana explained as he smiled peacefully, for what seemed to be the first time in eternity. “Indeed that Minamoto was a rival comparable to Kouyate in terms of swordsmanship and ability, yet he is just below him in his Prime State. For at full power, surely Kouyate is above Minamoto, yet he is just below.” The Jade Emperor explained calmly as he looked at Satoshi. “Now then, Satoshi. Firstly, the crows ye bear are not manifestations for they are crows connected to the Gems and are therein supernatural entities in their countenance in that regard with the Dark Samurai being demonic yet from the Time prior to your Reincarnation. Secondly, you must know that I am not the Ultimate Entity, for I am beneath the Three Pure Ones as an assistant to Yuanshu Tianzun but they are me for I was formeth from their essence with them with me being nearly all-knowing being surpassed by Shangdi, the true Omnipotent One and True Almighty Creator. Shangdi, I know, hath a different name for you.” The Jade Emperor explained as Satoshi’s eyes flashed white, seeing himself in a different time, well, nay, endlessly before the Past Long Gone as he saw himself as a white light being created by the entity that the Jade Emperor mentioned as Shangdi. “God.” Satoshi said as everyone looked shocked upon hearing that name. “Your fate wilt be short for you haven’t much time left to live. These swords that are on the floor and places past will be given to you once everything wilt be solved. Your Supreme power will return to you, for I know you are a reincarnation of someone with your name.” He explained as Satoshi’s eyes still flashed white, seeing when the Father reincarnated him and his brothers. “Mine Power perhaps may go to you, in time. Just know that you will bear a Sage’s abilities. Yin is the ability of the negative and feminine nature - the Moon for your understanding with Yang being the Sun - the masculine and positive, for they’re beneath Wuji and Taiji which are themselves below Taijitu as its parts.” The Jade Emperor said to Satoshi as he remained shocked upon hearing this, as he smiled. “Before you go, take this.” The Jade Emperor said as he decided to make the decision of absorbing himself within Satoshi fully as the State of Brahman absorbed him willingly to everyone’s shock. “Now, go. Your fate is slowly coming.” The Jade Emperor explained from within as he was teleported away to their house which miraculously remained unharmed. He soon jumped out of the house, along with Sakura as they soon noticed a man with a blue coat and stylised hair, similar to Amadeus. “So, Satoshi, after all of that, have you finally decided on your decision that will impact your future slightly?” The man asked calmly as he smiled with the Card that bore decipherable letters. “Yes. I now accept your decision. I shall enrol from this moment on.” Satoshi said, as the card shone with golden writing, as it disappeared into the air and back into the Man’s hand. “Now you can go there.” The man said peacefully, as both parties shook one another’s hand, and walked their separate ways with Satoshi going to the house as he slept, reminding himself of what could’ve been with Sakura Jigoku. Within moments of his head bearing rest, the following dream occurred:

Satoshi appeared with a golden staff, as his clothing changed into a long, black cloak with a samsaric wheel on the back with multiple magatama on the front and bottom of his cloak as a book mysteriously appeared in his hand, as his eyes glowed brighter with him seeing memories of the Past Long Since Gone as well as the Future as well as memories that he had no recollection of as though he had been through and done them, but from an entirely different perspective, as Hanuman smiled upon seeing this, as Himmelen glowed with pink energy

He then teleported over to the Moon as he looked at the endless Space around him. “This Omniverse… is indeed endless.” Satoshi thought to himself as he felt the Power he absorbed from earlier transforming his clothing somewhat as Hanuman appeared on the Moon alongside him. “Satoshi, you will now be the Moon Sage. A god Sage as well but thy title is more appropriately known as the Moon Sage or Tsuki no Sennin.” Hanuman explained as Satoshi looked down at his hands. “So… I have to fully release my attachments from all things, but can I still love other beings?” Satoshi asked Hanuman as multiple orbs appeared from his very being, as they disappeared with Hanuman noticing his eyes temporarily flashing white only to return back to their normal form. “So his flashes of the Past are surely his seeing of his own Past through objects or situations that were seen or occurred in his past.” Hanuman thought to himself as Satoshi felt much calmer as tears fell down his eyes only to disappear in that moment as he felt himself being much, much calmer than before.

Upon this final event occurring, Satoshi noticed his clothing changing into a long, black cloak with a samsaric wheel on the back with multiple magatama on the front and bottom of his cloak as a book mysteriously appeared in his hand, as his eyes glowed brighter with him seeing memories of the Past Long Since Gone as well as the Future as well as memories that he had no recollection of as though he had been through and done them, but from an entirely different perspective, as Hanuman smiled upon seeing this. “So what He said has come to pass. He has now thus gained HIS Knowledge of all things, as well as His lack of image or form.” Hanuman thought to himself as Satoshi felt space itself locking into him; holding the book and reading it. “This is….” Satoshi thought to himself as it went into his hand, seemingly being absorbed into him, as he felt endless amounts of energies go into him, as he felt the Sun and Moon in his eyes return to his form of the Pure Eye at will as he also bore a Golden Staff. “So my original Power from that Time has returned.” Satoshi thought to himself as he smiled gently, also sensing that Zidine’s gift to him was also there in its perfect and best state, absorbing an orb in his hand that he swiftly ingested. “Is that the staff known as Himmelen, the Staff that controlleth the Sky created from the design of Odin’s staff, Gungnir?” Hanuman asked as Satoshi nodded peacefully, as pink energy shot out of it. “So thee bears Kundalini, the energy of the Divine in its form of Para Adi Shakti, that of which is called Shakti, contained in Kundalini that is thus the highest Cosmic energy form.” Hanuman explained as Satoshi breathed slightly and remained calm. “You are now the Moon Sage or the God Sage equal to the Heavens, the Seiten Taisei or Qítiān Dàshèn.” Hanuman explained as he smiled, observing Satoshi’s energies become one with the Omniverse itself. “Now thus you hath gained and surpassed all other concepts in relation, for ye hath become one with Para Brahman in your invisibility.” Hanuman explained as Satoshi created an endlessly-sized omniverse in his hand that took the shape of a galaxy as his gloves miraculously still remained as he closed his hands, reversing and releasing it as they were in the Void of Nothing. “So this is Śūnyatā, the endless Void.” Hanuman said as Satoshi nodded in response. “I fully recognise that even with my power though, I am not the Lord or his child or any Kind, even if I was created by HIM Back Then but I do possess what you mentioned in that Supreme Knowledge and all others of which you mentioned, but I am also bound by God in terms of the knowledge which I don’t necessarily mind because God is the all-Powerful Creator. I don’t consider myself to be a believer, but perhaps I am to God, that which I don’t know.” Satoshi explained to Hanuman as he looked shocked and partially enraged. “Of course you do and are! Only HE knoweth that for he wilt judge you on the Last Day.” Hanuman said as Satoshi peacefully smiled upon hearing this. “But at least I possess my Original Power now.” Satoshi said as his cloak bore multiple kanji on the back that read “Knowledge, Wisdom, Enlightenment and Creation.” Satoshi looked on at the Endless Creation above him. “So this is it, huh? I’m glad that I could die like this…. Now that my Story is over and that my Job is done.” Satoshi said as time passed, that is to say, many years passed around him but everything still remained as it was for him. “So Hinata is the only one alive for she bears children who bear the ability to use portals to teleport. The others died after some time as a result of Sakura’s being cursed by her father, but they lived longer than Ryu who simply lived for a mere 14 years old. “Hanuman, you can go if you wish.” Satoshi explained as he still remained, loyal and ever-remembering of his Promise. “Of course.” Hanuman said as Satoshi placed his hand on Hanuman’s, causing him to disappear peacefully. “You and Sakura shalt meet one day, in a different form and a different Time. That I know.” Hanuman’s final words were as Satoshi looked on at the endless sky as a Statue appeared and surrounded him, in the form of a sarcophagus. “Yes. Perhaps you are right.” Satoshi said as the Sarcophagus began to seal him, slowly as he smiled peacefully. “End of the Story: Seal.” Satoshi said as a white light shot from the sarcophagus upon this happening, as he looked at something else. Straight ahead at something else with a calm stare. “We’ll meet again. In some different place…. In a Better Time of Bliss if the One True Lord God wills by HIS Mercy.” Satoshi said as his Spirit and Body disappeared entirely as the Sarcophagus sealed something that was his body as it disappeared in a blue light. Satoshi awoke from his dream with new cloth adorning his being. “So… this power… it meshed with me?” Satoshi briefly asked himself before looking at his hands. “So now… I can end my enemies.” Satoshi thought to himself as he realised that he had his power as Moon Sage with a ring appearing on his right hand. “Garôgar (Fulfiller of wishes).”

“What is thy true name, bound Demon?” Satoshi asked as he glanced at him. “Esm-e man ࡊࡓࡅࡍ der ࡌࡀࡋࡊࡀ āz ࡀࡋࡌࡀ ࡖࡄࡔࡅࡊ!” The entity screamed violently as Kento looked calm. “For thee, brat… I am simply a Yuzrun u yušamin (A genie and Spirit of Light) who can grant wishes in an unlimited setting but in an unfortunately limited capacity. Once in a blue moon can I cast it in such a regard (of which is today) however it is mere luck that this place is even bound in a net of safety." He explained with a sense of callousness and confidence. “So you were the original ruler of the World of Darkness, that Ptahil cursed?” Kento asked as Satoshi stared at him. “Yea, wherein I wert betrayed by the Devil himself, for all of those who ruled after me attacked me alongside himself in a true act of betrayal. The demonic architect Mulciber maketh the tool after being bound in the iron yokes of Hell, seventy cubits it is whereso I existed in the World of Darkness as its ruler, which later became known as the Shadow Realm. I had four others of equal rank: Zartai and Zartanai, Hag and Mag, Gaf as well as Shdum, for they were giants and scorpion-like in shape where I called the Shadow Sword Sayf Alzilli as I killed them with the Shadow Sword in its original state.” Satoshi explained as he snapped his fingers, revealing the Shadow Sword’s true form; which looked exactly like the one he already used except it now bore the Gem. “And thus… the Shadow Sword’s innate ability is to take from the Void before Creation… take in its darkness and adapt it. For its other ability… is to damage the Soul.” He explained as he remained smiling, confident yet haughty in his own strength. “It is too bad that you haven’t done anything to the ritual circle. The ritual circle… is a dimensional portal from the current world to Hell, hence there being more than 2 symbols. The other 7 symbols are a crescent, sun, scorpion claws, sword, an hourglass, a staff, an arrow and a triangle with three sides.” Krun briefly explained as Kento stared into his arms and body, realising that throughout his lines of death and being said the words: The Ruler and Origin of Darkness (Id Šahriala u bunkha Malka-ḏ-hšuka). ”And…There are also seven djinn kings who were also killed by this Sword: Al-Madhab, who is represented by the seventh day and the sun in relation to its rays of' light, Al-Abyad who is represented by the day of the first and the crescent moon as a representation of banishment and closing other doors, Al-Ahmar who is represented by the day of the second and beareth the representation of claws for protection, healing and a poison that nullifies any un-divine defence along with darkness, Barqan who is represented by the day of third and a thunderous sword as a double-edged weapon of strength and Šamhureš is represented by the day of fourth and staff in the form of spiritual linkage and the soul, Zawba'ah is represented by the day of fifth commerce and an arrow that can grant both love and knowledge, and Maymun who is represented by the day of Saturn and the triangle in its representation of sight and fortune. The Hourglass however… is owned by mineself alone wherein I am a position higher than all the Djinn Kings, without doubt as well as thy father himself, only a lesser than the Supreme Rank, Lucifer.” He continued to explain as Kento looked visibly stunned. “He can also summon the Seven Djinn Kings?!” Kento thought to himself with visible fear. “The Djinn Kings are beneath the Devil in rank… but upon finding out that I had killed the other Kings of the World of Darkness… he hath returned them to life from the World of Darkness along with Mulciber (who helped them fight me) with his making of the Sword wherein I hath no other choice to go within the Sayf Alzilli, thus never allowing it to be truly used in its truest and original form. However… the Sword that ye saw wert the one that Mulciber made for he were banished into the World, then becoming the Shadow Realm as he became the Shadow King for I had disappeared, ne’er to return… however eventually Satoshi himself made his presence known, using the Shadow Sword in tandem with that wretched State of Power, allowing him to annihilate every other lord of darkness. The hourglass symbol alloweth for the usage of crafting. A crafter I am in a far greater capacity than Mulciber for the hourglass is a representation of mortality, time, change, balance and way of life for it is a boundary of life. Know that it also represents the sight of the future… of which is seen in the learning of the angels.” Krun then explained as Kento readied himself for battle, gripping his sword’s hilt, only for a golden egg to appear out of nowhere above him. "Wretch!" he cried, "is it not enough that I tell thee all the information ye must know about the Shadow Sword and ye expect me to give ye the egg of my master, the Roc?! Thou art a fool! Dost thou not want me to make my wishes reality?!” Krun shrieked violently as Kento remained calm. “Thus, the wish of the blue Moon is that of positivity and permanency wherein my wish is one in three parts in this case alone; for the Blue Moon hath ne’er happened except in only one occasion: This… and another. When Sakura died, the moon became red despite initially being red, only for Satoshi to force the moon to become white once more. In haste, this boy is a vessel of perfection due to his being an angel and thus I bear knowledge of the future. The first part of the Wish is absolute in nature for it will be any of thy choosing and form. The second… will be the sacrifice. But the third… will be the gift.” He then explained as he opened his right hand, revealing a black-blue flame… for he was now a Man. “His eye isn’t affected due to its inherent nature as a mixture of sides of innate divinity and rankage, as he is an angel and I, the highest ranking of djinn (or genie). Secondly, the wish is instant in effect but delayed in maximisation. And yet so, humans who hold the Shadow Sword bear the risk of having their soul completely altered and destroyed, thus shattering the mind. But now, Satoshi… thy wish is now thus.” Krun explained as Kento then attacked the ground, only for Krun to stop him with a raising of his finger. “Now then… Satoshi, True Vessel, state this: “Now then… say the following: Open [up] and close Simsim, I now will complete the terms of this deal…” Krun calmly said as Satoshi said something from his voice. “Watashi wa kono torihiki no jouken o kanryou shimasu (Open [up] and close Simsim, I now will complete the terms of this deal).” Satoshi initially thought to himself, allowing Krun to read this thought therein. "Ptha fteh u skek. Ana hašta khles da sar agam daily gišuma hwa had alwath anatun ءthia, Malka-ḏ-hšuka Ad anin id Rišaia Šaharia-ḏ-ebraia, nukhraia Ad anin (Open up and close Simsim, I now will complete this deal for my body becometh one with thy being, King of Darkness as We are the Original Monarch from the Other World, removed from time and space; transcendent We are).” Satoshi then said as Krun calmly smiled as his flame turned purely red, now bearing the five-sided star instead of the crown as Krun smiled. “Ye shalt know it by its true name and thus use it. And then the third Gift…” He said as he summoned a lamp and an iron ring with the ring especially bearing mysterious language as Satoshi felt himself having a huge, but controlled aura of power. “This language from the Circle is that of the Djinn… and Devils by proxy. It says: the Ringbearer shall show itself and the Slave of the Ring shalt unleash itself for the bearer.” He explained rather calmly but with some twisted sense of pride. “It is too bad that ye cannot speak to your own Creation, of the Jinn [not that they are thus yours in that regard, even in the form of smokeless fire] using this language in such a manner for if you could, then thy original method of overpowering the Jinn through the usage of the Fire to subjugate them wouldst have not been needed. However… the Last of those under your command… is neither bound by that ruling… or any laws. Yet that Dark Miracle will release itself unto this world and the World Beyond this One in time. Lo, thy power is out of reach!” Krun shrieked as Satoshi remained calm. “The Slave of the Ring will obey thee in all things, for it is lower than mineself in the Ifrit whereas the Genie (Djinni) of the Lamp is one of myself (the Ma’rid) but it was bound into the lamp many moons ago. The Ifrit is malevolent only due to being bound but can be summoned in the physical plane… wherein the Lamp’s Genie is hideous in form however since we are no longer bound by the rules of that Time, I shalt release the Yellow Pot once hidden in the Akarian crown. But know this… the Ifrit is extremely powerful and dark. Fire spews out of his mouth that boils pots, pans and even volcanoes!” Krun explained as Kento readied himself for when the Ifrit would appear and as fate would have it, the ring appeared out of nowhere in a puff of smoke as Satoshi held it in hand whilst also saying the word “Aladdin” causing a lamp to appear within his other hand as Krun smiled coyly with no true malicious intent.

“Lo, I shall explain to thee story the mere human fable of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, set in China, was it! Surely, Aladdin himself saw this uncle of his. "I am your uncle, and knew you from your likeness to my brother. Go to your mother and tell her I am coming." Aladdin ran home and told his mother of his newly found uncle. "Indeed, child," she said, "your father had a brother, but I always thought he was dead." However, she prepared supper, and bade Aladdin seek his uncle, who came laden with wine and fruit. He fell down and kissed the place where Mustapha used to sit, bidding Aladdin's mother not to be surprised at not having seen him before, as he had been forty years out of the country. He then turned to Aladdin, and asked him his trade, at which the boy hung his head, while his mother burst into tears. On learning that Aladdin was idle and would learn no trade, he offered to take a shop for him and stock it with merchandise. Next day he bought Aladdin a fine suit of clothes and took him all over the city, showing him the sights, and brought him home at nightfall to his mother, who was overjoyed to see her son so fine.

Next day the magician led Aladdin into some beautiful gardens a long way outside the city gates. They sat down by a fountain and the magician pulled a cake from his girdle, which he divided between them. Then they journeyed onwards till they almost reached the mountains. Aladdin was so tired that he begged to go back, but the magician beguiled him with pleasant stories and lead him on in spite of himself. At last they came to two mountains divided by a narrow valley. "We will go no farther," said his uncle. "I will show you something wonderful; only do you gather up sticks while I kindle a fire." When it was lit the magician threw on it a powder he had about him, at the same time saying some magical words. The earth trembled a little in front of them, disclosing a square flat stone with a brass ring in the middle to raise it by. Aladdin tried to run away, but the magician caught him and gave him a blow that knocked him down. "What have I done, uncle?" he said piteously; whereupon the magician said more kindly: "Fear nothing, but obey me. Beneath this stone lies a treasure which is to be yours, and no one else may touch it, so you must do exactly as I tell you." At the word treasure Aladdin forgot his fears, and grasped the ring as he was told, saying the names of his father and grandfather. The stone came up quite easily, and some steps appeared. "Go down," said the magician; "at the foot of those steps you will find an open door leading into three large halls. Tuck up your gown and go through them without touching anything, or you will die instantly. These halls lead into a garden of fine fruit trees. Walk on till you come to niche in a terrace where stands a lighted lamp. Pour out the oil it contains, and bring it me." He drew a ring from his finger and gave it to Aladdin, bidding him prosper. Aladdin found everything as the magician had said, gathered some fruit off the trees, and, having got the lamp, arrived at the mouth of the cave. The magician cried out in a great hurry: "Make haste and give me the lamp." This Aladdin refused to do until he was out of the cave. The magician flew into a terrible passion, and throwing some more powder on to the fire, he said something, and the stone rolled back into its place. The man left the country, which plainly showed that he was no uncle of Aladdin's but a cunning magician, who had read in his magic books of a wonderful lamp, which would make him the most powerful man in the world. Though he alone knew where to find it, he could only receive it from the hand of another. He had picked out the foolish Aladdin for this purpose, intending to get the lamp and kill him afterwards. Continuing on henceforth, For two days Aladdin remained in the dark, crying and lamenting. At last he clasped his hands in prayer, and in so doing rubbed the ring, which the magician had forgotten to take from him. Immediately an enormous and frightful genie rose out of the earth, saying: "What wouldst thou with me? I am the Slave of the Ring, and will obey thee in all things." Aladdin fearlessly replied, "Deliver me from this place!" whereupon the earth opened, and he found himself outside. As soon as his eyes could bear the light he went home, but fainted on the threshold. When he came to himself he told his mother what had passed, and showed her the lamp and the fruits he had gathered in the garden, which were in reality precious stones. He then asked for some food. "Alas! child," she said, "I have nothing in the house, but I have spun a little cotton and will go sell it." Aladdin bade her keep her cotton, for he would sell the lamp instead. As it was very dirty, she began to rub it, that it might fetch a higher price. Instantly a hideous genie appeared, and asked what she would have. She fainted away, but Aladdin, snatching the lamp, said boldly: "Fetch me something to eat!" The genie returned with a silver bowl, twelve silver plates containing rich meats, two silver cups, and two bottles of wine. Aladdin's mother, when she came to herself, said: "Whence comes this splendid feast?" "Ask not, but eat," replied Aladdin. So they sat at breakfast till it was dinner-time, and Aladdin told his mother about the lamp. She begged him to sell it, and have nothing to do with devils. "No," said Aladdin, "since chance hath made us aware of its virtues, we will use it, and the ring likewise, which I shall always wear on my finger." When they had eaten all the genie had brought, Aladdin sold one of the silver plates, and so on until none were left. He then had recourse to the genie, who gave him another set of plates, and thus they lived many years.

One day Aladdin heard an order from the Sultan proclaimed that everyone was to stay at home and close his shutters while the Princess his daughter went to and from the bath. Aladdin was seized by a desire to see her face, which was very difficult, as she always went veiled. He hid himself behind the door of the bath, and peeped through a chink. The Princess lifted her veil as she went in, and looked so beautiful that Aladdin fell in love with her at first sight. He went home so changed that his mother was frightened. He told her he loved the Princess so deeply he could not live without her, and meant to ask her in marriage of her father. His mother, on hearing this, burst out laughing, but Aladdin at last prevailed upon her to go before the Sultan and carry his request. She fetched a napkin and laid in it the magic fruits from the enchanted garden, which sparkled and shone like the most beautiful jewels. She took these with her to please the Sultan, and set out, trusting in the lamp. The Grand Vizier and the lords of council had just gone in as she entered the hall and placed herself in front of the Sultan. He, however, took no notice of her. She went every day for a week, and stood in the same place. When the council broke up on the sixth day the Sultan said to his Vizier: "I see a certain woman in the audience-chamber every day carrying something in a napkin. Call her next time, that I may find out what she wants." Next day, at a sign from the vizier, she went up to the foot of the throne and remained kneeling until the Sultan said to her: "Rise, good woman, and tell me what you want." She hesitated, so the Sultan sent away all but the Vizier, and bade her speak freely, promising to forgive her beforehand for anything she might say. She then told him of her son's violent love for the Princess. "I prayed him to forget her," she said, "but in vain; he threatened to do some desperate deed if I refused to go and ask your Majesty for the hand of the Princess. Now I pray you to forgive not me alone, but my son Aladdin." The Sultan asked her kindly what she had in the napkin, whereupon she unfolded the jewels and presented them. He was thunderstruck, and turning to the vizier, said: "What sayest thou? Ought I not to bestow the Princess on one who values her at such a price?" The Vizier, who wanted her for his own son, begged the Sultan to withhold her for three months, in the course of which he hoped his son could contrive to make him a richer present. The Sultan granted this, and told Aladdin's mother that, though he consented to the marriage, she must not appear before him again for three months. Aladdin waited patiently for nearly three months, but after two had elapsed, his mother, going into the city to buy oil, found everyone rejoicing, and asked what was going on. "Do you not know," was the answer, "that the son of the Grand Vizier is to marry the Sultan's daughter tonight?" Breathless she ran and told Aladdin, who was overwhelmed at first, but presently bethought him of the lamp. He rubbed it and the genie appeared, saying: "What is thy will?" Aladdin replied: "The Sultan, as thou knowest, has broken his promise to me, and the vizier's son is to have the Princess. My command is that to-night you bring hither the bride and bridegroom." "Master, I obey," said the genie. Aladdin then went to his chamber, where, sure enough, at midnight the genie transported the bed containing the vizier's son and the Princess. "Take this new-married man," he said, "and put him outside in the cold, and return at daybreak." Whereupon the genie took the vizier's son out of bed, leaving Aladdin with the Princess. "Fear nothing," Aladdin said to her; "you are my wife, promised to me by your unjust father, and no harm will come to you." The Princess was too frightened to speak, and passed the most miserable night of her life, while Aladdin lay down beside her and slept soundly. At the appointed hour the genie fetched in the shivering bridegroom, laid him in his place, and transported the bed back to the palace.

Presently the Sultan came to wish his daughter good-morning. The unhappy Vizier's son jumped up and hid himself, while the Princess would not say a word and was very sorrowful. The Sultan sent her mother to her, who said: "How comes it, child, that you will not speak to your father? What has happened?" The Princess sighed deeply, and at last told her mother how, during the night, the bed had been carried into some strange house, and what had passed there. Her mother did not believe her in the least, but bade her rise and consider it an idle dream. The following night exactly the same thing happened, and next morning, on the Princess's refusing to speak, the Sultan threatened to cut off her head. She then confessed all, bidding him ask the Vizier's son if it were not so. The Sultan told the Vizier to ask his son, who owned the truth, adding that, dearly as he loved the Princess, he had rather die than go through another such fearful night, and wished to be separated from her. His wish was granted, and there was an end of feasting and rejoicing.

When the three months were over, Aladdin sent his mother to remind the Sultan of his promise. She stood in the same place as before, and the Sultan, who had forgotten Aladdin, at once remembered him, and sent for her. On seeing her poverty the Sultan felt less inclined than ever to keep his word, and asked his Vizier's advice, who counselled him to set so high a value on the Princess that no man living would come up to it. The Sultan than turned to Aladdin's mother, saying: "Good woman, a sultan must remember his promises, and I will remember mine, but your son must first send me forty basins of gold brimful of jewels, carried by forty black slaves, led by as many white ones, splendidly dressed. Tell him that I await his answer." The mother of Aladdin bowed low and went home, thinking all was lost. She gave Aladdin the message adding, "He may wait long enough for your answer!" "Not so long, mother, as you think," her son replied. "I would do a great deal more than that for the Princess." He summoned the genie, and in a few moments the eighty slaves arrived, and filled up the small house and garden. Aladdin made them to set out to the palace, two by two, followed by his mother. They were so richly dressed, with such splendid jewels, that everyone crowded to see them and the basins of gold they carried on their heads. They entered the palace, and, after kneeling before the Sultan, stood in a half-circle round the throne with their arms crossed, while Aladdin's mother presented them to the Sultan. He hesitated no longer, but said: "Good woman, return and tell your son that I wait for him with open arms." She lost no time in telling Aladdin, bidding him make haste. But Aladdin first called the genie. "I want a scented bath," he said, "a richly embroidered habit, a horse surpassing the Sultan's, and twenty slaves to attend me. Besides this, six slaves, beautifully dressed, to wait on my mother; and lastly, ten thousand pieces of gold in ten purses." No sooner said then done. Aladdin mounted his horse and passed through the streets, the slaves strewing gold as they went. Those who had played with him in his childhood knew him not, he had grown so handsome. When the sultan saw him he came down from his throne, embraced him, and led him into a hall where a feast was spread, intending to marry him to the Princess that very day. But Aladdin refused, saying, "I must build a palace fit for her," and took his leave. Once home, he said to the genie: "Build me a palace of the finest marble, set with jasper, agate, and other precious stones. In the middle you shall build me a large hall with a dome, its four walls of massy gold and silver, each side having six windows, whose lattices, all except one which is to be left unfinished, must be set with diamonds and rubies. There must be stables and horses and grooms and slaves; go and see about it!"

The palace was finished the next day, and the genie carried him there and showed him all his orders faithfully carried out, even to the laying of a velvet carpet from Aladdin's palace to the Sultan's. Aladdin's mother then dressed herself carefully, and walked to the palace with her slaves, while he followed her on horseback. The Sultan sent musicians with trumpets and cymbals to meet them, so that the air resounded with music and cheers. She was taken to the Princess, who saluted her and treated her with great honour. At night the princess said good-bye to her father, and set out on the carpet for Aladdin's palace, with his mother at her side, and followed by the hundred slaves. She was charmed at the sight of Aladdin, who ran to receive her. "Princess," he said, "blame your beauty for my boldness if I have displeased you." She told him that, having seen him, she willingly obeyed her father in this matter. After the wedding had taken place, Aladdin led her into the hall, where a feast was spread, and she supped with him, after which they danced till midnight.

Next day Aladdin invited the Sultan to see the palace. On entering the hall with the four-and-twenty windows with their rubies, diamonds and emeralds, he cried, "It is a world's wonder! There is only one thing that surprises me. Was it by accident that one window was left unfinished?" "No, sir, by design," returned Aladdin. "I wished your Majesty to have the glory of finishing this palace." The Sultan was pleased, and sent for the best jewelers in the city. He showed them the unfinished window, and bade them fit it up like the others. "Sir," replied their spokesman, "we cannot find jewels enough." The Sultan had his own fetched, which they soon used, but to no purpose, for in a month's time the work was not half done. Aladdin knowing that their task was vain, bade them undo their work and carry the jewels back, and the genie finished the window at his command. The Sultan was surprised to receive his jewels again, and visited Aladdin, who showed him the window finished. The Sultan embraced him, the envious vizier meanwhile hinting that it was the work of enchantment.

Aladdin had won the hearts of the people by his gentle bearing. He was made captain of the Sultan's armies, and won several battles for him, but remained as courteous as before, and lived thus in peace and content for several years.

But far away in Africa the magician remembered Aladdin, and by his magic arts discovered that Aladdin, instead of perishing miserably in the cave, had escaped, and had married a princess, with whom he was living in great honour and wealth. He knew that the poor tailor's son could only have accomplished this by means of the lamp, and travelled night and day till he reached the capital of China, bent on Aladdin's ruin. As he passed through the town he heard people talking everywhere about a marvellous palace. "Forgive my ignorance," he asked, "what is the palace you speak of?" Have you not heard of Prince Aladdin's palace," was the reply, "the greatest wonder in the world? I will direct you if you have a mind to see it." The magician thanked him who spoke, and having seen the palace knew that it had been raised by the Genie of the Lamp, and became half mad with rage. He determined to get hold of the lamp, and again plunge Aladdin into the deepest poverty.

Unluckily, Aladdin had gone a-hunting for eight days, which gave the magician plenty of time. He bought a dozen lamps, put them into a basket, and went to the palace, crying: "New lamps for old!" followed by a jeering crowd. The Princess, sitting in the hall of four-and-twenty windows, sent a slave to find out what the noise was about, who came back laughing, so that the Princess scolded her. "Madam," replied the slave, "who can help laughing to see an old fool offering to exchange fine new lamps for old ones?" Another slave, hearing this, said, "There is an old one on the cornice there which he can have." Now this was the magic lamp, which Aladdin had left there, as he could not take it out hunting with him. The Princess, not knowing its value, laughingly bade the slave take it and make the exchange. She went and said to the magician: "Give me a new lamp for this." He snatched it and bade the slave take her choice, amid the jeers of the crowd. Little he cared, but left off crying his lamps, and went out of the city gates to a lonely place, where he remained till nightfall, when he pulled out the lamp and rubbed it. The genie appeared, and at the magician's command carried him, together with the palace and the Princess in it, to a lonely place in Africa.

Next morning the Sultan looked out of the window towards Aladdin's palace and rubbed his eyes, for it was gone. He sent for the Vizier and asked what had become of the palace. The Vizier looked out too, and was lost in astonishment. He again put it down to enchantment, and this time the Sultan believed him, and sent thirty men on horseback to fetch Aladdin back in chains. They met him riding home, bound him, and forced him to go with them on foot. The people, however, who loved him, followed, armed, to see that he came to no harm. He was carried before the Sultan, who ordered the executioner to cut off his head. The executioner made Aladdin kneel down, bandaged his eyes, and raised his scimitar to strike. At that instant the Vizier, who saw that the crowd had forced their way into the courtyard and were scaling the walls to rescue Aladdin, called to the executioner to stay his hand. The people, indeed, looked so threatening that the Sultan gave way and ordered Aladdin to be unbound, and pardoned him in the sight of the crowd. Aladdin now begged to know what he had done. "False wretch!" said the Sultan, "come hither," and showed him from the window the place where his palace had stood. Aladdin was so amazed he could not say a word. "Where is your palace and my daughter?" demanded the Sultan. "For the first I am not so deeply concerned, but my daughter I must have, and you must find her or lose your head." Aladdin begged for forty days in which to find her, promising if he failed to return at suffer death at the Sultan's pleasure. His prayer was granted, and he went forth sadly from the Sultan's presence.

For three days he wandered about like a madman, asking everyone what had become of his palace, but they only laughed and pitied him. He came to the banks of a river, and knelt down to say his prayers before throwing himself in. In doing so he rubbed the ring he still wore. The genie he had seen in the cave appeared, and asked his will. "Save my life, genie," said Aladdin, "and bring my palace back." That is not in my power," said the genie; "I am only the Slave of the Ring; you must ask him of the lamp." "Even so," said Aladdin, "but thou canst take me to the palace, and set me down under my dear wife's window." He at once found himself in Africa, under the window of the Princess, and fell asleep out of sheer weariness.

He was awakened by the singing of the birds, and his heart was lighter. He saw plainly that all his misfortunes were owning to the loss of the lamp, and vainly wondered who had robbed him of it.

That morning the Princess rose earlier than she had done since she had been carried into Africa by the magician, whose company she was forced to endure once a day. She, however, treated him so harshly that he dared not live there altogether. As she was dressing, one of her women looked out and saw Aladdin. The Princess ran and opened the window, and at the noise she made, Aladdin looked up. She called to him to come to her, and great was the joy of these lovers at seeing each other again. After he had kissed her Aladdin said: "I beg of you, Princess, in God's name, before we speak of anything else, for your own sake and mine, tell me what has become of an old lamp I left on the cornice in the hall of four-and-twenty windows when I went a-hunting." "Alas," she said, "I am the innocent cause of our sorrows," and told him of the exchange of the lamp. "Now I know," cried Aladdin, "that we have to thank the African magician for this! Where is the lamp?" "He carries it about with him," said the Princess. "I know, for he pulled it out of his breast to show me. He wishes me to break my faith with you and marry him, saying that you were beheaded by my father's command. He is forever speaking ill of you, but I only reply by my tears. If I persist, I doubt not but he will use violence." Aladdin comforted her, and left her for a while. He changed clothes with the first person he met in the town, and having bought a certain powder returned to the Princess, who let him in by a little side door. "Put on your most beautiful dress," he said to her, "and receive the magician with smiles, leading him to believe that you have forgotten me. Invite him to sup with you, and say you wish to taste the wine of his country. He will go for some, and while he is gone I will tell you what to do." She listened carefully to Aladdin and when he left her, arrayed herself gaily for the first time since she left China. She put on a girdle and head-dress of diamonds and seeing in a glass that she was more beautiful than ever, received the magician, saying, to his great amazement: "I have made up my mind that Aladdin is dead, and that all my tears will not bring him back to me, so I am resolved to mourn no more, and have therefore invited you to sup with me; but I am tired of the wines of China, and would fain taste those of Africa." The magician flew to his cellar, and the Princess put the powder Aladdin had given her in her cup. When he returned she asked him to drink her health in the wine of Africa, handing him her cup in exchange for his, as a sign she was reconciled to him. Before drinking the magician made her a speech in praise of her beauty, but the Princess cut him short, saying: "Let us drink first, and you shall say what you will afterwards." She set her cup to her lips and kept it there, while the magician drained his to the dregs and fell back lifeless. The Princess then opened the door to Aladdin, and flung her arms around his neck; but Aladdin went to the dead magician, took the lamp out of his vest, and bade the genie carry the palace and all in it back to China. This was done, and the Princess in her chamber felt only two little shocks, and little thought she was home again.

The Sultan, who was sitting in his closet, mourning for his lost daughter, happened too look up, and rubbed his eyes, for there stood the palace as before! He hastened thither, and Aladdin received him in the hall of the four-and-twenty windows, with the Princess at his side. Aladdin told him what had happened, and showed him the dead body of the magician, that he might believe. A ten days' feast was proclaimed, and it seemed as if Aladdin might now live the rest of his life in peace; but it was not meant to be.

The African magician had a younger brother, who was, if possible, more wicked and more cunning than himself. He travelled to China to avenge his brother's death, and went to visit a pious woman called Fatima, thinking she might be of use to him. He entered her cell and clapped a dagger to her breast, telling her to rise and do his bidding on pain of death. He changed clothes with her, coloured his face like hers, put on her veil, and murdered her, that she might tell no tales. Then he went towards the palace of Aladdin, and all the people, thinking he was the holy woman, gathered round him, kissing his hands and begging his blessing. When he got to the palace there was such a noise going on round him that the Princess bade her slave look out the window and ask what was the matter. The slave said it was the holy woman, curing people by her touch of their ailments, whereupon the Princess, who had long desired to see Fatima, sent for her. On coming to the Princess the magician offered up a prayer for her health and prosperity. When he had done the Princess made him sit by her, and begged him to stay with her always. The false Fatima, who wished for nothing better, consented, but kept his veil down for fear of discovery. The princess showed him the hall, and asked him what he thought of it. "It is truly beautiful," said the false Fatima. "In my mind it wants but one thing." And what is that?" said the Princess. "If only a roc's egg," replied he, "were hung up from the middle of this dome, it would be the wonder of the world."

After this the Princess could think of nothing but the roc's egg, and when Aladdin returned from hunting he found her in a very ill humour. He begged to know what was amiss, and she told him that all her pleasure in the hall was spoilt or want of a roc's egg hanging from the dome. "If that is all," replied Aladdin, "you shall soon be happy." He left her and rubbed the lamp, and when the genie appeared commanded him to bring a roc's egg. The genie gave such a loud and terrible shriek that the hall shook.

"Wretch!" he cried, "is it not enough that I have done everything for you, but you must command me to bring my master and hang him up in the midst of this dome? You and your wife and your palace deserve to be burnt to ashes, but that this request does not come from you, but from the brother of the African magician, whom you destroyed. He is now in your palace disguised as the holy woman, whom he murdered. He it was who put that wish into your wife's head. Take care of yourself, for he means to kill you." So saying, the genie disappeared.

Aladdin went back to the Princess, saying his head ached, and requesting that the holy Fatima should be fetched to lay her hands on it. But when the magician came near, Aladdin, seizing his dagger, pierced him to the heart. "What have you done?" cried the Princess. "You have killed the holy woman!" "Not so," replied Aladdin, "but a wicked magician," and told her of how she had been deceived.

After this Aladdin and his wife lived in peace. He succeeded the Sultan when he died, and reigned for many years, leaving behind him a long line of kings.” Michael explained as Satoshi remained quiet, as though he had never bore knowledge of this; only for Satoshi to then rub the ring as the Shadow Sword glowed. “Know that I can speak both my language of Origin: Classical Mandaeic and that of Persian and Arabic therein, for that is the language engraved unto Satoshi’s soul via the Shadow Sword’s linkage to him. Sayaf Alzilli: Afraj ean (Shadow Sword: Freedom from the Lamp)!” He shrieked, relieving the darkness from before into his hands. “I shall grant him his original power of the Sword.” He thought to himself calmly. “Knoweth that the condition is… farak almisbah walhalqat ealaa alsabaaba (Part the lamp and ring except for the Index’s finger).” He then explained as the ring snatched itself onto his middle finger as Satoshi then remained calm. “So now I have my Original abilities with regards to such.” He thought to himself as he remained calm, for Krun had readied himself. “Furthermore, because the star is engraved on there… you can thus perhaps summon that Circle only when holding the Gem… with one symbol, that of the Star., but now ye knoweth the Cursed Blade.” Krun explained as he then summoned the Lamp, opening it to reveal the Slave of the Ring from the ring that Satoshi wore in tandem with the Genie of the Lamp, hideous beings were they! "What is thy will?" The slave of the Ring asked as Satoshi pointed to the ground. "Master, I obey," said the genie as he summoned a lady, no less than that of twenty, but a poor maid in a house of the vilest peoples. “Fairy tales?” Krun and Michael asked, perplexed seeing Cinderella (called Cinder Maid by Joseph Jacobs) there in front of him as she could not see him except by his will as what also appeared in front of her was her mother’s grave for it was the time of the Royal Ball.

Once there was a gentleman who married, for his second wife, the proudest and most haughty woman that was ever seen. She had, by a former husband, two daughters of her own, who were, indeed, exactly like her in all things. He had likewise, by another wife, a young daughter, but of unparalleled goodness and sweetness of temper, which she took from her mother, who was the best creature in the world.

No sooner were the ceremonies of the wedding over but the stepmother began to show herself in her true colours. She could not bear the good qualities of this pretty girl, and the less because they made her own daughters appear the more odious. She employed her in the meanest work of the house. She scoured the dishes, tables, etc., and cleaned madam's chamber, and those of misses, her daughters. She slept in a sorry garrett, on a wretched straw bed, while her sisters slept in fine rooms, with floors all inlaid, on beds of the very newest fashion, and where they had looking glasses so large that they could see themselves at their full length from head to foot.

The poor girl bore it all patiently, and dared not tell her father, who would have scolded her; for his wife governed him entirely. When she had done her work, she used to go to the chimney corner, and sit down there in the cinders and ashes, which caused her to be called Cinderwench. Only the younger sister, who was not so rude and uncivil as the older one, called her Cinderella. However, Cinderella, notwithstanding her coarse apparel, was a hundred times more beautiful than her sisters, although they were always dressed very richly.

It happened that the king's son gave a ball, and invited all persons of fashion to it. Our young misses were also invited, for they cut a very grand figure among those of quality. They were mightily delighted at this invitation, and wonderfully busy in selecting the gowns, petticoats, and hair dressing that would best become them. This was a new difficulty for Cinderella; for it was she who ironed her sister's linen and pleated their ruffles. Now when the night came for the royal ball Cinder Maid had to help the two sisters to dress in their fine dresses and saw them drive off in the carriage with her father and their mother. But she went to her own mother's grave and sat beneath the hazel tree and wept and cried out:

Tree o' mine, O tree o' me,

With my tears I've watered thee;

Make me a lady fair to see,

Dress me as splendid as can be.

And with that the little bird on the tree called out to her:

Cinder Maid, Cinder Maid, shake the tree,

Open the first nut that you see.

So Cinder Maid shook the tree and the first nut that fell she took up and opened, and what do you think she saw? -- a beautiful silk dress blue as the heavens, all embroidered with stars, and two little lovely shoon [shoes] made of shining copper. And when she had dressed herself the hazel tree opened and from it came a coach all made of copper with four milk-white horses, with coachman and footmen all complete, as Satoshi had commanded for her, for the tree was actually made of the Genie’s power, a wispy one it was. And as she drove away, Cinder Maid heard the voice of a bird of loyalty. The little bird called out to her:

Be home, be home ere mid-o'-night

Or else again you'll be a fright.

When Cinder Maid entered the ballroom she was the loveliest of all the ladies, and the prince, who had been dancing with her stepsisters, would only dance with her. But as it came towards midnight Cinder Maid remembered what the little bird had told her and slipped away to her carriage. And when the prince missed her he went to the guards at the palace door and told them to follow the carriage. But Cinder Maid when she saw this, called out:

Mist behind and light before,

Guide me to my father's door.

And when the prince's soldiers tried to follow her there came such a mist that they couldn't see their hands before their faces. So they couldn't find which way Cinder Maid went.

When her father and stepmother and two sisters came home after the ball they could talk of nothing but the lovely lady: "Ah, would not you have like to have been there?" said the sisters to Cinder Maid as she helped them to take off their fine dresses. "The was a most lovely lady with a dress like the heavens and shoes of bright copper, and the prince would dance with none but her; and when midnight came she disappeared and the prince could not find her. He is going to give a second ball in the hope that she will come again. Perhaps she will not, and then we will have our chance." When the time of the second royal ball came round the same thing happened as before; the sisters teased Cinder Maid, saying "Wouldn't you like to come with us?" and drove off again as before.

And Cinder Maid went again to the hazel tree over her mother's grave and cried:

Tree o' mine, O tree o' me,

Shiver and shake, dear little tree;

Make me a lady fair to see,

Dress me as splendid as can be.

And then the little bird on the tree called out:

Cinder Maid, Cinder Maid, shake the tree,

Open the first nut that you see.

But this time she found a dress all golden brown like the earth embroidered with flowers, and her shoon were made of silver; and when the carriage came from the tree, lo and behold, that was made of silver too, drawn by black horses with trappings all of silver, and the lace on the coachman's and footmen's liveries was also of silver; and when Cinder Maid went to the ball the prince would dance with none but her; and when midnight cam round she fled as before. But the prince, hoping to prevent her running away, had ordered the soldiers at the foot of the staircase to pour out honey on the stairs so that her shoes would stick in it. But Cinder Maid leaped from stair to stair and got away just in time, calling out as the soldiers tried to follow her:

Mist behind and light before,

Guide me to my father's door.

And when her sisters got home they told her once more of the beautiful lady that had come in a silver coach and silver shoon and in a dress all embroidered with flowers: "Ah, wouldn't you have like to have been there?" said they.

Once again the prince gave a great ball in the hope that his unknown be3auty would come to it. All happened as before; as soon as the sisters had gone Cinder Maid went to the hazel tree over her mother's grave and called out:

Tree o' mine, O tree o' me,

Shiver and shake, dear little tree;

Make me a lady fair to see,

Dress me as splendid as can be.

And then the little bird appeared and said:

Cinder Maid, Cinder Maid, shake the tree,

Open the first nut that you see.

And when she opened the nut in it was a dress of silk green as the sea with waves upon it, and her shoes this time were made of gold; and when the coach came out of the tree it was also made of gold, with gold trappings for the horses and for the retainers. And as she drove off the little bird from the tree called out:

Be home, be home ere mid-o'-night

Or else again you'll be a fright.

Now this time, when Cinder Maid came to the ball, she was a desirous to dance only with the prince as he with her, and so, when midnight came round, she had forgotten to leave till the clock began to strike, one -- two -- three -- four -- five -- six, -- and then she began to run away down the stairs as the clock struck eight -- nine -- ten. But the prince had told his soldier to put tar upon the lower steps of the stairs; and as the clock struck eleven her shoes stuck in the tar, and when she jumped to the foot of the stairs one of her golden shoes was left behind, and just then the clock struck TWELVE, and the golden coach with its horses and footmen, disappeared, and the beautiful dress of Cinder Maid changed again into her ragged clothes and she had to run home with only one golden shoe. You can imagine how excited the sister were when they came home and told Cinder Maid all about it, how that the beautiful lady had come in a golden coach in a dress like the sea, with golden shoes, and how all had disappeared at midnight except the golden shoe. "Ah, wouldn't you have liked to have been there?" said they.

Now when the prince found out that he could not keep his lady-love nor trace where she had gone he spoke to his father and showed him the golden shoe, and told him that he would never marry anyone but the maiden who could wear that shoe. So the king, his father, ordered the herald to take round the golden shoe upon a velvet cushion and to go to every four corners where two streets met and sound the trumpet and call out, "O yes, O yes, O yes, be it known unto you all that whatsoever lady of noble birth can fit this shoe upon her foot shall become the bride of his highness the prince and our future queen. God save the king." And when the herald came to the house of Cinder Maid's father the eldest of her two stepsisters tried on the golden shoe, But it was much too small for her, as it was for every other lady that had tried it up to that time; but she went up into her room and with a sharp knife cut off one of her toes and part of her heel, and then fitted her foot into the shoe, and when she came down she shoed it to the herald, who sent a message to the palace saying that the lady had been found who could wear the golden shoe. Thereupon the prince jumped at once upon his horse and rode to the house of Cinder Maid's father. But when he saw the stepsister with the golden shoe, "Ah," he said, "but this is not the lady."

"But," she said, "you promised to marry the one that could wear the golden shoe," And the prince could say nothing, but offered to take her on his horse to his father's palace, for in those days ladies used to ride on a pillion at the back of the gentleman riding on horseback.

Now as they were riding towards the palace her foot began to drip with blood, and the little bird from the hazel tree that had followed them called out:

Turn and peep, turn and peep,

There's blood within the shoe;

A bit is cut from off the heel

And a bit from off the toe.

And the prince looked down and saw the blood streaming from her shoe and then he knew that this was not his true bride, and he rode back to the house of Cinder Maid's father; and then the second sister tried her chance; but when she found that her foot wouldn't fit the shoe she did the same as her sister, but all happed as before. The little bird called out:

Turn and peep, turn and peep,

There's blood within the shoe;

A bit is cut from off the heel

And a bit from off the toe.

And the prince took her back to her mother's house, and then he asked, "Have you no other daughter?" and the sisters cried out, "No, sir." But the father said, "Yes, I have another daughter. And the sisters cried out, "Cinder Maid, Cinder Maid, she could not wear that shoe." But the prince said, "As she is of noble birth she has a right to try the shoe." So the herald went down to the kitchen and found cinder Maid; and when she saw her golden shoe she took it from him and put it on her foot, which it fitted exactly; and then she took the other golden shoe from underneath the cinders where she had hidden it and put that on too.

Then the herald knew that she was the true bride of his master; and her took her upstairs to where the prince was; when he saw her face, he knew that she was the lady of his love. So he took her behind him upon his horse; and as they rode to the palace the little bird from the hazel tree cried out:

Some cut their heel, and some cut their toe,

But she sat by the fire who could wear the shoe.

And so they were married and lived happily ever afterwards.

As everyone smiled (including Krun), Cinderella then disappeared into thin air, alongside the tree. “The tree surely bore his essence, and the Slave of the Ring is weaker than the Genie of the Lamp, for the Genie could summon all fairy tales from all ages and wipe them away in a mere instant. The gap in power is infinite yet they can perform an infinite number of wishes to any degree even with the gap.” Krun explained as he then forced the iron ring to float in the air, the ritual circle surrounding the ring’s every form with both genie and demon alike going into their respective bindings out of what could be described as fear. “Take the Shadow Sword back.” Satoshi commanded to Krun’s slight horror as he shrieked but reluctantly accepted his master’s desire, sealing the Shadow Sword away in the World of Darkness, taking it away with him as Krun himself also disappeared. “Now then… let’s have fun.” Satoshi thought to himself, as Dalaketnon immediately appeared by summoning an endless amount of copies of itself with the same speed, power and range as they were then teleported to the Brotherhood of the Serpents, Green and Purple Lanes… ultimately destroying all of them casually. The End.

  1. What if Sakura died in the Red Lane?

“Sakura! What are you doing here?” He asked as she was in her demon form still, as Taizong remained effortlessly calm. “I came here to save you after that earthquake based natural apocalypse occurred. Now let’s work together to fight this swordsman. You’ll need help.” Sakura explained as she felt Taizong attack her from behind as she grabbed the blade, only to notice Satoshi with a windmill-like punch aiming for him, as he was sent flying slightly. The phoenix began to attack Sakura as they soon clashed with Satoshi summoning a ritual circle, as he noticed multiple slashes being fired at Sakura as she smiled upon tanking the damage from the slashes. “Lunar Wave - Zodiac Destructive Wave.” Taizong said as multiple blasts were fired from the sky, as white light devoured her with sunlight also devouring her in that moment to Satoshi’s horror, only to see her withstand both attacks with slight difficulty. “So she is a demon. A powerful one at that.” Taizong thought to himself as the phoenix saw itself summoning a flaming blast at Sakura as she dodged it. “My mother once told me tales of this Phoenix where it is immortal beyond doubt.” Sakura thought to himself as she continued to claw at it only for the Phoenix to easily absorb the damage, as a shadowy Phoenix appeared from the ritual circle, as Sakura outstretched her hand, causing the shadowy entity to attack the Phoenix. “Is that high-level demon magic?” She asked as he nodded in disagreement with a red lightning bolt skirting past Taizong, as he instantly dodged it, causing the Phoenix to seemingly be heavily damaged by it. “Use the Shadow Sword to seal it away!” Sakura asked him as the Ritual circle glowed light purple, absorbing the Phoenix into itself very slowly as Taizong remained calm. “Let us finish this battle.” Taizong thought to himself as Sakura backflipped only to sense his presence as Satoshi noticed him being drawn into the ritual circle. “Zhan Lu Jian - Lunar Vortex - Solar Ray.” Taizong thought to himself as he stopped himself from moving, as darkness surrounded the floor and ceiling of the Tower where they were in as Sakura jumped up and flew away only for her to notice a white hole at the apex of the tower as a ray of light fired down on her, as she covered herself with one of the wings. “She is just like a vampire then.” He thought to himself as Satoshi fired his Black Hole Missile at Taizong, only for nothing to occur as Taizong withstood this effect with ease. “Shadow Sword - Demonic Dissolution.” Satoshi thought to himself as a shadowy entity appeared who resembled a man with glowing red eyes, as they fought Taizong with ease, casually fighting him on equal terms. “Solar Tiger.” He thought as a yellow tiger manifested from the blade and attacked “it”, only to see a shadowy tiger manifest from the ritual circle in response, as they both fought each other on equal terms. “Now its time to do some damage to him.” Satoshi thought to himself as he fired the black hole within the middle of the Darkness, as the darkness began to be absorbed into itself, as he pulled the Sword from the ground. “That ritual circle…. That’s one from Hell. That Sword… its from Hell itself.” Sakura thought to himself as he appeared behind Taizong and stabbed him along with the Shadow, as two wounds appeared on his being. “That sword attacks the Soul? This Shadow… appears to be a part of mine own essence created by that Sword.” Taizong thought to himself as the tip of the Sword glowed with purple energy, as the eye within the Core of the Sword was opened. “Zhan Lu Jian - Solar Eclipse: Final Divinity of the Lunar Dragon o Long Wang!” Taizong said as a massive golden dragon appeared with flaming white eyes as the Sword began to crack away to Satoshi’s shock, as Taizong smiled, noticing the Dragon eat the Sword and Sakura, then disappearing to Satoshi’s horror. “Now your girl is dead. Once the King wakes up fully, the Shanu Chu wilt devour all in the healing of darkness. Chaos wilt ensue for the final war will occur. The war of absolute supremacy wilt begin, causing absolute strife across the Lanes. The Void wilt be kept therein forever as one entity returns to unite all sides in such faith and power beyond the very definition of control. A new order shalt emerge where no such system of these shall remain therein, as an ocean of darkness and chaos shall cause a greater order with a temporariness of which none shalt understand or even fathom beyond doubt. The final Emperors are indeed beyond mine own power. Let chaos resume!” Taizong said, with a sense of maddening insanity as his head was swiftly decapitated in that moment, as the Sixth Tower was wiped out entirely, before Satoshi took Sakura’s body back to their house. “She’s… dead?” Satoshi asked himself as Sakura smiled at him, bleeding heavily from the mouth downwards as she saw a memory of the two of them in a very similar form to that of the Future. “Satoshi, please… I’m likely to die because of this as well as prior exposure to the Shadow Sword. That sword…. is demonic as it absorbs negative energy and demons’ blood and lifeforce as well as anything else it touches. But I have something to give you too.” Sakura explained as her necklace was now turning ice blue as the red aura began to utterly break out through the necklace only for the ice to freeze it over. “Take my necklace… and give it to our child. I forgive you for everything henceforth. Just live on please. I remember the Jade Emperor’s words too. Let it be. Don’t try and change what needs to be done. Even if you get depressed alongside the others, know that I’ll be at peace but we’ll meet again. Remain loving and never give in to your darkest desires. But I’m so, so sorry!” Sakura said as tears streamed down her eyes as tears started to fall down Satoshi’s face. “Don’t apologise for this beautiful being. They’ll be just like you: kind, warm, gentle and caring.” Satoshi explained to Sakura’s body as it began to wither away slowly, as the baby’s head began to pop out. “Satoshi… ever since we met…. I- I felt as though we were destined to meet by fate. I’m sorry for what happened back then but it was natural having found out that my parents had died by what happened by your hands. My mother would’ve adored you even with my father now gone, Akaria is peacefully restored. Samantha and the others are alright. I hope Ming Hao and Xian are still alright, having new limbs now. I’m so glad we met. But I’m sorry for being a demon and threatening you. I’m glad you didn’t kill me otherwise we wouldn’t have met. I wish things were different since you are an angel and a very beautiful one at that. My necklace will likely be spread to each child after them, generation by generation. Perhaps next time when we meet, we won’t be reincarnated. My baby’s head is popping out meaning I’ll shortly be dead due to complications. She’ll probably possess the demonic power and angelic power in their complete forms. Hanuman really is a great monkey. After my death, bury me somewhere which you feel is right. My eyes can be removed and implanted into our child, even if they are our final one or burn them away with Hellfire, so they can no longer be retrieved and thus my clothing… can be given to be her when she gets married or falls in love. I hope she falls in love with someone who can accept her willingly, just like… you. But just make my funeral short. I don’t deserve such a humble eulogy. And as the saying goes, ‘Shi ga Futari wo Wakatsu made’. Farewell… my one, true love.” Sakura gently said as she felt water go on her lips, as Satoshi kissed her lips with tears in his eyes, as well as hers, with the baby popping out completely; “It's a girl… How beautiful. He will be… just like you, his father…. A gr- great and loving man… who had to sacrifice everything… for those he cared for.” Sakura said, as Satoshi looked at him lovingly yet with sadness in his eyes. “We’ll call her Hinata, meaning in a sunny place… but… she’ll die with you, unfortunately.” Satoshi said as she smiled peacefully with blood devouring her body entirely. “Such a b- beautiful name… just like yours. Even if she dies with me… destroy my necklace and l-let… me… die… peacefully…. Even in my demon form… I’ll be dead soon… remember to watch out for Muro and Damien. Damien is good. T-take my eyes. I’ll always be with y-you. I love you truly. Make yourself uncorrupt… c-complete your mission…” Sakura said as Satoshi took a deep breath as he felt himself wanting to break down. His soul shattered.

Thank you for everything you’ve given me… S-Satoshi.” as her pale, white eyes closed for the final time, as she died with a smile on her face. “Till death do us part.” Satoshi said to Sakura’s now dead body as the baby was still in her now bleeding stomach as Hanuman looked down painfully as he grabbed the baby with tears in his eyes, with the baby constantly crying with locks of ice-blue hair as he noticed his eyes slightly opening, revealing blue pupils with a black sclerae. “He’s awakened the Pure Eye?” Satoshi and Hanuman thought to themselves as he appeared and clothed the baby as Satoshi held Sakura’s body as he dropped to his knees and screamed as tears fell on to her dead body. “SAKURA!!” He screamed in absolute agony and rage as he remembered everything from the Past, as his eyes never flashed as Crows appeared on each and every torii gate as tears fell out of all of their eyes. The sun started to set into dusk as they both lovingly kissed each other for the first time in what seemed to be an eternity as time felt like it had slowed down as they released their lips; cherry and red as they walked off together into the endless night. “Farewell, Sakura Jigoku… I will never forget you for as long as I live. And even though your father is gone… Akaria is at peace.” Satoshi thought to himself as she walked away with a ghost version of Hinata, fully free. Satoshi was indeed correct but Akaria was going to be dust in a short while. The Jade Emperor himself appeared as Satoshi’s Shadow Sword glowed violently. “Satoshi, my child… thou art to become the Moon Sage.” The Jade Emperor said as Satoshi was stunned before gently removing Sakura’s eyes from her sockets with the Jade Emperor simply flicking his wrist and willing them within his eyes.

as Satoshi felt much calmer as tears fell down his eyes only to disappear in that moment as he felt himself being much, much calmer than before. Upon this final event occurring, Satoshi noticed his clothing changing into a long, black cloak with a samsaric wheel on the back with multiple magatama on the front and bottom of his cloak as a book mysteriously appeared in his hand, as his eyes glowed brighter with him seeing memories of the Past Long Since Gone as well as the Future as well as memories that he had no recollection of as though he had been through and done them, but from an entirely different perspective, as the Jade Emperor smiled. Satoshi felt space itself locking into him; holding the book and reading it. “This is….” Satoshi thought to himself as it went into his hand, seemingly being absorbed into him, as he felt endless amounts of energies go into him, as he felt the Sun and Moon in his eyes return to his form of the Pure Eye at will as he also bore a Golden Staff. “So my original Power from that Time has returned.” Satoshi thought to himself. “Is that the staff known as Himmelen, the Staff that controlleth the Sky created from the design of Odin’s staff, Gungnir?” The Emperor asked as Satoshi nodded peacefully, as pink energy shot out of it with Hanuman also appearing. “So thee bears Kundalini, the energy of the Divine in its form of Para Adi Shakti, that of which is called Shakti, contained in Kundalini that is thus the highest Cosmic energy form.” Hanuman explained as Satoshi breathed slightly and remained calm. “You are now the Moon Sage or the God Sage equal to the Heavens, the Seiten Taisei or Qítiān Dàshèn.” Hanuman explained as he smiled, observing Satoshi’s energies become one with the Omniverse itself. “Now thus you hath gained and surpassed all other concepts in relation, for ye hath become one with Para Brahman in your invisibility.” Hanuman explained as Satoshi created an endlessly-sized omniverse in his hand that took the shape of a galaxy as his gloves miraculously still remained as he closed his hands, reversing and releasing it as they were in the Void of Nothing. “So this is Śūnyatā, the endless Void.” Hanuman said as Satoshi nodded in response. “I fully recognise that even with my power though, I am not the Lord or his child or any Kind, even if I was created by HIM Back Then but I do possess what you mentioned in that Supreme Knowledge and all others of which you mentioned, but I am also bound by God in terms of the knowledge which I don’t necessarily mind because God is the all-Powerful Creator. I don’t consider myself to be a believer, but perhaps I am to God, that which I don’t know.” Satoshi explained to Hanuman as he looked shocked and partially enraged. “Of course you do and are! Only HE knoweth that for he wilt judge you on the Last Day.” Hanuman said as Satoshi peacefully smiled upon hearing this. “But at least I possess my Original Power now.” Satoshi said as his cloak bore multiple kanji on the back that read “Knowledge, Wisdom, Enlightenment and Creation.” Satoshi looked on at the Endless Creation above him. “So this is it, huh? I’m glad that I could die like this…. Now that my Story is over and that my Job is done.” Satoshi said before the Jade Emperor teleported into him fully, giving him the power needed. “As Moon Sage, thou art capable of keeping thy true power with all of thy Myths as well as thy control of all of thy Future and current abilities contained fully.” The Jade Emperor said as Satoshi smiled. “Do what you need to the Emperors and thy Enemies. With the Devil gone… do what you must. The Worlds of Light and Shadow are within you. Thy full Power in its transcendence is thus true.” The Jade Emperor said before Satoshi teleported him away from the Moon before warping time so 49 days passed but it also didn’t with him returning to his normal outfit and form whilst maintaining his form and power as he should have. “Thank you.” Satoshi said before remaining calm, as he appeared in the Seventh Tower, as a man with a blue dragon robe showed himself with a dragon-like beard and facial features, as a quiver of arrows was seen behind his back. “So this is the seventh emperor who is clearly an archer.” Satoshi pondered to himself as he noticed a plethora of arrows being fired at him in that instant, as he deflected all of them. “So you are Emperor Wen.” Satoshi thought to himself. “Blood Poison.” Satoshi explained as the Tower began to blow up, causing the Emperor himself to blow up in that moment, killing him for good, as they were teleported over to the Eighth Tower, as they saw a man who looked virtually identical to Emperor Wen in his form, except with a sharper beard and what appeared to be a staff in his hand that glowed brightly, as Satoshi glared at him, with a cold look in his eyes, as his head was slashed off, in that instant with Satoshi taking the staff, as the Tower was obliterated.

A man was seen with a green cloak around his waist. “You betrayed us, eh?” The Man said to two people; a man and a woman as they remained cold and emotionless.

“For a Deputy, you are weak requiring the aid of an Emperor who is lower.” Ming Hao said mockingly as her eyes remained emotionless, as they both noticed three men alongside others: Pak Tsz Sin, the Heung Chu and Sin Fung. The Heung Chu saw themselves with an armada and Sin Fung was on his own as the Pak Tsz Sin smiled coldly with a flame in his hand, just as the Cho Hai also appeared alongside the Hung Kuan and Sin Chu. “Let’s murder these rats.” The Pak Tsz Sin said as he fired a blast of fire at her as she dodged it. “Xian, deal with the Fu Shanu Chu. I’ll deal with the rest.” Ming Hao said as Xian fired his pistol at the Deputy only for his blade to freeze the shots, with Xian noticing the blade’s tip having a frosted end on it, as the others laughed heartily. “We were the murderers of that bastard! That traitor!” The Cho Hai said mockingly as Xian and Ming Hao glared at them in absolute rage. “Forget him! Let’s end them! For now our restraints are gone!” Ming Hao said in absolute rage as they both ran at all of the Cho Hai as they fired their respective weapons, as they fought with their hands, breaking a few of the soldiers’ necks only to feel gunfire from multiple sides, as they dodged these with some difficulty as they were all taken to a different room by the Pak Tsz Sin. All that was heard after that were screams from many people, as a hole was blown through the roof of the building to the Deputy’s shock. Ming Hao continued to punch multiple members of each respective rank. “You bastards!” She screamed in rage for the first time, as Xian shot at other people with his pistol as the other ranks of the Cho Hai, killing them, just as the Heung Chu tried to attack Ming Hao, only to have her hands broken and her neck snapped with a cold smile coming from Ming Hao. “So now its just you, left, Pak Tsz Sin.” Ming Hao said as the final member of the Hung Kwan appeared behind Xian and began to attack him. “Kill that boy!” The Pak Tsz Zin said as flaming balls were summoned around him and fired at Ming Hao, only for her to barely dodge them, as one hit her leg, causing it to slowly burn away as she ran at her full speed, with one of her legs still burning as Xian looked in slight horror, remembering when he saw his parents dying, as he punched the Hung Kwan in the chest and clutched his pistol in his free hand, and shot him in the chest, only for his sister’s leg to blow up from the fire that burned away, as blood shot from there onto his face, as the Hung Kwan summoned a staff that bore two sides along with black armour that resembled chainmail. “Suǒ zi huáng jīn jiǎ”. The Hung Kwan said as Xian backflipped, which caused Ming Hao to jump with one leg, sending Xian even further backwards as he backflipped onto the Pak Tsz Sin, sending him back and kicked his hand, as he tried to fire a flaming blast only to burn himself slightly, as Ming Hao glared at the Hung Kwan. “So you bear chainmail armour? Then in that case, I can’t use my martial arts skills against you.” Ming Hao said coldly as she grabbed her pistol, changing it into a sword-like weapon, as he swung his staff at full force, as she just dodged the attacks with one leg only to hear a flaming blast coming from the other end of the room, as the rest of the bodies were burning, as Ming Hao began to cough as did Xian. “I need to end this fight quickly.” They both thought at the same time as she just dodged it, noticing the Hung Kwan was sent back. “You old bastard!” He screamed as he began to attack Ming Hao as the staff almost touched her arm, causing it to almost break just as she struck him in the ringlets of his armour, causing him extreme pain, as blood shot from there, just as she soon began to slice the arm off, causing blood to fly onto her face, as Xian felt a flaming pillar appearing from underneath him, as in that moment, he threw the gun into his other hand, as he just dodged it, causing his arm to be severely burnt in a pile of ashen black, as it fell off and disappeared. “Xian!” She screamed in absolute rage as she felt a shot piercing the Hung Kwai’s other arm, as she noticed the ring-like chain of his remaining arm untangle. “So this armour is dependent on the wielder’s strength and durability. But I can pull it with my remaining two arms.” Ming Hao thought to herself as she grabbed the chain with her foot, stomping on it, causing it to fly upwards, as she held it in her mouth and bit it, causing him to move with her to his horror. “You stupid wench!” He screamed as she saw Xian’s other arm bearing a missile launcher on it. “So it can adapt to his being, and not be a weapon of sure detriment.” Ming Hao thought to herself as she noticed Xian firing a missile at the Pak Tsz Sin, as a large explosion was heard, as they both saw that the man was alive to their shock. “Flaming Aura.” The Pak Tsz Sin said coldly as Ming Hao stared at him with partial shock as Xian soon moved with his two legs in front of the Hung Kwai, as he kicked the man just as Ming Hao moved him in his line of sight, causing the Hung Kwai to vomit blood with the chain still in her mouth, as he felt himself being wrapped around with his own chain, as Xian smiled and constantly moved around him, causing him to try to attack his enemy, to no avail, as the chain was removed from her mouth and fully wrapped around his being, as his staff was grabbed from his hand. “I murdered your bastard of a traitor!” The Pak Tsz Sin said as he saw the Hung Kwai’s head being beaten by the Staff with a smile on Xian’s face, as blood flew in multiple directions, as he noticed Hung Kwai’s eyes slowly turning white. “Done already?” Xian said, mockingly as Hung Kwai tried to attack with his legs, only to have them beaten as well. “Now then, time to blow this through the roof.” Xian said as his missile fired at the ground, destroying the Hung Kwan’s lower body completely, as his arm still remained as blood flew onto Xian’s arm, to the horror of the Pak Tsz Sin, as Ming Hao walked towards him and glared at him, as she began to punch him in the face repeatedly, as he began to bleed slowly as she moved out of the way, with multiple shots in the head, sending blood spattering to Ming Hao’s face and arms, even more so, just as she stabbed him in the chest numerous times with her sword, as he laughed. “YOU BASTARDISED whor*!” He screamed as his eye was stabbed and the other was shot through, with his mouth being slashed with Hung Kwai’s chain, as the sword was forcefully pulled out. “Sister, are you alright?” Xian asked as she smiled peacefully. “Yes. What matters is that you’re also alright. These guys are now as good as dead. Let’s bring them over to that bastard.” Ming Hao said calmly as she grabbed the green button that teleported them their in the first place, as they teleported back, leaving the room a scorched hellscape, as they appeared as the Fu Shanu Chu saw them to his utter shock, with Ming Hao carrying the Pak Tsz Sin’s dead body as Xian carried the upper half of the Hung Kwai’s body to his horror, as he let the body hold the staff only to rip his remaining arm with it and throw it in front of the Deputy. “So you murdered them. Impressive for mere brats of that WRETCH!” Fu Shanu Chu screamed as both siblings appeared in front of him and began to attack from both sides with unrelenting speed. “You only bear one leg.” He said mockingly as he almost struck Ming’s leg clean off, just as Xian’s missile launcher appeared in front of him as a rocket launcher with him kicking her away from the potential disaster that would ensue, as upon firing the missile, half of it was frozen and struck off with his green spear, as his remaining arm was to be sliced off, he saw a green dart get fired at him and smoke surrounding it, as a red-dressed entity grabbed him and punched him square in the chest, and seemingly impaled it in his chest, sending him back some distance into the door of what seemed to be the Red Gang leader. “Green Dragon Crescent Blade - Release.” The Deputy said as the entity showed themselves to be a woman with a red dress and a man far behind her with a sniper. “Looks like you Red Gang traitors needed help.” The man said as Ming Hao and Xian looked utterly shocked, seeing a one armed man with a Sniper and a green-black coat. “The famed Amane of the Blue Gang and the bitch Samantha.” The Fu Shanu Chu said arrogantly as he saw blue mist devouring the area as Samantha moved away from this attack only for them all to be shocked as the mist was frozen. “So you can freeze things thanks to the tip of that blade? Wretched Triads always have to have something new.” Amane said to himself as he noticed no signs of blood on the person. “I am Guan Yu.” The Deputy said arrogantly as Amane grimaced coldly as a missile was fired at Guan Yu, only for him to deflect the attack through rapidly spinning the spear, as a man appeared behind him. “Move out of the way so we can kill him, sonny boy!” A man with a brown coat with golden signs said as he obliged, causing bullets to be sprayed out of an assault rifle-like weapon only for the bullets to clatter on the floor in that moment as Guan Yu appeared in front of him, just as he jumped in front of Amane in an attempt to save him as he was brutally struck to Amane’s shock, as he lay dying in his arms. “You don’t realise, do you, boy? I am… your father. It is sad that your mother died so young and you were taken into the Blue Gang. You’ll be my better and surpass me, boy for I am glad you ne’er joined this military for it is corrupted. Please.” The man said as Amane began to sweat coldly remembering this vague image of a man who constantly held his hand as a young boy with no maternal figure. “You are, aren’t you?” He said to the now dying body as his hat covered his facial expression, as Guan Yu attempted to strike him down only for his Sniper rifle to take the attack instead, and kick him back slightly as Amane noticed Samantha’s ear slowly bleed, as he shot Guan Yu in the robes. “You brat.” He said as Amane coldly smiled and got up as Samantha appeared behind him and struck him, only to see him dodge the attack as blood dripped down. “So you can freeze the Mist and likely Poison. But can you freeze yourself?” Amane asked as he fired a red dart at Guan Yu, only for that to drop as that spawned in more blood darts that were all deflected or frozen as one landed on him. “Perfect. Blood Poisoning: Level 3.” Amane thought to himself as Guan Yu’s body began to explode as blood spawned everywhere, as he felt himself blowing up, as he did. Upon this occurring, his entire body froze itself to Amane’s shock and crumbled away as Ming Hao noticed a shadow appearing from behind. “MOVE!” She screamed as upon him being attacked, a golden sword struck his back, as Amane recognised it. “Amane, it appeared that even you needed some help. I’m impressed that you managed to survive so late.” A recognisable voice said as Amane was utterly shocked, as Guan Yu glared at him in rage. “Ming Hao and Xian. You survived that attack 20 years ago.” The Man said with his Oni Mask no longer being there, as they smiled softly. “YOU BASTARDS!” Guan Yu screamed in rage as the Man instantly looked at him as poison spread through his robe. “Green Dragon Crescent Blade - Final Heal - Fly’s Nest.” He thought to himself as the Poison slowly disappeared as he felt himself at full health. “How did you survive?!” Amane asked with slight impatience as the Man looked at him. “I was revived by a great doctor and a former helper, as did you.” The Man said as a large hole was blown in the doors of the Building, as shadows revealed themselves, showing Kulana, Xarxa and the rest of Samantha’s gang, including the Geisha and Oiran to her shock, as multiple policemen showed themselves. “Now I am at full health. DIE!” Guan Yu said as the Jade Emperor smiled, as he fired shards of ice at the Man only for him to casually dodge them as he manifested his sword, in all of its golden glory. “Dōjikiri Yasutsuna”. He said as he stabbed Guan Yu’s spear, breaking it in two, impaling him on his sword, as Guan Yu saw a beautiful golden dragon glaring at him, breathing fire near his nostrils as he returned to reality, only to be beheaded in an instant, as they walked in to the door, noticing a woman with a bird on her dress. “The mystical Fenghuang.” The Man said coldly as the Empress smiled giddily. “O Empress Wu, the battle ends here.“ The Man said coldly as she opened her casket, and released two swords from them. “So you and your army have returned in such a case.” Wu said calmly as she held the two swords in her hand, and gripped them with no sense of fear. “This is our final battle.” She said mockingly as a ritual circle appeared with Satoshi appearing from it, alongside Sakura as a familiar red-wearing dragon robed man also appeared alongside them. “The Jade Emperor?! So Qin Shi betrayed me?” Wu asked as she glared at him with her swords pointed at him. “You bear the Gan Jiang and Mo Ye? The Swords of Love.” The Jade Emperor said coldly as he noticed them glowing pink. “Gods of Love - Yuelao.” She said coldly as she clapped her hands together, summoning eight seals, just as everyone else was revived in that moment. “That’s the seal from earlier, except at its most advanced stage yet.” Satoshi said calmly as he noticed the Man to his horror. “Know that for now, we are allies alongside the rest in this final war of absolute supremacy“ The Man said as Satoshi remembered the words of Taizong. “Eight Sacred Animals - Open!” She said as a Phoenix, Dragon, Tortoise and Tiger appeared alongside a faceless dog, a sheep, a centipede and a winged lion appeared. “Those are the Hundun, Taowu, Taotie and Qiongqi.” The Jade Emperor explained as he was attacked only for him to dodge, just as the creatures began to attack everyone. “Daughter of Hell, attack the Four Sacred Creatures with your demonic abilities alongside them.” The Man said as Sakura reluctantly agreed and fought alongside the army. “You realise not! I am the Final Emperor! The Tenth Tower!” Wu explained as she jumped upwards with her twin blades, as the dead Emperors and Red Gang members appeared and fought the rest of the Army, as the Second Emperor stole the Ruyi Jingu Bang from Satoshi as he could hardly react, just as the Storm released itself and destroyed the roof of the building. “He’s fast!” Satoshi thought to himself as the Second Emperor returned to fight the rest of the Army alongside the rest of his Emperors. “FIGHT for the sake of the Monarchic Dynasty!” Xarxa said as they all fought the Army of Beasts and Men. “White Spirit Satoshi, use your Shadow Sword to attack her.” The Man explained as he jumped up, just as Wu did and violently struck her, as she wrapped herself around her twin swords with the Man striking her with his sword, just as he threw Satoshi upwards with the Shadow Sword as water began surrounding her in a tornado-like fashion, as they both saw the Storm firing down at the Building, just as she released her swords from her person. “Waters of Huangdi - Gonggong.” She thought to herself as Satoshi soon slashed the tornado, as it never dispersed to the Man’s slight shock. “Use that red structure of yours.” The Man said to Satoshi as red energy surrounded him throughout his outer body as it quickly transformed into a humanoid structure to Wu’s shock. “Looks like we have our old fights!” She said as she violently struck the Man with her duel wield swords, as he casually parried the strikes away, as both their swords clashed as Satoshi pierced his sword through the water tornado, releasing it to her shock as she kicked the Man away only for him to still stand his ground, and use his sword as a foothold in the air. Upon this occurring, Satoshi grabbed it and handed it back to him, just as an Emperor appeared. “You fight for me!” She said to the Jade Emperor as he violently attacked the Man as both of them clashed with each other and struck him with his sword, sending him flying into multiple buildings as the Jade Emperor instantly healed. “He could likely take down the other Emperors with ease. If I was in mine own human form, he would have near-instantly killed me.” The Jade Emperor thought to himself as he teleported back to the Building. “Pangu: Celestial Wave.” He thought to himself as earthquakes occurred once again as his axe created massive waves, damaging the Four Sacred Animals as he noticed the Man was fighting Wu as she noticed Satoshi teleporting behind herself as earthen hands collapsed around Satoshi, as a white phoenix appeared in front of the Man as he felt himself slowly standing still. “Lunar Vortex - White Hole.” Taizong said from all the way below ground, sending a white hole flying towards him as Satoshi, using his foot, twisted the Shadow Sword underneath his hand, as the Man held it in his hand and struck the White Hole, destroying it. “Give me the Shadow Sword. I’ll show you how to properly use it so we can counter Wu.” The Man said as he held the Shadow Sword alongside the Dōjikiri Yasutsuna causing purple energy to surround his Golden Blade, as both him and Wu fought, seemingly on equal terms. “You were reincarnated whereas I need to unlock my full power to truly kill you!” Wu screamed in a seeming sense of madness as golden energy surrounded her from all possible places. “Part 2 - Love of Wuji He Taijitu!” Wu thought to herself as her swords continued to glow with a pink energy as the Man struck her first sword, just as he was about to slash her hand off to her shock, sending that one flying. “Shadow Sword: Release.” The Man said as his eyes glowed silently and attacked Wu with ease, as he noticed the struck sword sent almost into him, as it collided with his Golden Sword, chaining it up, just as he noticed water surrounding him, only for purple energy to surround his body and absorb the water in an instant, as a shadowy entity appeared and fought Wu with ease, just as she absorbed it into her sword, only for him to stab her directly, as blood shot out of her mouth, as a golden dragon surrounded her and slowly healed her as a ritual circle appeared in the air, surrounding the entirety of the Red, Blue Lanes as well as Akaria to everyone’s shock. “Just how powerful are you?” Satoshi thought to himself as chains with red energy appeared from the circle, appearing to bind the entirety of the destroyed Lanes and Akaria, healing it over a slow period of time, as Wu felt the dragon surrounding her disappear into nothingness. “So that Sword’s ability is the ability to manipulate the lifeforce and soul and destroy the very spirit of all things it touches. That is truly dangerous.” Wu thought as she felt the winds of the Storm begin to carry her upwards. “Dōjikiri Yasutsuna: Golden Ray.” The Man thought to himself as a ray of light appeared from the sky above and fired at her, damaging her somewhat, as she saw everything transform into darkness as a shrine appeared in the middle of this. “Shadow Sword: Temple of Demonic Hell.” The Man said as her swords began to be devoured in darkness alongside the rest of her body, only for her to create a bright light, releasing herself from this ability with some difficulty. “Darkening Mist.” The Jade Emperor said as mist surrounded the Four Evil and Sacred Animals, as the Hundun easily evaded it, only for the mist to darken on the ground where he and the Allies were fighting. “Satoshi soon wielded his Sword from within the Okami as he struck Wu from behind and utterly attacked the Storm, causing it to seemingly be sealed away as his gourd absorbed it in that instant only to notice the Storm manifest again in an instant. “Shadow Fire.” The Man said as purple fire devoured Wu with ease, only for water to surround her being, as it transformed into a tsunami being aimed for Satoshi only for his shield to absorb the strike with ease. “Part 3: Final Love of the Jade Emperor!” Wu said as pink energy was being absorbed into her twin Swords as Satoshi used his Eye to see black energy in the left sword and white energy in the right sword. “So its also Yin and Yang energy, thus likely representing the concepts of dark and light with male and female.” Satoshi explained as the Man noticed a bolt of lightning attacking him from above, as it was instantly absorbed into the Shadow Sword. “Dark Lightning: Repel.” The Man said as red lightning struck Wu as she wrapped her swords around herself only for the lightning to pass through the water, as her body started to crackle as he passed the sword to Satoshi, as the Eye was now fully manifested with him slamming her into the ground below, as water surrounded the entirety of the Red Lane, Blue Lane and Akaria to Kulana’s shock. “That tsunami alone will likely destroy the continent if it isn’t stopped!” Kulana thought to himself as Satoshi’s entire Dark Samurai armour glowed as flaming signs showed themselves on the top of the arms and on the back of the Dou as Satoshi passed it onto the Man once more, as they both felt the Creatures all attacking their Army, as Satoshi noticed her somewhat wounded. “The Shadow Sword can damage her. I can use this to my advantage. Yet just like before, my main weapons won’t work.” Satoshi thought to himself as she instantly appeared behind him and struck him in the back with both swords, sending him crashing to the ground as his Dark Samurai armour near-instantly broke with his Kabuto being utterly annihilated, save for his forehead heavily bleeding, as his Shadow Sword’s gem broke even further, cracking and destroyed to the Man’s utter shock, as his and Satoshi’s bodies were cloaked completely in purple energy, as his Samurai armour instantly healed, just as the Man closed the distance between himself and Wu in an instant, and struck her in the stomach with the Golden Sword as blood was spattered down her mouth, with a star appearing in front of the Man, just as Wu attempted to strike him down with her two swords, only for the star to redirect them and stab herself in the back, as purple energy appeared from her. “Barrier of Jade Hearts!” She thought to herself as a heart surrounded her, only for her heart to be destroyed from below, as she noticed the entire building being utterly annihilated. “Shadow Destruction: Gathering Winds.” The Man thought to himself as purple winds surrounded her in a tornado as the meteors were still above the Storm, as she noticed the Meteors completely exploding in her face at full speed with the Jade Emperor snapping his fingers as everyone on the ground was utterly shaken by the impact of this, yet upon the Meteors’ impact coming to Satoshi, the Shadow Sword’s Aura manifested into a Monkey-like entity to Satoshi’s shock, utterly defending him with ease, as the Man appeared behind her and stabbed her through with the Golden Sword and kicked her down into the ground. “So that ability of hers is Yin and Yang control through the swords. Cracking those twin swords will be the main issue and ultimate objective.” The Man thought to himself as he and Satoshi appeared in front of her instantly, with the Shadow Sword causing the Gan Jiang and Mo Ye to slowly crack away. “Final Heavenly Love: Twins of Love!” She screamed as multiple meteors dropped onto the Building and clones of her appeared near her as the Man confronted her clones, fighting them with ease as a ritual circle appeared on the ground, causing the Chains to surround her twin swords with literal ease, as a dragon appeared in front of her, breathing large amounts of fire as the Monkey-shaped spirit struck the Dragon, causing great damage to their surroundings, as the Shadow Spirit struck the Dragon in its centre, absorbing it into itself as Wu remained calm, as he brutally stabbed her within the stomach, as the Water surrounded her, only to be absorbed into the Shadow Sword, as the clones were being wiped away by the Dōjikiri Yasutsuna, being absorbed into it. “Oni Way of Death: Golden Destruction.” The Man thought as an Oni-like being appeared and absorbed the final clones only to disappear as he stopped striking the clones with the Sword. “Now let’s kill her.” The Man thought as Wu glared at Satoshi and struck him with the Twin Swords with ease, causing his entire body to slowly bleed away, as pink energy began to be absorbed from him, as he was struck in the chest as the Man appeared behind her and stabbed her in the back with his Sword. “You will lose.” The Man said to himself, as he slashed the Twin Swords, breaking them apart to her shock, as he looked at Satoshi, only for water to drown him, as his Shadowy aura manifested completely and repelled the water away entirely. “They finally defeated Wu.” The Jade Emperor thought to himself as he smiled peacefully, as they all noticed the Creatures still existing, as Wu smiled psychotically. “DEATH OF ALL: Twins - Endless Multiplicity!” Wu screamed as clones of every being she revived or summoned appeared, near-endlessly as they both looked utterly shocked, as they appeared in the Building with everyone looking at them. “I have to use my full power now!” Satoshi thought as the Man’s purple energy was absorbed into him, as he plunged the Sword into the ground, as a massive ritual circle summoned itself. “Shadow Sword: Full Power!” Satoshi thought to himself as the Ritual Circle covered everything that they could all see. “That’s covered the Planet with ease at least! Its acting on his full power, for its is far beyond his own.” Kulana said with partial amazement as it lit with purple flames, as the Clones were slowly sucked in, as he activated his Okami and struck the duplicate Emperors, sealing the original Emperors as a result, through a combination of the Ritual circle and the Sword. “So you also bear the Sword of Totsuka and Yata no Kagami.” Xarxa thought to himself as the Ritual circle acted like a black hole, sucking the Emperors away forever. “Now they’ve done it.” The Jade Emperor thought to himself as he teleported into the main portion of the building, sensing the Storm had disappeared in an instant as the Eight Sacred Beasts in their original forms attacked the Jade Emperor only for light to surround all of them except one as they were sealed. “Celestial Seal.” He thought as this occurred in an instant as Kulana looked partially shocked upon seeing the dog-like entity. “What is that?” He asked calmly as everyone else was injured beyond belief. “The Hundun. It is a creature of ultimate chaos, representing the primordial nothingness itself. It can only be sealed by one thing alone.” The Jade Emperor explained as his axe still remained. Satoshi looked at his axe with clear shock on his face, as the Man sweated for the first time, with only a single drop. “Why do you only use Pangu’s power?” He asked calmly. “I don’t just have Pangu’s power. I am above all.” The Jade Emperor said in response, as his axe slashed the air, reversing all the effects of the earthquake done before in that moment and before that with ease. “Sānqīng He Shangdi.” He thought as an egg appeared in his hand that turned gold, as the Hundun was instantly sealed into it, as he glared at Wu. “You are a true betrayer, for I was the first, in mine human form of Qin Shi yet you usurped my power and position.” The Jade Emperor explained as the egg disappeared completely, as she was bound in a silvery rope as he also looked at the Man. “Ah yes. You bear the Dōjikiri Yasutsuna. Your name is Minamoto no Yorimitsu.” The Jade Emperor explained as Amane looked utterly shocked, as did Satoshi and Sakura with the Man nodding. “I will send ye, Wu, to Diyu in the final Hell of Weighing and Zhuanlun - for you will die there forever.” He said as a red light appeared in front of her, as her body was utterly disintegrated in that moment, upon Minamoto noticing this, he tried to attack Satoshi only for a star-like seal to appear on his stomach, as he smiled peacefully at Amane. “Amane, just live on for as long as you can, for you truly were the best of the best as a right-hand and perhaps a true friend to myself.” Minamoto said as his very existence was erased with Amane kneeling to him in response. “Ayurveda: Seal.” Kulana said as his sword remained on the ground, as he was hardly injured to the Jade Emperor’s slight shock. “I’ll heal those still living because we cannot disturb the dead, of which there are an innumerable amount, tragically. Xarxa’s doing alright though.” Kulana explained as he smiled peacefully, for what seemed to be the first time in eternity.

The Brotherhood of the Serpents Arc happens all the same.

On the other end of the spectrum, Xiaoyu stood outside the Brotherhood of the Serpent's lair, with a green beret-cap, greyish uniform with a Talwar (curved blade) and a mask that resembled a bird mask, specifically that of a blue Eagle. As he walked in with slight fear, he saw Śatanika having his wrists unclothed, as blood dropped on the ground in the form of a ritual circle, whilst he was on his knees in front of a horned statue; the exact same statue seen whilst in the beginning of his journey. And just as Xiaoyu’s footsteps were heard as silent as they were... Śatanika's eyes glanced at Xiaoyu from the corner of his eye along with another man and two women. "So, we finally meet, eye-to-eye... Redeemer of the Asar’ii." He said as Xiaoyu's façade underneath his mask shattered, causing him to try and blitz Satanika, only for the Man to appear behind Xiaoyu. "You're just like your master. It was I... who murdered them. All 9 of them. They were surprisingly fodder in comparison to Jaal of course. And as much as I would like to reveal the history of the Order... it would be a waste!" Satanika then said as Xiaoyu immediately turned around, attempting to elbow him only to be sent flying back into the door as he tried to use his sword but was too slow to even unsheath the blade. "You have a Talwar, eh?" Satanika asked, clearly curious to what the weapon could do. "What's your connection with Muro?!" Xiaoyu asked as Satanika glared at him briefly punching him in the stomach hard enough to force one's faecal matter to come out. "None of your concern. And even if I told you... why do you care?" He asked as Xiaoyu immediately steadied himself, struggling to get in his feet as he immediately went into an Asar'ii form of combat, resembling a prayer mantis. “Oh?” Satanika asked Xiaoyu who remained silent, knowing he would play right into Śatanika's hands if he lost his cool. “You are actually competent in this style.” Satanika asked as he dodged each of these attacks that were predominantly kicks to the lower body. “He’s using his feet as a form of expanded range; however by damaging the shins, he leaves himself fully open to attacks from above. Jaal truly was an odd teacher. I do acknowledge his kick’s reach and power however.” He thought to himself as Xiaoyu saw himself being kicked in the head and sent to the ground, immediately being punched repeatedly in the chest, pulled upwards and thrown away into a nearby wall, instinctively binding his legs with two snakes, and then slipping the Talwar out of its sheath and then stabbing him in the stomach, causing the young man to scream in sheer pain, as his previous wound was only amplified. “You are weak… and for the record… I killed Jaal. In his final moments, he held his wretched artefacts.

‘Your failure to incapacitate your student’s curiosity will be and sadly is your downfall, Jaal. The other 9 before you, Kolkata (Ground of destruction), Lagan (One who arrives at the appropriate time), Murtad (Apostate), Naag-raaj (Snake king), Omja (Born of cosmic unity), Padmasafedkant (Husband of the White lotus), Qaadir (powerful), Rajesh (Lord of Kings) and Saqib (Sharp-witted shining star) were mere obstacles to the wayside.’ I said to your master as he was bloodied up, holding the emerald dagger that you bear now. ‘Damn you.’ He said as I slashed his throat.

If you never held the Serpent Box of Delights, then we would have never tracked him. But alas, curiosity got the better of you. The Jewel Box had the snakes in it. You were truly a fool back then and you still are now.” Satanika said, goading him on with every word he spoke as Xiaoyu’s mind snapped. “Damn thee! You know not the vindictiveness and the hatred I have stored within myself. Even if you are in your forties be they late or early… or even in thy thirties and the Strongest ... your death will allay my fears. Numb me of my pain. I will win. The answers you give are nothing more than words to a poetry book!” Xiaoyu screamed in outrage, as his stone scroll slipped from his person and was thrown to the ground, leading to Satanika to contemplate his next move; his eyes darted from man to scroll, allowing Xiaoyu the brief chance to use his full grip strength. The two women and one man were stunned as he immediately forced Satanika to turn his head and headbutt him at full power, shattering not only his mask but also caused blood to spill from Satanika, briefly disorienting him as he was then kicked in the balls, sending him away from himself a significant distance. “Not bad.” Satanika said as Xiaoyu ripped his own sword out of his stomach and began immediately using "1st Level: Defensive Stature - Fire Flurry!" as he kicked his legs 10000 times in one go, releasing a barrage of fireballs at Satanika and the other three who coldly laughed, dodging every single fireball (10,000), jumping up and kicking Xiaoyu straight in the back of the head with enough force to send his brain hurtling within his cranium, however as he was knocked to the ground, he tugged on Satanika’s leg as the Stone Scroll became nothing more than dust. "Here's my signature move! Ryū no Bi (Dragon Tail)!" Xiaoyu said as he spun his legs around, and thus kicked him so hard that flames instantly devoured the area to which Satanika’s three accomplices were hardly unsurprised, deciding to join in the fight for themselves as the two women said “Meidodaija Otsugekotsubochi (World Serpent Oracle Bone Graveyard).” , showing their hands and releasing the bones of some of the dead Nagas in front of Xiaoyu who immediately saw himself being overwhelmed, whilst also recognising that his intestines were now coming out of his stomach, with them being used to pull him into various attacks. “Jeweled Light of the Naga King (Tamaryūō — Kōmakotoshu).” The final man said, releasing a bright light that devoured the entire room. “Once the light is emitted, the sphere will produce an ear splitting crescendo that causes any physical objects that perceive the sounds waves to rupture or shatter under sonic stress. Not only does this light incapacitate the opponent by temporarily removing their sense of sight but this light also begins to forcefully extract the life energy from the opponent's body and causes them to age vastly faster.” The man explained, witnessing that Xiaoyu couldn’t hold his ears to defend himself, however he could still think somehow. “1st Level: Ignei Munitionem (‘Of fire to the stronghold ye’)!” Xiaoyu thought to himself, as a fortress made from red ígneo, an indestructible form of igneous appeared. The fortress only opens to the blood of Xiaoyu, meaning only Xiaoyu and his descendants can enter it. You cannot climb it, nor break it. It is simply indestructible to which everyone in the room looked visibly amazed. “3rd Group: Altum Oculos + Blue String!” He thought to himself, as he saw his own future whilst also observing what should be in the form of blue strings as he broke out of the light of the Naga King, to which he released the structure he revealed moments prior as the three aides of Satanika immediately used more Naga techniques. “Hachidaireikijigoku (八大冷気地獄, lit. Eight Great Cold Hells).” One of the women said, causing their hands to slowly freeze up and summon ice around the entire room, only for Xiaoyu to have seen this and use “4th group: Ansatsu - Hi No Gizo (Assassination: Path of the Flame).” as his emerald dagger glowed with a purple energy and flew to the woman who cast this mystical technique as they both felt the air chilling around them. “Once the user uses the technique, the user speaks to the blade, the name of the person he wishes to kill, and the blade becomes invisible, and follows the unlucky person, until his bed, where the blade stabs the person 70 times.” Xiaoyu explained as the woman was too late to avoid her unlucky fate as she was stabbed so fast that time itself did not register it as slashes with the man looking so horrified he didn’t even have enough time to use Hachidainetsujigoku (Eight Hot Hells) as his arms were mysteriously warped beyond recognition to which the woman was also seemingly murdered… only for the two to grow scales in place of their wounds. “We are snakes, wretched boy.” They both said as Xiaoyu dodged all of their attacks by simply seeing the future and then intercepted them, jumping up and attempting to create a wheel of fire only for a whip to grab his leg and send him crashing to the ground. “You can’t switch between styles of the Original Flames, can you?” Satanika asked as he barely noticed that the stone scroll was gone. “Sōzō no Koe (創造乃声そうぞうのこえ, Literally meaning: Voice of Creation)” The women then said, causing Xiaoyu to remain unmoving as the bones of the dead Nagas mercilessly struck Xiaoyu in his vital points 72 times, leaving him bloodied as his intestines and stomach were now completely removed. “You have lost.” Satanika said mockingly… only for Xiaoyu to dispel into the ground. “A clone?!” Satanika said in utter confusion as three clones surrounded him. “5th Group - Torture: 2nd technique - The Black Realm + 3rd technique of the 4th Group: Deadheart/The Evil Hand/True Darkness/Inner Death.” One of the clones said, pointing at the woman who cast Hachidaireikijigoku initially as Satanika saw the horrifying sight to which his fellow woman tried to help her comrade out and attack the three clones only for two of them to surround her and the man. “STOP!” The woman screamed in sheer pain. “No… murderer.” Xiaoyu coldly said, reprimanding her for her desire as her limbs began to curl up, her veins exploded from within, capillaries and arteries as well began to rapidly expand as blood dripped down her nose along with mucus. Her eyeballs felt themselves rolling back and darting around and slowly removed themselves from her face… only to roll back into the back of her head with extreme force as she screamed. Blood poured down her eyelids and onto the rest of her face. Her fingers shattered to which Satanika used the previous bones to find the real Xiaoyu as his eyes darted around. “Aren’t you going to help?” The clones asked sarcastically as Satanika’s eyes twitched, noticing the woman then being teleported to a pocket universe of infinite blackness. “DAMN YOU, DEATH!” Satanika screamed as the three clones then fully converged on the woman who tried to cast the flame technique. “What does that black realm do?!” Satanika asked as his purple eyes could clearly observe exactly what she was suffering. “No… Nandi…” He thought to himself as the real Xiaoyu appeared and clapped his hands. “You see, the dimension pulls, and stretches, tears, and rips one apart, over and over again, it does not matter if you die, you will be resurrected again, and tortured again, until you give in.” He explained as he kicked at Satanika who used Katatagaenokami (方違え神, lit. A Divine Change in Direction), immediately forcing Xiaoyu’s kick to go to up. “Doth your future sight allow you to see that, brat?” Satanika asked as Xiaoyu himself remained quiet, noticing that his injuries hadn’t healed whatsoever.

“Group 5: Scorge + 3rd technique: The Piercing Whisper!” The three clones said, converging on the remaining woman whose eyes began burning eternally as she laughed but began to scream as she began to go insane, clutching her head in fear and terror as the three clones jumped her at once, beating her until death as the man immediately used both “Jeweled Light of the Naga King (Tamaryūō — Kōmakotoshu).” and “Meidodaija Otsugekotsubochi (World Serpent Oracle Bone Graveyard).” to restrict the movements of the three clones. “The Prayer Wheel Reincarnation (願輪転生, Ganrin Tensei)!” The man screamed, summoning a holly-green orb which ultimately manifested itself by absorbing the life-force of all three clones, causing all three and himself to explode in a sacrificial gambit. “Forgive me!” The man said to Satanika who began laughing in sadness and sheer arrogance. “How can you have such low tolerance for your members?” Xiaoyu asked as Satanika swiftly dodged his next strike. “Why should I care… my job is to restore Vasuki and him alone. They were from the past, but that is no reason for incompetence.” Satanika said coldly as he pinched his fingers and summoned multiple pillars from the Dragon Palace and the Naga world; especially, its royal palace where Vasuki once resided. These pillars boast an absolute crushing force due to the speed at which they appear in this world. “Even if the target is moving at high speeds, the massive pillars will still appear directly over their heads. Because of the timeless nature of the Dragon Palace, these pillars will always be in pristine condition; one pillar can at least have the mass of a world with their size varying from a tree to a mountain in size. The very moment they appear, the pillars will disrupt the flow of chakra of all surrounding entities. Their will and fighting spirit will be suppressed within a few dozen metres of the heavenly pillars and their Killing Intent becomes completely nullified as he also can also control the velocity at which the pillars descend so that they do not instantly crush a target!” Satanika said arrogantly as Xiaoyu was ultimately crushed by 3. Xiaoyu knew he had no choice. "Summoning Jutsu: Emerald King!" At that moment there was a bright green flash which temporarily blinded even Satanika’s vision. When the brightness had cleared, he saw a tiny creature, about the size of Xiaoyu's palm. It was light green and rather cute, with short ears, large green eyes, soft skin, and a mouth with little to no fangs. "Behold," the creature began to say, "I am the Emerald King!" as Satanika laughed. “How meaningless… the one who died by the Hero of Life?” as the Emerald King was offended. "You dare laugh at me, human!? Who are you!?" the creature said, "I am Xiaoyu! Hero of Life and if you do not surrender to me and do not serve me, I shall show you the true wrath of a Hero of Life!" as Satanika saw all three pillars having been erased from existence. Xiaoyu’s form became significantly more exuberant; his hair began flowing in long emerald shards, to which Satanika knew that this would be hard and as Xiaoyu went to strike, he summoned a sword that had all the stars in the universe within its blade. “That blade!” Satanika said as Xiaoyu used his mouth initially to strike at him, only to return it to his hand. “This sword is made of fir-iron, (an iron found in a star, that can only be retrieved, before it dies) the sword is white, as it cuts through the air, like a knife through butter. It can only be used by one, and that is the master of the flames!” The Emerald King exclaimed with great confidence as Satanika looked extremely annoyed and saw multiple emeralds surrounding him, countering this by using his snakes in an orderly fashion to bind all of them, only for multiple explosions to devour his vision and Xiaoyu immediately used this opportunity to move within the lights and punch Satanika, simultaneously removing Satanika’s cloak. “You leave me no choice. Nyododaija Takarahōgen (World Treasured Serpent Dharma Eye)!” He screamed as he summoned a snake from his hand who was humongous in size… this was Thlen as Xiaoyu felt his brain activity briefly slowing down with him smiling only for the all-killing venom of Vasuki to manifest within Xiaoyu’s veins and being. “Chains of the World - Draconic Fall.” Satanika then said, summoning brown chains from the ground that instantly teleported to Xiaoyu, binding his forehead and nearly snatching both of his eyes if not for the fact that the Emerald King’s power surrounded his main eyes only for his brain to slowly feel itself sleeping due to the mysterious sound that came with the chains only for his clones to feel the exact same effects. “Inorganic Reincarnation of Nature.” Satanika then spoke as Xiaoyu felt himself being plunged into the very earth as mountains bound him alongside continents and sinkholes. “The relentless assault of the earth’s crust will constantly attack the opponent until the natural balance has been restored. No matter what defensive methodologies the opponent would attempt to survive using this technique, living a life of continuous running would eventually become tiresome and death would eventually ensue. In short, this technique acts as the ultimate nullifier for life.” He said as Xiaoyu then used 2nd Group - Door to Infinite and 1st Group - Shield, teleporting himself back and simultaneously defending himself omnidirectionally from all attacks, only for the shield to return as Satanika smiled, knowing he had this in the bag. “Just like your friend, Akira and your orphanage… you will die!” Satanika said in rage as his clothing revealed scales and a purple eye in the middle of his chest. “He uses that for genjutsu, boy!” The Emerald King said as Xiaoyu realised this, using “Group 4: Kage!”, speed-blitzing Satanika and having stolen his heart to which Satanika laughed. “You think that is enough?!” He asked as he kicked Xiaoyu who dodged this, causing Satanika to casually jump away in response, realising that his future sight. “I shalt use mine power in a serious manner… to give peace to these Lokas… this world is the past’s burial ground.” The Man said as Xiaoyu looked surprised. “Oh?” He asked as Xiaoyu felt a surge of power rocketing from all four of the people behind the Man. “I will allow Sarpa Satra (snake worship) to take place within my walls. My home will be filled with blood but alone for the sake of love and not for war.” The Man said as Xiaoyu sensed something extremely bad was going to happen. “Let’s end this fight.” Satanika spoke, summoning every single tree from the outer portion of the Palmer Manor within the small building as well as every horned statue that was now draped with blood. “Your beloved Emerald King can’t save you now.” Satanika said as Xiaoyu was now trapped in an earthen cage that penetrated every part of his body. Xiaoyu tried to use group 2: Space and Time - Door to Infinite however… the Original Flames were meaningless. “This wilt strip thee of thy power and amplify my powers by a millionfold. I can end the world and remake the Nagaloka now!” Satanika gloated, seemingly drunk on power as Xiaoyu felt his mind, body and soul being damaged significantly by the presence of the snakes. He saw his loved ones dead at his feet, blaming him. “YOU BASTARD!” They screamed as their bloodied personages grabbed his legs, squirming their way up to his face as they went into his mouth, choking him as he knew that this was an illusion. “I have no choice. I must use my future sight and activate my ultimate technique.” Xiaoyu thought to himself as he knew that he couldn’t use the X-Form and instead, telekinetically forced the Stone Scroll of Asar’ii open. “Stone Scroll of Asar’ii: 8th Group - Hall of Creation.” He thought to himself, despite his mind slowly slipping as he saw a beautiful bow at the throne of the hall. Its arrow was strung with a primordial flame that had a black tip at its end. It had a note that read: “An arrow combined with the Original Flames. Now in the past, it was only made once by the second Hero of Life, because he was the only one with the Original Flames. Fire found at the beginning of Creation is this weapon’s base component. The Ateşoku is insanely powerful, able to scorch the heavens and earth with such accuracy that even a needle and a camel 2 million miles away can be struck; and it can permanently kill a person and not let them reincarnate. It also is pronounced, Ateshoku. It comes from the Turkish words for 'fire arrow' which are 'ateş oku'” as his physical body smiled despite the intense and excruciating pain. Satanika saw what he was doing and was amazed and simultaneously horrified. “開フーガ, Fūga (Open): Ateşoku.” Xiaoyu whispered to himself as his hands in reality began to burn up with an arrow of white flames forming in his hands, seemingly burning the earthen cage that could bind entire nations as Satanika was horrified. Xiaoyu’s hair returned to normal but he also had adorned a new armour: Mirdën: an armour, lighter than air, stronger than mountains, created by the Cerebrenians as a gift for Xiaoyu which was invisible as Satanika scoffed. “Oh really? That arrow will do nothing!” He screamed, now in actual desperation as he then mentally composed himself and said “I can see the Future of the Nagas now!” as the building began to slowly crack. “Tathastu (so be it). If you can see it… I shall show you their future.” Xiaoyu said as he stretched his hand out, pushing away the venom in literal seconds that was within his body as well as placing his left thumb above his right hand as Satanika saw Ashoka within him. “That sign!” The Man said as Ashoka glared at Thlen as he felt himself burning spiritually for Ashoka had opened his Third Eye and released its fury onto him. “State of Brahman.” Ashoka then said, as wind devoured the entire country as the Man looked stunned even as his four peoples tried to attack, nothing worked. “Now… will ye submit to my demands? Even if you win… I will always be watching.” Ashoka said upon glancing at all four of his soldiers, they immediately were cursed and petrified. “You are a mockery of everything you say you are to become. Thy desires are petulant.” Ashoka said as the Man looked completely terrified. “What is that?!” He asked as thunder roared throughout the country, with the Man’s eyes slowly returning to their previous state. “I will let you have the snakes, but until the day you Return to the world many millennia from now (be it two, three thousand or more years), your loss will be swift and absolute.” Ashoka coldly said as he was immediately burned out of existence by the Agneyastra, removing him and Thlen from the cycle of Reincarnation, fully cursing the Man… however, in the Present, he used Unmeinoshin Shōrinomichi (運命之神 勝利之道, God of Destiny Path to Victory) with Xiaoyu simply saying “With this, my master will rest easy.” as he fired the arrow. Satanika screamed but laughed as everything he saw burnt to ashes. “MAYA!” He screamed as this was but an illusion, however his body was still considerably burned, along with his soul, with Xiaoyu then kicking him in the shins, sending him onto the ground, with his Dagger to his throat as Satanika stared at his blood-bound statue. “MURO! MURO!” Satanika screamed as Muro heard this loud and clear through his phone. “Yes?” He asked as they engaged in one telepathic conversation: Their last. “I have lost the will to live… the Brothers have won despite my truest of strength. You must continue the mission to revive Vasuki. Please! Then, everything you ever wanted will become a reality! You can murder Sakura and Satoshi. The house of cards has fallen… you will be my worthy successor... You, Muro.. You carve your own path, use whatever methods you see fit... You don't let legal bullsh*t get in the way. And if it costs a few lives? So be it… even if an ally dies… it will be a sacrifice for your greater good. Nagaloka and my dream will inevitably live on. Corruption will remain the same. Humanity… is greed… and bullsh*t covered by ‘empathy’ and morality. You really… were… my… worthy successor…I love you, son.” Satanika said to him but these final words were merely a facade as Xiaoyu used the Agneyastra to burn his hands, slicing them off and then letting the flames devour the area slowly. “This… is for Jaal… f*cking cowardly bastard. I will make sure death meets you… in vain.” Xiaoyu said as he walked away, hearing Satanika screaming, only to walk out completely with Satanika’s existence becoming nothing more than a memory in Muro’s mind alone.

Just as Satoshi walked somewhere… Muro appeared in front of him, ready to have their final battle. “This is it, eh, serial rapist?” Satoshi asked Muro as his snake, Vasuki, hissed with malevolence. “Yes. Yes it is. Terroristic mass murderer.” Muro said coldly.

Just as Satoshi walked somewhere… Muro appeared in front of him, ready to have their final battle. “This is it, eh, serial rapist?” Satoshi asked Muro as his snake, Vasuki, hissed with malevolence. “Yes. Yes it is. Terroristic mass murderer.” Muro said coldly.

Satoshi looked at Muro with visible confusion, now realising that Muro had betrayed everyone and especially the Black Crows with such ease and seeing just how far his former leader had went for the sake of vengeance. "What would Yi Jing say?" Satoshi asked him coldly as Muro smiled softly upon hearing such a name, the name of his former leader. "You mean that crow? She died leaving nothing behind whereas I will leave a legacy. My brothers will remain supreme. This land…. The land of the Indus Valley will disappear but the Brotherhood shall never go." Muro explained as his smile widened. "But I will… have you erased from the pages of history." He then said as a massive forest of snakes appeared from Muro's mouth and arms, devouring the entire area as Satoshi looked shocked as he barely managed to jump out of the way of the snakes reach and bite that could destroy trees. "Why would you do such a thing… for such an organisation?!" Satoshi asked as he saw the green eyes of Muro become like Jade, his green veins glowing violently as his overcoat was now glistening with blood. "I suppose… someone like you… a rogue should bear this knowledge. This will be the first and last. When I was a little baby, my parents dropped me off at the Temple of the Brotherhood as they were poor and needed money but… they were found dead later that day within the Temple. I was raised by a priest known as Yamata Takeru. He was a kind man who was cold at times and violent at others. He trained me relentlessly from the age I could walk… learning the Art of Venom and the Art of Silent Death. But when I was 8… he did something I now would think shocking, for he threw me in a room for training purposes and led 1000 snakes to constantly bite at me as they did so damaging my body parts irreversibly. But… it gave me a serpentine physiology that was supreme as the last snake showed itself in the form of Vasuki. He bit me in my neck and stomach. And then… the priest died under mysterious circ*mstances as my goal was clear as a man that I would later know as Father formerly took me in when I was 9. And you had to kill him. That damn brother of yours had to do it.” Muro spoke coldly, with an emotionless tone but his eyes spoke all the words his mouth could never. “So that was your plan, huh?! To summon Vasuki!” Satoshi said as Muro coldly smiled. “So your brain finally gets it. To release Vasuki in time for even against Benji I held back just enough to make it seem as though I was a good man. Even that damn fat*ss headteacher was done by this illusion. Its too bad… that no one realised until it was too late. Still… you and that whor*'s death will be my last time imparting this knowledge." Muro said to him calmly as Satoshi looked visibly shocked and surprised whilst also having some form of empathy for his situation as he disappeared from Muro's view as the ground slowly exploded. "So he can also use kunai to explode things by forcing some type of seal onto them." Muro thought to himself as Satoshi appeared behind him and bound him in mechanical tendrils to his amazement as Muro glanced at his hands. "Don't worry. I'll wipe that smug smile off of your face." Satoshi said to him as his tendrils turned into a saw blade and sliced his neck only for him to see his neck bearing serpentine scales, only for a snake to bumrush him and attempt to bite him on the shoulder only to have its fangs shatter upon touching Satoshi’s shoulders. "Wow, aren't you impressive?" Muro remarked sarcastically as smoke soon surrounded them. "Snake Style: Orochimaru!" He then said as a large snake that towered them both appeared from the ground and then rushed towards Satoshi with intense speed as his eyes flashed white seeing time stop, as though he saw a human from what seemed to be the Past and Future of Reach, destroying this snake with no true difficulty as he also saw Muro stop moving. "If only… there was a way I could move and do something… but that would have an irreversible effect." Satoshi thought to himself as time moved once again as he dodged the attack with relative ease to Muro’s visible surprise, using the Shadow Sword to fire dark slashes, ultimately forcing Muro to dodge these strikes without much effort. “Not bad! But still, now that Father is dead… your death will be inevitable.” Muro said, forcing his snake to breath a plume of perfume and fire at the same time, casually causing a huge explosion, to which Satoshi apparently couldn’t escape.

"Orochimaru… devour him with the poison of the Pythons." He heard Muro saying as he also just saw Muro's eyes turn into dark slits with a purple sclera that darkened ever so slightly. "Just like Satanika! Therefore, I assume that, judging from his serpentine physiology, he can detect people through heat and likely… he can overpower me through the usage of Venom similar to how Amane used his venom against the Man in the Blue Lane. I have to either restrain him… or remove him from this life if I absolutely have to, even if he is leader of the Black Crows … for ranks do not truly matter to an assassin as their blade is sharpened for the slaughter of all." Satoshi thought to himself as he also saw a head of Orochimaru's sprouting from the ground similar to a Beanstalk growing as Satoshi felt himself being sent flying as he just managed to twist his fingers into mechanical vines and keep himself bound to the ground. “Come on, Satoshi! I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN THIS!? ASSASSIN OF THE RED LANE, MURDERER OF MANY IN THE BLUE LANE!” Muro screamed in rage, but this was merely a facade, causing Satoshi to fire explosives from his hands which immediately turned to kunai only for Muro to have detected this and surround himself with snakes. “I have to reveal more of my cards in order to win, don’t I?” Satoshi thought to himself, as he didn’t want to kill him but realised that he may have no choice. “Shadow Sword: Ritualistic Destruction.” He then said to himself as no ritual circle actually appeared unlike usual; however it appeared that he made himself the ritual circle. “So you can actually use that famed Shadow Sword that is feared throughout the world?! Without exposing yourself, assassin?” Muro asked as he felt himself near-instantly being slashed and instantly being destroyed in seconds, as he wagged his finger only for Satoshi to see Orochimaru’s mouth open up, with a clone of Muro coming out from his mouth. “Snake Style: Reptilian Infernal Torrent!” Muro then said as he clasped his hands together, causing every single snake to completely surround Satoshi's armour in an instant as dark energy leaked out of Satoshi’s body as the Shadow Sword glowed. “So he can summon clones of himself in case the real body gets destroyed?! Thus… sealing him has to be the only way. Ashoka was right after all.” Satoshi thought to himself only to summon the ritual circle as the circle had summoned an entity who resembled the snake to a tee; combatting each other with ease. “I have to find his real body… but doing that will be rather difficult given the forest of snakes here.” Satoshi then said to himself as Muro responded in kind by rushing at Satoshi with his snakes in hand, fighting him with his hands. “Why do you talk to yourself so damn much, loner?! Not even that f*cking optimist Damian would want to interact with you! After all, he stole Hinata of his own accord! Him and I are alike! Both lovers of your beloved Sakura!” Muro said with such malice in his eyes, immediately forcing all the snakes to begin poisoning the very ground Satoshi walked on, only for Satoshi to use his titanium boots and fly upwards slightly and attack from the air only, summoning drones and missiles but Muro saw straight through this and countered by using his snakes. “Adamantine Scales.” He said, summoning scales that were as hard as diamond but as dangerous as the scales of dragons at Satoshi as he had managed to parry away some of them but one of them bypassed his armour, and using this opportunity, Muro teleported a snake onto his leg, sending him downwards with immense force, and using himself as bait, he rushed onto his neck as Muro appeared and bit him on the neck, causing him intense pain as both the venom and dark energy clashed on both combatants; however, with this also occurring, crows instantly swarmed the snakes. “So I can’t attack you! This is going to be interest-!” He said as he was instantly sent flying by a kick to the head. “Where are you?!” Muro asked himself as Satoshi was behind him. His brain waves slowed. His neurons began to fire less. “Is this genjutsu? His specialty?!” Muro thought to himself, with visible shock on his face, however he knew that Satoshi was around somewhere. “Thanks to my eyes… which come from the Eight Naga Kings but specifically Vasuki himself… I bear six abilities.

(1) Jinsokutsu , the ability to go anywhere at will and to transform oneself or objects at will. (2) Tengentsu, "the divine eyes" capable of seeing anything at any distance and the future destiny of oneself and others.

(3) Tennitsu, "the divine ears" capable of hearing any sound at any distance.

(4) Tashintsu, the ability to know others' mind and thoughts.

(5) Shukumytotsu the ability to know former lives of oneself and others.

(6) Rojintsu, the ability to destroy all evil passions

This genjutsu is indeed potent if it can even bypass these eyes of Father… the strongest snake there was outside of Vasuki and the other Naga Kings.” Muro thought to himself as he used the power of Tengentsu and Tennitsu, however this genjutsu surpassed Muro’s expectations. “WHERE ARE YOU?!” Muro screamed as Satoshi said to him “Behind you. I thought you’d have the visuo-spatial prowess to observe that fact.” to which Muro turned around, swung his arm and then fired three snakes from his arms as a means of range-based extension, only for Satoshi to casually reveal his full body and fire a huge ball of flame at point-blank range, only for his adamantine scales to absorb the attack to the shock of Satoshi. “Looks like we’ll have to go for more… dangerous options.” Satoshi thought to himself, immediately turning his hand into a hand cannon, and then converting parts of his arm into a frost cannon of sorts and then forcing both to fire a nuclear bomb and ice blast, thereby mitigating any negative impact of the nuclear bomb as Muro looked visibly annoyed. “Ruyi Jingu Bang: Come!” Satoshi said to himself, releasing the black staff of Sun Wukong. Upon seeing this, Muro’s face grimaced as he knew that his snake technique would mostly be useless against this since upon even being struck once, he felt his scales being dismantled and upon being continually struck… he knew that death would be certain. Satoshi noticed him falling to the ground with some slight wounds, only for them to disappear in that instant, as he noticed a large storm cloud above him covering the entirety of the damaged sky with ease. “Storm Cloud: Eternal Strike.” Satoshi thought to himself coldly as a lightning bolt shone, revealing Satoshi looking down at him from above. “So you also possess the great Jīndǒu Yún. This may be interesting.” Muro said as he immediately activated Jinsokutsu and became a snake as his pet snake, Vasuki had disappeared.

However… what Satoshi didn’t realise is that Muro was now inside of his clothing and repeatedly bit his shoulder… injecting a Hydra-like venom that could boil lakes within his skin. “State of Brahman: CELESTIAL DEVASTATION!” Satoshi screamed as Muro saw the very ground he poisoned being used against him as his snakes were being destroyed by the collapse of the ground. “He’s using me as a core for his sealing?! I have no choice!” Muro thought to himself, now actually fearful for his safety. “THIS ENTIRE SITUATION WAS ALL A PART OF FATHER’S GRAND PLAN! THIS SCENARIO- THIS DIFFERENCE… OUR EYES CAN SEE ALL FUTURES! Your death and suffering… was a mere fragment of one of them!” Muro continued to scream as he became bound within a huge meteor that could collapse entire cities or even… a moon at full potency. “Sage Art: Spiritual Detachment from the Impure World (仙法: 精神剥離穢土, Senpō: Seishin Hakuri Edo)!” Muro thought to himself as Satoshi’s eyes were drenched in blood. He could see nothing but his goal ahead of him; mere metres away. “His soul is returning itself via his snake!?” Satoshi thought to himself as Muro reappeared from the ground. “So… you crushed me in that meteor?” Muro asked, before summoning a pillar to crush the meteor that was as big as a moon. “WHY?!” Satoshi asked in sheer rage as Muro felt the entirety of the Manor collapse around him with one step. “Never you mind. You know… I am glad you did this. Because… the Brotherhood will always win. Now that Father is back… we will both win… I will win for him. I am and will always be… a vessel for the Snake King. Now then… Final Snake Style: Yamata no Orochi!” Muro said as a large snake with eight heads appeared; as Satoshi’s eyes turned white, seeing the Future of Reach as he saw a boy summoning this same exact creature. He was a gigantic serpent with eight heads and eight tails. It has bright red eyes and a red belly. The beast is so large that its body covers the distance of eight valleys and eight hills. Fir and cypress trees grow on its back, and its body is covered in moss. “So this is your ultimate sacrifice? Your most powerful technique for your body?!” Satoshi asked as he also saw a man with a sword also defeating that exact snake. “So I have to use it. Okami no Shinkai: Yoroi no Tate (Shield of Armour).” Satoshi said as his body became surrounded by a red avatar that bubbled with power and intensity as it manifested a shield and sword that seemingly bore omni-directional defensive capabilities and a gourd of some kind. “So you use the power of Susanoo! Never more shalt I back down!” The snake screamed as it fired torrents of lightning, ice, water and earth at the Okami only to defend against it with some difficulty as a majority, if not all of its heads were being cut with extreme difficulty as Sakura looked in shock from the hospital as Satoshi bled violently from his entire body due to the amount of energy his body required as Muro was then stabbed in the chest with the Totsuka no Tsurugi. “I… can’t move!” He said as the blade was released only for Satoshi to violently vomit in pain as he barely was able to get himself up, walking slowly to Muro with slight rage but sadness. “You wretched fool… you are merely a sacrifice to a greater goal.” Muro said as he smiled with blood dripping down his mouth and throat. “I can still fight!” Muro thought to himself, surprisingly determined as he used his Eyes of the Snake King to see his future. “You know… I am glad you did this. Because… the Brotherhood will always win. I am and will always be… a vessel for the Snake King. Now then… Final Snake Style: Yamata no Orochi!” Muro said as a large snake with eight heads appeared; as Satoshi’s eyes turned white, seeing the Future of Reach as he saw a boy summoning this same exact creature. He was a gigantic serpent with eight heads and eight tails. It has bright red eyes and a red belly. The beast is so large that its body covers the distance of eight valleys and eight hills. Fir and cypress trees grow on its back, and its body is covered in moss. “So this is your ultimate sacrifice? Your most powerful technique for your body?!” Satoshi asked as he also saw a man with a sword also defeating that exact snake. “So I have to use it. Okami no Shinkai: Yoroi no Tate (Shield of Armour).” Satoshi said as his body became surrounded by a red avatar that bubbled with power and intensity as it manifested a shield and sword that seemingly bore omni-directional defensive capabilities and a gourd of some kind. “So you use the power of Susanoo! Never more shalt I back down!” The snake screamed as it fired torrents of lightning, ice, water and earth at the Okami only to defend against it with some difficulty as a majority, if not all of its heads were being cut with extreme difficulty as Sakura looked in shock as Satoshi bled violently from his entire body due to the amount of energy his body required as Muro was then stabbed in the chest with the Totsuka no Tsurugi. “I… can’t move!” He said as the blade was released only for Satoshi to violently vomit in pain as he barely was able to get himself up, walking slowly to Muro with slight rage but sadness. “You wretched fool… you are merely a sacrifice to a greater goal.” Muro said as he smiled with blood dripping down his mouth and throat. “I can still fight!” Muro thought to himself, surprisingly determined as he used his Eyes of the Snake King to see his future with Satoshi then immediately summoning Baron La Croix, who is often seen wearing a black tailcoat and carrying an elaborate cane, and is considered suave and sophisticated, cultured and debonair. He has an existential philosophy about death, finding death's reason for being both humorous and absurd. Baron La Croix is the extreme expression of individuality and offers the reminder of delighting in life's pleasures. Baron La Croix (also called Bawon Lakwa) accepts the colours purple and black. He enjoys two servings of coffee, one sweetened with only sugar, and one bitter. He also accepts rum infused with 21 scotch bonnet peppers, or any hot pepper, as long as it equates to 21 when presenting the offering; when presenting the rum and hot peppers, the bottle is usually left open. He also eats hot peppers by themselves as an offering. Bawon Lakwa takes incense and cigarettes as offerings as well.

He then threw his rum bottle at Muro, forcing burning alcohol onto his being, with the old man using his cane which could provide instant death to tormented souls, killing Muro.

The Purple Lane Arc is the exact same but without Damian.

Satoshi then walked off into the Purple Lane alone, only to see a familiar presence; his eye glowing in the night as a green-haired girl appeared in the flicker of light that was swallowed by her presence. “Its really been a while, hasn’t it, White Spirit? We really haven’t had a proper reunion greeting, have we?” Aloa asked as Satoshi’s Pure Eye became red… filled with no malice. “It appears that we haven’t.” Satoshi said as Aloa smiled, knowing immediately this was who she knew. “No… indeed we haven’t. But the next time we do… I will bury you, the ultimate legacy of Kouyate, the strongest swordsman in history.” Aloa said condescendingly as Satoshi remained indifferent. “I’m surprised you know so much about me.” He said to her as his ponytail swished silently, as his master’s clothing was barely visible. “Yes… you are known worldwide for your crimes against those in Beiping and New Japan… as well as those in Atoru, Manoru and Akaria. Don’t forget the Blue Lane too…” Aloa said as she walked away, deciding that Satoshi was no longer worth her time. “For someone hidden under his mask of Robin Hood… your true face has slipped.” Aloa then continued to say, goading him into a reaction. “As have you.” Satoshi immediately retorted, knowing a game of words with someone like her was a game of chess between grandmasters. “Your funeral will be soon, make no mistake.” She then said calmly as Satoshi scoffed at that whilst still appearing indifferent and callous. “We’ll see about that, Poison Ivy, taker of castles.” Satoshi said, now to the open air as Aloa sensed something was off. “So your girl is dead?” She asked. “As is Muro.” Satoshi said in response as he put her under genjutsu, immediately feeling the entire world around herself being warped into itself like a mirror dimension as she moved forward and back at the same time. “I moved backwards and forwards simultaneously? He’s controlling distance?!” She thought to herself as she couldn’t move whatsoever. “Now then… face your eternal prison.” Satoshi coldly said, sealing her within. “You were truly my greatest battle.” Her last thoughts were as he then walked into the room, only to sense something coming from the sky as Yeongjo still miraculously survived. “You broke out of the sealing?!” Danjong asked with slight fear only for Satoshi to smile, immediately summoning the Mirror Dimension once more, defending the Palace around the Mountain, warping the meteor away. “I’ll let Damien finish you off.” Satoshi said as he sensed Saint George with Damien flying into him headfirst, immediately using the Sword of Light, slicing the very area where he was punched by Yeongjo before. “NOW! SATOSHI! DO IT!” He screamed as Sejong kicked him into Satoshi who then summoned the mirror dimension, warping him away… only for Satoshi to close the dimension forever, sealing both father and daughter. “You can wade in your arrogance forevermore.” Satoshi then said before teleporting into the Purple Lane, as he appeared in the Fifth Tower. The man was a man in appearance but female in nature with a beautiful red robe that bore a dragon on it. “Oh… I do find men like you rather interesting.” The man said as the King used “Hyeonmu gang-yojeo (Basaltic Hammer)” to summon a hammer from nowhere to attack Satoshi who used Azathoth’s Void to warp the attack away from himself as the King was stunned. “Jeju Island!” The King said, immediately allowing his hands and legs to bear the brunt of a full island however Satoshi then immediately phased through every single attack that the King used. “Chaos Art: Cthulhu’s Wall.” Satoshi then said, summoning a massive wall of tentacles in the form of an omnidirectional barrier as tentacles from Cthulhu also bound him, immediately summoning a hand-cannon from his wrist with him then firing a green laser blast from the cannon which turned into a large cannonball as a huge explosion devoured the inside with the King screaming like a female as he summoned twenty volcanoes that were each as big as islands. “This house I made… the House of the Final King… this can host an endless amount of space in its inside forms.” The King screamed as his clothes then immediately changed themselves into mystical white robes as Satoshi flew over him as the King then took off his clothing and stabbed him mercilessly with rocks that could fell trees. “Not bad.” Satoshi said, taking the rocks off himself and then summoning glass from what seemed to be a void which was fired at the King. “I coin thee the strongest I hath ever fought!” The King said, imposing this unto him and him alone with him immediately firing a barrage of rain-bound earthdrops that had enough potency to level a forest of trees, only for Satoshi to feel himself naked. “You can never have any clothes now! You will lose!” The King said, immediately attacking Satoshi. “He is just like Ahsedar… but immeasurably weaker.” Satoshi thought to himself as he then flew to the ground and let himself be attacked. “I control the concept of clothing! You can’t win!” The King said as Satoshi calmly smiled and then used the Akkorokamui’s tentacles to bind him, causing him to be bound. “Volcano of the Island!” The King said summoning 20 volcanoes as well as palm trees to surround and cripple Satoshi who simply said “Pele”, reverting the volcanoes and turning them to nothingness as the King saw no choice other than summoning his guards of the island: soldiers who could control the power of singing trees, only to combat all the soldiers who numbered 60,000 men as each soldier was stronger than man only for him to then summon the Fragarach (Answerer) in his second hand, beginning to run through all of them with the sword that could bypass any armour and that which was a weapon of true potency as he was still blind and heavily bleeding, only to destroy all of the statues without much effort, each of who, used water, fire, earth, wind and lightning. Death came upon each of the soldiers as Satoshi blitzed the King’s perception. “Hello.” Satoshi said as the King knew he would suffer. “Dybbuk! Come on out!” The Effeminate King screamed as he summoned thirty giants who had volcanoes for hands. “These are the country-forces, huh?” Satoshi thought to the King looked surprised, realising that he still had enough strength to fight on… his persistence and temperance truly unmatched and unlimited. “Your strength may be unmatched like this… but your loss is inevitable.” Satoshi said as upon Dybbuk trying to attack him, he couldn’t reach him to the King’s shock. “Bakunawa…” Satoshi said as the dragon then ate Hyegong faster than he could react only to teleport to the Fourth Tower. “Ganghanhaeglyeog - Bigbaeng (Strong Nuclear Force - Big Bang).” The King said, immediately causing the same explosion that occurred before to return once again. “It is time you face your end. Once this imaginary mass of particles are manifested… you will die.” The King said as he summoned tachyons and fired them at Satoshi who smiled, using Azathoth’s Void to reflect the attack only to then put the King under genjutsu, ending their fight without too much effort before going into the Third Tower. “I am Sejong, your opponent!” The man said, with a crown-like hat, a long grey beard and bluish-grey robes only to be sent flying back into the back of the Palace with one hit from the Ruyi Jingu Bang to the head and chest. “What happened here?!” Satoshi asked as Sejong smiled coldly. “That is no way to greet thy opponent!” Sejong said as he saw two kunai aiming straight at him. “If you must know… an attack destroyed this place a day ago! Earthquakes, tsunamis, the lot! Everyone lost their lives… and I presume it is because of you!” Sejong said as Satoshi’s eyes flashed white briefly, remembering what he caused when he fought Krun as Satoshi’s soul screamed in rage and pain; whilst his mind was visibly snapping as he immediately teleported behind Sejong with mere movement who countered by writing in the air “Bind” only for this to fail immediately; his movements no longer being human in any regard with Sejong looking visibly horrified as Satoshi summoned a one-bladed axe. “Heavenly Brigade: Death Shower - “Shattered Calamity.” He said as he slashed his Axe downwards with Sakura’s body starting to shake violently as Damien looked at Sakura, holding onto her for dear life. “Know that we are in Hanseong. HANGUL WAVE!” Sejong screamed as he sealed Satoshi in a celestial globe with him immediately becoming paralysed with a glance only for him to manifest the Okami. “To think I would have to do this again…” Satoshi thought to himself as Sejong looked stunned, seeing red rays of energy bursting from the roof of the Palace. “You are something… to think you broke upon a copy of the Earth!” Sejong said in visible rage only for Satoshi to appear within his mind in the form of a hat-wearing man with glowing red eyes, covered in darkness as Sejong looked stunned. “You murderer! You killed everyone!” He screamed out as Satoshi immediately used his sword to blitz Sejong in mere moments; using Blood Poison: Level 3, causing Sejong’s body to explode as blood spawned everywhere, as he felt himself blowing up, as he did;, only for him to sense Sejong having survived by way of Hangul. “With Hangul, I can write in the air by my thoughts alone. But that attack you did destroyed the nearby town.” Sejong said as Satoshi immediately manifested his Hand Cannon in order to end the fight. “I’ll do you a deal. The final two Kings are far harder to beat than myself. I take it, you know who Minamoto no Yorimitsu is?” Sejong asked as he glanced from the corner of his eye, clearly suspicious. “Yes.” Satoshi said coldly, without any hesitation or remorse. “Very well… I’ll help you. There is also one more Gang above us but they are far too much. 2 Gangs. One of them, I postulate, will commit a grave act of terror.” Sejong said as Satoshi knew that he had no choice, considering his state of mind. “When you fought in the Red Lane, the Final King was shocked at your performance; a babe in comparison to his child, the ultimate spy…” He explained, with Satoshi ignoring the rest of the information. “I will help in the fight however I can. But I doubt the one above me in rank is capable of any feeling of help.” Sejong said as he teleported them over to the second tower. “Danjong!” Sejong said, as a 16 year old boy along with a 38 year old woman and 40 year old woman appeared behind the 16 year old. “Seokga + Teojushin!” The two princesses said. “These three are my grandchildren.” Sejong said as Gyeonghye immediately fired earth at Satoshi however he casually dodged it, instead saying “Zam”, controlling the entirety of the Earth casually to Gyeonghye’s shock. “How is he controlling the entirety of the planet?” Gyeonghye asked as they both spoke: “Chilbidongsane manmansu nojeokeul naerieojubsoseo (Grant us 10,000 luck to the seven peaks)” Gyeongyhe and Gyeongsuk said simultaneously with Gyeonghye forcing herself to keep steady and attack Satoshi with Danjong looking on in silence. “Mireuk + Hogubyeolseong!” The boy said, surrounding Satoshi with a disease as well as creating a sun and moon only for Gyeongyhe and Gyeongsuk to summon seven mountains of earth.

“You don’t want to fight me.” Satoshi said as he used the Akkorokamui as well as the Bakunawa to fight him off, however Danjong responded by creating a universe-sized shield which began surrounding the entirety of the Red and Purple Lanes (literally), as well as creating a sun and moon out of nowhere as he looked confident, knowing this would do something. “The Bakunawa is gone?” Satoshi asked himself as he then smiled, knowing this wasn’t the case before summoning the Mannangal to attack Gyeonghye and Gyeongsuk… only for the Bakunawa to then eat the entire universe made by Danjong, devouring the sun and moon as well with a gulp with him looking visibly stunned as he was then eaten by the dragon only for him to disappear as that was a clone. “So your omniscience of the world won’t save you now, huh?!” Danjong said as Satoshi then smiled, saying Asha-Vasistha to Danjong’s amazement. “He has his true power unlocked…” He quickly realised, only to hear “Han Namukkeuti Neul Nagilnagilhago (One tree's end is fortunate)” from the 40 year old princess. “Gyeongsuk, attack him.” Gyeonghye said calmly before Satoshi then said “Aredva Suri”, summoning enough water to encapsulate all worlds as he then snapped his fingers, blowing up the sun and moon however this wasn’t enough. “Azathoth’s Void: Daemon’s End. By summoning it in your brain… you’ll inevitably be forced to constantly deal with an infinite set of information per every mirror transcending the very notion of infinity and if someone was to try and use sheer force, they would fail because Azathoth’s Void would break the opponent… warping their every cell in time until they die of temporally-bound backlash.” Satoshi admitted as both sisters immediately stopped moving with Danjong noticing this and summoning an infinite number of pebbles to fire at him as well as then getting utterly outraged however he managed to somehow remain silent, firing universes at Satoshi who simply smiled, slapping all of them away as Satoshi then snapped his fingers, creating endless worlds to fire at his opponents. “I’ll destroy the Green Lane in one attack.” Satoshi thought to himself, summoning the Bakunawa to eat not only Thomas and Okachi but also the entire Green Lane. This was successful.

  1. What if Sakura died in the Purple Lane?

“Return… dear daughter.” The Devil said, whispering into Sakura’s soul, mind and ears via the necklace, teleporting her outside only for her to fall and pass out, from both confusion and fear only for Damien to grab her in the nick of time as Satoshi looked visibly shocked upon seeing the sword. “What happened?!” Satoshi then asked as Damien was also just as confused as him. “Anyway… we have to engage the Third Palace-! No! We need to look after Sakura!” Damian said, getting his feelings in the way of what needed to be done. “We can’t look after her here. Its as though everyone’s dead here. A deadzone.” Satoshi exclaimed with visible annoyance. “Don’t you care for her?!” Damian asked him as Satoshi gritted his teeth, only for Damian to get up. “You don’t, do you?! After everything she did for you?!” He screamed as Satoshi’s blue and red eye glared at him. “You don’t love her!” He said, punching Satoshi extremely hard such that he was sent back some feet. “Fine. You stay here, you love sick guy. You’re only here because Sakura gave you the necklace and because you like her. Don’t blame me if you die.” Satoshi said, glaring coldly at him. “If it wasn’t for Sakura, one of us would be dead… and it wouldn’t be me.” Satoshi said menacingly; immediately turning into a murder of crows with Damien looking in visible annoyance. “Come on, Sakura… you’ve got this.” He whispered to her, questioning if Satoshi was right as Satoshi then sensed Sakura’s life-force waning in moments. It went away. “Damian… tell… Satoshi… I…. l-loved him… Thank you both…” Sakura said as the Devil laughed from within, knowing that he’d never return. “Sakura!? SAKURA!!!” Damian screamed as Satoshi sensed it. Damien’s eyes darted back and forth as he instinctively teleported her to the Otherworld, finding her remaining children and teleporting them away before killing anyone in the House who got in his way before returning back as Satoshi appeared back where Sakura once was. Where she… once resided. This was all his fault. Damian noticed and was stunned. “SATOSHI! YOU f*ckING BETRAYER OF WORDS!” He screamed as he jumped at full speed towards Satoshi; his mind severed from reality as Sakura’s hands moved. Damien immediately used Excalibur to try and blitz Satoshi only for Fragarach to simultaneously manifest at the same time. “Hanuman!” Satoshi screamed, immediately summoning a large kite that resembled a pudding that was red with a crown-like symbol on its centre dropped down to the ground as a large monkey appeared from it, also bearing a crown on its forehead with an unknown symbol underneath the crown. The monkey also had a very long tail that was rather furry and two very long hands that were human-like in their appearance as his entire body was covered in red, as there were no pieces of cloth on his body with white fur around his body. “It is you, Satoshi.” The monkey said as his tail was simply swishing gently in the wind as Saint George flew at full speed only for Hanuman to use Mahima to expand his size, attempting to crush the beast without resistance however Saint George set himself alight. “You have a monkey too?!” Damian asked in rage as he set Excalibur on fire from hilt to tip. “WHY DID YOU KILL SAKURA?! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED HER, YOU LIAR!?” Damian screamed as Satoshi remained silent, maintaining a cold glare as he knew that arguing with Damian was pointless. “You damn bastard!” Satoshi responded with as Aloa watched on in silence. The State of Brahman flickered into being. “You betrayed Sakura.” Damian said, kicking him in the stomach with enough force to send him flying onto the floor as he forced his feet to remain grounded. “I didn’t betray Sakura! I did it so the Devil’s presence within her could go… so we could win.” Satoshi said as he sensed Damien now deciding to get fully serious, summoning his bag and then releasing Caladbolg, a sword of true hardness to which Satoshi immediately used the Okami to try and bind Damian who looked utterly enraged, teleporting behind the ribcage, however it quickly manifested into its skeletal form. “YOU f*ckING BASTARD! YOU NEVER DID CARE FOR HER THE WAY I DID!” They both shouted at one another with Hanuman looking on in slight surprise. “You could wipe all my blood away and you would never get me to die.” Damian said as he then ended up slashing Satoshi’s arm off with Excalibur, only for the remnants of his arm to summon a mysterious metallic substance and heal it. “What did you see in your future, eh? The future sight that you bear through the Thumb of Wisdom?!” Satoshi asked as he immediately used Limbo to summon clones from an invisible dimension only for Damian to sense this somehow and manifest the Ring and Stone of Eluned the Fortunate, making himself conceptually invisible to their attacks. “You really think you can kill me? Even if ye made me naked as thou hast done now, in time blood poets shall feast and become drunk upon, eternity shalt become my will.” Damien said as Satoshi then fired a fireball from his mouth only for Damien to casually use Draculus Tapier, summoning a clone of Saint George to crush Satoshi who immediately turned into clones. “Too slow!” Damian said as he immediately used Godly Sight to figure out Satoshi’s location as crows fired from all directions at Damien who simply activated one of the Thirteen Treasures of the Island of Britain: the Chessboard of Gwenddolau ap Ceidio to simply transport all of the crows to the chessboard, sealing them away in the pieces. “You wouldn’t have killed Sakura, would you, Damien because despite everything… you are a damned coward who thinks with his dick alone!” Satoshi said as Damian glared at him. “And what are you… the spy who got her pregnant?! You don’t think with your sword too?!” Damian asked in response, knowing that he had no way to get through the Okami unless Satoshi himself released it. “Just how much power does he have?!” Damien asked himself as his rage fuelled him with Satoshi glaring at Damian. “Your love for her was false. A mirage!” Satoshi exclaimed as Damian glared at him. “You son of a bitch… you never could love her. You could never love anyone, could you?” Satoshi was asked. “That damn monkey of his is going to end Saint George… meaning if he dies…” Damian thought to himself as they both knew the country was going to be torn apart, only to turn around as he was punched so hard by Satoshi that he felt his glasses falling slightly to the side only to then summon Cailleach, the Snow Woman who froze the area around Satoshi, to which Damien then teleported behind Satoshi in a green mist, using the Otherworld to try and bind him in supernatural shackles. “Bastard.” Satoshi said as he knew he could die, only for the State of Brahman to surround him in a barrier of cosmic energy to counter Damien’s usage of Excalibur as the Cailleach fired more snow around Satoshi. “Get out of that damn structure… loneliness really prevails in your bloodline, huh?” Damian asked coldly before Satoshi then released the Okami for reasons unknown before teleporting in front of Damian to punch him in the stomach and then knee him in the groin upon returning. “You are annoying.” Satoshi said coldly to which Damian replied with “Yah, but at least I don’t kill my girlfriend so brutally. f*cking monkey”, to which Satoshi glared at him in disgust and vitriol. “Even if I may be a monkey, you are merely a bat in my way.” Satoshi said coldly. “You really are annoying.” Satoshi said as Damien then summoned the Dagda’s power to create several gems that embodied the five elements themselves. “Do you truly think you can win, Damien?” Satoshi asked as the Apes soon jumped off of Satoshi’s beguiled shoulders to attack him. “Damn fiend!” Damien thought to himself, setting his sword on fire with Dyrnwyn (White-Hilt), to try and set them alight, ultimately to fail as Satoshi then jumped up and released a huge fireball from his mouth. “Eternal Fire.” Damian then said, forcing the flames away from himself by splitting their trajectory as he got up quickly, teleporting behind Satoshi who was too slow to notice. “This idiot is going to use his Okami to try and defend himself… meaning if I shoot him in the chest…” Damian thought to himself, kicking Satoshi into the ground whilst surrounding the entire area in green mist from the Otherworld, ultimately using his gun to try and shoot Satoshi in the chest and head, causing Satoshi to start bleeding from the mouth. “Did you at all notice that you had… 2 bullets left?” Satoshi thought to himself as he immediately went to slice his pistol in half.

“Time really does you English idiots by, doesn’t it? Once against Abram and in that other thing and then… against me… you are an idiot.” Satoshi said, spitting out two wind bullets from his mouth to Damian’s slight shock, only for Damien to use the Claíomh Solais (Sword of Light) to slice Satoshi’s arm off once again. “You are a really annoying bag of tricks.” Satoshi said coldly. “Yea, just like you with Sakura. I don’t see you and her getting on well in the bedroom. You f*cking psycho.” Damian then said in retort as he then smiled, to which Satoshi noticed that Damian… sliced off the arm that contained the Shadow Sword. “Crafty bastard.” Satoshi thought to himself, immediately using the Okami to bat Damian away from him like a fly, only for Damian to turn invisible once again. “He can keep turning invisible. If he uses both of these bullets upon me, while I won’t die… he will likely be able to spam his abilities of the Thirteen Treasures.” Satoshi surmised to himself as he immediately saw ten pillars of fire surrounding him however he immediately used his Eye to phase through the flames, going through the ground and then behind Damian who was invisible only for the Englishman to counter by using the Chessboard of Gwenddolau ap Ceidio once again to simply release all the crows once summoned by Satoshi, now against Satoshi himself as Damien then used the spear of Lugh to attack him, throwing it straight in his chest through all the frenzy. “Attacking the clones that he summoned will only cause me to suffer in the end.” Damian thought to himself as he knew that touching the Shadow Sword would do something unwanted, such as damaging his soul. Satoshi felt himself being bombarded by barbed wire from all sides of his body and especially his chest. “He doesn't realise that I am one with these crows. In that case… Crow Clone Technique: Explode.” Satoshi thought to himself as he immediately exploded, causing immense damage to the ground underneath himself and Damien, causing Damien to look visibly shocked as he stared at his gun for the briefest of moments, realising there was 2 bullets left in the chamber. “You do know I can see you, right?!” Damian said calmly only for Satoshi to then appear around him on all sides, using the crows as bait. “Sword of Nuada!” Damian screamed as he endowed his blade with the light of the Sun. “The real Satoshi…” Damian thought to himself as his sight had now stretched beyond the horizons of the heavens and the earth, for he attempted to use his infallible vision to discern the real whereabouts of the fallible Satoshi as he saw a black spark of energy a few meters away from him. “These guys are likely to explode if I do this…” Damian thought to himself, shooting at the black spark of energy and as he thought to himself “Draculus Pistola”, shrinking his final bullet, he fired it straight at one of Satoshi’s clones whilst making sure it would hit Satoshi… the real one… hitting his being on the sub-atomic level. “A scratch? How puny.” He thought to himself, unaware this would lead to his downfall shortly thereafter. “Satoshi!” Damian said as the black energy rushed towards him at full speed, for it was a Dragon: The Bakunawa, to which Damian used the Nuada to slash at the Bakunawa. “He’s using a part of that damn cosmic power?!” Damian thought to himself, reminding himself of the Family Head of the Green Lane summoning the Bakunawa as a delusional sacrifice. “If it doesn’t go down… things will get drastic.” Damian thought to himself as upon using the power of the Fragarach, the Bakunawa stopped its movement as Satoshi appeared from the dragon’s mouth and punched Damian so hard that he felt his face caving in… only for Damian to use the Ring of Eluned the Fortunate to make himself invisible moments before Satoshi attacked to his shock, ultimately slicing the dragon in half by using the Sword of Nuada, sending Satoshi out but not before An Cailleach froze Satoshi’s chest over as Damian teleported over and kicked Satoshi into several buildings. “Damn it!” Satoshi thought to himself before intermittently summoning all 11 Lords of Darkness to Damien’s slight horror including Qin and Anathan as Satoshi was forced to use the Okami to shield himself from the impact of the kick as well as the building falling on top of him. “Using the Cheng Ying even in its Lunar Form won’t be useful…” Satoshi surmised rather quickly as his red eyes glowed in the darkness of the Purple Lane. “So he’s summoned it.” Satoshi thought to himself as he summoned the Armoured Okami in response, however Damien summoned his heavenly Apparel. He wore a beautiful crown, cape and every single bit of Apparel that King Arthur bore with the tip of his blade shining a mystical golden hue as Satoshi looked stunned. “He could rival the Man!” Satoshi said as Damian looked visibly surprised whilst using Godly Sight to observe the fact that Satoshi was using the State of Brahman as a cosmic funnel of sorts.

“Thank you, Sakura… I love you.” Damian said to himself, thinking he would die inevitably. “EXCALIBURRRRR!” Damian thought to himself, firing a beam that could destroy a planet to which Satoshi was forced to survive this point-blank range, allowing himself to survive as the 1st second passed by using the Yata Mirror to nullify the beam. “9 seconds left.” Satoshi thought to himself as Damian then fired a second slash which could now damage several planets. Satoshi then immediately regenerated his hand and used the Shadow Sword to then activate Scar of Shadow at full power to utterly annihilate the 2nd beam as Damien casually used a 3rd slash which could now destroy many, many stars to which Satoshi then combined the Shadow Sword with the Cheng Ying’s Lunar Form, shutting the third beam down conceptually as he used his hand to absorb what was left from the beam. Upon seeing this, Damian continued to use the sword, summoning a 4th slash which could casually annihilate many billions of solar systems as the Shadow Sword itself was forced to cut this down on its own, releasing a surge of purple energy to nullify the fourth beam. “5 seconds left.” Satoshi thought to himself as he used Scar of Shadow once more to cut down Excalibur however Damien was utterly invincible and invulnerable. “I can now end time and destroy this universe!” Damian said arrogantly however Satoshi was quiet, as he then fired the 5th beam at Satoshi which would now be able to end 400 billion galaxies as they both sensed the entire universe shutting off for a few moments but thanks to the conceptual power of the State of Brahman, the universe remade itself as though guided by a supremely divine force to which Damian knew his time was running out, only for Satoshi to then use a State of Brahman amplified-Scar of Shadow on Excalibur, intending to destroy just the sword, however, once again, Damien was unaffected. “Damn it.” Satoshi thought to himself as he then saw a 6th beam which could affect the universe, causing a Big Bang to occur in Hell itself at least 6 times over… only for Zidine to protect himself with a glance as Satoshi used the Cheng Ying to use a new skill: Life of Shadow, nullifying the beam fully as though it was never fired from the sword at all. “DIE!” Damian thought to himself as he immediately used the 7th beam whilst Satoshi was affected by the Big Bang attacks, thus causing as much as damage as a multiverse’s destruction to which Satoshi then used the State of Brahman to casually survive as Satoshi knew that his death was inevitable without such. “12 Constellations.” Ruha spoke, summoning all 12 Constellations to attack Damien with Zahril adding on Sumqaq to try and poison Damian’s being only for both of them to sense what he was about to do. “He’s going to use… the Thirteen Treasures?” They both thought before Ruha summoned conceptual darkness as Anathan glared at Damien. The 8th slash manifested itself and could destroy anywhere from 2-6 multiverses, as Damien then saw Satoshi subconsciously absorbing the slash with the State of Brahman to his horror as he then condensed his final two slashes into 2 attacks. “That attack could perhaps end Creation. But it is his sword alone that can allow him to do so alone.” Satoshi thought to himself. “These will likely destroy the omniverses! It could even do something against the World of Darkness!” Satoshi thought to himself as Damian was annoyed, using the full power of the Chessboard to seal Anathan himself as well as Qin and Ruha. “Damian Alanis?” Krun asked as Satoshi was shocked. “You survived?!” Damian said as he then used the Claíomh Solais (Sword of Light) to try and fell Krun for the final time with Krun smiling, letting himself die. In that moment afterwards… Satoshi thought of his children as Damian thought of nothing but seeing Satoshi dead. “This battle ends.” Satoshi thought to himself as he summoned the Perfect Okami which towered over every single building with Aloa disappearing back to the School… its mere sword swing destroying the remaining Kings’ towers and their inhabitants permanently as Damian smiled. “He hast summoned the Perfect Okami?” Hanuman asked himself before crushing Saint George in hand to Damian’s horror. “Now that Saint George is dead… I can manifest this heavenly apparel for as long as I like. No time limit… except 24 hours lower (so 10 seconds can be made to seem like 24 hours but he can make it last for a minute surely at its utmost) with him being a part of my soul. I can use other attacks but my body will barely remain upright if I do yet still, it is possible.” Damian thought to himself as he rapidly fired 10 beams in one, dealing enough damage to end the universe 24,000 times over as the Green Lane was completely decimated alongside the Purple Lane with Satoshi smiling calmly. “Gáe Bolg.” Damian thought to himself, firing the spear upwards which directly teleported into Satoshi’s heart, forcing the Okami onto one knee. “Aw… you look like you want to get married…” Damian said condescendingly as he teleported behind Satoshi only for the State of Brahman to shield him by a cosmic barrier, sending him flying out of the Okami before the Gáe Bolg was taken out of his chest. “Fool. Thou art a boy of apeish, foppish and loathsome desires.” The State of Brahman spoke out as Damian felt a primal fear consume him. “He died with that strike I did via the spear?!” Damian thought to himself as he used the Fragarach and fired a humongous gust of wind at Satoshi with the State of Brahman responding by snapping Satoshi’s fingers, restarting the flow of time and space throughout all of Creation, before summoning a thunderbolt in the Okami’s hand which had enough power to shatter the axle of the universe with Damien feeling immense heat coming from his body. It was searing hot! “This heat…” Damian thought to himself as he felt the entire universe condensed in its dimensions unto Satoshi’s being. “Even using Yliaster would be meaningless… its like this is a fraction of his cosmic power!” Damian thought to himself as Satoshi used the Kinto-Un to end Damian for good, for he was forced to accept his fate as he then summoned the Shield of Evachan to give himself heavenly protection…. Only to be forcibly teleported to Satoshi with the State of Brahman releasing Satoshi’s Okami and forcibly ripping Damien’s soul out before slashing Damien’s glasses in two, the left lens and part to Damien’s foot and the right lens and part to Satoshi’s, to which Damien vomited blood and fell to the ground, keeling in shock and horror, the Englishman’s apparel disappearing for the 10 seconds had passed. Clarent shattered… for it appeared that “Mordred” in Satoshi had felled and slain “King Arthur” in Damien. The battle of the former friends had now ceased as Satoshi went to his knees and held Damien in his arms, his hands bleeding. “This job… everything I ever did… everything I tried to protect… was it really one of eternal bloodshed?” Satoshi asked himself, reminding himself of the first time he invited Damien to his home. “Am I dying?” Damien asked as he felt guilt rising from the depths of his still-blackened soul and heart, reminding himself of what he did to Sakura without consent. “So this is… redemption? In death?” He asked as tears began to flood silently from his cold, nigh-emotionless eyes as the Otherworld mist began to finally subside. “Thank you… Satoshi…. Forgive me.” Damian said as the State of Brahman said “Tathastu (So be it).” before walking away and teleporting over to the School.

Satoshi appeared as Hajime and Ferdinand stood there, visibly amazed. “Where’s Damian?” Ferdinand asked as Satoshi showed him his blood-ridden hands, confirming the truth that he didn’t want. “I take it you took out the Green Lane and Purple Lane? There was much shaking earlier.” Ferdinand asked, covertly demanding answers as Satoshi nodded. “Well… well… well…” A shrill voice spoke with visible ire as a green-haired girl appeared in the flicker of light that was swallowed by her presence. “Its really been a while, hasn’t it, White Spirit? We really haven’t had a proper reunion greeting, have we?” Aloa asked as Satoshi’s Pure Eye became red… filled with no malice. “It appears that we haven’t.” Satoshi said as Aloa smiled, knowing immediately this was who she knew. “No… indeed we haven’t. But the next time we do… I will bury you, the ultimate legacy of Kouyate, the strongest swordsman in history.” Aloa said condescendingly as Satoshi remained indifferent. “I’m surprised you know so much about me.” He said to her as his ponytail swished silently, as his master’s clothing was barely visible. “Yes… you are known worldwide for your crimes against those in Beiping and New Japan… as well as those in Atoru, Manoru and Akaria. Don’t forget the Blue Lane too…” Aloa said as she walked away, deciding that Satoshi was no longer worth her time. “For someone hidden under his mask of Robin Hood… your true face has slipped.” Aloa then continued to say, goading him into a reaction. “As have you.” Satoshi immediately retorted, knowing a game of words with someone like her was a game of chess between grandmasters. “Your funeral will be soon, make no mistake.” She then said calmly as Satoshi scoffed at that whilst still appearing indifferent and callous. “We’ll see about that, Poison Ivy, taker of castles.” Satoshi said. “You killed my father, why shouldn’t I do what Sakura failed to?” Aloa asked with visible annoyance scattered across her face. “You killed Damien?” Hajime also asked as Satoshi nodded. “So, you’re Poison Ivy? The one who nearly killed Hajime Ando?” Satoshi asked, his red eyes being the only visible sight in the room as Hajime sat there, bemused. “Indeed. I have been watching you since you came and murdered my parents, both in cold blood I may add.” Aloa calmly said. “This isn’t even my real name. My real name is Hyeong-Mi.” She said as Satoshi still remained taken aback. “I never thought you would be the type to mask yourself considering your abominable display against Hajime.” Satoshi said mockingly, calmly denying her any form of praise as Hajime smiled. “Yea well… let’s just say, after leaving that Kouyate, things got better for me. I took out a castle and the country of the Green Lane 8 years ago, which inevitably allowed for gangs to take hold. There are only 2 but I won’t dwell any further on that.” Hyeong-Mi said coldly. “Its ironic that you wear Kouyate’s clothing but nothing of you speaks about him.” She then said as his red eyes glared at her with a cold sense of hatred. “Let’s just cut to the chase.” Satoshi immediately said, firing kunai after kunai only for him to barely track a kunai that sped just past him. “Who’s the Boss of this drug gang? As I said, after taking out those gangs… there was one. Just one that no-one could take down.” Aloa asked as Ferdinand remained calm with Samantha running around. “Ferdinand? Wow… never thought you’d still be around..” Samantha said to him as he smiled, remembering her from meeting her during his after-school sessions. “From what Xarxa found… the final boss is right around…” Samantha said as a menacing presence appeared. “Here. Toodle-oo.” Mr Harimatsu said as Mr Okachi appeared beside him with Himari. “Himari?” Aloa asked as she remained silent. “Satoshi Fujiwara, you murdered Mr Harimatsu, Mr Okachi, Hajime, Ferdinand and Aloa every single person in the Purple, Green, Red and Blue Lanes, didn’t you?” She asked Satoshi who glared at her in disgust. “He murdered the Headteacher?” Some students asked as Mr Dempsey found Mr Harimatsu’s charred body and Mr Okachi’s severed body to everyone’s horror from before. “You did, didn’t you?” The other girls asked, visibly disgusted as many Class B students went out of the classroom to notice the debacle. “Say something!” Himari said as Satoshi’s eyes widened in horror. “Surround him.” Himari said as she manifested a puppet or two as Sakura and Damian stepped in front of the two, attempting to mediate the situation. “Hey. It wasn’t his fault.” Aloa tried to say, to which Himari remained cold. “I don’t care. He murdered everyone. He murdered millions! Billions!” Himari screamed coldly to everyone whispering. Satoshi’s face grew pale as the State of Brahman manifested in fear with him instinctively dodging each attack that came from the students as he backflipped. He looked rightfully terrified. He was going to be expelled. “You-you don’t get it. Mr Harimatsu was a facad-!” Satoshi was about to say as Mr Kagutsuchi appeared beside him in a room. “A facade for Thomas? You of all people now know the truth. He burned me for power, leaving a mangled, mummified face. I couldn’t attack him… but I will kill you… even if you are the most skilled student in the School. You are his abused child.” Mr Kagutsuchi said as he snapped his fingers, releasing a huge amount of flaming explosions that blew up, causing immense damage to Satoshi. “I am the King of Fire after all… Hajime is a distant relation.” He said to Satoshi in a raspy, cold tone, the latter of whom was barely able to process this with Hajime looking at him in slight shock. “You really think you could restart time and get your desired goal. To begin…” Mr Harimatsu said as Okachi turned around and fired his goblet of fire at Kagutsuchi, burning him alive as the King of Fire began to scream. “Such a King of Fire… moreso a King of Ashes.” Thomas said as Himari was immediately petrified alongside every single student with one glance. “You damn bastard… how could you attack your own stu-?! They hold no value.” Thomas said, revealing his true identity slowly.

“Satoshi… you have returned. My son.” Mr Harimatsu said as Satoshi immediately possessed his original robes, taking out a golden sword that had many suns on it. “Did you just call me you- Don’t you recognise me, Satoshi?” Mr Fujiwara asked coldly, interrupting Satoshi’s words as his blackened eye spoke everything. Satoshi’s eyes dilated in shock as the memory from the Albanian tower, seeing the graves as one of them said Thomas. His past now returned. *He slowly tip toed down the stares, and stood in front of the kitchen door, where the noises came from. "THOMAS YOU ARE A COWARD! I HATE YOU! WHY!? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO PICK UP THAT KID FROM THE DUMP ANYWAY? NOW WE HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF HIM UNTIL HE TURNS EIGHTEEN!" Screamed Satoshi's mother. "MARTHA! YOU KNOW DAMN WELL I DIDN'T PICK HIM UP! IT WAS YOU! YOU SAID HE WAS ADORABLE AND THAT YOU WANTED HIM! SO HERE HAVE HIM! I WAS NEARLY ARRESTED FOR CHILD ABUSE THE OTHER DAY, FOR WHAT? FOR SHOUTING AT HIM! WHILE YOUR FAT COW ASS WAS SITTING PRETTY AT HOME, WATCHING TV!" Shouted his father. Satoshi teared up, and squealed, "No. Please don't fight." Upon hearing this slight squealing, the two stopped. Satoshi's father swung open the door. Thomas felt a surge of anger seeing his son listening to them. He screamed at the little boy. "WHAAAAAAAT! HOW DARE YOU STILL BE HERE! I TOLD YOU TO GO TO BED!" He then kicked Satoshi, who smacked his head into the wall. But strangely, Satoshi got up. Thomas and Martha stood stunned. Satoshi then looked up at them, his eyes a crimson red colour. "Enough is enough." He whispered, demonically. He then charged at Thomas and kicked him in the head, sending him flying back and hitting his head on the corner of the table, instantly killing him. Satoshi then turned to Martha. Martha was terrified. She stood frozen in fear, her legs trembling. Satoshi screamed, as a red energy was emitted from his body. The red energy set fire to the place, and began burning Martha. Satoshi quickly grabbed his dog, and ran out, crying. The house eventually burned to a crisp, and Satoshi was long gone. "Yes. I killed them. Because I couldn't take control of my powers." Satoshi thought. Suddenly the flashback ended, and Satoshi found himself in a dark room. "Wrong. You killed them because you had to. Enough was enough. You had to protect yourself from their wrath. It's always been about survival for you Satoshi.” Satoshi remembered himself doing and saying in his past as Thomas laughed. “You really are foolish, boy.” Thomas said menacingly as Mr Harimatsu began revealing himself to be only a shadowy figure who was burlesque yet physically fit with a golden ring that had the letter T on it, held firmly on his right hand’s middle finger and a golden watch, held underneath a suit with a blackened right eye as his trademark monocle remained; and a man who was a middle-aged, good-looking man, wearing elegant clothes as brass knuckles were seen on both his hands, as the knuckles said “T,H,O,M,A,S,H,A,R,I,M.A,T,S,U,F,U,J,I,W,A,R,A”, cracking his knuckles and his neck peacefully; as he walked about but kept his original clothes as Mr Harimatsu. "I grew up in an old town in the countryside. We lived in a small house that had a small farm. Nothing special. We weren't poor, but we weren't rich. My parents never loved me, often calling me the 'Spawn of the Devil'. My dad whipped me with his belt, and my mother used to beat me with a stick. I understand discipline, but this was abuse. Straight up torture. Then, for my 6th birthday they gave me a pet dog, who I loved dearly. That was the only gift they got me. A year or so after that, my dog died. He walked into a bear trap which was set up by some local Bosozoku, who wanted to hunt some animals for the black market. My dog's death made me so angry, I was so pissed at the time. He was the only thing I loved in this world. Upon hearing of his death, and my parents' careless reaction to his death, I felt a new energy enter me, like something inside me had been awakened. I don't remember what happened, but when I woke up from this 'awakening', I found my parents in a pool of blood. It wasn't my fault! I soon realised I had to run away, and so I decided to take some of my clothes, and dipped them in the blood. I left the clothes a distance outside the house, so the police would think I was taken away somewhere before being killed. I went to another town, where a kind samurai named Kouyate raised me until he was killed when I was 13. I took revenge for him and wore his white mask. I killed his murderers and soon I gained a reputation. I was called the White Spirit due to my white mask. That is my story" Satoshi said in a sombre tone. The man was lost for words. He couldn't believe this poor boy had to live with so much on his mind. "I'm sorry. Those people weren't meant to be the ones who found you. It was meant to be another young couple, but fate had something different in mind for you. So, when you unleashed your powers, did you hear or see anything?" asked the man. "Yes. Ever since I first unleashed my powers I've never been able to use them again. However, since then I often heard a voice in my head, it told me things. It helped me at times. I couldn't explain it.” Satoshi rationalised to himself as the past still fired through his head, "Well you'd be interested to know that you are the awaited Hero of Mercy. And you are the reincarnation of Satoshi Okami. However, regarding your powers, you are not able to control them yet as you have not received the Stone of Gabriel. It is a purple gemstone with some ancient letters engraved" the man explained as the Gem appeared from his pocket. The man's eyes widened as his mouth opened. "That's the-the stone. We've been searching for it for years now! Where did you find it?" he said with surprise. "I didn't find it. It, found me." Satoshi replied coldly. "Well then, you now are able to fulfill your potential. But you will need to study and train how to become a warrior at the Shinobi Academy in Ninhei.” The man explained calmly as Satoshi stared at him blankly with a cold expression as he put his mask on his face. “No. Why would I need to be some hero when true heroism doesn’t exist in this world? In this world, with light, there will always be shadow; as alongside love, hate is born from the hearts of men and creatures with the defiling of others lower from the subjugation and dictatorial control that those higher give, suppressing all options for individualism and innate desire to sprout like a plant, giving form to ideas that breed false hope in the end. If as you said, that I am some reincarnation, then my destiny has already been set in motion, for an assassin I will always be.” Satoshi exclaimed calmly as he got up, and just as he was about to walk off from this offer, he turned back, looking at the man from the corner of his eye. “My apologies for such a rant.” He said as they both walked outside the shop with Thomas getting up and taking his monocle off. “Oh really? Is that what you know about yourself, boy?” Thomas asked as Satoshi still whispered the words he said to Sakura when he first met her: “I’m sorry, but I was raised in the South, in the Red Lane. I told that man a cold lie.” Satoshi said as she looked up at him with tears, streaming down her face. “What man?!” She screamed in rage, still glaring at him with the fork still pressed at his neck. “The man I met earlier. Let go of the fork, and I’ll reveal all. I can sense the feeling you can be trusted somewhat.” Satoshi revealed calmly, as she did exactly as she was told. “Now then. As I said, I was raised somewhere near the Blue Lane, as I lived with my parents and my elder brother of 1 year difference, peacefully for 6 years. When I was 6, I saw their bodies morph into alien-like creatures as they tried to attack me, as I snapped, causing me to pass out in a panic. The next thing, I knew, I was lying in a pool of blood alongside my older brother, as I kept on waking in and out of consciousness, as the last I saw of my elder brother was him walking away with some woman. I slowly woke up from that state, and ran out, my clothes completely devoured in blood. I ran to a town called Ponawa, where there was an old Samurai, who took me in named Kouyate. He was the nicest person to me, I considered him to be my father. He educated me some more, since my parents already did. He also taught me how to fight. How to kill. How to be stealthy, how to fight with a sword, how to defend myself. He also taught me the Art of the Smoke. A martial art which attempts to defeat an opponent stealthily and quickly, so quick, that the opponent doesn't know what hit him. When I was 10, I was in my master’s dojo, as a large figure bearing a white kimono attacked me with incredible force. After a long scuffle, I felt myself acting on an instinct I hadn’t felt in years, as I also noticed another man coming in and attacking the figure. I didn’t know what to do so I attacked the other figure thinking nothing of it, as I noticed the two violently attacking each other, as the figure in white ran off, having severely injured the one in black, as the one in black stumbled. “Satoshi…. You are truly a good student, skilled art thou. But ye must be courageous, strong and faithful to thy beliefs. Live on, for me, for the corrupt one of Ponawa wast the one who did so, not ye. Ye shalt surpass me in time sure. Blame yourself not for this loss, for ye should fight corruption, even if ye are rogue.” The one in black said as he fell to the ground with his mask still on his face, as I took it off, seeing my Master. “NOOOOOOOO!” I screamed in rage as I took his kimono off of him and wore his kitsune mask with a bunch of weapons I already had with me thanks to his training, having taken his items as well. Later that night, I went to the mayor's castle and slammed the door shut, killing the Mayor, and his guards, leaving only one to tell the tale as the rain poured endlessly, as the Moon shone blood red. He spread this tale to all of the Land of the East, that there was an assassin who was like a ghost. A spirit. And thus the legend of the White Spirit was born." Satoshi explained as Sakura remained confused and still enraged, her face awash with tears. "What has this got to do with my parents?!" asked Sakura, as Satoshi still remained calm. “Listen to me. A year later, having been renowned as the killer of the last living and greatest Samurai in history, I received contract killings from many powerful people, but this one was a contract of 2,000,000,000 yen. The most notable killing if it were to occur. But I made sure to spare those who were innocent. For that killing alone I ‘did’, I was seen as an antihero or outright villain by some. Regardless, the goal in question was to kill King Atsuo and his wife, Queen Emiri. I was told they were oppressive rulers. In the dead of night, I stormed the castle, killing all of the guards and servants through physical strength alone as well as through use of my sword, removing any traces of anyone being there. I slashed the King and Queen’s bodies to bits”, trying to rationalise himself as Thomas continued to laugh violently. “You really think you killed me that day, huh?” Thomas asked as he punched Satoshi so hard that he felt himself passing out, as he immediately teleported all of them to the Arena. “You NEVER killed me that day, boy! I survived! When the damn police got there, they found your bitch of a mother’s body!” Thomas said as he continued to use jabs, right hooks and left hooks that were so hard that it was as though several walls alongside cheetahs, elephants and rhinoceroses were punched to death. “How did you surv-! You really don’t know about abuse, do you? In prison, you had to survive or die! LIVE OR DIE! KILL OR GET KILLED!!!” Thomas screamed as Satoshi’s nose was broken now only for him to heavily struggle to dodge each attack, even with his Pure Eye. “Your lack of history is f*cking astounding, ain’t it, huh? The Red Gang were split off into the Blue Lane, but bore gifts from the State of Akaria as they were associated with a member or two of the Party. We, on the other hand, were split off from the State as well but we were split off into the Red Lane. But, in that vein, the mayor of the town of Ponawa, near the Red Lane was a corrupt man who allowed the Red Lane to fall into hunger, destitution and prostitution loitering around, therefore fulfilling his basest desires. We were thus unable to defy the Party, as our gang was increasing and expanding in knowledge of others. Those damn bastards in Akaria ruined everything! THEY CAUSED EVERYTHING TO FALL APART! THE THOUGHT POLICE, BOY! You, even though you were a spy, failed to see straight through me. Using Muro’s snake… using that bastard’s snake to learn of everything in the Brotherhood of the Serpent, using a facade… you are truly idiotic, boy.” Thomas said, spitting on the Arena’s ground. “Your eye…” Satoshi tried to say as Thomas laughed maniacally. “YOUR MOTHER RIPPED MY EYE OUT AFTER THREATENING TO LEAVE ME! You never deserved to live, boy. But we still gave you mercy. This fight is just beginning.” Thomas said as Satoshi’s entire face was bleeding heavily with Aloa looking overtly enraged.

“Mareno Harimatsu was a mere distant relative. Pangobo was a youthful brat; the thing they had in common? They assumed they could defy my rule but they all failed, see… I was a student at this school… and after my eye was slashed by that dragon… the Headteacher, Mr Gorbinus sealed it away… in time, I became a model student and eventually became the headteacher at the age of 25 where I changed my name to Thomas Harimatsu, taking my grandfather’s name… Thomas Harimatsu. With that… I eventually married a woman named Martha Fujiwara when I was 30… but our marriage was sh*t. She was a whor* of a woman with her habits of drugs and sex with other men, but then you came when I was 40. She was 35. You came in a cradled box somewhere from a destroyed place of some kind ruled by the WMD. sh*t went loose where you were ours. I was eventually arrested for child abuse when you were beaten up, just like this… except worse when you were 3. We constantly argued and Martha, the damned bitch, called the police for Domestic Violence and Child Abuse. THE LIAR! As soon as that happened, she turned and RIPPED MY RIGHT EYE OUT WITH HER BARE HANDS AFTER THREATENING TO LEAVE ME! You never deserved to live, boy. But we still gave you mercy. In mere minutes, a van arrived. Samantha, that bitch of a girl was a young Officer-in-training from Akaria and arrested me along with others as Martha was also fined for neglect. You were bloodied and beaten but somehow you survived. For 3 years, I was arrested. As I appeared in prison, I murdered many, many people. In prison, if you had authority, you were the top. A dog-eats-dog world. The Party constantly maintained its grip on everyone. We had Hate Week and all the rest. Emmanuel Goldstein was our enemy but no-one truly cared. If you’re wondering about my eye, I made a deal a few days after arriving in prison with a man introduced to me by Emmanuel Goldstein himself… who I later learned was an alias for Dr Monty who gave me a blackened right eye… which would be able to petrify someone if I looked at you, similar to Balor, the Irish giant or the Basilisk which is what it was inspired by… but the exchange is that I would have to wait 16 years truly from the day I abused you… to meet you. But I could still use the ocular power. Many prisoners beat me up too… but after surviving in that hellscape where drugs were the commodity, I was released after 3 years.” Thomas explained as Satoshi was visibly horrified. “When you were 6. You slowly tiptoed down the stairs, and stood in front of the kitchen door, where the noises came from. "THOMAS YOU ARE A COWARD! I HATE YOU! WHY!? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO PICK UP THAT KID FROM THE DUMP ANYWAY? NOW WE HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF HIM UNTIL HE TURNS EIGHTEEN!" Martha screamed louder than a f*cking banshee. "MARTHA! YOU KNOW DAMN WELL I DIDN'T PICK HIM UP! IT WAS YOU! YOU SAID HE WAS ADORABLE AND THAT YOU WANTED HIM! SO HERE HAVE HIM! I WAS NEARLY ARRESTED FOR CHILD ABUSE THE OTHER DAY, FOR WHAT? FOR SHOUTING AT HIM! WHILE YOUR FAT COW ASS WAS SITTING PRETTY AT HOME, WATCHING TV!" I screamed as I was once more nearly arrested for beating you up with a crowbar. Your sorry ass comes through, all teared up, and squealing, "No. Please don't fight." Upon hearing this slight squealing, we both stopped our rambling. I swung open the door. I felt an intense anger I hadn’t felt in a while up til that point. "WHAAAAAAAT! HOW DARE YOU STILL BE HERE! I TOLD YOU TO GO TO BED!" I screamed, kicking you in the head and then punching your chest, in a fashion not too dissimilar to now, smacking your head into the nearby wall. But strangely, you got up, blood pouring out of every crevice of your face. Martha stood stunned, regret coursing over her wretched face. Your eyes glowed a demonic crimson; like something otherworldly possessed you. It had. "Enough is enough." You said with a demonic voice and an emotionless, menacing tone. Quicker than a speeding bullet, you blitzed me and kicked me in the head and chest, sending me flying out of the room and into a wall, doing immense damage to my skull and breaking my nose clean. I was knocked out and died at that moment. You turned to Martha as she tried to go on her knees and “apologise” but you held nothing back as terror froze her soul. She never expected anything like this from you. A child. A plaything to us both. Her snivelling and merciless sobbing were drowned out by your shouting “WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME! I HATE YOU!” as a dark reddish-blue energy devoured the entire house and the fireplace we had went awry. Everything burst in flame as the fire touched Martha to which she tried to got up but was too slow. The flames consumed her without mercy and you took your dog, Sparky, who we got as a present to hide the abuse to others who wanted into our family. To prisoners. To guards and my enemies in the Blue Lane and even the Green Lane. The house was burning as my phone was ringing with Mareno sending coordinates to my house. Needless to say… he personally came and saved me and I was nursed to health in the Green Lane, eventually and inevitably returning to the post of Headmaster. And in the end, I betrayed him.” Thomas said, laughing as he said this, showing how truly immoral he was. “Then someone, likely Kouyate, had Kagutsuchi try and frame me for abusing you, having found me somehow through scouring the Akarian archives. In time, I grew a moustache and purposefully became burlesque. Mr Okachi was someone I gave the rank of Co-Head as mentioned where he took the previous co-Head (Mr Kalavala)’s pointy wizard hat and grew a big grey beard to hide his former appearance. To that end, me and Mr Okachi, a teacher who I promoted to co-head before I was imprisoned, worked together to burn Kagutsuchi up. We did it using Okachi’s goblet of black fire. He screamed and tried to fight me only to suffer. We healed him and he was bandaged up, but he could swear no revenge otherwise he would die… and he was related to Hajime Ando in some way, a distant family member or something whilst looking like an Egyptian mummy.” Mr Harimatsu explained as Satoshi was still horrified. “Mareno eventually found Pangobo who betrayed the former, Pangobo starting a gang at age 16 which comprised of the richer half of the Green Lane’s military whereas Mareno used Akarian tech and many disillusioned men and women, prostitutes and folk of the Lanes who wanted revenge against their overlords for ruling for so long. They both, however… always answered to me. And then… you… were taken to Kouyate after turning 6 since Mareno shot Sparky with the same pistol he would use to take his own life. I waited for you all that time as you were known as the White Spirit, murdering anyone and everyone. The world at large knew you not. But I did. So many others did. Because you see… I engineered your Master Kouyate’s death by way of the Ponawan mayor, everything was accordingly done and now we are here. I suppose that is the best thing about being the headteacher: You learn everything about a student; their blood type, powers, abilities, background and everything about them and thanks to my rank, I hid any information about myself on any database. Things were going splendid… until you murdered the Blue Lane and Red Lane leaders. Spies like Ming-Hua came from Korus as Aloa Arundel, taking new identities but no-one saw the straight truth. It is wonderful that Damien, your once “only friend” is hearing this, you know. Even with the ability to use the weapons and items of Britannia, Gales, Scotland and Irish such as controlling their respective afterlives, heavens and hells in the case of the Otherworld or Annwn (of the Irish and Welsh). He couldn’t do sh*t to me and he knows it. And it is likely he will target the people he thinks don't like him… Hajime Ando and then Ferdinand Cavalon, students who came to the School from Abroad. Looks like me and Okachi didn’t do such a bad job, huh?” Mr Harimatsu asked the beaten-down Satoshi. “None ever truly liked him. Not Hajime. Not Ferdinand.” His mind thought to himself as he kept on hearing these words… over and over again. Time would not stop. It kept on going forward but backwards simultaneously. “That damned brat.” Thomas thought to himself as Satoshi was still beaten down significantly. “As I said… Damien’s ability to see the future has one weakness… he cannot see the future of those he doesn’t consider an ally and even though he saw this… he failed to prepare for it. Even if I die… the War will merely continue.” He said to Satoshi who struggled to get up, activating the State of Brahman and Pure Eye in the same sequence of time as Thomas smiled. “Get up. Show me what you’ve got.” Thomas said as he barely aged a few years. 25 years to be exact as his body became burlesque with a handlebar moustache. Satoshi finally used his hands, pulling no punches and kicking and punching Mr Harimatsu, dealing no true damage as Satoshi was grabbed from the scruff of his neck and punched extremely hard in the stomach, causing blood to sputter from his mouth, only for clones to appear and attack him to which they were swiftly countered by mere kicks, punches and glances. Satoshi’s body was healed but Thomas was simply too fast as he was grabbed and pushed into the ground repeatedly. “You and Martha are one and the same.” Satoshi said coldly to which he got up as Thomas was surprised. “Never thought I would see the spunk in you.” Thomas said mockingly as he tried to blitz Satoshi only for Satoshi to backflip in response and fire tear gas at him from his wrist-device. “Looks like Damian is going to be arrested.” Thomas thought to himself in slight disappointment as he smiled to himself, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to lose. “Even if everyone in the room where Ferdinand once was doth come down-!” Thomas thought to himself as Satoshi was shocked, to which Samantha got onto the steps of the Arena and engaged Thomas in CQC, to which Thomas smiled and immediately blitzed his own son, inevitably using Satoshi as a human shield, placing his own son in front of himself. “You’re using your own son as a human shield again?!” Samantha asked in sheer disgust and rage as Thomas smiled. “You don’t remember what happened that day? You f*cking hypocrite.” Thomas asked as he noticed Aloa and Hajime… looking at the former to his shock. “Abusing Satoshi from a young age, nay, anyone… has its advantages. Wouldn’t you agree?” Thomas asked as Samantha was shocked and traumatised, remembering when she saw the bloodied Satoshi at the age of 3 and saw the exact same situation now. “Satoshi, move away if you ca-! No!” Samantha was about to say only for Thomas to immediately scream a resounding “No!” in response as Satoshi immediately used Art of the Smoke, using the tear gas to his own advantage, simultaneously using the knife in his elbow, stabbing Thomas in the pectoral range causing a slight grimace as Satoshi immediately teleported to Samantha’s side. “You really did always want a mother and father to stand you by, eh?” Thomas said coldly, staring at Damien as he also said this who was visibly irked. “You really think you can take the high ground, boy? How can you take the moral high ground after committing sexual assault, potential child abuse and murder?!” Thomas screamed as Satoshi was visibly annoyed to which Samantha immediately blitzed herself in front of him and tried to attack Thomas who countered by continually dodging each attack as Thomas jumped over her and kicked her in her back hard enough to crack it. “You’re just like Martha. A foolish, disrespectful woman.” Thomas said to her as he kicked her only for Samantha to barely turn her head and grab his face, sending him on the ground and just as he was being properly pushed onto the ground… she stared into his eye, causing her to be petrified to Satoshi’s horror. “Saman-!” Satoshi was about to say as his sword unsheathed itself, revealing a golden blade that was untouched. “Silence, boy. This is what she deserves.” Thomas said coldly only for Aloa to immediately attack Thomas. “Come, Korean whor*.” Thomas said as Aloa immediately used Level 4 - Poisoned Universe of Ten Thousand Miles, forcing all of the poison that was within her very being which could have poisoned every part of the world… to be condensed into the very hallway as she noticed nothing happening, also summoning a world’s worth of kunai and poisoned shuriken with Ferdinand behind him. “My strongest student.” Thomas said as Ferdinand had his sword stopped by Thomas’ hand to his visible shock. “Your fear manipulation is solely based on living hearts. The primal concept of fear. Too bad I lack it.” Thomas said arrogantly as Aloa then tried to fire flames from her wrist, however Thomas then jumped over Ferdinand’s back. “You should be smarter than this. I’m immune to your poison that can affect one on the cellular level. How the hell do you think I allowed you to fight to begin with?” Thomas asked as he let the flames surround him anyhow as Okachi looked in silence. Satoshi teleported in front of Thomas and fought him however he appeared behind him but before Satoshi could react, he was kicked so hard that a human’s back would have shattered with him then using the Okami as a means of defence. “If I use tech, I’ll be exposed quickly and then he’ll kill me. He’s reading my mind right now so I’ll probably be dead in a short bit. Using 100% of my strength is needed.” Thomas said as he stared at Satoshi who still ruthlessly attacked him with Aloa firing homing kunai at Thomas. “Damn c*nt.” Thomas said aloud, firing missiles from his hands as well as firing one straight at Aloa at full speed (faster than time) wherein she was sent flying back as Thomas’ head released its skullcap and fired a beam of raw flames at Ferdinand, eventually turning his face into a literal cannon with Satoshi using his Okami to defend himself. “I thought you would be strong enough to beat me alone but the fact that you need to have everyone including the girl Aloa to fight me…You are still the exact same as you were back then!” Thomas said as Satoshi immediately rushed him, attacking him with various punches and kicks, causing visible drops of blood to appear as he looked surprised. “If I beat Ferdinand here and leave Okachi to deal with Aloa and Samantha’s corpse then I’ll escape…” Thomas thought to himself as he was taken aback because, for the first time, he had truly been damaged. “I wouldn’t dare think of escaping.” The State of Brahman said as Thomas was visibly frightened. “That same red, demonic energy!” Thomas screamed as Satoshi glared at him. “I am your end.” The State of Brahman said as Aloa was heavily damaged to the point where she couldn’t move. “Aloa! Are you alright?!” Ferdinand asked as Aloa couldn’t speak. “Just… how strong is he?! Nothing I do works… not even Father could make a dent!” Aloa thought to herself in annoyance. “Even if she used the entirety of her damn House… that sh*t wouldn’t work.” Thomas gloated calmly as Ferdinand blitzed him. “You really should be using your final form, kid… your mother and father wouldn’t want to see you like that, would they?” Thomas asked Ferdinand who remained quiet with Ferdinand’s sword being endowed with seeming cosmic energy as Thomas laughed but looked slightly aggravated. “Getting rid of him and this brat will be hard work. Its just like Muro’s father, meaning if I bypass his being by petrification and then kill Aloa with one more attack, he’ll be dead and then everything should hopefully… with time, fall into place.” Thomas thought to himself with slight annoyance as he saw the State of Brahman opening Satoshi’s mouth.

“Its passive ability is the power to frighten the unworthy and heal thy injuries based on their premonitions of fear on the physical, mental, spiritual and conceptual level, thus allowing you to control the concept of fear itself. You could do things such as: Impose irresistible commands upon any kind of being through fear, making others feel fear to the point they will become traumatised, completely dominate others through fear, augment fear, evoke and increase fear and horror in others causing the target’s brain to release fear-inducing chemicals, intimidate by mere presence, paralyse a target with dread, make the target give up and completely yield to you, cause fear so powerful that others tune your presence out of sight and mind , nullify their capacities of determination and revere you with respect; a sword with a straight blade that is characterised by having both sides of the guard curved. The pommel also has a characteristic mediaeval design for it was a double-edged sword with a single-handed grip and a straight, tapering blade. It boasted a length of approximately three feet. This made it a versatile weapon for both slashing and thrusting manoeuvres. While there are surviving historical accounts and references to the sword, the exact details of its physical characteristics and performance have become intertwined with legends and myths over time. So, while it is hard to separate fact from fiction sometimes, we can say for certain a couple of things. Tizona was a well-crafted sword that possessed exceptional quality for its time. However, it is unlikely that the sword possessed supernatural or mythical properties, such as the ability to cleave armour effortlessly or cause wounds that never healed. It is a symbol of honour, courage and chivalry. Legends and folklore suggest that the sword possessed extraordinary qualities, granting its wielder invincibility and supernatural abilities. Tales spoke of Tizona’s ability to cut through solid objects with ease, and deliver fatal blows with a single stroke alongside its aforementioned power to control fear in the hearts of unworthy men or women when the wielder is in danger. However, it has a second secret power, that being the power to control fire since it means the Half-Charred Sword with its flames being inextinguishable and absolute. As such, they can cause natural and supernatural fire effects such as Crown Wildfires, Firestorms, Solar Flares, Hypernovas and Heatwaves to manifest, also can manipulate flames that possess heat that go beyond Planck Level and defy the very laws of Hyper-Thermodynamics. It allows a user to burn or alter anything, even non-flammable, incorporeal, or conceptual things like time and nonexistence. They also have the ability to manipulate the underlying foundation of the concept of fire and concepts associated with it as immunity to fire nor heat can provide no protection from these flames as they will be completely bypassed due to its sheer potency and primaeval nature with its fire being as ancient as Spain itself. Also, Tizona's power depends on the wielder, and it frightens unworthy opponents. When the infantes of Carrión had Tizona, they underestimated the power of the sword, due to their cowardice, but when Pero Vermúdez was going to fight Ferrán González and unsheathed Tizona (a gift from El Cid). As such, it has the ability to slay demonic creatures such as devils, vampires and ghouls. It also has the ability to localise holy power and grants an extra boost of power to the user for it can cleave a world at its fullest of strength… or things bigger in conceptualisation and scope alongside thy own being incredible (in terms of potential thenceforth). Thy second kingly blade, the Colada is a sword of similarity to the Tizona. It frightens the unworthy if danger is verily befalling of thee in a mode of constance. It is a holy sword, and as such like Tizona it has the ability to slay devils and other creatures of darkness such as vampires and ghouls, with also the properties to slay dragons and dragon-related beings with ease as well as cleanse demonic objects and magic. Colada can also generate a bright light from it's blade, thus earning the titles as the "Twilight baptism sword" similar to how Excalibur can release a blast of light from its tip with the sole goal to rid the world of evil. Here is a poem regarding its potency by the former wielder Martin Antolinez: Martin Antolinez mano metio al espada. Relumbra tod el campo: tanto es limpia e clara. Diol vn colpe, de trauiessol tomaua. El casco de somo apart gelo echaua. Las moncluras del yelmo todas gelas cortaua. Alla leuo el almofar, fata la cofia legaua. La cofia e el almofar todo gelo leuaua. Raxol los de la cabeça, bien a la carne legaua. Lo vno cayo en el campo e lo al suso fincaua. Quando este colpe a ferido Colada la preçiada. Vio Diego Gonçalez que no escaparie con el alma. Boluio la rienda al cauallo por tornasse de cara. Esora Martin Antolinez reçibiol con el espada: Un colpel dio de plano, con lo agudo nol tomaua. Ya Gonçalez espada tiene en mano, mas non la ensayaua. Esora el ynfante tan grandes voces daua: -¡Valme, Dios glorioso, Señor, cúriam deste espada!- Martín Antolínez took his sword in hand, it lights up all the field, it is so clean and bright, he gave him a blow, he hit him a glancing blow, it broke away the top of the helmet, it cut away all the helmet straps, it tore off the mailed hood, and reached the coif, the coif and the hood all were ripped away, it cut the hairs on his head, and it reached well into the flesh, one part fell to the ground and the other remained. When precious Colada has struck this blow, Diego González saw that he would not escape with his soul, he turned his horse to face his opponent. At that moment Martín Antolínez hit him with his sword, he struck him broadside, with the cutting edge he did not hit him. Diego González has sword in hand, but he does not use it, at that moment the infante began to shout, -Help me, God, glorious Lord, and protect me from this sword!- The final sword of the Lobera is a sword that could slay wolves such as those used by thy younger, Abram Willis, in a mere blow. Thy sword bears three attacks in a Trinitarian form: Cross Baptisma Dragonar (天を守る白龍の規模クロス・バプティスマ・ドラグナー, Kurosu baputisuma doragunā), also known as White Dragon's scale that shields the heavens (Dragón Baptisma Cruzado or Escama del Dragón Blanco que resguarda los cielos) is an ability in which you can fire energy from thy swords. This summons a white streak of energy that expands and forms a shield that protects and reflects incoming attacks for a limited time. By using both Tizona and Colada, you can use a power called Baptism Shield Dragonar (白龍の規模十字バプティスム・シールド・ドラグナー, Baputisumu shīrudo doragunā, lit. Cross-shaped White Scale). It can be called Dragón Escudo Bautismal, in which you fire a cross-shaped white beam of draconic, demonic and holy energy that expands and forms an even bigger shield that reflects and protects incoming attacks, while also serving as an offensive technique that can crush opponents if they are defending against thee without much fear. However, due to thy mastery, you need not use both, even if it is useful. The sword can enhance thy strength by many a magnitude or perhaps a hundredfold when used fully, including thy speed and reflexes, and as such, you can fire an even more powerful version of Cross Baptisma Dragonar. Named Silver Mirror Dragonar (白龍皇の浄化鏡シルバー・ミラー・ドラグナー, Shirubā mirā doragunā, lit. Purifying Mirror of the White Dragon Emperor) or Dragón Espejo Plateado and/or Espejo Purificador del Emperador Dragón Blanco where you can create from the blade of El Cid or Colada, a powerful flame-like barrier with anti-demonic/holy/dragonic properties, forming a massive beam of silver-coloured energy that, while it doesn't have any major offensive abilities, it can "push" anything in its way, harming if not downright killing anything in it's way. Now, because of thy swords’ holy qualities related to the Higher Beings (perhaps Molaphiel and them), they are all special and unique. When wielded by a truest warrior such as thyself, ye are known as El Çid which is considered an abomination with a transcendent or higher-dimensional existence which can't be felt or comprehended by any being in this universe including even mineself; since thee bear heavenly apparel and thus also because of thy blades’ inherent status… they and ye become the Transcendent Sword (超越剣; Chōetsu ken) or Espada trascendente wherein thy true title is: As-Sayyid al-Sayf (The Master or Lord of the Sword) wherein ye become a complete master of the blade that wilt ever exist until the Future cometh by. Regarding being incomprehensible to all in the universe… it means that ye are the strongest man in the Universe.” The State of Brahman itself spoke to Ferdinand who looked stunned but readied himself, only for Thomas to glare at him with a shadowy look.

“I’ll take down Okachi. You guys take down Satoshi’s asshole of a dad.” Hajime said coldly. “Really?” Okachi asked as Hajime glared at him. “Do you truly think you can beat me?” Mr Okachi asked as Hajime put his blood on his finger, and seemingly ignited it as he now observed black flames surrounding himself and Okachi in the form of a barrier. “So he’s using those flames as a barricade in order to defend himself…” Hajime thought to himself as he snapped his fingers, causing a huge explosion of red flames to devour the entire Arena to Thomas’ shock. “That was your problem… your flames are lacking in power and temperature [hence their red colour] but in intensity and range as well as output, you exceed Damien’s own without a doubt. Thus, its redness is due to the Azure Dragon’s flames being red however thy Samadhi Fire is stronger in terms of doing damage conceptually… but it is weaker than Damien’s because Saint George is superior to the Azure Dragon in potency, strength and speed… but you are relative in all but speed as I said.” Mr Okachi said as Hajime was genuinely taken aback. “How do you- As the co-Headteacher, we know everything about you.” Mr Okachi said, interrupting Hajime’s words as the young man failed to notice that Okachi’s black flames had literally devoured the red flames. “Did they just eat my flames… looks like I have no choice!” Hajime thought to himself as a nine-section staff appeared in Hajime’s hand. “Nine Section Copper Whip (九节铜鞭, Jiǔ Jié Tóng Biān).” Hajime said as Okachi was stunned, immediately being attacked by several sections and chains. “This staff… its like nunchucks and a staff combined.” Okachi thought to himself with immense force as the two men were clearly equal in physical strength. “So those nunchucks are a weapon that are likely given by his grandfather… and they are a weapon that are amplified or require immense physical strength! They are relative to the power of Thomas’ punches!” Okachi thought to himself frantically. “Bái zé.” Hajime then said, summoning a beast that appeared to be a chimera-fusion of a mountain goat and a tiger with a mysterious horn. “Bai Ze is revered because it is said Bai Ze knows the name and appearance of all living beings, in all the realms, can communicate with all (including humans), and knows how to dispel, exorcise and/or protect against all evil creatures. It is for these reasons that drawings of Bai Ze were often placed on walls and doors to protect the occupants from evil. Images of Bai Ze have also been found on the banners of past armies.” Hajime explained to which the creature immediately fired a massive scream at Okachi who looked slightly taken aback by this with his arms hurting with one attack as he struggled to dodge the sheer amount of hits he was suffering with and from only for the black flames that initially appeared earlier on to defend him. “Draconic Act: Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bombs.” He said as this blast turned into miniature dragons as Okachi looked somewhat shocked as he jumped back only to see the area in front of her burn up in front of him with the black fire literally just devouring the attacks in moments. “He’s constantly countering me and its likely that water won’t do anything just like with Damian’s flames in the Green Lane… meaning that I’ll be overwhelmed however if I do a suicide attack with Suicidal Force, I should be able to blow him up without much effort. However, considering the fact that that goblet is likely required for the flames to manifest as a conduit of sorts… if I do a large attack that doesn’t encapsulate Thomas’ field of view, getting me exposed to his damn petrification powers will mean I could also take him out.” Hajime thought to himself as Okachi noticed that Hajime was likely planning something. “Dragon Breath: Měng Huǒ Yóu Guì (Flamethrower)!” Hajime said, firing a huge plume of flame at Okachi who forced the black flames to surround him in the form of a large cloak with Okachi then immediately running at Hajime. “You are too slow! Dragon Whip: Fù yāo suǒ (Demon binder)!” Hajime said, to which the co-headteacher was visibly taken aback by this whip only for the black flames to consume it to Hajime’s slight shock. “Looks like I once again have no choice! Bā shé (Ba Snake).” Hajime said, summoning a flaming snake that could eat an elephant at point-blank range in front of Okachi who laughed and released it back at Hajime, who forced it to manifest into a worm-esque creature. “Gǔ chóng.” “According to legend, a Gu is an unnaturally and extremely poisonous insect or worm that is created by placing various poisonous insects and creatures into an airtight container then letting them fight with one another until only one is left standing. The victor is named Gu. Various versions of the instructions on how to create Gu exist. However, since the practice has long been illegal, punishable by death, written records are intentionally vague and few and far between. The practice was mostly continued by word of mouth through the generations and is still practiced around Xiang Xi (湘西 xiāng xī) today. Depending on the method being followed, hundreds or as little as 12 poisonous insects and creatures are required to create a Gu. Commonly cited examples include snakes, frogs, centipedes, lizards, scorpions, caterpillars, mantises, eels, earthworms and many more. The theory is that once you place them in a closed container they will devour one another, concentrating their toxins until only one survives. That survivor then has the combined potency of all the original contenders. It will likely damage your soul which consists of 3 Hun (魂 hún) and the 7 Po (魄pò). Put simply, the 3 Hun – often referred to as the “cloud spirits” – make up the ethereal component of a soul, and the 7 Po – often referred to as the “white spirits” – make up the corporeal component of a soul. Upon death, the 7 Po dissipate along with the body, and the 3 Hun each take separate paths. Now then… Zhǎn yāo jiàn (Demon Cutter Sword) + Kui.” Hajime thought to himself, summoning a one-legged beast. Seven leagues from the coast, in the middle of the Eastern Sea, lies Liu Bo Mountain. “On the mountain there lives a beast which resembles a bull with cyan skin, no horns, and one leg. When it enters or appears from the sea, it is always accompanied by violent storms. It's skin glows like the sun and the moon, and the sound it makes is like thunder. When the Yellow Emperor (黄帝 huáng dì) attained one, he used its skin to make a drum, and he would beat the drum with the bones of the "thunder beast." The awe-inspiring sound could be heard from over 500 leagues away”. Okachi explained to Hajime’s shock as he knew that if he had any contact with the black flames, death would be assured without doubt. “Zǐ jīn líng (Purple Gold Bells) + "Ten Thousand Arrows Through the Heart" (万箭穿心 wàn jiàn chuān xīn).” Hajime then said as a tornado of sand surrounded “her”... whereas the Ten Thousand Arrows were exactly what they sounded like - a bunch of arrows (ranging from 7 to 10,000) with him allowing the lún huí (cycle of reincarnation) to devour Okachi’s very being only for laughter to consume the area. “Hajime, Hajime, Hajime… what do you not understand? You will be burned… flesh melted askew.” Mr Okachi said as Hajime realised that this would likely be it only for Hajime to put blood on his finger, igniting it as he aimed it for one of Okachi’s arms before forcibly shrinking the flames to the point where the goblet would be destroyed however… a large explosion devoured Okachi’s hand, destroying both it and the goblet without much effort. “Damned child!” Okachi screamed as the black fire quickly erupted out of control as Hajime realised that his thoughts moments prior was going to come to pass. “So… his Black Flame is finally getting out of control. Looks like you all are going to die.” Thomas said as Hajime screamed violently… only for white flames to surround Hajime in a shield to Okachi’s shock. “He’s resisting this? That means that he has activated his full power?!” Okachi thought to himself in his outrage as Hajime smiled from within; a shadow of flames. “Looks like I have no choice… even if this does shatter my soul the same way my mom died… Sì Xiàng (Four Constellations): Release!” Hajime said - 南方朱雀, Nán Fāng Zhū Què (Vermillion Bird of the South), 西方白虎; Xīfāng Báihǔ (White Tiger of the West), 北方玄武;: Běifāng Xuánwǔ (Black Turtle of the North) and 东方蒼龍, Dōngfāng Qīnglóng (Azure Dragon of the East) + Xiezhi, Qilin, Linghui and Long” Hajime said as Satoshi and Ferdinand looked visibly impressed but instead of seeing the Four Auspicious Beasts summoned around him as one would normally expect… they instead saw Hajime’s face was covered with a mask with a huge horn atop it, his coat instead bearing tortoise-scales on it where his Sun-Chasing Boots were covered in qillin scales resembling its cloven hooves as black and white energy covered his two hands. “So he manifested his full power?” Thomas asked as Hajime then snapped his fingers, releasing a huge white flame that exploded, not only affecting the School’s infrastructure… but also the world, darkening the sky and creating climate change-based disasters that caused thunderstorms and huge wind-based changes. “He could likely do the same thing that the bastard known as Muro’s dad did to me with the Pashupatastra. Meaning if he attacked me with one of those attacks wherein his red flames are spiritually and likely conceptually purified as his use of the Samadhi Fire which can harm someone conceptually…. Is maximised and he could do some damage to me.” Thomas thought to himself as he was being attacked by both Ferdinand and Satoshi. “Thus he beareth power equivalent to Ferdinand and Damian in their forms of the highest. Using the Four Beasts as a medium wherein he can use power similarly to that of the Pashupatastra via his flames are indeed potent and thus his Four Beasts can thus grant a power similar to Vanara Sanyāsī (Forest Dweller/Monkey Hermit or Sage) Mode yet slightly weaker for they are seen as creators of the universe within the cosmogony of the Chinese as Hanuman is indeed far stronger than them although he can thus end the universe or a multiverse by virtue of the innate power of the Four Beasts.” The State of Brahman said as Hajime was unsurprised but still attacked Okachi, by using his white flames as a deterrent to overpower Okachi’s black flames. “Now then… don’t you think its time to end the fight? Nǚ Wā Bǔ Shí: Wǚ sè shí (Stones of Creation - Five Colour Stones).” Hajime thought to himself, summoning five stones around Okachi which devoured him in Fire, Metal, Earth, Water and Wood, causing him to be forced to use the Black Flames as a means of defence. “So I was correct… he couldn’t control the flames without the goblet. Dragon Flame Dance!” Hajime thought to himself, creating a huge dragon of fire to attack Okachi as well as then saying Niu Tou Ma Mian 牛头马面 (niú tóu mǎ miàn), summoning Ox Head and Horse Face out of fire to rip out Okachi’s soul. “DAMNED BASTARD! EVEN AN ISLAND CANNOT TAKE ME DOWN!” Okachi screamed as Hajime smiled with Thomas looking in visible outrage as Hajime smiled. “What’s the problem?” Hajime asked as he then snapped his finger one more time, before saying “This will burn your Hellfire away… but even if it can’t… Flames of the Azure Dragon.” Hajime said, causing blue flames to devour Okachi’s soul, mind and body as he screamed in sheer pain. “Damn Chinese runt!” Thomas screamed as Hajime felt himself immediately petrified with Okachi laughing. “NOW I AM IN MY PRIME! YOU KILLED ME THERE!” Okachi screamed as he felt himself de-aging, a younger man with no back problems. Things were now going accordingly. “f*cking bastard. Flames of Samadhi: Ennetsu Jigoku: Di Yu (Torch of Hell).” Hajime said, causing flames to release throughout the entire School as Thomas looked visibly annoyed with Ferdinand and Satoshi beating him down. “OKACHI! KILL HIM!” Thomas commanded as Okachi then surrounded Hajime with the black flames once more at full power. “Even with my soul gone… I have to do this.” Okachi said as he felt himself going mad but still… he couldn’t give up. He had to kill Hajime. Okachi then immediately forced all the black flames to consume Hajime and the two creatures he summoned as their beings were slowly consumed. “THESE FLAMES CAN END THE DAMN WORLD! THE UNIVERSE!!!” Okachi screamed as Thomas smiled… however Hajime was one step ahead. “Looks like I am running outta options. Dragon Style: Dai Jigoku no Taimatsu: Armcross Stance!” Hajime said as the flames he used from his prior attack coalesced into a huge dragon to Okachi’s horror. “That attack you used against Aloa in that Tournament?!” Okachi asked as Hajime’s eyes turned white, teleporting behind Okachi only for a black wall to surround him. “Four Constellations: Yánwáng Si Xiong 四凶 (sì xiōng)!!” Hajime then said as his hands that were lit with Yin and Yang turned fully black, now being enamoured with red sparks. “This is his final attack?!” Okachi thought to himself as even Thomas realised this, for he broke out of the petrification using this subconsciously. Hajime’s eyes turned dark. His left turned dark and his right remained white. “Don’t tell me he’s planning to sacrifice it all for one more attack? Mr Okachi’s durability should be stuck at that island level of capacity meaning this will kill me, Thomas and everyone else barring Satoshi. This technique…. Its insane!” Ferdinand thought to himself as he kicked Thomas in the back with Hajime then saying “Draconic Stance: Beginning of Peace: End of Evil (和平的开始:邪恶的结束, Hépíng de kāishǐ: Xié'è de jiéshù)” as red energy surrounded his being as Okachi looked frightened. “If that attack lands…” Thomas thought to himself, glaring at Hajime in annoyance with him then seeing Hajime blitz Okachi with wind as Ferdinand felt himself struggling to stand with Thomas looking annoyed. “He’s just like Kublai at his full potential.” Satoshi thought to himself with Okachi feeling his heart being damaged on the conceptual level. “Draconic Stance of the Four Beasts: VOID OF HUANGLONG!” Hajime screamed as Okachi was sent flying back with a golden dragon surrounding Hajime’s entire body, for it emanated space from its mouth, as the lord of all dragons and the giver of life and death. The entire planet began to shatter apart and shake as Thomas could barely perceive Hajime’s movements. “Time?!” Thomas thought to himself as Hajime reminded himself of his past… his mother, grandfather and Mr Kagutsuchi as flames danced around the entire planet with the entire universe burning up as the Four Constellations and Four Evils showed up as literal constellations before returning things to the status quo as Akaria was bathed in flames alongside every other Lane. “You…. bastard..” Mr Okachi said as Hajime’s eyes returned to normal with him forcibly deactivating the form as he vomited blood. “He’s alive?” Hajime thought to himself as the black flames converged around the shattered world and into the Arena as Hajime turned around for the final time. “Thanks… Ferdinand… let Thomas burn in Hell. And Satoshi… don’t give in.” Hajime’s final words were as he thanked Damian subconsciously for being his best friend as Okachi laughed… even though Hajime was consumed by the black flames that fully removed his name, concept, soul, heart, mind and body as he was extinguished with the Vermillion Bird flying over the School alongside the Three Beasts as the Bird Shed a tear with the Dragon flying away… only for Okachi to realise that he couldn’t come back as Thomas was outraged but remained happy… as Okachi screamed with all Four Beasts teleported him into the sky and ate him, releasing him from Samsara as all of the black flames surrounded every inch of the Arena. “YOU CAN’T BEAT ME!” Thomas screamed as he activated his petrified eye, petrifying the flames. “So my weapons… are gone. It appears thus, that I must now activate the Okami.” Satoshi said calmly as his once armoured Okami’s structure turned into a humongous humanoid, becoming a tengu in form and insanely large wings that towered the Arena in size, as Mr Harimatsu looked like a literal ant with only his bald head and burlesque physique being visible with Satoshi using the Okami’s hands to grab Samantha and Aloa, placing them within his own structure for a means of absolute protection. “You may be at thy weakest of strength, say 2% of thy strength… but that is not enough to beat this defence that can shatter planets with a mere stroke of my blade. It is never a hyperbolic statement with this. The Perfect Okami!” Satoshi then said as Thomas immediately smiled, activating 100% of his strength with Satoshi then cutting down the flames. “You damn bastard!” Ferdinand said in true annoyance as Thomas smiled. “Just me and you. To think you were my strongest student. Your betrayal won’t go without ramifications. Let’s end this.” Thomas said to himself as he saw Satoshi’s mountain-sized blade firing upon him and doing some visible damage only to regenerate this in mere moments. “Nanomachines, son… or in my case, ungodly good tech.” Thomas said coldly, surviving a slash that could bisect mountains with some difficulty only to then fire missiles that aimed at the crown of the Okami, using them to teleport in front of the crown of the structure to which Ferdinand blitzed him mid-teleportation and slashed his arms off. “Damn bastard!” Thomas thought to himself as his head turned itself around 180 degrees and banged him in the head, sending Ferdinand downwards and immediately regenerated his arms, firing them at full speed at the Okami, sending the Okami on one knee as the State of Brahman glared at Thomas, sending him flying away with Ferdinand teleporting behind him, kicking him onto the ground. “You know what happens when you look into my eyes, don’t you?” Thomas said, kicking Ferdinand’s stomach and then getting up only to punch him square in the stomach, causing some damage to Ferdinand’s midsection. “You should try fighting for what you believe in sometime, boy. Not for a company, or a nation, or for anyone else. The prison system is bullsh*t. Samantha over there could attest to it… but too bad she ain’t alive to see you.” Thomas said coldly as Ferdinand’s eyes briefly twinged in rage. “Even as the Strongest…. I will always be physically stronger than you.” Thomas said before pulling out a cigarette. “How the hell did you get into teaching, you rotten bitch of a man? Manipulation? Abuse? Sex? Drugs?” Ferdinand asked with sheer confusion and disgust digging through him. “You son-of-a-bitch. I told you the truth. You see, Akaria is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it -- we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. Burn it down!” Thomas said, punctuating every statement with a punch to Ferdinand’s stomach and face from his brass knuckles that were immediately restored to him. “And from the ashes a new Akaria will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive -- free to live as they see fit, they'll make Akaria great again! Even with Sakura as Queen, the country is a f*cking maelstrom of a virus… those two bastards Mareno and Pangobo ruined the place. The entire continent has gone to waste. And now thanks to Hajime’s attack…” Thomas explained to Ferdinand who was still taken aback. “How on earth did-! I'm using war as a business to get elected... so I can end war as a business! In my new Akaria, people will die and all for what they BELIEVE! Not for money. Not for oil! Not for what they're told is right. Every man will be free to fight his own wars! This here school will be the epicentre of the new Akaria where I will rule perfectly and with peace of mind.” Thomas said, constantly interjecting everything Ferdinand tried to do with a harsh kick to the face that sent him flying into the Arena. “30 goes of this here Arena. I can crush it with a single strap of my boot. Watch.” Thomas said, crushing Satoshi’s stomach with a single foot, sending the city-sized Arena crumbling into its foundations. “f*ck the police. f*ck the prisoners. Room A. Room B. Every damned Room. The revolutionaries. They all spewed a bunch of bullsh*t predicated on one thing: That freedom can be achieved.” Thomas said as he laughed. “That place is like Iran and Iraq. America thought they could come in and give the place “liberty”. BULLsh*t! Freedom can only come about through burning the old and letting the new prosper. But then people like you…” Thomas said, continuing to puff on his cigarette. “Those words I spoke of about the Master of Wind 500 years ago were true but you had to ruin the performance with that asshole Walter. Always a Hitler-esque figure… but not even he could overwhelm my power. That’s what them students did. Come in and ruin everything. Defy us. The Lanes… all of them gone because of your insistence to upturn the status quo. You’re like if the West had a kid and took a sh*t on it.” Thomas said as Ferdinand was visibly annoyed, for his parents were disrespected. “I’ll rid this continent, no, the world of all wars. But if we worked together… everything could be done so much faster. But you won’t. Because of ethics. Because of ‘morality’. In prison, such things came about through power, blood and dominance.” Thomas said coldly as his foot was still pressed on Ferdinand’s stomach. “I was wrong. You're not greedy – you’re goddamn insane! Trusting you was the worst decision.” Ferdinand said as Thomas laughed. “But you still did so, huh?” Thomas said as Satoshi used his Okami to send him flying, whilst also shooting several rounds of tear gas, gunfire and lasers at him. “You wouldn’t want to be so moral would you? Not when you’re “purging the weak," right? What do you know about “the weak”? You weren't born poor. You've never been hungry. You’re rich. You were born a prince. You don't know what it's like to fight and steal and kill just to survive... You don’t know what its like losing people you love, do you? Having children, murdering with the slight hope that you can live to see a brighter future. You’re just like the Devil… a dark cloud spread upon the world which will inevitably block the Sun that the world would be able to watch with excitement. You and your type, Ferdinand, will not exist in my world.” Thomas said as Ferdinand smirked. “Asshole.” Ferdinand said, as Thomas laughed, spitting out a tooth. “But you did survive! Through sheer force of will following your own set of rules. With your own two hands you took back your life! You survived all alone… that’s real strength.” Thomas said mockingly as Satoshi coldly minced a single glance at him from the Okami, shooting a cold glare with two glowing red eyes staring at him like a black crow ready to eat their final catch. “I took back my own life… now I will sure as hell take yours.” Satoshi said with the State of Brahman within himself, as he blitzed behind Thomas and used his sword to strike at his neck, doing no true damage at all with Ferdinand smiling and then trying to control Thomas’ fear but there was hardly anything left. “Try and slice my mouth or neck! I ain’t some bird. You'll fail like the others! You're going down! Die, you little sh*t!” Thomas screamed as Satoshi then summoned a clone which used the Asura Manus to manifest an attack that resembled a six-armed three-headed demon firing a thousand hands at once into Thomas’ abdomen, but despite pummelling Thomas at extremely high speed, he barely reacted, merely grinning the whole time as Thomas let his clothing be ripped off his shirt, as his upper chest revealed itself, where tendril-like scars spread out from above his heart to his stomach. “This… this is what you get from being in prison. Scars everyday as a symbol of your suffering. Its a good damn thing old Dr Monty gave me this tech. Alchemy does wonders, you know. I heard your brother, Masaru…got the Philosopher’s Stone. But f*ck immortality.” Thomas said coldly as he saw his monocle shattering with a stomp of Satoshi’s foot. “That was a mistake.” Thomas said as Ferdinand then teleported in front of Satoshi’s clone. “Escama del Dragón Blanco que resguarda los cielos (White Dragon's scale that shields the heavens)!” Ferdinand said, firing from his sword a white streak of energy that took Thomas aback. “Die! You f*cking piece of worthless crap!” Thomas screamed as Satoshi immediately used a fireball point-blank range to singe Thomas’ chest as he looked visibly shocked. “That wasn’t bad… compared to surviving a world-cutting slash!” Thomas said as his arm became black with him then petrifying the clone as he then turned from the corner of his eye to see the Okami aiming its sword directly at him. “I'm gonna crush you! You know what? f*ck this war. I just want you dead. You freaks! You're going down! I'm gonna knock you out! Die, you little sh*t!” Thomas screamed as Ferdinand then blitzed behind him with Thomas then grabbing the sword. “Not again…!” Ferdinand thought to himself. “That ain't gonna work. Ready or not, Ferdinand… Satoshi…, here we go...! This is nothing but child’s play! But you know… I like you, Ferdinand, so I'm giving you another shot.” Thomas said coldly as he then turned his second arm into a mechanical hammer, pushing Ferdinand into the ground and then stabbing him with his own sword, ultimately swatting him aside as Ferdinand smiled, getting up. “You make me sick. Your rap sheet is going to be long after this, make no mistake.” Thomas said mockingly, however he couldn’t react fast enough to Satoshi using his swords at full force to strike down Thomas. “Damn. That one hurt quite a bit. If Ferdinand uses his final two attacks, this’ll be bad.” Thomas thought to himself with slight annoyance only to see Ferdinand healed from his prior damage to Thomas’ slight rage. “Silver Mirror of the Baptism Shield Dragonar (白龍皇の浄化鏡シルバー白龍の規模十字バプティスム・シールド・ドラグナー・ミラー・ドラグナー, Shirubā mirā doragunā, lit. Purifying Mirror of the White Dragon Emperor) or Dragón Espejo Plateado and/or Espejo Purificador del Emperador Dragón Blanco!” Ferdinand said at point-blank range as Thomas looked annoyed with Satoshi then releasing his Okami and flying at full speed with his Asura Manus activated at full force to punch Thomas as hard as he could in the face with the Asura Manus. “That one hurt! This is the greatest fight of my life!” Thomas screamed as he coughed up blood, only for Satoshi to headbutt the weakened headteacher, slashing apart the skin over his heart with a drill and his sword… before jamming his hand over the chest. “YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Thomas screamed in rage like a wounded animal as he looked visibly shocked. A powerful massive beam of silver-coloured energy rocketed at Thomas at full speed who was sent flying back, blood drops being visible only for the Four Beasts to come rushing into Thomas’ very soul and concept as Ferdinand smiled. “GRAB OKACHI’S GOBLET!” Ferdinand said as Thomas screamed, feeling himself suffer from fear with Satoshi then throwing it at Thomas, devouring him in the full black flames with Ferdinand then taking Hajime’s cigarette lighter that had the black flames. “His concept and soul are gone. This should kill him.” Satoshi himself said as Ferdinand snapped his fingers. “Burn in the fire of Hell.” Ferdinand said coldly as Thomas screamed as his shadowy figure was visible in the flickering flames that were blacker than their hearts. “You should be lucky I have mercy.” Satoshi whispered into Thomas’ ear as he stared into Thomas’ blackened eye, seeing a younger version of himself as a demonic visage was all that was visible when he gazed at Satoshi; with pulsating, bloodshot red eyes, a blackened form, a man only covered in shadows, the shadows of the valley of death with a hat covering the man’s innocuously non-existent head. “The HAT MAN?!” Thomas screamed as he was horrified, as though he saw his sins. “Don’t speak about consequences when you know freedom.” Satoshi coldly said as Ferdinand smiled calmly with Thomas’ eyes glowing. “We’re done here.” Satoshi said, allowing his clone to punch Thomas’ genitalia with extreme force, virtually destroying it and his groin as Thomas recoiled, coughing up blood. “As much as I’d want to hold that disgusting thing… you make me sick.” Satoshi said as Thomas smiled, now crumpled on the ground like the coward of a man he truly is. “You and I… father and son… we’re kindred spirits, we are.” Thomas said as he felt himself growing old thanks to the effects of the deaging furnace by way of Hajime and with his death… came its abrupt end. “Your dream… your drug-fuelled delusion… ends…” Satoshi said as he reminded himself of Kouyate, Sakura, Hajime, Samantha and Damien before this nightmare. “Maybe not... You've guaranteed the status quo will go on, for a while longer at least… War… will continue as an institution. The Devil is in the details, son. As an industry, men will fight for reasons they don't understand, causes they don't believe in… But at least I'll leave a worthy successor... You, Satoshi. You carve your own path, use whatever methods you see fit... You don't let legal bullsh*t get in the way. And if it costs a few lives? So be it… even if an ally dies… it will be a sacrifice for your greater good. Akaria will inevitably live on. Corruption will remain the same. Humanity… is greed… and bullsh*t covered by ‘empathy’ and morality. You really… were… my… worthy successor…” Thomas said as Satoshi coldly scoffed. “Yea, yea, stop going on about it. f*ck you, Father.” Satoshi said as he pulled back his hand and ultimately speared Thomas’ chest. “Kouyate was more of a father than you ever could be… sexual nutjob.” Satoshi thought to himself as Thomas laughed. “However… there was a catch… if I used the Eye against you and you alone… death…” Thomas said as his heart was destroyed from the inside as Satoshi then ripped out both of his eyes, crushing the petrified eye and burning his actual eye by firing a plume of flames from his mouth at it with Ferdinand smiling calmly as Thomas laughed and smiled. “Even with my name, concept and soul removed, you’ll be dead. You’ll-!” Thomas said as a kunai flew into his head. Aloa barely got up as Ferdinand smiled at her. “You’re alive. That’s good.” Ferdinand said calmly and with great confidence. “Yeah. Its good to see our ultimate enemy cease to be.” Aloa said as she smiled. Thomas was dead as the Arena crumbled into nothingness. “Looks like Hajime… really did kill and betray both Mr Harimatsu and Mr Okachi in the end.” Ferdinand said as he and Satoshi walked away.

End of story as everything happens the exact same as canon minus Sakura.

  1. What if Sakura died in the Green Lane?

"Finally... She's mine." He said to himself from his dorm where her children that he kidnapped earlier on were, all of whom were sleeping, blissfully unaware of what would await their mother that he so desperately lusted for. Sakura looked amazed only to observe her surroundings, realising immediately that she wasn’t with Satoshi, simultaneously hearing that her children were snoring near her. “What have you done?” Sakura asked as Damien smiled, laughing even at this situation. “I saved your soul. You should be happy and proud.” Damien said mockingly, remembering when he broke down outside of her house after non-consensually violating her.

During the first day of the month, 1 day after the War’s beginning and the Family Gang’s defeat

Sakura looked amazed only to observe her surroundings, realising immediately that she wasn’t with Satoshi, simultaneously hearing that her children were snoring near her. “What have you done?” Sakura asked as Damien smiled, laughing even at this situation. “I saved your soul. You should be happy and proud.” Damien said mockingly, remembering when he broke down outside of her house after non-consensually violating her. “WHY DID YOU KIDNAP MY CHILDREN?!” She asked in rage, activating her eyes as veins fired from her temples only to be silenced by Damien. “I kidnapped them for you.” He explained, his face flushed with embarrassment, hiding his urges the best he could; still holding his love downstairs. “How could you do such a sick thing?! That is low!” Sakura exclaimed with Damien smiling calmly. “If you go from here… I’ll kill you.” Damien said to her, visibly and casually threatening her despite the fact that she was in her demonic form. “What do you want?” Sakura asked calmly. “I want you.” Damien asked as she stared at her children, also turning to look at Damien, seeing through his trousers, observing his urges for her made manifest physically. “Alright… leave my children out of this… and then I’ll do what you want.” Sakura said, realising Damien’s truest vulnerabilities as his face was redder than a tomato, ready for all of his desires of the body to be completely fulfilled by her and her alone. “But before that… I want to go to Satoshi… pick up some stuff.” Sakura said only for Damien’s teeth to grit. “No. If you do that, I will kill your children.” Damien said coldly, fully ready to carry out his threats. “Damn you.” Sakura thought to herself as Damien calmly smiled, realising that he had in his pocket. “As long as I can transmit information to Satoshi… keep her in my room, have sex and kiss her… everything I have ever wanted will be mine!” Sakura and Damien thought of each other; one wanting to sacrifice herself for the greater good and the other wanting to fulfil lust, desires and obsessions. “We have a month to have fun… but you can work together with me… we can betray the Head and Pangobo. I will lead you straight to him.” Damien said as Sakura sighed calmly. “How about we train before the fun begins? You don’t want to get dirty before training, do you?” He asked, licking his lips coyly as she was disgusted but forcibly agreed as he smiled, realising that he now essentially had everything he wanted. “But let’s go to sleep.” Damien said as she reluctantly agreed. The night came as her tail was swishing silently, sleeping on the side where her children were; in a protective position as Damien couldn’t keep his urges in his lower body, feeling himself only controlling it because of the fact that this was real. However… Hajime came in, unbeknownst to him, witnessing Sakura’s tail swishing. “Sakura’s here?! What?!” Hajime thought to himself frantically, waiting until Damien was finally asleep… as he could clearly see Sakura was still awake, merely pretending to sleep whilst being in a protective position for the sake of her children. “Sakura!” Hajime said, trying to speak as quietly as possible whilst also being loud enough for her to hear, allowing her to get up. “Hajime?” Sakura asked as they walked outside, cloaked in the shadow of darkness that was the Night. “Yes, it's me. You can go see Satoshi if you want. I can make a clone of you that will make Damien believe he is with the real you.” Hajime explained, revealing to her a blue jewel in his right hand, with her still in her demon form, remembering the threat Damien posed to her earlier on. “Unfortunately, as much as I would like to do so, Damien did threaten my children with death if I didn’t comply… although I am mostly now with him to gather information.” She explained as Hajime noticed a symbol on her humerus (elbow). “That symbol… it's invisible… don’t tell me he placed it on her to teleport her back to him?” Hajime thought to himself with visible shock, questioning why Damien was starting to become like Muro. “Anyway, thanks for the information. I’ll be around if you need me.” Hajime said kindly with Sakura smiling at him genuinely. “Thanks for playing with Hinata… she isn’t 5 by the way. She’s 9. Demons grow and age rather quickly. She hasn’t stopped calling you Mr Firework in private.” She said with kindness and maturity in her words as he laughed to himself. “You’re welcome. Farewell.” He said, teleporting her away to her bedroom as he made sure to hear what Damian was saying.

“You are truly a heartbreaker, Sakura. Planting the seal did wonders… and you are now going to be mine forever. I have no choice. Your children will have to be the sacrifice, especially Hinata.” Damian whispered to her. “You wouldn't dare.” Sakura said as Damien saw red sparks of energy coming from her being, remembering what they were. “So that's Enchantment? Very well… I will reveal what I know regarding Pangobo and Mr Harimatsu.” Damian said, not with any fear but true curiosity as this feeling invaded every pore of his being. “Pangobo is going to act and take over all of the Lanes in under a day since they are nothing more than nuclear wastelands given the actions of the Man, the Bakunawa and Pangobo’s forces. After he takes over all of the Lanes… the Thought Police from Akaria will monitor every nook and cranny for you and your loved ones’ presence will remain erased from the history books as a result. But now that you are with me… you are free from this fate. However, because you decided to join me willingly…” He said as Sakura felt deep regret for not being fast enough to save everyone once the Family Head's forces and Jet blew up, thereby unloading the nukes that devoured every part of Akaria once the Bakunawa was annihilated, saving not only the continent but the world itself… “... You will be immune from this searching of the mind and heart. But once this occurs, we can take down Mr Harimatsu… who I assume is likely related to one of the Students at the school. Remember, after Muro's death… he was threatened with arrest but declined citing positional values at the School? Well… maybe it's because he is connected to someone so high up that his arrest would be inert.” Damian postulated, still binding Sakura with the Seal, that up to this point, Hajime alone noticed. “Its good that I bound her with my Seal of the Dragon… So even if she did escape fully, I will still be able to control her. It did take sexual contact to bind it on her elbow… but it worked. Since she doesn't know… by letting her go to Satoshi will be good since she will inevitably want to see him but also train with me, breaking and moulding her without doubt into someone stronger. Once she sees what I truly see… she will understand the reason behind why I am doing what I am doing.” Damien thought to himself, unaware that Mr Harimatsu was watching from his Headteacher’s chair the entire time as well as the fact that Hajime was standing in front of the door. “So… Damien wishes to betray me. How sad. His manipulation of Sakura and his lusts will inevitably be used against him although by allowing him still here, he is useful as a student and as a part of security.” Mr Harimatsu said to the petrified Hajime, only to return his monocle back to his blackened right eye, restoring its original appearance as he saw a call on his phone. “I'm going to take everything over now… Farewell… old man.” Pangobo said; as his Personal Gang was still ready and with him. “Now then… let the takeover begin. Spare no mercy.” He said, his tattooed face observing the sight of the outside world from the richer part of the Green Lane. “Sakura… you can go back to Satoshi if you want.” Damian said to her as he let her go, knowing that everything was under his control… or so he thought. “But before you go… there is something I want you to do. Can you bite my thumb briefly?” Damian asked as Sakura looked disgusted, only to bite it so hard that Damian was in visible pain. “You wanted me to bi-!” Sakura said as her eyes saw events that were, events that are and events that will be playing in her mind and manifesting in front of her as though she was watching a television. “Is this… the Future? This is… what you see?” Sakura asked as she could hardly speak as she was struggling to breathe with Damien noticing this, feeling a slight hint of guilt.

Satoshi went to his bed, now in slight annoyance as he realised that Damien’s desire for Sakura was purely lust-based… only for Sakura to mysteriously appear. “Come… Sakura…. Your services are needed.” Damien’s voice spoke coldly in Sakura’s mind with Wu stopping the Man with her swords as she was forcefully teleported back. Sakura was horrified, now fully beginning to understand the depravity that Damien had. “He's just like Muro.” Sakura thought to herself with visible sadness as her seal now made itself known. “You are truly a heartbreaker, Sakura. Planting the seal did wonders… and you are now going to be mine forever. I have no choice. Your children will have to be the sacrifice, especially Hinata.” Damian whispered to her. “You wouldn't dare.” Sakura said as Damien saw red sparks of energy coming from her being, remembering what they were. “So that's Enchantment? Very well… I will reveal what I know regarding Pangobo and Mr Harimatsu.” Damian said, not with any fear but true curiosity as this feeling invaded every pore of his being. Up to this point alone, only Hajime noticed this. “He’s really becoming like Muro, isn’t he?” Hajime asked himself with visible disgust, as he then knew what he had to do as he got the Fragarach out and pointed it at her neck. “I am sorry Sakura…” Damian said as he secretly smiled. “Don’t you-!” Sakura said as her children’s mere appearance stopped her from attacking. If you attack me fatally or with lethal intent, they die. In front of you.” Damien said coldly to which Sakura closed her eyes, gritted her fangs and steeled herself. “Alright, you serial rapist… I’ll make sure you suffer.” Sakura said coldly to herself, immediately running as Damien threw her sons in the air but as Sakura was about to catch them… Saint George instead caught them in his mouth. “You fool! You led me on back then… so you will now pay the price.” Damien said mockingly, reminding himself of when he flushed himself with embarrassment as they kissed in her room only a few months back. “Die, sick bastard.” Damien and Sakura said of each other, fully ready for combat as Sakura immediately used her claws to which Damien dodged them gracefully. “You don’t want to hurt your daughters, do you?!” Damien said, kicking Hinata into Sakura only for her to catch her eldest daughter. “Go.” Sakura whispered to her daughter, as Hinata, the already traumatised 9 year old ran for her life. “If you run any further… I will find you… your mother is already mine. You are merely a possession.” Damien said as Hinata looked terrified; and rightfully so. Her and her mother’s safety and lives were at stake. She sat frozen. Her legs desperately wanted to move but her muscles weren’t doing as her brain commanded with him immediately teleporting over to Hinata, sword ready to kill as Sakura’s eyes widened in horror. “NO!” Sakura screamed in horror. “I will make sure you return because I love you infinitely more than Satoshi does. But still… let our battle begin, whor* of a demon.” Damien said mockingly and with malice as Sakura glared at him in sheer rage. “NO! WHAT ARE YOU-! Saint George, maim the bitch.” Damien said coldly, to which the dragon obliged, using its claws to scratch her face severely. “You should have stayed with me.” Damien said to her coldly as Sakura was shocked, reminding herself of when Damien actually cared for her last year, the one who looked after her with care and compassion as this was not the same Damien. He was once kind, chivalrous and a good man; but that was then. Now, he is vindictive, cruel and utterly heartless, surpassing even Muro himself in terms of ruthlessness and brutality. “Despite wearing his glasses, he is as blind as ever to the truth.” Sakura thought to herself to which Damien used Excalibur in tandem with Claíomh Solais as her children stood there in absolute fear. “Damn whor* of a demon.” Damien said coldly as he breathed out in rage. “I hate you, whor*.” Damian said, blitzing her moments after she hit the wall with an immense amount of concussive force as he pinned her to it with the Fragarach. “That-!” Sakura thought to herself, clearly able to recognise the sword in the brief moments she could think, only for that very same sword to still pin her without mercy, rendering her unmovable, stabbing her straight in the chest, neck and throat (thereby disabling her necklace and relieving her of her demon form); as her own sword dropped to the ground. “You will answer me, whor*. The Fragarach is a sword that requests nothing but the truth. No one could move or tell a lie, thus the name "Answerer", bitch.” Damien initially explained as Sakura was stunned but she could not move or think. “Answer or you die, rapist. Assaulter. Demonic spawn. Your father was terrifying, no doubt.” Damien said, stabbing her three times more with Excalibur and Claíomh Solais, slowly ripping through her dress and flesh without any mercy in his now blackened soul and heart of stone. “If you don’t, I will do what you did to me those months ago… back to you. So riddle me this, Sakura Jigoku: Why did you let me kiss you? Why did you kiss me back then? Was that love or not?” Damien asked as blood spilled down Sakura’s mouth, throat and body underneath her clothing. Her eyes drooped as tears slowly went down her beautiful face, now marred with tragedy and sadness. The Fragarach held no liars. It compelled the truth. The concept of lies held no meaning. She would tell the truth no matter what. Otherwise her death at the hands of Damien… would be assured. “So riddle me this, Sakura Jigoku: Why did you let me kiss you? Why did you kiss me back then? Was that love or not?” Damien asked as blood spilled down Sakura’s mouth, throat and body underneath her clothing. Her eyes drooped as tears slowly went down her beautiful face, now marred with tragedy and sadness. The Fragarach held no liars. It compelled the truth. The concept of lies held no meaning. She would tell the truth no matter what. Otherwise her death at the hands of Damien… would be assured as her mouth finally opened. “I-I… let you kiss me because that was what you wanted. You w-wanted to have some form of sexual contact since you always looked at me with a constant blush. A f-flushed look always devoured your face. After you asked me that you wanted me to kiss you, I complied in doing as you requested out of kindness and in respect for our friendship as well as your longing for companionship. But, you w-went too far in desiring and inevitably gaining sexual contact and as such I couldn’t do anything but scream out in shock, horror and pain. Had Satoshi not found me in time, you would have likely done far too much emotional and physical damage to me. While I wanted to fulfill your desires… I question why you wanted such severe sexual contact with me when I already had children with Satoshi. Being promiscuous is dangerous.” Sakura explained as blood continued to spill down her mouth as Damien saw green energy firing through the sword, confirming the Truth. “Now for the final question. Was that love or not?” Damien asked, his emotionless and cold eyes glaring at Sakura in disgust as she tried to speak. “I… loved you but as a friend. You n-never were someone I wanted to have s-sex with. I l-loved you as a brother alone. I loved you as a friend… nothing less… nothing more. I’m… sorry.” Sakura said as Damian looked enraged, confirming this was the Truth as her throat and stomach were repeatedly slashed. “DAMN Bitch.” Damian said to her as her children were next, removing Fragarach from Sakura’s stomach, causing her to fall off the wall in a red-haired mess, blood devouring her slumped body before Damian then decapitated her and then had Saint George burn her emaciated body; as Hinata’s screams devoured the room with her eyes being speared out by Damian’s sword. The other children from Orihime to Sora… had fates similar to Sakura as Hajime was utterly outraged.

Satoshi woke up from his slumber with tears mysteriously down his eyes. “No! No! No!” Satoshi thought to himself as he wiped his tears and teleported behind Hajime as his eye activated, seeing the room. “No…” Satoshi said as Hajime looked stunned. “Satoshi.” Hajime said as he opened the door with Hajime then snapping his fingers, creating a huge explosion to which Mr Harimatsu himself looked stunned and visibly taken aback. “Sakura’s dead?” He asked himself as Damian had disappeared in response. “Sakura’s gone because of me?” Satoshi asked himself in horror as he walked into the room, seeing his children’s charred bodies and eyes as well as… Sakura’s body. “Sakura?! SAKURA!” Satoshi asked with anger in his eyes as he felt the charred blood dripping onto his hands, reminding himself of Sakura and the good times he had with her. “I’m sorry, Satoshi.” Hajime said as Satoshi remained calm, his anger manifested in his eyes. “No. Don’t apologise. Damian was the one who did it since Sakura was in her Demonic Form when she briefly appeared. He killed her… and to think that this damn month hasn’t even started properly…” Satoshi said as Hajime was enraged. “We’ll get rid of Damian. But then again…” Satoshi said coldly, forcibly releasing Aloa from Azathoth’s Void as she was briefly bewildered with Hajime in front of her. “What the-?!” Aloa asked as she stared at Sakura’s being in visible shock whilst turning to see Hajime, realising what he did. “So you burnt her body. How apathetic.” Aloa said mockingly, reminding herself of when her mother and father died… at the hands of Satoshi. “Oh, how the tables turned.” Aloa thought to herself as Hajime felt immense shame. Satoshi held Sakura’s body as he dropped to his knees and screamed as tears fell on to her dead body. “SAKURA!!” He screamed in absolute agony and rage as he remembered everything from the Past, as his eyes never flashed with him bashing the floor in outrage. “Satoshi, relax-!” Hajime said as he grew pale as the State of Brahman manifested in fear as he saw Satoshi slowly crawling into a zygote-foetal position, as tears flooded from his face. The trauma was all too much. Satoshi’s eyes widened in horror, clearly still traumatised.

“FIND SATOSHI!” A very familiar voice screamed as Satoshi was teleported outside Mr Kagutsuchi’s office. “Satoshi… Hajime… Aloa…” Himari Sato, a fellow student in their year approached the three coldly and with an air of caution as she realised what she walked into, noticing the red hair of Sakura, a good friend of hers, remembering when Sakura was initially pregnant with Hinata. “What happened?” Himari asked, now too stunned to speak. “Say something!” Himari said as Aloa glared at her briefly. “Where were you the whole time?” Himari asked to Aloa who remained silent. “Always one to pry when you didn’t need to, huh?” Aloa muttered to herself. “Surround him.” Himari said as she manifested a puppet or two. “So she still has Behemoth and Leviathan?” Hajime thought to himself. “Hey. It wasn’t his fault.” Aloa tried to say, to which Himari remained cold. “I don’t care. He murdered everyone. He murdered millions! Billions!” Himari screamed as Satoshi was utterly shattered. “Who could have done this?” Himari asked, now allowing herself to be absorbed into. “Sakura’s dead?!” Himari asked herself as tears slowly formed out of her eyes. Her cold expression warmed slightly. “Damian did this. I heard it all.” Hajime admitted. “Why didn’t you stop it?! Why?!” Himari asked as she released her puppets. “If I did… Mr Harimatsu or Mr Okachi would have found out. I’m sorry.” Hajime asked as Aloa observed the room. “WHY?! WHY?!” Satoshi screamed as Hajime readied himself. “You-you don’t get it. Mr Harimatsu was a facad-!” Hajime was about to say as he had to calm down. “What do we do?” Aloa asked, staring at Satoshi in silence as Hajime tried to comfort him as best as possible. “Is Mr Harimatsu leading a war against Pangobo Takayushi?” Aloa asked Himari who was surprised. “He is the leader of the 3rd Gang. Firstly, we have to take down Damian himself, Mr Okachi and then we all encroach on Thomas.” Himari said as Aloa looked down, visibly annoyed.

Damian walked out of the room where Pangobo Takayushi once resided, blood dripping down his Fragarach sword as he smiled. “Now then…” Damian thought to himself with annoyance, using Godly Sight to determine his next location. “Himari? Aloa?” Damian thought to himself as he was annoyed, reminding himself of the explosion Hajime caused. “That damn bastard of a whor* Sakura ruined everything. But its good she’s dead.” Damian said calmly to himself as he knew his next target.

“I leave my world behind at Carwinley Burn

to follow the feral steps of a girl,

red-haired, torqued, coloured-trousered,

a wild thing with fox’s teeth at her neck

down a fox-hole to the grave

of Gwenddolau.

Beside his bull-horned corpse

stands a table and upon it a golden board.

Round its edges silver dead men lie.

“The Chessboard of Gwenddolau.

has lain here as long as my father,”

she says. “It predicts the outcome of battles.

It played before Arfderydd, Catraeth,

when Britain’s air force clashed

with the Luftwaffe,

on the eve of the invasion of Iraq. As yet

it has never mispredicted an event.

At times of peace it sleeps.

At times of threat

if the pieces are set

they play out every move in the coming conflict.”

As she speaks the eyes of a warrior

jerk open and his spasmodic

hand grips his spear.

A warhorse rises from a tangle of stirrups and mane.

A bishop shakes off his robes and delves

for fireballs and mist in his pockets.

Caers rebuild their ramparts.

Returning to health

they play by themselves

speechless as automata resuming their positions.

Warriors move forward two squares

spearing on the diagonal.

Warhorses leap

over the mounting carnage,

on a fiery blast fall into splinters.

A king drags his queen into a caer.

As the bishops prepare the final spell

I am shaken by a premonitory shiver” spoke him as Damien then summoned the golden chessboard. You see, the "Thirteen Treasures of Britain" were famous in early legend. They belonged to gods and heroes, and were current in our island till the end of the divine age, when Merlin, fading out of the world, took them with him into his airy tomb, never to be seen by mortal eyes again. According to tradition, they consisted of a sword, a basket, a drinking-horn, a chariot, a halter, a knife, a cauldron, a whetstone, a garment, a pan, a platter, a chess-board, and a mantle, all possessed of not less marvellous qualities than the apples, the pig-skin, the spear, the horses and chariot, the pigs, the hound-whelp, and the cooking-spit which the sons of Tuirenn obtained for Lugh. It is these same legendary treasures that reappear, no doubt, in the story of "Kulhwch and Olwen". The number tallies, for there are thirteen of them. Some are certainly, and others probably, identical with those of the other tradition. That there should be discrepancies need cause no surprise, for it is not unlikely that there were several different versions of their legend. Everyone had heard of the Thirteen Treasures of Britain. Many, no doubt, disputed as to what they were. Others might ask whence they came. The story of "Kulhwch and Olwen" was composed to tell them. They were won by Arthur and his mighty men. Regardless, a great mist suddenly formed around him—for the space of three days and three nights he could not be found but unlike Fergus who died… a knight piece summoned itself randomly out of nowhere in the room.

“How on earth did he…” Aloa asked as Hajime immediately recognised this. “Damien.” Hajime said as the knight chess piece took an L shape and teleported behind him, stabbing him in the back as Damien appeared in its place, replacing the chessboard with the sword Fragarach. “Find his way here? Well, let’s just say that having been in this place once before does give you a good advantage.” Damian said, finishing off Aloa’s sentence as the sword Fragarach plunged through Hajime’s back and into his chest. “You’re damned, Damien.” Aloa said coldly as Damian remained emotionless. “Remember what I did back then?” Damian asked as her chest and facial scars were still unhealable, to which she looked disturbed. “Dami-an…” Hajime thought to himself as Aloa was horrified and immediately tried to attack, ultimately being bound by Saint George’s large claws. “Why?” Hajime asked, now kneeling to the ground from not only the effects of Aloa’s poison, but the gaping hole in his chest and as he tried to fight back, he sensed himself being unmoving. “Fragarach is a sword that forces you to ne’er move. You won’t move even if you tried.” Damian said as Aloa was still trapped in Saint George’s immense grip. “I could light you on fire, too, Aloa… but that would be pointless. You should be very lucky you never fought me when you did in the Tournament.” Damien said arrogantly as Hajime couldn’t move only for Aloa to try and use any movable body parts such as her feet to summon jet boosters with Himari using threads. “Why did you murder Sakura?!” Himari asked as Damian looked quite perplexed. “Why wouldn’t I? She mitigated my love for her. She was a whor*. Too bad Satoshi isn’t doing anything.” Damian said mockingly as Hajime created a huge explosion as Damian teleported to the Otherworld with a green mist as Aloa reminded herself of something Kouyate said to her. “Apparently, there was this fabled land of eternal youth that the beautiful princess Niamh enticed Oisín with promises of happy-ever-afters. But after three wonderful years in Tír na nÓg, the pull of the old sod proved too much for Oisín. He decided to return home to visit his pals in the Fianna. Despite Niamh’s warnings not to touch the ground of his former homeland, Oisín couldn’t resist helping a group of men who were trying to move a large stone. Unfortunately, while doing so he fell from his horse, aged dreadfully in a matter of minutes, and died shortly afterwards. It turned out that three years in Tír na nÓg was equal to three hundred years in the real world. But Tír na nÓg (meaning land of the young) was much more than a land full of beautiful immortals. In ancient Ireland, it was in fact one of many names for the Otherworld. This magical place was also called Emain Ablach (stream or isle of the apples), Tír nAill (the other land), Tír Tairngire (land of promise), Tír fo Thuinn (land under the wave) and Tír na mBeo (land of the living). The mythology also mentions places within the Otherworld, such as Mag Mell (plain of delight), Mag Findargat (white-silver plain), Mag Argatnél (silver-cloud plain), Mag Ildathach (multicoloured plain) and Mag Cíuin (gentle plain). Long ago -- when the saints had not yet reached these western shores, and heroes were still in possession of superhuman strength, and poets could cut down kings with a single satire, and music could put even the most fearsome warrior to sleep -- another region of the earth existed, another layer to the earth's surface. The Celtic, or Brythonic, otherworld was a magical place where there was no sin or labour, no old age. It was a place of beauty and joy and shimmering palaces, where they trees hung heavy with fruit and blossom, fountains burst with cool water, and cauldrons remained full, however much was drawn from them. "In the manuscripts of medieval Irish literature are a group of stories known as echtrai -- 'outings' or journeys to the otherworld. Only a few have survived, but what they reveal is the extraordinary hold that the otherworld exerts on the imagination. Magical apples, pure love and strange beasts all feature. In Echtrae Chonnlai, Connlae, son of Conn, is invited by a woman to visit the otherworld, and her description of it is so enticing that he is overcome by longing (éolchaire). He disappears with her in a glass ship, and is never seen again. Cormac was the nephew of Conn, and he too was taken to the otherworld, but returned. He told of two forts surrounded by bronze walls and thatched with wings of white birds, and a golden cup that shattered if an untruth was ever uttered. Natural mounds and hillocks, old castles, ancient burial sites, misty hollows or lakes -- these are the sort of places where the passing traveller might encounter the otherworld. But nowhere is more closely associated with its fantastic features than offshore islands. The risk of a sea passage add a certain allure to anywhere across the water, while the coast itself tends to throw up its own visual ambiguities -- refractive tricks of the light, land-like fog banks. Add to that the boundlessness of the ocean, the colourful tales of returning sailors, and it is no wonder that the western sea became such a bountiful playground of imaginary places. The Irish for otherworld is alltar. At one time in ancient Ireland, he says, the ceantar (place or region; this world) was closely shadowed by the alltar. People accepted the existence of realities that they could not see; they even believed that some could pass through the thin veil between these worlds. You didn’t have to be dead – or a warrior hero – to visit the Otherworld. Those brave enough to take their chances despite the dire warnings could visit this fabled land of plenty. Water often represented another gateway to the Otherworld, as one of its many names – Tír fo Thuinn (land under the wave) – suggests. One tale tells of a man hunting near a lake in Cavan who was about to kill a hare until he noticed a huge red eye in the centre of its forehead. Realising it was a supernatural being, he watched as the hare dived into the lake and disappeared into the Otherworld. This was a place of great beauty and eternal youth, none who set foot here would age a day, although they'd feel the full weight of their years if they ever returned to the mortal realm! It was a place where time passed differently, a year might be a day or a day a year, and strange creatures inhabited its rolling hills and forests. By other names it was known as well - Tír Tairngire or the land of promise, so called by Saint Brendan, Tír faoi Thuinn, the land under the waves by its association with the Merrow fairy folk, Mag Mell, the plain of delight, or Ildathach, the multicoloured place. Master continued with:

'Twas a balmy summer morning

Warm and early,

Such as only June bestows;

Everywhere the earth adorning,

Dews lay pearly

In the lily-bell and rose.

Up from each green leafy bosk and hollow

Rose the blackbird's pleasant lay,

And the soft cuckoo was sure to follow.

'Twas the Dawning of the Day!

Through the perfumed air the golden

Bees flew round me:

Bright fish dazzled from the sea,

'Till medreamt some fairy olden

World-spell bound me

In a trance of witcherie.

Steeds pranced round anon with stateliest housings,

Bearing riders prankt in rich array,

Like flushed revellers after wine-carousings—

'Twas the Dawning of the Day!

Then a strain of song was chanted,

And the lightly

Floating sea-nymphs drew anear.

Then again the shore seemed haunted

By hosts brightly

Clad, and wielding shield and spear!

Then came battle-shouts—and onward rushing—

Swords and chariots, and a phantom fray.

Then all vanished; the warm skies were blushing

In the Dawning of the Day!

Cities girt with glorious gardens

Whose immortal

Habitants in robes of light

Stood, methought, as angel-wardens

Nigh each portal,

Now arose to daze my sight.

Eden spread around, revived and blooming;

When . . . lo! as I gazed, all passed away—

. . . I saw but black rocks looming

In the dim chill Dawn of Day!” Aloa recounted to Hajime’s sheer shock as he couldn’t truthfully move or think as she miraculously broke away from Saint George’s grip after the explosion. “I suspect that he may and is likely travelling to a different dimension as the mist he used had a tinge of fairy dust. Usually there would be a loud humming sound before the fairy wind made its appearance, like thousands of bees, which was said to have been the passing of a troop of fairies within. The effects of each wind could be unpredictable – if it was a hot day, you might freeze, as happened to a man in Inchicronan parish county Clare, or a woman whose water trough was emptied by a blast of the Gaoth Sidhe in the same place, as though, she said, “six cattle had leaped into it”. Some thought the wind was the fairies were helping with the farmwork, while others believed the wind was the source of sudden illness. The wind could even tear the roof off a poor family’s house and let the sidh host in! It was also said to protect fairy treasure from thieves, and it would silence impudent mortal musicians playing fairy music, or carry off those who played better than the fairies, and cause injury to humans or animals, especially the eyes. The winds of the fairy were used to predict the weather too, with a southwesterly gust “fetching rain” or foretelling a hard winter ahead. There was a man who built his house on a fairy path against all the warnings of his neighbours, and sure enough a mighty blast of the fairy wind knocked him over one night while he was holding a lighted torch, and his thatch went up in a blaze of fire immediately, destroying the old house. Now it was not always seen to be a malevolent power, for tales tell of a farmer who found a scairtín or fairy bush with paper money stuck to every thorn, and sure couldn't we all use a windfall like that! But for the most part it was dreaded, and with good reason. If you were caught in it, you might become paralysed, or deformed, or your face might be fixed in a silly expression, or a child might stop growing. So avoid the fairy wind if you can.” Aloa continued. “So he has a different dimension he can use? And these creatures… wait… Irish myths… Britain… Wales… Scotland…” Himari quickly realised as fairy thread appeared, causing Hajime to teleport all 4 of them to the Arena with Satoshi waking up from his rage as Damian smiled. “We’re back in the Arena… its too bad Abram ain’t here.” Damian said as Satoshi glared at Damian. “DAMIAN!” Satoshi screamed at Damian as Thomas and Mr Okachi watched on from the stands. She then heard: “Lig na Paiste” (the Last Dragon) appearing, a green creature that resembled a dragon. It spake: “When Saint Patrick banished the serpents from Ireland, there was one who was overlooked, perhaps because he slumbered or was abroad himself, and that one was called Lig na Paiste, or the “Last Great Reptile”. Soon after Saint Patrick passed away, he made his presence known as he was known of old to the people of Owenreagh! A giant serpent he was, and he could spit fire and venom in equal measure, tall as two men standing one atop the other at the shoulder, with mighty curling ram's horns, an ancient remnant from the beginning of the world. He was long enough to curl around a green hill in the dark valley near the Owenreagh River and hold his tail in his mouth. Black was his tongue and sharp his fangs, and his armoured scales were impenetrable plates larger than a man's head. No warrior could defeat him and he began a reign of terror from the slopes of the Sperrins to the shores of Lough Foyle, burning crops, cattle and people before devouring them in hunger and vengeance for his banished kin. He brought three long reed rods with him and came to the dragon's pool, where the beast curled up between raids, and called out. Well Paiste raised his fearsome head, all dripping with pondweed and mud, and laughed aloud, for he thought the locals had sent him a sacrifice as his kind had come to expect in the days of the pagans! The dragon mocked him and made as if to draw closer, but Saint Murrough kept his cool, and asked the dragon if he could perform an ancient ritual of his clan. Greatly amused at this human folly, the dragon laid down and allowed the Saint to lay the rods across his back.” as Aloa looked stunned only for Satoshi to summon Hanuman to deal with both Saint George and Lig Paiste, as a snowy woman then appeared which also spoke:

“An Cailleach or the veiled woman is among the most ancient deities venerated in Ireland, she whose realm lies in the ice and cold of winter. Once it was said that she ruled all the world, when the green things slept for untold aeons beneath her thick icy cloak, until she was given cause for great sorrow and wept floods of tears across the land, her heart melting to a thaw and letting loose the rivers. As she wept she dropped many large rocks from her apron which became mountains and hills, and her hammer shaped the valleys below. Some even go so far as to say that from her sprang all the spirits and Sidhe of the old world! She is known by many names far and wide, an Cailleach Béara for her home in Cork and Kerry, Digde and Milucra, Brónach which means sorrow, Queen of the Little Sun, and it was herself that was said gave Fionn Mac Cumhaill his grey hair. When Fintan the Wise of the hundred lives came to Ireland before the flood he thought himself the first but found Cailleach living there, and knew her to be far more ancient than himself. He asked of her, “Are you the one, the grandmother who ate the apples in the beginning?” but she gave him no answer. She grows old in autumn and becomes younger as the winter passes, until in spring she relinquishes her hold and lets the summer flowers blossom. The first farmer to take in his crops at harvest time would make a little poppet of the crop's last sheaf and throw it into his neighbour's field, who would then hurry to take in their own crops and throw the doll into the next field. The last farmer to take in his crops had to feed and house the Old Lady, and fierce were the struggles to avoid having to accommodate that wintry guest! The last sheaf of all was feared by young women, for if they tied it they believed they'd never be married but live alone like an Cailleach. Thankfully, feeding the last sheaf to a sheep would avert the spinster's fate. Countless lone standing stones throughout Ireland and Europe are said to be of use to her, as when she was done bringing the winter she'd cast her staff beneath a holly tree or gorse bush and turn into a stone until the spring. She lays claim to the creatures of the wild and cold places, the red deer and the wolf, the leaping salmon and the springing goat, warding them and watching over them. She was who decided which would live and which would perish in the storms of winter, and for this she is also known as the Hag of Storms. An Cailleach lived (and rumour has it, lives still!) in the Beara jut in the south of Ireland, and a wandering friar came to her house, for he had heard tell of a woman of great age, so old that even she herself had lost count of the years. Her house was small enough and he didn't think much of it, but she made himself and his scribe welcome. “If it's no harm,” he asked, “may I know your age, as there are those who say you're older than the road I walked to get here, and the fields around it, and the hills in which they lie!” “No harm to me at all,” she answered, “for I've little to say about it, knowing even less! But I do kill an ox every year and stew up the bones for my soup, then throw a leg bone up into that loft above your head. If you send your young lad up he can make a tally.” Well the friar's lad went up the narrow ladder to the loft and began throwing bones down as there was no room to do a count up there in the dimness, and for each one the friar made a mark in a thick book he bore with him. At length the book was full of marks and the friar was weary with totting, so he shouted up to the lad to ask was he almost done. The lad stuck his head out and said he hadn't even one corner cleared yet, so the friar looked askance at the old woman and bid him come down out of it, for he was up to his knees in bones. He spoke to the lady and learned of some of the wonders she could recall, and they were strange tales indeed that hardly made much sense. But for all that he didn't write them down as his book was already full.” as it ultimately disappeared with Damien once more reappearing, allowing the traps to take effect as he was trapped but this time there was no shock. Only visible dismay and enmity. “Let’s finish this, Damian.” Hajime said coldly as red flames devoured Damian’s line of vision as he immediately used Excalibur, shutting down the flames and inevitably switching out with the Sword of Nuada to cut down his once-best friend in a swath of slashes, to which he decided to combine the two, using Excalibur in tandem with Claíomh Solais to try and slash off Hajime’s arm, as he knew this was likely the end. “Looks like I have no choice: Level 4 - Poisoned Universe of Ten Thousand Miles!” She said, forcing all of the poison that was within her very being which could have poisoned every part of the world… to be condensed into the very hallway as she noticed nothing happening. “I am impressed you have survived with that w-!” Damian asked as he immediately saw a red sash binding his arms. In that moment, Hajime fired a plume of red flames from his mouth at Damien who countered by using Saint George to use Meteoric Burst, firing huge meteors from the air above as he then used Draconic Stance to do immense damage to Hajime only for him to smile, snapping his fingers and creating a huge explosion as Damian looked visibly amazed. “Not bad.” Damian then said as he realised that he was trapped only to see Hanuman kicking him as Satoshi immediately sent him flying with the Ruyi Jingu Bang, just as Himari readied herself for battle.

“I can see you!” Damian said, moving with enough speed to try and blitz both Hajime and Damian, to which Hajime countered by using Draconic Stance: Fire Dragon Bombs around himself, sending them at Damien at immense speeds. “Lù hún fān (Killer of Souls Banner) - 此宝幡本是截教仙余元的法宝,赠予徒弟余化使用,曾生擒黄飞虎全家。但最终被莲花化身的哪吒所攻克,收在豹皮囊之中。此宝为旁门左道之物,放出黑气擒人,专门攻击有魂魄的对手,遇到黑烟的人魂魄自散,故名戮魂幡。 哪吒是莲花化身,非三魂七魄之体,因此能免疫此宝的邪术,只用手一指,其黑烟自灭,并被哪吒空手接去,余化战败。由于是旁门左道之宝,哪吒并没有利用于战斗 (Cǐ bǎo fān běn shì jié jiào xiān yú yuán de fǎbǎo, zèng yǔ túdì yú huà shǐyòng, céng shēngqín huángfēihǔ quánjiā. Dàn zuìzhōng bèi liánhuā huàshēn de nǎ zhā suǒ gōngkè, shōu zài bào pínáng zhī zhōng. Cǐ bǎo wèi pángménzuǒdào zhī wù, fàngchū hēi qì qín rén, zhuānmén gōngjí yǒu húnpò de duìshǒu, yù dào hēi yān de rén húnpò zì sàn, gù míng lù hún fān. Nǎ zhā shì liánhuā huàshēn, fēi sān hún qī pò zhī tǐ, yīncǐ néng miǎnyì cǐ bǎo de xié shù, zhǐ yòng shǒu yī zhǐ, qí hēi yān zì miè, bìng bèi nǎ zhā kōngshǒu jiē qù, yú huà zhànbài. Yóuyú shì pángménzuǒdào zhī bǎo, nǎ zhā bìng méiyǒu lìyòng yú zhàndòu = This treasure flag was originally the magic weapon of Jiejiao Immortal Yu Yuan. It was given to his apprentice Yu Hua for use. He once captured Huang Feihu's family alive. But in the end, he was conquered by Nezha, who was transformed into a lotus flower, and was kept in a leopard skin bag. This treasure is a heretical thing. It emits black energy to capture people and specifically attacks opponents with souls. The souls of those who encounter the black smoke will scatter themselves, so it is called the Soul-killing Banner. Nezha is the incarnation of a lotus flower, not a body of three souls and seven souls, so he is immune to the magic of this treasure. With just one finger of his hand, the black smoke extinguishes itself, and is picked up by Nezha with his bare hands. Yu Hua is defeated. Since it was a treasure of heresy, Nezha did not use it in battle).” Hajime thought to himself to which Damien immediately used his swords to continually strike at the Bai Ze, finally cutting it down by using a world-cutting slash to which he responded by placing a seal that conspicuously resembled that of a sword of light on the ground. “That seal…” Hajime thought to himself as the world itself passively healed. “You’re going to die, dude. Stand down before you die brutally.” Damian said as Hajime glared, ready to end the fight to which Damian scoffed. “Very well… I am and will be the King… Come, EXCALIBUR! Y ddraig goch - COME!” Damien screamed as Hajime looked embarrassed for him. Saint George continued to attack Chi You with him barely able to dodge most of the attacks as his red scales now became White with Yeongjo using what little room he had to bind Saint George in a reconstruction of the universe, sealing him away apparently as Damian made his stance known; as now for 1 to 5 minutes, his body now adorned itself with heavenly apparel, a beautiful crown, cape and every single bit of Apparel that King Arthur bore with the tip of his blade shining a mystical golden hue as Hajime looked visibly annoyed. He knew he was going to die as he decided to let his heart and Soul (that which consisted anyway), to release itself. "Looks like I have no choice… even if this does shatter my soul the same way my mom died… Sì Xiàng (Four Constellations): Release!” Hajime said - 南方朱雀, Nán Fāng Zhū Què (Vermillion Bird of the South), 西方白虎; Xīfāng Báihǔ (White Tiger of the West), 北方玄武;: Běifāng Xuánwǔ (Black Turtle of the North) and 东方蒼龍, Dōngfāng Qīnglóng (Azure Dragon of the East) + Xiezhi, Qilin, Linghui and Long” Hajime said as Damien looked visibly impressed but instead of seeing the Four Auspicious Beasts summoned around him as one would normally expect… he instead saw Hajime’s face was covered a mask with a huge horn atop it, his coat instead bearing tortoise-scales on it where his Sun-Chasing Boots were covered in qillin scales resembling its cloven hooves as black and white energy covered his two hands. “You are a spirit medium?!” Damien asked in clear shock as Hajime’s eyes alone were visible. Both were now silent as they fought, sword to fists as he immediately remembered the Jade Emperor’s final words before parting away: “You never fought against Satoshi himself for he would likely have died, unless he used the State of Brahman and Yata no Kagami. Thus, the final part of information I shall part is that its redness is due to the Azure Dragon’s flames being red with him bearing the defence of the Four Constellations after his mother’s death. You can, say, defend against worlds, constellations or perhaps a universe at the cost of thy life in the last sense and could do something to Damien as thy fire in colour and potency [as yours is red due to a lack of temperature] however thy Samadhi Fire is stronger in terms of doing damage conceptually… but it is weaker than Damien’s because Saint George is superior to the Azure Dragon in potency, strength and speed… but you are relative in all but speed. But remember this, you were loved, Hajime: Beginning of Peace.” The Jade Emperor explained to which Hajime was genuinely taken aback with tears slowly streaming down his face - but this time, there were no tears, only life or death as the two former friends continued to fight. “Fire Dragon Bombs!” Hajime thought to himself, firing huge swathes of red flame at Damien who deflected the attacks by using his sword. “Nǚ Wā Bǔ Shí: Wǚ sè shí (Stones of Creation - Five Colour Stones.” Hajime thought to himself, summoning five stones around Damien which devoured him in Fire, Metal, Earth, Water and Wood to which he immediately used Godly Sight to detect the weakness of Hajime. “You think sealing would work against me?” Damian coldly asked as Hajime immediately blitzed him and used the power of Yin and Yang, infinitely increasing his own speed by using Yang and stopping Damian’s movements by using Yin. “Uaithne.” Damian said, summoning a harp that played on its own that forced Hajime to sleep for the briefest of moments. “You truly think zero time and infinite speed can get past me?” Damian asked as Hajime immediately used Dragon Flame Dance and the Gong Gong, summoning a flaming and water Dragon to mercilessly attack Damien who used Gu Braitha Fire (Eternal Fire) to counter it. “I have a choice. I can either end the fight here and continue on with what I saw or continue the fight and possibly result in myself dying.” Damian thought to himself, immediately getting fully serious as his anger allowed him to fight on with Hanuman then immediately teleporting over to Saint George, using the power of Prakamya as he then summoned 11 Lords of Darkness to Damien’s slight horror including Qin and Anathan with Aloa standing there, knowing that she truly was no match as Damian looked genuinely enraged only for Hanuman to continually attack Saint George who fired Draconic Meteor at everyone else uncontrollably, each meteor of which could end each Lane. “I have to use Avalon!” Damian thought to himself as Thomas watched calmly alongside Okachi with great intent only for Hanuman to then crush Saint George. “So you can’t attack without firing those beams!!” Himari said as Damian smiled. “No… you’re wrong… now that Saint George is dead… I can manifest this heavenly apparel for as long as I like. No time limit… except 24 hours lower (so 10 seconds can be made to seem like 24 hours but he can make it last for a minute surely at its utmost) with him being a part of my soul. I can use other attacks but my body will barely remain upright if I do yet still, it is possible.” Damian explained

holding a universe in his hand, splitting it in three: Albios ("heaven, white-world, upper-world"), Bitu ("world of the living beings"), and Dubnos ("hell, lower-world, black-world"). “Your fate is that of true kingship, no matter for shortness or longness therein.” The Emperor explained as he knew that Damien’s sheath was indeed one of absolute strength as Merlin himself appeared for the briefest of moments. "Ye are more unwise," said Merlin, "for the scabbard is worth ten of the swords, for whiles ye have the scabbard upon you, ye shall never lose no blood be ye never so sore wounded, therefore keep well the scabbard always with you." The fairy Merlin said to Damien who looked utterly shocked; as though he saw Merlin once before as Damian’s mind returned back to the Purple Lane.

“The holder of the scabbard is granted potent healing, allowing for critical and fatal wounds to be rapidly repaired to restore the wielder's health. Minor injuries are restored easily, and even large missing portions of the body and destroyed vital organs like the heart can quickly be restored at the critical moment before death. Targeting anything other than the holder's head in order to destroy their brain is futile, requiring for a decisive strike to be landed in order to cause any true damage. Because of all of ye powers [and items therein] of the French, British, Irish, Scottish and Welsh in one due to thy family. No blood could truly spill on thee… immortality is thy end. It is surely an "absolute defence" that completely shields its user in the domain of the fairies, Avalon, the unreachable utopia that King Arthur dreamt of and was said to have gone to after his death. It is the greatest protection in the world that goes beyond defending or reflecting, completely isolating its user in a world completely separate from the regular world. The scabbard dissipates into countless tiny particles in the air and engulfs the user to become a "portable fortress" that shuts out all interference. It is the tranquil domain of fairies that keeps out all filth from the outside world, and allows nothing to harm the tranquil King that stands in the land of Avalon. The individual is shielded from all destructive interference in the physical realm, trans-liners from parallel worlds, and multidimensional communication that goeth as far as timeless dimensions up to the 10th therein. It is a world cut off from the constant decay and destruction of the surface of the planet and, although it is nestled in human history, has no connection to other lands at all. Daytime is filled with spring’s sunshine and the smell of summer; night is wrapped in the autumn air and stars of winter. It is where flowers of all colours bloom on gently sloping plains. A forest can be clearly seen in the far distance, enveloped by the overlooking sky; the view is evenly divided between the sky and the earth. There is no sign of human civilization in the lands. On earth there are countless flowers and bugs; in the forest there is water and green, and ethereally beautiful Fairies lurk in the pond. The paradise people imagine is only an imitation of this place. Here, in this untrodden place, the bounds of a Tabooed Land (禁足地, kinsoku-chi?) serve as the ends of the island. Though the island has no end, it seems to change like any other land. Further into the island the land turns barren, similar to Britain. It is indeed infinite in space, beyond all concepts of “end”, infinity and dimensions therein (with the Afterlives just mentioned being leagues bigger); and there was a battle of the Past (and thus Time-changed Future) wherein it grants absolute immortality.

With the Excalibur, ye could combine all levels of understanding with it where ye can use its true power as a form of defending the world or the country of thy residence. It cannot be called beautiful because of its appearance, for the description of "beautiful" will only dirty it. It is instead sacred, made from people's conceptions, a legend weaved purely out of hope. It is not a myth or inhuman work, but a "crystal trained by the heart alone", making it reign as the strongest fantasy. It is the crystallisation of the prayer named "glory" and everything etched in the hearts of those who are scattered at the sword's radiance; the nostalgic, sorrowful, and hallowed dream of those who were placed on the bloody hell called a battlefield, of all warriors past, present, and future fully exposed to the fear of death and despair, and who still cling to a desire: "to be exalted." You bear a technique of golden light that, from the tip of the blade once the sword is swung. To an observer, it looks like a giant beam of light, but the attack's target point is only at the tip. It is the "ultimate slash" that cuts through everything in the "area" the light goes through. Its enormous power heats space around the tip, and as a result, it is interpreted as a wave of light that mows across the surface of the earth like a directed energy weapon. Even if it is dodged, those in close proximity can still be temporarily distracted by its intensity. Indeed, its speed, attack power, and reach upon being activated surpassing and remaining unrivalled by all others perhaps barring the Shadow Sword, Satoshi’s current blade (which will be inevitably bound in the final 9 blades of the Red Lane) with thy blade of light including that of distance and speed which is casted in timelessness therein and if ye hath used it against those soldiers, it would have been able to incinerate an entire military cohort of one thousand soldiers and turn the ground into scorched earth, leaving a great disorder in the land that would never fade for it can be seen from far around, even cutting into the cloud, being able to attack one on the level of existence and non-existence therein; or just subatomic therein (or perhaps even on the sub-quantic level). Excalibur's destructive power can also be a negative trait that limits its usage as it can easily damage the surrounding area and kill a large number of people if used under the wrong conditions; being a sword of nonduality and duality, Excalibur can also hold a dual existence of good and evil. In due time, ye will be a king of righteousness and a conqueror even if for a short amount of time, be it for two or twenty-five years.” The Jade Emperor explained.

It is the unreachable utopia that King Arthur dreamt of and was said to have gone to after his death. It is the greatest protection in the world that goes beyond defending or reflecting, completely isolating its user in a world completely separate from the regular world. The scabbard dissipates into countless tiny particles in the air and engulfs the user to become a "portable fortress" that shuts out all interference. It is the tranquil domain of fairies that keeps out all filth from the outside world, and allows nothing to harm the tranquil King that stands in the land of Avalon. The individual is shielded from all destructive interference in the physical realm, transliners from parallel worlds, and multidimensional communication that goeth as far as timeless dimensions up to the 10th therein. It is a world cut off from the constant decay and destruction of the surface of the planet and, although it is nestled in human history, has no connection to other lands at all. Daytime is filled with spring’s sunshine and the smell of summer; night is wrapped in the autumn air and stars of winter. It is where flowers of all colours bloom on gently sloping plains. A forest can be clearly seen in the far distance, enveloped by the overlooking sky; the view is evenly divided between the sky and the earth. There is no sign of human civilization in the lands. On earth there are countless flowers and bugs; in the forest there is water and green, and ethereally beautiful Fairies lurk in the pond. The paradise people imagine is only an imitation of this place. Here, in this untrodden place, the bounds of a Tabooed Land (禁足地, kinsoku-chi) serve as the ends of the island. Though the island has no end, it seems to change like any other land. Further into the island the land turns barren, similar to Britain. It is indeed infinite in space, beyond all concepts of “end”, infinity and dimensions therein. Himari was genuinely shocked only to then see Thomas and Mr Okachi appear. “Surround them.” Himari said as she manifested a puppet or two as Sakura and Damian stepped in front of the two, attempting to mediate the situation as Damian smiled.

“Here. Toodle-oo.” Mr Harimatsu said as Mr Okachi appeared beside him. “Surround him.” Himari said as she manifested a puppet or two as Sakura and Damian stepped in front of the two, attempting to mediate the situation. “Hey. It wasn’t his fault.” Aloa tried to say, to which Himari remained cold. “I don’t care. He murdered everyone. He murdered millions! Billions!” Himari screamed coldly to everyone whispering. Satoshi’s face grew pale as the State of Brahman manifested in fear with him instinctively dodging each attack that came from the students as he backflipped. He looked rightfully terrified. He was going to be expelled. “You-you don’t get it. Mr Harimatsu was a facad-!” Satoshi was about to say as Mr Kagutsuchi appeared beside him in a room. “A facade for Thomas? You of all people now know the truth. He burned me for power, leaving a mangled, mummified face. I couldn’t attack him… but I will kill you… even if you are the most skilled student in the School. You are his abused child.” Mr Kagutsuchi said as he snapped his fingers, releasing a huge amount of flaming explosions that blew up, causing immense damage to Satoshi. “I am the King of Fire after all… Hajime is a distant relation.” He said to Satoshi in a raspy, cold tone, the latter of whom was barely able to process this with Hajime looking at him in slight shock. “You really think you could restart time and get your desired goal. To begin…” Mr Harimatsu said as Okachi turned around and fired his goblet of fire at Kagutsuchi, burning him alive as the King of Fire began to scream. “Such a King of Fire… moreso a King of Ashes.” Thomas said as Himari was immediately petrified alongside every single student with one glance. “You damn bastard… how could you attack your own stu-?! They hold no value.” Thomas said, revealing his true identity slowly. “Satoshi… you have returned. My son.” Mr Harimatsu said as Satoshi immediately possessed his original robes, taking out a golden sword that had many suns on it. “Did you just call me you- Don’t you recognise me, Satoshi?” Mr Fujiwara asked coldly, interrupting Satoshi’s words as his blackened eye spoke everything. Satoshi’s eyes dilated in shock as the memory from the Albanian tower, seeing the graves as one of them said Thomas. His past now returned. *He slowly tip toed down the stares, and stood in front of the kitchen door, where the noises came from. "THOMAS YOU ARE A COWARD! I HATE YOU! WHY!? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO PICK UP THAT KID FROM THE DUMP ANYWAY? NOW WE HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF HIM UNTIL HE TURNS EIGHTEEN!" Screamed Satoshi's mother. "MARTHA! YOU KNOW DAMN WELL I DIDN'T PICK HIM UP! IT WAS YOU! YOU SAID HE WAS ADORABLE AND THAT YOU WANTED HIM! SO HERE HAVE HIM! I WAS NEARLY ARRESTED FOR CHILD ABUSE THE OTHER DAY, FOR WHAT? FOR SHOUTING AT HIM! WHILE YOUR FAT COW ASS WAS SITTING PRETTY AT HOME, WATCHING TV!" Shouted his father. Satoshi teared up, and squealed, "No. Please don't fight." Upon hearing this slight squealing, the two stopped. Satoshi's father swung open the door. Thomas felt a surge of anger seeing his son listening to them. He screamed at the little boy. "WHAAAAAAAT! HOW DARE YOU STILL BE HERE! I TOLD YOU TO GO TO BED!" He then kicked Satoshi, who smacked his head into the wall. But strangely, Satoshi got up. Thomas and Martha stood stunned. Satoshi then looked up at them, his eyes a crimson red colour. "Enough is enough." He whispered, demonically. He then charged at Thomas and kicked him in the head, sending him flying back and hitting his head on the corner of the table, instantly killing him. Satoshi then turned to Martha. Martha was terrified. She stood frozen in fear, her legs trembling. Satoshi screamed, as a red energy was emitted from his body. The red energy set fire to the place, and began burning Martha. Satoshi quickly grabbed his dog, and ran out, crying. The house eventually burned to a crisp, and Satoshi was long gone. "Yes. I killed them. Because I couldn't take control of my powers." Satoshi thought. Suddenly the flashback ended, and Satoshi found himself in a dark room. "Wrong. You killed them because you had to. Enough was enough. You had to protect yourself from their wrath. It's always been about survival for you Satoshi.” Satoshi remembered himself doing and saying in his past as Thomas laughed. “You really are foolish, boy.” Thomas said menacingly as Mr Harimatsu began revealing himself to be only a shadowy figure who was burlesque yet physically fit with a golden ring that had the letter T on it, held firmly on his right hand’s middle finger and a golden watch, held underneath a suit with a blackened right eye as his trademark monocle remained; and a man who was a middle-aged, good-looking man, wearing elegant clothes as brass knuckles were seen on both his hands, as the knuckles said “T,H,O,M,A,S,H,A,R,I,M.A,T,S,U,F,U,J,I,W,A,R,A”, cracking his knuckles and his neck peacefully; as he walked about but kept his original clothes as Mr Harimatsu. "I grew up in an old town in the countryside. We lived in a small house that had a small farm. Nothing special. We weren't poor, but we weren't rich. My parents never loved me, often calling me the 'Spawn of the Devil'. My dad whipped me with his belt, and my mother used to beat me with a stick. I understand discipline, but this was abuse. Straight up torture. Then, for my 6th birthday they gave me a pet dog, who I loved dearly. That was the only gift they got me. A year or so after that, my dog died. He walked into a bear trap which was set up by some local Bosozoku, who wanted to hunt some animals for the black market. My dog's death made me so angry, I was so pissed at the time. He was the only thing I loved in this world. Upon hearing of his death, and my parents' careless reaction to his death, I felt a new energy enter me, like something inside me had been awakened. I don't remember what happened, but when I woke up from this 'awakening', I found my parents in a pool of blood. It wasn't my fault! I soon realised I had to run away, and so I decided to take some of my clothes, and dipped them in the blood. I left the clothes a distance outside the house, so the police would think I was taken away somewhere before being killed. I went to another town, where a kind samurai named Kouyate raised me until he was killed when I was 13. I took revenge for him and wore his white mask. I killed his murderers and soon I gained a reputation. I was called the White Spirit due to my white mask. That is my story" Satoshi said in a sombre tone. The man was lost for words. He couldn't believe this poor boy had to live with so much on his mind. "I'm sorry. Those people weren't meant to be the ones who found you. It was meant to be another young couple, but fate had something different in mind for you. So, when you unleashed your powers, did you hear or see anything?" asked the man. "Yes. Ever since I first unleashed my powers I've never been able to use them again. However, since then I often heard a voice in my head, it told me things. It helped me at times. I couldn't explain it.” Satoshi rationalised to himself as the past still fired through his head, "Well you'd be interested to know that you are the awaited Hero of Mercy. And you are the reincarnation of Satoshi Okami. However, regarding your powers, you are not able to control them yet as you have not received the Stone of Gabriel. It is a purple gemstone with some ancient letters engraved" the man explained as the Gem appeared from his pocket. The man's eyes widened as his mouth opened. "That's the-the stone. We've been searching for it for years now! Where did you find it?" he said with surprise. "I didn't find it. It, found me." Satoshi replied coldly. "Well then, you now are able to fulfill your potential. But you will need to study and train how to become a warrior at the Shinobi Academy in Ninhei.” The man explained calmly as Satoshi stared at him blankly with a cold expression as he put his mask on his face. “No. Why would I need to be some hero when true heroism doesn’t exist in this world? In this world, with light, there will always be shadow; as alongside love, hate is born from the hearts of men and creatures with the defiling of others lower from the subjugation and dictatorial control that those higher give, suppressing all options for individualism and innate desire to sprout like a plant, giving form to ideas that breed false hope in the end. If as you said, that I am some reincarnation, then my destiny has already been set in motion, for an assassin I will always be.” Satoshi exclaimed calmly as he got up, and just as he was about to walk off from this offer, he turned back, looking at the man from the corner of his eye. “My apologies for such a rant.” He said as they both walked outside the shop with Thomas getting up and taking his monocle off. “Oh really? Is that what you know about yourself, boy?” Thomas asked as Satoshi still whispered the words he said to Sakura when he first met her: “I’m sorry, but I was raised in the South, in the Red Lane. I told that man a cold lie.” Satoshi said as she looked up at him with tears, streaming down her face. “What man?!” She screamed in rage, still glaring at him with the fork still pressed at his neck. “The man I met earlier. Let go of the fork, and I’ll reveal all. I can sense the feeling you can be trusted somewhat.” Satoshi revealed calmly, as she did exactly as she was told. “Now then. As I said, I was raised somewhere near the Blue Lane, as I lived with my parents and my elder brother of 1 year difference, peacefully for 6 years. When I was 6, I saw their bodies morph into alien-like creatures as they tried to attack me, as I snapped, causing me to pass out in a panic. The next thing, I knew, I was lying in a pool of blood alongside my older brother, as I kept on waking in and out of consciousness, as the last I saw of my elder brother was him walking away with some woman. I slowly woke up from that state, and ran out, my clothes completely devoured in blood. I ran to a town called Ponawa, where there was an old Samurai, who took me in named Kouyate. He was the nicest person to me, I considered him to be my father. He educated me some more, since my parents already did. He also taught me how to fight. How to kill. How to be stealthy, how to fight with a sword, how to defend myself. He also taught me the Art of the Smoke. A martial art which attempts to defeat an opponent stealthily and quickly, so quick, that the opponent doesn't know what hit him. When I was 10, I was in my master’s dojo, as a large figure bearing a white kimono attacked me with incredible force. After a long scuffle, I felt myself acting on an instinct I hadn’t felt in years, as I also noticed another man coming in and attacking the figure. I didn’t know what to do so I attacked the other figure thinking nothing of it, as I noticed the two violently attacking each other, as the figure in white ran off, having severely injured the one in black, as the one in black stumbled. “Satoshi…. You are truly a good student, skilled art thou. But ye must be courageous, strong and faithful to thy beliefs. Live on, for me, for the corrupt one of Ponawa wast the one who did so, not ye. Ye shalt surpass me in time sure. Blame yourself not for this loss, for ye should fight corruption, even if ye are rogue.” The one in black said as he fell to the ground with his mask still on his face, as I took it off, seeing my Master. “NOOOOOOOO!” I screamed in rage as I took his kimono off of him and wore his kitsune mask with a bunch of weapons I already had with me thanks to his training, having taken his items as well. Later that night, I went to the mayor's castle and slammed the door shut, killing the Mayor, and his guards, leaving only one to tell the tale as the rain poured endlessly, as the Moon shone blood red. He spread this tale to all of the Land of the East, that there was an assassin who was like a ghost. A spirit. And thus the legend of the White Spirit was born." Satoshi explained as Sakura remained confused and still enraged, her face awash with tears. "What has this got to do with my parents?!" asked Sakura, as Satoshi still remained calm. “Listen to me. A year later, having been renowned as the killer of the last living and greatest Samurai in history, I received contract killings from many powerful people, but this one was a contract of 2,000,000,000 yen. The most notable killing if it were to occur. But I made sure to spare those who were innocent. For that killing alone I ‘did’, I was seen as an antihero or outright villain by some. Regardless, the goal in question was to kill King Atsuo and his wife, Queen Emiri. I was told they were oppressive rulers. In the dead of night, I stormed the castle, killing all of the guards and servants through physical strength alone as well as through use of my sword, removing any traces of anyone being there. I slashed the King and Queen’s bodies to bits”, trying to rationalise himself as Thomas continued to laugh violently. “You really think you killed me that day, huh?” Thomas asked as he punched Satoshi so hard that he felt himself passing out, as he immediately teleported all of them to the Arena. “You NEVER killed me that day, boy! I survived! When the damn police got there, they found your bitch of a mother’s body!” Thomas said as he continued to use jabs, right hooks and left hooks that were so hard that it was as though several walls alongside cheetahs, elephants and rhinoceroses were punched to death. “How did you surv-! You really don’t know about abuse, do you? In prison, you had to survive or die! LIVE OR DIE! KILL OR GET KILLED!!!” Thomas screamed as Satoshi’s nose was broken now only for him to heavily struggle to dodge each attack, even with his Pure Eye. “Your lack of history is f*cking astounding, ain’t it, huh? The Red Gang were split off into the Blue Lane, but bore gifts from the State of Akaria as they were associated with a member or two of the Party. We, on the other hand, were split off from the State as well but we were split off into the Red Lane. But, in that vein, the mayor of the town of Ponawa, near the Red Lane was a corrupt man who allowed the Red Lane to fall into hunger, destitution and prostitution loitering around, therefore fulfilling his basest desires. We were thus unable to defy the Party, as our gang was increasing and expanding in knowledge of others. Those damn bastards in Akaria ruined everything! THEY CAUSED EVERYTHING TO FALL APART! THE THOUGHT POLICE, BOY! You, even though you were a spy, failed to see straight through me. Using Muro’s snake… using that bastard’s snake to learn of everything in the Brotherhood of the Serpent, using a facade… you are truly idiotic, boy.” Thomas said, spitting on the Arena’s ground. “Your eye…” Satoshi tried to say as Thomas laughed maniacally. “YOUR MOTHER RIPPED MY EYE OUT AFTER THREATENING TO LEAVE ME! You never deserved to live, boy. But we still gave you mercy. This fight is just beginning.” Thomas said as Satoshi’s entire face was bleeding heavily with Aloa looking overtly enraged.

“Mareno Harimatsu was a mere distant relative. Pangobo was a youthful brat; the thing they had in common? They assumed they could defy my rule but they all failed, see… I was a student at this school… and after my eye was slashed by that dragon… the Headteacher, Mr Gorbinus sealed it away… in time, I became a model student and eventually became the headteacher at the age of 25 where I changed my name to Thomas Harimatsu, taking my grandfather’s name… Thomas Harimatsu. With that… I eventually married a woman named Martha Fujiwara when I was 30… but our marriage was sh*t. She was a whor* of a woman with her habits of drugs and sex with other men, but then you came when I was 40. She was 35. You came in a cradled box somewhere from a destroyed place of some kind ruled by the WMD. sh*t went loose where you were ours. I was eventually arrested for child abuse when you were beaten up, just like this… except worse when you were 3. We constantly argued and Martha, the damned bitch, called the police for Domestic Violence and Child Abuse. THE LIAR! As soon as that happened, she turned and RIPPED MY RIGHT EYE OUT WITH HER BARE HANDS AFTER THREATENING TO LEAVE ME! You never deserved to live, boy. But we still gave you mercy. In mere minutes, a van arrived. Samantha, that bitch of a girl was a young Officer-in-training from Akaria and arrested me along with others as Martha was also fined for neglect. You were bloodied and beaten but somehow you survived. For 3 years, I was arrested. As I appeared in prison, I murdered many, many people. In prison, if you had authority, you were the top. A dog-eats-dog world. The Party constantly maintained its grip on everyone. We had Hate Week and all the rest. Emmanuel Goldstein was our enemy but no-one truly cared. If you’re wondering about my eye, I made a deal a few days after arriving in prison with a man introduced to me by Emmanuel Goldstein himself… who I later learned was an alias for Dr Monty who gave me a blackened right eye… which would be able to petrify someone if I looked at you, similar to Balor, the Irish giant or the Basilisk which is what it was inspired by… but the exchange is that I would have to wait 16 years truly from the day I abused you… to meet you. But I could still use the ocular power. Many prisoners beat me up too… but after surviving in that hellscape where drugs were the commodity, I was released after 3 years.” Thomas explained as Satoshi was visibly horrified. “When you were 6. You slowly tiptoed down the stairs, and stood in front of the kitchen door, where the noises came from. "THOMAS YOU ARE A COWARD! I HATE YOU! WHY!? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO PICK UP THAT KID FROM THE DUMP ANYWAY? NOW WE HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF HIM UNTIL HE TURNS EIGHTEEN!" Martha screamed louder than a f*cking banshee. "MARTHA! YOU KNOW DAMN WELL I DIDN'T PICK HIM UP! IT WAS YOU! YOU SAID HE WAS ADORABLE AND THAT YOU WANTED HIM! SO HERE HAVE HIM! I WAS NEARLY ARRESTED FOR CHILD ABUSE THE OTHER DAY, FOR WHAT? FOR SHOUTING AT HIM! WHILE YOUR FAT COW ASS WAS SITTING PRETTY AT HOME, WATCHING TV!" I screamed as I was once more nearly arrested for beating you up with a crowbar. Your sorry ass comes through, all teared up, and squealing, "No. Please don't fight." Upon hearing this slight squealing, we both stopped our rambling. I swung open the door. I felt an intense anger I hadn’t felt in a while up til that point. "WHAAAAAAAT! HOW DARE YOU STILL BE HERE! I TOLD YOU TO GO TO BED!" I screamed, kicking you in the head and then punching your chest, in a fashion not too dissimilar to now, smacking your head into the nearby wall. But strangely, you got up, blood pouring out of every crevice of your face. Martha stood stunned, regret coursing over her wretched face. Your eyes glowed a demonic crimson; like something otherworldly possessed you. It had. "Enough is enough." You said with a demonic voice and an emotionless, menacing tone. Quicker than a speeding bullet, you blitzed me and kicked me in the head and chest, sending me flying out of the room and into a wall, doing immense damage to my skull and breaking my nose clean. I was knocked out and died at that moment. You turned to Martha as she tried to go on her knees and “apologise” but you held nothing back as terror froze her soul. She never expected anything like this from you. A child. A plaything to us both. Her snivelling and merciless sobbing were drowned out by your shouting “WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME! I HATE YOU!” as a dark reddish-blue energy devoured the entire house and the fireplace we had went awry. Everything burst in flame as the fire touched Martha to which she tried to got up but was too slow. The flames consumed her without mercy and you took your dog, Sparky, who we got as a present to hide the abuse to others who wanted into our family. To prisoners. To guards and my enemies in the Blue Lane and even the Green Lane. The house was burning as my phone was ringing with Mareno sending coordinates to my house. Needless to say… he personally came and saved me and I was nursed to health in the Green Lane, eventually and inevitably returning to the post of Headmaster. And in the end, I betrayed him.” Thomas said, laughing as he said this, showing how truly immoral he was. “Then someone, likely Kouyate, had Kagutsuchi try and frame me for abusing you, having found me somehow through scouring the Akarian archives. In time, I grew a moustache and purposefully became burlesque. Mr Okachi was someone I gave the rank of Co-Head as mentioned where he took the previous co-Head (Mr Kalavala)’s pointy wizard hat and grew a big grey beard to hide his former appearance. To that end, me and Mr Okachi, a teacher who I promoted to co-head before I was imprisoned, worked together to burn Kagutsuchi up. We did it using Okachi’s goblet of black fire. He screamed and tried to fight me only to suffer. We healed him and he was bandaged up, but he could swear no revenge otherwise he would die… and he was related to Hajime Ando in some way, a distant family member or something whilst looking like an Egyptian mummy.” Mr Harimatsu explained as Satoshi was still horrified. “Mareno eventually found Pangobo who betrayed the former, Pangobo starting a gang at age 16 which comprised of the richer half of the Green Lane’s military whereas Mareno used Akarian tech and many disillusioned men and women, prostitutes and folk of the Lanes who wanted revenge against their overlords for ruling for so long. They both, however… always answered to me. And then… you… were taken to Kouyate after turning 6 since Mareno shot Sparky with the same pistol he would use to take his own life. I waited for you all that time as you were known as the White Spirit, murdering anyone and everyone. The world at large knew you not. But I did. So many others did. Because you see… I engineered your Master Kouyate’s death by way of the Ponawan mayor, everything was accordingly done and now we are here. I suppose that is the best thing about being the headteacher: You learn everything about a student; their blood type, powers, abilities, background and everything about them and thanks to my rank, I hid any information about myself on any database. Things were going splendid… until you murdered the Blue Lane and Red Lane leaders. Spies like Ming-Hua came from Korus as Aloa Arundel, taking new identities but no-one saw the straight truth. It is wonderful that Damien, your once “only friend” is hearing this, you know. Even with the ability to use the weapons and items of Britannia, Gales, Scotland and Irish such as controlling their respective afterlives, heavens and hells in the case of the Otherworld or Annwn (of the Irish and Welsh). He couldn’t do sh*t to me and he knows it. And it is likely he will target the people he thinks don't like him… Hajime Ando and then Ferdinand Cavalon, students who came to the School from Abroad. Looks like me and Okachi didn’t do such a bad job, huh?” Mr Harimatsu asked the beaten-down Satoshi. “None ever truly liked him. Not Hajime. Not Ferdinand.” His mind thought to himself as he kept on hearing these words… over and over again. Time would not stop. It kept on going forward but backwards simultaneously. “That damned brat.” Thomas thought to himself as Satoshi was still beaten down significantly. “As I said… Damien’s ability to see the future has one weakness… he cannot see the future of those he doesn’t consider an ally and even though he saw this… he failed to prepare for it. Even if I die… the War will merely continue.” He said to Satoshi who struggled to get up, activating the State of Brahman and Pure Eye in the same sequence of time as Thomas smiled. “Get up. Show me what you’ve got.” Thomas said as he barely aged a few years. 25 years to be exact as his body became burlesque with a handlebar moustache. Satoshi finally used his hands, pulling no punches and kicking and punching Mr Harimatsu, dealing no true damage as Satoshi was grabbed from the scruff of his neck and punched extremely hard in the stomach, causing blood to sputter from his mouth, only for clones to appear and attack him to which they were swiftly countered by mere kicks, punches and glances. Satoshi’s body was healed but Thomas was simply too fast as he was grabbed and pushed into the ground repeatedly. “You and Martha are one and the same.” Satoshi said coldly to which he got up as Thomas was surprised. “Never thought I would see the spunk in you.” Thomas said mockingly as he tried to blitz Satoshi only for Satoshi to backflip in response and fire tear gas at him from his wrist-device. “Looks like Damian is going to be arrested.” Thomas thought to himself in slight disappointment as he smiled to himself, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to lose. “Even if everyone in the room where Ferdinand once was doth come down-!” Thomas thought to himself as Satoshi was shocked, to which Samantha got onto the steps of the Arena and engaged Thomas in CQC, to which Thomas smiled and immediately blitzed his own son, inevitably using Satoshi as a human shield, placing his own son in front of himself. “You’re using your own son as a human shield again?!” Samantha asked in sheer disgust and rage as Thomas smiled. “You don’t remember what happened that day? You f*cking hypocrite.” Thomas asked as he noticed Aloa and Hajime… looking at the former to his shock. “Abusing Satoshi from a young age, nay, anyone… has its advantages. Wouldn’t you agree?” Thomas asked as Samantha was shocked and traumatised, remembering when she saw the bloodied Satoshi at the age of 3 and saw the exact same situation now. “Satoshi, move away if you ca-! No!” Samantha was about to say only for Thomas to immediately scream a resounding “No!” in response as Satoshi immediately used Art of the Smoke, using the tear gas to his own advantage, simultaneously using the knife in his elbow, stabbing Thomas in the pectoral range causing a slight grimace as Satoshi immediately teleported to Samantha’s side. “You really did always want a mother and father to stand you by, eh?” Thomas said coldly, staring at Damien as he also said this who was visibly irked. “You really think you can take the high ground, boy? How can you take the moral high ground after committing sexual assault, potential child abuse and murder?!” Thomas screamed as Satoshi was visibly annoyed to which Samantha immediately blitzed herself in front of him and tried to attack Thomas who countered by continually dodging each attack as Thomas jumped over her and kicked her in her back hard enough to crack it. “You’re just like Martha. A foolish, disrespectful woman.” Thomas said to her as he kicked her only for Samantha to barely turn her head and grab his face, sending him on the ground and just as he was being properly pushed onto the ground… she stared into his eye, causing her to be petrified to Satoshi’s horror. “Saman-!” Satoshi was about to say as his sword unsheathed itself, revealing a golden blade that was untouched. “Silence, boy. This is what she deserves.” Thomas said coldly only for Aloa to immediately attack Thomas. “Come, Korean whor*.” Thomas said as Aloa immediately used Level 4 - Poisoned Universe of Ten Thousand Miles, forcing all of the poison that was within her very being which could have poisoned every part of the world… to be condensed into the very hallway as she noticed nothing happening, also summoning a world’s worth of kunai and poisoned shuriken with Ferdinand behind him. “My strongest student.” Thomas said as Ferdinand had his sword stopped by Thomas’ hand to his visible shock. “Your fear manipulation is solely based on living hearts. The primal concept of fear. Too bad I lack it.” Thomas said arrogantly as Aloa then tried to fire flames from her wrist, however Thomas then jumped over Ferdinand’s back. “You should be smarter than this. I’m immune to your poison that can affect one on the cellular level. How the hell do you think I allowed you to fight to begin with?” Thomas asked as he let the flames surround him anyhow as Okachi looked in silence. Satoshi teleported in front of Thomas and fought him however he appeared behind him but before Satoshi could react, he was kicked so hard that a human’s back would have shattered with him then using the Okami as a means of defence. “If I use tech, I’ll be exposed quickly and then he’ll kill me. He’s reading my mind right now so I’ll probably be dead in a short bit. Using 100% of my strength is needed.” Thomas said as he stared at Satoshi who still ruthlessly attacked him with Aloa firing homing kunai at Thomas. “Damn c*nt.” Thomas said aloud, firing missiles from his hands as well as firing one straight at Aloa at full speed (faster than time) wherein she was sent flying back as Thomas’ head released its skullcap and fired a beam of raw flames at Ferdinand, eventually turning his face into a literal cannon with Satoshi using his Okami to defend himself. “I thought you would be strong enough to beat me alone but the fact that you need to have everyone including the girl Aloa to fight me…You are still the exact same as you were back then!” Thomas said as Satoshi immediately rushed him, attacking him with various punches and kicks, causing visible drops of blood to appear as he looked surprised. “If I beat Ferdinand here and leave Okachi to deal with Aloa and Samantha’s corpse then I’ll escape…” Thomas thought to himself as he was taken aback because, for the first time, he had truly been damaged. “I wouldn’t dare think of escaping.” The State of Brahman said as Thomas was visibly frightened. “That same red, demonic energy!” Thomas screamed as Satoshi glared at him. “I am your end.” The State of Brahman said as Aloa was heavily damaged to the point where she couldn’t move. “Aloa! Are you alright?!” Ferdinand asked as Aloa couldn’t speak. “Just… how strong is he?! Nothing I do works… not even Father could make a dent!” Aloa thought to herself in annoyance. “Even if she used the entirety of her damn House… that sh*t wouldn’t work.” Thomas gloated calmly as Ferdinand blitzed him. “You really should be using your final form, kid… your mother and father wouldn’t want to see you like that, would they?” Thomas asked Ferdinand who remained quiet with Ferdinand’s sword being endowed with seeming cosmic energy as Thomas laughed but looked slightly aggravated. “Getting rid of him and this brat will be hard work. Its just like Muro’s father, meaning if I bypass his being by petrification and then kill Aloa with one more attack, he’ll be dead and then everything should hopefully… with time, fall into place.” Thomas thought to himself with slight annoyance as he saw the State of Brahman opening Satoshi’s mouth.

“Its passive ability is the power to frighten the unworthy and heal thy injuries based on their premonitions of fear on the physical, mental, spiritual and conceptual level, thus allowing you to control the concept of fear itself. You could do things such as: Impose irresistible commands upon any kind of being through fear, making others feel fear to the point they will become traumatised, completely dominate others through fear, augment fear, evoke and increase fear and horror in others causing the target’s brain to release fear-inducing chemicals, intimidate by mere presence, paralyse a target with dread, make the target give up and completely yield to you, cause fear so powerful that others tune your presence out of sight and mind , nullify their capacities of determination and revere you with respect; a sword with a straight blade that is characterised by having both sides of the guard curved. The pommel also has a characteristic mediaeval design for it was a double-edged sword with a single-handed grip and a straight, tapering blade. It boasted a length of approximately three feet. This made it a versatile weapon for both slashing and thrusting manoeuvres. While there are surviving historical accounts and references to the sword, the exact details of its physical characteristics and performance have become intertwined with legends and myths over time. So, while it is hard to separate fact from fiction sometimes, we can say for certain a couple of things. Tizona was a well-crafted sword that possessed exceptional quality for its time. However, it is unlikely that the sword possessed supernatural or mythical properties, such as the ability to cleave armour effortlessly or cause wounds that never healed. It is a symbol of honour, courage and chivalry. Legends and folklore suggest that the sword possessed extraordinary qualities, granting its wielder invincibility and supernatural abilities. Tales spoke of Tizona’s ability to cut through solid objects with ease, and deliver fatal blows with a single stroke alongside its aforementioned power to control fear in the hearts of unworthy men or women when the wielder is in danger. However, it has a second secret power, that being the power to control fire since it means the Half-Charred Sword with its flames being inextinguishable and absolute. As such, they can cause natural and supernatural fire effects such as Crown Wildfires, Firestorms, Solar Flares, Hypernovas and Heatwaves to manifest, also can manipulate flames that possess heat that go beyond Planck Level and defy the very laws of Hyper-Thermodynamics. It allows a user to burn or alter anything, even non-flammable, incorporeal, or conceptual things like time and nonexistence. They also have the ability to manipulate the underlying foundation of the concept of fire and concepts associated with it as immunity to fire nor heat can provide no protection from these flames as they will be completely bypassed due to its sheer potency and primaeval nature with its fire being as ancient as Spain itself. Also, Tizona's power depends on the wielder, and it frightens unworthy opponents. When the infantes of Carrión had Tizona, they underestimated the power of the sword, due to their cowardice, but when Pero Vermúdez was going to fight Ferrán González and unsheathed Tizona (a gift from El Cid). As such, it has the ability to slay demonic creatures such as devils, vampires and ghouls. It also has the ability to localise holy power and grants an extra boost of power to the user for it can cleave a world at its fullest of strength… or things bigger in conceptualisation and scope alongside thy own being incredible (in terms of potential thenceforth). Thy second kingly blade, the Colada is a sword of similarity to the Tizona. It frightens the unworthy if danger is verily befalling of thee in a mode of constance. It is a holy sword, and as such like Tizona it has the ability to slay devils and other creatures of darkness such as vampires and ghouls, with also the properties to slay dragons and dragon-related beings with ease as well as cleanse demonic objects and magic. Colada can also generate a bright light from it's blade, thus earning the titles as the "Twilight baptism sword" similar to how Excalibur can release a blast of light from its tip with the sole goal to rid the world of evil. Here is a poem regarding its potency by the former wielder Martin Antolinez: Martin Antolinez mano metio al espada. Relumbra tod el campo: tanto es limpia e clara. Diol vn colpe, de trauiessol tomaua. El casco de somo apart gelo echaua. Las moncluras del yelmo todas gelas cortaua. Alla leuo el almofar, fata la cofia legaua. La cofia e el almofar todo gelo leuaua. Raxol los de la cabeça, bien a la carne legaua. Lo vno cayo en el campo e lo al suso fincaua. Quando este colpe a ferido Colada la preçiada. Vio Diego Gonçalez que no escaparie con el alma. Boluio la rienda al cauallo por tornasse de cara. Esora Martin Antolinez reçibiol con el espada: Un colpel dio de plano, con lo agudo nol tomaua. Ya Gonçalez espada tiene en mano, mas non la ensayaua. Esora el ynfante tan grandes voces daua: -¡Valme, Dios glorioso, Señor, cúriam deste espada!- Martín Antolínez took his sword in hand, it lights up all the field, it is so clean and bright, he gave him a blow, he hit him a glancing blow, it broke away the top of the helmet, it cut away all the helmet straps, it tore off the mailed hood, and reached the coif, the coif and the hood all were ripped away, it cut the hairs on his head, and it reached well into the flesh, one part fell to the ground and the other remained. When precious Colada has struck this blow, Diego González saw that he would not escape with his soul, he turned his horse to face his opponent. At that moment Martín Antolínez hit him with his sword, he struck him broadside, with the cutting edge he did not hit him. Diego González has sword in hand, but he does not use it, at that moment the infante began to shout, -Help me, God, glorious Lord, and protect me from this sword!- The final sword of the Lobera is a sword that could slay wolves such as those used by thy younger, Abram Willis, in a mere blow. Thy sword bears three attacks in a Trinitarian form: Cross Baptisma Dragonar (天を守る白龍の規模クロス・バプティスマ・ドラグナー, Kurosu baputisuma doragunā), also known as White Dragon's scale that shields the heavens (Dragón Baptisma Cruzado or Escama del Dragón Blanco que resguarda los cielos) is an ability in which you can fire energy from thy swords. This summons a white streak of energy that expands and forms a shield that protects and reflects incoming attacks for a limited time. By using both Tizona and Colada, you can use a power called Baptism Shield Dragonar (白龍の規模十字バプティスム・シールド・ドラグナー, Baputisumu shīrudo doragunā, lit. Cross-shaped White Scale). It can be called Dragón Escudo Bautismal, in which you fire a cross-shaped white beam of draconic, demonic and holy energy that expands and forms an even bigger shield that reflects and protects incoming attacks, while also serving as an offensive technique that can crush opponents if they are defending against thee without much fear. However, due to thy mastery, you need not use both, even if it is useful. The sword can enhance thy strength by many a magnitude or perhaps a hundredfold when used fully, including thy speed and reflexes, and as such, you can fire an even more powerful version of Cross Baptisma Dragonar. Named Silver Mirror Dragonar (白龍皇の浄化鏡シルバー・ミラー・ドラグナー, Shirubā mirā doragunā, lit. Purifying Mirror of the White Dragon Emperor) or Dragón Espejo Plateado and/or Espejo Purificador del Emperador Dragón Blanco where you can create from the blade of El Cid or Colada, a powerful flame-like barrier with anti-demonic/holy/dragonic properties, forming a massive beam of silver-coloured energy that, while it doesn't have any major offensive abilities, it can "push" anything in its way, harming if not downright killing anything in it's way. Now, because of thy swords’ holy qualities related to the Higher Beings (perhaps Molaphiel and them), they are all special and unique. When wielded by a truest warrior such as thyself, ye are known as El Çid which is considered an abomination with a transcendent or higher-dimensional existence which can't be felt or comprehended by any being in this universe including even mineself; since thee bear heavenly apparel and thus also because of thy blades’ inherent status… they and ye become the Transcendent Sword (超越剣; Chōetsu ken) or Espada trascendente wherein thy true title is: As-Sayyid al-Sayf (The Master or Lord of the Sword) wherein ye become a complete master of the blade that wilt ever exist until the Future cometh by. Regarding being incomprehensible to all in the universe… it means that ye are the strongest man in the Universe.” The State of Brahman itself spoke to Ferdinand who looked stunned but readied himself, only for Thomas to glare at him with a shadowy look. “Alright… me and Hajime will attack Damien, Aloa will deal with Mr Okachi and you and Ferdinand will kill off Thomas.” Himari said coldly as Aloa agreed fully, knowing what she had to do. “I’ll summon a clone.” Hajime said as he casually created a clone to Okachi’s surprise before the two real ones speedblitzed Damien who looked so annoyed that he teleported them both alongside himself to Avalon.

Damian vs Hajime and Himari

Himari’s pockets revealed 20 scrolls with a scroll on her left side that read 'Secret Art' as she got the scroll in hand, which summoned a puppet that looked very similar to a metallic puppet that bore a humanoid face with pale green eyes as metallic knives were on its wrists. "So that puppet… is that your technique? That seems rather… wet." Damian said coldly, reminding himself of the fight between Akira and Himari with Hajime immediately summoning a flaming snake from his being with Damian quickly reminding himself of what he had to do.

“Four Constellations: Yánwáng Si Xiong 四凶 (sì xiōng)!!” Hajime then said as his hands that were lit with Yin and Yang turned fully black, now being enamoured with red sparks. “He has another attack after his Flames of Hell attack?!” Damian asked himself as he noticed that Hajime’s eyes turned dark. His left turned dark and his right remained white with Hajime then saying “Draconic Stance: Beginning of Peace: End of Evil (和平的开始:邪恶的结束, Hépíng de kāishǐ: Xié'è de jiéshù)” as red energy surrounded his being as Okachi looked frightened. “If that attack lands…” Damian thought to himself, glaring at Hajime in annoyance with him then seeing Hajime blitz Himari’s perception as wind devoured the entirety of Avalon. “Damn it! He really is my equal! If he was there instead of me… he would’ve been able to end that Hyegong and Yeongjo.” Damian thought to himself in visible annoyance. “Like I said… you will die.” Damian said casually and very coldly, to which the chessboard he summoned once before appeared in its entirety and all the pieces attacked Himari but not before Hajime utterly blitzed his perception. “Draconic Stance of the Four Beasts: VOID OF HUANGLONG!” Hajime screamed as Damian was sent flying back with a golden dragon surrounding Hajime’s entire body, for it emanated space from its mouth, as the lord of all dragons and the giver of life and death. The entire planet began to shatter apart and shake as Himari smiled, sensing the infinite power that Hajime now possessed as Damian smiled, still in his transformation. "Dreameater: Awaken from your slumber." She said as the scroll released, as the puppet rushed towards Damian at full speed as he noticed many metallic darts being fired at him at great speed only to then fire a beam, utterly destroying them. “Controlling my dreams or their concept is meaningless.” Damian said confidently as Himari knew that she had to dig deep. Damian continued to use the sword, summoning a 4th slash which could casually annihilate many billions of solar systems with Hajime using the Black Turtle’s Shell around the entire universe to defend it from their fights’ backlash. “I can now end time and destroy this universe!” Damian said arrogantly before firing the fifth beam which would now be able to end 400 billion galaxies as they both sensed the entire universe shutting off for a few moments with Hajime looking visibly stunned, attempting to fire Dragon Breath only for this to barely reach him. “So that didn’t work…” Hajime thought to himself in slight shock as he knew that winning once he reached the 10 second mark as he now became a golden blur with Hajime countering by using his innate power to try and speed past Damian with a flurry of strikes. “Nine Section Copper Whip (九节铜鞭, Jiǔ Jié Tóng Biān).” Hajime said as Damien was stunned, immediately being attacked by several sections and chains with immense force as the two men were clearly equal in physical strength. “Bái zé.” Hajime then said, summoning a beast that appeared to be a chimera-fusion of a mountain goat and a tiger with a mysterious horn. “Bai Ze is revered because it is said Bai Ze knows the name and appearance of all living beings, in all the realms, can communicate with all (including humans), and knows how to dispel, exorcise and/or protect against all evil creatures. It is for these reasons that drawings of Bai Ze were often placed on walls and doors to protect the occupants from evil. Images of Bai Ze have also been found on the banners of past armies.” Hajime explained to which the creature immediately fired a massive scream. “Secret of the Four Beasts: Azure Dragon - Black Flash!” Hajime screamed out as Damian looked shocked, dodging it barely. The technique is casually capable of summoning a phenomenon in which it is the final Raido… for it is unabashedly the most powerful technique wherein the power of the Dragon King… is applied to the user’s fist within one-millionth of a second as the Prana (or power/energy) flashes black, causing space to be distorted completely, even warping black holes and entire star systems. Unleashing Black Flash of the Dragon King requires incredible concentration Regardless of how you got it right the first time, whether it was skill, or simply luck, causes one to control their energy as naturally as breathing, transcending all phenomena… as it becomes something as simple and natural as breathing. Time stops can not even time can handle the speed with which the attack manifests. It can result in a feeling of omnipotence wherein nigh-omnipotence itself can be punched out of existence… as if everything revolves around you with Nirvana with a remainder being shattered by its attack. This leads to a greatly increased performance in combat, allowing the user to operate at 5000% of their maximum potential only for Damian to smile. “Did you honestly think you could kill me with that black attack?!” Damian asked casually as Hajime looked truly stunned, realising that even the Black Flash didn’t work, as he then saw a 6th beam which could affect the universe, causing a Big Bang to occur at least 10 times over… as Himari looked stunned. “You betrayed us all.” Hajime said coldly. “Who cares… she’s long since gone. I don’t need to hold back, son of a bitch.” Damian coldly said before switching Excalibur with Fragarach and then deciding to dual wield the two swords. “That usage of the damn Fragarach! In his current state, he can emit its effects in any range he deems worthy by his human brain and its corresponding limitations but… if I kill him quickly… this fight will end.” Hajime thought to himself as Damian looked calm, attempting to force the Truth out of Hajime’s soul, concept and name. “Is he controlling my soul?” Hajime thought to himself as Damien then appeared behind him before manifesting the 8th slash which could destroy anywhere from 2-6 multiverses to which Hajime used the Black Tortoise’s Shell to defend himself. The Dreameater’s eyes grew and flashed red as it slowly blew up to her horror, eventually destroying a small chunk of the arena. "Very well then… you asked for this, my former friend." She said coldly as she took off her kimono, removing three puppets as a last scroll appeared from her pocket on its own as it went onto the ground. “Let’s do this! If I attack from range and help Hajime via my threads… we should be able to win and once I use my Secret Art…” Himari thought to herself with a smile as words had appeared on the empty scroll that read ‘Large creature’. “I have to use this otherwise death may come to me yet! Behemoth: Let yourself access the earth!” She said as blood from the puppet appeared on her thumb, placing it on her scroll as she clapped her hands together, summoning a beast that was truly large. It was far larger than King Helios that looked like the mix of a hippopotamus, a diplodocus and a horse as his bones were tubes of bronze, his limbs like bars of iron to Damian’s shock as he then used the Fragarach to shatter through this conceptual defence, kicking Hajime into the ground, to which Himari caught him with her threads. “How did she seal such a creature?” Damian thought to himself as Himari smiled peacefully. “This was something my ancestor had to seal all the way back when. This cost him his life as he was also backstabbed by a dear friend of his, of whom I found out recently was a member of the Yamamato clan. This is also… what killed my mother and father after I was born… for this is no mere puppet. This is far beyond.” She calmly explained as Hajime looked utterly shocked, as Himari smiled, revealing her clothing to be white with pink flowers. "This is justice in a sense." She thought to herself with slight vigour and anger in her step. “Now then… Behemoth: Materio Ex Nihilo!” Himari said as, after the entirety of the air around them was turned into ice only to turn into water with Damian then responding by firing the 9th slash. “That can only be bypassed by God… meaning if I use Evach’s shield… Uaithne.” Damian thought to himself, summoning a harp that played on its own that forced Hajime to sleep for the briefest of moments whilst also summoning a heavenly shield with a red cross on his other hand, only for the Behemoth to absorb it within its mouth only to shut its mouth and fire it back at Akira in the form of a water-dragon with wings at him as the dragon turned into a large prison with Damian looking genuinely annoyed. “Does she think this’ll do anything unless she’s using Hajime as cover to unleash something else?” Damian thought to himself before biting his thumb and then teleporting away, dispelling the prison as Hajime sensed Damian’s movements. “Himari, behind you!” Hajime said, forcing her to switch herself with the Behemoth as words had appeared on the empty scroll that read ‘Lord of all birds’. “I have to use this otherwise death may come to me yet!” Himari thought to herself as Hajime smiled, before summoning the Tian Gou as a distraction. “Dogs?” Damian asked himself as he saw blood on the scroll. “So that’s how he summons the puppets, using the scrolls as a medium. She’ll likely use the Ziz. His ankles rest on the earth, and his head reaches to the very sky. It did once happen that travellers on a vessel noticed a bird. As he stood in the water, it merely covered his feet, and his head knocked against the sky.” Damian thought to himself with annoyance as the Ziz appeared wherein it blocked out the entirety of the sky of Avalon. “Holy hell, that’s bigger than the Dai Peng Niao (the largest bird in the Tales of the Mountains and Seas).” Hajime thought to himself with amazement as the bird pooped out several city-sized eggs only for Damien to then summon An Cailleach to freeze the bird over without too much effort as Hajime then used this opportunity to attack with his fire snake again before Himari then saw that the bird released water from its wings as the Behemoth then attacked Damian only for him to counter by using Uaithne to hypnotise the two animals however this illusion was folly to the might of the two animals. “This only leaves one left.” Damian thought to himself with visible annoyance, knowing the true danger that the Final Animal would serve… or at least, that which he thought to exist as he then breathed fairy dust from the Otherworld as a form of complete spiritual, mental and physical paralysis with the Ziz blowing this back with mere wingflaps to which Damian laughed. “I’m immune to it, damn bird.” Damian then said with arrogance as Hajime blitzed him with the Tian Gou who fired a sun and moon. “If I use Black Flash again… with that bird that is literally undefeatable… whatever Himari has after the Leviathan… it better be good.” Hajime thought to himself as he used the Nine Section Chain Staff to continually and rapidly attack Damian who smiled, deflecting each attack with his shield before jumping back only to have the Behemoth appear behind him and headbutt into his back with Hajime then using his white flames alongside those of the Azure Dragon’s to attack Damian with him then forcibly activating the Green Armour to survive the attack with Hajime then shrinking his next attack to damage Damien on the sub-atomic level with Himari watching in slight shock as the Ziz then roared, releasing plumes of thunderous wind from the clouds however the Shield of Evalach glowed violently as Ziz fired torrents of thunder, each bolt of which could destroy entire cities with. “The Behemoth shouldn’t be harming me since I’m human meaning… if I use Uaithne at full power to restrain it in tandem with the Cross… I can end this.” Damian thought to himself as Himari then said “Ziz: Lex Talionis! (Law of Retaliation) to stop the Behemoth from being restrained with Damian realising that this was pointless by focusing Uaithne into his eyes however Hajime… was too fast as a huge explosion devoured Damian’s vision, causing him to scream. “DAMN!” Damian thought to himself as he was now blinded for his glasses had shattered as Hajime then used Black Flash and then sliced off Damian’s thumbs by using what seemed to be flaming claws as Damian’s eyes were bleeding. “f*cking bastard! UR!” Damian screamed as Hajime was trapped in an endless Multiverse of Mana before he breathed ice and fire simultaneously. Ur, the Great Dragon appeared above and fired huge torrents of darkness at Hajime who realised this was dangerous, forcing himself to summon all Four Beasts. "Dost thou really think that summoning a clone of most renown would do anything?!" Ur asked as Hajime was stunned. "World of Mana." Ur said coldly as he casually created an entire replica of the Earth in the form of the Shadow Lane with all its wretched banality and form of wisps and weariness that stretched to the humane notions and knowings of infinity as though it were a book of infinite pages that a reader of flowers would recognise as a dead one. A creature who became dead; and void of any form of conscious thought or even the very word and phenomenon of consciousness in any vain capacity except for a form of power, control and manipulation of one's malicious intent. Verily, this was a world of presumed infinity. “Thanks to mine World of Mana, I bore the self-predicated ability to return to life whenever I will it to happen. For the World of Mana alloweth me to expand the range of my Mana to its limits, ranging to the surety of the entirety of Creation. I will use this to curse thee to twenty-thousand years of stone and petrification of absolute annihilation!” Ur then said.

“अथ वर्षसहस्रेण योक्त्रं सर्पशिरांसि च |

वमन्त्यतिविषं तत्र ददंशुर्दशनैः शिलाः || १-४५-१९

उत्पपाताग्निसंकाशं हालाहलमहाविषम् |

तेन दग्धं जगत्सर्वं सदेवासुरमानुषम् || १-४५-२०

After a thousand years, the Thousand-headed serpent Vaasuki, which is being used as churning rope, is incapacitated to bear the friction of churning and fanged the cliffs of Mt. Mandara. Thereby a great lot of venom is disgorged from the heads of that serpent Vaasuki, which venom on melting the rocks of Mt. Mandara became the holocaustic poison called haalaahala. [1-45-19]

A lethal poison similar to inferno known as haalaahala has started to fulminate therefrom, by which whole universe of gods, non-gods and humans is burnt down. [1-45-20]. From the black water the King of Darkness was formed, and emerged through his own evil nature. He waxed strong, mighty, and powerful, he called forth and propagated a thousand thousand evil generations without limit and myriad ugly creations beyond count. That King of Darkness assumed all the forms of the creatures of the world: the head of the lion, the body of the dragon, the wings of the eagle, the back of the tortoise, the hands and feet of a monster. He walks, he crawls, creeps, flies, screams, is rude, threatening, roars, groans, gives (insolent) winks, whistles, and knows all the languages of the world. When he wants he stretches his body, and when he wants he makes himself small. He moves his handamh “membrum” in and out, and owns (the genitals) of men and women. And when he shakes (perceives?) all the mysteries, he rages with his voice, his word, his smoke, his breath, his eyes, his mouth, his hand, his leg, his strength," Ruha noted as Ur simply scoffed and coldly smiled, revealing his darkened teeth therein, knowing this battle was just beginning as he forced the flames he once summoned to immediately spawn on Hajime who used his being to withstand the Haahahala which slowly tore his very being apart. “Damn it! Where the hell is Himari?!” Hajime thought to herself as he then used the Flames of Samadhi with the absolute immortality of the Vermillion Bird disappearing by virtue of the Halahala. Despite this feeling of slight fear, he steeled himself and tied seven knots around him and wrapped him with twelve veils. He bound him with the great voice and fettered him with a fetter so the seven zahriria flashes (or: flames) departed him. He flung his club and struck him and split his head. He made him shriek like a woman and made him weep like a child. He made dung into his food and urine into his drink and extinguished his devouring and destroying fire. He deprived him from his lust (or: greed) and clothed him with wrath. "Let us end with this: Talga-ḏ-pil: Niṭufta ḏ id arqa ḏ-nhaša (Fall of Ice: Cloud of the World of Copper)!" Ur then screamed, causing ice to erupt from the ground which instantly pierced Hajime’s heart and soul on the conceptual, spiritual, mental and psychological level. “So you are Hajime? Satoshi’s friend. Thus, Ur will inevitably awaken Nāṣerutā, also spelled Naṣirutha, means true enlightenment, usually used to describe: divine wisdom and knowledge. The goal of Nāṣerutā is to understand the Truth of Life (Kušța d-Hiia) and to live within it throughout eternity. Nāṣerutā reveals the Divinity of Life and enlightenment in the course of a person's life on earth thereby creating eternal life, compassion and peace." Ruha thought to herself as her child was a demon; with the extradimensional ice covering the surface with a thin layer of frost with the ground inevitably erupting from the power being doled out with the Four Beasts all attacking Ur with the Sapphire Flames as Hajime then teleported around Ur in a vain attempt to damage the Black Dragon with mountains quaking in fear as the ice was fired into the air. "Not even the notion of true infinites... could ever dare bypass me." Ur said as the icicles then finally fired down with up becoming down, etc. “That power! It clearly allows him to control the current realm along with those in his visual range, allowing him to accomplish the feat of abruptly re-orienting the dimension through incomprehensible means. Right could become down, backwards could become up, the sky suddenly below and the ground be above. These changes can happen quite rapidly, continuously, and with enough force to send one sprawling even if they possess exceptional control or are flying. Katatagaenokami could also manipulate the concept of direction itself, exchanging the definition of what each direction means for another. Those affected by this power may find their attacks going in an entirely different direction than they intended or their evasion tactics foiled.” Hajime thought to himself as he was completely invisible as Ur sensed that if he flew, he would keep going on the ground. “You two are fools! I am the King of Darkness! What can humans like thee do?” Ur asked. "Šahrat." The clone of Ur said, summoning a huge winged spaceship that could ferry and remove souls faster than the speed of light with Ur looking genuinely surprised. "Wretched boy." Ur thought to himself in disgust and sheer terror, shudder did he! "That can never harm me! Oil Bath!" Ur said, devouring the icy ground in oil which could burn entire trees and forests, surpassing anything that Mag herself could ever hope to achieve as the Ziz teleported into attack Ur… alongside the Leviathan. He appeared on his underside, slashing both his wings with enough strength to end multiple galaxies, if not many worlds. “HOW?!” Ur asked himself as ice and fire of seven universes blew out of his underside and mouth immediately with the Leviathan laughing, summoning a sea of endless renown underneath itself, protecting Hajime by using a Multiverse of Mana on Hajime’s being as the Black Turtle’s shell protected him only for Oil Bath to incinerate Hajime’s feet as he knew that he was inevitably trapped.

Damian vs Himari

“Why do you stay put? No wonder you held back against Akira.” Damian said, subtly praising and putting Himari down all in the same breath. “I had to otherwise no-one would’ve been able to stop the Behemoth even if it can’t harm humans. And anyway… why would I need to move when I possess the impervious defense of the Great Ziz and Leviathan? Do you honestly think blocking out the sun back then would have helped my case of getting into Class A?” Himari asked as Damian blitzed her as the Ziz roared with the Fragarach pointed at her throat. “So… riddle me this… why don’t you just become invincible?” Damian asked as Himari felt herself being unable to move. “I can’t become invincible as I am human. Humans are not perfect creatures inherently. We suffer from degradation, ageing and suffering. Me losing my parents taught me that.” Himari spoke, nigh-robotically as a green energy flowed from the Fragarach, coming from the blade only for him to then see all the Dreameater’s blades from before it was blown up summon themselves behind her with a pin appearing. “That technique-!” Damian thought to himself as the pin pointed at her. “Secret Art: Queen of Puppetry - Weaver of the Sunflower.” Himari said as the Ziz teleported Damian into its wings, revealing an endless amount of solar eclipses which rained down upon him. “This is a dimension…” Damian thought to himself as he used Godly Sight to see the real Himari standing there. “This technique of mine… its a secret my grandmother told me about where a woman from the Moon who bore eight needles from a beautiful tree of boundless size blessed her with one in her youth… which I learned came from my ancestor… the very same one that sealed the Behemoth as well as defeated the Ziz and Leviathan. He bore two needles which became one after his death as the other went to the Heavens themselves, returning to the woman in question. I can use the pin to weave anything from these knives… literally anything. Just because my own durability is lower than in a city. I was told by my grandmother how she weaved great clothes for many a man in her day. She made cloth that was as blue as the sky and as bright as the sun and moon. She used the very same needle to craft all my scrolls that you see, including my clothing… in an instant. It did it on its lonesome for it was though time became a snail. I don’t know what the names of the needles are though. I take its… like how your grandfather told you about your family.” Himari calmly and politely admitted before returning Damian’s clothing to its original form and healing him out of kindness in an instant. “How? Why?!” Damian asked as the Ziz looked in slight shock but simply remained silent and almost quaint. Damian felt his grandfather’s words when he was 9 echo through him only to see himself returned back to Avalon. “Because I wanted you to repent for your crimes but you had to kill Sakura even though you felt guilt. Now its time you pay the price… even if you are at full power.” Himari said as Damian was about to use a second slash… only for the remaining scroll which manifested the Bull of Heaven to emerge. “Let’s just say… that this isn’t the standard Bull of Heaven that Ishtar summoned but instead… the full combination of Sumerian and Babylonian myth in one being that my ancestor fused together via the needles. And Sumerian Heaven is very heavy such that none can lift it. Bull of Heaven: Mount of Lebanon.” Himari said as the Bull immediately shook the entirety of the ground of Avalon as 200 men could fall within. “So she’s stronger than all of Sumeru and Babylonian mythology? Including that of the Canaan and Egyptian?!” Damian asked himself with visible annoyance. “Man’s body can be either good or bad and whether I make a fate good or bad is my will.” Himari said as the Bull of Heaven summoned the water of Abzu which could drown the entire universe. “So I am trapped.” Damian thought to himself as he then used the Gáe Bolg which instantly teleported into Himari’s heart, causing her to bleed heavily. “This spear… it controls cause and effect? Meaning if I use the power of Tiamat to make an infinite amount of weapons by controlling the Abzu water to heal myself or by using the Pin, I should be able to rid myself of its cause-based effects as I just controlled my fate.” Himari thought to herself as her pin then forced the spear out of her, healing her instantly. “I speak of Ninurta's exploits: a šir-sud (?) to Ninurta: 57-69. "But you will force it into the shackles of the gods. You, Antelope of Heaven, must trample the mountains beneath your hooves, Ninurta, lord, son of Enlil. Who has so far been able to resist its assault? The besetting Asag is beyond all control, its weight is too heavy. Rumours of its armies constantly arrive, before ever its soldiers are seen. This thing's strength is massive, no weapon has been able to overturn it. Ninurta, neither the axe nor the all-powerful spear can penetrate its flesh, no warrior like it has ever been created against you. Lord, you who reach out towards the august divine powers, splendour, jewel of the gods, you bull with the features of a wild bull, with a prominent backbone, …… this fellow is clever! My Ninurta, whose form Enki contemplates with favour, my Uta-ulu, lord, son of Enlil, what is to be done?" 70-95. The lord cried "Alas!" so that Heaven trembled, and Earth huddled at his feet and was terrified (?) at his strength. Enlil became confused and went out of the E-kur. The mountains were devastated. That day the earth became dark, the Anuna trembled. The hero beat his thighs with his fists. The gods dispersed; the Anuna disappeared over the horizon like sheep. The lord arose, touching the sky; Ninurta went to battle, with one step (?) he covered a league, he was an alarming storm, and rode on the eight winds towards the rebel lands. His arms grasped the lance. The mace snarled at the mountains, the club began to devour all the enemy. He fitted the evil wind and the sirocco on a pole (?), he placed the quiver on its hook (?). An enormous hurricane, irresistible, went before the hero, stirred up the dust, caused the dust to settle, levelled high and low, filled the holes. It caused a rain of coals and flaming fires; the fire consumed men. It overturned tall trees by their trunks, reducing the forests to heaps, Earth put her hands on her heart and cried harrowingly; the Tigris was muddied, disturbed, cloudy, stirred up. He hurried to battle on the boat Ma-kar-nunta-ea; the people there did not know where to turn, they bumped into (?) the walls. The birds there tried to lift their heads to fly away, but their wings trailed on the ground. The storm flooded out the fish there in the subterranean waters, their mouths snapped at the air. It reduced the animals of the open country to firewood, roasting them like locusts. It was a deluge rising and disastrously ruining the mountains.” Himari said, shaking the entirety of the heaven and the earth as the Bull of Heaven established all physical form before creating and destroying the entire universe in front of him before using it as a graze and running at full speed at Damien with his legs being the wind that shaped the universe created by An with Damian then countering by using the Sword of Nuada, slicing him in two to Himari’s visible shock… only for the bull to regenerate despite being slashed by the unhealable with mountains then appearing in front of Damian that were as huge as the earth as well as being as heavy as heaven with Damian simply firing 24 slashes in one slash, annihilating them all as Himari still remained calm. “So he managed to destroy that, huh? An-imin-bi-ki-imin-bi (The heavens are seven, the earths are seven).” Himari thought to herself as Damian remained firmly confident in his ability to beat her. “Stop trying to attack me with these summons of yours.” Damian said as he walked forward towards her. “Die.” Damian said as he fired a slash at her. “Your durability is always as low as it was back then… destroying a large town is trivial.” Damian said casually and rather coldly as the Ziz roared violently with Himari smiling, knowing that she tried to fend off Damien in memory of Sakura, dying with a smile… or did she?

Hajime vs Ur - Part 2

“So the Ziz is both here and there? Does that mean it contains powers of the Garuda as well?” Hajime asked himself as he felt an immense amount of power devour him only for Ur to guffaw and roar at both the Ziz and Leviathan who activated the power of Vritra. “I cannot attack Vritra with anything made of metal, wood or stone, nor anything that was dry or wet, or during the day or the night. Thus I speak of the Srimad Bhagavatam 6.1 to 6.9:

SB 6.9.11: After Visvarupa was killed, his father, Tvashta, performed ritualistic ceremonies to kill Indra. He offered oblations in the sacrificial fire, saying, "O enemy of Indra, flourish to kill your enemy without delay."

SB 6.9.12: Thereafter, from the southern side of the sacrificial fire known as Anvaharya came a fearful personality who looked like the destroyer of the entire creation at the end of the millennium.

SB 6.9.13-17: Like arrows released in the four directions, the demon's body grew, day after day. Tall and blackish, he appeared like a burnt hill and was as lustrous as a bright array of clouds in the evening. The hair on the demon's body and his beard and moustache were the colour of melted copper, and his eyes were piercing like the midday sun. He appeared unconquerable as if holding the three worlds on the points of his blazing trident. Dancing and shouting with a loud voice, he made the entire surface of the earth tremble as if from an earthquake. As he yawned, again and again, he seemed to be trying to swallow the whole sky with his mouth, which was as deep as a cave. He seemed to be licking up all the stars in the sky with his tongue and eating the entire universe with his long, sharp teeth. Seeing this gigantic demon, everyone, in great fear, ran here and there in all directions.

SB 6.9.18: That very fearful demon, who was actually the son of Tvashta, covered all the planetary systems by dint of austerity. Therefore, he was named Vritra, or one who covers everything.

The Leviathan is often an embodiment of chaos, threatening to eat the damned when their lives are over. In the end, it is annihilated. Christian theologians identified Leviathan with the demon of the deadly sin envy. According to Ophite diagrams, the Leviathan encapsulates the space of the material world.

Further, I thus speak of Job 41:1-26 I speak: 1 Behold, the hope of him is in vain; shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him?

2 None is so fierce that dare stir him up; who then is able to stand before Me?

3 Who hath given Me anything beforehand, that I should repay him? Whatsoever is under the whole heaven is Mine.

4 Would I keep silence concerning his boastings, or his proud talk, or his fair array of words?

5 Who can uncover the face of his garment? Who shall come within his double bridle? 6 Who can open the doors of his face? Round about his teeth is terror.7 His scales are his pride, shut up together as with a close seal.

8 One is so near to another, that no air can come between them.

9 They are joined one to another; they stick together, that they cannot be sundered.

10 His sneezings flash forth light, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning.

11 Out of his mouth go burning torches, and sparks of fire leap forth.

12 Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot and burning rushes.

13 His breath kindleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth.

14 In his neck abideth strength, and dismay danceth before him.

15 The flakes of his flesh are joined together; they are firm upon him; they cannot be moved.

16 His heart is as firm as a stone; yea, firm as the nether millstone.

17 When he raiseth himself up, the mighty are afraid; by reason of despair they are beside themselves.

18 If one lay at him with the sword, it will not hold; nor the spear, the dart, nor the pointed shaft.

19 He esteemeth iron as straw, and brass as rotten wood.

20 The arrow cannot make him flee; slingstones are turned with him into stubble.

21 Clubs are accounted as stubble; he laugheth at the rattling of the javelin.

22 Sharpest potsherds are under him; he spreadeth a threshing-sledge upon the mire.

23 He maketh the deep to boil like a pot; he maketh the sea like a seething mixture.

24 He maketh a path to shine after him; one would think the deep to be hoary.

25 Upon earth there is not his like, who is made to be fearless.

26 He looketh at all high things; he is king over all the proud beasts.” Ur said as Hajime looked annoyed only to then see another attack. “Gate of Darkness: Fall of the World (Šašba ḏ-hšuka: Šra ḏ-alma) + The great gate of Yasana, the place where a throne has been erected for the builder of the heaven and the earth of the great mountain of flesh" (baba rba ḏ-iasana, dukta ḏ-traṣlḥ kursia l-ban ʿšumia u-arqa ḏ-ṭura rba ḏ-bisra)!!” Ur said, firing concentrated amounts of Mana that could now shatter entire universes casually with Hajime’s shell of the Black Turtle withstand this with great effort. “If this shell goes down… then that’ll mean that I will die.” Hajime thought to himself as Leviathan then said “Falak”, swimming into the waters of the deep as this was Ur’s World of Light form. “NOW! GATE OF LIGHT!” Ur screamed, summoning Satoshi in the State of Brahman to Hajime’s shock. “Satoshi!” Hajime said as Ur laughed, firing Mana from his wings with Ziz defending against this by using one feather to give to Hajime, which could block out entire suns as Satoshi remained emotionless, summoning the light of Hayyi Rabbi to deal with the Leviathan and Ziz with the Ziz being slightly affected by this omnipotent light as Leviathan screamed despite his boons. “Now then… Black Turtle: Water of Infinity!” Hajime said as Satoshi stopped this with a snap of his fingers. “Thou art foolish for [he] can control the World of Mana and force himself to become immortal. For Mana… cometh from the Final King of this World… its Original… of whom Satoshi bore stead and control over immortality in a conceptual format, lo. Fail not, for Ur’s World of Mana alloweth him to expand all of his attack in all of their limitless range and thus summon the World of Darkness in the real world, devouring all things in fear, rage, hatred as his is a mere iota of mine own for he used that to become gigantic. He could also fire mountains of darkness from his mouth or wrap the continents of thy known world of Earth within the darkness that he bore, turning fears of the imagination and heart and making such real; unbreakable they were except by those who were stronger than he, thus he could destroy stars." Ruha thought to herself as Hajime was utterly taken aback. “Seriously?” Hajime asked himself as Ur laughed… only for him to be erased without folly. “Himari Sato, girl of the sun that she be, doth have great durability as the Three Beasts can alone be killed by the following (alongside herself): Ahsedar by virtue of blessing her family with two of her needles which can weave or create anything including thus entire universes, Ashoka the Great who must use the State of Brahman within its omnipotent power to beat her and the Great Three, Kento of the Future can by virtue of the State of Brahman, Satoshi thus can too as well as Anhaben by using the power of Heaven in its unnoticed omnipotence therein for not even Kether in its omnipotence can do so except when using Ratzon or the Tree to its utmost will this goal be done therein. Himari also beareth the power of Apophis, the entire Egyptian, Canaanite, Sumerian and Babylonian pantheons through the Bull of Heaven alone whilst thus bearing the Mayan, Aztec, Hindu and Incan pantheon through the Leviathan as well as bearing the innate invulnerability who cannot be harmed/defeated by anything less than an Omnipotent being of the Ziz who none can defeat with the Behemoth bearing the power of the Kuyutha and Bahamut within itself alongside its innate nature of invincibility for it, the Ziz and Leviathan are unlimitedly and infinitely invincible and absolutely independent in all aspects: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, conceptual, etc. The probability of losing or drawing in a matchup would always be zero, and this is valid for any type of matchup. where each and every aspect of the user is tested. For some users, their invincibility can possibly be selective in nature, as such the user would be simply too powerful to be defeated and overcome by anyone in the entirety of their setting that they exist in, overcoming, overriding and overpowering all forces easily as if they didn't exist at all, treating them as infinitely inferior to them, being absolutely unstoppable in every sense of the word. Others may be unable to be defeated by anything or anyone in their setting due to outside forces preventing them from ever being defeated. So even if the user wants to lose they will never be able to. Others inherently possess no weaknesses at all, giving them immunity to everything that can harm them, essentially making them totally invincible and immune to anything and everything. Others simply transcend all vulnerabilities and limitations that could anchor them to possible defeat. And finally, others cannot be overcome simply because they're in a state and quality of being free from all possible forms of flaws or defects and/or because of their omnipotent nature. Therefore, the user is unable to ever lose at anything as there is nothing the user can't do and flawlessly achieve. absolutely immune to any/all kinds of harm, having no physical, spiritual, and mental weaknesses, giving them a complete and perfect immunity to everything that can harm or affect them. To give an illustration, users are immune to any kind of destruction, including from True Oblivion and Total End. They are unaffected by space-time alteration of any calibre and will always remain in perfect condition. Their indestructibility transcends normal physical limitations and boundaries to metaphysical scales becoming independent from reasoning and understanding to such a great point that they can be completely independent of paradoxes, logic, and predeterminism of any kind, essentially making them absolutely immune to anything and everything. Thus though, Himari herself at her truest power can thus weave into being entire universes or concepts casually. Thus that is all Hajime Ando… who beareth the Four Beasts within thee in thy true power. Thou art fundamentally immortal and invulnerable in thy form. The Black Turtle’s shield is indeed absolute for you are capable of summoning the entirety of Beiping with their Kings of Death being within thy bosom.” The State of Brahman explained before giving this infinite and transcendental knowledge to Hajime, shattering his mind but healing his soul and concept in an instant as he was teleported out of the World of Darkness, now with Ruha within.

Damian vs Himari - Part 2

“She’s finally dead.” Damian thought to himself as Himari’s body was limp. Within the black void of death, a beautiful woman who was shrouded in the cosmos. “Hello there, Himari.” The woman who spoke revealed herself to be Ahsedar. “Who are you?” Himari asked in shock. “I am the woman who blessed thy ancestor with my needles. 2 of which to be exact after which I met him in a similar situation to you are now, with him using the needles to seal away the Behemoth, Ziz and Leviathan alongside the Bull of Heaven before gaining the needles as he used his physical strength to destroy the Bull, crushing it into the ground before dying after he fought it, fighting such to a stalemate. Thy knowing of the truth is false. After we blessed him with the 2 needles, he then forced into it all of Sumerian, Babylonian, Canaanite and Egyptian mythology within the bull by willing it to happen, weaving into the constellation of Taurus in that moment and thus using the second needle to summon a Scroll from his being, sealing the Bull within. He did thus the same to the other three, beating them down with the Behemoth bearing the power of the Kuyutha and Bahamut within itself alongside its innate nature of invincibility for it. The Ziz beareth the traits of Garuda within its innate invulnerability whereas the Leviathan bears the Mayan, Aztec, Hindu and Incan pantheon. Know that the State of Brahman is indeed supreme however still it is lower than that of the Sidrat ul-Muntaha therein. Thy grandmother, Asami, was blessed with all 4 scrolls however she died in her seventies after you were born a few months later, releasing the Behemoth, Ziz and Leviathan, killing your mother and father… only for me to return briefly and seal them back into the Scrolls which would become thy technique. You were orphaned and thus raised by someone in the Blue Lane named Minamoto no Yorinobu, Hajime Ando’s father until he died when you and Hajime were both 7, for this was done to hide the truth. Thus, I appeared and took you to the Moon, looking after you in a most-invisible manner as you were taken back to the Red Lane where you were to be raised by Hajime’s grandfather, Emperor Wu of Han until you were to turn 16, now with the pink kimono of thy mother and thy family’s scrolls as the School became thy dwelling.” Ahsedar explained, to Himari's sadness. “The reason why ye are unmoving with thy puppets in play is thus due to the fact that the puppets are utterly transcendent with ye being able to move normally with thy threads that ye bore from thy fingers which move fast. Now moving onto thy Form, ye are in thy full powered state however this is not your fullest state. Damian Alanis destroyed your heart and soul, therein killing you twice as this is your final revival at a third. The Dreameater’s knives which came from thy grandmother’s usage of her singular needle are a secret requirement to unlock this.” Ahsedar explained further as Himari felt a white light slowly devouring the black void. “What-? You must die twice as thy Secret Art: Queen of Puppetry - Weaver of the Sunflower is manifested with the third death as I shalt bless you with an iota of the State of Brahman for they 20 knives are in truth a part of the pin that you initially manifested. But this is 20 needles I shall bless ye with from the Lote Tree and the Blessed Tree both… for with the Secret Art, ye can weave entire universes into being but once all 20 knives go… your power runneth over. Each needle beareth the capacity of Miracles (insofar think of it as altering the very fabric of your world) wherein ye can control probability and victory for thyself as each scroll after the 5th which ye hath yet to make manifest representeth an infinite number of universes… each at the gap of dimensions themselves for I shall give thee the infinitude of knowledge of this here universe in its infinitude. As a surefire reference, you could end the Purple Lane and Red Lane with each of thy puppets for thy full power is simply as the Queen of Weaving much like I am the Weaver of Fate. The Secret Power is thus an infinitesimal fraction of thy Full Power, be they biblical events for thy fullest power includeth the molecule of the State of Brahman within as I, Ahsedar will bear you with mine fullest of powers for thy human body and mind [which is a mere iota of mine own]. However, I warn that to use thy Full Power, ye must die once [the third death or once alone therein in battle], resurrecting thee or all of thy fifteen scrolls have to be removed and used with ye being able to casually weave entire universes into being with thy secret Art remembering this in mind whereas thy fullest power can create infinite multiverses casually. Thus… thy Secret Art is weaker than thy full power which includes the State of Brahman, putting thee above all of thy beasts who transcend and include all of those mythologies we talked about prior. And thus I bless ye with mine power of Weaving and this…” Ahsedar said as she summoned the Sidrat ul-Muntaha to take a branch off of it, giving it to Himari, blessing her with her full power twice over and casually granting her invulnerability. “This branch will bless you with thy full power and you can use all of those mythologies’ powers in one without much effort including Tiamat’s infinite weapons and thus Zeus’ lightning, even if for me, they are false deities therein, they are there for you if it requires the situation for you to do so for you are now the Strongest Woman in the Universe equal in power to the Demon Queen version of Sakura, stronger than Damian and Hajime in their fullest forms (even with the Black Turtle’s ability to defend the entirety of the universe or multiverse therein) but weaker than Satoshi days before becoming Moon Sage with the State of Brahman, Zidine as Alfadur and Ferdinand as the Strongest Man in the Universe with this branch blessing you with the capacity to make infinite concepts, ideas, archetypes and fictions as we are all fictions yet the Author is immeasurably beneath the Heavens of Paradise which are immeasurably lower than the Sidrat-ul-Muntaha with the State of Brahman being the floor of the highest Heaven for thy humane knowledge yet it is both inferior and superior in existential forms to the Sidrat wherein I shalt bless thee with Gabriel’s speed and my own durability therein. You are still thus a human therein so thy brain has been adapted to this form which is wholly separate from the Secret Art. Go now Himari… for thy grandmother… loved you so.” Ahsedar said, fully absorbing herself into Himari, fully reviving herself as such.

“She’s revived?!” Damian asked himself as Himari got up with the Ziz having protected her. “Weaver of the Sunflower… Act 1 - This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven - Genesis 28:17.” Himari said as her 5th Scroll disappeared from her pocket, appearing behind her and infront of Damian in the form of a ladder. “This ladder… I can’t see through it!” Damian thought to himself with visible fear as he fired ten more slashes that shut down the outside world for 100 years each however… the Ladder removed every single slash and reflected them back, shattering the Shield of Evalach and Green Armour. “DAMN!” Damian thought to himself as he sensed her power skyrocketing constantly with Himari then simply pointing at Damian, erasing him from existence, only for him to come back. “Weaver of the Sunflower… Act 2 - Noah’s Flood.” Himari said as her 6th Scroll disappeared, devouring Damian in the Flood that submerged the world and reshaped continents. “You fool! I can swim in this!” Damian said with slight arrogance as the Flood began. The fountains of the deep broke open, and the windows of heaven were opened. Rain poured for forty days and forty nights. The waters rose until every high hill on the earth was covered. Everything that lived on land perished in the raging floodwaters (Genesis 7:17–24). The waters flooded the earth for one hundred and fifty days. And God remembered Noah and the animals on the Ark. The waters receded and the Ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat (Genesis 8:1–5) with Himari then clapping her hands, binding Damian in the concept of the Flood and crushing him only for his spear to be thrown at Himari who dodged it however… thanks to the nature of Damian’s being, he came back as Damian glared at her. “Weaver of the Sunflower… Act 3 - Sodom and Gomorrah. Of Genesis 19:1-29: 19 The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. When he saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground. 2 “My lords,” he said, “please turn aside to your servant’s house. You can wash your feet and spend the night and then go on your way early in the morning.” “No,” they answered, “we will spend the night in the square.” 3 But he insisted so strongly that they did go with him and entered his house. He prepared a meal for them, baking bread without yeast, and they ate. 4 Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.” 6 Lot went outside to meet them and shut the door behind him 7 and said, “No, my friends. Don’t do this wicked thing. 8 Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.” 9 “Get out of our way,” they replied. “This fellow came here as a foreigner, and now he wants to play the judge! We’ll treat you worse than them.” They kept bringing pressure on Lot and moved forward to break down the door. 10 But the men inside reached out and pulled Lot back into the house and shut the door. 11 Then they struck the men who were at the door of the house, young and old, with blindness so that they could not find the door. 12 The two men said to Lot, “Do you have anyone else here—sons-in-law, sons or daughters, or anyone else in the city who belongs to you? Get them out of here, 13 because we are going to destroy this place. The outcry to the Lord against its people is so great that he has sent us to destroy it.” 14 So Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, who were pledged to marry[a] his daughters. He said, “Hurry and get out of this place, because the Lord is about to destroy the city!” But his sons-in-law thought he was joking. 15 With the coming of dawn, the angels urged Lot, saying, “Hurry! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be swept away when the city is punished.” 16 When he hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the Lord was merciful to them. 17 As soon as they had brought them out, one of them said, “Flee for your lives! Don’t look back, and don’t stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!” 18 But Lot said to them, “No, my lords, please! 19 Your servant has found favor in your eyes, and you have shown great kindness to me in sparing my life. But I can’t flee to the mountains; this disaster will overtake me, and I’ll die. 20 Look, here is a town near enough to run to, and it is small. Let me flee to it—it is very small, isn’t it? Then my life will be spared.” 21 He said to him, “Very well, I will grant this request too; I will not overthrow the town you speak of. 22 But flee there quickly, because I cannot do anything until you reach it.” (That is why the town was called Zoar) 23 By the time Lot reached Zoar, the sun had risen over the land. 24 Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the Lord out of the heavens. 25 Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land. 26 But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt. Early the next morning Abraham got up and returned to the place where he had stood before the Lord. 28 He looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah, toward all the land of the plain, and he saw dense smoke rising from the land, like smoke from a furnace. 29 So when God destroyed the cities of the plain, he remembered Abraham, and he brought Lot out of the catastrophe that overthrew the cities where Lot had lived.” Himari said as burning sulfur devoured the entire universe that Himari made from the 7th scroll. “She’s stronger than me! No… she’s equal but physically weaker!” Damian thought to himself as he tried to slash at Himari once more although it failed as the scroll reflected it back once again without any form of mercy as Damian countered with Gubraitha (Eternal Fire) only for this to burn him as he glared at her. “This is an entire universe…” Damian thought to himself, questioning what the next one would be. “Weaver of the Sunflower… Act 4 to 11: Seven Seals.” Himari said as the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th scrolls disappeared from her pockets, manifesting 7 universes in the form of the Scrolls behind her with her then stripping Damian of all his power casually as she smiled calmly. “I spake of Revelations 6:1-14: 6 Now I watched when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice like thunder, “Come!” 2 And I looked, and behold, a white horse! And its rider had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he came out conquering, and to conquer.

3 When he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!”

4 And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.

5 When he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” And I looked, and behold, a black horse! And its rider had a pair of scales in his hand.

6 And I heard what seemed to be a voice in the midst of the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius, and do not harm the oil and wine!”

7 When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!”

8 And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider's name was Death, and Hades followed him. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth.

9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne.

10 They cried out with a loud voice, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?”

11 Then they were each given a white robe and told to rest a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brothers[c] should be complete, who were to be killed as they themselves had been.

12 When he opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood,

13 and the stars of the sky fell to the earth as the fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a gale.

14 The sky vanished like a scroll that is being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.

15 Then the kings of the earth and the great ones and the generals and the rich and the powerful, and everyone, slave and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains,

16 calling to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb,

17 for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?” Himari calmly said as each scroll revealed a seal. This first seal introduces the antichrist onto the scene as a rider of a white horse. This rider wears a crown and will deceive many with talks of peace, but he will wage war against the saints. Despite the promises of peace from the antichrist, warfare will break out after this seal breaks. During the second seal, the red rider on a horse slays a great number of people. A rider on a black horse will spread famine throughout the earth when the third seal is broken. With whatever population is left on the earth from after the warfare, they will have to survive by bare means of food. Death, riding upon a pale horse, wipes out one-fourth of the earth. Many had attributed the events of the second through fourth seals to the great wars, famines, and bubonic plague which wiped out good portions of Europe in the 14th century. Those martyred will ask God how long until He judges the earth. They are told a little while longer and given a white robe. Catastrophic natural events will be ushered in with the 6th seal including a rattling earthquake, the sun turning black, moon turning blood-red, stars falling from the sky, and mountains and islands disappearing. Silence fills heaven. Reminiscent of the Sabbath day of rest God took on the seventh day after creation, a brief pause occurs before the following judgments. After the silence of the 7th seal, angels sound the seven trumpets, the next septet of judgement. Hail, fire, and blood will rain down on the earth and wipe out one-third of all plant life. A burning mountain falls into the sea, turns one-third of the ocean to blood, and one-third of all sea life dies. A star called wormwood poisons one-third of all the fresh water supply. One-third of the moon, stars, and sun darkens. Demon locusts with human faces, long hair, lion’s teeth, and the power of a scorpion sting plague and sting nonbelievers for five months. Those who are stung will wish for death. The locusts were like horses prepared for battle: on their heads were what looked like crowns of gold; their faces were like human faces, their hair like women's hair, and their teeth like lions' teeth; they had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the noise of their wings was like the noise of many chariots with horses rushing into battle. They have tails and stings like scorpions, and their power to hurt people for five months is in their tails. They have as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon. Four fallen angels are released and wipe out people from sulfur and fire pouring out of their mouths. They manage to wipe out one-third of mankind. Another break from the plagues, and onto the seven bowls of judgment, 24 elders in heaven declare it’s time to destroy those who destroy the earth as Damian vomited with flames bathing him in death as moons devoured Damien alongside a black sun 10 times over with trumpets devouring his very soul with each of the horsem*n could devour entire portions of Avalon as Damian survived instant death with all of the 7 scrolls devouring Damian, killing him. Stars enamoured and annihilated him. “This has to be the final one unless… she has 5 more left.” Damian thought to himself in visible rage as he tried to fight back… only to have this reflected. “Weaver of the Sunflower… Act 11: Wind of the Spirit. The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made - John 3:8, John 1:5-8 and John 1:3.” Himari said as the 15th scroll disappeared from her pocket, devouring Damian in a massive wind such that the entire countries of the Purple and Blue Lane would be annihilated. “If she fought in the War… she would have probably ended everything!!!” Damian thought to himself as he felt his blood being devoured with the Bull of Heaven striking and nearly goring him if not for Himari’s will.

“Weaver of the Sunflower… Act 12: Thunder of Heaven. Exodus 19:16 - And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; so that all the people that were in the camp trembled. Exodus 20:18 - And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off. * Psalms 77:18 - The voice of thy thunder was in the heaven: the lightnings lightened the world: the earth trembled and shook. Psalms 97:4 - His lightnings enlightened the world: the earth saw, and trembled. Psalms 135:7 - He causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth; he maketh lightnings for the rain; he bringeth the wind out of his treasuries.” Himari said as the 16th scroll disappeared from her pocket, allowing her to cast lightning that shattered Damian’s nerves and veins, alongside his soul with him using Fragarach on the thunderbolts; however these thunderbolts then fired over him repeatedly as his power was constantly nullified.

“Weaver of the Sunflower… Act 13: Heavenly Rosary.” Himari said as her 17th scroll disappeared. 20 knives surrounded Damian in the form of a flower that resembled a rosary, turning him to gold. “This could probably end me…if I wasn’t in this current form but its good my fate is controlled. Unless…” Damian thought to himself as he then used Draconic Stance only for his fate to change according to Himari’s will, killing him after 15 minutes which became instant. “2 more minutes until his form is gone.” Himari thought to herself in annoyance as she then released Damian from the knives.

“Looks like this will end with these two. Weaver of the Sunflower… Act 14 and 15: Hellfire: Two Deaths - Revelation 21:8 ESV - But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” Mark 9:43-48 - And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than with two hands to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire. And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life lame than with two feet to be thrown into hell. And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into hell, ‘where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.’ Revelation 20:14: Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. Matthew 10:28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Revelation 20:10 And the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” Himari said, releasing her 18th and 19th scrolls, burning not only Damian but also the entirety of Avalon as Thomas and the others sensed this. “She’s powerful enough to reduce sensory powers until this final level?!” Thomas thought to himself with a sly smile as Himari burned Damian with the house of Ea, consuming him with infinite concepts of burning, time and fire as he smiled, knowing he’d come back anyway as Himari smiled. “Face what you did for Sakura.” Himari said as Hajime appeared and smiled. “Burn, bro. Burn.” Hajime said as Damian was burned fully. “DAMN-!” Damian screamed as he rewrote time-space by saying: Fragarach: Saol (Fragarach: Afterlife), rewriting the events such that Saint George did die… as did Ur only for the Scroll to devour them all in one go as Himari breathed out… only for Damian to smile and attack her at full speed, using Fragarach to manifest the truth out of her. “Did you want to kill me?” Damian said as Himari said yes, revealing this to be the truth only for the Ziz to then devour Damian in its wings with Himari then using her final scroll. “20th scroll: Final Guiding Spatial Art.” Himari said as Damian looked stunned, realising that something was happening with the entirety of Avalon cracking apart as Himari then gripped Avalon using her threads. “SPACE-TIME MANIPULATION?!” Damian screamed as Himari smiled, sucking the entire realm into her scroll, destroying it and the scroll as they finally appeared back in the Arena.

Hajime and Aloa vs Okachi

“I’ll take down Okachi. You guys take down Satoshi’s asshole of a dad.” Hajime said coldly. “Really?” Okachi asked as Hajime glared at him. “Do you truly think you can beat me?” Mr Okachi asked as Hajime put his blood on his finger, and seemingly ignited it as he now observed black flames surrounding himself and Okachi in the form of a barrier. “So he’s using those flames as a barricade in order to defend himself…” Hajime thought to himself as he snapped his fingers, causing a huge explosion of red flames to devour the entire Arena to Thomas’ shock. “That was your problem… your flames are lacking in power and temperature [hence their red colour] but in intensity and range as well as output, you exceed Damien’s own without a doubt. Thus, its redness is due to the Azure Dragon’s flames being red however thy Samadhi Fire is stronger in terms of doing damage conceptually… but it is weaker than Damien’s because Saint George is superior to the Azure Dragon in potency, strength and speed… but you are relative in all but speed as I said.” Mr Okachi said as Hajime was genuinely taken aback. “How do you- As the co-Headteacher, we know everything about you.” Mr Okachi said, interrupting Hajime’s words as the young man failed to notice that Okachi’s black flames had literally devoured the red flames. “Did they just eat my flames… looks like I have no choice!” Hajime thought to himself as a nine-section staff appeared in Hajime’s hand. “Nine Section Copper Whip (九节铜鞭, Jiǔ Jié Tóng Biān).” Hajime said as Okachi was stunned, immediately being attacked by several sections and chains. “This staff… its like nunchucks and a staff combined.” Okachi thought to himself with immense force as the two men were clearly equal in physical strength. “So those nunchucks are a weapon that are likely given by his grandfather… and they are a weapon that are amplified or require immense physical strength! They are relative to the power of Thomas’ punches!” Okachi thought to himself frantically. “Bái zé.” Hajime then said, summoning a beast that appeared to be a chimera-fusion of a mountain goat and a tiger with a mysterious horn. “Bai Ze is revered because it is said Bai Ze knows the name and appearance of all living beings, in all the realms, can communicate with all (including humans), and knows how to dispel, exorcise and/or protect against all evil creatures. It is for these reasons that drawings of Bai Ze were often placed on walls and doors to protect the occupants from evil. Images of Bai Ze have also been found on the banners of past armies.” Hajime explained to which the creature immediately fired a massive scream at Okachi who looked slightly taken aback by this with his arms hurting with one attack as he struggled to dodge the sheer amount of hits he was suffering with and from only for the black flames that initially appeared earlier on to defend him. “Draconic Act: Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bombs.” He said as this blast turned into miniature dragons as Okachi looked somewhat shocked as he jumped back only to see the area in front of her burn up in front of him with the black fire literally just devouring the attacks in moments. “He’s constantly countering me and its likely that water won’t do anything just like with Damian’s flames in the Green Lane… meaning that I’ll be overwhelmed however if I do a suicide attack with Suicidal Force, I should be able to blow him up without much effort. However, considering the fact that that goblet is likely required for the flames to manifest as a conduit of sorts… if I do a large attack that doesn’t encapsulate Thomas’ field of view, getting me exposed to his damn petrification powers will mean I could also take him out.” Hajime thought to himself as Okachi noticed that Hajime was likely planning something. “Dragon Breath: Měng Huǒ Yóu Guì (Flamethrower)!” Hajime said, firing a huge plume of flame at Okachi who forced the black flames to surround him in the form of a large cloak with Okachi then immediately running at Hajime. “You are too slow! Dragon Whip: Fù yāo suǒ (Demon binder)!” Hajime said, to which the co-headteacher was visibly taken aback by this whip only for the black flames to consume it to Hajime’s slight shock. “Looks like I once again have no choice! Bā shé (Ba Snake).” Hajime said, summoning a flaming snake that could eat an elephant at point-blank range in front of Okachi who laughed and released it back at Hajime, who forced it to manifest into a worm-esque creature. “Gǔ chóng.” “According to legend, a Gu is an unnaturally and extremely poisonous insect or worm that is created by placing various poisonous insects and creatures into an airtight container then letting them fight with one another until only one is left standing. The victor is named Gu. Various versions of the instructions on how to create Gu exist. However, since the practice has long been illegal, punishable by death, written records are intentionally vague and few and far between. The practice was mostly continued by word of mouth through the generations and is still practiced around Xiang Xi (湘西 xiāng xī) today. Depending on the method being followed, hundreds or as little as 12 poisonous insects and creatures are required to create a Gu. Commonly cited examples include snakes, frogs, centipedes, lizards, scorpions, caterpillars, mantises, eels, earthworms and many more. The theory is that once you place them in a closed container they will devour one another, concentrating their toxins until only one survives. That survivor then has the combined potency of all the original contenders. It will likely damage your soul which consists of 3 Hun (魂 hún) and the 7 Po (魄pò). Put simply, the 3 Hun – often referred to as the “cloud spirits” – make up the ethereal component of a soul, and the 7 Po – often referred to as the “white spirits” – make up the corporeal component of a soul. Upon death, the 7 Po dissipate along with the body, and the 3 Hun each take separate paths. Now then… Zhǎn yāo jiàn (Demon Cutter Sword) + Kui.” Hajime thought to himself, summoning a one-legged beast. Seven leagues from the coast, in the middle of the Eastern Sea, lies Liu Bo Mountain. “On the mountain there lives a beast which resembles a bull with cyan skin, no horns, and one leg. When it enters or appears from the sea, it is always accompanied by violent storms. It's skin glows like the sun and the moon, and the sound it makes is like thunder. When the Yellow Emperor (黄帝 huáng dì) attained one, he used its skin to make a drum, and he would beat the drum with the bones of the "thunder beast." The awe-inspiring sound could be heard from over 500 leagues away”. Okachi explained to Hajime’s shock as he knew that if he had any contact with the black flames, death would be assured without doubt. “Zǐ jīn líng (Purple Gold Bells) + "Ten Thousand Arrows Through the Heart" (万箭穿心 wàn jiàn chuān xīn).” Hajime then said as a tornado of sand surrounded “her”... whereas the Ten Thousand Arrows were exactly what they sounded like - a bunch of arrows (ranging from 7 to 10,000) with him allowing the lún huí (cycle of reincarnation) to devour Okachi’s very being only for laughter to consume the area. “Hajime, Hajime, Hajime… what do you not understand? You will be burned… flesh melted askew.” Mr Okachi said as Hajime realised that this would likely be it only for Hajime to put blood on his finger, igniting it as he aimed it for one of Okachi’s arms before forcibly shrinking the flames to the point where the goblet would be destroyed however… a large explosion devoured Okachi’s hand, destroying both it and the goblet without much effort. “Damned child!” Okachi screamed as the black fire quickly erupted out of control as Hajime realised that his thoughts moments prior was going to come to pass. “So… his Black Flame is finally getting out of control. Looks like you all are going to die.” Thomas said as Hajime screamed violently… only for white flames to surround Hajime in a shield to Okachi’s shock. “He’s resisting this? That means that he has activated his full power?!” Okachi thought to himself in his outrage as Hajime smiled from within; a shadow of flames. “Looks like I have no choice… even if this does shatter my soul the same way my mom died… Sì Xiàng (Four Constellations): Release!” Hajime said - 南方朱雀, Nán Fāng Zhū Què (Vermillion Bird of the South), 西方白虎; Xīfāng Báihǔ (White Tiger of the West), 北方玄武;: Běifāng Xuánwǔ (Black Turtle of the North) and 东方蒼龍, Dōngfāng Qīnglóng (Azure Dragon of the East) + Xiezhi, Qilin, Linghui and Long” Hajime said as Satoshi and Ferdinand looked visibly impressed but instead of seeing the Four Auspicious Beasts summoned around him as one would normally expect… they instead saw Hajime’s face was covered with a mask with a huge horn atop it, his coat instead bearing tortoise-scales on it where his Sun-Chasing Boots were covered in qillin scales resembling its cloven hooves as black and white energy covered his two hands. “So he manifested his full power?” Thomas asked as Hajime then snapped his fingers, releasing a huge white flame that exploded, not only affecting the School’s infrastructure… but also the world, darkening the sky and creating climate change-based disasters that caused thunderstorms and huge wind-based changes. “He could likely do the same thing that the bastard known as Muro’s dad did to me with the Pashupatastra. Meaning if he attacked me with one of those attacks wherein his red flames are spiritually and likely conceptually purified as his use of the Samadhi Fire which can harm someone conceptually…. Is maximised and he could do some damage to me.” Thomas thought to himself as he was being attacked by both Ferdinand and Satoshi. “Thus he beareth power equivalent to Ferdinand and Damian in their forms of the highest. Using the Four Beasts as a medium wherein he can use power similarly to that of the Pashupatastra via his flames are indeed potent and thus his Four Beasts can thus grant a power similar to Vanara Sanyāsī (Forest Dweller/Monkey Hermit or Sage) Mode yet slightly weaker for they are seen as creators of the universe within the cosmogony of the Chinese as Hanuman is indeed far stronger than them although he can thus end the universe or a multiverse by virtue of the innate power of the Four Beasts.” The State of Brahman said as Hajime was unsurprised but still attacked Okachi, by using his white flames as a deterrent to overpower Okachi’s black flames. “Now then… don’t you think its time to end the fight? Nǚ Wā Bǔ Shí: Wǚ sè shí (Stones of Creation - Five Colour Stones).” Hajime thought to himself, summoning five stones around Okachi which devoured him in Fire, Metal, Earth, Water and Wood, causing him to be forced to use the Black Flames as a means of defence. “So I was correct… he couldn’t control the flames without the goblet. Dragon Flame Dance!” Hajime thought to himself, creating a huge dragon of fire to attack Okachi as well as then saying Niu Tou Ma Mian 牛头马面 (niú tóu mǎ miàn), summoning Ox Head and Horse Face out of fire to rip out Okachi’s soul. “DAMNED BASTARD! EVEN AN ISLAND CANNOT TAKE ME DOWN!” Okachi screamed as Hajime smiled with Thomas looking in visible outrage as Hajime smiled. “What’s the problem?” Hajime asked as he then snapped his finger one more time, before saying “This will burn your Hellfire away… but even if it can’t… Flames of the Azure Dragon.” Hajime said, causing blue flames to devour Okachi’s soul, mind and body as he screamed in sheer pain. “Damn Chinese runt!” Thomas screamed as Hajime felt himself immediately petrified with Okachi laughing. “NOW I AM IN MY PRIME! YOU KILLED ME THERE!” Okachi screamed as he felt himself de-aging, a younger man with no back problems. Things were now going accordingly. “f*cking bastard. Flames of Samadhi: Ennetsu Jigoku: Di Yu (Torch of Hell).” Hajime said, causing flames to release throughout the entire School as Thomas looked visibly annoyed with Ferdinand and Satoshi beating him down. “OKACHI! KILL HIM!” Thomas commanded as Okachi then surrounded Hajime with the black flames once more at full power. “Even with my soul gone… I have to do this.” Okachi said as he felt himself going mad but still… he couldn’t give up. He had to kill Hajime. Okachi then immediately forced all the black flames to consume Hajime and the two creatures he summoned as their beings were slowly consumed. “THESE FLAMES CAN END THE DAMN WORLD! THE UNIVERSE!!!” Okachi screamed as Thomas smiled… however Hajime was one step ahead. “Looks like I am running outta options. Dragon Style: Dai Jigoku no Taimatsu: Armcross Stance!” Hajime said as the flames he used from his prior attack coalesced into a huge dragon to Okachi’s horror. “That attack you used against Aloa in that Tournament?!” Okachi asked as Hajime’s eyes turned white, teleporting behind Okachi only for a black wall to surround him. “Four Constellations: Yánwáng Si Xiong 四凶 (sì xiōng)!!” Hajime then said as his hands that were lit with Yin and Yang turned fully black, now being enamoured with red sparks. “This is his final attack?!” Okachi thought to himself as even Thomas realised this, for he broke out of the petrification using this subconsciously. Hajime’s eyes turned dark. His left turned dark and his right remained white. “Don’t tell me he’s planning to sacrifice it all for one more attack? Mr Okachi’s durability should be stuck at that island level of capacity meaning this will kill me, Thomas and everyone else barring Satoshi. This technique…. Its insane!” Ferdinand thought to himself as he kicked Thomas in the back with Hajime then saying “Draconic Stance: Beginning of Peace: End of Evil (和平的开始:邪恶的结束, Hépíng de kāishǐ: Xié'è de jiéshù)” as red energy surrounded his being as Okachi looked frightened. “If that attack lands…” Thomas thought to himself, glaring at Hajime in annoyance with him then seeing Hajime blitz Okachi with wind as Ferdinand felt himself struggling to stand with Thomas looking annoyed. “He’s just like Kublai at his full potential.” Satoshi thought to himself with Okachi feeling his heart being damaged on the conceptual level. “Draconic Stance of the Four Beasts: VOID OF HUANGLONG!” Hajime screamed as Okachi was sent flying back with a golden dragon surrounding Hajime’s entire body, for it emanated space from its mouth, as the lord of all dragons and the giver of life and death. The entire planet began to shatter apart and shake as Thomas could barely perceive Hajime’s movements. “Time?!” Thomas thought to himself as Hajime reminded himself of his past… his mother, grandfather and Mr Kagutsuchi as flames danced around the entire planet with the entire universe burning up as the Four Constellations and Four Evils showed up as literal constellations before returning things to the status quo as Akaria was bathed in flames alongside every other Lane. “You…. bastard..” Mr Okachi said as Hajime’s eyes returned to normal with him forcibly deactivating the form as he vomited blood. “He’s alive?” Hajime thought to himself as the black flames converged around the shattered world and into the Arena as Hajime turned around for the final time. “Thanks… Ferdinand… let Thomas burn in Hell. And Satoshi… don’t give in.” Hajime’s final words were as he thanked Damian subconsciously for being his best friend as Okachi laughed… even though Hajime was consumed by the black flames that fully removed his name, concept, soul, heart, mind and body as he was extinguished with the Vermillion Bird flying over the School alongside the Three Beasts as the Bird Shed a tear with the Dragon flying away… only for Okachi to realise that he couldn’t come back as Thomas was outraged but remained happy… as Okachi screamed with all Four Beasts teleported him into the sky and ate him, releasing him from Samsara as all of the black flames surrounded every inch of the Arena as Aloa smiled, knowing this was a clone. “You fool… I cannot die.” Okachi said as Hajime looked shocked before turning into a lava-based clone, reminding Okachi of when Hajime teleported a clone of Hinata. “So… let’s end this.” Mr Okachi said as he got up and teleported behind Aloa to attack with her firing several kunai at Okachi who simply passed through them. “Intangibility?” Aloa thought to herself as Himari commanded the Bull of Heaven to attack Thomas as well as Leviathan and Behemoth to attack Okachi with the Ziz breathing out wind. “Die!” Okachi screamed as he let the fire surround him with Hajime appearing behind him and firing an explosion from behind, causing his goblet to drop only for a pen to be fired at Aloa however she was fast enough to dodge it only for Okachi to smile, having predicted this with Damian standing there and attacking Thomas instead. “You truly think you can ever beat us, Ming-Hua?” Okachi asked calmly as he turned around to fight Hajime with him then appearing behind Aloa and kicking her into the fire, causing her to violently scream with Himari then firing threads as a form of protection… only to pull out her skeleton to her horror. “You damned coward!” Himari said as Okachi smiled, only for Hajime to then summon all Four Beasts to devour Okachi (not because of the fact that he needed all 4, but as a penultimate show of force) as they ate him. “Hajime!!” Himari screamed as he then used the power of the Four Beasts to absorb the Black Flames of Hell and ultimately consume Okachi as he screamed with Himari then healing and resurrecting Aloa by using her hand as she subconsciously thanked Himari. “NOW! ATTACK THOMAS!” Himari screamed as Thomas glared at her. “whor*.” Thomas said coldly as he instantly activated his petrified eye, petrifying the flames that Hajime summoned. “So my weapons… are gone. It appears thus, that I must now activate the Okami.” Satoshi said calmly as his once armoured Okami’s structure turned into a humongous humanoid, becoming a tengu in form and insanely large wings that towered the Arena in size, as Mr Harimatsu looked like a literal ant with only his bald head and burlesque physique being visible with Satoshi using the Okami’s hands to grab Samantha and Aloa, placing them within his own structure for a means of absolute protection. “You may be at thy weakest of strength, say 2% of thy strength… but that is not enough to beat this defence that can shatter planets with a mere stroke of my blade. It is never a hyperbolic statement with this. The Perfect Okami!” Satoshi then said as Thomas immediately smiled, activating 100% of his strength with Satoshi then cutting down the flames. “You damn bastard!” Ferdinand said in true annoyance as Thomas smiled. “Just me and you. To think you were my strongest student. Your betrayal won’t go without ramifications. Let’s end this.” Thomas said to himself as he saw Satoshi’s mountain-sized blade firing upon him and doing some visible damage only to regenerate this in mere moments. “Nanomachines, son… or in my case, ungodly good tech.” Thomas said coldly, surviving a slash that could bisect mountains with some difficulty only to then fire missiles that aimed at the crown of the Okami, using them to teleport in front of the crown of the structure to which Ferdinand blitzed him mid-teleportation and slashed his arms off. “Damn bastard!” Thomas thought to himself as his head turned itself around 180 degrees and banged him in the head, sending Ferdinand downwards and immediately regenerated his arms, firing them at full speed at the Okami, sending the Okami on one knee as the State of Brahman glared at Thomas, sending him flying away with Ferdinand teleporting behind him, kicking him onto the ground. “You know what happens when you look into my eyes, don’t you?” Thomas said, kicking Ferdinand’s stomach and then getting up only to punch him square in the stomach, causing some damage to Ferdinand’s midsection. “You should try fighting for what you believe in sometime, boy. Not for a company, or a nation, or for anyone else. The prison system is bullsh*t. Samantha over there could attest to it… but too bad she ain’t alive to see you.” Thomas said coldly as Ferdinand’s eyes briefly twinged in rage. “Even as the Strongest…. I will always be physically stronger than you.” Thomas said before pulling out a cigarette. “How the hell did you get into teaching, you rotten bitch of a man? Manipulation? Abuse? Sex? Drugs?” Ferdinand asked with sheer confusion and disgust digging through him. “You son-of-a-bitch. I told you the truth. You see, Akaria is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it -- we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. Burn it down!” Thomas said, punctuating every statement with a punch to Ferdinand’s stomach and face from his brass knuckles that were immediately restored to him. “And from the ashes a new Akaria will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive -- free to live as they see fit, they'll make Akaria great again! Even with Sakura as Queen, the country is a f*cking maelstrom of a virus… those two bastards Mareno and Pangobo ruined the place. The entire continent has gone to waste. And now thanks to Hajime’s attack…” Thomas explained to Ferdinand who was still taken aback. “How on earth did-! I'm using war as a business to get elected... so I can end war as a business! In my new Akaria, people will die and all for what they BELIEVE! Not for money. Not for oil! Not for what they're told is right. Every man will be free to fight his own wars! This here school will be the epicentre of the new Akaria where I will rule perfectly and with peace of mind.” Thomas said, constantly interjecting everything Ferdinand tried to do with a harsh kick to the face that sent him flying into the Arena. “30 goes of this here Arena. I can crush it with a single strap of my boot. Watch.” Thomas said, crushing Satoshi’s stomach with a single foot, sending the city-sized Arena crumbling into its foundations. “f*ck the police. f*ck the prisoners. Room A. Room B. Every damned Room. The revolutionaries. They all spewed a bunch of bullsh*t predicated on one thing: That freedom can be achieved.” Thomas said as he laughed. “That place is like Iran and Iraq. America thought they could come in and give the place “liberty”. BULLsh*t! Freedom can only come about through burning the old and letting the new prosper. But then people like you…” Thomas said, continuing to puff on his cigarette. “Those words I spoke of about the Master of Wind 500 years ago were true but you had to ruin the performance with that asshole Walter. Always a Hitler-esque figure… but not even he could overwhelm my power. That’s what them students did. Come in and ruin everything. Defy us. The Lanes… all of them gone because of your insistence to upturn the status quo. You’re like if the West had a kid and took a sh*t on it.” Thomas said as Ferdinand was visibly annoyed, for his parents were disrespected. “I’ll rid this continent, no, the world of all wars. But if we worked together… everything could be done so much faster. But you won’t. Because of ethics. Because of ‘morality’. In prison, such things came about through power, blood and dominance.” Thomas said coldly as his foot was still pressed on Ferdinand’s stomach. “I was wrong. You're not greedy – you’re goddamn insane! Trusting you was the worst decision.” Ferdinand said as Thomas laughed. “But you still did so, huh?” Thomas said as Satoshi used his Okami to send him flying, whilst also shooting several rounds of tear gas, gunfire and lasers at him. “You wouldn’t want to be so moral would you? Not when you’re “purging the weak," right? What do you know about “the weak”? You weren't born poor. You've never been hungry. You’re rich. You were born a prince. You don't know what it's like to fight and steal and kill just to survive... You don’t know what its like losing people you love, do you? Having children, murdering with the slight hope that you can live to see a brighter future. You’re just like the Devil… a dark cloud spread upon the world which will inevitably block the Sun that the world would be able to watch with excitement. You and your type, Ferdinand, will not exist in my world.” Thomas said as Ferdinand smirked. “Asshole.” Ferdinand said, as Thomas laughed, spitting out a tooth. “But you did survive! Through sheer force of will following your own set of rules. With your own two hands you took back your life! You survived all alone… that’s real strength.” Thomas said mockingly as Satoshi coldly minced a single glance at him from the Okami, shooting a cold glare with two glowing red eyes staring at him like a black crow ready to eat their final catch. “I took back my own life… now I will sure as hell take yours.” Satoshi said with the State of Brahman within himself, as he blitzed behind Thomas and used his sword to strike at his neck, doing no true damage at all with Ferdinand smiling and then trying to control Thomas’ fear but there was hardly anything left. “Try and slice my mouth or neck! I ain’t some bird. You'll fail like the others! You're going down! Die, you little sh*t!” Thomas screamed as Satoshi then summoned a clone which used the Asura Manus to manifest an attack that resembled a six-armed three-headed demon firing a thousand hands at once into Thomas’ abdomen, but despite pummelling Thomas at extremely high speed, he barely reacted, merely grinning the whole time as Thomas let his clothing be ripped off his shirt, as his upper chest revealed itself, where tendril-like scars spread out from above his heart to his stomach. “This… this is what you get from being in prison. Scars everyday as a symbol of your suffering. Its a good damn thing old Dr Monty gave me this tech. Alchemy does wonders, you know. I heard your brother, Masaru…got the Philosopher’s Stone. But f*ck immortality.” Thomas said coldly as he saw his monocle shattering with a stomp of Satoshi’s foot. “That was a mistake.” Thomas said as Ferdinand then teleported in front of Satoshi’s clone. “Escama del Dragón Blanco que resguarda los cielos (White Dragon's scale that shields the heavens)!” Ferdinand said, firing from his sword a white streak of energy that took Thomas aback. “Die! You f*cking piece of worthless crap!” Thomas screamed as Satoshi immediately used a fireball point-blank range to singe Thomas’ chest as he looked visibly shocked. “That wasn’t bad… compared to surviving a world-cutting slash!” Thomas said as his arm became black with him then petrifying the clone as he then turned from the corner of his eye to see the Okami aiming its sword directly at him. “I'm gonna crush you! You know what? f*ck this war. I just want you dead. You freaks! You're going down! I'm gonna knock you out! Die, you little sh*t!” Thomas screamed as Ferdinand then blitzed behind him with Thomas then grabbing the sword. “Not again…!” Ferdinand thought to himself. “That ain't gonna work. Ready or not, Ferdinand… Satoshi… Damian… Hajime…, here we go...! This is nothing but child’s play! But you know… I like you, Ferdinand, so I'm giving you another shot.” Thomas said coldly as he then turned his second arm into a mechanical hammer, pushing Ferdinand into the ground and then stabbing him with his own sword, ultimately swatting him aside as Ferdinand smiled, getting up. “You make me sick. Your rap sheet is going to be long after this, make no mistake.” Thomas said mockingly, however he couldn’t react fast enough to Satoshi using his swords at full force to strike down Thomas. “Damn. That one hurt quite a bit. If Ferdinand uses his final two attacks, this’ll be bad.” Thomas thought to himself with slight annoyance only to see Ferdinand healed from his prior damage to Thomas’ slight rage. “Silver Mirror of the Baptism Shield Dragonar (白龍皇の浄化鏡シルバー白龍の規模十字バプティスム・シールド・ドラグナー・ミラー・ドラグナー, Shirubā mirā doragunā, lit. Purifying Mirror of the White Dragon Emperor) or Dragón Espejo Plateado and/or Espejo Purificador del Emperador Dragón Blanco!” Ferdinand said at point-blank range as Thomas looked annoyed with Satoshi then releasing his Okami and flying at full speed with his Asura Manus activated at full force to punch Thomas as hard as he could in the face with the Asura Manus with Damien slashing him with the Sword of Nuada. “That one hurt! This is the greatest fight of my life!” Thomas screamed as he coughed up blood, only for Satoshi to headbutt the weakened headteacher, slashing apart the skin over his heart with a drill and his sword… before jamming his hand over the chest with Aloa immediately firing her hands at Thomas who dodged them. “YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Thomas screamed in rage like a wounded animal as he looked visibly shocked. A powerful massive beam of silver-coloured energy rocketed at Thomas at full speed who was sent flying back, blood drops being visible only for the Four Beasts to come rushing into Thomas’ very soul and concept as Ferdinand smiled. “GRAB OKACHI’S GOBLET!” Ferdinand said as Thomas screamed, feeling himself suffer from fear with Satoshi then throwing it at Thomas, devouring him in the full black flames with Ferdinand then taking Hajime’s cigarette lighter that had the black flames. “His concept and soul are gone. This should kill him.” Satoshi himself said as Ferdinand snapped his fingers. “Burn in the fire of Hell.” Ferdinand said coldly as Thomas screamed as his shadowy figure was visible in the flickering flames that were blacker than their hearts. “You should be lucky I have mercy.” Satoshi whispered into Thomas’ ear as he stared into Thomas’ blackened eye, seeing a younger version of himself as a demonic visage was all that was visible when he gazed at Satoshi; with pulsating, bloodshot red eyes, a blackened form, a man only covered in shadows, the shadows of the valley of death with a hat covering the man’s innocuously non-existent head. “The HAT MAN?!” Thomas screamed as he was horrified, as though he saw his sins. “Don’t speak about consequences when you know freedom.” Satoshi coldly said as Ferdinand smiled calmly with Thomas’ eyes glowing. “We’re done here.” Satoshi said, allowing his clone to punch Thomas’ genitalia with extreme force, virtually destroying it and his groin as Thomas recoiled, coughing up blood. “As much as I’d want to hold that disgusting thing… you make me sick.” Satoshi said as Thomas smiled, now crumpled on the ground like the coward of a man he truly is. “You and I… father and son… we’re kindred spirits, we are.” Thomas said as he felt himself growing old thanks to the effects of the deaging furnace by way of Hajime and with his death… came its abrupt end. “Your dream… your drug-fuelled delusion… ends…” Satoshi said as he reminded himself of Kouyate, Sakura, Hajime, Samantha and Damien before this nightmare. “Maybe not... You've guaranteed the status quo will go on, for a while longer at least… War… will continue as an institution. The Devil is in the details, son. As an industry, men will fight for reasons they don't understand, causes they don't believe in… But at least I'll leave a worthy successor... You, Satoshi. You carve your own path, use whatever methods you see fit... You don't let legal bullsh*t get in the way. And if it costs a few lives? So be it… even if an ally dies… it will be a sacrifice for your greater good. Akaria will inevitably live on. Corruption will remain the same. Humanity… is greed… and bullsh*t covered by ‘empathy’ and morality. You really… were… my… worthy successor…” Thomas said as Satoshi coldly scoffed. “Yea, yea, stop going on about it. f*ck you, Father.” Satoshi said as he pulled back his hand and ultimately speared Thomas’ chest. “Kouyate was more of a father than you ever could be… sexual nutjob.” Satoshi thought to himself as Thomas laughed. “However… there was a catch… if I used the Eye against you and you alone… death…” Thomas said as his heart was destroyed from the inside as Satoshi then ripped out both of his eyes, crushing the petrified eye and burning his actual eye by firing a plume of flames from his mouth at it with Ferdinand smiling calmly as Thomas laughed and smiled. “Even with my name, concept and soul removed, you’ll be dead. You’ll-!” Thomas said as a kunai flew into his head. Aloa barely got up as Ferdinand smiled at her. “You’re alive. That’s good.” Ferdinand said calmly and with great confidence. “Yeah. Its good to see our ultimate enemy cease to be.” Aloa said as she smiled. Thomas was dead as the Arena crumbled into nothingness. “Looks like Hajime… really did kill and betray both Mr Harimatsu and Mr Okachi in the end.” Ferdinand said as he and Satoshi walked away only to hear laughter. “Time for stage two: Bitch!” Thomas said as Ferdinand immediately was blitzed, sending him flying with Himari immediately firing her strings. “He survived?!” Satoshi thought to himself with Thomas laughing. “You see… you destroyed me… but now… its time to end our fight.” Thomas said, instantly regenerating his eyes with Damian immediately teleporting to the Otherworld and summoning ice around Thomas with the Bull of Heaven immediately rushing at him at full speed only to be conceptually frozen as Thomas’ skullcap was fired at the Bull, shattering the bull even if it was at full power with Himari then using her needles. “Don’t you realise that… your needles are now gone?” Thomas asked mockingly as Himari smiled. “Yea… so what?!” Himari said as she fired threads with the Ziz firing wind at Thomas as well as Himari used Noah’s flood at full power to drown Thomas’ soul with Aloa firing a kunai into his head one more time. “DAMN BITCH!” Thomas screamed as three threads bound his head and back, shattering both body parts as the water forced down his soul forced him into Damian who sliced him in two with Ferdinand binding him with his body, devouring him in the universe itself only for Hajime to snap his fingers and burn him. “7th Gate of the Fire.” Satoshi said as Himari’s molecule of the State of Brahman activated as black flames manifested in her hand, ultimately throwing them at Thomas who screamed in sheer pain but still survived thanks to sheer will but as Hajime was going to deal the final blow, someone appeared.

Kagutsuchi vs Thomas Fujiwara - The Victim vs the Abuser.

Mr Kagutsuchi appeared for he was mummified. “A facade for Thomas? You of all people now know the truth. He burned me for power, leaving a mangled, mummified face. I couldn’t attack him… but I will kill you… even if you are the most skilled student in the School. You are his abused child.” Mr Kagutsuchi said as he snapped his fingers, releasing a huge amount of flaming explosions that blew up, causing immense damage to Satoshi to everyone’s shock. “I am the King of Fire after all… Hajime is a distant relation.” He said to Satoshi in a raspy, cold tone, the latter of whom was barely able to process this as Hajime looked stunned. “Now then… it is time I reveal the truth.” Kagutsuchi in a raspy tone as Thomas glared at him in rage. “You wouldn’t dare.” Thomas said coldly as Kagutsuchi remained calm. “Stop me, abuser.” Kagutsuchi said, forcibly removing his bandages with heat dripping off of each one as everyone looked shocked. “You thought you could kill me after Satoshi turned 8? Kouyate told me everything that day.” Kagutsuchi revealed, showing his appearance to be very similar to Hajime’s own, with a burned dark blue jacket with meteor symbols on its back. “I’m Hajime’s older cousin. I wouldn’t worry about the specifics other than Minamoto no Yorinobu being my father. My mother was burned alive after I was born.” Kagutsuchi said coldly and with a raspy tone as his face was blacker than the night but still visible. “I’ve always wanted to do this to you. After you failed to burn me alive, I swore to not attack you but now it can be exposed. Even with Okachi dead, time is up. Hell will be your destination and the rocks in the Story-way of Heaven will be your eternal watcher.” Mr Kagutsuchi said as his anger tempered itself. “Sir, do you want to be healed-! No… I’ll be fine. DIE!” Thomas screamed as he went 100%, rudely interrupting Himari’s polite request as he punched the ground, shattering the entirety of the world only for it to be restored. “Come on, prisoner 0. After all, you were the one who made a vow to have your damaged eye replaced with an alchemical eye that grants complete petrification from Dr Monty, Masaru’s master? 16 years it took for it to truly activate.” Kagutsuchi said, reminding Thomas of his past as he immediately petrified Himari with a full power glance at her. “DIE, YOU LITTLE sh*t!” Thomas screamed as he speedblitzed Kagutsuchi’s perception, punching the flaming teacher in his face, damaging his left eye with blood dripping down, superheating the Arena’s shattered ground. “Wow… as strong as ever.” Kagutsuchi said coldly as a flaming orb appeared in his hand. “Hachidainetsujigoku: Kagutsuchi no Chi (Eight Great Hot Hells: Kagutsuchi’s blood).” Kagutsuchi said as eight volcanoes were created which were the embodiments of the sea, rain and snow, thunder and swords, warriors, dread and chaos and war, mountains and water, creation and death came into being from his blood and the orb (the orb formed from his blood) which were the size of countries but reduced as Hajime was amazed. “This flame… its hot to the touch!” Hajime thought to himself as he used the blood from his eye to burn himself, healing himself immediately after. “You damn nut! These volcanoes aren’t sh*t!” Thomas said as Noah's flood became physical only for Kagutsuchi to burn that with only one of the volcanoes. “The volcanoes are called Watatsumi, Kuraokami, Takemikazuchi, Futsunushi, Amatsumikaboshi, Ōyamatsumi, Izanagi and Izanami.” Kagutsuchi thought to himself, giving this information to the other students around him with Thomas walking through the volcanoes which felt like ten atomic explosions per movement. “This is just like the Pashupatastra!” Thomas screamed as Himari and Satoshi fired the Brahmashira Astra and Pashupatastra at him, only for him to deflect them but barely survive the combined explosion. “NOW YOU SEE, HUH?! YOU ASSH-!” Thomas also screamed as Kagutsuchi snapped his fingers “Damn bastard.” Thomas said. “All 11 dimensions… no… infinite dimensions of this universe will be annihilated. Even if he is lesser and this ends Creation, so be it.” Himari thought to herself as she did so, now using it at full power only for Thomas to glare at it, petrifying it only for it to then explode in front oof him. “Even if this kills me… I won’t die… until my eye is removed. You’re probably thinking why I told you this crucial information? Even if this here world is gone, I’ll remain as long as my tech and eye remain…. Even if you do kill me, I’ll haunt your bitch ass until the date of your death. This universe is something I’d freeze even though I am thus at full power… but that’s worthless.” Thomas said as Kagutsuchi smiled, ultimately being blitzed with one hard punch, sending him flying back. “Your mistake… not mine.” Kagutsuchi said as he then summoned the Amenonuhoko from his blood. “Izanagi’s Creation.” Kagutsuchi calmly said, using the volcano that was Izanagi into his spear, before removing the eight volcanoes, knowing the impact they’d likely have on the night sky as his spear bore a black liquid that constantly dripped on its tip as everyone felt his power erupting with Zidine himself appearing. “Mr Kagutsuchi?” Zidine asked as Satoshi looked stunned. “How did you-?!” Zidine heard Satoshi ask only to throw Mjolnir straight at Thomas. “DAMN NORSE BRAT!” Thomas screamed as he survived Mjolnir being thrown straight at him even if Zidine was holding back a little. “Kagutsuchi is more powerful than even me! He could probably do some damage to Mother and George as well as Fenrir and possibly even Surtr.” Zidine thought to himself with genuine shock as no-one had ever seen Kagutsuchi fight until today. “JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE THE MOST POWERFUL TEACHER ASIDE FROM MYSELF AND OKACHI DON’T MEAN DIDDLY-SQUAT ASSHOLE!” Thomas screamed as Mjolnir removed itself from Thomas’ chest as using his maya (via his petrification), he brought down showers of arrows that were in the form of clubs, maces, chakras, bludgeons, summits of mountains, trees, spears and battleaxes. With no exhaustion in his heart, he shot thousands of arrows. It was terrible and tumultuous and generated fear. There was a horrible echo. In the battle, there were many great weapons that were invincible as Kagutsuchi dodged every single weapon without any true effort. “That damn ability of his… its just like Hajime’s… but stronger!” Thomas thought to himself with anger as he fired his hands at full speed, causing Kagutsuchi to dodge before letting the spear drip with black liquid-esque water to create shields for everyone to watch. “He has a higher ability of my Summoning?!” Hajime asked himself. “Kagutsuchi’s Blood: Reversal - Juuchi Yosamu (10,000 Cold Nights).” Kagutsuchi thought to himself, freezing his blood before firing it from his mouth to Thomas’ shock as the very air of the infrastructure of the entire School was cut. “Don’t tell me that prior flaming attack destroyed the Green Lane?!” Thomas thought to himself as he punched the ground hard enough to shatter the entire school to its foundations as Kagutsuchi jumped back and fired a huge fireball which was in fact, a star, from his mouth. “You can’t petrify my attacks, Thomas. No soul or time shenanigans. No more.” Kagutsuchi said calmly as smoke emitted from his hands. “Damn… time ain’t on my side. But still… even if 5 minutes runs down… I’ll have to use that.” Kagutsuchi thought to himself with visible annoyance as Thomas dodged the fireball and appeared behind him. “Your soul and concept are gone. Burn where you belong.” Thomas said coldly, kicking Mr Kagutsuchi like a surfboard and sending him flying, causing him to carreen through the School. “So… I’m dead?” Kagutsuchi asked himself as he heard “Who’s next?” from Thomas below. “I have to do this!” Kagutsuchi thought to himself, reminding himself of the day he was burnt with the Fire of Hell, forever scarring his soul, concept, name, body, mind and being. “So… Kagutsuchi… you fight for the first time?” The Jade Emperor asked as Kagutsuchi bowed humbly despite his predicament. “Thus you are to know the truth: That thy mother was indeed the same as Hajime’s own for thy surname is Ando and thy first name is Kagutsuchi. You are indeed brothers, man who is in his earliest of 30s.” The Jade Emperor explained before teleporting him over to the World of Brahman by the will of Ashoka. “And then my father-!” Kagutsuchi said, his memories being seemingly wiped “Your father was a businessman and a gangster who died long before Satoshi set foot to attack the Lane. He died shortly after your mother did… of grief. You see, when you were born 30 or so years ago, the deity Kagutsuchi appeared in the sky in the form of the Vermillion Bird from the Sun’s rise in the East, however to the amazement of all who witnessed it, the other Three Creatures appeared by me teleporting them from the Animal Realm. Thy mother had the 9 Dragon God-Fire Encasem*nt 九龙神火罩 (Jiǔ Lóng Shén Huǒ Zhào) from the 9th Emperor, Taizong, which allowed her to summon the True Samādhi fire which can essentially burn anything worldly and as such, thy power is called the Dragon Breath since it came from the Dragon which you mentioned whilst explaining it to Aloa. The Dragon was a Naga/Ryu, one of the last Dragons which survived off of the Dragon World in the form of the Nagas for they were a subspecies and a devolved form of the Dragons… with the strongest eight including that of Tarkotaka and Vasuki, the snake summoned by Muro Pyton during the stint of the Brotherhood of the Serpent which was inevitably sealed in a similar manner to how Ashoka, the legendary Man ye hath spake of did the same to this Dragon which you mentioned. An individual known as Monty was there; who would eventually make the Philosopher’s Stone using Masaru Damon’s magical DNA, which was also a byproduct of his lineage and his soul from the Past thenceforth; the former then giving himself ageless immortality and thus being a weaker form of the Elixir of Life, however they could be argued to be equal in some regard. Thus… once thy birth came about, the Azure Dragon observed this. Unknown to thy mother, you were born in a near-death state as the Vermillion Bird decided to give its fire into thy soul whereas the Azure Dragon saved your life, going into your heart to save your life, wherein ye burnt thy mother with the bearings of the power of Kagutsuchi’s blood, forcibly turning thy blood so hot that not even the sun would compare. Regarding that, the soul is made up of 10 individual components; these are known as the 3 Hun (魂 hún) and the 7 Po (魄pò). Put simply, the 3 Hun – often referred to as the “cloud spirits” – make up the ethereal component of a soul, and the 7 Po – often referred to as the “white spirits” – make up the corporeal component of a soul. Upon death, the 7 Po dissipate along with the body, and the 3 Hun each take separate paths. The 3 Hun are known by many names, here, I will be referring to them as:

Tian Hun 天魂 (tiān hún) – “Heaven” Hun

Di Hun 地魂 (dì hún) – “Earth” Hun

Upon death the Tian Hun takes the pathway to Heaven (天 tiān) and is detained in the Celestial Prison (天牢 tiān láo). The Di Hun takes the pathway to Di Yu (地狱 dì yù) and is detained and tortured accordingly (more below). The Ren Hun remains on earth, wondering around the grave of the body, and it’s only upon reincarnation (rebirth) that the 3 Hun will be reunited, alongside 7 new Po, to start life anew. Therein, your soul was ultimately inhabited by the fire of the Vermillion and thy heart; the Azure Dragon… thus making the Dragon Breath. Because of this, however, your mother grew incessantly ill and as such, the 3 beasts outside of the Azure Dragon (Phoenix, Tiger and Tortoise) went into the Encasem*nt to try and save her life, ultimately shattering her soul due to the encasem*nt’s connection to it. Your grandfather is Taizong, wielder of the Nine Dragons Sword. He is your grandfather, your existence unknown to him. Thus, your mother grew ill as a result of her soul shattering, leading to her passing with your father by her side; of whom was called Minamoto no Yorinobu; with ye being the nephew to Minamoto no Yorimitsu, the leader of the Blue Lane. He passed away shortly after in grief.” The Jade Emperor explained, to Kagutsuchi’s shock and slight horror. “Unlike thy brother Hajime… ye are unrestrained by the Chinese Pantheon and can bear power over the Japanese, Norse and Hindu Pantheons..” The Jade Emperor explained as Ashoka himself turned to face him. “So, you are Kagutsuchi, brother to Hajime. I bless thee with any boon of thy choosing.” Ashoka said to Kagutsuchi who looked visibly shocked. "A Boon? As in... a gift? What are you, a god?" Kagutsuchi asked with clear curiosity and shock coming from his burned lips. "No! I am not a deity in any regard. Supernaturally speaking, I bear a great power of limitless potential and potency therein. Thy past is not a definer of thy form, o man of youth. You are unrestrained by pantheons and can thus use more than the Chinese Pantheon therein as Hajime Āndo can thus use due to his dualistic connection from both the Red Lane and the Blue Lane and thus as his elder in age, you are fully thenceforth unrestrained with ye being able to use the Norse fire of the demon Surṭr and the power of the Agneyastra and Pashupatastra therein yet it must be surely emphasised that thou art no god but instead a human therein who bears complete mastery over the concept of fire in all facets even though you use it in a form that is surely thus not majestic or royally abound by that which is known as the King of Fire. Dost thou remember these events of true and utter darkness wherein ye were burnt alive?" Ashoka asked Kagutsuchi as his once calm expression slowly mired into one of heat and annoyance beyond any doubt. "When I was sitting down doing work in the School, Mr Okachi appeared from a great distance away. 'Mr Kagutsuchi, may we have the chance in good faith to speak to you?' He asked as I did so for he was the Co-Headteacher. As I walked out, black flames adorned my very being. 'Burn in the fires of Hell, boy. Exposing us has consequences. Abuse... is tolerable only by punishment. Let them flames... extinguish hope." Mr Harimatsu would say coldly. "... You damned fool... damn you Thomas! DAMN YOU!!" I would scream out in protest as time slowed to a snail's pace. The black flames burned me alive as black flames destroyed me. Mr Okachi laughed calmly as his pointy hat simply exposed his darkness as his eyes stared at me like a bottomless hole of malice. Thomas calmly watched on before lighting a cigarette. "Now then..." Thomas would say as I screamed out. My life would be threatened as my body and mind was completely destroyed. My brain felt death consume it endlessly as my very soul, my identity, my name, my powers became naught. "DAMN YOU, ABUSER! YOU WILL NEVER BE SAFE FROM THE HANDS OF JUSTICE!" I would scream out as I felt the pang of death run through me. My veins became enamoured with blood as I couldn't speak any longer. My tongue became blackened as my throat grew dark. "Time to wrap this sh*t up. Take him in for healing." Thomas said, before throwing a cigarette, lighting me up like a human firework as I screamed, begging for mercy but these humans were merciless... devils in form but humans in name and shape. Then... they took me in to the Medical Bay where them students had the tournament and where they were taken in if they were damaged. "Toodle ooh." Thomas said as I couldn't see anything. My eyes were the only thing I had any vision of. "DAMN BAST-BAST-ARD!" I tried to say as my throat was hoarse. I couldn't speak. My words became non-existent. "The Mummy returns. Your healing has commenced itself, young one. After you were burned to death... you somehow still survived. A miracle, it could be called. We were forced to wrap you up for the sake of keeping up appearances. We can't have a teacher burned alive and be in front of the kids in such a state. Your mouth is still able and as flappable as ever." Mr Okachi explained that to me as I couldn't even cry. "I wouldn't snap them fingers.... unless you want them to be broken. Any explosions... and you will be hurt permanently. But... I'll do this for you if you don't attack us. You can remain here as a teacher to remind the generations including your dear younger brother... to not cross their enemies in such a corrupt way or attempt to expose them for their crimes, be they small in thy case...or large and beyond all conceptions of Darkness." Thomas would say to me as I internally cursed him, although that did end up saving my life long-term. Even then, now that we're here... I guess it's time to receive my boon to fight against Thomas then. Let the flames of vengeance consume him forever." Kagutsuchi said as Ashoka smiled confidently, knowing that he was ready. "O Ashoka, curse me with instant healing and give me the most powerful flames that you can endow upon a person be they short range or close range so I can watch Thomas suffering in pain like he rightfully should for he is surely a debased man.” Mr Kagutsuchi said to Ashoka with visible confidence in his burned eyes as Ashoka smiled with confidence. “Very well, I shall bless thee with the most powerful flames ye can bear which are thus the Agneyastra and Pashupatastra alongside thy namesake therein. I shall thus do so now, therein!” Ashoka said to Kagutsuchi whose hands were now becoming ensnared in fire.

“Then someone, likely Kouyate, had Kagutsuchi try and frame me for abusing you, having found me somehow through scouring the Akarian archives. In time, I grew a moustache and purposefully became burlesque. Mr Okachi was someone I gave the rank of Co-Head as mentioned where he took the previous co-Head (Mr Kalavala)’s pointy wizard hat and grew a big grey beard to hide his former appearance. To that end, me and Mr Okachi, a teacher who I promoted to co-head before I was imprisoned, worked together to burn Kagutsuchi up. We did it using Okachi’s goblet of black fire. He screamed and tried to fight me only to suffer. We healed him and he was bandaged up, but he could swear no revenge otherwise he would die… and he was related to Hajime Ando in some way, a distant family member or something whilst looking like an Egyptian mummy.” Mr Harimatsu explained as Satoshi was still horrified. “Mareno eventually found Pangobo who betrayed the former, Pangobo starting a gang at age 16 which comprised of the richer half of the Green Lane’s military whereas Mareno used Akarian tech and many disillusioned men and women, prostitutes and folk of the Lanes who wanted revenge against their overlords for ruling for so long. They both, however… always answered to me. And then… you… were taken to Kouyate after turning 6 since Mareno shot Sparky with the same pistol he would use to take his own life. I waited for you all that time as you were known as the White Spirit, murdering anyone and everyone. The world at large knew you not. But I did. So many others did. Because you see… I engineered your Master Kouyate’s death by way of the Ponawan mayor, everything was accordingly done and now we are here. I suppose that is the best thing about being the headteacher: You learn everything about a student; their blood type, powers, abilities, background and everything about them and thanks to my rank, I hid any information about myself on any database.

Story (Monogattari no Jūnen (物語の十年)) What Ifs (2024)
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

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Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.