MY FATE, MY BUTTERFLY - Anonymous - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)

Chapter 1: Nightmare Dressed Like a Wet Dream

Chapter Text

Jimin entered the bedroom, watching the stylist finish Taehyung’s makeup, “Remember when we were younger and just starting up in the industry and we didn't care much about what people thought about us?”

Taehyung blinked slowly before he turned to look at his best friend, “Yes?”

Jimin smiled widely and sat down on the chair next to Taehyung’s, “And that we'd dare each other to do the stupidest of things in the events we were attending?”

Taehyung let out a slow breath, focusing on his reflection in the mirror, “Get to the point, Jimin.”

“I dare you to have a one night stand with the biggest donation contributor at the gala tonight.” Jimin said as he watched Taehyung’s expression. The male looked over at him in confusion, “What? You can't be serious.”

“No. I'm dead serious. When they announce the biggest contributor to the charity, make a move and sleep with them tonight,” Jimin laughed, earning a small chuckle from the stylist.

“Why the f*ck would I do that?”

“For fun. Just do it.” The omega said before he stood up and walked to grab a drink, “You know you're drop dead gorgeous, so, it won't be a problem.”

Taehyung stared at Jimin through the mirror and he knew he'd regret it but he found himself agreeing, “Fine, but you have to give me your first paycheck from your first collaboration with Dior.”

Jimin laughed louder, “Deal.”

“Remind me why we are doing this again?” Jungkook looked at his two hyungs as the car pulled up at the event.

They were late. Of course they were, they were always late to these kinds of sh*t shows and especially the kind where one of them contributed to the event as the main person and that time it was Jungkook.

“Because my dear cousin, your mother is in heat and your father is currently tending to her and is incapable of attending.” Namjoon muttered, “Shall we?”

Jungkook sighed as he pinched his bridge and nodded just as the car stopped. He could see the paparazzi still waiting for them. “Why are these vultures still here? The event started almost an hour ago.” he grumbled, when two guards opened the limousine doors for the three to get out.

Yoongi chuckled as he got out after the younger, “Let them live, Kook-ah.” he grunted as they all stood in a line for the paps before walking towards the entrance which was not that crowded, which only meant that everybody was already inside.

Lucky them.

Taehyung listened to Jimin, Hoseok and Seokjin talk about Jimin's latest collaboration with Dior, and how he'd be traveling to Paris, Rome and then New York for the campaign. Taehyung looked around the large hall, there were people of great status, many who donated a lot of money to the charity.

“Are you trying to figure out who you’ll be sleeping with tonight?” Jimin said, catching his attention, the other two males chuckling softly. Taehyung rolled his eyes and shook his head, “No. Just wondering if I can escape without being noticed before they announce the highest contributor.”

His friends laughed and Taehyung just smiled at them before looking at their surroundings once more. Yes, he thought the deal was stupid, but he loved his friends and their stupidity nonetheless.

A staff member was running towards one of the hosts, whispering in their ear and the host tensed slightly before nodding his head before speaking into his walkie talkie alerting all the staff more than likely as he speed-walked towards the large double doors of the venue entrance.

Probably two minutes later the double doors were slowly opened by two guards, three males standing behind the doors, and just as they came into sight, the staff made sure to bow in respect and most of the businessmen in the room were on their feet in a second.

Everyone turned the second the doors opened and Taehyung looked in interest as he watched three males enter the hall. “Kim Namjoon, Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook.” He heard Hoseok say next to him, “I’ll bet you $20, one of them was the highest contributor.”

Taehyung looked to Hoseok and then noticed the mischievous glint in Jimin’s eyes, “Change of plans, have a one night stand with one of them. Well, maybe not the tiny one, he looks like an Omega.”

Seokjin snorted, “Don't be stupid, he can be an Alpha, you never know.”

Jimin shook his head, “Nope. I'm an Omega and I know an Omega when I see one.” His friends rolled their eyes but Taehyung paid them no mind as he stared at the three males making their way further into the hall.

Jungkook had a nonchalant expression on his face, looking over his glasses as the host bowed and welcomed them into the venue. From his peripheral view he could see some of the businessmen jumping to their feet. It made his lips twitch as to what lengths those sharks would go to get a deal with one of them. To stand up straight for the three youngest wolves in the business industry in a public event? That’s a shame. If Jungkook was in their shoes, he’d rather die, but luckily he wasn’t and he understood why they would put their pride aside to do something like that.

Taehyung hummed as he watched the way people reacted to the three, but his eyes focused on the male in the middle the most, “Who's he?” He whispered to Hoseok.

“Jeon Jungkook.” The beta replied and Taehyung nodded, he wanted to get to know Jeon Jungkook by the end of the night. Not for the dare but his Omega was a little bit interested.

“I need some alcohol in my system.” Yoongi muttered grabbing three glasses of champagne from a passing waiter, handing two to his brothers and keeping one of his own.

Jungkook snickered as he took the glass of champagne and bringing it up to his lips, he felt eyes on him, well, there were hundreds of eyes on him but he was compelled to turn and meet a pair of honey amber eyes that were staring straight at him. He raised a brow, staring back at the pair of pretty eyes as he listened to his brothers talking.

Taehyung kept eye contact with the male when he turned to the Omega, and he would have continued staring if not for Hoseok catching his attention. “Let's go sit down, this thing is going to take forever and I decided to wear heeled boots today, I don't know how you two do it.” He grumbled, making Jimin and Seokjin laugh. Taehyung looked over at Jungkook once more before he followed his friends to their assigned table.

“Who is that?” Jungkook asked as he followed the Omega’s movements.

His brothers turned slightly to look at where he was looking and Yoongi raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow. “Oh? Jeon Jungkook showing an interest in an Omega? That is new.”

Jungkook hummed, “Not the answer to the question I asked.”

Namjoon chuckled as he looked at his cousin, “That’s Kim Taehyung. One of the top models in the world. I’m surprised you don’t know.”

“I’m not interested in fashion.”

“Oh I can see that you are about to be very interested in it.” Yoongi smirked.

Jungkook sighed as he shook his head and sat down on the chair which was assigned to him, at their reserved table, waiters bringing in food for them as soon as they sat down, making sure that they were served before anybody else in the hall.

Jimin hummed as he watched the others get served first, “Oh to be the most important person in the hall. I want food first too.”

“Contribute millions of dollars and you can get served first.” Seokjin said, looking at Jimin in amusem*nt. “f*ck no, I just started making good money, I can pay $6 for an entire meal at a convenient store.”

Hoseok laughed, “So glad you're still so humble.” Jimin rolled his eyes with a smile and looked at Taehyung, who was staring at his glass.

“Bored already? Or mentally preparing for the night you'll be having?”

Taehyung snorted, “Neither, my mind is actually busy with something else.” He said, glancing back at the table where Jeon Jungkook was seated at, “Or rather someone else.”

“When can we leave?” Jungkook asked, sighing as he cut Yoongi’s steak into bite sized pieces, something that Namjoon or him always did for the omega.

“At the end? You have to stay until the main contributor is revealed, bro.” Namjoon mumbled, pouring a glass of water for Yoongi.

Jungkook tsked, annoyed, handing the Omega the plate and handed him the napkin to make sure he didn't get anything on his suit.

“You two will always spoil me.” Yoongi grinned as he started to eat, watching the two younger males grabbing onto their own plates.

Taehyung hummed, looking back to his own table. So one of those two was dating that Omega, or the Omega was their sibling. He got impatient waiting for their table to be served, “I’m gonna get something to drink.” He said, standing up. Seokjin frowned, “They're about to serve dinner.”

Taehyung laughed, “Yeah, to all the tables that contributed more than a life savings. I’ll be back.” He waved them off and walked off toward the open bar, ordering whatever signature co*cktail the event had picked out for people to order.

They were making small talk and watching the entertainment events the charity has organized when Jungkook’s eyes fell on the omega that was previously staring at him who was now standing at the open bar, a co*cktail in his hand. He couldn’t lie, the Omega was insanely attractive and for the first time in a very very long time, Jungkook felt attracted to an Omega. He was down to his fourth whiskey glass and he knew the alcohol had to play a big part in how attracted he was feeling to the Omega.

Taehyung finished his co*cktail and turned to look at their table, they still hadn't been served. He shook his head and turned to the bartender, “Hey, mind making me another one? Looks like I’ll be having this for dinner with how slow those servers are.” The bartender laughed and nodded as he got to work on making Taehyung another co*cktail. He let out a soft sigh as he slowly turned around, feeling eyes on him. Who was it that time?

He hummed softly when he realized it was none other than Jungkook, he smiled to himself as he stared at the male before he looked away when the bartender called him. He smirked and started to drink his co*cktail, listening to the male talk about how sh*tty the servers were at their job.

Jungkook shook his head when the Omega looked away from him and started to drink once more. He put his cutlery down, having been done with almost all of his plate. He wiped his mouth and stood up, “I need the washroom. You guys eat, I’ll be back.” he murmured as he walked out of the room not paying any attention to whichever business mogul was trying to nod in courtesy at him.

Taehyung was on his third co*cktail when he caught a glimpse of the Alpha walking out of the event hall. He looked back at his table, they had been served dinner but his friends were too focused on whoever it was on stage. He hummed and thanked the bartender before making his way out of the event hall, he promised he was only going to go wash his hands in the washroom, it was just a huge coincidence that Jeon Jungkook was also heading that way.

Jungkook tilted his chin up when he heard silent footsteps behind him. Looking slightly over his shoulder he saw the Omega following him which surprised him a bit but he smirked to himself as he opened the door of one of the private washrooms and stepped in.

Taehyung pretended not to notice the Alpha looking back. He walked into the washroom and made his way directly to the sinks, washing his hands, probably a little too slowly.

Jungkook stayed silent as he did his business in his stall, knowing that the Omega was outside. He concealed his smirk with a nonchalant face as he came out of the stall after his business walking towards the sink standing beside the Omega as he washed his hands. While he was washing his hands he looked up to the mirror and through it he saw the Omega already staring at him.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at Jungkook before he moved away from the sink to dry his hands, his back to the male. Taehyung wasn't sure what he thought would happen following the male into the washroom, but he would blame it on the alcohol in his system for making him do things without actual reason.

Jungkook smiled to himself as he looked down at his hands once more. “You spilled your drink on your hand?” he murmured, voice low and quite his busan satoori slipping out naturally.

Taehyung let out a small chuckle, discarding the cotton towel in the waste bin designed for them to be washed, “No, do you not wash your hands before dinner?” Taehyung asked, turning to the male, looking at him curiously.

Jungkook closed the tap before looking up at the Omega through the mirror, lips twitching slightly, “No, not when the event has cutlery for every course. A bit pointless, don’t you think?” he drawled.

Taehyung shrugged, looking at his nails, “Maybe I'm just a neat freak, did you think about that?” He said, looking back at Jungkook, “Maybe I just like taking the extra precaution.”

Jungkook chuckled huskily, “One of the highest paid models has time in their schedule to go to the washroom and wash their hands before each meal they take? Hmm. ”

Taehyung couldn't help the small smirk that appeared on his lips, “I have more than enough time in my schedule to do things outside of work, trust me.” He hummed softly before he started to walk toward the door.

“Do you?” Jungkook quipped as he started to dry his hands. “Makes me wonder what kind of work you take your time out of the schedules for.”

Taehyung turned around and faced Jungkook as he walked backwards to the door, “It's mostly for recreation purposes. Being a model is stressful enough, it's needed to blow off some steam now and then.”

Jungkook raised a brow as he pushed his hands in his pockets and walked towards the male, he could feel the alcohol swirling and messing with his head. “Is it? I am very curious to know how you blow off this said steam, surely it must not be the way I’m thinking of.” he stopped in front of the model when the said model’s back hit the door.

Taehyung watched Jungkook make his way over and he knew he did a horrible job at hiding his smirk, “And what is it you're thinking of, Jeon Jungkook? What are you possibly imagining me doing in that head of yours, hm?” Taehyung said, voice soft as he reached over to grab at the lapels of Jungkook’s jacket.

Jungkook looked down at his jacket when Taehyung grabbed the lapels, eyes focusing on the dainty hands before he looked up at the Omega, eyes dark.

“Oh I have a few various scenarios in my head and you don’t need to know them, Butterfly .” he rasped, the nickname slipping out involuntarily.

Taehyung looked away from his hands to look at the Alpha, “And why is that? If you're imagining a few scenarios with me in them, why can’t I know of them? Who knows, maybe I can help you make one of those come to life.” Taehyung whispered, hands slowly moving up to wrap his arms around Jungkook’s shoulders. He was never like that, Taehyung wasn't so brave or straightforward with people he found attractive. Hell, he hardly found anyone attractive. But he couldn't deny Jeon Jungkook caught his attention from the second he stepped into the hall, and he'd also blame it on the alcohol in his system.

A growl threatened to slip past Jungkook’s lips. Jeon Jungkook didn’t allow anyone to touch him so carelessly, yet when Taehyung wrapped his hands around his shoulders he couldn’t help but want to pull the Omega closer to him. The alcohol was definitely messing with his conscious decision making process. He smirked darkly, “Because all of it includes leaving your little holes leaking with my seeds..” he spoke, voice deepening.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook, noticing that despite his scent blockers, the washroom started to smell entirely of vanilla. He hummed and pulled Jungkook close, their faces inches away from each others’, “I honestly don't see how that is so bad, maybe I'd want that. As a matter of fact, I know I'd enjoy it.” Taehyung whispered, his Omega getting a little whiny and needy, but he tried to hide it.

Jungkook stared at the Omega before he chuckled darkly, hands coming to purchase their place at Taehyung’s waist as if they were designated and reserved for the sole purpose of grabbing and squeezing for Jungkook’s hands. He pulled the male’s lower body closer to him, slotting one of his strong thighs in between Taehyung's legs and humming, one hand coming up for him to trail a finger over taehyung’s face. “You are a needy little thing, aren’t you, Butterfly?” he husked staring into those amber eyes, the vanilla scent clouding the entirety of his senses, he was kind of glad that his scent was blocked completely.

Taehyung let out a small whine when he felt Jungkook’s thigh situated between his legs, “Only sometimes, and this is one of those times.” Taehyung said, experimentally moving his hips slightly, watching Jungkook for his reaction.

Jungkook’s lips softly parted as the Omega rocked his hips experimentally. Again grabbing the small waist with both his hands Jungkook supported the male to grind against his thighs. “And should we do something about it?”

Taehyung laughed softly, tilting his head back, resting it on the door, “I sure hope to the moon goddess that we do.” He breathed out, grinding down harder against the male’s thigh, he was already very turned on the second he stepped into the washroom, and his scent was giving away just how much more turned on he had gotten in a matter of minutes. He needed to get off, even if it meant getting off on the Alpha’s thigh. Designer clothes be damned.

Jungkook laughed softly, helping the Omega, insanely turned on himself as he watched him slowly lose it. “God you are f*cking ethereal, Butterfly.” he whispered.

Taehyung let out a small whimper, his omega loving the compliments. But also loving how good the alpha’s thigh was making them feel, and truthfully, Taehyung should have been embarrassed by what he was doing on a complete stranger’s thigh, but said stranger was way too f*cking attractive and responding incredibly to Taehyung’s neediness. So what was he to do? Ignore his needs? Absolutely not.

“Feels good, Butterfly?” Jugkook asked as taehyung’s scent literally drove him crazy. “You look f*cked out already, if this is what my thigh is doing to imagine what my co*ck would do to you, Butterfly. f*ck..” he hissed, squeezing Taehyung’s waist and starting to move his thigh hard.

Taehyung moaned and whined at the thought of Jungkook f*cking him when he mentioned how Taehyung would react to his co*ck. The Omega moved his hips a little faster when Jungkook moved his thigh harder, he grabbed at his shoulders as the two moved. He wanted more than anything to know what the male’s co*ck felt like inside of him, but his entire focus was on getting off on Jungkook's thigh.

Jungkook let out a slow growl when the male started to shudder in his arms. He knew that the Omega was close, and he smirked. “So f*cking desperate. Wanna cum Butterfly? Wanna be a good little boy and cum for Alpha?” he whispered, not caring whether they were ruining their outfits.

Taehyung nodded quietly, eyes closed as he moaned, his Omega feeling incredibly needy toward the Alpha. Taehyung knew he was close, he knew he was going to ruin his clothes but he didn't care. He didn't care because he was getting off by being with the most attractive Alpha he had ever laid eyes on, and he called that a f*cking win. So, he opened his eyes and stared at Jungkook, eyes blown wide, breathing heavily as his hips got faster but uncoordinated from his shaky his legs were becoming.

Jungkook grunted when he felt how shaky and uncoordinated Taehyung’s legs were. He used his thigh to lift the Omega slightly off the ground, making him sit on his thigh as he started to move Taehyung’s hips on his own, like a mindless doll. His own pupils were dilated and his Alpha was howling with pride inside him at making the most gorgeous Omega they have ever set their eyes on, losing all his bearings just from his thigh. “Cum, Butterfly.”

Taehyung gasped when he was lifted up, and he didn't last longer than that before he cummed in his pants as he let out a whiny and broken moan. He gripped the Alpha’s shoulders as he rode out his org*sm, knowing just how messy he was being and just how messy the inside of his pants would be. He had his eyes closed shut as Jungkook helped him through his org*sm, his omega howling in content.

Jungkook watched the male come apart in his arms, enchanted with the sight. He held him through the org*sm and smirked. “My pretty little butterfly.” he put the Omega down when he stopped shaking and he was about to get rid of the Omega’s jeans, because there was no way he was not f*cking the little Omega but to his surprise, Taehyung’s hands stopped him. He looked at the Omega’s eyes in question.

Taehyung rested his head back against the door, breathing heavily as he let out a small chuckle, “Now wait.. I already have a whole night planned with someone else..” he breathed out. He opened his eyes and looked at Jungkook, chest heaving, “With the highest contributor of the night..” He knew he probably sounded like a whor*, telling Jungkook he was going to spend the night with someone else right after he cummed because of the alpha's thigh alone.

Jungkook’s eyebrows flew out to his hairline. “Do you, now?“ he asked, smiling as he took a step back, letting go of the Omega. “Then I guess we should probably stop here, hmm? I mean you can probably change your underwear but you won’t be able to explain a gaping hole and dripping cum to your date now could you?” he smirked, pushing his hands inside his pants once more.

Taehyung’s legs felt like jelly, he nodded at Jungkook and pushed himself away from the door where he had been laying against, “Yeah, exactly.” He breathed out, and frankly, he would've and probably should’ve, changed because he was dripping in cum inside his pants but he needed to get back to the event hall. He didn't want anyone looking for him and having to try to explain why he was gone for so long. He stared at Jungkook before he let out a whine and opened the door, “I'll see you later, Jeon Jungkook.” He breathed out, walking out of the washroom to quickly make his way back to the hall, trying to cover up the fact he had cummed in his pants from anyone and everyone.

He entered the hall and instead of heading to the table, he hid by the bar, the bartender paid him no mind. Taehyung cursed as he shifted around, hearing how the person who had just gone up on stage was talking about the highest contributor and how grateful they were. Talk about perfect timing.

Jungkook laughed to himself slowly. He knew the Omega didn’t even know who the highest contributor was because if he did he would know it was Jungkook. Shaking his head and fixing his outfit he walked back into the hall as they were praising his contribution. He smirked to himself as he sat down next to Yoongi once more.

“You took a dump there or what?” The Omega huffed, but he just chuckled and listened to whatever bullsh*t the host was saying.

“Where the f*ck is Taehyung?” Jimin asked, “They're about to announce who his one night stand is and he's not here.”

Hoseok shook his head, “He's listening, by the bar.” He said pointing to the Omega that looked like he was hiding. Jimin rolled his eyes and turned back to the stage, “Idiot.”

“And the last announcement we have for the night, we'd like to thank the one person who contributed the most to our foundation and has helped us help others for possibly decades to come. We are so eternally grateful, and we'd like to ask this person to come up and say a few words. So, with such honor, I’d like to ask for all of you to give a huge round of applause to Jeon Jungkook!” The announcer said, and Taehyung froze on the spot. He stared at the stage, wondering if he had heard wrong.

Jungkook let out a soft sigh as applause exploded around him, everybody standing up to praise his good work. However he didn’t want to make a big deal of it and give a speech so he looked at his brothers. “I don’t feel well, can one of you do the speech? I’m gonna go.” he muttered and stood up without waiting for a response from them. He had already called his private car to the event when he exited the bathroom. He smiled slightly at the others and nodded his head in acknowledgement. He then walked out from the table but instead of walking towards the stage, he walked towards the doors seeing Namjoon making his way up to the stage. He slipped past the doors which the guards opened for him, not before looking for the Omega and smirking at him slightly.

Taehyung watched Jungkook, the way he stood up and the way he walked away from the stage instead of toward it. He didn't pay attention to anything else, not when he caught Jungkook looking his way and smirking at Taehyung. The Omega did not hesitate to push away from the bar and quickly follow Jungkook out of the event hall. Oh, he was definitely going to get a night with the highest contributor, he wouldn't be missing out on that knowing it was Jungkook.

Jungkook calmly walked towards the elevator, waiting for it to open before stepping in and he pressed the button to the car park because he knew one of their guards would have brought his car by now and he didn’t want annoying paparazzi to watch him leave.

Taehyung quickly made his way down the hall, he looked back to make sure no one was following him. He wasn't sure if his friends even noticed he walked out but he didn't care. He reached the elevator and quickly stepped in as the doors were closing. He stared at Jungkook as the doors closed entirely, “You realize we could've been f*cking by now if you had just told me it was you?” He said before he stepped toward Jungkook.

Jungkook looked up when a hand stopped the doors from closing but smirked when he saw who entered. He chuckled listening to the Omega and leaned casually against the elevator wall. “You sounded like you had the night planned, Butterfly.”

Taehyung rolled his eyes as he stepped as close to Jungkook as he could, shaking his head, “Shut up, you knew it was you, and you could've told me. I could've had you deep in my ass by now, how rude of you, Jeon Jungkook.” He said before grabbing at the lapels of Jungkook’s coat like he had in the washroom, “Tell me, do you want to be part of the night I planned?”

Jungkook stared at the Omega darkly before he chuckled and flicked his chin. “Desperate much for my co*ck, Butterfly?” he whispered. “Sure, why not?”

Taehyung let out a needy whine and nodded at the question, the elevator filling with the vanilla scent he was giving out, much like in the washroom, “Good, I was hoping you'd say yes, I would've been very whiny otherwise.” The Omega said and stared at Jungkook, licking his lips slightly.

Jungkook laughed softly, pushing a strand of Taehyung’s hair back. “Do you actually have your night planned or..” he trailed off, watching the male lick his lips.

“No. But now I do, I plan on being f*cked by you, all night if possible.” Taehyung said, pulling Jungkook closer to him, pressing their crotches together, letting the male know that despite what they did in the washroom, Taehyung was still very much needy and turned on.

Jungkook breathed in when he felt how hard Taehyung was and how soiled his leather pants exactly were. He hummed as the elevator door opened. “You sure you can keep up with me, Butterfly? Did it turn you on to know that I am the highest contributor?” he husked, wrapping an arm around the Omega’s waist and leading him towards his car.

Taehyung shook his head, “I wanted you to f*ck me before I found out, you turned me on in general. I just had to keep going with the stupid dare my best friend gave me. Just so happened you were the highest contributor. I'm turned on by you, not by your contribution.” Taehyung said as they approached a car. He glanced at the car then at Jungkook, “Unless that contribution comes in the form of your co*ck in me, then yes I am very much turned on by it.”

Jungkook snorted hard as he nodded to the guard as he took the key from him. “I’ll take it from here. Accompany Mr. Min and Mr. Kim, make sure they are safe, take the limo.” he muttered to the guard before clicking the car unlocked, the doors moving up automatically. “Shall we, Butterfly?” he asked with a slow smirk.

Taehyung nodded, and he'd never admit it but he liked the pet name. He looked at the car then at Jungkook once more, “This thing better go fast, otherwise I’ll cum in my pants again.” He mumbled, stupid alcohol talking, he looked around before he grabbed Jungkook's hand and placed it on his ass, “Hurry, so you can get to this faster.” He whispered, pulling away and rounding the car to get into the passenger side, a little eager to get away from there and be under Jungkook. Or on top. He didn't care as long as he got f*cked by the Alpha.

Jungkook cursed softly underneath his breath before he shook his head and got into the driver’s seat, the door closing automatically as soon as he sat down. He removed his coat and threw it back before uncuffing his cufflinks and rolled his sleeves up to his elbows, revealing half of the tattoos on his right hand. He then started the ignition of the car, placing his hands on the steering wheel and caressing it a little. “Put your seatbelt on please.” he rasped in English as he slowly pulled out of the parking lot.

Taehyung unconsciously let out a moan at the sight of Jungkook's tattoos, he truly was shameless at the moment. He put his seatbelt on and laid his head back as Jungkook started to drive, staring at the Alpha with dilated pupils, trying to stay calm until they arrived wherever Jungkook was taking them.

Jungkook chuckled when he heard the moan. “Brace yourself, Butterfly. I drive fast.” was the only warning he gave Taehyung as he floored the gas as soon as he pulled into the main road. He was taking Taehyung to his bachelor pad. He never took his hook ups to his house, where his entire family lived and he didn’t take anyone to his pad either, but Taehyung wasn’t just anyone so he knew he couldn’t f*ck the model in a hotel.

Taehyung laughed softly before Jungkook started to drive. He felt hot all over, and it was so weird to him just how much the male was getting to him and his omega, it surprised him how much he needed the alpha. He sat up slightly and started to undo his top, undoing the buttons and opening up slightly. Needing to feel a little cooler but not get naked as he couldn't do that, not in Jungkook's car.

Jungkook looked sideways when he felt the Omega move. He smirked when he saw him opening his blouse slightly. He focused back on the road and very nonchalantly he put an arm on Taehyung’s thigh, thick fingers wrapping around the dainty thigh as he continued to drive with one hand.

Taehyung let out a whimper when Jungkook placed his hand on his thigh. The model placed his hand over Jungkook, wanting to ensure that he wouldn't remove it. He watched the Alpha drive, feeling a little impatient that the car wasn't going at the speed of light when he and his Omega were becoming needier by the second.

Jungkook smiled when he felt the omega place his own arm over his. He stepped more on the gas, reaching the maximum speed limits, whizzing past buildings. Clenching his jaw he concentrated on the road but his hand kept squeezing Taehyung’s thigh and within ten minutes he was pulling into his bachelor pad unit’s parking lot, which should have been a twenty minute drive from the gala venue at normal speed.

Taehyung turned to look at Jungkook as the male pulled into his building, he let out a whine, knowing very well it had been his Omega. Taehyung needed Jungkook, and he wasn't sure why he needed the Alpha so badly. Maybe it was because he hadn't been with anyone in a really long time and his Omega was trying to get as much attention as he could before the night was over.

Jungkook parked his car in his designated spot, the Omega’s whines driving him nuts. He didn’t wait to get out of the car as soon as he could and rounded to get Taehyung, grabbing his hand and dragging him towards the elevators, and as soon as the elevator doors closed behind them, he put his password in and pressed the top most floor before pinning Taehyung into the wall and slammed their lips together.

Taehyung let out a gasp when Jungkook’s lips were on his, but he recovered quickly kissing the male back seconds later. He placed his hands on Jungkook's nape before he pushed them up to tangle his fingers in the Alpha’s hair. He moaned against Jungkook’s lips, gripping and tugging at the male’s hair as they made out messily in the elevator on their way up.

Jungkook growled when he felt the male pull on his hair. He pressed Taehyung hard against the elevator wall, lifting the Omega against the wall and placing his hands underneath his plush ass , starting to squeeze them as he kissed the omega harder than he’s kissed anybody in his life

Taehyung allowed himself to get lifted up and as soon as he felt Jungkook’s hands on his ass he let out the whiniest moan he had let out so far. He tugged harshly on Jungkook’s hair, letting the alpha slide his tongue into his mouth and explore every corner of Taehyung’s mouth. He heard the elevator ping and the doors open but he didn't want to pull away, and he just prayed Jungkook would just carry him to wherever it was they were going to be spending the rest of the night.

Jungkook grunted into the kiss and pulled away from the wall, with the omega still in his arms. He continued to kiss him as he blindly walked into his pad, not even bothering to look as he walked straight towards the couch in front of the fire. He was going to f*ck Taehyung all over his pad before knotting him on his bed.

Taehyung pulled back and looked at Jungkook, drooling on the corners of his mouth, “Please Jungkook.. Just f*ck me already..” He whined.

Jungkook panted as he walked the rest of the way and dropped Taehyung on the couch before his swift fingers were working fast on removing Taehyung’s clothes, groaning at how pretty the male looked as each piece of garment came off, especially the cum soaked pants. He felt like his alpha would snap in two if he didn’t f*ck the omega within the next five minutes..

Taehyung allowed Jungkook to remove his clothes, but as more articles of clothing came off Taehyung, the more the male whined wanting to do the same with Jungkook. The male left him entirely bare before Taehyung actually got the chance to start removing Jungkook’s clothes. Except he was so needy that he started by helping Jungkook out of his pants, needing to free his co*ck as Taehyung was soaking wet and wanting him as soon as possible.

Jungkook took his belt off with one hand while he pulled his shirt out of his pants with the other. He then opened his zipper, with the help of the Omega, who really wasn’t doing anything and was just pulling at his clothes. He pulled his co*ck free, only undoing his zipper and button to get it out. They were both too impatient and crazy to wait until he was fully out of the clothes. He cursed when Taehyung ripped his shirt open, his buttons flying everywhere. He didn’t move to get the shirt out of his body and just placed co*ck near Taehyung’s entrance. He didn’t even need to use lube or spit or prep the omega cus Taehyung was that f*cking wet. He just collected some of Taehyung’s slick and lathered his co*ck up with it. He then stared at the omega as he stroked his co*ck ,”You want it, Butterfly?” he bit out, his entire body taut with tension and eyes dark with lust.

Taehyung moaned when Jungkook freed his co*ck from his pants, he stared at it for a while before he looked up at the alpha. He nodded quickly, wanting Jungkook inside him as fast as possible. Taehyung was not want to be that needy or whiny, but he just really needed to be f*cked by Jungkook. His omega was practically begging for Taehyung to beg. Taehyung pulled Jungkook down and pressed their lips together once more, kissing him deeply as he waited for the alpha to finally be inside of him.

Jungkook chuckled darkly into the kiss, biting down on his lower lip. He would have teased him more, make him beg and scream for it but he was just as impatient so without a second thought he found himself slamming into the omega, starting to thrust immediately and hard, basically f*cking the Omega into the couch..

Taehyung gasped loudly when Jungkook finally slammed into him, he grabbed onto the alpha's hair and gripped at it tightly as the male f*cked into him hard. Which was what Taehyung wanted and needed, so despite it being a little rougher than what he'd hoped, he was over the moon. He pulled away from the kiss to vocalize with loud moans and whines just how good Jungkook was already making him feel.

Jungkook smirked as Taehyung ripped away from his mouth, a string of saliva connecting them for a second before Taehyung threw his head back and moaned his voice out with how he was feeling. It was rubbing at his Alpha’s ego and watching the Omega, the only thing he wanted was to make the Omega feel good and completely lose himself so that is what he did as he almost desperately, yet with coordinated thrusts kept hitting Taehyung’s small bundle of nerves, letting out tamed little growls.

Taehyung arched his back off the couch, practically screaming every time Jungkook was hitting him just right. He grabbed at Jungkook’s shoulders, digging his nails into the male’s skin, moaning nonstop. He wasn't sure how loud he was being and whether Jungkook’s walls were soundproof. In reality, he didn't care. Mostly because Jungkook was making him feel so f*cking good, better than anyone he had ever been with.

Even if it was just basically a few minutes since they had started Jungkook already had sweat dripping down his forehead as he drove into Taehyung again and again.. He growled and huffed, feeling his own org*sm swirling in his lower belly.. “f*cking pretty butterfly..” he growled lowly, eyes flickering from black to red to gold to black again..

Taehyung seemed to have lost all control of his body and scent. For the third time since meeting Jungkook, the entire room filled with Taehyung’s scent, pheromones giving out exactly how much he was enjoying it, how much he needed Jungkook, and just how much his omega was happy at the moment. He knew that with how hard and fast Jungkook was going, Taehyung was not going to last any longer. He could feel it and he was sure Jungkook could smell it too.

Jungkook’s Alpha went haywire when he smelled Taehyung’s oncoming org*sm. With a loud growl he pulled back and knelt on the couch with one leg, gripping Taehyung’s waist and pulling him slightly off of the couch making his back arch like a bow, Jungkook started to hammer in and out of him, basically holding taehyung like a rag doll. He thrusted rough and fast, not caring about anything else but making the Omega calm. He stared at the way the omega shook in his arms like a dried up leaf and snarled, sweat dripping down his entire body.. “Cum, Butterfly..” this time it was his Alpha who commanded the Omega who was holding barely into his bearings.

Taehyung let Jungkook manhandle him as he pleased, too f*cked out to care or argue, not that he wanted to anyway. Jungkook was doing exactly what Taehyung wanted, which was f*cking him good. When his omega heard Jungkook speak, he didn't last very long after. In fact, he let out an embarrassing whimper before he was cumming and spilling all over their stomachs, a loud moan of Jungkook’s name slipping from his mouth.

Jungkook watched the male come undone in his arms, this was the second time and yet he was still enthralled with the beauty of Taehyung letting all his inhibitions go. He knew he was close so he kept thrusting, f*cking Taehyung through his org*sm and when he felt like he was close to cumming he hissed and started to pull out.

Taehyung had no idea what was going on, his mind too foggy, however, the second he felt Jungkook starting to pull out he gasped softly. He opened his eyes and looked at the alpha, shaking his head. He wrapped his legs around Jungkook’s waist and held him in place as he kept thrusting into Taehyung. He would blame it on his omega and the alcohol, but he needed Jungkook to stay inside of him.

Jungkook knew he should pull out, he knew otherwise it was going to be a full on disaster but the alcohol brewing in his system and the desperate pleading in the Omega’s eyes and the legs that just tightened around him, holding him in place didn’t help at all. “f*ck.” he yelled as he thrusted twice before lodging himself as deep as he could in Taehyung, releasing rope after rope of hot cum, filling Taehyung to the brim.

Taehyung’s head fell back as he let out another loud moan, the feeling of Jungkook spilling inside of him was too good. His omega whimpered and cried in happiness and pleasure, as did Taehyung, who moaned for Jungkook. He made sure to keep his legs tight around Jungkook's waist to keep him in place for as long as he could, breathing heavily as he kept his eyes shut.

Jungkook fell forward, hands on either side of Taehyung's head so he was bracing himself against the couch and not crushing the omega as he panted, out of breath. He had never cum as hard as he did today and it was a f*cking lot . “sh*t..” he swallowed dryly.. He raised his head from Taehyung's neck where was deeply inhaling the Omega’s addictive scent and stared at Taehyung’s blissed out face.. “You good, Butterfly?” he rasped, licking his dry lips.

Taehyung opened his eyes slowly, looking up at Jungkook, chest heaving before he chuckled softly, “Very good.” He whispered, closing his eyes once more. “f*ck..” He mumbled, slowly pulling his hands away from Jungkook to place his arms over his eyes, “You're..” he started but didn't finish as he tried to regulate his breathing instead.

Jungkook smirked as he straightened and grabbed Taehyung by the waist, pulling him up and getting up with him in his arms, still deep inside the male, carrying him over to the huge floor to ceiling windows.. “ I am ?”

“You're not going to stop, right? I did say we would have all night.” Taehyung breathed out, hissing when Jungkook picked him, immediately wrapping his arms around the male’s neck to hold himself up.

Jungkook laughed as he pressed Taehyung against the window and set him down on his feet to get rid of his clothes without even pulling out of the Omega, he then spun the male on his co*ck and pressed him against the window once more, this time Taehyung’s back to his chest. He pressed Taehyung flush against it and pulled back almost all the way out, just his tip caught within Taehyung’s pink rim of muscles. “We are not stopping until you are stuck on my knot, Butterfly..” he husked in Taehyung's ear before slamming in again, hard.

Taehyung held onto the window, whining when Jungkook pulled out almost entirely, only to scream Jungkook's name when he slammed in again. He was in for a very good night, and Taehyung for once was happy with Jimin's stupid dares. He didn't care if he and Jungkook f*cked the night away, and that he ended up with Jungkook’s knot inside of him. He had never been f*cked so good before and he was surely going to take advantage of everything the alpha wanted to give.

True to Jungkook’s words the night didn’t stop from their second round, in fact they lost the count of rounds after the fifth. Jungkook’s stamina was insanely high and he basically f*cked Taehyung against the window, on the floor, on the stairs, against the railing of the second floor, the bathroom when Taehyung went to use it and finally on Jungkook’s bed where he finally knotted the Omega, both of them falling asleep as the sun was peeking out from the clouds, morning dawning on them as they went into dream land, wrapped up in each other..

Taehyung let out a groan, turning around and pressing his face against the pillow, only to pull back and stare down at it. That was not his pillow. Then he remembered why it wasn't his pillow and where he was. He sat up and looked around, he was pretty sure he had spent the entire night getting f*cked by Jungkook. So, where was he? Taehyung slowly, hissing, got out of bed and wrapped the duvet around himself as he knew his clothes were in the living room. He walked out of the bedroom, looking around as he made his way downstairs.

“Jungkook?” He called out, he wasn't sure what time it was, he didn't even remember if he took his phone with him. When he reached the living room, he got the smell of food, so he figured the alpha was in the kitchen. But to his surprise, he walked into an empty kitchen and food on the kitchen island. He hummed softly and walked over, seeing that there was a note next to the food.

He looked around once more before picking the note up and unfolding it to read what it said as he grabbed the glass of juice Jungkook had left out for him and took a sip.

Good morning Butterfly,

Though I didn’t want to act like a jerk and leave you after last night to a cold apartment, circ*mstances demanded my attention very urgently, so I had to leave before you woke up and you looked too tired and cozy for me to so rudely wake you up. So forgive my assholish ways.

There is food for you as you might have hopefully seen by now, and your phone is fully charged. I think your best friend called. Jimin, was it? I told him you were asleep. The phone is near the living room TV.

Oh also, my driver would bring you fresh clothes and make up so make sure you take a wash and freshen up. Don’t worry I’ve made sure that the clothes would fit you. My driver will drop you off to wherever you want to go..

Once more, I apologize for the brutish ways I abandoned you in the morning. If fate wants it, we will meet again, Butterfly. Thank you for last night.


“Ugh, he's perfect, what the f*ck.” Taehyung mumbled, looking at the food as he set the note down, “Can't even be mad that he left.” He added. He sighed and decided to eat first, wash second then get ready to leave. He knew he shouldn't stay there longer than necessary, so he did his best to be quick. He made sure to clean up after himself, not wanting to leave a mess where he ate and washed up.

Jungkook's driver had left the clothes for him by the bed, and he wasted no time in getting dressed. He walked out and walked toward his phone, picking it up and unplugging it to see he in fact had a few missed calls and texts. He snorted and walked back to the kitchen, finding the notepad Jungkook had used. He wrote a small note himself before leaving with Jungkook's driver, needing to get back home.

Good morning, Jungkook

Thank you for lunch, and for the clothes and for charging my phone. I'd say thank you for last night as well but pretty sure i said that a lot during the night. And don't worry, I'm not upset you left, you took very good care of me even after leaving, so kudos for that. And you're right, if fate wants it, we’ll see each other again.

Have a good day


Taehyung was at a shoot with Gucci, he was doing a new campaign for their spring collection and he was the face of said collection. However, he wasn't feeling his best. He felt so tired and sluggish, and to be frank he wouldn't want to just sleep the day away.

He did his best, of course he did, there was no reason for him not to give his all just because he preferred to be laid in bed rather than being in front of a camera. And as soon as he was done and on his way home, he called Jimin.

“Taehyung! I was just about to call you, are you on your way home?”

Taehyung hummed, head resting against the window, “Yeah. God, I feel so tired.”

“Long day?”

“No, actually. I've felt tired and sluggish since I woke up. If it wasn't for the fact I’m the face of the brand I would've stayed in bed.” He mumbled, making Jimin chuckle.

“Maybe you're getting sick? When was the last time you had a day off?”

Taehyung frowned slightly before he shrugged, “The day after the gala a few weeks back.”

Jimin snorted, “Pretty sure it wasn't because it was a scheduled day off, you disappeared all night and most of the following day. You forcefully took a day off.”

Taehyung blushed at the thought of the night he had spent with a certain alpha before shaking his head, “Yeah well, I needed the rest.”

Jimin stayed silent for some time before he spoke again, voice a little concerned, “How long has it been since?”

“Since what?” Taehyung asked, his driver stopping outside of his apartment complex. He thanked the man and stepped out of the car and into the building, making his way to the elevator.

“Since your night with Jungkook.”

“Oh, like four or five weeks. Why?” Taehyung asked, stepping into the elevator and leaned against the wall after pressing the button to his floor.

“Right. And when was your heat?”

Taehyung snorted, “What does that have to do with anything?” Taehyung asked, staring at the numbers increasing above the elevator doors.

“Taehyung, just answer the question.”

“Geez, like four or five weeks.” He replied and stepped out of the elevator, freezing just outside it when he realized what he said. “No, you don't think I’m feeling tired because-”

“Because you're probably pregnant? Yeah, that's exactly what I’m thinking.”

Taehyung rushed to his apartment and immediately ran to his bathroom where he conveniently had a pregnancy test stored in a drawer. He placed the call on speaker and while Jimin was trying to reassure him he was probably wrong and he was not pregnant, Taehyung took the test.

He set it down on the sink after and picked his phone up again, turning away from it, “I'm not pregnant, I was in heat after not during.” He said and Jimin hummed, “Then you're good, you're probably just stressed.”

“Yeah, probably.”

They stayed silent for some time, neither of them knowing what to say next. Until Jimin spoke up, “It's been about five minutes.” He whispered.

Taehyung swallowed thickly as he turned around to walk toward the sink, “Have you checked?”

“No. I’m about to.” Taehyung mumbled and set his phone down to pick up the test which he had set faced down. He took a deep breath and turned it around, breath hitching as he stared down on it.

Pregnant 4-5 weeks

“Oh f*ck.”

“How many shares did we lose?” Jungkook’s anger was slowly rising as he stared out of the window.

“Not a lot sir, just 3%”

“Just 3%? The f*ck you mean, just ? We lost 3% of our shares, Minjae. f*cking 3%” Jungkook growled. “I swea-” he frowned when he heard a commotion outside his door, and he turned in time for his door to swing open, his anger rising as he had told no one can come in without his permission, and he was about to curse whoever before he saw who it was. He frowned deeper..

“Minjae.. I’ll get back to you, find out a way to fix this f*ckery.” he bit out, nostril flaring as he declined the call.

“Sir.. I’m sorry I tried to stop him..”

Jungkook looked at his PA before nodding.. “Thank you, Kay.. You may leave us..” he spoke before looking at the other male once more.. “Butterfly?” he murmured, confused..

Taehyung stayed silent until Jungkook’s assistant left the office, he immediately teared as he stepped toward Jungkook, “We need to talk, it's really important.”

Jungkook tilted his head, staring at the teary eyes. He took a few steps towards the Omega.. “Are you okay?” he asked, setting his phone down on the table.. “Come on.. Have a seat.. Do you need water?”

Taehyung shook his head, “No, I..” He choked out before he pulled out his pregnancy test from his pocket and handed it to Jungkook, “Jungkook, I’m pregnant.”

Jungkook froze, staring at the Omega. “Pardon?”

Taehyung let out a small whimper, looking away from the alpha, “I'm pregnant. And it's yours because you're the only person I've been with in over two years.”

Jungkook blinked, opening and closing his mouth a few times before he looked down at the test and took it slowly from taehyung’s hold. He stared at it for a long time, a million thoughts running in his head before looking back at the Omega.. “You.. You are bearing my pup..” he spoke, voice low..

“Not for long.” Taehyung whispered, turning to Jungkook, tears running down his cheeks, “Jungkook, if my management and my family find out about this it's not going to go well for me. I can't have this baby.. I'm literally unmated and single. Everyone will have my head if they find out.”

Jungkook froze for the second time.. “Excuse me? And with whose permission, are you gonna abort the pup Taehyung? Do I have a f*cking say in it? This is my pup too, Taehyung..” he bit out with a growl.

“It's my f*cking body, Jungkook. I don't need f*cking permission from anyone.” Taehyung said as he stared at the alpha. “I just wanted you to be aware of it, otherwise I would've felt f*cking guilty for going ahead with it and not letting you know.”

“But this is my pup Taehyung! My f*cking pup! My first born! Did you think of that?! Did you even discuss it with me? You are killing my f*cking pup, marching in here saying that you are killing it! You give me hope that you are pregnant! Make me think I am going to be a f*cking father and suddenly say you are killing it?! Who the f*ck do you think you are?!” Jungkook raised his voice slightly.

Taehyung cowered down, a pained whimper leaving his lips when Jungkook raised his voice, “I'm an unmated omega, Jungkook! You wouldn't understand because you're an alpha! You won't understand how much hate and how much this will affect my career! You know the kind of society we live in. Yes, it's the 21st century but you should be well aware how omegas are still treated. You wouldn't understand why this has to be done! I’m screwed if this gets out!” Taehyung cried out, eyes on the floor.

“Oh to f*ck with understanding Kim! You think my career won’t be affected? I’ve built up my entire reputation around control and responsibility. You are the nation’s f*cking sweetheart, you are treasured and you know what this will make me? An irresponsible f*cking billionaire alpha who does whatever that he wants and gets an unmated Omega pregnant. You think this won’t affect me?” Jungkook hissed. “But f*ck my career Taehyung, we are talking about a f*cking life here. The life of our baby. Our pup. Our blood. I don’t know how you can be so cruel to do it but no Taehyung I will not let you do it, if you do, the media is not the one that will ruin your career.. I promise you that.. You are not killing my pup.. I’m sorry..” he let out a threatening growl.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook, entirely heartbroken. He had hoped the alpha would understand but his biggest mistake was going to his office to let him know. He stayed quiet as his omega hid away in pain and shame. Taehyung felt empty. He didn't know what to say, just stared at Jungkook.

“Go home now..”Jungkook tried to calm himself down. “I am sure that you didn’t tell your parents, tell them.. Talk to your management and whoever and see what you can come up with for a solution. Expect my family at your house tonight. We are doing this by hook or by crook. I’m so f*cking sorry but I am not letting you kill an innocent being for the sake of our careers.. “

Taehyung slowly turned around and silently walked out of the office, sniffling on his way to the elevator. He knew that telling his parents and his management would be absolute hell, but seeing as he had no other choice, he'd have to deal with whatever wrath his parents would give him.

And truth be told, his parents didn't take it very well. Cussed and yelled at him for being so stupid. Called him a disgrace and an embarrassment. The management panicked and when they asked who the father was, they jumped on the opportunity to be present at the meeting when Taehyung told them it was Jungkook.

Taehyung was in for what probably would be the worst night of his life.

Chapter 2: Don't Start sh*t You Will Have To Witness Me Finish


"Who did this to you?"

"I.. I did it."

"Don't you dare lie to me, Butterfly."


Kim Taehyung learns that a family is built of love and not of blood.


Be respectful and Enjoy!

Loads of love!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“I never imagined we’d come to this..” Jungkook’s mother looked at Jungkook’s father as the car pulled into the Kim estate..

The male, took her hand and caressed it softly.. “I know love, but children make mistakes, yeah? Don’t take it as a huge issue.. We’ll get through this together.. Let’s just be there for our boy hmm? You know that Jungkook is not a boy who makes rash decisions, so let’s support him the one time he did..”

The omega sighed before she smiled at her Alpha.. “Okay then Alpha, let’s go..”

The alpha chuckled, kissing her forehead.. “Let’s go, Jungkook will join us in a few minutes..” he murmured before they both got out of the car and walked towards the entrance of the house

Mr. Kim walked with his wife to the door, Taehyung had been ordered to put on some makeup, to cover up the slight mark his alpha father had left on his cheek. The couple opened the door, and stared at the other couple before stepping aside, “Jeon, come on in.” Mr. Kim mumbled.

Mr. Jeon raised an eyebrow at the male’s manners before he snickered.. “Very nice to see you again, Kim.” he murmured before leading his wife in.. “Where is the Omega?” Mrs. Jeon asked softly.

Mrs. Kim rolled her eyes, the couple leading the visitors toward the living room, “Freshening up. He looked horrible to be welcoming guests that way.” She said in annoyance.

Mrs. Jeon frowned. Why would they talk about their own son like that? “He is a model, how can he ever look horrible?” she tried to chuckle as they all sat down, the two Jeons sitting on the couch, close.

The Kims shared a glance but didn't respond to the question, sitting down on the other couch, on opposite ends of it.

A male, in his thirties, soon joined them in the living room, introducing himself as Seojoon. He was part of Taehyung’s management and the one in charge of being present for the meeting.

Mr. Jeon smiled and nodded at the manager.. “Jungkook will be here any moment.. He had a long day and said he’d like to have a change of clothes before showing up.” he spoke, eyes following the pretty youngster who was coming down the stairs.

“That's alright, I feel that after speaking with Taehyung, we are all in agreement on what is to happen, but we'd like to still talk to you about the options we have,” Seojoon explained, Taehyung entering the living room, gaze casted down.

“Look up, Taehyung. Don't be rude.” Mr. Kim bit out and Taehyung lifted his eyes, looking at his parents before he turned to the new couple who he figured were Jungkook's parents.

“Hello, I apologize. I’m Taehyung.” He said softly, bowing at the couple.

Mrs. Jeon clenched her fists when she heard how the Omega was spoken to.. She had half a mind to put the rude alpha in place but she focused on Taehyung instead smiling. “My son was right.. You are indeed enchanting, sweetheart.. Are you okay?” she asked softly.

Taehyung did his best to try to smile at the woman and her compliment but he glanced over at his parents for a split second before focusing on her once more, “I'm fine.” He whispered.

“Kim Taehyung, speak up. We've told you how rude and childish it is for you to mumble. No one can understand what you're saying.” Mrs. Kim said, annoyance clear in her voice.

“Oh I understood him perfectly..” Mrs. Jeon cut the female off.. “I heard him loud and clear.. You don’t become childish just because you whisper.. It’s fine Mrs. Kim.” she smiled sickly sweet at the lady.

Mrs. Kim rolled her eyes and turned to her husband who was practically glaring at Taehyung. “Sit down, Taehyung. We're still waiting for their son to arrive.” Taehyung nodded and walked around the couch to sit on a small chair next to the couch his parents were sitting on.

Seojoon cleared his throat a little uncomfortable at the situation before he smiled at the Jeons, “Right, well, have you been all caught with what's going on? Or shall we wait for your son to let you know of the options Taehyung’s parents and his management have come up with?”

“I’m here.. You don’t need to wait for anyone.” Jungkook’s cold voice bit out as he walked into the living room, thanking the butler. The playfulness and the kindness Taehyung had witnessed the first day had completely vanished from the Alpha’s face. He didn’t bother to glance at anyone and just walked straight towards his parents. “Eomma, Appa..” he said softly, bowing to them before turning to Taehyung’s parents, expressions becoming cold again. “Mr. Kim, Mrs. Kim..” he nodded at the two.

Taehyung looked down as soon as he heard Jungkook enter the living room. The Kims nodded in acknowledgment but didn't say anything as they stared at the male who had arrived. Seojoon looked around the room before he cleared his throat, “Okay. So, I'm glad you all know each other now. Shall we get started?” He asked, looking over at Taehyung, “Taehyung, are you okay to begin?”

“He's fine. Just begin.” Mr. Kim said, not even glancing at his son.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes at the man’s response but he kept quiet as he just looked at Seojoon..

The beta nodded and looked at the others, “The Kims and Taehyung’s management were talking and we believe the best solution would be for Taehyung and Jungkook to marry. That way it doesn't seem like Taehyung got pregnant from a one night stand.”

“That's the only option. Otherwise, my wife and I have decided to publicly disown Taehyung for his wrongdoings.” Mr. Kim said, making Taehyung tense up and turn to look at his father in shock.

Jungkook’s head snapped towards the male, face expressionless but he was beyond floored. “Pardon?” he bit out, his rage barely concealed.

Mr. Kim looked at Jungkook unphased, “He did wrong in sleeping around while unmated. We're in this situation because my son couldn't keep his legs closed. Therefore, you marry him, or we disown him. We will not be associated with someone who brings such a bad reputation to the Kim name.”

“Father..” Taehyung whispered, tearing up as he stared at his parents, who ignored him and paid him no mind. Taehyung turned to Seojoon, who smiled at him sadly, as if he was simply following orders. Lastly he turned to the Jeons, letting out a small whimper in sorry.

Jungkook’s low growl cut through the living room, it was a threat but before he could speak, his father jumped in. “And what do you expect out of this marriage? I refuse to believe that you will just give us your son. You are not that kind of man Dongyun. I know you.” he spoke, voice firm.

Mr. Kim laughed, “Of course not. By marrying them off, we would also seal a deal between our companies, making the marriage more believable. That way it seems more like two families coming together because their sons are together rather than a marriage brought up by a mistake my son made.”

Taehyung sniffled as he hung his head, ashamed that all of this was happening because he was pregnant.

Mrs. Jeon hissed. “Disown him then.” she glared at the two parents.. “Come on.. Your manager is right there.. Tell her to issue the public statement if you dare.. Right now.. Disown him..”

Seojoon stared at the couples, not knowing what to do. Mr. Kim hummed, turning to Taehyung, “Get out of here. We will be releasing a statement in a few hours. and just know that you brought this upon yourself.” Taehyung looked at his father, tears running down his face. “I said get out!”

Taehyung stood up in a rush and quickly made his way out of the living room, Seojoon’s eyes widened as he stood up and quickly walked after his client.

“Taehyung, wait..” Jungkook spoke as he stood up, eyes completely crimson, sparks of gold swirling within his eyes. He looked at the omega when he paused. “Come here, Butterfly..” he spoke in a firm yet gentle voice.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, crying as he stayed in his spot. He glanced at his parents before slowly making his way to Jungkook, wiping at his face, unaware that he was wiping off the concealer he had applied earlier, “I'm sorry..” he whispered to Jungkook.

Jungkook stared at the omega, his rage skyrocketing. Taking a step forward he gently gripped his chin.. “who did this to you?” He asked, turning his face sideways staring at the bruise..

Taehyung gasped softly, his hand flying up to his face to cover his cheek, he didn't say anything. He stared at the floor before he glanced at his father who was glaring at him from a distance. “I.. I did it.” He whispered and looked back down at the floor.

Jungkook’s nose flared as he stared at the male. “Don’t you dare lie to me, Butterfly..” he growled softly.

Taehyung let out a small whimper, looking up at Jungkook, “My father.” He whispered and looked back at the ground, “I'm so sorry about all of this..”

The growl Jungkook let out as he heard the Omega’s answer was unhinged causing even his mother’s Omega to be slightly unsettled. He turned to the Kims, murder in his eyes..

“This is the first..” he breathed, teeth baring.. “And the last time I will see you laying your f*cking hands on him.” he spat. Grabbing Taehyung’s hand, he pushed him behind his back.

“You wanted me to marry him? I was going to do that anyway..” he growled. “This baby is as much my responsibility as his.. This is our baby.. Call our pup a mistake once more and I will snap your neck in two I don’t f*cking care how senior you are to me, class wise you are still below me, Kim. And all your dreams of signing deals with us? Yeah let them go cus I won’t sign sh*t with you. The empire is not my father’s anymore and it’s mine. I call the shots and I will marry Taehyung, who by your words is no longer a Kim . He is just Taehyung now and all of the benefits this marriage will have will go to him, and not a cent to you f*ckers.. I will make sure of that..” he growled. “I will be pulling out all my shares out of your other sons’ companies, yes even the hospital, I do not care how you brace yourselves for the blow but I will not even let my name be in a corner of filthy f*ckers like you..”

He took in a deep breath controlling his inner alpha so as not to murder Taehyung’s father then and there.. “The next time I see a mark on my Omega that is not mine , me removing my shares and its blows to your family will be the least of the damages I will do to you. Don’t start sh*t that you will have to witness me finish. Don’t. f*cking. try. me.” he spat before, grabbing Taehyung and leaving the living room, not even waiting for his parents, pulling Taehyung behind him.

Taehyung glanced over at his parents before he quickly followed Jungkook out of the living room and then out of the house. He silently cried as he walked with the alpha, feeling horrible about the whole thing. Seojoon watched them walk away before he turned to the couples, “Our duty is with Taehyung, so, if he and Jungkook decide to marry then we have absolutely nothing to work out with you.” He said to the Kims, bowing his head, “Have a good day.” He said before he also walked out of the house.

Mrs. Jeon snickered as she stood up.. “I’m proud of my son..” she gloated. “And my soon to be son in law too.. Touch him once more, Jungkook will not be the only one you will have to be worried about. Taehyung is a Jeon now. You can f*ck right off for all we care. Pathetic little f*cks.” she spoke before holding her head high and marching out of there..

Mr. Jeon laughed softly at his wife before his expressions steeled turning to the Kims. “Be very careful..” he warned before following his wife quickly, wrapping an arm around her waist, “My potty mouthed angel.” he kissed her head as they made their way out of the house.

Jungkook opened his car doors leading Taehyung towards the passenger seat, waiting for him to get in, silent.

Taehyung kept his head down, sniffling softly as he got into the car without a word. He put his seatbelt on and bit down on his bottom lip to keep himself from crying longer. He heard Seojoon tell Jungkook he'd be in touch with him and Taehyung before walking away. Followed by Jungkook's parents exiting his parents’ house.

Jungkook didn't say a word as he got into the driver’s seat after talking to Seojoon. He didn't waste a second in the horrid place as he sped out of the gates, driving fast, mind busy with everything that had just gone down.

Taehyung kept his gaze on his hands, eyes still filled with tears. “It wasn't that I didn't want to have our pup. I would always want our pup. But I hope.. I hope you understand now why I was so scared and.. and why abortion was the only solution I thought possible.” He whispered, keeping his gaze away from Jungkook.

Jungkook kept silent as he drove before he finally slowed down near an empty park. He stopped the car and turned to Taehyung.. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, voice firm yet soft.. “Why didn’t you tell me that this is what you were going through Taehyung?”

Taehyung finally looked over at Jungkook, the tears slowly falling down his face, “I was scared. You have no idea how they've treated me my whole life. Yes, I was scared about my career and what the people would think. But I was also scared of my parents. I didn't want to have to tell them that I was pregnant while being single and unmated. You have no idea how much they truly hate me, and I was scared. But I also didn't want to go along with an abortion without letting you know, and now.. now you're going to have to marry the stupid omega you had a one night stand with after a charity event.” His bottom lip trembled as he stared back at his hands, “I’m sorry..”

Jungkook watched Taehyung’s tears, clenching his jaws. “If you told me the real reason you were going for the abortion I would have agreed.. I would have even supported you, been with you through the process.. I was honestly just angry at the way you showed up at my office and said that you were going to abort the pup without even discussing it with me..” he let out a sigh.. “Even now, You can abort it.. You are right, it’s your body and I can make as many babies as I want.. But we won’t be able to bring back the changes that this will make your life go through.. I had made up my mind even before I met you… It was either marrying you or supporting your decision of abortion.. You can abort the pup, Tahyung.. It’s okay.. I’ll support you..”

Taehyung shook his head, playing with his fingers anxiously, “It didn't seem that way. When you raised your voice at me in your office, it felt a lot like when my father yells at me. I didn't have a choice, my body or not. The choice was not mine to take.” He whispered, “You don't have to marry me. I won't.. I won't end the pregnancy. I’ll let you see your pup as much as you want, be a part of their life and be a father to them. Marriage isn't necessary. I.. I know that my career is over and that the public will eat me alive but.. but that's okay. I’ll be okay.” He nodded, slowly turning to look at Jungkook, “Don't worry about me. Just your pup.”

Jungkook stared at the male.. He raised his hand and softly wiped his face.. “Did you eat?” he asked after a long while of silence..

Taehyung flinched when he saw Jungkook raise his hand but looked down when the male simply wiped his tears, “No. I don't have much of an appetite.”

Jungkook hummed, ignoring the slight hurt when Taehyung flinched.. “I’m hungry though so let’s go get something to eat. I know a small place with good food.” he murmured as he started to drive once more, silently.

Taehyung nodded and kept his focus on his hands as the alpha drove. How did they end up in such a situation?

Jungkook looked at Taehyung briefly before he removed one of his hands from the steering wheel and put it on the Omega’s thigh, just like he did the first night, but this time it was for comfort as he massaged it gently, while he drove, focusing back on the road.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook’s hand on his thigh and let out a shaky breath. His omega was sad and hurt, but he also wanted comfort. So, Taehyung hesitantly moved his hand to place it on top of Jungkook’s like he did the night they met.

Jungkook’s lips twitched slightly. He continued to drive in silence and within a few minutes he was pulling up to a small cozy restaurant. It was small but Jungkook loved their food. He parked the car and rounded the car to open the door for Taehyung and held his hand out.

Taehyung removed his seatbelt and slowly got out of the car with his hand in Jungkook’s. He looked at the male, giving him the tiniest of smiles in thanks. He looked around then looked at the restaurant as he waited for Jungkook.

Jungkook locked the car before taking Taehyung’s hand in his again, leading him to the restaurant. “This is not a place where your average celebrity or billionaire would come to.. But I love it..” He murmured, guiding him to the last booth that was hidden away from the entirety of the restaurant. “Sit..”he said softly, waiting for the Omega to scoot over to the side of the wall.

Taehyung nodded, sitting down and moving toward the wall. He looked around the cozy restaurant, it was nice. He turned to Jungkook, and gave him a small smile. “I'm guessing it's one of your favorite spots?” He said quietly.

Jungkook hummed as he sat down next to Taehyung. “Yes, I come here whenever I am stressed and don’t feel like going home to the family’s rowdiness..” he smiled softly at the omega.. “What do you wanna eat? Eat something little if you are not that hungry, I hate eating alone when there is someone next to me.. Please..”

Taehyung nibbled on his bottom lip, looking at Jungkook, “Uh.. you can order that's fine. I’ll just.. eat a little of whatever you order.” He nodded and decided to look around the restaurant once more.

Jungkook hummed before he waved the waiter over.. “Can you get me two burgers and two portions of french fries? Yeah the usual..” he smiled at the waiter.. “What do you want to drink taehyung?”

Taehyung blinked slowly as he stared at Jungkook, “Lemonade is fine. You usually order two burgers and fries for yourself?” He asked softly.

Jungkook laughed softly. “No.. One is for you silly..” he murmured looking at the waiter.. “One lemonade and one co*ke along with the food.. Thank you..”

Taehyung shrugged, “You made it seem like you usually order two.” He whispered and looked at Jungkook silently after. He felt a little awkward around the male. Granted the night they met they were probably drunk and high off their pheromones but now it was the aftermath of that night and Taehyung and Jungkook had already been through sh*t with his parents. So, everything just felt so awkward.

Jungkook snorted softly before completely turning towards the Omega.. “There is something I want you to listen to very carefully..” he said softly, so only Taehyung could hear him..

Taehyung glanced at Jungkook before looking down at his hands, “Yeah?” he said softly.

Jungkook licked his dry lips.. “I know all this probably might be as awkward to you as just me..” he whispered.. “But we can’t undo what’s already done.. Like I told you, the reason why I raised my voice on you.. Just like you felt when I said you have no choice but to have the baby, just like you felt trapped and choiceless and unheard, I felt the same way when you said you were going to abort the pup.. You didn;t ask me whether it’s okay and just said you were going to do it and it made my alpha angry.. I am so sorry Taehyung.. I didn’t mean to raise my voice on you or make you feel unheard and not understood..” he shook his head.. “You didn’t make that pup on your own, it was us both so if you are keeping the pup then I will stand by you.. I will marry you, and support you through the entire pregnancy.. And if you choose to abort it, then I will support it too.. I might have made it seem like you had no choice before, but I am telling you now..” he breathed, placing a hand on top of Taehyung’s.. “You can abort it.. I promise.. I’ll be okay with that.. You can abort the baby and we can move on with our lives and pretend that nothing ever happened. I promise.. It’s okay.. I will give you time to think, you know? You don’t need to make a decision now, take a day or two and tell me what you decide..”

Taehyung stared at Jungkook as he spoke, letting out a small breath, “Don't you have a friend that's an omega? Have they not told you how hard it is for us in a society that still treats omega awfully? Despite how successful we become and how much we earn, we will always be categorized based on our subgender. No one will ever understand or hear me on what it feels like to be me, unless they're an omega themselves.” He whispered. “I saw the way you took care of them at the gala, you seemed protective and kind. Why didn't it ever cross your mind that I was scared and in my mind that was the only solution?”

“I get that your alpha was upset, I get that this is your pup too. But it was my choice, because it's my body. You telling me right now that I can do what I want and have your support means nothing.” Taehyung shook his head, “I've already been disowned. You think my parents won't rat me out if you and I decide to not go along with this and not marry. You will move on. I will have to deal with the consequences of all of this for the rest of my life.”

Taehyung shrugged and looked down at his hands, “I don't need a day or two. I’m keeping the pup. Maybe you should take a day or two and think about whether you want to just be a father or be a father and a husband.”

Jungkook closed his eyes briefly. He opened them and looked at Taehyung once more.. “Yoongi hyung is a very different omega, he doesn’t care about sh*t.. That is how he was brought up.. Our mother taught us not to give two sh*ts as to who says what, and Yoongi hyung doesn’t. He does whatever he wants, berates whoever he wants and doesn’t think twice to put someone in their place. He doesn’t care about his status, whatever he wants, he does.. That is what I grew up with so I didn’t.. I needed a reminder not every omega had the same upbringing as Yoonie..” he whispered.. “I am wrong Taehyung.. I was very wrong and I am so sorry for it.. I am really sorry..”

He played with a toothpick as he smiled slightly. “Your parents won’t do sh*t to you, cus my parents have already taken you in as their own and if they try in the slightest they know that I have enough power to drag them down so they would never stand up in the business industry.. I promise.. That is why I said, you can abort it or keep it, either way if you keep the pup then we will marry that is only if you want to.. Otherwise, yeah I can just be a father to my pup.. I'' he whispered.. “I am sorry Taehyung… I really am, I will never raise my voice at you.. I promise.. Not my voice, nor my hands.. Ever.. You are safe with the Jeons..It’s up to you.. Your decision..”

Taehyung frowned as he stared at Jungkook, “They took me as their own? So I went from being a Kim to being your brother carrying your pup?” He said before shutting up when the waiter walked over. He stayed silent until the waiter walked away, “Do you want us to get married? You said earlier you had already made a decision. If that's what you want then, then we can marry. I honestly don't.. don't have anything against marriage as long as it's what you actually think is best.”

Jungkook stared at the table.. “My decision was to let you do whatever.. I’ll be honest.. I had no plans of marriage.. You are the first person I slept in six years, believe it or not.. I don’t let people touch me..” he shook his head.. “Like i said.. I had no plans of marriage so it was probably a proposal my parents would have brought to me and I think you are way better than that.. You are smart, funny and pretty.. That’s more than enough for me.. I have no problems with marrying you taehyung but once again, it’s your choice..”

Taehyung nibbled on his bottom lip, staring down at their food. He wasn't sure that not marrying Jungkook would be a good idea. He'd struggle regardless and having the support from Jungkook as his husband would help him greatly. He slowly turned to look at Jungkook, “We.. We can keep the pup and get married.” He whispered.

Jungkook watched the male.. “Are you sure?” he asked softly..

Taehyung slowly placed his hand on his flat stomach, swallowing thickly before nodding, “I’m sure.” He said as he looked at Jungkook.

Jungkook let out a sigh before nodding.. He took Tehyuhg’s plate and pushed it towards the omega.. “I want you to know that just because you are marrying me, you won’t be losing your freedom.. You are free to do whatever you want..”

“I would hope so.” Taehyung said as he looked at the food, “I'm not gonna go from being my parents’ prisoner to being your prisoner.” Taehyung said as he turned back to Jungkook, “Not that I ever thought I would be but it's good to have that settled.”

Jungkook smiled tightly before biting onto his burger.. “You will have full freedom Taehyung, I will take care of you but you are you.. You have all the rights to make decisions regarding your life, I won;t have any influence over it, you will even get a separate bedroom from mine.. I will have no say in your privacy.. Your life will always belong to you..”

Taehyung blinked quickly as he watched the male, “So.. this marriage will be nothing more than a legal document. We’ll be married on paper but nothing more is what you're saying?”

Jungkook shrugged.. “It depends on what you want basically.. I will be fully committed to you and the baby, I will take care of you two.. But you.. You.. you are free as a bird, to do whatever you and your little heart desires.”

Taehyung didn't say anything as he stared back at the food, that was not the marriage he always expected to be in. But he also couldn't expect much out of it when they were marrying out of convenience and not love. He simply nodded slowly and started to eat quietly, hoping the conversation would be done with.

Jungkook hummed as he started to eat the food in silence, not bothering Taehyung with anything he had to say..

Taehyung’s phone started to ring and he sighed. He pulled it out and saw it was his friends trying to make a group video call. He debated on answering as he hadn't told anyone other than Jimin about his pregnancy. He hesitantly answered and he regretted doing so when the first thing Hoseok said was, “Why the f*ck is the media saying you and Jeon Jungkook are engaged?!”

Taehyung stared at them before he slowly turned to look at Jungkook, “Uh..”

Jungkook smiled slightly.. “You are free to say anything.. I don’t mind.. Should I go for a while? Do you want some privacy?”

“Is that him? Are you with him?” Jimin asked and Taehyung turned to his phone, “Let me talk to him!” Taehyung sighed and slowly handed Jungkook the phone, “Sorry.”

Jungkook sighed before he grabbed the phone.. “hello?”

“Hi, I’m Park Jimin and these two don't matter.” He said making Seokjin and Hoseok cuss him out, “So, is the tall guy that was with you at the gala, single?”

Taehyung grabbed his phone and ended the call, setting it down on the table before covering his face in embarrassment.

Jungkool blinked before he threw his head back laughing, dimples popping out.. “yeah.. tell your friend that my cousin is single..”

Taehyung pulled his hands away from his face to stare at Jungkook, not being able to hold back his smile that appeared when Jungkook laughed.

“Ah your friend is something.. “ he snorted as he continued to eat.

Taehyung hummed as he watched Jungkook, “Yeah,” he whispered, taking in the alpha's features. As he noticed Jungkook had dimples when he laughed.

Jungkook finished laughing before noticing that taehyung was staring at him.. “what? “ he asked softly.

The omega shook his head, looking away, “Nothing, just really liked your laugh. It was nice.” He said before looking up when he felt someone starting. He looked back down when he noticed it was just the waiter, probably wanting to know if he should walk over and take their plates.

Jungkook blinked.. “oh..” he mumbled before he finished his drink. “Are you done eating?’

Taehyung nodded, and immediately the waiter walked over to take their empty plates. He noticed the waiter kept glancing at them before he ended up clearing his throat, “I’m sorry, but can I have your autograph? I’m a big fan.” He said shyly, glancing between the two and Taehyung chuckled, elbowing Jungkook to give the boy an autograph.

Jungkook blinked before he looked at Taehyung.. “I don't think he is asking for my signature Butterfly..” he murmured with a small smile.

Taehyung frowned and looked at Jungkook, “What?” He said softly, “Of course he is, he's been looking this way for a while now.” He said and the waiter shook his head, feeling embarrassed.

Jungkook looked at the waiter.. “Forgive my fiance.. He sometimes forgets who he is..” he mumbled.. “”Silly Omega, he is a fan of yours.. You forgot that you are a model or what?” Jungkook chuckled, endeared. “I’ve been here before baby, he would have taken mine if he wanted it a long time ago.”

Taehyung stared at Jungkook, blushing deeply before he slowly took the waiter’s notebook and signed it for him. He shyly gave it back and watched the waiter bow in thank you before rushing off to show his friends. Taehyung looked at Jungkook, “So, fiancé?” he said softly.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and chuckled.. “The news of our engagement is already out so yeah.. Hello Fiance.. Unless.. You want to change it..” he spoke, raising his brows.

Taehyung shook his head, smiling slightly at Jungkook, “No. Just, can you promise me one thing?” He said softly, scooting closer to Jungkook.

Jungkook tilted his head, “I hate making promises but yes go on, I will promise whatever it is if it is possible for me to protect that promise and not break it..” he whispered.

Taehyung could tell they were being watched so he moved as close as he could, and he wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s neck and rested their foreheads together, “Please don't ever break our pup’s heart. I don't care what happens with me, because I know.. ultimately we're doing this out of convenience but please don't break our pup’s heart.”

Jungkook watched Taehyung and let out a sigh with a soft chuckle when he heard the male.. He knew why the sudden skinship was, he knew Taehyung wouldn’t have done it without the audience, but he couldn’t complain about it, this was not for love.. This was just for their pup.. “How? How will I break their heart, Butterfly?” he asked, staring into his eyes.

Taehyung looked at him sadly, “You met my father, why do you think I’m asking you not to break our baby's heart?” He whispered.

Jungkook stared at the omega before he closed his eyes.. “If I ever lift my hand on him or her, especially unreasonably I will cut my own hand off.. That is a promise from me..” he breathed. “”I will discipline them, yes, be strict, yes but I will always be there for them.. That is how my parents brought me up and I will make sure that they get the same love I got from my parents.”

Taehyung smiled slightly as he caressed Jungkook’s cheek gently, “So.. you're saying I’ll be the fun parent then? If you're gonna be the strict one.”

Jungkook hummed with a small smile, leaning slightly onto Taehyung’s touch. “Probably..” he muttered.. “Let’s go for a check up tomorrow, yeah?” he whispered softly.

Taehyung nodded, “Yeah, we can do that.” He said quietly, leaning forward to kiss Jungkook’s cheek before entirely pulling back. “Thank you, by the way.”

Jungkook chuckled when the male kissed his cheek.. “For?” he asked, signaling the waiter to bring the bill and pulling his card out to pay.

Taehyung hummed and took Jungkook’s hand in his, “For being the father of our pup. Don't think I'd want this with anyone else, I know we know practically nothing about one another, but based on the way you took me away from my family without hesitation, I know there's no other person I’d rather be with.”

Jungkook gave the card to the waiter before turning to Taehyung and staring at him for a long time.. “You didn’t deserve it.. No one does but not you especially. I was not gonna sit and watch you being treated that way, pup or no pup. I would have taken you out there without any of this.” he said softly. “”And to be honest.. I wouldn’t want any other omega to have my pup too.. I like how you are so down to earth and humble even with all the money and fame.. That’s really admirable, Butterfly. You don’t find many Omegas like you these days..” he smiled gently..

Taehyung blushed deeply and looked away with a small smile on his lips, “Well.. I’m glad we did this together.” He mumbled and squeezed Jungkook’s hand gently.

Jungkook laughed softly.. “I am too,” he murmured and he was about to suggest going home when his phone began to ring. He pulled it out and frowned at the number before declining the call, only for it to ring again making him decline it again. A minute passed before it started ringing again.

Taehyung watched Jungkook silently, “Answer it. I’ll wait here or in the car.” He said softly, urging him to answer with a small smile.

Jungkook shook his head.. “”I think I know who it is.. It’s my… ex.” he mumbled.. “”We broke up years ago, she was just there for money and I’m sure she saw the news of the engagement. She’s been trying to get back with me saying sorry and all.. No one else would know my personal number to call me via an unknown number.” he murmured watching the call end before the phone lit up once more with a call..

Taehyung stared at the phone watching it ring and then when it stopped ringing he looked at Jungkook, “She sounds like a psycho, maybe find a way to block her number.” He said just as the phone started to ring again, he huffed and grabbed Jungkook’s phone and answered the call, “Hello? Who is this?” he said in annoyance.

Jungkook brows raised to his hairline as he watched the Omega in surprise..

“Jungkookiee- wait.. Who the f*ck are you to ask me who I am? Give the phone to Jungkookie..” a female voice snapped.

Taehyung snorted, “His fiancé, who the f*ck are you? Your voice sounds aggravating, can't imagine you're anyone important.”

Jungkook slowly covered his mouth, trying his best not to laugh at the last comment.

“Fiance? How f*cking pathetic. Do you think I will believe you? He is mine.. Give the phone to him, or else..”

Taehyung laughed softly, looking at his nails, unbothered, “Don't believe me? Check online, darling. Or turn on a f*cking TV, I’m sure it will be the first thing you see. But not only are you aggravating but also delusional as f*ck. Are you calling me from a mental hospital? Did someone let you lose? I won't be giving him the phone and I don't care about your ‘or else’, you're f*cking pathetic trying to get ahold of someone who doesn't want you anymore, I don't care about empty threats. Now, if you’ll excuse me, my fiancé and I are on our way home, have the day you deserve!” He grinned and hung up the phone before handing it to Jungkook.

Jungkook stared at the male in amusem*nt, feeling a sense of pride. This was his omega, and it seemed like he was bowing to no one. He was a proud alpha.. “Feisty much, Butterfly?” he whispered taking the phone and blocking the number without a second thought,

Taehyung hummed, moving so that he was straddling Jungkook’s lap, “You're mine now, Jungkook, can't have people trying to take you away.” Taehyung winked at him before he stood up and got out of the booth from Jungkook’s other side and made his way to the door.

Jungkook blinked when the Omega straddled before he let out a loud laugh as he got out of the booth. He stood up and thanked the waiter before following the Omega out and opening the car door for him. “Come on then, my Omega..” he grinned.. “Our parents must be waiting for us..”

Taehyung smiled while blushing at Jungkook, “Let's go then.” he said softly before he leaned up and pecked Jungkook’s lips and got into the passenger seat.

Jungkook stared after the Omega.. The male was surprising him at every turn. He chuckled, closing Taehyung’s door and getting into the driver’s seat, putting his seatbelt on and waiting for Taehyung to put his on before starting to drive home, his family home. He had no reason to take Taehyung to his bachelor pad.

Taehyung pulled his phone out, seeing the news of their engagement everywhere. But not just that, there was the announcement that his family had publicly announced their disapproval of their engagement. Their reasoning was because Taehyung refused to stick by them after years of arguing over his relationship with Jungkook. There was nowhere in the announcement that he had been disowned which made him hum curiously.

Jungkook glanced at Taehyung, he as usual put a hand on his thigh, finding himself getting used to it without even thinking.. “You okay?”

Taehyung nodded, placing his hand over Jungkook’s, “I'm fine. My parents made an announcement about how they disapprove of our marriage. According to their statement they said: As a family we feel betrayed that our beloved son decided to go forward with a relationship we have spent years telling him will do him no good. In the end, despite our best efforts and good intentions, our son has decided he prefers his relationship with Jeon Jungkook rather than keeping the peace with his family. We will never approve of this relationship, however, we will forever love him. Nothing will ever change that. ” Taehyung looked over at Jungkook, “They didn't say they were disowning me and they also helped us by saying we've been together for years.”

Jungkook tongued his cheek before he snorted.. “But they painted you to be a bad son.. That was fuc-” he was interrupted by his phone, he pressed the bluetooth of the car, his hyung’s voice coming through..


“Kook-ah.. Mom is live.. And she is livid. If you can watch, watch.”

“What?” Jungkook frowned. “Where is she live?”

“The family channel.. Bye, I gotta listen to this..”

Jungkook opened his mouth as the omega cut the call, he turned to Taehyung. “”Butterfly, can you please connect to our channel?”

Taehyung nodded and quickly searched for the Jeon family channel, the first thing that popped up was the live. He clicked on it and turned the volume all the way up for Jungkook to be able to hear while Taehyung watched.

However what I will not do is sit and watch while they berate both my son in law and my son.. ” the woman’s voice cut through.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung quickly.. What was his mother doing?

Taehyung nibbled on his bottom lip, focusing on the comments flooding in. Most were positive but there were really hateful ones here and there. Most of those saying how they don't believe he and Jungkook’s relationship was genuine and probably just a stunt.

“I don’t care whether you believe it or not, but I know my son. When he came to me and told me that he met the most amazing and gorgeous Omega he has ever met, I knew then and there, Taehyung was going to join the family. And unlike some messed up family, I support my son in whatever he does because I brought him up and I know when he is in the good and the bad.” they could say she was angry. “The kims have never supported Taehyung, not my son. They were always so harsh towards Taehyung, why ? cus he was an Omega and he chose modeling and to be out in the open rather than being a coveted Omega who would do their Alpha’s bidding. I have never seen more pathetic parents, who would treat their child so badly, especially when the said child has brought nothing but fame and pride into his family no matter what his career choice is. They did not support him in this situation. I will not reveal anything regarding Jungkook’s and Taehyung’s private life but everyone will know soon and if the Kim’s dare to reveal anything I will not stay silent, I have all the evidence I need against them.. They were trying to disown Taehyung, and my son stepped in because he hated seeing his Omega being so belittled and humiliated.. Taehyung did not go against their wishes, they went against Taehyung’s wishes.. And I as a parent felt ashamed of myself cus we have done business with the Kims for a few long years, which my son declared that he will no longer be continuing. There will be no relationship between my son, the Jeons nor Taehyung with the Kims anymore. Taehyung is one of us now and if the Kims try to hurt him, they will answer the entire Jeon clan..Yes, this is a public challenge, touch either of my sons and you will see who the Jeons really are.”

The lady smiled sweetly at the camera before the live was switched off. Jungkook was at least to say tongue -tied.

Taehyung slowly lowered his phone and shifted his gaze to look ahead. He wasn't sure what to say. Jungkook’s mother had really defended their relationship publicly, and not only that but defended Taehyung himself. He was frankly left speechless.

Jungkook licked his dry lips before looking at the Omega.. “You okay there, Butterfly?” he asked softly.

Taehyung slowly turned to look at Jungkook, “I’m okay.” He whispered, nodding slightly, “Don't worry.”

Jungkook squeezed Taehyung’s thigh gently as he drove and was about to speak when Taehyung’s phone rang. He looked over and saw the screen displaying Taehyung’s best friend's name.

Taehyung looked down at his phone and answered the call, “Yeah?”

“What the f*ck is going on? Last I heard from you, you had left to talk to Jungkook about being pregnant and the possibility of getting an abortion. Now you're engaged, disowned, and have the Jeons publicly defending you from your parents.” Jimin said in confusion. Taehyung swallowed thickly, “Everything is fine. Jungkook and I are fine. My family and I aren't a family anymore and.. and I've got another family who will stick by my side.”

“Taehyung? Are you okay? Are you sure about all of this?” Jimin asked, voice soft and gentle.

Taehyung hummed, “Yeah, never been more sure of anything in my life.”

Jimin stayed quiet before he let out a sigh, “Okay, well, thank god for the Jeons,” Taehyung looked toward Jungkook, “Yeah, thank god for the Jeons.” Taehyung replied.

Jungkook smiled at the Omega softly, massaging his thigh. He looked towards the phone, before concentrating back on the road.. “Jimin-ssi?” he spoke, his voice firm and deep like he was going to reprimand Jimin.

Jimin gasped and Taehyung couldn't help but smile, “Did you have the phone on speaker you f*cking idiot?!” He screeched and Taehyung had to bite down on his lip to keep himself from laughing. Jimin cleared his throat before answering, “Hello, Jungkook-ssi. How are you?”

Jungkook snorted.. “I am very well..” he said.. “But I do have news for you..”

“Oh? Is it that you've decided that your child needs a really great god parent and I’m the only option?” Taehyung rolled his eyes as looked at Jungkook in curiosity.

Jungkook laughed deeply.. “Depends though..” Jungkook spoke.. “You will have the opportunity if you go ahead and pursue my cousin who is indeed single..” he smirked.

Jimin stayed quiet, so much so that Taehyung stared down at the phone to check whether the male had hung up. “So, do tell me, Jeon Jungkook. When is your family getting together for dinner and am I invited to go sweep your cousin off his feet?”

Jungkook grinned.. “We don’t need to gather for dinner for you to come and sweep him off his feet. The entire family lives together. We are a pack, Jimin-ssi.. You can come anytime to the house and sweep him off his feet,,” he snorted just as he pulled into a street, the sides covered with tall trees.

Taehyung looked around, eyes wide in wonder and a soft smile on his lips. “Oh god, Don't say that, I’ll never leave. But wait, what made you tell me all this?”

“You are more than welcome to come and stay, we have more than enough space to atleast house another thirty people..” Jungkook laughed softly. “Well, your previous question and the fact that my cousin has been enamored by you and been a secret fan of yours for a long time now..”

Jimin laughed, “Oh I'm so coming over one day. By the way, the cute omega that was with you, who's he and is he single?”

Jungkook hummed.. “That is my hyung and yes, he is..” he spoke, driving the car out of the forestry area and driving towards a huge mansion. “But cracking him would be a tougher job.. He is a tough nut to deal with, but if it’s the correct person I am sure he will allow them in.” he spoke, stopping in front of the big gates waiting for the guards to open it.

“Oh I’m not asking for me, I’m asking for someone else. But thank you Jungkook-ssi!” Jimin laughed and Taehyung shook his head in amusem*nt as he looked toward the property. “By the way, you're welcome.”

Taehyung blinked slowly and looked down at his phone, “Why are you saying you're welcome?”

“You two wouldn't be together right now and expecting a pup if not for my dare.”

Jungkook stilled as he turned to look at the phone and he slowly looked up at Taehyung’s face. He stared at the Omega for a second before, starting to drive once more when the gates opened, driving towards the entrance of the mansion.

Taehyung frowned and looked away from his phone, “Honestly? The only reason I didn't leave with Jungkook immediately after disappearing was because of you and your stupid dare. I would have left with him sooner if not for your complaining about how I didn't do what I said I was going to.” He mumbled.

“Okay but Jungkook was the biggest contributor and you did leave with him. So.”

“I left with him because I wanted to. At the end of the day, your stupid dare was the last thing on my mind.” Taehyung added and looked at Jungkook.

Jungkook snorted as he listened to the two best friends argue. “Jimin-ssi I think we will have to let you go. I am pretty sure my parents are there right behind the front doors to welcome Taehyung home.. We can discuss all about this best when you come to visit my cousin..” he said, stopping the car in front of the front-steps of the house.

“Oh! Okay, go say hello to your in-laws Taehyung! Bye Jungkook.” Jimin hung up without waiting for them to reply and Taehyung sighed as he looked at the house. “This is where you live then?”

“Yep, right here.. The bachelor pad is where I go when I need some alone time..” he spoke before getting out of the car and walking towards Taehyung’s side to open the door for him.

Taehyung got out of the car and looked at Jungkook, “Bachelor pad? Still gonna call it that when you need to get away from your husband then?” Taehyung asked but he stepped away when he heard the front doors open.

Jungkook snorted, wrapping his arm around Taehyung’s waist. “We can call it whatever you want..” he spoke as he turned around with the Omega when the front doors opened.

“Taehyung-ah!” He saw his mother hurrying down the steps to greet the Omega while his father, Namjoon and Yoongi were standing at the top most step with soft smiles.

Taehyung tensed up slightly before the woman actually approached them and pulled him in for a hug. Taehyung blinked a few times before slowly hugging the woman back, a little hesitant and awkward, “Hi, Mrs. Jeon.” he said softly.

“Oh you sweet thing..” the woman chuckled, rubbing his back before slightly pulling back and cupping his face.. “Call me Mom.. Or Eomma.. Whatever you want.. Okay?” she said sweetly.

Taehyung stared at the woman, as he couldn't really look at anything else with how she was holding his face. He gave her a small smile, “Okay, I’ll.. I’ll do that.”

“So you get a new son-in-law and you suddenly lose all interest in your actual son?” Jungkook spoke, sounding bored. “And enough with hoarding him, he isn’t used to all the coddling Eomma.. Give him spac-ow!”

“Is that how you talk to your mother, you brut?” the woman growled gently as she hit his head for the second time, standing on her tippy toes.

“Appa! Control your wife!” Jungkook whined.

Taehyung couldn't help but giggle at the interaction before he looked at the woman once more, “Thank you. For everything you've done for me just today, I can't thank you enough.” He said softly.

The older Omega smiled softly. “It is what a mother is supposed to do.. Now, I am your self proclaimed mother so I will protect you until my last breath..” she patted his uninjured cheek softly before turning around.. “Come on, let’s go in..” she said walking away..

“Do I really not get my hug?” Jungkook sulked as she walked away.

Taehyung watched the woman walk away, tears in his eyes before he turned and pulled Jungkook in for a hug, “I’ll give you one.” He whispered.

Jungkook blinked, looking back at his parents and siblings who were staring at them before he let out a soft breath and wrapped his arms around the male.. “You okay, Butterfly?” he whispered softly, rubbing circles on his lower back,

Taehyung nodded, a small hum leaving his lips, “I’m okay, it's just nice to have someone be nice to you and be a parental figure. I've never had that, so.” he mumbled before he pulled back and looked at the alpha.

Jungkook watched the omega and smiled at him softly. He nodded, as he grabbed his hand.. “Come on.. Your new family is waiting for you..” he whispered, before leading Taehyung up the stairs..

“Don't say it like that.. You’re going to make me cry..” Taehyung mumbled as the two made their way up the stairs, smiling at the others he had yet to greet.

“It’s the truth..” He laughed softly.

Jungkook’s father stepped forward, ruffling his own son’s hair before he held his hand out to Taehyung. He didn’t know how the male would feel if an older alpha would hug him, especially with the way his own father had treated him. “Hello, Kim Taehyung. I am glad to have you in the family, son..” he smiled kindly.

The omega looked at the older alpha then down at his hand, he blinked a few times before he slowly placed his hand in the man’s own. He let out a shaky breath as he looked back at the male, “Hello, sir. I.. Thank you.”

“Oh I know I’m old, but get rid of the sir for me little one..” he chuckled, brushing his thumb over Taehyung’s knuckles gently. “Don’t you think it’s a little unfair if you call my wife Mom and me just sir? You’ll be hurting this old man’s heart, deary..”

Taehyung blushed deeply but smiled nonetheless, “Yeah, it would be very unfair. You're right.” he nodded and glanced at Jungkook.

Jungkook was watching the Omega the entire time, loving the way he was blooming under his family’s attention and care. He could say that this was the first time Taehyung genuinely felt happy with his family and it was just them introducing themselves. He smiled at the Omega fondly when he looked at him and nodded reassuringly.

“Hello Kim Taehyung..” Namjoon smiled, dimples popping as he bowed gently. “A big fan of yours..”

Taehyung slowly pulled his hand away from Mr. Jeon’s hold and looked at Namjoon, “Oh! You're the cousin, now I get it.” Taehyung said, smiling at the male, “It's very nice to meet you too.”

Namjoon blinked, confused. “Get what?” he asked, looking at Jungkook, making the younger chuckle with a snort.

Taehyung smiled at Namjoon, “Oh nothing.” He shook his head and stepped closer to Jungkook, “It's just nice to put a face to the name.”

“Oh. You scared me there for a while..” Namjoon muttered, glaring at Jungkook who was snickering.

Yoongi stared at Taehyung, his expression guarded, eyes calculating. He was always like that before he warmed up to someone. Tilting his chin up, he let out a small breath before bowing his head politely with a small genuine smile. “Min Yoongi. You are very pretty for an Omega, I can see why brother paid attention to an Omega after years of celibacy.”

Taehyung stared at Yoongi, mouth slightly agape before he turned to look at Jungkook, not knowing what to say.

“Yoongles please..” Jungkook groaned, making Yoongi’s eyes cut to his brother with a perfectly raised brow.

“Lose the name, maybe I’ll consider not embarrassing you in front of your Omega..” he spoke with a smirk.

Taehyung looked back at Yoongi, shaking his head, “You didn't embarrass him. I already knew that, it was something we both talked about when we met. Just didn't think that would be one of the first things you'd say about your brother and my appearance.”

Yoongi stared at Taehyung with the same guarded expression for a few long minutes before smiling, gums all out. “I like you.. I can see you are good for my brother.. You passed my test..” he said softly before bowing a little deeper at the Omega.. “Welcome to the family, Taehyung-ssi..”

Taehyung couldn't help the small laugh that escaped his lips, “I have a feeling he and I are gonna get along well. Especially when it comes to bullying you.” Taehyung said as he looked at Jungkook before bowing at the family and then smiling at them widely that his smile turned boxy.

Jungkook inhaled deeply before letting out the breath exaggeratingly slowly.. “I am having a headache already. Two Omegas were making me go crazy, now there are three.. I know I am gonna drive myself into a wall, pretty soon..” he grumbled making his family laugh..

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, smiling as innocently as he could, “Same way you drove me into a wall that night?” he said quietly so only Jungkook heard him. Taehyung stepped away and walked with Mrs. Jeon when the woman took his hand and led him inside.

Jungkook stilled before he laughed as he walked behind them, shaking his head.

“So this is our place..” Mrs. Jeon spoke as she led Taheyung into the huge marble interior. “This.. is kind of a family mansion. All of the Jeons live here, not all the time, some more of Jungkook’s other cousins are currently abroad and two of them are in special forces so currently it’s only the five of us and all our servants and now, you..” she smiled.

Taehyung listened to the woman before he slowly looked around, “Well, your home is absolutely beautiful, Mrs.-” he cut himself off and smiled at her, “Mom. Your home is absolutely beautiful, Mom.”

The woman turned to look at Taehyung when she heard the name. She watched him for a moment before she smiled softly at him. “Thank you, darling.” she patted Taehyung’s head. “Wanna go upstairs?”

Taehyung blushed at her, “Sure, I’ll go wherever you'd like.” He said softly, immediately being pulled toward the stairs. He didn't even look back at Jungkook and the others as he felt really comfortable with Mrs. Jeon.

The woman led him to the second floor while the rest stayed downstairs talking. “So each of us has one wing of our own.. Jungkook’s father and I have one wing, Yoongi has one, Namjoon has one too and then Jungkook has his own wing too but since it’s kind of secluded from the rest of the house, it looks like a separate floor. His cousins have their own wings too, the ones who are not here. All of their bedrooms and rooms have separate security measurements, so you can’t go in if they haven’t given you their permission or if you are not with them..” she spoke gently, leading Taehyung to their own wing.

“Oh, don't worry, when I still lived with my parents and whenever I visited I wasn't allowed anywhere that wasn't my room, the kitchen and the living room. I won't try to go into any rooms without permission.” Taehyung said, smiling at her before he looked around as they walked, “Why is Jungkook secluded from the rest?”

The lady chuckled softly and shook her head. “You are free to go anywhere you like in this house Taehyung, you just need to respect their privacy, that’s all.. You are allowed in our wing anytime you want, you will never be limited in this house.” she let out a soft breath as she stopped in front of their bedroom and scanned her palm on the sensor next to the door. “He’s a little different from us..” she smiled softly, stepping into the room

“Different?” Taehyung asked softly, looking at the woman as she stepped into the room, “Do I stay here or is there something in that room you want to show me?”

She laughed softly. “No, this is my room, darling..” she chuckled, walking further into the room and sitting on the bed. “Mine and my alpha’s.. Come here.. I wanted to talk to you without any of those knotheads bothering us..” she smiled gently patting beside her..

Taehyung nodded and stepped into the room, gasping softly as he took in how beautiful it was. He made his way over and sat down next to the woman, placing his hands on his lap.

Jungkook’s mother smiled at Taehyung.. “First, tell me.. How are you?” she asked softly.

Taehyung smiled at her before he teared up and looked down at his lap, “I’m okay, for the most part. It's all so.. new, I guess. I went from having a family who hated me to one that wants me around in less than twelve hours so, it's a lot to take in.”

The lady stared at him, sadness swirling in her eyes. She gently raised her arm and pushed Taehyung’s hair back.. “You deserve everything good in life, my sweet child.. You’ve worked hard, and being an Omega and knowing how this society treats us I am so proud of you for holding on for so long without the support of your family..” she said gently, caressing his cheek.

Taehyung sniffled, “I had my friends, one of them is also a model and an omega so he understood more than anyone what we were going through. My management is very good too, never treating me any different but with..” Taehyung pointed at his stomach, “They were scared of the way the public would react to me and treat me. They really only wanted the best for me and my career, they never cared about how they would look as an agency.”

Jungkook’s mother shook her head.. “It’s different.. It’s a very different feeling to have support from your friends to having support from your family.. I am just so angry about your parents.. If you were my child, I would make sure I give you the entire world..”

Taehyung looked at the woman and gave her a small smile, “It's okay. I have three older brothers, all alphas. They were treated better than me because they followed my family’s beliefs. My parents wanted me to marry young and be the omega my alpha wanted me to be. They didn't want me to make a career for myself. So, when I went against that, it's when their hatred for me showed.”

“Stupid f*cks.” Jungkook’s mother scowled. “But whatever.. You are ours now, so f*ck them honestly. I am not going to excuse my language cus that is what they deserve,” she huffed, petulantly.

Taehyung giggled softly, wiping under his eyes gently, “That's okay, I don't expect you to. No one really likes my family. Sometimes I even think my brothers don't like my parents but they go along with everything they say, so.” He shrugged and let out a small breath.

“Shocker..” The woman deadpanned.. “Now, I know that all of this is now decided and that my son, like a stupid idiot typical alpha made it seem like you have no choice in the beginning, I want to ask you Taehyungie.. You give me an honest answer.. Is this what you want?” she asked softly. “Give me a word against all these decisions and I will turn all this around so you will have what you want..”

Taehyung looked at the woman before he looked down at his hands, “Yeah, uh, he made it seem like I had no choice. I basically shut down when it happened, so I’m not even sure all that he said at the moment. He could have threatened me and I wouldn't be able to tell you if it's true or not.” He whispered. “But.. I wanted an abortion because I was scared of my parents. Not for any other reason. And now that I’m not with them, I want this pregnancy to go to term. I want to be able to hold a little bundle of joy and call them my own.” He looked at the woman, sadly. “I told him that if he wants to marry, we can do that. Otherwise, I’ll just be the omega that he has a pup with. He's not obligated to be with me if that isn't what wants. I don't want to tie him down..” Taehyung said, despite everything he had talked to Jungkook about at the restaurant, he didn't want to end up tying Jungkook down to him if the alpha didn't want it.

Jungkook’s mom smiled at the male, taking his hands in hers.. “I cannot make decisions for my son, darling. But whether or not your marital life works, you will now belong to us.. You are one of our own.. I am glad that you are keeping the baby.. I honestly am, cus losing a child.. You don’t feel the grief until you’ve already gone through with the abortion..” she whispered with a loud sigh.. “I just want to make it clear for you, with or without Jungkook, this is your family now, okay?”

Taehyung looked at her and he couldn't help but cry, he'd blame his pregnancy and not that he was relieved he had people to protect him. He nodded at the woman, “Thank you..”

“Oh sweetheart.. Come here..” She said gently as she hugged him letting the younger omega cry on her shoulder..

Taehyung hugged the woman, and allowed himself to cry. He hadn't fully allowed himself to do so since his father yelled at him that morning when he teared up. He knew he wouldn't be told not to cry, not anymore. So, his omega felt safe enough to let out all the pain they had endured alongside his parents.

“It’s okay you know..” she whispered. “It’s okay to not be okay.. It’s okay to cry, it doesn’t make you weak.. No.. Cry.. Cry all you want.. If there is anything that my Alpha make sure I knew was that it was okay to cry as long as you are with people you could trust to wipe your tears and hold you up and to never cry in front of people that try to bring you down, you show them who you are and come to your safe place and just let go.. Never cry alone, you don’t have to anymore. You can always come to me.. I will always be there for you whenever you want to just cry and not give a reason to it..” she caressed his head slowly, rocking them from side to side gently. “To have emotions is to be a human baby.. A greater part of us is human, so embrace that part.. It’s okay,,”

Taehyung felt so grateful for the woman holding him as he cried. He pulled back and looked at her, lips trembling, “I honestly don't know how to thank you for this. We’ve only just met and you have done so much for me. I truly don't know what I did to have ended up with such amazing people in my life.” He sniffled and smiled at her as best as he could, “Thank you, a million times thank you.”

“We should have been the kind of people you should have always had, my child..” she spoke gently, wiping his tears off.. “Never thank me for giving you the affection that you should receive.. Now..” she smiled at him.. “I think it’s a given that you will live in Jungkook’s wing, but tell me.. Do you prefer a different room from my son?” she asked softly. “I already asked my son this question and he said he was okay with whatever decision you took as long as you are comfortable with it..”

“Oh..” Taehyung whispered, “Um, well I would hate to invade his space and his privacy, so I think it's best I stay in a separate room.” He said quietly.

The woman stared at before she smiled to herself a little.. “Okay darling.. Then let’s go back down, until I prepare your room..” she spoke standing up.

Taehyung wiped his face quickly, trying to hide the fact he had a crying session with the older omega. It was stupid really, his entire face was red, eyes and all. He nodded and stood up, taking her hand, feeling comfortable doing so before he followed her out of the room.

Jungkook’s mother smiled when the male took her hand as she led him out. She brought him over to the ground floor living room where they were all talking.. “Join this little baby to the conversation while I prepare his room, Jungkook I am going into your wing. I need to make sure his room is clean..”

Jungkook looked over at his mom when she spoke. He stared at her, before looking at Taehyung.. The male looked like he had been crying and Jungkook understood the megas must have talked about something sensitive. His room? So Taehyung was going to sleep separately.. He let out a small sigh before looking over at his mother and nodding.. “”Okay..” he muttered while taking a sip of the drink he had in hand.

Taehyung thanked the woman once more before slowly making his way over to the couch Jungkook was sitting on. He sat down on one end of it, smiling at Mr. Jeon then turned to Jungkook, “She's amazing.” he whispered before looking at the others.

Jungkook looked over at the Omega briefly before he chuckled with a small hum.. His mother was honestly the most amazing woman he has ever met..

“Are you going to the office tomorrow Kook?” Yoongi asked as he munched on a piece of cashew.

Jungkook looked at his hyung and hummed.. “Yeah I should..” he muttered.. “Why?”

Yoongi shook his head. “Nothing, nothing, just asked.”

Taehyung played with his hands as he listened to them talk, he also needed to go to his own agency and talk to them about the entire situation. He knew Seojoon probably had by then but he wanted to do it himself as well.

“What about the USA meeting?”

Jungkook frowned.. “What’s with the questions? I will work according to my schedule.. There is not gonna be a change in it, at least for these days..”

Yoongi stared at Jungkook before shaking his head and looking away.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook then over at Yoongi. He let out a small chuckle, looking back at his hands, “You're going to the states?”

“I am scheduled to..” he spoke looking at Taehyung. “If nothing immediate or something that needs me arises I will be going..”

Taehyung nodded, looking at Jungkook, “Okay.” He replied simply. He knew that Jungkook and his relationship was nothing more than an arranged marriage. He knew that Jungkook didn't need to be there for him every step of the way. So he simply looked away, waiting for Mrs. Jeon to return.

Yoongi looked between the two before he stood up with a small scowl at his brother.. “You are so stupid..” he grumbled, popping a cashew in his mouth before walking away..

Jungkook’s lips parted before he looked at his father.. “What did I do?” he frowned, making Mr. Jeon chuckle but didn’t reply..

Jungkook honestly didn’t see why he couldn’t go. He knew Taehyung didn’t need him there 24/7, he knew that. Taehyung didn’t even want to be in the same room with him so he knew he would do fine on his own. He would take care of Taehyung to the best he could without being a bother to the omega. Love was not included so Jungkook knew there was a limit to the things he could and couldn’t do when it concerned the Omega..

He groaned and stood up seeing his mother come down the stairs. “Whatever I am going to my room..” he mumbled.

“Show Taehyung to his room too..” his mother said.. “It’s the one opposite to yours..”

Taehyung looked at the woman before he shook his head, “No, it's okay. I’ll stay here for now. I'd hate to inconvenience anyone.” Taehyung smiled and looked at his hands, “But thank you so much.”

Jungkook was nodding at his mothers words but stilled when he heard Taehyung. He slowly turned to him and stared at the male, expressions tightly guarded before he let out a humorless chuckle. “Inconvenience okay.” he snickered, placing the glass on the small stool before walking out with another word, tilting his head as he went up the stairs.

Taehyung waited until he couldn't hear Jungkook’s steps anymore before he looked up at Mrs. Jeon, “I'm gonna go outside, I need some air.” He said softly before he stood up and excused himself, walking to the direction of the front door. He walked out and sat on the steps, letting out a small sigh.

Jungkook didn’t know why it bothered him so much. He wanted the omega to be with him, to depend on him but also understood that Taehyung basically didn’t need him. He was just the pup’s father and he already scared the omega once so who was he for taehyung to seek comfort from. He let out a loud sigh as he entered his shower, he was glad at least Taehyung had his parents and seemed to have got really close with his mother.. It irked him so bad and he was very disappointed when he learned that the omega had requested a separate room, when he was already to introduce him to his room and make space for his stuff, but it was what it was.. He had to deal with it. They weren’t romantically involved, this was just for the pup, no matter how much it inexplicably hurt him and his wolf.

Taehyung sat on the steps and stared ahead, eyes fixated on the gate. He ignored how his omega was whimpering at him. He knew that his wolf wanted him to seek Jungkook out, but how could he? How could he seek Jungkook out for comfort, love and support when they had agreed the entire thing was nothing more than for the pup? Oh how Taehyung wished it was being done out of love instead.

Coming out into his bedroom after having showered, Jungkook felt like he should have just gone to his bachelor pad after having dropped Taehyung here. Then this conflict with himself wouldn;t have happened. It was making him go crazy with what his wolf craved and he knew. It was like playing a game of tug of war with himself and he hated it cus he had never felt like that. He changed into a comfortable pair of shorts and laid on the bed, mind running through different scenarios, ignoring the urge to go to the omega. After all he also belonged to the category of anyone when it came to the Omega. He didn’t even know why he wanted to be specialized from that anyone pile, but he did and he was made common in that pile, it had honestly hurt slightly if it was not supposed to hurt. He hated it,

Taehyung stayed out on the steps until the sun disappeared into the horizon and the moon took its place. He knew he should have gone inside, but he couldn't find it in himself to do so. Not because he felt uncomfortable but because he felt too comfortable. He had never felt that way unless it was in his own apartment where he lived on his own. He also didn't want to make Jungkook uncomfortable, he seemed to be doing that for some reason. He sighed and placed his hand on his stomach, he felt uneasy but refused to leave his spot on the steps.

Jungkook’s mother who had been watching the younger came out when it was starting to slightly get cold.. “Taehyungie.. Baby you need to come in.. It’s getting cold out there.. Go and have a change darling.. I laid out some clothes out for you in your room.. Come on..” she said softly, walking towards him and caressing his head.

Taehyung was startled when she first spoke but immediately relaxed. He looked up at her from his spot and smiled at her, “Okay, I’ll go do that.” He whispered before he stood up, “Time got ahead of me, I would've stayed here all night if you hadn't said anything.”

The woman chuckled.. “I figured.. That is why I came.. Follow me..” she murmured as she walked inside and up the stairs, climbing three flights of stairs..

Taehyung followed the woman and when they reached the top of the stairs he let out a breath, putting his hand on his waist, “Okay, that's gonna get some getting used to.” He breathed out, a little tired from the stairs.

The woman laughed.. “There is an elevator coming down from Jungkook’s wing so it’ll be easier for you darling, I just took you up the hard way just to show you the way..” she said walking down a few long corridors, leading Taehyung deeper into the house.

Taehyung laughed softly but followed the woman either way. Admiring the home as he walked, it was nothing like his parents home. Theirs was dark and it seemed unwelcoming compared to the Jeons’ home.

The decor and everything got a little darker as they went further and further until they came into a wing completely decorated and furnished in black and a dark palette. “This is Jungkook’s wing..” she smiled softly.

Taehyung couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his lips, covering his mouth slightly as he looked at the woman, “That's what you meant by different?” he asked softly.

The woman turned around to look at Taehyung before she smiled softly. “No.. that is not what I meant by that..” anyway, the bedrooms are upstairs.. Come on..” she chuckled.

Taehyung shook his head, “The contrast is adorable.” He said as he continued to follow the woman. “But it's a good difference. It's not scary looking like my parents’ home, this one doesn't seem like that.”

The woman chuckled. “That place had no style at all..” she murmured while walking through a corridor and stopped right at the end. There were two rooms and she turned to the room on her left. “That room is Jungkookie’s and this one would be your own..” she murmured, scanning her hand before opening the door.. “”This is the room with the lightest color palette of this wing..” she snickered.

“My parents received the home in an inheritance, and they refused to change the decor of it. Nothing in that house ever changed.” Taehyung explained, looking at her in interest when she mentioned the room. “Oh? Why is this the only one?”

The older Omega smiled. “Each wing has one different room with the complete opposite theme of the particular wing, and this is Jungkook’s.. I figured you are a fan of light and soft colors so I prepared this for you..” she said softly.

Taehyung smiled at the woman before he nodded and gave her a hug, “Thank you, you're so sweet.” He whispered before he pulled back and stepped into the room with her. Taehyung’s eyes widened and he gasped as he looked around the gorgeous room.

She chuckled at Taehyung’s surprised face.. “Welcome to your new home..” she murmured.. “You have some clothes in your closet, all new, don't worry.. We can go shopping for more later okay? Take a bath and relax and if there is anything you need there is a phone with a call directory or you can just simply knock on Jungkook’s door and ask for it.”

“Oh. Oh you didn't have to do that, I could've simply gone to get all my clothes from my apartment. You don't need to spend more money on me, I'm sure these clothes are more than enough. Thank you so much.” Taehyung said with a small smile and a faint blush on his cheeks. He looked toward the hall before shaking his head, “No, I don't want to bother him and ruin his schedule or routine, it's okay.”

Jungkook’s mother stared at him. “Whether I spend my money on you is not your decision baby, it is mine..” she chuckled softly before she softly frowned. “I see, well he is to be your alpha so don’t hold back.. That’s all I am going to say on this matter..” she smiled before walking to the door. “I will call you when dinner is ready..”

Taehyung nodded once more and was going to say thank you again but he felt like the woman would tell him to stop thanking her. He watched her walk out of the room before he let out a slow breath. He looked around the room once more before he walked off to take a bath like she had said, the day had not been good to him and he just wanted to feel better.

Jungkook had heard them come to their floor and go into the opposite room.. But he didn;t make a move to come out of the room. After a while he just decided to step and see how Taehyung was doing when he again heard that Taehyung didn’t want to disrupt his day and schedule. He closed his eyes and walked away from the room, silently so none of them knew he was there and walked down stairs going into his private library, wanting to find a book to read. He was tired and for some reason Taehyung was messing his head up.

Taehyung laid in the bathtub, staring up at the ceiling. He still felt unease and he believed it had to do with his wolf. He shook his head and decided to hurry up and get out to get dressed. He knew that his wolf wouldn't leave him alone unless he went to see Jungkook. So around 30 minutes later, freshened up and wearing the clothes Mrs. Jeon had set out for him, Taehyung knocked on Jungkook’s door.

He waited a little bit before he frowned and knocked on the door again. When there was no answer he slowly backed away from the door and made his way back to his bedroom, feeling a little stupid for reaching out to Jungkook and the alpha not answering.

Jungkook was making his way back from the library, a book in his hand and his glasses on when he saw taehyung walking away from his door. He frowned as he slowly walked over just as the omega was about to close his door once more.. “Taehyung? You want something?” he asked.

Taehyung stopped when he heard his name, he looked up, not realizing he had started tearing up. He looked at Jungkook and gave him a small smile, “Ah.. No. It's okay,” He said softly, looking away, “I'm.. Nothing.”

Jungkook tilted his head. “It’s not nothing, Taehyung.. You are crying.. What is wrong?” he asked slowly..

Taehyung shook his head, “I don't know..” He whispered before he sniffled, “I'm gonna lay down, I guess. I'm sorry.” He said softly and closed the door and let out a whimper. His wolf did not like the way he had shut down the alpha.

Jungkook opened his mouth to speak but a pang of rejection was felt when the omega shut the door in his face. He stared at the door in silence, entire body frozen as his wolf howled in sadness inside him. Swallowing thickly, he slowly turned around, walking into his own bedroom. He stood in the middle of his own bedroom, in shock, not knowing what had just happened. He just wanted to help the omega.. He cursed as he threw the book onto the bed and walked to the closet. He needed to get out of the house, or else he knew he was going to get crazy, he couldn’t keep doing this.

Taehyung’s wolf started to cry and it hurt Taehyung horribly. So, he gasped and opened the door and rushed to Jungkook's bedroom. He knocked on the door repeatedly, loud as well. He had tears running down his face and he just needed to be close to Jungkook.

Jungkook let out a growl when he heard knocks again. He was just in a pair of linen dress pants. When the knocks got louder he threw the shirt he was going to wear and walked to the door opening it, expressions heavily guarded only to pause when he saw Taehyung.

Taehyung looked at the alpha, eyes wide before he let out a small cry and without hesitation stepped toward Jungkook and wrapped his arms around him tightly. As soon as he did, his wolf stopped crying and the pain he was feeling in his chest went away.

Jungkook stood stock still as Taehyung hugged him all of a sudden out of nowhere.. He felt his wolf stop his howling and whining slowly. He clenched his teeth, slowly bringing his arms around Taehyung, holding him gently without a word, letting him cry. He didn’t even know whether he was supposed to ask the male what was wrong cus the omega had obviously refused to tell him previously.

Taehyung cried against Jungkook's neck, tightening his arms around the male. He wanted to tell Jungkook he wasn't feeling well, but he was also pretty stubborn. And with the simple fact Jungkook had said he'd leave whenever he was needed at work made Taehyung truly feel like their marriage would be nothing more than just for the pup. But his wolf didn't like that. His wolf wanted more and without getting it, he started to be in pain which caused Taehyung to be in pain as well.

Jungkook let out a sigh when his cries only got louder and closed his door before leading Taehyung over to the bed and made him sit before sitting down beside him and pulling him into his arms once more. He started to rub his back slowly, without a word.

Taehyung immediately moved to sit on Jungkook’s lap when he was sat down on the bed. He hugged him tightly and kept his face pressed against the alpha’s neck, “Hurts.” Was all he said as he cried.

Jungkook let the Omega clamber onto his lap and hummed.. “Hurts?” he asked softly and gently as he kept rubbing his back.. “What hurts, Taehyung..”

Taehyung pulled an arm back to grab Jungkook’s hand and place it on his chest, almost where his heart was, “Here.” He said through a small sob. He let go of Jungkook's hand to wrap his arm around the alpha once again.

Jungkook frowned softly when the Omega placed his hand on his heart.. “Your heart? Is it a physical hurting or an emotional hurting? Do you need to go to the hospital?” he asked very gently, hands softly moving over his chest, rubbing gently.

Taehyung pulled back and looked at Jungkook, almost pleading, “My wolf is hurting. He's not happy with us, and it's making me in so much pain. I don't like it because I don't want to cause pain to our pup.” He explained as best as he could through his sniffles and tears.

Jungkook stared at the Omega, his cries hurting his own heart, which he couldn’t understand why.. “Why is he hurting?” he asked in a whisper.. “Do you know why?”

Taehyung nodded, shutting his eyes as a small wave of pain washed through him, “Feels like you don't really want us. Feels like you'd prefer not to do this.” He whispered, opening his eyes to stare at Jungkook. “I know what we agreed to.. I know this will always be a marriage we chose to go forward with for our pup but my wolf doesn't understand that and doesn't want to accept it..”

Jungkook blinked before he stared at the omega, “What makes you think that I didn’t want this?” he asked softly.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook, “You.. You said you’d leave whenever work needed you. What.. What if we need you and you're not here?” Taehyung whispered, placing his hand on his stomach. “Your work is a priority, I get that..”

“And I also said I would not if something requires my attention immediately..”, Jungkook explained gently.. “Taehyung, do you realize that all along I’ve given way to all your wants? I have made way for all your choices, except for yesterday in my office, we’ve been doing everything you want and if you ask me to stay at home I would, I really would.. You just have to ask me to stay.. I just..” he smiled gently at the male. “I just do not want to overstep your boundaries, so you will have to tell me what you want and I will make sure it happens by hook or by crook..” he whispered, wiping his tears..

Taehyung shook his head, “You told your brother you wouldn't change your schedule and would go to work after telling me you wanted to go with me to get checked out at the doctor. And I chose to have my own bedroom because I didn't want to invade your privacy or space after your mom said that you were secluded from the rest of the house. I didn't want to bother you or become a burden because maybe this is not what you want. Hell this is totally not what you wanted, you probably didn't want to have a kid and have to marry right now but here we are..” Taehyung said as he did his best not to start crying again.

“And I will..” Jungkook spoke. “Me going to the office doesn’t stop me from coming with you to your appointments.. The check ups are a part of my schedule. Taehyung I made sure to tell my secretary to add tomorrow’s check up to my schedule. I am not lying..” he then frowned.. “How do you know what I want?” he asked softly,

“Well.. I’m pretty sure you didn't walk into that gala with the intention of getting me pregnant so you could marry me..” Taehyung whispered, looking down to hide his face from Jungkook.

“Yeah but do you not remember what I wrote to you on that note?” Jungkook asked.. “When I woke up in the morning, and I realized that we never used protection and I had no idea whether you were on birth control or not, with how much we f*cked that night and especially because I knotted you, I knew there might be a good chance of you being pregnant.. That is why I said if fate wants we will meet again.. I could have bailed on you that day, if I didn’t want it Taehyung.. I could have put an end to all of this that day itself cus I saw this coming Taehyung, maybe not the entire sh*tshow with your parents, but I knew the next morning that we might have a pup of our own.”

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, nibbling on his bottom lip as he listened to the alpha, “You triggered my heat. Spent two days in bed after I got home from your apartment.” Taehyung whispered, “I didn't think much of it at the time but.. but I guess deep down I knew it could happen.” He let out a shaky breath and looked down at his hands that now rested by his stomach, “You really want this then?”

“I do..” Jungkook didn’t hesitate to speak.. “I am just respecting your wishes of being independent and trying my very best not to cross boundaries cus i am not your alpha, Taehyung..” he whispered softly, pushing Taehyung’s hair back. “I don’t want to get too comfortable with you, have my wolf get used to being your alpha and then have to let you go when and if the time comes, I don’t want that to happen..”

Taehyung looked at Jungkook as the male pushed his hair back, “Why are you planning on letting me go when we're just getting started? You think anyone is ever going to be okay with being with an omega who already had a kid with someone else? Besides, I hadn't been with anyone else for years before you, I highly doubt I’ll want anyone after.”

“”My father did..” Jungkook whispered. “My mother already had Yoongi hyung when my father mated my mother.. When you meet your person they don’t care whether you have a pup or ten pups, Taehyung.. I learnt that from my parents. Love is love. I don’t plan on letting go, but I fear I will let myself and my wolf get close to you, love you and take you as our only to let you go in the end cus I know, If you come and tell me that you are in love with another alpha, I will let you go and let you be happy with whoever you want and it’s gonna be so f*cking hard to me.. That is why I don’t cross my boundaries, remind my alphas that we are doing this just for our pup.. It would be a lot different otherwise..” he whispered.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook before he shook his head, lifting himself up from Jungkook’s lap. “I don't want anyone else, Jungkook. I haven't looked at anyone in years and you think that I’m going to start noticing people now that I'm going to be married to you? I don't think so.” He whispered, placing his hand on the alpha’s nape, “I don't want anyone else in my life that isn't my pup’s father.” He said softly before he pulled Jungkook in to peck his lips.

Jungkook stared up at the Omega and closed his eyes when the male pecked him. He placed his hands on Taehyung’s waist. “What do you want Taehyung? Give me a clear answer.. Selfish answer. Stop thinking about being an inconvenience or a bother.. Just give me an honest, selfish answer.. What do you want with me?” he asked, pulling slightly back to watch the Omega..

Taehyung shifted closer to Jungkook, “I want our marriage to work, and for us to try to be a family, and not just for our pup’s sake. I don't want to have to look for someone else because this marriage didn't work like we thought it would. I want you as my husband, the father of my pup and the man I spend the rest of my life with. One thing that might be a little old school about me is that I said that whenever and if I ever got married, I wanted to be married to that person for the rest of our lives. I’m not the type or want to go look for second chances with someone else.”

Jungkook watched the Omega silently for a long while before he wrapped his arms around his waist. “Then we are gonna have to communicate, Taehyung.. Cus you know why? We are practically strangers.. I don’t know you and you don’t know me except for how we sound and move in bed.. We don’t know anything else, if we need to get this marriage to work then we have work cut out for us.. You can’t shut me out and compress your needs. Just as much as you are new to this, I am too.. You need to tell me what you want and what I should do at least in the beginning until we get used to each other and know each other properly.. Until we are no longer strangers.. Can you do that?” he whispered..

Taehyung looked down at Jungkook from his position, nodding silently, “Yeah..” He whispered, cupping Jungkook's face, “I’m sorry, it's just a habit I have to try to get rid of. I was never allowed to voice my feelings so my immediate reaction is to shut everyone out. But.. But I do want this to work, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.. It’s okay..” Jungkook shook his head as best as he could with Taehyung cupping his face.. “Let’s just both try, yeah?”

Taehyung nodded, caressing Jungkook’s cheeks gently, “I really want that, yeah. But..” he frowned and leaned down to rest his forehead against the alpha’s, “But maybe don't get too alpha on me, your mom also got a little upset about it. And I don't want her sad, I can be sad, that's okay, I don't want your mom sad.”

Jungkook’s lips twitched. “It’s a little hard for me to control my alphas when they are angry but.. I promise I won’t ever raise my voice on you like that.. Never.. ”

Taehyung blinked, sitting down on Jungkook’s lap, “Alphas? As in.. more than one?” He asked softly, removing his hands from Jungkook’s face to wrap his arms around Jungkook’s middle.

Jungkook paused, forgetting that he had let it slip, but then he sighed. They had just promised to communicate and this was something extremely important so he hummed.. “Yes.. I am not only an Alpha wolf..” he spoke slowly.. “I have another very prominent and active counterpart, a more dominant one when I am angry..”

Taehyung listened to Jungkook and hummed softly, “Okay, that's.. interesting and now it makes sense why your mom said you were different.” He whispered, “Is that one harder to control?”

“Yes..” He murmured.. “When I’m livid my eyes change color into a mixture of two colors.. Crimson red with swirls of gold.. That happened I think in your house, cus I was about to snap your father’s neck like a twig.”

Taehyung grabbed Jungkook’s shoulders from behind and under Jungkook’s arms and it was then he realized the male was shirtless. He blinked slowly and stared at Jungkook's chest, “So, does that only happen when your alpha is angry? Like is he always present or just when you're angry.”

Jungkook smiled. “He is always there.. but he is too strong when he is angry..” he murmured…”Lycans are known to be scary when they are angry..”

Taehyung looked at Jungkook and tilted his head to one side, “He has a soft side too then? How is he feeling right now?” Taehyung leaned forward to nudge his nose with Jungkook's jawline.

“Yeah he has.. he is the biggest winniest baby..” Jungkook snorted. “He is sleeping… or not.. he is just at peace cus….” He trailed off, eyes slightly widening..

Taehyung pulled back to look at Jungkook, “Because what?” he asked, then frowned at the male’s expression, “What is it?”

Jungkook stared at the omega.. “because he is with the mother of his pups..” he breathed..

Taehyung smiled and moved to place his head on Jungkook’s shoulder before he froze and immediately pulled back to stare at Jungkook, “I’m sorry, I thought I heard wrong, did you just say pups? As in, plural?”

Jungkook swallowed thickly.. “yes.. you have pups.. we have pups Taehyung.. not wolf pups.. Lycan pups..” he whispered eyes wide in surprise.

Taehyung gasped softly and pulled his arms back to cover his mouth in shock. He looked down at his stomach before looking back at Jungkook, smacking his chest, “How hard did you f*ck me for me to end up with more than one pup?!” He said playfully, not knowing Mrs. Jeon was about to enter the bedroom which they had left the door open for.

Jungkook laughed, shaking his head.. “I think it's him who knotte- Eomma?” He blurted seeing his mom frozen at the entrance of the door..

Taehyung looked back and saw the woman staring at them in slight shock, he blushed and got up from Jungkook’s lap quickly.

“You..” Jungkook’s mother felt tongue tied.. “you know what.. I didn't hear anything. I'm gonna wait until you come back from the check up tomorrow.. come down for dinner Taehyungie..” she murmured before turning around abruptly.. “oh my god my son made an Omega pregnant with lycan pups..” she mumbled to herself as she scurried out.

The omega bit down on his lip to keep himself from giggling, looking at Jungkook, “Are you not invited to dinner or is it just me?” He said before he grabbed Jungkook’s hand, “Come on.”

Jungkook snorted.. “I don't usually eat dinner.. “ he mumbled standing up..

Taehyung pouted, moving to stand in front of Jungkook, “You’ll still come down right?” he asked, squeezing Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook stared at the omega.. “you want me to ?” He quipped.

Taehyung nodded, “It's my first night here with you and your family, I don't want to sit by myself.” Taehyung said softly, “Please?”

Jungkook laughed softly.. “okay.. let me put on a shirt.. and I'll come with you.. “

Taehyung let out a playful groan, “What do you mean you have to wear a shirt?” He let go of Jungkook’s hand and walked out of the bedroom with a small giggle, “Hurry!”

Jungkook.chuckled as he grabbed the shirt he had previously thrown down and wore it before he walked out of the room..

Taehyung turned around and smiled when he saw Jungkook, he walked over and rounded the male. “Carry me, you have too many f*cking stairs in your house.” He said, wrapping his arms around Jungkook’s shoulders from behind and jumped on the alpha's back.

Jungkook laughed as he gripped the Omega’s thighs.. “We are just taking the elevator..” he murmured, walking towards it and getting in before pressing the button for the ground floor..

“Okay then maybe I just wanted you to carry me.” Taehyung said as he leaned down to kiss Jungkook’s cheek, holding tight to the male’s shoulders.

“And I don't mind..” Jungkook laughed softly carrying the omega into the dining room..

Taehyung smiled and hid his face against Jungkook’s neck, only lifting it up when he heard talking coming from the others. Taehyung blushed a little but stayed on Jungkook's back until the alpha put him down.

“Oh the Little one has arrived.. “Jungkook’s father spoke.. jungkook laughed as he stood next to Taehyung's chair which his mother had kept for the Omega

Taehyung smiled at the elder and then looked at Jungkook, “Thanks Alpha,” He said softly before he moved to sit down, “Hi.” He said, smiling at Mr. Jeon.

The elder jeon smiled at Taehyung.. “eat well son.. you aren't alone now..” he chuckled.

Taehyung blushed and shook his head, “And I’m very grateful for that,” He said before he looked up and tugged on Jungkook's hand, wanting him to sit down with him.

Jungkook smiled at the Omega before he sat down on the empty chair beside him.. “happy ?” He asked zodtkť

Taehyung scooted closer to Jungkook, hugging the alpha’s arm, nodding in response. “Yeah.” He said softly, looking over at Mr. Jeon, rubbing Jungkook's arm slowly with his thumb.

“Shall we start then?” Mrs. Jeon asked starting to plate some food for Mr. Jeon and give it to him. Immediately after the others started playing food for themselves.. Jungkook took a plate to get some food for Taehyung. . “What do you want?” He asked softly.

Taehyung looked at the plate then at Jungkook, looking at him in confusion, “I.. You're going to serve my plate?” He asked quietly, almost like he couldn't believe Jungkook would do that. Mostly because he had always been used to his father and brothers refusing to serve his mother because she was an omega.

Jungkook paused and looked at Taehyung. “What's.. wrong with that?” He asked softly.

Taehyung shook his head, “Family thing, sorry.” He whispered, smiling at Jungkook before he rested his head on the alpha’s shoulder, “I'm good with anything.”

Jungkook stared at the Omega for a few more minutes before he started to put some food into his plate. He placed some japchae and some kimchi. He then kept it aside before taking a big piece of grilled pork and started to cut it into bite sized pieces and put them in Taehyung’s plate too.. “There you go..” He murmured, pushing the plate towards Taehyung, making his parents who were watching smile soft at him.

Taehyung thanked Jungkook quietly and waited for Jungkook to serve himself a plate. He knew the alpha usually didn't have dinner but he didn't want to be the only one eating with Jungkook’s family. So, a lot like a child, Taehyung stared at Jungkook patiently waiting for him to actually serve himself something.

Jungkook blinked when the omega refused to eat anything and just stared at him with big eyes.. “....What?” he asked softly.

Taehyung whined, “I want you to eat with me too, I don't want to be the only one eating.” He said, ignoring the chuckling from Jungkook's family, “Please?”

Jungkook blinked before he chuckled and shook his head..

“We have someone to get things done with Jungkook now..” Yoongi grinned..

“f*ck off, respectfully..” Jungkook mumbled taking a piece of meat into a plate and cutting it up for himself. He then looked at Taehyung, with a soft smile. “Go on.. Eat..”

Taehyung smiled and turned to his plate when he felt satisfied with Jungkook getting food. He started to eat, humming softly in delight, “Thank you” he said, smiling at Jungkook then at his parents, eyes crinkling at their sides.

Jungkook’s parents chuckled.. “God he is adorable..” his mother laughed softly. “I want to bubble wrap him and stuff him inside my pocket..”

“Eiii.. Hands off my Omega..” Jungkook grumbled stuffing a piece of meat in his mouth,

Taehyung turned to Jungkook, looking at him in amusem*nt, “I'd let mom steal me away, you know?” he said before focusing back on his food.

“Take that, you knothead.” Jungkook’s mother grinned..

“Is that so.. Okay then..” Jungkook muttered with a shrug and continued to eat, sticking his tongue out at his mother briefly.

Taehyung laughed softly before he looked back at Jungkook, he hummed and grabbed a napkin and moved closer to wipe the corner of Jungkook’s mouth.

Jungkook stayed still, letting Taehyung wipe his mouth and thanked him before eating a few more pieces. He then pushed his plate away. “That’s enough for me..” he muttered, drinking water..

Taehyung continued to eat, glancing at Jungkook before he once again moved closer to the alpha. It was a weird feeling, needing to have to be physically close to Jungkook just so he wouldn't feel uneasy.

“You are taking Taehyung for the check up tomorrow right?” Yoongi asked. “Are you taking him to the pack hospital?”

“Yeah I am..” Jungkook muttered. “I don’t trust the Seoul national now, since I pulled my shares away they might f*ck with Taehyung so..” he shrugged.. “It is anyway better to take him to the pack hospital, those doctors are ours..”

Taehyung froze, staring down at his plate before he slowly pushed it away. He looked up and shifted a little uncomfortable in his seat, but kept a smile on his face to not make a big deal about his family being mentioned.

Namjoon nodded.. “That is the best idea,” he spoke.. “You know I got an interesting call..”

Jungkook looked over at his cousin.. “From whom?”

“Your ex,” Namjoon snorted.

Taehyung immediately looked over at Namjoon, jaw tense. He pulled his hand away from where he was trying to take Jungkook's hand and crossed his arms over his chest without a word.

Jungkook looked over at Taehyung before looking at Namjoon. “The f*ck she want with you?”

Namjoon sighed.. “To know whether the news was true and to wail at me how unfair you were to her, after she had been so loyal and loving to you..”

“My question is..” Yoongi spoke.. “How the f*ck does she have your number?”

Namjoon blinked.. “Wait, that’s true.. How did she get my number?” he asked, confused.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, looking away, “Not that hard you know? My best friend has your number already and Jungkook didn't give it to him, and I don't have it, so he didn't get it from me. You can get anyone's phone number if you have the right connections.”

Namjoon stared at the male.. “What is your best friend doing with my number?” he asked, curiously.

Taehyung looked at Namjoon and stood up, smiling sweetly at him, “Gonna call you and whine about his ex.” He pushed his chair back and turned to the older couple, “Thank you for dinner, mom and dad. I’ll be heading up to bed now, you have no idea how grateful I am for you. Goodnight.” He smiled at them before he looked at the others before walking away.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung in surprise.. He frowned, he wanted to follow the Omega but at the same time he didn’t know whether it would be a good idea. He sighed.. “Contact our lawyers, yeah? I want her restricted out of our lives.. All of us..”

Taehyung made his way up the stairs, too angry to take the elevator. He huffed and panted when he reached the floor Jungkook’s part of the house was. He walked toward his bedroom and grabbed his phone as soon as he did, texting Jimin quickly, Call Namjoon and whine about your ex.

Jimin texted seconds later, ????? . But Taehyung just told him to do it.

Jungkook waited a few more minutes before he excused himself and walked to the elevator coming to his floor, walking straight towards his bedroom. He didn’t see any sight of Taehyung so he let out a deep sigh and entered his own room.. He felt like they were taking a step forward and ten steps backward..

Taehyung had quickly washed up, and put his phone on the charger he was sure Mrs. Jeon had left for him. He grabbed a pillow and made his way out of the bedroom to go across the hall and knock on Jungkook’s door, as he was sure the male was there already.

Jungkook looked over when a knock came at his door.. He had changed himself into a pair of shorts and had skipped on the shirt as he hated wearing one.. He walked over to the door and opened it, “Taehyung?” he asked, looking at the Omega..

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, smiling at him before he stepped into the bedroom and made his way to the bed. Wordlessly, he climbed on and got under the covers, holding the pillow to his chest and he looked over at Jungkook.

Jungkook watched the male before blinking at him.. He slowly closed the door, automatically locking behind him.. “Oh hello?” he chuckled curiously, walking to the bed.. “Don’t you look comfortable..”

Taehyung nodded, “Your bed is comfortable.” He said and then laid down, hugging the pillow closer as he looked up at Jungkook when the male approached the bed.

Jungkook snorted as he sat on the bed, staring at the male.. “Are you going to sleep here with me?” he asked softly.

Taehyung nodded, “Yeah, of course I am. Would you prefer it if I didn't?” He asked softly as he played with the pillow case.

Jungkook shook his head.. “I didn’t say that.. I just thought with the way you left the dining room that you were angry with me..” he mumbled..

Taehyung frowned and then shook his head, “Why would I be angry with you? You're not the one calling your ex wondering why life is so unfair.”

Jungkook shrugged, “It felt like that.. Sorry..” he muttered looking at his hands..

Taehyung sat up and left the pillow on the side, crawling over to Jungkook to sit on his lap. “Am I annoyed she decided to call your cousin after I told her to f*ck off? Yes. Am I angry at you for it? No. Just hope you know and your family knows that next time she tries calling or doing anything to get your attention, I won't let it slide.”

Jungkook stared at him before he smiled softly.. “Okay, Butterfly.. You can do whatever you want..” he whispered.

Taehyung gave him a single nod before he leaned forward to peck Jungkook's lips, “Good boy.” He patted the alpha's chest and climbed off his lap to go back to the spot he was just seconds ago.

Jungkook took a second to process what was said before he threw his head back and laughed. The Omega was adorable. “Let’s sleep then.. Do you want me to put on a shirt? I don’t like it but if it is making you uncomfortable then I don’t mind.”

“The fact you think I would want to see your chest covered rather than exposed is absolutely ridiculous.” Taehyung said as he shifted around trying to get comfortable.

Jungkook snorted before he shook his head and climbed onto the bed, slipping under the covers.. “I’ll keep that in mind, Butterfly..”

Taehyung looked at Jungkook before he scooted closer, “Can you hold me? Only if it doesn't make you uncomfortable.” He whispered.

Jungkook hummed.. “Why would it make me uncomfortable.. Come here..” he spoke softly, opening his arms.

Taehyung smiled, letting go of the pillow and moving as close to Jungkook as possible. He wrapped his arms around the male and buried his face against Jungkook’s neck. He took a deep breath then frowned, pulling his head back to look at Jungkook.

Jungkook closed his eyes briefly when the omega snuggled into him but they snapped open once more when Taehyung pulled back.. “What is it?” he asked softly.

“Why can't I smell your scent?” Taehyung asked, curiously and quietly, “Are you wearing scent blockers?”

Jungkook stared at the male before he hummed.. “Yeah, I am.. It’s… too strong..” he murmured softly..

Taehyung stared at Jungkook, unconsciously running the tips of his fingers up and down Jungkook's back, “What's your scent?”

Jungkook gently shivered when he felt the Omega’s fingers.. “I have a mixture of three scents..” he whispered.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, eyes sparkling in curiosity, “What are they?” He asked, smiling at the alpha gently.

Jungkook chewed on his lower lip.. “Fresh rain, Coal and..” Jungkook hesitated..

Taehyung waited patiently for Jungkook to continue, still moving his hand on the male’s back. He smiled at Jungkook, the faintest blush on his cheeks.

Jungkook swallowed thickly, staring at Taehyung’s head.. “And fresh blood..” he said softly.

Taehyung’s smile fell as he looked at Jungkook before he hummed, “I guess that makes sense actually, why wouldn't you have strong scents if you're a Lycan.” He said with a nod before burying his face against Jungkook’s neck, “Can I smell you one day?”

Jungkook let out a sigh.. “You can smell me whenever you are ready cus you are never gonna want to smell me again..” he chuckled humorlessly..

Taehyung rubbed his nose against Jungkook's neck, “You do realize that I’m pregnant with your pups and there will come a point where I’ll need your scent to feel calm or get rid of any pain, right?”

Jungkook felt tongue tied, he honestly felt lost.. “But I smell bad, you think those three scents will calm anyone?” he asked softly. “”I smell like death when I am angry.. It’s horrible..”

Taehyung pulled back to look at Jungkook, looking at him with a mixture of sadness and confusion, “I'm the mother of your pups, your soon to be husband and eventual mate. I don't care what anyone else or you think, your scent will be the only one my omega and I will need. I don't care if it smells like dog sh*t, you're my alpha and if that's what you smell like then I’ll love it. I won't allow you to say anything about you or your scent again.”

Jungkook stared at Taehyung a little startled, he was sure his eyes misted slightly. But without a word he reached towards his scent gland and rubbed it, rubbing the blocking salve off of his gland, the room immediately filling with fresh rain, coal and blood.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook, his scent invading the omega's nostrils. He frowned slightly, trying to separate the scents from each other to be able to smell each one, but he couldn't. He then got closer and rubbed his nose against Jungkook’s scent gland, unconsciously beginning to let out his own scent as well.

Jungkook shuddered when the omega began to rub his nose on his gland.. “Butterfly..” he whispered, closing his eyes.

Taehyung ignored Jungkook calling him, as his omega had felt entirely entranced by Jungkook’s scent. Taehyung got even closer, if that was even possible and moved to tangle his fingers in Jungkook’s hair as he started to take deep breaths and let out small whimpers.

Jungkook parted his lips, an unknown pleasure running through his body as the Omega kept inhaling his scent.. “Baby.. Don’t force yourself please..” he whispered, cupping the back of Taehyung’s head, misunderstanding the reason for his whimpers..

Taehyung didn't say anything as he gripped Jungkook’s hair when a soft moan left his lips. He closed his eyes and he knew that Jungkook's scent wasn't one that people would find enjoyable but he and his omega liked it a little too much. He knew that his scent would give it away.

“Oh..” Jungkook breathed when the Omega’s scent started to changed.. His alpha howled in pride when the Omega moaned.. “Butterfly, you are getting scent drunk.. Baby..” he let out a breathy moan..

Taehyung felt light headed in the best way possible as he pushed Jungkook onto his back and straddled him. He leaned back down to once again bury his face against the alpha's neck, taking it a step further, and sticking his tongue out to run it over Jungkook’s scent gland. His omega was slowly taking over and Taehyung was losing control over himself.

“”f*ck..: Jungkook shuddered, head falling sideways as he let the omega lick his scent gland. He knew the omega would eventually pass out from being scent drunk but he couldn’t get himself to stop Taehyung cus he had never felt so good about his scent, ever.

The omega let out another whimper, his breathing getting a little uneven. He pulled back to stare down at Jungkook, eyes wide and pupils blown as he stared at the male. He blinked a few times before he dipped back down to continue what he was doing, his omega needing and wanting more.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around the omega, one hand around his waist and one hand on his head and held him down as the omega continued to take his scent in. He felt disgruntled, he had lost his bearing and he didn’t know what was happening in the best way possible.. Simply to say he was high on Euphoria right now..

Taehyung wasn't sure how much time had passed since he and Jungkook just allowed whatever was happening, happen. He pulled back, breathing heavily as he stared down at Jungkook. If he had to guess, he would say he probably looked like he had been f*cked a week straight. His mind was fuzzy, his body felt tingly, his heart was beating fast and his omega had never been happier.

Jungkook panted heavily as he opened his eyes and looked up at the omega.. He swallowed thickly knowing that he looked nothing like the composed alpha he always was.. “Butterfly..” he rasped, squeezing Taehyung’s waist. The omega looked blissed out, like he was f*cked again and again until he was left mindless.. “Butterfly..” he murmured once more, turning sideways and bringing Taehyung to his chest and pulling the comforter above their heads so they were in their own little cocoon, holding the omega tight against him.

Taehyung could hear Jungkook calling out for him, but he sounded distant. He closed his eyes when he was laid down on the bed and buried his face against Jungkook's neck. He took a small breath before almost immediately passing out.

Jungkook felt the male going lax in his arms, and knew he had passed out. With a blissed out smile of his own, he slipped his hands inside Taehyung’s sweater, wanting the bareskin contact and placed them on his back before slowly passing off into his own dream land.


Hope you all enjoyed!

Kudos and Comments will be appreciated a lot!

Chapter 3: One Look And You Are Mine, Keep Your Eyes On Me


"Your alpha is a f*cking beast.. I will never ever cross that man, good god"


Jeon Jungkook ain't nothing to mess with.


Be respectful and enjoy!

Oh! if you are sensitive to the topic of terminating pregnancies then you will have to skip on this chapter cus they nearly terminate the pregnancy (THEY DO NOT). Again, proceed with caution.

Love you all!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Namjoon had just come out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist and drying his hair with another when he heard his phone ring. He hummed, grabbing his glasses and putting it on before walking towards the phone, staring down at the unknown number..

He pondered for a moment before answering the call, “Kim Namjoon speaking..” he spoke, his voice clipped and deep.

“Wow, you sound even hotter than you look.”

Namjoon frowned, tilting his head. “May I know who is speaking please?”

“Oh sh*t. Right. This is Park Jimin.”

Namjoon’s eyebrows flew to his hairline.. Then he blinked remembering Taehyung’s words.. “Park Jimin.. How did you get my number?” he asked, this time, his voice a little gentler.

Jimin hummed as he walked around the bedroom, earphones in as he got ready for bed, “I know people who know people who know you.”

Namjoon let out a small chuckle.. “Is that so?” he murmured, putting the phone on speaker and resuming to dry his hair.. “Then maybe you can tell me one day who these people are so I can sue them..”

Jimin laughed, “I'm no snitch, Namjoon-ssi. Snitches get stitches, and I'm too good looking to have stitches.”

“Oh I know..” Namjoon smirked.. “What a shame it would be to see a stitch on that porcelain skin. I’d hate it..”

Jimin looked down at his phone on the bathroom counter, blinking slowly, “You.. You actually know what I look like?” He asked, a little confused.

Namjoon laughed gently as he dried his body.. “Why would I not know my own models, Jimin-ssi?” he asked softly.

Jimin dropped his face wash, cursing under his breath, “f*cking sh*t, Park Jimin. What the actual f*ck were you thinking?” He said in a rush before he quickly hung up and yanked the earphones from his ears. “Oh I'm so getting fired.” He whined.

Namjoon paused when he heard the ruckus before he threw his head back and laughed out loud. He pulled on a pair of boxers and walked back to his phone, dialing the number back..

Jimin stared down at his phone as it rang, whining in embarrassment. He was never like that, he was always very bold, flirty and straightforward. He just never expected to be shooting his shot with his f*cking boss. Who the f*ck becomes the CEO of an agency and keeps their identity anonymous. He sighed and answered the call, placing the phone to his ear, “Park Jimin speaking.” He mumbled softly.

“How rude Jimin-ssi..” Namjoon smirked as he sat down on the bed.. “You call me and then hang up on me? How rude..”

“I'm sorry, please don't fire me.” Jimin said quickly, “I’ll never call you again, I promise.” He whined as he made his way out of the bathroom.

Namjoon laughed softly. “Why would I fire you?” he asked.. “You are one of my if not my most precious models.. I’d be a fool to fire you..”

Jimin looked at his phone then placed it back on his ear, “Did you say I’m precious?” He asked, immediately returning to his flirty self.

Namjoon snorted.. “I did.. Have a problem with it?”

“Nope. Not at all, keep the compliments coming, because I might be next.” Jimin said as he sat down on his bed, scrunching nose when he realized what he said, “Sorry.”

Namjoon blinked, processing what Jimin meant before he snorted.. “You are something else, Park Jimin..” he rasped.. “Now, is there a reason you phoned me?”

“Trying to shoot my shot. Taehyung became part of your family, I’m trying to do the same.” Jimin said before he laughed softly, “Kidding but the first part is true.”

Namjoon hummed as he leaned back against his head board.. “And you thought the best way to do it is by calling me, baby?” he teased.

“How else? You're never in any events. Do you realize it's always a surprise to see you, Jungkook and that cute omega at any event?” Jimin said as he got under his covers.

“Is it?” Namjoon asked, raising a brow.. “We just don’t like much public events, that’s all..” he then hummed.. “I assume you like me then?”

Jimin hummed, “Yeah. Call it a crush. Always wanted to get to know you better, but never got the chance. You're kinda out of my league, Namjoon-ssi.”

“Out of your league?” Namjoon asked, placing an arm behind his head.. “You are the one out of my league.. A pretty omega like you having a crush on me? I am honored, angel..”

Jimin blushed as Namjoon kept calling him pet names, “I doubt that.” The omega mumbled, “Anyway, I should go, I didn't mean to call you this late at night. I promised Taehyung I wouldn't chicken out this time, so.”

“I am glad you didn't, angel.. You can call me anytime you want.. I don’t mind..” he spoke, looking up at the ceiling.. “Good night then?‘ he asked, not really wanting to hang up..

Jimin played with the edge of his sheets, “You don't sound sure about that goodnight.” He whispered.

Namjoon’s lips twitched.. “Maybe I’m just sad about a pretty angel going to sleep..” he whispered back..

Jimin smiled to himself, “I can call you tomorrow if you'd like?” he said quietly.

Namjoon hummed.. “Why call?” he asked softly. “Come to the top most floor when you come to work tomorrow.. The elevator password is, 13101995”

Jimin let out a shaky breath before he nodded, forgetting Namjoon couldn't see him, “Okay, I’ll be there after my morning- is that.. wait is that my birth date?” He asked, sitting up quickly.

Namjoon smiled to himself.. “Is it? I have no idea what you are talking about, angel. Come to me when you are done with your work, I’ll be expecting you..” he whispered.

Jimin blushed deeply before he hummed, “See you then, Namjoon-ssi.” He said softly before he hung up the call and covered his face with his pillow.

Namjoon chuckled as he shook his head and placed the phone away, laying down and closing his eyes with a smile on his lips..

Taehyung felt his eyes heavy, but still slowly opened them. He blinked a few times, letting out a soft groan. He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes carefully, he felt like he had slept for days but he was pretty sure that hadn't been the case.

He put his hands down and sleepily stared at the duvet, he wished he could sleep more but his body just didn't want it.

Jungkook had woken up a little earlier, and like a creep he had watched the Omega sleep for about an hour, something he failed to do when they slept together in his bachelor pad. Realizing how creepy he might look to taehyung he got up, walking to the gym to walk out for a few minutes. After he was done with the gym, he walked back to his room with a glass of orange juice. He was wiping his sweat with a face towel as he stepped into the room, unaware that the Omega had woken up.

Taehyung looked up when he heard the door open, looking at Jungkook curiously. “What's got you all sweaty so early in the morning?” he asked a little groggily.

Jungkook blinked before he turned around, smiling softly as he saw the omega sitting up on the bed. “Good morning, Butterfly..” he murmured, walking to Taehyung and handing him the glass of orange juice. “Slept well?”

Taehyung took the orange juice, thanking the alpha softly before he nodded and took a sip. The orange juice felt great on his tongue, granted he felt like his mouth was dry so that helped a lot. “Yeah, I did. Good morning.” He said as he looked up at Jungkook, eyes a little more awake.

Jungkook smiled softly.. “I am glad..” he murmured. “How do you feel?” he asked softly sitting at the edge of the bed since he was sweaty.

Taehyung hummed softly and looked down at the glass, “Still slightly fuzzy, but not in a bad way. But I’m good.” He said with a nod before he smiled at Jungkook, “I’ll go wash up.” He carefully got out of bed, walking around it to place a kiss on Jungkook's cheek. Wordlessly, he walked out of Jungkook’s bedroom to go on his own and take a quick shower.

“Well then get ready after that, we can go to the hospital and have a check up..” he spoke, loud so Taehyung could hear, touching the place where Taehyung kissed. He then got up to go to his own bathroom..

Taehyung rushed to his bathroom, needing to use it plus get ready. He wasn't sure what time he and Jungkook would be going to the doctor but it was better to get ready early. He showered, and thankfully Mrs. Jeon had gotten him some makeup. He'd have to thank her for that. He worked on his hair first, once it was done to his liking he did his make up. Simple but very pretty.

He quickly made his way to the closet and looked around the clothes the woman had gotten him, she had amazing taste. He smiled widely when he found a really pretty pink rose colored shirt, pairing it up with some jeans. He was sure that was more than okay. He needed to hurry, he didn't know how long Jungkook took to get ready and he didn't want to keep the man waiting.

Jungkook took his time in the shower, cus he knew he wouldn;t take much time to get ready.. Stepping out of the shower he walked to the closet and wore a pair of white linen dress pants and a blue linen shirt. He then came out and combed his wet hair and put on his jewelry before grabbing his phone and wallet. He then sprayed some perfume on him, concealing his scent as usual before walking out of the room..

Taehyung ended up going to the kitchen, where he found Mrs. Jeon and Yoongi. He was going to wait for Jungkook upstairs but he figured he would be downstairs already. He was wrong.

“Good morning.” He said softly, smiling at the two other omegas.

“Oh my darling..” Mrs. Jeon gasped.. “Good morning sweetheart.. Going somewhere?”

Taehyung smiled, blushing a little, “Yeah, but I think that's until later. Jungkook has to go to work right now, but he's taking me to see the doctor.”

“Ohh..” The woman smiled.. “That is exciting..” She was about to speak again when Jungkook entered the kitchen.

Yoongi frowned.. “You are not going to work?” he said looking at his brother’s outfit.

Taehyung frowned and turned around to look at Jungkook, taking in his outfit. He stepped toward the alpha, wrapping his arms around his neck, burying his face against it only to huff and pull back when he couldn't smell Jungkook’s scent. He glared at the male before turning to Yoongi and Mrs. Jeon.

“No, I figured I’ll take him to breakfast, then the hospital before taking him shopping..” he spoke, smiling and starting to wrap his arms around the Omega but when the omega pulled back and glared at him, he frowned. “What did I do?”

Taehyung crossed his arms over his chest, looking away from Jungkook, “Can't smell you.” He grumbled.

Yoongi stared at the Omega.. “Oh? You like his scent?” he asked with a small smile..

Taehyung looked at Yoongi, nodding, “Yeah, I really do. And it's annoying that he's hiding it.” Taehyung looked back at Jungkook, narrowing his eyes at the alpha.

Jungkook let out a sigh.. “Not everyone can tolerate my scent, Taehyung.. I have to conceal it sometimes.. I’m sorry..”

Taehyung sighed and dropped his arms, turning back around to look away from Jungkook, “Maybe one day you’ll realize that you shouldn't care if other people tolerate it or not. Because if your omega likes and needs it then who f*cking cares. But today is not that day.” He said before smiling at Mrs. Jeon.

Jungkook’s jaw ticked. “Yeah maybe that other people might include my family, and maybe I don’t want to make my family uncomfortable early in the f*cking morning.” Jungkook spoke, voice clipped.

“Jungkookie..” Yoongi spoke in a warning tone..

Jungkook shrugged his shoulders.. “I mean I am sorry I don’t want some of the servants in the house to faint at the smell of blood.. And I am sorry that I don’t want my mother, who is extremely sensitive to the sight and the scent of blood to be uncomfortable around me..” he shook his head.. “Excuse me..” he spoke before walking out.

Mrs. Jeon had slight tears in her eyes as she stared after Jungkook.. “I fainted once, very badly, I didn’t wake up for five hours. He was angry and his scent affected me so badly and ever since that day he was scared to let his scent out in the open..” she said in a whisper.. “I tell him all the time that it’s okay, but I think the trauma and the guilt he went through as a little boy is still there with him..”

Taehyung immediately shut down and shook his head quickly, “No.. I.. No, I’m so sorry, Mrs. Jeon. I should've known better. I'm so sorry.” He said and wrapped his arms around his waist, “I shouldn't have said that. Excuse me.” He said and quickly walked out of the kitchen to go back to his bedroom.

Jungkook’s father who was coming down the stairs frowned when he saw the Omega rushing out of the kitchen. “Taehyung son?” he spoke out loud so the Omega would hear.

“I'm so sorry.” Taehyung said, shaking his head as he ran up the stairs, forgetting about the elevator entirely.

“Hey..” The older man caught the Omega by his elbow. “Come on… Tell me what’s wrong, son..”

Taehyung turned to look at the man, tears already running down his face, “I shouldn't have said that, I made him upset and I.. I'm so sorry, Mr. Jeon. I was incredibly selfish.”

The man frowned.. “Made who upset, love?” he asked kindly..

“Jungkook.” Taehyung said, letting out a soft cry, “I was stupid and.. I’m sorry. I’m gonna grab my things and head off to work, I don't think he would appreciate me being around after what I said.” He looked down, biting down on his bottom lip.

“Hey.. Stop running away from problems.. If I knew my son, I know what he highly doesn’t appreciate is when you run from problems..” he gently. “You are not going to work like this, son.. Come on..” he spoke, taking Taehyung’s hand and climbing back up to the first floor and leading him to the first floor library.

Taehyung hung his head as he walked alongside the male, not saying a word. Jungkook had been the first to walk away, so he wasn't sure why he was being labeled as the one to run away. Must be an omega thing. He glanced up at the elder when they entered the library but still didn't say a word.

The man sat Taehyung down and sat next to him, putting a small distance in order to not make the Omega uncomfortable..”Come on.. Tell me what happened now..” he spoke gently.

Taehyung sat down and stared at his hands, “I got upset he had scent blockers on. Said I hoped one day he understood his omega would need his scent no matter what others thought. He got upset and told me people can't stand it, Mrs. Jeon being one of them who faints at the smell. Then he walked out.” Taehyung said quietly.

“He let you smell him?” the older alpha asked softly. “And you liked it? Was comfortable with it?”

Taehyung nodded, looking up at the man, “My omega found comfort in it.” He said, not wanting to go into detail of what happened the previous night.

Jungkook’s father smiled.. “Then that might have been the first time someone showed Jungkook a positive reaction to his scent..” he murmured.. “I mean, the family hadn’t gone out of their way to make sure he knows that his scent is unwelcome but, you always know.. When your scent makes someone uncomfortable. Jungkook has been having problems regarding his scent from school days. Some teachers would chase him straight out of the class and it got worse to the point we had to just homeschool him and then that incident with his mother happened..” he sighed softly. “My boy was really scared that day.. He didn’t come out of his room for a week, that was the trauma it had on him, it was ingrained in his brain that he was what caused his mother to fall ill so even now, he never takes the ointment off. That is the biggest reason he is secluded from the rest, his scent..”

Taehyung played with his hands, nodding in understanding, “I’m really sorry, Mr. Jeon, I was being selfish and didn't think about how he would feel.” He whispered, “I apologize to you as well, I shouldn't have acted that way.”

The man shook his head with a kind smile.. “You are a couple now, misunderstandings like this happen and it is okay..” the man caressed his head.. “He didn’t tell you all these, you didn’t know and it is okay for an Omega to demand things from their Alpha, cus after all we are providers.. We provide for our omegas and here and there small issues arise, it's okay.. You are still learning about each other, yeah? Go talk to him.. It’s okay, son..”

Taehyung shook his head, “I can't.. My.. my omega feels rejected and doesn't want me to talk to Jungkook right now.” He whispered, “I’ve always pushed my omega’s feelings aside and now that I’m not suppressing how he feels I don't want to shut him out again.” He said quietly, “I think.. I think it's best if I give it a few hours. Just before the appointment today.”

The man sighed before he smiled and nodded.. “Okay darling.. It’s okay..” he mumbled standing up.. “But let’s go have something to eat, yeah? You are not only eating for you now..”

Taehyung nodded, standing up and smiled softly at the man, “Thank you, I’m sorry again.” He said as the two started to walk out of the library.

“Don’t be son..” the man chuckled as they climbed down the stairs.. “Things happen..” He murmured as they entered the kitchen once more..

Taehyung looked up at the man, smiling at him as they made their way into the kitchen. He looked over at Mrs. Jeon, quickly walking over to her and hugging her tightly, “I’m sorry.”

The woman blinked in surprise before she hugged him back tightly.. “Don’t be, sweet child.. Things happen..” she said softly, rubbing his back..

“”I have a feeling, if anyone is going to get Jungkook to open up about his scent, it’s gonna be you..” Yoongi spoke from where he was sitting on the island, eating a tangerine.. “But it’s gonna take some time and patience..”

Taehyung pulled back and looked at the woman, a small smile on his lips before he looked at Yoongi, “Yeah, well, I’m also not going to try and get him to open up to me and feel rejected every time even if it takes time to get there. My omega won't like that.” He said before he pulled back and moved to sit next to the male.

“I don't want to have to feel like my alpha is going to be getting mad at me for something that's natural.” He shrugged, and placed his arms on the kitchen island.

“He is not mad at you..” namjoon spoke as he entered the kitchen, ready for work.. “He is crying because he remembered what happened to auntie.. He’s beating himself up for being a f*ck up in his words.. He is not mad at you, he is mad at himself..”

Taehyung tensed at the male suddenly speaking up, he looked over at him and listened to him speak. Taehyung looked down at his hands, “It hurts you know. Hurts when he acts like that and in the end I have to feel like I’m the one who is wrong.” He said before he got off the stool. “I'm really not feeling well, I apologize. I’ll be heading out now, thank you.” He said as he walked out of the kitchen, needing to get out of that house. He had a session with a brand so he should just leave before he started crying again.

Jungkook had just stepped out of the elevator to come to the kitchen and eat when he had heard Taehyung.. He couldn’t help the fact that he had ultra sensitive hearing..He stood behind the wall and watched the male leave the house. He felt completely drained, why the f*ck did he even put a leave? If the Omega was going to leave then he might as well leave for work too.. He cursed himself and stepped back inside the elevator, needing to go up and get changed to go to work..

Taehyung stepped out of the house and his phone went off. He sighed and pulled it out to answer, “Yes?”

“Hey Taehyung, uh, just wanted to call you and let you know that your schedule was cleared up for today.”

“What?” Taehyung frowned and he looked around in confusion, “What do you mean my schedule was cleared up, hyung? I have a session in an hour.”

“No. No, you don't, Taehyung. Unfortunately, we have yet to announce your pregnancy but somehow it got out and people aren't liking the fact you're pregnant without being married yet. They're starting to believe the only reason the engagement was announced was because you're pregnant. Um, I’m sorry, Taehyung. As of now, you will not be working until we try to figure out how to fix this mess.”

“Hyung.. You can't be serious.” Taehyung said as he started to cry, “You're practically saying my career is on hold. You're not saying that, right?”

“I’m so sorry, Taehyung. I’ll do my best but for now.. yes, your career is on hold.”

Taehyung let out a gasp, suddenly feeling like it was hard to breathe. He didn't bother hanging up, simply threw his phone onto the ground, not caring if it broke.

It didn’t take much time for Jungkook to change.. Getting into one of his usual black suits, he came back down and walked towards the front door cus his car was parked near the water fountain.. But the second he steps out of the front doors he freezes, seeing Taehyung crying on the stairs.. He looked around before slowly walking over to the Omega. “Taehyung? Is everything okay?” he asked, voice soft and concerned..

Taehyung turned around, eyes red and tears streaming down his face as he stared at Jungkook, “No. Nothing is okay!” He cried, shaking his head. “Nothing is going okay, nothing is going to be okay.”

Jungkook frowned as he walked closer and crouched down in front of the omega.. “What’s wrong?”

“My career, Jungkook. It's over.” Taehyung cried, “My pregnancy got out into the public and now no one wants to work with me. They think the only reason the engagement was announced was to cover up the pregnancy. No one wants to work with a pregnant omega that isn't mated or married, Jungkook.”

Jungkook stared at the Omega.. “That is not true.. Hey don't panic yeah? Give me a few hours and I’ll fix this.. I promise.. It’s okay..” he muttered, trying to touch Taehyung’s hand only to be slapped away.

“Fix this?! How the f*ck are you going to fix this, Jungkook?!” Taehyung said, standing up and looking at the alpha. “I'm still f*cking pregnant, no matter what, no one will want to work with me no matter what you do! This is exactly why I was going to get an abortion, Jungkook!”

Jungkook’s entire body locked up. It was as if somebody had poured a gallon of ice water over his head. Suddenly he found all his senses clouded, the sound of water clogging his ears, even though water was nowhere near them. He stared at the spot Taehyung once sat before slowly looking up at the Omega.. He felt his alpha completely shut down, all the warmth in him freezing over in real time.. “Abortion was the better option?” He spoke slowly before standing up. He had his eyes fixed on the Omega for a long minute before he nodded his head, “Come on then.. We’ll fix the mistake.. Come on..” he said, rounding Taehyung and walking down the stairs, feeling numb all over.. “You are not too late. Come..”

Taehyung ran his hands through his hair, letting our harbored breaths, his chest feeling incredibly tight. “You can say you can fix this as much as you'd like but nothing will ever take away the fact that this f*cking society doesn't treat omegas right. Your career is fine, nothing will ever tarnish it or your company. My career? It's over no matter what I do.” He said before he turned and followed Jungkook.

Jungkook stopped on the last step, turning to Taehyung. “Oh no Taehyung.. I am not fixing the issue..” he spoke, voice firm and cold. “We are aborting those pups.. Today.. Right now.. Then I will issue a statement saying you were falsely accused and sue whoever put the news out.. Nobody is going to believe that you were pregnant if you never show.. So come on..” he spoke before turning and walking to the car, not bothering to open Taehyung’s door as he just got into the driver’s seat, waiting for the Omega.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook’s retreating back, blinking slowly as he took in what Jungkook had said. If they got an abortion then.. then there would be no need for them to marry. Then Taehyung would be all alone again because there would be no way he'd be able to face the Jeons without feeling absolutely guilty for what they were about to do. He looked down at the ground before slowly making his way to the car. He got in and buckled up without a word, staring ahead.

Jungkook’s hands were slightly shaking as he started the car, but he ignored it and floored the gas, driving out the gates. This is what Taehyung wanted from the beginning and this is what he should have agreed to from the beginning. He kept quiet even though he could feel the bile rising up his throat. They were going to kill his pups.. His pups.. The pups’ heartbeats which he clearly heard from Taehyung. He was not going to be a father anymore..

Taehyung looked down, he felt numb. He didn't think he would, considering it was the option he had thought of when he first found out he was pregnant. But, now he just felt numb and he felt almost sick as well. Except, his career was over. The one thing he was able to do for himself without his parents interference, he was losing it. And that hurt. It hurt because without it, he'd have nothing and be nothing and what would all his hard work mean? He would've done it all for nothing. But deep inside of him, his omega was already crying of a broken heart. Caused by Taehyung and his decision.

Jungkook pulled up to the hospital in no time. He parked the car and let out a slow breath. His alpha was lying lifeless and heart broken. He was going through a similar pain but nothing showed on his face. “Let’s go..” he said before getting out of the car, and walking towards the elevator, without waiting for the Omega..

Taehyung stayed in the car a few more seconds before he slowly got out and followed the alpha. He kept his head down, arms crossed over his chest. Wordlessly followed Jungkook into the elevator and watched him press the button to the doctor’s floor.

When the elevator doors were opened Jungkook walked straight past a few rooms, coming into a clearing with a large reception area. The Omegas at the reception hurried to stand up bowing at Jungkook.. “Appointment for Dr. Moon..” he said..

“Room number 35 sir.. The doctor is waiting for you..”

Jungkook nodded before turning around and walking towards the said room number,,

Taehyung looked up at Jungkook when he walked past him without even sparing him a glance. He felt his heart break a little more. He looked at the nurses who looked like they were judging him before he followed Jungkook.

Jungkook stopped before the door and knocked twice before he held the door open, looking back at Taehyung.. “Go on in..” he spoke.

The omega didn't look up at Jungkook, he couldn't do it anymore, because he could literally see how heartbroken Jungkook also was no matter how hard he concealed it. He stepped into the room and kept his head down.

“Jungkook-ahh..” the elderly doctor stood up with a beautiful smile. “Oh darling boy, I am so proud of you.. Look at you, years ago I delivered you and now I am about to deliver your pups..” she giggled..

Jungkook stared at the woman before smiling slightly, the smile not reaching his eyes. “No, Dr. Moon.. You won’t..”

“What?” the lady frowned..

“Yeah..” Jungkook mumbled, pushing his fists into his pockets.. “We are here for an abortion..”

The woman gasped out loud.. “I.. Ju-.. I… What?”

Jungkook nodded.. “Yeah, they are ruining many more things than they are bringing any happiness so, we are here for an abortion.. Can you make that happen?”

“I.. I..” The woman stuttered.. “Of course, but are you sure?” the woman asked, turning to Taehyung..

Taehyung felt incredibly sick, he felt the bile rising up his throat as he listened to Jungkook and the doctor talking. He slowly looked up and felt horrible as the woman looked at him in shock. “I..” He said, looking at Jungkook who refused to look at him, “I’m sure..”

The last part of Jungkook’s heart which Jungkook was holding up by a thread, shattered with Taehyung’s confirmation, yet he showed none of it..

“Alright then..” the doctor spoke after a long silence.. “I’ll.. I’ll get everything ready.. Jungkook, I don't think I can take you into the surgery room..”

Jungkook nodded his head. “I understand, It’s fine.. Do whatever it is that you need to get this done..” he spoke.

Taehyung's gaze slowly fell to the floor, his hand going to his stomach. He knew that by getting an abortion his career would be okay, but.. but that would be the only thing that would actually be okay after it.

The doctor pulled out a few documents.. “While everything is getting ready for the procedure, can you fill out these consent forms?”

Taehyung looked up, staring at the doctor then at the documents she was holding in her hand. He swallowed thickly as he stepped toward her.

The woman smiled at him kindly. “”Jungkook, there is a section for you to sign too, I think it’d be easier if you sign and give, then Taehyung-ssi can fill out the rest..”

Jungkook stared at the doctor, jaws clenching before he smiled tightly. “Sure.” pulling his signature pen out of his suit jacket, he willed his hands not to shake as he grabbed the document. He didn’t even bother to read whatever that was in it, before signing wherever his signs were required before handing the papers back to the doctor, his wolf whimpering in pain..

Taehyung stared at the documents, the doctor now offering them to him. He slowly took them from her along with the pen she offered and sat down on the chair in front of her desk. He didn't hear what she said next as he stared down at the documents now sitting in front of him.

“The process will start with a series of vaccines, which will weaken the pups extremely.. Then they will be removed from you.. But before we do that, why don’t you sign those and get onto the bed, I need to see whether you are safe to proceed further with the procedure..”

Taehyung had slowly started filling out the documents, his heart beating too fast at the fact that they were a step closer to no longer being parents. He looked up at the doctor, not having signed the documents as he was distracted by what she said, slowly standing up and handing them to her without a word. He looked toward Jungkook, the alpha avoiding his gaze before he slowly walked toward the bed to get on it.

The doctor smiled at the OMega.. “I am going to push your shirt up, is that okay?”

Taehyung stared at the ceiling from where he laid before he looked at the doctor, nodding to her in response.

“Great..” the woman mumbled, pushing Taehyung’s shirt up and taking a bottle into her hand.. “This is gonna be a little cold,” she spoke before starting to apply the gel on Taehyung's stomach.

The omega shivered from the coldness but didn't say anything as he stared at the doctor. He knew he couldn't look over at Jungkook who was still in the room because it would only make the entire thing more emotionally painful.

Jungkook stared at the monitor as the doctor scanned Taehyung’s stomach, he was progressively getting more and more sick..

“There they are..” the doctor murmured.. “They look perfectly fine..”

Taehyung refused to look at the monitor, he knew that it would make him sick if he saw their pups just before getting rid of them. He looked up at the ceiling, eyes welling up with tears.

“Right okay.. I got what I needed, let me turn off the machine..” The doctor murmured, pressing around trying to turn the monitor off as she concentrated on the screen. A second passed in silence before a loud thump was heard in the room..

The doctor gasped as another thump joined a second later, the sounds picking up rhythm there after..

The babies’ heartbeats..

Jungkook’s knees buckled.. He’s listened to this before.. He’s heard, right from inside the Omega but.. The way the heartbeats echoed the walls of the room made him want to throw up everything inside him.

“Excuse me..” he blurted before he stormed out, almost ripping the door out of his hinges as he hurried towards the nearest washroom..

Taehyung’s head snapped toward the monitor, eyes wide as he listened to the pup’s heartbeats. He gasped, his chest feeling tight once more as his omega cried out in pain. He stared at the monitor, tears running down his face before he shook his head and quickly sat up. “No.” He gasped out.

He climbed off the bed while crying, “No, I.. No. I won't do it.” He said, shaking his head while placing his hands on his stomach, hands now being covered by the gel the doctor had placed on it.

The doctor stared at the Omega, before she let out a sigh closing his eyes.. She couldn’t explain the relief she was feeling. She smiled kindly at the Omega, nodding her head gently.

Jungkook slammed into the washroom, vomiting as soon as he was near the sink. Bracing his hands on the mirror in front of him, he couldn’t help but puke his entire guts out, the heartbeats of the babies echoing in his ears. Tears slipped past his eyes as he tried to hold himself together..

Taehyung cried as he fell to the floor, arms securely wrapped around his middle as if trying to protect the pups, “Please don't do it.. please.. I.. I didn't mean to fill the documents out please don't do it..” He begged the doctor who slowly made his way to him.

The doctor stared at the Omega sadly.. She walked towards him and crouched down to his level, cupping his face.. “I am not going to do anything to your pups.. I promise.. Your pups will be safe with you.. It’s okay..” she whispered, wiping his face.. “You and the pups are safe.. Okay? You are okay..”

Taehyung stared at the doctor as he cried, “I want my babies.. I don't want to get rid of them..” He said as he clutched at his stomach. “He.. He needs to know I want them..”

The doctor chuckled softly.. “Go to him then.. I’m pretty sure you'll find him in the nearest bathroom..” he caressed his head.

Taehyung nodded and stood up quickly, practically running out of the room. Looking around, he ran down the hall and found the bathroom before he pushed the door open and ran in, “Jungkook!” He gasped, feeling out of breath.

Jungkook was completely out of his senses as he kept puking and crying.. He didn’t notice Taehyung coming in nor did he hear his name being called. His lycan was going haywire at the thought of his pups getting killed. He was slowly losing control of himself..

Taehyung rushed over to Jungkook, not aware of the turmoil going through the male’s head. He dropped to his knees and pulled Jungkook back by the shoulders, “Jungkook!”

Jungkook flinched when he was touched and he was about to snarl when he realized who it was. He swallowed the growl that bubbled up before looking at Taehyung with Crimson red eyes with gold swirling in them .. He ignored the tears that were running down his face.. “What do you want Omega..” he gritted, chest heaving up and down.. “Y-You are not supposed to be here.. You should be t-there, letting go of the pups. W-why are you here?”

Taehyung gasped, eyes wide as he stared at Jungkook, falling back onto his butt. “I..” Taehyung said, looking at Jungkook slightly scared, “I'm not going to go along with it..” He said in a rush, “I’m keeping them..” He cried out before quickly standing up to stumble out of the bathroom.

Jungkook stared after the Omega, the words washing over him like a pain reliever.. he closed his eyes and fell back onto his back, leaning against the wall, and stuffing his face between his knees and crying his heart out..

Taehyung almost slammed into the opposite wall as he rushed out of the bathroom. He shook his head and made his way down the hall to get away from the bathroom. He rounded the corner and dropped down to the floor. He cried as he pulled his knees to his chest, feeling like the worst omega and person in the world.

After crying for a few minutes Jungkook knew he had go get out of here.. he couldn't do it in here.. he just couldn't.. so he stood up and stumbled to the sink, washing all the bile off of it before washing his face and stepping out of the bathroom only to see the crying Omega as soon as he rounded the corner.. He stood still and stared at him before he slowly walked towards him and picked him up into his arms.

Taehyung gasped, eyes once again wide as he looked up at Jungkook. His entire body shook, but he allowed the alpha to carry him as he continued to cry. He didn't say a word as Jungkook made his way down the hall.

Jungkook didn't carry the omega back to the doctor.. the scans were healthy so he could just phone the dictionary for any other information.. he straight away carried Taehyung to the car..

Taehyung immediately put his seat belt on when Jungkook placed him into the passenger seat. He then once again pulled his knees up to his chest and covered his face, small whimpers and cries leaving his lips.

Jungkook sat in the car silent for a while.. “Taehyung… are you sure? That this is what you want?” He asked tiredly. “Are you sure you want the pups? If another problem arrives in the future and you feel like the pregnancy was the fault it'll be too late for you to abort them.. “ he whispered, tired and emotionless..

“You were in that room with me. You heard their heartbeats. I can't.. I can't let those beats die, Jungkook..” Taehyung said, voice cracking every few words. “I.. I’d rather lose everything I’ve ever worked for to get where I am than lose my babies.”

Jungkook smiled ruefully.. “I've been hearing them for days..” he said simply with a deep sigh, running his hands through his hair.

Taehyung pulled back to turn to look at Jungkook, “What?” He said softly, sitting properly, “What do you mean you’ve been hearing them for days?”

“I heard their heartbeat for the first time in your house.. it was faint.. but it was there.. then it became stronger when my lycan claimed the I've heard those two little heartbeats before..” he whispered.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook before he looked away, fresh tears running down his face, “And you didn't say anything.. You didn't say anything and kept it to yourself. Please just take me home.”

“I kept it to myself cus it's a wonderful feeling getting to listen to them for the first time.. why do you think I booked an appointment for you this early? Immediately? Cus I wanted you to have the rush of emotions I got when I heard it.. I didn't want to spoil it for you..” Jungkook whispered.. “I just don't want these little pups to be blamed anymore for whatever reason it is.. they are innocent.. I don't.. I.. “ he let out a hiccup along with a shuddered breath..

Taehyung nodded, “Yeah. I get it. I'm the one who is wrong and is continuously trying to ruin this, I get it. Can you please just take me home? Because hearing my babies’ heartbeats for the first time did not go as I hoped, and you having already heard them without even letting me know beforehand doesn't hurt any less. Please, Jungkook, just take me home.”

“I am not saying that this is your fault Tae..” Jungkook rasped, blinking his tears away.. “I understand what you went through, I may be an alpha but I also had an Omega mother and a brother.. I understand.. I just.. I understand why you wanted the abortion, and like you said you have the right to do it..” he whispered starting to drive.. “It’s one thing to understand what you are going through, and as their father, the reason why they are here, it was hard for me to listen when you said it was better you didn’t have them and this is why you wanted the abortion in the first place..” he sniffled.. “I don’t blame you for wanting it, but it just hurts..”

Taehyung stared out the window, he felt so emotionally drained, “You don't understand. I told you how I felt as an omega and how I was treated growing up and still continue to be treated and you said you couldn't understand that because your brother wasn't treated the way other omegas are. So, please, for the love of god, don't tell me you understand why I believed it would be better when you really don't. I want my babies. It broke my heart even going to that doctor’s office with the intention of getting rid of them. You have no idea how much my omega is still in pain. I’ve worked so hard to get to where I am, and no one seems to fully understand that even though these babies are a blessing, I’m the only one getting backlash for it. I’m the one people are dropping. I’m the one society is already making horrible remarks on. So, please don't tell me you understand when you really don't. I understand you being hurt as their father, but don't say you know how I feel as their mother.”

Jungkook shut his mouth as he listened to the Omega, he felt tired trying to explain whatever it was in his head. He knew the Omega wouldn’t hear anything but his own grief, no matter what he does.. So he just drove the rest of the way in silence, stopping in front of their entrance steps. He sat in the car waiting for the Omega to get down.

Taehyung stared at the house, wiping his face when his phone pinged with a new text. He glanced down at it and let out a small hurtful laugh.

Sorry, Taehyung. You've been dropped entirely.

The omega removed his seatbelt and got out of the car, slowly making his way inside without another word to Jungkook.

Jungkook stared at the Omega as he walked up the stairs and walked inside before he backed the car out of the gates, driving away. He had work to do and things to fix. This was almost all of his fault, and he had to fix it somehow..

Taehyung was glad no one seemed to be around when he entered the house. He made his way to the elevator and up to Jungkook’s floor. He glanced at Jungkook's bedroom then at his own, before ultimately making his way to Jungkook’s room. He tried opening it but of course, with the security system the Jeons had in place it was impossible. So, with new tears in his eyes he walked into his bedroom to lay in bed, and possibly cry for the next few hours.

“f*ck I’m so tired..” Yoongi groaned as he fell onto the couch of Jungkook’s office. It was almost midnight and they were still working, well they were almost over with their work. Himself, Namjoon and Jimin were all three in Jungkook’s office. They all had a part to do to fix the mess. They came here on their own accord and Jungkook hadn;t asked for a single help, yet they didn’t want to abandon him..

Jungkook typed fast on his laptop as he smiled slightly. “I ordered coffee for all of you, it’ll be up in a moment.. Jimin-ssi you are allergic to prawn right?” he asked without removing his eyes from his laptop.

Jimin, who had gotten extremely comfortable around Namjoon in the hours since they met up at the alpha’s office, hummed from his place on Namjoon’s lap. “Yeah, how do you know that?” He mumbled softly, head rested on the alpha's shoulder.

“I have my ways, I ordered chicken burritos for all of you then..” he spoke.. “I’m sorry that you all are suffering because of me, I told all of you to go home..”

“Oh shut the f*ck up.. We are almost done with everything..” Namjoon grumbled..

Jimin shook his head and looked at Jungkook, “You are trying to send me away when I am more than okay on this man’s lap. Don't be a co*ckblocker, Jungkook-ssi.”

Jungkook snorted. “Well.. Make sure to use protection..” he spoke before picking his phone up and answering a call, walking to the big windows, his back to his brothers..

Jimin looked at Namjoon, “He knows I didn't mean it literally right?” The omega said quietly, a blush taking over his cheeks.

Namjoon laughed softly. “I have no problem with you even meaning it literally, angel, but let’s fix this sh*t first..” he spoke typing on his phone.

Jimin hummed, looking over at Jungkook, “Who’s he talking to?” He asked softly before looking down at Namjoon’s phone.

“Probably Taehyung’s CEO..” he spoke absentmindedly..

Jungkook turned around after hanging up.. “Guys, take the food and go home, It’s close to morning.. I will finish up the work here and come. I will be done in an hour or two tops.. You go.. I can manage here now.. Thank you so f*cking much..” he murmured going to sit on his chair..

“Are you sure it will be done in an hour or two?” Yoongi asked skeptically.. HIs heat was nearing so he was dead tired and wasn’t opposed to the idea of going home..

Jungkook smiled and nodded.. “Yes Yoonie… Go home, I’ll be fine..” he said softly.

Jimin looked over at Jungkook then at Yoongi, “I’ll take you home, you look so tired. Joonie can stay with Jungkook if he'd like.” The omega said as he stood up from Namjoon’s lap, “Pretty sure your house is on the way to mine.”

Jungkook shook his head.. “No no.. Namjoon hyung.. Take them both home, and I don’t mind if Jimin stays, Taehyung will probably like it.. I can do everything on my own.. Take the Omegas home, the only thing I request is not to tell Taehyung whatever we did until time comes.. okay?”

Jimin hummed, “I drove here so, I don't need the big macho man taking me home but thank you.” He said with a small smile, “Don't worry, Taehyung’s been avoiding my calls. I tried to act natural and text him random sh*t throughout the day, they've gone unread so.” He said softly, turning to Namjoon.

Namjoon raised a brow.. “So you don’t want to come home with me then?” he asked.

“Now wait a minute big guy, I said I drove here and don't need you to drive me. I am definitely going home with you, don't twist my words, you big alpha.” Jimin said, pointing a finger at Namjoon in a scolding manner.

Yoongi snorted as he stood up. “We have another one.. The f*cking knothead alphas of our house are finally gonna be tamed.. Ah the peace and quiet I will have.. Let’s go..” he said, walking towards Jungkook and giving him a hug before kissing his head.. “I am proud of you pup.. You’ve grown so much..” He whispered.

Jungkook stared at his brother before giving him a small smile and a nod.. “Thank you hyung.. I’ll see you all later..”

Jimin walked over and linked his arm with Yoongi’s, “Go home in two hours tops, I won't be nice if I find out you were here for longer. That's my best friend we're talking about here.” He said before he pulled Yoongi out of the office, “So Yoongi-ssi, ever thought of having two boyfriends?” He said as they walked away.

Yoongi sputtered.. “Having what?” he almost squeaked.

Jimin giggled and nodded, going into detail about his two best friends that he felt would totally be Yoongi’s type as they entered the elevator, waiting for Namjoon.

“Call me if you need anything Kook-ah..” Namjoon spoke as he put his suit jacket back on..

Jungkook hummed.. “I will, don’t worry..”

“Like angel said, be home in two.. No, I know you.. Three hours tops or you will be in trouble when I complain to mama Jeon.. Bye..” Namjoon grinned while walking out of the office as Jungkook tsked.

“Well..” Yoongi spoke as Namjoon got into the elevator.. “Depends.. Tell them to shoot their shot, I’ll see whether they deserve me..” he shrugged.. “I don’t mind having two dicks up my ass.. Tell them to hurry up if they want to be the ones to help me with my heat that will be coming in three weeks? Yeah.. Three weeks..”

Jimin squeaked in excitement and pulled his phone out to text Seokjin and Hoseok, “Okay wait how are they supposed to shoot their shot? I can't just go, 'hey here's a cute omega’s number, hit him up’ they’ll find that weird.”

Yoongi shrugged.. “Tell them I’m open to being courted and let them decide if they want to or not. I’ll see how they impress me..” he smiled..

Jimin smiled and nodded, “Oh that's so fun, okay.” He giggled, moving back a little to be close to Namjoon but keep his arm linked to Yoongi’s.

Namjoon smiled at the two Omegas and wrapped his arm around jimin’s waist as the elevator went down. When it opened to car parking he smiled at the two.. “Okay then I will see you guys at home..” Namjoon spoke while walking to his car.

Jimin gasped, looking over at Namjoon for a second before he looked at Yoongi, “Wait here.” He said before quickly following the alpha. “Hey.” He said, grabbing Namjoon’s hand and turning him around.

Namjoon made a small noise as he turned around and looked at Jimin in surprise.. “Hey?” he spoke in confusion as he stared down at the Omega..

Jimin snorted, grabbing Namjoon from his jacket and pulled him down to press their lips together. He kissed the alpha for a few seconds before he pulled back, “Okay, see you soon.” He grinned and ran off to grab Yoongi’s hand and lead him to his car.

Namjoon blinked, standing there and staring at the little omega before he chuckled to himself and walked towards his car, getting in and starting it up knowing that Jimin was going to follow him. With a small smile, he pulled out of the car park, starting to drive home, Jimin right behind him..

Taehyung woke up due to his phone ringing loudly next to his ear. He thought he had set it to silent before falling asleep. He groaned and covered his face with the pillow when the sun hit him in the face.

He moved his hand around the bed to search for his phone, finding it under his pillow. He groaned because of course it would be there, he heard it right next to his ear, crying out loud.


“Taehyung-ah.. Good morning..”

Taehyung frowned sitting up, eyes closed still, “Hyung? Morning.” He grumbled.

Seojoon’s chuckle could be heard through the line as Taehyung grumbled.

“Well.. I called you with some….. Good news.”

Taehyung snorted, running his hand through his hair, “What could you possibly tell me that's considered good news? After the horrible day I had yesterday I doubt anything could truly make this better.” He said as he slowly got out of bed.

“No this is definitely better Tae.. you are back in the agency, and all your deals are restored , sweetheart..”

Taehyung stopped dead in his tracks, frowning softly, “What? Hyung please don't play like that, what do you mean all my deals are restored? I was literally dropped from the agency not even twelve hours ago.”

“I know Tae, but the management changed overnight. There were some big changes in the company overnight.. You are back with us Taehyung-ah.. And all the media outlets who threw dirt on your name and roused the public, they are all being sued. Hard. There is no way they can get out any of those claims and the part of the public who supported you are throwing literat parties cus the media outlets dug their own f*cking grave.. If I owned one of those media outlets, I would dig a hole and bury myself seven feet under..”

Taehyung stayed silent for a few minutes before he shook his head, “Who is.. What? What the f*ck, hyung? Are you serious right now?” He asked, tears welling up in his eyes. What the f*ck was going on. “It's not fun to play with my emotions like this hyung, I’m literally pregnant and my hormones are all over the place.”

“You don’t have to believe me, that's okay.. Just hang up and go through the internet.. It’s a ruckus Taehyungie.. Your alpha is a f*cking beast.. I will never ever cross that man, good god.”

“My.. my alpha?” Taehyung whispered, “What do you mean? Jungkook did all this?”

“Of course he did, who else would? Cause this much havoc? He literally turned both the fashion world and the business world upside down cus they threw dirt on your name.. That too in less than twenty f*cking four hours.. I don’t want to imagine what he would do if someone dares to touch you.. All three, Namjoon, Jungkook and Yoongi pulled their shares out of some major fashion companies that made you look bad, phew where can I find myself an Alpha like that? He sued more than ten media outlets..”

“Hyung.. I.. I’ll have to call you back.” Taehyung said before he hung up and rushed out of the bedroom, immediately going across the hall and knocking on Jungkook's door repeatedly.

“He’s not back yet..” Yoongi spoke, he and JImin were just coming out of the elevator with Taehyung’s breakfast when he heard banging upstairs. He went up the stairs and came into sight with Taehyung knocking on Jungkook’s door.. “I think he is still at the office.. Here, come on.. Eomma wants you to eat this.. You skipped your food the entire day yesterday..”

Taehyung turned to look at the two omegas before he stared directly at Jimin, “What the f*ck are you doing here?”

Jimin made a face, “Bringing you breakfast, f*ck face. The f*ck.” He mumbled, making his way to Taehyung’s bedroom. Taehyung stared at him before he turned to Yoongi, “What do you mean he's not back yet?”

“Oh?” Yoongi murmured, stopping in front of Taehyung.. “He went to work yesterday morning after dropping you home, and is still there.. Me, Jimin and Namjoon were helping him around until maybe 1? Before he sent us home saying he could manage the rest on his own..” he smiled slightly before entering Taehyung’s room with the tray..

Taehyung huffed and followed Yoongi into his bedroom, Jimin was already raiding his closet, “Why didn't he come home? He should've come back home.”

“There was some stuff left to get done, and he needed to finish all of it today itself.. He said he didn’t wanna drag anything..” Yoongi spoke, setting the tray down on the coffee table.. “He will be back soon.. Just eat..”

Taehyung stomped his foot like a child and walked over to sit on the floor next to the coffee table, “He's so.. ugh!” He said before he started to eat. Jimin walked out and looked at him curiously, “So what? He just basically turned the world upside down for you and you're complaining?”

Taehyung glared at Jimin as he continued to eat, realizing he hadn't eaten in over 24 hours.

Yoongi smiled as he sat on the bed, watching Taehyung eat.. “How are you feeling?” he asked softly.

Taehyung sighed, looking over at Yoongi, “Physically, mentally or emotionally?” He asked softly. Jimin sat down next to Taehyung and pulled him in to hold him while he ate.

“All three..” Yoongi murmured.. “It must have been exhausting to you, I mean I know it’s exhausting..”

“You know?” Taehyung asked softly, eyes on Yoongi as Jimin rubbed his stomach, his chin on Taehyung’s shoulder. “Physically exhausted, mentally drained and emotionally numb.” Taehyung said as he looked down at the food, slowly continuing to eat.

Yoongi nodded.. “I understand and yes I know.. I’ve gone through something similar, only.. My Alpha back then wasn’t as caring as yours or Jimin’s..” he smiled sadly.. “He was an abusive prick. I know how it feels to lose your pup and what you go through after that..”

Taehyung looked over at Yoongi, looking at him sadly, “I'm so sorry, Yoongi..” He said quietly, feeling like he shouldn't be feeling the way he is because he truly didn't have it bad, he just felt like he did. He looked down at his lap before he shook his head and turned to Jimin, “What f*cking alpha do you have?”

Jimin rolled his eyes, pulling away from Taehyung to go sit next to Yoongi, pulling him in close, doing to him what he was doing to Taehyung, “That's what you focused on?”

“No, of course not. I feel for Yoongi and my heart breaks for him. I wish no one ever had to go through what he went through and what I almost went through but what f*cking alpha?” Taehyung asked, watching the other two be close to one another.

Yoongi shook his head, allowing Jimin to pull him closer.. “Don’t be sorry for me, life happens..” he murmured with a small smile.. “It only made me stronger and oh, he is dating our cousin or atleast is hoping to date him so..”

Taehyung looked at the two before he dropped back onto the floor, staring up at the ceiling, “I slept for over twelve hours and I missed an entire season. What the f*ck.” Jimin rolled his eyes and smiled at Yoongi, “Thank you for trusting us with that, I know it must have been hard, I can't even begin to imagine the pain you went through but I'm so glad you're here.” He whispered and hugged Yoongi tightly.

Yoongi chuckled.. “You are family now..” he spoke.. He then let out a small sigh.. “My two brothers are little knotheads, but both of them are great Alphas.. They will move the world for their Omega, well one already did.. Namjoon is the same.. Even though I’m older, the both of them practically raised me, sheltered me and protected me.. You two are very lucky, trust me.. If you don’t feel that way now, you will definitely feel it in the future.. Forgive them for their silly mistakes.. Finding alphas like them in this society, especially with the fame and the money they have, it’s… It’s really difficult..”

“I have a feeling you're trying to make me feel really bad about everything I did, and it's working.” Taehyung said from his place on the floor. Jimin looked over at him, looking at him sadly before he turned to Yoongi, “I think we've just been so used to being mistreated by everyone and their grandmothers that seeing someone genuinely care is new. Especially for the drama queen over there.”

“Oh no no.. I am not saying that I am sorry If I made you feel like it.. ” Yoongi spoke softly. “If they are in the wrong for something I will never talk on behalf of them, I will always support you two in anything.. I just said… Just.. treasure what you have.. Cus.. Me five years ago would have killed for an Alpha like them..” he smiled sadly.. “We are a family now, so.. No matter what I will be here for you both, with or without my brothers..”

Jimin shook his head and hugged Yoongi tighter, “Gosh you're a f*cking angel, can I dump your brother for you? I feel like we can do that.”

Taehyung sat up and moved to join in on the hug, placing his head on Yoongi's shoulder, “Thank you, I'm happy to have you and this family. Especially your knotheaded brother.”

“I like knots..” Yoongi blurted at Jimin’s question before he chuckled, placing his head on top of Taehyung’s head. “He is a little slow when it comes to emotions.. Take it easy on him..” he whispered.

Jimin laughed and pulled away to go eat whatever was leftover of Taehyung’s breakfast. Taehyung smiled and looked at Yoongi, “It's a little hard but I want it to work out with him.”

“It’ll be alright..” Yoongi smiled before heard Jungkook’s door open and close.. “Oh? He is home..” he chuckled.

Taehyung pulled away and immediately walked out of the bedroom to go across the hall. Jimin looked over at Yoongi, “How do you think it will go?”

Taehyung knocked on the door and patiently (not so patiently) waited for Jungkook to open the door.

Yoongi looked at Jimin before he smirked. “Either they will rip each other’s hair off, or… they will f*ck each other’s brains out,,”

Jungkook was unbuttoning his shirt when he heard the knocks. He sighed and finished unbuttoning his shirt before opening the door.. “What is it?” he asked just as he opened it, not seeing who it was.

Jimin laughed, standing up to grab Yoongi’s hand, “Then let's get out of here because I do not want to hear that.” He said as the two ran out of the bedroom.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook, “We need to talk.” He said softly, ignoring the giggling of Jimin and Yoongi behind him as they ran off.

Jungkook’s eyes moved to the Omega, slightly in surprise before they fell on the two giggling Omegas who ran away making him smile slightly. He then looked at Taehyung once more and nodded silently.. “Yeah come on in..” he said, keeping the door open for the Omega before walking in, going towards his mini fridge and pulling out a can of co*ke.. “Did you have breakfast? If not please go and have some and come..” he spoke, taking a big gulp of the co*ke..

“Shut the f*ck up, Jungkook,” Taehyung said as he stepped into the room and stepped to the alpha, “Seojoon called me, why did you do that?” He asked, looking at the male, needing to understand entirely Jungkook's side.

Jungkook looked at the Omega, tonguing his teeth for a while before he sighed.. “You said your career means a lot to you.. I may not understand you or the way you feel, but I do know the work you have to put into building your image, so I just did everything in my power to make sure that your career was safe.. That’s your hard work, I didn’t want a pregnancy to ruin all the hard work you put into your career..”

Taehyung teared up as he looked at the alpha, “You stupid alpha..” He whispered before he stepped as close as he could to the male and wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s neck, “I..”

Jungkook tensed when the Omega hugged him.. It is the least thing he expected from the Omega.. He blinked before wrapping his arms around the Omega in return. Holding him silently..

Taehyung pulled back to look at Jungkook, “Thank you, Alpha..” He whispered before ending up pulling Jungkook in and pressing their lips together gently.

Jungkook blinked in surprise at the name Taehyung used. He let his eyes fall shut as he kissed the Omega back.. Pulling back he let out a sigh.. “It’s the least I could do..” he spoke, looking away..

Taehyung shook his head, grabbing Jungkook’s hands and pulling him toward the bed so they could sit on the edge, “The least? You did the most.” He said, looking at the alpha. “You did so much for me in a span of like 24 hours and I can't even imagine how much work you had to do and.. Jungkook, thank you..”

Jungkook smiled slightly.. “You don’t have to thank me, Tae.. I did it all cus I wanted to.. You deserve it..” he spoke, he let out a sigh and hummed.. “Your agency is yours now.. You own it, but I know you have no experience in business so Namjoon is running it for you, under his own company. But the agency is yours.”

Taehyung stared at Jungkook, shaking his head once more, and moving to sit on Jungkook’s lap, “I seriously… what the f*ck, Jungkook,” He said as he looked at the male with tears streaming down his face.

Jungkook stared at the Omega, raising his hand to wipe Taehyung’s tears.. “Don’t cry..” he said softly. “I did that so you have your own financial stability.. You won’t need anyone’s help in the future.. It’s yours..”

Taehyung whimpered, resting his forehead against Jungkook’s, “I'm so grateful to have you as my alpha..” he whispered, cupping Jungkook’s face gently in his hands.

Jungkook smiled slightly.. “I am glad you think so..” He said softly, leaning into his touch.

“I’m sorry.. I’m sorry for the pain I caused you and our pups.. I panicked and I made a horrible decision and I’m so sorry..” Taehyung whispered, “I want our babies, I want you, I want this and I'm sorry I keep messing up.. You deserve so much better.” He cried quietly, “I'm happy and grateful to have you as my alpha but I’m so f*cking sorry you ended up with me as your omega..”

“Hey.. stop thinking like that.. We both have shortcomings and it’s okay.. We’ll learn how to be with each other.. It’s okay Taehyung.. Don’t say that.. It’s okay..” Jungkook whispered, caressing his back before letting out a sigh.. “I need a bath…”

Taehyung apologized again and got off Jungkook’s lap, wiping his face as he looked at the male, “Okay.. I’ll.. go change.” He whispered, as he was still wearing the same outfit as the previous day, “Get some rest too..” He added before slowly making his way to the door.

Jungkook stared after the Omega before he smiled to himself.. “Wanna join me?” he asked as the Omega stepped out of the room..

Taehyung turned to look at Jungkook, anxiously playing with his hands, “Like.. in the tub?” He asked softly, biting down on his bottom lip.

Jungkook stared at the Omega.. He then stood up and walked towards him.. “Come with me,” he whispered, holding his hand out for him..

Taehyung placed his hand in Jungkook’s, stepping toward him without a word. The omega did his best to keep himself from smiling as Jungkook led him out of the room.

Jungkook slowly walked across his wing and walked towards the opposite wing of the floor, where it was decorated with the same white marble as the floors below him. It progressively got more and more lighter, and there were even flower trees planted as they walked through a long hallway..

Taehyung looked around, eyes wide in curiosity, “Are.. Are we still on your part of the house?” He asked softly, squeezing Jungkook’s hand as they walked.

Jungkook smiled.. “There is no one else on this floor except me, although this area is common for us, there are no other rooms or bedrooms other than my wing..” he said softly before they arrived at the big hall looking out into the mountains behind the mansion..

Taehyung’s eyes widened even more at the view, he smiled widely before he turned to look at Jungkook, “It's beautiful.” He said before looking back out at the mountains, “Wow..”

Jungkook chuckled.. “Yeah, I’ll take you out to the waterfalls one day..” he said softly.

“Waterfalls?” Taehyung squealed and turned to Jungkook, a little excited, “You promise?” He said softly, smiling up at the alpha.

Jungkook looked at the Omega fondly.. “Yeah, I promise.. I’ll take you then soon..” he chuckled.. “Come on, we are here for a different reason..”

Taehyung nodded and took Jungkook’s hand in his once more, linking their fingers together, “Of course, go on.”

Jungkook smiled and took him through a door to the side of the hall, where there was a huge tub, candles lit everywhere.. “The maids make sure that candles never run out in case any of us come here..” he spoke, inhaling the sandalwood in the room.

Taehyung squeezed Jungkook’s hand, looking around the bathroom, “Aren't you scared one day the candles will tip and cause a fire?” He said, turning to Jungkook. “It's beautiful though.”

Jungkook shook his head.. “There are smoke detectors in the room and also fire diffusers fixed on the ceiling..” he said pointing to two white rings.. “If in case the flames touch something it shouldn’t and it fires up, it’ll be immediately put out..”

Taehyung listened to the alpha, nodding in understanding. He looked around once more, smiling to himself, “It's really really pretty. Your entire house is amazing.”

Junkook chuckled.. “Get in then..” he spoke pointing to the tub..

Taehyung looked at the tub then at Jungkook, “Will you be getting in with me?” He asked softly, stepping closer to Jungkook.

Jungkook watched the Omega before he nodded with a soft hum.. “I will..” he smiled at the Omega..

Taehyung let go of Jungkook’s hand, slowly walking toward the tub. He looked at it, smiling softly before he wordlessly began to remove his clothes. Jungkook had already seen every inch of him, there was no reason for him to cover up or feel shy about doing it in front of the alpha.

Jungkook watched the male as he stood back, smiling to himself as the Omega didn't hesitate to remove his clothes which only meant he felt comfortable around him.. After the Omega got in he flipped a switch , making soft music play before closing and locking the heavy door.. “feel good?” He asked as he walked towards the tub and removed his shirt.

Taehyung nodded, looking up at Jungkook from where he sat, “Yeah..” he said softly, a smile on his lips before he closed his eyes to enjoy the music as he waited for Jungkook to get into the tub.

Stripping out of his own clothes, Jungkook slowly got onto the tub, from the opposite side to Taehyung, making sure to not ripple the water too much.. he then leaned back against the tub, hands over the edge as he watched the Omega wordlessly ..

Taehyung let out a soft breath before he opened his eyes and looked over at Jungkook, smiling at him in confusion, “You're so far. Why?” He asked as he leaned his head back against the edge of the tub.

Jungkook smiled.. “ I enjoy watching you..” he murmured, eyes on the Omega.. “and also I didn't know whether or not you want to enjoy it on your own for a while..”

Taehyung shook his head, “Come closer, please..” he whispered, sitting up a little, the water still covering most of his chest.

Jungkook chuckled before he stood up from where he was, slowly walking towards the Omega..

Taehyung looked up and held his hand out for Jungkook once the alpha was close to him, “Come here, alpha.”

Jungkook's eyes flickered red as he got closer to the Omega standing right in front of him before taking his hand.. “I'm here..” he said softly..

Taehyung pulled Jungkook down carefully, watching the alpha until Jungkook was basically between Taehyung’s legs. The omega linked his fingers with Jungkook’s, humming softly, not saying anything as he watched the male.

Jungkook watched the shadows of the flames of the candles flicker against Taehyung’s tanned skin as they stayed in the tub.. “Have I told you how pretty you are?” He whispered…

Taehyung blushed deeply, shaking his head in response because he was sure Jungkook had before but his mind was a little fuzzy so he couldn't remember if the alpha had. “I.. Maybe..” Taehyung said as he pushed away from the edge of the tub to look at Jungkook.

“Well.. you are the prettiest little omega I have ever laid my eyes on..” Jungkook whispered getting closer to Omega, reaching up to rub the scent masking ointment off, his scent slowly clouding the room, clashing against the sandalwood..

As soon as Jungkook's scent filled the room and hit Taehyung’s nostrils, the omega let out a whimper. He let go of Jungkook’s hand to wrap his arms around Jungkook’s neck when the alpha was close enough for him to do so, “Oh..” he whispered, and looked at Jungkook, eyes halfway closed.

Jungkook hummed, wrapping his hands around the Omega’s waist and starting to caress his body.. “Yes,” he whispered, lowering his face to his neck, inhaling the Omega’s vanilla scent. “And I will kill anyone who ever touches you..”

Taehyung’s omega howled in extreme happiness, all while Taehyung started to feel fuzzy. He tilted his head back, letting Jungkook have more room against his neck, all while he played with the alpha's hair on the back of his head.

Jungkook placed his lips on the Omega’s neck, trailing them up and down, tongue darting out to lick his scent gland. “I don’t care how this began but now..” he breathed, nipping his skin.. “You are mine..”

Taehyung nodded, his breathing becoming a little uneven from Jungkook's actions, “I’m.. I’m yours..” he breathed out, wrapping his legs around Jungkook’s waist and pulling him even closer, “Only yours..”

“Good.. Good..” Jungkook drawled, a small growl slipping his lips as he squeezed Taehyung’s waist,,

Taehyung pulled back, looking at Jungkook already blissed out just from the alpha’s scent, “Alpha.. I..” he said softly, he wasn't sure how to ask for what he wanted because he wasn't sure if the alpha would want the same or feel comfortable about it.

Jungkook pulled back to look at the omega, his own eyes dilated and dark.. “You? What is it, butterfly?” he asked,,

“I need you..” Taehyung whimpered, looking at Jungkook with glassy eyes, his omega whining for their alpha.

Jungkook cursed, “Yeah? How do you want me baby?” he asked softly..

Taehyung pulled Jungkook in, “However alpha wants.. I just need you..” He whispered before he leaned in the rest of the way to connect his lips with Jungkook’s.

Jungkook groaned into the kiss, as he picked the Omega’s legs up and made them wrap around his waist. He then traveled his hand down to Taehyung’s ass, fingers starting to play with his entrance..

Taehyung gasped, grabbing Jungkook's hair and tugging on it when he felt Jungkook’s fingers by his entrance. He whined and nodded slightly against the kiss before he kissed the male deeper, opening his mouth for the alpha.

Jungkook thrusted his tongue inside the Omega’s mouth, simultaneously, pushing one finger into his hole.. “This is what you wanted, baby?” he rasped into the kiss, kissing him messily as he started to move his finger in and out.

Taehyung whimpered at the feeling of Jungkook’s finger inside of him but also at the way the male was kissing him. He pulled back slightly and nodded his head, “That and you.. you too please..” He moaned, head tilting back.

“Me? You want my co*ck, Butterfly?” he whispered, moving the finger a little faster, trying to find his prostate. “You want me to fill your insides?”

The omega was moaning and whining at the feeling of Jungkook’s finger, all he could do was nod in response. He tugged on Jungkook’s hair again, trying to pull the male in closer to kissing him again but he couldn't when a moan escaped his lips once more.

Jungkook smiled into the kiss, slipping one more finger inside him, moving the two fingers faster and harder, the water sloshing around. “But can you take my co*ck in your little hole?” Jungkook husked, breaking away from the kiss..

Taehyung found it in himself to give Jungkook a bratty response before he arched his back and became a moaning mess once again, “Done it before.. how do you think we ended up with pups?”

“Oh? Being mouthy now aren’t we?” Jungkook rasped, plunging his fingers deep and coming directly into contact with his prostate, and he decided to massage it..

Taehyung had tears in his eyes as Jungkook massaged his prostate, opening his eyes to look at the alpha. He started to move his hips, wanting to feel even more, but he knew that what he wanted was Jungkook’s co*ck. So he started whimpering and slowly letting his omega take over with the hopes of Jungkook giving him what he wanted.

Jungkook watched the male as he slipped into his Omega slowly. He curled his fingers against his prostate.. “Oh look how desperate..” Jungkook rasped. “You want my co*ck that much, BUtterfly? Then beg.. Beg for it..” he whispered, staring right into Taehyung’s eyes..

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, eyes pleading, “Please.. please alpha..” He cried out, moving his hands down to place them on Jungkook’s shoulders, “Please..” He cried out as the feeling was already becoming too much with just Jungkook’s fingers but he still wanted more.

Jungkook cursed as Taehyung began to cry and beg. He swiftly pulled his fingers out and carried Taehyung towards the sitting ledges of the tub, sitting down on it and pulling Taehyung onto his lap. “Ride me, Butterfly..”

Taehyung whined at the loss of Jungkook’s fingers but was quick to sit on the male’s lap and reach back to take his co*ck in his hand. Taehyung lifted himself up to be able to stroke Jungkook's co*ck a few times before he lined himself with it and sank down. Too impatient to wait any longer. He let out a broken moan and let his head fall forward to rest it on Jungkook’s shoulder.

Jungkook trailed his hands down and gripped Taehyung’s ass, massaging it but cursed when Taehyung dropped in his co*ck taking him fully.. His nails gently dug into his flesh as Taheyung sat completely on his co*ck.. “f*ck baby..” he whispered.

Taehyung whimpered as he sunk down and once he was bottomed out he stared at Jungkook, eyes incredibly teary and breathing heavily, “You’re so big, what the f*ck..” He whined before he started moving, slowly riding the alpha.

Jungkook groaned with a chuckle as the Omega clenched down on him. “You’ve already taken this Butterfly.. Why do you sound so surprised?” he rasped, running his hand up and down Taehyung’s body, gripping his waist and starting to help him move, the pace matching with the music flowing in the room. Slow and deep.

“We were drunk and by the third round my ass was used to your size.. It's been weeks..” Taehyung whined, wrapping his arms around Jungkook’s neck, pressing his lips against the alpha's, kissing him messily.

Jungkook snorted, kissing the male back, deeper, tonguing his mouth, reaching every nook and corner of Taehyung’s sweet sweet mouth.. He trailed his hands up against to cup Taehyung’s chest..”They’ve gotten bigger baby boy..” he husked pulling back slightly, squeezing Taehyung’s chest,,

Taehyung gasped when Jungkook started squeezing at his chest, looking at him with his pupils blown wide, “Not.. not much..” He moaned, decided to move a little faster, gripping Jungkook’s shoulders as he f*cked himself harder on the alpha’s co*ck.

Jungkook twisted his nipples between two of his fingers.. “ But they will grow bigger, you are gonna have milk.. f*ck.. baby…” Jungkook moaned, throwing his head back, Jungkoook knew they were getting bigger in a few days.. “You are.. Carrying two p-pups..” Jungkook groaned as the male kept bouncing up and down his co*ck..

Taehyung was starting to moan a little louder and it caused him to circle his hips, which only made him roll his eyes back. He nodded and dug his nails in Jungkook's skin, “f*ck.. you feel so good inside of me..”

Jungkook nodded his head.. “You feel h-heavenly too. f*ck..” He gritted out before he too started to move, in tandem with Taehyung’s moves. Each time, Taehyung came down hard, Jungkook thrusted up, hard making them both moan out loud..

Taehyung shook his head, his thighs burning from how hard he was bouncing on Jungkook’s co*ck, “Take.. Take over.. f*ck..” He moaned, which only ended up as a scream of Jungkook’s name when he moved and Jungkook hit his prostate just right.

“Take over? Take over f*cking you baby?” Jungkook asked as he kept thrusting up into the Omega.. “Your wish is my command,,” he growled as he stood up with taehyung still in his arms. Walking to the other side of the tub, he turned Taehyung towards the tub wall, making him almost hang out of it, before he was grabbing Taehyung’s hair and thrusting away into the male, hard and faster, water spilling everywhere with his harsh movement.

Taehyung didn't have proper time to comprehend how fast they moved before he started moaning again, holding onto the edge of the tub as Jungkook f*cked him. He knew his thighs burned but he still ended up moving back every time Jungkook thrusted into him. Taehyung didn't care how loud he was, as they were far away from anyone to hear, and the alpha was making him feel incredibly pleasured and he couldn't get enough.

“God baby, I love how you behave like the perfect slu*t for me.” Jungkook hissed as he reached forward and grabbed the male’s shoulder with his free hand making them both shake as he put full force into his thrusts, f*cking up deeper into Taehyung..

Taehyung was crying in pleasure as he looked back at Jungkook, whimpering at the thrusts. “I'm.. I’m close, alpha..” He moaned out, reaching back to place his hand on Jungkook’s nape and pull him in for a kiss.

Jungkook slipped the hand on Taehyung’s head to cup his chest from the front as the Omega pulled him down into a kiss.. Growling into the kiss, he increased his pace, almost hammering inside the Omega, with the goal of bringing the Omega into a shuddering org*sm in his head, feeling his org*sm approach faster than he thought as well..

Taehyung gasped and he would have probably fallen forward if not for Jungkook's hand on his chest. He gripped the alpha's nape tightly, doing his best to continue kissing Jungkook but it was hard to do so. He felt his stomach tighten, which caused him to clench around the alpha’s co*ck. Taehyung’s org*sm washed over him a few thrusts later, causing the omega to spill all over the edge of the tub and the water as well. All while moaning Jungkook's name against the male’s lips.

The omega’s cries drove Jungkook crazy making him f*ck Taehyung through the org*sm, stimulating himself to the brink of an org*sm as well. His alpha howled in pride as Taehyung kept chanting his name like a prayer and before he knew his org*sm was slammed out, rope after rope of cum filling Taehyung’s inside..

Taehyung’s omega was howling in pure happiness at what the two had just done. Taehyung however was absolutely f*cked out, he felt like his legs were jelly, his head felt fuzzy, his entire body was shaking and he was on cloud nine. He started to let out small cries of oversensitivity but continued to move as best as he could to also help Jungkook through his org*sm the same way the alpha had done with him.

Jungkook, having closed his eyes as soon as his org*sm hit, opened his eyes when his org*sm receded catching the shuddering Omega in his arms, holding him tight, his alpha prompting him to scent the male as he carried him over to the ledge once more and sat down with the Omega in his arms. He let out loud yet soft growls as he thoroughly scented the male. ‘Mine mine mine’ his alpha howled inside him.

Taehyung loosely wrapped his arms around Jungkook, trying to even out his breathing, Jungkook scenting him was helping. He breathed in deeply, and closed his eyes as his omega started to whine at the fact the alpha was basically claiming them. Taehyung smiled to himself before he opened his eyes slowly and looked up at Jungkook without a word.

Jungkook lifted his head after a while, having scented the Omega thoroughly and to his heart’s content. He looked up at the Omega to find him already staring at him. Without a word he smiled at the male and nuzzled their noses together as he reached up with one hand to caress his face.

The omega smiled and let out a soft giggle when Jungkook nuzzled their noses together. He leaned forward and kissed the alpha, slow and gentle as he didn't want to leave the little bubble they had created in the bathroom away from absolutely everyone.

Jungkook smiled at the giggles, wrapping his arms around the male tighter, holding him very possessively.. “You okay, Butterfly?” he asked softly.

“More than okay..” Taehyung whispered, nodding as he moved around slightly, until he was able to comfortably wrap his arms around Jungkook and lay his head on the alpha’s shoulder.

Jungkook rubbed his hands up and down the male’s body, caressing him, hands lingering possessively around his stomach before caressing the rest of his body.. “You were perfect for me..” he whispered. “I am glad that you are birthing my pups..”

Taehyung blushed deeply, looking up at Jungkook, “I'm glad I'm having your pups..” He whispered, smiling at how Jungkook was touching him and holding him possessively. He stared at the alpha and it made him realize that despite how things turned out, he was truly glad it was Jungkook he ended up with. Accident or not.

Jungkook chuckled, pecking him softly. “So I was talking to my PR team today and they said, with all the ruckus I caused, that it is best to have our wedding sooner than later..” he whispered, looking softly at the Omega,,

Taehyung hummed, pecking Jungkook back, his omega feeling the need to kiss him back every time. “Oh, that's okay with me. I'm guessing your team is going to take care of everything?” He asked softly, placing his hand on Jungkook’s chest and playing with his chain.

Jungkook smiled.. “They will, but you can select whatever you want, Butterfly.. This is going to be our only wedding so let’s make the maximum out of it..” he spoke softly, reaching over to switch the jets on.

Taehyung looked around as the water started to move due to the jets before he turned to Jungkook, “Babe, I.. I cummed in the water.” He said with a grimace. “And of course it's going to be our only wedding, but I know that because of how I've come to learn how you are, it's going to be perfect even without my input.”

“I know..” Jungkook laughed softly.. “The jets are laced with water purifying ointments.. That is why I switched it on, so we can wash up and leave..” Jungkook stared at the Omega before smiling at the Omega.. “But I need your input.. An omega dreams of a wedding more than an Alpha does.. I know that much.. I want to make your dream wedding come true..” he spoke, his eyes sparkling and the water started to slowly get foamy with soap.

Taehyung smiled widely and moved around so that he lifted himself up, sitting a little taller than Jungkook. He cupped the male’s face and kissed him slowly, pulling away seconds later, “I have some ideas, I’ll let you know about them.” he whispered softly.

Jungkook chuckled, looking up at the Omega as he nodded.. “Okay.. Whatever you want, Butterfly..” he whispered, starting to wash the Omega..

Taehyung couldn't help the humming that left his lips as Jungkook washed him up. He couldn't resist so he pressed kisses all over Jungkook’s face as the alpha continued to wash him.

Jungkook laughed as the Omega kept kissing him. He washed Taehyung off before washing himself, then let out a soft sigh.. “Wait here, I will bring us some towels..” he whispered, pulling away from the Omega..

“No, wait.” Taehyung said, pulling Jungkook’s face to his once again, kissing the alpha once more before finally letting go. “Okay, now you can go.” He said with a smile.

Jungkook blinked in surprise before he laughed, getting out of the tub and walking to the cupboard kept in the side of the room.. “You are so adorable..” he muttered, wrapping a towel on his own waist before taking one more and bringing it over to the tub. He held his hand out.. “Come out, baby..”

Taehyung stood up and carefully got out of the tub, holding Jungkook's arm with one hand and placed his free hand in the hand Jungkook was holding out for him to make sure he wouldn't slip. “Thank you, babe.” He said, letting the pet name slip for a second time.

“”You like to use that name, don’t you?” Jungkook smiled as he dried taehyung before wrapping him up in the big fluffy towel before bending down and picking him up bridal style, carrying him out and towards his own room..

Taehyung let out an embarrassing squeal when Jungkook picked him up. He wrapped his arms around the alpha’s shoulders and nodded, “Yeah, kinda do. Is it okay if I call you that?”

Jungkook hummed with a smile.. “You can call me whatever you want, Butterfly..” he spoke walking up the stairs to their bedrooms. Walking towards his room, Jungkook gently sat Taehyung in the bed, removed his towel and removed his own towel before getting in and covering their naked bodies with the comforter..

Taehyung laughed softly when he was laid on the bed and soon covered up with the comforter. He turned to his side and placed a leg over Jungkook's waist as he moved closer to the alpha, “I'll call you babe, and mine too while I’m at it."

Jungkook moved closed and wrapped an arm around the Omega, caressing the leg that was thrown over him. “You are caressing my alpha's ego..”

Taehyung smiled, looking at Jungkook adoringly, “Isn't that what I’m meant to do?” He said, placing his hands on Jungkook’s chest, slowly rubbing it.t.

Jungkook laughed softly.. “Hmm.. I guess so..” he whispered.. “What do you think their genders are?” he asked softly.

Taehyung leaned forward and placed a kiss on Jungkook's chest, “Boy and girl, I think it would be so cute if we had one of each.” He whispered, “You?”

Jungkook chuckled, nodding his head.. “Yes, baby.. I think so too.. BUt I am fine with anything..” He whispered, cradling the Omega against his chest..

“Oh, of course, I don't care what their genders are, it would just be so cute if they were a boy and girl. But ultimately, I want healthy pups.” Taehyung said as he traced shapes on Jungkook’s chest with his fingertip.

Jungkook hummed.. “Yeah I want healthy pups as well..” he spoke.. “I hear their heartbeats now..” he whispered, placing his hand on Taehyung’s lower belly..

Taehyung giggled and moved around, keeping close to Jungkook, so that he was facing up. He placed his hand on top of Jungkook’s, “This will soon be very big. Which means I’ll have a big bump at our wedding.” He said, looking up at Jungkook, a smile on his lips.

Jungkook smiled watching the Omega before he pecked his lips.. “We can have it soon, if you don’t want to have a big belly.. We can have it in two weeks tops..” he whispered..

Taehyung hummed as he pecked Jungkook’s lips back, “You act like it's not going to grow overnight. I did a tiny bit of research yesterday.” He whispered.

“DId you?” Jungkook smiled fondly.. “But I think it differs with your body type.. If you had a normal body type, you should be showing already.. So it’ll still be mild in two weeks if my guess is correct..”

Taehyung hummed once more, moving his hand around his belly with Jungkook’s, “Well, I don't mind if my bump is prominent during our wedding or not. I think that no matter what it will be beautiful.” He said, glancing down at his belly.

Jungkook chuckled.. “Okay baby.. I’m glad you don’t.. You wanna go dress hunting tomorrow then? I mean you don’t need to go per say they will bring whatever you ask for here, or we can just shop for what we want..”

Taehyung nodded, looking up at Jungkook with a pout, “Can Jimin, Yoongi and mom help?” He asked softly, turning to face Jungkook once more, wrapping an arm around the alpha’s middle.

“Oh yeah of course..” he said softly. “You can get their help, I don’t mind.. At all..” he chuckled.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook for a few seconds before he pulled him in to kiss him. Taehyung wanted to thank Jungkook for everything he'd been doing but he didn't find the words to do it, so instead he just kissed the alpha.

Jungkook closed his eyes, kissing the Omega deeply, caressing his naked back. He licked his bottom lip before nibbling softly on it.. “If you tell me the color theme you want, my team would bring some ideas for you to choose from..” he whispered, pulling back..

Taehyung hummed when Jungkook pulled back, staring at the male’s lips before smiling, “White, and any light color. I want cute options.” He whispered, “Oh! Let me show you something.” He said, pulling back to grab his phone to show Jungkook some ideas he saw for their wedding ceremony and reception.

“Oh?” Jungkook watched and listened as Taehyung showed him some options.. He smiled. “Okay baby.. They look lovely.. I’ll ask them to get some ideas to show you..”

Taehyung smiled, tossing his phone aside to wrap his arms around Jungkook’s neck, nudging their noses together, “Okay, babe.” He said softly, pecking Jungkook’s lips.

Jungkook smiled gently, letting out a soft breath, “Shall we sleep then? I’m kind of tired..” he whispered.

Taehyung nodded, “I slept over 12 hours but I am pretty tired from what you did to my poor hole. So, yes, let's get some sleep.” He whispered, moving around until he had his face pressed against Jungkook’s neck, breathing in deeply. He let out a content hum when he could still smell Jungkook’s scent.

“You were the one who asked for, faster and harder baby..” He snorted, closing his eyes and placing his head on top of Taehyung’s head, feeling cozy.. “Sweet dreams, Butterfly..” he whispered.

Taehyung giggled, “And I'd do it again, now sleep.” He said before closing his eyes, “Goodnight, alpha.”


Hope you enjoyed!

Kudos and Comments will really be appreciated.

Chapter 4: Every Piece Of You , They Just Fit So Perfectly


"Were you?"

"Enchanted to meet you? Very much actually."

"So was I baby.."

Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung, flips a page to a new chapter, together.


Be respectful and Enjoy!

Discussion of very a toxic relationship is included in the chapter. Procced with caution, loves.

Love you all!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Jimin sat next to Yoongi and laid his head on the omega’s shoulder, “Remember how I wanted to go to that one coffee shop we saw when we were on our way home from Jungkook’s office?”

Yoongi looked up from his laptop and turned his head to look at the other Omega.. “Yeah?” he murmured..

“We should go.” Jimin said, looking at Yoongi with a smile, “I doubt Taehyung and Jungkook are going to leave the bedroom and Namjoon is busy. Go with me.”

Yoongi narrowed his eyes.. “What are you trying to do, Park Jimin? I can say that you have some little scheme going inside that little brain of yours..”

Jimin gasped in offense, looking at Yoongi, “I just want to get coffee. What do you think I'm trying to do?” he asked with a huff.

“I don’t know but I also know you..” Yoongi laughed softly.. “Alright.. We can go there.. I don’t mind..”

Jimin grinned, “Meet me there?” He said while standing up, “I need to go shower and change, I’ll text you the address.”

“You are up to no good, Park Jimin, I can say.. But fine, I’ll entertain you,..” Yoongi grumbled as he stood up, walking to his wing.

“See you there, Yoongi-ssi!” Jimin said as he walked away, leaving the house but not before he sent Yoongi the address for the coffee shop.

Yoongi snorted looking at the address before going inside his closet to change into something he could wear to the coffee shop..

Jimin sat on the table, drink in front of him. Yoongi had yet to arrive and he was getting impatient. He sighed and scrolled through his phone. He invited the omega so we wouldn't be alone while Namjoon worked and yet, he was.

Yoongi walked into the coffee shop with hurried feet, laptop in hand as he looked around, spotting Jimin.. “I am so sorry for being late. f*ckers in the company messed sh*t up.. I am so sorry..” he pouted as he sat in front of Jimin..

Jimin looked up, shaking his head at Yoongi, “It's okay, you need to finish work then?” He asked while pointing at the laptop, looking a little sad at the omega.

Yoongi smiled, shaking his head.. “I brought this just in case.. you know how some idiots are.. you can never trust them with something..” he chuckled. “Oh come on.. don't look so sad.. I'm feeling even more guilty..”

Jimin giggled, shaking his head, “Okay, I’ll get you something then, what would you like?” He asked, standing up and looking at Yoongi expectantly.

“Hmmmm..” Yoongi murmured before his eyes caught something on the displayed menu.. he smiled gums showing.. “Can you get me some French fries and also.. a big serving of strawberry cheesecake ice cream please?” He asked softly, sounding nothing like the demanding omega when he is doing business..

Jimin smiled and nodded as he walked off, as he stood in line to order his phone rang. He smiled when he noticed it was Namjoon, “Hello?” He said softly as he was next in line to order.

Seokjin and Hoseok walked into the coffee shop, “I'll go order and you go find a table?” Seokjin said but Hoseok nudged his arm. “What?”

“Look.” Hoseok said, pointing at the table where Min Yoongi was at. They shared a glance and made their way over, “Min Yoongi?” Hoseok said as they reached the table.

Namjoon chuckled as Jimin answered.. “Baby? Did you forget we have lunch reservations? Where are you?”

Jimin gasped, eyes wide as he looked down at his phone to check the time, “f*ck, babe. I’m on my way! I’m close by!” He whined, looking at the worker, “I’m so sorry, can I ask you to take this order to the table where the cute omega with the laptop is? Tell him I'm so sorry that I’ll make it up to him.” He smiled when the worker agreed before he rushed out of the coffee shop.

Yoongi was too concentrated on his laptop to notice anyone approaching him. He let out a sigh as he ran his eyes on an email waiting for Jimin to come back, he frowned when he saw his phone ringing with JImin;s name displayed on it. He answered it.. “Jimin?” he murmured with a frown. “Why are you calling me? We are literally in the same shop?”

“Hyung, I’m so sorry, I forgot I had a lunch reservation with Namjoon. I ran out, I promise I’ll make it up to you!” Jimin said in a rush. Hoseok and Seokjin glanced at each other before Seokjin walked off to order and Hoseok waited for the omega to end the call to talk to him again.

Yoongi paused as he stared blankly at the laptop, before sighing out loud. “You are lucky I like you Park Jimin..” he grumbled.. “Enjoy your lunch, this is a quiet place and it’s silent so I’ll stay here and get some work done.”

“Thank you, hyung. I did order your food though, they'll be taking it to you soon. I promise I’ll make it up to you!” Jimin said before he hung up. Seokjin finished ordering and it just so happened that he told the worker where he and Hoseok would be sitting, and she asked him to take the previously ordered food as it was ready.

Seokjin walked over with a tray making Hoseok look at him curiously, “Previously ordered.” He said before he gently set the tray down in front of Yoongi’s laptop.

Yoongi had put his mask back on, not wanting anyone to recognise him. He was typing a reply to the email he was reading before when he felt a presence in front of him, the sound of a tray hitting the table reaching his ears the next second. He was going to look up and thank who he thought was the worker when his eyes fell on the Alpha standing in front of him. He paused, staring up at him, eyes slightly widened in surprise.

“I was asked to bring this here. The workers seem busy.” Seokjin said, pointing at the tray, “As do you.” He added, tilting his head to one side as he glanced down at the laptop then back at Yoongi.

“I..” Yoongi blinked looking at the food before looking at the Alpha then at his laptop before looking up at the male again.. “Yeah.. I had a work emergency in the morning, However I was supposed to be here with Jimin, but he had to leave for some reason so I figured why not just work, since this place looks nice..” he then paused.. “”What.. What are you doing here? Did Jimin send you?”

Hoseok chuckled softly, knowing that Yoongi had yet to notice him, “No, he did not. We came here because he was talking about a new coffee shop he wanted to try in the group chat the other day. Kept going on and on about how cute it looked, as we’re suckers for coffee so we decided to come give it a try.” He said, placing his hands in his pockets. “Didn't he have a lunch date with Namjoon today?” He asked, looking at Seokjin.

Yoongi’s eyes cut to the other male. “Oh..” he said softly, he was glad that he was wearing the mask, cus the f*ck was he blushing behind it for? Probably because he had two handsome men paying attention to him at the same time.. “Yeah that is what he just said to me.. He whined and brought me here just to leave saying he already had a date planned. The silly idiot..” he muttered.

Seokjin chuckled, looking at Hoseok, “Go figured. He whines until he gets what he wants and then bails on you like nothing happened.” Hoseok shrugged with a smile, “He's excused this time, he finally has a boyfriend.”

Seokjin snorted, turning back to Yoongi, “Well, we'd hate to disturb you and your work. We came over here to see if we could sit with the cute omega from the gala, but absolutely did not want to interfere with your work.”

Hoseok nodded and looked down at the omega, who despite wearing a mask, could still see he was blushing, “Maybe next time when we see you again, we’ll actually steal you for a bit.” He said with a smile.

Yoongi cleared his throat, slightly looking away, his skin burning at Seokjin’s compliment. He then looked at them once more.. “ You can sit if you want to.. I don’t mind..” he mumbled, avoiding their eyes.

“Are you sure?” Seokjin asked, voice gentle as he looked at Yoongi. “We really don't want to take you away from your work. This one here is also a businessman, we get how hard it can get.” Hoseok said while pointing at Seokjin.

Yoongi stared at the two men before looking down to stare at his laptop screen for a while. He then closed the laptop and pushed it to a side, bringing his food closer and looked at the two males tilting his head expectantly.

The two males smiled and moved to the other side of the table to sit down across from the omega, “Don't think we've properly been introduced, despite knowing of you, I’m Kim Seokjin.” The alpha said as he held his hand out for Yoongi’s.

Yoongi looked at Seokjin’s hand before he smiled behind his mask and took his hand. “Min Yoongi..” he said.

Seokjin smiled and took Yoongi's hand, leaning forward to place a kiss to the back of it before slowly letting it go. Hoseok smiled, holding his own hand out to the omega as well, “Jung Hoseok.” He said softly.

Goosebumps erupted on his skin as Seokjin kissed his hand. He had not expected the kiss and to say he was flustered beyond words. He then looked at the other male and slightly nodded his head, taking his hand with his other hand, clenching the hand that Seokjin had previously kissed.

Hoseok linked their fingers together and just like Seokjin, he kissed the back of Yoongi's hand, except he brought the omega’s hand to his lips rather than having to reach to do so as he was closer. “It's such a pleasure to meet you.”

Yoongi bit on his bottom lip, letting the male kiss and hold his hand. He cleared his throat.. “The pleasure is mine..” he muttered softly.

Hoseok also slowly let go of the omega’s hand and smiled at him, “I feel since my little brother is getting married to yours, we should've been introduced long ago.” Seokjin said, making Hoseok chuckle.

“They haven't even been together for an entire week, chill.” He said, turning to look at Yoongi with a smile.

Yoongi let out a breathy chuckle as he slipped his hands underneath the table, clenching both of them tightly on his shirt in sheer excitement. It made him want to squeal into a pillow, what the actual f*ck.. “I mean.. I knew who you were, from before.. So..” he shrugged looking at them, pretending like everything was normal..

“Oh? And how is it that you know us, Pretty?” Seokjin asked, smiling at the omega just as the worker brought over their drinks. He thanked her and turned back to Yoongi.

Yoongi let out a shaky sigh at the pet name and he was thankful that the worker created a distraction. “Namjoon.. He was kinda… obsessed with Jimin and he kept talking my ear off about this pretty Omega model in his company and his family was brought up in one of those many nightly talks..” he said softly.

Hoseok chuckled, “Jimin is just as obsessed, when he told Taehyung to sleep with one of the biggest contributors of the gala he panicked when he saw Namjoon walk in.” Seokjin smiled but rolled his eyes playfully.

“Hoseok works mostly with the models, I just spoil Jimin and Taehyung when they want it.” He added, shrugging his shoulders.

Yoongi laughed softly, removing his mask to start eating since he saw the ice cream beginning to melt. He popped a few french fries inside his mouth. “Well now they have people to spoil them twenty four seven I’m glad that they somehow have my knothead brothers wrapped around their pinkies.. It’s time they got tamed.” he spoke looking at the two. “And I also heard about you two from Jimin recently.”

“Heard what about us from Jimin?” Hoseok asked softly, elbow on the table and chin on his palm as he watched Yoongi with a tender smile.

Yoongi looked at the male before he chuckled and scooped a spoon of ice cream and put it in his mouth, before slowly pulling it out, savoring the taste.. “Something about you two being possibly interested in dating someone..”

Seokjin stared at Yoongi’s lips before looking up at the male’s eyes, “Very true. About time we settled, but it's a little hard when we both have eyes for one person.” He said, making Hoseok nod in agreement.

“In reality we both have eyes for two people, one of those people just happens to be the same one.” Hoseok added, looking at Seokjin, an eyebrow raised curiously.

Yoongi stared at the two before he smiled, looking down at his ice cream.. “Do you?” he asked softly before he hummed, putting another scoop of ice cream in his mouth.. “Are you two dating?” he asked, looking from one to another.

Seokjin nodded, reaching over with a napkin to wipe Yoongi’s lips gently, “Going on five years now.” He confirmed.

Hoseok snorted, “It's funny that everyone tells us we need to settle down and start a family now, when we've been together for five years. We've just never felt complete.” He shrugged.

“It’s obvious though..” Yoongi murmured, breath hitching when Seokjin wiped his lips.. He stared at the Alpha before looking down at his ice cream once more.. “I mean, that you two are together.. I noticed it the first time I saw you two together maybe,.. Hmm.. three years ago? Yeah.. You two have this.. I don’t know how to explain it.. You just seem very comfortable around each other, you know the lever of comfortableness you have with your partner.. ”

The males smiled at Yoongi before looking at each other, “We've known each other since we were pups. When we were little we said we'd end up together no matter what. I left to study abroad and when I came back, he had left.” Seokjin explained. “We kept in contact but we didn't see each other face to face. And when we finally did, I asked him out.” He nodded.

“I thought he wouldn't want me at all, being a beta and not being able to give him pups.” Hoseok admitted, looking over at Yoongi, “But he has always reassured me that he loves me no matter what. Except, again we've never felt complete. And I feel like it has nothing to do with trying to fill the void of not being able to have pups, I feel like we've always wanted a third to feel a true balance in our relationship.”

“Hey.. There is nothing wrong with being a beta..” Yoongi murmured softly. “Betas are way better than some Alpha’s I’ve met..” he snorted with a nostalgic barely there smile.. He then looked at the two.. “Yeah JImin told me you’ve been waiting until someone you both liked showed up..”

“That f*cking chihuahua, why is he telling everyone our business?” Seokjin groaned and Hoseok laughed softly, “He always does, don't act surprised.”

Yoongi concealed his smile before he hummed.. “”He was actually asking me whether I’d like to try with you two..” he said slowly, looking up at the two..

Hoseok snorted, “Okay, see that's not something he should ask. It's our job. And no offense to him and his tactics, but I would 100% prefer if we had the chance to actually court you rather than flat out asking you to try it out.”

Yoongi stared at the beta.. “I will give you the same answer I gave Jimin..” he said with a small chuckle. “You have two and a half weeks to try and impress me.. Court me, do whatever you want to do.. Before my heat hits in another two and a half weeks, because.. Well.. due to medical conditions I have to have a heat partner.. So, if you want me then impress me before I go back to my usual heat partner for my heat..” he spoke, a glint in his eyes, placing his hands on the table and leaning on them as he leaned forward slightly. “But again, you two have to decide whether you’d be able to handle me, I’m quite needy..” he whispered, looking at both their lips before leaning back once more, starting to eat his ice cream again..

Seokjin stared at Yoongi, eyes slightly darkening before they went back to normal in an instant. He smiled and looked away, “You have no idea how much we've wanted you, we’d do anything.” Hoseok said, watching the two before settling his eyes on Yoongi, a tender and fond smile on his lips.

Seokjin turned back to Yoongi, “And don't worry, darling, this one here can get quite needy and he's not even an omega. I can handle him and you, don't worry about that.” He said, voice low but still loud enough for Yoongi to hear.

Yoongi smiled, looking up from his ice cream.. “You’d better walk the walk like you talk the talk Alpha, cus my usual heat partner takes at least three days off of work after my heat is done..” he whispered.

Seokjin raised an eyebrow in amusem*nt, a small smirk on his lips, “Darling, I’m the CEO, I don't need to ask for days off. I promise you that I’d miss weeks of work if needed, but I doubt I’ll have to take time off to recuperate, if anything, I'd take them off to spend time with you after your heat. After care if you will.”

Hoseok watched in amusem*nt, shaking his head before he focused on his drink with a smile on his lips.

Yoongi blushed slightly before he shifted slightly, crossing his legs.. “I mean, even if you get tired, I’ll have the handsome beta to myself.. But that is if..” he smiled.. “You manage to impress me.. Both of you..” he whispered.

Hoseok looked over and chuckled softly, “I'm really enjoying this. And yes, even if he needed to rest, you'd have me. I'm really good at taking care of my alpha, I don't doubt I’ll take care of you very well.” He said, winking at Yoongi.

Yoongi hummed, blushing slightly deeper.. “Let’s see..” he looked at his phone when it started to ring once more.. “Ahh.. speak of the devil.. That’s my usual heat partner.. I’m sure he has my heats tracked.”

The two males looked at him curiously, Seokjin standing up, “Go ahead and answer, darling. Don't mind us.” He said, caressing Yoongi’s hand gently before he walked off to the counter to order a chocolate cake for Hoseok.

Yoongi hummed, reaching for the phone.. “Hey..” he murmured softly as he answered.

“Yoon, you okay? Your heat is nearing isn’t it?”

Yoongi chuckled, placing his ice cream away.. “I am, Han…” he said. “It’s still early, I’m not feeling uneasy still..”

“Are you sure love? You know I can come take care of you if you want.. Just tell me whenever..”

Yoongi looked over as Seokjin came and hummed.. “I’ll let you know, Han.. I’m gonna hold off till the end this time..” he said softly.

“Sweetness, you’ll be in pain without anyone to take care of you..”

“I’ll be fine..” he laughed.. “I won’t die.. It’s okay.. Let me hold it off till the end, I’ll let you know if I need you.. I promise..”

Hoseok looked over at Yoongi in slight concern, turning to Seokjin when the alpha returned. Seokjin frowned at Hoseok’s expression then turned to look at Yoongi in question.

Yoongi spoke to his heat partner for a second before he bid goodbye and hung up.. He then looked over at the two to find them staring at him. He raised a brow and smiled.. “What?”

Hoseok shifted in his seat, “You said you needed a heat partner due to a medical condition. And just now your heat partner sounded concerned based on your replies. If.. If you don't mind me asking, why is it that you need a heat partner?” He said softly.

Yoongi stared at Hoseok before he looked at his hands, his smile falling.. “It wasn’t always like this..” he spoke softly.. “It was normal.. I was normal.. But then he happened..” he trailed off.

Hoseok stood up and rounded the table to sit next to Yoongi, carefully taking the omega's hands in his, “No need to explain any further. I'm so sorry.” He said softly. Seokjin’s jaw clenched as he stared at the omega before he looked away, taking a deep breath as he didn't want to get upset around him on the first time they're actually meeting.

Yoongi shook his head.. “No.. It’s probably better if you knew, in case you are the ones who will be there for my heat..” he whispered, staring at their hands.. “He… My ex.. We got together when I was in college.. In the least to say, he was an abusive prick.. I mean I should have known, when he was nothing but a prince charming in the beginning.. I.. I should have listened to my gut..”

Hoseok looked at him sadly, shaking his head, “You couldn't have known things would get the way they did. And whatever happened is not your fault at all.” He said, squeezing the omega’s hands gently.

Seokjin stared at the table before looking at Yoongi, “What happened to him?” he asked, jaw still clenched.

Yoongi let out a shaky breath. “Jungkook and Namjoon nearly killed him when they found out.. But I think he is still alive somewhere, I don’t know..” he shook his head.. “It was all unicorns and rainbows in the beginning, he treated me like a prince and then.. Then my first heat with him happened.. He was horrible.. He didn’t take care of me.. He’d stay out and come and.. Come and f*ck me until he is satisfied and leave me there, without even making me org*sm.. I would lay in the room basically without food or anything.. My heat wasn’t answered properly by my alpha so I’d be mad with fever.. When the first heat passed and I tried to leave him cus he treated me so badly, he came up with a bullsh*t story saying something about having trauma and what not.. I felt sorry and I forgave him.. He swore that he would take care of me but it happened again.. And again.. And again.. And again until he pupped me..” he whispered, eyes misting at the reminder of his pup.. “I was so stupid to think he’ll treat me better..”

Seokjin let out a low growl, Hoseok looking over at him and shutting him up with a glare. The alpha huffed and sat back, arms crossed over his chest. Hoseok turned back to Yoongi, bringing his hands up to kiss his knuckles, “You.. you lost the pup didn't you?” he asked slowly.

Yoongi let out a humorless chuckle.. “He made me lose them..” he rasped, staring at his hands. “Abused me and assaulted me enough until I bled out and when I woke up I was in my own pool of blood, he was nowhere to be seen and I..I.. I drove home just like that, bleeding and all black and blue.. That was the last thing I remember of him.. I got to know from Mama that Jungkook and Namjoon went to town with him, made sure he was left in the dirt, got him blacklisted from any and every company he tries to find work almost everywhere.. But it was too late, the damage was already done.. None of it mattered.. None of it..”

Seokjin stood up and immediately walked out, not wanting to get angry in front of Yoongi. It wasn't the omega’s fault, but he could stay there without wanting to ask him for all his ex’s information to ensure he was actually gone for good. Hoseok sighed and turned Yoongi to him, “Pretty, I’m so sorry.. No one should ever have to go through what you went through.”

Yoongi looked up when Seokjin left before he looked at Hoseok.. He then smiled softly, shaking his head.. “Life happens.. It’s okay.. Don’t say sorry..” he whispered.. “So yeah, now when my heats approach because of the initial trauma I went through, especially with losing my pup, it gets a lot more painful..” he nodded.. “My heat partner comes a week before my heat even hits so he can take care of me, I feel pathetic but.. It’s the way my body works now..” he shrugged..

Hoseok let go of Yoongi’s hand to caress his cheek gently, “You're not pathetic, and this isn't your fault that your body is like this. We want to take care of you and if that is something we need to do, we will. If you want us to, we will.” He said softly before he leaned forward to kiss Yoongi’s nose. “Let him simmer down, he’ll come back, probably with gifts to make up for him leaving in a rush.”

Yoongi stared at Hoseok before he giggled softly when the male kissed his nose, scrunching it.. “Thank you for even wanting to try with me..” he spoke with a soft sigh..

“We've been wanting a chance with you. We're lucky to even be given the chance to court you.” Hoseok said softly, smiling at the omega.

“I can’t believe you are still willing to even after knowing all this..” he whispered looking at the beta..

Hoseok frowned slightly before shaking his head, “Your trauma does not define you, sweetheart. We want to try to get the chance to be with you. Believe me, it's been years of us watching from afar but being too scared to approach you.”

“Oh?” Yoongi’s eyes widened in surprise.. “You did?”

Hoseok nodded, “Yeah, we did. It was weird when we found out we both liked you. But when we told one another it felt like a breath of fresh air because maybe we could try but we thought you'd be weirded out about us approaching you.”

Yoongi smiled.. “What is there for me to be weirded about? There is nothing for me to be weirded about..” he spoke softly.. “I’m honored.. Really.. I know I am not the easiest Omega to deal with.. I’m bossy and demanding, sometimes even emotionally unreachable..”

Hoseok smiled and kissed Yoongi’s knuckles again, “We don't mind it, we want to court you and get to know you better. I speak for both of us, trust me.” He whispered, noticing Seokjin walking back into the coffee shop with two bouquets. He chuckled and pulled back as the alpha walked over.

Seokjin stood by the table and looked down at the two males, a black rose bouquet in his left hand and a yellow rose bouquet in his right, “I’m sorry for walking out like I did.”

Yoongi looked over at Seokjin when the Alpha came back, his omega getting excited.. He then gasped as he stared at the black roses.. “Those.. Where.. How did you-” he tried to speak as he looked at the elder.. Black roses were his favorite and they were extremely hard to find..

Seokjin looked down at the bouquet before looking at Yoongi, “Well.. Jimin asked Namjoon what your favorite flower was, because we kind of wanted to start sending you gifts anonymously. He told me it was black roses and since I had already paid for, so I went to get them as an apology for the way I walked out.” Hoseok smiled and looked at Yoongi, seeing how the omega started blushing.

Yoongi couldn't help but blush at the alpha’s words.. He let out a breath and reached for the bouquet.. “The gifts were from you? I thought it was from a fan or someone..”he shook his head..”You don’t need to apologize Alpha, it’s fine..” he murmured, the title slipping out without him noticing..

Seokjin nodded, handing Hoseok his bouquet, the beta chuckling, “He has a tendency to get gifts when he feels like he did wrong even when he didn't. And yes they were.” He answered Yoongi's question. Seokjin sat back down and took one of Yoongi’s hands in his, “I just don't want you to think I’m a typical alpha that gets angry at everything and wants his way. I'm truly not, I do get protective when it comes to those I care about. I just.. I just want better for you.”

Yoongi cradled the bouquet to his chest and stared at Seokjin before smiling shyly.. “I like protective.. It’s okay.. Really.. I appreciate it.. I’m glad an alpha thinks and agrees that he was wrong.. Some people didn’t quite believe me, for example the police..” he snorted.

The alpha shook his head, “I always own up to my mistakes and my wrongdoings. There is never a time where I don't apologize to Hoseok after an argument even when I wasn't wrong.” He said softly, and squeezed his hand gently, “The police are corrupt, no surprise they didn't believe you. But again, omegas get treated badly everywhere in society, so.”

“Not me anymore though..” Yoongi laughed softly before he took a big breath, smelling the roses.. “I just.. I just don’t know what I’d do if he ever shows up in front of me again.. I have this nagging feeling that we might meet again someday, and..” he trailed off shaking his head..

“Let's hope he doesn't because there's no way I’d be able to hold back.” Seokjin said, as he looked at Yoongi, “If things.. go well with us, you'll have us by your side.”

“Right now, all I wanna do is cuddle with you two, forgive me if I’m being too forward but that’s what my omega feels..” he laughed, gums showing.. “So I think things might go very well..”

Seokjin and Hoseok chuckled softly, “Come on then, pretty baby. We live close by, we can cuddle there all you want.” Hoseok said as he stood up, kissing Yoongi’s temple.

Yoongi’s eyes widened.. “Wait, I said it just.. I.. I don’t want to bother you..” he blushed deeply..

Seokjin shook his head, “The baby wants cuddles, that's exactly what the baby is going to get.” The alpha said as he stood up and held his hand out for Yoongi to take, Hoseok having taken the other one.

Yoongi chewed on his lower lip before he took Seokjin’s hand.. He then looked back.. “My laptop..” He mumbled not wanting to let go of either of them..

Hoseok looked at the laptop and handed both his and Yoongi's bouquets to Seokjin who took them in his free hand, and then grabbed the laptop himself. “Okay, there, anything else you need, pretty baby?”

Yoongi shook his head.. “Not right now..” He said softly.

Seokjin led them out, looking at Yoongi with a fond smile, “Did you drive here, love?” He asked as they made their way out of the now busy coffee shop.

“One of the drivers brought me here.. I told him to return home and come when I call him..” He whispered softly..

Seokjin nodded and turned to face Yoongi, “Okay great, we can take Hoseok’s car then. We don't live far but we also drove here so, come on.” The alpha said with a smile as he led both of the males toward the direction of where they parked the car.

Yoongi smiled .. “Yeah, the paps will have a field day if they see us walking together on the street..” he chuckled. “I’ll sit in the back.. It’s okay..”

Hoseok shook his head, “No, baby. The alpha can sit in the back, I’m driving.” He said as they walked around the corner to the car, “Right babe?” Seokjin simply laughed and opened the passenger door for Yoongi, “Exactly.”

Yoongi stared at the passenger seat before he shook his head.. “I am still not over the trauma of driving back home while bleeding out..” he whispered. “That's why I don’t drive anymore.. I’d prefer the back seat if you don’t mind..” he said looking at the floor, shifting nervously.. “I’m sorry.. It’s okay.. I’ll take the passenger seat.. Sorry for bothering..” he murmured, starting to get into the passenger seat.

Seokjin shook his head immediately, he carefully pulled Yoongi out of the passenger seat and led him to the backseat, “If baby doesn't feel comfortable in the front, then you can sit in the back. Don't ever apologize for voicing out what makes you uncomfortable and what you'd prefer. Please don't ever think we will be upset over that.”

Yoongi let out a shaky breath as he got into the backseat.. “I just didn’t want to cause an issue or trouble you.. I don’t want you two to find me annoying like most of them do with all my demands..” he said looking at his hands..

The alpha frowned and cupped Yoongi’s face gently, “Darling, we'd never think that. I have a designer beta for a boyfriend that gets mad at me when I don't wear the ridiculous outfits he sets out for me. Who wants to wear cowboy boots with a Hawaiian shirt and jean shorts to a meeting? No one, but did I do it because he asked? Absolutely. Don't think your requests are annoying.”

Yoongi stared at Seokjin before he started to giggle at the outfit choice.. He then let out a sigh.. “Okay, Thank you Alpha..”

“No baby, don't thank me. We will do anything and everything for you. No matter how ridiculous you may think the request may be.” Seokjin smiled and kissed the omega’s nose. Hoseok smiled at the two then slapped Seokjin’s arm, “You said you loved that outfit!”

The alpha smiled and winked at Yoongi before he turned and kissed Hoseok gently, “No, I didn't. But I wore it with pride. Now get in.” He said and the beta laughed, rounding the car to get into the driver seat.

Yoongi got comfortable in the backseat, smiling to himself. After a very long time, he could feel his heart humming and thrumming in happiness..

Hoseok looked back at Yoongi, smiling at him before he drove them home, “By the way, you didn't eat much while we were there, would you like something to eat, baby?” He asked, focusing on the road.

Yoongi shook his head.. “I am not hungry right now.. Thank you..” he whispered..

Hoseok smiled, nodding in understanding, “Very well, pretty.” He said as he turned into a road, that would be taking them up a hill to their home. He reached the gate just outside their property and scanned his card for it to open. He drove in and laughed softly when he saw their cat sleeping on the driveway.

“This cat is gonna be the death of me.” Seokjin mumbled from the passenger seat.

“Oh my god..” Yoongi said excitedly as he saw the cat.. “Can I.. Can I touch?”

Hoseok parked the car, and smiled back at Yoongi, “She doesn't really like being touched, but we can try to get her to come close to you. She glares at Seokjin whenever he gets on the bed and she's on it.” He laughed, the alpha grumbling under his breath as they got out, Seokjin helping Yoongi out.

“Oh? I hope she doesn’t scratch me..” he giggled, slowly walking towards her.. “What is her name?”

Seokjin and Hoseok watched, praying the cat would behave. “Dolce.” Hoseok said and Seokjin rolled his eyes, “He wants us to get another cat and name it Gabanna.”

The cat stood up from where she was laid and slowly made her way to Yoongi, making the couple’s breath hitch.

Yoongi giggled when he heard the couple and smiled when he saw the cat walking towards him. He then slowly sat down on the ground, not caring that the driveway was wet from the slight drizzle from a few hours ago,, He opened his arms and waited for the cat with a gentle smile, silently..

Dolce wasted no time in walking over and slipping into Yoongi's arms, sitting on his lap. Hoseok and Seokjin gasped as they watched the cat get comfortable and purr as she rubbed her head against Yoongi’s stomach.

Yoongi’s heart soared as the cat clambered up into his arms.. “Oh my sweet baby.. Hello..” he cooed in a whisper, beginning to scratch underneath her chin.. “Oh my god, you are so so pretty..” he murmured cradling the cat..

The two males stated in shock before Hoseok laughed, “Well you're the first one our baby girl likes. You now have to stay with us it seems.”

Yoongi chuckled and picked the cat up, holding her up in front of his face like he would an actual baby.. “Is that true? Does the pretty kitty want me to stay?” he giggled when the cat meowed and licked his nose..

Seokjin smiled fondly, “Let's go inside, baby. You can cuddle her in our bedroom.” He said as he walked toward the omega only for their cat to hiss at him causing Hoseok to laugh.

“Oh no..” Yoongi murmured standing up and walking towards Seokjin with the cat.. “Don’t hiss at Alpha, you will make me sad..” he cooed, making the cat meow with a huff.. “Be a good girl, pretty Dolce..” he kissed her head a few times before holding her out for Seokjin.. “Take her.. Come on..”

Seokjin stared down at the cat, hesitantly taking the cat from the omega, “Hi Dolce.” he said softly and for the first time in a really long time, the cat cuddled Seokjin. Hoseok smiled and walked over to pull Yoongi to him, kissing his head. “She probably didn't feel complete without you either.”

“Good girl..” Yoongi praised, and blushed when Hoseok kissed his head, he then whined in discomfort.. “My pants are wet..”

Hoseok laughed softly and led Yoongi inside, “Come on pretty baby, let's get you a change of clothes.” He said as he and Yoongi walked up to their bedroom, Seokjin followed them.

Yoongi walked with Hoseokl looking around when they walked in.. “This place is gorgeous..” he whispered, turning in a circle..

Hoseok smiled in pride, looking at the omega, “Thank you, I designed it and decorated it myself.” He said, walking into the bedroom and letting go of Yoongi’s waist to walk to the closet to get a change of clothes. Seokjin led Yoongi to the bed and set Dolce down, the cat immediately getting comfortable.

Yoongi chuckled looking at the cat.. “Oh you are so adorable..” he giggled, bending down to kiss her head and nose.. “And so pretty..” he then straightened up and looked at the alpha.. “Thank you for everything you two did today..” he whispered.

Seokjin cupped Yoongi’s face gently, “We didn't do anything, love. And again, we'd do anything for you, sweet baby.” He said softly and caressed Yoongi’s cheeks. Hoseok walked out with a change of clothes, smiling at the two.

Yoongi leaned in to the alpha’s touch, closing his eyes briefly before he looked at Hoseok and eyed the clothes.. “That’s for me? Yours?”

Seokjin kissed the male’s forehead before he pulled back and looked at his boyfriend, “Yeah. Figured my shorts would fit you and you can wear one of Jinnie’s shirts.” He smiled and handed the clothes to the male, “bathroom is right there, love.”

Yoongi giggled.. “Thank you..”he whispered, he then leaned up and kissed both their cheeks before scurrying off to the bathroom..

The two males looked at each other and once the door to the bathroom closed they hugged each other, “He's so f*cking cute, Jinnie..” Hoseok whispered and the alpha laughed. “He is baby, I know.”

Yoongi stepped into the bathroom, looking around being impressed by the interior. He then went over to the mirror and stared at it before he blushed and smiled.. Washing his face, he got rid of his clothes, before he grabbed the pair of underwear Hoseok had given him. He pulled it on and then put the shirt on, the shirt too big on him, and hanging off of one shoulder, but he f*cking loved it. He then tried the shorts, finding it slipping off of hips he decided to leave it be, walking towards the door with just a pair of tight boxers which was hidden by the huge t-shirt..

He paused at the door, blushing from head to toe as he walked out of the bathroom, shyly, staring at his feet as he walked back to the two males..

Hoseok smiled when he saw Yoongi, “Comfy?” He said as the male walked over to them. “You can lay in bed with Dolce, hyung and I will change our clothes too and come and join you.”

The beta and alpha walked off to a change of clothes, both of them changing in the closet rather than the bathroom. Hoseok walked out first, in shorts and a tank top, he walked to Yoongi and wrapped his arms around the male’s waist when he found them sitting on the bed instead.

Seokjin walked out after, but the male walked out in a pair of black sweatpants and no shirt. He walked over and sat down on the opposite side of the bed, smiling over at the omega and beta.

The omega smiled when he felt arms wrap around him, he stood up forgetting that he had no shorts on.. “he-” he was cut off when his eyes fell on the bare chested alpha.. he stared off a second before turning around and covering his face. “Oh my god.”

Hoseok looked at him curiously before turning to Seokjin, “Ah. My love, go put on a shirt. He’s not comfortable.” The beta chuckled, making Seokjin turn around and rush back to the closet.

Yoongi gasped, turning around once more.. “Why did you do that? I was just shy..” Yoongi pouted as he got onto the bed, t-shirt slipping from one shoulder.. “I liked it.. I was gonna ask you to do the same.. “ he whined with a huff as he laid down..

“Oh?” Hoseok said, a smile on his lips, “Jinnie, nevermind!” He said before he took off his own shirt and tossed it onto the floor. Seokjin walked back still shirtless, smiling in confusion, “You sure?” He asked before he watched Hoseok lay down next to Yoongi, pulling him to his chest and pressing a small kiss to his exposed shoulder.

Yoongi shuddered when Hoseok kissed his shoulder.. he looked at Seokjin and nodded his head, flushing entirely.. “yes.. you two are warm..” he whispered softly eyes roaming around the alpha's Broad frame.. “it just made me a little shy.. can you blame me?” He grumbled folding his legs and placing his feet on the bed, making the t shirt ride up to reveal the small pair of boxers..

Seokjin laid on the other side of Yoongi, glancing down at his legs, “Where are your shorts, baby boy?” He asked, making Hoseok glance down and smile against Yoongi’s shoulder.

Yoongi pouted “they kept sliding off my hips..” he murmured making no move to drag his shirt up.. “so I left them folded on the counter.. “

Hoseok shook his head and lifted his hand up to slowly rub Yoongi’s tummy under the shirt, “It's okay, darling.” Seokjin smiled and moved closer to the two.

Yoongi's tummy clenched. There was a big scar on Yoongi's stomach and he was scared that Hoseok would find it disgusting. He stared at Hoseok with wide eyes, breath hitched.

The beta noticed his reaction and pulled his hand away, “I'm so sorry, baby. I should've asked.” He said, looking at the omega.

Yoongi shook his head with a shaky breath.. “I just don't want you to be disgusting.. that's all..” he rasped, closing his eyes, burning in shame..

“By what?” Seokjin asked gently, cupping Yoongi’s face, “What on earth could we possibly be disgusted by?” He asked softly.

Yoongi stared up at Seokjin before he took both their hands and placed it underneath his shirt, right on his scar, silently.

The second Seokjin and Hoseok felt Yoongi’s scar, they froze. Hoseok looked at Yoongi, eyes welling up in tears while Seokjin tried his best to keep calm. “Was it him?” Hoseok asked quietly.

Yoongi hummed.. “this was when he tried to make sure that my pup was dead for sure and almost made me bear pups anymore..” he whispered.. “fortunately.. he wasn't completely successful.. “

Seokjin slowly turned to look at Yoongi, moving closer to the omega, “We are not disgusted by you, your body or whatever mark was left on it. What we are disgusted by is the fact he did this to you. Min Yoongi, there will never be a day where we will be disgusted by you or disturbed by you. I wish we had met so much sooner so this never happened to you.”

Yoongi sniffled..”yeah.. I wish that too.. I really do..” he whispered snuggling further into the two.

Seokjin and Hoseok held Yoongi close, the beta kissing Yoongi’s shoulder and the alpha kissing Yoongi’s forehead. “We’ll protect you from here on out, if you want us to.” Seokjin whispered.

Yoongi shuddered within their grasp.. “I feel safe..” he whispered..

“Good.” Hoseok whispered as the three cuddled in their bed, with Dolce by their feet, “That's all we want.”

“That and to one day love you like you deserve.” Seokjin added, making Hoseok smile and nod.

Yoongi whined.. “don't make me shy.. it's not fair.. this isn't me.. I'm very different around you two..” he muttered, covering his face..

The couple chuckled as they kept Yoongi in their arms, “We hope that's a good thing.” Seokjin said as his oak wood scent followed by Hoseok’s pine scent started filling up the room.

Yoongi's breath hitched, his senses filling with the scents of the Alpha and the beta.. his own sweet tangerine scent responding to theirs.. his back arched softly, omega reacting heavily to the scent.. “oh..” he whispered letting out a small moan..

Hoseok looked down at Yoongi, letting out a shaky breath before slowly turning to the alpha. Seokjin’s eyes were on Yoongi’s, slightly dark as he heard the male moan. He leaned forward and nudged his nose against Yoongi’s scent gland, letting out a slow and quiet growl.

“Ah..” Yoongi let out a small meowl as his hands came up to place on the Alpha’s and Beta's head's at the neck, scratching and caressing them.. “it's so good. Smell.. Good.. : he whined, toes curling into the sheets.

Seokjin moved closer, pulling Yoongi’s leg up and over his waist as he continued nosing at the male’s scent gland. Hoseok started to nose at Yoongi’s nape just before he pressed small kisses to it as his hand once again slipped under the shirt.

Yoongi shuddered, his omega floating in Euphoria as the two started to caress and take care of him.. his leg curled around the alpha tighter and tighter as he got slightly scent drunk and for the first time in years Yoongi let himself loose all his bearings outside his heat in the two pairs of arms that made him feel safe and cherished..

Seokjin and Hoseok decided that if Yoongi wanted it, they would take care of him like he deserved. Seokjin wanted to worship while Hoseok wanted to pamper him. They didn't know whether the omega would be okay with it, considering they practically just met. But with the way the omega was positively reacting to his actions, all they had to do was ask. Yoongi said yes, the alpha and beta wasted no time in doing exactly what they felt they needed to do to show Yoongi just how amazing and beautiful he was.

Of course, only after kicking Dolce out of the bedroom.

Taehyung stood in front of the full-length mirror, rubbing his not prominent belly that Jungkook had sworn wouldn't get big overnight. News flash, it did. Not a lot but it was in fact prominent. His mother-in-law was helping him with the back part of his outfit, as he couldn't do it by himself.

“Is it too tight baby?” Mrs. Jeon asked gently..

“I think the slit helps it not be too tight, if it was closed off I think it would be super tight due to my bump.” Taehyung said as he looked at the woman from the mirror, a smile on his lips.

Jungkook's mother laughed softly.. “Okay baby..” he said softly.. she then came in front and held a pin.. “something borrowed and blue..” she whispered, pinning a brooch on Taehyung’s suit lapel.. “this was given to me by your appa on our first date..” she smiled at the male..

Taehyung pouted as she looked at the woman then down at the brooch, “Eomma.. thank you.” He said, pulling her in for a hug. Taehyung and his mother-in-law had gotten extremely close in the two weeks they worked on preparing the wedding, and he couldn't be more thankful for her.

The woman smiled kissing his temple.. “there is more..” she spoke walking towards the closet.. “something old.. this bouquet.. '' she chuckled, turning to taehyung.. “has been passed down from generation to generation with the Jeons.. today it is your someday give it to your son or daughter..” she whispered..

Taehyung watched her before he teared up, he carefully took the bouquet from her and admired it. “Oh Eomma, it's beautiful..” He said, looking from the bouquet to smile at her.

The woman laughed.. “those are real diamonds so be careful.. someone might just steal it along with my pretty baby..” she teased, taking a box from the vanity.. “and finally something new.. this is from your alpha..”

Taehyung laughed softly, shaking his head in amusem*nt before he looked at the woman, “Oh? What is it?” He asked quietly.

Mrs. Jeon grinned, “You can see for yourself…” she giggled.

Taehyung carefully placed the bouquet down to turn to the box, he looked at his mother-in-law before slowly opening the box, “It's not going to like jump out at me is it?”

The woman snorted.. “I haven’t seen either so I don’t know.. He is quite the prankster if you ask me..” she shrugged.

“I would hope he wouldn't get me something that is gonna jump out at me minutes before walking down the aisle.” Taehyung smiled at her then looked inside the box.

The woman snorted and shook her head, watching the younger.. “What is it?” she asked eagerly.

Taehyung looked down at the contents of the box, shaking his head as he looked at the beautiful pair of earrings adoringly. He smiled and turned the box around for his mother-in-law to see, “He got me earrings.”

The woman giggled, eyes widening slightly.. “Your Appa needs to up his game..” she covered her mouth.. “Those are gorgeous! Do you want to wear them instead of the ones you are wearing now?”

Taehyung laughed at her first comment before nodding his head, “Yeah, I think they would look really pretty plus he'd appreciate it, I'm sure.” He set the box down and carefully began to take off the small diamond earrings he was already wearing.

The woman helped Taehyung with the earrings before she looked at him with a small grin again.. “Honestly, That is not the only thing he got you..” she murmured walking towards the closet.

Taehyung looked at the woman curiously before he looked at himself in the mirror, admiring the earrings for a second. He smiled to himself before he turned back around and waited for his mother-in-law to walk back out.

Mrs. Jeon came back with a shoe box in her hands.. “Open and see whether something is familiar..” she smiled at him..

Taehyung shook his head and took the top off the shoe box, his eyes widening when he saw the shoes. “Butterflies?” He said softly, pulling one of the shoes out to look at it, eyeing the beautiful butterflies that adorned the heels. He couldn't help but tear up a little before looking at her, “That asshole.. I didn't get him anything for the ceremony.”

The woman laughed before she took a tissue and dabbed Taehyung’s eyes so he wouldn’t ruin his make up.. “You yourself are a gift to him my sweet child, whatever you mean?” she asked softly. “He had them custom made for his Butterfly.. Come on.. Let me help with those..”

Taehyung whined as he sat down and looked at the shoe in his hand, “Eomma, you raised such an incredible man, how did I get so lucky?” He asked, letting the woman take the shoe from his hand.

The woman smiled.. “I’m glad..” she whispered.. “All I ever wanted when I raised Jungkook and Namjoon is to someday hear and see them treating their Omegas good.. I wanted to see their Omegas happy, and I am seeing that today.. I feel so happy.. I feel like I did my duty properly..” she smiled at Taehyung after she put his shoes on.. “You look gorgeous my son.. I am so proud of you..”

Taehyung couldn't help but blush deeply as he looked at the woman, “Thank you.” He whispered, moving closer to hug her tightly, “Not just for raising him but for being there for me. I feel as though this day would've been incredibly sad and traumatizing if my parents were still around. So, I’m glad they're not, and I’m glad it's you I have here with me instead.”

The woman smiled, slightly tearing up and she hugged Taehyung back.. “You will have me till my last breath, that’s a promise..” she whispered..

“Well, I hope that your last breath doesn't come for years and years.” Taehyung whispered, pulling back to look at her with a smile on his lips.

Jungkook’s mother giggled and nodded.. “Shall we go? I’m sure your prince is waiting for you..” she smiled.

Taehyung nodded, turning to grab the bouquet, “Let's go.” He giggled, “Oh, I can't wait to see everything and see him and see just, everyone.” He said as the two slowly made their way out of the room.

“Oh I know you are going to love it..” she giggled, leading him down the stairs.. It was already evening, and they found Seokjin standing near the doors to walk Taehyung down the aisle..

Taehyung smiled at his hyung, the alpha immediately having to look away, cursing under his breath because he promised he wouldn't cry. Taehyung laughed softly and stood next to the male before the alpha looked at him, “Hi pup, you look stunning.”

“Hi hyung.” Taehyung whispered, turning to Mrs. Jeon, kissing her cheek and thanking her once again before the woman walked off.

Jungkook let out a breath as he stood at the altar. The breeze coming from the sea a few meters away was helping him with his jitters. The venue was beautiful and everything was ready.. He was just waiting for his groom to show up..

Taehyung and Seokjin made their way toward the ceremony space, the omega was incredibly nervous. “Just so you know, he looked just as nervous.” Seokjin said as Taehyung looked up at him. “I know this marriage is in a way arranged, but by the way you two look, I doubt it feels that way for both of you.”

Taehyung blushed, taking a deep breath when he could smell the sea. He was about to walk down the aisle and he started to feel calmer than he was.

Seokjin smiled at the omega and didn't say anything more as they reached the beginning of the aisle, all the guests standing up when they saw them. Taehyung was looking down at the floor, he let out a small giggle before he slowly looked up to see Jungkook at the end of the aisle.

Jungkook who was looking at a piece of decoration looked towards the entrance when Namjoon who was his best man nudged him slightly and to say that he was enchanted was an understatement. HIs breath hitched as he stared at his soon to be husband, wolf howling in jow and pride inside him..

Taehyung and his omega suddenly felt incredibly shy with all eyes on them. However all he could focus on was on Jungkook. His soon to be husband looked incredible, but he had no doubt he would. Seokjin led Taehyung down the aisle, “Don't drool.” He whispered.

It made Taehyung laugh and looked at him in amusem*nt, “I'm not.” He whispered before looking back at Jungkook.

“You realize that you are being a f*cking creep right?” Namjoon snorted in Jungkook’s ear, making Jungkook grunt. “I don’t f*cking care. He looks gorgeous.” he grumbled before gently smiling at the Omega, holding his hand out for the male to take..

Taehyung turned to place a kiss to Seokjin’s cheek, the alpha smiling as he turned to Jungkook. He gave him a small nod as Taehyung let go of Seokjin’s arm to place his hand on Jungkook’s. The omega stepped toward the alpha, a blush slowly taking over his cheeks.

Jungkook gripped his hand firm yet gently. He smiled and stared at Taehyung who was looking down and blushing. He chuckled and placed the tip of his index finger under his chin and lifted his face to look at him. “Hello, Butterfly..” he whispered.

“If Namjoon did that to me on our wedding day, I'd die.” Taehyung heard Jimin whisper behind him. It made him let out a soft giggle before smiling at Jungkook, “Hi, Alpha.” He whispered before he turned around and handed Jimin his bouquet to be able to take both of Jungkook’s hands.

Jungkook smiled fondly at the male.. “You look breathtaking, Butterfly.. Really really beautiful.. The prettiest Omega I ever laid my eyes on..” he whispered, caressing his jawline, before holding both Taehyung’s hands..

Taehyung’s omega started to feel incredibly happy with all the compliments they were receiving. It made Taehyung whine as he looked at Jungkook, “You’re making me shy.. Stop..” He whispered before shaking his head fondly, “You look amazing too, babe. Really really good.”

The officiant smiled at the two before looking at the audience, “Thank you all for coming to celebrate the union of these two beautiful souls as one. Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung have decided to take their relationship a step forward and finally become the wonderful family they are destined to be.” He said, making Taehyung look at Jungkook, a glint in his eyes.

“The couple have decided that all of you present were the people they wanted to witness one of the best days of their lives. For that, I ask that you stay respectful, quiet and kind throughout the entire ceremony. Taking pictures and video is prohibited, as the couple would like to be able to cherish this moment without their professional photographs and videos to have cellphones included in them. Thank you.” The officiant said as Taehyung looked at him while he explained.

Jungkook smiled at Taehyung and as the officiant was explaining stuff, he was paying no attention to him.. All his focus was on Taehyung.. He couldn’t take his eyes from the Omega and how breathtaking he looked..

Taehyung looked away from the officiant and laughed quietly when he noticed Jungkook was simply staring at him. He rolled his eyes playfully and looked down at their hands instead.

“Not only are they asking you to respect their wishes due to wanting to cherish the memories. But the couple has decided to include a very special part in their ceremony that is rarely done nowadays.” The officiant said and Taehyung heard Jimin asking quietly what he was talking about.

Jungkook chuckled when the omega caught him staring but he couldn't care much.. he hummed when he heard what the officiant mentioned..

“I do have to ask, would you like to do that first or at the end?” The officiant asked the two and Taehyung looked at Jungkook, smiling at him as he wanted the alpha to pick since they hadn't really discussed the order in which their ceremony would go.

Jungkook smiled at him before looking at the officiant. “At the end.” He murmured.

The officiant nodded, “We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of the two lovely people before me in matrimony. They will be taking a step closer to eternity with one another and I'm happy to be here today to help you all witness it.” Taehyung squeezed Jungkook's hands and looked at him shyly.

Jungkook smiled at the shy Omega, bringing his hand to his lips, kissing the back of it softly before concentrating back on the officiant..

Taehyung smiled widely before turning to the officiant, “Jeon Jungkook, I have to ask, do you take Kim Taehyung as your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, to love and protect, to be with during sickness and in health, and to stay with for as long as you both shall live?”

Jungkook stared the officiant before looking at Taehyung.. “f*ck yeah..” he spoke making the entire venue laugh..

Taehyung laughed, covering his mouth shyly, the officiant chuckled. “Kim Taehyung, do you take Jeon Jungkook as your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, to love and protect, to be with during sickness and in health, and to stay with for as long as you both shall live?”

The omega looked at Jungkook and nodded, “I do.” He said before giggling once more.

Jungkook’s lips twitched as the Alpha tried not to beam.. “Oh you better..” he huffed, teasingly.

The omega laughed and nodded, “I do, I really do.” He said as he held Jungkook's hands once more.

The officiant smiled at the couple before continuing, “We will now be exchanging the rings. Do you have them?” He asked, looking at Taehyung then at Jungkook.

Jungkook nodded, turning slightly towards Namjoon.. Namjoon and Jimin were holding their rings, Namjoon had Taehyung’s while Jimin had Jungkook’s. Jungkook had gotten them custom made in black and white. He took the white rings he designed for Taehyung, turning to the male.

Taehyung thanked Jimin and held Jungkook’s ring in his hand, the officiant smiled and turned to Jungkook, “Repeat after me.” He nodded, “I offer you this ring to wear as a symbol of our unbreakable bond. It is a reminder of my eternal faith and unwavering dedication. I will cherish you forever more.”

Jungkook looked at the Omega with a gentle smile.. “I offer you this ring to wear as a symbol of our unbreakable bond. It is a reminder of my eternal faith and unwavering dedication. I will cherish you forever more.” he said softly, staring right into the Omega’s eyes..

Taehyung stared at Jungkook, letting out a shaky breath as he felt the ring being slipped into his finger. “Now Taehyung, your turn. Please repeat after me.”

Taehyung smiled at Jungkook, slipping the ring on the alpha’s finger as he repeated after the officiant, “I offer you this ring to wear as a symbol of our unbreakable bond. It is a reminder of my eternal faith and unwavering dedication. I will cherish you forever more.”

Jungkook’s wolf and lycan felt at peace as the ring was slipped on his finger.. Letting out a shaky breath he nodded at Taehyung.. “Now and forever..” he whispered.

The officiant smiled at the couple, “Before I pronounce them married, I will ask the couple to continue to the part where they take over their own ceremony. For that, Jungkook, Taehyung, I ask that you let your wolves come forward.”

Taehyung smiled as the officiant walked off, not being able to ignore the gasps coming from their guests.

Jungkook grinned as he came forward and kissed Taehyung’s forehead. “See you soon, Butterfly..” he whispered before he ignored Namjoon’s stupefied face and walked behind the stage where two partitions were built just for this purpose, quickly stripping off his clothes.

Taehyung smiled widely and turned to look at Jimin, who was staring at him eyes wide. “Come on.” He whispered, “I need help.” The other omega nodded and quickly followed Taehyung toward the back of the stage to help Taehyung strip out his own clothes.

“You little sh*t, a warning would've been nice.” Jimin whispered as he helped the omega out. Taehyung simply smiled and shook his head.

Jungkook let out a sigh and closed his eyes briefly. He was letting his wolf out after a long time and he couldn’t even remember when he let his lycan out but he knew today wasn’t the day for his lycan to be out so he just shifted into his wolf, which was almost thrice the size of an average wolf and was pitch black.. He is almost unrecognizable at night as he blends into the darkness and the only thing which gave him away was his crimson eyes..

Taehyung had not let his wolf out since he found out he could turn. So, he was a little worried as to whether or not he'd be able to. But he closed his eyes and relaxed, wanting his wolf to come forward. And based on the small gasp he heard from Jimin, he knew he had done it. He opened his eyes and looked at his best friend, the omega tearing up slightly as he stared at Taehyung’s icy blue eyes looking back at him.

Jimin walked out and made way toward the seats, Namjoon now seated as well. He stared at the stage and along with everyone else, waiting for the couple to walk out.

Jungkook waited for a few seconds before he slowly prowled out from behind the partition stepping onto the altar, with the graze of an apex predator. He was intimidating and he looked like he could rip the place up in two in mere seconds but he just stood there waiting for his husband..

Taehyung slowly rounded the partition, he was rather shy, his head hung low a little as he scanned the guests. He then looked at Jungkook, his head immediately lifted up and he walked over toward the large black wolf staring in his direction.

Jungkook’s breath hitched for the second time that day, looking at the small white and petite Omega.. In his wolf form it was obvious that Taehyung was carrying and a possessive growl slipped out of him as he started to move towards the small wolf, who was at least twice as small as him and lithe..

Taehyung looked up when Jungkook approached him, he blinked at him before he lifted himself up to nudge his snout next to Jungkook's face. Taehyung knew that soon he'd lose all control and his omega would take over entirely, so he wanted to let his husband know he was okay with it all.

Jungkook chuckled in his head as he lowered his head a little and let the little Omega who was standing on his hind legs to nuzzle their snouts together. He then moved so the wolf got on the floor again and scented him thoroughly, not caring if his scent was overpowering everyone present..

Taehyung let out a small happy howl and when Jungkook began to scent him is when his omega took control entirely. The white wolf allowed his alpha to scent him as he pleased, moving as his alpha instructed and making noises in happiness whenever the alpha rubbed against him.

“Why do I feel like our presence isn't actually needed?” Jimin whispered, not being able to look away from the two wolves at the altar as he whispered to his boyfriend. He watched as Taehyung sat prettily, head tilted back as he allowed Jungkook to scent him.

Namjoon looked at his boyfriend, a fond smile taking over his face. He bent down and kissed Jimin’s head. “You won’t be complaining much when you will be up there one day, angel.. Let them have their moment..” he whispered.

Jimin blushed deeply, turning to look at Namjoon before he smiled at him. He looked back to the altar when he heard Taehyung howling happily. Taehyung stood up and began scenting Jungkook, nudging the wolf’s neck with his snout, asking him to sit so that he'd be able to reach every part of Jungkook to scent him.

It was very uncommon for an alpha to kneel and bow his or her head for an Omega or Beta, and is unheard for a lycan to do it.. But as Jungkook watched Taehyung yipping happily asking Jungkook to sit, he smiled inside fondly before he kneeled down, head bowed completely making the entire venue gasp.

Taehyung being so tinier than Jungkook, jumped up in excitement and began scenting the alpha to his heart's content. The wolves were in their own bubble, nothing could disturb it and the peace they were feeling from their scenting. To everyone else, the venue smelled of a mixture of their scents and it would take an idiot not to notice just how happy the two were with one another.

Jungkook let the Omega scent him in whatever he wanted. When the Omega was done he stood up once more, only to sit on his hind legs a second later. He then nudged the smaller wolf until the omega was sitting underneath him. He then titled his head up, letting out a deep howl as the sea breeze made his long fur sway to the side. It was as if he was letting the entire world know he had put a claim on the pretty little Omega..

Taehyung sat prettily between Jungkook’s legs, looking up at the alpha when he howled. He felt his heart skip a beat before he howled after Jungkook, his wolf accepting the claim the alpha had done on them. He was sure there wasn't a dry eye in the entire venue, and he was sure that even in his wolf form, Taehyung was crying.

Jungkook gave one last howl, mixed with Taehyung’s own howl before he turned his head down and when he noticed the tears rolling down the Omega’s face, he started to lick them off of his face.

Taehyung let out a small whimper, turning around to press his face against Jungkook’s chest. The officiant stepped back onto the stage, drying his own eyes, “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Jeon Jungkook and his husband, Jeon Taehyung.” The guests stood up, clapping as the wolves stood in front of them, Taehyung still hiding his face.

Jungkook watched the people clapping before his chest rumbled with the affection he held for the Omega. He then looked down at the Omega and nudged him gently, pointing at the sea when the Omega looked up, with his snout. He wagged his tail gently pushing Taehyung in the direction of the beach wanting the male to run..

Taehyung looked up at Jungkook before he looked toward the beach. Taehyung let out a small howl before he sprinted toward the sea, for his tiny frame he was pretty fast. He knew Jungkook would follow, so he just kept running.

Jungkook with a happy huff watched the Omega run, letting the small wolf run for a few minutes before letting out a howl, letting Taehyung know that he was coming and started to run after the male, his paws splashing the waves as he ran behind the Omega who he could see a few meters ahead of him..

He knew they were making a quite sight as they ran under the moonlight..

Yoongi snorted as he watched the two run with the rest of the people.. “Oh they are gonna f*ck..” he snickered.

Taehyung turned around when he felt Jungkook approaching, the two of them playing in the water. Taehyung kept trying to jump on Jungkook, howling happily.

Seokjin shook his head, “They can do that later tonight, there's a reception waiting for them. But let's allow them time to play all they want, let's get everyone there.” He said as he turned to the others, smiling at Jungkook’s parents.

Jungkook kept running after the Omega, and yipped when the Omega tried to climb over him. It was quite a jump to get on his back, and he was worried that he would be injured, but he let Taehyung play to his heart’s content, getting all wet in the water before he lowered himself and let the male really clamber onto his back..

Taehyung was breathing heavily as he climbed onto Jungkook’s back, nuzzling the wolf’s neck. He was so happy being married and playing with Jungkook, he forgot he was literally pregnant with two pups. He got tired rather quickly, but he lasted longer than he thought he would've.

Jungkook pattered along the beach, under the moonlight not making a much of a rush and let them both enjoy the sea breeze and the moon that shone upon them.. It was really a perfect night.. When the hotel came into view once more, he carried Taehyung over to the room where Taehyung will have to get ready for the reception, crouching down once more so the little Omega could get down from him..

Taehyung slowly climbed down the Alpha’s back and moved around to lick Jungkook's face. He nudged his snout with Jungkook’s, huffing in content before the wolf disappeared into the bathroom. It took a few minutes but when the door opened, Taehyung walked out, drying his hair, a white robe on his body.

Jungkook decided to shift back into his human form and grabbed a spare robe in the closet to wear.. He smiled when Taehyung came out.. “Get dressed, I’ll be waiting for you at the reception.. Jimn will come to help you..” he said softly, walking towards the male.

Taehyung pulled Jungkook to him, smiling at him before the omega kissed his husband. He held Jungkook’s face tenderly, kissing him sweetly as they hadn't done so at the actual ceremony.

Jungkook smiled, kissing the Omega just as tenderly.. “You happy, Butterfly?” he whispered, nuzzling their noses together, curling his arms around the Omega’s waist.

“The happiest.” Taehyung whispered, wrapping his arms around Jungkook’s neck, smiling softly. “I'm glad it's you I married.”

“The feeling is very mutual..” Jungkook murmured, bringing his hand up to push Taehyung’s hair off his face.. “I know you are tired but let’s get the reception done yeah? We’ll go get something for you to eat, have the first dance and then leave.. Otherwise they’d be sad..” he whispered, smiling gently at the Omega..

Taehyung smiled and nodded in agreement, “Okay. I’ll see you soon then.” He whispered as he pulled back from Jungkook.

“I’ll be right there waiting for you..” Jungkook, pecked him once more before smiling at the Omega and exiting the room, to go to his own just as Jimin stepped inside..

Jimin walked in, smiling at Taehyung before he worked on helping the omega get dressed in his reception outfit. An outfit Hoseok designed just for him. Taehyung felt beautiful and he hoped Jungkook thought the same.

“Already smitten huh..” Yoongi smiled as he walked towards his brother who just arrived at the reception hall..

Jungkook looked at his brother and chuckled.. “I don’t know about feelings but I know that there is absolutely no one I’d do this with..”

“God you are so f*cking whipped.. ” Yoongi snorted..

Jimin walked into the reception, smiling as he made his way to his boyfriend who was standing next to Yoongi and Jungkook, “He looks so pretty.” He squealed.

Taehyung wasn't one to make huge entrances and have everyone’s attention on him. The irony with him being a model and all. So, he simply walked into the reception like nothing.

Jungkook, standing in between his brothers, hands in his pockets, watched as Taehyung walked into the venue, a proud glint in his eyes. He will never get over how beautiful Taehyung really is..

Taehyung’s eyes landed on Jungkook, the omega smiling widely as he rushed to his husband's side, “Hi, alpha.”

“Hello Butterfly..” The alpha chuckled as he wrapped an arm around the Omega’s waist.. “So pretty for me, hmm?”

“I’m always pretty for you.” Taehyung whispered as he wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s neck, kissing him gently. He smiled when he pulled away and looked around the reception watching people mingle.

Jungkook laughed..”Let’s get your little tummy filled.. Come on/” he murmured. Leading Taehyung to the table decorated specially for them..

Taehyung laughed softly, walking with Jungkook toward their table, sitting down and looking up at Jungkook. “This wedding is everything and more, I love it.”

“I am glad Butterfly..” he murmured, plating a food plate for Taehyung..

Taehyung watched in adoration as Jungkook made his plate, he smiled and when the male was done, he pulled him in for a kiss. Taehyung knew that they didn't get married out of love, but he also knew that just because there wasn't love there in the beginning didn't mean there wouldn't be any at all. And frankly, Taehyung saw himself falling deeply and utterly in love with Jungkook.

Jungkook made a surprised noise as Taehyung kissed him, chuckling as he kissed back before pulling back.. “what was that for?” He asked as he set the plate down in front of the Omega..

“Just because.” Taehyung whispered, scooting closer to Jungkook and placing his legs on the alpha’s lap. “Get food so we can eat together.”

Jungkook smiled as he got some food for himself. He then placed his hand on Taehyung’s thigh caressing it as they both began to eat, him mostly feeding Taehyung pieces of meat and non spicy food from his plate..

Taehyung kept humming happily whenever Jungkook fed him. “You're so cute.” He mumbled as he rested his head on the alpha’s shoulder, “You need to eat too, babe.”

Jungkook put a dumpling in his own mouth and smiled at Taehyung, holding a piece of meat to Taehyung’s lips.. “I am not that hungry baby.. You on the other hand should eat for three..”

Taehyung laughed softly, shaking his head in amusem*nt before he pecked Jungkook’s lips gently. “We're full now, thank you.” He whispered before looking toward their guests.

Jungkook smiled gently and handed Taehyung a glass of juice before eating on his own as he talked to Namjoon and Seokjin who were beside him.

Taehyung thanked the alpha, taking a sip before he stood up and walked off to where Yoongi and Jimin were by the open bar. Wanting to know what they were discussing so secretly.

Yoongi turned when he got a whiff of Taehyung. “Oh here comes the little groom..” he chuckled as he watched Taehyung come.

Taehyung laughed softly, “What are you two talking about? You've been hiding over here so much, I wanna know what you're talking about.” He whined, hugging Jimin.

“Ahh.. well.. It's about Namjoon and me.” Jimin whispered, hugging Taehyung back.

Yoongi smiled at the two.. “This one here is afraid of telling something to Namjoon and I’ve been trying to get him to tell Namjoon about whatever it was.. I mean Namjoon is not the one to get unreasonably upset so he will for sure hear Jimin out..” he spoke softly..

Jimin whined and looked around before dragging both Yoongi and Taehyung away toward a more secluded part of the venue, “Listen, there's something about these Jeon men because I.. I’m pregnant too.” Jimin said in a whisper.

Yoongi blinked looking at the Omega.. “Oh my god..” He snorted. “How far along are you?”

“Not far. Literally a week. I found out yesterday when I went for a check up.” Jimin whispered, shaking his head, “That’s why I’m so conflicted. It's too early.”

Yoongi tilted his head.. “Too early for what?” he spoke, staring at the Omega..

“Too early to tell him? I'm one week pregnant. That's literally nothing. Maybe I should just wait.” Jimin whispered and Taehyung frowned, “Do you want to wait?”

“I don't know but maybe he's like some super alpha that can tell by looking at me or smelling me like Jungkook is.” Jimin grumbled.

“Well he is..” Yoongi murmured. “The Jeon blood is royalty, they are basically one of the oldest wolf clans alive till now..” he murmured. “Give it two more days and Namjoon will smell the pup on you, and he might get upset with you for knowing and not telling him..”

Jimin whined, “I'm just scared. What if I tell him, he gets super excited about being a father and then.. and then it doesn't go to term.” Taehyung held Jimin closer and kissed his temple gently.

Yoongi hummed.. “I understand that.. But Jeon pups are not weak.. Otherwise with the stress Taehyung was put under and the amount of time he cried his little heart out in pain, he would have lost his pups.. Trust me, you will have healthy pups JImin.. He deserves to know and you deserve to get all the pampering a pregnant Jeon Omega would get..” he spoke softly.

Jimin pouted as he looked at Yoongi, “Okay.. I’ll tell him tonight then.” He whispered, smiling softly. “You think he’ll react well?”

Taehyung hummed, looking toward where the alphas and beta were talking, “If he's anything like Jungkook, and our hyungs, he's going to be so excited.”

Yoongi smiled before letting out a soft sigh..”Namjoon lost his family when he was a little pup, and he grew up with us becoming a part of our own family.. So when he gets to know that he has a pup he will be over the moon to realize that he is going to have his own little family. And not to complain, he has a pair of baby shoes in his office, cus he thought it was so cute. He bought it like three years ago, and whined to me about it all night so yes Jimin.. He will be the happiest to know that you are carrying his pup..”

Jimin stared at Yoongi before he teared up and nodded, “I really hope so..” He whispered before he pulled Yoongi toward him and Taehyung, “You have to join us though, we should all be pregnant.”

Taehyung snorted, looking at the other two, “I've got you beat though, I’m carrying twins.”

Yoongi raised a brow.. “Oh yeah? And I’m getting f*cked an Alpha and a Beta, you think I won’t be able to beat you with triplets if I wanted to get pregnant hmm?” he smirked.

Jimin laughed, hugging both of them, “Get to work then. All our babies should grow up together.” He said and Taehyung smiled at them before he looked back to the others, Jungkook already looking at him.

“I’m gonna go be with my husband, have fun with that, you two,” He said before slipping away from the hug to walk to Jungkook.

“Oh of course..” Yoongi huffed from the hug.. “So chicks before dicks doesn’t mean anything anymore I guess..”

Jungkook smiled as he watched his husband walking towards him.. Husband.. He liked the sound of it.. “Hello, Butterfly.. Tired?” he asked, holding his hand out.

Taehyung looked over when he heard Jimin laugh a little loudly before he looked at Jungkook. “Honestly? Yeah, but I’ll blame that on our pups,” Taehyung said as he squeezed Jungkook’s hand.

Jungkook chuckled softly.. “What say.. Shall have the first dance and then dip? You could use some sleep now.. I can see..” he smiled gently at the Omega..

Taehyung nodded, stepping closer to the alpha, “Yes please. Just wanna dance with you then leave so we can cuddle and you can rub my belly and talk to the twins like you do every night when you think I’m asleep and can't hear you.”

Jungkook flushed slightly.. “You heard?” he asked softly.

Taehyung smiled, kissing Jungkook's cheek, “Every night, yes.” He whispered.

Jungkook let out a shaky breath.. “I just wanted to be closer to them, you know..” he whispered.. “Some pups are very distant with their Alpha parent..”

Taehyung wrapped his arms around the Alpha’s neck, “Our pups won't do that. They get excited whenever you talk to them. How do you think I hear you every night? They're too excited they wake me up.”

Jungkook smiled gently, leaning forward and kissing Taehyung’s head.. “I’m sorry for waking you up, Butterfly..” he whispered.

Taehyung laughed softly and shook his head, “It's okay. I don't mind it because you're being cute and our pups love it.” He said, nudging his nose with Jungkook’s.

Jungkook laughed softly but before he could say anything Namjoon’s voice interrupted.

“Ladies and gentlemen.. The grooms have chosen their songs and now.. It’s time for their first dance..” he chuckled, nodding at the DJ.. “We will start with Taehyung’s and then move to Jungkook’s.. Once more, Ladies and Gentlemen give it up for Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Taehyung..”

Taehyung snorted, “Way to cut you off.” He whispered, pulling back to take Jungkook's hand and the two of them walked toward the middle of the dance floor.

Jungkook laughed as he took Taehyung’s hand and followed him to the dance floor.. He beamed at his husband before pulling the male closer, just as the music began..

There I was again tonight

Forcing laughter, faking smiles

Same old tired, lonely place

Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy

Vanished when I saw your face

All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, smiling softly as the two started to dance to the song he had picked. He had picked it for a reason. Taehyung felt that from the moment they met, he was entirely enchanted by the alpha. There was absolutely no doubt about it.

Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?"

'Cross the room your silhouette

Starts to make its way to me

The playful conversation starts

Counter all your quick remarks

Like passing notes in secrecy

And it was enchanting to meet you

All I can say is, I was enchanted to meet you

Jungkook wrapped his hands around the Omega’s waist as they danced around.. He chuckled softly when he heard the song choice.. “Were you?” he asked, endeared by the Omega..

“Enchanted to meet you?” Taehyung whispered before he nodded, “Very much actually.”

Jungkook laughed softly, bending down to peck him.. “So was I baby..” he whispered..

Taehyung smiled as he pulled Jungkook in for a proper kiss before they continued to dance around the dance floor until the song came to an end. Taehyung looked at him fondly as he waited for Jungkook’s pick to start playing.

Jungkook took a deep breath as the songs started.. He smiled at Taehyung and pulled the Omega into his chest and wrapped his arms around the Omega, placing his own head ontop of Taehyung’s head..

He let out a soft sigh and closed his eyes as they swayed from side to side.. He tightened his arms around the Omega, Taehyung had really stole his breath abd his very beaing from the day they met…

Fire on fire would normally kill us

But this much desire, together, we're winners

They say that we're out of control and some say we're sinners

But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms

'Cause when you unfold me and tell me you love me

And look in my eyes

You are perfection, my only direction

It's fire on fire, mmm

It's fire on fire

When we fight, we fight like lions

But then we love and feel the truth

We lose our minds in a city of roses

We won't abide by any rules

I don't say a word

But still, you take my breath and steal the things I know

There you go, saving me from out of the cold

Fire on fire would normally kill us

But this much desire, together, we're winners

They say that we're out of control and some say we're sinners

But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms

'Cause when you unfold me and tell me you love me

And look in my eyes

You are perfection, my only direction

It's fire on fire, oh

It's fire on fire

Taehyung closed his eyes as he nuzzled his face against the alpha’s neck. He allowed himself to be swayed and moved around the dance floor, hands delicately placed on Jungkook’s shoulders.

Jungkook smiled, lifting his head and bending his head down his lips were next to Taehyung’s ears, so softly caressing his ear as he sang the rest of the song to the omega..

Fire on fire would normally kill us

But this much desire, together, we're winners

They say that we're out of control and some say we're sinners

But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms

Fire on fire would normally kill us

But this much desire, together, we're winners

They say that we're out of control and some say we're sinners

But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms

'Cause when you unfold me and tell me you love me

And look in my eyes

You are perfection, my only direction

It's fire on fire

You are perfection, my only direction

It's fire on fire

Taehyung opened his eyes to pull back and look at Jungkook. He stared at the alpha with so much adoration before he kissed him slowly, hands placed on the male’s nape as Taehyung kissed him like he hadn't done so before.

Jungkook let out a soft breath into the kiss, closing his eyes and savoring the moment as the song slowly came to an end. He then pulled back and stared at the Omega and smiled softly, before leaning in to kiss his eyes, nose and lips before crouching down and picking him up, bridal style laughing as their friends clapped and hooted..

Taehyung laughed, wrapping his arms tightly around Jungkook's shoulders. He kissed the alpha's cheek before he looked toward his in-laws. Mrs. Jeon was giggling, despite the tears in her eyes and her husband looked at the two entirely fond. Taehyung turned back to Jungkook, “Let's get out of here, alpha.” he whispered.

“That is exactly what I had in mind..” he whispered..

“I never said you were too romantic, Jeon Jungkook!” He heard his mother yelling as he walked out of the Venue with Taehyung’s arms. “I said you were too unromantic! You better take care of my baby!”

Jungkook snorted as he stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the suite floor..

Taehyung played with Jungkook's hair slightly, “I love your parents. They're the best.” he whispered as he stared at the alpha, “I'm so lucky to not only have you but them too.”

“You deserve them.. YOu should have been with them since you were a pup..” He whispered before snorting.. “But I am glad you weren’t.. Otherwise I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to marry you, I am not into incest..” he grinned.

Taehyung snorted, “Lucky for you, neither am I. Thank f*ck you're not my brother or anything else. You're my husband and that's the best thing you can be.”

Jungkook laughed as the elevator arrived at the floor.. “I’m more than happy that my alpha and lycan chose to pup you baby..” he whispered..

“Aside from the obvious, why are you happy you did?” Taehyung asked, looking toward the door of their hotel room. He took the key out of Jungkook’s coat pocket and opened the door for them from Jungkook’s arms.

Jungkook laughed softly.. “What do you mean.. It’s you we are talking about baby..” he whispered.. “I know that you’d do anything to bring them up in a good way.. You had bad experiences with your parents and I know for a fact that you are gonna give them all the love you never had, growing up..” he smiled at the male stepping in.. “I asked them not to decorate it cus I knew you’d be too tired and would just want to sleep.. We can go on our honeymoon after the pups are here..” he smiled at him..

Taehyung hummed, shrugging slightly, “Our pups are going to have two amazing parents. One because of the trauma he had and doesn't want them to go through the same, and the other because he knows what it feels like to have great parents and wants the same for their pups.” Taehyung smiled and walked toward the bed after being set down, “Well, considering what I read, my pregnancy won’t last that long. We’ll be going on our honeymoon sooner rather than later.”

Jungkook chuckled, nodding his head as he took off his suit jacket and started to unbutton his shirt.. “Yeah I’m glad we will..” He smiled, “Do you like your rings?” he asked.

Taehyung sat on the edge of the bed before he laid back down, placing his hand in front of his face, “Yes, they're gorgeous. I love them so much. I love everything about our wedding, including this hotel room.”

“I’m glad, Butterfly..” he smiled. “Go change and come.. We can have a bath tomorrow morning.. Come on..” he smiled. “Eomma said she kept some outfits for you in the bathroom closet..”

Taehyung smiled and stood up and walked off into the bathroom. He found exactly what his mother-in-law had left for him, so he changed into the outfit. He felt a little shy putting it on but Jungkook had already seen everything there was to see of Taehyung. He was going to take his makeup off but decided to go be with his husband a little bit before deciding to remove it. He walked back out into the room, looking around for the alpha.

Jungkook had watched Taehyung while the male went to the bathroom before taking his clothes off, everything except for the pair of dress pants he was wearing and the silver necklace around his neck and not to forget his wedding band. Eyes catching the balcony the suite had overlooking the beach, he stepped outside to lean against the balcony railing and watched the moon while he waited for Taehyung to return..

Taehyung smiled when he saw Jungkook out on the balcony, so he quietly made his way outside. He wrapped his arms around the male from behind and kissed his shoulder before he looked up at the moon, “It's pretty.”

Jungkook had smelled Taehyung before he felt him wrap his arms around him. He chuckled and hummed, “It is..” he murmured, turning around to look at the male only to pause.. He then let out a loud sigh, looking towards the sky.. “What is wrong with Eomma?” he groaned.

Taehyung blinked slowly, pulling away from Jungkook to look down at his outfit, “Does it look bad?” He asked, moving around to stand next to Jungkook. “I can call Jimin and ask him to bring me something else.”

“Ugh, Shut up Butterfly..” he grumbled, moving until he was behind Taehyung and wrapped his arms around him, back hugging him. “I asked that woman to make sure you had comfortable nightwear cus we won;t be doing anything tonight and you need sleep.. Oh god..” he grumbled, placing a kiss on Taehyung’s shoulder.

Taehyung pouted as he looked up at Jungkook, “But it is comfortable.” He said and looked down at Jungkook’s arms around him. He lifted the top up and pulled the alpha’s hands to his belly, smiling to himself.

Jungkook groaned once more, spreading his fingers on Taehyung’s stomach.. “You are gonna be the f*cking death of me butterfly..” he huffed, proceeding to kiss his neck..

The omega let out a small whine, “I just wanted you to hug our pups too, not my fault you get horny over your husband in pajamas.” He said, tilting his head to one side as Jungkook kissed his neck.

Jungkook huffed once more, before pulling back.. “Fine, my bad.. I’m sorry, it's not my fault that my mate is a model..” he shrugged, walking inside backwards..

Taehyung turned around and glared at Jungkook, “Who told you to stop?” He asked, walking after his husband, “Get back here.”

Jungkook shrugged.. “I didn’t want to become horny as my mate oh so clearly accused me..” he laughed softly as he turned around..

Taehyung pouted and turned back around to rest his arms against the railing then rested his head on his arms. He didn't want to make Jungkook upset the first night they were married, and even if that wasn't the case, he over-thinks a lot.

Jungkook got out of his trousers and changed into a pair of shorts, brushing his teeth before coming out of the bathroom. He smiled looking at Taehyung on the balcony.. “Butterfly, come inside..” he spoke as he rustled inside a drawer..

Taehyung stood up straight and turned to walk back inside. He closed the balcony doors and made his way to the bed, sitting on his side of it, looking over at Jungkook.

“Lay down and get comfortable..”he spoke, uncapping a bottle he found and smelling it..

Taehyung stared at Jungkook but didn't say a word as he moved around the bed and laid down. He let out a small breath as he watched his husband, “What are you doing?”

Jungkook snickered as he closed the drawer and walked towards his husband, sitting by his feet.. “Being a husband..” he mumbled, as he uncapped the bottle, pouring the vanilla scented oil onto his palm and pulling one of Taehyung’s legs onto his lap. He then gently started to massage the foot, nimble fingers working on all the pressure points gently.

Taehyung pouted as he watched his husband sit down and take his legs, only to let out a small moan when he started to massage his foot. He looked around and grabbed a pillow, pulling onto his chest to hug it. He knew that he was going to be vocal about the massage and from experience, his moans always did something to his husband.

Jungkook’s eyes cut to Taehyung when he heard the male moan, but he simply smiled at the Omega.. He willed himself to be in control, he just wanted to make this night comfortable for Taehyung. HIs only focus was on making Taehyung feel good.. “You can be vocal, Butterfly.. I’m not mad..” he whispered as he continued with his task..

Taehyung pouted and shook his head, “No..” He whispered, closing his eyes when Jungkook continued to massage his foot. And no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't hold back. He let out a whiny moan when Jungkook massaged one of his pressure points.

Jungkook let out a shaky chuckle as he watched the Omega.. “I like hearing how good I make you feel, Butterfly..” he murmured as he moved onto the other foot..

Taehyung continued whining and moaning as his husband massaged his foot. However, as much as he wanted to get pampered by his husband, he also wanted to be in his arms. So, he hoped that the alpha wouldn't want to massage his feet for much longer.

Jungkook continued for a few minutes longer and when he felt that Taehyung’s feet weren’t that stiff anymore he placed the bottle aside and went to the bathroom to wash his hands. Coming back to the room, he locked all the doors and switched off all the lights, yet kept the curtains slightly open for moonlight to stream in. He then walked over to the bed, and got in, slipping inside the comforter, pulling it over both of their midriffs, he smiled at Taehyung.. “Hi..” he whispered.

Taehyung let go of the pillow, moving closer to Jungkook and wrapped his arms around the alpha’s neck and nudged their noses together. “Hi, alpha.” He whispered before he pecked Jungkook’s lips gently.

Jungkook smiled, wrapping his arms around and caressed Taehyung’s exposed back gently. “Feeling better?” he asked softly.

Taehyung hummed, “Yeah, I am.” He said quietly before he kissed Jungkook’s cheek gently, “Thank you.” He added, caressing Jungkook’s cheek lightly with his thumb.

Jungkook pulled Taehyung even closer until they were pressed completely together. “Don’t thank me.. I just want to make you happy.. That’s all..” he whispered..

Taehyung smiled and shook his head, “Not thanking you for massaging my feet, thanking you for everything you've done for me thus far. I truly did end up with the best alpha in the world, accident or not, I’m happy to be with you.” he whispered.

Jungkook stared at Taehyung and hummed.. “I know this was accidental and that our marriage was not the most convenient,” he whispered. “But I can’t help but feel like I’ve built a home in you..”

Taehyung tightened his arms around Jungkook’s neck just so that their faces were centimeters apart, “You’ve become home for me, Jungkook.”

Jungkook watched the Omega, eyeing his features, eyes roaming all over his features.. “I wish I met you sooner..” he whispered.. “I wish I could have let you love me, sooner..”

Taehyung stared at Jungkook, “You said that if fate wanted us to meet, we'd meet again. We met when we had to, babe. That's how we were meant to come into each other’s lives.” He whispered before pressing his lips to Jungkook’s.

Jungkook closed his eyes when the Omega kissed him.. He felt so calm and at peace kissing and holding Taehyung like this.. It was like Taehyung gave him reason to believe in a happy life, felt like Taehyung was slowly cementing all the cracks inside his heart..Like he gived meaning to his life more than he ever had before.. He let out a shaky breath as they pulled back.. Staring at the Omega while they both softly panted, he smiled. He knew he wasn’t there yet.. Not completely, but he couldn’t contain the affection he held inside his heart for the Omega.. “I adore you, Butterfly..” he whispered.

Taehyung blushed deeply as he looked at Jungkook, his breathing calming down after their kisses. He smiled and hid his face against Jungkook’s neck, “And I you.” He whispered.

Jungkook smiled and held the Omega a bit tighter.. “Get some sleep, Butterfly.. I’ll be right here when you wake up..”

Taehyung pressed a kiss to Jungkook's neck, closing his eyes as he held onto the male. “Goodnight, alpha.” He said softly, falling asleep within minutes, Jungkook’s scent helping out with that.

Jimin paced back and forth in the bathroom, he knew he needed to tell Namjoon, but he was scared. Despite Yoongi telling him that it would be okay, he and Namjoon had just started dating and he was already pregnant. Granted, Taehyung and Jungkook ended up in a similar situation but they weren't dating when it happened. Really, Jimin just had a lot going on in his head.

He took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom, “Love?” He called out as he entered the bedroom and saw Namjoon sitting on bed.

Namjoon looked up from his phone when he heard Jimin speak and smiled at the male.. “Everything okay, Angel?” he asked softly.

Jimin looked around the room before he sighed and walked toward the bed, sitting down on it next to Namjoon, “I need to tell you something.”

Namjoon turned to his side, facing the Omega and tilted his head as he watched him with a soft smile.. “Okay.. I am all ears..” he muttered and then frowned softly..”You are not gonna break up with me, are you?”

Jimin’s eyes widened as he faced the male, shaking his head, “God no. I just hope you don't break up with me.” He said in a rush, taking Namjoon’s hand.

Namjoon stared at him with an impassive face.. “And what is it that would make me possibly leave you?” he asked..

Jimin took a deep breath before he looked down at their hands, “I’m pregnant.” He whispered, not sure if Namjoon could even hear him.

Namjoon blinked, not sure he heard the Omega properly.. “What did you say?” he asked softly.

“I’m pregnant..” Jimin teared up immediately, “Please don't leave me..” he said as he looked up at Namjoon, looking at him sadly.

Namjoon’s heart boomed in happiness as he heard the news. His dark chocolate scent sweetened immediately but it quickly turned sour at JImin’s second comment. He stared at JImin with a blank look.. “Do you think that low, of me?” he asked quietly, pulling his hand back from the Omega..

Jimin gasped softly, staring at Namjoon with wide eyes, “No.. I.. I just.. No..” He choked out before he started to cry. The way Namjoon pulled his hand away broke his heart a little.

“Then why would you think I’d leave you..” Namjoon asked, his eyes on the floor.. “Did I.. Have I given you any reason for you to believe me that I would be enough of a scum to leave an Omega pregnant with my pup?”

Jimin shook his head and moved away from the bed to kneel in front of Namjoon, taking the alpha’s hands in his and trying to get him to look at the omega, “No.. I was just worried because we just started dating and I wasn't sure if you'd be happy because it's me and.. I'm sorry..” He said as he cried, squeezing his hands tightly.

Namjoon’s eyes cut to Jimin. “It’s you? What the f*ck do you mean by that Jimin? What do you think you are to me?” he asked, he never raised his voice but it was clear as day that he was upset. “Do you think that.. Oh.. wait.. All this time were you thinking that you are just a model that was warming the bed of his boss? Was this just a casual fling for you? Was I the idiot to plan a life with you?”

Jimin looked up at Namjoon, staring at him in shock before he stood up and pulled away, “You.. f*ck you, Namjoon.” He said as he continued to cry, “That's what you think immediately upon me saying that? Did you maybe stop and think that maybe I believe I’m not good enough for you? That I think you could do better? No, the first thing you thought of was that I was using you. f*ck you.” He shook his head and walked quickly to lock himself in the bathroom.

“No, why would I think that? For what reason? Because since the day I met you, I’ve been telling you how lucky I was to have you as my Omega, how proud I was to have you by my side as my Omega.. I’ve told you night after night, how I feel like I never deserved you, that I feel like you are way out of my league. Money aside, you and I both know that there are way better alphas than me out there..” he spoke as he heard JImin locking the door to the bathroom.. “There should be cus apparently I haven’t been doing a good job of showing you how loved you are..” he shook his head and stalked towards the door, opening it and leaving, needing to get his head cleared.. He didn’t want to say he would regret anymore and he didn’t want to hurt them more than they already were..

Jimin sat on the floor of the bathroom, knees pressed to his chest as he cried. He wished things had gone better, he should've just said he was pregnant and kept quiet after that. There was no one better for him than Namjoon, but he was sure, and would always be sure, that there were better options for Namjoon rather than Jimin. And the omega just wished Namjoon would see why he said what he did, because Jimin was scared. Jimin was scared of one day Namjoon thinking they could've waited and not have had a pup so early on.

Namjoon walked towards the beach, heart aching at the things that went down a few minutes ago.. He was happy, incredibly happy that he was going to be a father soon but also his wolf was howling in sadness cus of what had transpired between him and the Omega..

Jimin wasn't sure how long he was sitting on the bedroom floor for, he just knew he had cried the entire time he was there. He looked toward the door, he had yet to hear Namjoon return, or maybe he wouldn't return. He carefully stood up and walked toward the sink to wash his face off. He refused to look in the mirror because he was sure his face and eyes were red and puffy and he didn't want to see that.

The omega walked out of the bathroom, and sure enough, he was still alone. He sighed softly and walked over to sit on the bed, his eyes immediately going to the anklet Namjoon had given him the first day they met in the alpha's office. He couldn't help but smile sadly when he remembered the day.

Jimin slowly walked out of the elevator and made his way down toward Namjoon’s office. The only office in the entire floor, as it was Namjoon’s personal floor. He looked around to make sure there really was no one there before he knocked gently on the door.

Namjoon was staring out of his large windows.. He knew that Jimin would be here soon, and to say his wolf was excited was an understatement.. He had admired the Omega from afar for years, probably from the day he set his eyes on him and now he was finally getting to meet him. He smiled when he heard the knocks.. “Come in..”

Jimin took a deep breath before opening the door and slowly walking in. He looked around and smiled shyly when his eyes landed on the alpha by the window, “Hi, Namjoon-ssi.” He said softly as he closed the door behind himself.

Namjoon slowly turned around, eyes finding the small Omega at once.. “Hello to you too, Angel..” he spoke, staring at the ethereal beauty standing in front of him..

Jimin blushed immediately as he smiled at the elder, slowly making his way toward the alpha’s desk. “You're also hotter in person, by the way.” Jimin said, trying to get rid of his shyness, as he wanted to be authentically himself in front of the male.

Namjoon’s brow shot up.. “Do I now?” he murmured, watching the Omega walk close to him.. “Well, I can say the same thing about you, little Omega..”

Jimin smiled and looked away, admiring the Alpha’s office before he looked back at Namjoon, “I've seen you a few times, the gala for example, but I've never been this close to you. So, yeah, you're hotter in person.” He nodded.

Namjoon laughed huskily.. “Look who's talking. Thank you baby, it’s a pleasure hearing that I am hot from literally the hottest Omega I’ve met.” he spoke, never taking his eyes off of Jimin, before taking a few steps closer to the Omega..

The omega hummed as he rounded the desk to be right in front of Namjoon, “Well, thank you. But, you wanted to see me in your office today, I’m sure there was a reason for that? Or did you simply want to have me here because I left you all alone last night after I hung up?”

Namjoon tipped his head back and laughed before he looked at the Omega, endeared. “DId you sleep well?” he asked softly, bringing his hand up to caress the Omega’s cheek..

Jimin nodded, leaning against Namjoon’s hand, “I did. Were you able to sleep well, knowing I wasn't next to you?” He asked, grinning at the alpha.

Namjoon stayed quiet, staring at the Omega.. “No I wasn’t..” he spoke quietly..

Jimin stared at the alpha before he hummed, “You must be tired then. I'm here now if you want to sleep, Namjoon-ssi.”

Namjoon chuckled, “Oh aren’t you being considerate, Angel?” he whispered, stepping even closer.

Jimin nodded, placing his hands on Namjoon’s chest, looking up at him, “Just want you to get the rest I kept you from having.”

Namjoon stared down at the omega, his heart racing.. “I’ll cut to the chase, little Omega..” he whispered, after a long silence.. “Cus I’m sick and tired of pinning from afar,wanting you so badly.. I like you Park Jimin, I like you so damned much…”

Jimin let out a small gasp, staring at the elder with slightly wide eyes. He couldn't help but smile, “Well, it just so happens I like you too, Kim Namjoon. Like a whole lot.”

Namjoon watched the male silently, heart pounding loud in his ribcage, before he beamed, dimples[ popping out. He wrapped around Jimin, pulling him closer.. He cupped his cheek with free hand, cressing his cheek bone.. “Can I kiss you?” he asked softly.

Jimin smiled and nodded the alpha, “Please do,” Jimin whispered, moving his hands up to wrap his arms around Namjoon’s shoulders.

Namjoon smiled softly, before leaning down and crashing their lips together. He took his time kissing the OMega, it felt like a dream come true.. He knew it was creepy to have been obsessed that way, but he couldn’t help it, so he kept Jimin deep, showing him how much he exactly liked him..

Jimin smiled before he kissed the male back, lifting himself on the tips of his toes. He kissed the male deeply, not holding himself back when a small breath moan left his lips. He had liked Namjoon since before he became a model. He had always admired the male, despite not knowing he was his boss. So, Jimin hoped that the elder knew he liked him as a person and not because he was Jimin’s boss.

Namjoon chuckled into the kiss breathless when he realized the OMega was getting on his tippy toes to kiss him. Reaching down, he picked the Omega up, still kissing him and walked towards his table to set him on top of it, before stepping in between his legs and kissing him even harder.

Jimin let out a small laugh as he was lifted up and sat down on the table. He tangled his fingers in Namjoon's hair when the male stood between his legs and kissed the male just as hard and deeply as the alpha was kissing him. He let out a small moan as he opened his mouth, an invitation for Namjoon to kiss him even deeper.

Namjoon let out a low growl when the Omega moaned louder, placing his hands on the Omega’s waist, he squeezed tightly as he kissed even deeper, kissing the Omega breathless and until his lips were bruised from being kissed. When he felt like the Omega was getting dizzy from the lack of oxygen he pulled back, both panting heavily. He placed their foreheads together, closing his eyes.. “f*ck, am I dreaming?” he whispered, trying to catch his own breath as his dark chocolate scent flourished richly, his wolf happy.

The omega shook his head, breathing heavily as he tried to catch his breath when Namjoon pulled away. The male’s dark chocolate scent invaded his nostrils and it made his omega happy. Jimin’s caramel scent started to surround them as well and he couldn't help but smile at the male, “Could ask myself the same thing..” He whispered.

“I can’t believe I have the most ethereal being I’ve ever laid my eyes on in my arms right now..” he whispered, kissing the Omega once more.. “f*ck I need to make you mine.. Will you be mine, angel?” he growled into the kiss..

Jimin whimpered when he was kissed once again, tugging gently on Namjoon's hair before he pulled back to look at the male. “Yes, yeah, I’ll be yours.” He breathed out before pulling Namjoon in for another kiss.

Namjoon’s alpha howled in joy as he kissed Jimin like his life depended on it. He then pulled back, panting to sit on his chair. Pulling himself closer to the desk, he opened his drawer and pulled a box out. He then opened it and kept it on the table, grabbing Jimin’s leg and removing his shoe before taking the thin anklet made out of diamonds, along with a small dangling ‘KNJ’ and locking it around Jimin’s ankle. He stared at the anklet, caressing Jimin’s ankle. “f*ck..” he whispered, bringing Jimin’s leg up to his lips and kissing his ankle gently.

Jimin watched the male silently and he gasped softly when he saw the male place the anklet on him. He shivered slightly when he kissed his ankle next and he pulled his leg back to get a better look at the beautiful jewelry now around his ankle. He smiled and looked at Namjoon, giggling softly, “I am yours.”

Namjoon smiled at the Omega, eyes slightly dark as he grabbed him by his hips and pulled him onto his lap, kissing him once more.. “Mine..” he growled in confirmation..

Jimin blinked slowly as he stared at the anklet before he looked around for his phone. He grabbed it from the nightstand and dialed his boyfriend’s number, waiting for the male to hopefully answer.

Namjoon was sitting on the beach, staring aimlessly at the waves when he heard his phone ring. He grabbed it out of his pocket, staring at the contact name of boyfriend flashing across the screen. He let out a sigh before answering the call.. “Kim Namjoon speaking..” he rasped.

Jimin teared up, “Wow, you sound hotter than you look.” Jimin whispered, bringing his hand up to wipe his cheek. “Can you come back? Please?”

Namjoon closed his eyes, hearing JImin’s reply, deja vu slamming into him.. “Why? Are you okay?” he asked softly.

“No.” Jimin choked out, “I need my boyfriend here with me. Need to tell him how much I love him and how sorry I am for letting my insecurities get the best of me. Tell him how happy I am to be starting a family with him.”

Namjoon swallowed thickly, tears springing into his own eyes.. “WIll you, really? Tell him those things?” he asked, voice trembling..

Jimin whimpered, “Yes.. Please come back..” He said, beginning to cry again, “I’ll tell him all that and more.. Just.. please come back..”

Namjoon let out a deep shaky breath, staring at the moon. “Guess it’s my turn to come to you hmm?” he asked, standing up from where he was sitting..

“Please do, I need you here with me.” Jimin whispered, standing up from the bed and walking toward the door. He stood by it, phone by his ear as he waited for Namjoon to return.

Namjoon hummed, walking back.. “I’m close by.. I’ll be there soon..” he whispered.

Jimin sniffled, nodding as he stared at the door “Okay..” he replied.

Namjoon didn’t speak after that, but neither did he hang up. He stepped into the elevator and waited till it took him up to their floor and walked to their room.. “Open the door..” he whispered.

Jimin immediately walked the rest of the way to the door, pulling it open and letting out a small cry when he saw Namjoon. He dropped his phone and stepped toward the elder, wrapping his arms around the alpha’s neck.

Namjoon let his own phone drop and wrapped his arms around the Omega and hugged him tight to his body before walking them inside and kicking the door close. He then leaned back against the door and held the Omega without a word, eyes closed.

Jimin cried against Namjoon’s chest, “I'm so sorry.. I love you, Joonie.. I love you and I want to be happy with you forever. I'm sorry..”

Namjoon let out a shaky breath as he tightened his hold.. “I'm sorry too.. I'm sorry I hurt you with my words.. I love you more..” he whispered, bringing his hand up to caress Jimin's head..

Jimin pulled back to look at Namjoon, “I'm sorry, babe.. I love you so much.” He whispered as he looked at the elder with a wobbly lip.

Namjoon smiled his own eyes teary as he wiped Jimin’s face.. “I love you more..” he whispered before kissing the male..

Jimin sniffled as he kissed Namjoon back, cupping his boyfriend’s face gently. When he pulled back he looked at him still pouting, “I’m happy I’m gonna start a family with you.”

Namjoon chuckled.. “Well I'm happy that I pupped you.. I really am.. if I was thinking of popping anyone it's you.. maybe not so soon but I'm not mad that it happened now.. not in the least.. I'm getting my own family, why would I be mad?” He smiled, kissing Jimin’s forehead..

Jimin smiled, hugging the alpha tightly, “I'm also sorry that you weren't the first to know.. I was panicking and told Yoongi and Taehyung, they're the ones who told me to just tell you.”

Namjoon smiled softly. “It’s okay.. I can understand that you might have panicked.. It’s okay, Angel..” he whispered.. “I love you, Angel.. So much..” he whispered, pulling back to Kiss Jimin deeply, lifting him up with his hands below his ass, carrying him over to the bed.

Jimin held onto Namjoon, kissing him deeply as he was carried over to the bed. He smiled against his lips before he pulled back, “My alpha.. I love you and I’m so lucky to have you.”

Namjoon smiled, as he laid the Omega sown before sitting beside him.. “There is a jewelry shop in the hotel, did you see?” he asked, smiling at the Omega..

Jimin looked up at Namjoon, playing with the alpha's hand gently, “I saw, yes. Why, babe?” He asked softly.

Namjoon smiled softly.. “I came early for the decorations so I visited it, they had a lot of unique pieces.” he said softly. “Like, one in the entire world pieces and they were so pretty..”

“Oh?” Jimin smiled and sat up to scoot closer to the male, “What did you see babe? Did you buy anything?” He asked softly.

Namjoon chuckled softly before he hummed.. “Yeah, for future use I did.. BUt I think it’d be useful now..” he whispered..

Jimin looked at the male before he looked down at their hands, silently playing with Namjoon's fingers. He hummed softly, “What on earth could you buy at a jewelry store that would be useful now?” He asked, looking up at Namjoon.

Namjoon stared down at the Omega before he smiled, and reached over to the drawer next to the bed, pulling out a small box, opening it and showing it to Jimin.. “Park Jimin, the mother of my pups, will you do the honor of marrying me?” he asked, eyes fixed on the Omega, slowly getting down on one knee..

Jimin stared down at the box in Namjoon’s hands before he looked at the male, eyes wide and mouth agape. “Oh my god..” He gasped, covering his mouth with his hands before he giggled softly, “Yes! Namjoon, what the f*ck?!” He said before he threw himself forward to hug the alpha tightly.

Namjoon laughed, catching the Omega and sitting on the floor, holding him to his chest. He took the ring and pushed it in Jimin's ring finger. “I'm sorry..” he whispered.. “I know this is not the best proposal and you deserve way more but I need you to know that I'm here for the long run.. I will marry you and mate you one day.. you are it for me Park jimin..” he whispered..

Jimin shook his head after Namjoon placed the ring on his finger, “Shut up, this was perfect. I love you.” Jimin said before kissing Namjoon, tackling the alpha back onto the floor. He smiled against the alpha’s lips before he pulled back to admire the ring, “Gosh.. this is gorgeous..”

Namjoon grunted when he was pushed to the floor and laughed as he watched the other.. “as soon as I saw it it was screaming your name..” he grinned. “I didn't wanna weird you out with how eager I was to marry cus it's been what.. Two to three weeks? So I was gonna propose maybe seven to eight months later? But oh well..”

Jimin shook his head, cupping the elder's face, “Not weirded out, I don't care when you would've decided to ask me to marry you. But maybe now we're going to have to actually wait until our pup is here to get married. I want us to enjoy the pregnancy without having to focus on anything else.” He smiled and pecked Namjoon’s lips.

Namjon nodded. “Yeah I was actually gonna bring that idea up..” he whispered.. “I just wanted you to know that I'm serious about it..”

Jimin smiled and kissed Namjoon gently, “I'm serious about you too and I’m so glad we talked this out. I don't know what I would do without you now, Joonie.”

“Lucky for you..” Namjoon smiled, flipping them around so they were cuddling in the fur carpet.. “you won't ever have to find out..”

Jimin let out a small squeal when Namjoon flipped them around, “Good, I love you, Joonie.” He said with a small giggle.

“I love you more..” he whispered before turning Jimin around and pulling him back to his chest, slipping his hand under his soft shirt and starting to caress his stomach.. “f*ck.. my pup is in there..” he whispered.

Jimin closed his eyes, a smile on his lips, “Yeah, our little one is there. I can't wait for you to talk to them, Taehyung said Jungkook does that with the pups and it's the best thing he has witnessed.”

Namjoon smiled.. “I will.. you will find me attached to you body.. you are gonna hate me.. I'm gonna cling onto you pike a f*cking leach.. “ he grinned kissing Jimin's head..

Jimin smiled and giggled, “I'm completely okay with that. I love you, Joonie.” He said as he slowly felt himself falling asleep in his boyfriend’s arms.

Namjoon smiled, kissed Jimin's neck and closed his eyes with a serene look on his face, happy.. “Good night, Angel..”


Hope you all enjoyed!

Kudos and Comments will be much appreciated!

Chapter 5: Love Is Scary, But If It's You, I'll Gladly Be Scared.


“All in all.. What I am trying to say is that.. I.. I love you, Butterfly.. I am so f*cking in love with you.."


Five times Jeon Jungkook takes care of Kim Taehyung and one time Kim Taehyung takes care of Jeon Jungkook.

All the while they fall in love and then some.


Be respectful and Enjoy babies!

Graphic description and slurrs, Proceed with caution.

Love you all!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Pregnancy with Taehyung was utterly beautiful for Jungkook.. it was a sight to see his mate going through their first pregnancy, and how he changed with how big the pups were getting..

Jungkook loved it, loved being Taehyung’s husband and being their pup's father..

If anybody asks if Jungkook would do it all again he would jump to say yes..


If anybody asked him whether it was easy…

Then f*ck no, he will bang his head on a wall to prove it wasn't..

Cus Taehyung.. his lovely pregnant husband had many personalities when it came to being pregnant, and Jungkook the poor inexperienced Alpha is almost always the subject of all those personalities..

Which makes the poor Alpha nearly drive off a cliff..

First comes the sad who likes to cry at everything.. get a little emotional (little is an understatement in Jungkook’s opinion..) and it scared the f*ck out of Jungkook the first time it happened..

Jungkook was in a meeting having dropped off Taehyung at the agency when a call came From Taehyung’s manager and the first thing Jungkook heard was wailing from a distance..


“Hey, Jungkook.. So, listen there's— Taehyung, it's okay, please don't cry— Yes, I’m on the phone with him now..” Seojoon said as Taehyung continued to cry in the background. “Uh, so, we have a tiny issue.”

Jungkook’s eyebrows furrowed as he sprang up from his seat.. “is that Taehyung crying? What's wrong?” He almost ran into the elevator ignoring his shareholders..

Seojoon hummed, “Yeah, it's Taehyung crying.. I'm not entirely sure what's wrong actually. We all sat down to discuss the next few months of him being away due to his pregnancy and then he just.. started crying. He won't stop no matter what we try.”

Taehyung had calmed down a little bit but hearing Seojoon talk on the phone ended up making him cry hysterically once again. “Oh god, Taehyung, it's okay please don't cry..” Seojoon begged, “Jungkook, can you like, get here as quickly as possible?”

“f*ck.. get the car..” Jungkook ordered his driver and nodded as if Seojoon could see him. “I'm on my way.. I'll be there in Ten.. keep him safe. Give him anything he asks for..”

“Yeah, okay.. Thank you” Seojoon said before he hung up and turned to look at Taehyung, “Please don't cry.. I’ll get you anything you want just please don't cry..”

“Hurry it up..” Jungkook growled at his driver who stepped on the gas, literally breaking all traffic rules as he made the ten minute journey seven. Jungkook rushed up the building as soon as his driver stopped, bursting into Taehyung's studio..

“Where is he?” He growled at the nearest staff.

“Over there, sir.” The staff said, pointing toward the conference too on the left.

Seojoon rushed out of the conference room, looking at Jungkook with wide worried eyes, “Over here!” He said before running back into the room.

Jungkook cursed as he ran towards the conference room, nearly taking the door off its hinges.. “Butterfly?”

Taehyung looked up from where he was staring at his hands as he cried, letting out a loud sob when he looked at Jungkook. He stood up and made his way over to the alpha, arms outstretched for him.

“Oh baby..” Jungkook whispered, rushing to Taehyung and picking him up with ease despite the weight that was added with the pups.. He brought the Omega over to a corner of the room, sitting on the beanbag with him in his arms, and glared at the others.. “Leave.”

Taehyung buried his face against Jungkook’s neck, crying and whimpering. Seojoon asked for everyone to leave, which he didn't have to actually do as everyone hurried off at Jungkook’s order. The male looked at the two sadly before he walked out as well.

Jungkook let the male cry in his arms.. “Baby.. What happened my love?” he asked, rubbing Taehyung’s back..

Taehyung sniffled as he pulled back to look at Jungkook, tears rushing down his face and his eyes red and puffy, “I’ll be away for months and everyone here is going to have to work twice as much until I come back..” He said before he let out another sob and buried his face once more.

Jungkook paused, blinking owlishly. He stared at the wall blankly.. What the f*ck? “Is that why you are crying?”

Taehyung pulled back once again, looking at Jungkook with wide eyes, “What do you mean by that? Of course I’m crying over it! Everyone has to work so much more because I’ll be away and that's not fair for them.” He said before whimpering once more.

Jungkook let out a soft sigh.. He started to caress his sides. “Baby.. My darling.. That is their job, Butterfly..” he whispered..

“Yeah, but will they get paid more? They're doing more work and they deserve more pay.” Taehyung said as he stared at his husband, bottom lip wobbling.

Jungkook licked his lips.. “I.. I will make sure they all get paid double their usual amount okay? I promise..” he smiled slightly.

Taehyung stared at his husband before he smiled and got up, “Okay!” He said and wiped his face gently, “Thank you, babe. Now, I have a meeting to finish, thank you. I'll see you for lunch.” Taehyung said as he leaned down to kiss Jungkook before he walked out of the conference room.

Seojoon rushed into the conference room and looked at Jungkook, “What happened?”

Jungkook let out a deep sigh as he leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes for a moment before looking at the manager.. “He was worried for your jobs.. The fact that you have to work double hard when he is away.. Let your employees know that their salaries will be doubled as soon as Taehyung takes maternity leave..” he murmured, “f*ck I left a million dollar deal for you all so you better make this worth it Seojoon I swear to f*cking god.” he snapped adjusting his suit as he walked straight to the elvator with a pounding headache..

“Me!? Your husband was the one crying, I was worried about him and your pups!” Seojoon grumbled before he walked off, “I don't get paid enough for this.” He said, needing to get to the meeting and be there for whatever was needed.

Jungkook sat in the car, quite in disbelief.. Was this what he would have to face everyday now? Well at least this was better than some Omega and their pregnancies.. He snorted at himself at how funny it was after everything. He shook his head. “It was okay” he mumbled to himself..

Not knowing he was about to eat his own words, two days later.

“Who the f*ck put this in the fridge?” Taehyung asked, storming into the living room where the entire family was in, holding a jar of olives.

Jungkook’s head snapped up when he heard Taehyung.. He stared at his Omega.. “I did?” he spoke slowly while the others looked at him in pity..

“Why? You know I hate olives, Jungkook. I can't stand the smell of them right now. And not only did you put them in our fridge, you put them next to the strawberries. The one thing I like to snack on. You realize I can't eat those now, right?” Taehyung said, practically glaring at his husband before he huffed and walked out of the living room.

“What do you mean baby? They are in different containers? And you were snacking on olives last night. What do you mean you hate them?” Jungkook asked softly..

“Jungkook shut up..” Namjoon murmured under his breath.

Taehyung walked back into the living room seconds later, “What? Who cares if I was eating them last night? You know I hate them and the only reason I ate them was because the pups made me crave them. Do not tell me what to do about my cravings, Jungkook.” He said before once again, walking out of the living room.

Seokjin shifted a little in his seat as he looked over at Jungkook, “I would go buy some fresh strawberries if I were you.” He mumbled, earning a shove from Hoseok.

Jungkook stared at Seokjin before looking out the window.. He sighed, it was raining cats and dogs. He shook his head and stood up without a word, walking off, even leaving his phone on the table as he picked his keys up and going down to the garage, driving off towards to find some fresh strawberry..

Taehyung was in the kitchen, angrily washing dishes, having thrown away the strawberries that were in the fridge. Jimin looked at Namjoon, staring at him for a few seconds before speaking, “You better not argue with me when I get like that.”

Namjoon smiled at Jimin.. “I don’t argue with you even now, angel.” he spoke softly..

Mrs. Jeon snorted and stepped towards the kitchen.. “Taehyungie?” she asked softly..

Taehyung turned to look at his mother-in-law, letting out a small breath as he grabbed a towel to dry his hands, “Yes, Eomma?”

The woman smiled and shook her head.. “Just wanted to know how you were, Jungkookie went to buy you more strawberries.. He will be back soon, love..” she smiled.

Taehyung crossed his arms over his chest, “Did he take a jacket? It's raining.” He mumbled.

His mother-in-law shrugged.. “Don’t know baby.. Can’t ask also, he left his phone here..”

“That stupid alpha.” Taehyung said before he walked off, going to what was now his and Jungkook’s bedroom, slamming the door shut.

Hoseok looked toward Jimin and Yoongi, “That’s.. totally normal for when you're pregnant right?”

Yoongi sighed.. “You can’t put Taehyung and normal in the same sentence, baby..” he murmured..

Hoseok glanced at Seokjin then back at Yoongi, “Okay so it's not gonna happen if you get pregnant is what you're saying.”

Jimin laughed, covering his mouth as he turned to Namjoon, trying to conceal the way he was dying. Seokjin looked at the omega then back at their boyfriend, “That's gonna happen, isn't it?”

Yoongi snorted.. “I have no idea.. I’m usually calm so you are gonna have to pup me and see..” he rolled his eyes..

Seokjin smiled and pulled Yoongi closer, “Trust me, we've been trying.” He whispered, kissing the omega’s temple. The door then opened and all of them turned to see Jungkook walking in, entirely drenched.

“Did you walk there?” Jimin asked, looking at the alpha in shock. “Why are you so wet?”

Jungkook let out a sigh and hummed as he threw the car keys onto the table.. “I didn’t take an umbrella and had to walk to the supermarket from the car..” he spoke, walking towards their room..

Taehyung was sitting on the bed, basically glaring at the wall as he rubbed his bump. He was angry at Jungkook, for many reasons. But mostly for not listening to him.

Jungkook knocked on the door and entered slowly, “Here are the strawberries, Butterfly..” he smiled slightly, walking towards the Omega and placing it on the side table.

Taehyung stared at the alpha then at the strawberries. He let out a huff, moving over to grab the strawberries and got up to walk toward their trash bin to throw them away. “I didn't ask for strawberries, Jungkook. I asked you why you put the olives next to them. And why are you soaking wet? Why didn't you take a jacket or an umbrella?”

Jungkook stared at the trash bin, where the fresh strawberries were thrown into. He swallowed thickly staring at it, his wolf whimpering. He was glad that he was wearing scent blockers.. He slowly looked at Taehyung with an empty face. “I am sorry Taehyung..” he murmured with a quiet voice. “I thought there was an umbrella in the car, but I forgot you took it out yesterday when I dropped you at the agency..”

“Oh, so now it's my fault you're wet? Great. You know what Jungkook, just, just get out. I don't want you in here right now. Sleep in the guest bedroom, I don't want you with me tonight. You don't seem to listen to me at all and I just.. I can't.” Taehyung said, shaking his head as he walked off to lock himself in the bathroom.

“I didn’t say you were wr-” Jungkoo bit his own tongue, knowing it was fruitless to argue with the Omega.. “Taehyung.. Can I atleast talk to the pups before I go?” he asked gently.

“No.” Taehyung said through the door, loud enough for Jungkook to hear, “Just go, Jungkook.”

Jungkook closed his eyes, staying rooted to the spot before he nodded to himself tiredly. “Okay, Goodnight Tae..” he said before he walked out of the room..

“Jungkook, where are you going?” Yoongi asked as he saw his brother walking past them..

Jungkook didn’t pay attention to any of them as he walked towards the elevator and got in. He was tired, and just wanted to go lay down.. He pressed to the first floor, walking into his home office without a word. His eyes burned.. He wanted to talk to the pups, he could never sleep without talking to them..

But guess he had to get used to it often. He pulled out a towel from the cabinet he kept in the office, drying himself off and wore a pair of boxers. Lighting up the office fireplace, he laid on the fur carpet, staring at the fire..

It had been a few hours since Taehyung kicked Jungkook out of their bedroom, but he was tossing and turning unable to sleep. He sat up, tears welling up in his eyes as he let out a frustrated whine. He got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom. He checked all the guest rooms on their floor before he made his way to Jungkook’s office. He knocked on the door, a little harder than intended but he was tired and frustrated.

Jungkook’s eyes snapped open when he heard the knocks.. WIth a tired sigh he walked towards the door opening it slowly, staring at his husband, slightly surprised..

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, starting to cry, still very much upset. “I can't sleep.” He said, stepping into the office, turning to look at Jungkook once he was inside. “You need to talk to the pups and cuddle me. Why didn't you go back?”

Jungkook blinked.. “I thought you were upset with me and didn’t want me in the room..” he murmured.. “I’m sorry..”

Taehyung shook his head, “Please just talk to our pups. And please just hold me, I can't sleep without you talking to our babies or holding me throughout the night.” He whimpered.

Jungkook smiled gently.. “Okay stop crying.. We can go to the bedroom and i’ll talk to the pup and cuddle you till you sleep.. Come on..”

Taehyung sniffled, wiping his face with the sleeve of the shirt he was wearing. Which just so happened to be Jungkook’s, and one he used frequently. Taehyung walked toward his husband, taking his hand with his sleeve covered one and pulled him out of the office, walking back to their bedroom.

Jungkook stayed silent until they reached their room and sat down on the bed waiting for Taehyung to get settled on the bed..

The omega laid down, getting as comfortable as he could before he lifted his shirt up to expose his bump. He looked at Jungkook with a pout, “Talk to them.” he whispered, “Please, babe.”

Jungkook smiled slightly at the Omega before he bent down and pressed a kiss to his bump.. “Hey munchkins.. Daddy is a little late than other days, I’m sorry..” he whispered, caressing the bump.

Taehyung listened to Jungkook, letting out a sad whimper, knowing it was his fault the pups hadn't heard from Jungkook.

Jungkook chuckled when he felt a kick to his palm.. “Oh there there.. DOn’t hurt Papa, come on.. I’m here now.. It’s the little omega hmm? Be nice like your Alpha sibling.. Come on.. ”

Taehyung reached over to caress Jungkook’s cheek gently, turning the alpha's head so he'd look at Taehyung. “I'm sorry, I.. I really am. I didn't mean to be so mean and rude with you.”

Jungkook smiled at the Omega softly.. “It’s okay.. I can understand..” he said softly.. “Come on.. Sleep.. You must be tired..” he whispered, still caressing his bump and placing a kiss on it.. “Daddy is gonna go now okay? I’ll talk to you tomorrow longer.. Papa needs sleep now.. Goodnight sweethearts.. Daddy loves you loads.. Can’t wait to see you..” he whispered before moving up to gently hold the Omega.. “Sleep, I’ll leave once you are sound asleep.. I promise..”

Taehyung shook his head, wrapping his arms around Jungkook tightly, “No, I don't want you to leave, I want you here with me. Don't leave.” He whispered, looking at Jungkook, eyes wide and already glassing over, “I'm sorry.”

Jungkook hummed, smiling and pushing his hair back.. “Okay, Tae..” He whispered with a small nod.. “Whatever you want and wish for is my command..”

“Want you with me forever.” Taehyung whispered, hiding his face against the alpha’s neck, closing his eyes. He was extremely tired but all he really needed to be able to fall asleep was be in Jungkook’s arms.

“Then I will be there forever, Butterfly..” He whispered, watching the Omega, caressing his back until he fell asleep.. He smiled when he heard soft snoring.. Eyes finding the fresh strawberry that was thrown in the basket he let out a small sigh.. “It’s okay..” he whispered, before closing his eyes..

And it was all okay until a week later he met another personality of Taehyung..

Taehyung was sitting on Jungkook’s lap, and they were having an evening with their family. Mr. Jeon was telling them a story about when Jungkook, Namjoon and Yoongi were little but Taehyung couldn't focus.

He nibbled on his lip before moving around his husband’s lap, looking at the alpha as if trying to get his attention.

Jungkook who was huffing and puffing at his father to stop embarrassing him paused when Taehyung kept wiggling on his lap.. He frowned as he looked at the Omega.. “Butterfly?”

Taehyung turned to look at Jungkook, eyes slightly glassy, “Can we talk? In our room?” He whispered so only Jungkook could hear.

Jungkook blinked before he nodded.. “Sure baby..” he murmured before standing up with Taehyung in his arms..

“Jungkook?” Namjoon raised a brow at his cousin.

“Tae isn’t feeling well, we’ll be back..” he murmured, carrying him to the room..

Taehyung hid his face against Jungkook’s neck, letting the alpha carry him away. Then when he was sure they were far away and no one could hear him, he pulled back and looked at Jungkook, “I’m totally fine, I’m just really really horny.” He whined.

Jungkook stopped on his way to the bed, and stared at the Omega before let out a chuckle in surprise.. “So you just wanted my co*ck.. Was it why you were wiggling around like a little worm?”

“Yes. And not just your co*ck, all of you.” Taehyung breathed out, “Please, I really need you, and you're lucky I asked you to talk in private otherwise I would've asked you to f*ck me in front of everyone and I don't think Eomma and Appa would have appreciated that.” The Omega said as he leaned forward to kiss Jungkook’s scent gland.

Jungkook let out a small breath when the omega kissed his scent gland. He then moved to place him on the bed, swiftly taking off the oversized hoodie and the boxers he was wearing. The boxers were soiled with his slick. “f*ck baby you are so f*cking wet already..”

Taehyung whined, nodding as he tried to reach for Jungkook, feeling incredibly needy, “Alpha, I need you..” he whimpered, wiggling around on the bed, he ended up turning around to get some sort of friction. So much so he ended up moving against the sheets, humping their bed. Taehyung had never felt so horny and so needy before, and Jungkook was taking too long for his liking.

“sh*t..” Jungkook hissed as he watched the Omega humping the bed like a little desperate slu*t. He then hurried to remove his pants, and his co*ck was rock hard from the little show Taehyung was putting alone so he wasted no time getting behind Taehyung and just pushing himself in all the way.

Taehyung gasped and moaned loudly when he felt Jungkook slide into him, he lifted his hips off the bed so that his ass was up and his face pressed against the pillows. He wiggled a little, wanting the alpha to f*ck him already.

“Look at you! Acting like a little whor*!” Jungkook slightly growled before he pulled back and started to thrust in and out of the oOmega, not too fast, but fast enough to have him shaking. He couldn’t do what he pleased now since Taehyung was carrying his pup.

Taehyung gripped the sheets and they had just gotten started but Taehyung was already a mess. He was moaning loudly, moving his hips back with every thrust Jungkook gave, and he was even drooling. Deep down he knew it was the pregnancy making him so needy and horny, but it wasn't like he was going to complain about it. Especially when Jungkook was pleasing him just right.

Jungkook’s eyes dilated looking at the Omega and his state. He wanted nothing but to f*ck him into the sheets but he knew he had to be careful so he gripped his hips and brough him up to his chest, hand going to grip his pecs which now filled his palms with milk for his pups. “God baby, you are such a f*cking minx,,” he breathed in Taehyung’s ear as he f*cked him a little faster, the skin slapping sounds blending well with Taehyung;s moans.

Taehyung was breathing heavily, holding himself up by moving his hand back to grab Jungkook as best as he could. He moaned louder, Jungkook was hitting his prostate every time and it felt so good. “More..” He whimpered, wanting his husband to do more despite the circ*mstances.

“Trust me baby.. I want nothing but to f*ck you into the sheets.. But our pups..‘ Jungkook growled, f*cking deeper into the Omega, starting to lick at his scent gland and suck on it.

Taehyung whined, moving back with every thrust, “Promise.. Promise you’ll f*ck me like you want to.. when the pups are born..” He whined, let himself fall forward holding himself up with his hands. He wasn't going to last longer, he was already incredibly horny and wet, so just a few more thrusts and he was sure he would org*sm.

Jungkook gripped his shoulders and kept on thrusting into him as fast as he could go without hurting his Omega or his pups. “Oh I am going to f*cking ruin you as soon as you are healed. Trust me.” he growled, thrusting right onto Taehyung’s prostate. Feeling his Omega shake in his hands he smiled. “You wanna cum, baby?”

Taehyung moaned loudly, it could be considered a scream really, he nodded quickly and looked back at Jungkook with tears running down his face, “Yes.. please alpha..” He cried out.

“Then cum for me baby.. Don’t hold back my love..” he hissed, feeling his own org*sm approach with how tight Taehyung was clenching around him.

Taehyung pushed himself back once more before he clenched around Jungkook, cumming on the sheets below him with a loud moan. His entire body shook and he ended up falling, his arms giving out.

Jungkook groaned as he witnessed the omega cumming on his co*ck. It was one of his favorite things to watch. The Omega looked enchanting coming apart on his co*ck, and he thrusted inside him a few more times before cumming with a loud growl, filling Taehyung to the brim..

Taehyung whimpered and moaned as Jungkook filled him to the brim with his cum. He breathed heavily as he tried moving to help the alpha get through his org*sm. “Alpha.. I..” he whined and shook his head because everything was too much.

Jungkook gave one lust deep thrust, the last bit of his cum spurting into the Omega.. He let out a groan, falling onto the bed next to Taehyung and pulled Taehyung into his arms. “Alpha is here Butterfly.. It’s okay..” he rasped, both of them drenched in sweat.

Taehyung looked back at Jungkook, eyes half open as he let out a quiet whine, “God.. you're amazing..” he said softly, pulling Jungkook in to give him a kiss.

Jungkook laughed softly as he kissed the Omega back. He caressed his back gently pulling his lips away.. “You okay, baby?”

Taehyung smiled against Jungkook’s lips, humming softly, “Yeah.. I’m more than okay, but now I know that I’ll probably get horny often and I know my alpha will help.” he whispered.

Jungkook snickered, nuzzling their noses together.. “Of course I will baby..” he whispered, holding Taehyung and they laid there silently enjoying each other before Taehyung pushed Jungkook back onto the bed and straddled him. Jungkook stared up at the Omega with wide eyes.. “What are you doing?”

Taehyung placed his hands on the male’s chest, grinning down at his husband, “Round two.” He said, laughing softly as he leaned down to press his lips to Jungkook's, kissing him deeply as he started to move his hips.

Jungkook groaned as the Omega kissed him. He got a hold of his hips and stared up at him as the Omega straightened and started to bounce up and down on his co*ck. He let out an internal sigh ‘it’s okay’ he told himself fondly once more, chuckling and helping the Omega move, completely enthralled with his husband and his antics. It was getting easier to handle the Omega.

Or so he thought..

Because Taehyung’s other personality peeked through that night itself while he was sleeping..

Taehyung stared at Jungkook, nibbling on his bottom lip contemplating whether or not he should wake up his husband. But he really needed to.

“Babe?” He whispered softly, placing his hand on Jungkook’s chest, “Babe.”

Jungkook hummed in his sleep. He was tired from all the rounds of sex but when he felt a slight shake he peeked his eyes open, “Baby?” he rasped sleepily.

“Babe, I’m hungry.” Taehyung whispered, a small pout on his lips, he felt so bad for waking up Jungkook.

Jungkook blinked the sleepiness out of his eyes and sat up.. “What do you want, Butterfly..” he muttered groggily, turning to look at the bedside clock to see it was 3 in the morning.

Taehyung moved closer to Jungkook, resting his head on the alpha's chest, “I want a cheeseburger.” He whispered, watching how Jungkook hummed tiredly and nodded, “And vanilla ice cream with mustard and pickles on it.”

Jungkook stilled, what kind of was that? He turned to look at his husband and after staring at him for a long time, deciding it’s best to not question the Omega he smiled slightly. “Okay.. I’ll go buy them and come, okay? You wait here..” he said softly.

Taehyung smiled, leaning forward to kiss Jungkook gently, “Thanks babe, you're the best.” He whispered and moved back to allow his husband to stand up.

Jungkook stood up, stretching, feeling a little groggy. He walked to the closet, scratching his eyes to put some clothes on and he kissed taehyung’s forehead before walking out.. “I’ll be back soon..” he muttered softly as he walked out.

Taehyung giggled as he got comfortable on the bed, rubbing his bump as he looked down at it, “Your daddy is amazing isn't he?” He whispered.

Jungkook as he went down the front steps of the house to get to his car when he saw Namjoon’s figure on the last step. “Joon?”

Namjoon turned around when he heard his name. “What on earth are you doing here, awake?”

“Getting Taehyung food, what are you doing?” Jungkook quipped, coming to a stop next to Namjoon, who sighed. “Same..”

Jungkook snorted. “Come on then, let’s go together.. What did he want?” he asked, getting into the driver’s seat.

“Burgers and ice cream..”

Jungkook laughed while pulling out of the driveway.. “They really are soulmates..”

Taehyung looked up when he heard his bedroom door open, he was so glad he had gotten up to get dressed. Jimin walked in and rushed toward the bed, getting in next to Taehyung. His best friend’s bump was also growing, it wasn't as big or as prominent as Taehyung as the male was carrying twins, but it was still noticeable.

“Where's Jungkook?” He asked, hugging Taehyung.

“Getting food.” Taehyung whispered, Jimin giggled and looked at the male, “So is Joonie.” Taehyung snorted and hugged Jimin as the two waited for their partners to return.

It didn;t take much time for the two Alphas to come back. Before they stepped into the rooms to give the Omegas the food they stepped onto the kitchen to add the extra elements (read weird but they adore them) onto the ice cream.

While Jungkook added mustard and pickles onto Taehyung’s ice cream, Namjoon added ketchup and crispy onion onto Jimin’s.

“I'm hungry.” Jimin whined, kicking his feet impatiently, “Let's go find snacks while we wait.” He said, and Taehyung liked that idea. So, the two left the bed and walked out of the bedroom, quietly making their way toward the kitchen, giggling softly about the snacks they would get. Not knowing they would end up meeting their alphas in the kitchen.

“Shall we make something for them to drink?” Jungkook asked, as he looked at Namjoon. Namjoon nodded. “Yeah, knowing them Jimin would probably like whatever Taehyung is having..”

Jungkook laughed as he pulled out a few cartons of yogurt drink, and some strawberries. “Open these..” he handed Namjoon the small cartons before he started to cut up the strawberries unaware of the Omegas stepping into the kitchen.

Jimin and Taehyung looked at each other before they each walked toward their respective alpha. Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook from behind and kissed the back of his neck. While Jimin moved to stand in front of Namjoon, hugging him tightly.

Jungkook was startled slightly when he felt arms wrap around him but relaxed when he got a whiff of Taehyung’s scent smiling softly.

“What are you guys doing out of bed?” Namjoon laughed softly, kissing Jimin’s head.

“Came to get snacks.” Jimin said, grinning up at the alpha before he looked down at what Namjoon was doing, “Is that for us?”

Taehyung smiled, resting his head on Jungkook’s shoulder, “You're so cute, babe,” He whispered before he watched his husband cut the strawberries.

Namjoon hummed as he opened the last carton. “Yes baby.. We figured you had nothing to drink..” he murmured putting the yogurt drinks into the blender along with jungkook who was putting the strawberries..

Jungkook chuckled as he smiled at his Omega. “You two can eat.. The burgers and the fries are on the island and the ice creams are prepped too.. Go on and eat..”

Taehyung kissed Jungkook gently before he pulled back and moved with Jimin to sit on the stools by the kitchen island to eat. The two omegas hummed and moaned at how delicious their late night dinner was, and when it came down to their ice creams they were in heaven.

Namjoon and Jungkook chuckled softly as they watched them eat, Jungkook placing a Strawberry smoothie in front of each of them. They leaned against the kitchen counter and watched them eat soft smiles on their faces.

Taehyung pushed his ice cream to Jungkook, “Try it baby, you’ll love it.” He said, smiling at the alpha and looking at him, his eyes sparking in happiness. Jimin gasped and nodded as he handed his to Namjoon.

Both the Alphas looked at eachother, staring at each other before nodding. They then smiled at their Omegas not wanting to upset them. Taking a spoonful each, both of them popped them in their mouths, inwardly disgusted at the taste but they thanked the moon goddess for having the ability to remain expressionless in the most bizarre situations..

“Hmm.. that’s good..” Jungkook nodded. “Your choices are always good, baby.. Go on, eat the rest..” he smiled.

Taehyung blushed as he took the ice cream and continued eating it with a smile on his lips. Jimin smiled and looked at Namjoon, “You can keep mine, you seemed to really like it.”

Jungkook’s head whipped to look at Namjoon who seemed to be frozen, staring at the ice cream in his hands. Jungkook turned around immediately, walking towards a water bottle and planted it on his lips so he wouldn’t burst out laughing. He knew Namjoon was crying on the inside..

“Ah Angel..” Namjoon whispered with a smile.. “You know I don’t like sweets at night.. As much as I love your little creation I’d better not mess my system up.. Come on, eat the rest my love.. You and I can have ice cream again in the morning..” he smiled, dimples popping out as he held the Ice cream out towards the Omega, knowing Jimin wouldn’t be able to refuse his dimples.

Jimin looked at the alpha before he nodded, “Okay, we can eat this in the morning too. Make sure there's enough ketchup and crispy onions.” He said, smiling as he grabbed his ice cream and hopped off the stool, “Goodnight Taehyungie and Jungkookie!” He said, walking off with his ice cream.

Taehyung waved and then turned to look at Namjoon, “I would’ve eaten it if I was you.” He said, hopping off his own stool, ice cream and smoothie in his hands, “Goodnight Namjoon!”

Jungkook waited till Taehyung disappeared before laughing at Namjoon. He patted the Alpha’s shoulder. “Good luck dear cousin..” he snickered before walking up to their own bedroom..

Namjoon let out a deep sigh and shook his head. “God help me..” he grumbled, as he walked off to his and Jimin’s room..

Jungkook smiled when he entered the room and he saw Taehyung enjoying the food… He walked towards the bed and sat, watching the Omega with a soft smile on his face..

Taehyung smiled when Jungkook walked in, focusing on his food before he placed the empty cups on the nightstand to turn to his alpha, “Thank you babe, you really are the best.” He whispered, kissing his cheek.

Jungkook laughed softly, laying down on the bed and waiting for the Omega.. “Only the best for my husband..” he whispered.

Taehyung smiled, laying down with Jungkook, hugging his middle and resting his head on the alpha's chest, “You do so much for me, babe. Thank you.” He whispered.

Jungkook smiled and hugged his Omega, closing his eyes. “It’s okay..” he whispered, as they fell asleep, this was by far Taehyung’s easiest personality to handle and he loved Taehyung and his weird little cravings..He would find the most bizarre food on earth if it meant making Taehyung smile like he did today.. This was his favorite personality..

That was until he met Taehyung’s last personality when he suddenly fell sick..

Taehyung was in the kitchen working on making lunch for Jungkook. He knew his husband was going to have a long day, so his secretary let Taehyung know. She told the Omega that Jungkook only had around 30 minutes of free time to eat lunch before he had to get back to work.

That was why Taehyung made Jungkook lunch and had one of the drivers take him to the alpha’s company to be there just in time for those 30 minutes and for Jungkook to be able to eat as quickly as possible.

Taehyung smiled and greeted everyone as he walked toward his husband’s office. He knocked on the door gently and waited for the okay to walk in.

Jungkook had had a pounding headache right from the morning. But he didn’t care about it much cus he had a very busy day and even if he was burning as the lunch time came, he was too focused on his work to focus on his fever. He didn’t even know he had a fever..

Taehyung frowned and knocked again, but when no response came from the other side of the door, he opened it and peeked in, “Babe?”

Jungkook’s head snapped up when the door opened and he was about to growl at whoever it was but a beautiful smile etched on his face when he saw his husband. “Butterfly..” he rasped, blinking as his eyes slightly became blurry,

Taehyung smiled at his husband, slipped into his office and closed the door, “I brought you lunch,” He said while making his way over to Jungkook's desk. He set the bag down and rounded the desk to kiss Jungkook hello.

“Oh? Thank you baby… Is it lunch time?” he muttered, smiling as Taehyung leaned down to kiss him..

Taehyung nodded, cupping Jungkook's face to kiss him but stopped, staring at the alpha with wide eyes, “How are you feeling?”

Jungkook smiled leaning into the touch.. “a bit fuzzy but I'm okay..” he slurred..

“Babe, you have a fever. How could you possibly be okay?” Taehyung asked, pulling away and reaching over to call Jungkook’s secretary through Jungkook’s phone.

Jungkook frowned softly.. “no I don't.. do I?” He mumbled starting to feel the burn..

Taehyung nodded, “Yes, sir?” The omega looked at his husband before responding, “Hey sweetheart, can you cancel my husband’s meetings for the rest of the day? He's burning up and I’ll be taking him home.”

“Of course, Mr. Jeon. I hope he feels better soon.”

Taehyung thanked her and then turned to Jungkook, “Let's get you home, there's no way I'm letting you keep working like this.”

“But I have a lot of meetings..” Jungkook picked at his husband and started to whine which was so unlike him but the fever was getting to him.

“Had. I just canceled them all. Come on, babe.” Taehyung said softly as he helped his husband up, looking at him in worry. “Well go home, you’ll take a shower and get in bed. I’ll make you some soup and give you medicine so you can rest.”

“Okie..” Jungkook beamed at his omega as he was led out. “Home home home I'm going home..” he sang along the way to the elevator..

Taehyung smiled at his husband but he couldn't help the worry that grew inside of him. He led Jungkook out to the car after they exited the elevator and thankfully the driver was still there. He took them home all while Taehyung held Jungkook close to him, having removed his jacket and unbuttoned a few buttons of his shirt.

Jungkook cuddled with Taehyung.. “Hi there butterfly..” he drawled, stuffing his face into the Omega’s neck. “Did you come here alone?”

Taehyung hugged Jungkook, nodding his head, “Your driver brought me, let's just focus on getting you home, babe.” He whispered, pushing Jungkook's hair back and away from his face.

“What do you mean?” Jungkook whined. “I am with you, of course I am better..” he huffed..

Taehyung smiled, shaking his head, “Silly alpha, just listen to me.” Taehyung whispered and kissed Jungkook’s forehead.

Jungkook mumbled something incoherent, staying still and silent until the driver pulled up into the mansion driveway.

Mr. Jeon, who was sitting on the stairs on a call, frowned as he saw the car return so quickly. He stood up, hung up the phone, worried.. Was his son-in-law okay? He quickly walked down the steps approaching the door. “Taehyung-ah?” he spoke, opening the door for Taehyung only to still see his son.. “What’s wrong?”

Taehyung looked at the male and shook his head, “Appa, can you help me? He's got a fever and I need to get him to our room, please?” Taehyung said as he looked at Jungkook after.

“Yesh of course..” the elder alpha spoke, immediately rushing to his son’s side and opening the door before pulling him out of the car, leading him up the driveway, with one arm around his waist and supporting his waist..

Jungkook groaned as he opened his eyes.. “Appa nooo..” he whined.. “I was with pretty Omega, don’t take me away! Appaa hey noo~” he pouted, making the elder alpha snort. “Shut up you idiot..”

“I’m no idiot! I need Omega, Appa let me go!” he fake cried as Mr. Jeon led him up the stairs.

“Songie! Call the doctor! Your son is being delirious from a fever!” Mr. Jeon spoke, looking at his wife and Jimin who rushed out.

“I don’t need a doctor~ I need Pretty Omega~” Jungkook wailed like a child deprived of candy as his father dragged him towards the elevator.

Mrs. Jeon looked at Taehyung with wide eyes. “What in the world is going on?”

Taehyung watched in amusem*nt as Mr. Jeon took his husband, “I went to take him lunch and found him burning up with fever, I brought him home so he could rest but looks like he just wants me.”

Jimin shook his head before smiling, “Go with him, I'll make soup. He seems to really need you.”

Mrs. Jeon shook his head. “History is repeating itself..” she grumbled. “I’ll call the doctor, you go to him..”

Taehyung nodded and walked inside, making his way to their bedroom as Jimin left for the kitchen and Mrs. Jeon called the doctor. He entered the room and Jungkook was still whining.

“No! Don’t take my clothes off! You are not my Omega!” Jungkook slapped his father’s arms as the male unbuttoned.

“No I am not an omega you ungrateful mongrel I am your father! Shut the f*ck up!” Mr. Jeon growled.

Taehyung’s eyes widened as he looked at the two, slowly making his way over to the bed, “Jungkook?” He said softly, “Let him help, babe.”

“Thank f*ck..” Jungkook’s father huffed petulantly as he moved away from his son. “He is your problem now..”

Jungkook huffed but beamed when his bleary eyes fell on the omega.. “Pretty Omega! You came!” he all but giggled.. “I was trying to tell the ahjussi not to touch me!”

“Ajhu– Why this f*cker..” Mr. Jeon sneered.

Taehyung grabbed Mr. Jeon’s hands and smiled at him, “Thank you, Appa. You know he doesn't mean it.” Taehyung said, shaking his head before he looked at Jungkook, “He's your father, Jungkook.”

Jungkook rolled his eyes. “I know. He was mean to me and took me from pretty Omega, hence! Ahjussi!” he huffed with a pout..

Jungkook’s father face-palmed himself.

“Stop that!” Jungkook’s mother huffed. “You are scolding your son as if you forgot how you behaved the exact same way with your father when you got sick while I was away!”

Taehyung looked toward his mother-in-law in amusem*nt before looking back at his father-in-law, “Oh, looks like she got you there, Appa.” He giggled before he moved closer to Jungkook, “You’re such a brat, baby. Can I remove your clothes?”

Jungkook gave a dopey grin. “Oh? What are we gonna do?” he asked in a whisper so his parents wouldn’t hear, who in reality heard him and laughed softly.

Taehyung snorted, “Get you into the shower, what else were you thinking you dirty minded Alpha?” Taehyung asked while he unbuttoned Jungkook's shirt.

“Aw!” Jungkook’s mouth pulled into a sad frown. “I thought we were gonna have fun..” he whined.

Taehyung shook his head, “We can have fun when you're better.” He helped Jungkook sit up as he removed his shirt, “What did the doctor say, Eomma?” he asked gently.

Mrs. Jeon smiled. “He’ll be here soon baby.. Just change him, and the doctor will have a look, don't worry..” she said softly.

Taehyung nodded and laid Jungkook back, moving to undo his pants, pulling them off and leaving him in his boxers. He stared at Jungkook for a few seconds, leaving him with his parents as he walked off to get him some shorts to wear.

Even though Jungkook started to whine, his strength was rapidly decreasing, making it hard for him to even keep his eyes open and as a final attempt his wolf surfaced. Eyes shining red as he whined for his Omega, in his human form.

Taehyung walked back to Jungkook, shorts in hand. He smiled at his husband as he carefully put the shorts on him. He walked over to sit next to him on the edge of the bed, leaning down to kiss his forehead, “Poor baby.” He said softly, noticing Jungkook’s red eyes, “I’m here, Alpha.”

Jungkook whined a little louder before he turned on his side and stuffed his face into Taehyung’s side before his eyes fully closed.

“The doctor will be here soon.. let's wait until then..” Mrs. Jeon whispered, also clearly worried slightly..

“Has this happened before?” Taehyung asked as he carefully ran his fingers through Jungkook’s hair, “He didn't look like this this morning.”

Jungkook's father shook his head.. “not really.. he's had fevers but hadn't passed out..”

Taehyung looked at his husband in worry, staying by his side until the doctor arrived to check up on him.

“It's not much..” The doctor smiled kindly as he took the thermometer.. “he is just exhausted.. Does he work a lot? He is a little dehydrated and probably needs a load of rest..”

Taehyung sighed, looking at his husband, “Yeah, he's been working a lot more lately. Wanting to get things done and settled for when the pups arrive.” He explained, looking away from Jungkook to look at the doctor.

The doctor chuckled.. “does he take good care of you?” He asked while labeling a few bottles of pills.

Taehyung nodded, “He does, honestly he does such an amazing job, I’m lucky to have him. He's going to be alright.. I'll make sure to take care of him.”

The doctor smiled. “Looks like your Alpha forgot to take care of himself while taking care of you and his work.. Remind him that he won’t be able to take care of you if he doesn’t take care of himself properly.. Okay?” he said kindly.. “These are all his medicine, the doses are all noted down.. Don’t worry.. He will be okay in no time..”

Taehyung nodded, taking the medicine from the doctor and placing them on their nightstand, “Thank you, doctor. I’ll make sure to take care of him, even when he gets better.” He smiled before he looked down at his husband, “Silly Alpha.” He whispered, leaning down to kiss Jungkook’s nose.

The doctor smiled at the couple and bowed to Mr. and Mrs. Jeon before leaving.

Mrs. Jeon chuckled. “Like father, like son… Our Alphas are a little bit foolish.. Sleep with him baby,, I’ll bring some food when he wakes up..” she smiled at Taehyung..

Taehyung smiled at her and nodded, “Thank you, Eomma.” He said before he focused on Jungkook, “Thank you, Appa, love you both.” He said as the couple started to walk out of the room.

“Love you too sweetheart..” The older couple spoke together before stepping out of the room, smiling.

Once the couple was out of the room, Taehyung shook his head, “You can't stop caring for yourself simply because you're caring for me and the pups, babe.” He said softly before he stood up to go to the bathroom and grab a wet towel to clean Jungkook’s face.

He was gentle and slow when he cleaned his husband’s face, pressing kisses to it every now and then. He made sure there was a pitcher of cold water and a glass ready for whenever his husband was to wake up. He also made sure that the A/C was on low so that he wouldn't get hit again.

The Omega decided to take one of Jungkook's tricks and walked off to grab some oil to massage his husband’s feet as he slept.

Jungkook groaned as he opened his eyes. His fever had gone down a bit but he still felt so weak. He didn’t know how long he slept. He slowly sat up and noticed that he was alone in the room.. “Tae?” he mumbled groggily, his wolf whining when they didn’t see their mate,

Taehyung walked out of the bathroom, looking over at his husband, smiling at him. “I’m here whiny baby.” He said while making his way over. “How are you feeling?” He asked while sitting next to the male.

Jungkook grumbled and leaned over, stuffing his face in Taehyung’s neck and completely leaning over him. “‘M tired..” he mumbled, closing his eyes and inhaling his mate’s scent.

Taehyung wrapped his arms around the male and held him close, “You need a lot of rest, babe. But you also need to stay hydrated, so can you at least drink a glass of water before we cuddle you back to sleep?”

Jungkook let out a tired breath before humming. “Okay, Butterfly..” he whispered, pulling back with droopy eyes, waiting for the Omega to give him the water.

Taehyung pulled back and grabbed the glass from the nightstand filling it up with water. He then turned and helped Jungkook sit up, holding the glass to his lips, “What a good boy.” He teased the Alpha

Jungkook huffed. “Enjoy while it lasts baby love..” he grumbled as he drank slowly realizing how parched he actually was..

Taehyung hummed, watching his husband slowly drink the entire glass. He pulled it back once he was done and leaned forward to peck his lips, “I'm not enjoying you being sick, babe. Makes me sad that you neglected your health because you were taking care of us. That's not how this marriage works.” He whispered, placing the glass back on the table.

“I didn’t neglect it on purpose my love..” he whispered, moving down to lay down, his head on taehyung’s thighs. He smiled tiredly kissing the baby bump. “I just want all three of you to be comfortable and happy..” he whispered.

Taehyung played with Jungkook’s hair, shaking his head slightly, “We will be comfortable and happy with a daddy and a husband that's healthy. Don't do that again, it hurts to see you so sick. Granted, it was entertaining as f*ck, but it still hurt.”

Jungkook chuckled, strained. “What did I do?” he asked softly, closing his eyes and enjoying the way his mate caressed his head. “I am so sorry baby..”

“You were telling Appa not to touch you and to not take you away from the pretty Omega. Kept trying to get away from him to get to me. You called him Ahjussi too because of it. Then when I tried to take your clothes off so you weren't sweating anymore you asked me what we were going to do while your parents were still in the room. Told you I was just trying to get you changed and whined about wanting to have fun.” Taehyung said as he looked at his husband in amusem*nt, continuing his actions. “It's okay, I should've noticed sooner that you weren't okay.”

Jungkook scoffed. “He deserved it if he took me away from you..” he grumbled, referring to his father before groggily sitting up. He smiled tiredly at the Omega before he leaned forward to place a kiss on his shoulder. “Shhh.. don’t you dare blame yourself baby.. It’s okay.. I was fine when I left in the morning.. So hush..”

Taehyung shook his head, looking at Jungkook, “Eomma said Appa did the same thing when they were younger, except she was out of town when it happened. But he acted the same way you did.” He said softly before kissing Jungkook’s cheek, “Just let me take care of you, okay? I’ll go get you dinner, because yes, babe, it's dinner time.” He said softly, smiling at the male before he stood up.

Jungkook smiled slowly, laying down on the bed. “I am not that hungry but I have to get better soon so I’ll eat something. Bring your food along too..” he whispered, watching the Omega..

Taehyung nodded, leaning back down to kiss Jungkook once more, “Yeah, I won't be long.” He whispered before he walked out of the bedroom, a little waddle in his step.

He walked into the kitchen, smiling at Jungkook’s parents and Jimin who had been the one to make dinner for everyone.

Mr. Jeon looked up from the newspaper he was reading when he saw taehyung. “Is he up? How is he?” he asked, smiling gently at his son in law.

“He's still tired, he said he's not that hungry but he’ll eat anyway.” Taehyung explained as he leaned against the counter, rubbing his bump which he felt kept getting bigger by the second. “Had him drink water already and once he's eaten something I’ll give him his medicine.”

“That is good..” mrs. Jeon smiled, handing Taehyung a bowl. “That’s creamy chicken and dhal soup. Here are the bread rolls and the butter, he loves to eat that when he is sick.. Take care you two..”

“This is for you..” she said, giving him a tray of food. “I made some Japchae for you along with some grilled meat. Keep everything in the tray, it’ll be easier to carry..”

“Thanks Eomma.” Taehyung smiled as he set the tray on the counter to carefully place the bowls, “You guys already ate right?” He asked.

Jimin nodded from where he was finishing up the dishes, “You think I was going to let our family starve? No, they already ate.” He smiled before Taehyung rolled his eyes, “I was just asking.”

Mrs. Jeon laughed. “Go baby. That silly child must already be whining without you.. We can take care of everything else.. Go on..” she said gently.

Taehyung kissed the woman’s forehead before he walked off with the tray, thanking them once again. He stepped into his and Jungkook's bedroom, “I'm back, babe.” he said while making his way to the bed and carefully setting the tray down on their nightstand, “Need help sitting up?”

Jungkook opened his eyes and smiled at his Omega, shaking his head. He slowly sat up with a soft breath. “Oh.. bread rolls.” he whispered as he eyed the food.

Taehyung giggled, setting the tray by Jungkook’s lap, “Here.” He said handing him a bread roll before grabbing the bowl of soup so he could literally feed his husband.

Jungkook dipped the bread roll in the melted butter before he bit on to it.. “Hmm.. this is nice.. My taste buds are sh*t but this is good..” he mumbled.

Taehyung snorted, bringing a spoonful of soup to Jungkook’s lips, “Open.” He said softly, feeding his husband. “You're cute.” He added before he went back for another spoonful.

“Only for you..” Jungkook rasped before he opened his mouth and swallowed the soup.. “It feels nice on my throat..” he mumbled, continuing to eat silently without a fuss..

Taehyung ended up feeding Jungkook until he was almost entirely done with the bowl, he knew his husband had said he wasn't hungry but the fact he kept opening his mouth every time Taehyung placed the spoon by his mouth told him he in fact was. He handed him a glass of water and kissed his forehead gently, “How are you feeling?”

“My head feels heavy and my body feels sore other than that I’m okay, baby..” he whispered.

Taehyung nodded, removing the bowl and tray from the bed to get his husband’s medicine, “You need to take these.”

“Yuck..” Jungkook grimaced but he gulped down the medicine knowing that he wouldn’t get better without them, which meant he wouldn’t be able to take care of his mate and pups. So he drank all his medicine without a complaint.

Taehyung smiled and kissed Jungkook’s cheek, “Thank you,” he whispered, before he pushed his hair away from his face, “Anything else you need?”

“Hmm.. Yeah.. There is one more..” he whispered, leaning against the headboard, closing his eyes as he relished in the Omega’s touch.

“What is it, babe?” Taehyung asked softly, looking at his husband in slight worry, “Everything okay?”

Jungkook smiled softly. “My omega.. I want to sleep.. Need the pretty Omega to scent me so I can sleep peacefully..” he rasped.

Taehyung laughed softly, “Idiot. You scared me.” He whispered, moving around to lay down next to Jungkook. He cupped his husband’s face and pecked his lips before he dipped down to nudge his nose against Jungkook’s scent gland gently. Taehyung smiled to himself before he began scenting his husband, his vanilla scent engulfing them both.

Jungkook laughed softly, closing his eyes as Taehyung scented him. He unexpectedly purred out loud as he let the Omega scent me, the vanilla scent clouding his senses.

Taehyung pulled back and looked at Jungkook, eyes wide, “Did you just purr?” He asked, a little surprised. He smiled widely before he cupped the male’s face and kissed him gently before he pulled back. He then focused on continuing to scent Jungkook, placing kisses wherever he scented.

Jungkook slightly flushed but made no move to deny it. He just let himself be scented thoroughly as he slowly slipped into sleep, in Taehyung’s arms, reveling in Taehyung’s new personality. The one that took care of him, letting himself feel protected and cherished. A smile drew on his lips as he sank further into the Omega’s embrace as he slept.

It was a ride, going through all of Taehyung's five personalities but Jungkook didn’t mind it in the least..

Because he was in love with them all..

He was in love with Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung walked out of the bathroom, having gotten ready to go out with Jungkook. It was Saturday and they decided to go out to lunch then shop for things for their pups. They hadn't done so and it was time they did. Taehyung was only getting bigger, and with their pups it only meant he was nearing his due date. Granted there was still a few weeks left but it was better to have everything set up sooner rather than later.

“Babe?” He called out, “Are you almost ready?” He asked, sitting on the edge of the bed to attempt putting his shoes on.

Jungkook came out of the closet, adjusting his belt only to smile when he saw Taehyung struggling slightly with his shoes. He stepped towards the male and got down on his knees, gently putting the shoes on Taehyung’s feet and tying his shoelaces.

Taehyung smiled, looking at his husband fondly, “Thanks babe,” He said softly before he leaned forward to peck Jungkook’s lips. “The pups are getting a little too big that they're keeping me from doing simple tasks.” He said only to earn two small kicks, making him huff. “Brats.”

Jungkook chuckled into the kiss.. “Well.. I am there for a reason, Butterfly..” he whispered before looking at Taehyung’s bump in amusem*nt. He then leaned forward and placed a few kisses on his bump. “Be nice..” he softly growled, as if he was disciplining some rowdy pups and the kicking immediately stopped. “Good pups.. Daddy loves you..” he smiled, kissing the bump once more before standing up. Holding his hand out for Taehyung. “Come on..”

“They're gonna be daddy’s babies, I see.” Taehyung whispered as he took Jungkook’s hand and stood up, “Spoiled and all.” He said with a small smile, “Let’s go.” He said, lacing his fingers with Jungkook’s.

Jungkook chuckled, stepping into the elevator.. “What do you want to eat my love?” he asked as the elevator moved down.

Taehyung leaned back against Jungkook’s chest, wrapping the alpha’s hands around his waist, hands on his bump, “Can we go to that one restaurant Namjoon hyung was talking about the other day? He said he took Jimin.”

“The Chinese one?” Jungkook smiled, kissing Taehyung’s head, keeping his arm wrapped around taehyung as they got out of the elevator into the garage, walking towards one of Jungkook’s cars. “Of course baby.. As long as you are sure you want chinese..” he smiled, opening the door for the Omega..

Taehyung turned to fake glare at his husband, “Yes, I want Chinese, be nice. I don't change my mind about food that much.” He mumbled, knowing that he in fact did change his mind a lot.

Jungkook hummed.. “I didn’t mean it in that way baby.. I’m sorry I made it sound like that.. Just wanted to know whether you were craving anything else..” he said softly, waiting till the Omega to get in..

Taehyung shook his head and hugged Jungkook, looking up at him silently for a few seconds, “Stop thinking you're making me upset all the time.. I don't like it. Makes me feel like you're walking on eggshells around me.” He whispered before he pulled away to get in without a word.

Jungkook smiled as he closed the door gently and rounded the car to get in the driver’s seat. “I just don’t want you to ve sad love..” he murmured, pulling out of the garage.

Taehyung shook his head, rubbing his bump, “I know I can get moody and I’m always.. different but please don't think I’m genuinely upset with you. Makes me sad to think that you think so.”

Jungkook hummed with a soft smile.. “Okay baby.. I’ll keep that in mind..” he said, driving a little faster knowing Taheyung might be very hungry.l.

Taehyung looked out the window silently, continuing to rub his bump as his husband drove. He leaned his head back and felt his pups kick and move, being a little active all of the sudden. He looked down at his bump and smiled slightly.

It took Jungkook around fifteen minutes to get to the restaurant. “Okay.. here we go..” he murmured, parking in an empty parking spot before getting down and going to open taehyung’s door.

Taehyung thanked the male and slowly got out of the car, letting out a small breath before he looked at his husband, “You're hungry too right?”

Jungkook smiled and hummed at his husband, leading him in. “Very hungry..” he spoke, nodding at the waiter who greeted them and took them to their seats..

Taehyung smiled at the waiter and sat down, looking toward his husband. He silently stared at the male for a few seconds before he smiled and looked down at the menu that was set in front of him instead.

Jungkook took his cap off and pushed his hair back and put it on once more. He then took a menu for himself, scanning through it before looking at Taehyung. “What do you want, baby?” he asked softly.

Taehyung danced in his seat a little before he looked at his husband, “I want chicken but I don't know which one.” He mumbled before he looked back down at the menu, “What do you want, babe?”

Jungkook looked down at the menu and smiled. “I was gonna order some sweet and sour chicken with sticky rice and a portion of crab omelet.” he said softly looking back up at Taehyung.

Taehyung's eyes widened slightly as he looked over at his husband, “Oh, that sounds good, I’ll get that too then except for the crab omelet, I don't want that.” He said, shaking his head.

Jungkook chuckled with a slow nod.. “Drinks love?” he watched the Omega..

Taehyung started to dance in his seat once more, “Lemonade and water because too much lemonade will make me sick and I won't want to eat but I also want lemonade so both please.” He said looking over at his husband, smiling at him.

Jungkook smiled at the male fondly and nodded before calling over a waiter. “Two portions of sweet and sour chicken, no make that three.. Three portions of sticky rice and one portion of crab omelet. One lemonade, one sprite and lemon along with a big bottle of water.. ” he spoke and nodded to the waiter when he said he would be back with the food shortly.

Taehyung giggled and moved to place his hand on the table for Jungkook to take, “Thank you for today. I know it's just getting started but I appreciate you.”

Jungkook looked at their hands before he moved them toi lov intertwine their fingers. “Anything for you, Butterfly..” he chuckled fondly..

Taehyung blushed, smiling to himself as he looked away almost shyly. It happened a lot, Taehyung feeling shy around Jungkook. He couldn't pinpoint as to why, considering he wasn't just at all when they met. He always just assumed it had to do with his pregnancy, but he couldn't help but notice the frequency of him getting shy around the Alpha.

Jungkook laughed softly even when he saw the Omega getting shy.. “do you know you look beautiful when you brush?” He asked softly.

Taehyung looked over at Jungkook, knowing very well that his blush was deepening, “I do?” He said softly, squeezing Jungkook’s hand gently.

Jungkook hummed with a knowing smile.. “the prettiest shy little omega.. “ he chuckled.. “and all mine..”

“Babe..” Taehyung whined, pulling his hand away to cover his face, laughing softly. “Shut up..” He mumbled, keeping his face covered.

Jungkook laughed softly watching him.. “what are we gonna buy today?” He asked softly..

Taehyung uncovered his face and looked at Jungkook, smiling at him, “Well maybe pick out the big things? Like the furniture, the cribs and such. We can get their clothes and the small things later if you want.”

Jungkook hummed.. “okay baby.. we can shop till you feel tired..”

“Probably not going to shop for long, considering I get tired quickly.” Taehyung snorted, smiling at the waiter who walked over with their drinks, thanking him and taking a sip of his lemonade.

Jungkook smilee.. “its okay baby.. rest we can shop online..”

Taehyung smiled, blowing Jungkook a kiss. “Sounds good, babe. Are you excited? About the pups being here soon?”

Jungkook made a motion of catching the kiss and pressed it to his chest over his heart. “More than excited.. I can't wait..” he said softly..

“We have to think of baby names.” Taehyung said softly as he blushed at Jungkook’s action.

“Oh? Yes.. I completely forgot..” Jungkook muttered thinking for a while.. “let's search for some and decide after we go home today.. do you have anything in mind?” he asked curiously..

“Not really babe, I wanted to think of names with you.” Taehyung admitted with a shy smile, “Want our babies to be named by both of us.”

Jungkook chuckled.. “you are cute dollie..” he smiled softly, thanking the waiter when he brought the food over..

Taehyung shook his head, smiling at his husband. “Oh shush.” Taehyung laughed softly, looking down at their food.

“Why are you shushing me?” Jungkook laughed as he began to plate the rice and the chicken to Taehyung’s plate, putting extra chicken on it. “There eat..” he smiled, plating his own food.

“Thank you dear husband of mine.” Taehyung giggled before he began to eat, humming in happiness. Dancing in his seat from how good the food was. “And just cause.”

Jungkook chuckled, watching the Omega fondly as he ate. When he was done eating he waited for the Omega to finish.. “Baby can I use the bathroom quickly and come? Will you be okay?” he asked softly.

Taehyung nodded, smiling at the Alpha, “Of course, babe. Go ahead, I’ll have the waiter put our leftovers in boxes and ask for the bill.” He smiled, waving Jungkook off.

Jungkook smiled while getting up and gave his wallet to Taehyung. “Go ahead and pay if the bill comes.. I’ll be right back.. ” he whispered, kissing his forehead.

Taehyung smiled as he watched the male walk away, giving the male Jungkook's card (he knew his husband would be upset if Taehyung paid) and asked him to please put everything they had left over to go. The waiter walked away and Taehyung was left on his own, scrolling through his phone as he waited for his husband to return.

“I could've sworn you wouldn't last with that pregnancy. It doesn't look good on you.” Taehyung froze, he slowly looked back, seeing his parents along with his siblings standing behind him, “This is what you left your family for? A pregnancy where the father isn't even present?” His mother asked, and Taehyung didn't know what to think or say.

“What a shame. We could've helped with.. the issue if you had just stuck by us.” His father said, and the way he spoke made Taehyung tear up. He looked at his brothers who all looked away, he wasn't sure if it was because they didn't want to look at him or because they felt guilty. But it didn't matter, they weren't saying anything to defend Taehyung, they never did.

“Did he leave you already?” His mother asked and Taehyung looked away from her to look in the direction of the bathroom, hoping Jungkook would return.

“Look at us when we talk to you, Taehyung.” His father said, making the Omega look at him and whimper as tears slowly fell down his face.

“The best thing you can do now is return to us, Taehyung. We’d be willing to take you back in, all you have to do is sign your rights away for however many kids you're carrying so we can raise them to our liking.” His mother added and it made his tense up once more. He shook his head, because he should be able to defend himself against his family, he should, but they were talking about his pups and he was truly scared they'd do something to them.

Jungkook had a small smile on his lips as he returned from the bathroom. He was so in love with Taehyung that he couldn’t even stop thinking about him in the f*cking bathroom. But he froze in his tracks when he saw their table crowded, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out who it was. His wolf growled inside him as he slowly neared them, unaware to any of them. He was glad that he was wearing scent blockers otherwise he would have made the entire place smell like death.. He was going to stay silent and let Taehyung handle this, this was his fight but all the willpower of holding back was thrown out of the window when he heard taehyung’s birth mother’s words. The angry roar that he let out shook the entire establishment, eyes flashing red.

Taehyung gasped, looking up to Jungkook’s direction. The Omega stood up and quickly rushed to his Alpha’s side, hugging him tightly as he hid his face.

The Kims turned to look at Jungkook, eyes wide, as they had not expected to see him. Truly believing Jungkook hadn't continued to be there for Taehyung.

Jungkook’s hand curled around the Omega’s waist protectively, holding him for a while before he gently removed Taehyung from his hold, gently pushing him to a side. He slowly stalked towards the Kims, “Care to repeat what you just said?” his nose flared as he growled deep in his chest, he could see a few Omegas in the establishment being affected by his alpha voice.

Taehyung whimpered and hung his head at Jungkook’s voice, hands on his bump. Mrs. Kim also became affected as she curled in slightly and had to be pulled away by her sons. The three males stepped forward, as in protecting their mother from Jungkook.

“We don't want problems here. Take Taehyung and go.” Taehyung’s oldest brother, Minsoo, said to Jungkook. “She didn't mean it.” He said but he didn't even sound convinced himself.

Jungkook’s eyes cut to the Alpha and he sneered baring his fangs. “You are one to talk you f*cking pathetic mutt. Of course you will still protect her after what they put your innocent brother through, oh but the family name matters more doesn’t it? It matters more than the well being of your little brother doesn't it?” hr growled. “You are a disgrace to all the Alphas..” he looked at the three brothers before looking at their father. “What did I tell you will happen if I see you near Taehyung again? What did I say will happen if you even dare to speak a word to my omega.”

Taehyung’s brothers looked from Jungkook to their father, the older Alpha looking away. “Stop making a scene, Jeon. Just leave.” He said, avoiding Jungkook’s gaze.

And Jungkook’s patience snapped. Before even any of them could blink he had the male pinned to the male, hand on the neck holding the man dangling over the ground. “Who the f*ck are you to order me around you sick f*ck?!” he growled in the older male’s face. “A scene? A f*cking scene? You should have thought about that f*cking scene before you cornered my innocent pregnant Omega… You should have thought about it before taking my pups’ name in your filthy f*cking mouth..” he snarled, squeezing the man’s neck.

Mrs. Kim gasped, screaming in fear of what was happening, “Stop! Jeon Jungkook let him go! Taehyung, tell him to let your father go!” She yelled, making Taehyung look toward his husband.

He let out a pained whimper, “Jungkook..” He said, not because he wanted his husband to not hurt the male, because he didn't care if he did but because his Omega wasn't feeling well which was causing their pups to also make Taehyung feel sick.

Jungkook paused when he heard his Omega’s pained whimper and he looked towards the male still holding the man up, eyes red and angry yet the moment he noticed Taehyung his eyes softened slightly. He stared at the Omega without a word.

Taehyung let out a small cry as he looked from Jungkook to his father to his family then back to his husband, “I.. I want to leave..” He said as the waiter rushed over when it seemed like Taehyung was losing his balance. Taehyung looked at the male and sniffled softly as he thanked him quietly before looking at Jungkook.

Jungkook stared at the male, watching the way he lost his balance before he growled louder, grabbing the older Kim off of the wall and sending him crashing into a table, the furniture and the plates on it breaking with the force.

“You wanted to protect your family name? You caused my mate pain cus of it? See whether you have a family name to worry about when you wake up tomorrow. I told you not to f*cking try me!‘ he snarled in the bleeding male’s face before walking towards taehyung and picking him up without a word yet carefully. He looked at the waiter. “Tell your manager to reach out to me, I’ll compensate for the damage I caused..” he spoke before leaving the restaurant, still seething.

Taehyung started to cry as soon as Jungkook picked him up, holding onto his husband tightly. “I'm sorry.. Babe, I'm sorry..” He said, knowing that if he had stood up for himself none of that would've happened and he felt so bad. But his heart also couldn't take what his parents said, about getting rid of his pups but also wanting them as their own.

Jungkook kept his silence until he carried the male to the car. Instead of getting into the front he got into the back with Taehyung in his arms. “Why are you sorry?” he asked, cradling the male in his arms.

“I should've.. I should've said something so things wouldn't have gotten out of hand.. Baby, I'm sorry..” Taehyung cried, holding onto Jungkook like his life depended on it.

“Shhh..” Jungkook whispered, closing his eyes and rubbing the Omega’s back. He wiped the scent blocking ointment off before starting to scent the Omega. “You don’t have to.. You don’t have to talk to them.. You did nothing wrong.. You don’t owe anything to them. I would have hurt them no matter what.. I would have.. So shh..”

Taehyung's cries subsided as soon as he started to smell Jungkook’s scent. He held the male securely and sniffled softly as he started to calm down. His husband’s scent had been the one thing to help him out a lot the last few weeks so there's no way Jungkook wouldn't scent Taehyung at the moment.

“There.. It’s okay love.. It;s okay..‘ Jungkook whispered, rubbing his back and frankly wherever he could get his hands on. “You don’t have to protect yourself when I am there with you to protect you.. None of it is your fault. They didn’t heed my last warning so blame is on them..”

Taehyung slowly pulled back to look at his husband, a small pout on his lips, “I was so scared when they said they'd take our pups. I don't ever want to lose our babies.” He whispered before closing his eyes and resting his head on Jungkook’s shoulder.

“Over my dead f*cking body..” Jungkook growled low on his throat. He then kissed Taehyung’s head. “You okay, Butterfly?”

Taehyung nodded, “I am now..” He whispered, “My wolf started to not feel too good which caused the pups to not feel safe and it made me sick. But I’m okay now..”

Jungkook smiled, caressing Taehyung’s bump. “I am glad that you are feeling okay now baby.. Wanna go home?” he asked, watching the Omega in concern.

Taehyung nodded, “Please.. I don't feel okay to be out in public..” He whispered, pulling back to look at Jungkook, “Is that okay? If not, we can go buy what we originally planned to do.”

Jungkook chuckled, kissing Taehyung softly. “We can shop tomorrow if you don’t want to go.. It’s okay baby.. But don’t you think it’ll take your mind off of things? I can have the mall empty and reserved for us in ten minutes..” he whispered..

Taehyung rested his head on Jungkook’s shoulder again, “I forget how rich and powerful you really are. To me you're my sweet and caring husband, I never think about your money or status. But, if you can do that then yeah we can go shopping.” Taehyung whispered, placing his hand on Jungkook’s chest.

Jungkook laughed softly. “I am glad I found someone who sees me for me and not for my money.” he grabbed his phone and dialed a number. “Charles.. I need the mall empty im ten.. Yes.. Now… Can you do that? Nice.. Thank you.. Please make sure it is empty when I get there..” he spoke before hanging up and smiled at Taehyung. “Done..” he smiled.

Taehyung smiled softly, pulling Jungkook down so he could kiss his husband, while having his eyes closed. The Omega kissed him slowly before he pulled back and hugged Jungkook tightly, “Thank you.”

Jungkook smiled at the Omega kissing him a few times more.. “What for?” he whispered.

“Being my husband and being amazing at being my husband.” Taehyung whispered, hiding his face against Jungkook’s to smell his scent once more.

Jungkook laughed softly, letting the Omega smell him. “You are adorable.. Did you eat until you were full? Shall we stop for some corn dogs on the way to the mall?” he whispered, pressing soft kisses onto his nose.. “I can ask a driver to come so I can hold you while we go..”

Taehyung let out a small gasp, “I ate until I was full but I’m also carrying your Alpha pup which I’m convinced is the one always making me hungry, so corn dogs please.” He grinned, cupping his husband's face and kissing him repeatedly, “Yes, call your driver, I want to stay in your arms a little longer.”

Jungkook laughed out loud as he sent a text to his driver to come after buying some hot dogs. He knew their bodyguards were close by in case of danger.. “He will be here soon..” he whispered. “And do you know that your Omega pup is the most mischievous? The little Alpha is a brood. The Omega is the one giving you trouble..” he laughed softly.

Taehyung nodded, turning around so that his back was to Jungkook’s chest, and both their hands on his bump, “Yeah, I can always tell which one is which. The Alpha is usually calm and occasionally kicks, they're the one making me hungry I’m sure of it. Then the Omega is always so active, kicking and moving and making me sick every now and then.”

Jungkook chuckled.. “They will be just like you..” he murmured, “I have a feeling..”

“Don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing.” Taehyung said softly, chuckling after looking back at Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled and kissed the male softly. “The best thing that will ever happen..” he whispered.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook silently for a while, his Omega was trying to tell him something but he couldn't quite understand what it was. He just knew he felt complete with Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled, kissing the omega a few times and he was about to talk but was interrupted by a knock on the car window.. “Ah the food is here..” he smiled, opening the window. He thanked the driver, handing him the car keys and taking the food bag. “Hmm.. Smells nice..” he spoke as the driver got inside. He handed the bag to Taehyung with a small smile.

Taehyung smiled and took the bag, opening it and pulling out a corn dog. He placed it by Jungkook’s lips, “Open.” He said, wanting to feed Jungkook. Something he started doing a lot since the Alpha got sick.

Jungkook chuckled at the omega before opening his mouth and taking a bite.. “Hmm.. It’s good. The cheese is delicious..” he whispered, chewing on it as the driver started to drive towards the mall..

Taehyung smiled and took a bite, smiling as he settled next to his husband, feeding him every other bite until they finished the corn dog. “I could have that everyday, all day. But the pups make me hate my favorite food after I’ve had it once or twice.”

Jungkook laughed fondly, caressing Taehyung’s tummy.. “We have two brats..” he whispered.. “I had enough baby.. Eat the rest..”

Taehyung smiled, reaching for the next corn dog, humming happily after his first bite. “Am I one of those brats or are we talking about our pups?” He asked, cheeks full.

“You are my brat..” Jungkook whispered, lips pressed against Taehyung’s temple. “They are our brats..”

Taehyung smiled, looking at Jungkook adoringly before he looked away when he felt himself starting to blush. He focused on his corn dog as they soon arrived at the mall.

Jungkook waited till the Omega was done with the food even if they were already parked at the mall. “Okay? Shall we?” he asked with a soft smile.

Taehyung nodded, cleaning his hands with one of the napkins that came in the bag. “Let's go, babe.” He said smiling at his husband before he got out of the car, huffing right after.

Jungkook snorted as he got out of the car, brushing out the corn dog crumbs on his outfit before looking at Taehyung.. “What is it baby?” he asked softly.

Taehyung smiled at his husband, taking his hand, “Just getting too big babe, getting in and out of the car tires me out.” He said with a small laugh, pulling Jungkook toward the entrance.

“Oh..” Jungkook chuckled as they walked. “It only means their arrival is getting closer..” he smiled, letting the Omega drag him. “Look who is excited..” he chuckled.

“Of course I'm excited, we get to pick out our babies’ furniture which just makes it all so real. They’ll be here soon. The doctor said they're looking incredibly healthy, remember? It’s only a matter of time.” Taehyung said as they walked into the store.

Jungkook watched his mate fondly. “I remember, baby.. Okay.. Buy anything and everything you want.. Not only for the babies but for yourself too, okay?”

Taehyung turned to his Alpha and shook his head, “You spoil me too much, Jungkook.” He said before he let go of his hand and walked off toward the section designated for nurseries. He smiled when he looked at a set of cribs, “Look, babe. Fits the aesthetic of your floor.” He said with a giggle.

Jungkooks’s eyes widened and he laughed softly.. “They do, don’t they.. You like them, baby?” he asked softly.

Taehyung smiled, “Yeah, honestly, living with you makes me like the dark aesthetic you have. I can't imagine us living in anything that's not a dark palette. Even when we're on the other side of the house I can't be in it for long, it's too bright.” He admitted as he moved around to get a better look at the cribs.

“Oh what have I done..” Jungkook laughed softly. “I like the one with the crowns on the walls.”

Taehyung smiled as he walked toward them, “They are nice aren't they? Maybe we can have gold accents here and there just so it's not too dark?” He said as he looked toward the Alpha.

Jungkook nodded.. “Yes.. that would actually be nice.. We can let the pups choose whatever theme they want when they grow up..” he smiled, kissing Taehyung’s head. “So this is the theme we are going with yeah?”

Taehyung looked at the cribs for a few more seconds before he nodded and walked over to wrap his arms around Jungkook, “Yeah, I don't see us having a bright or light colored nursery. I love what we have now.”

Jungkook smiled. “Okay baby love, pick the crib you want, then we can move to the rest..” he said, kissing his forehead.

“I love the ones you pointed at, they're different and still look elegant despite being cribs.” Taehyung said as he rested his head on Jungkook’s shoulder.

Jungkook hummed thoughtfully.. “Maybe we can get them to build the cribs together as one so they have more space and they can be together..”

Taehyung let out a tiny gasp and looked up at his husband, “I love that, yes, please.” He grinned before he pulled back, tugging his husband toward the dressers.

Jungkook smiled as he followed Taehyung.. “Oh? Dressers?” he mumbled, looking at whatever Taehyung pointed.

“Well I feel like right now their clothes will be too little for the big ass closet in the room you picked for their nursery.” Taehyung laughed softly, looking at the Alpha, “Don't you think?”

Jungkook nodded his head with a chuckle.. “You are correct baby.. Okay.. what do you want?”

“I love the black dressers with the gold handles.” Taehyung said as he moved away to open them up to see how much space they had inside. “They seem good, what do you think, babe?”

Jungkook nodded.. “They are perfect and enough for a year I think, until they start to grow up then we can move everything to the closet..”

Taehyung agreed and grabbed Jungkook’s hand once more, his other one rubbing his bump, “Yeah, then when they get older they’ll want their own space.”

“I agree..” Jungkook muttered, the sales rep who came behind them noting everything they needed.. “What’s next?”

“Oh, a changing station, at least one. I don't think we’ll need two. Unless you think we do?” Taehyung said as they walked along the section toward the changing stations, Taehyung swinging their hands gently.

“One is enough I think.. We’ll get it built more spacious so it’d be easy to clean and stuff..” He spoke..

Taehyung turned to look at Jungkook, smiling at him fondly before he shook his head with a giggle. “Did you think that this is what we'd be doing? Shopping for furniture for our pups’ nursery? I don't think either of us thought that's how we'd end up after that first night.”

Jungkook laughed softly. “Well when I realized we never used protection the next morning my mind did wonder slightly to see what it would be like but no.. i didn’t picture baby shopping.”

“Taehyung that night just wanted a really good f*ck from a really attractive Alpha. Taehyung now is lucky Taehyung from that night was a little slu*t because now he's married to the most amazing man in the world and blessed with two pups.” Taehyung said, picking up a small lamp he saw as they walked around.

Jungkook snorted. “That’s a bit of an exaggeration don’t you think? I am not as good as you claim me to be..” he said gently.

Taehyung set the lamp down, moving onto look at some plushies, “No, not an exaggeration. You have done so much for me since the day we met. You're a good Alpha, Jungkook. Don't sell yourself short just because you think your husband is being biased. Anyone with a brain would think the same.” He said, not even looking at his husband because he knew he was right.

Jungkook chuckled, picking up a pair of fluffy onesies.. “Okay baby.. I believe you..” he said softly.

Taehyung smiled, looking at the Alpha, “Good. I'd cry otherwise.” He teased before hugging his husband once more, “Thank you baby, for today and for everything.”

Jungkook smiled, hugging his Omega back.. “Of course baby.. I’m your Alpha..” he said, pushing taehyung’s hair back..

Taehyung smiled and pecked Jungkook's lips gently, “I adore you.” He whispered before he gasped and pulled away to make his way over to a set of plushies, a black wolf and a white wolf.

Jungkook stared at the male. The three words were at the tip of his tongue but he held them back to simply smile at his Omega. “Baby. Can you stay here alone for a while? I need to get something real quick.”

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, smiling at him, “Yeah, baby. I don't mind.” He said, focusing on the plushies.

Jungkook smiled as he quickly walked out of the store and walked towards a well known jewelry store, looking through the items, looking to buy something for Taehyung and paused when he saw the most perfect thing. He chuckled to himself before rushing to purchase it and walked back to taehyung, stuffing the small box in his pocket.

When Jungkook returned, Taehyung had already picked out a few wall decorations, all black and gold for the nursery. He had the two wolf plushies in his hands as he smiled at his husband, “Where did you go?”

Jungkook smiled back at his husband. “Went to look for a signing pen baby but I didn’t find one I like so I got them to make a custom pen..” he murmured, kissing his head.

Taehyung smiled, “Oh, okay. I think we've got everything, babe. Shall we go?” He asked, hugging the plushies.

Jungkook nodded, “If you are absolutely sure we can leave. They will credit all of this into my account and the stuff will be brought home in a few days.. Are you okay with that?”

“Yeah, I’m okay with that.” Taehyung said as he and Jungkook walked toward the register just to finish up their transaction.

“You tired sweetheart?” Jungkook asked as they exited the store to wark out of the mall, having done all the necessary transactions.

Taehyung hummed, “Yeah, can I nap in the car? You're not gonna drive right?” He asked, the two exiting the mall and walking toward their car.

Jungkook shook his head/ “No baby.. Come on then..” he said with a soft smile, walking to the backseat and opening the food for Taehyung.

Taehyung slipped into the backseat, slowly and carefully. He sat down and once Jungkook was next to him, he moved closer and placed his legs on the Alpha’s lap. He smiled at him before he wrapped his arms around Jungkook and rested his head on the other’s shoulder.

Jungkook smiled when the Omega wrapped himself around him. He gently placed his hands around him and held him tight. “Home..” he spoke to the driver, starting to caress Taehyung’s head.

“You are home.” Taehyung mumbled, eyes closing as he suddenly felt incredibly exhausted and began falling asleep. Which didn't take long. Taehyung was snorting softly by the time the car exited the parking garage.

Jungkook smiled as he continued to hold Taehyung through the journey home, his wolf singing in joy. This was the man he loved and he would be damned before he let anything happen to him. He needed to tell Taehyung his feelings and he knew he’d do it soon otherwise he would explode. When the car stopped in front of their mansion, Jungkook gently detached himself before getting out and then picking Taehyung out of the car, carrying him into the house, his husband fast asleep as he settled him down safely on their bed. He took off his shoes and the outer shirt he was wearing along with his pants and let the Omega comfortably sleep before he stepped into the bathroom for a much needed long shower but not before hiding the jewelry box in the bedside table.

Taehyung woke up, whining and groaning. He sat up, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands before he looked around. He pouted when he noticed his husband wasn't around. He let out a slow breath, his chest was aching. His doctor told him that due to his pregnancy being different than most, he would start lactating earlier than most Omegas. So, it was no surprise his chest had gotten bigger along with his bump. He whined, removing his shirt, noticing he wasn't wearing the outer shirt he had been earlier. He laid back against the pillows and began massaging his breasts, but it wasn't really helping. They were sore and tender so it hurt.

Jungkook let out a hum as he exited the bathroom. The steam from the shower poured into the room. He was unaware of the Omega being awake, so he kept drying his hair with a towel wrapped around his waist lightly humming to himself.

Taehyung was focused on trying to make himself feel better; he had yet to notice his husband walking out of the bathroom. However, he noticed the soft humming but paid no mind to it as he started to whine because no matter what he did, his breasts wouldn't stop hurting. The only other solution would be to pump, and he felt a little sad about it because he hoped that the pups would be the first to help with that, not some machine.

Jungkook’s head snapped up when he heard the distressed whine. He stared wide eyed at his husband who was squeezing his breasts. “Butterfly?” he asked slowly, walking towards the bed.

Taehyung opened his eyes and looked over at Jungkook, he sat up and whined again. “They hurt, babe..” He said as he put his hands down and away from his breasts.

Jungkook’s eyes softened coming to sit beside the Omega.. “Oh baby..” he whispered. “Didn’t the doctor tell you to start pumping if it hurts too much my love?” he whispered, gently wiping a tear that gathered at the corner of Taehyung’s eye.

“Well.. yeah but I wanted the pups to be the first to get milk not a machine..” Taehyung whispered, sniffling softly. “But they really hurt so I’ll have to..”

Jungkook stared at the Omega’s face before looking at his breasts.n he then looked up at the Omega. Swallowing thickly. “Do you.. Uh..” he fidgeted. “If you don’t find it weird I can help, you know?” he mumbled.

Taehyung pouted and looked at Jungkook curiously, “Why would I be weirded out by you helping me feel better?” He asked softly.

Jungkook let out a slow breath. “Baby I’m asking you whether it would be okay for me to drink and not to pump it out..” he said softly.

Taehyung’s eyes slowly widened before he shook his head, “No.. I.. I wouldn't find it weird. Please do, I would feel better if it's you rather than the pump..”

Jungkook let out a small breath and smiled at the Omega. “Lay down then..” he whispered. “I’ll go put on some shorts and come..” he then hesitated. “Do you want to nest?” he blurted out before he fumbled.. “I.. I mean I was reading some articles about pregnant Omegas and they said that it would be the best for pregnant omegas to nest if they are comfortable with the setting they are in and that it would make them feel more safe and comfortable and that it would be great for the pups they are carrying too.. I didn’t mean to be privy but if you want you can, don’t hold back.. I hope you know what I mean..” he kept rambling.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook, smiling fondly at him before he ignored the pain in his chest to move toward his husband and kiss his cheek. “You're cute.” He whispered before Taehyung got out of bed and walked off to the closet without another word.

Taehyung moved around the closet, grabbing some of his shirts but mostly Jungkook's. And most of those that were in their hamper ready to be washed. He walked out of the closet and noticed his husband had walked back into the bathroom, so he decided it was best he created his nest without his husband watching him. He felt a little shy about it but maybe nesting would help him feel a little better.

Taehyung started by placing his shirts first, creating a circle on their bed. He looked at them with narrowed eyes before fixing them at one side, once satisfied he started putting Jungkook’s clothes on top of that. He worked silently, his omega feeling incredibly happy about their nest and how it was turning out. Taehyung got onto the bed and sat down, looking around the nest to feel it out before he moved around to fix what he felt wasn't done right.

Jungkook had snatched a pair of shorts and raced into the bathroom to give Taheyung his privacy, having read that Omega;s were extremely shy and protective of their nests. When he didn;t hear Taehyujg moving about anymore he stepped out, a smile drawing on his face as soon as he saw the nest. “That is very pretty..” he whispered.

Taehyung looked over at Jungkook, smiling and blushing deeply at his husband, “You really think so?” He asked shyly, looking around at his nest, “I wanted it to smell like both of us but mostly you. Your scent is what helps me the most.” He said softly before looking at his husband once more.

“I know so.. This is the most beautiful nest I have ever seen baby..” he whispered walking towards the bed and he paused at the foot of the bed. “Do I have permission to come in?” he asked with a gentle smile.

Taehyung beamed at Jungkook's compliment, nodding quickly, “Yeah, you can. I want you to.” He said, moving around until he was comfortable by the pillows.

Jungkook carefully got inside the nest, sure to not get anything even slightly messed up. He then smiled softly as he laid next to his husband placing a hand on his bump. “Hi..” he whispered.

Taehyung smiled, turning to the Alpha, “Hi babe..” he whispered back, leaning forward to peck his lips. “You smell nice.”

“Yeah?” Jungkoo laughed softly staring at the Omega.. “lay back.. I'll help you.. “ he whispered..

Taehyung laid back and looked at his husband, the blush on his cheeks not going away. He knew that it was going to be something he never imagined they'd be doing but.. really, Jungkook had gotten his mouth on Taehyung’s breasts and nipples way before that day. He just didn't think his husband would be helping him with his lactating.

Jungkook leg out a shaky breath before he took hold of one breast massaging it gently for awhile before wrapping his lip around its nipple and starting to gently suck.

Taehyung closed his eyes and let out a small breath when he felt his husband’s mouth around his nipple. As soon as Jungkook started to suck, Taehyung let out a whine, his hand shooting up to tangle his fingers in his husband’s hair. It hurt, he was incredibly sensitive but he hoped that Jungkook could help him feel better.

Jungkook didn't feel the milk come out initially.. it was like the liquid was stuck. So he began to massage the bud gently with his tongue while he sucked and within two minutes uses milk shot into his mouth. He moaned around the nipple falling in love with the taste as he started to suck firmly yet gently making sure he wouldn't hurt the omega .

“Oh my god..” Taehyung gasped softly, feeling the way Jungkook was actually sucking milk out of his breast. He opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling, not being able to believe that he was already feeling better. He looked down at his husband and when he saw his face and heard the way he moaned, he looked away. He felt so shy but he wanted his husband to keep going, because he knew that it would be the way he'd feel better.

Jungkook occasionally hummed as he continued to drink until he emptied the omega’s breast completely. Only to pull back and wrap his lips on the other nipple, giving it the same treatment that he gave the other. He willed himself not to get horny even if this is a highly intimate moment. He didn't want to get horny He just wanted to take care of his mate and rid him of pain.

Taehyung had tears in his eyes as he watched his husband, he couldn't help it. He pushed Jungkook’s hair back, watching him, “Jungkook?” he said softly, sniffling.

Jungkook hummed, sucking a few times before pulling back and looking at Taehyung in question. “Butterfly?” He rasped licking his lips.

Taehyung stared at his husband with glassy eyes, he sat up and cupped his face to kiss him slowly. He wanted to take his time kissing his husband, not caring that he could taste the milk in his tongue.

Jungkook blinked a few times before he kissed back, just as softly, smiling into the kiss.. he let Taehyung kiss him for however long he wanted to.

Taehyung pulled back and rested his forehead against Jungkook’s, “I.. Thank you.” He whispered, sniffling softly.

Jungkook closed his eyes and stayed silent for a while before kissing Taehyung’s nose. “No, thank you for trusting me with this..” he whispered.

“I trust you with my entire life, Jungkook..” Taehyung whispered, wrapping his arms around the Alpha’s neck, “Trust you with absolutely everything.”

Jungkook’s scent bloomed. “So do I..” he whispered, nudging their noses together. “Let me drink the rest of it.. It’s tasty..” he grinned softly.

Taehyung ended up laughing, pulling away as a blush took over his cheeks, neck and chest. “Fine, but don't expect this to happen regularly once the pups are here, they might get possessive.” He said as he laid back down.

Jungkook laughed softly. “I’ll get possessive until they are here then and anyway. You sleep with me at night. I’ll be able to sneak in a taste, my love..” he winked before starting to drink again, humming and closing his eyes.

Taehyung let out a small whine, “You think.. we're going to get any kind of sleep once they're here?” He said before shaking his head, “You won't even have the energy to do this when they're born..”

Jungkook laughed, muffled by taehyung’s breast. He knew whatever and however busy he was he would find some time to take care of his mate and make him feel good, especially since most Omegas got insecure about their bodies right after birth. He knew he was gonna make Taehyung feel like the most beautiful Omega in the world after the pups were here, no matter how busy they were.

Taehyung looked up at the ceiling, letting out a small breath, “Imagine having to do this in public? And I don't mean breast feeding our children, because I’ll do that without a care. But imagine you wanting to help with my breasts, that would surely be a sight.” He said before he started laughing, covering his face at how stupid he was being.

Jungkook sucked the remaining bit of milk from taehyung and sat up, licking his lips. He smiled at the Omega. “You think I will care if we are in a crowd or not? I will drag you to a public bathroom and take care of you. You matter to me more.. I don’t give two sh*ts about anyone else..” he muttered, bending down to kiss him softly.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook, his breath hitching as he listened to his husband. He wrapped his arms around him once again and kissed him back, humming quietly against the Alpha’s lips.

Jungkook pulled back to look at the omega, caressing his cheek softly. “You know you mean a lot to me right?” he whispered.

Taehyung nodded slowly, “Yeah, I know.” He whispered, playing with Jungkook’s hair, “You've proven it to me by your actions and words.”

Jungkook hummed. “You mean a lot.. I don’t think I can explain it in words Tae..” he whispered. “You came like a whirlwind into my life and now I can’t imagine a day without you.I really can’t. Even when I go to the office I call out to you twice or thrice just out of habit and then realize that you are at home and I am in the office.. You’ve made yourself a constant presence in my life and it feels really cold whenever you are not with me..”

Taehyung listened quietly, smiling softly at Jungkook, “I can't be with you in the office, babe. I have to stay at home, at least for another few months, and even then I’ll probably get super busy. But, you're a constant presence in my life too. I don't know what I would do without you either.”

“I know you can’t, Butterfly..” Jungkook whispered. “I’m just telling you what I feel when you are not with me and how I’m constantly thinking of you when I am away from you. Sometimes you are all that I can think about.. Whether you ate, whether you took a bath, whether you are okay, whether you rested. That’s all that I can think about, not even about the pups. Just you..””

Taehyung blinked slowly, caressing Jungkook’s cheek, “No wonder I’m always so tired, I seem to be running around in your mind all day.” He giggled, leaning forward to kiss Jungkook's nose.

Jungkook threw his head back, laughing out loud. He then sat up against the headboard and pulled Taehyung into his lap, hugging the male tightly as he could with the bump in between them. “I have something for you..” he said slowly looking into Taehyung’s eyes..

Taehyung smiled at Jungkook, humming softly, “You do?” He said softly as he kissed Jungkook’s chin. “What is it?”

Jungkook nodded. “Close your eyes..” he smiled.

Taehyung closed his eyes and for added measure placed his hands over them as well, “Okay, eyes are closed, babe.”

Jungkook chuckled. “You are so f*cking cute..” he murmured, opening the bedside drawer and brought out the box he hid before. Opening it, he grabbed the small delicate necklace inside. It was perfect for taehyung. It was an infinity symbol with a small butterfly on top and a heart inside. He knew he had to get it for Taehyung. Without any more words he gently draped it around his neck and clipped it. “You can look now..” he whispered.

Taehyung removed his hands from his eyes, opening them and looking down after feeling something around his neck. “Jungkook..” He said softly, taking the pendant into his hand, a pout forming on his lips, “Oh my god..”

Jungkook smiled looking at the omega fondly. “You like it?” he asked softly.

“Are you kidding? Jungkook, this is beautiful, I love it.” Taehyung said before leaning forward to peck Jungkook’s lips, “Thank you, babe.”

Jungkook closed his eyes when the male kissed him. His heart was screaming at him. He needed to say the words so badly. He was scared of the way the Omega would take them, but Taehyung was his already so he had nothing to lose. He knew it was now or never. He opened his eyes and stared at the male who was admiring the necklace. “Taehyung..” he spoke softly.

The Omega looked away from the necklace to look at Jungkook, smiling adoringly at him, “Yeah?” He replied, keeping the pendant in between his fingers.

Jungkook smiled slightly, caressing taehyung’s side. With a nervous swallow he took in a deep breath. “I.. I know.. That this relationship didn’t start in the most convenient way. We literally married cus of the pups. True there was attraction from the beginning and some day we might have gotten together if things went different but we are here today, cus of our pups. You allowed me to take care of you cus of the pups. You came into this house, into my room and slept beside me cus of the pups.” he smiled softly. “But.. I have to be honest with you.. For a long time now, none of the things that I’ve been doing wasn’t because of the pups.. I did it cus I wanted to do it for you. Because I wanted to take care of my omega. My to-be-mate. The Omega I will mark one day.”

He shook his head and stared at the butterfly pendant. “I know our relationship is not perfect, we get angry at each other. We fight. Sometimes I upset you and annoy you. Sometimes it’s a bit rocky but at the end of the day, you and I return to one bed and sleep in each other's arms. We never go to bed angry and I f*cking love it.. You always come find me, even if it’s cus the pups can’t sleep and I love it. Love how we can’t rest properly without each other. You cus of the pups bothering you and me simply because I feel restless when I don’t have you in my arms. I love how it’s not always perfect but the fact that none of us would hesitate to wake up in the middle of the night and take care of the other if they are in pain. I love how after a long day, you would let me rest my head on your thighs and you would caress my head and listen to me complaining about work even if you are sore and tired from carrying our pups all day..”

He looked up at the Omega and smiled softly. “I love every little thing you do.. From the little pout that you eat in to how you curl your toes when you sleep. I love your scent, the only thing that can calm me down.. I love your eyes, I look at them and I feel warmth I find nowhere else.. I love the way you say my name, no matter what instance it is because it’s always laced with warmth and softness. It is intimate.. I love all the moles on your body, cus they decorate your already perfect tanned skin. I love how you grip me whenever I make love to you, cus it tells me that you need me, that you need me to reach your euphoria and it fills my Alpha with pride. I love the way you smile, you caress my cheek and how you hold me to sleep. I love all your weird cravings and how you put up a tantrum like a small child when you don’t have what you want sometimes. I love when your curious wide eyes find something new and you talk to me about it for days.”

Letting out a shaky breath, he cupped the Omega’s face.. “All in all.. What I am trying to say is that.. I.. I love you, Butterfly.. I am so f*cking in love with you.. I had to get it out of my chest.. Shh.. you don’t have to say anything.. It’s okay.. I love you.. I just wanted to let you know cus it felt like my heart would burst open if I didn’t. Just like this necklace says, You are my one and only butterfly for eternity. You are it for me Kim Taehyung. You have me hooked around your pretty little finger.. You carried my pups and made me fall thousands of feet. I keep falling and I and I f*cking love it. It’s like you brought a thousand different colors into my life. I love life with you.. I am happy and I know I will continue to be happy with you.. I just hope that you will give me a chance to keep loving you forever.. I love you so much, Butterfly..”

Taehyung was smiling when Jungkook started to talk, his smile slowly fell as the Alpha continued and by the end of Jungkook’s entire speech, Taehyung had tears running down his face. His heart was beating hundreds of miles an hour, his chest felt tight, his mind was in overdrive and was rendered speechless. He let out a small choked sob, because Taehyung never imagined that he'd ever get a confession like that. Such a beautiful confession that made him feel warm all over. He stared at Jungkook before he pulled the male’s hands off his face and hugged him tightly. He cried as he fell onto Jungkook, because he wanted to tell the Alpha he loved him too, that he had discovered he loved Jungkook when the Alpha took care of him when Taehyung became sick after he had. Taehyung had realized Jungkook was it for him and that he loved the man he married for him and not because he had settled. Taehyung didn't settle for Jungkook, Taehyung was meant to be with Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled as he hugged the omega.. “Shh..” he whispered, rubbing his back.. “Don’t cry, Butterfly.. Shh..”

Taehyung shook his head, holding onto Jungkook tightly, “Jungkook.. I..” He choked out but couldn't get himself to speak properly because he was entirely overwhelmed.

“Baby..” Jungkook cooed. “I told you, you don’t have to say it back. You don’t have to say anything I promise. I just wanted you to know my love..”he whispered, kissing his head.

Taehyung shook his head once more and pulled back to look at Jungkook, “And I want you to know that you didn't have to make me cry like that. I want you to know there was no f*cking reason to make your omega cry like a baby. I love you, Jeon Jungkook. I have for a while now, I just wasn't sure if it would be okay to tell you considering the circ*mstances in which our marriage began. But I love you, f*ck, do I love you. I..” Taehyung let out a small sob, “f*ck you, why did you have to confess when I’m emotional as f*ck..”

Jungkook laughed softly, cupping Taehyung’s face. He peppered kisses all over his face.. “Say that again..” he whispered, his heart beating out of his with joy.

“Why do you want me to say f*ck you again?” Taehyung asked, crying softly before he whined, “Oh, you didn't mean that..” He closed his eyes, sniffling softly.

“Silly baby.. Tell me you love me again..” he whispered, placing their foreheads together,

“I love you, Jungkook.” Taehyung whispered, cupping Jungkook’s face gently, “I love you.”

Jungkook closed his eyes, leaning into the touch and before he could stop it, a tear rolled down out of his closed eyes. He never thought he’d be able to find true love with the amount of fame and money he had. But here he was, with the most beautiful Omega in his arms, who was carrying their pups, who he was irrevocably in love with and the Omega was loving him back.

Taehyung took a deep breath as he opened his eyes, wiping Jungkook’s tears away, “You're literally the only one I’ll ever want. There's no one else for me if not you.”

Jungkook sniffled a few more tears escaping his eyes as he opened them and looked at Taehyung. “Then be my Butterfly life after life.. That is all I ask for.. Wait for me to come and find you in every lifetime.”

“I’ll wait for you as long as necessary. Just don't forget to go find me.” Taehyung whispered before he leaned forward to kiss Jungkook, slow and gentle.

“Never.. I will forget myself before I forget to find you..” he whispered, kissing soft and deep. “I will move heaven and hell to find you, baby and I’ll burn the world down if I don’t.. You are mine.. For infinity.. And even beyond..”

Taehyung pulled away, smiling at Jungkook, “Silly Alpha. Gosh, I love you.” He said before hugging him tightly, “I'll say it as much as possible now.”

“And I will say it right back..” he whispered, gently scooting down before making them both lay down. “Let’s sleep..”

Taehyung smiled as he got comfortable, scooting as close to Jungkook as possible, “Goodnight, my love.” He said softly, closing his eyes.

Jungkook smiled, and before he could wrap his arms around the omega he slowly inched down, kissing Taehyung’s bump. “I love you my little munchkins. We have started preparing for your arrival. Your daddy can’t wait till you come out. You are gonna have the most beautiful Omega as your papa..” he whispered, kissing the bump a few more times. “Oh and his milk is very delicious. You better come out soon and taste it, but you also better make sure you leave a bit for your daddy when you do..”

Taehyung's eyes snapped open and he smacked Jungkook’s shoulder, “Jeon Jungkook!” He gasped, staring at him in shock.

Jungkook laughed softly. “Okay I will go before your papa kills me..” he mumbled, smooching his belly..

Taehyung shook his head as he pulled Jungkook up, “Please go to sleep.” He whispered, wrapping his arms around Jungkook and once again closed his eyes.

Jungkook cackled, wrapping his arms around the Omega and stuffing his head in the Omega’s chin. “They should know their place, that's all I am saying..” he murmured, closing his eyes.. “Their beautiful Papa is mine before he becomes theirs.. so..”

“Jungkook!” Taehyung laughed, “Gosh babe, you're so silly, come on let's sleep. You have work early because of that meeting you canceled the other day, that for some god forsaken reason was changed to a Sunday. And I’m going with Jimin out to brunch.”

“I want to come too.. I hate my job..” Jungkook whined but then smiled.. “Okay baby.. Enjoy okay? I’ll come with Namjoon to pick you guys up..”

Taehyung giggled, “You can skip work on Monday and we can go out to breakfast? Just you, me and the pups,” He smiled before pecking his lips, “Sounds good.”

“Sounds wonderful my love..” he whispered, slowly falling asleep in the warmth of the Omega.. “I love you..” he breathed before completely falling asleep.

“And I love you.” Taehyung whispered, kissing Jungkook’s nose and closing his eyes. He fell asleep not long after the Alpha did, both of them wrapped in each other’s arms the entire night.


Hope you all enjoyed!

Kudos and Comments are really very appreciated!

Chapter 6: I'd Burn The World For You, If It Made You Feel Safe.


“you know.. the morning after we first slept together?”

“The day when you left me a cute ass note and made me all giddy? Yes, I remember. Why?”

“I watched you sleep for almost an hour before I left, like a f*cking creep.. I was all dressed up to leave but I couldn't find it in me to leave so I sat on the chair beside the bed and watched you sleep until I had to go..”

“Why did you watch me sleep? What made you want to or rather made you not be able to leave?”

“I think my wolf imprinted on you that day itself..”


Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung forms a love untouchable. A love for infinity.


Be respectful and Enjoy!

Graphic description of violence, kidnapping, slurrs and minor character deaths. Proceed with caution.

Love you all!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“What do you mean you're going abroad?” Seokjin asked, following Yoongi into the kitchen, “When are you leaving?” He asked, looking at the male in confusion.

“Next tuesday, Jin hyung.. It’ll only be for a week..” Yoongi smiled gently. “I’ll be back before you know it..”

Seokjin stared at Yoongi, “Next Tuesday. Yoongi, what's next Tuesday?” He asked, Hoseok entering the kitchen silently, looking at the two.

Yoongi paused, “Next tuesday? I.. I don’t remember hyung.. Is it something important?” he asked, eyes widening slightly.

Seokjin visibly deflated as he stared at Yoongi, “No. I guess it's not important.” He said as he turned away. Hoseok swallowed thickly, looking over at the Omega, “It was going to be our first appointment with the fertility doctor, hyung.”

Yoongi froze.. “Oh..” he whispered. “Oh.. Oh god I am so sorry.. It completely slipped off my mind. You know this is the season and I was just too busy and it.. I’m sorry.. I can’t.. Well.. We’ll reschedule the appointment, yeah? I can’t ask them to reschedule the conference.. please..”

Seokjin shook his head, jaw tense, “I called in a favor. Asked to be given an appointment as soon as possible. Since there's a three year wait list to see this specific doctor.” The Alpha said, staring at the fridge. “We can't reschedule, but it's fine. Doesn't seem like you want this anyway.”

Yoongi’s eyes snapped to Seokjin. “Of course I want it hyung. What do you mean by that? I just.. It.. It slipped my mind. I am so sorry..” he whispered, heart starting to beat fast and not in a very good way.

“How could you possibly forget something like that, Yoongi? You were with me when they called to let us know about the appointment. You even said you'd let your secretary know as soon as possible so you wouldn't be busy that day.” Seokjin looked over at the Omega.

“Yeah but then do you also remember me rushing out of here cus an emergency came? One of my warehouses was caught on fire, and my only focus was on the damage it caused hyung I forgot to notify my secretary. I am so sorry.. I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

“But you don't get it.” Seokjin said as he stared at Yoongi, “I don't think you want this. Because no one would just forget their appointment with a fertility doctor if they're trying to have a family with their boyfriends. Not only that but you're refusing to move in with us, Yoongi.”

Hoseok looked between the two, “You.. You have been avoiding giving us an answer. We've asked you a few times if you would move in but you changed the subject.”

Yoongi ignored the slash of pain he felt and stared at the duo. He could understand their anger. He could but he didn’t like the way they were speaking. “Why do you keep saying that? Why do you keep saying that I don’t want this? Of course I want this.. Do you think I go and open my legs to any alpha and beta? You think I’d give myself to anyone who I didn't wanna be with?”

“Well you had a heat partner and you didn't want them, so.” Seokjin shrugged, looking away as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“Seokjin.” Hoseok said, looking at his boyfriend in anger and shock, “Shut up.” He said before looking at Yoongi.

Yoongi froze completely, eyes wide and skin growing pale. He started to breathe fast as he stared at Seokjin, bile rising up his throat. He couldn’t stop the tears he held back until now.

“f*ck you..” His voice shook. “f*ck you hyung.. f*ck you. I tell you my past, and I tell you all my insecurities and you use the first chance to bring it up in the worst way possible? Well if this is the life I am going to get with you two then maybe I really don't want it.. f*ck you..” he sobbed, grabbing the necklace on his neck and breaking it as he threw it on the floor. He removed the promise ring on his finger as well.. The necklace was from Hoseok and the ring was given to him by Seokjin a month ago. “I hate you.. Why would you do this to me? f*ck you.. Really.. I don’t.. I.. I hate myself for even falling for you; don’t ever come in front of my face again. I will claw your eyes out if you do..I should have known that all of you were the same.. f*ck. You.” he growled despite the crying and ran out of the kitchen, pushing past them both, running out of the house not waiting for any of them. He was hurt beyond words and he felt like he was going to die..

“Yoongi!” Hoseok yelled, glaring at Seokjin before running after the Omega, but he couldn't catch up to him in time. By the time Hoseok ran out of the house, Yoongi was already speeding away in his car. Hoseok growled and rushed back inside, meeting Seokjin as the Alpha tried walking out.

“What the f*ck did you do?!” He yelled, pushing the Alpha, “f*ck you, Seokjin! What did you do?!” Hoseok yelled, hot tears running down his face as he pushed past the Alpha to go to one of the guest bedrooms.

Seokjin stood by the door, frozen in place. He had crossed a line, he was angry and he said something he never should have. He f*cked up big time and it might have cost him not just Yoongi but also Hoseok.

Yoongi didn;t know where he was driving.. It all hurt so much.. He loved them so much and to think that it was their end made him want to frankly kill himself. He parked in the middle of nowhere and started to cry hysterically, grabbing onto the wheel.. Why did Seokjin have to hurt him like that? When he had finally found a home in their arms? Why?

He didn’t know how long he cried for but he jumped out of his skin when he heard his phone ringing and it was not the ringing tone he had separately for his boy--ex boyfriends. He wiped his face and answered the call, pressing his hiccups down. “Hello?” he rasped, ignoring how dizzy he was.

“Hello darling..”

Yoongi paused, removing the phone from his ear to look at the number. It was a private number and whoever it was, was using a voice changer. The f*ck?

“Hello? Can I know who I am speaking to please?”

“Oh you don’t remember me? What a pity.. But maybe.. You will remember them..”

Yoongi’s frown deepened when he was met with a few seconds of silence but his breath wooshed right out of him the next second when he recognized the voices of Taehyung and Jimin, crying.

“Hyung! Please get us away from them!” Jimin cried, “Please hyung!”

“Jimin? Jimin?! Where the f*ck are you? Who are you with baby? Hyung will come.. Where are you sweetheart?” he spoke as he started the car, shaking in fear.

“We don't know, hyung! Just.. just please get help.. Taehyung he.. Please hyung..”

“Taehyung? Taehyung what? Jimin!” He growled when he couldn’t hear the male anymore.. “Hello?!”

“Worried for them sweetheart?”

“Who the f*ck are you?!” Yoongi snarled.

“Oh you know who I am love.. If you want then come and get them. I’ll send you an address, if you dare to tell about this to any of your alphas I will kill them.. You understand? I can see your every move Yoongi. You so much as attempt to tell them I will kill them. Put the address in your GPS and throw your phone out too.. I better not see your phone continuing the journey with you.”

Yoongi snarled once more when he heard the line being hung up. “f*ck f*ck f*ck!” he screamed hitting the steering wheel.. What was he going to do? He couldn’t talk to anyone. He couldn’t turn back and go to Seokjin and Hoseok to tell them.. sh*t. He jumped when he heard the ping and he saw the address.. There was only one thing he could do now.. To get them out himself. He let out a sigh as he opened his window and dropped the phone out of it before starting to drive. He will get them out safely even if it kills him in the process..

Taehyung was breathing heavily, back resting against the wall as he and Jimin sat on the floor. Jimin kept trying to help him calm down, but how could he? They had been taken and his husband didn't know. Namjoon didn't know. And now Yoongi knew but he couldn't tell anyone. Not to mention, he wasn't feeling well.

“Taehyung, we’ll be okay..” Jimin said softly as he cried, “Try to keep calm okay?”

“Oh my god, shut the f*ck up. No one is going to care if he's not okay or if he loses those mutts.” A woman, an Omega, said as she walked into the room they were being held in. “Let him be, if he dies, he dies. And if he loses his mutts, then even better.” She shrugged.

Jimin looked at her, angry and in fear, “What a shame though, he seemed more chatty on the phone.” She said before walking off to sit by an empty chair.

Yoongi’s tires screeched as he pulled up to the address. It was a modern house, built in a thick forest and he wasted no time in jumping out of the car and running in. He paused when he saw the interior, it was nothing like the exterior.. It was all run down and shabby.

“Tae! Jimin!” He called as he walked further into the house. “Taehyung! Jimin!” he yelled when he heard no answer.

“Don't f*cking talk.” The woman said as he pointed the barrel of a gun toward Jimin and Taehyung. She hummed, slowly making her way toward the door, opening it and making her way back to her original spot, “Over here!” She yelled.

Taehyung closed his eyes, his pups weren't okay. He knew they weren't. Jimin’s eyes focused on the door, waiting for Yoongi to appear while he held Taehyung’s hand tightly.

Yoongi dashed to where the voice came from, running up the stairs until he came to a large clearing and his breath hitched when he saw his brother-in-laws..

“Hi Yoongi, did you miss me?” The woman said, a smirk on her lips. “I'm sure they missed you.” She said, pointing toward the two pregnant omegas on the floor. “But you know who else missed you too?”

“Sana?” yoongi gasped as he looked at Jungkook’s ex girlfriend. “What the f*ck is wrong with you?! I don’t f*cking care who miss me! Let them go!” he snarled, walking further into the room, towards the Omegas.

“”Oh? You don’t care?” Yoongi froze at the voice, his entire body shuddering. He knew that voice. “Really little tangerine? You don’t care about your mate? What a pity.” Bile rose to his throat as he stared at his brother-in-laws. He could feel his omega whimpering inside him, tears filling his eyes rapidly. He didn’t want to turn and see the alpha. He didn’t;.

“Hyung..” Jimin said softly, looking at Yoongi. “It's okay.. It's okay, hyung..” He said, tears running down his cheeks as he understood the reason behind Yoongi’s reaction, “Go, hyung.. it's okay..”

Taehyung opened his eyes and slowly looked over at Yoongi, his skin was pale and eyes were barely open. Taehyung shook his head, “We're okay, hyung.. go..” He whispered, too quietly to even be heard.

“Where would he go?” Yoongi closed his eyes, tears dripping down his cheeks when he felt hands on his waist. “He is where he is supposed to be.. Aren’t you little tangerine? Hmm? You are with your Alpha..”

“Didn't I tell you not to talk?” Sana said as she pulled the trigger, shooting just to the left of Jimin’s head. Jimin screamed and turned to hide his face against Taehyung, beginning to cry again. “f*ck.” She mumbled before turning toward Yoongi and the Alpha.

Yoongi shuddered when he heard the shot. His eyes snapped open, removing himself from the Alpha and shoving him away, rushing to stand in front of his brother-in-laws. “Stay the f*ck away from them.” he snarled.

“Ohh.. Little slu*t’s gotten claws now..” His ex smirked. “How can I stay away?”

“You have a problem with me..” Yoongi started to cry.. “Not with them.. Please.. Please stay away from them.. They are carrying pups.. Please.. Hyun please..”

The alpha sneered. “You know I hate pups baby boy.. ” he said, grabbing his gun..

Yoongi snarled, his tears drying. “I let you kill my pup..” he growled, his tangerine scent souring ra[idly. “I will kill you myself before you lay f*cking finger on them..” he snarled as his claws ripped out of his fingers.

Jungkook frowned when he heard his phone, grabbing it and blinking when he saw Seokjin’s name. “Seokjin?” he said as he answered the phone,

“Hey Jungkook, is Yoongi there?” Seokjin asked, pacing their kitchen, “We've been calling him but he won't answer, and I’m starting to get worried. We had an argument and he ran out. We've been trying to get a hold of him but he's not answering. Please tell me he’s with you.”

Jungkook frowned. “No.. me and Namjoon are in the office.. Maybe he is with Taehyung and Jimin? I’ll ask them.. Hold on..” he looked at Namjoon. “Call Jimin and ask whether Yoongi is with them?”

Namjoon nodded quickly as he dialed his fiance only frown when he didn’t pick up. He then rang his phone once more. When Jimin’s phone went unanswered he tried Taehyung’s only for it to go answered too..

“None of them is picking their f*cking phones up.. It shows that they are in the restaurant parking lot but they are not answering their phones..”

“What?” Jungkook hissed as he stood up, grabbing his car keys..

“Where are you going?”

“To them.. There must be a reason why neither of them are not picking their phones up.”

Namjoon rushed up as he ran behind Jungkook..

“Jungkook?! Send me the address, Hoseok and I will meet you there.” Seokjin said as he and the beta rushed out of their house and got into their car.

“Namjoon will drop you the location.” Jungkook spoke before hanging up, jumping in the car as soon as he was near. He put the seatbelt on and zoomed out of the office parking lot, driving to the restaurant. “What the f*ck are they doing in the parking lot without answering their phones.. Namjoon keep trying their phones.”

Seokjin drove to the restaurant, frowning when he saw the parking lot was empty. “What the f*ck?” Hoseok panicked and ran into the restaurant but everyone he asked said the pair had left the building hours ago.

“Hyung..” Hoseok teared up, but Seokjin shook his head. He didn't want to think of the worst case scenario.

Jungkook drove straight into the parking lot of the place, frowning when he saw no one there. As he was getting out he saw Seokjin and Hoseok coming out. “What the f*ck is going on?”

“I.. I don't know. The employees told me Taehyung and Jimin left hours ago. Yoongi wasn't with them.” Hoseok explained to the two Alphas.

“But their phones are f*cking here..” Nmjoon frowned, walking around before he froze seeing the phones laying on the ground. “Jungkook..” he spoke, his entire body freezing up.

Jungkook looked up when he heard his cousin rushing to see the two phones on the ground. He stared at them before he sniffed the air and he froze when he caught the slight notes of vanilla. Very distressed. “They..” he growled, eyes shining crimson. They were here..

“Can't we call the police?” Hoseok asked, not realizing his boyfriend had rushed back into the building to ask to see the security footage.

“f*ck the police!” Jungkook snarled, his wolf surfacing. He didn’t need the f*cking police to get to his mate., his suit ripped into pieces as he shifted to his wolf then and there, the black wolf looking murderous snarling and growling as he sniffed the air and he gave it two seconds before starting to run at maximum speed.

“sh*t!” Namjoon cursed. “Follow us in the car..” he growled before he shifted as well, running behind Jungkook.

Seokjin ran out to tell them who had taken the two when he saw two wolves running off, “What the f*ck?!”

Hoseok shook his head and ran to the car, “Come on! We have to follow them!” He yelled, getting into the driver’s seat and following Jungkook and Namjoon when Seokjin got into the car.

Yoongi had a bullet lodged in his thigh as he took the beating from the Alpha. He could hear Jimin crying behind him asking them to leave him alone, but he kept taunting the alpha so he would just focus on them and not him.

“You f*cking slu*t! You made my life hell! You made me lose everything I had!” The alpha snarled, kicking his stomach again and again.

“I didn’t do sh*t..'Yoongi sneered with the last bit of strength he had left in him. “You brought it up on your self you pathetic f*ck!”

“Shut up!” The alpha screamed, kicking Yoongi’s face, making blood fly everywhere.

“Stop!” Jimin yelled, “Leave him alone!” Jimin said as he carefully stood up, not caring that there was a gun barrel being pointed at him, “f*cking stop!”

“Jimin, stay back!” Yoongi growled coughing out more blood.

“I should have killed you that day..” The alpha picked Yoongi up by the hair and hurled him at the wall his small already broke body hitting the wall with a thud making him cry it loud but before the alpha could move again, the glass window behind him shattered into pieces as a giant wolf came crashing into the room two one more following right behind..

Jimin’s eyes widened at everything that was happening, but he froze on the spot when four literal wolves crashed through the window. He recognized three of them. Jungkook, Hoseok and Seokjin. Which only meant the fourth one was Namjoon. He looked over at Yoongi then at Taehyung. He panicked seeing that it looked like neither of them were breathing properly.

“Well, look who decided to f*cking join us.” Sana said as she moved from holding the barrel of the gun to Jimin to instead point it at Taehyung, staring at the wolves. “Took you longer than I thought.”

Yoongi whimpered, his eyes still closing but he caught a whiff of seokjin and hoseok.. he shuddered. “Alpha..” he weakly whined before promptly passing out.

The snarl that Jungkook along with Namjoon let out was terrifying. Jungkook saw both of them with guns and he didn't hesitate to hurl himself at Sana knocking her off and making her slam into a wall.. his anger knew no bounds and his lycan was thrashing to come out..

Jimin gasped, running toward Taehyung and putting himself in front of his best friend to protect him. Watching Jungkook throw Sana down before he turned toward the other three wolves, “Namjoon?” He cried out, one arm around Taehyung and the other hand on his own bump.

Seokjin did the same as Jungkook, he let out growl before rushing toward Yoongi’s ex while Hoseok rushed to the Omega’s side. Hoseok looked down at Yoongi, letting out a whine seeing the male so hurt. But he looked over when he heard both Jungkook and Seokjin growling once more.

Sana and Hyun hadn't expected the wolves to punch while they had guns in their hands. Sana screamed as Jungkook bit off her arm straight out of her body. Jungkook reveled in the taste of blood and before he knew his lycan had surfaced, an at least fifteen feet tall half human half wolf standing over sana's bleeding form.

Sana was screaming bloody murder, and frankly, that was exactly what was happening. Jimin couldn't bear to watch, he looked away as he tried to look over at Yoongi. Worried for the Omega, but he relaxed a little when he realized Hoseok was standing protectively over him. He then turned to see that Seokjin was also ripping Hyun to shreds and it made him feel sick. He looked away and hid his face against Taehyung’s shoulder but panicked when he couldn't feel the Omega breathing, “Taehyung?”

Namjoon turned when he heard Jimin’s panicked voice. He shifted back into his human form, not caring that he was naked. “Hoseok! We need to get them to the hospital!” He yelled as he rushed towards Taehyung while Hoseok shifted back.

Hoseok ran out to get their car, knowing no one would hurt Yoongi now. He drove back quickly, rushing over to pick Yoongi up, “I’m sorry, baby, I’m sorry.” He said as Yoongi cried while being picked up, “Namjoon! Let's go!” He yelled, carefully carrying Yoongi to the car. Jimin looked at Namjoon, crying in fear, “He's going to be okay right?” He asked, “Promise me he’ll be okay.”

Namjoon nodded frantically at his mate.. “he will baby he will.. I swear..” he then turned to Jungkook. “JUNGKOOK! I'M TAKING YOUR MATE TO THE HOSPITAL! FOLLOW US!” he screamed at the lycan before gently picking Taehyung up. “Baby.. let's go come on.. “ he hurried as he rushed out the door. “I'll drive.. let me drive Hoseok..” he yelled as he placed taehyung next to an almost dead Yoongi and let jimin get in next to Taehyung.

Jimin cried as he looked at his two best friends, Hoseok getting into the passenger seat as he looked back at them, “They’ll be okay..” He said, staring at Yoongi, his heart breaking at the sight of the Omega. Seokjin turned toward the car when he heard them all getting in, he looked back at what once was Hyun before rushing toward the car, ready to follow them.

Jungkook turned his head when he heard Namjoon and ripped the rest of Sana into pieces before shifting into his wolf and leaping out of the window once more, taking a different shorter route to the hospital so he could reach before them. Namjoon drove fast, all the while being careful, driving to their family hospital. He was seething. That was his brother and his brother’s mate.

When he pulled into the parking lot he was not surprised to see Jungkook already there with a pair of worn down pants on with a bunch of medical staff, who pulled out Yoongi and Taehyung as soon the car doors were opened.

Jimin wanted to rush in with the two, but he was held back, not being allowed to go any further as he was also taken away to get checked. “I’m fine! Let me go with them!” He cried, he was taken to a different part of the hospital. Hoseok took the clothes that were offered to him and quickly changed into them, wanting to rush after Yoongi but he was also stopped. He looked toward Jungkook, tears in his eyes, “f*ck..”

Namjoon rushed to his fiance, cupping his face.. “Baby.. Baby please listen to me.. Just get checked my love.. The sooner you are checked the sooner you get to be with them my love.. Please..” he whispered, trying to calm the Omega down.

Jimin cried as he stared at his fiancé, “He.. He went into labor.. Taehyung went into labor.” He cried, shaking his head, “He didn't want me to say anything because he didn't want them to know, he was scared they'd take the pups, but he went into labor, Joonie..”

Namjoon nodded. “I know my love, I know.. We smelled it as soon as we jumped in, and he will fine.. I promise Jungkook will bend heaven and hell to make sure he is okay.. Get checked please? For alpha? Please angel..” he whispered.

Jimin nodded, letting the nurses take him into an examination room, Namjoon right behind them. Seokjin shifted into his human form, also taking the clothes offered to him. He changed and walked toward the doors that Yoongi and Taehyung had been taken into, “This Is my fault, I shouldn't have let Yoongi leave.”

Hoseok looked at Seokjin, shaking his head, “They took Taehyung and Jimin before that, this isn't anyone’s fault. If anything, those who are truly guilty.. well you two took care of that.”

Jungkook was shaking from anger. He was standing stock still and he could hear Seokjin but he didn’t wanna pay attention to it now because if he did he will rip Seokjin into pieces if whatever he was saying angered him even further. So he just stood there and stared at the door like a statue until any news was brought out.


Jimin was cleared off, nothing more than a few scratches on his arms. He and Namjoon walked out to where the others were waiting, sniffling softly. “I'm sorry.” He whispered, looking over at Namjoon then at his hyungs, “I couldn't keep them away from Yoongi, I tried but they didn't listen. And Taehyung was the only one they really wanted but I told them to take me too. I thought I could protect him if they took me too but I couldn't, I’m so sorry..”

It had been around 30 minutes since Taehyung and Yoongi had been taken back, so Jimin knew Jungkook and the hyungs weren't okay. And he felt the need to apologize for something he knew wasn't his fault. However, he didn't get to say anything nor were they able to reply as a nurse walked out of the doors, “Mr. Jeon?”

Jungkook’s head snapped to the nurse. “Yes. How are they?” he asked calmly but he was all but calm..

“Your husband is okay. He's simply under anesthesia, but he's okay. Vitals and everything are good, but I wanted to ask you something.” She said softly before she smiled at him, “Would you like to meet your pups?”

Jungkook’s knees buckled as he fell to the floor, hands flat against the floor as he hung his head low, tears trailing down his cheeks. He was trying to hold everything together but he couldn’t. They were okay. f*ck. His family was okay.

Jimin teared up as he watched Jungkook, and he knew he probably wasn't the only one. He looked back when he heard footsteps rushing toward them, seeing Mr. and Mrs. Jeon arrived in panic.

“Baby?‘ Mrs. Jeon gasped when she saw her son.. “Oh my god! What happened?! Are they okay?” she asked crouching down to take Jungkook into her arms, beginning to cry on her own. “Are my sons okay? How are they?”

The nurse watched silently before she spoke up, “Mr. Jeon is stable. He's well, and will be okay when he wakes up from the anesthesia. Mr. Min is.. in critical condition but we are doing our best to ensure he comes out safely. We are doing everything we can. And as for the pups.. they're healthy, strong too.”

Jimin turned to hide his face against Namjoon’s chest when he heard about Yoongi’s condition, not wanting anyone to see him cry. Seokjin and Hoseok stared at the nurse before Hoseok pulled his boyfriend in for a hug, knowing that no matter how tough Seokjin was, Yoongi was a soft spot for him. Seokjin never cried, but he would if it involved Hoseok and Yoongi, so that was exactly what happened when the Beta pulled the Alpha in.

Jungkook didn’t know what he was crying for.. In relief or because of his brother. But he let his mother and father who were crying with him until a doctor rushed out; making him pull out.

“Does Min Yoongi have a potential mate? Someone courting to mate him?” he asked, panicked.

Hoseok and Seokjin pulled away, looking over at the doctor, all eyes on them, “Why? What's happening?” Hoseok asked in a rush.

“We are losing him..” The doctor shook his head, looking desperate. “The only thing that can help him keep alive is a mating bite. We need it.”

“Go!” Jungkook growled at Seokjin. “What more are you waiting for? f*cking go!”

Seokjin ignored Jungkook to pull away from Hoseok to rush to the doctor, who nodded and led him away. The Beta swallowed thickly, watching his boyfriend run off before he looked at the others.

Jungkook looked at the nurse.. “How long will my mate take to wake up?” he asked, still shaking.

“Around an hour or two.” The nurse replied, looking at Jungkook.

Jungkook nodded his head. “Shift him and the babies into the best room here.. Now..” he spoke, standing up, letting his mother and father hold each other as they cried for Yoongi.

The nurse nodded and walked off to do as she was asked. Jimin pulled away from Namjoon to walk over to Hoseok, the Beta was staring at the floor. “Hyung?” He whispered, and Hoseok looked at him and just broke down. Jimin hugged him tightly, “It's okay, hyung.. He’s going to be okay.”

The doctor brought Seokjin over and made him stand to the side. “We are going to tell you when and right when it happens we need you to bite him okay?” the doctor asked.. “Are you clear with it?”

Seokjin nodded, hands shaking as he couldn't get Yoongi yelling at him that he hated him out of his mind. He knew that by mating the male they were bonded for life, but he'd take a lifetime of Yoongi hating him than a lifetime without him.

The doctors worked on him for a few more minutes before simultaneously pulling out all the machines that he was plugged into. “Now. Got two seconds.” the head doctor announced.

Seokjin wasted no time in leaning down and baring his fangs, he bit down on Yoongi’s neck, right where his scent gland was. He bit down until he knew he had marked the male, tears streaming down his face. He pulled back seconds later, before looking at the doctor.

The doctors watched the process, not paying attention to Seokjin when he looked at them. “f*ck yes!” The head doctor rejoiced when they noticed Yoongi visibly coloring and starting to breathe deeper and they were back on his seconds, hooking him into the machines and continuing to work as the doctors kept calling out instructions.

Seokjin let out a shaky breath as he watched the doctors celebrate that it had gone well. He looked down at the male and let out a small sob, “I'm so sorry, baby. I love you.” he whispered, taking a step back when he was asked to.

Jungkook stayed behind the door, standing still a hand on the door handle and head leaned against the door. He didn’t have enough strength to go inside but he pushed himself inside, slowly opening the door. He had cleaned up and got into new clothes because the doctors had advised him that the pups were at a big risk of catching infections if they were exposed to germs.

He gently opened the door and slowly walked inside, eyes filling up when he noticed Taehyung asleep on the bed. His attention then snapped to the cot, slowly walking over to them

Taehyung let out a small groan, doing his best to open his eyes. They felt slightly heavy but he also didn't want to keep them close. He blinked slowly, gaze moving around the room with a frown.

Jungkook was too focused on the pups he didn’t hear his husband. He slowly reached in and picked up the pups who were sleeping, pressing them against his chest. “Hello munchkins..” he whispered, tears rolling down nonstop as he held them to his chest, warmth flooding although him. He was finally a father..

Taehyung looked over at Jungkook, he blinked a few times before he realized it was their pups he was holding. He quietly watched, a small tired smile on his lips, not wanting to interrupt the moment the Alpha was having.

Jungkook held them to his chest before starting to scent them thoroughly, claiming them as his own, making sure anyone who entered the room knew.

Taehyung’s heart swelled up in joy as he watched his husband with his pups. The pups he had carried inside him and had yet to meet or hold, “How does it feel to have them in your arms?” He asked softly, voice a little groggy.

Jungkook’s head snapped up when he heard his mate’s voice. “Butterfly..” his face crumpled as he rushed to his side, holding the babies. He wanted to break down and hold him close but he knew he had to let Taehyung meet the pups first. “See for yourself..” he whispered.

Taehyung looked at his husband, frowning when he saw how he was close to breaking down. “Don't cry, babe, we're okay.” He whispered before his eyes fell on the pups in his husband’s arms. He let out a shaky breath before carefully sitting up, needing to have them close. He looked at his husband, “Can I?” He asked, “Please?”

Jungkook nodded his head, slowly handing the pups over to Taehyung, who instantly cuddled into the Omega. Jungkook smiled, wiping his face as he stood back and watched.

“They're perfect..” Taehyung whispered, smiling softly before he began to scent the pups. Needing them to smell like both of them, so they could find comfort in both their scents. He kissed their heads gently and then turned to Jungkook, “They look like you.” He said, a small giggle leaving his lips only for him to start crying right after.

Jungkook silent walked towards the bed and sat down next to Taehyung and pulled the omega into his arms as he cried. They watched the pups sleep peacefully.. “I hope they have your eyes..” he whispered. “Your eyes are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen..”

Taehyung stared at their pups before looking up at his husband, “I was scared.” He whispered, “Scared to lose them.” He shook his head, feeling a lump in his throat, “When.. When they started to hurt Yoongi, I knew that I was probably next and I just prayed to the moon goddess that if it came down to it, to make sure you wouldn't lose our pups..”

Jungkook stared at the Omega. The tears that he had barely halted a few minutes ago, starting to pour down again. “I promised you that day.. I promised that nothing is going to happen to you or them.. I promised, didn't I? If you or they were ever harmed then it would have been over my dead body, my love..” He whispered, placing their foreheads together.. “I’m so sorry..” he whimpered. “I’m so f*cking sorry that i couldn’t come to you sooner.. Alpha is sorry that you had to be in so much pain, my love..”‘

Taehyung let out a whimper, “It’s not your fault, you arrived as quickly as you could.. But I knew you would. I knew you'd get to us, that you wouldn't leave us. But I also just hoped that if you had to lose someone that it wouldn't be the pups, I didn't want you to lose the pups even if it meant losing me..” Taehyung let out a sob before he pulled back to look at Jungkook, “I didn't want you to be in pain from losing our pups so I thought..” He shook his head, not being able to continue. He looked down at the babies before looking back at Jungkook, “I love you.”

Jungkook choked out a sob, and he moved to hide his face in taehyung’s neck. “And you think I’d be okay after losing you? No.. Either I will die right after from heart break or our pups might have had the most cold hearted father that they never deserved. Losing you means losing my heart. I would never want to lose you.. We can always make more pups, but I will never have another mate.. Don’t ever say that again.. If I’ll be in pain after losing my pups I will be absolutely destroyed if I lost you..”

Taehyung couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, “Maybe don't say that in front of the pups? They're here now, babe..” He whispered before he turned his head to place a kiss to Jungkook’s cheek as best as he could. “I love you so so much.”

Jungkook sniffled, placing a kiss on taehyung’s scent gland as he began to scent the OMega.. “I love you more, Butterfly.. I love you more.. Never ever leave me..” he whispered.

Taehyung let out a shaky breath as Jungkook scented him, “I don't plan on it.” He whispered, smiling at his husband when he pulled back. “You are the best thing that ever happened to me, you and the pups.” He said softly, kissing Jungkook gently. He pulled away when he heard the pups waking up, smiling adoringly at them.

Jungkook peered from where he was hidden in Taehyung’s eyes. He watched them open his eyes and smiled. “The Omega has your eyes.. f*ck.. My heart..” he laughed softly.

Taehyung smiled, staring at their babies before he looked at Jungkook, “She's gonna steal your heart, if she hasn't already.” He whispered, smiling at his husband before looking back down at the babies, “Did you think that we'd be having a boy and a girl?” He asked while waiting for the Alpha to fully open his eyes.

Jungkook nodded his head. “I actually hoped it would be.. We will have both then, they’s grow up so nicely. The Alpha is already a protector. He came out first before his sister they said..” he whispered watching as the baby boy slowly opened his eyes..

Taehyung giggled softly, “Of course he has your eyes.” He said, looking at his husband once more with adoration, “He's just like his daddy it seems.”

Jungkook smiled. “We have two carbon copies of ourselves baby..” he whispered, kissing Taehyung’s shoulder.

“I love them.” Taehyung said softly, “They're absolutely perfect.” He added, pulling away from Jungkook to make room for him on the bed, “Come on.”

Jungkook smiled, climbing onto the bed properly, and threw one arm around the omega’s shoulder, pulling him into his chest right as the little ones started to cry. “Look who is hungry..” he chuckled.

Taehyung snorted, sitting up better and carefully handing Jungkook the babies so he could pull his hospital gown down to feed them. He fixed the gown before he looked at the pups, “Okay, how the f*ck am I going to feed them at the same time?” He grumbled before his Omega instincts took over and he was able to take the pups and place them in a way that they were both able to latch on to a nipple each but were laying comfortably as well.

Jungkook watched over them fondly. He draped his arm over them, watching his family. Tears sprung to his eyes once more and he was glad that his Omega was concentrated on the pups. He couldn't believe that he almost lost them today..

“He's gentle about eating, she acts like there's not going to be enough.” Taehyung said softly, turning to look at his husband only to frown, “Babe? What's wrong?”

Jungkook smiled at his Omega.. “Nothing., I am just happy..” he whispered, kissing his temple.

Taehyung smiled, looking back down at the pups, “How's Yoongi?” He asked looking back at his husband, “He's okay, right?”

Jungkook’s smile fell.. “I don’t know my love.. The last thing I knew about him was that he was losing his life and Seokjin had to bite him to keep him alive.. I know that he is alive but I don’t know how he is doing..” he whispered, slightly smiling and caressing his face.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook, eyes welling up with tears as he looked away, “We told him to leave.. Told him to save himself..” He said before he started to cry, looking down at the pups, “We told him we were fine and to run.. we knew you'd show up but he stayed and..”

Jungkook shook his head. “He would have never left you two there, pregnant and all by yourselves.. I know my brother and he knew his ex. There was no way in hell he would have gone.. While I wish things were different I am thankful that he didn’t leave.. I owe him my life..” he whispered, pressing his lips to Taehyung’s forehead. “Don’t cry, yeah? The pups will be affected.”

“I'm sorry..” Taehyung whimpered as he tried to calm down. He sniffled, watching the pups slowly pull off and look up at them, “They wouldn't be here if he had left then, huh?” He said, his heart squeezing when the Alpha gave them the tiniest of smiles.

“I should have killed that f*cker years ago..” Jungkook whispered. “It’s my fault for leaving him alive this long..”

Taehyung shook his head, handing the pups to his husband to pull his hospital gown back up. He then took the Alpha and let Jungkook hold the Omega, “I'm sure they're gone now. I doubt anyone will ever try to hurt us again.” He said softly.

“They are gone? We ripped them to pieces. Seokjin took care of that bastard and I obliterated that bitch for even daring to touch you..” he hissed, “My lycan came out. They didn’t expect us to burst through the windows in our wolf forms..”

Taehyung stared at his husband before slowly shaking his head, “God, I’m so glad I was passed out. I would've felt sick otherwise.” He said before smiling at the male, “I'm lucky to have you as my husband.”

Jungkook chuckled. “I was later grateful that you had [assed out too.. I didn’t want you to be scared of me..” he whispered. “Baby I will burn the world for you.. I will..” he promised.

“I'd never be scared of you.” Taehyung said as he leaned to him to kiss his liso gently, “But maybe let's keep your lycan hidden for now. Don't wanna scare the pups.” He giggled, “Is everyone else okay?”

Jungkook nodded but then frowned. “Maybe not Seokjin and Hoseok for long..” he gritted out.

Taehyung nibbled on his bottom lip, he couldn't say anything. He didn't want to anger Jungkook with whatever he was to say, so he kept quiet and looked at their pups instead.

“They said they argued and that is why Yoongi hyung had stormed out before he was found with you all.. I won’t blame them for this.. But.. If I find out that they have hurt my brother.. It takes a lot for Yoongi to storm out..” he whispered, keeping himself in check cus of the pups.. “My fists will talk to them.”

“I think you need to stay out of it.” Taehyung said, keeping his focus on the pups. “I know Yoongi is your brother and that you're angry he's hurt and that they argued. But you need to stay out of it.” He said, looking at Jungkook. “My hyung knew about the times we argued. The very few times I cried too. But they didn't interfere because they said it was between you and I. And no matter how much they wanted to, they didn't because they would rather we work it out than to interfere and make matters worse.”

Jungkook stayed silent listening to his Omega. He wrapped his arms around him and chose to stay silent, not commenting on it.

Taehyung stared at his husband for a few seconds, “I know you're angry. I get it. I know you want to do something about it. But you know deep down that Yoongi loves them both. And you just told me Seokjin ripped a person to shreds for hurting Yoongi. I'm pretty sure they love him just as much. Let them work it out, Jungkook.”

Jungkook hummed and looked at the pups.. “They are asleep again.. ” He whispered with a smile. He stood up and pushed the cot so it was right next to Taehyung’s bed by Taehyung’s side. “Come on.. Give them to me slowly..” he whispered.

Taehyung shook his head in slight amusem*nt at his husband's change of subject. Slowly he handed the pups to him and watched him set them down on the cot, laying back against the pillows.

Jungkook smiled, staring down at the two pups, slowly covering them with the blanket. He looked up when he heard a knock on the door. “That must be your food..” he murmured walking towards the door, thanking one of his guards as he took the food in and brought it over to taehyung. “Come on.. Up you go.. The mommy needs to eat..”

Taehyung snorted, sitting up as Jungkook placed the tray close by, “Babe?”

Jungkook looked at Taehyung opening the food containers. He took the soup and started to mix it gently, blowing on it cus it was too hot. “Yes?” he whispered before bringing a spoonful of soup to Taheyung’s lips.

Taehyung looked at the spoon then at Jungkook, “I want you to mark me.” He said, eating the spoonful of soup right after so that his husband wouldn't drop it.

Jungkook froze, blinking as he stared at his Omega.. He forgot to eevn close his mouth but when he felt the glass bowl burning his fingers he came back to his senses. “Now?” he asked, his heart beating fast.

Taehyung watched his husband in amusem*nt, taking his hand after he set the bowl down and caressed it gently where he burnt himself. “Doesn't have to be now. But I want you to know that I want it. I want to be marked by you.”

Jungkook blinked before he cleared his threat. “We can do that on our honeymoon. I want you to mark me too..” he said. “I know that Alphas never do that, but if you don’t fine it weird I want you to mark me as well..”

It was Taehyung’s turn to stare at Jungkook in slight shock, mouth agape, “You're serious? You want me to mark you?” He asked, smiling at the male.

Jungkook smiled and nodded. “Yes, you will be the only Omega i will let myself ever be intimate with, no matter what happens. So I want you to mark me, I’d like to show it to the world proudly that I have my mate’s mark on me.”

Taehyung nodded, a small giggle escaping his lips, “Okay. Yeah, I want that then.” He said, squeezing Jungkook’s hand before he brought it up to kiss the Alpha’s knuckles.

Jungkook smiled, slowly feeding Taehyung the rest of the food and whatever he wanted to eat after. He placed all the food when the male was done.. “Why don’t you sleep for sometime? You must be exhausted.‘ he whispered.

Taehyung nodded as he glanced over at the pups, still sound asleep. “Yeah, I think I will. Wake me up if they get hungry?” He said softly, moving around and getting comfortable on the bed. “I love you.”

Jungkook nodded, going to sit on the chair beside the bed. “I will my love.. Sleep well.. I love you more..” he whispered.

Taehyung smiled tiredly at Jungkook, closing his eyes to soon fall asleep. He fell asleep holding Jungkook’s hand, as if scared he'd wake up to him gone.

Jungkook moved closer to the bed and held taehyung’s hand tighter. Bending down to kiss his forehead, he smiled. “I’ll be right here my love..” he whispered, watching the Omega sleep.

Around 30 minutes later, Taehyung woke up and looked over at Jungkook with a small frown on his face. He was exhausted but couldn't seem to sleep longer, “Babe?” He whispered, tugging on his husband’s hand.

Jungkook, who was scrolling through his phone, looked up and frowned. “My love? Is something the matter?” he whispered, placing his phone away..

“I can't sleep..” Taehyung said quietly, “Can you sing to me? Like you did for the pups that one time?” He asked softly, pouting at the Alpha.

Jungkook stared at the male before he smiled. He leaned closer and placed his head next to his on the pillow and caressed his face. “What do you want me to sing?” he asked, fondly.

“Anything, your voice keeps me calm. And I liked hearing you sing to the pups that time.” Taehyung whispered, slowly closing his eyes when Jungkook caressed his face.

Jungkook smiled.. “okay , Butterfly..” he whispered thinking of a song before he started to sing..

In your eyes I'm alive

Inside you're beautiful

Something so unusual

In your eyes, I know I'm home, yeah

Every tear, every fear

Gone with the thought of you

Changing what I thought I knew

I'll be yours for a thousand lives

I'm free as a bird when I'm flying in your cage

I'm diving in deep and I'm riding with no brakes

And I'm bleeding your love when you're swimming in my veins

You've got me now

Been waiting for a lifetime for you

Been breaking for a lifetime for you

Wasn't looking for love 'til I found you

Oh, nah-nah, yeah

For love, 'til I found you, oh

He sang softly as he stared at Taehyung. He knew that each word he was singing was the truth.

Taehyung smiled as he listened to Jungkook, he opened his eyes to look at his husband. He listened to the Alpha sing for a little while before his eyes began to feel heavy once more. He closed them and he started to fall asleep to Jungkook's singing.

Skin to skin, breathe me in

Feel with your kiss on me

Lips are made of ecstasy

I'll be yours for a thousand lives

(For a thousand lives)

I'm free as a bird when I'm flying in your cage (so lost)

I'm diving in deep and I'm riding with no brakes (no, no)

And I'm bleeding your love when you're swimming in my veins

You've got me now

Been waiting for a lifetime for you

Been breaking for a lifetime for you

Wasn't looking for love 'til I found you

Oh, nah-nah, yeah

For love, 'til I found you, oh

Been waiting for a lifetime for you

Been breaking for a lifetime for you

Wasn't looking for love 'til I found you

Oh, nah-nah, yeah

For love, 'til I found you, oh

Jungkook smiled as he saw the Omega falling asleep but he didn’t stop till he was done.. He finished the song making sure Taehyung wouldn’t wake up again unless the pups were happy.. He really was lost with the omega. Caressing his head, Jungkook leaned in and kissed his face softly before pulling back and watching him sleep.

“I will always wait for you baby.. Even if it gets a thousand years for you to come to me..” he whispered, before closing his own eyes gently.

Hoseok and Seokjin were sitting in the hall, holding each other’s hands as they waited for a doctor or a nurse to let them know Yoongi had woken up. It had been a few hours since he got out of surgery but they were scared that it had taken Yoongi awhile to wake up.

“What if he doesn't want anything to do with us?” Seokjin asked and Hoseok turned to look at him without a word. “I f*cked up, and..”

Mrs. Jeon who had come out of Yoongi’s room not two minutes ago, smiled slightly when he saw the two.. “Children.. Your boyfriend is waiting for youl.. Why are you keeping him waiting?”

The two looked up at the man and slowly stood up, “I..” Seokjin started but Hoseok tugged on his hand and led the male into Yoongi’s room. The two slowly walked in and looked toward the bed, Hoseok let out a small whimper when he saw the state Yoongi was in, Seokjin had keep the Beta steady.

Yoongi looked over when the door opened once more. He paused and stared at the two males without a word. He wasn’t feeling any pain due to the anesthesia and the antibiotics so he just stared at them saying nothing, just a tired look on his face.

Seokjin closed his eyes briefly before he let go of Hoseok and walked toward the bed. Without a word he knelt down next to it and looked up at Yoongi, “I'm so sorry.. I shouldn't have said what I did, I let my anger get the best of me and said the most hurtful things to you. Things I don't believe in myself. I'm so sorry, Yoongi. You.. You don't have to forgive me or believe me, I just wanted you to know.” He said softly, looking at the Omega with tears in his eyes. “I love you. And I know you said you hated me, but my love for you will always be there. No matter what happens. I just need you to know I regret what I did and how much I hurt you. I'm sorry.”

Yoongi stared at Seokjin with no expressions on his face. “You marked me..” he croaked out, staring at the Alpha..

“I.. I did.. I did it to save you. The doctor asked if you had a mate or someone courting you because they needed you to be marked in order to be saved..” Seokjin explained, eyes on Yoongi. Hoseok slowly walked over without a word. “I knew that you'd hate me more for it, but I would rather live an entire lifetime with you hating me for what I did, rather than have to live a life where you're not breathing.”

Yoongi watched the Alpha before he looked away. “I think it’s better,, Your lives would be better off without me..” he whispered.

Hoseok stared at Yoongi before he let out a humorless chuckle, “I don't want that.” He said, nodding his head, “I refuse to have a life where you're not in it. Because believe it or not, Min Yoongi, we are head over heels for you. Why else would we want to take it a step further and ask you to move in with us? Why would we want to go even further than that and start a family with you? I want you. You think I don't? You think he doesn't? He killed someone because of how much he loves you.” He said, pointing at Seokjin, who was now staring at the floor.

“I understand that we f*cked up. Seokjin for what he said and me for not going after you like I should have. But we love you and you need to know that. You can choose not to be with us, but just know that.. that if you walk away so will I. Because I don't feel like this is complete without you.” Seokjin looked up at Hoseok, who continued to stare at Yoongi. “I'd rather be alone for the rest of my life than have to live without one of you and have the other with me.”

Yoongi kept silent for a long time, showing no reaction to whatever Hoseok said, until a tear rolled down his already bruised face. “I hesitated to move in cus everything changed after I moved in in my last relationship. I wasn’t comparing him to you two but I wanted to see whether you two would wait for me without getting impatient..” he whispered. “And I already had met a doctor to discuss my fertility.. I wanted to surprise you with the news that I was completely healthy enough to carry a pup and would be able to conceive during my next heat.. I had it all planned out..” he shook his head. “I don’t blame whatever that happened with my ex on any of you.. I was meant to be there to protect them.. Even if I was hom- in your house, I would have found a way to slip away without you two noticing. It was meant to happen and thank you.. Thank you for coming.. For me.. Thank you for killing for me.. Even after saying that I hate you, while I was getting beat up all I could think about was you two, hoping by a miracle you would come and save me, make me feel safe again. But then I realized something else too.. I am a working independent Omega.. I don’t stay home to cook and clean… I work, and sometimes I will have to sacrifice and compromise things for my work and you two don’t deserve that. You deserve an Omega who can be by your side all the time, never forget to keep up with everything going on with your lives. I know I often will and I don’t want to keep hurting you..” he whispered, sniffling.

Hoseok and Seokjin stayed quiet for a few seconds. The Alpha stood up and looked over at the Beta who continued to stare at Yoongi. “If we needed or deserved that, we would've gone with someone else. Not a businessman we both know will always be busy. All we wanted was to feel like you wanted it all just as much as we did. We wished you would've talked to us, and yes, we shouldn't have assumed either, but we felt like you truly didn't want us around. But, I apologize for the hurt we caused and everything we've done.” Hoseok said softly.

Yoongi sniffled, bottom lip trembling as he tried to not to sob anymore. “You didn’t trust me when I kept saying I wanted it.. You didn’t trust me..” he whimpered “And you know I was with my heat partner cus I would have died of heartache if not.. You knew that.. I would never touch anyone outside my heat. I only ever let you two touch me outside my heat.. You still didn’t trust me.. You didn’t trust me.. The men I love didn’t trust me and that hurt more than anything..” he hiccupped.

Seokjin wanted nothing more than to move forward and hold Yoongi but he knew he had no right to do so. “We know and we're sorry, Yoongi. We really are, you deserve better than that. Please know it. We’ll.. We’ll leave you be. We just wanted to be able to apologize to you and let you know how much we regret what we did. I'm sorry.” Hoseok said as he looked from the Omega to Seokjin. He knew that the Alpha was now connected to the Omega and it would be harder for him to walk away, but despite that he would give Yoongi space if the male asked for it.

Hoseok smiled sadly before he looked at Yoongi, “You can keep Dolce.” He said softly, “She's better off with you than me.” He mumbled, “I'm really sorry, Yoongi. I wish I could turn back time and make things right. I will always love you.” The Beta said, turning around and walking out of the room, needing to get out of there because he was going to break down and he knew he had no right to do so after the pain they caused Yoongi.

“Hoseokie..” Yoongi whimpered as the beta left, wanting him to turn around for a bit. “Hobi..”

Hoseok immediately leaned against the wall when he walked out of Yoongi’s room, he started to cry as he felt his chest tightened. Seokjin stared at Yoongi before he walked out, “Hoseok, he's calling for you..” The Alpha whispered but the Beta simply cried.

“I can't go back in there, we hurt him, Seokjin. The man we love, we hurt him and caused him so much pain. I can't live knowing that I lost one of the loves of my life. It hurts okay? It hurts knowing that I f*cked up and let him go. Please just let me be.” He cried, and Seokjin shook his head, pulling the Beta into a hug and slowly walking him back into the room.

Yoongi started to softly sob when he saw Hoseok’s state, “Don’t leave each other please.. Don’t..” he shook his head. ‘I love you both so much, and I. I don’t want you to let go of a beautiful five year relationship because of me.. Please don’t let go of each other.. Please..“ he hiccupped..

Hoseok shook his head, pushing Seokjin away. The Alpha felt hurt but didn't say anything as he stepped back to give the Beta space, “If I can't have you both, I want to be alone.” Hoseok said, his hands shaking as he stared at Yoongi while he cried, “And I’m not saying it to guilt trip you into being with me or us. I would never do that, but I just can't go on knowing we f*cked up. I can't. You two are literally connected, Yoongi. Whether you like it or not, he's your Alpha now. I can't do this.”

Yoongi broke down on the bed as he tried to curl into himself but the wounds prevented him from doing so.. He sobbed his heart out, he didn’t know what to do.. “You should have let me die..” he choked out.. “You should have let me die..”

Hoseok shook his head, “He'd rather die himself than let you die.” He said, pointing at Seokjin. The Alpha continued to keep quiet as he looked over at the Beta, “He did what he had to do. To save you and protect you because he loves you. Don't say you should've died, because no one would've let that happen.”

Seokjin looked over at Yoongi, “I think we should go. We're only causing him more stress and pain right now.” He whispered, looking away from the Omega, “We've done enough.”

Hoseok scoffed and looked over at Seokjin, “f*ck you. You're the one who messed up more than I did, and you're the reason he walked out. I should've gone after him but I wanted to give him space and see how that turned out.” He said, pointing at Yoongi. “f*ck you, Seokjin.”

Yoongi started to breathe hard as he listened to the beta, he couldn’t take the way an argument was brewing, “Stop!” he cried, bringing his hands to cover his ears. “Stop blaming things on each other! Stop! Please.. Stop..” he sobbed. “I walked out cus I.. Cus.. Stop! Please.. ” he spoke, shaking on the bed.

Hoseok and Seokjin stopped talking as they both turned to look at Yoongi. The door opened and a very angry Jimin walked in, “Get the f*ck out.” He growled before making his way to Yoongi, “Now.” He looked away from the two to look at Yoongi, “Hyung, hey, breathe.”

Yoongi immediately gripped onto Jimin, hiding himself behind the Omega, making himself incredibly small, not wanting anyone to see him or talk to him. His Omega surfaced as he started to let out deep pained whines..

Jimin held onto Yoongi, rubbing his back and kissing his head, “It's okay, Hyung, it's okay.. You're okay, I've got you..” He whispered, looking back at the males, “Just get out.”

Hoseok stared at Yoongi before he slowly turned and walked out of the room, followed by Seokjin. Jimin turned back around and hugged Yoongi,, being careful with his injuries, “I'm here, it's okay..”

Namjoon stared at the two males who came out. “You keep f*cking up..” he spoke, very calmly that it was almost scary. “You had a chance to use your brains and make it all better but you were busy blaming each other. I thought you’d get your sh*t together and you clearly haven’t so get the f*ck out of here. Even if I was patient, Jungkook wouldn’t be when he gets to know about this.. It’s true that this is a relationship problem but you’ve just made things worse.. Go.. and come back when you have your sh*t together.. Resolve everything between you two before even daring to show your face to my cousin. Go..” he spoke eyes on the two. “Thank you for saving his life, but for now.. Leave.”

Hoseok looked at Namjoon then at Seokjin, without a word he walked away. Seokjin watched the Beta leave before he turned to Namjoon, “I know it means sh*t, but I'm sorry.” He mumbled, walking off as well, going in the opposite direction Hoseok had.

Namjoon groaned as he watched the two walk in two different directions. “I just told the two idiots to resolve their issues.. Stupid idiots..” he shook his head.

Yoongi sobbed in Jimin’s arms until he couldn’t cry anymore.. “Why did they have to do this to me?” he sniffled, closing his tired eyes,

Jimin had gotten into bed with Yoongi, holding the Omega close, “I don't know, hyung.. I wish I did but I don't.. I’m sorry..” He whispered, kissing Yoongi’s head.

“I love them so much.. I love them more than life.. Why did they not trust me? Why did he have to bring up my trauma like that? When I opened up to them right from the first day? Was I a fool? Was I a f*cking fool?” he hiccupped.

Jimin let out a slow breath, “I'm the last person you should be speaking to about this because I've known them my whole life. But, they really really wanted a family with you, hyung. They wanted this so badly. And when you started to show signs of maybe not wanting it, it made them feel insecure. Mostly Hoseok. Because he would've wanted to give Seokjin and you a baby himself but he literally can't. So when he felt like you might be slipping away he felt useless all over again. I'm not defending them nor excusing their behavior, but I want you to know it wasn't because they didn't trust you, it was because Hoseok felt insecure which made Seokjin worry. They love you. I think the fact that they would much rather break up than be together without you, explains just how much they love you. I'm so sorry, hyung.”

“If they felt insecure they could have talked to me.. They could have asked me about it without assuming sh*t.. I’ve always told them how safe and cherished I felt with them. I made sure to tell them that I was happy with them and that I wouldn’t give it up for anything, I wouldn’t give them up for any luxury in the world. I told them that each night.. They could have just talked to me..” he hiccupped. “But all they did was insinuating that I was a f*cking whor*..”

Jimin stared at the male before he shook his head, “Forget everything I said, you're right. I’m sorry, hyung. They should've known better and done better.” Jimin whispered, playing with Yoongi’s hair silently.

“That was the last thing that I expected him to ever say to me.. I don’t care whether he was angry or not.. That..” Yoongi shuddered. “It hurt so much more than all these injuries combined..”

“Then let them go. You deserve better than that.” Jimin mumbled, “As soon as you recover, get the mark removed. You don't need them, either of them.” The Omega said as he reached for a tissue to clean Yoongi’s face carefully.

Yoongi’s tears started to roll out again at the idea, but he didn’t make a sound. How could he do that.. He loved them.. He knew he would never love again if not for them. He needed them but at the same time couldn’t trust them with himself anymore. He had given his entire heart to them, spent hours and hours just being giddy how he had finally found a family for himself only to let it all wash away..

“I love them Jiminie..” he breathed out shakily. “I love them so f*cking much.. God, I love them..”

“And they love you, but they don't deserve you.” Jimin said as he pulled away to toss the tissue in the trash. “Let them go, hyung.”

Yoongi felt himself slip into unconsciousness.. He gripped onto Jimin tightly.. “They will always own my heart..” he whispered, eyes falling shut,,

Jimin held Yoongi as he slept, his heart aching for the three of them. He looked over when he heard the door open, Namjoon walking in.

Namjoon shook his head. “Both of them are idiots.. I told them to resolve their sh*t together and come back, they just went their separate ways..” he whispered, eyes on his sleeping cousin.

“I told him to remove the mark.” Jimin said, looking down at Yoongi, “Told him to remove it when he's recovered.”

Namjoon shook his head. “Knowing him.. he won't.. “ he whispered. “I never saw him happier when he was with them.. he was so deeply in love.. so even if they never get back together he will never move on.. I can say that for sure..” he whispered..

Jimin looked at his fiancé, “Yeah. Can.. Can we not talk about it anymore?” He asked softly, “I don't want to get caught in the middle.”

Namjoon looked over at Jimin and smiled slightly.. “of course angel..” he mumbled. “I'll be outside then if you need me.. be with him..” he spoke walking up to the door..

Jimin nodded, “Joonie?” He said softly, stopping his fiancé before he walked out of the room. “I love you.”

Namjoon stopped by the door and turned to the Omega with a soft smile.. “I love you even more, angel..” he whispered before opening the door and stepping out.

Jimin looked back at Yoongi, hugging the Omega close, kissing his head and staying by his side almost the entire time Yoongi had to stay in the hospital.

Taehyung watched as the nurse did one last check up on the pups, he was sitting by the bed, biting his nails as he watched her pick them up and examine them one at a time. Granted, he knew they were okay and healthy, but he still felt nervous about being told they couldn't go home yet. And that was all he really wanted.

Their family had yet to meet the pups, Jungkook being the only one as he’s the father, so he wasn't sure whether he was actually nervous about being sent home or nervous about their family meeting the pups for the first time.

Jungkook smiled as he pushed Taehyung’s hair back. “What’s got your little mind thinking? I can hear it from here..” he whispered.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, shaking his head with the tiniest of smiles, “Worried. It's nothing.” He whispered before looking back at the nurse.

Jungkook bent down to place a kiss on his head.. “Why are you worried?” He asked softly, eyes on the nurse.

Taehyung let out a slow breath, “About our family meeting them and the pups reacting well to them.” He mumbled, looking at the nurse as she smiled at the pups before she walked over to the couple.

“All is good, just need you to sign the discharge papers and you're good to go.” She said with a smile then walked out of the room to go get said papers.

Jungkook nodded at the nurse before sitting on the bed facing the omega.. “Baby.. It’ll go well okay? If it doesn’t I will move all of you into my condo so the pups can rest peacefully and then get them used to the family bit by bit. There is nothing to really worry about, okay? It’s your family, butterfly.”

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, reaching for the Alpha’s hand and nodded, “I know, but you've got one thing wrong.” He whispered, looking at the pups, “It’s our family, not just mine.”

Jungkook laughed softly. “Of course it is our family.” he murmured, kissing Taehyung’s hand, looking over when the nurse brought over the document. He signed all the documents, discharging Taehyung and the pups, “Let’s go Butterfly..” Jungkook whispered. “You can hold the pups and sit on the wheelchair, I know your body still hurts..”

Taehyung looked at his husband and gave him a small smile, moving to sit on the wheelchair the nurse pushed over for him. He looked toward the pups, the nurse giggling at how adorable he was. First she handed him the boy, which Taehyung held on his left arm, and then he held the girl in his right arm when she was handed to him. He smiled at them and then looked up at Jungkook, “Okay, let's go.”

Jungkook he thanked the nurse and started to push Taehyung out the room, knowing that their guards would bring their stuff. He was honestly exhausted. He hadn’t caught up on sleep too busy taking care of taehyung and the pups the past few days since no one else but him was allowed to visit and stay with them, since Taehyung had gone into labor in extreme conditions the doctors had advised them not allow anyone cus the babies were at a high risk of getting an infection, but looking at Taehyung and how happy he was, Jungkook knew he’d be exhausted any day just to witness that smile.

Taehyung looked down at their pups as Jungkook wheeled them out, their car would be waiting for them at the entrance. What he wasn't expecting was to see a very excited Jimin hopping out of the car, “Hand them over!” Taehyung looked a little shocked before he looked up at Jungkook, “I thought we were meeting them at home.”

Jungkook blinked. “That is what I was informed, but your little best friend was never the one to be patient so at the same time I’m a little shocked he is here I am not really that shocked.”

Jimin rolled his eyes at the two, “I couldn't be with my best friend when he gave birth nor after, I was sure not going to miss you going home.” He shrugged, rubbing at his own bump.

“We were literally going to be there in ten minutes.” Taehyung mumbled, holding the pups closer, feeling a little protective of them.

“Well, yeah, but I get to say I met them first.” Jimin giggled but stopped when he saw how Taehyung got. Being an Omega he understood right away, “On second thought, I’ll meet them at home.” He smiled and ran off to the car behind theirs, the other driver waiting for him.

Jungkook shook his head and sighed as he pushed Taehyung’s wheelchair towards the car. “Give them to me baby..” Jungkook murmured as he stopped next to the open doorway of Taehyung’s seat. “Let’s put them in their carrier..”

Taehyung nodded, carefully handing the boy to Jungkook first, standing up after doing so. He watched his husband place their pup in the carrier before he slowly handed the girl over as well.

Jungkook smiled at their sleeping pups before gesturing Taehyung to get in, and handing him the carrier to him after he sat down. He then gently closed the door so the pups wouldn’t wake up and rounded the car to get in from the other side.

Taehyung secured the carrier and when Jungkook got on he reached over and took his husband’s hand, smiling at him. “I love you.” he said softly, looking down at their pups after.

Jungkook leaned in and kissed his cheek.. “I love you more baby..” he whispered.

Taehyung smiled slightly before he looked out the window as they made their way home. He could see Jimin’s car following, so he felt a little better knowing that his best friend gave them space but still showed he was there for Taehyung.

“Knowing my over enthusiastic family they might have prepared a welcome party. Please don’t be too overwhelmed, okay? They don’t mean any harm..” Jungkook smiled softly.

Taehyung looked at his husband and nodded, “Okay, I’ll try.” He whispered as they turned toward the property. He swallowed thickly and squeezed Jungkook’s hand a little tighter.

“It’s gonna be okay darling..” he whispered before turning to look at him. “Baby do you just want to go and lay down? We can meet them later if you don’t want to do it now..”

“No, no, I want them to meet our babies. But, as soon as I feel like we need to leave can we?” Taehyung said softly as the car stopped in front of the house.

Jungkoook smiled. “You just gave birth to two pups.. No one is going to say anything.. I promise.. Let’s leave as soon as you want to, okay?”

Taehyung smiled and nodded, slowly getting out after the driver opened the door for him. He looked to the house then back at the pups, carefully helping Jungkook take them out of their carriers, each one of them taking a pup.

Jungkook smiled at the Omega before he stepped out of the car, the baby girl in his hands. He walked around the car and helped the Omega down before curling a hand around his waist and walking up the stairs. “They are starting to wake up..” Jungkook whispered looking at the pup.

Taehyung smiled and looked at Jungkook, “It's almost as if they know they're about to meet their family.” Taehyung whispered, the two of them making their way toward the house. Jimin walked behind them but rather slowly to give them space.

Jungkook chuckled as he watched the baby girl, as she has done many times now, open her eyes.. “Oh she is a ball of energy.. She is always the first one to open her eyes..” he chuckled.. “Hello there Mi Tesoro..” he whispered, smiling down at her..

Taehyung smiled at his husband before he leaned over to kiss his cheek, “She loves her daddy.” He whispered before the doors to the house opened. He let out a slow breath before smiling at whoever opened the door.

Mrs. Jeon, being the head Omega of the house had pushed all the Alphas out of the way, knowing that the Omega mother would not be comfortable with sudden overcrowding. She smiled at her son and son-in-law. “Welcome home babies.. Come on inside..” she said softly, keeping her patience even though her fingers ached to reach forward for the babies they were holding.

Taehyung smiled widely at his mother-in-law, “Hi eomma.” He said softly as they walked inside and followed her to the living room where surely everyone would be.

Jungkook’s brows furrowed as he didn’t see anyone there in the living room ..”Where is everyone?” he asked softly.

“Oh! I chased those overgrown puppies away!” Mrs. Jeon grumbled. “I didn’t want the pups and Taehyungie to be overwhelmed. Let the pups get used to their home first, they are ready with a small welcome party upstairs when you two are ready..”

The Omega looked at the woman before he teared up and looked down at his pup. He sniffled and walked over to sit down on the couch, looking up at her once more, “Thank you.”

“No need to thank me, love.. I know the feeling first hand..” She said softly. “Can… Can I hold them?” she asked, not being able to contain herself anymore..

Taehyung giggled, nodding his head, “Yeah, of course, eomma.” He whispered, looking from the pup in his arms to his husband, “Which one do you want to hold first, eomma?”

“Who is the oldest?” she asked softly, eyes wide in happiness..

Jungkook smiled. “The Alpha pup.. We have a little protector.. It’s the sleepy boy there..” he chuckled.

Taehyung smiled and turned to his mother-in-law, “He was born five minutes before. Doctor said he seemed eager to be born.” He said softly, watching the woman sit down next to him, he slowly handed the pup over to her.

She smiled with a soft elated squeal, cradling the pup in his arms. “Oh he is a carbon copy of that knothead over there..” she giggled, gasping as the pup slowly opened his eyes. “Hi there little wolf.. I am your nana..” she whispered, her rose scent blooming gently.

Taehyung smiled watching his mother-in-law before he giggled and looked over at Jungkook, “He's the cutest baby boy I’ve ever seen, looks just like his daddy.” He said before he looked back to the woman and their pup, the little one giggling at his nana.

“Oh my god I am gonna cry..” The woman murmured, tickling her grandson softly making him giggle.. “Where is my other child?” she gasped, turning around with the boy in her arms.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, the Alpha a few feet away, “My love? Do you want eomma to hold her or not yet?” He asked softly.

Jungkook smiled, walking towards his mother. “I wanna keep holding her but I think she wants to meet her..” Jungkook laughed softly. “Here.. This is the little princess..”

Taehyung smiled, watching his mother-in-law excitedly take their daughter in her arms as well. Taehyung reached for Jungkook's hand and pulled him to him, sitting the male down next to him on the couch.

Jungkook chuckled, kissing the Omega’s head, putting a hand behind him, wrapping it around Taehyung’s shoulders. “Hello baby..” he chuckled..

Mrs. Jeon cooed at the pups. “DId you name them still?”

Jungkook shook his head.. “No Eomma.. Not yet, we will do that later tonight..” he smiled at Taehyung.

Taehyung rested his head on Jungkook’s shoulder, looking at his mother-in-law, “Have some ideas.” He whispered before he turned to hide his face against Jungkook's neck, closing his eyes.

Jungkook placed his head on taehyung, feeling a little tired. “You do?” he asked in a whisper.

The Omega hummed, moving to place his legs over Jungkook's lap and hug his middle, “Yeah.” He whispered, relaxing next to his husband, his omega feeling more than okay with his mother-in-law being the one holding their babies

“Good then.. I also found some names.. We can decide on two after all of this is over..” Jungkook smiled, starting to massage Taehyung’s legs.

Taehyung let out another small hum before he started to snore softly, having fallen asleep in Jungkook’s hold.

Mrs. Jeon looked up at the sound of soft snores. “Oh poor angel..” She whispered. “Jungkook, why don’t you take him up and let him rest?” she asked softly. “They can meet them in your bedroom after Taehyungie wakes up darling. They will understand it’s okay..”

Jungkook smiled at his mother. “Okay Eomma.. ” he murmured, picking Taehyung up and slowly carrying him over to the elevator, while his mother followed with the giggling pups..

Taehyung groaned softly when he felt himself being placed on a bed, without opening his eyes he pulled Jungkook down, “Sleep with me..” he whispered, “Pups are okay..” he mumbled, letting his husband know he trusted his mother-in-law and soon fell asleep once again.

Jungkook grunted when he was pulled down and looked at his mother. Mrs. Jeon smiled and nodded. “It’s okay baby.. Just rest with him for a while.” Jungkook let out a soft sigh and relaxed wrapping his arms around Taehyung.

Taehyung knew that Jungkook was tired, yes, he was the one who gave birth and was the one that had to constantly ensure their pups were okay, but that didn't mean the Alpha didn't help. Jungkook hardly slept to make sure he was always with Taehyung in case he needed help. They both needed sleep and rest.

Jungkook didn’t feel it when he fell asleep but his eyes snapped open when he heard soft whines and his mother trying to soothe the pups. He turned his head and saw his mother trying to calm the pups down. He slowly pulled back from Taehyung, making sure the Omega was fast asleep before walking over to his mother. He pulled his shirt off and smiled at his mother, asking for the pups..

“I’m sorry baby.. You barely slept..” his mother said sadly as she handed the pups to him.

Jungkook shook his head.. “It’s fine Eomma.. You rest now..” he whispered, taking the pups, pressing them to his bare chest and started to gently rock them.. “Aigoo.. Daddy is here.. Daddy is here..” he whispered, smiling as the pups immediately calmed down. He walked over to the couch, leaning comfortably against the cushioned corner and smiled at the pups, making faces and making them softly giggle. He continued to do that for a while before the pups fell asleep again on his chest and he let out a sigh, holding them so Taehyung could sleep more.. But unbeknownst to him, tiredness got the best of him and he fell asleep with the pups sleeping on his chest.

Taehyung slowly blinked his eyes open, frowning when he didn't feel his husband’s arms around him. Slowly he sat up, and looked around the room, only to spot his husband on the couch. He couldn't help but smile when he noticed he and the pups were all asleep, so carefully and quietly he got out of bed and walked over. He pressed a kiss to Jungkook’s forehead and took the pups from him carefully, “I love you.” He whispered, wanting to let his husband sleep as much as he could.

Jungkook smacked his lips and turned his body in his sleep, eyebrows furrowing when he felt his hands were empty and next second his eyes snapped open, irises crimson a growl ready in his throat but he saw his Omega in front of him, the pups in his hands, he immediately calmed down. He smiled at the Omega.. “Hey, Butterfly..” he rasped groggily.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, smiling at him before he sat next to him on the couch, “Hi, my love. You okay?” He whispered, securing the pups in his arms. He glanced down at them before looking back at his husband, “I was going to try to let you sleep a little longer.”

Jungkook chuckled softly. “It’s hard when I’m always on alert about them..” he whispered.. He then sighed softly. “Let’s take them to the bed..” he whispered, “we need to name them.” he smiled, rubbing at his eyes..

Taehyung nodded, leaning over to kiss his husband’s cheek, “Okay babe, then maybe we can all sleep together. They don't seem ready to wake up anytime soon.” He said softly, standing up and walking toward the bed, looking back at Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled and nodded, standing up as he slowly went towards the bed. “What are the names you were thinking of?” he asked, helping him place the pups in the middle of the bed.

Taehyung got onto the bed, laying down next to the boy, laying on his side. He smiled softly as he looked at their pups before he looked up at his husband, “You haven't thought of any?”

“I did.. But I wanna hear your names too..” he smiled, getting onto the bed on his side.

Taehyung smiled before he once again looked at their pups, he loved them and he loved looking at them. They were perfect in his eyes and he'd never get enough of them, “Minji and Minjun.” He whispered.

“Oh?” Jungkook smiled as he eyed the babies.. “They do sound perfect..” he whispered.

Taehyung smiled and looked at his husband, “What were the ones you thought of?” He asked, reaching over their babies to take his husband’s hand, needing to feel him one way or another.

Jungkook hummed, caressing Taehyung’s hand with his thumb, intertwining their fingers. “Ji-ah and Ji-woo..” Jungkook looked at Taehyung.. “But I think your names would be good..”

Taehyung looked at his husband, narrowing his eyes, “J names. That's not fair, that would leave me out.” He mumbled before looking at their pups, “Do you like them?”

Jungkook laughed softly. “That is why I said your names are better baby and yes I like your names..” he smiled, leaning over the pups to peck him softly.

Taehyung shook his head, “Kiss me properly, missed your kisses.” He whispered, leaning toward his husband, being very careful with their pups.

Jungkook smiled, leaning in to kiss Taehyung properly, kissing him deeply yet softly. He explored every nook and corner of his husband’s mouth, something he couldn’t do eversince the pups were born. “I love you..” he whispered, in between kisses.

Taehyung melted into the kiss and let his husband kiss him as he wished, he hummed softly, smiling at Jungkook. “I love you too.” He whispered back, kissing Jungkook once more before he pulled back and laid back down next to their pups.

“So it’s official huh?” Jungkook asked softly. “Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Taehyung, Jeon Min-ji and Jeon Minjun.. Our little family.. ”

Taehyung nodded, tears welled up in his eyes. He did his best to hide it from his husband by burying his face against their baby boy's head.

Jungkook chuckled. “I thought pregnancy hormones were what made you emotional.. Now you can’t blame anything on your hormones anymore..” he grinned. “My sweet innocent baby..”

“Shut up.” Taehyung whined, moving away to stand up, placing a pillow next to their pup to replace him. He wiped at his face and walked to the bathroom.

“Where are you going?” Jungkook laughed as he watched the male leave, staying close to the pups..

“Gonna pump.” Taehyung said, clearly lying because he had fed the pups just before they left the hospital. He sniffled softly, closing the door behind himself, knowing that Jungkook probably wouldn't leave the pups alone.

Jungkook smiled softly, he wanted to follow taehyung but he couldn’t leave the pups alone so he just turned to them and pulled them to his chest, closing his eyes and covering themselves with the comforter.

Taehyung sat on the edge of the tub, playing with his hands as he cried silently. He wasn't sad, he wasn't crying because he was sad. No. He was crying because he finally had a little family of his own, followed by a larger family that actually cared and loved him. He knew that he and Jungkook would be great parents and wouldn't raise their kids the way Taehyung was raised. He was relieved he was away from his family to be able to raise his children in the way he wished. After maybe ten minutes, he washed his face and walked out back into the bedroom. He smiled when he saw that his husband had probably fallen asleep once more. He rounded the bed and leaned down to kiss his forehead, ensuring all three of his loves were covered.

When Taehyung pulled back, Jungkook shot his hand up to grab the Omega’s hand and pulled him onto the bed behind him, wrapping his arm over his own midriff.. “Next time you decide to have a crying session I’d like to be included..”he rasped, with his eyes closed, holding the pups to his chest and free hand holding Taehyung’s arm around his waist. “Good night, Butterfly..””

Taehyung gasped softly when Jungkook grabbed his hand, relaxing once he was laying behind his husband. He hid his face in Jungkook’s neck, humming softly, “We couldn't leave the pups alone, but I’ll keep that in mind.” He whispered, “Goodnight, babe.”

“I love you..”

“I love you more.” Taehyung whispered, kissing Jungkook’s nape, closing his eyes so that he'd be able to fall asleep, which wouldn't take long considering he was now close to his husband.

Jungkook was busy, he was sitting on his office chair, his omega pup in his lap, hooked on the baby carrier, one hand busy typing and the other hand holding the pumped milk bottle to her mouth all the while he talked on his phone, an ear bud in his ear. Taehyung had gone to work today and it’s barely been two complete months so the pups refused to stay without at least one of them even if his mother had offered to look after them. Knowing Taehyung missed his work so much he had said he’ll take the pups to work and honestly as much as he loved it was a little tiring.

He was so focused on feeding the pup and on his call that he didn’t even notice the door opening and his mate entering. He kept typing for a while before he stood up, holding the milk bottle still to the pup’s lips as he walked towards the floor to ceiling windows, talking quietly but fast. His glasses had slid off a little along his nose but he couldn’t give two sh*ts.

Taehyung watched in both amusem*nt and endearment as his husband tried navigating multiple tasks, one of those being trying to feed their daughter. He looked around and found their son in his car seat fast asleep. He smiled and walked over to check up on him before he made his way to his husband. Wordlessly, he grabbed his daughter and the bottle, kissing Jungkook’s cheek before making his way to the couch. He had locked the door when he walked in so instead of continuing to feed his daughter with the bottle his husband had been using, he lifted his shirt up to be able to breastfeed her. The little one latching onto his nipple right away.

Jungkook was ready to rip whoever’s head that dared to touch his pup, but calmed down when he felt the kiss against his cheek. He smiled as he turned and leaned against the floor to ceiling window, back against the blinking lights of the cars at night in the town below, watching his husband and pup.

“Yes Hwan, don’t make me curse in front of my pups. Better get yourself together or I’m pulling all my shares out. Be thankful for my pups for being here, that is why I am talking to you this nicely.” he clenched his jaws, pushing a hand into his pocket.”Yes whatever, you have twenty four hours.” he grunted before hanging up too unbothered for goodbye etiquettes..

“Butterfly..” he smiled at his husband, walking towards him and pasting a chaste kiss on his lips.

Taehyung looked over at Jungkook, smiling at him lovingly, “Hi, my love. Everything okay?” He asked before he looked down at Minji, who had grabbed onto his finger.

Jungkook nodded. “Yeah just one of my partners being a butthole..” he sighed, rolling his sleeves up to his elbow.. “You ate baby?”

“Not yet. But I figured with taking care of the pups at work, you'd have a lot to do and would also skip either lunch or dinner or both, so I ordered food on the way. Should be here soon. How does pork belly sound?” Taehyung asked, looking up at his husband with a grin.

“Fuc- Fishing delicious..” Jungkook grinned back, ruffling his own hair, sitting down on his office chair and stretching a little and fixing his glasses before going back to his laptop.. “Thank you baby..”

“Anything for you.” Taehyung said as he watched their daughter pull off, having fallen asleep in the process of eating. He smiled as he stood up, placing her on his chest, gently patting her back. He needed to burp her before setting her down, and he couldn't help but laugh when she let out one of the loudest burps they had ever heard from her.

Jungkook looked up when he heard his daughter, laughing softly. “Oh she must have been full full..” he said, going back to his laptop.

Taehyung smiled as he sat her down on her car seat, he made sure she was okay before he put his shirt back down and walked over to Jungkook. He stood behind him and wrapped his arms around his husband and kissed his cheek, “Hi.”

Jungkook smiled when he felt arms wrap around him. Leaning back on his chair he let out a soft breath as he let Taehyung kiss his cheek. “Hi..” he whispered, grabbing his hand and pulling the male front, simultaneously pushing his chair back and pulling him onto his lap, burying his face in his neck, inhaling his scent. “I missed you..” he whispered, pressing a soft kiss on his scent gland.

Taehyung squeaked quietly when he was pulled onto Jungkook’s lap, he wrapped his arms around his husband’s neck and held him close. He smiled when the Alpha inhaled his scent followed by him shivering when he felt the kiss on his scent gland, “I missed you too, very much.”

Jungkook smiled, letting out a big sigh and hugged the male tight before looking up at him. “Being away from you is the hardest part of my day..” he whispered, eyes roaming around Taehyung’s face.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook before he nodded in agreement, “I've spent the better part of this year by your side and attached to the twins, that being away from you for a few hours was the worst part of my day. I know we eventually have to get used to it, especially with me going back to work, but I really don't like it.” He whispered while he moved to caress his husband's cheek.

Jungkook sighed and nodded. “I know love. It’s gonna f*cking suck..” he whispered. “But I'll make sure to make it all worth it whenever we are together.. okay?”

Taehyung nodded once more before he leaned forward to press his lips to Jungkook’s, finally being able to kiss his husband after a really long day without him.

Jungkook smiled as he kissed the male back, hand slipping under his shirt to gently squeeze his waist. “How was your day?” he whispered in between kisses..

Taehyung smiled against Jungkook’s lips, tangling his fingers in the Alpha’s hair, “Was good, took advantage of my big breasts and did a lingerie shoot.” He joked, pecking his husband’s lips.

Jungkook paused before looking up at the Omega. “Are you serious?” he asked, wide eyed.

Taehyung looked at his husband’s reaction and giggled, “No, my love. It was actually a shoot for a cosmetic line, all they did was take pictures of my face.” Taehyung said as he leaned down to kiss Jungkook’s scent gland.

Jungkook closed his eyes. “You minx..” he grumbled, pulling back to look at him. “”And I want you to also know that if you ever want to shoot lingerie then you have my permission for that okay?”

Taehyung pulled back and looked at his husband in amusem*nt, “Jeon Jungkook, I don't need your permission to do things with my career, silly Alpha.” He giggled before kissing his nose, “Either way, I.. I would never do that. Not anymore at least.” He mumbled before he stood up when he heard the knock on the door, “Oh, food’s here.” He walked to the door, unlocking it and thanking Jungkook’s secretary before walking back to the coffee table, “My love, come on.”

“Why?? Didn’t you know? If you are married you need your alpha’s permission to shoot explicit stuff..” Jungkook smirked. “But let me rephrase it.. If you ever want to shoot lingerie you have my full support..” he chuckled , helping the omega set the food.

Taehyung smiled up at Jungkook before shaking his head, “I love you. But no, we don't need me in lingerie looking the way I do, we can keep it for our bedroom.” He said as he pulled Jungkook down to sit with him, “Come on, I know you're starving.”

Jungkook paused at the comment, frowning. “Looking like you do? What in the world does that even mean?” he asked as he looked at the male.

Taehyung glanced at Jungkook before he focused on fixing up Jungkook’s portion as he asked for plates, “I'm a model with stretch marks and loose skin, I'm not really looking to show that to the world and the world isn't exactly asking to see it.”

Jungkook stared at Taehyung, before looking down at his food, suddenly losing his appetite. Had he been feeling this way the entire way? That the stretch marks had ruined his body? Without a word Jungkook licked his lips and began to eat.

Taehyung looked at his husband, and they had been together long enough for him to understand his husband without him saying anything. He sighed and moved to face Jungkook, “Babe, I don't hate how I look. But there won't be companies running at the opportunity to show the real me, that's what I'm saying.” He said, leaning down to be in Jungkook’s line of vision.

“Why are you even doing it if it’s not showing the real you?” Jungkook asked softly. “If it’s all an illusion, is it worth it?” he then looked up at Taehyung. “Just think how many more Omegas think like you, how they are insecure about the stretch marks and they hide them. If these modeling companies can’t work to make them comfortable in their own skin then what's the point? Beauty comes in all shapes and skin. Why do the skinny vase shaped models get to feel good and the Omega’s who carried pups and still have an amazing body maybe even more beautiful than the skinnier models have to be insecure about having stretch marks? That’s the scars they have after bearing their pups. It’s nothing bad, it’s normal and people should see that. Especially knothead alphas who give their Omegas a hard f*cking time after birth for not being perfect.”

Taehyung stared at Jungkook, tears slowly collecting in his eyes, “I love you. I really hit the jackpot the night I met you.” He whispered before he leaned forward to peck Jungkook’s lips. “You're right, but you know how it is, baby. We still get treated horribly despite it being the 21st century. But.. But you gave me an amazing idea and I love you for it. I don't know what the hell I would do without you.” He whispered, smiling at his husband, “I love my body, but people around me will always have things to say. I'll feel insecure every once and awhile, but that will never take away the fact that I love what pregnancy left behind because it's a reminder that I carried our babies and now they're with us. So, please don't ever think I regret having them or carrying them, I don't. It's just.. I have a really good career in a really shallow industry.”

Jungkook stared at the male before he reached for his phone, dialing Namjoon's number.


“Joon, come to my office tomorrow, I need a meeting with the lot, tell Yoongi too.. This is important..”

“Oh? Is it something urgent? Something wrong?”

“Is it something urgent? No. But is it something important and kind of going against the norm? Yes..”

“What are you up to Jeon? What are you trying to start?”

“Not me.. You will be starting a new concept and a campaign and the Jeon cooperation will fully fund it, you won’t have to spend a dime. Let the public know that it is the Jeon cooperation funding it. We have some views to change..”

Taehyung stared at Jungkook before he smiled and looked down at the food on the table. He really loved his husband. He shook his head and continued with what he was doing before finishing up plating their food, adding more to Jungkook’s as his husband talked on the phone.

Jungkook nodded as he spoke. “Yes, get Jimin down here too, I think he’d like to participate too..

“Alright, now let me be with my little date in piece f*ck off..”

Jungkook snickered before slowly hanging up starting to eat again silently..

Taehyung moved closer to Jungkook, resting his head on the Alpha’s shoulder as they ate in silence.

Jungkook smiled as he ley the Omega placed his head on his shoulder. Wiping his face after finishing his food he looked at Taehyung. “You full? good?”

Taehyung sat up and placed his empty plate on the table, shaking his head, “No. But I need to ask, how important is the work you were doing before I arrived?” He asked, looking at the male.

Jungkook hummed. “Not that important? I gave the work to Hwan so he will take care of it.. why?”

“Just want you to hold me for a little while, because I can sense they’ll wake up soon.” Taehyung whispered, “And I want to be a little selfish and have you to myself until then.”

Jungkook chuckled. “We can go home. Give them to my mother or Jimin and then enjoy a relaxing bath if you want..”

Taehyung looked at his husband in amusem*nt, “Didn't Namjoon just say he was on a date?” He asked before kissing Jungkook's cheek, only for him to look over the pups when he heard them making noises. “Told you.”

“A home date.. Netflix and chill.. They are the most perfect babysitters” jungkook smriked..

Taehyung laughed softly, standing up to walk toward their pups, picking up Minjun, “Hi baby. I've missed you.” He said before kissing the pup's cheek, “We can stay here, I’ll ask Seojoon to send someone to bring me things for the pups and we’ll stay here with you as long as needed.” He said, while swaying gently. “Is that okay with you?”

Jungkook smiled.. “it's really okay baby.. I know you had a tiring day..”

Taehyung lifted his shirt up and let Minjun latch onto his other nipple, looking over at Jungkook, “So? I wanna be with you. I don't want to go home and take you away from work. You helped me by taking over caring for the pups today while I worked, I wanna do the same.”

Jungjook smiled fondly at the male.. “you stubborn omega.. okay.. you can stay.. Give me an hour and a half more? Then we will go home and give the pups to eomma and relax a bit.. okay?”

Taehyung smiled as he nodded, walking around as he fed his pup. He hummed softly, looking down at him, “God, you look just like your daddy.” he whispered, “Even when latched onto my nipple.” He said, grinning as he turned to Jungkook.

Jungkook’s eyes snapped up to Taehyung, a smirk slowly drawing up his lips. “Oh ? I look like a pup when I have your tit* in my mouth?” he asked, tilting his head.

Taehyung laughed softly, “I don't remember what you look like with your mouth on my nipples, maybe we should try it out again soon.” He snorted, pulling Minjun away and placing him on his chest to burp him. “Go back to work.” He smiled.

Jungkook bit his tongue. “You are killing me. I miss having you under me, writhing, so be careful yeah?” He warned as he went back to his work..

Taehyung giggled, putting his shirt down once Minjun burped. He moved over to the couch, laying his pup down to check his diaper.

“Oh it stinks..” Jingkook laughed without looking up from the computer.. “There are extra filters in the bathroom Butterfly..” he murmured pointing to the bathroom door.

Taehyung snorted, looking over at his husband, “Hey, be nice, it's our pup.” He said as he changed his diaper. Then placed him back in his car seat to do the same with Minji.

“Doesn't mean the smell is different, baby.. “ Jungkook laughed softly.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and finished changing the twins’ diapers. He carefully placed Minji back in her car seat, and walked off to discard the dirty diapers. He also made sure to change the filter just so his cute husband wouldn't have to smell the aftermath.

Jungkook frowned. “Why did you change that from vanilla to lavender? Hey put back a vanilla filter please. Thank you.” He grunted, continuing to type.

Taehyung laughed, changing it back to vanilla, “Why vanilla?” He asked, walking back to sit on the floor by the pups, “What's so special about plain vanilla?”

Jungkook huffed. “Look.. I have this beautiful husband and he has this beautiful scent so I want my office to smell like him. So you better use only vanilla filters in here.” He grumbled.

Taehyung blushed as he looked toward his husband, “Is that really why you have them? I thought it was because it was easy to obtain.” He said softly before turning back to the pups, “Oh, your daddy’s in love with papa, huh?”

“Easy to obtain? You'd be surprised how much I had to search everywhere to get that..” Jungkook grunted.. “Is that news for you?”

“Really? I thought vanilla would be easy to get, it seems so basic.” Taehyung giggled, looking at his husband once more, “No, not news to me. Just always feel very very lucky when you tell me you love me or show you that you do.”

Jungkook smiled. “I will make sure to tell you and make you feel that until my last breath then..” he muttered cursing the next second as he typed fast.

“I hope your last breath isn't for- what's wrong?” Taehyung asked as he looked at Jungkook in worry.

Jungkook shook his head.. “Was just reading an don't worry. “ he whispered.

“Is everything okay?” Taehyung asked, frowning slightly, “Do you want me to let you work and take the pups home?”

Jungkook shook his head. “I'll be done in a few.. wait.. “ he murmured.. “unless you want to go..”

Taehyung nodded and turned back to the pups, “Can't wait to take you guys home, and scent you and cuddle you then pass you over to Nana so I can spend time with daddy.” He said softly, the pups giggling.

Jungkook smiled. “You are cute..” he laughed softly.

Taehyung looked at his husband, “Baby, you sure everything is okay?” he asked softly.

Jungkook looked at his husband and smiled.. “Positive.” he murmured.. “I'm almost done baby.. I promise..” he murmured, starting to work again.. after working for around twenty minutes he shut his laptop and stood up. “Done.”

Taehyung nodded and looked at their pups, “Do you guys want a sibling?” He asked, wanting to keep himself entertained while his husband packed.

Jungkook looked up at the Omega while he packed up his stuff.. “Oh ? We are talking about siblings already?” He smirked

Taehyung smiled as he stood up from the floor, “Not yet, but I think it would be nice if we had more, no?” He asked, ensuring the twins were strapped into the car seats.

Jungkook chuckled, taking his bag and walking towards Taehyung, taking one of the car seats.. “of course.. the more the merrier they say..”

Taehyung smiled, grabbing onto the second car seat, and kissing his husband’s lips, “I love you. Let's go, and then you can tell me why you were cursing at your laptop.”

Jungkook laughed softly.. “Okay..I'll tell you why I was cursing at my laptop.”

The couple made their way out of the office and to the elevator, “Yes please do, I want to know what's got my poor husband so frustrated and how I can help.”

Jungkook laughed softly, “I think you'd rather cry than helping me..” he said kissing Taehyung’s head.

The Omega shook his head and leaned against Jungkook as they rode the elevator down, “I didn't mean help with work, my love.”

Jungkook raised his brows. “Oh?” He asked walking to the car..

Taehyung helped Jungkook place the pups into the car, both males making sure their babies were securely strapped in. He closed the door and looked at his husband, “Remember the one time you wanted to really really f*ck me and not hold back, but you had to anyway because I was pregnant?” He said softly before he smiled innocently at his husband, “I’m not pregnant anymore.” He pecked Jungkook’s lips and got onto the passenger seat.

Jungkook's eyes widened as he stared down at the Omega who was sitting in the car. He placed a hand on the opened door and bent down so he was eye level with the omega. He held Taehyung’s gaze as he grabbed the seat belt and strapped the Omega in. “You better clear off your schedule for the next few days of the week..” he rasped before giving the Omega a small smirk and closing the door and rounding to his own car and getting in and shutting the door.

Taehyung blinked quickly before he looked at his husband, “I don't have anything for the next few weeks, but you can't keep me to yourself 24/7, babe. Who will feed the pups?” Taehyung giggled and leaned over to place his hand on Jungkook’s thigh, “If we get breaks to feed them and scent them then I’m all yours.”

Jungkook shook his head. “No no.. it's not about me keeping them away from you it's just.. you won't be able to get up from the bed when I'm down with you..” he grinned.

Taehyung let out a small whimper, “Oh.. Okay” he nodded, looking back at the pups before looking at his husband, “Let's go then.”

Jungjook laughed softly, placing his hand on top of Taehyung’s.. “yeah.. okay.. you are mine for the rest of the day now.. under my mercy.. “ he smirked.

Taehyung nodded, turning his hand around so he could link their fingers and squeeze Jungkook’s hand, “I have no problem with that.” He whispered.

Jungkook smirked. “Good that you don't.. “ he muttered, speeding slightly, wanting to get home as soon as possible..

Taehyung let out a shaky breath, leaning back as he stared at his husband, “I've missed you.” He said softly, “We haven't really had any time to ourselves since we got home from the hospital, I've really missed you.”

Jungkook nodded. “Yeah, It’s been two months and it’s been driving me up the f*cking wall..” he murmured, turning the car into the familiar route through the trees.

Taehyung giggled, “Why didn't you say anything? We could've found time or made time, or ran off for a quickie. He said, caressing Jungkook’s knuckles with his thumb.

Jungkook laughed softly. “No baby.. Your body needed rest. My horny lycan can stay still..” he whispered, bringing Taehyung’s hand up to his lips and kissed it..

Taehyung smiled fondly at his husband, “I love you, but I also needed you so I would've loved it if you had said something.” He laughed softly as the car stopped.

Jungkook chuckled, “Well.. it looks like the day is finally here..” he smiled looking at the Omega and then suddenly thinking of something. “Do you want to go to the waterfalls?”

Taehyung’s eyes and smile widened, “Really? Oh, of course.” He said in excitement before he looked back at the pups for a second, “They’ll be fine, right?”

Jungkook smiled at the Omega.. “Of course baby.. Jimin is there.. My mom is there.. Yoongi is there and not to forget the alphas are also there so obviously they will be fine.. There is milk pumped so we just have to scent them and go..”

Taehyung smiled and nodded, leaning over to kiss Jungkook gently before unbuckling his seatbelt and getting off, “Come on, they must be tired of those car seats.” Taehyung got off and walked to open the backseat, carefully taking out one of the pups knowing Jungkook would get the other.

Jungkook smiled as he got out of the car and carefully took his alpha pups out, taking them inside the house. “You wanna bathe them and scent them first? Or will you let Eomma wash them?” he asked softly.

“We can let eomma do it. They like her scent just as much.” Taehyung said as they walked into the house, “I feel bad but I just wanna be with you right now.”

Jungkook nodded. “I understand baby.. Trust me.. I do..” he whispered.

Taehyung blushed slightly as they rode the elevator up to their floor, “Thank you, baby. For taking over today, I know it wasn't easy but I love you so much for doing it even when you looked stressed from work.”

Jungkook smiled. “You know I'd do anything for you..” he whispered, kissing his temple. “And even though it was tiring I loved having them over..”

Taehyung shook his head in adoration, “I’m so in love with you.” He whispered, exiting the elevator to go toward the pups nursery.

Jungkook smiled as he took the phone out and sent a text to his mother to get there in ten minutes.. “I love you more, Butterfly.” he spoke, entering the nursery and gently taking his son out of his car seat.

Taehyung silently took their daughter out of her car seat, smiling as he held her to his chest, “Oh sweet baby, is tired? Did daddy tire you out? The office life is not for you?” He said softly, giggling.

Jungkook chuckled and he kissed Minjun’s head. “You should have seen him. He watched me work for around an hour silently while little Tesoro there slept. He sat on my lap and stared at the laptop screen..” he chuckled.

Taehyung smiled, looking over at Jungkook, “Oh? Is he gonna take over your company one day?” He said, walking over to his husband, kissing the pup’s cheek.

Jungkook smiled. “Well.. He is the rightful heir since he is my oldest but it all comes down to what he wants. I will never force a career path on him. But the way I see it and how he behaved today I can see a future for him on my chair..”

Taehyung smiled, looking from their pup to the Alpha, “Watch him be a model and little one over here be the CEO.” He said with a small laugh just as their daughter woke up and looked up at them with her big wide eyes.

Jungkook snickered. “Oh she will be a force to reckon with. I forgot to tell you.. So I had one of my Department heads over for a briefing and he made me angry. I was barely containing myself from cussing him off, but this one over here, watched the male as he kept scrambling for answers and grabbed a pen from my desk and hurled it at him..” Jungkook laughed out loud, pointing to his daughter, making his son wake up as well..

Taehyung stared at Jungkook in shock before he looked down at Minji, “She's two months old, how the fu- frick did she do- nevermind I know how.” He mumbled at the end, remembering his husband was a lycan.

Jungkook laughed and rocked Minjun.. “I was shocked too…”

Taehyung shook his head, “They’re something else.” He whispered just as his mother-in-law entered the nursery. “Oh, Nana’s here.”

Jungkook smiled as he turned around to see his mother entering the nursery..

“Oh my god! My little pups! I missed them so much!” She whispered, hurrying over. “How are they? Aw.. Did daddy take good care of you? Or did he bore you out?”

Taehyung laughed, handing Minji over, “They seemed to have enjoyed their time, from what their Daddy says anyway.” He smiled and looked at Jungkook in amusem*nt.

Jungkook scoffed as he handed over Minjun as well cus his mother was staring at him with her free hand open. “The lack of trust in me by my own mother..” he grumbled.

Taehyung smiled as he wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s middle, resting his head on the male’s shoulder as he watched his mother-in-law and their kids. “You can't blame her, you took our babies to the office and expected them to enjoy it.” He joked.

Jungkook pouted, “Okay next time I won’t.. Right?” he grumbled as he wrapped an arm around his waist as his mother laughed,

Taehyung looked at his husband before he kissed his pout, “You can take them wherever you want, if there's someone I trust with my entire life to take good care of our babies it's you. And eomma.” He said and looked at his mother-in-law, “I fed them before we left the office, but there's milk in their fridge. Do you think that will be okay?”

Jungkook’s mother nodded her head. “Yes that will be okay..” she smiled.

“I’m taking Taehyung to the waterfalls, can you look after them?”

Mrs. Jeon smiled. “Okay.. Y’all wash up and go, I will ask the workers to prepare some food and all there for you..”

Taehyung pouted before he moved away from Jungkook to kiss his mother-in-law’s forehead, “I love you, you're the best.” He smiled at her before he walked out of the nursery leaving his husband with her.

Mrs. Jeon watched him leave before looking at her son.. “You better not get him pregnant. He just got out of pregnancy..”

“Mom!” Jungkook scolded his mother. “What do you think I am ? an animal?”

“Well technically you are..”

“Oh my god..” Jungkook sighed before kissing his pups and scenting them thoroughly. “Good bye..” he glared at his mother before walking over to their room.

Taehyung was already in the bathroom, removing his makeup when Jungkook walked in, “So casual clothing right? Because I’m guessing it will be some walking we have to do?” He asked, looking over at his husband.

Jungkook hummed. ‘I thought of letting our wolves run over there.. Eomma said she will prepare some outfits for us..“

Taehyung gasped, smiling at the male, “Really?” He asked in excitement. He hadn't let his wolf out since their wedding, and he had been pregnant then, so he couldn't do much without fear of hurting their pups. So knowing that he and his husband could do it again made him all warm inside.

Jungkook smiled. “Yes, we can go in our wolf forms baby. On the way back I will let you ride on my back..” he chuckled.

Taehyung smiled and nodded, “Okay.” He said before he finished washing his face and then walked out onto their bedroom, “I've missed your wolf.”

Jungkook smiled. “He’s howling with happinnes inside at the thought of seeing you..” he laughed, removing his shirt and getting in the shower for a quick wash.

Taehyung nibbled on his bottom lip, he glanced to their bedroom door then the bathroom. He made sure it was locked before he made his way to the bathroom to join his husband for a shower. That's all he was going to do, he wouldn't try anything else. He promises.

Jungkook was rinsing his hair when he heard bathroom door open. He slowly turned around to smile at Taehyung but paused when he saw the male was naked. “Butterfly..” he spoke, eyes on the omega.

Taehyung wordlessly got into the shower and wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s waist, “Yes?” He said softly, leaning up to peck Jungkook’s lips.

Jungkook sighed into his lips.. “You are playing a dangerous game..” Jungkook smiled into the kiss.. He placed his hand on Taehyung’s waist and started kneading the flesh..

Taehyung shook his head, “No, baby. We're just showering, think you can hold off a little longer until we're not home?” He asked softly before he pulled back from Jungkook’s hold to stand under the running water.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung before he let out a sigh and smiled. “Fine, you are lucky I love you..” he murmured, pecking him once more before starting to wash himself off..

Taehyung smiled as he also washed himself, “I am pretty lucky huh? Wonder what I did in my past life to have you as my husband in this one.” He said, turning his back to Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled. “Who says we weren’t partners in that life?” he asked, closing the shower off and getting out to dry himself off.

Taehyung stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel and looking at his husband, “You think we were?” He asked softly, drying himself off before wrapping the towel around himself, covering his chest.

Jungkook smiled. ‘I’m pretty sure we were, baby..“ he chuckled..

The omega smiled before he disappeared into the closet. He had every intention of getting a change of clothes, but considering he'd have to take them off to turn into his wolf form, he decided to not do that. So, minutes later, instead of Taehyung in his human form walking out of the closet, it was Taehyung in his wolf form strutting out.

Jungkook smiled, as he looked out of the window and saw it was a calm night with the moon shining above the clouds. With a soft breath, he turned around to see the Omega strutting out. “Oh there is my pretty Omega..” he whispered, crouching down slightly to embrace him.

Taehyung let out a small howl of happiness as he let his husband embrace him. He sniffed his scent gland and nudged his snout against it before he poked his tongue out to lick it lightly before he pulled away to lick Jungkook’s cheek.

Jungkook laughed as he let the Omega lick at his face.. “Oh you adorable little thing.. want alpha to change too so we can have a race?” He smiled, pulling back.

Taehyung nodded, huffing happily. Realistically he knew that it wouldn't be a race, for two reasons. One, he didn't know where the waterfalls were so he'd need Jungkook’s guidance. And two, his husband is ten times faster than he was. But he wanted to do it nonetheless.

Jungkook smiled, kissing his snout and straightened up and removed his pants and shifted into his wolf, shaking his body with a purr..

Taehyung jumped on Jungkook excitedly, licking his face once more as best as he could. He didn't forget that his husband was bigger than him in their wolf forms but he also hadn't seen him in awhile.

Jungkook wolf had an excited yip as he let the Omega do as he pleased.. When he noticed how the Omega kept jumping he then laid down bringing the Omega down with him.

Taehyung let out a huff as he stared at Jungkook, wrapping his paws around Jungkook’s neck. He licked him once more before hiding his face against his Alpha’s neck.

Jungkook smiled in his head as he licked Taehyung’s fur. He then pulled back when he realized they might fall asleep.. He yipped at the Omega, pushing him up with his snout, he then strutted out towards the balcony to jump but paused when he remembered that the omega would be too small for a jump that high. He then came over wagging his tail, picking the Omega up like he would a pup. Then running over to the balcony, leaping over it, landing on his four legs gently so he wouldn’t hurt the Omega. He then put him down, licking his scruff where he was holding with his mouth.

Taehyung let out a growl when Jungkook grabbed him then he let out a yelp when Jungkook ended up jumping out the balcony. He swatted at his husband when he was put down, he almost had a heart attack. He huffed then looked away before he started to walk away, only to stop when he realized he wasn't sure where to go. He turned to Jungkook, letting out a huff.

The Alpha wolf cackled when the Omega swatted at him and walked away just to realize he didn’t know where to go. He gave an excited yip and started jogging towards the forest cover behind the house.

Taehyung shook his head in amusem*nt before he started to run after his husband, following him carefully so that he wouldn't get lost along the way.

Jungkook looked back and wagged his tail as Taehyung followed him and sped up a little running inside the forest..

Taehyung let out a whine before he ran faster to try to catch up to his husband. But knowing their size and speed difference, Taehyung was bound to lose the Alpha at some point.

Jungkook didn’t run at full speed, he made sure to keep his speed up to a level which Taehyung can follow easily. He didn’t want his husband to be too tired. They had a long night and he wanted them to make the best out of it.

Taehyung followed Jungkook, his Omega really happy that they were spending time together. He was able to catch up to his husband and he knew it was because the male wasn't going at his normal speed. He quite enjoyed it though, running side by side with his mate.

Jungkook made sure to run in a path where Taehyung’s paws wouldn’t get wounded or scratched because of sharp stones or wood splinters, even if they were running in the dark. As they ran they could hear the sound of the waterfalls getting closer.

Taehyung became excited once he could hear the waterfalls as they kept running. He let out a happy howl, running a little faster, too eager to get there and see how beautiful the waterfalls truly were.

Jungkook let out a chuckle and watched his husband run faster , heart happy with how happy and excited the Omega sounded. He kept running behind him, letting the Omega run towards the waterfalls faster.

Taehyung followed the sound of the waterfalls and reached them rather quickly, his husband right behind him. He stopped when they arrived and he looked around in awe before turning to Jungkook, his blue eyes shining with excitement.

Jungkook gave a happy howl at the excited Omega, coming to lick at his face before he growled once more and was running full speed towards the lake at the bottom of the waterfalls, Cannonballing into it.

Taehyung ran after Jungkook but unlike his husband he simply ran into the water, until the water reached his neck. He swam toward the waterfall looking around for his mate.

Jungkook waited underwater until Taehyung was in the middle of the lake and when he came closer to where he was he leaped up and out of the water creating a small big wave .

Taehyung let out a yelp and then glared at his husband, looking at him like a wet puppy now that his head was soaking. He splashed him and tried to swim away dramatically.

Jungkook cackled like a hyena and wrapped his paws around the little omega, pulling him to him..

Taehyung huffed but let himself get pulled in nonetheless, looking up at the Alpha. He shook his head before biting the other’s ear when he was able to reach up.

Jungkook whined when his ear was bitten, immediately letting go of the omega and whining like a wounded pup as he sulked and shifted into his human form. “Hey!”

Taehyung laughed in his wolf form before he went under water, coming back up in his human form, “You deserved it!” He giggled, wrapping his arms around his husband’s neck.

Jungjook huffed pouting. “But I never hurt you..”

Taehyung looked at his husband before he leaned forward to kiss his pout away, humming softly against his lips. “You realize I didn't even bite you that hard right? And compared to your big ass wolf, my tiny wolf’s bite would've been like a mosquito bite.” Taehyung said as he played with Jungkook's hair.

Jungkook’s portion deepened as he huffed. “But it's you who bit me.. I'm your baby..” he whined.

Taehyung smiled as he looked at Jungkook, “How about this? You bite me in return.” He whispered, turning away to expose his neck to Jungkook, especially where his scent gland was.

Jungkook stared at the Omega.. “minx..” he breathed, wrapping his arms around the Omega and pulling him back against his chest, biting down on his scent hand, not deep enough to mark but enough for Taehyung to feel pleased.

Taehyung gasped, gripping Jungkook’s hair as he didn't think his husband would actually bite him. But he did let out a small moan at the bite. “Babe..”

Jungkook smiled against his skin and lapped at the bruise he created.. “yes?”

Taehyung let out a shaky breath as he pulled his husband back by the hair, carefully, and looked at him with wide eyes, “I.. Do it for real.”

Jungkook stared into Taehyung's eyes.. “do it for real? Mark you?” He asked softly.

Taehyung nodded as he stared at his husband, “I don't want to be bonded to anyone else in this world if it isn't you. You've given me a family and all the love in the world, all there is to do now is show the world that I am in fact yours forever.”

Jungjook smiled softly looking at the male. He let out a sigh before grabbing Taehyung by the neck and kissing him deeply. “I love you..” he whispered , picking Taehyung up.

Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s neck once more as he kissed the Alpha, humming softly as he was picked up. He wrapped his legs around Jungkook's waist to hold himself up as he continued to kiss his husband deeply.

Jungkook placed his hands beneath Taehyung’s asscheeks as he slowly swam to the shore, all the while kissing him, the loud noise of the waterfalls near them hiding their moans and groans. He had seen the arrangements his mother had got their workers to do as he had jumped into the water. She had got them to male a canopy structure which looked like a huge fortress made out of curtains, facing the waterfalls, along with a big mattress with dozens of pillows inside and food on a side table, the entire thing illuminated by fairy lights. He slowly walked over and gently lowered Taehyung into the mattress..

Taehyung pulled back from the kiss and looked up at his husband while panting. He then slowly looked around, not having noticed the set up his mother-in-law had arranged for them. He gasped softly and then looked back at his husband before he smiled and pulled him back down for another deep kiss.

Jungkook smiled at the surprise on Taehyung's face and kissed him a little deeper, leaning down and putting a little weight on him. He pulled back after a while. Just enough to look Taehyung in the eyes. “I need you to see something before we completely mate..”

Taehyung looked at his husband, almost chasing his lips for another kiss before he nodded, “What is it?” He whispered, placing his hands on his husband’s shoulder blades.

Jungkook licked his lips. “I want you to close your eyes.. And when you hear a howl, look towards the waterfall.. Do you trust me?” he asked softly.

“More than anyone in the world.” Taehyung whispered before he closed his eyes as his husband had asked him to.

Jungkook stared at the Omega, his heart soaring. With reluctance he pulled back and disappeared behind the tree covers and shifted into his Lycan form, leaping from tree to tree until he was climbing up the hilltop where the waterfall began like it was a walk in the park, going straight up to the edge of the ledge. He was scared. Honestly, scared that Taehyung would be scared of him and not want to mate with a monster. But he had to show him before he mated him, he couldn’t just lie to Taehyung about it. He stood at the ledge, shadowed by the huge moon. He looked down at Taehyung who still had his eyes closed. He was so far away and so small it brought a smile onto his lips. He then let out a loud breath before tipping his head back and howling, his howl deeper than a wolf and a little haunting.

Taehyung gasped, eyes opening immediately at the sound of a howl. He sat up and looked up to the waterfall, eyes wide as he looked at who he knew was his husband. Even from far away, Jungkook looked huge. So he couldn't imagine what his husband looked like up close. He shivered at the sound of the howl but there was absolutely no way he could hold back the smile that slowly appeared on his lips. Jimin had told him about Jungkook, but when he had started to tell him about his husband’s Lycan form, Taehyung always stopped him. Wanting to see it for himself. And as he sat there and watched his husband in his Lycan form, he was rendered speechless.

Jungkook finished his howling and looked down at his omega, and his ears straightened up, listening to his surroundings and he could hear taaehyung’s heartbeat clearly, it was fast but it wasn’t fear. Taehyung was excited. His heart soared, falling in love with Taehyung deeper. He stared at him for a while more, needing to be closer to him so he leaped down from the ledge.

Taehyung stood up, looking around and grabbing one of the two robes that had been set out for them. He quickly put it on and rushed to the edge of the lake to wait for his husband to emerge from under the water.

It took barely a minute for Jungkook to leap out of the water and land on the opposite side of the shore from where Taehyung was, eyes on his husband as he let out a low rumble in his chest, being near the OMmga in his lycan form for the first time.

Taehyung smiled widely as he stared at Jungkook, “Come closer.” He said, “I won't bite.” He teased, wanting his husband to feel comfortable to get closer to him as he didn't feel an ounce of fear when looking at the Alpha.

The lycan made a noise that sounded almost like a snort. He then stepped back from the edge before leaping to the other shore, standing a few feet away from the Omega, who looked tiny in his point of view.

“Holy sh*t!” Taehyung squealed, laughing softly as he looked at his husband with wide eyes. He didn't wait for Jungkook to move closer, taking it upon himself to step to the male all the way, looking up at him. “I knew you were huge but wow.”

The lycan stared down at him and he stayed still as the Omega came closer to him. He then let out a shudder, and kneeled, crouching deep and low, gently thrusting his head towards Taehyung with his eyes closed. This for a lycan was a sign of submission, the lowest form of it and a lycan wouldn’t dare attempt it but.. Jungkook wanted to do it for Taehyung, he wanted the male to know that he was in his Taehyung;s complete control and he would never hurt him.. Even if it meant he was pissing his ancestors off in their little graves.

Taehyung smiled and he cupped Jungkook’s head, leaning forward to rest his forehead against his husband's. “I love you.” He whispered before pulling back to press a kiss to the male’s head and hugging him by the neck, “In every form.”

The lycan’s eyes snapped open at that, he then grabbed taehyung’s waist, which was tiny in his humongous hand and gently got back onto his feet, cradling the human omega to his chest, before howling to the moon in happiness..

Taehyung laughed softly when Jungkook stood up with him in his hand, holding onto him securely. He looked up at him, smiling at the lycan in adoration, “Did you have any doubt? You're the most amazing wolf I've ever met, I’ll love you no matter what your form is. Even if that is of a tiny chihuahua. You're mine, and I want you however you are.”

Jungkook grunted huffing at the mention of a chihuahua and started carrying Taehyung over to their little arrangement once more, placing him on the mattress carefully using one hand before shifting back into his human.

Taehyung smiled up at Jungkook from where he laid, “Hi Alpha.” He said softly, “Your Lycan form is stunning.”

Jungkook flushed slightly as he grunted and walked over to the Omega, crawling over him. “Thank you..” he whispered, “I had to show you what you are getting yourself into.. I didn’t want you to be marked by me without knowing all of me..” he smiled softly.

“The day I married you was the day I was willing to go through anything and everything with you. Including this. I want to be marked by you, I need to be. You're the mate I want for the rest of my life, Jungkook” Taehyung whispered as he placed his hand on Jungkook’s chest as he looked up at him.

Jungkook’s smile deepened as he looked down at the mate. He then let out a soft breath and leaned down, kissing him deeply. He then slowly took off the robe Taehyung was wearing, throwing it to the side, starting to caress his body as he started to kiss him.

Taehyung smiled and closed his eyes when Jungkook kissed him. He helped the male remove his robe by slipping his arms out of the sleeves and wrapping his arms around the male when he tossed the robe aside. He hummed against his lips and let out a moan as Jungkook’s hands roamed his body.

Jungkook removed his lips from taehyung’s and started to trail his lips down Taehyung’s body, starting from his neck, slowly kissing him and sucking bruises on his skin along the way. He closed his eyes when he got to his breasts, wrapping his lips on his nipple and sucking softly, moaning as milk leaked into his mouth.

Taehyung was whimpering and moaning as his husband kissed and marked his skin, but when he got to his nipples he let out a groan when he felt the male starting to suck on one of them. He tangled his fingers in Jungkook’s hair and tugged on it slightly as his husband sucked on his nipple, all while Taehyung whined.

Jungkook smiled when he heard Taehyung whine which made him suck a little harder, drinking all the milk left in his right breast. He toyed with other nipple, palming and massaging it in one of his hands and crept the free hand up his body, pushing two fingers in Taehyung’s mouth, pressing on his tongue, asking him silently to f*ck on them.

Taehyung was not expecting to have his husband’s fingers in his mouth but the second he felt them against his tongue he started to suck on them. He hummed and moaned, closing his eyes while his husband massaged his breast.

Jungkook let the male suck on his fingers and after he felt they were wet enough, he pulled them out of his mouth and trailed his hand down his body and between his legs, starting to play with his already slicked up rim, scratching softly and teasing him.

Taehyung let out a small gasp, spreading his legs apart when he felt his husband’s hand by his rim and let out a whimper when he felt his fingers against it. “Don't tease..” He whined, pulling Jungkook closer by the hair.

Snickering and growling gently against Taehyung;s nipple as the omega pulled tightly on his hair, Jungkook slowly eased a finger in, groaning automatically at how tight he was. “f*ck, so tight baby..” he murmured lips moving around his nipple.

Taehyung let out a shaky breath when he felt Jungkook slide his finger in slowly. He opened his eyes and looked down at the male before he moaned softly at the sight of Jungkook’s mouth around his nipple, “It's been awhile shut up..”

Jungkook smirked, looking into Taehyung’s eyes as he kept continuing his ministrations before pulling off of Taehyung’s nipple with a smack. “Oh I missed how delicious your milk was..” he groaned, moving his finger in and out. “No wonder those little monsters of mine latch on these 24/7..”

Taehyung couldn't help but laugh through a moan, he shook his head in amusem*nt and lowered his hand from the male’s hair to his cheek, running his thumb over Jungkook’s bottom lip, “You will be the death of me..”

Jungkook’s smirk widened as he moved up along Taehyung’s body to kiss him, letting him taste his milk on his tongue as he pushed one more finger.. “That is a very mutual feeling..” he whispered, starting to finger him deeper and faster.

Taehyung moaned at the taste of his breast milk on Jungkook’s tongue, he pulled him closer as he kissed him deeply. He needed more than just his husband’s fingers but he couldn't deny he liked the feeling of them too. Everything Jungkook did for him and to him drove him absolutely mad, and he loved it.

Jungkook growled softly, fingers pressing against Taehyung’s prostate, jamming them again and again into the soft sweet spot.. “f*ck I missed you sounding like this.. sh*t..”

Taehyung moaned a little louder when Jungkook’s finger pressed against his prostate, “Ah.. Just like that please..” He moaned, arching his back slightly and somehow spreading his legs further.

“Yeah? Feels good, hmm?” Jungkook asked, watching the male writhe beneath him, his alpha howling in pride inside him cus he was barely doing anything but the omega was already close to tears from pleasure..

Taehyung nodded quickly, gripping his husband’s shoulders, his nails digging into the skin slightly, “More.. Need more.. Need you..” He gasped, moving his hips little by little.

“Oh?” Jungkook smirked, curling his fingers against his prostate.. “My fingers are not enough for the greedy baby, hmm? Want more? Greedy for more? What a desperate little slu*t for me..” he breathed, kissing his neck.

Taehyung let go of the male, wrapping his arms around him instead, “Please Alpha..” He whined, his Omega asking him for more. He needed to feel his husband inside of him, he missed the feeling and he wasn't sure how long he’d last.

Jungkook let out a shaky breath and removed his fingers, smiling softly at Omega he coated his co*ck with Taehyung’s slick. “Since you asked so nicely..” he whispered, placing himself against Taehyung’s rim. “Slow and deep or fast and hard, Butterfly?” he rasped, rubbing himself up and down Taehyung’s rim.

Taehyung let out a shaky breath and he shook his head, “However you want.. I'm gonna feel good either way..” He breathed, pulling Jungkook closer, needing to feel his husband against him.

Jungkook laughed softly, before leaning down to kiss his husband, humming as he licked into his mouth, slowly pushing in, growling and body going taut at how tight Taehyung felt around him.

Taehyung let his head fall back, mouth open in a silent moan as the Alpha slid into him. He tightened his arms around him and once again for what felt like the dozenth time, he tangled his fingers in Jungkook’s hair. “Ah f*ck..” He breathed out.

Jungkook let his head fall against the Omega’s neck. “You didn’t feel this tight even the first time we had sex..” Jungkook rasped, cursing as he tried to stay still..

Taehyung laughed softly, breathlessly, “That so?” He asked, “Don't know why that is then.” He mumbled before he turned his head to one side and caressed Jungkook’s head as he hid his face in Taehyung’s neck.

Jungkook grunted shaking his head.. “I have no f*cking idea.. Maybe it’s cus I missed this little hole too much..“ he whispered, rolling his hips in place..

Taehyung let out a whimper as his husband rolled his hips, “Well I've missed you inside of me.. so why don't you start doing what you've been dying to do?” He asked, gasping softly as Jungkook moved in deeper.

Jungkook grunted. “I'm letting you get used to me.. otherwise I would have f*cked you like a horny animal now..” he snorted slowly, pulling back and pushing in.

Taehyung continued to whimper as Jungkook moved, “I've got a lifetime to get used to you, just move, baby. I know we both want it.” He moaned, licking his lips after.

Jungkook looked down at Taehyung and laughed softly. “I love you..” he whispered, as he started to move in and out, making sure to go as deep as he could with the position.

Taehyung let out a soft moan, pulling Jungkook down to kiss him as his husband started to move, “I love you too, so much.” He whined, wrapping his legs around Jungkook’s waist.

Jungkook smiled. “I know..” he whispered. Intertwining his fingers.. “I know, baby.. I know..” he let out a soft growl, eyes shining red with gold sparks swirling around. He stared inti the Omega’s eyes as he started to f*ck him a little faster.

Taehyung stared up at his husband, loving the way his eyes changed color. Taehyung truly loved everything about his husband, even the side of him he knew Jungkook had been hesitant to show him. But he shook his head with a smile and kissed his nose only to pull back and let out a string of moans.

“God I missed having you like this and listening to your pretty means.. “ Jungkook growled as he continued to piston in and out of the Omega at constant pace, angling his hip so he started to ran into Taehyung's prostate. “It was so f*cking hard for me to control myself for these two months.. I don't know how I did it f*ck..” he groaned.

Taehyung’s moans got louder when Jungkook started to hit his prostate every time. He gripped his husband’s shoulder, once more digging his nails. “f*ck, I.. I don't know, f*ck..” He practically screamed, breathing heavily as he started to move his hips in sync with Jungkook’s, clenching around the male.

“What don't you know?” Jungkook grunted Taehyung's moans fueling his thrusts as he tried to f*ck into him deeper..

“How you controlled yourself.” Taehyung gasped, back arching off the mattress, “Faster.. Please Alpha..” Taehyung begged, feeling very close to org*sming as it had been awhile since he and Jungkook had done anything let alone awhile since he had felt that way.

Jungkook chuckled huskily, straightening up to grab Taehyung’s waist and hold him a little above the mattress and started to thrust faster and deeper, staring down at the way the Omega writhed beneath his body.

Taehyung tilted his head back, moaning louder, “Jungkook, f*ck!” He gasped, scratching down his husband’s back slightly before he let go to grab into the sheets that were placed on the mattress. “Don't.. Oh f*ck.. Don't forget to..” He couldn't even talk with how good his Alpha was f*cking him. He even started to feel a little dizzy as his eyes rolled back in pleasure.

Jungkook watched the way his co*ck poked through Taehyung’s lean belly which made him go insane and few constant clenching of Taehyung around him made him want to cum inside the Omega so bad, lock him on his knot and breed him until he is pupped again.. he growled, fingers digging into Taehyung’s waist, hard enough to leave marks on the tanned skin. “f*ck.. don't forget what Butterfly.. need your words.. tell me.. what shouldn't alpha forget..” he growled.

Taehyung whimpered and cried, he looked up at his husband, tears running down his cheeks. He hadn't felt so pleasured in months and it started to feel incredibly overwhelming in the best way possible. “Mark me, don't forget” He gasped out, closing his eyes as he turned his head to one side, feeling his org*sm nearing. And for a split second, or maybe a few, he wished his husband would knot him but he knew that with Jungkook being who he was, he'd probably end up pregnant and it was too early for that again. Right?

Jungkook smiled, sweat dripping down his body. He loved the way Taehyung was almost out of control beneath him. He was almost completely out of his mind, sobbing out loud and Jungkook couldn't help it when his knot started to form at the base of his co*ck. “sh*t..” he cursed, knowing this was not what they planned but he couldn't stop..

Taehyung reached up to try to grab at Jungkook, breathing unevenly as he knew he wasn't going to last longer. He felt his legs shaking so he ultimately unwrapped them from Jungkook’s waist. “Alpha..” Be groaned before he shut his eyes, “f*ck..” He gasped and ended up moaning the male’s name loudly when he org*smed a little before he thought he was going to.

Jungkook’s Alpha sprang, leaning over Taehyung as soon as he saw him starting to org*sm. He brought Taehyung’s head to his neck. “Bite me, Omega.” His alpha spoke, just as his knot caught Taehyung’s tight rim... He didn't want to mark the Omega before the Omega marked him.

Taehyung’s omega whimpered and immediately leaned the rest of the way, his fangs sprung out as he bit Jungkook. He bit the Alpha right on where his scent gland was, whimpering as he did. He placed his hand on Jungkook's nape, staying in place for a few seconds before he pulled back. Taehyung opened his eyes and stared at Jungkook’s neck, eyes wide before he looked at his husband.

Jungkook’s alpha howled as the Omega marked him, his entire body shuddering as he pushed the knot into the org*sming Omega. He growled, without wasting a second as he leaned down and bit down Taehyung’s gland immediately as soon as the Omega was done with his own, the knot locking the Omega on his co*ck as he felt their bond tighten fully..

Taehyung whimpered but ended up wrapping his arms around Jungkook, his Omega jumping for joy at the fact they were not marked. He could feel his husband biting him but also the way his knot had locked inside of him. He frankly couldn't find it in him to care at the moment, as he started to cry, now knowing that he and Jungkook were bonded for life.

Jungkook stopped moving so as not to let his knot hurt the Omega, holding himself above him for a few minutes before he let himself drop on the omega. He then rolled over to his side bringing the crying Omega into his chest. “I love you, Butterfly..” he thought out loud through their link, hoping Taehyung would hear him.

The second Taehyung heard Jungkook’s voice, and it had been in his mind not through his ears, he let out a choked sob. He moved as close as he could, considering the situation they ended up in, to press his face against Jungkook’s neck, “I love you more.”

Jungkook smiled softly, eyes closed and chest heaving up and down as he caress Taehyung’s back.. “don't cry my love..” he whispered..

Taehyung pulled back only when he had regained and stabilized his breathing, he looked at Jungkook with a small pout, “You're the best thing that happened to me, because my life changed for the better the second you stepped into it.” He whispered.

Jungkook opened his eyes and stared at Taehyung before he smiled fondly.. “as did mine..” he whispered.. “you made my life better too baby.. Trust me.. you did..”

The Omega sniffled before he kissed Jungkook gently only for realization to wash over him. He gasped and pulled back a little, “You f*cker, you knotted me.” He gasped again and let out a whine, “Baby, if I get pregnant again we won't be able to have nights like these for months again,”

Jungkook startled when the Omega’s suddenly outburst. He stared at Taehyung smiled slightly. “I'm sorry.. I couldn't stop my Alpha..” he whispered. “But there is a shot you can take.. I'll take you to the hospital tomorrow.. “ he murmured..

Taehyung shook his head, smacking Jungkook’s chest, “Don't ever say that. I'm traumatized from that one visit to the doctor. Whatever happens, happens.” He said before pulling Jungkook in for a kiss.

Jungkook hummed into the kiss, cupping Taehyung’s cheek with his free hand and caressing it as they kissed. “It doesn't have any bad effects.. it'll just prevent you from getting pregnant for a while whether I knot you or not.. I can give you it if you are scared of a doctor touching you in that way..”

Taehyung pouted, “Yeah, I trust you more. Well.. I should trust doctors too, but I don't feel comfortable when it comes to anything about me being potentially pregnant. I love you, and I want to have more pups with you, but we just had twins and with me being pregnant again and having to take care of the twins.. I feel like that's not going to go over too well.” He whispered.

Jungkook hummed. “Okay baby.. I'll get everything tomorrow..” he whispered back. He let out a deep breath and smiled at him . “Thank you for coming after me that day..”

Taehyung looked at Jungkook before he pulled him closer, “Why wouldn't I? Give me one good reason why I wouldn't have. And don't tell me it was because we didn't know each other and all of that.” He said, playing with Jungkook’s hair gently.

Jungkook chuckled.. “you basically followed a stranger into their home baby.. I don't know why you did but I'm grateful you did..”

Taehyung snorted, “Don't know, my Omega felt like they could trust you and well, there was just something about you.” He said softly leaning forward to kiss Jungkook's neck, “You captured my attention the second I saw you, Mr. Jeon.”

Jungkook let out a breath as Taehyung started to kiss forward his neck.. “and so did you Mr. Jeon. Yoongi and Namjoon kept teasing me about it the entire night cus it was very hard for me to look away..” he murmured..

Taehyung smiled against the Alpha’s neck, “I know. I could feel you staring.” He whispered, licking the mark he left behind slowly, “I kept catching you looking at me, you were cute.”

Jungkook huffed.. “cute huh?” He grunted, fake glaring at him.

Taehyung laughed softly, cupping the Alpha’s cheeks, “Sexy. Attractive. Handsome. Hot.” He said, kissing him between each word he said.

Jungkook smiled, “that's what I thought..” he murmured.. “you know.. the morning after we first slept together?”

“The day when you left me a cute ass note and made me all giddy? Yes, I remember. Why?” Taehyung giggled, pecking Jungkook's lips.

Jungkook stared fondly at the Omega.. “I watched you sleep for almost an hour before I left, like a f*cking creep..” he whispered. “I was all dressed up to leave but I couldn't find it in me to leave so I sat on the chair beside the bed and watched you sleep until I had to go..”

Taehyung stared at Jungkook before he started to blush deeply, “Why did you watch me sleep? What made you want to or rather made you not be able to leave?”

Jungkook let out a breath. “I think my wolf imprinted on you that day itself..”

Taehyung gasped softly, “You.. Oh.” Taehyung whispered, looking away shyly, the blush going down his neck and chest.

Jungkook chuckled with a hum.. “I left from there with a very heavy heart.. I didn't understand but my Alpha was in a f*cking turmoil.” He whispered. “ I wished that I could let you love me And be with me but I couldn't force you..” he whispered.

Taehyung stayed silent for a few seconds before he shook his head, looking up at Jungkook, “And look where we are now..” he whispered.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and smiled with a nod.. “Now you are loving me.. and that's the best gift I could have asked for..”

Taehyung giggled, pulling Jungkook in for a kiss, “You're so cute, gosh I love you..” He whispered and hugged Jungkook close.

“Hehe.. I love you more..” Jungkook murmured blushing softly..

Taehyung stared at Jungkook when he pulled back, smiling fondly at him, “You're adorable, how the f*ck are you the same person that's literally locked inside of me right now?” He giggled before pulling his husband for a kiss once more, “I love you, very very much.”

Jungkook pouted.. “how am I adorable? “ he grumbled..

“You just are, babe.” Taehyung whispered, closing his eyes. He suddenly felt very tired, and knowing that they couldn't go anywhere, for probably quite a while just like the first time they slept together and he was knotted by Jungkook. He hummed softly and cuddled up to Jungkook, “Don't argue with me.”

Jungkook snorted. “Fine..” he muttered. “Hey.. don't sleep without eating anything..” he whispered, reaching for the fruit platter next to him.

Taehyung whined, keeping his eyes closed, “Feed me then, I’m not gonna move.” He whispered, running his hands up and down Jungkook’s chest.

Jungkook chuckled.. “What do you want first?” He asked softly.

Taehyung opened his eyes and looked toward the fruit platter, “Strawberry, please.” He said softly, turning to look at his husband with a tired smile.

“Of course..” Jungkook laughed softly. He took a strawberry, dipping it in the chocolate syrup on the table before bringing it to Taehyung's mouth.

Taehyung looked at the strawberry before he took a bite, humming softly at how good it was. He smiled and leaned forward to kiss Jungkook gently.

Jingkook groaned into the kiss as he tasted the taste of chocolate and strawberry mixed with Taehyung’s own taste hit his tongue. “Mmmm.. tasty..” he murmured holding the rest of the strawberry to his mouth.

Taehyung laughed softly, biting the rest of the strawberry and moving to hide his face against Jungkook’s neck. “You need to eat too, not just me.”

“but I already ate..” Jungkook smiled. “Do you not remember? Well you can call it drinking too.. I'm already full..”

Taehyung rolled his eyes and pulled back to grab more strawberries, eating slowly, “Okay babe, whatever you say.” He giggled.

Jungkook snickered, continuing to feed the Omega. “You want some champagne?”

Taehyung nodded, finishing the strawberry he had been eating, “Can we sit up? It will be hard to drink champagne in this position.”

Jungkook chuckled and nodded, placing the plate away and he sat up bringing the Omega with him, making him sit on his lap, legs to the side. “There we go..” he whispered, reaching for the champagne bottle.

Taehyung winced slightly as they moved but let out a small hum once he was seated on Jungkook’s lap, “Thank you.” He said and watched the Alpha.

Jungkook looked at the Omega as he popped the bottle open.. “what for?” He asked gently, pouring the drink into a glass and handing it to Taehyung.

“Moving us.” Taehyung said as he took the glass from Jungkook, thanking him for it. He watched the Alpha pour another glass before he smiled at him softly.

Jungkook chuckled as he heard the Omega. He shook his head before he brought the glass up. “Cheers to us?” He asked with a smile.

“What about us are we cheering for?” Taehyung asked, looking at their glasses, moving his glass closer to Jungkook's.

Jungkook laughed softly. “For being completely mated..” he said looking at the Omega adoringly

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, smiling at him sweetly, “To being completely mated, then.” He said as he clicked his glass with Jungkook's.

Jungkook watched the Omega take a sip before taking a sip of his own. “Are you happy Tae?” He asked in a whisper.

Taehyung set the glass down and wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s neck, humming softly, “Yes. Why do you ask?”

Jungkook shook his head.. “Just asked baby..” he whispered.

Taehyung nodded, kissing Jungkook’s cheek, “I am happy. Trust me.” He whispered softly.

“Okay..” jungkook whispered with a smile.. “then I'm happy too..”

“Yeah?” Taehyung said softly, “Then I guess I’m glad I'm happy. Since meeting you and marrying you, all I've wanted was your happiness so, I’m happy you're happy.”

Jubgkook stared softly at the male and smiled. Leaning in he kissed him softly. “God I love you so much..” he whispered.

Taehyung smiled before he kissed Jungkook back, deeply. He held onto his nape as they kissed before he pulled back and looked at the male, adoringly, “I love you so much more.”

Jungkook sucked in a deep breath before letting out a breathy chuckle. “Jeon Jungkook in that gala had no idea that Kim Taehyung would have him wrapped around his finger and standing at attention at his every beck and call, you know.” he smiled at Taehyung. “He never knew that he’d find a new center for his universe.”

Taehyung stared at Jungkook for a few seconds before he shook his head, “Well Kim Taehyung at that gala had no idea that he'd find the love of his life that night. That Jeon Jungkook would be the one to ultimately show him what it means to be loved and cared for. He went in there with a plan and the universe decided it wanted in on said plan and gave me you.” Taehyung whispered, caressing the Alpha’s cheek gently.

Jungkook stared at the Omega and scoffed. “Plan my ass..” he huffed, like a petulant child, just realizing what the stakes were that day. “What if I wasn’t the highest bidder? You and your best friend’s stupid little bets. What if it was some pot bellied old asshole? Then what?” he grumbled.

Taehyung smiled in amusem*nt, “I would've left with you. If it had been some pot bellied old asshole, I would've left with you.”

Jungkook narrowed his eyes at the omega. “Mind I remind you that you left me in the bathroom all high and dry cus you had a bet and you would only get f*cked by the highest bidder?” he pouted slightly.

Taehyung laughed, pulling his husband closer to him, if that was even possible. “I did, but also, I did it to see who was the person who gave the highest donation. If it was someone like you describe, I would've ran after you. Trust me, I needed to get f*cked by you that night.”

Jungkook stared at the omega before he smirked. “I would have been a serial killer or an Omegan trafficker for all you know,” he huffed out a soft laugh.

“A serial killer or an Omega trafficker that would've made me feel good.” Taehyung laughed as he shrugged. “But you weren't so I won that night.”

Jungkook snorted. “You are so biased.” he murmured, pecking his lips. “But I love it..”

Taehyung pecked Jungkook’s lips back and hummed softly, “I’ll always be biased when it comes to you. You're my husband, and the love of my life. So, whatever anyone says, it will always be you.” He said softly.

Jungkook smiled at the Omega, endeared. “Even if I was a serial killer?” he asked softly.

“I don't think you understand the lengths I'd go to stay by your side. I’d turn a blind eye to that.” Taehyung whispered, shaking his head. “I love you, Jungkook. There's nothing in this world that would ever make me stop or make me want to be away from you.”

Jungkook stared at the male for a long time before he hid his face in his neck, nuzzling his nose against the fresh mark on Taehyung’s scent gland. “Good. I love you.” He whispered. “Let's sleep then..”

Taehyung smiled and held Jungkook close, “Yeah, let's sleep.” He whispered, playing with his alpha’s hair. “Goodnight, my love.”

Jungkook let out a loud purr, closing his eyes and hugging Taehyung as tight as he could, slipping into dreamland in between his mate’s arms.

Taehyung slowly blinked his eyes open, groaning as he stretched in bed. He turned away and stared out the window, he couldn't help but smile at the familiarity of it all.

He sat up and turned back to his husband’s side only to find that he wasn't wrong and he had been asleep by himself in the very bed that it all happened almost a year and a half ago. He ran his hand through his hair and got out of bed, needing to know where his husband was.

Jungkook had gotten up early when he had heard the pups rustling in their crib. He had glanced at the clock to see it was almost seven in the morning and turned to stare at his husband who was still smiling peacefully. Kissing him softly on the forehead, he got up putting his boxers on before walking to the pups’ cribs picking them up. They were quite heavy for six month old pups, but to Jungkook they felt like small flower petals. He cooed and kissed them all the way from the bedroom to the kitchen, starting to get everything ready for breakfast, but not forgetting to feed the two pups with pumped milk bottles first.

Taehyung walked into the living room first, but the smell of cooking immediately hit his nose so he moved to the kitchen. The sight he was met with warmed his entire chest.

Jungkook was by the stove, Minji on his shoulders as he cooked while Minjun was sitting on the kitchen island eating some blueberries. He leaned against the door frame, watching them silently for a few seconds but granted, their pups were smart little ones. Minjun looked in his direction when he got a whiff of his papa’s scent.

Taehyung smiled and pushed himself off to go pick up the pup, “Good morning, sweet angel,” He whispered, kissing the pup’s cheek, moving toward the stove to greet his husband and their other pup.

Jungkook smelled his mate before he saw him. He knew he was standing behind him, but he let him take his own sweet time and smiled when he saw Taehyung reaching for Minjun and picking him up, smile widening when Taehyung greeted their daughter toon before kissing his cheek.

“Good morning, Butterfly..” he whispered.

“Good morning, love.” Taehyung whispered as he pecked his husband’s lips, “Have you been up for long?”

Jungkook hummed.. “long enough to stare at you for fifteen minutes and then feed these two little monsters while they babbled nonsense before starting and almost finishing making breakfast..” he chuckled. “I was gonna bring breakfast to you..”

Taehyung snorted and moved to grab Minji off Jungkook’s shoulder and sit both the pups down on the island once again, “Did Daddy call you two little monsters?” He cooed before kissing their cheeks, “We can go back to bed, love. We don't have to eat here.” He said as he looked at Jungkook, fondly.

Minji babbled excitedly unlike his brother as she saw her Omega parent, patting his cheek.. Jungkook chuckled softly. “No.. it's going to rain so let's eat while watching the rain..” he said softly. “I already got the playpen ready by the window..” he murmured, pointing at the floor to ceiling window. “Did you sleep hood my love?” He asked, frying the bacon.

Taehyung nodded along to Minji, smiling at her babbling. “Daddy was a good alpha, huh?” He said, as their daughter continued to babble. Taehyung looked toward the window, raising an eyebrow before turning to his husband, “You were so not taking this to bed. You were actually waiting for me to wake up weren't you?” He said laughing softly as he picked Minjun up, interrupting his playtime with the berries before walking toward the twins' play pen.

Jungkook laughed. “Well.. I was planning on bringing your juice up to you and carrying you downstairs so we could all have some cozy family time.” He spoke without mentioning that he had built a pillow Fort facing the window.

Taehyung shook his head in amusem*nt, placing both pups down and kissing their heads before walking back to Jungkook. “I love you.” He whispered, wrapping his arms around the alpha, “Who would've thought your bachelor pad would have a play pen, huh?”

Jungkook let out a sigh and leaned back against the Omega. “Yeah. I never would have thought. But I did have a glimpse of this when I left the first day.. “ he whispered.

Taehyung rested his chin on Jungkook’s shoulder and turned his head to look at him, “Yeah? Was it exactly like this or was it different?”

Jungkook hummed, plating the pancakes. “I heard kids laughing. I didn't see them. I heard them laughing and when I briefly looked at the kitchen I saw you standing there with a bump.” He murmured.

Taehyung’s eyes widened before he chuckled softly, “Oh gosh. So we're definitely having more than two, huh?” He whispered softly before he pulled back when Jungkook started to move away from the stove.

Jungkook smiled while walking to the refrigerator and pulled out the juice carton, pouring two glasses for them both. “I.. it's up to you baby..” he whispered.

Taehyung watched his husband before he looked toward the pups, finally noticing the pillow fort. He let out a small gasp before turning to his husband, “You're so damn perfect, what the f*ck.” He said, hearing the twins grumble and throw a toy in his direction. He laughed and walked over to them, “Sorry, it slipped.”

Jungkook laughed, shaking his head. Their pups, even though they couldn't talk properly, were still very intelligent. And they've been throwing things at them every time they cursed or used a bad word. He placed all the food on a tray and carried it, following behind Taehyung. “I have to be perfect. I have a brilliant Omega. I have to be perfect so I can keep him forever..”

Taehyung blushed and shook his head at his husband, they had been together for over a year and the Omega knew that no matter how long they were together Jungkook would always be able to make him blush and feel shy. He stepped toward him and wrapped his arms around the alpha’s neck, “Shut up.”

Jungkook laughed as he set the tray down in front of the pillow Fort and smiled when he felt Taehyung, turning just in time for the Omega to wrap his arms around his neck. “No. I won't. What are you gonna do about it butterfly?” He smirked softly.

“I have a way to shut you up.” Taehyung smiled as he whispered against his husband’s ear. He kissed his alpha’s cheek before he placed a positive pregnancy test in front of Jungkook’s face. A test that he had been hiding since the previous night.

Jungkook snorted. “Oh do you no-” he paused, staring at the Omega before he finally looked at what was dangling in front the of his face. He blinked. “W..what?” He muttered.

Taehyung hugged his husband as they both stared at the test, “Looks like what you envisioned is totally coming true.” He said then looked at his husband.

Jungkook opened and closed his mouth a few times before looking back at the Omega. “The shots..” he croaked. “Were you not taking the shots?”

Taehyung shook his head, “My doctor had me stop them, as she didn't want my body to react negatively to it. She was going to get me to try something different and told me I needed to wait a few weeks before starting a new option. I went in yesterday and tell me why I went in thinking I’d be given new birth control only to end up with a positive pregnancy test?” He whispered before he looked at the test, “She laughed, said she figured we'd end up with more pups soon.”

Jungkook stared at Taehyung and took a breath in.. “oh..” he said softly. He then swallowed. “You sure you wanna… keep the baby? It's okay.. if you think it's too soon.. practically it's been only six months.. it's okay.. really..” he whispered, wide eyes staring at Taehyung.

Taehyung turned to his husband and stared at him for a few seconds before he smiled, “And by the time this baby comes, the twins will already be a year old. And considering who their daddy is, they’ll probably look like they're three or four. I think we can handle it.” He whispered, “It's just one baby this time. We double checked.”

Jungkook blinked wide-eyed, turning to look at Taehyung's stomach. “How far along are you?” He asked softly.

“A month.” Taehyung hummed, moving around so that Jungkook could get a better look. He lifted his shirt up, still a flat belly on him, “Doctor said we can go back whenever to get an actual scan. All I asked her to do was check how many and if they were healthy. She didn't give me much information as I wanted you to be there too.”

Jungkook dropped down to his knees and pressed his ear to Taehyung’s stomach immediately, promptly tearing up. “I hear three.. three heartbeats..”he muttered.

Taehyung’s head snapped down to look at Jungkook, eyes wide, “Please tell me you're joking. And that the two other heartbeats you hear are the twins' heartbeats.” He said, almost panicking.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and shook his head.. “I don't know.. maybe I'm wrong.. “

Taehyung teared up as he stared at his husband, “You stupid alpha, there better only be one pup in there.” He said as he looked toward the pups, not knowing how they'd be able to have five kids under one. But he figured that if that was the case there wasn't much he could do.

Jungkook look up at the Omega and let out a shaky breath.. “yeah..” he whispered standing up. “Let's get you to lay down.. you need to eat..”

Taehyung sat between Jungkook’s legs, his husband’s arms wrapped securely around his waist as the two watched the pups who were watching the rain. They had already eaten and the omega couldn't help but think about how much their lives had changed since they first met.

He looked back at Jungkook, silently staring at the alpha, “If.. If it's more than one baby.. we're not having more after this. You're getting a vasectomy,” He whispered, a small pout on his lips.

Jungkook blinked as he looked at the Omega and hummed with a small smile. “Okay..” he whispered.

Taehyung rested his head on Jungkook’s shoulder, watching their pups, “Stupid alpha with a powerful dick.” He whispered so only they could hear. He hugged him tightly and kissed his neck, “But I love you anyway, even if we have to go through another multiple baby pregnancy.”

Jungkook laughed softly, kissing his head. “I'm sorry love.. I'll get a vasectomy soon.. I promise..” he hugged him tightly

Taehyung laughed softly and looked at his husband, “Don't apologize, it's not like it was done on purpose. We're just probably going to be a big happy family. Emphasizes on big.”

Jungkook snorted before he smiled. “I love you.. “ he whispered.

“And I love you.” Taehyung said, smiling at his husband lovingly.

Jungkook laughed softly, placing his hands on Taehyung's tummy.. “I have a gift for you..” he whispered.

“A gift?” Taehyung asked softly, placing his hands over Jungkook’s, “What's the gift for?” He asked curiously.

Jungkook smiled.. “something you've always wanted..” he whispered.

Taehyung frowned, blinking slowly as he looked from his husband to their pups down to his belly then back to his husband, “I've got what I wanted, a perfect husband, perfect children and a perfect life. What could the gift be?” He whispered, not being able to help but smile at his alpha.

Jungkook pursed his lips, trying not to smile.. “you really want nothing else?” He asked softly.

Taehyung pouted as he looked at his alpha, “Enlighten me.” he whispered.

Jungkook laughed softly. “I'll go get it..” he whispered, pulling back gently.

The omega nodded watching his husband stand up. He turned to the pups that were already looking at him, “Do you know what he got me?” He couldn't help but laugh softly when Minji babbled and Minjun pretended to look away.

Jungkook ran back to his office, grabbing a small box out of the drawer and running back to his omega.. “hi..” he laughed softly handing out the box.

Taehyung laughed softly as he stared at the alpha and then down at the box, taking it from him slowly, “Hi, my love. What's this?”

Hungkook sat back down and pulled taehyung into his arms. “Open and see for yourself.. : he said softly.

Taehyung settled himself in Jungkook’s arms and carefully opened the box, he couldn't help but smile when he saw the butterfly then looked at it in confusion when he noticed it was a key. He looked up at Jungkook, “It's beautiful but what's the key for?”

Jungkook laughed softly. He pulled his phone out and opened his gallery. “For this..” he whispered, showing Taehyung a photo.

Taehyung stared down at Jungkook’s phone, eyes wide, before he looked to his husband, “Are you serious?” he asked, taking the phone to look at the photo better.

Jungkook smiled. “You’ve always wanted a winter lake house, and I built one for you..” he whispered. “And you know where that is?”

Taehyung teared up as he stared at the photo before looking back at his husband, “Where?” he asked quietly.

Jungkook wiped a tear that dripped down Taehyung’s cheek softly. “Switzerland..” he murmured, knowing that Taehyung had always wanted to live there.

Taehyung immediately tackled Jungkook, hugging him tightly as he started to cry. He was truly blessed to have such an incredible husband, and he wasn't sure what he did to be so f*cking lucky.

Jungkook laughed loudly as he bracketed his arms around the omega. “Careful there, Butterfly..” he whispered softly.

Taehyung pulled back and cupped the alpha’s face gently, “I love you so much” he cried out before kissing the male deeply as the tears continued down his face.

Jungkook smiled fondly as the male kissed him. He started to rub Taehyung’s back up and down. “I love you more, Butterfly..” he whispered. “Just want you happy and safe in my arms, that is all.”

Taehyung pulled back and buried his face in Jungkook’s neck, “I always am with you, I’m never not safe with you or in your arms.” He whispered, sniffling softly.

Jungkook chuckled, starting to caress his hair. “Good..” he whispered, before his eyes widened. “How did they manage to crawl out of the playpen? Bloody hell..” he laughed, looking at their pups who were crawling towards them.

“What?” Taehyung said and quickly pulled back, laughing in slight shock at their pups crawling toward them. “Oh my babies, come here,” He said, sitting up and taking Minjun into his arms as Minji hurried to get to Jungkook.

Jungkook cackled as he let his daughter clamber onto his chest. “They are growing up too fast..” he murmured, keeping a hand on her back so she wouldn't fall, letting her pull on his ear rings..

Taehyung nodded, rubbing Minjun’s back, “Yeah, now imagine this by five.” He said softly, still internally panicking at what his husband had told him. “We'll never survive. It will be us versus them. And them versus the world.”

Jungkook smiled.. “it'll be okay baby.. don't worry. We'll have one pup..” he murmured, kissing his daughter's face. “I was fine with two.. you said you want more so.. let's see.. it'll be us against the world.. I promise..”

Taehyung snorted, looking over at Jungkook, “You're telling me that you lied about there being three heartbeats? I doubt it. You're no liar, love.” He mumbled before he looked at their pups.

Jungkook pondered for a while.. “I could be wrong for all we know..” he mumbled.

Taehyung hummed, “We’ll just have to wait and see. Whatever the number may be, we're keeping them. No doubt.” He nodded and kissed Minjun’s nose, making the baby giggle.

“Well even if we have ten we are rich enough to take care of all of them, and I'm strong enough to carry all of them in my arms.. no?” Jungkokn snickered, pulling Taehyung down to lay beside him, the pups in between.

Taehyung laughed as he looked at his husband, “You're right, but you forget I’m a normal omega carrying your lycan pups. I’m not strong enough.”

Jungkook turned to Taehyung, pushing a strand of hair behind his ear. “You are the strongest Omega I've ever seen.. be it normal or not..” he whispered, his eyes showing all the love he held for Taehyung.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook for a few seconds before he looked away face red with a blush. He focused on their pups with a smile on his lips.

Jungkook chuckled. He placed his hand on Taehyung’s stomach and softly caressed it as he watched his mate and his pups.. “Butterfly..” he whispered softly.

Taehyung hummed as he looked at Jungkook, “Yes, Alpha?” He whispered softly as the pups cuddled against them.

Jungkook stared at the omega, reaching for his hand, intertwining their fingers bringing it up to his lips and kissing it softly. He smiled at him with a soft sigh, wondering how he had gotten so lucky for someone who never actively sought out for love. Now here he was with an entire family with the omega who bewitched him in what used to be his bachelor pad, where it all began. It felt so surreal but he knew it was all so real..

“I love you, Butterfly.”

Taehyung watched Jungkook, smiling lovingly at the alpha as he kissed his hand. He laughed breathlessly as he shook his head slowly, because what on earth was this, his life? He never imagined that agreeing to a bet from Jimin would end up with him being the happiest he'd ever been, with the most perfect and loving husband who gave him the most perfect little ones. (And more). He leaned over to press a kiss to Jungkook’s lips before he pulled back, “I love you more, Alpha.” He whispered before cuddling their pups, one of their favorite things to do together.

Jungkook watched as the male cuddled their pups, slowly falling asleep as the rain pattered against the window. He watched them for a long while, knowing that there was no end of the world or universe he wouldn't go for them. His little family. Placing a kiss on each of their heads , he sat up. Pulling out his phone and he clicked a photo of the sleeping Omega and the pups, sending it to the one person who brought them to him before laying down next to the three and taking all of them in his arms and closing his eyes.

“Thank you, Jimin.”


And so ends another journey in another universe of Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung. Thank you for being here till the end! Gah! It's Emotional!

Hope you enjoyed to your best! See you all in the author reveals!

Kudos and Comments will be much appreciated.

Love you all so much!

MY FATE, MY BUTTERFLY - Anonymous - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.